Romeiko Gurko Anton Stanislavovich MIA Criminal activity in Tatarstan

Deputy head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted a resignation letter

© Photo from the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.rf

Anton Romeiko-Gurko, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Interior Ministry of Russia, submitted a letter of resignation. This was told by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk.

"Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation General of the Police of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev made a decision to apply for the dismissal of Anton Romeyko-Gurko, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who is in charge of the RUSB unit deployed in the districts, ”she noted.

According to Volk, this decision was made in connection with the head of department No. 17 "West" of the RUSB GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yuri Timchenko. She added that Vladimir Tsvetkov, deputy head of the Directorate of the Main Directorate of the State Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, also filed a report on his dismissal from the internal affairs bodies.

“In addition, structural changes will be made to the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with the elimination of the RUSB deployed in the districts in order to optimize the activities of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs specified.

The head of the 17th department (“West”) of the RUSB GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yuri Timchenko, was detained earlier on Friday in St. Petersburg. He is suspected of taking a bribe in the amount of 50 million rubles.

The investigation believes that Timchenko demanded from the representative of the company LLC " Business Line» a bribe of at least 100 million rubles. For this, he had to help remove the arrest from the company's funds (at least 1.5 billion rubles) and contribute to the termination of the criminal case, which was initiated for non-payment of taxes for 1 billion rubles. The money had to be transferred through intermediaries - Konstantin Marchenkov and Sergei Zinovenko. On December 8, Marchenkov and Zinovenko received a fake money in the amount of 50 million rubles from a representative of Delovye Linii in one of the underground parking lots in St. Petersburg, after which they were detained.

The loud confrontation between Oleg Ivanov, the head of the Levashovo settlement, and Sergey Fedorov, who claims to remain the head of the local administration, has been going on for almost a year. Every month the story is overgrown with new details, litigation and unpleasant facts, which may well result in the initiation of a criminal case, which for some reason the Investigative Committee is stubbornly slowing down.

Who quarreled with whom?

In the eyes of the residents of the village, already entangled in the intricacies of domestic legislation, the conflict is more like a personal quarrel between Ivanov and Fedorov, and this is how it is periodically presented in the media.

If we follow this logic, then the dismissal of Anton Romeiko-Gurko, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Russian Interior Ministry, can also be presented as a personal revenge of Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Like, the head of the law enforcement agency was angry that a high-ranking security officer, Yuri Timchenko, was detained in St. Petersburg, who demanded 100 million rubles from businessmen for his patronage. And since the detainee was subordinate to Romeiko-Gurko, the minister found a convenient excuse to send the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Interior Ministry of Russia with things to the exit.

In Levashovo, of course, the scope is smaller. The entire budget of the village with a population of almost 4,500 people for 2016 amounted to about 73 million rubles - a quarter less than the “werewolf” Timchenko wanted to receive from businessmen. But the actions of a senior official municipality, heads of Ivanov, aimed at removing from office a local official Fedorov, who was convicted of violating the Law on Combating Corruption No. 273-FZ and federal law“On municipal service in the Russian Federation”, in fact, are no different from the recent order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And try to object to the fact that Vladimir Kolokoltsev reasonably fired Romeiko-Gurko, who allowed his direct subordinate Timchenko to become a "werewolf".

Save and fire

Today, it is no longer so important whose support both sides of the conflict in Levashovo are trying to enlist. Sonorous names and federal party brands flash in the press.

It all started with the fact that the head of the local administration, Sergei Fedorov, at the beginning of 2015, liquidated the Levashovskoye municipal state institution, dismissing the director Olesya Ostrovskaya. And then he created an institution of the same name, which was headed by a friend of Fedorov's wife, Natalya Zabarina, who held the position of chief accountant in the liquidated MKU. That is, the "alien" Ostrovsky was changed to "their" Tatyana Orlova.

At the same time, the municipal council (and the head of the local administration is accountable and controlled by law to it) was not informed of the need and reasons for the liquidation of the MKU, and the decision to create an institution of the same name, as sources told, did not take.

Ivanov's reaction was predictable. He tried to find justice for Fedorov along the party line. However, the local official was more favored by the former regional leadership of United Russia than Ivanov. In addition, Sergei Fedorov could rely on almost half of the municipal deputies. Opponents believe that these chosen ones depend on his “pocket” political council and an authoritative businessman of a local stature.

