Criteria for evaluating a social worker for certification. Improving the efficiency of social workers through certification

Worker certification

Business staff appraisal - purposeful process establishing the conformity of the quality characteristics of a person to the requirements of the position or workplace. There are two main types of business assessment of personnel: assessment of candidates for a vacant position or workplace in the selection of personnel and the current periodic assessment of employees in the certification of personnel. If necessary, additional assessments can be carried out in the selection of candidates for training, promotion, for admission to the reserve.

The basis for the advancement of an employee up the career ladder is often attestation - a special comprehensive assessment of their strengths and weaknesses(knowledge, skills, abilities, character traits that affect the achievement of the goal), the degree of their compliance with the requirements of the position (while it is impossible to mix the qualities and information about them contained in documents, for example, a diploma), activities (complexity and productivity) and its effectiveness (contribution and contribution to the overall results of the unit and the organization as a whole). The assessment is carried out in order to determine the employee's suitability for the position.

Assessment in the framework of attestation can be related to the employee as a whole or local, relating only to one of his functions; prolonged - over a long period of time and expressive, aimed at current activities. Prolonged assessment is influenced by past events; to expressive - mainly emotions.

The object of certification can also be individual divisions (primarily managerial) and their elements, in particular the structure of staff, organization, complexity and working conditions, their impact on subordinates and performance. This also includes certification of the workplace - comprehensive assessment its compliance with progressive technical, technological and organizational solutions, labor protection requirements, regulations and standards. The main tasks of such certification are: rationalization, improvement of working conditions, elimination of ineffective or unnecessary jobs. There are the following types of certification: final, intermediate and special (for special circumstances).

During the final certification, a complete and versatile assessment of the employee's production activity is made for the entire period.

Interim certification is carried out in relatively short periods, and each subsequent one should be based on the results of the previous one. It is carried out once a quarter or even monthly.

Regular appraisals as a basis for promotion and remuneration are advisable where work is of an individual nature.

Special attestation due to special circumstances, for example, a referral to study, approval in new position, is carried out before making the appropriate decision.

The objectives of attestation can be explicit and implicit (latent). The explicit goal, as already mentioned, is to establish in an official manner the suitability of a given person to perform that other work. The purposes of certification can also be control over the implementation of the assigned task, opening the available reserves for increasing the efficiency of work, solving the issue of the volume, ways and forms of training, retraining, etc.

Latent goals may include: fulfilling a requirement from a superior organization or management; giving more weight to previously adopted personnel decisions; acquaintance of the head with employees; giving it more weight in their eyes; destruction of the collective responsibility that exists in the team; revitalization of work; imposing formal responsibility for the placement of personnel on the certification commission, etc.

In accordance with these meanings of the concept of "certification", it is necessary to highlight the following components.

Regulations on the procedure for conducting certification - a regulatory document that defines its goals and objectives, terms, categories of certified and not subject to certification, the procedure for preparation, conduct and decisions made based on its results.

Certification of employees in management bodies social protection population is carried out in accordance with Article 48 Federal law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the state civil service Russian Federation", which defines the procedure for attestation of state civil servants of the Russian Federation who fill the positions of state civil service Of the Russian Federation in a federal state body, a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or their apparatuses.

The main criteria for certification are the amount of work of the employee, the results achieved during the performance job duties, the quality of the work performed, the level of education, the amount of special knowledge, work experience in this or a similar position, as well as positions that allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the work stipulated for this position, etc.

Based on the results of certification, either specific decisions are made on job transfers, or appropriate recommendations are made to the so-called "employee inventory card" containing information about his age, seniority, duration of work in this position, in previous places, conclusions about the feasibility, timing, directions advancement or its impossibility.

In addition to resolving the issue of promoting or retaining a particular employee in the previous position, the purpose of certification may be to reveal the existing reserves for increasing efficiency individual work, linking remuneration with the real results of work and qualifications of a specialist or manager, determining the scope, methods and forms of advanced training. In this regard, the immediate objects of certification are the results of the employee's work, his potential, attitude to the performance of his duties; the personality of a person as such is not subject to assessment. As a result of certification, the employee must understand his mistakes, step up work to overcome them, self-improvement, etc. both taking into account their own interests and the interests of management.

In practice, there are two main approaches to certification. According to one, its meaning is to monitor and evaluate the activities of the employee, resulting in punishment, reward or promotion, and then the assessors act as judges. In another approach, the emphasis is on finding ways to improve work, realize a career, etc., and the assessors become advisers, consultants. In the first case, commissions formed from third-party independent experts are most often attesting, in the second - the immediate supervisor. Accordingly, the forms of certification are also different: either it is a periodic report followed by a "judgment", or an interview and a joint search for a solution to the tasks facing the subordinate.

V modern conditions personnel assessment criteria and indicators are often developed jointly by the manager and the team and are based on the list official duties each of the tasks facing him, individual goals. A number of requirements are imposed on the indicators on the basis of which employees are assessed, including compliance with the assessment objectives, individualization, clarity, completeness and reliability of the reflection of the situation, ensuring the comparison of results, both with the previous period and with other persons, other categories, the reflection is not only statics, but also dynamics.

In practice, two methods of assessment are usually used: on the basis of a qualitative description of the activity and its result, and on quantitative indicators, which can be represented by both real values ​​and conditional points determined by an expert method. At the same time, the results are assessed according to the degree of achievement of the set goals, completeness, quality and timeliness of assignments. Activity is assessed by the intensity and complexity of the work, which is determined by such circumstances as complexity, independence, scale, responsibility, technological and managerial complexity: for different types work, these signs are differentiated. Business qualities they are practically not subject to quantitative assessment, the basis for assessing qualifications is education and experience. The formal result of the assessment can be the assignment of qualifications (for a specialist), recognition of the conformity or inadequacy of the position held with certain organizational conclusions (promotion, demotion, retention, dismissal).

Attestation in organizations should take place regularly, preferably at least once every three, maximum five years.

In our country, the certification procedure provides for three stages: preparation, implementation and decision-making.

On the preparatory stage lists of employees subject to certification, schedules of its holding in divisions are drawn up, the composition of the relevant commissions is approved, rules and criteria are announced. For example, persons who have worked in an organization for less than a year are usually exempted from certification. Certification of women on maternity leave, as well as on parental leave until they reach the age of three, is carried out after their return from leave.

To carry out certification of employees in the departments of social protection of the population subordinate to the department of social protection of the population of the Krasnodar Territory, certification commissions are created. The attestation commission is formed by a legal act of a state body in accordance with parts 9 - 12 of article 48 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation". The specified act determines the composition attestation commission, terms and procedure of its work.

