How to make a request to the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the Pr. Labor-Expert.Management

1) Responsible for civil defense

In order to carry out civil defense activities, employers are required to create a civil defense structural unit in the organization or appoint an employee who will be responsible for civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ, Article 14 of the Law of December 21 1994 No. 68-FZ).

The number of employees in a civil defense unit depends on the total number of employees of the organization and on whether the organization continues to work in wartime or not.

To find out which category an organization belongs to, it is necessary to write a request to the civil defense and emergency department of the territorial body of local self-government with a request to clarify the organization's powers to address issues in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies. Make a request in any form.

So, in organizations that do not belong to the civil defense categories, but continue to work in wartime, with the number of employees:

up to 200 people - work on civil defense can be performed by one of the employees of the organization on an internal part-time job. It is impossible to apply for a combination in such a position (clause 6 of the Regulations approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of July 31, 2006 No. 440); over 200 people - 1 employee.

In organizations that belong to the categories of civil defense and continue to work in wartime, with the number of employees:

up to 500 people - 1 employee; from 500 to 2000 people - 2-3 employees; from 2000 to 5000 people - 3-4 employees; over 5000 people - 5-6 employees.

In organizations that stop working in wartime, it is not necessary to appoint a separate employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, so the functions of such an employee can be assigned to another employee of the organization to combine. For example, to entrust the work of civil defense to a labor protection specialist for combination.

This is stated in paragraph 6 of the Regulations, approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of July 31, 2006 No. 440.

It should be noted that in any case, it is necessary to introduce the position of an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations into the staffing table, regardless of how the employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense will be formalized: internal part-time or combined positions.

Since for the registration of a combination of posts, the position must also be provided for in the staffing table (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only difference is what at internal combination the employee performs additional work in his spare time from his main job (Article 60.1 and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, the employer enters into a separate agreement with the employee labor contract(Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And when combining positions, the employee is engaged in additional work during his normal working day. Wherein extra work payable and possible only with written consent employee (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Persons who have appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to the positions of civil defense workers (clause 10 of the Regulations approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of July 31, 2006 No. 440).

Qualification requirements for an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations are in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 10, 2009 No. 977.

Thus, an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations must have a higher professional (technical) education and training in a special program for civil defense and emergencies.

Additional professional education or coursework in the field of civil defense can be taken:

V educational organizations who have the appropriate license,including in educational and methodological centers for additional professional program in the field of civil defense;

in civil defense courses.

This is stated in paragraph 23 of the annex to the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of November 13, 2006 No. 646.

The head of the organization cannot fulfill the duties of the authorized person for civil defense and emergency situations, but at the same time he is also obliged to undergo training in civil defense and emergency situations.

Therefore, the organization must have at least two trained: the head of the organization and the employee responsible for civil defense (clause 3 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841).

If a civil defense department is created in an organization, then the deputy director of the organization can be appointed as the head.

Such a procedure is provided for in paragraph 5 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 782, and paragraph 5 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 No. 547.

The main functions and tasks that a unit or an authorized employee solves are established in the Approximate Regulation approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of July 31, 2006 No. 440. The job responsibilities of a civil defense and emergency engineer can be found in the job description.

Appoint an employee who will be authorized to solve civil defense tasks in the organization by order.

2) Employee training.

The training procedure is established in the Regulation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841.

Thus, all employers must:

develop a program term paper civil defense training for employees; conduct term paper training of employees according to the approved program;

develop a program for conducting introductory briefings on civil defense with employees;

organize and conduct an introductory briefing on civil defense with newly hired employees during the first month of their work.

Programs coursework and introductory briefing are developed on the basis of the exemplary program of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 22, 2017 No. 2-4-71-8-14.

3) Introductory briefing

To conduct an introductory briefing with an employee when applying for a job, develop an introductory briefing program based on the exemplary program of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated February 22, 2017 No. 2-4-71-8-14.

Coordinate the developed program in the department of civil defense and emergency situations of the territorial body of local self-government (subparagraph "c" of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the training of the population in the field of civil defense, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841).

Based on the program, create an instruction on civil defense and emergency situations.

An introductory briefing with new employees is carried out by an employee who is responsible for civil defense in the organization.

The briefing must be carried out within one month after the recruitment of a new employee.

During the introductory briefing, the responsible officer introduces the new employee to the instruction and communicates general knowledge of civil defense, in particular:

damaging factors of sources of emergency situations that are typical for the territory of residence and work, as well as weapons of mass destruction and other types of weapons;

the procedure for the signal "ATTENTION ALL!";

rules for the use of personal and collective protection equipment in emergency situations, as well as fire extinguishing equipment available in the organization;

the procedure for action in case of a threat and the occurrence of emergencies, military conflicts, the threat and commission of terrorist acts;

first aid rules.

This is stated in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 5 of the Regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841.

At the end of the briefing, the responsible employee verbally checks the knowledge acquired by the employee. After the briefing, the employee signs the instruction and receives one copy of the instruction in his hands. The employee is obliged to keep his copy of the instruction at the workplace.

Enter the data on the introductory briefing in the log of the introductory briefing on civil defense. The form of the journal is arbitrary. In the log, make a note about the date of its holding with the signatures of the instructed and instructing.

4) Coursework

To conduct coursework for employees of the organization, develop a training program based on the exemplary program of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated February 22, 2017 No. 2-4-71-8-14. Coordinate the developed program in the department of civil defense and emergency situations of the territorial body of local self-government(subclause "c" clause 5 of the Regulations on the training of the population in the field of civil defense, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841).

Conduct training according to the program annually in the amount of at least 16 hours.

Divide the employees of the organization into study groups. The number of employees in the group should be no more than 25 people, taking into account the positions of employees, as well as the characteristics of their professions.

Conduct classes monthly throughout the year, excluding the months of mass vacations of employees of organizations work time. Conducts classes employee who is responsible for civil defense in the organization.

Approve the training plan for the academic year by order in any form.

Training consists of theory and practice. In theoretical classes, employees need to tell the material on the topic orally, as well as visually, using modern training programs, videos, posters and other visual aids.

Practical classes consist of training and complex classes. Conduct training to develop, maintain and improve the necessary practical skills for workers in the use of individual and collective protective equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment and first aid.

Conduct a comprehensive session to prepare employees for action in various conditions. During a complex lesson, employees consistently work out the correct and monotonous actions in a specific situation.

The employee responsible for training keeps records of the presence of employees in the classroom in the register. The form of the journal is arbitrary. Journals lead to each study group and kept by the organization for one year after completion of training.

In the end school year issue an order on the results of employee training in any form.

We wrote a letter to the Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations with a request about our category and powers in civil defense. But no official response has been received. We were only sent a package of documents that need to be filled out without a cover letter. We wrote again e-mail with a request to respond to our request. But we never got an answer. They said verbally that they had nothing to write to us. How can we be in such a case?


Answer to the question:

If the organization has not been informed by the authorized body that it has been assigned a category for civil defense and emergency situations, then such an organization is considered uncategorized.

Regional authorities, in agreement with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, assign civil defense categories to organizations:

With a mobilization task, or

high risk of disaster, or

unique cultural status.

These organizations are assigned:

If an organization is assigned a civil defense category, it will be notified by the relevant authority. The rest of the organizations are considered uncategorized.

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and civil defense category, are required to carry out civil defense activities and train their employees in the field of civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ).

Thus, organizations must:

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Answer: How can an employer organize civil defense work in an organization and train employees

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, must conduct introductory briefings on civil defense with new employees. And with everyone else, you need to conduct coursework once a year. To do this, you need to appoint a person responsible for civil defense. The number of employees who will do this depends on whether the organization has a civil defense category and whether it will continue to work in wartime.

To conduct introductory briefing and coursework, organizations need local acts. In this answer you will find samples of introductory briefing and coursework that comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Obligation to carry out civil defense measures

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are required to carry out civil defense activities and train their employees in the field of civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ).

Thus, organizations must:

 plan and conduct civil defense activities;

 carry out activities to maintain its sustainable functioning in wartime;

 train their employees in the field of civil defense;

 create and maintain in a state of constant readiness for use local warning systems if they are available in the organization;

 create and maintain stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means for the purposes of civil defense.

Civil defense and emergency protection systems (civil defense and emergency situations) are needed in order to:

 carry out emergency rescue operations and other urgent actions in the seat of the disaster;

 ensure the stable operation of the facility in an emergency and prevent an increase in the scale of the disaster.

Responsible for civil defense

In order to carry out civil defense activities, employers are required to create a civil defense structural unit in the organization or appoint an employee who will be responsible for civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ, Article 14 of the Law of December 21 1994 No. 68-FZ).

The number of employees in a civil defense unit depends on the total number of employees of the organization and on whether the organization is classified as civil defense or not.

To find out which category an organization belongs to, it is necessary to write a request to the civil defense and emergency department of the territorial body of local self-government with a request to clarify the authority of the organization to address issues in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations. Make a request in any form. Similar explanations are given by specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in a letter dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8.

So, in organizations that are not classified as civil defense, it is not necessary to appoint a separate employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, so the functions of such an employee can be issued to another employee of the organization in combination or combination. For example, entrust the work of civil defense to a labor protection specialist or a personnel specialist.

This is stated in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Regulations approved by the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated May 23, 2017 No. 230. Similar explanations are given by specialists of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in a letter dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8.

Attention: it should be noted that in any case, it is necessary to introduce the position of an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations in the staffing table, regardless of how the employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense will be formalized: internal part-time or combined positions.

Since for the registration of a combination of posts, the position must also be provided for in the staffing table (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only difference is that with an internal part-time job, the employee performs additional work in his spare time from his main job (Article 60.1 and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employer concludes a separate employment contract with the employee (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And when combining positions, the employee is engaged in additional work during his normal working day. At the same time, additional work is subject to payment and is possible only with the written consent of the employee (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

 up to 500 people – 1 individual worker;

 from 501 to 2000 people - 2-3 separate employees;

 from 2001 to 5000 people - 3-4 individual employees;

 more than 5001 people – 5-6 individual employees.