On February 25, 2016, the "initiative group" of local people's deputies spoke at a meeting municipal council with an appeal to remove Ivanov to resign. Note that the “deleted person” himself was on sick leave at that time. According to the deputy Valery Svirida, the head of the Levashovo settlement could violate anti-corruption legislation, since, being a municipal employee, he allegedly headed a commercial firm. The “initiative group” also notified the governor of St. Petersburg about the desire to remove Oleg Ivanov.

After that, a series of single pickets were held in front of the administration building of the Vyborgsky District, the Mariinsky Palace and the Smolny. A few participants, on behalf of all the inhabitants of the village, demanded to "save Levashovo" and send "Ivanov to resign." Activist Anna Yeropkina even told reporters that "if the authorities remain inactive," then the people will come out to a "large rally." However, for some reason, no protest events were noticed in Levashovo itself. And Ivanov publicly insisted that no commercial activities is not involved and the prosecutor's office that conducted the inspection did not reveal any violations on his part.

Husband and wife - power and money

However, the activities of the “initiative group” of municipal deputies and individual activists become clear if we turn to official documents. In January and February 2016, meetings of the commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees and conflict resolution under the local administration of Levashovo were held.

According to Fedorov, the question was considered whether there were signs of a violation of anti-corruption legislation in the fact that his wife, who previously held the position of chief accountant in the liquidated MKU Levashovskoye, became deputy director in a new institution of the same name. At the same time, Levashovskoye is an economic structure subordinate to the local administration.

The municipal commission did not find anything criminal in the fact that the wife is responsible for finances in an organization that is controlled by her husband. As I did not see anything illegal in the fact that the MKU is headed by Tatyana Orlova.

Here is the committee public service And personnel policy Smolny, having reviewed these protocols, found: the chairman and secretary of the commission "are directly subordinate to the head of the local administration of the municipality of the village of Levashovo S. N. Fedorova." Therefore, any decision with their participation "is considered incompetent."

As for the employment of his wife, appointing her in 2012 as the chief accountant of the Levashovsky MKU, Fedorov was obliged to notify the representative of the employer (employer) in advance - the head of the Levashovo settlement Ivanov. However, he did not do this, in which Smolny saw "a violation of Article 11 of the federal law" On Combating Corruption ".

A similar violation was noted in official letter, sent from the committee addressed to Ivanov and to the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg, that Fedorov rented a Toyota Rav4 car with a crew from a private person at the state expense (according to some sources, from the husband of the director of the MKU Tatyana Orlova). And since questions arise under both protocols of the municipal commission, the official Fedorov himself must make the final decision.

Prosecutor's verdict and more

No sooner had the picketers handed over the posters to the warehouse demanding that Ivanov be dismissed than the prosecutor's office of the Vyborgsky district, on the basis of a letter from Smolny, issued a submission No. 0808/16 on April 29, 2016 on eliminating violations of the requirements of the law on combating corruption in Levashovo.

In particular, the supervisory agency found that when concluding a contract for the position of head of the local administration, Fedorov undertook to notify writing head of the MO Levashovo village Ivanov "on personal interest in the performance official duties that could lead to a conflict of interest, and take steps to prevent such a conflict.” However, when initiating consideration of a possible conflict of interest between Fedorov and his wife, Natalya Zabarina, and the director of the MKU, Tatyana Orlova, the official did not inform the head of the Moscow Region about this, which violated Art. 11 of the Law on Combating Corruption, paragraph 11, part 1, art. 12 of the federal law "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" and clause 2.2.19 of the contract.

The prosecutor's office noted that there was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 821, according to which the commission could not include persons subordinate to the applicant who wished to consider the issue of a possible conflict of interest. And in this case, Fyodorov's deputy and a leading specialist of the local administration sat on the commission. The official's actions were qualified as "improper performance of his official duties and ignorance of the requirements of the current legislation on combating corruption."

The prosecutor of the Vyborgsky district, Dmitry Burdov, ordered Fedorov to take immediate measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the identified violations. Namely, to form a new composition of the commission and bring the guilty officials to disciplinary responsibility.

