How to learn to act when everyone is lazy. How to overcome laziness and force yourself to work? Ways to motivate yourself, advice from psychologists

The longer the distance from the sofa to the priests,

The more likely

That a ruble will fly between them.

Good day, my interlocutor! I noticed a lot of new faces in our gazebo, and it's great! I am pleased that our team is constantly replenished with new people who are interested in their lives and relationships. Continue to share links and reposts with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Now to the topic of today's conversation. You have no idea how familiar she is to you. Laziness. How to remove laziness from your life? Do you know how to deal with it? Read below, and feel free to write everything that is not mentioned from the methods in the comments.

Before starting to write my work on this issue, I got acquainted with the works of other people. And most of the authors call laziness a vice and weakness of a person, and also classify it as doing nothing. In part they are right. But only in part. Laziness is the difference between our "want" and "should". And I absolutely do not agree that this is a complete inaction. Ready to argue? Yes, for God's sake! But here's your task - try not to do anything at all! Just stand in the middle of the room or sit on a chair. Without a phone, book, music, film and empty-handed. Well, how? Comfortable? How long will you be able to spend time idly before you return to a normal lifestyle? That's the same.

So laziness is a type of activity that does not require you to make unpleasant efforts, and is aimed only at satisfying your needs. This is the place and the time where you feel comfortable - lie down and watch TV, play a computer game, read a book, sleep, and so on. It is useless to others, but desirable to you.

But such a way of life is destructive (destructive) for a person. Now we are not talking about apathy caused by illness, nervous overexertion or severe physical fatigue, but I mean only your desire to squander, do not use time and surrounding resources to improve your quality of life.

Start changing from Friday

Where did I get it from?

Not always a person is lazy from birth. How else? Look, the reasons may be in the following circumstances:

  • disappointment in activities that need to be continued
  • unwillingness to step out of your comfort zone
  • not knowing what to do and what to do at the first stage
  • a lot of unnecessary movements and resource costs at the first stage, but the result is not visible
  • not wanting to learn something new, self-develop (a direct path to the degradation of the individual)
  • assessment of most activities, only from the angle of obtaining material benefits
  • postponing for later, believing that tomorrow it will be easier to fulfill it, decide, etc.

Write in the comments what else oppresses you and hinders you on the way to achieving your goal.

The above is "healed" by two magic tools.


You can influence reluctance with the help of two obvious levers - motivation or willpower. The first one is easier. There is a specific goal and you need to achieve it. More on this later. But willpower may not be present in everyone. When it is necessary to perform through “I don’t want to” and right now. Friends, tear, will, like memory, muscles, attention must also be trained. The sooner you get to grips with this segment of your personality, the sooner you will achieve real results with ease. Also from the pleasant: it happens that at first volitional efforts are required, and then you enter the rhythm of work and already reach the result. The task is before you: to understand yourself and want to change your life once and for all.

Motivation is good

Now to motivation. Let's analyze the example of our main topic of conversation, namely the creation of strong relationships and families.

Your goal is to create a family with a loved one who also likes you. And you dream about it, lying on the couch, and you say to yourself (I will write from a male perspective, but this is a mirror image for lovely ladies) I am not so financially secure now, I am prestigious, I don’t have a car to start learning how to get acquainted, appoint goodbye and propose a hand and a heart. Everything will come later. A bit later. And so day by day. I'll upset you, tomorrow and in a week, everything will be the same. Only you will have even less time to fight laziness.

What are we doing

You have motivation, but how to reach your goal? I'm telling.

  1. It is easier to achieve a goal when you see the result of others. Look around - how many happy couples, with kids or already aged. They walk together, shop, and just live and enjoy! Do you want the same? Move on.
  2. Clearly define the first step for yourself. When I was just thinking about blogging, I absolutely did not know where to start until I came across one on the Internet. information resource, which opened my eyes and streamlined my brain in aspirations. This will be a separate story, with all contact details. Follow! In our business, we read and. And we begin to practice approaches, stuffing the phone with contacts, and the soul with confidence.
  3. Don't postpone until Monday. In one interesting book, I read: do you want to change something? Start changing from Fridays! Any habit, no matter good or bad, takes root in 20-30 days. Check it out yourself! Start drinking a glass of water in the morning and do twenty push-ups or squats. You see, in a month it will already be a habit for you. The simplest example is you park your car in the same place. You are used to it, you know your maneuver and the required radius, for a ride on an owl there is a place. But one day, a neighbor took your place. And you, with great reluctance, begin to look for a new parking lot, try on and feel angry at your fellow countryman for his act. This is the web of habit. So make them work for you.

