At an enterprise with 6,000 employees. Determination of the number of employees in an enterprise

The calculation of the number of employees of the enterprise is used in term paper to determine the cost of wages and labor productivity.

Depending on the method of establishing the number of employees of the enterprise, they are conditionally divided into three categories:

Basic workers;

Auxiliary workers;


Number of main workers

The number of main workers for each operation is determined based on the labor intensity of the work performed:

where Chi is the payroll number of the main workers employed in performing the i-th operation, people;

tнi - time norm for execution of the i-th operations (initial data);

Fdr - annual fund of working hours of workers (initial data);

Qg is the annual volume of manufactured products, units / year (see clause 2.1).

Number of auxiliary workers

The number of auxiliary workers is set according to jobs and service standards.

In the course work, this category of workers can be attributed to locksmiths, storekeepers, loaders, etc. The composition of auxiliary workers and their number is set taking into account their possible workload and combination of profession.

Number of employees

The number of employees is established on the basis of the staffing table developed by the student. The staffing table is a document containing information about the composition of employees and their salaries for each position.

As a guideline, the following positions can be envisaged in the staffing table: director of a small enterprise, deputy commercial issues, Chief Engineer, accountant-economist, secretary, assistant, etc.

In total, the company employs 12 people.

Determination of cost estimates for the production and sale of products

The cost estimate is important document determining the efficiency of the enterprise. It is developed to determine the total costs of production and sales of products. According to the amount of costs reflected in the estimate, the profit of the enterprise and the amount of overhead costs are determined.

The cost estimate can be calculated in two aspects:

By economic elements;

By item of expenditure.

In coursework, the cost estimate is first developed by item of expenditure, and then brought together by item.

Economic calculation of a closed headbox
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Economic calculation of hydraulic fracturing operations
Hydraulic fracturing is the most common bottomhole stimulation method. The essence of this process lies in the injection of a liquid into a permeable formation under pressure ...

Assessment of the commercial efficiency of the operating CHP
Knowledge of the essence economic categories, understanding of the foundations of the industry economy, the features of the functioning and development of the energy industry and thermal power plants as objects of power engineering ...

Personnel (personnel) of the enterprise - a set of employees different professions and specialties employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

The payroll of the enterprise - employees of various professions included in the list of working at the enterprise, hired for permanent and temporary work.

The payroll is calculated on a specific date according to the list, taking into account the employees hired and dismissed on that date.

Number of employees - the number of employees who showed up for work on a specific date.

Average headcount employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each day of the month and dividing this amount by the number of calendar days of the month. In this case, the number of employees on the payroll for weekends and holidays (non-working) days is taken to be equal to the payroll for the previous working day.

The average payroll for an incomplete month is determined by dividing the sum of the number of payroll employees for all days of work in the reporting month, including weekends and holidays, by the total number of calendar days in the month.

The average headcount for a quarter is calculated by summing the average headcount for each month and dividing the resulting value by three.

The average number of employees for the year is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of the reporting year and dividing the amount received by 12.

The average headcount for the period from the beginning of the year to the reporting month inclusive is calculated by summing the average headcount for all months from the beginning of the year to the reporting month inclusive, and dividing the amount received by the number of months of work for the period since the beginning of the year.

If the company has worked for an incomplete quarter, then the average headcount for the quarter is determined by summing the average headcount for the months of work in the reporting quarter and dividing the amount received by 3.

If the enterprise has worked for an incomplete year (seasonal nature of work or created after January), then the average headcount for the year is determined by summing the average headcount for all months of work and dividing the amount received by 12.

Labor turnover - the change in the number of employees in connection with their hiring and leaving.

Turnover, stability and staff turnover are characterized by the following coefficients: the turnover rate for admission ( = Nnp / Nram,

where Nnp is the number of employees hired for a certain period;

Nnnn is the average number of employees for the same period.

Disposal turnover ratio:

Co.selection = Nbm6 / Nnnn,

where Nbm6 is the number of employees who left for the reporting period.

Employee turnover rate:

Ktek = Ivyb.izl.ob. / Nnnn,

where Ivyb.izl.ob. - the number of retired employees due to excessive turnover for the reporting period (dismissal due to on their own or under the article for violation of the terms of the contract, or labor discipline). Frame constancy ratio (Kpc):

Kpc = Nen / Nnnn,

where Nen is the number of employees who have worked for the entire period.

Total turnover ratio:

Total - (Nnp Nebi6) / Nnnn.

Personnel planning is determined by determining the need for basic, auxiliary workers and employees:

No.p = TPP / (Fef Kvn); Necn = (m s) / Nobs;

Iosuch = Vpa6 / Nobs,

where No.p is the number of main workers;

TPP - labor intensity production program; Фэф - effective fund of working time of one employee per year;

Квн - coefficient of performance standards of production; Necn is the number of auxiliary workers;

m ■ is the number of jobs;

с - the number of work shifts;

Nobs. - equipment maintenance rate;

№luzh - the number of auxiliary workers;

Vpa6 - the amount of planned work.

Determine separately the number of auxiliary workers, busy with service equipment and unoccupied. The number of auxiliary workers engaged in equipment maintenance (NBcn.p.3.o.o) is determined by the formula

NBcn.p.3.o.o. = By no-show,

where m s / H both. - attendance number.

K absenteeism is the coefficient of absenteeism (absenteeism) for work due to objective reasons (illness, death of loved ones, etc.).

Number of employees not engaged in equipment maintenance (Necn.p.H.3.o.o.):

N flash r.n.c.r.o. = m with K no-show,

where m with - attendance.

The effectiveness of the use of personnel at the enterprise is characterized by indicators of labor productivity: production and labor intensity.

Production - the quantity or value of products produced per unit of labor time. The production indicators include the average annual, average daily and average hourly production:

W = Utp / Nnnn, Wd = Utp / Nnnn Dr,

Vc = Utp / Nnnn Fef,

gae Br average annual output per employee;

Utp - the volume of commercial products; Nnnn is the average number of employees; Vd - average daily production; Др - the length of the working year (in days); HF - average hourly output; FEF is an effective fund of 1 employee's working time per year.

Labor intensity - the amount of working time spent on the production of products. The indicators of labor intensity are technological labor intensity, productive labor intensity, management labor intensity, productive and total labor intensity:

Tpol = Tteh + Tobs + Tupr = Tpr + Tupr.

The standard labor intensity is characterized by the time spent in accordance with the norms per unit of working time:

The planned labor intensity is adjusted for the rate of fulfillment of production rates:

Tpl = Tn / Kvn.

The unemployment rate is defined as the ratio of the number of unemployed to the total labor force, expressed as a percentage:

B "= N unemployed. Yo \%

N total labor force

The staff time fund is equal to the difference between the working time calendar fund and the number of days falling on holidays and weekends.

The maximum possible fund of working time is equal to the difference between the staff fund of working time and the number of days falling on regular vacations.

Explicit fund of time appears in the form of planned and actual fund.

The apparent planned working time fund is defined as the difference between the maximum possible working time fund and the whole-day losses of working time provided for by labor legislation: maternity leave, childcare, study leave, absence from work due to illness, etc.

The actual working time fund is defined as the difference between the working time planned attendance fund and unplanned whole-day losses of working time not provided for by labor legislation: absenteeism, absenteeism with the permission of the administration, all-day downtime.

The average number of man-hours worked is calculated by dividing the total number of man-hours worked by employees in the reporting period by the average number of the corresponding category of workers for the same period.

The shift factor of workers is determined by dividing the total number of actually working (turnout) workers by the number of workers who worked in the most numerous shift.

Salary is a form of remuneration for work, the amount of money that an employee receives for work performed according to labor contract.

There are the following wage systems: tariff and non-tariff.

The tariff system of remuneration is a set of standards that regulate the amount of wages, depending on the complexity, significance and characteristics of labor. The tariff system includes a tariff scale, tariff rates, tariff coefficients, tariff and qualification reference books, surcharges and surcharges, regional coefficients.

The tariff system is subdivided into piece-rate and time-based wages.

Direct piece-rate wages (Zsd) are defined as the product of the quantity of manufactured products per unit of working time and the price for the manufacture of the product:

R = Mt Nvr = Mt / Nvr,

where R is the price for the manufacture of 1 unit. ed .; q is the number of manufactured products; Mid-hour tariff rate; Нвр - the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of a product;

Nvyr is the production rate.

Piece-bonus wages increase the interest of workers in improving performance and increasing labor productivity:

Zsd-prem. = Zsd. + C,

where P is the premium.

Bonuses are divided into conditional (provided by the tariff system) and unconditional by the remuneration system (incentive payments).