The number of individual employees in representative offices and branches of organizations that belong to the civil defense categories:

 from 200 to 500 people according to staffing– 1 employee;

 from 501 to 1000 people according to the staff list - 2 employees;

 from 1001 to 2000 people according to the staff list - 3 employees;

 from 2001 to 5000 people according to the staff list - 4 employees;

 over 5001 people according to the staff list - 5 employees.

Quantity structural divisions or individual employees authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, in representative offices and branches of the organization, are established by a local regulatory act.

The heads of structural divisions (employees) for civil defense of the organization are subordinate to the head of the organization.

This is stated in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Regulations, approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of May 23, 2017 No. 230.

When determining the number of civil defense workers in organizations, as well as in their representative offices and branches that carry out their activities in the field of education, they take into account total full-time students, and in the field of healthcare, the number of patients undergoing treatment in a hospital is taken into account (clause 6 of the Regulation approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Persons who have appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to the positions of civil defense workers (clause 9 of the Regulations approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Additional professional education or coursework in the field of civil defense can be completed:

 in educational organizations that have an appropriate license, including educational and methodological centers for an additional professional program in the field of civil defense;

 Civil defense courses.

Attention: the head of the organization cannot fulfill the duties of the authorized person for civil defense and emergency situations, but at the same time he is also obliged to undergo training in civil defense and emergency situations. Therefore, the organization must have at least two trained: the head of the organization and the employee responsible for civil defense (clause 3 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841).

Qualification requirements for civil defense workers are established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 10, 2009 No. 977, as well as in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 3, 2013 No. 707n. Thus, an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations must have a higher professional (technical) education and training in a special program for civil defense and emergency situations.

If a civil defense department is created in an organization, then the deputy director of the organization can be appointed as the head.

Such a procedure is provided for in paragraph 5 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 782, and paragraph 5 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 No. 547.

The main functions and tasks that a unit or an authorized employee solves are established in the Approximate Regulation approved by the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated May 23, 2017 No. 230. Approximate official duties a civil defense and emergency worker can be found in the job description.

Appoint an employee who will be authorized to solve civil defense tasks in the organization by order.

Ivan Shklovets,
Deputy Head Federal Service for work and employment

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

Expert Systems Personnel

Ministry Russian Federation for civil defence,
emergency situations and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters
disasters (EMERCOM of Russia)


development and composition of the section
"Engineering and technical measures of civil defense.
Measures for the prevention of emergency situations"
urban planning documentation for urban and
rural settlements, other municipalities

SP 11-112-2001


Developed by the Open Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (JSC "TsNIIpromzdaniy"), the State Expert Review of EMERCOM of Russia projects, the State Enterprise "CENTRINVESTproekt" of the Gosstroy of Russia, the State unitary enterprise of Moscow "Expert and Innovation Center for Civil Defense and Emergencies" (GUP "EkInTs"), the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow (GUP NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow), Limited Liability Company "" Engineering Consulting Center "Promtekhbezopasnost" (LLC "EC "Promtekhbezopasnost").

Introduced by the Department of Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations and the Department of Civil Protection of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Adopted by order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated October 29, 2001 No. 471 DPS and entered into force on January 1, 2002.

Developed for the first time.

Orderdevelopment and composition of the section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations" of urban planning documentation for the territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities: a system of regulatory documents in construction. Code of Practice for Design and Construction.

With the introduction of this Code of Rules, VSN GO 38-83 "Instructions on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving the section of engineering and technical measures of civil defense in the schemes and projects of district planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements" becomes invalid.


1 area of ​​use

3. General provisions

4. Initial data and requirements for the development of the section

5. Composition and content of the section

5.1. General instructions

5.2. Territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils)

5.3. Master plans for urban and rural settlements

5.4. Projects features of urban and rural settlements, features of other municipalities

5.5. Projects for planning parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements

5.6. Territory Surveying Projects

5.7. Projects for the development of quarters, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements

6. Section review

Annex A (mandatory). Basic terms and definitions


The development of the section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations" as part of all types of urban planning documentation is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for the development and composition of the section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures for the prevention of emergency situations" of urban planning documentation for the territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities covers a range of issues on civil defense and the prevention of natural and man-made emergencies, is considered at the stage of urban planning development of territories of settlements and parts of settlements.

The order and composition were developed by a team of authors consisting of: Yu.V. Aleshin, M.V. Petrov, V.A. Sovko (State expertise of projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia); A.G. Belyaev, S.V. Blinkov, A.I. Martyanov, E.S. Matveev (JSC "TsNIIpromzdaniy"); N.N. Pavlov, V.I. Puliko (SE "TSENTRINVEST"); V.V. Belov, V.N. Fox (GUP "EkInTs"); Yu.V. Minaev, A.A. Khomko (Moscow Architecture Committee); V.D. Faraponov (NUP NIIPI of the General Plan of Moscow); S.P. Zemtsov, S.V. Strelko (LLC "EC "Promtekhbezopasnost").



1.1. This document establishes:

the procedure for obtaining initial data and requirements for the development of the section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations" (hereinafter referred to as the section "ITM GOChS") of urban planning documentation for the territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities 1 of the Russian Federation;

composition and content of the section;

section review procedure.

The document is intended for customers of urban planning documentation, design organizations, bodies specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense (CS), tasks for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations (ES), under the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments (hereinafter referred to as the civil defense and emergency management bodies) and other legal and individuals- participants in urban planning for the development of territories of settlements and parts of settlements.


1 Urban planning documentation for the territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities includes:

territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils);

master plans for urban and rural settlements;

projects features of urban and rural settlements, features of other municipalities;

planning projects for parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as the planning project);

land surveying projects;

projects for the development of quarters, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as the development project).

1.2. The procedure for the development and composition of sections on the protection of territories and settlements from the impact of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as on civil defense and emergency prevention measures in urban planning documentation at the federal level and the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is regulated by a separate regulatory document.


This Code of Practice uses references to the following documents:

Federal Law "On Civil Defense" (No. 28-FZ of February 12, 1998).

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (No. 73-FZ of 07.05.98).


SNiP 2.01-57-85 "Adaptation of public utility facilities for the sanitization of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock of vehicles."

GOST R 22.0.02-94 "Safety in emergency situations. Terms and definitions of basic concepts" (with Amendment No. 1, entered into force on 01.01.2001 by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 05.31.2000, No. 148-st.).

GOST R 22.3.05-96 "Safety in emergency situations. Life support of the population in emergency situations. Terms and definitions".

GOST R 22.0.05.-94 "Safety in emergency situations. Technogenic emergencies. Terms and definitions".

GOST R 22.0.10-96 "Rules for mapping emergency situations on maps".

GOST 22.0.002-86 "The system of civil defense standards of the USSR. Terms and definitions".

VSN VK4-90 "Instruction for the preparation and operation of drinking water supply systems in emergency situations."


3.1. When carrying out urban planning activities, the design solutions of the section "ITM GOChS" should ensure the protection of territories and settlements and the reduction of material damage from the impact of emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature, from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as from sabotage and terrorist acts.

The terms and definitions used in the design are given in Appendix A.

3.2. The development of sections "ITM GOChS" of any type of urban planning documentation is carried out in the presence of an appropriate license issued in the prescribed manner.

3.3. When developing the section "ITM GOChS", it is necessary to be guided by the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, state urban planning regulations and rules, building codes and regulations, state standards in the field of construction, civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

3.4. The section "ITM GOChS" is subject to approval in the prescribed manner by the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations, the list of which is determined by the assignment for the development of urban planning documentation.

Justified deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents for the design of ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies are allowed only if there are permissions from organizations that have adopted and (or) put these documents into effect.

3.5. Restrictions on the dissemination of information contained in the section "ITM GOChS" are determined in accordance with the list of information classified as state secrets.

3.6. It is recommended to develop sections of "ITM GOChS" using the guidance, regulatory and methodological documents specified in Appendix D.

3.7. After the approval of the urban planning documentation, the customer sends one copy of the section "ITM GOChS" to the body (bodies) of the civil defense and emergency management determined by the design assignment to organize control over the implementation of the ITM GOChS in the implementation of urban planning activities.


4.1. The customer of urban planning documentation collects the initial data and requirements for the development of the "TMI GOChS" section. For this purpose, the customer may engage a design organization on a contractual basis.

4.2. At the request of the customer, the civil defense and emergency management bodies (within their competence) issue initial data on the state of the potential danger of the object of urban planning, as well as requirements for the development of the section "ITM Civil Defense".

An example request form is given in Appendix B.

4.3. The requirements for the development of a section are included in the assignment for the development of urban planning documentation, which is subject to agreement with the civil defense and emergency management authority.

4.4. The main initial data and requirements for the development of the section "TMI GOChS":

· groups for civil defense of territories (of special importance, first, second, third), as well as categories for civil defense of organizations existing and attached to the construction (of special importance, first, second, uncategorized) in the territory for which urban planning documentation is being developed, and near it;

· boundaries of zones of possible danger and suburban areas according to SNiP 2.01.51-90;

· requirements for protective structures of GO (ZS GO);

· requirements for civil defense warning systems and local warning systems in case of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities;

· a list of existing and possible sources of technogenic emergencies on the territory of the object of urban planning activities for which urban planning documentation is being developed, as well as near the specified territory;

· a list of possible sources of natural emergencies that may have an impact on the territory of the object of urban planning;

· boundaries of territories subject to the impact of man-made and natural emergencies;

· additional security requirements;

· instructions on the approval of the section "ITM GOChS" by the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations and sending it to the authority for civil defense and emergency situations after the approval of urban planning documentation.

An approximate list of initial data and requirements included in the assignment for the development of urban planning documentation is given in Appendix B.



