Transcription of the journal economist. Before you burn all your bridges, make sure you're on the right side

world in 2017. Trump's planet, "cloud is a mushroom", epidemics, elections in France and Germany, mass protests - Economist forecast

The cover of The Economist depicts what the editors think is coming in 2017.

We see Tarot cards with images that give an idea of ​​​​the main events of the new year: “cloud-mushroom”, conflict of ideologies, epidemics, elections in France and Germany, mass protests and Trump in the robe of a Judge sits above all this.

According to the publication itself, The World in 2017 contains an annual collection of detailed, well-calculated and informed forecasts for the year ahead of the Economist. The World in 2017 provides opinions from leading figures in politics, business, finance, science, technology and the arts, along with renowned journalists from The Economist and other leading news outlets.

The World in 2017 looks at the new American presidency, the Chinese Communist Party convention, French and German elections, and the political and economic challenges of Brexit. The publication draws attention to a number of important global anniversaries - 500 years since Martin Luther issued his 95 theses, 100 years since Lenin started the Russian Revolution and 10 years since Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone.
The publication includes a special section with predictions from 14 globally minded young celebrities, including a Syrian refugee-turned-photographer, ranging from a Syrian refugee-turned-photographer to an iconoclastic Chilean artist, one of the biggest new names in ballet, leading internet voices of young Africans and American women- Muslim women.

“The Economist is considered the mouthpiece of the global elite. It belongs to the Rothschild and Agnelli families. Journal editor John Micklethwaite has taken part in Bilderberg conferences several times. These are closed meetings where the most influential people in the world from different fields of activity (politics, industry, finance, media) discuss global politics. The results of these meetings and the decisions taken at them are kept secret. It is possible that The Economist employees have inside information and know something that is hidden from most people. It is likely that some of this information in the form of images is presented on the cover of the publication every year.

According to Valery Viktorovich Pyakin, the cover of The Economist magazine is an empty issue. This picture says a lot, but not about the future of the planet. The global predictor gave its tool, already released in shooting ranges, to US countrymen. This "creativity" is more like a wishlist and, in his opinion, this is some kind of entertainment or, better to say, diverting public attention from really serious problems. In this video, you can hear and see for yourself his conclusion.

The world in 2017 according to the winning wing of the globalists.

During my brief absence from the blog, I have been flooded with requests from numerous readers for my opinion on the magazine's 2017 cover. Which I will try to do, although I do not in any way consider myself to be in any way versed in the divination by tarot cards, in the form of which the Economist's charade is presented to us this time.

But even without any understanding of Tarot divination systems, this time the picture is radically different from the previous two. The first three differences are literally striking.

1. The background of the picture, made of pale blue or turquoise, symbolizing the sky, appears as a photograph of the boundless space, similar to the numerous images made by Hubble. And this fact automatically sets the viewer to the fact that the processes expected by the magazine next year will have an order of magnitude more global significance than so far. In this regard, it should be assumed that either the Universe is tired of our games in the "sandbox" and it decided on a direct impact, or vice versa, the actions of the earthly elite can cause global shifts in the entire Universe. The first option looks more likely, as will be seen in the future.

2. The second point is also related to the color background, but already direct images on the cards. In previous years, all the main figures were of a photographic nature, which were only supplemented by plot-drawn characters and details. The color palette of these images was varied and varied, but by no means gloomy. This time it's different. Dark gloomy tones and completely drawn figures of characters with rare exceptions. Here, too, there are two possible conclusions. Either this is the recognition of the globalists that their policies have practically brought the planet to a complete collapse, or they expect this collapse personally for themselves. Which, however, is not in any serious contradiction with each other. One does not exclude the other.

3. Finally, the third common iconic moment of the picture is that this time there are no crowds of world politicians and other iconic figures who symbolized certain world processes. There is only a symbolic image of four of them, and even then, none is drawn as an independent Player, but more on that later.
So, the first conclusions. Something has gone wrong for the global elite. She no longer controls the situation on the planet. Why all specific images can be considered in the context of the expectations and hopes of this very elite, but with full recognition that this time it acts as a supplicant, but not a process manager.
Now let's move on to the cards. But first, we note that the entire charade as a whole is called "Planet Trump", which has a double meaning. First, it is the recognition that the election of Trump as American President, which, based on last year's charade, can be considered unexpected even for the owners of the magazine, will have a decisive impact on world events. Secondly, "trump" means trump card. That is, the name of the picture can be considered as a "planet of trump cards", with the recognition that these trump cards themselves are not at all in the hands of globalists.

The first card "The Tower" refers us to the mythology of the Tower of Babel, which humanity, united at that time, tried to build in its pride to equal power with the gods. Everyone knows the ending. The tower was destroyed by the Almighty, and humanity lost its unity and ceased to understand each other, speaking in different languages. Approximately the same ending of the current globalization is predicted by the authors this time. The tower on the hill, to which the only road has been laid, symbolizing the single path of mankind under the control of the global elite, is collapsing under the wrath of Heaven. At the same time, black clouds swirl above the tower, from which lightning strikes, splitting it into pieces. Here again one can see a dual allegory. The blackness of the clouds is both a symbol of the wrath of Heaven caused by the unsuitable methods of globalization, and a recognition of the dark nature of the egregor created by the owners of the tower. In this sense, the globalists are getting what they deserve from a self-created monster. That is, the Serpent strikes and destroys himself.

