State Regional Inpatient Institution of the System of Inpatient Service of the System of Social Protection of the Population Kirov Psychoneurological Boarding School. Personnel potential and its role in the development of the social service system The program is developed

for 2012-2014



Development Program Passport

1. Explanatory note

2. Strategic Analysis factors of development of the State Educational and Social Protection Fund “Kirovskiy PNI”, analysis of the problems addressed by the program, substantiation of the need and possibility of their solution by program methods

3. Directions, goals and objectives of the implementation of the development program Strategic goal and directions of development

4. Stages of the program implementation and mechanisms for its implementation

5. Performance indicators and prospective result of the development program



The development program of the institution is the main document developed in accordance with the main normative documents regulating the activities of institutions of the system social protection population in the Russian Federation and the Murmansk region.

Program name

Target Integrated Development Program

GOSUSOSSZN "Kirov PNI" for 2011-2014

Date of the decision to develop the Program

Order dated May 10, 2011 No. 126 "On the development of an institution development program for 2011-2014"

Program Customer


Normative base

- the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 02.08.1995 “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled”;

Federal Law No. 195-FZ of December 10, 1995 “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”;

Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 No. 31851 "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision";

Federal Law of April 24, 2008 3 48-FZ "On guardianship and guardianship";

Law of the Murmansk Region dated December 29, 2004 No. 572-01-ZMO “On Social Services for the Population in the Murmansk Region”;

Decree of the Government of the Murmansk Region dated June 29, 2010 No. 254-PP “On social services for the elderly and disabled in state stationary institutions (departments) of social services for the population of the Murmansk region”;

Decree of the Government of the Murmansk Region dated May 16, 2008 No. 221-PP / 8 “On the Administrative Regulations of the Committee for Labor and Social Development of the Murmansk Region for the Provision of public service"Enrollment for social services of elderly citizens and disabled people in state regional stationary institutions of social services";

Decree of the Government of the Murmansk Region dated July 30, 2009 No. 343-PP “On approval of quality standards for budgetary services in the field of social services for the population provided at the expense of the regional budget to the population of the Murmansk region”;

GOST R 52142-2003 “Social services for the population. Quality of social services”;

GOST R 52143–2003 “Social services for the population. Main types of social services”;

GOST R 52496-2005 “Social services for the population. Quality control of social services. Basic Provisions”;

GOST R 52497-2005 “Social services for the population. Quality system of social service institutions”;

GOST R 52498-2005 “Social services for the population. Classification of social service institutions”;

GOST R 52880-2007 “Social services for the population. Types of Social Service Institutions for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”;

GOST R 52882-2007 Social services for the population. Special technical equipment of social service institutions”;

GOST R 52883-2007 Social services for the population. Requirements for the personnel of social service institutions”;

GOST R 52884-2007 “Social services for the population. The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services to elderly citizens and the disabled”;

GOST R 53058 - 2008 “Social services for the population. Social services for senior citizens”;

GOST R 53060 - 2008 “Social services for the population. Documentation of social service institutions”;

Other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, the Governor and the Government of the Murmansk region, orders, orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Murmansk region;

Bylaws of the Institution.

Main developers of the program

Administration of GOSUSOSSZN "Kirovskiy PNI"

Initiative group of specialists

Representatives of the Board of Trustees of the institution.

CObjective of the Program

Ensuring accessibility and High Quality social services that meet social needs and contribute to the social rehabilitation of each client in the conditions of residence in the state state educational institution “Kirovskiy PNI”.

Main objectives of the program

1. Strengthening the material and technical base to create conditions for innovative, variable work of specialists.

2. .Creating an optimal service delivery model that contributes to:

Improving the quality of life provided;

Maximum disclosure of creative potential, participation in cultural life;

Maintaining and improving the health of clients

Providing conditions for development physical education for invalids.

3. Development (modernization) of the internal quality management system for the provision of services.

4.Introduction of innovative forms and methods of servicing the disabled;

5. Development of the regulatory framework.

6. Improving staffing.

The most important target indicators and indicators of the program

1. Staffing of the institutions;

2. The number of employees trained during the year;

3.Number medical workers having a qualification category;

4. The number of employees who have mastered information and qualification technologies;

6. Indicators of clinical examination;

7. The proportion of disabled people covered by socio-cultural rehabilitation.

8. Percentage of people with disabilities participating in occupational therapy classes.

9. The proportion of disabled people covered by a sports and health program.

Deadlines and stages

program implementation

The implementation of the program is designed for the period from September 2011 to December 2014.

Istage -Organizational-installation- (2011-2012) is aimed at determining further ways for the development of the institution in the context of the implementation of 83-FZ, diagnosing the existing material and technical base, monitoring problems, finding conditions for implementation and starting the implementation of the Program.

IIstage - Expert search: - (2012-2013) is aimed at the implementation of the transition of the institution to a new qualitative state, taking into account the change in the status of the institution and improving the quality and ensuring the availability of social services.

IIIstage - final-summarizing: 2013-2014) summing up and correlating the results of activities with the goals and objectives in the main areas of the Program implementation, analyzing the results achieved and determining the prospects for the further development of the institution.

The system for organizing control over the execution of the Program

Control over the implementation of the development program of the institution is carried out by the Administration of the institution, the council of the labor collective and representatives of the board of trustees within their powers and in accordance with the law.

The Administration is responsible for the course and final results of the Program implementation, the rational use of the financial resources allocated for its implementation, determines the forms and methods of work for the implementation of the Program as a whole.

Based on the results of a specific period of the Program, the Director of the institution submits a public report.

List of Subroutines

1.Strengthening the material and technical base of the GOSUSOSSZ "Kirov PNI"

2. Staffing.

3. Social adaptation of disabled people living in the State Educational Institution of Public Health and Social Protection "Kirov PNI"

Expected outcomes of the Program implementation

The results of the implementation of the Program (2014) are planned to be:

1.Providing the transition of institutions to an autonomous institution;

2. Strengthening the material and technical base to create conditions for innovative, variable work of specialists;

3. Improving the quality of services provided.

4. Introduction of innovative technologies.;

5. Ensuring the participation of the institution's personnel in new models of the advanced training system (remote, network, etc.);

6. Maintaining an electronic document management system.

7. Updating the legal framework.



The subject of the Institution's activity is social services for elderly citizens (men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old) and disabled people (over 18 years old) suffering from chronic mental illness and in need of constant outside care, as well as providing conditions appropriate to their age and health status. activities, medical and social activities, nutrition and care, as well as the organization of feasible labor activity, recreation and leisure. GOSUSOSSZN "Kirovskiy PNI" is designed to accommodate 115 people.


General information


The name of the institution in accordance with the charter

State Regional Inpatient Institution of Social Services of the System of Social Protection of the Population Kirov Psychoneurological Boarding School


Institution type

budget from 01.01.2012;

autonomous from 01.01.2013



Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Murmansk Region


Legal address of the institution

184250, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, Parkovaya street, 12


The actual address of the institution

184250, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, Parkovaya street, houses 11,12, 17.


Phone fax

(815-31) 5-65-42




Institution website (if available)


Full name of the head

Zozulya Olga Mikhailovna


Manager's phone

(815-31) 5-65-42


Full name of the chief accountant

Poddubnaya Zinaida Vasilievna



(815-31) 5-52-82


Year of establishment of the institution



Documents giving the right to activity (details)



Approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Murmansk Region dated May 18, 2011 No. 226


Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (OGRN)



Certificate of registration of a legal entity with a tax authority (TIN)




for the implementation of medical activities


Serial number

FS - 51-01-000474


date of issue






Certificate of state registration of rights operational management for real estate (date, number, validity period)

date of issue 16.07.2004 series 51-AA No. 174203 existing restrictions on the right - not registered


An agreement confirming the right to own, use property (date, number, validity period)

dated 12.04.2000 No. 167 valid for 10 years


Certificate of state registration of the right to permanent (unlimited) use of a land plot (date, number)

date of issue 18.05.2006 series 51-AB No. 079155

The institution is located in three two-story buildings, in addition, on the territory of the institution there is a separate standing building garage and storage space. The building inventory of all residential buildings was made in 2006. Technical passports have been drawn up for all buildings.