5.1.1. The section "ITM GOChS" of any type of urban planning documentation is drawn up as a separate volume (book), which includes text and graphic materials on urban planning solutions of the ITM GOChS.

According to the urban planning decisions of ITM GOChS, set out in other volumes by reference to the section of urban planning documentation, which contains the necessary information.

5.1.2. The text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" provide the initial data and requirements for the development of the ITM GOChS, information about the availability of a license for the development of the section, a brief description of the object of urban planning, the rationale for the adopted technical solutions and, if necessary, their description.

5.1.3. The graphic materials of the section include diagrams and plans with the application of the corresponding ITM of the Civil Defense and Emergencies Service in relation to the loaded cartographic sub-base, with symbols and exploitation, linking the content of schemes and plans with the content of textual materials.

When developing graphic materials, the requirements of GOST R 22.010-96 should be taken into account.

With a high saturation of schemes and plans with graphic information, it is recommended to develop separate (by type of information) schemes and plans.

5.1.4. Urban planning solutions of ITM GOChS are developed taking into account the placement of productive forces and the resettlement of the population, groups of cities and categories of objects according to civil defense in relation to the zones of possible danger defined by SNiP 2.01.51-90, and also, if necessary, differentiated by population categories.

5.1.5. Urban planning solutions for the ITM for the prevention of emergencies of a man-made and natural nature are developed taking into account the potential danger of these emergencies on the territory of the object of urban planning, the results of engineering surveys, and the assessment of natural conditions and the environment.

ITMs for emergency prevention, identical to ITMs for defense, are not subject to development.

5.1.6. The depth of development of ITM GOChS should provide the possibility of their technical and economic assessment.


5.2.1. The territorial integrated schemes of urban planning and development of the territories of districts (districts), rural districts (volosts, village councils) 2, developed in accordance with the town-planning documentation of the federal level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation approved in accordance with the established procedure, determine the main directions of state policy in the field of civil defense and protection of territories and settlements from the impact of man-made and natural emergencies, taking into account the peculiarities of socio-economic development and natural and climatic conditions of districts (districts), rural districts (volosts, village councils).

5.2.2. In the "ITM GOChS" section, the district development schemes are substantiated by the decision on zoning the district's territories depending on the type of possible danger in peacetime and wartime, rational placement of the main facilities in the suburban area, transport and engineering equipment of the territories, resettlement of the population, its protection and life support (in including those arriving on evacuation measures) in terms of increasing the stability of the functioning of the area in wartime and preventing emergencies.

5.2.3. The text materials of the "ITM GOChS" section of the district development scheme should contain:

a) short description the location of the district on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, natural and climatic conditions, population resettlement, economic facilities, transport and engineering infrastructure;

b) the results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact modern means damage and emergencies of man-made and natural nature on the functioning of the objects of the region and the vital activity of the population;

c) the main indicators for the existing ITM GOChS, reflecting the state of the population and territory in peacetime at the time of the development of the district development scheme;

d) substantiation of proposals for improving the sustainability of the functioning of the area in wartime and in emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature with the results of a variant study of design solutions and the allocation of the first stage and the estimated period for the implementation of the ITM Civil Defense and Emergency 3 .


2 Further, instead of the name "territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils)" the name "district development schemes" is used.

3 Proposals should cover the entire complex of ITM Civil Defense and Emergency Situations to improve the sustainability of the functioning of the area, including the dispersal of enterprises of industrial zones in the territories assigned to the civil defense groups, restrictions on the placement of new settlements and facilities, the productivity and specialization of agricultural production, taking into account the livelihoods of the population and providing employment for the evacuees, duplication of transport and engineering communications, provision of medical and cultural services, taking into account the dispersed and evacuated population, the use of underground mine workings for the needs of people and the placement of facilities, engineering protection of territories from hazardous natural processes, etc.

e) determination of the number of the dispersed and evacuated population in the areas of dispersal and evacuation, calculation of the volume of housing and civil construction necessary for the resettlement and maintenance of the dispersed and / or evacuated population in settlements, as well as using rest houses, boarding houses, sanatoriums, children's summer recreation centers camps and children's institutions for year-round use, boarding schools, hospitals, country and garden buildings;

f) calculation of the required fund of the AP SC, including taking into account the population arriving for evacuation activities;

g) determination of the volumes and zones of location of bases and warehouses of material, technical, food and other reserves to ensure the sustainable functioning of the area in wartime and in emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature;

h) determining the capacities and locations of regional construction organizations and enterprises for mechanized production building materials and structures in wartime;

i) substantiation of proposals for the allocation of territories for the disposal, neutralization and disposal of industrial toxic waste;

j) substantiation of anti-epidemic and anti-epizootic measures;

k) the procedure for the participation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local governments in the implementation of the ITM Civil Defense and Emergency, provided for by the district development scheme.

5.2.4. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the district development scheme are developed in the following composition:

1. Layout of the projected territory on a scale of 1:500,000 - 1:100,000, which shows the boundaries of adjacent administrative regions and territories recommended for dispersal and evacuation of the population; assigned to groups by civil defense of the territory and to categories by civil defense organizations; regional centers and other large settlements; the boundaries of the zones of possible danger and the suburban zone provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90; the supporting and projected network of transport and engineering communications and structures that ensure the implementation of measures for the dispersal and evacuation of people from the territories assigned to the civil defense groups, and the functioning of the area in wartime and during emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature.

2. Project plan on a scale of 1:100000 - 1:25000, which shows:

a) assigned to groups for civil defense territories and to categories for civil defense organizations, zones of possible danger and a suburban area, provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90;

b) zones of action of natural processes classified in accordance with SNiP 22-01-95 as dangerous, very dangerous and extremely dangerous (catastrophic);

c) zones of action of damaging factors in case of accidents with maximum consequences at potentially hazardous facilities and transport communications;

d) territories classified according to the degree of danger of technogenic and natural emergencies as zones of unacceptable risk, strict control and acceptable risk in accordance with the criteria given in Appendix D;

f) service centers for the population of territories recommended for dispersal and evacuation, including medical and domestic, taking into account the population arriving for evacuation activities;

g) resort areas and recreation areas, indicating the number of people arriving for evacuation measures, as well as the number of places in medical institutions deployed in wartime;

h) the boundaries of settlements and natural zones, the territories of the reserve for the development of settlements, the territories recommended for the location of new settlements, new or development of existing industrial centers and agro-industrial complexes and associations;

i) territories of special purpose and unfavorable for the population for sanitary reasons (places of wastewater discharge, treatment facilities, landfill sites, animal burial grounds, disposal of industrial toxic waste, etc.);

k) inter-district and regional network of transport and engineering communications passing outside the zones of destruction classified as civil defense groups of territories and categories for civil defense organizations, aimed at improving the sustainability of the projected area, indicating the existing ones recommended for removal from the territories classified as civil defense groups and placement of new marshalling yards and reserve fleets of rolling stock, airfields, ports, river berths, step-down substations, gas distribution stations, water intakes, communication centers, receiving and transmitting radio centers, out-of-town production bases of television centers, nodal radio relay stations, space communication stations;

l) routes of main pipelines with the designation of pumping and compressor stations, pipeline corridors and the amount of transported substances;

m) locations of bases and warehouses for material, technical, food and other reserves, as well as warehouses for ensuring restoration work and work to eliminate man-made and natural emergencies, indicating transport approaches to them;

o) exploited and prepared for exploitation natural resources, which are of particular importance for the economy of the region in wartime;

o) spare civil defense control points, spare out-of-town protected command and control centers of power systems, control points for emergency response in case of accidents at nuclear power plants, underground mine workings and other underground cavities adapted or suitable for protecting people and / or locating objects, industries, warehouses;

p) coverage areas of local warning systems in case of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities;

f) points and coverage areas of monitoring networks for emergency situations of man-made and natural nature.

5.2.5. Before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of the district development scheme is coordinated by the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations under the local governments of settlements located within the district (county), rural district (volost, village council).


5.3.1. The master plans of urban and rural settlements, developed in accordance with the duly approved urban planning documentation of the federal level and the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the district development scheme, determine the main directions for the implementation of state policy in the field of civil defense and protection of settlements from the impact of man-made and natural emergencies nature, taking into account the peculiarities of socio-economic development, natural and climatic conditions, the population of an urban or rural settlement.

5.3.2. In the section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan of an urban or rural settlement (hereinafter referred to as the master plan), decisions are substantiated on the zoning of the territory of the settlement depending on the type of possible danger in peacetime and wartime, the placement of the main elements of the planning structure, the transport and engineering equipment of the territory from the point of view increasing the stability of the functioning of the settlement, the protection and life support of its population in wartime and in the event of an emergency of a man-made and natural nature.

5.3.3. For small towns, settlements and other municipalities with a design population of up to 50 thousand people, as well as rural settlements, the section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan can be developed together with the section of the planning project for these territories as a single document.

5.3.4. The section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan of the city can be extended to the suburban area and developed as a single document if there is an agreement concluded between the civil defense and emergency management bodies at the local governments of adjacent territories.