In the background we see two crowds, one under the Soviet flag, the other with a cross and a crucifix. It can be assumed that after the collapse of the Tower, the elite sees its hopes for maintaining, if not global power, then at least a significant influence on world processes in one of two options. In the revival of the once created by it, but later abandoned global projects - socialism and theocratic society. Although these are just hopes, not a forecast.

The second card - "The Judge" gives us the image of Trump sitting on the throne and the American flag, which covers the throne, symbolically covering the rest of the continents. Many consider this picture as recognition of the preservation of the status of the "world gendarme" for the United States. However, this view seems to me to be erroneous. Rather, it is about the fact that the election of Trump will bring to life the processes that will cover the whole world. No more. And Trump himself does not look like a Player in the image, much less a judge. Let's take a look at his figure. Mace and Orb are in the wrong hands, as they should be. That is, before us is not a direct image, but its mirror image. Trump is a puppet manifested in the world. But the puppeteer is on the other side of the mirror. And since the whole planet in front of us is also in the mirror, most likely the puppeteer is in that boundless cosmic ocean that surrounds the cards in the picture. That is, Trump is a toy in the hands of the Universe, but it is through him that divine justice will be administered. And it will affect, first of all, the most global elite.

The third map "Mir" contains images of three famous structures of mankind. The Capitol, the Reichstag and the Pyramid of Cheops, which are interconnected into a single information network through three types of Art - literature, painting and theater (acting). In general, we have an image of the project of the Eternal Reich, the fourth attempt to establish which just failed in the US elections. Or history, if you want the Biblical project itself in one of its incarnations. But the project itself is alive, although in the picture it does not appear independent, but subordinate to higher orders. On the same map, we see an image of the symbolic center of the world, from which the threads are drawn to the project on Earth. But not directly, but through two main attributes - the Book and the Face. These attributes are manifestations of a single broadcast image. As for the "center of the world", then, apparently, we are dealing with the same "Architect of the Universe", whose all-seeing eye is known to everyone who held a one-dollar bill in their hands. In general, this card expresses the desire to keep the global project unchanged or cosmetically reformed. And this is extremely interesting. Trump's victory symbolized America's victory over the idea of ​​resurrecting the Fourth Reich. And it seems like the British are in fact one of the main winners. However, this map shows that the British elite does not so much want the destruction of this project as they seek to bring it under their own control. And this is a somewhat unexpected, but very important conclusion. Of course, it requires verification, but it makes you look closely at all future events, keeping this idea in mind.

The fourth card is "The Hermit". The crowd below in the night moves under the slogans of destruction or abandonment of all global projects of the last time. And above her, on a cliff, stands a hermit holding a lantern in his hands. The lantern clearly symbolizes the illumination of the crowd on the way it is going. In the foreground is the globe, split by lightning. A hermit is a person who has rejected earthly passions, living by the Spirit, which gives him the right to show the way to the crowd. The crowd, wandering in the dark, despite clear slogans, does not understand where they are going. And only the light of a lantern shows her the way. And it is moving towards a split of the globe. Of course, not on the physical plane, but rather ideological. The unity of the West is coming to an end, for lightning destroys the world across the Atlantic. This is again more of a wishlist of the British elite. In the role of a hermit, she wants to see herself. And it seeks to break the influence of Trump's USA on Europe, which it seeks to steer itself. We will find out what will come of this next year, but the desire is manifested and imprinted in the Noosphere.

The fifth card "Death" indicates the possible risks that the world will face. Nuclear war (mushroom), epidemics (mosquitoes), famine due to lack of water. And the horseman of the Apocalypse or Death in his guise looks at all this. But he looks, standing still. As if to say, if the world turns out to be completely stricken with Madness, then its arrival will not be long in coming. And at the same time, the calm posture of death gives the world a chance to come to its senses.

The sixth card "Magician" again brings us back to a number of global projects through which the elite dreamed of enslaving the world. All of them are still at work. This is virtual reality and robotization of production using 3D printers. The Zach of Eternity above the figure of the Magician means the continuity of knowledge. This is another proposal of the world elite, which is losing power over the situation to the Universe. Like, she is ready to continue leading the world through these projects and science.