The legal status of the institution is established.

The establishment of an institution on the balance sheet of the executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is documented. Certificate of registration of the right dated 16.07.2004 series 51-AA No. 174203.

3.1. A separate two-story brick building located at 11 Parkovaya Street belongs to the Department of Property Relations of the city of Murmansk and is used by the institution on the right of operational management. Agreement with the State Property Committee dated February 4, 1997 No. 31. Inventory number 011345276400001. BOPI passport No. 314 dated August 2, 2006.

The building has three main and three emergency entrances. The total area of ​​the building is 1007.7 sq.m., including the building 1006.9 m2, an extension of 0.8 m2. Cadastral (conditional number) 51:16:04 01 21:00 42; land area 527 sq.m. The building was built in 1952. Overhaul produced in 2005-2006.

The building contains:

Residential group of premises according to the type of corridor system, the capacity of bedrooms is 2-4 beds.

Observation chamber for the disabled - chronically mentally ill with severe mental disorders, in need, by decision of the medical commission, in the organization of round-the-clock observation;

Living room;

Medical office;

treatment room; the treatment room is equipped with the necessary medical equipment, equipped with a wall bactericidal lamp OBN-150 for air disinfection;

Semi-box type insulators are located on the first floor, designed for 4 places. Isolators have separate entrances from the street and are equipped with separate sanitary facilities;

Sanitary and hygienic premises (washrooms, toilets, showers, bathrooms);

Utility rooms (linen for clean and dirty linen, pantries for storing cleaning equipment, detergents and disinfectants)

Doctor's office, senior nurse's office.

AT ground floor buildings are located:

Food unit: industrial premises: warehouse, raw materials workshops, hot and cold shop, two washing;

Dining room;

dietary nurse;

Office of the head of the economic department, head of the warehouse;

Staff lounge;


In accordance with the requirements of fire safety, the Parkovaya 11 building is equipped with an automatic fire alarm and SOUE (warning and evacuation control system for people in case of fire), an alarm button with an output to the OBO control panel.

It has 3 main and 3 evacuation exits equipped with luminous "Exit" signs.

Provision of fire extinguishing equipment (in sufficient quantity, in accordance with PPB 01-03):

Fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-3, OU-5 in the amount of 11 pieces;

PC in the amount of 6 pieces.

The building is equipped with a stand " Fire safety”, the personnel of round-the-clock posts are provided with self-rescuers in the amount of 4 pieces and electric flashlights.

Each floor in the building has a Fire Emergency Plan and a Fire Evacuation Plan.

3.2. A detached two-story brick building located at 12 Parkovaya Street was provided to the Institution on the condition of free temporary use by the Municipal Property Management Committee on behalf of the local government of the city of Kirovsk. Agreement for gratuitous temporary use (Loan agreement) of real estate dated October 29, 2004 No. 133-2004.

The building has two main and two emergency entrances. The total area of ​​the building is 359.7 sq.m., it has an annex where the administration of the institution is located. The building was built in 1952. A major overhaul was made in 2006.

The building contains:

Residential group of premises according to the type of corridor system, The capacity of bedrooms is 2-3 beds.

Sanitary and hygienic premises (toilets, showers) 4 per floor;

24-hour medical post;

Dining room for 25 people;

Utility rooms (sanitary room, room for storing sanitary equipment);

Administrative premises: an office of a legal adviser, a human resources specialist, a labor protection engineer, a programmer;

The administrative part of the institution: the director's office, accounting are located in an annex to the building, which has a separate entrance.

The structure and layout of the premises of the building complies with the requirements of the sanitary and hygienic legislation SPiN 2.08.09-89 "Public buildings and structures".

The building is provided with all types of engineering communications: cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating. All systems are in working order.

The building is equipped with centralized power supply, radio, telephone, television.

The ventilation system is natural, exchanged through channels in the walls and transoms.

Lighting - natural and artificial. The artificial is represented by fluorescent lamps and energy-saving lamps.

The sanitary-technical, sanitary-hygienic condition of the premises complies with the requirements of the sanitary-hygienic legislation.

It has 3 main and 2 emergency exits equipped with luminous signs "Exit"

The doors separating the corridors from the stairwells are made with seals in the porches and equipped with devices for self-closing.

Fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-3, OU-5 in the amount of 7 pieces;

PC in the amount of 2 pieces.

3.3. A detached two-story brick building located at 17 Parkovaya Street was provided to the Institution on the condition of free temporary use by the Municipal Property Management Committee on behalf of the local government of the city of Kirovsk. Agreement for gratuitous temporary use (Loan agreement) of real estate dated May 25, 2006 No. 64-2006.

The building has four main and one emergency entrance. The total area of ​​the building is 717.8 sq.m. The building was built in 1958. A major overhaul was made in 2002.

The building contains:

Residential group of premises by the type of apartment, bedrooms are designed for 1-3 people. Total places - 23;

medical post;

Buffet-distributing, equipped with an electric stove, microwave oven, dishwasher, refrigerator;

Dining room for 30 seats;

Premises for occupational therapy: sewing, weaving, embroidery, art therapy;

Room for physical culture and health-improving classes;

sensory room;

Offices of a specialist in the rehabilitation of the disabled, a specialist in social work; social worker;

In the basement of the building there is a laundry room for washing overalls, workplace wardrobe maids.

The building is fully equipped with all kinds public utilities: cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, electricity, radio, telephone, television.

In accordance with fire safety requirements, the building is equipped with an automatic fire alarm and SOUE (warning and evacuation control system for people in case of fire), an alarm button with output to the OBO remote control.

It has 4 main and 1 emergency exits equipped with luminous signs "Exit"

The doors separating the corridors from the stairwells are made with seals in the porches and equipped with devices for self-closing.

Fire extinguishing equipment (in sufficient quantity according to PPB 01-03):

Fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-3, OU-5 in the amount of 10 pieces;

PC in the amount of 2 pieces.

There is a fence on the roof of the building in accordance with GOST 25772.

The building is equipped with a stand "Fire Safety", round-the-clock observation posts are provided with self-rescuers in the amount of 2 pieces and electric flashlights.

The premises comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The development program of the State Educational and Public Health Service "Kirov PNI" for 2011-2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is a document to ensure the maximum possible conditions for the realization of citizens' rights to quality social services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The development program was developed to ensure the transition period. The program was discussed and approved by the medical commission of the institution, the transition council, and the council of the labor collective.

This development program for 2011 - 2014 is a long-term regulatory and managerial document that characterizes the existing achievements and problems, the main trends, the main goals, objectives and directions for the provision of medical and social services, the features of the organization of personnel and methodological support for the provision of rehabilitation measures and innovative transformations, main planned end results, criteria.

The boarding school, as an institution providing stationary social services, should help people with disabilities adapt to the social environment, develop a positive worldview system, and provide conditions for the creative self-development of a competitive individual.

The boarding school development program determines the strategy and tactics for the development of the institution as a system focused on innovative mechanisms of social rehabilitation and socialization of disabled people.

Raising the level of requirements for the boarding school, changing its goals and objectives, expanding the directions of its development presupposes certain changes in its organizational structure, content, forms and methods of activity.

