Sick leave stamps: type, quantity and general requirements. How many stamps should be on the sick leave

The employee handed over a certificate of incapacity for work (primary) to the accounting department, where it is indicated that the sick leave has not yet been closed and a certificate of incapacity for work has been issued (continued). How many seals medical institution should be on such a sheet? Should there be a stamp of a medical institution under the "Exemption from work" table?

On the sick leave two seals are required medical organization who issued a sick leave. In the case of sending a patient for a medical and social examination, the seal of the ITU institution is required. All seals are placed only in specially designated places.

If the employee is healthy at the time of examination, the doctor will put the date of going to work on the primary sick leave certificate, and in the sick leave office, the document will be stamped.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a certificate of incapacity for work, in which:

There are seals of a medical organization;

The doctor indicated the day of going to work or the number of the next sick leave, which is a continuation.

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits for closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended.

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department medical education and personnel policy in healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia

How the sick leave should be drawn up, according to which the organization can pay the employee sick leave

Exemption from work table

When filling out the table "Exemption from work" in the line "Surname and initials of the doctor or identification number", the surname of the doctor is indicated, then with a space in one cell, his initials (clause 57 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n) . *

In cases where the doctor's surname and initials exceed 14 characters in the first row of cells, the ending of the doctor's surname and initials can be moved to the second row of cells in this line. If these cells are not enough, that is, there are more than 28 characters in the surname and initials of the doctor, then the surname can be entered without initials. Last name does not fit in 28 cells? Then you can reduce it within the available limits.

If a medical worker draws up a sick leave according to the decision of the medical commission, then in the line "Surname and initials of the doctor or identification number", in addition to the surname and initials of the attending physician, he must indicate the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission.

There are not enough cells in the first row of the specified line to fill in the surname and initials of the attending physician (more than 14 characters), and in the second row there is not enough space for the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission (more than 14 characters)? Then only the names of the doctor (in the first row of cells) and the chairman of the medical commission (in the second row of cells) without initials can be entered. And again, if one of the names does not fit into the allotted cells, then it can be shortened.

Similar explanations are contained in paragraph 5 of the letter of the FSS of Russia dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18 / 15-12956 and paragraph 2 of the letter of the FSS of Russia dated September 14, 2011 No. 14-03-11 / 15-8605.

The line "Position of the doctor" should indicate a specific specialty (therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, ENT, etc.). If the number of letters in the name of the doctor's position exceeds nine cells, then the abbreviation is possible: "allergol", "stomatol", "ophthalmol", etc., since it allows identifying the position of the doctor.


How the second, third and subsequent sick leave certificates should be drawn up

When an employee is sick for a long time, the doctor has the right to write him several sick leaves. Each of them will be a continuation of the previous one (clause 57 of the Procedure for issuing sick leaves).

Let us consider an example of the design of the section "To be completed by a doctor of a medical organization" of a sick leave. *


An employee of LLC "Vasilek" brought three certificates of incapacity for work to the accounting department. One of them is primary and two are extensions. The third sick leave indicates that the employee must start work on August 8, 2014.

How to check that all three sick leaves refer to one insured event?


It is important for an accountant to find out how many insured events happened to an employee. To do this, he must carefully study the entries on each sick leave.

Primary certificate of incapacity for work

When filling out the primary sick leave, the health worker must fill out (sample 1): *


- the line "primary _", where the corresponding mark "V" is made. This condition is mandatory when filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, which is primary (clause 57 of the Procedure for issuing sick leaves);

- the line "Issued a certificate of incapacity for work (continued) No.", which indicates the number of the next certificate of incapacity for work (clause 62 of the Procedure for issuing sick leaves);

- the line "Other: _ _", where a two-digit code 31... This code indicates that the employee continues to be ill and he is given a new certificate of incapacity for work (continued) (clause 61 of the Procedure for issuing sick leaves). Entering the date when indicated in the sick leave code 31 The procedure for issuing sick leave is not provided.