The seventh card "Wheel of Fortune" shows us a symbolic wheel, to the rim of which three famous political figures are tied. Merkel, Li Pen and Wilders. With this, Wilders is at the bottom of the wheel. He has a chance at Fortune's Smile if he takes the right actions. Obviously something like Nexit's organization. Li Peng has almost reached Fortune Peak, which means she has a good chance of winning next year's elections. Well, Frau Merkel, flying upside down from the pedestal. The peak of her fame is clearly in the past. However, she is still an active character in the Great Game. Lightning strikes Merkel, strikes from the same cloud that swirled above the Tower before. It can be assumed that the egregore of the globalists makes the last bet on Merkel, seeking to charge her with energy to continue the struggle for the Fourth Reich, since Washington has already lost. Another possible (and directly opposite) interpretation is that the same energy that destroyed the Tower is now hitting its main ally in Europe as well.

The eighth card "Star" is the most uncertain. Eight-pointed stars, this is a symbol of the star of the Virgin (and before her the star of Svarog). Not to be confused with Bethlehem, which has seven arms. Children are depicted on the stars, which, apparently, symbolizes pure Souls. The lifeless (in the spiritual sense) planet under the stars symbolizes the achieved results of human civilization, which can only be changed by the pure souls of children. And the central star, having turned into a comet, may well turn out to be a movement towards the spiritual revival of the world. At the same time, the arrangement of the stars can be viewed as a cross with four straight and diagonal rays, which possibly refers us to salvation through a return to Christian values. And this is another attempt by the elite to impose their desire on the Universe. Compare with the first card. Where it began, so it ends.

In conclusion, let me return to the beginning. The photographic image of the Universe shows us the reality of the Universe, against the background of which the drawings relating to the earthly Matrix are an attempt to reformat, but preserve the very existence of the Matrix, which gives hope for the continued control of humanity by today's world elite.


If you haven't seen the I, Pet Goat II video yet, I recommend you take a look: Message from the Illuminati, from the Heliofant team. The animation in the movie is one of the best I've ever seen, even better than the Pixar and Disney movies (although the movie isn't the longest). Obviously, this is a landmark short, containing many different characters.

A detailed transcript of this video can be viewed at

P.s. As a reminder, posted the cover of the magazine in 2016. If someone finds transcripts with forecasts, please post links to the materials in the comments or send them in a personal message, whichever is convenient for you.

The meaning of the Arcana in the forecast

SHUT - 0/22
(+) Update. Starting something from scratch. New discoveries and original ideas. Spontaneity and recklessness in actions. This Arcana is responsible for first love or love at first sight. Perhaps the birth of a child, a lot of communication with children. Jokes, fun, joy. disturbing state
(—) Stupid and inadequate actions. Do not fall into infantilism and try not to break away from the “ground” in the flow of ideas. Separate fantasy from reality. MAG - 1
(+) Lots of communication, various forms communications, sales. Signing documents, important transactions and negotiations. New ideas for projects.
(—) Manipulation, cunning tricks, gossip and intrigue. Feelings of superiority and pride. It is important to be flexible. PRIESTESS - 2
(+) Contemplation. Interest in psychology, esotericism. The desire to explore your inner world, analysis at a deep level. Information from the past may emerge, some secret may be revealed. On this day, powerful and deep realizations can occur - insights.
(—) Passivity and laziness. Superficial thinking. Unwillingness to see your shortcomings. EMPRESS - 3
(+) Creativity and art. Either you will create something yourself, or you will enjoy the art of other people: a trip to the gallery, a music concert, etc. The Empress is communication with women. A visit to a beauty salon, shopping, cosmetic procedures.
(—) In the red, the Empress wins back through overeating, clinging to money, and also through selling herself as a woman.

(+) Promotion and increase in profits. Big contracts and negotiations with superiors. The Arcana Emperor contributes to generous gifts from men, and also expect beautiful deeds and gestures from the stronger sex.
(—) Pressure, categoricalness, dictatorship, irresponsibility, inert thinking and narrow-mindedness. There may be women with masculine manners.

(+) Interest in seminars on the topic of unconditional love. Various meditations and practices. Promotion. Education and mentoring. Official or church marriage (wedding) is possible.
(—) Unwillingness to learn or arrogance, spiritual pride, superficial knowledge. Difficult lessons of the spirit.

(+) Novels, flirting, sticking to the opposite sex, sex, marriage. These are pleasant text messages, the unexpected appearance of a loved one, a romantic date, an engagement.
(—) Novels with inappropriate partners. Love breakups, love triangles. An agonizing choice in anything.

(+) Movement and development. Some trips, movements, business trips, drive trips somewhere. Career advancement. The man feels like he's on a horse. Triumph.
(—) Emotional laxity. You choke on your own emotions. Self-confidence and inability to slow down-stop. Events are unsettling.

(+) Consultation with specialists in various fields: from business to psychology. Activities related to official documents: marriage, divorce, buying a house, receiving an inheritance, setting up your business, etc.
(—) Collision with injustice, categoricalness and criticism.. Try not to hasten with assessments and condemnations, be objective.

(+) Desire to retire and be with yourself. Reflections on life. Change of world view. A pause that helps you understand where you really need to go.
(—) Depressions and decadent moods, pessimism and isolation.