The attestation commission includes a representative of the employer and civil servants authorized by him (including from the division for civil service and personnel, the legal (legal) division and the division in which the civil servant subject to certification replaces the civil service position), a representative of the federal state a public service management body or a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for public service management, as well as representatives of scientific and educational institutions, other organizations invited by the relevant public service management body at the request of a representative of the employer as independent experts - specialists on issues related to civil service, without specifying the personal data of experts. The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the certification commission.

The composition of the certification commission is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions taken by the certification commission.

The attestation commission consists of the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission. All members of the attestation commission have equal rights when making decisions.

The personal composition of the attestation commission, specific terms, the schedule of attestation are approved by order of the head of the institution and are communicated to the attested employees at least two weeks before the start of attestation.

A certification sheet and a characteristic (presentation) are prepared for the meeting of the commission, which describe production activities of those being certified, information about their qualifications, business and personal qualities, attitude to the fulfillment of assigned duties, conclusions are drawn about the directions for improving activities, rewards and punishments, compliance or inadequacy of the position and further fate. A review of a specialist is signed by his manager and a representative of the trade union; review of the head - the top manager.

At the stage of attestation, it is carried out with the invitation of the attested civil servant to a meeting of the attestation commission. If a civil servant fails to appear at a meeting of the said commission without a valid reason or if he refuses to attest, the civil servant is brought to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service, and attestation is postponed to a later date.

The attestation commission examines the submitted documents, hears the reports of the attested civil servant, and, if necessary, his immediate supervisor about the professional performance of the civil servant. In order to carry out the attestation objectively, after considering the additional information provided by the attested civil servant about his professional service activities for the attestation period, the attestation commission has the right to postpone the attestation to the next meeting of the commission.

The professional performance of a civil servant is assessed on the basis of determining his compliance qualification requirements for the civil service position to be replaced, his participation in solving the tasks assigned to the relevant subdivision (state body), the complexity of the work he performs, its effectiveness and efficiency.

At the same time, the results of the civil servant's execution of the official regulations, professional knowledge and work experience of a civil servant, the civil servant's compliance with restrictions, the absence of violations of prohibitions, compliance with the requirements for official conduct and obligations should be taken into account, established by law Of the Russian Federation on the state civil service, and in the certification of a civil servant endowed with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other civil servants - also organizational skills.

A meeting of the attestation commission is considered competent if attended by at least two-thirds of its members.

The attestation results are communicated to the employee immediately after the vote, drawn up by the minutes of the attestation commission and entered in the employee's attestation sheet (drawn up in one copy), which are signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who took part in the vote.

The appraisal sheet and presentation for the employee who passed the attestation is kept in his personal file.

The results of the certification are reported to the head of the institution within a week.

Labor disputes related to certification are considered in accordance with current legislation on the procedure for considering labor disputes.

Based on the results of certification of a civil servant, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

a) corresponds to the civil service position being replaced;

b) corresponds to the civil service position being replaced and is recommended for inclusion in the established procedure in the personnel reserve for replacement vacant post civil service in the order of official growth;

c) corresponds to the civil service position being replaced, subject to successful completion professional retraining or advanced training;

d) does not correspond to the civil service position being replaced.

The results of certification are entered into the certification sheet of a civil servant, drawn up in the form according to the appendix (Appendix B). The attestation sheet is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting.

The civil servant gets acquainted with the certification sheet against receipt.

The attestation list of a civil servant who has passed the attestation and a review of his performance of official duties for the attestation period are stored in the personal file of the civil servant.

Within one month after the certification, according to its results, it is published legal act state body or a decision is made by the representative of the employer that the civil servant:

a) is subject to inclusion in the established procedure in the personnel reserve for filling a vacant position in the civil service in the order of official growth;

b) is sent for professional retraining or advanced training;

c) is demoted to the position of the civil service.

If a civil servant refuses professional retraining, advanced training or a transfer to another position in the civil service, the employer's representative has the right to release the civil servant from the civil service position being replaced and dismiss him from the civil service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service.

After one month after the certification, the transfer of a civil servant to another position in the civil service or his dismissal from the civil service based on the results of this certification is not allowed. The time of illness and annual paid leave of a civil servant is not counted within the specified period.

A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of certification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Practical experience in the application of certification of employees of social protection agencies was considered on the example of the social protection administration of the department of social protection of the population of the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Goryachy Klyuch. In the study of the attestation process, the following methods were applied: document analysis (in the State Service for Social Welfare of the DSS of the Kyrgyz Republic in the town of Goryachy Klyuch, all documents related to the work of the department and the attestation process itself were studied); supervision (collection of primary information about certification, the work of all departments); personal conversation (conversations with the head of the Department of Health and Social Welfare of the Kyrgyz Republic in the town of Goryachy Klyuch, the deputy head).

On December 1, 2006, the certification of employees of this institution was carried out at the USZN of the DSZN of the Krasnodar Territory in the town of Goryachy Klyuch. The certification was passed by the deputy head of the institution, heads of departments of the institution, leading specialists of departments, specialists of I and II categories, technical executors. The certification of employees of the institution was carried out in the direction - examination of the professional competence of the person being certified. The certification was carried out in the form of an interview. The attestation commission included: the head of the personnel department of the SDSN Krasnodar Territory, two experts from the administration of Goryachy Klyuch, the head of the SDSN SDSN Kr. cr. in the city of Goryachy Klyuch, deputy head of the USZN DSZN Kr. cr. in the town of Goryachy Klyuch.

The basis for the attestation was the employee's application, which is submitted to the attestation commission of the management before July 1. The certified workers were familiarized with the submitted materials two weeks before the certification.

The results of the certification were communicated to the employees immediately after the voting, which were drawn up by the minutes of the certification commission and entered in the employee certification sheet (drawn up in one copy).

Attestation sheets and presentation on workers who have passed attestation are kept in their personal files.

15 people - corresponds to the civil service position being replaced;

5 people - corresponds to the civil service position being replaced and are recommended for inclusion in the established order in the personnel reserve for filling a vacant civil service position in the order of official growth;

4 persons - corresponds to the civil service position being replaced, subject to successful completion of professional retraining or advanced training;

During the certification, the following problems were identified:

Specialists of the I, II categories of the institution are not always independent, they wait for instructions from the heads of management departments, avoid independent decisions, and even in simple cases are not able to show persistence and perseverance in achieving the goal;

The work experience of some certified specialists and practical skills are insufficient to successfully cope with the case;

The quality of work of individual workers is satisfactory, sometimes mistakes and negligence are made in the work;

Poor knowledge, mainly of category II specialists, of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory.

The certification commission and the head of the department in which the certification of workers was carried out, made the following proposals for solving these problems:

For the most effective work, the management personnel must show themselves more independent, demanding and persistent in their work, and for this it is necessary that the department heads provide their subordinates with the opportunity to solve some issues related to their activities, but at the same time monitor the solution of these issues;

To improve the work experience, practical skills and knowledge of management workers, it is necessary to regularly conduct retraining (retraining), advanced training of management workers;

To improve the quality of labor of management workers, it is necessary, firstly, to increase disciplinary responsibility, secondly, periodically conduct a study of the quality of services provided to clients who applied to the social protection authorities and, based on the results of the study, improve the quality of staff work.