At the end of May, the municipal council of the village of Levashovo and directly to the deputy Valery Svirida (who, as we remember, accused Ivanov of possible manifestations of corruption) received a letter No. 07-134 / 2504 from the governor of St. Petersburg. In it, Georgy Poltavchenko pointed out that “having considered the appeal of a group of deputies dated February 26, 2016 on the initiative to remove the head of the inner-city municipality of St. Petersburg, Levashovo settlement, and the documents attached to it, I object to the removal of Oleg Dmitrievich Ivanov.”

Until you take out the chair

What happened next was predictable. Ivanov issued a penalty to Fedorov and filed a lawsuit in court for early termination of the contract with the head of the local administration. Moreover, additional grounds were revealed to say goodbye to the local official.

So, for example, a certain Ishutin turned to the police after learning that service contracts were drawn up for him for several years, money was transferred to bank card, with which the leadership of the MKU "Levashovsky" and officials local administration. The investigation department of the Vyborgsky District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Department of Russia for St. Petersburg seems to have taken up the interview of witnesses and the collection of additional information.

On 06/02/2016, the order of the head of the Moscow Region appeared on the dismissal of the "corrupt official" Fedorov, as a result of which the conflict turned, let's say, into a power plane. A local official sued, refused to transfer cases and vacate the administration building. And the acting head of the local administration, Elizaveta Taranyuk, was forced to break into the premises with the help of police and security officers involved, while receiving bodily injuries.

For the sake of objectivity, we will report that half of the deputies of the municipal council did not agree with Ivanov's order.

Encouraged by the sudden support, Sergei Fedorov organized the re-introduction of himself into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and again gained access to budget money. However, the joy was short-lived. The prosecutor's office of the Vyborgsky district saw in his actions a violation of article 170.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Falsification of the unified state register legal entities, register owners valuable papers or depositary accounting system) and sent a submission to the Investigative Committee on the adoption of a decision on the criminal prosecution of a local official.

On September 26, 2016, the Vyborgsky District Court, having considered case No. 2a-11830/2016, refused Fedorov to challenge the submission of the district and city prosecutor's offices to cancel the decision of the local administration No. 22 of March 22, 2013 No. settlement of conflicts of interest of municipal employees. In other words, the fact of violations of the requirements of anti-corruption legislation was established in court.

However, this did not prevent Fedorov from winning another trial in October - to terminate the contract, which does not return him to his familiar chair. The Anti-Corruption Law unequivocally interprets - a municipal employee exposed to such offenses is subject to dismissal.

Fedorov does not let up, and in just a few days he will try to prove his case at the next court.

Is the investigation going nowhere?

It is possible that it was this conflict that prompted the prosecutor's office of the Vyborgsky district to carefully read the charters of the municipalities Parnassus, Sampsonievskoye and the village of Levashovo.

Two months ago, the supervisory agency conducted a total anti-corruption check of the regulatory legal acts that are being considered or have already been adopted in the municipalities. As a result, 10 documents were identified that did not comply with current legislation and containing corruptogenic factors. The statutes of all tested municipalities require amendments.

However, the prosecutor's activity has not yet led to the solution of the painful “Levashov question”.

I am struck by the excessive slowness of the Investigative Committee, - Nikolai Smoktiy, the former head of the municipality of the Moscow Region Vasilevsky, told the correspondent of - Law No. 273-FZ directly applies to municipal employees, and the application and removal disciplinary action determined by labor law. But, in my opinion, the powers of the municipal council extend only to the appointment of the head of administration, but not to dismissal in terms of violations labor relations. This is already the prerogative of the head of the MO of the village of Levashovo. The president talks about the need to fight corruption everywhere, law enforcement agencies detain federal officials, governors, high-ranking security officials and for some reason cannot cope with a municipal clerk in a small village. Like this? The police have four KUSP at once for initiating criminal cases - No. 4503 of 02.02.2016, No. 4511 of 02.02.2016, No. 12910 of 03.24.2016 and No. 34032 of 08.03.2015, in the department of the Investigative Committee of the Vyborg District - materials of two checks: 252 -pr-16 dated February 25, 2016 and 252-pr-16 dated March 4, 2016. And at the exit - indecisive marking time.