(+) Good luck. Beginning of a new cycle. Trips, lifestyle changes, happy twists of fate, luckiness. Work in foreign company. Communication with foreigners or people of other cultures. Change for the better, often unexpected.
(—) Running in a circle. Inability and unwillingness to get out of the cycle of recurring events. You step on the same rake.

(+) Good luck in business development. Passion or love in personal relationships.
(—) Struggle for power. Power solution. The desire to suppress.

(+) Reappraisal of values. Immersion in feelings and sensations. This is the Arcana of Illusions, perhaps a person will see what he is very wrong about. Dreaming, to put it bluntly.
(—) The patron saint of the Hanged Man is Neptune. Neptune is also the planet of alcohol.
Hanging in relationships, in work, in illusions. debt situations. Debt is an unfulfilled promise. Projects may hang. It is important to find old beliefs and part with them. DEATH - 13
(+) Transformation and transition to a qualitatively new level.
(—) Anything can happen on this day: a flood, a fire, the physical death of someone. Random situations that hit the sick. That is, there was something integral and died. MODERATION - 14
(+) Relaxation, pleasant calm and peace. All plans are being implemented. No rush. On the Arcana Moderation, it is favorable to take care of your body and health: undergo a preventive examination by doctors, go in for sports, sign up for various anti-aging procedures in a beauty salon.
(—) Stagnation and laziness - no desire to do anything, swamp, apathy. Or you create the appearance for others that you are doing something important, but in fact you are playing the fool. DEVIL - 15
(+) An energetically powerful day. You can get a lucrative contract or a large amount of money. Managing yourself, people, money, resources. Sexual experiments are likely.
(—) On this day, it is easy to succumb to the temptation of anything: sex, finances, power and influence.

TOWER - 16
(+) The tower makes room for the new. There is an opportunity to build something real.
(—) Arkan Tower is destruction: broken illusions, crises, unexpected and lightning-fast events.

STAR - 17
(+) Consultation with an astrologer, tarot reader or psychic. Clairvoyant experience. Setting goals for the future and long-term plans. On this day, you can create something in the field of art.
(—) Laziness, postponing important things for tomorrow. Self-centeredness. The desire to be the center of attention at any cost.

MOON - 18
(+) Empathy and heightened sensitivity. Disclosure of psychic abilities.
All this arises if you are totally honest with yourself, you know how to hear and listen to yourself. Trust in yourself.
(—) Cunning, intrigue and gossip. The moon creates a feeling of some turbidity. Not knowing where to put yourself.

SUN - 19
(+) Arcana Sun promotes sincere communication and openness. Heart to heart communication. informal leadership. In business, Arkan Sun will give many generous clients, large contracts. The desire for creativity, the discovery of some talents in oneself.
Communication with children, news about pregnancy.
(—) Vanity. Inadequacy in the assessment of events. Infantile behavior, avoiding responsibility. Selfishness.

COURT - 20
(+) The court promotes deep digging and immersion in the subject of consciousness, in the subject of life and death. Creating a family or solving the problems of the parental family, receiving an inheritance. In work and business, Arkan Sud gives big contracts.
(—) Problems with banks, loans, and also in the truest sense of the word - the court. Arkan Judgment grants total renewal and completion of old cases. Unraveling karmic knots. Be prepared to make strong decisions.

WORLD - 21
(+) Communication between groups of people of different nationalities. The world is the Arcana of the Internet and telephone communication. Work on the Internet. Completion of old cycles. Liberation. Integrity and tranquility.
(-) Laziness. Passive state. Indifference.

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Here is another puzzle from the Rothschilds to the rest of the World. I want to clarify right away that this forecast is not a prophecy or a prediction, but what the forces behind them want to see. In any case, they will make every effort to ensure that all their predictions come true. Well, let's get started.

This time, The Economist presented a rebus in the form of major arcana cards, which represent the six major arcana. So we will decipher them with the help of classical maps.

The cards are arranged in two rows in order but not by value:

The top row is clearly for the US: Tower, Court, World, Hermit.

The bottom row, concerns events in Europe: Death, Mage, Wheel of Fortune, Star.

Let's look at the top row:

Undoubtedly here is the central map - Court, which has a strong influence on all other cards located in this row and on the cards below. The classic transcript of the map reads as follows:

“predicts a reward for the efforts made and the beginning of a new cycle in life. The judgment represents the spiritual rebirth of a person, redemption of the past, repentance and forgiveness, restoration of strength, awakening and renewal, predicts changes in life that will lead to more lofty goals. It is conscience, immortality, redemption and rebirth. Judgment means farewell to the past and hints at the beginning of a new stage in life..

What do we see in The Economist's image? The newly elected President of the United States, D. Trump, sits on a throne mounted on the image of America, twisted from the US flag, which covers almost the entire globe with its free end. In his hands he holds a scepter and an orb, symbolizing royal (royal, imperial) power, power over the whole World. At first it seemed to me that the scepter was crowned with a double-headed eagle (the symbol of Russia), but then I realized that I was mistaken. The scepter and orb are depicted in the classic Anglo-Saxon version, but this is not of great importance.