What do we get

And so, step by step, we are moving towards the cherished goal, already more easily fighting off the reluctance to do anything about this problem on the turns, and in the end, you will also receive a boost of energy for the next grandiose business.

ABOUT! I almost forgot to mention the motivation from the negative. The most superficial example: soon, in your project at work, “the last day”, and you not only didn’t have a horse lying around, but even a hamster didn’t laugh. And over you, as never before, a dismissal or a financial fine loomed, where you, even after payroll, will remain in debt to the accounting department. Here it is, that very sharp spur that will stimulate the last weekend without making out day or night.

Doing what you love is always better than the appointed

A couple more words

There are options not for chronic laziness, but temporary. Which comes from monotonous work, not the desire to do more than the norm or plan, in other words, the fear of success comes out (in the form of a promotion, an acquaintance, a successful business), when a person does not know what to do at the next stage, and take on additional responsibility and responsibilities. So, in turn, the fear of failure, if several previous attempts ended en masse.

Friendly! Our whole life is a struggle for warm place under the sun and if you do not wallow in milk, you will never get sour cream. Excuses that the thought should lie down, and you are waiting for inspiration - this is for aunt and uncle. Don't believe in them yourself. What did it cost me to write the first article, thinking that there would be a negative, that no one needed it. Now, receiving pleasant responses and letters from you, my interlocutors, I understand that my fear was mythical, as a defensive reaction to getting out of doing nothing.


We get out of routine laziness in the following ways:

  • The healthiest thing is physical activity. I don't mean just running and jumping. Take a shovel and clean the snow near the garage or at home if you are in the private sector. If there is a dacha, plant a couple of new trees or dig in old ones. Make a rearrangement in the apartment, play active games with your child or have a romantic date with your girlfriend / wife with the final stage of bed competitions like faster-longer-more varied. And the old fashioned way - just go to a sports club, and run 12 km. on the track. Back pain? The pool is waiting for you.

  • Take your loved ones and go to the nearest forest or river, for a family / friendly picnic. Rest your mind and body. Don't forget the tent and mosquito ointment.
  • Dismantle what the hands have not reached for 17 years. Closet, garage, mezzanine, own balcony. Take apart the papers on the desktop and the table itself with all the drawers. There is such a psychological pattern - when you throw away unnecessary things, you yourself are cleansed of the burden in your soul and despondency. But this is from the category of Feng Shui. It helps me, and I advise you. I generally like to throw out the old, used, broken, unnecessary.
  • I do not urge you to radically change life, as in the book “DuhLess”. Taking into account the general economic situation, it is a utopia for 85 percent of the population of our vast Motherland to engage in downshifting. But for example, stopping eating fast food every day and taking walks as a rule will have a great effect on your health and mood.

The plan is a very good thing

Inspired by a rhyme from Winnie the Pooh. My daughter watched the cartoon, and my wife and I listened to it)).

To the topic. All school time, my father told me: son, everything needs a plan, make a plan for sports, lead School journal, plan activities in advance and follow it. Didn't listen. But it came after 20 years.

So, nothing mobilizes like a clear, detailed plan actions. It doesn't matter what area. And remember, a plan on paper is one and a half million times more effective than a plan in your head. In your thoughts, it is difficult to circle the completed items with a pencil, and this is the least inconvenience.

Managing your time

Modern life has a high-speed rhythm, and the variety of tasks that we face is disheartening. Let's start fighting this:

  1. We plan things in advance, as well as the time for their implementation, and a clear image of what should happen in the end.
  2. We are learning not to be scattered on everything, but to single out promising and operational areas, excluding or delegating secondary ones.
  3. Avoidance, not the best the best solution for old problems.
  4. Stop being distracted while working on social networks, sms, Internet surfing (I myself, oh, how I sin, but I honestly fight, and there are already successes), telephone conversations about the weather, about nature.

  1. Determine for yourself when, according to your biological rhythm, it is easier for you to solve complex issues. And try to win everything important or “hemorrhoids” at this time. That will be more efficient. For example, I work on a blog from midnight to four in the morning. No one distracts me, I can concentrate on our conversation, and I do not yet have the opportunity to use the daylight hours for this.
  2. Do not jump from one point of the plan to another without bringing the previous one to its logical conclusion.
  3. Prioritize, not according to your taste, but according to the need for a solution. This is where willpower comes into play.
  4. If an item is really "unreal" to execute, give it more time with the right mindset. In life, in general, good things are rarely given just like that from the sky.
  5. Doing only what you have to - you will receive only what you receive. Do more than you should. The result will come. Not in 1 day. But he will.
  6. Doing what you love is always better than what you have been assigned. Strive to bring your life to your desires, and not vice versa.