Summing up what has been said, it can be noted that the business assessment of an employee most often takes the form of attestation. Its organizational implementation is formalized by an order for the organization, which gives it an official status and grants the right to use the results obtained for making organizational decisions in relation to a particular employee. Thus, the appraisal should be considered as the final, documented result of the employee's assessment.

What is the use of certification social workers? What are the features of certification medical professionals per category? What governs the position on certification for compliance with the position held?

Arriving at work, you will find out that there have been personnel changes in the team! Head economist Maria Ivanovna was getting ready to retire urgently. Senior accountant Natalya glows with happiness - she is now the deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is all in tears - from now on she is just an economist.

This is due to the certification of workers, which no one attached much importance to two weeks ago. As you can see, in vain!

In order not to get into a mess and be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared a new article for you on the topic of personnel certification!

As always at the end of the post - useful tips and an overview of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is employee certification and why is it carried out?

Every year, heads of enterprises and business owners pay more and more attention to the company's personnel. Popular expression "Cadres are everything!" finally began to acquire practical significance.

To remain competitive, companies must have a highly skilled workforce that matches its scale.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very simple - to carry out certification!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and suitability for the position.

The objectives of this event are different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of certification activities is provided for at least once every 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the terms that are acceptable for it. They are fixed in a local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization for less than a year;
  • employees over 60 years old;
  • female employees expecting a child;
  • maternity leave workers;
  • women who have taken parental leave for a child under 3 years old.

Now certification has become popular in the field of social work. Certification of the professionalism of social workers allows us to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which has a positive effect on the quality of their services.

It is also important to remember about the peculiarities of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of health workers by category. These employees have the right to independently initiate the category assignment exam. The voluntariness of the test is its distinctive feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What are the forms of certification of workers - 3 forms of carrying out

The method of certification is also selected depending on the goals. The most famous are 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are much more of them, because mixing often occurs and the result is a combined format.

As part of this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegial interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is usually conducted by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a testimonial-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the certified person to the work is clarified. The problems arising for an employee in the performance of work duties are determined.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a peer interview

The collegial interview is conducted by a commission approved for this purpose. First, listen to the report of the subject himself about his duties within the position, positive and negative aspects of the work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

In the course of the conversation, the level of professional training of a specialist and his compliance with the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

The most objective form is testing. Proficiency testing requires a lot of preparation.

First, you need to form and approve test questions. They must fully correspond to the specialty and qualifications of the certified employees.

Secondly, the% of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine the successful completion of the test.

3. How the certification of workers is carried out - 5 main stages

Such a serious and important procedure as certification of workers requires thorough preparation.

For the results of this event to have value and practical significance, it is necessary to know some of its organizational subtleties and features of the event.

Stage 1. Drawing up a local normative act

The main document governing the certification procedure is the “Regulations on the certification of employees”.

His approximate structure is presented in the table.

The approximate structure and composition of the sections:

1 Concept, goals, objectivesindicated specific goals and tasks specifically for the company that approved the Regulation (for example, the formation personnel reserve)
2 List of categories of personnel not subject to certificationLegally established categories of employees that are not certified (pregnant women, working less than a year, etc.)
3 Dates of theplanned, unscheduled, frequency and duration of
4 Forms of certificationindividual or collegial interview, testing
5 Composition and powers of the commissionthe composition of the commission with the functions assigned to them is indicated
6 Certification procedurethe most complete description of all stages of the process, a list of documents to be submitted, a list of persons responsible for the preparation of documents
7 Criteria for evaluationthe number of points for successfully passing the test, the compliance of the employee's work with his official instructions, etc.
8 Types of final conclusionscorresponds / does not correspond to the position held, corresponds to the position held and is recommended for admission to the personnel reserve

The local act is approved by the head of the company. After that, all personnel are introduced to him by signature. Subsequently, the newly employed become familiar with the situation in a similar way.

Stage 2. Formation of the certification commission

The commission is approved by the order of the organization.

The composition includes:

  • chairman;
  • vice-chairman;
  • Secretary;
  • members of the commission.

The number of members is not limited by law. Minimum - 3 people. Elected from among the most professional workers, heads of departments, chief specialists.

If there is a trade union in the firm, then its representative must be included in the commission. Otherwise, the certification results may be invalidated.

Stage 3. Preparation of the necessary documents for the attestation commission

The order of the head on the certification has been issued. The schedule for its implementation has been developed and approved. The time comes to prepare documentation for the commission.

List of standard documents:

  • form for assessing working and business qualities;
  • reports of the attested;
  • qualification sheets;
  • the form of the conclusion of the commission;
  • form for accounting for employees' proposals.

Stage 4. Conducting certification

Certification is carried out by the commission strictly according to the approved schedule. During the meeting, the submitted documents for each certified person are considered, the employees themselves and their immediate supervisors are heard.

Stage 5. Obtaining the results of certification

Based on the results of certification, the commission issues a verdict for each person being certified. The wording of the decision is prescribed in the local act and usually has the form: “corresponds to the position held” and “does not correspond to the position held”.

The attestation report is drawn up in the form. The results are formed into a consolidated report, which is then presented to the manager for making a final decision.

4. Who provides services for the certification of employees - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

The personnel appraisal procedure is causing you difficulties, and you do not know where to start? I suggest contacting professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently carry out certification of employees in any field, including such as: education, medicine, government and social services.

HR-praktika is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating for over 20 years throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management. During this period, the company has become an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Business leaders and owners, job seekers and employees of companies, specialists personnel services- everyone will find useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the company "HR-praktika". You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

"Hermes" is a licensing center from Moscow, established in 2006. The company has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of Hermes LLC:

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO tolerances;
  • training and retraining courses of various kinds;
  • certification: personnel,;
  • sale ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergencies and KGIOP.

Having started its activity back in 2006 as a division of the holding, the company "There are personnel!" has become a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services are the main directions of the firm's activity. The most demanded among clients are certification of personnel and.

The results of the events held by highly qualified specialists of the agency "There are personnel!" allow customers to:

  • identify the reasons for the ineffective work of staff;
  • to determine the directions of optimization of personnel and organizational work;
  • develop activities that increase motivation and productivity;
  • review job responsibilities and salaries;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results of employee certification - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of personnel certification.

Our advice will help to avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the certification commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as you need for a high-quality procedure.

The main condition: all members of the commission must have authority, be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will generate more credibility and reduce the risk of conflicts.


During the certification process at Albatross LLC, a conflict arose when assessing the professional competencies of the system administrator Fyodor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuzkin's category. Fedor wrote a complaint to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the members of the commission in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this direction, and, therefore, they could not properly assess the professional qualities of the system administrator Fedor.