The card itself touches the previous one (Tower) with its upper edge, as if indicating a direct and very strong influence on it.

My decryption: According to D. Trump, he came as an emperor with his mission of rebuilding the entire World, as a reformer, as a messiah, whom humanity has been waiting for so long. The highest circles of the WORLD have long understood that further development along the path that has existed until now, will only lead humanity to a dead end. As far as one can understand, the Rothschilds made the main bet on Trump, which is why such a favorable card is in his hand.

Previous map Tower“symbolizes an object created by man, which limits the internal development. This is the fall of an era, the destruction of forms, the overthrow of values. The truth about real circumstances strikes with lightning and crushes falsehood and false goals.

The map shows the Tower, which is split by a lightning strike, on the left is a crowd under a red flag with a hammer and sickle. The red flag with a sickle is not always identified with the USSR or Russia, most likely it is a symbol of leftist movements from the Trotskyists to the Red Brigades. On the right is a crowd with a crucifix - a symbol of the Christian world. Some kind of poster is nailed to the door of the tower, most likely a decree or order. Trump's map is tilted towards the Tower, clearly indicating the events that took place during the US presidential race.

My decryption: This card advises Trump to throw away everything old, obsolete and implement new ideas. What really worries me is that the advice is not to abandon the Christian precepts (with which Trump won) and leftist ideas. It's no secret that the newly elected president was supported by the lion's share of Sanders' supporters, who are united by these principles. I don’t know, I don’t know if Trump will decide on this, but as they say, everything is possible. The fire of heaven, which personifies lightning, is the cleansing fire through which it is destined to pass.

Next map Peace: “represents the end of the adventure and the reward. This is paradise regained, liberation from attachments, completion of an endless series of incarnations, liberation from karma.

Our image: The globe, on which there are three structures, a pyramid and two temples, a clear allusion to Freemasonry (secret knowledge, secret beliefs). All buildings are connected by lines and in these lines we see a book (knowledge), a picture with a drawn moonrise (rising of Freemasonry, the Illuminati) and two theatrical masks (a symbol of hypocrisy, lies, games). In the center and at the top is the symbol of the sun with traced rays on which lie a blurred portrait of a woman and an open book.

My decryption: A very mysterious and purely Masonic card, but what can it symbolize? Possibly indicates Trump's connection to the Illuminati, or as an alternative to the Tower. The rejection of leftist and Christian ideas and the coming into the world of mystery and knowledge and unlimited power over the whole world. In fact, the alignment should symbolize this, because the alignment goes from left to right: what preceded the events - the Tower, what we now have = Judgment, what will have an impact in the near future - the World, and what we should get - the Hermit. In all likelihood, all secret Masonic organizations in one way or another will try to influence decision-making, and as a rule, at least partially take control of the politics of the White House.

Well, the last card in this row symbolizes the final result of the upper layout - Hermit: « wise and patient, feeling the path with a staff, symbolizes the inner light that does not allow you to go astray, no matter how dark it is around. He forges the sword of victory in solitude…”

Our image: The hermit stands on a high rock, leaning on a staff and holding a lantern in his outstretched hand, the light of which shows the way to a huge crowd of people walking through a deep gorge. In their hands are posters with slogans written on them. Under the rock is a globe with the image of Eurasia. The place where China should be is split. There is a waxing moon and six stars in the sky.

My decryption: The hermit is unmistakably a symbol of Trump, lighting the way for the nations who enthusiastically embraced his campaign promises to renounce the Transatlantic and Transpacific Treaties. But there is also a poster with the euro symbol, so there will be changes. A cracked China card, a promise to deal with China because of its economic policies. But why the night (shadow), because the time has come to come out of the shadows for those concepts that have been latently in the shadows for a long time.

The total for this schedule

Trump, reached the peak that he dreamed of almost all his life. Now truly royal power is concentrated in his hands, practically over the whole world, but in order to achieve the goals that he declared during the election race, he will need to renounce some allies and principles and rely on the old time-tested Masons, on their knowledge, connections, influence. And then he can achieve his desires.

The Economist is an English-language weekly news magazine. Published in Great Britain since 1843. More than half of the circulation is sold in North America. Due to its global orientation, it is not considered an exclusive English edition. Owned by the Agnelli and Rothschild families. The magazine's editor, John Micklethwaite, is a frequent guest at Bilderberg conferences, which gives him the right to receive insider information hidden from the media and the common people.

In November, The Economist prints its annual cover with predictions on next year. Knowing who owns this publication, and that the editors of the magazine have a pass to closed club meetings of a political direction, one can draw some conclusions about the plans of the world government. They love various signs, symbols, puzzles, gestures - well, let's use their weakness.

