Urgent social services. Types of social services

The main purpose of the urgent social services is the provision of emergency assistance of a one-time nature to citizens of the elderly and disabled who are in dire need of social support.

Urgent social services include the following government-guaranteed services: one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in need, provision of clothing, footwear and essentials, one-time financial assistance, assistance in obtaining temporary housing, emergency psychological assistance, legal assistance within its competence and other types and forms of assistance.

The activity of the service is based on cooperation with various state, public organizations and individual citizens. This service is intended primarily to provide urgent measures aimed at temporarily supporting the life of citizens in dire need of social support.

Dozens of people turn to emergency services every day. Polyclinics, hospitals, housing and maintenance trusts, neighbors, etc. also call on various issues. To the emergency service social assistance there are reports of those who are hungry, unkempt, in need of help and attention.

Specialists of the service distribute clothes, food, support with a kind word, determine the elderly, the disabled in boarding schools, hospitals, examine the material and living conditions. Service workers are approached with all sorts of requests. Some ask to call to order a son or daughter who takes away their parents' pension, others - to deprive an alcoholic mother parental rights, the third - to set the true path of the son, who returned from places of deprivation of liberty. Or neighbors are asked to send a mentally ill elderly woman to the boarding school, who by her actions disturbs the peace of the residents, to provide assistance to paralyzed lonely pensioners. And experts in social work contact the police, the district administration to solve these problems. Specialists represent the interests of the lonely dead in court, and carry out such pleasant assignments from management social protection- congratulations on the holidays, invite to regional events.

In providing shoes, clothes, food and other essentials, a natural help room has been created, in which there are things previously used- clothing, footwear, personal hygiene items issued to the applicants free of charge. This help comes mainly from the population. There is humanitarian aid from other countries, which is also in demand among the population. New things come from enterprises, organizations through offsets - these are bedding, and outerwear(cloaks, jackets), shoes, cereals, flour, sugar and more.

Humanitarian aid, as a rule, is free of charge. Norms and criteria according to which humanitarian aid is distributed: those in need have priority in providing assistance large families, disabled people, single pensioners whose income is below the subsistence level. Therefore, experts decide who needs help first. There is also an application form. That is, nothing is mechanically distributed. Specialists of the department of urgent social services also monitor the final result.

The service employs a lawyer and a psychologist who provide consultative assistance. In order to expand the scope of advisory services, an advisory center was opened in one of the remote microdistricts, where the population is received by specialists in the calculation of pensions, veterans' affairs, social teacher doctor, lawyer, social worker.

Urgent Social Services

1. The commented article regulates the provision of such an independent type of service specified in paragraph 8 of Art. 20 of the commented Law, as urgent social services. Previously, such regulation was contained in Art. 22 "Urgent Social Services" of the 1995 Social Services Act for the Elderly and the Disabled (there was no such provision in the 1995 Fundamentals of Social Services Act).

The provisions of part 1 of the commented article determine open list urgent social services. In particular, these are:

1) providing free hot meals or food packages;

3) assistance in obtaining temporary accommodation;

4) assistance in obtaining legal assistance in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

5) assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy in this work;

6) other urgent social services.

Similarly, in paragraph 2 of Art. 22 of the 1995 Law on Social Services for the Elderly and the Disabled (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ) provided that urgent social services may include the following social services:

1) one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need;

2) provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials;

3) one-time provision of material assistance;

4) assistance in obtaining temporary housing;

5) organization of legal assistance in order to protect the rights of persons served;

6) organization of emergency medical and psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy for this work and the allocation of additional telephone numbers for these purposes;

7) other urgent social services.

2. Part 2 of the commented article establishes that urgent social services are provided for the purpose of providing emergency assistance, and also provides that the provision of such services is carried out within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without compiling individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. This defines characteristics urgent social services, allowing them to be singled out as an independent type of social services.

