How to make a customer a regular customer. How to win a client so that he becomes a permanent one? Show a personal touch

Any business is, first of all, customers. Because the level of sales, the level of profitability and overall efficiency depends on them, more precisely, on their availability and loyalty. Customer consistency is one of the foundations of business stability. The entrepreneur should pay special, close and the same constant attention to how to work with regular customers. There are many effective ways how to make a client permanent.

Regular customer

An entrepreneur must remember that a regular customer is not only a stable source of income, when loyal customers come to his store every day, buy products and goods from him, leaving, accordingly, their money for him.

It is also necessary to remember about the universal rule - "Pareto Rule" ("Pareto Principle", "Pareto Law" variants of names may be different), named after the Italian engineer, economist and sociologist. V general view it is formulated as follows: “20% of efforts give 80% of the result. The remaining 80% of the efforts give the remaining 20% ​​of the result. " This rule is universal for different spheres of human life.

In business, in particular, in retail, this rule is formulated as follows: 20% of buyers give 80% of the store's proceeds. The rest of the revenue, amounting to 20% of the total, comes from purchases from 80% of buyers. Among the latter there may be, for example, casual, rare visitors who come to the store from time to time, etc.


Of course, among those 20% of buyers who provide 80% of the store's income and profits, there may also be random people. But, most likely, the majority are all the same regular customers.

In this regard, the task of the entrepreneur is to ensure that the largest buyers, who provide the largest part of his income and profits, become his regular customers. For this, it is necessary to carry out special work, introduce and implement measures aimed at making them permanent.

How to make a client permanent

In fact, there are many ways to do this. In general, a customer will become a regular when he comes to your store again and again:

It's nice, he will get moral satisfaction.

Returning to your store and making purchases over and over again is beneficial for him in material terms, that is, in terms of money. The main tool for this is discounts to customers.

Specific ways to make a customer a regular:

1. Discounts for regular customers... This is a kind of buying their loyalty. Discounts to clients for permanence can be issued in various ways, there are many of them.

For example, a loyal customer card that gives a discount on every next purchase. This is perhaps the most common way. Such cards can be different: simple, "gold", etc., they differ mainly in the size of the discount.

Usually this is from 5% on simple cards to 20% and even 30% for VIP-clients who leave significant amounts of money in the store, so the entrepreneur has the opportunity to provide him with such a significant discount without prejudice to himself.

Such a loyalty card can be personalized, issued for a specific person, personalized is usually made for the owner of large discounts. It can be bearer, that is, without specifying the name of the owner.
Find out,

The last bearer customer card is also beneficial in that it expands the number of customers, including regular customers, when a circle of people - friends, relatives, colleagues of the owner of this card - uses one card with a small but pleasant discount.

2. Bonuses and gifts constant for each subsequent purchase. For this, a loyal customer card can also be issued.

3. "Cash Back"- cash refund, if you translate this term into Russian. To do this, a plastic card is drawn up, like a card with a discount, to which the amount of money or points from each purchase is credited. The accumulated money and points will subsequently be spent on the next purchase.

For example, a person bought goods in a store for 5,000 rubles, and the “Cash Back” on his card is 5%. This means that 250 rubles will be automatically credited to his card after purchase and payment. In other words, the store will return these 250 rubles from the payment amount.

Having accumulated some amount, he can make another purchase, which in fact will be free for him. Well, and accordingly, in order to save up for such a free regular purchase, the buyer will have to become a regular customer of this store at least for a while.

4. Coalition activities... This is when several businesses that are not competitors to each other, as they work in different areas, are united in such a way that a person, buying a product at any of the coalition points, receives a discount.

The coalition can form, for example, a fitness club, a store sportswear, sporting goods store and a sports and health food store.

Another very popular example of coalition programs is special bank cards... By issuing a certain card in a bank, a person gets the opportunity to buy goods and services in a large number of shops, salons, etc., which are served in this bank. Such a system is beneficial to all participants: the buyer receives a discount on purchases, stores receive discounts on servicing at the bank, and the bank receives current assets in the form of money of organizations that are served in this bank.

5. It is necessary constantly keep up to date with news: new items, promotions, etc. If a purchase or a customer's order implies that it will not be completed immediately, but in stages, it is necessary to inform about the state of affairs at each stage of the order. For example, during the delivery of the goods to the buyer, it is important to know where right now, at this moment in time, the purchased (ordered) goods are located.