So, by 2017, there was a new cover of The Economist, which depicts tarot cards, with rather interesting illustrations. Let's decipher this work of art:

"The Tower" - "Tower"

  • By tarot cards- symbolizes the complete collapse, the destruction of the foundation that existed before this.
  • The Economist- The message is more than clear - a revolution in Russia, which many are waiting for in 2017, and the collapse of the state on the principle of the USSR. Judging by the map, the revolution will be carried out by leaders from outside, along religious and national lines. Alternative: a revolution in the post-Soviet space and a religious revolution in Europe due to the influx of Muslim refugees. The white leaf on the door is a revolution scenario that will be implemented with the help of the media.

"Judgment" - "Court"

  • By tarot cards- Despite the name, it symbolizes changes, both negative and positive.
  • The Economist- The newly elected president of America will change the course of US policy. He completely subjugated Europe and covered Russia, possibly China, etc. with his influence.

"The World" - "World"

  • By tarot cards- symbolizes the victory of man over material weaknesses.
  • The Economist- perhaps this card is not for you and me, but for secret societies. Various architecture points to Freemasons (Masons). The pyramid is the vertical of power. Theatrical masks - all life is theater / stealth. Books - knowledge (open and closed). A portrait (personality) close to the sun with rays (god, or the eye of Lucifer) is a person with the power of a god (masons of the highest degrees strive for this). 32 sectors created by the rays + the sun = 33 (all Masons strive to reach the 33rd degree - this is practically the goal of their life).

"The Hermit" - "The Hermit"

  • By tarot cards- A clairvoyant sage with a staff of knowledge.
  • The Economist- we are talking about the plans of the Council of 13 (the world's ruling elite). With the help of mass discontent, will cease to exist (STOP and NO flags are not crossed out): TTIP (crossed out flag) - Transatlantic trade and investment partnership; TPP (crossed flag) - Trans-Pacific Partnership; EU (crossed flag) - European Union. On the world map - China is separated by lightning - we are waiting for changes in this country. In the background are the pyramids, the moon and six stars.

"Death" - "Death"

  • By tarot cards- Inevitability, death.
  • The Economist- Death on a white horse - under the guise of a just cause, murders will be committed (it can also symbolize the rider of the apocalypse). Mosquitoes (the demon Beelzebub - the lord of flies) - these are our thoughts - propaganda will bring death. Dead fish in blue water - the lack of spirituality of both people and the ruling elites. Bloody (red) sun - global cataclysms. Nuclear mushroom - according to some predictions, the Third is planned for 2017 World War. Ten stones (gold coins) and three bushes - for a total of 13 - indicate Council 13. The stones also look like tombstones, and the flowers (a sign of spirituality) are withered.

"The Magician" - "The Magician"

  • By tarot cards- guides the way to the fulfillment of desires. Encourages action. The exaltation of the individual.
  • The Economist- Endless propaganda: how to live and think, what to do and get involved in, what to buy and wear. The letters VR on the glasses indicate that a kind of virtual life is being created for people, where the plot is already written, but the ruling elite of the states, which is considered, in the eyes of ordinary people, a saint (halo on background). 3D - people are clones, with the same needs and thinking (the era of consumption is artificially created)

"Wheel of Fortune" - "Wheel of Fortune"

  • By tarot cards- Fate. Ups and downs.
  • The Economist- above the ballot boxes the wheel of fate. Moreover, a wheel with a handle - which makes it clear the principle of its rotation - someone starts the wheel and stops it wherever he wants. Tied to the wheel are Marine Le Pen (France), Angela Merkel (Germany) and Geert Wilders (Netherlands). Marine Le Pen is on the rise, the sun is shining above her, or rather even the moon, hinting at the one who is spinning the wheel; Angela Merkel - on the descent, lightning strikes her, which indicates a loss of power; Geert Wilders - soon to be raised.

"The Star" - "Star"

  • By tarot cards- Hope for the best, for spiritual liberation.
  • The Economist- who are all these people? - although it doesn't matter. The card itself indicates the hope of being spiritually liberated in the Luciferian system. A burning comet is a harbinger of the apocalypse, or the Wormwood Star.

“The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water. The name of this star is "wormwood"; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” (From the Revelation of John the Theologian)

Thirteen people in the stars, this is the system in the face of the Council of 13. The fourteenth star is I (or you), which has the hope of spiritual liberation. Ten small white stars - a meaning related to the symbolism of Freemasonry.


  1. Only five colors are used in the drawings, yellow and blue are dominant, which is not fully characteristic of Rider-Waite tarot cards (perhaps a hint of the flag of Ukraine).
  2. The cards "Court" and "Star" tend to be turned over, and the inverted card has the opposite meaning: "Court" (to the right, with benefit, or left-hand rotation, which will have a different meaning - destruction) - loss of influence; "Star" (to the left, destructive, or right-hand rotation, which will have a different meaning - creation) - the loss of a chance for spiritual liberation (to get bogged down in matter). It can be assumed that these cards indicate uncertainty, unpredictability.

The Economist took the Rider-Waite tarot cards as the basis.

The Rider-Waite Tarot is one of the most popular tarot deck designs. Developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite, a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings, a prominent member of the Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Dawn is a magical order, which is an occult organization that operated in Great Britain during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, practicing theurgy, magic, alchemy and encouraging the spiritual development of its adherents. Produced one of the most powerful influences on Western occultism of the 20th century.