Part 2 of the commented article defines two types of grounds for the provision of urgent social services: 1) application of the recipient of social services; 2) receiving from medical, educational or other organizations that are not included in the system of social services, information about citizens in need of the provision of urgent social services. In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 15 of the commented Law, the decision on the provision of urgent social services is made by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation immediately (to make a decision on recognizing a citizen in need of social services or on refusing social services, the specified norm takes five working days from the date of application).

Part 2

We inform you that due to the entry into force on January 01, 2015. federal law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On the basics of social services for citizens in Russian Federation”and Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 829-PP of December 26, 2014 “On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow”

Approved: forms of social services, types of social services, the composition of social services and the Procedure for the provision of social services to citizens.

Forms of social service

1. Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, or in a semi-stationary form, or in a stationary form.

2. Social services in a semi-stationary form are provided to their recipients by a social service organization at a certain time of the day.

3. Social services in a stationary form are provided to their recipients with permanent, temporary (for a period determined by an individual program) or five-day (per week) round-the-clock residence in a social service organization. Recipients of social services in a stationary form are provided with residential premises, as well as premises for the provision of the types of social services provided for in paragraphs 1 - 7 of Article 20 of this Federal Law.

4. Citizens from among persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, administrative supervision is established and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service, in the absence of medical contraindications and upon their personal application, are accepted for social services in stationary organizations social services with special social services in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. The issues of admission to stationary social service organizations and discharge from such organizations of persons suffering from mental disorders are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care.

Types of social services

The following types of social services are provided to recipients of social services, taking into account their individual needs:

1) social and domestic, aimed at supporting the life of recipients of social services in everyday life;

2) socio-medical, aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services by organizing care, assisting in the implementation of recreational activities, systematic monitoring of recipients of social services to identify deviations in their health;

3) socio-psychological, providing assistance in correcting the psychological state of recipients of social services for adaptation in the social environment, including the provision of psychological assistance anonymously using a helpline;

4) socio-pedagogical, aimed at preventing deviations in the behavior and development of the personality of recipients of social services, forming their positive interests (including in the field of leisure), organizing their leisure, helping the family in raising children;

5) social and labor, aimed at providing assistance in employment and in solving other problems related to labor adaptation;

6) social and legal, aimed at providing assistance in obtaining legal services, including free of charge, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

7) services to increase the communication potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including children with disabilities;

8) urgent social services.

Urgent Social Services

1. Urgent social services include:

1) providing free hot meals or food packages;

2) provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials;

3) assistance in obtaining temporary accommodation;

4) assistance in obtaining legal assistance in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

5) assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy in this work;

6) other urgent social services.

2. The provision of urgent social services for the purpose of rendering urgent assistance is carried out within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. The basis for the provision of urgent social services is the application of the recipient of social services, as well as the receipt from medical, educational or other organizations that are not part of the social service system, information about citizens in need of the provision of urgent social services. Confirmation of the provision of urgent social services is an act on the provision of urgent social services, containing information about the recipient and provider of these services, the types of urgent social services provided, the terms, date and conditions for their provision. The act on the provision of urgent social services is confirmed by the signature of their recipient.

The procedure for applying for the provision of social services, considering these applications and making decisions on such applications.

2.1. Recognition of a citizen in need of social services is carried out on the basis of a citizen's application submitted to the social protection department of the population of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) at the place of residence of the citizen in the city of Moscow.

The interests of a citizen in need of social services may be represented by other persons authorized by the citizen in accordance with the established procedure (hereinafter referred to as the authorized person).

2.2. When a citizen or his authorized person applies for the provision of social services, the following documents are submitted:

1. Application for the provision of social services, drawn up in the form approved by federal agency executive power, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of social services (hereinafter also - the statement).

2. A passport or other document proving the identity of a citizen, including a birth certificate in respect of a minor citizen under the age of 14, containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow, and in the absence of such information in the specified document in addition to the document, an identity document of a citizen, another document containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow.