Piece-piece-progressive wages are the most stimulating for achieving the goal of increasing labor productivity in a short time while maintaining the quality of products:

Zsd-prog. = R0 qun + Rye ^ φ qmi),

where R0 is the initial price for the manufacture of a unit of the product;

qmi - planned production output;

Rye -increased price for the manufacture of the product;

qf is the actual production output. Indirect wages apply to those workers who serve technological processes... The amount of their earnings depends on the results of the activities of the main workers serving:

Zcos = Rkoc qecn,

where qecn is the amount of work for auxiliary workers. Lump-sum (piecework) wages:

Zsd-ak = Zur + Zpr,

where Zur is the remuneration for the entire lesson (task);

Зпр - bonus payments according to the conditions,

accepted in the lesson contract (chord).

Time wages depend on the effective working time fund and the employee's hourly wage rate.

Time-based simple wages (Zpov):

Зпов = Сч Фэф,

where Fef is the effective fund of working time.

Time-based bonus wages establish the amount of the bonus as a percentage of the tariff rate for exceeding the established indicators or certain bonus conditions:

Zpov-prem = Zpov + P.

Salary wages (Zokl) are applied when calculating earnings on a monthly basis, based on the actual hours worked in days, according to the staffing table:

Zokl = Zsht / Dmes. Dfact,

where Zsht is the amount of wages in accordance with staffing table;

Dmes, Dfact - the number of working days in the billing month and the days actually worked.

A salary system is used for managers, specialists and employees. The official salary is the absolute size of the salary, established in accordance with the position held.

With the brigade form of remuneration, a brigade wage fund ( is formed: = R6p + D + P + Duch,

where R6p is the general team piece rate;

D - surcharges for special conditions labor;

Duch is the share of participation in the income of the enterprise.

The tariff-free wage system combines the main advantages of the tariff system and the results economic activity structural unit and the entire team.

Determination of wages under a tariff-free system is carried out in the following sequence:

1) Determination of the number of points earned by each employee:

Q6 = KU KTU Fef,

where KU - qualification level employee; KTU - coefficient of labor participation; FEF is an effective fund for working time.

Determination of the total number of points earned by all employees by summing the individual points.

Determination of the cost of one point (the share of the wages fund attributable to the payment of one point):

d = FOT / 2 Q6,

where payroll is the wage fund.

Determination of the individual earnings of each employee:

З / Пі = d Q6.

Examples of problem solving

The average number of employees of the enterprise for the year was 600 people. During the year, 37 people voluntarily resigned, 5 people were dismissed for violation of labor discipline, 11 people retired, 13 people entered educational institutions and were drafted into the army, 30 people were transferred to other positions in other divisions of the enterprise.


retirement rate;

staff turnover rate.

1) The retirement rate is defined as the ratio of the number of retired employees to the average headcount for the same period:

Qsyb = Ivyb / Nnnn 100 \%;

Kvib = (37 -K 5 + 11 413) 7 600 100 \% = 11 \%.

2) The staff turnover rate characterizes the proportion of employees dismissed due to excessive turnover to the average headcount:

Ktek =? No.yb.and.about. / Nnnn g 100 \%; Ktek = (37 + 5) 7 600 100 \% = 7 \%.

The company plans to release ed. And 30,000 pcs. per year at a standard time for the manufacture of one product 4 hours and ed. B - 50,000 pcs. at a time rate of 2 hours.

Wasted time by good reason- 10 \% of the nominal time fund, the rate of fulfillment of production standards - 1.2. The number of working days per year is 300, the duration of the shift is 8 hours.

The enterprise's need for production workers is determined as follows:

No.p. = TPP / (Fef Kvn).

The labor intensity of the production program (TPP) characterizes total hours planned for the release of all products of the enterprise for the year. Determine the number of hours required for the production of ed. A and B:

T (A, B) = (30,000 pcs. 4 hours) + (50,000 2) = 220,000 hours.

To calculate the effective fund of working time (FEF), it is necessary to find the product of the number of working days, shifts, hours during a work shift and correct the resulting value for downtime and loss of time:

FEF = 300 days. 8 h 10 \% = 2160 h.

4) Determine the company's need for production workers for the year:

No.p. = 220,000 / (2160 1.2) = 85 people. Problem 3

In the reporting year, the volume of marketable products amounted to 700 thousand rubles, the average number of employees was 25 people.

In the planned year, the production output will amount to 780 thousand. rubles, labor productivity per employee should increase by 5%.

Labor productivity per employee is determined through the production rate, which in turn is defined as the ratio of the annual output to the average headcount for the year:

Bg = Unt / Nnnn; Vg (ex) = 700 thousand rubles. / 25 people = 28 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate labor productivity per employee in the planned year:

Bg (pl) = 28 thousand rubles. + 5 \% = 29.4 thousand rubles.

To determine the average number of personnel in the planned year, it is necessary to divide the volume of commercial products by the average annual output per one employee of the enterprise:

N (pl) = Vrn (pl) / Br (pl); N (pl) = 780 thousand rubles. / 29.4 thousand rubles. = 27 people

Determine the average number of employees for the first quarter and year, if the organization had an average number of employees in January - 620 people, in February - 640, in March - 690 people. Then the enterprise was disbanded.

The average headcount for a quarter is determined as the ratio of the sum of the average headcount for 3 months of work to the number of months in a quarter (3 months):

Nnnn (q) = £ Nnnn (months) / 3;

Nnnn (Q1) = (620 + 640 + 690) / З = 650 people.

The average headcount for the year is equal to the ratio of the sum of the average headcount for the quarters to the number of quarters for the year (4 quarters):

Nnnn (year) = £ Nnnn (q) / 4;

Nnnn (year) = 650/4 = 163 people.

March - 200 people;

202 people;

203 people;

18, 19 - days off; from March 20 to March 31 - 205 people; from April 1 to June 15 - 305 people; from June 16 to August 31 - 310 people; from September 1 to December 31 - 200 people. Determine the average number of employees in March, I, II, III, IV quarters and for the year.

1) The average payroll for a month is defined as the ratio of the sum of payroll for all days of operation of the enterprise to the number of calendar days of the month:

Nnnn (months) = X Nnnn / Tcal;

Nnnn (March) = (200 + 202 + 203 3 + 205 12) / 31 =

Let's determine the average number of personnel for the remaining months of the enterprise's operation:

Nnnn (April, May) = 305 people; Nnnn (June) = (305 15 + 310 15) / 30 = 308 people; Nnnn (July, August) = 310 people;

Nnnn (September - December) = 200 people.

Average headcount for quarters:

Nnnn (q) = E Nnnn (months) / 3;

Nnnn (Q1) = 112/3 = 37 people; Nnnn (II quarter) = (305 -2 + 308) / 3 = 306 people; Nnnn (III quarter) = (310 2 + 200) / 3 = 273 people;

Nnnn (IV quarter) = (200 3) / 3 = 200 people. 115

4) Average headcount for the year: Nnnn (year) = S Nnnn (sq.) / 4; Nnnn (year) = (37 + 306 + 273 + 200) / 4 = 204 people.

The worker produced 350 parts in a month, having fulfilled the norm by 120%.

Piece rate for a part - 30 rubles. Payment for labor for the manufacture of products in excess of the norm is made at prices increased by 1.5 times.

Piece-piece-progressive wages are calculated according to the formula

Zsd-program = R0 qun + RyB ^ f qmi).

Let's define an increased rate:

Rye = RUB 30 RUB 1.5 = RUB 45

We calculate the planned production output based on the condition that the worker actually produced 350 parts, exceeding the norm by 120%:

(± f = (350 children> 100 \%) / 120 \% = 292 children.

Full worker's earnings:

Zsd-program = 30 rubles. 292 children. + 45 rub. (350 children - 292 children) = 11 370 rubles.

Within a month, 900 sets of parts should be processed at the production site. The normalized time for processing one set for turning works is 9 hours, for milling works - 6.5 hours. The planned development of norms for turning works "- 112%, for milling works - 120%.

Determine the required number of workers by profession, if the effective time fund of one worker according to the annual balance is 1816 hours.

The planned number of main workers is calculated as the ratio of the labor intensity of the production program to the product of the effective fund of working time and the rate of fulfillment of output standards:

No.p. = TPP / (Fef Kvn).

Let's define the labor intensity of the production program for turning and milling works:

TPP (current) = 900 children 9h = 8100h;

TPP (milling cutter) = 900 pcs. 6.5 h = 5850 h.

Let's calculate the need for turners:

N (current) = 8100 h / (1816 h 112 \%) = 4 turners.

Required number of milling operators:

N (milling cutter) = 5850 h / (1816 h 120 \%) = 3 milling cutters.

Tasks for independent solution

The company plans to release ed. A 20,000 pcs. per year at a standard time for the manufacture of one product 1.5 hours and ed. B - 15,000 pcs. at a time rate of 2.2 hours.

Loss of time for a good reason - 15% of the nominal time fund, the coefficient of fulfillment of production standards - 1.1. The number of working days per year is 256, the duration of the shift is 8 hours.

Determine the enterprise's need for production workers for the planned year.

Determine the missing indicators and their dynamics, the increase in production as a result of the increase in the number of employees, the increase in production due to the increase in labor productivity.

