What are the specific management goals. Goals and objectives of management

Organization (enterprise) management is a purposeful activity. Objectives in an organization define and define all of its other constituents.

Target is a description of the future state of the control object (organization, enterprise). The content of the goal includes both objective and subjective. On the one hand, the goals reflect the requirements of the objective laws of human life and society (the law of saving time, the law of value, etc.). On the other hand, goals are a product of consciousness and are formed by people, reflecting their interests.

The academic definition of the goal interprets it as one of the elements of human behavior and conscious activity, characterized by anticipation in thinking of the result of activity and the way of its implementation using certain means. In practical activity for an organization (enterprise), the goal is a way of integrating the actions of different people into some order or system.

The goal is the starting point that defines the relationship between the subject and the object of control.

The interaction of the subject and the object of management in the structure of the organization (enterprise) is characterized by the dialectic of goals, means and results (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. The relationship between end, means and result

The goal can be considered an ideal description of the result of the organization (enterprise), and the activity itself is the process of achieving the goal. The content of the goal is determined by the conditions objectively existing around the object of management, and its implementation is carried out by the means at the disposal of the subject of management.

The transition from the goal to the result is carried out through the process with the help of certain material means.

Means of achieving a goal are objects and actions (for the organization of an enterprise, this is their structure and processes), included in the system of purposeful activity and ensuring a certain result.

The relationship between end and means is of the nature of a two-way predetermination; the goal not only defines this or that object or action as a means corresponding to it, but itself appears as something meaningful, concrete only in connection with the relation to the means.

The goal and the means must not be confused; their confusion will lead to an undesirable result. Usually in an organization, in an enterprise, what is the goal of the object of management (subordinate unit), for the subject, is a means to an end. This is clearly seen in Table 2.

The term “goal” is associated with concepts such as mission, strategy, task, policy.

A mission is a kind of goal. Usually, a mission is called a common goal that causes the members of the organization to a state of aspiration for something.

A mission is a goal that unites all the many roles of an organization, for example, the roles of producer, consumer, supplier, employer, taxpayer (Fig. 8).

Without such an overarching goal, the enterprise (organization) will not be able to consolidate and act as a whole.

To some extent, ideals are declared in the mission - results that sometimes seem unattainable, but approximation to which is possible.

table 2

Objectives and levels of corporation structure

Rice. 8. The concept of a plurality of goals of the enterprise

(after F. Taylor)

A mission statement is an answer to the question: why does an organization do what it does? A company, an organization that loses its vision of a mission, risks losing its customers. The mission informs the members of the organization what society expects from the organization and what the organization expects from its members. The mission motivates members of the organization by confirming that their work makes sense.

For example, the mission of an enterprise can be expressed as follows: "To achieve and maintain the highest customer satisfaction, with a view to improving the quality of products and services by constantly updating technology and designs, developing the potential of employees and the organization, which will allow for a steady increase in sales and market share. and ensure maximum profit and industry leadership. " To some extent, the mission declares ideals-results that sometimes seem unattainable, but approaching which is possible.

On the basis of the mission, long-term (more than 1 year) goals of the organization are formulated. They are usually formulated in qualitative terms, answering the question: what does the organization want to get and what to achieve?

Unlike a mission, a time frame or time frame can be specified here.

In this case, the strategy is seen as a way or means of achieving long-term goals. The strategy answers the question: what are the alternative options for the best use of the resources and opportunities available in the organization to achieve the set goals.

Short-term goals (within 1 year), tasks or tasks represent the results that are expected to be obtained within planning period... They are the stages that make up long-term goals, and answer the question: what exactly needs to be done, accomplished during the planning period? In addition, goals for the planning period are set for all other levels of the organization. These goals are more precisely targeted and quantifiable.

Policy (as a term) refers, like strategy, to the category of means, but means of achieving short-term goals or objectives. The policy includes the rules and procedures established by the organization to support the efforts of its members to achieve planned goals. The policy answers the question: how should tasks be accomplished? An example of a policy in an organization would be to establish flexible working hours to improve work efficiency.

According to J. Galbraith, the problem of goals begins with the relationship between an individual and an organization. People organize because they believe that this is the most effective way to achieve their goals. The goals of the individual are the only goals that exist in the objective world, as they are based on unmet needs.

All other goals are organizational and social transformation of the goals of the individual. This transformation of the goals of the individual into the goals of organization and the goals of society is possible because the process of adaptation of individual goals as a motivating force proceeds along the chain "individual - organization - society".

The choice of an individual and organizational goal plays an important role in the analysis of the management of an organization. From a certain point of view, effectiveness is characterized not by how successfully the goals of the organization are achieved, but by how the members of the organization achieved their personal goals within the organization. The more satisfied the employees, the more efficient the organization. Efficiency, profit and productivity remain important goals of the organization, but goals without their own rights. They represent the conditions for the existence of individual goals in the organizational arena.

The goals of an organization, an enterprise are goals common to all employees.

The goals of an organization are multiple in nature, ranked and set depending on the current situation and conditions in which the organization operates. Objectives serve a number of useful functions.