Our conversation dragged on. But the topic is really vast, and it’s impossible to talk about it in brief. As you can see, everything depends only on you, do not let idleness interfere. Finally, I would like to note that laziness happens even among active people, the main thing is not to succumb to it on an ongoing basis. And remember that passive rest is not the best medicine. And yet, I will briefly note that children's laziness can be effectively treated with a carrot and a stick, if it does not reach through words. But more about that some other time, a separate topic.

Thank you for being there and taking part in the conversation. We have a lot of interesting topics for discussion ahead of us! Don't skip. Subscribe, comment, share! See you soon!

I am a free man

Wherever they send me, I want to go there.

Many people would like to achieve more than they have now, but they do not know how to overcome their laziness. There are goals, there is a desire, but there is no perseverance. Psychologists have been working on this issue for many years. Experts have developed many practical advice about how to get rid of laziness forever. The victory over such an unpleasant character trait is also a direct path to great success. Everyone can learn how to stop being lazy and start taking action.

The social nature of laziness

All people are lazy from time to time. Any person has ever neglected work or study, because something inside him resisted work and was too lazy to work. When a person's subconscious perceives work as something meaningless, the mind fails to take over.

To a large extent, the features of the development of the brain of a particular person and the state of his hormonal levels influence. Social factors act as requirements of society, family, employer, that is, they are not own desire person, but motivation imposed from outside. That's why it's so hard to force yourself not to be lazy.

In the modern world, they often discuss what laziness is, what laziness is, how to find ways to increase efficiency, how to overcome oneself and cultivate a decisive character, and, most importantly, how to wean oneself from laziness. It is often called procrastination. Procrastination is a person's desire to use every opportunity to put off work and school until tomorrow. In the distant past, procrastination could be considered a self-preservation instinct. So a person defended himself from excessive loads and excessive physical labor.

However, today the situation is completely different. Laziness, or procrastination, has become a self-destructive mechanism. The problem of laziness affects the studies of younger students and becomes more and more serious over the years. Adults are less likely to call diligence a valuable and attractive character trait. And the enthusiasm for work causes sympathy and rejection. The younger generation is trying to figure out how laziness is useful and how it can be justified. But it's impossible to justify it. It is important to face the truth, recognize what laziness really is, and ask yourself directly - is there a desire and understand how to deal with laziness? If the answer is yes, then, in spite of destructive social patterns, you need to learn how to stop being lazy and start living fully.

The biological nature of laziness

Physiology has always strongly influenced human behavior. Character, willpower, motivation, personal preferences, and even the strength of love for work can be determined by the characteristics of the organism. Latest modern research convincingly prove that the psychology of laziness largely has biological roots, and not just social ones. Nature has instilled in the body the desire to save its energy and spend it on the necessary actions. This is how patterned behavior is developed, and patterns kill curiosity - the first enemy of procrastination.

If all attempts are unsuccessful, and a person fails to understand how to overcome laziness and fatigue, you need to visit a neurologist and an endocrinologist. Laziness may not be a character trait, but a sign of some disease. The symptoms of laziness are not trifles, but very real reasons to think about a visit to the doctor.

Often, hormonal disorders cause fatigue, insomnia - all that we used to call laziness. A bad mood and lack of motivation that continues for a long time is a reason to visit a doctor. In some cases, 1 course of properly selected drugs can completely change the mood and attitude to life.

Pathological laziness

A lazy person cannot fully fulfill his duties, is not able to assimilate educational material and acquire useful professional skills. In severe cases, laziness can take on a pathological form. Then the person is not able to cope with himself on his own, and the help of a specialist becomes prerequisite to overcome procrastination. Pathological lazy people do not even understand why change anything at all, how work can bring joy and satisfaction, how to deal with laziness.

Experts recognize laziness as a disorder or violation of the motivational sphere. In such situations, the causes of laziness lie in early childhood and the peculiarities of upbringing. When the skills of self-control are not instilled in a child from a young age, he gets used to follow exclusively his pleasures and has no idea that such people become professional parasites.

Only a small percentage of people do not allow themselves to idle and spend every day productively. Most of the adult population constantly feels the desire to shirk work. Chronic laziness most often covers the intellectual sphere, thinking, paralyzes analytical abilities. Since intellectual laziness is not as visible as any other, it is less criticized. A person loses curiosity, interest in the world and the desire to learn new things. Laziness in psychology is considered a quality that protects itself. In other words, in order to stop being lazy and start living, you need to have an active mind, but it is the mind that is the first to be defeated in the struggle between hard work and procrastination.