The average number of employees of the enterprise for the year was 215 people. During the year, 5 people voluntarily resigned, 1 person was fired for violation of labor discipline, 2 people retired, 2 people entered educational institutions and were drafted into the army, 3 people were transferred to other positions in other divisions of the enterprise.


retirement rate;

staff turnover rate.

The output per hour is 15 parts. Labor intensity after implementation new technology decreased by 25%.

Determine what will happen to labor productivity.

Determine the increase in production due to the increase in the number of employees.

In the third quarter, production output per employee amounted to 35,000 rubles. In the IV quarter, the company plans to produce the same amount of products - for 20 million rubles. and at the same time reduce the number of employees by 12 people.

Determine the output per worker in the IV quarter and the planned increase in labor productivity.

Determine the average number of employees for the first quarter and year, if the organization had an average number of employees in January - 120 people, in February - 118 people, in March - 122 people. Then the enterprise was disbanded.

The organization started working in March. The average number of employees in March was 450 people, in April - 660, in May - 690 people.

Determine the average number of employees for the period from the beginning of the year to May inclusive.

The seasonal organization began operations in April and ended in August. The average headcount was: in April - 641 people, in May - 1254 people, in June - 1316 people, in July - 820 people, in August - 457 people.

Determine the average number of employees in the II, III quarters and for the year.

The average number of employees at the enterprise for the reporting year is 6,000 people, including workers - 5,400 people, office workers - 600 people.

Over the past year, 550 people were hired, including 495 workers.

During the same period, 156 people were dismissed, including 67 employees.


turnover of staff on admission;

staff turnover on disposal;

total turnover of personnel.

Determine the output per worker in physical and monetary terms, if:

annual production output - 200,000 pcs;

annual gross output - 2 million rubles;

number of employees - 500 people.

Determine the labor intensity of a unit of production according to the plan and in fact, as well as the change in labor productivity (in \%), if the labor intensity of marketable products according to the plan is 30 thousand standard hours, the planned output in kind is 200 units, the actual labor intensity of the production program is 26 thousand standard hours, actual production volume - 220 pcs.

In the planned year, production is expected to increase from 15 to 18 million rubles. At basic labor productivity, this would require 1,300 people. However, the number of personnel is expected to be reduced by 7% compared to the baseline.

Determine the increase in labor productivity in the new conditions and the absolute level of planned production.

Determine the coefficient of using the working time of one worker during the shift, if the time of over-planned downtime is 30 minutes, the nominal time of work is 540 minutes, and the time of planned downtime is 60 minutes.

Determine the growth rate of labor productivity, if the structure of the equipment park in planned period next:

equipment "1" - 20 units;

equipment "2" - 35 units;

equipment "3" - 45 units.

Labor productivity, respectively: 1 h, 1.2 h, 1.4 h.

In the reporting period, the number of units. equipment “1” - 15 units, “2” - 30 units, “3” - 55 units.

March - 356 people;

355 people;

355 people;

18, 19 - days off; from June 20 to June 30 - 360 people; from July 1 to August 14 - 378 people; from August 15 to September 30 - 382 people; from October 1 to December 31 - 355 people. Determine the average number of employees in March, I, II, III, IV quarters and for the year.

Determine the average number of employees for August, as of September 1, the coefficients of turnover for admission, retirement, staff turnover and total turnover.

The natural rate of unemployment is 5%, the actual rate is 9.5%. Determine the amount of GNP lag in \% and the amount of GNP lost as a result of unemployment, if GNP in the current year amounted to almost 5 billion dollars.

The machine shop section was given a program to produce 600 editions per quarter. It is necessary to determine the number of turners and milling operators, if the laboriousness of turning work on the product is 22 hours, milling works - 24 hours, the norms are overfulfilled by an average of 20%, absenteeism is planned - 10%.

During a quarter, 620 sets of parts should be processed in the production area. The normalized time for processing one set for turning works is 8.2 hours, for milling works - 7.1 hours. The planned development of norms for turning works is 110 \%, for milling works - 115 \%.

Determine the required number of workers by profession, if the effective time fund of one worker according to the annual balance is 1830 hours.

The normative labor intensity of turning works is 270,000 man-hours, the rate of fulfillment of production standards is 115%, the average number of hours of work of one turner per year is 1664 hours.

Determine the planned labor intensity of turning work and the required number of turners.

The number of employees on the list as of January 1 is 170 people. On January 15, 3 people voluntarily resigned, on January 16, 5 people were hired, on January 25, 2 people were drafted into the army.

Determine the average number of employees in January, I quarter, the coefficients of the turnover of the labor force for the admission, retirement and turnover of personnel.

The plant employs 2,860 people, the annual working time of one person is 1,860 hours. In the planned year, it is planned to save 400 thousand man-hours.

Determine the planned growth in labor productivity at the plant, expressed in labor savings.

The company has planned to reduce labor costs by 10%. Base year production per worker - 520,000 rubles. Determine the \% growth in output and average annual output per employee in the planned year.

In the reporting year, the volume of marketable products amounted to 9,700 thousand rubles, the average number of employees was 55 people.

In the planned year, the production output will amount to 10,500 thousand. rubles, labor productivity per employee should increase by 7%.

Determine the labor productivity of one employee in the reporting and planned year and the average number of employees in the planned year.

The standard time per 100 m2 of a single-layer mechanized coating with roll materials is 1.8 man-hours for one worker in a team of 3 people.

Determine the production rate per shift of 8 hours.

The rate of time per unit. work for one worker is 4 man-hours, the production rate for an 8-hour shift is 2 units. After carrying out organizational measures, the time rate is reduced by 10%.

Determine the new rate of production, rate of time and \% growth rate of output.

The service rate for one workplace is 1.6 hours, the duration of the shift is 8.4.

Determine the rate of service of one workplace for one worker.

A pieceworker prepared 6000 kg of secondary raw materials / Price per 1 ton - 1200 rubles. In addition, they sold goods in the amount of 22,500 rubles, and the premium on the amount of sales is 2%.

Determine the total earnings of the worker.

An adjustment worker at the site has a salary at a wage rate of 4,700 rubles. The production rate of its section is 1000 units. products. In fact, 1200 units were manufactured. products.

Find a worker's wages according to the piece-rate indirect system of remuneration.

The time worker worked 170 hours and saved 2600 rubles of materials within a month. The company has a provision on bonuses for saving materials in the amount of 40% of the amount of savings. Hourly tariff rate - 55.60 rubles.

Determine the worker's wages.

The hourly wage rate for an engineer is 80 rubles. and according to the terms of the contract - 30% of the monthly premium. He worked for 140 hours during the month.

Determine the salary of an engineer.

The accountant has a salary of 4200 rubles. In March, he spent 6 days on leave without pay, with a total working time of 22 days.

Determine the salary of the accountant for the hours worked.

The worker fell ill in December for 5 working days. In November, his earnings amounted to 5,000 rubles. for 20 working days, in October - 5855 rubles. for 19 working days, in September - 5900 rubles. for 25 slave days. Continuous work experience - 12 years.

Find the amount of benefit for the days of illness.

The employee is granted an annual leave of 24 working days (from August 25 to September 17). His earnings in May amounted to 6800 rubles. at 24 working days, in July - 6900 rubles. at 26 working days, in June - 6800 rubles. at 27 working days. Working days have been worked out in full, no bonuses have been assigned.

Determine the prices for the product based on the data: to assemble the unit, it is necessary to spend 2 standard hours of labor of the 5th grade worker, 6 standard hours of the 3rd category worker and 4 standard hours of the 1st category worker.

The tariff rate of a worker of the 1st category is 13.8 rubles, of the 3rd category - 21.3 rubles, of the 5th category - 35 rubles.

A piecework worker made 5 gears, 8 bushings, 12 cylinders in a day. The price for 1 gear is 30 rubles, for the sleeve - 15 rubles, for the cylinder - 11 rubles.

Determine the worker's daily wages.

Determine the individual earnings of each worker with collective piecework wages, if the collective rate for adjusting the chemical apparatus is 22,668 rubles.

The adjustment is carried out by 4 workers. The worker of the 3rd category spent 10 hours on the work, the 4th - 5 hours, the 5th - 20 hours, the 6th - 6 hours.

Tariff coefficients according to the current grid: 3rd 1.26, 4th 1.324, 5th 1.536, 6th 1.788.

The enterprise manufactures products in the amount of 50 000 pcs. per year, wholesale. price for 1 unit. - 3000 rubles, the norm of time for the manufacture of units. ed. - 200 hours, cost of 1 hour - 40 rubles. Additional payments to the full payroll - 30% of the direct earnings of pieceworkers.

The nominal time fund of one worker is 2080 hours. Downtime is planned in the amount of 12 \% of the nominal time fund, the coefficient of performance standards is 1.

Determine the average monthly wage per worker and output.