Purposes justify the existence, legitimacy of the organization (enterprise); not only attract people to the organization (enterprise), but also restrict the activities of their members, regulate their behavior; goals define the nature of the organization for its employees, members and force them to assume appropriate obligations; are the main lever for motivating people's behavior to meet their needs; goals reduce uncertainty, for example, in understanding the mission of the enterprise by its employees in the most beneficial way, aiming their actions for the mutual benefit of both the enterprise and its employees.

Objectives help an organization learn and adapt to its environment; are a standard for evaluating the work of members of an organization, employees of an enterprise, provide a basis for creating an organization, its design (organizational), construction.

The goal cannot be imposed, accepted or rejected; target is an attribute free man, free enterprise. If there is no choice, then the target goes to the category of the task set at the top. Clarifying and setting goals for others is an important and common task for all leaders.

Goal setting is done in order to focus on desired results. The setting of goals provides for the coordination of the interests of the parties involved in this process, contributes to the development of criteria that allow judging the importance of the case in which the organization (enterprise) and its employees are engaged.

The goals can be individual, group, organizational goals (organizational). According to Ch. Perrow, the types of organizational goals can be as shown in fig. 9.

Rice. 9. Types of organizational goals (by Ch. Perrow)

Objectives can become a management tool if:

1) they are defined and formulated;

2) are known to employees;

3) accepted for execution.

The goals are subject to certain requirements that characterize them.

There must be an achievable and realistic goal, which will provide real motivation for the most effective behavior of employees in the right direction.

The goals must be clear, formulated unambiguously.

The goal should be described as qualitatively as possible and at the same time quantifiable.

The goal should be formulated and formalized, documented.

The goals of the organization (enterprise), groups of workers, individuals must be compatible. It should be possible to check and adjust goals.

The effectiveness of the goal is largely determined by the presence of a feedback system.

The effectiveness of the goal is supported by a reward system.

Currently, in the practice of management, a wealth of experience has been accumulated in the procedures for setting goals (individual, group, for an enterprise, i.e. organizational), coordinating goals in an organization horizontally and vertically.

In addition, "management by goals" (UOC) has been worked out as an effective method, an organization management system that simultaneously serves not only planning tasks, but all the activities of an enterprise, realizing in practice the philosophy of a person and his participation in management.

By the purpose of management, we mean the creation and preservation of a certain state of the object of management, namely, the organized state of activity. Organization is the goal of any management, that in which the management program is objectified and thanks to which the activities of people are able to give a useful effect.

A management goal differs from other goals in that it represents the desired property of a project and a system of controlled activities. Because of this, the goal of management does not exist as a separate education from the project in the form of some kind of independent goal along with the project. The significance of this goal, its necessity is clearly recognized when the project does not provide an effective organization of the community's activities. Since the goal of management is a property of the project, and the project is a means of organizing activities, the goal of management is not objectified in any separate thing or indicator. In this regard, the efficiency management activities cannot be measured in isolation from the activities of the controlled entities. The effectiveness of management is manifested as the effectiveness of the managed activity.

Conscious images of future activity are inherent only in humans. Since a person creates projects based on incomplete information, as a result of which he makes mistakes in estimates and calculations, there is no guarantee that any project is well-organized, orderly, and takes into account all the features of the situation. The project may also be ineffective, which manifests itself in different forms: the unattainability of goals or their attainability at too high a cost.

Management activity exists in the form of a whole set of specific forms associated with the development of projects and control over their implementation. We will consider the composition of management activities aimed at developing various aspects of the project a little later.

Applied to social management in a broad sense, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "control object" and "controlled subject". The object of control is a certain process, activity, and the subject of control is the one who produces and organizes it through the project. In living nature, control is subjectless. At the level of the organism, as already noted, the genetic program controls, which is not a subject of control, but a means. In addition, it controls not the subjects, but various processes in the body. At the level of automatic technical systems, a similar picture takes place: there are control programs, there are processes that they organize.

At the human level, the picture becomes somewhat more complicated. The program in the form of a project is created by the people themselves, and the object to which it is directed is objective activity. In this regard, the subject of control (the one who develops and controls the program), the object of control (various activities), the controlled subject (the one who is able to understand the program and implement it) are distinguished.

It is clear that it is impossible to influence the controlled object other than the controlled subject, but it is hardly legitimate to assume that the controlled subject is the controlled object. The controlled subject is an intermediary between the subject of control and the object of control, thanks to which controlled activity is produced. The controlled subject is not absolutely plastic for management decisions, but influences its implementation, sets boundaries for the subject of management, as evidenced by empirical materials. The empirical data obtained by A. Prigogine indicate that even at advanced enterprises the fulfillment of tasks is 61.8%, orders - 58%. The main reasons for this: fault of the performer - 28%, defect of decision - 33%, unforeseen events - 39% .1

More on the topic Goal of management:

  1. § 7. Purpose and incentive of the contract. - Commitment without a goal. - Simple consciousness of duty. - An imaginary target. - The target is forbidden. - About the meaning of a prohibited target under Russian law. - Destruction of a treaty with a prohibited purpose and the consequences of destruction

Management objectives

The concept and essence of the goal.

Management objectives system.

Management by goals.

The goal is one of the most difficult and at the same time the most ancient categories of management. It is present in one form or another in the consciousness of a person performing any kind of activity, and is transferredthem on many natural (natural) and artificial systems.