The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Winnie Westcott and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of the English Rosicrucian Society. Westcott is considered to be the originator of the original idea for the Golden Dawn.

The drawings of the maps were made under the direction of Waite by Pamela Colman-Smith, an English artist of American origin, also a member of the order. The first publisher of the deck was William Ryder (London), thus the deck was named after the names of the publisher and the main author. The author's explanation of the symbolism and interpretation of the cards of the deck is presented in the work of Arthur Waite "The Illustrated Key to the Tarot".

Cover of The Economist 2017

world in 2017. Trump's planet, "mushroom cloud", epidemics, elections in France and Germany, mass protests - Economist forecast

The cover of The Economist depicts what the editors think is coming in 2017.

We see Tarot cards with images that give an idea of ​​​​the main events of the new year: “the cloud is a mushroom”, the conflict of ideologies, epidemics, elections in France and Germany, mass protests and Trump in the mantle of the Judge sits above all this.

According to the publication itself, The World in 2017 contains an annual collection of detailed, well-calculated and informed forecasts for the year ahead of the Economist. The World in 2017 provides opinions from leading figures in politics, business, finance, science, technology and the arts, along with renowned journalists from The Economist and other leading news outlets.

The World in 2017 looks at the new American presidency, the Chinese Communist Party convention, French and German elections, and the political and economic challenges of Brexit. The publication draws attention to a number of important global anniversaries - 500 years since Martin Luther issued his 95 theses, 100 years since Lenin started the Russian Revolution and 10 years since Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone.

The publication includes a special section with predictions from 14 globally minded young celebrities, including a Syrian refugee-turned-photographer, ranging from a Syrian refugee-turned-photographer to an iconoclastic Chilean artist, one of the biggest new names in ballet, leading internet voices of young Africans and American women- Muslim women.

“The Economist is considered the mouthpiece of the global elite. It belongs to the Rothschild and Agnelli families. Journal editor John Micklethwaite has taken part in Bilderberg conferences several times. These are closed meetings where the most influential people in the world from different fields of activity (politics, industry, finance, media) discuss global politics. The results of these meetings and the decisions taken at them are kept secret. It is possible that The Economist employees have inside information and know something that is hidden from most people. It is likely that some of this information in the form of images is presented on the cover of the publication every year.

Famous British The magazine The Economist, owned by the powerful Rothschild dynasty, has released new number, dedicated to the forecast for 2017. A number of materials are already available in electronic format, and the issue itself is already on sale, and soon it will be available in Russia. This time, the Rothschild magazine decided to take a very unusual approach to the design of the cover.

And if earlier on the covers of such issues of the Economist, conspiracy theorists all over the world tried to read the hidden messages from the world government and the shadow elites, now the frankly occult nature of the images may intrigue those who were skeptical about such ideas. The fact is that Tarot cards were taken as a reference for the visual design of the forecast for the next year.

Map language

Tarot, as you know, is used not only in divination (a reference to the "fortune-telling" of any prediction), but is also very popular among various kinds of occultists and mystics. Most likely, the roots of the symbolic system displayed on the deck are of early Renaissance origin and are associated with European mystical systems, alchemy and astrology of this period. As a rule, the Tarot symbolism is also associated with Hermeticism, and the famous occultist of the century before last, Efalias Levi, correlated the 22 Major Arcana (trump cards) of the Tarot with 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, thereby linking the Tarot symbols with cabalistic symbols.

The popularity of Tarot cards, the use of the "language of Tarot" in the occult circles of the West, and some of the features of the cards that we see on the cover indicate that in this case the visual component is of great semantic significance. It can be divided into two layers.

1. The traditional understanding of this or that arcana of the Tarot is often very vague and contradictory. In addition, the combination of cards, as well as the absence of certain arcana, is of fundamental importance for the Tarot language. The occult message from the cover of The Economist will be read in full only by knowledgeable brothers, and we dare not reveal all their secrets.

2. Illustrating the abstracts published in the journal of materials. In this case, the Tarot theme can be read as decoration or a witty pun. The subtitle of this issue of Planet Trump can be translated from English as "Planet Trump" or "Planet of Trumps". Everyone understands how he wants. In addition, some of the images on the cards do not correspond to either the classical or late oculist versions of the Tarot decks, but their meaning, when placed in the context of the forecast for the next year, is quite transparent.
Without pretending to a complete decoding, let's take a quick look at the Major Arcana of the Tarot used on the cover.

First card - Tower (Tower) Arcana XVI

In the interpretation of Ethalias, Levi is associated with sorcery, magic, obsession, punishment. Symbolism of destruction. There are references to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, destroyed for human pride. In traditional versions of the Tarot deck, the tower is often topped with a crown that falls under a lightning strike. Also, two human figures can run out of the tower.