3. Passport or other document proving the identity of one of the legal representatives of a minor or incapacitated citizen (in the case of an application for the provision of social services to a minor citizen or incapacitated citizen).

4. A document containing information about the circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a citizen, for the purpose of recognizing him as in need of social services.

5. A document confirming the circumstances that objectively prevent family members or close relatives from fulfilling the duties of caring for a citizen incapable of self-care, including prolonged illness (more than one month), disability, retirement age, remoteness of residence from a citizen in need of care, frequent and long business trips (in the case of an application for the provision of social services by a citizen living in a family, or if he has close relatives).

6. Conclusion medical organization on the state of health of a citizen, including the absence of diseases that are contraindications to social services.

7. Certificate of the federal state institution of medical and social expertise, confirming the fact of the establishment of disability (in the case of a citizen who is disabled applies for the provision of social services).

8. The conclusion of the medical commission of a psychoneurological dispensary or hospital with a detailed diagnosis and an indication of the recommended type of organization of social services (in the case of a citizen applying for the provision of social services in a stationary form).

9. The conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, provided for by Article 42 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 N 3185-I "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" (in the case of an application for the provision of social services to a minor citizen suffering from mental disorders).

10. Court decision on recognizing a citizen as incapacitated or with limited capacity (in the case of an application for the provision of social services by an incapacitated or limited citizen).

11. Certificate of release from places of deprivation of liberty (in the case of an application for the provision of social services by a citizen from among persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, administrative supervision has been established and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service).

12. Information on the income of a citizen and members of his family for the last 12 calendar months preceding the application for the provision of social services (with the exception of information on the size of the disability and (or) old-age pension, which are paid government agency- Branch pension fund of the Russian Federation in Moscow and the Moscow Region and are obtained as part of interdepartmental cooperation) (in the case of an application for the provision of social services for citizens who do not belong to the categories of citizens specified in Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ " On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation", and the categories of citizens included in the list approved by the regulatory legal act Moscow Government).

2.21. Filed appeals in the interests of a citizen of other citizens, government agencies, local governments, public associations on the provision of social services to a citizen are considered and a decision to recognize a citizen in need of social services or to refuse social services is made if the documents specified in clauses 2.2 of this Procedure are available.

Drawing up an individual program for the provision of social services

3.1. After a decision is made to recognize a citizen as in need of social services, the authorized body draws up an individual program for the provision of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program) in the form approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social services based on the needs of the recipient in social services.

3.2. The form of social services, composition, volume, frequency, conditions, terms for the provision of social services, social support measures are determined by an individual program.

3.3. The individual program is drawn up in two copies. One copy of the individual program is transferred by the authorized body to a citizen or his authorized person. The second copy of the individual program is kept in the authorized body.

3.4. The individual program is reviewed depending on the change in the recipient's need for social services. The revision of the individual program is carried out taking into account the results of the implemented individual program, but at least once every three years. The revision of the individual program is carried out in compliance with the procedure for drawing up an individual program, established by paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 of this Procedure.

3.5. For the provision of urgent social services for the purpose of providing emergency assistance, an individual program is not drawn up by the authorized body.

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 2, 2013 No. 185-PP "On the procedure and conditions for providing targeted food assistance in the city of Moscow to citizens in difficult life situations using an electronic social certificate"

According to clause 4 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing targeted food assistance in the city of Moscow to citizens in difficult life situations using an electronic social certificate approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 2, 2013 No. 185-PP "On the procedure and conditions for providing targeted food assistance in the city of Moscow assistance to citizens in difficult life situations using an electronic social certificate" targeted food assistance using an electronic social certificate is provided to elderly and disabled citizens who are in dire need of social support, as well as to other citizens who are in a difficult life situation and are in dire need of social support, from among the holders of the social card.