In fact, if you do not consider the story of Levashovo in the variant “how Oleg Dmitrievich (Ivanov) quarreled with Sergei Nikolaevich (Fyodorov)”, the idea suggests itself that the executive power in the village is concentrated in “family” hands. Through them, budget funds are pumped out, personal well-being is built, impunity is demonstrated and, perhaps, even a dubious ability to “solve” problems with law enforcement agencies. And one more important detail - any attempts to besiege a local official are presented as a desire to strike at the reputation of United Russia. And for a large party - Levashovo is the size of a pinhead, and it is not so important who "clubfoot" him.

You see, the saddest thing in this situation is that residents are beginning to think that Fedorov's personal opinion may be above the law, - sums up Nikolai Smoktiy.

It seems that the Investigative Committee does not agree with him ...

Igor Timofeev,

I appeal to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, to leadership power structures, as well as to the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

I, Kosurov Dmitry Nikolaevich, a citizen of Russia, a resident of the city of Nizhnekamsk, the Republic of Tatarstan, I ask you to hear me and carefully consider the circumstances that led to the situation that has developed today.

Since 2008, I began to help solve crimes in the Mamshovskie organized crime group to an employee of the Criminal Investigation Department in the Republic of Tatarstan, Lieutenant Colonel Gafarov M.B. and unwittingly witnessed illegal activities Gafarov, which was expressed in the fact that this employee police planted weapons and drugs on people, falsified criminal cases, offered and provided services from escaping from criminal liability for monetary rewards, engaged in outright fraud and extortion from former members of various organized crime groups. Thus, making loud disclosures for himself, he created authority and disclosure among the employees of the UR. He organized and personally created false caches and passed them off as caches belonging to one or another organized criminal group. Thus showing the newly revealed gangs. Seeing how innocent people are periodically imprisoned before my eyes, knowing Gafarov’s capabilities and cynical character, for a long time I was afraid to talk about this with anyone, and even more so to contact law enforcement agencies, since I could be imprisoned or simply killed.

But, after the head of the police of the city of Kazan and other high-ranking police officers of the Republic of Tatarstan were arrested by the officers of the State Security Service of the Russian Federation in the fall of 2013, I believed that the times had changed and there were no untouchable police officers. Twice my acquaintances and I applied to the Main Security Service of the Russian Federation, having personally arrived in Moscow, with statements about the illegal actions of a police officer Gafarov. We also applied to the TFR of the Russian Federation, to the FSB of the Russian Federation, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. We personally got through to Anton Stanislavovich Romeyko-Gurko, head of the department of inspections of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Russian Federation, where telephone conversation informed him briefly about these malfeasances. After that, the curator Karimov R. arrived and said that an additional group would arrive on this fact. But to date, nothing has changed. On August 20, 2014, I wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan that I was aware of the malfeasance committed by Gafarov (the statement is attached).