The goal is of great importance in management and organizational and practical activities in preparation for the implementation of the decision. A correctly understood and conscious goal disciplines and motivates staff. Purposefulness of staff - important factor increasing productivity and productivity.

The goal is the ideal and desired state of the control object that must be achieved.

Objectives can be defined as:

Promising and immediate;

General and private;

Intermediate and final.

Immediate goals are subordinated to promising management goals, private goals are general, intermediate goals are final.

The desired state is determined by satisfying the initial need, selected from a set of alternatives (see Fig. 5.1).

Need - this is what objectively connects a person (and living things in general) with the external world (environment), including the social one, as a certain (defining) condition for ensuring his life and existence.

Purpose - a specific expression of need, determined on the basis of existing experience and guiding the specific functioning of the designed and operating system.

Result - it is a measure of satisfaction of a need, i.e. measure of achieving the goal.

As a result of the relationship of these definitions, a causal relationship is valid:need - purpose - functioning - result.

The goal of management is an aggregate idea of ​​a certain model of the future result capable of satisfying the initial need with the available real opportunities estimated on the basis of experience.By its content, it is an ideal, mentally imagined result of aspirations, prompting for socio-economic activity.

Rice. 5.1. Management goal concept

Depending on the feasibilitythe following control objectives are possible:

Ideal management goal – this is the desired result, which is not always achievable over a certain period of time;

Potential management target – it is the desired result of the activity (the state of the object), achievable in principle and in the future, but due to uncertainty it is planned with a certain degree of probability;

The real purpose of management – this is a result that can actually be achieved in a reasonable amount of time.

In the organization's management systemgoals perform a number of important functions, which include:

Reflect the philosophy of the organization, the concept of its activities and development.Objectives define the nature and characteristics of the structure of the organization and its management;

Reduce the uncertainty of current activitiesboth the organization and its participants (personnel). The goals are guidelines for organizations and their participants in the world around them; help to adapt to it, to concentrate on achieving the desired results;

Form the basis of the criteria for assessing the activities of the organization, their units, services and individuals;

Mapping the existing state to the desired one(initiative function);

They serve as an excuse to the public about the necessity and legality of the existence of a particular organization (especially if the activity causes adverse effects, such as environmental pollution).

Successful implementation of the listed and other functions is possible provided thatthe goals of the organization meet a certain set of requirements:

Goals must be specific and measurable, represented, if possible, not only qualitative, but also quantitative indicators;

Goals must be realfor these conditions, in accordance with the resource provision of the organization;

Goals must be flexible, transformative,in accordance with the dynamically changing conditions of the organization's functioning;

Targets must be recognized by staff,since they are achieved in the process joint activities members of the organization;

The goals must be reasonable and comprehensive,reflecting the requirements of objective laws of development organizational systems;

Objectives must be verifiable, which in turn is necessary to assess the degree of their achievement and appropriate incentives for personnel;

Goals must be compatible in time and space, mutually support each other, not orient the participants of the organization to actions that contradict each other.

The objectives of the management of socio-economic systems are included in the management system, since it reflects the management of organizations in market conditions.

The main goal of management is to ensure effective performance organizations. This general goal breaks down into a hierarchy of specific goals, which are shown in Figure 5.2. in the form of a "tree of goals". Having a purpose ensures the organization -stability, balance and unity of its participants.

A distinction should be made between the goals of management and the goals of the organization. If the goal of the organization can be summarized as “What you want and what needs to be done?”, Then the goal of management is “How to do what you want or need?”.

Management is carried out within the framework of certain restrictions. The goals and limitations are very close to each other in meaning.

In its most general form purpose - a general line of action describing the future state. In turn, restrictions - it is competing with the main goal from the category of secondary goals, which contradicts it and the achievement of which is undesirable.

Objectives and Limitationsperform the following tasks:

Management tool(guidelines);

Decision making criterion;

Coordination tool;

Control tool.

The formulation of objectives and constraints is an important management task. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define:

its size (maximum, minimum, level);

time parameters;

spatial characteristics;

personal binding;

rank in the hierarchy of goals.

Compliance with the previously considered requirements for management objectives gives them a systemic nature, implying a certain classification.

Target classification can be carried out:

by area covered(general, private purpose);

by value (main, intermediate, minor);

by the number of variables(single and multi-alternative);

on the subject of purpose(calculated for a general or partial result);

by sources of formationgoals can be set from outside and formed within the organization;

by importancegoals are divided into: strategic and tactical;

by time goals differ in: short-term (up to one year), medium-term (from 1 year to 5 years), long-term (over 5 years);

by expressionidentify goals that are characterized by quantitative indicators, and described qualitatively;

by timeAmong the goals are strategic, current and operational;

by hierarchy levelthe mission, main, general and specific (local) goals are determined;

By interaction featuresgoals can be indifferent to each other (indifferent), competing, complementary (complementary), excluding each other (antagonistic), coinciding (identical).

Of the entire set of types of goals, the most widely used concepts in the management system are such as:

Mission - this is an idea of ​​the organization, its philosophy, mission, social responsibility to society and its personnel, preferences, values, and the most attractive fields of activity, created among others, ensures the harmony of the organization's interaction with the internal and external environment, helps to determine positions and interests in relation to social groups.