The director of Albatross LLC agreed with Kuzkin's arguments and the recommendations of the attestation commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Conduct certification only in the presence of an employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of attestation in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to be examined), it is better to carry it out in his presence.

This will reduce the risk of conflict and disputing the outcome by the evaluated employee.

Tip 3. Entrust third-party certification to carry out the certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of the headache about this, I recommend ordering this event in specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with the certification of personnel, but also, for example, a special assessment of working conditions (

Sections: Social pedagogy

Certification allows you to diagnose personnel; determine the value of employees. Helps the head to make informed management decisions, especially those related to the strategic objectives of the institution.

Our institution - Orphanage, a sphere where the labor of a social worker of all levels is intensively applied: a social teacher, a social work specialist and a social worker.

Objective: to determine the features and conditions for the application of certification to improve the efficiency of social workers.


  • define the concept of "work efficiency";
  • highlight the criteria for social work;
  • study the features of the work of a social worker;
  • to identify the factors of increasing labor efficiency;
  • make a professional portrait of a social worker;
  • highlight the methods of personnel assessment for certification;
  • to examine practical experience social workers;
  • determine the impact of certification on improving labor efficiency.

It is concluded that the effectiveness of social work largely depends on the personality of the social worker who implements it.

To determine the approach to assessing the effectiveness of social work, it must be recognized that social work is not limited to traditional forms of activity.

Social work is a specific type of professional activity. This is the provision of state and non-state assistance to a person in order to ensure the cultural, social and material standard of his life, the provision of individual assistance to a person, family or group of persons.

First of all, social work should be viewed as an independent science. Like any science, social work has its own subject, object, categorical apparatus. The object of the study of social work is the process of connections, interactions, methods and means of regulating the behavior of social groups and individuals in society.

The subject of social work is the laws that determine the nature and direction of development of social processes in society.

British scholars define social work as the organization of a personal service to help a person. It aims to make everyday life easier for people in conditions of personal and family crisis, as well as, if possible, to fundamentally solve their problems. Social work is an important link between the people who need help and the state apparatus and legislation.

In Russia, in the context of the transition to a market economy, against the background of a sharp change in the nature and forms social relations, breaking the usual stereotypes of life experience, loss of many people social status and development prospects both for society as a whole and for oneself personally, serious difficulties arose that cannot be dealt with on their own. Social tensions have increased. All this increases the importance of the deployment of social work as a specialized type of activity, as well as the need to train social workers of different specializations for different categories of clients.

The position of a social worker, social work specialist and social educator in the Russian Federation was introduced in 1991. In the qualification handbook, he is endowed with various job responsibilities:

  • Identifies at enterprises, microdistricts of families and individuals in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, protection of moral, physical and mental health; establishes the reasons for their difficulties, conflict situations.
  • Assists them in their resolution and social protection; promotes the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary social and economic assistance to the population;
  • Provides assistance in family education, the conclusion of labor contracts for work at home for women with minor children, disabled people, pensioners; conducts psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minor children with associative behavior;
  • Identifies and provides assistance to children and adults in need of custody and guardianship, placement in medical and educational institutions, receiving material, social and household and other assistance;
  • Organizes public protection of juvenile offenders, in necessary cases acts as their public defender in court;
  • Participates in the creation of centers social assistance family: adoption, guardianship and guardianship; social rehabilitation; shelters; youth, adolescent, children's and family centers; clubs and associations, associations of interests, etc.,
  • Organizes and coordinates work on social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons who have returned from special educational institutions and places of detention.

Each type of activity ends with some kind of result, by which the work done is evaluated. One of the most important evaluations of the result is efficiency. Social work also produces certain results. It is also assessed for its effectiveness.

What is the effectiveness of activities in general and specifically social work?

Depending on the type of activity, the concept of efficiency is defined in different ways. But at the same time, each of them has obligatory elements: goal, result, costs, generally accepted norm (or ideal).

Goal and outcome are central to this list. They represent the starting and ending points of activity: at the beginning, the goal is put forward, and at the end the result is obtained. The ratio of the goal and the result gives an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the activity.

Subject of our study is the effectiveness of social work, which in the most general view is considered as the ratio of the results obtained to the previously set goals. Thus, it fixes the degree of compliance with what was supposed to be achieved.

All ideas and theories of social work are grouped around one central block of problems:

  • conditions for the formation and implementation of human life;
  • the ratio of freedom and social conditioning of an individual, a socially justified (or unjustified) measure of this freedom and the possibilities of its implementation in society.

However, a number of questions still arise: is it timely, is the raising of the question about the effectiveness of social work in general, and even more so about the effectiveness of individual social workers? Is there a reasonably well developed basis for determining performance social services and individual specialists for the work done?

It is necessary to highlight principles on which the effectiveness of social work is based:

  • the ability to accurately formulate the problem; analysis of the factors that caused the problem, as well as hindering or favorable solution to the problem; assessment of the problem solvability; development of an action plan; involving the object in solving the problem;
  • assessment of changes achieved in the client's position.

Of course, the criteria, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of social work in the country can be applied at the macro level (at the state level), meso level (republic, city, district), and micro level (at the level of the individual, client).

At the level of the whole society, it is possible to assess the effectiveness of federal target programs that provide federal support for various regions in the development of social services for the population. For example, within the framework of the presidential program "Children of Russia". The programs "Children with disabilities", "Development of social services for families and children", "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", which set various general tasks for ministries and departments that have social services, but at the same time formulate specific tasks related to to the activities of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs. Allocation of funds from federal budget to support territorial social services within the framework of these programs, of course, provides for an assessment of the activities of these services, determination of the effectiveness of social work carried out by the specialists of these services.

But at the micro level, clients of social services, wishing to receive material assistance, social and medical services or consultations, pay attention to such personal qualities of social workers as kindness, fairness, responsiveness, and professionalism. Among negative qualities social workers clients refer to indifference, deceit, rudeness, low professionalism.

The main goals of social work as a professional activity include the following:

  • an increase in the degree of independence of individuals, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems;
  • creation of conditions in which individuals can demonstrate their capabilities to the maximum and get everything that they are entitled to by law;
  • adaptation or re-adaptation of people in society;
  • creating conditions under which a person, despite a physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live with self-esteem and respect from others;
  • and as the ultimate goal - the achievement of such a result when the need for the help of a social worker from the client disappears.

The social worker is the implementer of the goals of social work, ranging from “linear” work with a client to management activities in government departments.

Social work is a complex process that requires solid knowledge in the field of management theory, economics, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine, jurisprudence, etc. Its effectiveness largely depends on the social worker himself, his skills, experience, personal characteristics and qualities.