6.With buyers required always be honest and open... Even if something does not work out in the process of fulfilling an order, you need to talk about it openly and frankly, not hiding it. This is especially important when working with those clients who are already regular, so as not to lose them. The entrepreneur himself will have to learn to be honest, as well as teach his managers and specialists.

8. The buyer will return to you when he was satisfied service level... This applies, in particular, to the politeness of salespeople, managers and consultants. They should always be in sight, but not intrusive.

Of course, the seller must be competent and ready to answer any (within reasonable and adequate limits) questions of the buyer.

The above ways to make a client permanent are not the only ones - there are many. It all depends on the specific type of business, on what exactly is being sold, where it is being sold, and on specific conditions.

Different methods can be effective for a long time. Some may only be effective for a certain amount of time. Therefore, the entrepreneur must also carry out work on measuring the effectiveness: to what extent and what result was given by this or that event to increase loyalty. The fact is that if you get carried away with meeting the needs of the client, you may not notice how some activities can start to bring only a loss.

How do you make your customers regular customers?

The client is perhaps the most important and key link in the implementation of any business, because it is he who is the final consumer of the results of the entire commercial process.

In the context of market development and competition, considering the client as an object for the needs of which the business is directed becomes extremely important. With the development of marketing and diversified client research, principles and approaches have been developed that allow you to optimize many business processes in which the client is a direct participant.

Attraction and retention of customers is becoming one of the most important areas. That is, the transformation of a one-time buyer of a product or service into a permanent follower.

This is true for any type of business, be it a car wash service, a small shop, or a large engineering research and construction company. Naturally, from the specifics commercial activities approaches to work with clients also depend.

For business in the field retail goods or services, there are several main areas that should be considered as key in working with clients:
- price policy;
- service quality policy;
- the policy of attracting and building customer loyalty.

A balanced approach in all directions is able to ensure the flow and maintenance of the customer base at a high level.

From these three directions follow the moments that the client is guided by and which are able to directly influence his choice towards one or another seller:
- general price level
- quality of service
- one-time discounts
- discounts, bonus programs
- accompanying services
- personal communication, maintaining contact with the client.

Price policy in working with clients is extremely important, and largely determines the level of commercial profit of a business. However, in the context of growing competition, when price reductions become unprofitable, this trend fades into the background.

In most cases, prices for goods and services (especially with a large number of sellers) are set at a certain balanced level, below which none of the sellers will fall, due to the lack of the required profit, and above which no one will rise, due to the loss clients.

Changes in the price level up or down at sellers it is sometimes due to the development and application of other methods in working with clients.

With similar pricing approaches, other methods of attracting buyers are beginning to come to the fore. The quality of service is the most important indicator that is able to attract buyers, even though the prices are somewhat overpriced.

Pay attention to how much more pleasant it is to visit the shops where the rooms are clean, friendly and polite staff, a wide selection of quality products, small queues, and other attractive moments. You want to come back to such shops again and again for shopping.

One-time discounts, used most often in the form of promotions, are attractive not only for customers, but also for sellers, allowing them to get rid of an unprofitable product or, for example, a product that is approaching the end of its sale period. One-time discounts for new product create a flow of customers, which is a prerequisite for purchases of other goods.

Discounts, they are systems cumulative discounts, are a way to attract a customer when he receives, depending on the amount of previously made purchases, more and more discounts on subsequent purchases. Such a popular system has existed for a long time and has proven itself very well both in the field of goods and services.

However, it is being replaced more often by a bonus system. when the customer accumulates some points from previous purchases, which he can spend on purchasing goods from the same seller.

The fundamental difference between these systems is that with a discount system, making a discount, the seller loses in profit, and with a bonus system, the client returns to the seller again for the goods.

Now it is more rational to use bonus programs as a tool to attract consumers. These programs offer significant advantages over regular discounts.

Clients see a certain value in the accumulation of bonuses, which ensures the result, which is called the retention effect.
A person, knowing that he has some kind of bonuses in your company, it will be difficult enough to refuse its services in order to turn to another. In addition, it is cheaper for the firm to provide bonus points.

After all, obligations under them can be delayed or overdue, and bonuses, as a result, are cheaper for the company than discounts.

Discount for a specific product the ruble is worth in case of unrealized income, and the bonus ruble is much cheaper. Thus, the difference between these rubles remains in the company. Some bonuses generally remain unclaimed, which is a plus for the company's profitability.

It should be noted that discounts attract consumers not to a specific brand, but only to low prices... By using its own currency - bonus points, the company has the opportunity to reward those best customers that it already has and those that will, and in the future build long-term relationships with them that bring mutual benefit.