The mission also reflects the objectives of the organization in the production of goods and services, conquering markets, introducing new technologies, ensuring sustainability, competitiveness, profitability, economic growth, creates the basis for formulating specific goals - general and specific, developing a strategy, allocating resources at various organizational levels, orients the current activities of managers.

A mission statement is information of a comprehensive nature about an organization that is primarily intended for the environment.

The form of the mission specification isthe main objective , which becomes a reference point for staff.

Sometimes the mission coincides in meaning and perception with the main goal, then the construction of the "goal tree" is carried out in the following sequencemission - general goals - specific (local).

The formation of the mission is influenced by such factorsas historical traditions, competitive advantages, existing organizational potential, threats, stakeholder views, senior management views. For instance , in the famous Japanese company Matsushita Electric, the mission includes the following components: making a profit by serving the community; increased welfare mutual benefits for firms and consumers;


The main objective; - general goals (goals of the second level); - specific goals

(local goals of the third


Rice. 5.2. "Tree of goals" to improve the efficiency of functioning

Organizations (fragmentary example)

The main goal is to improve the efficiency of the organization;

General goals (second level):

1.1 - improving the management of the organization;

1.2 - improvement marketing activities;

1.3 - improving the organization of production;

1.4 - increasing the profitability of production;

1.5 - advanced training of the organization's personnel.

Specific goals (third level):

1.1.1 - improving the organizational structure of management;

1.1.2 - improvement of management methods;

1.1.3 - improving the planning of the organization;

1.2.1 - improving the sales of products;

1.2.2 - improving the range of products;

1.2.3 - research and forecasting of demand for manufactured products;

1.3.1 - improvement operational management production process;

1.3.2 - automation production process;

1.4.1 - increase in the volume of products;

1.4.2 - reduction of production costs;

1.4.3 - formation and improvement pricing policy;

1.5.1 - advanced training of managers and specialists;

1.5.2 - advanced training of workers.

fair competition in the market; mutual benefit of firms, suppliers, and consumers; participation in the management of employees.

Common goals (there are usually 4 to 6 of them) reflect the most important areas of the organization as a whole and can be integral and functional. The former are associated, for example, with achieving its sustainability, ensuring the required level of profitability, profit, sales volume, entering foreign markets, etc. The second - with individual specific areas activities (functional areas) - financial, marketing,

personnel and are tasks for the relevant services.

Specific targets (local) -are developed in each division and determine the main directions of its activities in the context of its implementation of common goals. Usually they cover already medium- and short-term periods and are necessarily expressed in quantitative indicators, they form the basis of plans. Specific goals are operational and operational. The former are put in front of individual workers (performers), the latter - in front of departments.

Strategic Objectives focused on solving promising large-scale problems that qualitatively change the appearance of the organization, for example, achieving leadershipin their field of activity, access to international markets, radical renewal of the material and production base, etc.

Tactical targets- reflect the individual stages of achieving strategic goals, for example, overhaul of production equipment, etc.

Current goals (short term) -stem from the strategic and act as a means of their implementation, expressed in quantitative indicators of activity for a certain period, usually one year. The lack of clear strategic goals and objectives, as well as a focus on current effects and short-term commercial success, lead to the fact that the organization misses to take a solid place in the market.

Operational objectivesare determined from the current ones and aimed at their implementation, are determined for a period, as a rule, of one month, ten days, days.

As a rule, the goal is not set alone, but in a group with many other goals.

(goal system). In accordance with this, the problem of their interaction arises at the same level (horizontal links) and hierarchically (vertical) (see Figure 5.3).

Rice. 5.3 Links between goals

Horizontal ties may be:

identical (the implementation of one leads to the implementation of the other);

complimentary (harmony - the implementation of one goal contributes to the implementation of another);

indifferent (neutrality - there is no connection between goals);

antagonistic (mutually exclusive).

The choice of goals is a kind of a process of compromises between the interests of various groups of participants in the organization (see Fig. 5.4.).

The process of setting goals, depending on the characteristics of the organization, can be either centralized or decentralized.

Through centralized goal settinga uniform orientation of all goals within the organization is provided, but for the lower levels of management they will be "imposed", therefore, it is possible that there may be resistance from the performers in their implementation.

Decentralizationremoves these problems, but there are difficulties associated with the coordination of goals and their direction in a single channel.

Decentralized goal settingcan be implemented in two directions: from top to bottom, as concretization at the lower levels of management of the goals formulated by the upper ones; and from bottom to top, as a generalization upper levels the entire set of goals developed by the subordinates. In any case, the goal-setting processes are directed and controlled by senior management. In the real world of an organization, mission and organizational goals are often shaped by a shared dialogue between senior management, business leaders, and management consultants.

Internal Charter Professional

Knowledge organization groups

Power External Tactics

Negotiation groups

(creditors, suppliers, large

Clients, state, society)

Rice. 5. 4. The main groups influencing the definition

Organization goals

Constant changes in the external and internal environment of the organization leads to the fact that the goals have to be adjusted or revised. Some organizations do this as needed, others - depending on the specific situation; still others - systematically, on the basis of tracking trends, without waiting for major shocks.