The company produces 900 units per year. products, the standard time for the manufacture of one unit is 40 hours, the cost of 1 hour is 55 rubles. one

Additional payments - 10% of the direct earnings of pieceworkers. The nominal time fund is 2000 hours, the planned downtime is 10%, the production rate fulfillment rate is 1.1.

Determine the average monthly earnings of one worker.

The worker produced 430 parts in a month, fulfilling the quota by 115%.

Piece rate for a part - 20 rubles. Payment for labor for the manufacture of products in excess of the norm is made at prices increased by 1.5 times.

Determine the wages of a worker with a piece-rate progressive system of remuneration.

The worker processed 750 parts in 170 hours. Hourly tariff rate - 27.50 rubles. Determine his earnings under a piece-rate progressive system of remuneration, if it is stipulated that when the norms are fulfilled above 100 \%, the price for a part increases by 30 \%. Production rate - 4th ed. at one o'clock.

For the year, the company plans to release ed. And in the amount of 520,000 pieces.

The number of working days is 255, the operating mode is one-shift. Production rate ed. And one worker - 15 pcs. per shift.

Determine the number of production workers required for the implementation of the production program.

The time standard for one product is 15 minutes, the hourly tariff rate for a given labor complexity is

5 rubles / hour, 24 working days per month; the duration of the shift is 8 hours. 1000 items were produced per month. Define:

a) production rate per month (pcs.);

b) piece rate for the product (rubles);

c) the planned and actual amount of piecework salaries per month (rubles).

An auxiliary worker maintains a site that has 5 pieceworkers working on a stamping machine. Each pieceworker must produce 300 pieces per hour. blanks. In fact, in 20 working days (shift duration - 8 hours) 270,000 blanks were produced at the site. The hourly wage rate of the auxiliary worker is 7.5 rubles.


the earnings of an auxiliary worker in a time-based wage system;

the earnings of an auxiliary worker in the context of an indirect piece-rate system of remuneration.

According to the list at the beginning of the year, the company consisted of 3,000 people. 130 people were hired during the year, the loo was dismissed, including 80 people due to turnover.

Determine the average number of employees of the enterprise for the year. Calculate the coefficients of movement of the number (in \%).

Determine the planned average headcount for the coming year, if the volume of production is envisaged by 10 \% with a decrease in labor intensity by 20 \%.

one . Problem 49 ":.

і generously entered into operation of Zhmart. The number of personnel according to the list is 26, 27 and 28 March, 1200 people each. March 29 and 30 are days off, and March 31 - 1,300 people.

Determine the average headcount of the enterprise for March and for the first quarter.

The volume of production at the enterprise during the reporting period increased by 20 \%, and the average number of workers decreased by 20 \%. Determine the change in labor productivity across the enterprise in comparison with the previous period.

The volume of production output at the enterprise for the reporting year amounted to 28,000 thousand rubles, and for the previous year - 25,000 thousand rubles.

Determine the change in the labor intensity of a unit of production, if the average headcount of the main activity has decreased by 10 \%.

The brigade's monthly earnings amounted to 18,500 rubles. Calculate the piecework earnings of the team members in accordance with the number of hours worked and the complexity of the work performed.

These tests are presented in 6 options and cover the complex topic “Personnel of the organization and labor productivity. Forms and systems of remuneration ". It is advisable to conduct testing after studying theoretical material and completing practical tasks. V test items students must choose one or more correct answers, as well as add the right or left side of the formulas.

Option I

What is a profession?

a) Genus labor activity that requires special training and is a source of livelihood;

b) a specialty that is a source of existence;

c) any work that an employee can perform.

What kind of workers are employees?

a) Mostly mental labor ensuring the management of the production of labor products;

b) performing auxiliary work;

c) directly engaged in the production of labor products.

Which of the following categories are categorized as "manager"?

a) Director;

b) deputy director;

v) Chief Accountant;

d) cashier;

e) shop manager;

f) secretary.

What is payroll headcount?

a) The number of employees who come to work in

during the period;

b) the number of employees according to the list for a certain

date taking into account those accepted and dismissed on that date.

How is the ratio of the total turnover of personnel determined?

a) The ratio of the difference between the number of accepted and retired

employees for the reporting period to the average headcount;

b) the ratio of the total number of retired and hired workers for the reporting period to the average headcount.

What is labor productivity?

a) Production of products per unit of time;

b) labor costs per unit of output;

c) the degree of fruitful work of people, determined by the production and labor intensity.

What is production?

b) production output per unit of time.

What is labor intensity?

a) Time spent on production;

b) the cost of material resources for the release of products;

c) the total amount of products produced per unit of time.

The average headcount is:

a) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain day of the month;

b) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain period of time. one

10. The staff time fund is defined as:

a) the difference between the calendar fund and weekends, holidays;

b) the difference between the calendar fund and regular vacations;

c) the difference between the calendar fund and downtime.

Option II

Which of the indicators is expressed in labor measures?

a) Material efficiency;

b) production;

c) labor intensity.

What characterizes the rate of unemployment?

a) The proportion of the unemployed to the total labor force

b) the specific age of the total population.

What is the unemployment rate due to staff turnover?

a) Structural;

b) institutional;

c) functional.

Which of the following workers does not belong to the “auxiliary worker” category?

a) Storekeeper;

b) the driver;

c) repairman;

d) machine operator;

e) toolmaker.

5. Dismissal of one's own free will refers to:

a) excessive turnover of labor;

b) the required turnover of labor.

What is the unit of measure for working time?

a) Normal day;

b) standard hour.

What labor intensity characterizes the labor costs of all workers of the enterprise?

a) Technological;

b) complete;

c) productive.

What method of valuation is the result of historical data measurement?

a) Experimental and statistical;

b) computational and analytical.

What salary characterizes the amount of money that the employee receives in his hands?

a) Rated;

b) real.

10. When determining the price for the manufacture of products, the hourly tariff rate:

a) Multiplied by the time rate;

b) is divided by the time rate.

Option III

What element of the tariff system shows how much the tariff rate of this category is higher than the rate of the 1st category?

a) Tariff grid;

b) tariff coefficient;

c) tariff and qualification reference book.

Engineering and technical workers are:

a) employees;

b)] ^ d№dZhtsiy staff; administrative workers; "L.

c) workers. ,

3. The average number of personnel per month is determined as:

a) the summation of the payroll number of employees

per month and dividing the resulting value by the number of calendar days in a month;

b) the summation of the payroll number of employees

per month and dividing the resulting value by the number of actual days of operation of the enterprise.

The number of products produced per unit

working time, characterizes

Add the right side of the formula for determining the number of main employees:

What are the reasons for the retirement of employees due to excessive turnover?

a) Dismissal of your own free will;

b) dismissal due to illness;

c) dismissal for the reasons provided Russian legislation.

One of the most important indicators of the movement of labor is the coefficient:

a) turnover upon acceptance;

b) turnover on disposal;

c) the constancy of personnel.

The unit of accounting for working hours is:

a) man-hour;

b) standard hour;

c) shift-hour.

What time fund shows the difference between the maximum possible fund and the planned downtime?

a) the on-site planned working time fund;

b) the actual working time fund;

c) the regime fund of working time.

10. Add the left side of the formula:

Ro q pl + Rye ^ f q pl).

Option IV

b) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain number of the reporting period of time;

c) the number of employees actually at work.

Labor costs per unit of working time characterize

End this definition:

"The list of professions, specialties of workers in

types of work, as well as requirements for the categories of qualification categories are fixed in ".

The total number of man-hours worked does not include:

a) absences due to illness;

b) weekends (non-working) days;

c) overtime work hours.

The number of products to be manufactured per unit of working time characterizes

6. Labor standards on the basis of complexity are divided into:

a) differentiated;

b) industry-specific;

c) republican.

Supplement the right side of the formula for determining the number of auxiliary workers engaged in equipment maintenance:

Ne.p. = ................

What labor intensity characterizes all labor costs of the main workers (pieceworkers and time workers)?

a) Productive;

b) technological;

c) complete.

Нвр "q / 60".

10. The reserves for the growth of labor productivity are:

a) an increase in the volume of output caused by

the use of an additional unit of labor;

b) untapped cost savings opportunities


The payroll number of employees is:

a) the number of employees on the payroll for the reporting period;

b) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain number of the reporting period;

c) the number of employees who are actually at work.

The main methods of labor rationing are

H. What characterizes methods for measuring labor productivity?

a) Labor, cost, rhythmic;

b) relative and absolute values;

c) labor, cost, natural.

Labor costs per unit of output (or total output), measured in hours, are characterized by

Time norms are divided into differentiated, enlarged, complex.

Determine the sequence of stages of payroll calculations under a tariff-free wage system:

a) the share of the wages fund attributable to the payment of one point is determined;

b) the number of points earned is determined

every employee;

c) the total number of points earned by all employees is determined;

d) the salary of an individual employee is determined.

Name three elements of a tariff-free wage system.

