The main trends in the development of outdoor advertising. Trends in smart outdoor advertising New technologies in outdoor advertising

Formation modern market outdoor advertising in Russia began simultaneously with the economic reforms in 1992. Conditions for market formation were favorable. urban environment most Russian cities provided enough space for the effective placement of outdoor advertising.

At the first stage, the process was rather chaotic, experimental in nature, which was largely due to both the lack of necessary experience, work practice, and the lack of legal framework governing the advertising business.

In 1992-1994, advertising agencies were created in Moscow, specializing in the placement of outdoor advertising. As in other market sectors, the first advertisers in outdoor advertising there were large foreign corporations - The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Mars Inc. Over time, a circle of leaders in the outdoor advertising market has formed - tobacco companies, manufacturers of beer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, companies cellular communication, as well as automotive concerns and manufacturers of audio, video and home appliances.

Since the city authorities had practically not yet been involved in regulating the installation of billboards (only 2-3 approvals were required, and permits were issued by several people in the Moscow Committee for Architecture), the outdoor advertising market quickly grew and developed. This period of market development was the most profitable for operating companies. The cost of placement was determined by a personal agreement with the customer, and the costs associated with the rental and maintenance of structures were much lower than at present.

By 1995, more than 20 types were involved in Moscow advertising structures, and by 2000, the number of advertising structures on the streets of Moscow equaled that of London: in both cities it exceeds 20 thousand surfaces, not counting advertising in the subway and other modes of transport. Data from monitoring firms and expert opinions testify: in the largest cities of Russia there are about 50 thousand advertising surfaces. Of these, cities with a population of over 1 million inhabitants (13 cities in 2000) account for more than 43 thousand. At the same time, Moscow accounts for almost half of all installed advertising surfaces, and St. Petersburg - 19%.

In the first half of the 1990s, the outdoor advertising market developed most intensively in Moscow, but already in the second half of the decade, active development began in other large Russian cities. Over 10 years, the outdoor advertising market has grown 500 times (from $0.55 million in 1992 to $275 million in 2001). At the beginning of the 21st century, outdoor advertising remains one of the most actively developing segments of the Russian advertising market. "While in 1992, outdoor advertising accounted for about 5% of total media spending, by 2001 this figure exceeded 20%."

From year to year, the share of outdoor advertising in the total volume of advertising is steadily growing. Volume advertising costs amounted to 710 million dollars in 2005, budget growth - 34%. Most of the advertising budgets in outdoor advertising are in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The second period is the time when the dominant construction formats of 3x6 meters and 1.2x1.8 meters were revealed. Companies that began to develop in these areas moved forward over time, while others, on the contrary, lost customers.

The third stage was characterized by the need to promote outdoor advertising outside of Moscow to the regions of Russia in order to provide customers with the opportunity to conduct nationwide advertising campaigns. Guaranteed service has become one of the key factors, which has led to the need to invest in structural maintenance and information technology.

V last years there are changes in the structure of leading advertisers in outdoor advertising "Appendices 1.2". The share of tobacco companies is decreasing due to the lack of growth in the tobacco products market. The largest tobacco companies - Philip Morris, BAT and Japan Tobacco have reduced their outdoor advertising costs by more than 1.5 times. In 2005, these companies occupied the first three places in the Top 10. According to tobacco marketing experts, outdoor advertising is not effective for working with existing clients. [Appendix 1.2]

At the same time, there is a trend towards an increase in the share of outdoor advertising placed by cellular operators.

According to the survey of advertising budgets by the Espar-Analytic agency, mobile operators became the leaders in terms of outdoor advertising in 2006: the total budget of the three leading campaigns for the first 8 months of 2006 amounted to 33.1 million US dollars. According to Espar-Analyst, their costs in the first eight months of 2006 almost doubled by $15 million compared to the same period last year. The fastest growing product categories in 2006, according to Espar-Analyst, were video equipment: compared to 2005, DVD advertising grew by 570%, and plasma TVs - by 440%. The combined advertising budget of manufacturing companies Samsung and LG amounted to 15.5 million US dollars. At the same time, both companies consistently occupy fourth and sixth places in the Top 10 advertisers. The only beer company, VVN, entered the Top 10. According to Espar-Analyst, in the first eight months of 2006 the company spent $6.5 million on outdoor advertising. According to Andrey Rukavishnikov, Marketing Director of Baltika, the company will continue to increase investments in outdoor advertising, which is due to legal restrictions television advertisements for beer.