5.3.5. Text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan should contain:

a) a brief description of the location of the settlement on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation and the region, topographic and geodetic, engineering-geological and climatic conditions, transport and engineering infrastructure, data on the area of ​​the settlement, the nature of development, population, administrative status, economic or agricultural specialization, and group on civil defense;

b) the results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact of modern means of destruction and emergencies of a man-made and natural nature on the functioning of the settlement;

c) the main indicators for the existing ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies, reflecting the state of protection of the population and the territory of the settlement in wartime and peacetime at the time of the development of the master plan;

d) substantiation of proposals for improving the stability of the functioning of the settlement, protecting its population and territory in wartime and in emergencies of a man-made and natural nature with the results of a variant study of design solutions and the allocation of the first stage and the estimated period for the implementation of ITM Civil Defense and Emergency 4;


4 Proposals should cover the entire set of ITM GOChS provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90 and SNiP 2.07.01-89 and other regulatory documents to improve the stability of the functioning of the settlement, protect its population and territory from the territory group according to the civil defense and its location in a particular zone dangers in wartime and peacetime and taken into account during: planning organization; development of transport schemes (including the road network, road, rail, river, sea and air transport); engineering equipment of the territory (for water supply, sewerage, gas supply, power supply, communications, radio broadcasting and television); engineering preparation of the territory (to ensure fire safety, protection of territories from dangerous natural processes).

e) for territories classified as civil defense groups, as well as those located in the zone of possible destruction of territories not classified as civil defense groups, the calculation of the population to be dispersed and evacuated to the suburban area, the calculation of the working-age population (for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg ), calculation of the evacuation of the population as a whole in the settlement (determination of the number, capacity and location of prefabricated evacuation points depending on the radius of accessibility and time of collection of the population; drawing up cartograms of passenger and cargo flows), proposals for the resettlement of the dispersed population and the organization of transport communications for workers and employees of the largest working shifts (NRS), calculation of the capacity of the ES GO, taking into account the LRS of the duty and maintenance personnel of organizations that ensure the vital activity of the settlement and objects of special importance, as well as a list of these organizations;

f) for territories not classified as civil defense groups located outside the zone of possible destruction, justification of a rational option for the territorial development of the settlement and proposals for improving the stability of its functioning, protecting the population and territory, taking into account the number of dispersed and/or evacuated population provision of the ES of the civil defense, transport communications for the delivery of the NRS to the zone of possible destruction and back, medical and cultural services, the functioning of water, electricity, heat and gas supply).

5.3.6. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan are developed in the following composition:

1. The layout of the proposed settlement in the area on a scale of 1:50000 for cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. and on a scale of 1:25000 for cities and other settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people, which shows:

a) the boundaries of administrative regions, existing and design boundaries settlements and suburban areas, the territory of the reserve for the development of the settlement;

b) the boundaries of the zones of possible danger and the suburban area provided for by SNiP 2.01-51-90;

c) the area of ​​action of suburban processes, classified in accordance with SNiP 22-01-95 as dangerous, very dangerous and extremely dangerous (catastrophic);

d) zones of action of damaging factors in case of accidents with maximum consequences at potentially hazardous facilities and transport communications;

e) territories classified according to the degree of danger of emergency situations of a technogenic and natural nature as zones of unacceptable risk, strict control and acceptable risk in accordance with the criteria given in Appendix D;

f) territories of existing and new residential buildings, industrial zones, separately located industrial enterprises, public centers, research and educational centers, forest areas, plantations of all kinds, water areas, zones and places for long-term and seasonal recreation;

g) the supporting and projected network of transport and engineering communications and structures of urban or district significance (electric and thermal stations, electrical substations, high-voltage power lines, water supply, sewerage facilities, etc.);

h) locations of hospitals and other institutions providing assistance to victims; bases and warehouses of material, technical, food and other reserves; rolling stock fleets; reception centers for the dispersed and/or evacuated population.

2. Schemes and plans reflecting the ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies, on a scale:

1:10000 - 1:50000 for large, largest and super-large cities;

1:500 - 1:10000 for medium and large cities;

1:1000 - 1:2000 for small towns and settlements, rural settlements.

a) at the planning organization;

· a diagram of the modern use of the territory, which shows the existing border of the settlement, the boundaries of suburban and suburban areas and its main land uses, the territory of transport and engineering communications, protected areas of resorts, water supply sources, sanitary protection zones around industrial enterprises and other sources of environmental pollution, unfavorable for the development of the territory due to natural and man-made conditions (with an indication of the reasons) and territories excluded from development;

· a scheme of the territorial development of the settlement with the designation of its projected boundaries, the boundaries of suburban and suburban areas and other elements of the planning organization of the territory with the allocation of places of priority housing, civil, industrial and communal construction;

· a scheme for the use of the territory of the settlement, indicating the types of functional, construction and landscape designation of planning areas;

· a plan of residential development areas indicating the number and density of the population living in them;

· plan of green spaces and open spaces, including those free from development, natural and artificial reservoirs, forests, parks, squares, etc.

b) when organizing transport communications:

· a diagram of the connection of the road network, railways, river and sea routes of the settlement with the suburban and suburban areas with the designation of the directions for the collection and distribution of evacuation flows;

· plan of the road network, which shows 5 main streets of citywide significance combined with the plan of "yellow lines" I and II -th class, main streets of regional significance, intersections of highways with each other and other transport communications at different levels, duplicates of tunnels, bridges and overpasses;


5 The plan of "yellow lines" - the border of possible blockages of residential, public, industrial, utility-warehouse and other buildings located along city highways and streets, providing emergency rescue and other urgent work, the functioning of the industrial zone (district) of the city in wartime .

· a diagram of routes and structures of off-street and aboveground public transport, including routes and structures of the subway and underground tram with the designation of underground and aboveground sections, stations adapted for sheltering people compartments, as well as stations that are integral part multi-level stopping and interchange nodes;

· a diagram of the location of garages for buses, trucks and cars of urban transport, production and repair bases for harvesters, trolleybus depots and tram parks, indicating facilities located in the underground space, as well as those adapted for special processing of rolling stock;

· plan of water supply and sewerage networks of the settlement with the designation of main pipelines, head water intake and treatment facilities, pumping stations urban and regional significance, underground and surface sources of water supply with indication of resources and designation of areas of the territory based on water sources protected in accordance with the requirements of VSN VK4-90, locations of underground and above-ground reservoirs of drinking water, redistribution of water between systems of technical and domestic and drinking water supply , mobile diesel power plants to provide autonomous power supply for pumps for water wells and tankers for transporting drinking water, devices for emergency discharge of wastewater from the main collectors into rivers and ravines in the event of failure of pumping stations and treatment facilities;

· gas supply scheme of the settlement, which shows main gas pipelines and gas distribution stations (GDS), gas networks from the GDS to the main consumers, jumpers, bypasses, above-ground sections are indicated, gas pressure and pipe diameter are indicated, as well as the location of cluster storage bases for liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG), gas filling stations (GNS) and gas filling points (GNP) of urban significance;

· the heat supply scheme of the settlement, which shows thermal power plants (CHP), district thermal stations, citywide main thermal stations, their above-ground sections, lintels are indicated, the type, temperature and pressure of the coolant, pipe diameter are indicated;

· power supply scheme of the settlement, which shows the sources of power supply of urban importance (overhead and cable high-voltage lines and converting devices with a voltage of more than 110 kV, power plants with a capacity of 600 MW and above), power lines that act as jumpers to ensure the transit of electricity bypassing failed facilities communications, as well as ensuring the reliability of power supply to objects that cannot be disconnected in the event of an emergency (with an indication of the list of these objects), the location of berths and berths where electricity can be transferred to the shore from ship power plants;

· a scheme for ensuring stable operation of the centralized warning system for civil defense of radio broadcasting and television networks, indicating the locations of mobile redundancy facilities for station wire broadcasting devices and backup mobile warning devices, as well as the boundaries of the coverage areas of local warning systems for potentially dangerous objects with a description of the hardware design of these systems;

· the layout of urban and departmental automatic telephone exchanges (ATS), which shows communication cables for transferring part of the subscriber capacity from each area of ​​​​the automatic telephone exchange to neighboring areas, connecting cables from departmental automatic telephone exchanges to nearby distribution cabinets of the telephone network of the settlement, are indicated by automatic telephone exchanges that have special circular equipment call and remote control of means of warning the population;

· the layout of the AP GO 6, which shows the total number of sheltered industrial zones, residential areas, public centers, other elements of the planning structure, the number of sheltered people in the subway and light rail compartments, the AP GO in underground mine workings;


6 For large, largest and super-large cities, the layout of the GS GO is developed taking into account the integrated development of underground space.

· a settlement plan indicating the boundaries of zones within which new construction is prohibited or the requirements of regulatory documents must be met aimed at observing the principles and rules for the economic development of seismically hazardous, flooded, landslide, karst, erosion-prone territories and territories with man-made soils of increased compressibility, sections of channels rivers and other reservoirs subject to regulation, cleaning, dredging, confinement in pipes;

· settlement plan, which shows points and coverage areas of monitoring networks for natural and man-made emergencies.

5.3.7. Before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of the master plan is coordinated by the administrative body for civil defense and emergency situations under the local government agency for civil defense and emergency situations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.


5.4.1. The section "ITM GOChS" is being developed in the projects of the features of urban settlements and the features of other municipalities classified by civil defense to groups of special importance, the first and second (hereinafter referred to as the draft feature of a settlement classified as a civil defense group).

5.4.2. In the section "ITM GOChS" of the draft outline of a settlement classified as a civil defense group, developed in accordance with the master plan of the corresponding settlement approved in accordance with the established procedure and the scheme for the development of the area, decisions are justified on establishing the boundaries of zones of possible destruction and zones of possible radioactive contamination (contamination).

5.4.3. Sections of the "ITM GOChS" projects of the features assigned to the groups for civil defense of small cities and towns can be developed as part of the master plans for these settlements.

5.4.4. The text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the draft features of a settlement classified as a civil defense group should contain justification for proposals for establishing the size of zones of possible severe destruction, possible destruction, and possible severe radioactive contamination (contamination) around the settlement.

5.4.5. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the draft features of a settlement classified as a civil defense group are developed as part of the layout of the projected settlement in the area on a scale of 1: 25,000 for cities and other settlements with a population of more than 100 thousand and on a scale of 1: 25,000 for cities and others settlements with a population of 100 thousand people or less, which shows the existing and proposed:

features of the settlement;

boundaries of the zone of possible severe damage;

boundaries of possible destruction;

boundaries of the zone of possible hazardous radioactive contamination (contamination);

boundaries of the zone of possible strong radioactive contamination (contamination).

5.4.6. Before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of the draft feature of the settlement assigned to the civil defense group is coordinated with the civil defense and emergency management authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and with the civil defense and emergency management authorities under the local self-government bodies of the settlement and district.