Certification should help to identify the optimal set of personal qualities necessary for a social worker, such as responsibility, adherence to principles, observation, communication skills, correctness (tact), intuition, personal adequacy in self-esteem and assessment of others, the ability to self-education, optimism, mobility, flexibility, humanistic orientation personalities, empathy for the problems of other people, tolerance.

“Contraindications” to social work include: lack of interest in other people (selfishness), irascibility, harshness of judgment, categoricalness, lack of focus, inability to conduct a dialogue with an opponent, conflict, aggressiveness, inability to perceive someone else's point of view on a subject.

The style of behavior of a social worker, conditioned by the totality of his personal qualities, his value orientations and interests, has a decisive influence on the system of relations that he forms not only with people, but also with his colleagues, subordinates and superiors.

They can be divided into three groups:

  • the first - psychological characteristics being part of ability for this type of activity;
  • second- psychological and pedagogical qualities focused on improving the social worker as a person;
  • third- psychological and pedagogical qualities aimed at creating the effect of personal charm.

Without these, leading for this profession, characteristics of the psyche, effective work is impossible.

Social workers are engaged in various types of activities in the performance of their professional functions. Their work is characterized by three approaches to solving the problem:

  • educational approach- acts as a teacher, consultant, expert. Social worker advises, teaches skill, modeling and demonstration of correct behavior, establishes feedback, uses role-playing games as a teaching method;
  • facilitative approach- performs the role of an assistant, supporter or mediator in overcoming apathy or disorganization of the individual, when it is difficult for her to do it herself. The activities of a social worker with this approach are aimed at interpreting behavior, discussing alternative directions of activity and actions, explaining situations, encouraging and targeting the mobilization of internal resources;
  • advocacy is used when a social worker performs the role of a lawyer on behalf of a specific client or group of clients, as well as an assistant to those people who act as a lawyer on their own behalf, this type of activity includes helping individuals to put forward reinforced argumentation, selection of documented well-founded accusations.

When assessing a social worker, the most common assessment methods:

  • Historical(biographical) - analysis of personnel data, leaflet on personnel records, personal statements, autobiography, educational documents, characteristics
    Result: conclusion about family, education, career, character traits.
  • Interviewing(interview) - a conversation with an employee in the "question-answer" mode according to a pre-drawn or arbitrary scheme to obtain additional data about the employee.
    Result: questionnaire with answers.
  • Questionnaire(self-assessment) - a survey of a person using a special questionnaire for self-assessment of personality traits and their subsequent analysis.
    Result: profile.
  • Sociological survey - questionnaire survey of employees different categories who know the evaluated person well (managers, colleagues, subordinates.
    Result: sociological assessment questionnaire.
  • Observation- observation of the evaluated employee in the informal (on vacation, at home) and in work environment methods of instant observations and photographs of the working day.
    Result: observation report.
  • Testing- determination of professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, personality psychology using special tests with their subsequent decoding using "keys".
    Result: psychological picture.
  • Expert review- determination of the totality and obtaining expert assessments of the ideal and real employee.
    Result: model of the workplace.
  • Critical incident- the creation of a critical situation and the behavior of a person in the process of resolving it (conflict, making a difficult decision, behavior in trouble, attitudes towards alcohol, women, etc.)
    Result: Report on the incident and human behavior.

Purpose of certification must be:

  • assessment of the success of the employee;
  • implementation of incentive and sanctioning activities;
  • the basis for the operational redistribution of tasks between employees;
  • formation of a personnel reserve;
  • drawing up a training and development plan for an employee;
  • employee career planning;
  • introduction of flexible remuneration systems (changes in the remuneration system).

The result of the assessment certification of an employee can be the main approaches to assessing the business qualities and qualifications of an employee when establishing the level of payment provided for by the Unified Tariff Grid approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 No. 785.

Compliance of actually performed duties and qualifications of employees with the requirements job characteristics is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for certification of employees of institutions, organizations, the social protection system of the population of the Russian Federation, which are on budget funding, and the Regulation on the procedure for certification of health workers.

Certification of employees of institutions and organizations of the social protection service is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on extraordinary certification and tariffication of medical and pharmaceutical workers, which are on budgetary funding, approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated December 7, 1992 No. 265.

In addition to resolving the issue of promoting or retaining a particular employee in the previous position, the purpose of certification may be to reveal the existing reserves for increasing the efficiency of individual work, linking remuneration with real work results and qualifications of a specialist or manager, determining the scope, methods and forms of advanced training. In this regard, the direct objects of certification are the results of the employee's work, his potential, attitude to the performance of his duties.

The personality of a person as such is not subject to assessment. As a result of certification, the employee must understand his mistakes, step up work to overcome them, self-improvement, etc. both taking into account their own interests and the interests of the organization.

At the preparatory stage, lists of employees subject to certification, schedules for its holding in departments are drawn up, the composition of the relevant commissions is approved, rules and criteria are announced. Based on the results of certification, an action plan is developed, and in accordance with the recommendation of the commission, the head can carry out personnel changes. Those who have not passed certification are transferred to another position with his consent, and in the absence of such, he can be fired. Based on the results of certification, within a month, the manager makes a decision on the establishment of the appropriate grades of remuneration for employees. develops recommendations for improving the efficiency of employees, etc.

At the preliminary stage, before certification, the director of the personnel department, using the biographical (historical) method, collects information about the certified: an analysis of personnel data (documents on education, study work book etc.). All data is sent to the departments where the attested work.

A certification sheet, a review (characteristic) of the person being certified, are being prepared for the meeting of the commission, service characteristic... In the absence of the head of the day or round-the-clock stay, the description is written by the deputy director for social work;

The service characteristic reflects:

  • professional and ethical competence;
  • availability of education;
  • professional competence (knowledge, skills, experience);
  • the degree of activity at work;
  • sociability;
  • motivation for the activities of a social worker;
  • psychological stability;
  • intelligence, cultural level;
  • the level of adherence to the principles, ethics of the social worker;
  • responsiveness, empathy, compassion of social workers.

The qualities of social work specialists required in the performance of official duties:

  • ability to listen
  • benevolence, responsiveness
  • competence, knowledge, horizons
  • ability to think logically
  • disinterestedness, honesty
  • ability to make practical decisions
  • high general culture
  • the ability to organize help, achieve a solution to the client's problems (efficiency in business)
  • personal charm
  • ability to rely on the professional help of colleagues at work
  • skill to work in team
  • respect for point of view

At the same time, job descriptions for employees are also being prepared for the meeting to assess their performance of job duties.

By order of the director, an approximate list of indicators has been developed for assessing the qualifications of employees:

  • education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • professional competence;
  • knowledge of the necessary regulatory documents governing activities;
  • the ability to quickly make decisions to accomplish the tasks at hand;
  • quality of work performance;
  • the ability to adapt to a new situation and take new approaches to solving emerging problems;
  • timeliness of performance of official duties, responsibility for the results of work;
  • labor intensity (ability to cope with a large volume of work in a short time);
  • ability to work with children;
  • the ability to predict and plan, organize, coordinate and regulate, as well as control and analyze the work of subordinates (for deputies, heads of departments);
  • the ability in a short time to master the issues that ensure an increase in labor efficiency and quality of work;
  • work ethics, style of relations with colleagues and clients;
  • ability to be creative and entrepreneurial;
  • participation in commercial activities;
  • ability for self-esteem, compassion and understanding of disabled citizens.