On the cover of The Economist, two crowds of people enter or stand a little way from the tower. One with a red flag, with a hammer and sickle, the other with a crucifix. A scroll is nailed to the tower door. Above is an image of a cross. The map refers to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia. The scroll is a reference to the Wittenberg Theses of Martin Luther, posted by him on the door of the church on October 25, 1517. This moment is considered the symbolic beginning of the Reformation. A lightning strike means the destruction of the pillars of the traditional order in the past - the Church and the Empire (the crown flying from the tower in the traditional symbolism of this Tarot arcana). In addition, this is a prediction of new revolutionary storms and upheavals in the coming year and discord in Western Christianity. The first card prophesies revolution.

The second card is Judgment, or the Last Judgment (Judgement) Arcana XX

In traditional iconography, the card depicts angels in the sky, opening tombs and the General Resurrection. Symbolism - the onset of a new era, renewal, resurrection from the dead, rebirth.

Interestingly, in this case, the editors of the Rothschild publication, placing Donald Trump on a symbolic throne made of the American flag against the background of the globe, did not start from the traditional iconography of this Arcana, but from the so-called. Tarot of Thoth, a version of the Tarot deck of the famous occultist and Satanist, and at the same time an employee of the British intelligence services Aleister Crowley. Crowley renamed the twentieth lasso to "Aeon" and introduced the figure of the Egyptian god Horus seated on the throne about the onset of whose era and the collapse of the era of the dying and resurrecting god Osiris (Christianity for Crowley), he prophesied.

The card symbolizes the beginning of a new era, the resurrection of America, a serious attitude towards Trump as a symbol of a new era, a fundamental change in the world order.

Map Three - World (World) Arcana XXII (XXI)

The last Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. Means completion, wholeness, completeness. As a rule, in classical iconography there is an androgyne figure, marking the end of the alchemical work. Perhaps we are talking about the end of liberalism and the transition of the globalist elite to other forms of control. The image on the cover of the Rothschild edition demonstrates the connection between the occult centers (pyramid), the Vatican (a building similar to St. various types arts and media. The map demonstrates the existence of a single hierarchical world system, ascending to a certain common center. We are sure that conspiracy theorists will not hesitate to begin a detailed analysis of it.

The fourth card is The Hermit. Arcana X

Associated with the symbols of initiation and the knowledge that this initiation gives. Ethalias Levi interprets the attributes of the Hermit as follows:

“So, here is a new interpretation of the accessories of the initiate: his lamp represents knowledge, enveloping his cloak - modesty, his staff is the emblem of his strength and his courage. He knows, he is determined, and he is silent."

On the cover of The Economist, a crowd of people walk past a hermit. They have posters in their hands. One of them has the word TTIP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) crossed out. At the bottom is a globe with a crack in place for North America.

The map may indicate the position of the globalist elites "initiates" in an era of change and social upheaval. On the one hand, they stand out of reach of the rebellious crowds, on the other hand, they sanctify the way for them, guide them. They no longer have serious expectations of America.

Map five - Death (The Death). Arcana XIII

Corresponds actually with the theme of death, the afterlife, necromancy, as well as the transformation that comes after death and the understanding of death as an opportunity for a new beginning. This is associated with the image of growing limbs under the scythe of death in the Marseille Tarot. What death mows, grows again.

In our case, on the map, in addition to death with a scythe, a nuclear fungus, dead fish, barren soil, and insects are depicted. It can mean wars, planned environmental disasters, the prospects for the use of nuclear weapons in the new year.

The sixth card is The Magician. Arcana I

This is the Arcana following the zero - the Fool and means, in fact, alchemical work, magic, strength. The iconography of this card is not based on the traditional Renaissance Tarot, but on the Rider-Waite deck, created in 1910 in the UK by Arthur Edward Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn occult organization. The modern magician is equipped with glasses virtual reality and manages 3d printing. The map - not only predicts new technologies, but also hints at the origins of modern science - operational magic, corresponding to the initial stages of the Great Work in medieval alchemy.

Map seventh - Wheel of Fortune (Wheell of Fortune). Arcana X

Symbolizes the inconstancy and changeability of fate. Often the wheel was depicted with people tied to it. The figure going up is moving towards strength and power. Down - to fall. The illusion of a stable state is deceptive.

The card foreshadows the coming to power in France in the elections of the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen and the defeat of Angela Merkel in the German elections. Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, will begin his move to power in the 2017 Dutch elections.

The eighth card is The Star. Arcana XVII

One of the darkest arcana. In traditional iconography, there is a naked woman with two jugs of pouring water. It can also be a bird or a butterfly and a tree or a flower. Another element of the composition is a large eight-pointed star surrounded by seven smaller ones. The card can symbolize the soul. The Economist version departs from the traditional symbolic row - instead of one and seven stars - a comet and fourteen stars, no hint of a woman's figure, a bird and a tree or flower, also present on traditional Tarot. Of all the cards, the series looks the most "profane" and the least understood. It can hint both at the emergence of new "celebrities" and at something that cannot be easily deciphered.