5.5.1. In planning projects developed in accordance with the master plans approved in the established manner, a rational option for using parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements for the purposes of civil defense, protecting the population, buildings and structures from the impact of man-made and natural emergencies is determined.

5.5.2. In the section "ITM GOChS" of the planning project, decisions on zoning in peacetime and wartime, building density and parameters, parameters of the street and road network, placement of the ZS GO, transport and engineering equipment of the territory are justified in terms of increasing the stability of its functioning, protection and life support of the population in wartime and in case of man-made and natural emergencies.

5.5.3. For small towns, settlements, other municipalities with a design population of up to 50 thousand people, as well as rural settlements, the section "ITM GOChS" of the planning project can be developed together with the section of the draft master plan of settlements as a single document.

5.5.4. Text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the planning project should contain:

a) a brief description of the location of a part of the territory in terms of the settlement, topographic-geodesic, engineering-geological and climatic conditions, transport and engineering infrastructure, data on the area, the nature of development, population, functional specialization, the presence of organizations classified by civil defense;

b) the results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact of modern means of destruction and emergency situations of man-made and natural nature on the functioning of part of the territory of the settlement;

c) the main indicators for the existing ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies, reflecting the state of protection of the population and territory in wartime and peacetime at the time of the development of the planning project;

d) substantiation of proposals to improve the stability of the functioning of a part of the territory of the settlement, the protection and livelihood of its population in wartime and in emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature with the results of a variant study of design solutions and the allocation of the first stage and the estimated period for the implementation of ITM Civil Defense and Emergency 7;


7 Proposals should cover the entire set of ITM GOChS provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90, SNiP 2.07.01-89 and other regulatory documents to improve the stability of the functioning of a part of the territory of the population, protect and support its population, depending on the group of territory according to civil defense, its location in one or another danger zone in wartime and peacetime and taken into account during: planning organization; development of transport schemes (including the road network, road, rail, river, sea and air transport); engineering equipment of the territory (according to the schemes of water supply, sewerage, gas supply, power supply, communications, radio broadcasting and television); engineering preparation of the territory (to ensure fire safety, blackout, protection of territories from hazardous natural processes).

e) for parts of the territory classified as civil defense groups of cities, other municipalities, as well as those located in the zone of possible destruction not classified as civil defense groups by the city and other settlements, calculation of the population to be dispersed and evacuated to a suburban area, calculation of the working-age population ( for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg), the calculation of the evacuation of the population with the determination of the number, capacity and location of prefabricated evacuation cartograms of passenger and cargo flows, the calculation of the capacity of the ES GO, taking into account the NRS of duty and maintenance personnel, ensuring the vital activity of part of the territory of the settlement and objects of special importance, as well as specified organizations;

f) for parts of the territories of cities and other settlements not classified as civil defense groups located outside the zone of possible destruction, justification of proposals to improve the stability of the functioning of part of the territory of the settlement, protection and livelihood of the population, taking into account the size of the dispersed and/or evacuated population (including to ensure the ES of the civil defense, transport communications for the delivery of the NRS to the zone of possible destruction and back, medical and cultural services, the functioning of water, electricity, heat and gas supply systems).

5.5.5. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the planning project are developed in the following composition:

1. Layout projected area in terms of settlements on a scale of 1:10,000 - 1:50,000 for cities with a population of more than 250 thousand people. and on a scale of 1:50000 for cities and other settlements with a population of 250 thousand people. and less, which shows:

a) the position of the projected area in relation to the main elements of the planning structure of the settlement, its existing and project boundaries, reserve territories;

b) the boundaries of the zones of possible danger provided for by SNiP 2.01-51-90, the suburban area;

d) a road and transport network that ensures the evacuation of people from the area as soon as possible and the introduction of forces and means for emergency rescue and other urgent work; prefabricated evacuation points; transport hubs;

e) placement of zones of dispersal and evacuation of the population;

f) zones of action of natural processes classified in accordance with SNiP 22-01-95 as dangerous, very dangerous and extremely dangerous (catastrophic);

g) potentially dangerous objects and zones of action of damaging factors in case of maximum consequences of accidents on them, as well as transport communications;

h) territories classified according to the degree of danger of technogenic and natural emergencies as zones of unacceptable risk, strict control and acceptable risk in accordance with the criteria given in Appendix D;

i) forests, plantations of all kinds, water areas, zones and places for long-term and seasonal recreation;

j) the supporting and projected network of main engineering communications and structures of urban and district significance, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the area in wartime and / or in the event of an emergency of a man-made and natural nature;

k) locations of hospitals and other institutions providing assistance to victims: bases and warehouses for material, technical, food and other reserves; rolling stock fleets; reception centers for the dispersed and/or evacuated population.

2. Schemes and plans, reflecting ITM civil defense, on a scale of 1:5000 - 1:2000 for the urban industrial zone (district) and in scale 1:2000 for other elements of the planning structure of the settlement.

The following schemes and plans are being developed to display the ITM GOChS:

a) in the planning organization:

· a diagram of the use of part of the territory of the settlement, indicating the types of functional, construction and landscape designation of the elements of the planning structure, which shows the existing border of the part of the territory of the settlement of its main land uses, the territory of transport and engineering communications, protected areas of resorts, water supply sources, sanitary protection zones around industrial enterprises and other sources of environmental pollution, unfavorable for development of the territory due to natural and man-made conditions (with indication of reasons) and territories excluded from development;

· a scheme of territorial development of the projected area with the designation of its projected boundaries, preserved and designed industrial enterprises and related auxiliary production facilities, energy, repair and storage facilities, other buildings and structures, indicating the number of storeys and boundaries of the zones of distribution of possible blockages from them ("yellow lines "), as well as the allocation of places of priority housing, civil, industrial and communal construction;

· a plan of residential development areas indicating the number of storeys of buildings, the number and density of the population living in them, as well as the "yellow lines";

· plan of green spaces and open spaces, including those free from buildings, fire breaks, natural and artificial reservoirs, forests, parks, squares, etc.

b) when organizing transport communications:

· scheme of external transport, which shows territories (with the designation of the boundaries of sanitary protection, security and other zones of activity restriction) and structures (railways, railway stations, stations, marshalling yards, bus stations, airports, river navigation sections, passenger and cargo ports, piers, moorings, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc.);

· layouts of collection and evacuation points, which show their collection radii, evacuation routes and transport exits with the designation of the directions for the collection and distribution of evacuation flows, the directions for the input of forces and means for conducting rescue and other urgent work.

· a diagram of routes and structures of off-street and aboveground public transport, including routes and structures of the subway and light rail with the designation of underground and aboveground sections, stations, compartments adapted for sheltering people, station entrances and air intake kiosks, as well as stations that are an integral part of multi-level stopping points;

· a diagram of the location of garages for buses, trucks and cars of urban transport, production and repair bases for harvesters, trolleybus depots and tram parks, car washes indicating objects located in the underground space, as well as adapted for special processing of rolling stock;

c) for engineering equipment of the territory:

· plan of water supply and sewerage networks of the area with the designation of main pipelines, head water intake and treatment facilities, pumping stations of urban and regional significance, underground and surface sources of water supply with indication of resources and designation of areas of the territory based on water sources protected in accordance with the requirements of VSN VK4-90, locations of underground and above-ground reservoirs of drinking water and motor transport entrances to them, points of distribution of water into mobile containers (indicating the boundaries of service areas), areas for the redistribution of water between systems of technical and domestic and drinking water supply, mobile diesel power plants to provide autonomous power supply for pumps of water wells and tank trucks for transporting drinking water, devices for emergency discharge of sewage from the main collectors into rivers and ravines in case of failure of pumping stations and treatment facilities;

· the plan of the gas networks of the area, which shows GDS, gas distribution points (GDP), gas control units (GRU), gas pipelines from them to buildings and structures, disconnecting devices, jumpers, bypasses, above-ground sections in collectors (including through passages), crossings through water barriers, railway and tram tracks, highways, gas pressure and pipe diameters, as well as LPG gas pipelines and locations of clusters without LPG storage, gas pumping stations and gas pumping stations of urban and regional significance are indicated (indicating capacity indicators for storing and dispensing LPG);

· district heat supply scheme, which shows CHPPs, district and distribution heating networks with the designation of control and distribution points (CDP), central heating points (CHP), boiler houses and other installations indicating the main and reserve type of fuel and its reserves, points of connection of district main networks to citywide networks, backup connections, jumpers, aboveground sections of pipes and sections laid in collectors (including through passages) indicating the type, temperature, coolant pressure and pipe diameter;

· power supply scheme of the area, which shows the sources of power supply (electric power stations, overhead and cable high-voltage lines and converting devices of the network with a voltage of more than 110 kV), power lines that act as jumpers for network objects, as well as ensuring the reliability of power supply to objects that cannot be switched off in case of emergency (indicating the list of these objects), the location of piers and berths, where electricity can be transferred to the shore from ship power plants;

· a diagram of the centralized warning system for the civil defense of radio broadcasting and television networks that ensures stable operation, indicating the location of the sirens and street loudspeakers, the boundaries of their coverage areas, mobile redundancy devices for wired broadcasting station devices and backup mobile warning devices, as well as the boundaries of the areas of operation of local warning systems for potentially dangerous objects with a description of the hardware design of these systems;

· the layout of urban and departmental automatic telephone exchanges (ATS), which shows communication cables for transferring part of the subscriber capacity from each area of ​​​​the exchange, to connected areas, connecting cables from departmental exchanges to the nearest distribution cabinets of the telephone network of the settlement, are indicated by automatic telephone exchanges with special equipment circular call and remote control of means of warning the population;

· a plan of the area indicating the degrees of fire resistance and the number of storeys of buildings and structures, designating the locations of fire hydrants, artificial and natural reservoirs with the possibility of using the water of these reservoirs to extinguish fires (indicating the capacity of reservoirs and the places of entrances to them for water intake by fire engines), fire stations with the boundaries of service areas;

d) during the engineering preparation of the territory:

· combined with the plan of the "yellow lines" layout of the AP CS (dual-use structures in the underground space), which shows the existing and proposed AP CS and / or structures of the underground space adapted to protect people (including compartments of the subway and light rail) with an indication of their capacity, collection radii of sheltered, entrances and exits to non-flooded territories, areas for the placement of pre-fabricated AP defense systems, underground mine workings adapted to protect people and / or accommodate warehouses, industries or other facilities;

· a plan of the area indicating the boundaries of zones within which new construction is prohibited or where the requirements of regulatory documents must be observed aimed at observing the principles and rules for the economic development of seismically hazardous, flooded, landslide, karst, erosion-prone territories and territories with man-made soils of increased compressibility, sections of riverbeds and other water bodies subject to regulation, cleaning, dredging, confinement in pipes;

· scheme reflecting measures for engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.15-85), hazardous geological processes (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.15-90, SNiP II -7-81 and SNiP 2.01.09-91) with the designation of bank protection structures, fill (alluvial) territories, embankments of coastal areas, drainage network, buttress fortification structures, tunnel drainage systems or terracing of sites to protect landslide slopes, upland and drainage channels in areas of hilly terrain, etc.;

· a plan of the area, which shows the points and coverage areas of monitoring networks for emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature.