At the stage of attestation, a review is read, a service characteristic, the work of the attested person is studied for the past period, questions are asked. The attestation commission uses the most common methods for assessing labor performance: the method of a given (forced) choice - the commission selects from a set of employee descriptions those that correspond to it. Employee performance is assessed by a large number of selected positive descriptions; descriptive method of assessment - the commission describes the advantages and disadvantages of the employee's behavior in the implementation of professional activities; management by goals (tasks) - the activity of the employee over the past period is studied, associated with the implementation of goals and objectives; method of assessment for a decisive situation - the certification commission prepares a list of descriptions of the "correct" and "wrong" behavior of workers in certain situations. These situations are called "decisive". On the basis of studying the work of the person being certified for the period preceding the certification, studying the performance characteristics, a conclusion is made about the amount of “correct” behavior in such “decisive” situations; other methods of personnel assessment are also used.

The minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission are kept by the secretary

Based on the results of the certification of employees, the head orders: to confirm the compliance with the position held and the level of remuneration according to the Unified Tariff Grid.

Studying the results of certification, the head develops recommendations, his attitude to improving the efficiency of work in conjunction with the Committee on Education and other organizations. The Education Committee, in turn, receives data on the past certification, the development of the director on future performance, and, together with the Education Committee, develops guidelines that are sent to the institution.

The peculiarity of the work of social workers is that its results are difficult to directly quantify. Moreover, the results of labor often become obvious not immediately, but only after a certain period of time, sometimes quite long. But nevertheless, all information about the work of a social worker for the past period is provided for certification and conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness and efficiency of his work.

In order for the employee to always perform his work effectively, it is necessary to correctly inform him about the results of the assessment. To do this, the manager should try to give the employee the opportunity to relax and emphasize that this conversation is not a disciplinary event, but a meeting to discuss past work in order to provide recommendations for the future. It is necessary to start the conversation with the positive achievements of the employee, the statement of the shortcomings should be placed between the two positive results. It is very important for the manager and the attestation commission to observe these points, to be objective, so that in the future a person does not lose faith in himself, interest in the profession and mobilize his efforts for effective work.

Many heads of modern organizations have already come to the conclusion that without certification and an objective assessment of employees in all respects, it will not be possible to achieve stable work and, ultimately, positive results both in the activities of the institution and each of the employees. Consequently, everyone, both managers and employees, should be interested in conducting an objective assessment and certification.

social worker staff labor

Personnel assessment is the process of determining the effectiveness of employees in the course of implementing the tasks of the organization, which allows you to obtain information for making further management decisions.

Assessment is a broader concept than attestation. Evaluation can be formal and informal (for example, a daily evaluation by a supervisor of a subordinate). Evaluation can be carried out regularly or irregularly, depending on the specific needs of the organization.

Attestation is a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment of the compliance of a specific employee's activities with the standard of work at a given workplace in a given position, using personnel assessment methods. Attestation accumulates the results of the work of a specific employee for a specific period.

Attestation as a phenomenon associated with checking the compliance of an employee, an organization with the established requirements, is becoming more widespread. In addition to the previously existing certification of specialists and workplaces, educational institutions and various business entities are now subject to certification. The categories of workers previously unnoticed by the legislator are subject to certification. Thus, we can talk about a new qualitative stage of certification, in which checks are carried out for professionalism, competence, suitability for work.

As a rule, certification of employees is understood as a periodic comprehensive check of the level of business, personal, and sometimes moral qualities of an employee in the relevant position. In modern Russian acts on certification, there are various approaches to the definition of certification, its goals, objectives and principles. The solutions to the issues of the formation of certification commissions, preparation and conduct of certification, assessment of the certified and legal consequences of certification are ambiguous. This is due to the specifics of the industries that adopted certification acts, the specifics of the professions and the working conditions of the certified workers. However, you can set the following characteristic signs inherent in the certification of social workers:

  • - it is carried out in the organization with which the employee has a labor contract or in another, as a rule, specialized organization for this;
  • - the object of verification is theoretical and practical

the readiness of the employee to occupy a certain position or perform a certain job;

  • - certification is carried out periodically, i.e. once in the interval from one year to five;
  • - is performed in specially created certification commissions;
  • - various forms of certification are used.

Attestation is an important stage in the final assessment of personnel.

Certification includes:

  • 1. Evaluation of the performance of employees and their personal and business qualities.
  • 2.0 the value of efficiency in solving problems within the job description, as well as new and extra-standard tasks carried out by line managers.

The objectives of the certification are:

regular assessment of the employee's success

implementation of incentive and sanctioning activities

the basis for the prompt redistribution of tasks between employees

formation of a personnel reserve

drawing up a training and development plan for employees

employee career planning

introduction of flexible remuneration systems (changes in the remuneration system).

When carrying out certification, it is necessary to develop assessment criteria. Assessment subjects can be:

  • 1.the ability to learn (general mental ability);
  • 2. the ability to make verbal generalizations (how well a person can make an oral presentation in front of a small group on a well-known topic);
  • 3. the ability to make written generalizations (how well an employee can write a note on a well-known topic);
  • 4. contact (to what extent a given person arouses sympathy for himself);
  • 5. the perception of the threshold social opinion (how easily the employee perceives minor remarks concerning his behavior);
  • 6. the ability to be creative (what is the likelihood that a person is able to solve a problem in a new, different way);
  • 7. self-esteem (how realistic is a person's idea of ​​the balance of their merits and responsibilities, how deeply their understanding of the motives of their own behavior is);
  • 8. social task (attitude to racial, ethnic, socio-economic, educational and other similar issues);
  • 9. flexibility of behavior (how easily a person, in the event of coercion, changes his behavior or modifies it to achieve his goal);
  • 10. the need for approval from a superior person (the degree of emotional dependence on the leadership);
  • 11.the need for peer approval social status persons (the degree of emotional dependence on the opinion of the collective);
  • 12. internal working standards (how high is the quality with which the employee wants to perform any work, compared to lower, but quite acceptable);
  • 13. the need for promotion (taking into account the desire for significant advancement in the career ladder and the time frame in which a person hopes to make this advancement, in comparison with colleagues who occupy an equal position with him);
  • 14. the need for a secure position (to what extent an employee wants to be provided with a job);
  • 15. flexibility in achieving goals (life goals, their compliance real opportunities and setting);
  • 16. the priority of work (to what extent the satisfaction received from work is greater than satisfaction from other spheres of activity of daily life);
  • 17. the system of accents of the positive aspects of the institution's activities (the ability to highlight the positive aspects of the institution's activities in relation to personnel: friendly attitude, fairness of the position held in relation to earnings, etc.);
  • 18. reality of hopes (to what extent hopes for work in the organization coincide with reality);
  • 19. tolerance for uncertainty and non-standard working conditions;
  • 20. the ability to work for a long period of time without sufficient remuneration with the prospect of receiving an award later;
  • 21. resistance to stress (to what extent the work intensity coincides with the normal psychological state);
  • 22. a variety of interests (various fields of activity and hobbies - such as politics, music, art, sports);
  • 23. energy (how long an employee can withstand a high level of stress);
  • 24. organization and the ability to adequately plan a career;
  • 25. willingness to make decisions and the ability to justify them.