III. Action Plan


Purpose, objectives, program activities

Period of execution

Program performance indicators







Social adaptation of the disabled


Holding contests, games, projects







Organization of a co-management system, creation of a boarding school board


Establishment of a Board of Provided Boarding


social work specialist


Conducting the course "moral and aesthetic education"


Program development

"moral and aesthetic education"




Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Programs for the development of a communicative culture


The number of provided, participating in the program




Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Holding cultural events






Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Occupational therapy


Design and implementation of adaptive occupational therapy programs






Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Exhibition organization






Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Organization of active participation provided in occupational therapy


number of people involved in occupational therapy




Rehabilitation specialist Semenova T.V.


Providing conditions for physical culture


Participation in regional, city competitions


the number of people who took part in the competition




rehabilitation specialist for the disabled


Organization and conduct of training sessions


number of people involved in training sessions




exercise therapy instructor


Development and implementation of reaction tourism programs


activities for




rehabilitation specialist


Organization of exercise therapy classes


number of persons




exercise therapy instructor


Interaction with relatives of those provided


Increasing the role of the family's interest in the life of those provided


number of people who maintain relationships with relatives




social work specialist


Conducting interviews with relatives of those provided


interviews with relatives




medical specialist


Assistance in finding relatives


assisted in finding relatives




legal adviser



Organization of staff training


trained person




HR Specialist

Advanced training courses


trained person




HR Specialist

Training in advanced courses


trained person




HR Specialist

Education in distance learning courses


trained person




HR Specialist

participation in seminars


involved people




HR Specialist


Computerization of workplaces


completed jobs






Participation in professional competitions


the number of people who took part in the competitions




HR Specialist


Carrying out certification of workplaces



labor protection engineer


Introduction new system labor quality assessment


development of a regulation on a system for assessing the quality of work


labor protection engineer


Providing opportunities for distance learning


number of people receiving additional education




HR Specialist


Strengthening the material and technical base


Purchase of medical equipment



administration/senior nurse


Purchase of rehabilitation equipment


administration/rehabilitation specialist for the disabled


Modernization of catering equipment



administration / dietary nurse


Computerization of workplaces




administration / software engineer


Additional equipment of the boarding school building with a supply and exhaust ventilation system






administration / head of the economic department


Carrying out repairs of the premises of the boarding schools





administration / head of the economic department


Improvement of the territory of the boarding school





administration / head of the economic department

IV Forecast target indicators and indicators of the Program


Ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities in the socio-cultural life of society

Indicators and indicators

Unit meas.




Percentage of people with disabilities who took part in social and cultural rehabilitation activities





Percentage of people with disabilities who took part in occupational therapy sessions





Percentage of people with disabilities who took part in joint projects for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities





The share of disabled people covered by the physical culture and health program.






Improving staffing

Staffing level of the institution





Number of employees trained during the year





Number of employees who completed distance learning





Number of medical workers with a qualification category





The number of employees who have mastered information and qualification technologies;






Development and modernization of the material and technical base

Number of purchased medical equipment





Number of purchased rehabilitation equipment





Modernization of catering equipment





Carrying out computerization of workplaces





Additional equipment of boarding school premises with a supply and exhaust ventilation system



Installation of doors with closers



V. Program implementation management
Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the Council for the implementation of the Program-forecast of the development of the institution.

Consideration of information on the implementation of the program on a monthly basis at a meeting of the Council for the implementation of the Program-forecast of the development of the institution.

Implementation of the project approach in activitiessocial service institutions Shapovalova I.F., methodologist of the organizational and methodological department of the state budgetary institution of social services of the Krasnodar Territory "Leningrad Complex Center for Social Services for the Population", the village of Leningradskaya Krasnodar Territory


The article discusses the need to restructure the organization social work towards a project-oriented approach. The ways of increasing the professional competence of employees and acquiring new competencies for the purpose of high-quality social services for various segments of the population are presented.

Keywords:social service, project approach, project-oriented activity, social programs, projects

The modern life of society requires significant changes in the content of social policy implemented in institutions of social services to the population. A specialist in social work in the current conditions should be focused on solving certain problems aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, harmonizing relations in the "man - society" system. That is why in GBU SO KK "Leningrad complex center of social services for the population" the task of training a specialist who is ready to carry out professional activities at a high intellectual and creative level comes to the fore. Thus, training is focused on acquiring a skill aimed at clearly defining problems, searching for non-standard fundamentally new creative solutions, as well as their application and implementation. In connection with the task, it became necessary to restructure the organization of social work for a new vision from the point of view of a project approach using systems thinking, while involving all specialists social sphere: heads of structural divisions of the institution, social work specialists, social workers, psychologists, social educators, teachers - organizers and other employees of the institution. Mastering modern methods of implementing projects, social service programs is an increase in the professional competence of employees, the realization of their intellectual and creative abilities.

Like any professional activity, training in the technological process is not a one-time act, but a phased work that requires a logical conclusion. The preparatory stage for solving the set tasks is to determine the form of the target impact.

At a training workshop "Design as a kind of activity", which is considered as an educational program, mastering the methodology of project management is carried out. The seminar involves the training of specialists in the social sphere in design: firstly, as a teaching technology, which is based on the project approach; secondly, as a collective activity to create a mechanism and ways to implement the project.

At the first stage, the concept of “technology of social work” is revealed as a process of professional assistance of various types to a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation that he cannot cope with on his own; algorithm of the specialist's activity, the result of which is a significant improvement in the client's life.

When analyzing problems and identifying the causes of their occurrence, goals are formulated, tasks and their sequence are clearly defined, and mechanisms and tools for implementation are developed.

To exclude work with citizens served by standard planning methods, the rules for compiling a program are being worked out (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Scheme for compiling the program and plan

As an activity, design has its own structure. The structure includes several relatively independent, but still mutually dependent steps:

  • identification of the key problem;
  • researching;
  • development of the project program;
  • formation and execution of project documentation;
  • implementation of the project product.

Figure 2 shows a graphical model of ongoing programs or projects.

Figure 2 Block diagram of programs and projects

Knowledge of the flow chart allows the social service specialist to get an idea of ​​the progress of the work ahead.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to master the design culture only theoretically. Having received a certain amount of knowledge on creating a project, we proceed to the next stage of training employees in design.

Practical development of project methods of work is carried out at the seminar in joint work on the development project "Step of Development". This is the first introductory practical activities, which creates a model for solving specific socially significant problems of categories of citizens in need of assistance (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Algorithm of work on the project "Step of Development"

Preparation for the targeted impact was an independent study by the employees of the accumulated experience in the field of creating social projects published in journals, methodological literature; development and publication of the “Methodological guide for project activities”, “ methodological recommendations on the analysis of the results of project activities”; making a presentation.

According to its content, the mechanism for the phased implementation of the project is determined. At the first stage, the relevance of the issue is highlighted, which consists in the need to increase the level of professional competence of the center's specialists, goals and the expected result are formulated. When determining goals and results, an ambiguous reaction of those present is possible, but this fact is explainable. First, the resistance is psychological reasons: any person experiences confusion of feelings, a change of mood when faced with changes, something new. Secondly, difficulties arise due to the lack of own experience in project activities. Based on the presentation of the situation, a strategy for changes in the current situation and the possibility of an alternative are developed. The key goal is to study the project implementation methodology and apply it in practice. After repeating and generalizing the sequence technological process, which was analyzed at the previous seminar, there is an acquaintance with the traditional design model: goal-setting, determining the mechanism for accomplishing the tasks, selection of tools, efficient use of available resources, development and implementation of activities, analysis and documentation.

The second stage is devoted to the implementation of the project itself. Each participant receives teaching materials. The manual contains blocks of project development, factors that ensure its effective implementation. Based on the project development mechanism, in parallel, the actions taking place in the audience are analyzed and monitored, thereby emphasizing the inclusion of specialists in project activities.