Thus, targeted social assistance in the form of the provision of durable goods, targeted food assistance, clothing assistance are a type of urgent social services provided for in paragraphs 3.1.2, 3.1.3 of Appendix No. 2 "Composition of social services and requirements for standards of social services" to the resolution Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP "On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 829-PP): provision of one-time assistance in the form of food packages, clothes, shoes and essentials; provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials.

With the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation", Resolution No. 829-PP, we draw your attention to the following.

1. According to paragraph 2.1 of the Procedure for the provision of social services to citizens in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree No. 829-PP, the recognition of a citizen as in need of social services in the form of the provision of urgent social services is carried out on the basis of a citizen's application submitted to the social protection department of the population of the city of Moscow at the place of residence citizen in the city of Moscow.

To recognize a citizen in need of urgent social services, a preliminary assessment is required by the Commission for Recognizing Citizens in Need of Social Services specific features his life situation for compliance with the provisions of Part 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, with the exception of cases of emergency assistance, when urgent social services must be provided to prevent damage to the health of a citizen or his close relatives. Accounting for the size of the average per capita income of a citizen who applied for urgent social services is mandatory when preparing a decision on recognizing him as in need of social services in the form of urgent social services (paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ).

If the average per capita income of the applicant, determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2014 No. 1075 "On approval of the Rules for determining the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge", on the day of application is higher than one and a half subsistence minimum per capita , and the facts of the expenses incurred for the treatment of oneself or close relatives, the repair of living quarters, the services of a nurse, the purchase of medicines for oneself or close relatives, over the past three months, urgent social services in the form of providing material assistance, targeted social assistance in in the form of durable goods, targeted food aid is not provided.

2. According to Part 2 of Article 21 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, the provision of urgent social services for the purpose of providing emergency assistance is carried out within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. In the event that on the day the decision is made to provide targeted social assistance in the form of the provision of durable goods, clothing assistance, these goods, things are not available in the TCSO, then the applicant is placed on the appropriate queue. In this case, the need for these urgent social services is satisfied in the course of the execution of the relevant state contracts.

In recent years, the urgent social assistance service has been developing more and more. The main goal of urgent social services is to provide emergency one-time assistance to elderly citizens and the disabled who are in dire need of social support. Urgent social services include the following state-guaranteed services: one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need; provision of clothing, footwear and essentials; one-time provision of financial assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance, including through the "hotline"; provision of legal assistance within its competence; provision of other types and forms of assistance due to regional specifics. The activity of the service is based on cooperation with other state, public organizations and institutions, charitable foundations and individual citizens.

Urgent social services are provided by these services on the basis of social services. Successfully operates, for example, the service of urgent social assistance in the Sakhalin region. As noted in the Regulation approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation, this service is intended, first of all, to provide urgent measures aimed at temporarily supporting the life of citizens in dire need of social support.

Stationary institutions

Developing and improving the activities of non-stationary institutions and social assistance services for the elderly and disabled, the social protection authorities show constant concern for creating more comfortable conditions for the life of the elderly in stationary institutions. boarding houses provide an opportunity for the elderly and disabled to stay there not only permanently, but also temporarily, they introduce weekly and daily stays. With the advent of social service centers, rehabilitation centers, departments of social assistance at home and day stay the functions, volume and some aspects of the activities of stationary institutions are somewhat changing. It is characteristic that for a long period in the country, essentially the same number of boarding schools remained, with an increase in the number and proportion of the elderly.

So, at the beginning of 1975 in the RSFSR there were 878 homes for the elderly and disabled, in which more than 200 thousand people lived, and at the beginning of 1991 there were 877 of them and there were 261 thousand people in them. This is partly due to the fact that the practice of providing social assistance at home to disabled citizens was expanding, but at the same time, the construction of new boarding houses went very slowly due to insufficient allocation of funds and a number of other reasons. Currently, there are 959 stationary institutions for the elderly and disabled in the system of social protection of the population.

Now boarding houses are mostly people who require constant care, who have lost to a large extent the ability to move.