When choosing a subject for assessment, it should be understood to what extent the organization is able to define standards. For example, in social work it is difficult to define labor efficiency standards, therefore, when certifying an employee, the result of the assessment can be superficial and subjective.

Certification can take place simultaneously in three areas: performance assessment, qualification assessment, personality assessment:

  • 1. Evaluation of activities includes the fulfillment of official duties, the implementation of the work plan (terms, quality), the achievement of the assigned tasks. The organization has clearly defined job responsibilities (it is clear with what to compare), there is schedule work (execution of tasks is recorded), employees have clear tasks. The certification is quick and objective. We must remember that the weaker organizational basis performance assessment, the more difficult it is to obtain an objective result.
  • 2. Assessment of qualifications consists in an "exam" - employees in writing answer specialty questions. An oral form of answers is also possible. The questionnaire was prepared in advance and agreed with the leading experts, it was determined which result of the "exam" is acceptable for specialists of various qualifications.
  • 3. Personality assessment. The organization assesses the basic behavioral characteristics of a person, compares them with the behavioral requirements for the profession, and evaluates relationships in the team. As a result, you can:
    • * Comparing the personal requirements for the position with the actual personal characteristics of the employee holding this position, develop a training and development program for the employee;
    • * In the presence of stressful or conflict situations, determine the causes and ways of eliminating conflicts;
    • * If there are significant complaints about the employee's activities, assess whether the employee and his manager equally understand the behavioral requirements for this position;
    • * Avoid subjectivity, build a structured certification interview.

In accordance with the objectives of the certification, guided by regulatory documents, in order to conduct an effective certification of an organization, it is necessary to select assessment methods.

Conducting certification involves a clear sequence of actions.

The ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, based on these Basic Provisions, develop sectoral regulations, which specify the criteria and methods for assessing the qualifications of workers, taking into account the industry specifics. The main approaches to the assessment of the business qualities and qualifications of an employee have been developed when establishing the level of payment provided for by the Unified Tariff Grid, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 No. 785.

The compliance of the actually performed duties and qualifications of workers with the requirements of job characteristics is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for certification of employees of institutions, organizations, the social protection system of the population of the Russian Federation, which are funded by the budget, and the Regulation on the procedure for certification of health workers.

The certification of employees of institutions and organizations of the social protection service is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on extraordinary certification and tariffication of medical and pharmaceutical workers who are on budget funding, approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated December 7, 1992 No. 265.

Control over the observance of the certification procedure is carried out by the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation by subordination, the local administration and other executive authorities.

The main criteria for certification are the amount of work of an employee, the results achieved in the performance of official duties, the quality of work performed, the level of education, the amount of special knowledge, work experience in a given or a similar position, as well as positions that allow acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to perform works provided for this position, etc.

Based on the results of certification, either specific decisions are made on job transfers, or appropriate recommendations are made to the so-called "employee inventory card" containing information about his age, seniority, duration of work in this position, in previous places, conclusions about the feasibility, timing, directions advancement or its impossibility.

In addition to resolving the issue of promoting or retaining a particular employee in the previous position, the purpose of certification may be to reveal the existing reserves for increasing the efficiency of individual work, linking remuneration with real work results and qualifications of a specialist or manager, determining the scope, methods and forms of advanced training. In this regard, the immediate objects of certification are the results of the employee's work, his potential, attitude to the performance of his duties; the personality of a person as such is not subject to assessment. As a result of certification, the employee must understand his mistakes, step up work to overcome them, self-improvement, etc. both taking into account their own interests and the interests of the organization.

In practice, there are two main approaches to certification. In accordance with one, its meaning lies in monitoring and evaluating the activities of the employee, resulting in punishment, reward or promotion, and then the assessors act as judges. In another approach, the emphasis is on finding ways to improve work, realize a career, etc., and the assessors become advisers, consultants. In the first case, commissions formed from third-party independent experts are most often attesting, in the second - the immediate supervisor. Accordingly, the forms of certification are also different: either it is a periodic report followed by a "judgment", or an interview and a joint search for a solution to the tasks facing the subordinate.

In modern conditions, the criteria and indicators for assessing personnel are often developed jointly by the manager and the team and are based on the list of official duties of each, the tasks facing him, and individual goals. A number of requirements are imposed on the indicators on the basis of which employees are assessed, including compliance with the assessment objectives, individualization, clarity, completeness and reliability of the reflection of the situation, ensuring the comparison of results, both with the previous period and with other persons, other categories, the reflection is not only statics, but also dynamics.

In practice, two methods of assessment are usually used: on the basis of a qualitative description of the activity and its result, and on quantitative indicators, which can be represented by both real values ​​and conditional points determined by an expert method. At the same time, the results are assessed according to the degree of achievement of the set goals, completeness, quality and timeliness of assignments. Activity is assessed by the intensity and complexity of work, which is determined by such circumstances as complexity, independence, scale, responsibility, technological and managerial complexity: for different types of work, these signs are differentiated. Business qualities are practically not subject to quantitative assessment, the basis for assessing qualifications is education and experience. The formal result of the assessment can be the assignment of qualifications (for a specialist), recognition of the conformity or inadequacy of the position held with certain organizational conclusions (promotion, demotion, retention, dismissal).

Attestation in organizations should take place regularly, preferably at least once every three, maximum five years.

In our country, the certification procedure provides for three stages: preparation, implementation and decision-making.

At the preparatory stage lists of employees subject to certification, schedules of its holding in divisions are drawn up, the composition of the relevant commissions is approved, rules and criteria are announced. For example, persons who have worked in an organization for less than a year are usually exempted from certification. Certification of women on maternity leave, as well as on parental leave until they reach the age of three, is carried out after their return from leave. Upon written application, their certification can be carried out simultaneously with other employees in a timely manner.

To carry out certification of employees in institutions and organizations subordinate to the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population, certification commissions are created.

Attestation of managers and individual categories of specialists of institutions and organizations of social protection of the population is carried out by attestation commissions created by orders of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of Moscow No. 197 of December 2, 1992 and No. 181 of November 17, 1992.