Prediction of negative effects with the introduced changes is carried out with the help of a questionnaire. This is the third stage of the Development Step project. The target indicators are: the level of methodological literacy and professional competence of employees, the degree of involvement of the seminar participants in project activities, the assessment of the realization of each participant's own potential, the number of project ideas put forward.

Understanding the importance of project-oriented activities allows a modern specialist to communicate more communicatively and more efficiently with other project participants (project team), make an effective contribution to the organization and implementation of the project, present the project informatively to both the professional community (experts), and customers and users; analyze and evaluate their professional and personal skills.

Development of a project approach in the social sphere in the Leningrad KTSSON in the format of programs and projects for clients to provide various social services, prevention healthy lifestyle life, to develop scenarios and activities for various categories of citizens, information and reference materials for the staff of the center is aimed at ensuring a social culture, the participation of each specialist in solving problems of social services, and the well-being of the population.

The result of the introduction of social design technology into the practice of the center is social projects and programs (table 1) for employees and clients of the center.

Implemented social projects and programs

Name of the program (project)

Goals and objectives

Approbation result

"Development of hospital-replacing technologies of social services with a primary focus on the provision of social services at home" Objectives: to support the status of an elderly person and a disabled person at the expense of the volume of social and medical services through the organization of permanent care; assistance in solving the problems of family members engaged in labor activity.

Tasks: creation of favorable conditions for the elderly and the disabled in the restoration and maintenance of lost and the formation of new communication skills; achieving the best possible standard of living for people with disabilities at home.

The activity of nurses in the "permanent care unit" reduces the risk of complications and exacerbations of existing diseases of sedentary people who need constant care in their usual home environment.
Agitation train "For a healthy lifestyle and happy old age" Goals: prevention of recovery and expansion of ideas about the possibilities of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in old age with an orientation towards an active life position; providing an opportunity to receive cultural pastime for clients of home-based services, both at home and outside it.

Tasks: organization of individual at home and collective in the institution sites (stops) of the "agitation train" for leisure activities; development of skills for organizing their own leisure of served citizens.

Proper organization of leisure and recreation satisfies the educational needs of the elderly, especially people with limited mobility outside the home, helps to relieve social tension, isolation, and provides an opportunity to integrate into public life.
"Life Safety" Purpose: prevention and elimination of deaths of elderly citizens and people with disabilities from dangerous situations natural, technical and social character.

Objectives: to study with serviced elderly citizens the basics of a full-fledged safe existence; mastering the methods and techniques of protection, allowing to minimize the possible damage to oneself and others.

The increased vigilance of the elderly at home, on the roads, to their own health prevents accidents in all spheres of personal and social life.
"Let's help each other" Goals: development of social activity of elderly citizens and children through joint activities; building historical ties between the younger and older generations.

Tasks: increasing motivation for volunteering, maintaining morale, positive interest in life; creation of conditions for self-realization of elderly citizens and children through the use of their skills and abilities in joint activities.

Development volunteer movement among retirees provides an opportunity to attract active senior citizens and realize their potential for the benefit of others.
"Interest-station "Welcoming Yard" Objectives: to organize socio-cultural leisure activities in the interests of the older generation.

Tasks: to provide conditions for choosing a creative platform, based on their own interests; provide an opportunity for creative development.

Courtyard areas unite creative people, contribute to the preservation of the traditions of hospitality of the Kuban Cossacks
"Leisure transit" Goal: to expand the range of leisure preferences of older citizens living in rural settlements district, who do not have the opportunity to visit houses of culture, libraries, museums, cinemas.

Tasks: affordable provision of cultural and entertainment events; socio-psychological rehabilitation through the expansion of the circle of contacts; improving the quality of life of the elderly.

Filling free time with an organization cultural events allows to overcome isolation from the full life of the older generation.

Any methodical activity is based on experimental implementation, achievements and is aimed at a comprehensive increase in competence, the acquisition of new competencies and the professional growth of each specialist of the institution.

Links to sources
  1. Tukkel I.L., Surina A.V., Kultin N.B. Management of innovative projects: textbook / Ed. ed. I.L. Tukkel - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2011, 416 p.
  2. Seleznev P.S., Zhuk S.S. Control social projects. Monograph / Publishing House: Prospekt, 2016, 96 p.
  3. Morozov A. Social design in social work. Tutorial/ Publishing house: Infra-M, 2015, 208 p.
  4. Khairullin V.A. Assessment of the budgetary and social effect in the development of state investments / V.A. Khairullin, E.V. Shakirova. - Ufa: RIC UGNTU, 2013. - 54 p.

Implementation of a project approach in the activities of a social service institution

On the present stage development of society, in order to solve the tasks assigned to it, it is necessary to fully mobilize socio-psychological factors in social production, strengthening the social orientation of economic management, which is impossible without an active research search and timely insight into the essence of the socio-economic processes occurring in the sphere of production.

The effectiveness of social work at an industrial enterprise ensures the formation of social activity of its participants, associated with their personal characteristics, attitude to production, society, labor, education, social activities.

The creation of conditions under which employees would have the opportunity to self-realize their strengths, potential, energy, is the main purpose of the social policy of an industrial enterprise. This happens when there are real prerequisites, material resources, financial sources for the creation and formation of a worthy person of life status.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the management of social processes, increase the level of work in the field of social development of labor collectives. Enterprise social development services should play an important role in this.

The enterprise social development service is an independent subdivision reporting to the head of the enterprise or his deputy for social issues.

Sphere of interaction: production units, social institutions, other related service enterprises, scientific institutions, universities, etc.

Purpose: to provide conditions for improving the quality of life of the workforce and the level of labor productivity at the enterprise as a whole.

  • 1) Provide conditions for ensuring the social development of the enterprise on the basis of a scientifically based approach through a comprehensive study of the socio-psychological problems of organizing work, life and recreation of workers.
  • 2) Develop and implement measures to ensure the identification and use of reserves for increasing labor productivity and increasing production efficiency.

Staffing: sociologists, psychologists, specialists in career guidance, organization and production management.

Technology for organizing the activities of the Enterprise Social Development Service

The main activities of the Enterprise Social Development Service are focused on the following functions:

  • information and research (cognitive) (provides the management of the enterprise with reliable and complete information about the state and trends in social phenomena and processes in production. To do this, the social development service must systematically investigate and analyze bottlenecks, develop social maps of employees and social passports of teams that represent is a system of socio-economic indicators that characterize them.This function is creative in nature, it is based on the collection, processing and analysis of social information, studying the results of other sociological studies and determining trends in the development of social phenomena and processes);
  • managerial and prognostic (expressed in the duties of service workers to predict the development of social phenomena, processes and manage them in production teams);
  • organizational and control (reduced to the organization and implementation of scientific recommendations on the management of social processes, control over the implementation of these recommendations);
  • consulting (consisting in the provision by sociologists of the enterprise of practical advice to members of the team on various social issues, consultations on social topics);
  • functions of social evaluation (which consists in determining the social effectiveness of the measures being implemented. The economic effect does not always coincide with the social one. Some measures, improving economic indicators, may cause undesirable social phenomena. The tasks of the sociological service include monitoring the social parameters of the development of the team in order to prevent their deterioration) ;
  • pedagogical and educational function (imposing on social workers the responsibility of disseminating best practices, organizing staff training, studying and communicating to the team, including the administration of the necessary sociological, psychological, pedagogical knowledge and convincing them of the expediency of using this knowledge in practical activities, forming heads of production of sociological thinking)
  • 1) Planning and management of social development of labor collectives:
    • *analysis of the level of social development of labor collectives, preparation of proposals for draft programs of social development of collectives;
    • *study of social aspects scientific and technological progress, development of measures to overcome the social heterogeneity of labor, socio-psychological support for the implementation new technology and technology, reducing heavy, monotonous and low-skilled manual labor;
    • *conducting sociological and socio-psychological research, analysis and forecasting of the development of social processes, preparation of proposals for taking into account socio-psychological factors in the organization of production and life;
    • * promotion of sociological and psychological knowledge;
    • * participation in the organization and conduct of experiments, the development of proposals on the socio-psychological aspects of improving the economic mechanism;
    • * participation in the examination of projects for the construction and reconstruction of industrial and non-industrial facilities in terms of ensuring that they take into account social requirements and standards.
  • 2) Improving the social structure and stabilization of labor collectives:
    • *forecasting social processes in connection with the planned programs for the technical re-equipment of production, analysis of changes and development of proposals for improving the social structure of personnel;
    • *studying the causes of staff turnover, developing measures to secure staff and stabilize labor collectives.
  • 3) Introduction of progressive forms of labor organization:
    • *development and implementation of measures to improve job satisfaction. Ensuring the prestige of professions, strengthening the creative nature of labor;
    • * Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces in accordance with social requirements;
    • *preparation of measures to improve health and create safe and favorable conditions and improve the culture of work, improve the work and production life of women;
    • * development of proposals to improve the quality of labor rationing.
  • 4) Development of labor and social activity of employees:
    • *development and implementation of measures to improve social role personality, creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in labor collectives;
    • *Conducting sociological consultations for workers on production and domestic issues.
  • 5) Social service:
    • * development of proposals for the improvement and development of social infrastructure and the creation of conditions to meet the socio-cultural and everyday needs of workers;
    • * analysis of the organization of leisure and development of proposals for improving the use of free time, providing more favorable conditions for the rest of employees and their families, labor veterans and pensioners.
  • 6) Social protection, social security, social support for employees of the enterprise, social insurance, pensions