Gafarov always had complaints and statements without dates and numbers, which he at the right time, pursuing his own selfish goals, used them against objectionable people or against those from whom he planned to receive a monetary reward. To my deepest surprise and disappointment, the proceedings on my application against Gafarov M.B. carried out all the same first department on a special important matters The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, which is investigating the cases of organized crime groups, accompanied by Gafarov. I immediately realized that I couldn’t see objectivity and justice, because without calling any of the ten declared witnesses, without examining a single declared material, without satisfying my request for a polygraph (lie detector) examination, investigator Abdulmanov issued a refusal material regarding Gafarov and singled out from it materials in a separate office, filed against me, also without examining the evidence, without interviewing witnesses, a criminal case under part 1 of article 306 “For knowingly false denunciation”. This made me make an appointment with the head of the TFR for the Republic of Tatarstan, Nikolaev P.M. After listening to my arguments, Nikolaev asked in surprise the head of the First Department by the name of Krivonosov: “Why is the First Department investigating both bandits and malfeasance?” and immediately gave the order, calling his subordinates to transfer the case to the second department, which deals directly with the malfeasance of police officers. At the same time, I told Nikolaev that in the cache, which Gafarov and Karabashev organized and issued for 2001, there is a weapon that was handed over just recently, namely Kanatiev, in 2012, at the beginning of winter, a PPS 1954 automatic rifle was handed over. The sawn-off shotgun, which is in this cache, was bought by S. Lyakhov in 2012 in the Muslyumovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, the TT pistol was dug out in the garden near Kodintsev also in 2012. After that, at this reception, where the leadership of the TFR for the Republic of Tatarstan was present, everyone silently looked at the head of the department, Krivonosov, not knowing what to say. Most striking is that the order of the head of the TFR for the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolaev P.M. has not yet been executed and ignored, and Gafarov continues to manipulate the investigators of the first department, since he has already managed to blame them for his crimes. To date, ten witnesses confirm my testimony, and these are Shiyapov R.R., Kanatiev V.M., Mukhametshin I.R., Israfilov I.R., Osipov I.P., former employee police Sabirov B.R., a lawyer who provided legal services Karabashev A. (who gave out the cache) Mucheykin D.N., Berezkin A.Yu., Borisenkov I. Chekin A., Kotushenko Yu.G. These persons fully confirm my testimony, my arguments and my correctness. Because of this, the investigator Abdulmanov still cannot charge me. Since Gafarov is still manipulating the investigators of the First Department of the ICR for the Republic of Tatarstan, the investigation took an unprecedented step in order to prevent a confrontation between me and Gafarov, and also to prevent me and the witnesses from going to court in the Kuskovskie criminal case, investigator Abdulmanov goes to court with a request for my compulsory examination in a psychiatric clinic for a period of 20 days or more, in order to further incapacitate me and declare me mentally ill. Thus, they are trying to protect themselves and avoid punishment for falsifying evidence in a criminal case, as a result of which innocent people can go to jail. Previously, I was one of the main witnesses for the prosecution in the Mamshovskie gang, and the evidence given by me in this criminal case was considered by the investigation and the court to be sufficient and substantiated. No one suspected my inadequacy just because what I said coincided with the position of the state prosecution, and now, having tried to tell the truth, I was immediately considered mentally insane. Paradox?!..

I support all the facts stated in this statement:

    SMS messages with mobile phone Gafarova,

    SMS from investigator Korkin, who is investigating a criminal case on the Kuskovsky gang,

    audio recordings of conversations of former and current police officers,

    audio recordings of investigator Abdulmanov,

    audio recordings of witnesses on various crimes committed by Gafarov,

    video recordings of active police officers, video of witness Karabashev,

    video recording with Gafarov's agent - Bormutov

1. call_17-32-28_IN_+79296519525 .wav(58.5 Mb)
2. continuation of the conversation with Nasevich_mpeg4.mp4(48.1 Mb)
3. Conversation with Davletshin regarding cache_mpeg4.mp4(37.3 Mb)
4. conversation with the deputy head of the 6th department, Nasevich, regarding the cache_mpeg4.mp4(69.3 Mb)

Link for downloading files: DB6E61914658A6D477564417B BDB

1. Conversation with employee uur Vafin.m4a(55.3 Mb)

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption After arresting a police officer for extortion, Kolokoltsev will reform the GUSB

Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev will file a petition for the dismissal of Anton Romeyko-Gurko, deputy head of the main internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He submitted a letter of resignation after the detention of a high-ranking official in St. Petersburg.

Irina Volk, spokeswoman for the ministry, told RIA Novosti that the minister would file a petition for dismissal of Romeiko-Gurko. According to her, Kolokoltsev made such a decision because of the detention in St. Petersburg of a member of the security service, Yuri Timchenko, who extorted a large bribe.

Timchenko was detained the day before. As the Investigative Committee of Russia reported on Friday, he is suspected of extorting a bribe in the amount of at least 100 million rubles from a representative of the Delovye Linii company, against whose management a case was initiated on tax evasion and an arrest was made on cash 1.5 billion rubles.

Timchenko served as head of department No. 17 "West" of the regional department of own security (RUSB) of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg.

Romeiko-Gurko, whom Kolokoltsev decided to fire, oversaw the RUSB units stationed in the districts, Volk explained to Interfax. According to her, Romeiko-Gurko himself submitted a resignation letter. Another report was submitted by Vladimir Tsvetkov, deputy head of one of the departments of the GUSB.

Fake fifty million

During the detention of the head of department No. 17 "West" Timchenko in St. Petersburg, 350 thousand rubles were found in his office.