The attestation commission needs at least five people. The composition includes the chairman (head or deputy head of the institution), secretary and members of the commission. Also, the commission includes highly qualified specialists, representatives of trade union organizations, representatives from the committee for social protection of the population of Moscow.

If necessary, several certification commissions can be formed.

The personal composition of the attestation commission, specific terms, the schedule of attestation are approved by order of the head of the institution and are communicated to the attested employees at least two weeks before the start of attestation.

An attestation sheet and a characteristic (presentation) are prepared for the commission meeting, which describes the production activities of the attested, information about their qualifications, business and personal qualities, attitudes towards fulfilling the assigned duties, conclusions are drawn about the directions for improving activities, rewards and punishments, compliance or inadequacy of the position and further destiny. A review of a specialist is signed by his manager and a representative of the trade union; feedback on the leader - by the top manager.

At the stage of certification the commission examines the presentation and hears the certified employee and his manager. At the same time, special attention is paid to the employee's personal contribution to the achieved results, his discipline, success in professional growth, and if it comes to managerial skills. The discussion of the work of the certified person should take place in an atmosphere of exactingness that does not offend the honor and dignity of the employee, objectivity, benevolence, excluding the manifestation of subjectivity.

Usually, ordinary workers and those who were previously conditionally certified with probationary period and then the management team; members of the commissions are assessed where they constantly work.

The assessment of the employee's performance and the recommendations of the commission are adopted by open voting in the absence of the certified person. At least 2/3 of the members of the approved composition of the commission must participate in the certification and voting. The voting results are determined by a majority of votes, but not less than half of the members of the attestation commission present at the meeting.

When attesting an employee who is a member of the attestation commission, the attested person does not participate in the voting.

The attestation results are communicated to the employee immediately after the vote, drawn up by the minutes of the attestation commission and entered in the employee's attestation sheet (drawn up in one copy), which are signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who took part in the vote.

The appraisal sheet and presentation for the employee who passed the attestation is kept in his personal file.

The results of the certification are reported to the head of the institution within a week.

Labor disputes related to certification are considered in accordance with the current legislation on the procedure for resolving labor disputes.

Based on the results of certification an action plan is developed, and in accordance with the recommendation of the commission, the head can carry out personnel reshuffles, for example, within two months, transfer a person who has not passed certification to another position with his consent, and in the absence of such - dismiss, also following certification within a month makes a decision on the establishment of appropriate grades of remuneration for employees; develops recommendations for improving the efficiency of employees, etc.

30.05.2012 11:52

There are 125 villages on the territory. Was not yet in all.

My responsibilities include the following:
- visits to settlements
- patronage of disadvantaged and low-income families
- identification of citizens in need of home-based services
- identification of low-income citizens
- assistance in processing documents for social benefits
= subsidies, EDV, child allowances
- assistance in paperwork for obtaining documents
= passports, certificates "Veteran of Labor", " the large family" and etc.
- reception and delivery of humanitarian aid
- participation in the work of the IDN, the Council of Veterans, in the work of the school
- clarification, as far as possible, laws and regulations on social services. work
- acceptance of documents for material assistance
- various consultations

In 2011, 668 people applied, of which:
- pensioners - 142 people, disabled people - 108 people, family - 352 people, homeless people - 6 people, from ILC - 4 people, working-age population - 56 people.

273 people applied for material assistance. Financial assistance was given out 495408 rubles.
- payment for additional food at school, summer pay school camps, stationery kits (73 pcs), payment for gas supply, purchase of expensive medicines, grocery kits, payment for house repairs, material assistance after a fire, etc.
In a difficult life situation, a monthly allowance is issued, which is assigned from 3 to 12 months. The amount is assigned depending on the financial situation.
For labor veterans whose pension is below the subsistence level, a quarterly allowance is issued (we have 4 of them)
Financial assistance - 98200 rubles
Monthly allowance - 33,000 rubles
Prod. sets - 4000 rubles
Payment for summer camp at school - 5850 rubles
Stationery sets - 6823.73 rubles
TOTAL: 147873.73
Financial assistance - 50400 rubles
Monthly allowance - 57,000 rubles
Prod. set - 8000 rubles
Camp fee - 3000 rubles
Stationery goods - 10 787.66 rubles
TOTAL: 129,187.66 rubles
Financial assistance - 87800 rubles
Monthly allowance - 39,000 rubles
Payment for the camp - 4950 rubles
Stationery sets - 10969.55
TOTAL: 142,719.55 rubles

Financial assistance - 47,000 rubles
Prod. sets - 6500 rubles
Camp fee - 3000 rubles
Stationery sets - 4394.16
TOTAL: 60894.16

138 people applied for help in drawing up documents for subsidies, monthly incomes, child allowances, and issuing certificates.

Consultation was given to 232 people.

I go to the settlements according to the schedule once a month, but depending on the situation I travel more often. I also travel with social workers. protection, with employees of the ONE on difficult families, on complaints. Allocate the car Head of Administration L.T. Kovtunovich, deputies of the settlement Verolainen V.A., Suslova T.V., Golovin N.I.

A volunteer squad of students from the Domozero school (9 people) has been organized - who take part in congratulating veterans and families on their professional holidays, preparing handicrafts for them, driving through the villages with congratulations on May 9, the day of an elderly person.
In Shalimovskaya school, Musorskaya, Batranskaya, children also take part in these events.
I visit veterans and disabled people at home, those who do not leave their homes. If necessary, I call honey. employee to them.
The pensions of our veterans have become more decent, so there are few requests for financial assistance. Basically, those who have done dental prosthetics, some operations are paid, bought expensive drugs on the recommendation of a doctor.
Application for financial assistance for paid honey. indications are taken within a month, i.e. after the expiration of a month, supporting documents for material assistance are not accepted.
If veterans or low-income families made repairs in the house, changed the electrical wiring and spent a lot Money, you can apply for a mat. help. In this case, photocopies of supporting documents, a certificate of family composition, family income are needed.

You can get free legal advice in the department of social protection of the population.

For those who need a home-based service. first I give advice, and then after writing the application, the head of the home service department is called. She explains the rights of the veteran and the responsibilities of the social. employee.
Some veterans need registration in social institutions... To do this, you need to go through honey. commission. If the veteran cannot go through the honey on their own. the commission or he has no next of kin to help, I help them.
Currently, there are seats in the House of Veterans. But the documents are processed through Vologda.

I provide patronage for disadvantaged and low-income families. I help them with advice on various issues, issue humanitarian aid, help with providing firewood at a discounted price (this is mainly in Domozerovo), conduct explanatory conversations, and help with registration of material assistance.

There is a social taxi in the LAD complex center. Previously, it was in demand, now, when prices have risen, they practically do not order it in our side. But this service has remained, therefore, when someone needs it, order. T. 21-39-50