The peculiarity of the social development of enterprises in recent times consists in the development and implementation of various social programs which can be considered as a mechanism for social protection of employees of the enterprise: non-state pension, social and medical insurance, training and retraining of employees, including financing the training of specialists of higher and secondary professional educational institutions on a contract basis, as well as incentive tourism programs using the funds of the enterprise social development fund, programs to improve working conditions and health protection. A distinctive feature of modern social programs at the enterprise level is their free choice. The scale of social programs and the extent to which they cover workers depend primarily on the possibilities of their financial, logistical, and organizational support at enterprises.

Due to this circumstance, the economic and social components of the enterprise must be interconnected. The better the first is developed, the more effectively the second develops. This is where the pendulum effect comes into play. Improvement of social labor relations at the enterprise requires strengthening the legal, organizational, financial basis of social protection. The content of social events of the enterprise should be recorded in collective agreements and tariff agreements.

7) Medico-social work

Today, medical and social work is being formed into an independent area of ​​professional activity, and its preventive component includes measures to prevent socially dependent disorders of somatic, psychological, and reproductive health, the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, and access to information on health issues 1 .

The main task of employees of the medical and social assistance service of an industrial enterprise is to help people consciously control and improve their own life positions in order to prevent long-term functional disorders and improve somatic health. To do this, it is necessary to create or activate the following links of medical and social work at the enterprise:

  • to strengthen the interaction between medical institutions and structural divisions of the enterprise of health-improving, social, trade union and other profiles;
  • to develop comprehensive medical and social measures at the enterprise with the integration of medical, social, psychological, legal, pedagogical approaches into all areas of a person's professional activity;
  • organize extensive educational work to strengthen the body's resistance as the main condition for maintaining health under the adverse effects of environmental, industrial, social, domestic and psychological factors;
  • the social service to inform the official administrative and elected bodies about the factors contributing to the loss of health, the chronicity of pathological processes that impede effective treatment, reduce the orientation of the individual towards a healthy lifestyle, and violate the social status of a person.
  • 8) Improving working conditions

In their activities, social work specialists should pay special attention to the problem of shaping the health of workers. In the developed countries of the world, it is customary to evaluate the health of the working population in terms of economic indicators. It has been determined that the intensity of the production process and labor productivity largely depend on the state of physical and mental health of working people. There is a mutual interest of entrepreneurs and employees in maintaining a high index of health, which makes it possible to assess point system the level of health of an individual, a group of people or an enterprise as a whole.

Improving working conditions and, therefore, maintaining the health of workers is one of the critical issues social transformations in our country, since, unfortunately, there is no trend towards a decrease in the number of people working in unfavorable working conditions and a decrease in the level of occupational morbidity. As you know, the efficiency of the production process is determined not only by the number of employees, their level of qualification, the organization of production, but also by the state of health of each member of the team.

The current situation in society regarding the health of working people increases the responsibility of the administration industrial enterprises for carrying out measures to optimize working conditions and organizing preventive approaches to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases. It is required to identify high-risk groups and, above all, workers with a long working history, women of childbearing age, persons with functional disabilities, workers who are often and for a long time ill, in order to carry out a complex of individual and group medical and preventive measures, including those that increase the overall resistance of the body .

The organization of the listed measures for the formation of the health of the workers of an industrial enterprise requires economic costs, but, as experts have calculated, this is compensated by an increase in labor productivity by 40-60%, which brings significant profit to production. So, it should be profitable to invest in the health of working people.

On the other hand, it is necessary to instill in the workers a mindset for maintaining health and personal responsibility for the implementation of health improvement recommendations that reduce the impact of unfavorable production factors on the body.

A very serious moment that adversely affects people's health is the presence of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse. People exposed to such an impact bring economic losses to the enterprise due to frequent smoke breaks, inability to adequately and quickly respond to manufacturing process, lethargy, weakness and low working capacity. Considering experience foreign countries, in this organization, apply material penalties in cases where the employee smokes in the wrong place.

When considering economic approaches that shape the health of workers in industrial enterprises, the implementation of this program should solve the following problems:

The interest of the employee himself in the preservation and restoration of his health. To do this, introduce any incentives for employees who are not sick, do not have bad habits and regularly undergo medical examinations. Reduce the amount of monetary compensation in connection with morbidity associated with the presence of bad habits. Create competition in hiring, giving preference to healthy individuals.

To interest heads of enterprises in preserving and strengthening the health of their employees. The company must bear liability for the health of their employees, which will inevitably lead to increased measures to improve the working conditions of workers.

* to solve the issue of social protection of employees who have been working at an enterprise for a long time, where there are adverse factors for health, namely, to pay additional compensation in case of loss of health or when an employee becomes disabled due to a general illness.

Scientists note a decrease in the importance of health in the minds of the population, which indicates a decrease in the predisposition to a healthy lifestyle due to the limited socio-economic and socio-psychological capabilities of society. All this indicates that there is a sharp increase in the need for adequate and effective measures aimed at providing medical and social assistance to employees of the enterprise.

9) Social support from the damaging effects of stress Social support has traditionally been seen as a buffer between occupational stress and the dysfunctional consequences of stressful events, as it affects a person's confidence in their ability to cope and helps prevent the damaging effects of stress. The search for social support is the ability in a difficult situation to find support from others (family, friends, colleagues) - a sense of community, practical assistance, information 1 . Social support is significantly associated with psychological and physical health, whether or not life and work stresses are present.

For the professional adaptation of specialists and the preservation of their professional longevity, it is promising to develop and use various types of social, professional and personal support that prevent burnout syndrome.

7) Socio-psychological service

The Social Work Specialist performs many functions. In carrying them out, he certainly resorts to the help of psychology. Studies show that at least one third of the country's adult population lives under conditions of high levels of psycho-emotional stress. In ecologically unfavorable regions, this figure increases to 45%. Another third of the population lives in a state of average level of chronic psycho-emotional stress. Thus, approximately 70% of Russians are affected by chronic high and medium levels of stress. It has been established that the main sources of stress are legal insecurity, a low level of environmental safety, a difficult environmental situation, fears for the future, a conflict situation in the family or at work. Approximately one third of the adult population needs psychological help to correct their psycho-emotional state.