Note: primary sick leave does not always have a continuation. If the employee is healthy at the time of examination, the doctor will put the date of return to work on the primary sick leave certificate, and the document will be stamped in the sick leave office. *

The seals can protrude outside the specially designated space, but should not fall on the cells of the information field of the certificate of incapacity for work (paragraph 3 of clause 56 and paragraph 3 of clause 65 of the Procedure for issuing sick leave certificates). If the seal nevertheless fell on the cells of the information field, then it should not interfere with the recognition of the characters indicated in these cells.

The moment of payment of benefits, if there are several sick leaves

  • - assign a temporary disability benefit - within 10 calendar days from the moment of submission of the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • - to pay the allowance - on the day that is set for the payment of wages next after the grant of the benefits.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a certificate of incapacity for work, in which: *

  • - there are stamps of a medical organization;
  • - the doctor indicated the day of going to work or the number of the next sick leave, which is a continuation.

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits for closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended. *

An incorrectly issued sick leave cannot be paid by either the employer or the Social Insurance Fund. As a result, the person does not receive the compensation due to him for the period of incapacity for work. The absence of at least one seal or signature in the appropriate place is the basis for considering the sick leave to be incorrect and invalid. That is why it is necessary to know how many stamps should be on the sick leave and in what places they should be affixed.

Minimal amount

In case of error

If there are corrections in the sick leave (only by the employer), all of them are recorded on the back of the certificate of incapacity for work and certified by the signatures of the director and accountant, and also certified by the seal of the organization.

According to the established rules, in a hospital institution, to which a citizen temporarily disabled has applied, two seals are put on the form: when opening the sick leave and when it is closed. After setting the first seal, the sheet is not handed over to the person, it is kept by the attending physician along with medical card until the moment of discharge. After the sick leave ends, the doctor or the person responsible for keeping records of the strict accountability forms puts the seal of the medical institution, signs it, makes an entry in the journal about the issue and gives it to the recipient personally. The obligation of a citizen to provide a certificate of incapacity for work at the place of work within six calendar months(how long the sick leave must be paid, find out). There cannot be less than two seals on a sick-list of a new sample.

What stamps are put by a medical institution

Triangle stamps or round

Not by the rules

If certain mistakes were violated or certain mistakes were made, then the FSS may not accept such a certificate of incapacity for work and not reimburse the employee for sick leave. These errors, among other things, include: the lack of print or its poor-quality print (and, as a result, unreadable) or print on the cells of the information field, when it interferes with the reading of the text.

The Ministry of Health has clearly established which stamps should be on the sick leave: round or triangular. Each medical institution has several types of seals. The sick leave in specially designated places is certified by triangular, in which the name of the organization or the phrase "for sick leave" is spelled out. It is assumed that organizations specific profile(drug addiction or psychiatric hospitals) may use triangular seals without the name of the medical institution. The top left corner of the form must be certified by the hospital stamp. A round seal is put only if the citizen applied not at the place of permanent residence or temporary registration. All seals must be clear, identical, legible and blue. The medical institution conducting the medical and social examination puts a triangular seal in the appropriate place.

Does the employer have to stamp the letterhead

The lower part of the form is completed by the employer after receiving the sick leave from the employee. The seal is put in the event that the organization has it. In fact, the legislation does not oblige to certify the form with the seal of all employers, therefore, the Social Insurance Fund often receives sheets certified by the signature of the head. Since a hospital certificate with the seal of a medical organization is the main document for transferring compensation for loss of working capacity, the employer is obliged to check the correctness of filling in all the fields before submitting it to the Social Insurance Fund. The seals of a polyclinic or hospital should be in a strictly designated place, not to fall on the information fields of the form. It is allowed to leave the seals outside the boundaries of the allotted place, if the filled columns remain unchanged.