5.5.6. before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of the draft planning is agreed by the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations under the local governments of the settlement and the administrative district of the settlement on whose territory the projected area is located.


5.6.1. In the section "ITM GOChS" of land surveying projects developed in accordance with the duly approved planning projects, ITM GOChS are listed, which should be carried out within the territory allotted to land users and the procedure for interaction between land users and local governments on the implementation of ITM GOChS is substantiated.

5.6.2. Sections "ITM GOChS" of land surveying projects can be developed as part of sections "ITM GOChS" of planning projects for parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements and projects for building blocks, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements.

5.6.3. The text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the land surveying project should contain the rationale for the list of ITM GOChS for sites assigned to various land users, and the rationale for proposals for the interaction of land users and self-government bodies in the implementation of these activities.

5.6.4. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of land surveying projects are developed as part of the land surveying scheme of the projected territory on a scale provided for schemes and plans of planning projects reflecting ITM GOChS, which shows the existing and proposed:

· boundaries of plots assigned to land users (indicating the names of organizations) and boundaries of common areas;

· for each section, an explication of the ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies with the names and volumes of activities.

5.6.5. Before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of land surveying projects is coordinated with the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations in the manner established for the approval of sections "ITM GOChS" of planning projects and development projects.


5.7.1. Development projects developed in accordance with duly approved general plans and planning projects specify the use of the territories of blocks, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements for the purposes of civil defense, protection of the population, buildings and structures from the impact of man-made and natural emergencies .

5.7.2. In the section "ITM GOChS" of the development project, the cost of decisions on the construction of the ES of the civil defense, transport and engineering equipment of the territory, buildings and structures in terms of increasing the stability of the functioning of the development, protection and life support of the population in wartime and in the event of emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature is justified and estimated .

5.7.3. Text materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the development project should contain:

a) a brief description of the location of the building in terms of the settlement, topographic-geodesic, engineering-geological and climatic conditions, transport and engineering infrastructure, data on the area, the nature of the building, population, functional specialization, the presence on the territory of the building and near it of organizations classified to categories for civil defense;

b) the results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact of modern means of destruction and emergencies of a man-made and natural nature on the functioning of the built-up area;

c) the main indicators for the existing ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies, reflecting the state of protection of the population and territory in wartime and peacetime at the time of development of the development project;

d) substantiation of proposals for improving the stability of the functioning of the built-up area, protection and life support of people in wartime and in emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature with the results of assessing the cost of design solutions and the duration of the ITM Civil Defense and Emergency 8;


8 Proposals should cover the entire set of ITM GOChS provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90 and SNiP 2.07.01-89 and other regulatory documents to improve the stability of the functioning of the territory being built up, protect and support people, depending on the group of territory according to civil defense, the location of the building in one or another danger zone in wartime and peacetime and taken into account during: planning organization; development of the road network; engineering equipment of the territory, buildings and structures (for water supply, sewerage, gas supply, power supply, communications, broadcasting and television); engineering preparation of the territory (to ensure fire safety, blackout, protection from hazardous natural processes).

e) for development in territories classified as civil defense groups, as well as in cities and other settlements located in the zone of possible destruction that are not classified as civil defense groups, the calculation of the population to be dispersed and evacuated to a suburban area, the calculation of the working-age population (for cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg), calculation of the evacuation of the population with the determination of the number, capacity and location of prefabricated evacuation points, depending on the radius of action and the time of collection of people; drawing up cartograms of passenger and cargo flows, substantiation of the capacity and location of the ES of the civil defense (dual-use facilities), taking into account the LDCs of the duty and maintenance personnel of organizations that ensure the vital activity of buildings and objects of special importance, as well as a list of these organizations;

f) for development on territories not classified as civil defense groups, located outside the zone of possible destruction, justification of proposals for improving the stability of the functioning of the territory under construction, protection and livelihood of the population, taking into account the number of dispersed and/or evacuated population to be accommodated (including in terms of capacity and accommodation ZS GO, medical and cultural services, the functioning of water, electricity, heat and gas supply systems).

g) a summary calculation of the cost of construction objects with the allocation of the cost of ITM Civil Defense and Emergency.

5.7.4. Graphic materials of the section "ITM GOChS" of the development project are developed in the following composition:

1. Main drawing (general development plan) on a scale of 1:5000 - 1:1000, which shows:

a) designed, existing and reconstructed buildings and structures, indicating the number of floors, degree of fire resistance, entrances, exits, entrances and the number of people in them;

c) streets, driveways, parking lots, pedestrian paths that ensure the evacuation of people from the built-up area as soon as possible and the introduction of forces and means for emergency rescue and other urgent work; prefabricated evacuation points with collection radii, evacuation routes and transport exits 9;


9 For building in the zone of possible destruction, alignment with the "yellow lines" plan is required.

d) projected, existing and reconstructed ZS GO (dual-use facilities), with designation of capacity, entrances, entrances to metro and light rail stations, emergency exits, air intake kiosks, ways of movement of sheltered; locations for pre-fabricated AP GO; underground mine workings adapted to protect people and/or accommodate warehouses, industries or other facilities;

e) reception centers for the dispersed and/or evacuated population;

f) public utility facilities adapted for the sanitization of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock of vehicles in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.57-85;

g) zones of action of natural processes classified in accordance with SNiP 22-01-95 as dangerous, very dangerous and extremely dangerous (catastrophic);

h) sanitary-protective, security zones and zones of action of damaging factors in case of maximum consequences of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities, as well as transport communications;

i) territories classified according to the degree of danger of emergency situations of a man-made and natural nature as zones of unacceptable risk, strict control and acceptable risk in accordance with the criteria given in Appendix D;

j) forests, plantations of all kinds, water areas;

k) artificial and natural reservoirs with the possibility of using the water of these reservoirs for extinguishing fires (indicating the capacity of reservoirs and the places of entrances to them for water intake by fire engines), fire stations with the boundaries of service areas;

l) areas of the territory within which new construction is prohibited or where the requirements of regulatory documents must be observed, aimed at observing the principles and rules for the economic development of seismically hazardous, flooded, landslide, karst, erosion-prone territories and territories with man-made soils of increased compressibility, sections of river beds and other reservoirs subject to regulation, cleaning, dredging, and confinement in pipes;

m) technical solutions for engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.15-85), hazardous geological processes (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.15-90, SNiP II -7-81 and SNiP 2.01.09-91) with the designation of bank protection structures, fill (alluvial) territories, dams for embankment of coastal areas, drainage network of buttress fortification structures, tunnel drainage systems or terracing of areas to protect landslide slopes, upland and drainage channels on areas of hilly relief, etc.;

n) points and areas of coverage of monitoring networks for emergency situations of man-made and natural nature.

2. Summary plan of networks of main engineering communications and structures(on a scale of 1:5000), ensuring the sustainable functioning of the building in wartime and / or in the event of an emergency of a man-made and natural nature, which shows:

a) water supply and sewerage networks with the designation of pipelines, water intake treatment facilities, pumping stations, fire hydrants, underground and surface sources of water supply with an indication of resources and designation of sites based on water sources protected in accordance with the requirements of VSN VK4-90, locations of underground and aboveground potable water reservoirs and vehicle access points to them, points of water distribution into mobile containers (indicating the boundaries of service areas), areas for water redistribution between technical and domestic drinking water supply systems, mobile diesel power plants to provide autonomous power supply for pumps of water wells and tankers for transporting drinking water, devices for emergency release of sewage from collectors into rivers and ravines in case of failure of pumping stations and treatment facilities;

b) gas networks with the designation of gas pipelines to buildings and structures, disconnecting devices, jumpers, bypasses, aboveground sections and sections in collectors (including through passages), crossings through water barriers, railway and tram tracks, highways; LPG, GNS and GNP gas pipelines; gas pressure and pipe diameter, LPG storage and delivery capacity indicators are indicated;

c) heat supply networks with the designation of KRP, central heating stations, boiler houses and other installations indicating the main and reserve type of fuel and its reserves, places of connection of district main networks to citywide networks, backup connections, jumpers, above-ground sections of pipes and sections laid in collectors (in including through passages) indicating the type, temperature, pressure of the coolant and the diameter of the pipes;

d) power supply networks with the designation of overhead and cable high-voltage lines and converting devices of the network with a voltage of more than 110 kV), power lines that act as jumpers to ensure the transit of electricity bypassing failed network facilities, as well as ensuring the reliability of power supply to objects that cannot be disconnected in the event of an emergency ( indicating the list of these objects), piers and berths, where electricity can be transferred to the shore from ship power plants;

e) networks of cable and wire communication, radio broadcasting and television, ensuring the stable operation of the centralized warning system of civil defense, indicating the locations of sirens and street loudspeakers, the boundaries of their zones of operation, backup mobile warning devices, as well as the boundaries of the zones of operation of local warning systems for potentially dangerous objects with a description of the hardware design of these systems;

f) PBX with the designation of communication cables for transferring part of the subscriber capacity from each area of ​​the PBX to neighboring areas, connecting cables from departmental PBXs to the nearest distribution cabinets of the telephone network of the PBX settlement, which have special equipment for a circular call and remote control of public warning devices.