Therefore, in social work at the enterprise, it is advisable to use psychological methods aimed at solving the problems of adapting workers, socializing young people, and improving the social and production environment. Methods are divided into individual and group.

Significant results in social work allow the use of methods of psychodiagnostics, focused on the study of socio-psychological characteristics of the individual, teams, educational, economic relations.

Widely used in social work psychological consultation. It should be addressed by both managers and ordinary workers. Based on the results of this work, their individual and group activities are built. Psychological selection is a necessary method of social work. It is used for social and professional self-determination of the employees of the enterprise, determining the area of ​​retraining of personnel, staffing groups.

The methods of psychotherapy in this case are focused on psychological transformations in the structure of a holistic personality. On this basis psychological methods, used in social work in the form of training, games, immersion, differ in their systemic nature, the strength of the impact.

The social worker most often acts as social psychologist. He seeks to understand the person who turned to him for help, helps him to realize his own situation, strengths his personality to solve the problems he faces. The social worker acts as an active party organizing, maintaining and developing contacts. It develops the motivation for socially oriented activities of clients, enriches the self-activity of the individual, corrects behavior, and conducts social and therapeutic work.

A social worker at an enterprise should act as a practical psychologist, since the content and methods of his activity are aimed at solving practical problems of the life of his clients. By ensuring success in the field of survival, retraining, re-education, the social worker gains the trust of clients.

The content of social activity includes several psychological aspects, such as: the formation of social needs, interests, motives, communication methods, the perception of a person and groups, the creation of favorable conditions for people's life. The means of social work also contain a variety of psychological elements; informing, instructing, recommendations, persuasion, various types of analysis.

The pinnacle of the system of psychological support for social work is the formation of social security not only for clients of social security, social rehabilitation, social therapy, but also for the structures themselves, problem solving social work.

The following are considered as performance criteria:

  • availability of a database and cards of personalized social accounting of the department's clients;
  • the number of events carried out with the participation of the department;
  • satisfaction of the employees of the enterprise social policy organizations, the work of the department, identified through special surveys, questionnaires, interviews with staff;
  • correlation of the costs incurred per individual worker with the results. his production activities.

Expected results of the program implementation:

^Improving the methods of managing the social development of labor collectives, methodological support.

  • 2) Ensuring the growth of social efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.
  • 4. The program for planning the social development of the workforce at the enterprise for survival in the new market environment pushed the issues of planning social development at enterprises into the background. However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance. The strengthening of stabilization processes in the country will inevitably put the problems of managing social development among the priorities. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing the management of social development in enterprises. Social processes at the enterprise must be managed, these goals are served by social planning or planning of social development of labor collectives.

Labor collectives are called upon to produce material goods, but this is not an end in itself, but a means of creating favorable conditions for workers to work, study, rest, develop and best use their abilities. Depending on the factor, the main principles of social planning are put forward:

  • *in the center strategic planning it is not the manufactured products that are put, but the person as a producer and consumer, as a socially active person;
  • *achievement of the set social goals is based on economic growth: the team can set only those social tasks for the solution of which the material base has been created;
  • * the complexity of approaches and measures aimed at solving the identified problems;
  • * scientific validity and objectivity of the proposed methods and mechanisms for solving problems;
  • *principle of targeting.

These principles determine the purpose of the program: the formation and implementation of a system of methods and means of systematic management of the development of the workforce as social community, purposeful regulation of social processes and development social relations at the enterprise level.

The achievement of this goal contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

  • 1) Form and implement a system of technological, technical and organizational measures aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the reasonable needs of team members, increasing the content of work, creating favorable working conditions, study and recreation, which is;
  • 2) Creation of conditions for the maximum use of opportunities and the comprehensive development of the social activity of a person's personality in the industrial sphere.
  • 3) The education of the personality of a member of the team, the formation of his proactive attitude to work, the improvement of relationships in the team.

Objects of influence: the labor collective of the enterprise

Program implementation level: enterprise level.

Scale: structural.

Period: medium term

Program implementation technology

The technology for implementing the program for planning the social development of the workforce at the enterprise is a process of interdependent stages of work, involving their reproduction in a certain sequence:

1) Diagnostic stage

Social planning at the enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive sociological study of the workforce:

  • study of the social structure of workers;
  • identifying its weak links and areas for improvement.
  • study of the attitude of people to work, the factors of attractiveness and unattractiveness of labor at the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions;
  • study of the degree of content of labor, its conditions and the level of its payment, staff turnover, labor discipline, value orientations in a collective.

Based on the results of the study, scientifically based recommendations are developed for changing the social parameters of the workforce and specific proposals are made in various areas of work in the enterprise team. Such recommendations and proposals become the basis of social planning for the current period (a year) and for the future (3-5 years or more).

2) Planning and organizational stage

It involves drawing up a plan for the social development of the workforce of the enterprise, which includes a set of evidence-based activities, tasks, indicators for the entire complex social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most effective functioning of the team.

The plan of social development of the labor collective includes:

A) Definition and formulation of goals and objectives that determine the direction of theoretical developments and the effectiveness of social planning in practice, taking into account the parameters and relationship of social and economic development collective, which depends on the effective use of social factors, the reorientation of production to the consumer, on the full and comprehensive use of human capabilities.

The development of the plan includes four stages:

  • 1) Preparatory stage:
    • * making a decision on the development of a social development plan;
    • * definition and formulation of goals and objectives that determine the direction of theoretical developments and the effectiveness of social planning in practice (taking into account the parameters and the relationship of the social and economic development of the team, which depends on the effective use of social factors, the reorientation of production to the consumer, on the full and comprehensive use of human capabilities );
    • *determining the sources and possibilities of the resource base necessary to solve the identified problems;
    • * determination of indicators of the social development of the labor collective (determined mainly by the collectives themselves, based on the availability of opportunities in the interests of development and increasing the efficiency of its activities);
    • planning additional measures to limit undesirable tendencies and stimulate socially progressive ones. For this purpose, a whole system of levers and incentives is used (the prestige of the profession and the place of work, the traditions of the enterprise, etc.).
    • agreements are concluded with organizations involved in the development and implementation of the plan;
    • work schedules are drawn up; clear parameters of work are determined (indicators and deadlines for each event);
    • the program and methods of conducting research are determined based on specific working conditions;
    • working documentation forms are being developed;
    • working groups are formed;
    • the content of the work is determined and functions are distributed among the performers (creative teams), the team is instructed and informed;
    • distribution functional duties and determining the degree of responsibility for the level of effectiveness of the activities carried out.
  • 1) Analytical stage:
    • the degree of fulfillment of the previous plan for the social development of the labor collective is determined;
    • studied the social structure, working conditions, life and recreation, the level wages and other collected materials;
    • held comparative analysis the information received with normative data, the achievements of the advanced experience of science and technology, which contributes to the scientific substantiation of the plan;
    • processing and obtaining primary social information is compared with the results of specific sociological research;
    • the identified general trends and patterns are documented in an analytical note.
  • 2) Design stage:
    • measures, proposals and recommendations are being developed to improve the indicators of the social development of the team, which should be specific and realistically feasible;
    • the initial version (draft) of the plan is drawn up by sections, the economic and social efficiency proposed activities that are coordinated with functional services;
    • the draft plan is submitted to working group, which forms a consolidated draft plan, which is agreed with the main specialists of the enterprise and the head of the enterprise;
  • 3) Control stage - a system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan is being developed, which includes the system of accounting, control and reporting that has developed at the enterprise.