Supplement the left side of the formula:


10. Correlate the types of labor intensity with their definitions:

technological a) labor costs

auxiliary workers

service b) labor costs of employees

and specialists

management c) labor costs of all categories


full d) labor costs of the main

11. Complete this definition:

"The grade of work and the grade of the employee are determined through".

The general wage fund is equal to the amount:

a) basic and additional wages;

b) direct (tariff) fund and payments, additional payments

and prizes;

c) direct tariff fund and additional wages.

Supplement the right side of the formula:

Zkos-unit = .........

The tariff coefficient shows

Effective (real) fund of working time

calculated and measured

Option VI

Labor productivity indicators are:

a) production and labor intensity;

b) production and consumption of materials;

c) labor intensity and material efficiency.

Labor rationing is

The average headcount is:

a) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain number of the reporting period;

b) the number of employees on the payroll for a certain period of time;

Determine the sequence for calculating the wage fund:

a) basic salary;

b) the general payroll fund;

c) direct (tariff) wage fund;

G) average value wages.

Labor standards depending on. are divided into:

a) norms of time;

b) production rates;

c) service standards;

d) population norms;

e) standardized task;

f) technically sound standards;

g) experimental statistical norms.

The number of products produced per unit of working time (per hour, day, month, quarter, year),


Supplement the right side of the formula:

Name the elements of the tariff system of remuneration: a) b) c) d) e)

Correlate units of measurement with methods of measuring the level of labor productivity:

cost a) kg, t, m, pcs.

labor b) rub.

natural c) h

10. Supplement the left side of the formula:

Ro qnn + (yaf qnn) RyB.

11 Complete this definition:

"The list of professions, specialties of workers by type of work, as well as the qualifications required to perform these works, characterizes."

12. The basic salary is equal to the amount:

a) direct (tariff) fund and additional wages;

b) the general wages fund and bonuses from the fund

material incentives;

c) direct (tariff) fund and payments, additional payments

and prizes;

d) general fund and additional salary.

Supplement the left side of the formula and name the type of salary:

Zsd + P.

Tariff category determined .........

The calendar fund of working hours is calculated and measured

Abstract topics

The personnel of the enterprise and its structure.

Organization of the management process at the enterprise.

Organization of the recruitment process at the enterprise.

Labor productivity growth reserves.

Essence, the need to motivate work in the enterprise.

The labor market and its modern features in Russia.

Questions to control knowledge

What is meant by profession and specialty?

What are the functions of management in the enterprise?

What elements does HR management include?

What kind structural units carry out personnel management?

What methods are used to determine the number of main and auxiliary workers?

How is the number of employees determined?

List the main stages of the selection of candidates.

What directions of employee retirement do you know?

What characterizes labor productivity?

How do production and labor intensity relate to each other?

How are labor intensity reduction reserves classified?

What is included in the labor costs of the enterprise?

Name the basic principles of remuneration.

How are the forms and methods of remuneration applied in industry?

How does the state regulate the remuneration process?

What is the role of trade unions in regulating the remuneration process at the enterprise?

How this article helps: If you really need an additional employee, then you will have arguments for the director. Or you may figure out how to distribute work more rationally so as not to expand staff.

What will save you from: From an unpleasant conversation with the director and his mistrust.

From time to time, the chief accountant is faced with the need to determine how optimal the number of his subordinates is. On the one hand, an insufficient number of accountants leads to constant overwork. On the other hand, the CEO does not allow an excessive increase in the accounting staff, who requires a very clear justification of the need for each additional employee.

You can't just come to the director with the words: “I have Last year a lot of work has been added. I can't cope, I need an additional person, or better - two. " Because in response you can hear: “But I think that you have little work. I would gladly cut the accounting department by one person, or even better by two. "

We have already said that you need to communicate with a leader in the language of dry numbers, not emotions. In the same article, we'll talk about how to calculate the ideal number of accounting employees, as well as the payroll for them. And then you can decide whether it makes sense to ask the director to expand the staff.

What factors determine the number of accounting departments

Very often, chief accountants ask me what is the ideal percentage of accountants to the total number of employees in the company - 5, 10, or maybe 15 percent? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since even in similar companies the number of accounting specialists may differ significantly.

Why is this happening? because the number of employees primarily depends on the functions performed by the unit.

In one of the previous articles, we already talked about the fact that in various companies these functions can vary significantly. For example, it is one thing to simply provide information on accounts receivable to other departments and services. And it is quite another thing to knock out the correct documents or money from not very conscientious counterparties by ourselves.

The second most popular question: does the company's revenue affect the number of accounting departments? For example, should the headcount change if the revenue increased from 200 thousand rubles. up to two million a day? Let's figure it out. Previously, we could issue one invoice for 200 thousand rubles, but now we issue the same invoice, but for two million. Should the number change? Of course not. And another company, in order to earn 200 thousand rubles., Had to issue 20 thousand invoices for 10 rubles. each. And when the revenue increased to two million, there were already 200 thousand accounts. Therefore, the staff of accountants of this company should also expand significantly.

Thus, if we want to determine the optimal size of the accounting department, it is necessary to consider not only the list of products that it produces. The volume of operations associated with the manufacture of these products is also important.

An important detail

If you want to determine the optimal size of the accounting department, consider not only the list of products that it produces, but also the volume of operations associated with their implementation.

And the third, which sometimes determines the number of accounting departments, is the level of effective use of working time. This includes the degree of automation and manufacturability (the more manual labor, the lower the efficiency), as well as just elementary discipline and the right motivation.

The most interesting thing is that if the growth in the volume of transactions in the accounting department is accompanied by competent automation of work, then the number does not need to be increased. For example, purchase a scanner and software which will automatically save copies of scanned documents in the accounting program. Modern streaming scanners are capable of processing 15 to 100 documents per minute. How many documents do your accountants enter per hour?

How to establish the optimal number and payroll of the accounting department

There are five typical positions in accounting: chief accountant, his deputy, senior accountant, junior accountant and clerk.

Operators are either people who enter primary documents into information system, or couriers.

Junior accountants - employees who are responsible for simple areas or help senior accountants.

Senior accountants (in some companies they are called tier 2 accountants or lead accountants) have much more experience. The most difficult areas of accounting are assigned to them.

The deputy chief accountant is either a methodologist who monitors changes in accounting and tax accounting in all areas. Or a person who helps the chief accountant to lead a large team.

More on this topic

How to determine the time that subordinates should spend on work is described in the article "How to evaluate the efficiency of work and the actual workload of each employee of the accounting department", published in the magazine "Glavbuhe" No. 8, 2012.

To determine the optimal size of the accounting department, you need to make a list of tasks assigned to it by the CEO. Then calculate the approximate amount of time to complete each task. Next, distribute the tasks between the above positions. Summarize the standard time. And present to the CEO the estimated number of accountants of each qualification: say, one deputy, two senior accountants, two junior and one clerk. Then, to draw up a budget for the maintenance of accounting, we simply multiply the resulting number of accountants by the salary level prevailing in your region... For Moscow, you can take the following rates: teller - 100 rubles. per hour, junior accountant - 200 rubles, senior accountant - 350 rubles, deputy chief accountant - 700 rubles, chief accountant - 1200 rubles. at one o'clock.

Many Moscow chief accountants, comparing their salary with the rate of 1200 rubles. per hour, they will be very surprised, because they get much less. The reason is that 1200 rubles. per hour (or about 200 thousand rubles per month) - this is the ideal salary for the chief accountant of a medium-sized company. Such a specialist is engaged only in work corresponding to his qualifications. V real life the chief accountant spends a certain amount of time on less qualified work. He can keep several areas of accounting, go to the tax office. And the lower the complexity of the tasks to be solved, the lower the salary.

With the help of these calculations, you can determine the ideal composition of the accounting department. Now I propose to consider an illustrative example.

Suppose, in addition to the chief accountant, three people work in the accounting department: Ivanova (senior accountant), Petrova and Sidorova (junior accountants). The chief accountant needs to determine the real percentage of the workload of these employees. It is also necessary to assess whether their salary is appropriate for the level of work performed. To do this, the manager fills in the table (see the sample calculation of the time budget and the payroll of the accounting department).

First, you need to make a list of the products that accountants produce, as well as the time spent on each of them. The time for processing the "primary" is calculated based on the amount of data entered into the information system, and the standards for entering documents. It turns out that senior accountant Ivanova introduces 95 hours a month, Petrova - 50, Sidorova - 40.

To understand how long calls to counterparties take, a work time table is used. Ivanova called for 15 hours a month, Sidorova - 5 hours, Petrova did not call at all. For self-development, for example, reading accounting journals, each lady is given 2 hours a month.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the line "Reserve for unforeseen matters." When distributing the load, you cannot foresee everything, there will always be small things that take a lot of time. Therefore, it is important to lay a reserve for unforeseen matters in the calculation of the optimal number. The higher the position of a subordinate, the more he should have this reserve.