According to investigators, he demanded that half of the bribe of 50 million rubles be transferred to him later on December 8, and the second part - after the arrest was removed from the accounts of the Business Lines company.

As a result, the intermediaries of the policeman in one of the underground parking lots received a dummy of 50 million rubles from the representative of the company and were detained, after which the highest-ranking policeman was also detained. A criminal case has been initiated against him.

Liquidation for the purpose of optimization

Structural changes will be made in the main department of internal security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the departments that were supervised by Romeiko-Gurko will be liquidated.

This is done in order to optimize the activities of the Main Directorate of the Interior Ministry of Russia, Volk explained. Whether the liquidation is connected with the case of extortion of a bribe, she did not specify.

The Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the structure that should monitor compliance with the law within the police itself - will undergo a large-scale reorganization. A number of her key personnel fired and regional offices are liquidated. The shake-up was the result of the largest scandal in the department: a high-ranking CSS officer extorted a multimillion-dollar bribe.

The head of the 17th department (“West”) of the RUSB GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yuri Timchenko, was detained on Thursday evening by officers of the Russian Federal Security Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, 350 thousand rubles were found in his office. Also on the same day, certain Konstantin Marchenkov and Sergey Zinovenko were detained in the territory of one of the parking lots of the Northern capital, who are suspected of mediating when giving a bribe - before that, they were given a fake amount of 50 million rubles.

And then it began: how many unfounded criminal cases against workers, outright falsifications, provocations! And who did they protect? It got to the point that with their help they began to remove objectionable heads of departments, put their phones on wiretap, someone could work time to call his mistress, someone else to someone, as a result, these records were carried to higher authorities. People were called “on the carpet”, as a result, they either wrote letters of resignation themselves, or they were fired, although they did not commit any crime. It got to the point that at one of the meetings with the minister, I stood up and directly stated that we had created a criminal organization within the Ministry of Internal Affairs!”

According to Gurov, his own security has become so because of almost unlimited powers and lack of control:

“In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of this department are hated and feared. Of course, under Rashid Gumarovich Nurgaliyev (Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2004-2012 - ed.), a serious purge was carried out, but the methods that were used by this service earlier remained. I think that in order to improve this structure, it is necessary to restrict its rights somewhere. However, nothing terrible will happen if its functions are transferred, for example, to the FSB. Not everything is perfect there either, but the control is completely different, other traditions.”

An addict cannot fight corruption

Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Moscow Police Trade Union interregional organization, in a conversation with the VZGLYAD newspaper, was less critical of the CSS structure as such, but also expressed the opinion that its functions should be transferred to the FSB.

"IN Soviet time this was done by the third department of the KGB, and everything was fine, - the expert believes. - Now, in order to start developing the head of some department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a representative of the CSS needs to ask permission for this from his immediate supervisor- the chief of police of the district, for example. Imagine the situation: a representative of the CSS comes and tells the head of the district that the person whom he personally appointed a month ago is a bribe taker. And it needs to be planted. What will the district manager do? He will say: "Let me talk to him in my own way." I talked, the head of the department began to behave (himself) quieter, and even began to share with the head of the district. And such a situation is also possible: the head of the CSS will come to him and say, they say, share it with me, and then no one will touch you.

According to Pashkin, due to a similar situation, the own security of the RF IC was disbanded at the time:

“Until the President, by his own will, disperses all the services of his own security, subordinate to the heads of law enforcement agencies, there will be no sense. The only relatively non-corrupt structure in our country is the FSB, they, of course, also imprison their own people, but they don’t talk about it loudly. Now, apparently, they were instructed to deal with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they are doing it - you see, the same case with Timchenko. And where are similar cases from CSS? You can't see or hear about them."

The main thing is to bring to court

The Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption is convinced that the wave of recent anti-corruption cases is the result of the work of people's deputies, who over the past eight years have adopted more than 40 regulatory legal acts aimed at combating corruption.

At the same time, the chairman of the committee, Anatoly Vyborny, also believes that the functions of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be transferred to another structure:

“I am a prosecutor in the past, so I think that such powers should be transferred to the prosecutor's office. Since this body approves indictments, the qualifications of its employees are quite high. It is no coincidence that the president in his message said that the fight against corruption should be dealt with by specialists so as not to turn it into a show.