  • 1. Communication services, means of communication
  • 2. Wholesale and retail trade
  • 3. Audio and video equipment
  • 4. Tobacco products
  • 5. Cars and service
  • 6. Real estate and construction
  • 7. Tourism, entertainment
  • 8. Financial services, Banks
  • 9. Alcoholic drinks
  • 10. Furniture

A detailed list is given in "Appendices 1 and 2". [Appendix 1.2]

The financial growth of the market is also due to the increase in prices for outdoor advertising. According to experts, prices in Moscow increased during the year and amounted to an average of 1000-1200 US dollars per 3x6 m surface per month. The increase in prices was due to the interest of advertisers in this media, the introduction of UTII, the politicians of the city government regarding this media, and the cost of social advertising.

An analysis of the distribution of advertising structures by cities shows that, despite regional differences, two dominant national formats have formed in Russia: billboards 3 x 6 m in size and city-format light boxes (1.8 x 1.2 m). "Table 1.3.2" "In the largest cities of Russia, standard billboards account for 50.2% of all advertising surfaces, and long-term city-format boxes - 35.9%."

Table 2. Market structure of stand-alone advertising media

The main problem in the development of the outdoor advertising market in large cities is the congestion of the central part of cities with advertising structures. Under these conditions, administrations are taking measures to reduce the number of advertising media, which is most relevant to stand-alone structures.

The number of places where advertising is physically possible significantly exceeds the number of places where such placement is appropriate in terms of reaching a potential audience and advertising effectiveness.

Under these conditions, the extensive path has almost exhausted itself, so operators are increasingly using new technologies, introducing prism and roller dynamic media.

Since 2000, in the central parts of the largest Russian megacities, the process of installing new advertising media has been practically frozen (in Moscow - everywhere), and since 2003, the process of dismantling free-standing advertising media installed on the most significant routes due to congestion has begun.

The main reasons for the development of the dynamic advertising media market are:

  • · lack of advertising spaces, especially in the central part of large cities; in the most attractive areas for potential advertisers;
  • tightening of the law on advertising, restriction of television advertising certain types goods;
  • · features of the calculation of taxes on outdoor advertising, the introduction of UTND;
  • · the trend of standardization of advertising structures associated with the creation of a regulated architectural appearance of cities;
  • Continuous technical development and improvement of outdoor advertising media.

In connection with the relevance of the use of dynamic advertising media in large cities, in the second chapter of the graduation project, trends and prospects for the development of the corresponding market will be analyzed.

Maybe just leave it all to the inveterate hipsters? By the way, they are great. And it's better for all of us to keep up.

In order for the design of the company to organically merge into the modern picture of the consumer's world, the design, of course, must correspond to this very world.

Today he is like this: fast-paced, bold and daring, defiant and a little sweet and warm.

Global trends, how to design:

  • quickly, in order to have time to ride the wave and ride it;
  • boldly and decisively to be noticed;
  • talk only about the main thing and very simply, so that they understand and remember;
  • captivate, engage, entertain.

How do you apply in your work:

  • significantly reduce development time. For example, due to the fact that in a conversation it is more accurate to understand what to do. Then sit down and draw a couple of options right in the bullseye;
  • look at the selection with trends and look for suitable ones for work tasks. Even copying techniques, you will still do something of your own;
  • shorten the text and work on the wording. Given today's gigantic information field, it is uber-important to write concisely and succinctly;
  • imagine yourself in the place of the end user: is the meaning clear? does it attract?
  • ̶s̶p̶r̶a̶sh̶i̶v̶a̶t̶b̶ ̶s̶e̶b̶ya̶:̶ ̶n̶e̶ ̶x̶r̶e̶n̶j̶ ̶l̶i̶ ̶ya̶ ̶d̶e̶l̶a̶yu̶?̶:)

28 trends:


1. Purple color

2. Soft and delicate colors, pastel colors

3. Multicolor - combinations of more than 3 colors

4. Complex tasty gradients

5. Bold and Vibrant Colors

6. Monocolor (volumetric objects against a background in tone, for example, red on red)


7. Increased importance of typography - type logos or monograms, like an emblem

8. Brutal character - wide and extra wide styles

9. Impact effects (speed, wind, warp, distortion, paint smudges, tape as text)

10. Addition of reality with letters (large letters)


11. Bright multi-color primitive patterns and illustrations (more than 3 colors) + text on plates

12. Lettering and handmade sloppy illustrations

13. Fashion collages with primitivism and originality

14. Bold unpredictable layouts

15. Space zoning and modularity

16. Glitches (3D without glasses, glitch)

17. Double light

18. Double exposure (photo or objects inside an outline large object)

19. Augmented reality = photo + illustration

20. Application from paper or plasticine

21. Doughton and Gradient


22. Naturalness in everything (environmental friendliness, healthy and honesty - reality without beauty, less retouching and glossy magazine effect on the photo, maximum naturalness, deadpan)

23. Minimalism

24. Art in a modern interpretation

25. A la retro

26. Confident Brutalism

27. Engagement - 3D and Video

28. Tactile sensations - post-print processing (gold and silver, holograms, punching, flock (velvet effect), matte and glossy lamination) and a combination of different materials (wood, glass, metal, cardboard)

The advertising market is a system economic forms and mechanisms related to the formation and functioning of advertisers, advertising agencies, media holdings, intermediaries in the advertising movement, producing an advertising product and selling it as a service through advertising media for a consumer audience in accordance with the goals and objectives of marketing.

The advertising market is a sphere promotional activities, a system of economic relations between the advertiser and consumers of the service and between advertising intermediaries (advertising channels) and advertisers. At the same time, the main form of ties in the first case is purchase and sale, and in the second case, competition.

Design developments, the emergence and development of new technologies in outdoor advertising are among the most important strategic qualities that determine the effectiveness of the use of this type of advertising.

In the design of outdoor advertising, a complex of phenomena related to the economic and economic life of society, culture in general, as well as art was concentrated. Its design and information component are developing simultaneously with the improvement of technologies, the emergence of the latest, previously unused types of media and materials. When developing the design of outdoor advertising, design solutions are more focused on more understandable, intelligible and attractive informing the consumer about the advertised product/service.

Innovations in outdoor advertising of the XXI century

So, one of the frequently used and most accessible types of outdoor advertising is a poster - an easel form of graphic art, which is a large sheet with a catchy image and a short text, which has information, advertising, propaganda or educational purposes, the main condition for the existence of which is a demonstrative plane (stand , showcase, wall).

A poster that has a driving force advertising campaign, at the same time acquires a new significance - it becomes flexible and receptive to all new technologies. The latest modern technologies enable the poster to get out of a static state. This is facilitated by changes associated with the use of new digital technologies and materials.

This trend is gaining momentum, the essence of which is to search for new art forms that have a flexible structure and express the global meaning of social transformations.

So, the appearance of LEDs, neon, plastics, various films, various kinds High Quality printing products became a breakthrough in terms of technology and gave outdoor advertising new artistic, technical and information technology capabilities, significantly expanding their use in design developments.

The use of LEDs of primary colors (green, red, blue) made it possible to obtain colors of signboards of virtually any shades, as well as to construct displays from them with full-color graphics and animation output. Great light output, reliability, ease of installation, no operating costs, low power consumption, dynamics of information and color changes brought these technologies to the fore. A wide variety of possibilities allows the production of outdoor advertising not only of great artistic value, but also carrying a significant information load. Make this type of outdoor advertising one of the most effective, informative and in demand catchiness, the possibility of diverse graphic performance, visual accessibility.

Neon outdoor advertising, which has existed massively since the middle of the last century, is currently experiencing significant technological change. New materials and technologies have expanded the production of this type of advertising, increased the information, artistic, technical and aesthetic possibilities of the advertising product produced on their basis, gave designers new and effective ways and means of designing outdoor advertising, made it reliable and durable in operation.

For example, the use of new types of plastic is able to meet the requirements for advertising material as much as possible. The determining factors are the broad selection criteria for color, the degree of light transmission of the material, the quality of the surface, as well as the possibility of giving the selected material the desired shape.

Via innovative technologies the manufacturer strives to provide a qualitatively new, different from the previously used means of influencing potential consumer(object of advertising), thereby prompting him to perform a certain action, namely the purchase of the advertised product. Innovative processes taking place in society, various innovations and the practice of their application, as well as distribution - this is one of the main and critical issues present tense.