An important detail

In the calculation of the optimal number, it is necessary to lay a reserve for unforeseen matters. The higher the position of a subordinate, the more he should have this reserve.

In total, Ivanova got a load of 187 hours with a standard of 176 hours. Overrun - 11 hours, or 6 percent of working time. Petrova and Sidorova are underutilized.

Further, for each product, that is, in each line, you need to put down the skill level required for quality execution of this work. And then multiply the amount of time spent by the corresponding hourly rate (in our example, Moscow). What is "Primary input"? This is a job corresponding to the rate of a clerk, that is, 100 rubles / hour. Calls to counterparties are more qualified work of the level of a senior accountant, that is, 350 rubles / hour. Etc.

All that remains is to calculate what salary we have to pay to the accountant per month. The first is Ivanova. 95 hours spent on processing primary documents, the chief accountant multiplies by 100 rubles / hour. Receives 9500 rubles. 15 hours of calls to counterparties multiplies by 350 rubles, for a total of 5250 rubles / month. And so on every line. The final chord is the column sum. It turns out 38,400 rubles. salary. In fact, Ivanova earns 40,000 rubles. per month. A very interesting conclusion suggests itself. On the one hand, the employee is overworked, but on the other, she does not fully work out even her current salary. Therefore, we cannot ask the general director for an increase for it. If we carry out similar calculations for Petrova, we get 14,480 rubles. with an actual salary of 25,000 rubles. And this is not surprising, given the huge reserves of time that she possesses.

So why is senior accountant Ivanova so skewed? Because more than half of her time she is engaged in work that does not correspond to her qualifications. In order for Ivanova to do everything, you just need to delegate some of her functions to two other employees.

This example shows perfectly well that before knocking out an additional employee from the CEO, it is necessary to figure out whether all internal reserves for increasing efficiency have been used... Perhaps a simple reallocation of responsibilities among the existing accountants will eliminate the problem of staff shortages.

The article was published in the magazine "Glavbukh" No. 12, 2012

1.Firm profit is
a) proceeds from the sale of manufactured products
b) revenue from sales, net of taxes on production
c) the difference between sales revenue and production costs
d) there is no correct answer
2. Which of the following options are examples of all three factors of production: land, labor, and capital?
a) money, locksmith, arable land
b) teacher, oil harvester
c) turner, lathe, stock
d) bonds, natural gas. manager
3.Bank which deals with savings of citizens and firms, as well as their loans.
a) emission
b) exchange
c) commercial
d) insurance
4. Which banks are the largest insurance companies that these banks serve in the first place:
a) exchange
b) insurance
c) mortgage
d) trading
5 Establish a correspondence between the example and the structural element of the tax. For each item. Given in the first column, pick a pick item from the second column.
Example Structural Element of Tax

A) citizen 1) object of tax
B) wages 2) subject of tax
C) car 3) tax rate
D) 13%
E) inherited property
6. Establish a correspondence between factors of production and types of income. For each position given in the first column, pick a position from the second column.
Types of Income Factors of Production
A) rent 1) land
B) wages 2) labor
B) profit 3) capital
Task 1. The company employs 20 people. Each one works out 8 hours of working time during the day. 1600 parts are made in a day. What is productivity in an enterprise?
Task 2. Determine the state of the state budget of the country, if it is known that the country has spending on defense $ 280 million, on health care $ 40 million, on the maintenance of the state apparatus $ 75 million, on education $ 35 million, for science 20 million dollars, for the payment of social benefits 400 million dollars, for the payment of interest on state benefits 140 million dollars, for environmental protection 45 million dollars, profit state enterprises amounted to $ 22 million, taxes $ 170 million, personal income tax $ 390 million, corporate income tax $ 85 million, excise taxes, $ 32 million, customs duties$ 15 million

problems in economics, help me solve: 3 but I'm completely confused)

1. the pastry chef made 3000 cakes a month. having improved his qualifications, he began to make 4500 cakes. At the same time, he was on piecework wages and received 20 kopecks for baking one cake. How has the pastry chef's salary changed in one day, if there were 20 working days in a month?
2. The firm produced 600 mixers per month. After the introduction of more advanced technology, labor productivity per day increased 1.5 times. Determine how the production of mixers will change in a month under the new conditions, it has 20 working days?
3. At the garment factory "Maria" there are 31 seamstresses. The productivity of each was 2 dresses per day. After the introduction of piece-rate salaries, productivity increased by 50% per day. Each dress brings the company a profit of 200 rubles. What tax on profits per month did the company pay before and after the introduction of the new wages, if there are 20 working days per month, and the tax on the company's profits is 35%?

Problem 1

There is the following data on the work of the enterprise for 2 years:



1. Cost of the annual output of marketable products, thousand rubles.

Including the cost of materials, thousand rubles

2. Norm of production stocks, days

3. Stock rate finished products, days

4. Costs per 1 rub. Comrade products, rub.

5. Duration of the production cycle, days

Determine the missing indicators and their dynamics, the increase in production as a result of the increase in the number of employees, the increase in production due to the increase in labor productivity.

Average annual output per worker for 1 year: 2,100,000 / 700 = 3,000

Number of staff for 2 years: 2279100/3210 = 710

Task 2

The average number of employees of the enterprise for the year was 215 people. During the year, 5 people voluntarily resigned, 1 person was fired for violation of labor discipline, 2 people retired, 2 people entered educational institutions and were drafted into the army, 3 people were transferred to other positions in other divisions of the enterprise.


    retirement rate;

    staff turnover rate.

Quib. = (5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3) / 215 = 6%

Ktek. = (5 + 1) /215=2.8%

Problem 3

The output per hour is 15 parts. Labor intensity after the introduction of new technology decreased by 25%.

Determine what will happen to labor productivity.

Increased by 25%

Problem 4

The company plans to release ed. A 20,000 pcs. per year at a standard time for the manufacture of one product 1.5 hours and ed. B - 15,000 pcs. at a time rate of 2.2 hours.

Loss of time for a good reason - 15% of the nominal time fund, the coefficient of fulfillment of production standards - 1.1. The number of working days per year is 256, the duration of the shift is 8 hours.

Determine the enterprise's need for production workers for the planned year.

Tm. = 20000 * 1.5 + 15000 * 2.2 = 63000

Faq. = 256 * 8-15% = 2033

Hh = 63000 / (2033 * 1.1) = 28 people

Task 5

During the III quarter of operation, the enterprise achieved the following indicators:

Determine the increase in production due to the increase in the number of employees.

    Average annual for 1 worker for the 3rd quarter: 160/10 = 16 thousand rubles.

Production output Q2: 104 thousand rubles.

Number of employees Q2: 8 people

Average annual output 2nd quarter: 13 thousand rubles.

Problem 6

Determine the missing indicators and complete the table to the end.

    Average annual output for the reporting year: 10000/2000 = 5 thousand rubles.

Production plan: 10600

Average annual planned output: 5.225

Number of workers: 2029

Problem 7

In the third quarter, production output per employee amounted to 35,000 rubles. In the IV quarter, the company plans to produce the same amount of products - for 20 million rubles. and at the same time reduce the number of employees by 12 people.

Determine the output per worker in the IV quarter and the planned increase in labor productivity.


The number of employees is 2,000,000 / 35,000-12 = 45 people.

Production in the IV quarter 2,000,000 / 45 = 44,444 thousand rubles.

Planned increase in labor productivity = 26.98%

Problem 8

Determine the average number of employees for the first quarter and year, if the organization had an average number of employees in January - 120 people, in February - 118 people, in March - 122 people. Then the enterprise was disbanded.

for 1 quarter: (120 + 118 + 122) / 3 = 120

per year: 120/4 = 30

Set 9

The organization started working in March. The average number of employees in March was 450 people, in April - 660, in May - 690 people.

Determine the average number of employees for the period from the beginning of the year to May inclusive.


Problem 10

The seasonal organization began operations in April and ended in August. The average headcount was: in April - 641 people, in May - 1254 people, in June - 1316 people, in July - 820 people, in August - 457 people.

Determine the average number of employees in the II, III quarters and for the year.

for the 2nd quarter: (641 + 1254 + 1326) / 3 = 1070

for the 3rd quarter: (820 + 457) / 3 = 426

per year: (1070 + 426) / 4 = 374

Assignment 11

The average number of employees at the enterprise for the reporting year is 6,000 people, including workers - 5,400 people, office workers - 600 people.

Over the past year, 550 people were hired, including 495 workers.

During the same period, 156 people were dismissed, including 67 employees.


Staff turnover upon reception;

Staff turnover on retirement;

The total turnover of personnel.

Co.p. = 550/6000 = 0.09

Co.selection = 156/6000 = 0.026

Total volume = (550-156) /6000=0.07

Assignment 12

Determine the shift factor of workers.