Requirements for seals

Medical organizations are required to have triangular seals for filling out sick leaves, as well as round seals, which additionally certify other data. If a note is made in the form that the insured person has applied not to the place of permanent or temporary registration, then this mark is certified with a round seal. It must contain the following information: the name of the organization, legal address, INN. Certification on the form of a certificate of incapacity for work, a round or triangular seal with the signature "for sick leave", is allowed, provided that the rest of the mandatory data is registered in the stamp of the organization. The exception is psychiatric and narcological dispensaries.

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The employee handed over a certificate of incapacity for work (primary) to the accounting department, where it is indicated that the sick leave has not yet been closed and a certificate of incapacity for work has been issued (continued). How many medical institution stamps should be on such a sheet? Should there be a stamp of a medical institution under the "Exemption from work" table?


The sick leave must have two seals of the medical organization that issued the sick leave. In the case of sending a patient for a medical and social examination, the seal of the ITU institution is required. All seals are placed only in specially designated places.

If the employee is healthy at the time of examination, the doctor will put the date of going to work on the primary sick leave certificate, and in the sick leave office, the document will be stamped.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a certificate of incapacity for work, in which:

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits for closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended.

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia

How the sick leave should be drawn up, according to which the organization can pay the employee sick leave

Exemption from work table

When filling out the table "Exemption from work" in the line "Surname and initials of the doctor or identification number", the surname of the doctor is indicated, then with a space in one cell his initials (Procedure approved). *

In cases where the doctor's surname and initials exceed 14 characters in the first row of cells, the ending of the doctor's surname and initials can be moved to the second row of cells in this line. If these cells are not enough, that is, there are more than 28 characters in the surname and initials of the doctor, then the surname can be entered without initials. Last name does not fit in 28 cells? Then you can reduce it within the available limits.

If a medical worker draws up a sick leave according to the decision of the medical commission, then in the line "Surname and initials of the doctor or identification number", in addition to the surname and initials of the attending physician, he must indicate the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission.

There are not enough cells in the first row of the specified line to fill in the surname and initials of the attending physician (more than 14 characters), and in the second row there is not enough space for the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission (more than 14 characters)? Then only the names of the doctor (in the first row of cells) and the chairman of the medical commission (in the second row of cells) without initials can be entered. And again, if one of the names does not fit into the allotted cells, then it can be shortened.

Similar explanations are contained in the letters of the FSS of Russia dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18 / 15-12956 and letters of the FSS of Russia dated September 14, 2011 No. 14-03-11 / 15-8605.

The line "Position of the doctor" should indicate a specific specialty (therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, ENT, etc.). If the number of letters in the name of the doctor's position exceeds nine cells, then the abbreviation is possible: "allergol", "stomatol", "ophthalmol", etc., since it allows identifying the position of the doctor.


How the second, third and subsequent sick leave certificates should be drawn up

When an employee is sick for a long time, the doctor has the right to write him several sick leaves. Each of them will be a continuation of the previous one (Procedure for issuing sick leaves).

Let us consider an example of the design of the section "To be completed by a doctor of a medical organization" of a sick leave. *


An employee of LLC "Vasilek" brought three certificates of incapacity for work to the accounting department. One of them is primary and two are extensions. The third sick leave indicates that the employee must start work on August 8, 2014.

How to check that all three sick leaves refer to one insured event?


It is important for an accountant to find out how many insured events happened to an employee. To do this, he must carefully study the entries on each sick leave.

Primary certificate of incapacity for work

When filling out the primary sick leave, the health worker must fill out (sample 1): *

The line "primary _", where the corresponding "V" mark is made. This condition is mandatory when filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, which is primary (the Procedure for issuing sick leaves);

The line "A certificate of incapacity for work was issued (continued) No.", which indicates the number of the next certificate of incapacity for work (clause 62 of the Procedure for issuing sick leave);

The line "Other: _ _", where a two-digit code 31... This code indicates that the employee continues to be ill and he is given a new certificate of incapacity for work (continued) (Procedure for issuing sick leaves). Entering the date when indicated in the sick leave code 31 The procedure for issuing sick leave is not provided.