5.7.5. Before approval, the section "ITM GOChS" of the development project is coordinated by the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations under the local governments of the settlement and the administrative district of the settlement, under whose control the territory of the projected development is located.


6.1. Decisions on ITM GOChS as part of any type of urban planning documentation, prior to its approval, are subject to mandatory state specialized expertise in the expert bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

6.2. The state expertise of projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia conducts an expertise of the sections "ITM GOChS":

· territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties);

· master plans of cities - administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg); cities assigned to civil defense groups; resort cities of federal significance; cities - scientific centers; settlements with a special mode of life (military camps and other closed administrative-territorial formations, cities or towns at nuclear power plants); settlements located in regions with particularly unfavorable environmental conditions due to radioactive contamination, increased seismicity, in territories in high degree exposed to natural and man-made emergencies.

6.3. Expert commissions or expert organizations established under the civil defense and emergency management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation conduct state examination of the sections "ITM GOChS" of urban planning documentation for the territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities of the subject of the Russian Federation, with the exception of sections "ITM GOChS" considered by the State Expertise of projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

6.4. Fully completed documentation in the following composition is submitted for examination of design solutions for ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies:

· task for the development of urban planning documentation, agreed by the administrative body for civil defense and emergency situations and containing requirements for the development of the section "ITM civil defense";

· section (volume, book) "ITM GOChS", agreed by the body (bodies) of the administration for civil defense and emergency situations.

If necessary, other materials of urban planning documentation related to the issues of ensuring the safety of the designed object of urban planning activities, protection of the population and territories are also submitted.

Annex A



Crash- a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to human life and health at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and Vehicle, disruption of the production or transport process, as well as damage to the environment (according to GOST R 22.0.05).

Rescue work in an emergency - actions to save people, material and cultural values, protect the natural environment in the emergency zone, localize emergency situations and suppress or bring to the minimum possible level the impact of their characteristic hazards. Rescue operations are characterized by the presence of factors that threaten the life and health of people carrying out these works, and require special training, equipment and equipment (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Urban planning activities - activity government agencies, local governments, individuals and legal entities in the field of urban planning for the development of territories and settlements, determining the types of use land plots, design, construction and reconstruction of real estate objects, taking into account the interests of citizens, public and state interests, as well as national, historical, cultural, environmental, natural features of these territories and settlements (according to No. 73-FZ).

Urban planning documentation - documentation on urban planning for the development of territories and settlements and on their development (according to No. 73-FZ).

civil defense - a system of measures to prepare for protection to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions (according to No. 28-FZ).

Life support of the population in emergency situations - a set of interconnected in time, resources and venue by the forces and means of the Unified state system Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS) measures aimed at creating and maintaining conditions that are minimally necessary to save life and maintain the health of people in emergency zones, on their evacuation routes and in places where evacuees are located according to the norms and standards for emergency situations developed and approved in the prescribed manner (according to GOST R 22.3.05).

Protection of the population in emergency situations - a set of interconnected in time, resources and place of RSChS measures aimed at preventing or limiting the loss of the population and the threat to its life and health from damaging factors and the impact of emergency sources (according to GOST R 22.2.02).

defensive structure - an engineering structure designed to shelter people, equipment and property from dangers arising from the consequences of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities, or natural disasters in the areas where these facilities are located, as well as from the impact of modern weapons (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Emergency zone - territory or water area in which an emergency situation has developed (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Engineering and technical measures (ITM) of civil defense and emergency prevention (ITM GOChS) - a set of design solutions implemented during construction aimed at ensuring the protection of the population and territories and reducing material damage from emergencies and man-made and natural nature from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as sabotage and terrorist acts.

Elimination of an emergency - rescue and other urgent work. Carried out in case of emergencies and aimed at saving lives and preserving people's health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses. As well as the localization of emergency zones, the termination of the damaging factors characteristic of them (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Urgent work in an emergency - rescue and emergency recovery work, emergency assistance, sanitary and epidemiological measures and security public order in the emergency zone (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Objects of urban planning activity (urban planning documentation is being developed for objects of urban planning activity) - the territory of the Russian Federation, parts of the territory of the Russian Federation, the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, parts of the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territories of settlements, parts of the territories of settlements, territories of other municipalities, parts of the territories of other municipalities; real estate objects and their complexes within the boundaries of settlements and in inter-settlement territories (according to No. 73-F3).

Danger in emergencies - a state in which a threat of damaging factors and the impact of an emergency source on the population, national economy facilities and the environment in the emergency zone has been created or is likely (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Potentially dangerous object - an object where radioactive, fire-explosive, dangerous chemical and biological substances are used, produced, processed, stored or transported, creating a real threat of an emergency source (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Emergency Prevention - a set of measures taken in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergencies, as well as preserving people's health, reducing damage environment and material losses in case of their occurrence (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Dispersal of workers and employees - a set of measures for an organized call or withdrawal from cities assigned to civil defense groups, pre-designated settlements, placement in the countryside of workers and employees, national economy facilities that continue to work in these cities and towns in wartime (according to GOST R 22.0 .02).

The risk of an emergency - the probability or frequency of occurrence of the source of an emergency, determined by the relevant risk indicators (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Dual purpose building - an engineering structure for industrial, public, domestic or transport purposes, adapted (designed) to shelter people, equipment and property from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, sabotage, as a result of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities or natural disasters .

Emergency - the situation in a certain territory or water area that has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, catastrophe, natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violations of people's living conditions. Emergencies are distinguished by the nature of the source (natural, man-made, biological-social and military) and by scale (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Evacuation of the population - a set of measures for the organized withdrawal and (or) removal of the population from the zones of an emergency or a probable emergency, as well as the life support of the evacuees in the area of ​​deployment (according to GOST R 22.0.02).

Annex B


From: Name of the customer's organization

To: Name of the administrative body for civil defense and emergency situations

I ask you to provide the initial data and requirements for the development of engineering and technical measures for civil defense and measures for the prevention of emergency situations in ______________________________ (name of the type of urban planning documentation) for ____________________ (name of the object of urban planning activities), having the following characteristics:

1. Full name of the object of urban planning.

2. Customer for the development of urban planning documentation (name of organization and legal address), developer of urban planning documentation (name of organization, legal address, availability of a license to develop sections "ITM GOChS" of urban planning documentation).

3. The basis and planned terms for the development of urban planning documentation.

4. Location of the object of urban planning, information about the natural and climatic conditions in the area of ​​location.

5. The main characteristics of the object of urban planning: by population, industrial or agricultural specialization, energy consumption, water consumption, sources of electricity, heat and water supply, transport communications, engineering networks, existing potentially dangerous and harmful objects, hazardous natural processes (indicating the types of impact and damaging factors).

6. Groups of cities, other municipalities according to civil defense, the presence of organizations categorized by civil defense (if they are defined in the prescribed manner and are known to the customer).

7. The number of the largest working shifts at facilities that continue to work in wartime; on-duty and line personnel ensuring the vital functions of cities and organizations of special importance assigned to civil defense groups; able-bodied population (for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg); the population subject to evacuation, dispersal; population arriving for evacuation activities.

8. Availability of existing civil defense protective structures (dual-use structures) and the nature of their use in peacetime, subway and light rail compartments, protective structures in underground mine workings, provision with protective structures various categories sheltered.

Customer position


Annex B


From: Name of the administrative body for civil defense and emergency situations

To: Name of customer organization

In accordance with the request of ____________________________ (name of the customer's organization, date, ref. No.), we report the initial data and requirements to be taken into account when drawing up the assignment for the development of _________________________________________________ (name of the type of urban planning documentation for the object of urban planning activities).

1. Reason for issuing the assignment (with reference to official documents) 1 .

2. Previously completed works (research, urban planning, etc.), regulatory documents, which must be taken into account when developing urban planning documentation) indicating the date of approval, the name of the developer or department that approved the document, the conditions for using materials) 1 .

3. For the development of ITM GO:

a) the main provisions of the civil defense plan of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation 2, settlement 34567:

· cities, others municipalities assigned to the civil defense group, their projected population size is 2 ;

· stand-alone civil defense organizations 2 categorized by civil defense organizations on the territory of settlements 34567 indicating the number of production personnel and the largest working shift;

· boundaries of zones of possible danger 1 and suburban zone 23, provided for by SNiP 2.01.51-90;

· underground mine workings suitable for protecting people, locating facilities, industries, warehouses and bases 23567;

· placement of warehouses and bases of fuels and lubricants, warehouses and bases of food, material and technical and other reserves, distribution refrigerators and bases, specialized shopping malls located in the territories classified as civil defense groups, in urban and rural settlements of areas of dispersal and evacuation of the population, placement of warehouses and bases of the recovery period 23;

· restrictions on the placement of construction in areas of possible destruction, catastrophic flooding, possible dangerous radioactive contamination (contamination) 2356 .