Total workers working on the last day of the reporting period, people

Including by shifts

Workshop A = (70 + 20 + 10) /70=1.43

Shop B = (20 + 40 + 10) /40=1.75

Shop B = (40 + 10) /40=1.25

Assignment 13

Determine the output per worker in physical and monetary terms, if:

    annual production output - 200,000 pcs;

    annual gross output - 2 million rubles;

    number of employees - 500 people.

Natural expression: 200000/500 = 400

Monetary value: 200000/500 = 4000

Determine the labor intensity of a unit of production according to the plan and in fact, as well as the change in labor productivity (in%), if the labor intensity of marketable products according to the plan is 30 thousand standard hours, the planned output in kind is 200 units, the actual labor intensity of the production program is 26 thousand . standard hours, actual production volume - 220 pcs.


Temp.m. = 30000/200 = 150 (n-h) Temp.fak. = 26000/220 = 118.18 (n-h)

Writing off labor intensity: 118.18 / 150 * 100% = 78.79% 100-78.79% = 21.21%

Assignment 15

In the planned year, production is expected to increase from 15 to 18 million rubles. At basic labor productivity, this would require 1,300 people. However, the number of personnel is expected to be reduced by 7% compared to the baseline.

Determine the increase in labor productivity in the new conditions and the absolute level of planned production.


P = 15,000,000 / 1300 = 11538.4

labor productivity in new conditions:


A = B / P = 18,000,000 / 1209 = 14888.33

Pp = A-P = 3349.93

Assignment 16

Determine the utilization rate of the working time of one worker during the shift, if the time of over-planned downtime is 30 minutes, the nominal time of work is 540 minutes, and the time of planned downtime is 60 minutes.


1) planned work time during the shift 540 - 60 = 480 min 2) real work time 480 -30 = 450 min. 3) Quisp. working time = 450/480 * 100% = 93.75%

Assignment 17

Determine the rate of growth of labor productivity if the structure of the equipment park in the planning period is as follows:

        equipment "1" - 20 units;

        equipment "2" - 35 units;

        equipment "3" - 45 units.

Labor productivity, respectively: 1 hour, 1.2 hours, 1.4 hours.

In the reporting period, the number of units. equipment “1” - 15 units, “2” - 30 units, “3” - 55 units.


Assignment 18

16 - 355 people;

17 - 355 people;

18, 19 - days off;

Determine the average number of employees in March, I, II, III, IV quarters and for the year.


Average number of employees in March:

World Cup = (356 + 355 + 355 * 3) / 5 = 355.2 people

1 quarter = 0 people

2nd quarter = 360 people

3rd quarter = (378 * 45 + 382 * 46) / 91 = 17010 + 17572/91 = 380 people

4th quarter = 355 people

per year = (360 * 10 + 380 * 91 + 355 * 92) / 193 = 3600 + 34580 + 32660 = 367 people

Assignment 19

Determine the average number of employees for August, as of September 1, the coefficients of turnover for admission, retirement, staff turnover and total turnover.


750-5-7 + 10-3 = 745 people

Frame retirement rate = (5 + 7 + 3) / 750 * 100 = 2%

Frame rate = 10/750 * 100 = 1.3%

Staff turnover rate = 7/750 * 100 = 0.93%

Total staff turnover ratio = (10 + 7) / 750 * 100 = 2.2%

Assignment 20

The natural rate of unemployment is 5%, the actual rate is 9.5%. Determine the size of the GNP lag in% and the amount of GNP lost as a result of unemployment, if the GNP in the current year amounted to almost $ 5 billion.


The excess of unemployment is 9.5 / 5 = 1.9%, which gives a lag of GNP by 1.9 * 2.5% = 4.75% volume of potential GNP GNP = 5 (100% + 4.5%) / 100% = 5.225 billion dollars. GNP deficit ∆ GNP = 5.225 - 5 = 0.225 billion dollars.

Assignment 21

The machine shop section was given a program to produce 600 editions per quarter. It is necessary to determine the number of turners and milling operators, if the laboriousness of turning work on a product is 22 hours, of milling work - 24 hours, norms are overfulfilled by an average of 20%, absenteeism is planned - 10%.




Assignment 22

During a quarter, 620 sets of parts should be processed in the production area. The normalized time for processing one set for turning works is 8.2 hours, for milling works - 7.1 hours. The planned development of norms for turning works is 110%, for milling works - 115%.

Determine the required number of workers by profession, if the effective time fund of one worker according to the annual balance is 1830 hours.


5084/2013 = 2.52 = 3 turners


4402 / 2104.5 = 2.09 = 2 milling cutters

Assignment 23

The standard labor intensity of turning works is 270,000 man-hours, the rate of fulfillment of production standards is 115%, the average number of hours of work of one turner per year is 1664 hours.

Determine the planned labor intensity of turning work and the required number of turners.


The planned labor intensity is determined by the formula:

Tm = (Tnorm. / Kvn) x 100%

Tm = (270,000 man-hours / 115%) x 100% = 234782.6 man-hours

The number of turners is determined by the formula:

What to. = Tpl / (Fef x Kvn)

What to. = (234782.6 / 1664h x 115%) x 100% = 123 turners

Assignment 24

The number of employees on the list as of January 1 is 170 people. On January 15, 3 people voluntarily resigned, on January 16, 5 people were hired, on January 25, 2 people were drafted into the army.

Determine the average number of employees in January, I quarter, the coefficients of the turnover of the labor force for the admission, retirement and turnover of personnel.


Average number of employees in August:

170-3 + 5-2 = 170 people - the average number of employees

Frame retirement rate = (3 + 2) / 170 * 100 = 2.94%

Frame rate = 5/170 * 100 = 2.94%

Staff turnover rate = 3/170 * 100 = 1.7%

Total staff turnover ratio = (5 + 3) / 170 * 100 = 4.7%

Assignment 25

The plant employs 2,860 people, the annual working time of one person is 1,860 hours. In the planned year, it is planned to save 400 thousand man-hours.

Determine the planned growth in labor productivity at the plant, expressed in labor savings.

2860 * 1860 = 5319600 man-hours

5319600-400000 = 4919600 man-hours


4919600/1860 = 2644 people with a reduction in man-hours

Assignment 26

The company has planned to reduce labor costs by 10%. Base year production per worker - 520,000 rubles. Determine the% growth in output and average annual output per employee in the planned year.


Percentage of output growth: = 520,000 * 10/100 = 52,000

If costs decrease by 10%, then the output of 1 worker will increase by 10%

520000 * 110/100 = 572000r - output of 1 worker

Assignment 27

In the reporting year, the volume of marketable products amounted to 9,700 thousand rubles, the average number of employees was 55 people.

In the planned year, the production output will amount to 10 500 thousand. rubles, labor productivity per employee should increase by 7%.

Determine the labor productivity of one employee in the reporting and planned year and the average number of employees in the planned year.


1. Labor productivity per employee is defined through the output indicator, which in turn is defined as the ratio of the annual output to the average number of personnel for the year:

Br = Vtp / Nppp;

Vg (ex) = 9700 thousand. rub. / 55 people = 176363.63

2. Let's calculate the labor productivity per employee in the planned year:

Bg (pl) = 176363.63 + (176363.63 * 0.07) = 188709.0841

3. To determine the average number of personnel in the planned year, it is necessary to divide the volume of marketable products by the average annual output per one employee of the enterprise:

N (pl) = Vtp (pl) / Vg (pl)

N (pl) = 10500 thousand rubles. / 188709.0841 = 55.6 = 55 people.

Assignment 28

The standard time per 100 m 2 of a single-layer mechanized coating with roll materials is 1.8 man-hours for one worker in a team of 3 people.

Determine the production rate per shift of 8 hours.

H in = T cm / H bp,

where H in - the rate of production per shift;

T cm is the duration of the shift;

H vr - the rate of time per unit of work (production).

4.4 * 100 = 440 m 2

Assignment 30

The service rate for one workplace is 1.6 hours, the duration of the shift is 8 hours.

Determine the rate of service of one workplace for one worker.


H about = T cm / H r. about.,

where N about - the rate of service of production entities;

T cm is the duration of the shift;

H vr. about. - the rate of service time for a piece of equipment, one workplace, etc.

Assignment 31

A pieceworker prepared 6,000 kg of secondary raw materials. Price for 1 ton - 1200 rubles. In addition, they sold goods in the amount of 22,500 rubles, and the premium on the amount of sales is 2%.

Determine the total earnings of the worker.


6000 kg = 6t;


Assignment 32

An adjustment worker at the site has a salary at a wage rate of 4,700 rubles. The production rate of its section is 1000 units. products. In fact, 1200 units were manufactured. products.

Find a worker's wages according to the piece-rate indirect system of remuneration.


Assignment 33

The time worker worked 170 hours and saved 2600 rubles of materials within a month. The company has a provision on bonuses for saving materials in the amount of 40% of the amount saved. Hourly tariff rate - 55.60 rubles.

Determine the worker's wages.


Assignment 34

The hourly wage rate for an engineer is 80 rubles. and according to the terms of the contract - 30% of the premium monthly. He worked for 140 hours during the month.