Note: primary sick leave does not always have a continuation. If the employee is healthy at the time of examination, the doctor will put the date of return to work on the primary sick leave certificate, and the document will be stamped in the sick leave office. *

The seals can protrude beyond the specially designated space, but should not fall on the cells of the information field of the form of the certificate of incapacity for work (and the Procedure for issuing sick leaves). If the seal nevertheless fell on the cells of the information field, then it should not interfere with the recognition of the characters indicated in these cells.

The moment of payment of benefits, if there are several sick leaves

  • - assign a temporary disability benefit - within 10 calendar days from the date of presentation of the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • - to pay the allowance - on the day that is set for the payment of wages next after the grant of the benefits.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a certificate of incapacity for work, in which: *

  • - there are stamps of a medical organization;
  • - the doctor indicated the day of going to work or the number of the next sick leave, which is a continuation.

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits for closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended. *

Is it possible to pay sick leave with a round stamp instead of a triangular one

The employee brought the sick leave with a round stamp, not a triangular one. Is it possible to pay for such a certificate of incapacity for work? Officials and experts comment.

An employee brought a sick leave with a round stamp. Our reader has encountered this for the first time, so she is afraid to prescribe a benefit on a form with an unusual stamp. Is it safe to pay for a leaflet with a round imprint, said the experts of the fund and independent experts.

Regional FSS

Alevtina Zakharova, Head of the department for administration of insurance premiums of the St. Petersburg RO FSS of the Russian Federation:

- The clinic did not violate anything, and the company has the right to pay for the leaflet if there are no errors in it. There is only one requirement for the imprint of the seal on the sheets of incapacity for work - it must contain the name of the clinic or hospital that issued the bulletin. This is stated in paragraph 56 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. An exception was made for specialized clinics: narcological, psychiatric and other similar ones. They have the right to use seals without their name. But, if you have doubts about the authenticity of the sick leave, you have the right to make a written request to your branch of the foundation. In response, the specialists will inform you whether the leaflet has been reasonably issued or not.

Veronika Toporkova, Head of the Legal Department of the State Institution - Kurgan regional office FSS RF:

- You have the right to pay sick leave with a round seal, and then apply to your branch of the fund for reimbursement of expenses. The form and procedure for filling out the sheet are approved by Order No. 624n. There are no requirements for the form of printing in the document. It only says that the print must be clear. And the name of the clinic on the seal must match the name of the organization recorded in the constituent documents.

Independent experts

Alena Limina, lawyer at MarkPrior LLC:

- The clinic has the right to use round or triangular stamps. In the current procedure, there are no requirements for the form of the impression. The seal must be legible with the correct name of the organization. In the order that was in force until 2011, there were requirements for the form of the seal. So, the doctor put a round stamp on the sheets issued to employees from other regions. For example, if a resident of St. Petersburg received a leaflet in Moscow, then a round stamp was put on it. If a local resident fell ill, then the doctor put a triangular seal. This followed from the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.08.07 No. 514. Now the order has been canceled and there are no requirements for the form of the seal.

Eldar Ziatdinov, Director of the Tax Law Department law firm GRATA:

- Printing can be of any shape, color and content. So you can pay for the sheet if it has a round, rectangular or any other stamp. But if you have doubts about the reliability of the sick leave, then it is safer to check it. It is worth clarifying the exact name of the medical organization in the Unified State Register on the website. You can also find out at your FSS branch whether this form is on the sheet or not.

Our opinion

Violetta Veckus, head of accounting and taxation department "UNP":

- Sick leave stamp can be round or triangular. This was confirmed by both the FSS specialists and independent experts. So the company is not risking anything if it pays for the round stamp. The fund must reimburse the costs. If the company doubts the authenticity of the sheet, then you can send a copy of it to the FSS branch. They will check the sick leave and answer whether it is safe to issue benefits. It is risky to pay for a leaflet only if the print on it is defective: without the name of the clinic, with an indistinct print, etc. In this case, you should ask the employee to replace the sick leave. Otherwise, the fund can withdraw expenses, and it will only be possible to defend itself in court (