Practice shows that in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, medical care is provided, a number of rehabilitation activities are carried out: occupational therapy and employment, leisure activities, etc. Here, work is being carried out on the socio-psychological adaptation of older people to new conditions, including informing about the boarding house, living in it and new arrivals, about the services provided, the availability and location of medical and other offices, etc. The characteristics of the character, habits, interests of applicants are studied elderly people, their needs for feasible employment, their wishes in organizing leisure activities, etc. All this is important for creating a normal moral and psychological climate, especially when resettling people for permanent residence and preventing possible conflict situations.

However, the functioning of boarding schools as one of the main stationary forms of social services for the elderly is associated with a number of serious problems. Among them: the degree of satisfaction of the need for boarding schools, the quality of service in them, the creation of accompanying conditions for living, etc. the queue remained at the level of 18-21 thousand people, although, nevertheless, with the creation of the CSO, there is some reduction), on the other hand, older people are increasingly showing a desire to live in their usual home environment.

The changes taking place in the life of society in connection with the transition to market relations required changes in the existing legal documents about a boarding house, a special boarding house and the adoption of new ones, as well as the preparation of regulatory documents on night stays, on a nursing home (department), on a social adaptation center for able-bodied persons without a fixed place of residence, on a supporting boarding house, on territorial association of social services for the elderly. Scientists and practitioners make various proposals for the improvement and promising forms of boarding houses.

Some of them believe that a systematic approach is needed to planning and evaluating the activities of these institutions in the overall structure of medical and social assistance to the elderly and disabled, its differentiation and integration, boarding houses of institutions and departments of nursing care, etc. All this will make it possible to improve assistance to the elderly and the disabled, to use and implement differentiated financing, material, technical and medical support more effectively, to reconstruct the existing new boarding houses in accordance with the requirements of life.

Household services are urgently required... I need a housekeeper to clean the house after the celebration... I'm looking for a cook to prepare a festive table... I want to hire a nurse for a sick person for a couple of days. Urgently need the services of a master for furniture repair. A "sober" driver is required to move the car and transfer guests after the banquet. Where can I quickly and inexpensively find a nanny ... - The list of such requests can be continued indefinitely, because we all live in a modern world full of surprises and problems from which no one is immune. Who will help you in difficult times? Where can you find a reliable company and staff who will take on the problem that has fallen and do the job quickly and efficiently?

Agency "Capital Lights" has the ability to provide various services promptly (URGENTLY), in emergency mode. Within 2 - 4 hours, our specialists will come to you and perform the required work at home or in the office. Such urgent services are called EXPRESS services.

When may be needed EXPRESS service? - Yes, at any time!We all know very well how difficult it is to combine several things at once ... Especially when it comes to household chores, about housework, which you have to devote a lot of time and effort to! You can cite a lot of life situations when a reliable assistant is urgently needed to solve current problems around the house, at work and at home: when a master is urgently needed to fix a water tap, a courier to quickly deliver documents, a nanny to sit with the child during your unexpected departure , a cook to prepare a festive table for unexpected guests, a security guard to accompany you home late at night, a housekeeper to clean up after your birthday, corporate party… Or, for example, what if you have small children who require special attention and perspective job which you do not want to lose... What to choose family or career? - You should not make such a difficult choice ... - Contact the Capital Lights Agency, and we will quickly find a reliable household assistant for you - a housekeeper, a nanny, a nurse, a universal master, etc., or we will perform urgent work themselves, by proven specialists working with us on a part-time or part-time basis.

For execution Express service we keep specially trained and reliable staff, ready to go to you at the first call. An express worker performing services for the home must have special skills and training. he does not have time to delve into the intricacies of family life, get used to the characters and characteristics of family members.

Minimum lead time urgent application in Moscow- 2-4 hours. This time is required for processing the order, calling the employees, briefing and travel to the place of service. So, the sooner you submit an application, the more chances we will have to fulfill it by the specified deadline!