The intermediate currency rewards a consumer's loyalty to a particular brand.

Application related services has become a very common means of attracting customers, for example customization services and not warranty repair in the shop consumer electronics, atelier services in a clothing store (where you can hem or fit the item you like), and others.

Experience shows that such services are capable of inspiring confidence in the company among clients, and elevating it in the eyes of the consumer over competitive companies.

You also need to attract customers through personal communication. Having contacts of the consumer, the company gets the opportunity to convey to him its special offers, services, promotions, which allows attracting the attention of the client. There are databases of phone numbers with which you can get the contact information of your target group, and send people your suggestions.

But a smarter marketing approach- This is the introduction of the contact information of their customers in their own database, that is, the creation of the so-called customer base. For example, when a person buys something from your company, you can invite him to fill out a questionnaire for a discount card or bonus (under certain conditions), and make a question about contact information as one of the questionnaire questions.

Thus, you will be able to send SMS messages to your customers, and inform about special offers, discounts, sales, or call them and communicate in person.

Also an effective means of attracting customers is the so-called spam - the distribution of advertising information about a company, its services, promotions, and so on through e-mail boxes.

We see that the customer base can be formed in two ways - using open data sources, and using internal company data (for example, information from the sales department). If you use data from your customer base wisely, you can achieve significant sales and profit growth.

First, the base should be categorized by highlighting large customers, as well as those who carry out only one-time or haphazard orders. Depending on the volume of customer purchases, special conditions to work with them (prices for goods, the possibility of installments, promotional events, ensuring delivery, and so on).

Then the account managers call all the buyers, making each category their own offer, in accordance with the compiled script. This method is great for the overall development of the company and revenue growth.

Thus, it becomes clear that attracting consumers is a complex process that consists of several sets of special measures aimed at creating a sustainable mechanism for working with clients.

Only if all the components of this mechanism are optimized, effective interaction between the company and its customers will become possible. In case of a positive result, it will be possible to achieve a significant increase in the profitability of the enterprise.

Imagine a situation: two lash stylists, each of whom makes wonderful lashes. Master 1 is professional and fast, you always leave her satisfied with your eyelashes. Master 2 is also professional and fast, but also very friendly and charismatic. Here you can relax and make yourself comfortable, and pleasant music plays in the background. The session always begins not only on time, but also with aromatherapy or even a scalp massage. The master always remembers what her client discussed with her, shows a sincere interest in his life. You always leave her relaxed and insanely satisfied. Which of these two girls will they sign up for again? There is a lot of competition in the beauty industry, so finding a way that you can distinguish yourself from the rest of the masters is simply necessary to grow your business. And impressing customers with caring for them is a wonderful way to build trust.


Your clients can go eyelash extensions anywhere, but they come to you! It is very important to show how much you value them. An easy way to do this is to develop a personal relationship with everyone. Memorize stories and ask questions, show interest and show that you care. Best friends it is not necessary to become (although this sometimes happens), but it is necessary to show that clients are not just walking wallets for you. Give them small gifts for the holidays. Offer the service for free on birthdays. Arrange an event. Even a simple thank you card can make a big difference.


Always try to book the client for the next session on the spot. Suggest a convenient date and try to negotiate right away. If a person is not ready to re-enroll right away, do not forget about him. Send a message or e-mail asking how your eyelashes are doing and remind you to schedule the next session until your schedule is overwhelmed.


It can be either simple coupons or a more complex accumulative system. Earn points for re-registering on site, recommending new customers, or every 100 rubles spent. Whatever you choose, the main objective programs - to make clients feel special, to let them know that they use your services on good terms and get rewards for it. Reward customers who qualify for the program with free or discount services. Always keep a close eye on the progress of your program. You can't start a program and forget about its existence, or you can't let customers use the promotional services that you offered.


It happens that you constantly see the client throughout long months, and then he seems to disappear from the face of the earth. It is always useful to call those people who haven’t looked at you for a long time. Perhaps they have changed their place of residence, or perhaps they need an incentive to go back. They all had clients who said they wanted to "take a break" from building up. Don't forget about them! Let them know how much you miss them by offering fifty percent off your next session.

Find a client, earn his trust, agree on payment, and he will order 1 logo, commercial proposal or the text about the company and disappear. She won't even say thank you. Or he will say, but something like "everything is cool, thank you!", And then leave forever.