The plan of social development of the working collective reflects the following areas of organization of social work:

  • A) Improving the social structure of the team:
    • measures to reduce the proportion or complete elimination of heavy and unhealthy work;
    • work to reduce the share of low-skilled labor by increasing educational and qualification levels workers;
    • measures for the social protection of workers, taking into account their gender and age characteristics (the work of women, adolescents, and the elderly is considered separately, indicating the changes that it is advisable to make among these categories of workers;
  • B) Social factors development of production and increase of its economic efficiency.
  • planning activities related to the implementation new technology and technology. Among such measures are the design of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labor, the reduction of its monotony. The saturation of production with high-performance equipment exacerbates the problem of releasing workers and ensuring employment of the enterprise's personnel.

In this case, the possibilities of using various forms of employment are considered: part-time work, flexible working hours, home work for women and pensioners, etc.; on-the-job training; measures to stimulate rationalization and invention.

  • C) Improving the working and living conditions of workers.
  • implementation of measures to improve the working environment, to replace equipment that is a source of increasing harmfulness and danger, or to reliably isolate such equipment;
  • measures to comply with sanitary and technical standards, labor safety standards, to organize well-equipped change houses at the enterprise, food service points, washing overalls, repairing shoes, delivering orders to workers through the tables of products and industrial goods, etc.
  • measures to provide workers with housing, children preschool institutions, recreation areas, etc.
  • D) Education of labor discipline, development of labor activity and creative initiative
  • analysis of value orientations of employees;
  • implementation of measures aimed at stimulating high labor and production discipline, at developing various forms of involving workers in the improvement of production.
  • E) Drawing up a social passport of the enterprise

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise team, its functions, working conditions, the provision of workers with housing, preschool institutions, social infrastructure units at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects:

  • intra-collective relations;
  • social activity of employees and other issues.

Data from the social passport is used in the development of a social development plan.

E) Development and implementation of specialized social programs, such as "Health", "Women's Labor", "Youth", "Housing", etc.

Expected result of the program implementation:

Improving the system of technological, technical and organizational measures aimed at the social and professional development of team members;

  • 2) Raising the level of use of opportunities and the comprehensive development of the social activity of a person's personality in the production sector;
  • 3) Improving the management of social processes, improving educational work and developing the creative activity of the working people.

In order to strengthen social security, improve the quality of life of citizens in difficult life situations, by improving the system of social services, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 28, 2007 No. 1229 approved the Program for the Development and Optimization of the Network of Social Service Institutions until 2010. The implementation of the Program allowed:

for stationary social service institutions:

to eliminate the queue for the settlement of citizens in need of medical indications in stationary social services;

bring the area of ​​sleeping quarters in line with established sanitary standards;

ensure the safe living of citizens, etc.;

for territorial social service centers:

to cover with social services all needy disabled citizens living in remote sparsely populated rural areas, including through the use of the developed social infrastructure of agro-towns, small and medium-sized cities of the republic;

to strengthen the material and technical base of the centers in order to create conditions for their effective functioning and further development, as well as to implement the principle of accessibility, individual approach and targeting in the provision of social services, etc.

As of January 1, 2011, there are 22.9 thousand settlements in the Republic of Belarus, of which 22.7 thousand are rural settlements and 201 are cities and urban-type settlements. The number of elderly citizens living in them (over 60 years old) is 2.1 million people, of which 154.3 thousand people are single citizens and 573.2 thousand are living alone.

Social services at home covered all urban settlements and 58.9% of rural ones. Almost all lonely elderly (99.9%) and living alone (97.1%) citizens are registered with the territorial centers of social services for the population (hereinafter referred to as the centers) and receive necessary types social services.

In order to provide the population with social services in full, the internal structure of the centers is being actively developed. According to the results of 2010, 815 departments worked in the centers, 32 of them were opened.

In order to expand the coverage of social services for rural residents, social centers are being opened in rural settlements. As of January 1, 2011, there are 603 social centers in the republic, of which 550 are in countryside, 470 - in agro-towns. In 2010, 60 such points were created.

The organization of the activities of social service teams on a mobile basis, which provide comprehensive social services to disabled citizens living in remote rural settlements, is also aimed at ensuring the availability of social services.

At present, there are 47 such brigades, 6.9 thousand people received assistance. Compared to 2009, the number of brigades decreased by 5 units, due to wear and tear and insufficient equipment of the centers by car limiting the mobility of such teams.

As of January 1, 2011, 1.7 million people were registered in the centers, of which 154.3 thousand were lonely elderly people, 556.6 thousand people lived alone, and disabled people living alone and alone I and II groups - 44.4 thousand people, young disabled people (under 31) - 52 thousand people.

Measures are constantly being taken to expand the list of social services, including those provided by centers for paid basis.

As a result, the extrabudgetary accounts of the centers received 16.7 billion rubles, of which 10.9 billion rubles (65.3%) were earned by social assistance departments at home. Funds received are directed to further development social services, strengthening the material and technical base of the centers and stimulating the work of workers.

All greater value acquires the activities of economic teams that provide the elderly and the disabled with one-time social and household services:

minor repairs of residential premises; sawing and chopping firewood;

transportation of goods;

cultivation of personal plots, etc.

Such services to disabled citizens are provided by 32 economic teams. In total, 198.4 thousand services were provided, 56 thousand people received assistance.

Citizens with physical disabilities demand services for the rental of technical means of social rehabilitation, families in which three or more children were born at the same time need babysitting services. According to the results of 2010, 62 nannies help large families in caring for children until they reach the age of three. 230 children receive the necessary assistance and care.

In total, the centers provided 4.1 thousand services for the rental of rehabilitation equipment, 3.9 thousand people received assistance.

The number of social workers providing hourly day care at home for citizens who have lost the ability to self-service amounted to 143 people. Compared to 2009, their number decreased by 8 people.

The number of nurses providing services to citizens who have lost their motor activity has also decreased, which may be due to the rather high cost of such services. At the end of 2010, the number of nurses was 81 people, in 2009 - 85 people.

The services of social assistance departments at home, which operate in all centers, are most in demand. Currently, 84.5 thousand people are served at home. Compared to 2009, their number increased by 2.2 thousand people.

The share of citizens served on a paid basis is growing every year. 77.5 thousand people (92%) are served on the terms of partial and full payment, which indicates the availability and demand for social services at home.

In order to provide assistance to citizens who have been subjected to psychophysical violence, who have become victims of human trafficking, who have suffered from criminal activity; persons from among orphans and children left without parental care; released from places of deprivation of liberty and some others, in restoring the ability to live in a social environment, departments of social adaptation and rehabilitation function in 145 centers.

They include 31 "crisis rooms", assistance was provided to 103 citizens who are in a state of crisis (a condition dangerous to health and life, in conflict with other family members, subjected to psychophysical violence, victims of human trafficking), 754 circles (clubs) for interests.

The activities of the day care departments for the disabled (hereinafter referred to as the DCT) are aimed, among other things, at fulfilling the instructions of the Head of State to ensure the continuity of the transition of graduates from the centers for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the CDROiR) to the centers. At present, the number of graduates of the CCRRO&R attending such departments is 537 people.

At the end of 2010, CCTs were created in 145 centers, almost 152,000 people with disabilities received the necessary assistance. In 2010, 26 such departments were created.

The issues of social rehabilitation and adaptation of the disabled are also dealt with by 7 departments of social adaptation, rehabilitation and day care for the disabled in the Vitebsk region (in areas where there are no graduates of the Central Committee for the Development of the Disabled and the number of disabled people is insufficient to open a CCT).

In order to carry out labor rehabilitation and occupational therapy of disabled people, 86 rehabilitation and labor workshops equipped with the necessary devices, tools and consumables have been created in the centers, 736 hobby groups are functioning to organize leisure and develop the creative potential of disabled people, 5.9 thousand cultural events have been held . In general, 125 thousand disabled people took part in rehabilitation activities.

On a permanent basis (daily) departments are visited by 3.3 thousand disabled people.