Modern ways of transmitting messages (channels, means, media) are extremely diverse (from the classic poster, billboards, illuminated signs to modern electronic displays, screens and laser systems). The complication of economic relations in society, the scale of production, urbanization entail the development of new technologies that cannot do without advertising, which is a powerful incentive for the development of information structures.

Currently, the advertising media themselves are no longer enough, despite their huge variety. The new trends in question are related to the fact that the mass consumer society created by the industrial revolution is increasingly differentiated, turning into a "demassified society" - a tendency in which the mass market breaks up into constantly multiplying, changeable mini-markets, requiring an ever-expanding range of models, types, sizes, colors and conformity to various requirements of the consumer. It is one of the driving forces for innovative changes in advertising itself and in its design.

Design is the tool that allows outdoor advertising to acquire new qualities, to adapt to the placement environment. And only new innovative design technologies will allow outdoor advertising, organically woven into the spatial, socio-psychological environment of placement, not to lose their positions to other rapidly developing types of advertising.

The task of outdoor advertising when using innovative technologies is to smooth out as much as possible the differences between the new image and the established local spatial canons and try to fit into this environment, and possibly supplement, qualitatively improve its content.

In this regard, it should be pointed out that the factor of preserving the traditional matrix of the previously created is facilitated by the conformity of the recreated outdoor advertising to the style, aesthetics, image and nature of the placement environment, design aesthetics, cultural and visual-graphic component, verified over the years.

Each time period, especially in urban planning, is characterized by the presence of a peculiar, established artistic direction, sometimes called the style of the era, often it is a completely complete and established architectural and artistic norm, expressing a set of aesthetic ideas, rules established in this time period.

Finding a balance between the innovative component of outdoor advertising and the need to preserve the aesthetics and style of the placement environment is another of the most important tasks in the field of advertising.

According to a Nielsen study, outdoor advertising posted solid growth last year. Big data, digital strategies, targeting and audience analytics will continue to transform UN ads, as advertisers will change their ad planning and creativity To her. As new data collection methods and digital channel integration become available online, they will continue to increase the value of outdoor advertising by making it an integral part of the media plan.

The UN will continue to implement digital marketing strategies

Marketers are increasingly paying attention to how UN advertising and digital media intersect. Combining these two components as part of a comprehensive strategy will help to strengthen the position of each of them. An analysis of digital media will help in planning outdoor advertising, which, in turn, through geofencing and other interactive technologies, will be able to attract more target audience to the advertiser's digital environment.

The integration of digital marketing strategies at the UN will provide an opportunity to streamline consumer data. Demographic and behavioral information will be mined and aggregated using the smartphone to provide the advertiser with better performance. This data will provide more active recall because the virtual message will better fit the consumer's daily habits.

Geofencing and other digital outdoor advertising technologies provide real-time data that can be quickly analyzed and reused in future campaigns. Through site geoprocessing, better marketing at the time of purchase, information about the consumer is generated.

In combination with geo-local technologies, outdoor advertising will become the main component of a personalized advertising strategy, reaching the target audience in right place at the right time. When we are interested in any product or service, we actively search for it on the device that is most convenient for us - most often a smartphone. According to Google, 76% of people who search for a location on their smartphone visit that location during the day. Having a localization character, the UN will help manage the behavior of Central Asia.

Every day we pass by outdoor advertising that provides a personal touch point, creates interest and helps drive digital engagement. Notably, Nielsen's latest Ads Driving Online Activity 2017 report states: "While OOH ads account for 26% of top searches generated through TV, radio, print and OOH combined, they account for just 7% of the total advertising expenses."

"Figital" (i.e., uniting the physical and digital world) aspect of the combination strategy is of great importance. Personalizing a message elicits an immediate, direct response through searches, sending links to friends, and so on, similar to the immediate response mechanism of digital advertising. The advantage for the consumer, who is constantly on the move, is personalized advertising. So far, this type of advertising is in its infancy, but it will continue to evolve and become more unique and data more relevant.