Russian Railways, Gazprom and other reputable companies can make beautiful videos. The result is not needed there, you need to master the advertising budget by pinching a piece from it. But small businesses cannot throw money around. Your ad investment should pay off.

The best way to guarantee the end result is to work with the client until the result, before the sales. This is what I do:

  • I help to set a task based on real needs (text is not needed, orders, clients, money are needed);
  • I collect, create advertising material, working out an advertising idea, forming a USP and telling how to use it all;
  • I control the designer and layout designer so that everything is as I intended;
  • I prepare banners for advertising on the Web or set up advertising in YAN and AdWords on a turnkey basis;
  • I look at customer behavior, measure conversion and adjust the material to the best result.

The customer sees that the result of working with me is profit, in addition to advertising costs, that the investment pays off. There are results and they can be measured in a specific amount of money. Who do you think the customer should contact when they need to sell something again?

Hand over the text NOT to the customer, but to the Client. Test ads, because this is the only way you will grow in your profession.

What if you do not do advertising, but build houses from a bar? It is useless to accompany the client, but you can come at the end of the warranty period and look at the condition of the house, take photos and take a review from the client “after 3 years”.

Result is more important than applause

If the results are in the form of profit, then you are not afraid of competitors. The hens that lay the golden eggs are not exchanged for regular layers, even if they are good.

Reminders saving contacts

Close communication with customers is the way to reorder. When I start working with a new person, I look closely at him, and if everything suits me, then I go for rapprochement, making maximum touches and leaving reminders about myself.

Reminders are:

  • maximum amount contacts through different communication channels (I write to the mail, in social networks, send SMS, call by phone, correspond in WhatsApp / Viber, call in Skype);
  • free checklists;
  • adding customer contacts;
  • business cards (in person);
  • letter signatures, headers and footers in word and

This is necessary so that the client has the maximum number of activated ways to contact me. Have your phone stolen? Not a problem, you can pick up the correspondence, open a word document, watch Skype and find the copywriter who.

Full version the order return form can be found in the article "". By the way, in, the form can also be made, it will not be superfluous.

Get closer to a client with whom you easily found a common language.

What else can you do?

You offer dozens of different services, but the client does not know about it. And he won’t know! Because I came with a specific task: to make a logo, set up advertising in Yandex.Direct. He will not study your site and look for additional information to understand how you can still help him. There are several reasons.

People are different. One person thinks a copywriter is a specialist who writes advertising texts, the other thinks that the texts are for websites, and the third is sure that the copywriter creates advertising slogans! The level of awareness among clients is different, as is the list.

If you do not tell us how you can be useful, the Client will not know about it.

After completing the task, I send the client a selling price list. This is a marketing document in PDF format. It indicates:

  • the services that I sell
  • benefits from these services (not longread, but promotion to the TOP, increasing the loyalty of site visitors, demonstrating expertise, selling through customization),
  • material cost,
  • 10% discount and conditions for its receipt.

If the client was comfortable working with you, and he considers the task completed perfectly, then the price list will be in the subject. You will be ordered a few more services, and maybe the price list itself. There have been such things.

Customer and customer loyalty is hard to earn. This requires a lot of hard work. But this is not enough - you need to know how to retain the client, make him permanent and ensure that he comes back again and again.

Maintain consistent quality

Stability is a factor that invariably attracts customers. If they can be confident that they will always get exactly what they expect, they will definitely turn into regulars.

Example: wherever in the world you visit a McDonalds restaurant, the taste of a hamburger will be the same. It is the benchmark for standardization and consistent quality.

Help solve customer problems

If you help your customers deal with a problem they are concerned about, they will never go to the competition.

Example: fast service. Modern man is pressed for time and does not want to wait. Serve your customers as quickly as possible and they will respond with loyalty.

Provide customers with maximum comfort

Example: a cooler with water in the lobby, magazines for viewing in the waiting area, an additional service to the main service.

Offer a unique product or service

Example: smartphones existed before the iPhone. But this device was unique in everything - there were no such phones on the market.

Give free presentations or tastings

The opportunity to test a product, product or service for free will help to win the sympathy of customers and make them permanent.

Build a habit in shoppers

Example: entering a supermarket, a person knows that desired product or its equivalent will always be in stock. This customer has a habit of shopping in one place.

Suggest innovations

Stability is good. But the client shouldn't be bored. Sometimes you need to be pleasantly surprised to make a person want to come back.

Example: replacing plastic packaging bags for environmentally friendly paper.

Do you want your customers to come back to you again and again? Follow these tips!