Most often, in these situations, the tactic of "creeping" one target to another is used. For example, first a long-term goal is developed, and, based on it, a short-term one. When the latter is reached, taking into account the accumulated changes, a new long-term goal is developed, and on its basis - another short-term goal. As a result, the organization develops a certain system goals, as well as a mechanism for its constant updating. Within its framework, these goals are ordered and balanced.

Based on the goals of the organization, they form tasks, to be addressed in the process of achieving them. If mission and goals are formed

top - management and consultants, then tasks based on them - by employees of planning and economic services.

The goal can play a different role in the management process. Depending on its value, several types of management models can be distinguished. The main ones include:

situational management (control by deviations), in which the control system and process are focused mainly on the situation in the process of activity;

program control, which involves the careful development of specific tasks, programs, distributed among the links of the control system, indicating the sequence of their implementation. The program differs from the plan in the nature of tasks, their scope and organizational status. An example of programmatic control is the compilation of network and calendar charts fulfillment of production plans.

target management (target management approach),where the goalplays a leading role and determines the nature of all management actions.

Along with the official goals, or objectives-tasks contained in the plans of the organization, informal goals-benchmarks and formulated on their basis by the performers themselves, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities, are becoming more and more widespread in management. It is on them that people are guided first in their activities and their achievement is stimulated first of all.

The management of these processes, from setting goals to assessing their implementation, is calledmanagement by objectives (UOC) or targeted management.

The essence of the UOC consists in the joint setting of goals by managers and subordinates, which is a guarantee of their implementation. Formal planning is supplemented with this approach by a system of individual goals that soften the rigidity of external leadership, as well as personal incentives.

taking into account specific job duties and personal qualities of employees.

Most management specialists and researchers consider Peter Drucker to be the main developer, although elements of target management have existed since the early days of human cooperation, in particular, the idea of ​​tasks, developed by F. Taylor and developed by Lillian Gilbert, was the predecessor of target management. P. Drucker synthesized the elements of target management and combined them into a general management philosophy known as target management.

It is believed that this approach is more flexible than the traditional one and provides employees with a deeper understanding of the goals of the organization and its divisions, and therefore better use of their duties, improves interaction in the management system, makes it possible to provide subordinates with more powers, and makes it possible to clarify existing norms, norms and standards of activity. , creates for more objective control and encouragement of employees.

Target management is a peculiar form of building a management process and its organizational and practical implementation.It is characterized by the defining and active influence of the goal of management on all of its characteristics.

analyzing what has been done so far, determining the desired characteristics of the future result, detailing what, why and how should be done, what corrective actions and at what time need to be done in order to achieve the set goals;

a logical decomposition of the main goal into goals of a lower level - building a "tree of goals";

creation of the so-called Declarations - document containing the system

individual or collective goals of employees of the organization (unit);

aligning the target tree with the management system;

using the goals of a lower level as a starting point and the basis for all subsequent management influences;

summing up the performance of employees in the management system by goals.

Declaration allows you to identify specific persons responsible for a particular case; responsibilities of each of them in the process of implementing the assigned tasks; strengthen the link between official and personal goals; to create the necessary basis for personalized moral and material encouragement in accordance with the contribution to the common cause that everyone intends to make. The provisions defined in the Declaration are reflected in a specific action plan for each goal (time frame, intermediate and final results, resources), which also defines the area of ​​responsibility of the manager. The system of individual, in contrast to planned goals, is stable and mobile at the same time, it is determined taking into account the job responsibilities and personal potential of each.

It should be borne in mind that the formulation of the goals of the Declaration is fraught with a number of difficulties:

It requires a lot of preparatory work and, accordingly, a considerable investment of time, and sometimes money;

Exaggerates the role of quantitative indicators, creates confusion when there are a large number of them, although not all goals can be quantified;

The declaration is not suitable for workers;

The declaration may not correspond to reality, because they are trying to include, first of all, “beautiful”, global, prestigious, and not important goals; objectives related to overcoming obstacles instead of search-oriented additional opportunities; goals related to the solution of problems lying on the surface, and ignoring the implicit ones, which may have long-term significance for the organization.

The Positives of Goal Managementshould include:

improvement of management, since it becomes possible to specify in detail the goals and objectives for all links and levels;

the emergence of the possibility of developing effective methods of control and simplifies the control itself;

allows you to assess the likelihood of achieving lower and higher goals, based on the available resources;

allows you to prioritize goals;

linking the work of personnel with strategic planning and makes it possible to quickly respond to changes external environment, allows the employee to know exactly what is expected of him.

Disadvantages of targeted managementit is considered the appearance of a feeling of fear among staff or individuals due to failure to achieve established goals, "jumping" of managers from place to place, which causes no stability, the use of only quantitative criteria.

An example of target control is control based on an open tree-like graph that has no cycles, i.e. closed goals. In practice, graphs are used that are called the "goal tree".

Goal tree - it is a graphical representation of the relationship between goals and means of achieving them, built on the principle of deductive logic and using heuristic procedures (see Fig. 5.2).

The goal tree allows you to present a complete picture of the interrelationships of future events up to obtaining a list of specific tasks and obtaining information about their relative importance. It provides work to bring the goals to the immediate performers by building a correspondence between the organizational structure of management and the structure of goals.