To be continued

deposit photo illustration

For the first time since the crisis of 2014-2015, the advertising market as a whole has grown. The most positive dynamics of development was observed in the first two quarters, as a result of the effect of the low advertising base at the beginning of 2015. However, at the end of the year, all the media, except for the press, came out in positive territory. Including advertisers' investments in outdoor advertising grew by 6% compared to last year.

Leading experts of the OOH market - Andrey Berezkin, general manager ESPAR Analyst and Fedor Lyakh, OMD OM Group Outdoor Advertising Procurement Director, summed up the results of the year and outlined the key trends of the segment in an article for Sostav.

Investment growth occurs against the background of a reduction in the number of advertising structures. Experts note that the growth is mainly due to an increase in prices in the capital markets, and in particular - due to the development of digital formats. In November, the Vera-Olimp operator was absent from the market, which affected the dynamics by some collapse. When, in December, the operator returned, the dynamics recovered.

Before the 2008 crisis Russian market had the largest share of OOH in the media mix among other countries. Then outdoor advertising in Russia occupied 18% of advertising in all media. Over the past 8 years, the share has decreased to 10%, but still, we are in 2nd place among the most developed and strong world markets. The minimum gap between Russia and the countries following us is 4%, which in global scale- very significant.

Moscow and St. Petersburg provide more than 55% of investments

If we compare cities of the federal level with the regions, the territorial centers attract the bulk of investments and show a noticeable growth (in the capital centers, and especially in Moscow, inventory becomes smaller and it becomes more expensive). The number of advertising surfaces is reduced approximately equally in all regions of Russia.

Cities are getting rid of illiquid inventory. At the same time, the occupancy of commercial advertising is growing. Andrey Berezkin clarifies that in the first half of 2016, Russ Outdoor and GEMA actively dismantled structures that were not for sale. A little later, Gallery had to temporarily dismantle the former OMIS 92. And all this happened against the backdrop of the appearance of GORINFOR State Budgetary Institution with non-commercial advertising. The emergence of a new inventory, isolated from commercial advertising, formally reduced the load.

“In the first half of the year, the shields of the shopping mall, Russ Outdoor and Gallery were reduced (the OMIS began to be removed in the summer), the number of Vera-Olimp structures was constantly decreasing. Since September, Russ Outdoor has exhibited 30 new 3x6 digital billboards (300 sides), 400 sides of GORINFOR have appeared, and since November, new designs of the Vera-Olymp operator have begun to appear,” commented the General Director of ESPAR-Analyst. Fedor Lyakh draws attention to the fact that the number of digital formats has been growing since autumn.

Digital already takes 15% of all 3x6 shields

Andrey Berezkin noted that the situation with loading in the second half of 2016 at the main operators for both digital and classic boards was close to the limit. “Russ Outdoor, Gallery and Vera-Olympus have a commercial load of 90%, the shopping center has also risen and in 2016 had a commercial load of 75%,” the expert commented.

“From January 2017, work began with the metro,” Fedor Lyakh said, “and significant budgets have already been confirmed. Contrary to expectations, so far the most attractive format for advertisers is escalator vaults, and not advertising inside train cars. Perhaps this was influenced by a significant increase in prices for advertising inside the cars.

Operators in regions

In 2016, the long-awaited auction was supposed to take place in St. Petersburg, however, they never took place. It is not known when they will pass, but any of their results will significantly affect the distribution of weights of investments in outdoor advertising in capitals and regions. As a result, Gallery and Laysa operators, digital billboards should appear in St. Petersburg, low-quality inventory will be dismantled, and, accordingly, prices for placement in OOH will increase. All this should finally stabilize the market of the northern capital.

Top advertiser categories

Top advertisers

The TOP-20 advertisers are headed by the Megafon company, also, the TOP-3 includes mobile operator TELE2, increasing investment in OOH by 56% in 2016. A new player has appeared in the TOP-10 - the PIK holding, having doubled its investment in outdoor advertising compared to last year. 5 companies left the TOP-20, three car brands (representatives of the business most affected by the crisis), and retailers IKEA and L'Etoile.

Summing up, Andrey Berezkin noted that for the outdoor advertising market, 2016 will be remembered not only as the beginning of the post-crisis recovery period, but also as the acceleration of digitalization processes and some easing of administrative pressure on the industry. “The adoption of changes to the notorious GOST at the beginning of the year pushed the industry back from the edge of the abyss at which it stood,” the expert summed up.