Currently, the centers operate 55 round-the-clock departments for elderly and disabled citizens (hereinafter - OKP) for 1942 places. The activities of such departments contribute, among other things, to reducing the queue for the settlement of disabled citizens in boarding schools. In 2010, 6 such departments were created.

In the Republic of Belarus, there is a wide system of material support for families with children:

benefits in connection with the birth and upbringing of children;

food benefits;

financial assistance in repayment of loans for housing construction.

Over 470 thousand children (26% of their total number) are covered by the system of social benefits.

In 2008, the allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age was increased from 60% to 80% of the subsistence minimum budget, or by 46%. The average monthly allowance for children over 3 years old increased by 18%.

From February 1, 2011, the average monthly state allowance for families raising children under the age of 3 years is set at 296,870 rubles. The allowance for children over 3 years of age has been increased to 89,000 rubles.

Considerable attention is paid to providing free food for children in the first two years of life. In 2010, over 44,000 children under the age of 2 received this type of assistance.

In 2010 the right to free food children were received by all families, regardless of the total income for the birth of triplets or more children. These families can use free babysitting services until the children are three years old (previously, such a service was provided until the children were two years old).

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 14, 2011 No. 47 “On introducing amendments and additions to the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 8, 2001 No. 858 and April 4, 2003 No. 456” to the List of free and publicly available social services services provided by state social service institutions of the system of bodies for labor, employment and social protection in accordance with their profile, included services for the provision of psychological assistance to low-income citizens and those in difficult life situations, as well as revised norms and standards for the provision of these citizens with psychological assistance services.

State targeted social assistance

In 2010, state targeted social assistance was provided to 165.4 thousand people for a total amount of more than 50.8 billion rubles, the average size monthly social allowance amounted to an average of 51.2 thousand rubles per month per person, and a one-time - 176.1 thousand rubles. More than 15.2 thousand people have been assigned social benefits to pay for technical means of social rehabilitation for a total amount of more than 8.4 billion rubles.

In 2010, 93% of the funds planned for the payment of 54.6 billion rubles to GASP were disbursed.

In comparison with 2009, in 2010 there was an increase in the total amount of allocated GASP by 20.9% due to 8.4 billion rubles allocated to pay for technical means of social rehabilitation, as well as due to an increase in the amount of payments for a one-time payment by 3 billion rubles. social benefit.

The main amount of assistance in the form of monthly and lump-sum social benefits is paid to applicants in cash. In-kind in 2010, such allowances were assigned in the amount of more than 575.9 million rubles. In a non-cash form, including for payment of housing and communal services, 585.9 million rubles were transferred.

It should be noted that in 2010, 88.3 thousand or 72.3% of people received monthly social benefits immediately for 6 months.

In 2010, among the recipients of the monthly social allowance were: 87.8% - families raising minor children, including: 21.8% - families with many children; 44.9 - incomplete families; 2% - families with disabled children under the age of 18.

The number of citizens receiving GASP in the form of a monthly and one-time social allowance, living separately, or leading separate households, in 2010 amounted to 15.2 thousand people or 10.1% of the total number of GASP recipients, including: 1.7% - single invalids of I and II groups; 0.1% - single invalids of the III group receiving a social pension; 3.4% are single pensioners.

Of the total number of GASP recipients in 2010, 48% live in rural areas.

An integral element state system social security in the Russian Federation is social services for the elderly and disabled, families, children, which include various types of social services aimed at meeting the special needs of these categories of citizens.

The creation of a social service system is designed to help remove many problems in the field of education, care for disabled family members, rehabilitation, organization of everyday life, leisure, problems associated with conflict in relationships, reducing the ability to self-sufficiency, contributing to marginalization and other asocial phenomena, which will raise the level of social services, contributes to the coordination of efforts in this direction by state bodies and various social structures, including non-state, private and charitable, church and other organizations providing social assistance.

At present, the state is making great efforts to create a comprehensive system of social services for the population, allocate financial resources for its development. The range of services provided by social service departments is expanding. various categories of the population, departments of a new functional purpose are opened, the material and technical base is being updated, etc.

New technologies, changes in the system of labor relations cause high professional and qualification requirements for specialists on the part of the employer (employer). In this regard, much attention is paid to the development of human resources, increasing the professionalism and competence of specialists of the social service institution, which contributes to the provision of high-quality social services that meet the needs of consumers.

The concept of personnel potential is associated with specific individuals, with their skills that can be used to improve efficiency in various areas of production, with the presence, level of manifestation of the significance of business qualities, i.e. we are talking about the potential of individual employees. it is in professional qualification requirements or professiograms, which include a system of required qualities and the level of their manifestation necessary to perform the relevant functions, AND THE POTENTIAL OF STAFF IS FIXED.

Personnel potential is the skills and abilities of employees of a social service institution that can be used to achieve a social effect.

As tasks affecting the scale of human resources, its effective use can be set as follows:

    Qualified staff development

    Attracting qualified specialists

    Creation of optimal conditions for efficient work of personnel

A necessary condition for the solution managerial tasks is the presence of highly qualified personnel, ready to master new knowledge. The development of personnel at the level of a particular individual includes methods of training and retraining of workers, specialists and managers, methods of advanced training outside the organization, conferences, etc.

Currently, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is working with personnel, including:




    Exchange of work experience

    Annual social and scientific readings

    Professional associations of specialists of social service institutions

Advanced training of employees of institutions subordinated to the Department of Social Development of Yugra organizes and conducts the “Methodological Center for the Development of Social Services”, which closely interacts with the Department of Social Development of Yugra on planning and preparing advanced training programs, as well as organizing and conducting additional events, thereby responding to changes in a timely manner in the life of the district and the requests of specialists from social service institutions.

In connection with the introduction of new technologies in social work and the high requirements for the professionalism of specialists, the need has increased for improving the professional training of specialists of institutions on topical issues of activity. every year the number of events organized by the BU KhMAO "methodological center for the development of social services" is increasing.

Specialists of the social service system are trained in the following areas:

    Development and implementation of innovative technologies, programs in social service institutions

    Socio-psychological work with families, children

    Accompanying families and children, graduates of boarding schools

    Social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens

    Organization methodical work in social service institutions

    Training in the field of work with information technology

    Regulatory direction

    Education in the field of institution management

Various forms of work are used at training events:

Lectures, practical classes, exchange of experience, business games, trainings, reflections, round tables, etc., which contributes to the qualitative assimilation of new knowledge and work skills by students. participants in advanced training courses and seminars get acquainted with innovative technologies for working with the elderly, disabled people, families, are provided with methodological material containing useful information, theoretical and practical developments on the topic of activities that are used in their professional activities, which contributes to improving the quality of social services.

Training at course events is conducted by teachers of higher educational institutions, highly qualified practitioners of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and regions of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk)

In order to develop the social service system of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and the regions, specialists of the Methodological Center for the Development of Social Services develop, test and distribute innovative technologies, scientific and methodological psychological support for employees of social service institutions is carried out.

The specifics of social service institutions, its normal functioning is impossible due to the effective personnel policy, as the provision of human resources is critical to effective work and is increasingly being put forward as a priority.

From how the management of personnel potential is organized, which affects each employee. directly depends on the effectiveness of institutions and organizations. Personnel composition institutions subordinated to the Depsotsrazvitiya Yugra, performs the following functions:

    Implements new programs, technologies in the field of social services

    Promotes distribution innovative experience work

    Organizes events aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of social services provided

    Contributes to the creation of an effective workforce focused on professional development and providing a high level of motivation.

Thus, human resources play a key role in the system of social services, contributing to its development, the quality organization of social services provided.

E.V. Kravets

Methodist of the Department for the organization of advanced training of the budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Methodological Center for the Development of Social Services"

Materials used to prepare the article
magazine Social service №3, 2012