When constructing a tree of goals, such properties as subordination, expandability and relative importance are used.

The subordination of goals is due to the hierarchical construction of production systems, as well as the presence of a hierarchy in time and importance (significance). Goals production units determined by the goals of the enterprise, tactical goals - strategic, and short-term - long-term.

Expandability consists in the fact that each goal of a given level is divided into subgoals of a lower level. For example, goals industrial enterprise deployed to the goals of workshops and other divisions, the goals of the workshop - to the goals of the sections,

The relative importance of goals is that goals at the same level have different meanings to achieve a higher level goal. This allows you to rank goals in order of importance, to quantify their relative importance through a coefficient of significance.

Building a goal tree begins with the formation of a main goal. Each higher-level goal can be represented as an independent system that includes lower-level goals (subgoals) as its elements. In this case, it is necessary to establish the full set of subgoals. The goal of the second level can be divided into goals of the third and subsequent levels, as shown in Fig. 5.2.

A sign of the completion of the construction of the tree of goals is the formulation of such goals that are not further dissected and give the final results determined by the main goal.

To formulate goals and assess their significance, expert methods... The importance of goals in relation to each other is assessed at the second and subsequent levels using the method of ranking and weighting. When ranking, each goal is assigned a sequential number indicating its relative importance to the achievement of a higher-level goal. When weighing, the coefficient of significance of each goal is set in fractions of a unit or as a percentage in relation to the goal of a higher level and in relation to the main goal. When determining the coefficients of significance, the question is posed as follows: to what extent will the main goal (goal 1) be achieved if goal 1.1 is fully achieved. The possible answer is half (0.5), that is, 50%. The sum of the coefficients of significance of the goals of each level must be equal to 1, or 100%

To determine the coefficients of significance in relation to the main goal, it is necessary to sequentially multiply the coefficients of the significance of this goal by the coefficients of significance along the entire chain of goals of a higher level. In the one shown in Figure 5.5. For example, the coefficient of significance of the goal 1.1.1 in relation to the main goal is equal to the product of the weight of the goal of the level above it (1.1) by its weight at this level,


Q "1.1.1 = q 1.1 * q 1.1.1 = 0.5 * 0.4 = 0.2.

This means that the achievement of goal 1.1.1 will ensure the achievement of the main goal by 20%.

Weighing the goals provides guidelines for resource allocation based on the importance of the goal.

The goal tree building method is used for development targeted programs and solving problems with a hierarchical structure.

The manager in the target management system acts in relation to subordinates mainly in the role of a consultant, regularly meets with them for an interim assessment (if the goal is annual, then quarterly), which is carried out by comparing the results achieved with the provisions of the Declaration and the goals of the organization. This can be done, for example, using a schedule, which reflects the plan and the actual performance of the work.

Rice. 5.5. Determination of the coefficients of significance of goals:

Q is the coefficient of significance of the goal in relation to the overlying one;

Q "is the coefficient of the significance of the goal in relation to the main goal.

In order for the goals to really increase the labor activity of personnel, they must comply with the basic principles and methods of work adopted in the organization, the interests of people, be difficult and exciting enough, awaken excitement and the desire to prove themselves.

Questions for self-control:

What do the following concepts mean: goal, objective, mission, goal tree, and goal-based management?

What is the need-purpose-functioning-result causal relationship?

What properties do goals have?

What functions fulfill the goals?

What are the requirements for the goals of the organization?

What kinds of goals are there?

What is the problem of interacting goals?

What groups influence the formation of goals?

Expand the content of target management?

What properties are used to build the goal tree?

What is the essence of target ranking and what is the need for it?


The goal is the aggregate idea of ​​some model of the future result, capable of satisfying the initial need with the available real possibilities,assessed on the basis of experience.


The goal is directly dependent on the need and is in this process its direct consequence.

The choice of the goal is purely subjective, that is, the choice is based on the specific knowledge of the individual or community.

The goal is specific.

The goal always carries an element of uncertainty, which leads to

Some "discrepancy" between the actual result obtained and the model that was formulated.

The presence of uncertainty in the original model makes the goal a means of assessing the future result.

required final state of the system.

The required order of changing states is the movement of the system.

The required "direction" of movement of the system without fixation

End point.





Types of setting goals:


1. 1

1 . 3

1 . 4

1 . 5














Links between goals








Hierarchy of goals,

Goal tree


Z 1


Intermediate Z 11 Z 12


Z 111 Z 112

Z 121 Z 122







by spheres












on sub-target

(performed by managers)

q ’’ 1.1. = 0.5

q ’’ 1.2 = 0.3 q ’’ 1..3. = 0.2

Even a person who is far from management knows that the purpose of management is to generate income. Money is what makes progress. Of course, many entrepreneurs try to whitewash themselves and therefore cover up the greed for profit with good intentions. Is it so? Let's figure it out.


If a person has no goal, he will not do anything. So, opening an enterprise, an entrepreneur must understand not only how to proceed, but also why to act. The goal of management is to solve the pressing problems that arise in the business world every day.