Determine the salary of an engineer.


Assignment 35

The accountant has a salary of 4200 rubles. In March, he spent 6 days on leave without pay, with a total working time of 22 days.

Determine the salary of the accountant for the hours worked.


On a day, he earns:

Assignment 36

The worker fell ill in December for 5 working days. In November, his earnings amounted to 5,000 rubles. for 20 working days, in October - 5855 rubles. for 19 working days, in September - 5900 rubles. in 25 working days. Continuous work experience - 12 years.

Find the amount of benefit for the days of illness.


Average daily actual earnings for the previous three months of illness:

The amount due to a worker for temporary incapacity for work:

Assignment 37

The employee is granted an annual leave of 24 working days (from August 25 to September 17). His earnings in May amounted to 6800 rubles. at 24 working days, in July - 6900 rubles. at 26 working days, in June - 6800 rubles. at 27 working days. Working days have been worked out in full, no bonuses have been assigned.


Average daily actual earnings for the previous three months


Assignment 38

Determine the prices for the product based on the data: to assemble the unit, it is necessary to spend 2 standard hours of labor of the 5th grade worker, 6 standard hours of the 3rd category worker and 4 standard hours of the 1st category worker.

The tariff rate of a worker of the 1st category is 13.8 rubles, of the 3rd category - 21.3 rubles, of the 5th category - 35 rubles.


Collective piece rate per unit of production, taking into account the labor intensity of operations and wage grades of workers:

Assignment 39

A piecework worker made 5 gears, 8 bushings, 12 cylinders in a day. The price for 1 gear is 30 rubles, for the sleeve - 15 rubles, for the cylinder - 11 rubles.

Determine the worker's daily wages.


Assignment 40

Determine the individual earnings of each worker with collective piecework wages, if the collective rate for adjusting the chemical apparatus is 22,668 rubles.

The adjustment is carried out by 4 workers. The worker of the 3rd category spent 10 hours on the work, the 4th - 5 hours, the 5th - 20 hours, the 6th - 6 hours.

Tariff coefficients according to the current grid: 3rd - 1.26, 4th - 1.324, 5th - 1.536, 6th - 1.788.


First, it is necessary to determine the number of hours worked by each worker, reduced to the category. To do this, we multiply the tariff coefficient by the number of hours worked by the worker of the corresponding category. The number of hours reduced to the category will be:

For a worker of the 3rd category:

For a worker of the 4th category:

For a worker of the 5th category:

For a worker of the 6th category:

Total time:

Average earnings per 1 hour of work of a worker:

Salary of a worker of the 3rd category:

Salary of a worker of the 4th category:

Salary of a worker of the 5th category:

Salary of a worker of the 6th category:

Assignment 41

The enterprise manufactures products in the amount of 50,000 pieces. per year, wholesale price for 1 unit. - 3000 rubles, the norm of time for the manufacture of units. ed. - 200 hours, cost of 1 hour - 40 rubles. Additional payments to the full payroll - 30% of the direct earnings of pieceworkers.

The nominal time fund of one worker is 2080 hours. Downtime is planned in the amount of 12% of the nominal time fund, the coefficient of performance standards is 1.

Determine the average monthly wage per worker and output.


Hours worked per month:

To make 50,000 items, you need

Number of employees:

The enterprise manufactures goods for:

Cost production: 27362.27.

Natural production:

Assignment 42

The company produces 900 units per year. products, the standard time for the manufacture of one unit is 40 hours, the cost of 1 hour is 55 rubles.

Supplements - 10% of the direct earnings of pieceworkers. The nominal time fund is 2000 hours, the planned downtime is 10%, the production rate fulfillment rate is 1.1.

Determine the average monthly earnings of one worker.


Actual working hours of 1 employee per year:

per month:

In 150 hours (i.e. a month), a worker makes:

Because it is known that the plan is overfulfilled by 10%, then a month is done by one worker:

Thus, the employee works per month, which is in rubles , and taking into account the premium: rub.

Assignment 43

The worker produced 430 parts in a month, fulfilling the norm by 115%.

Piece rate for a part - 20 rubles. Payment for labor for the manufacture of products in excess of the norm is made at prices increased by 1.5 times.

Determine the wages of a worker with a piece-rate progressive system of remuneration.


According to the plan, the worker must produce:

Details above the plan:

The worker processed 750 parts in 170 hours. The hourly rate is 27.50 rubles. Determine his earnings under a piece-rate progressive system of remuneration, if it is stipulated that when the norms are fulfilled over 100%, the price for a part increases by 30%. The production rate is 4 ed. at one o'clock.

Piece-work wages = Piece-rate per unit of production / actual quantity of products produced or work performed for a specified period

Piece rate per unit = wage rate per shift / production rate

Piece rate per unit of production = 6.875r

Piecework salary = 30.32 rubles

Piece-rate progressive salary = Zsd + Rsd (1 + Ku / 100) (Nf-Npl)

Piece-rate progressive salary = 33.98 r

Total earnings for 170 hours = 5777.34 rubles

Answer: 5777.34 rubles

For the year, the company plans to release ed. A in the amount of 520,000 pcs. The number of working days is 255, the operating mode is one-shift. Production rate ed. A one worker 15 pcs. per shift. Determine the number of production workers required for the implementation of the production program.

The number of production workers = The planned volume of production in a given period in the appropriate units of measurement / The rate of production per worker in the planned period in the same units of measurement

The rate of output per worker in the planned period in the same units of measurement = 15 * 255 = 3825 ed.

The number of production workers = 520,000 / 3825 = 136 p.

Answer: 136 workers

46. ​​The norm of time for one product is 15 minutes, the hourly tariff rate for a given labor complexity is 5 rubles / hour, in a month there are 24 working days; the duration of the shift is 8 hours. 1000 items were produced per month.


a) production rate per month (pcs.)

b) piece rate for the product (rub.)

c) the planned and actual amount of piecework salaries per month (rubles)

Production rate = 768 pcs.

Piece rate for the product = 5 \ (60 \ 15) = 1.25 rubles.

The planned amount of piecework salaries for the month = 768 * 1.25 = 960 rubles.

The actual amount of piecework wages per month = 1000 * 1.25 = 1250 rubles.

An auxiliary worker maintains a site that has 5 pieceworkers working on a stamping machine. Each pieceworker must produce 300 pieces per hour. blanks. In fact, in 20 working days (shift - 8 hours) 270,000 blanks were produced at the site. The hourly wage rate of the auxiliary worker is 7.5 rubles.


    the earnings of an auxiliary worker in a time-based wage system;

    the earnings of an auxiliary worker in the context of an indirect piece-rate system of remuneration.

The earnings of an auxiliary worker in a time-based wage system = 20 * 8 * 7.5 = 1200 rubles.

The earnings of an auxiliary worker under the conditions of an indirect piece-rate system of remuneration = 1200 * (562.5 / 100) = 6750 rubles.

According to the list at the beginning of the year, the company consisted of 3,000 people. 130 people were hired during the year, 100 were dismissed, including 80 people due to turnover.

Determine the average number of employees of the enterprise for the year. Calculate the coefficients of movement of the number (in%).

Determine the planned average headcount for the coming year, if the volume of production is envisaged by 10% with a decrease in labor intensity by 20%.

Average number of employees of the enterprise for the year =

(3000 + 3002.5 + 3005 + 3007.5 + 3010 + 3012.5 + 3015 + 3017.5 + 3020 + 3022.5 + 3025 + 3027.5) / 12 = 3014 workers.

Turnover ratio = (130/3014) * 100 = 4.31%

Disposal turnover ratio = 3.31%

Labor turnover rate = 2.65%

Planned average headcount for the coming year = (110/80) * 3014 = 4144 workers.

The enterprise went into operation on March 26. The number of personnel according to the list on March 26, 27 and 28 is 1200 people. March 29 and 30 are days off, and March 31 - 1,300 people.

Determine the average headcount of the enterprise for March and for the first quarter.

The average number of personnel of the enterprise for March = (1200 * 5 + 1300) / 31 = 235 workers.

The average number of personnel of the enterprise for the I quarter = 235/3 = 78 workers.

The volume of production at the enterprise during the reporting period increased by 20%, and the average number of workers decreased by 20%. Determine the labor productivity of the enterprise in comparison with the previous period.

Labor productivity in the enterprise in comparison with the previous period = (120/80) * 100 = 150%

The volume of products manufactured by the enterprise for the reporting year amounted to 28,000 thousand rubles, and for the previous year - 25,000 thousand rubles.

Determine the change in the labor intensity of a unit of production, if the average number of personnel in the main activity has decreased by 10%.

Labor intensity of a unit of production = 90 / ((28 000/25 000) * 100) = 80.3%

The brigade's monthly earnings amounted to 18,500 rubles. Calculate the piecework earnings of the team members in accordance with the number of hours worked and the complexity of the work performed.