1 For all types of urban planning documentation.

2 For integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils).

3 For master plans of urban and rural settlements.

4 For projects features of urban and rural settlements.

5 For planning projects of parts of urban and rural settlements.

6 For land surveying projects.

7 For development projects of quarters, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements.

b) the main provisions of civil defense plans for industries, transport and Agriculture, placed and placed on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation:

· placement of new industrial facilities 23 ;

· development of rail, road, air, river and sea transport, taking into account the sustainable functioning of the region (placement of new marshalling yards and junctions, laying of bypass routes, connecting branches, junction of new lines, placement of bridges, overpasses, tunnels, national, regional and local roads values, transport links with recreation areas, etc.) 2 ;

· laying of routes of main pipelines 2;

· zones and areas of specialization of agricultural production in wartime 23 ;

· placement of a network of scientific institutions, research and production associations 23;

c) resettlement:

· requirements for the formation of resettlement systems, group systems of populated areas in areas of dispersal and evacuation of the population 2 ;

· requirements for group systems of populated areas formed in zones;

· possible destruction of territories classified as civil defense groups and organizations classified as civil defense 2 ;

· requirements for economically promising medium and small towns and settlements - centers of sustainable functioning of the region 23 ;

· requirements for number of storeys, building density, population density 357 ;

· placement of recreation areas and requirements for them 2356;

· the number of the dispersed, evacuated population, settled in the suburban area for the first stage and the estimated period 23;

· placement of collection and evacuation points 567;

· provision of various categories of the population with the existing AP GO and requirements with AP GO 23567.

d) engineering communications:

· sources of water supply and requirements for them 23567 ;

· calculation of water supply to the territories assigned to the groups by civil defense and organizations classified by civil defense according to the emergency regime, settlements in areas of dispersal and evacuation of the population 23;

· requirements for sustainability of power supply of cities and facilities 23 ;

· placement of new power supply facilities 2356 ;

· requirements for warning systems GO 23567.

4. To develop ITM for emergency prevention:

· information about hazardous natural processes observed on the territory of the urban planning object (earthquakes, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, abrasion, coastal processing, karst, suffusion, subsidence of rocks, floods, flooding, erosion, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc.), requiring preventive protective measures 23567 ;

· lists and locations of existing and planned for construction potentially hazardous facilities, transport communications, accidents on which can lead to the formation of emergency zones on the territory of the urban development facility, indicating the quantitative characteristics of damaging factors 23567;

· additional information about the sources of natural and man-made emergencies that must be taken into account when designing (objects subject to safety declaration, levels of man-made and natural risk, etc.) 23567 ;

· requirements for the creation of local warning systems in case of accidents at potentially hazardous facilities 23567 .

5. Additional requirements (indication of the inclusion in the section "ITM GOChS" of additional materials, requirements to restrict the dissemination of information classified as state secrets, the name of the expert body of the EMERCOM of Russia, to which the section "ITM GOChS" should be sent for examination, etc. ) one .

6. Requirements for the harmonization of the section (the list of the Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies, with which the section "ITM Civil Defense and Emergency Situations" should be coordinated) 1 .

Signature of the head of civil defense and emergency situations

NOTE - In the absence of initial data and requirements for the development of ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies, the civil defense and emergency management body reports their absence by letter to the customer.

Annex D


Annex D



"Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation" dated 07.05.1998

"On civil defense" dated February 12, 1998

"On the protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies" dated 11.11.1994

"On Security" dated March 5, 1992, as amended on December 24, 1993

"On fire safety" of December 21, 1994

"On Radiation Safety of the Population" dated January 9, 1996

"On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997

"On the safety of hydraulic structures" dated July 23, 1997


"Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management" dated 02.08.1999 No. 953.


"On the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations" dated 05.11.1995 No. 1113.

"On the procedure for creating shelters and other objects of civil defense" dated November 29, 1999 No. 1309.

"On the procedure for classifying organizations as civil defense categories" dated September 19, 1998 No. 1115.

"On the procedure for classifying organizations as civil defense groups" dated 03.10.1998 No. 1149.

"On the creation of local warning systems in areas where potentially dangerous objects are located" dated March 1, 1993 No. 178.

"On the procedure for conducting state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-project documentation" dated 12/27/2000 No. 12/27/2000 No. 1008.

"On the procedure for collecting and exchanging information in the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" dated March 24, 1997 No. 334.

"On the forces and means of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations" dated 03.08.1996 No. 924.

"On the regime of territories exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" dated December 25, 1992 No. 1008.

"On the Unified State automated system control of the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation" dated 20.08.1992 No. 600.

"Issues of the construction of nuclear power plants on the territory of the Russian Federation" dated December 28, 1992 No. 1026.

"On measures to prevent the protection of personnel of nuclear power plants and the public in the event of a radiation hazardous accident at these plants" of October 23, 1989 No. 882.

"On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the use of objects and property of civil defense by privatized enterprises, institutions and organizations" dated April 23, 1994 No. 359.

"On the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature" dated September 13, 1996 No. 1094.

"On the procedure for the creation and use of reserves material resources for the elimination of natural and man-made emergencies" dated November 10, 1996 No. 1340.

"On approval of the Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal protective strips" dated November 23, 1996 No. 1404.

"On the timing of the declaration of industrial safety of existing hazardous production facilities" dated 02.02.1998 No. 1404.

"On Approval of the Rules for the Submission of the Declaration of Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated May 11, 1999 No. 526.


"Standard provision on the procedure for issuing initial data and specifications for design, approval of construction documentation, as well as payment for these services. "Minstroy of Russia, 1996

"Regulations on the delimitation of functions for state expertise and approval of urban planning, pre-design and project documentation between the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy of Russia). No. EMERCOM of Russia 1-4-29/1 dated 22.6.01, No. Gosstroy of Russia ASh-3440/24 dated 26.6.01.

"The procedure for conducting state expertise of urban planning, pre-project and design documentation in the system of the Russian Emergencies Ministry" Order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated July 31, 2001 No. 340.

"Regulations on the State Expertise of Projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia". Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 10, 2001 No. 309.

"Regulations and warning systems of civil defense". Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. State Communications Committee of Russia and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company dated December 7, 1998 No. 701/212/803.


GOST R 23.0.01 "Safety in emergency situations. Basic provisions".

GOST R 22.0.02 "Safety in emergency situations. Terms and definitions of basic concepts".

GOST R 22.0.05 "Safety in emergency situations. Technogenic emergencies. Terms and definitions".

GOST R 22.0.06 "Safety in emergency situations. Sources of natural emergencies. Damaging factors".

GOST R 22.0.07 "Safety in emergency situations. Sources of technogenic emergencies".

GOST R 22.3.03 "Safety in emergency situations. Protection of the population. Basic provisions".

GOST 12.1.033 "SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and definitions".

RDS "Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation".

SNiP 2.01.51-90 "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense".

SNiP II -11-77 "Protection structures of civil defense".

VSN ITM GO AS-90 "Design Standards for Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense at Nuclear Power Plants".

SN 148-76 "Instructions for the design of the adaptation and use of subways for the protection and transportation of the population in wartime."

VSN VK4-90 "Instruction for the preparation and operation of household and drinking supply systems in emergency situations."

SNiP 2.01.53-84 "Light masking of settlements and objects of the national economy".

SNiP 2.01.54-84 "Protective structures of civil defense in underground mine workings".

SNiP 2.01.55-85 "Objects of the national economy in underground mine workings".

SNiP 2.01.57-85 "Adaptation of public utility facilities for the sanitization of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock of vehicles."

PNAE G-03-33-93 "Location of nuclear power plants. Basic criteria and requirements for ensuring safety".

PNAE G-05-035-94 "Accounting for external impacts of natural and man-made origin on nuclear and radiation hazardous objects."

SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures".

SNiP 22-01-95 "Geophysics of natural hazards".

SNiP 2.06.15-85 "Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding".

SNiP 2.01.15-90 "Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic design provisions".

SNiP 2.07.01-89 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements".

SNiP II -7-81 "Construction in seismic regions".

SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology".

SNiP 2.01.09-91 "Buildings and structures on undermined territories and subsidence soils".

SNiP 11.02-96 "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions".

SNiP 2.05.06-85 "Main pipelines".

SNiP 2.05.13-90 "Petroleum product pipelines laid in the territory of cities and other settlements".

SNiP 2.06.01-86 "Hydraulic structures. Basic design provisions".

SNiP II -89-80 "General plans of industrial enterprises".

OND-86 "Methodology for calculating the concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises."

SanPin 2.2.1/2. 1.1.1031-01 "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects".

NPB 105-95 "Determination of categories of premises and buildings for explosion and fire hazard".

PUE "Rules for electrical installations", 1986.

RD 34.21.122-87 "Instruction for lightning protection of buildings and structures".

RD 52.04.253-90 "Methodology for predicting the scale of contamination with potent and toxic substances in case of accidents (destruction) at chemically hazardous facilities and transport."

VSN WHO-83 "Instruction for the protection of technological equipment from the effects of damaging factors of nuclear explosions."

PB 09-322-99 "Safety rules for the production, storage, transportation and use of chlorine".

RD 03-418-016 "Guidelines for risk analysis of hazardous industrial facilities".


Methodological guide for forecasting and assessing the chemical situation in emergency situations. - M.: VNII GOChS, 1993.

Temporary method for forecasting the radiation situation in the event of beyond design basis accidents accompanied by emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into the water environment of radioactive substances at facilities nuclear energy. - M.: Military unit 52609, 1991.

Collection of methods for predicting possible accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters in the RSChS (books 1 and 2). - M.: EMERCOM of Russia, 1994.

Methodological guidance on forecasting, on assessing the degree of risk of accidents on main oil pipelines. JSC Transneft. 1999.

Industry guidelines for the analysis and management of risks associated with man-made impact on humans and the environment during the construction and operation of facilities, transport, storage and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials in order to improve their reliability and safety. RAO"Gazprom", 1966.

Manual of Industrial Hazard Assessment Techniques. Office of Environmental and Scientific Affairs. The World bank.Methodology of the World Bank for assessing the risk of industrial production.

NOTE- In addition to those specified in this List, one should also be guided by other Federal and departmental norms, rules and recommendations containing requirements for the design of ITM Civil Defense and Emergencies and improving the safety of facilities and territories in emergency situations of a man-made, natural and military nature.

Keywords: urban planning documentation, engineering and technical measures, civil defense, emergency prevention, section, development, composition.