  • Earning income is the main goal of any commercial enterprise... It is to achieve this need that managers and employees direct their efforts.
  • Improving the efficiency of management. To maximize profits, you need to work not only well, but also efficiently. To achieve this, you need to change equipment in a timely manner, train personnel and closely monitor the work process.
  • Meeting the needs of the market. In order for an enterprise to make a profit, it must produce the products for which there is a demand. The volume of these products will also depend on the purchasing power of the population.
  • Solution social issues... Entrepreneurs always aim not only to acquire material resources, but also to help the population. After all, all goods and services are produced for people.


Entrepreneurs do not always run their businesses on their own. They often hire specially trained managers. The goals and objectives of management are known to such people firsthand. What is the main task of a manager?

  • Production of goods and services. The person who is "at the helm" of the company is interested in the fact that the company works well and consistently produces the required amount of goods or serves a regulated number of customers.
  • Receiving a profit. The goal of management is profit. Therefore, one of the tasks of a manager is to bring as much money to the company as possible. Therefore, the person sitting in the executive's chair needs to think about a plan that will help increase the growth of the firm's funding.
  • Stabilization of the company in the market. One of the tasks of the head is to make the company known first at the national level, and then at the world level. Only large enterprises with a long history can boast of relative stability.

Control control

Large companies can be the property of one person, and a package of documents can be divided among several people. How, in a situation where there are several directors, can the main management goal be achieved? This art has been perfected over several centuries. If the leaders have one goal, then it is not so difficult to choose the path to achieve it. What kind of management control is there in companies?

  • Full. If the controlling package of documents belongs to one person, then he has the right, at his discretion, to dispose of the company's money, as well as to make decisions on its expansion or reduction of staff.
  • Almost complete. If 51% of the shares are owned by one person, then we can say that the entire company belongs to one person. It is his word that will always be decisive when managers cannot agree on further development prospects.
  • Incomplete. If a person owns 30% of the shares, then his word in the company will not be weighty. To convince your colleagues of something, you will have to apply the skill of public speaking. It will no longer be possible to put pressure on authority.

Benefits of running small businesses

A person who opens his own enterprise always hopes that his project will outlive not only him, but also for at least several more centuries. The purpose of the management process does not change from century to century. What is the advantage of running a small firm?

  • Team cohesion. A team in which everyone knows each other works better. People treat each other well, they can talk or take a walk in their free time. Colleagues who are linked not only by working relations, but also by friendly relations, have a better attitude towards cooperation.
  • Prompt information. If the boss needs to notify his team about something, then he can do it at one general planning meeting.
  • Maneuverability. If the demand for a product or service decreases, the company has the opportunity to quickly retrain and adapt to the circumstances.
  • External support. The state, and the townspeople as well, are always supported by small companies. According to statistics, they produce better quality goods and do not allow giants to monopolize any sphere.

Benefits of running large firms

The main goal of management is easier to achieve for the owners of large companies. They have advantages that small businesses lack:

  • Having their own factories, research centers and laboratories allows large companies to develop unique products and services that help improve human life.
  • Less vulnerability. A large firm is not afraid of competition. If necessary, it can simply take over a company that is trying to resist the giant's onslaught.
  • The ability to make discounts. Private enterprises do not have large production, so they cannot afford to drop the price of a product. And large firms make discounts often.
  • Good In case of crisis or any other financial instability large companies will stay afloat, but the small ones will drown.


How does the control system work? The structure of management objectives is a complex system, which includes several components:

  • Organizational. This structure is responsible for the staffing of the organization. It dictates the requirements for qualifications, work experience, special skills, etc.
  • Working functions. The objectives and functions of governance are inextricably linked to this structure. The working functions of an organization are a management process that is invisible to the naked eye, but nevertheless takes place on a daily basis.
  • Exchange of products and services. Not many companies can boast of full production autonomy. Many organizations are forced to collaborate with each other to maximize production efficiency.
  • Informational. Information is transmitted not only through a clearly established system at conferences or planning meetings, but also lives in the enterprise in the form of gossip and rumors.
  • Resource and technological. To produce a product, an enterprise needs not only resources, but also technology that will process resources.


  • Planning. The management of the company is based on planning. Thanks to those people who know how to look into the future and predict the turns of events, the economy of the entire country is holding on. Visionary executives are always at the forefront of any company.
  • Coordination. One of the manager's functions is to conduct planning meetings and talk about future prospects. Each employee is given a plan for further action, which he must resignedly carry out. Managers make sure that the entire "mechanism" of the organization runs smoothly.
  • Motivation. People who know their purpose always perform better. Therefore, the main task of leaders is to inspire employees to fulfill a common goal.
  • Control. Managers must control the work process and make sure that people work efficiently and meet deadlines.
  • Settlement of problems. Any work that is related to people will certainly be associated with personal problems. The task of the manager is to settle all controversial issues quickly and at the same time not to infringe on anyone's interests.


The organization of any work is a complex process. What are the goals and the principle of work should be in balance.

  • Division of labor. Each member of the team should do his own thing and not try to interfere in other people's work and problems.
  • Discipline. Only those companies develop in which personal problems employees do not interfere with the work process in any way.
  • The presence of responsible persons. At each level of management there should be people who can and are able to take responsibility for their work and for the work that was done under their supervision.
  • Subordination of individual interests to common interests. A person should strive for own development through the development of the company.
  • Reward. An employee who receives a salary on time, as well as bonuses for Good work, will work more efficiently than people who do not receive proper remuneration for their work.


The control system is formed from three types of people:

  • Higher. These are the directors, CEOs and large shareholders.
  • Average. Heads of departments of the company.
  • Inferior. Heads of subdivisions and brigades.

Achievements of goals

What does it take for an organization to work well? Achievement of management goals is possible subject to certain factors:

  • The fighting spirit of the team. If the general mood of the team is upbeat, people will believe in their leader and know that at the end of a difficult path they will be rewarded, the team spirit will be lifted. In this case, the work will argue faster, and conflicts in the team will happen less often.
  • Personal perspectives. A person must know the future not only of the company, but also his own. People will work hard if they are convinced that the work is good for them. For example, a person will gain experience or specific knowledge.
  • A clear plan of action. Running a business is easy if all activities are well planned. This helps to determine the scope of work and track the distance traveled.
  • Deadline. If you set a deadline for each project in which it must be completed, the work will be done more efficiently and faster. It is advisable to set the deadline for the project a few days earlier, since you always need to take into account technical failures and other overlays.

Systems, objects, controlled by people and acting in the name of the interests of people, are called purposeful and goal-oriented. Both a large-scale economy, considered on the scale of the world, a country, a large region, and a small-scale one - the economics of an enterprise, firm, family, belong to purposeful systems, since their activities are aimed at achieving certain goals.

The concept of "goal", which at first glance seems understandable without additional explanation, which has a seemingly self-evident meaning, in reality belongs to the complex categories of sociology, philosophy, economics, and management theory.

To understand the meaning of the word "goal", one has to resort to the concepts of control theory that are close and related to it: "system", "structure", "function".

Let's give the simplest definitions of these concepts so that you can rely on them, then gradually deepening and concretizing them.

A system is a collection of interrelated and interacting elements, parts that form a single whole.

A structure is a structure, a way of organizing a system, which manifests itself in its division into component parts, a certain mutual arrangement and connections between them, ensuring its integrity, functioning, action.

A function is one of the roles that the system and its elements (constituent parts) and activities of the system perform.

In this way, purpose- this is an object of striving, a predetermined and final plan, for the sake of which the system functions.

The economy in its various scales, forms and types of government is a large and complex system operating with the participation of people, with a certain structure designed to implement a range of functions that ensure the achievement of the intended goals.

The circular connection between the goals of the system, its structure and its functions is considered in dynamics, taking into account changes in time and lies at the basis of management different systems and, above all, objects of an economical nature.

The purpose of control is called the implementation by the governing subject of management functions that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the system.

If the goals of the system are not predetermined, then their establishment is one of the most important and difficult tasks of managing the system. In this case, the formation of the goal of systems is the primary goal of system management, which is most clearly manifested in the planning, design and programming of the system.

Consider typical goals of managing objects of a socio-economic nature:

1. goals of maintaining system in the state it has reached. They arise when this condition needs to be fixed, as well as when it is necessary to prevent the danger of worsening this condition. This situation in management is called homeostasis;

2. exit goals from an unwanted state or the goal of preventing a further recession and ensuring a way out of their crisis. They are typical for a situation when the parameters, indicators of the system's functioning are significantly lower than the standard level and much worse than the indicators of the state of similar objects;

3. development goals systems, consisting in changing the quantitative parameters and the quality of the functioning of the system to transfer it to the desired and more favorable state, characterized by the best values ​​of the target indicators (quality of life, income level of the population).

Regardless of the goals of the system, at which the goals of management are directed, self-government has its own universal target task - increasing the level of purposefulness, organization of functioning of controlled systems, ensuring effective optimal trajectories of their development.

The interaction of production elements gives rise to many management tasks, which are implemented using well-defined control functions. Note that the concept of "task" is different from the concept of "goal". Task- this is a goal, the achievement of which is desirable at a certain point in time within the limits for which the management decision is designed. There is a constant relationship between management objectives, management functions and management decisions. This dependence reveals essence of management.

Management tasks two classes are subdivided.

The first includes common tasks formation of the production system, its stability, reliability, development. Their implementation makes it possible to create rational forms of management and assess the results of the life of the entire system. Such tasks include: the development of industrial cooperation, the improvement of the organizational structures of the production system, the maintenance of specified modes structural units production systems, the creation of workers' interest as a result of their labor, the organization of accounting and control over the activities of the controlled object. These management tasks cause the vital functions of the functions that are implemented in the corresponding management decisions.

The second class includes tasks specific character... They arise from the need to maintain the continuity of the production process, economic maintenance of production, the development of the team as social group... This class directly covers the production, scientific and technical, economic and political areas of production, as well as scientific and technological development.

In turn functions are also divided into general and specific. Common functions include: planning and forecasting; organization; coordination and regulation; motivation; control; accounting and analysis. A characteristic feature of common functions is their mutual penetration into each other. They are parts of management work.

Control tasks of the second class require the action of specific functions, which primarily relate to production functions management: technical, technological, labor organization, provision of raw materials and supplies, production services. The tasks of the scientific and technical development of production require action - economic functions, and the socio-political and spiritual - ideological development of the production collective give rise to political functions.