Causes of laziness

The causes of laziness are quite diverse, but they all require deep introspection. Without understanding the reasons, procrastination will not start to recede, and it will not be possible to understand how to overcome laziness and force yourself to work.

There are several reasons why a person allows himself to be lazy.

1. Fear before the completion of a business. Despite the fact that the tasks that people set for themselves seem important, in fact, many are afraid of completing their work, therefore they do not understand how to overcome laziness and take action. After all, when the goal is achieved, everything will change. Subconsciously, people do not want changes in their lives, because the power of habit is extremely strong. Fear of change is one of the most powerful things a person can experience. Therefore, the problem of laziness is so widespread and well known to people of any age and social status.

2. The reason for laziness often lies in the absence of a clear goal. When there is no thoughtful plan, it is not clear which step should follow the previous one. A person is lost and does not understand where laziness comes from and how best to act. And if the goal is imposed by other people or society, then it loses its attractiveness in the eyes of a person and he quickly loses the desire to strive for it. If motivation does not come from the depths of the heart, it will not last long. The fight against laziness will end in defeat. Therefore, it is extremely important to be sincere with yourself.

3. Fear of criticism can also become a strong obstacle and slow down any work. If in the past you have heard unfair criticism often enough, then each new case will be given with increasing difficulty. Worrying about what other people will say, how highly they will appreciate the result of work, is very restrictive.

4. Also, the so-called acquired helplessness contributes to the development of laziness. If a person in childhood or adolescence had a chance to see people who could not cope with difficult situations, he remembers this destructive behavior pattern, and in the future subconsciously uses it when faced with new or frightening circumstances. The model of behavior absorbed in childhood does not allow one to objectively assess what laziness leads to, how sad the consequences of spinelessness, irresponsibility and unwillingness to work are. Only serious troubles make you think about this topic.

Laziness, the causes of which have been clarified, is much easier to overcome, since it remains only to select specific techniques and methodically apply them.

IN bookstores You can find many modern publications on this topic. Many domestic and foreign authors are interested in the psychology of laziness. Knowledge in this area can always be replenished if you read at least 2-3 books on how to overcome laziness and change your life.

Lazy excuses

Even a visit to a psychologist does not always help. Lazy people come up with many excuses that they think justify their behavior:

  1. "There is different types laziness, my laziness is useful, it does not harm anyone. Procrastination is only useful if it protects you from overload. However, the days of slavery are long gone, no one is forced to work 18 hours a day, so this argument cannot be accepted.
  2. "My laziness has good reasons." Work is worthy of respect, not its absence. Even people with disabilities and developmental disabilities want to benefit society, and a healthy person will not be able to provide convincing excuses for their laziness.
  3. “I don’t know how to cure laziness, it clearly has hormonal causes.” An endocrinologist works in any clinic, who will prescribe all the necessary tests, conduct a complete examination of the hormonal sphere and prescribe a course of treatment.
  4. "Methods of combating laziness are not effective." There are many such methods. If one doesn't work, try another. In addition, it takes time to obtain convincing results. Therefore, each method must be used for at least 14 days and only then evaluate its effectiveness.
  5. “Procrastination is not my fault, others are.” The role of the victim is very popular with people who do not want to work. But each person is responsible for his own life and actions. It is pointless to shift responsibility to your environment.
  6. “I can’t figure out how to kill laziness in myself.” The fight algorithm is very simple: find (on your own or with the help of a competent psychologist) what is the cause of laziness, find out what factors support the wrong motivation, choose methods and techniques that allow you to develop new habits. And soon it will be possible to tell others about how to stop being lazy and start working. Victory over procrastination is real and possible, it is not a myth or a fairy tale.

How to deal with laziness: psychological ways

Psychological methods of combating laziness are very diverse and interesting, but none of them gives full guarantee success. The main thing to remember is that there is no magic book that will tell you how to get rid of laziness once and for all.

It is painstaking and hard work. But it will bring great results and lead to success if you move towards your goal every day and think about how to overcome laziness and start living a full, rich, vibrant life. You can do the following:

1. One of the main ways to combat laziness is to plan your work in advance. The problem of laziness is partly a matter of personal disorganization. Smart planning is excellent for achieving any goal, big or small. It may not be easy to do a big thing, but a small step will be quite possible for most people. Therefore, psychologists advise first of all to divide the entire amount of work into small tasks. Then things will go much faster, and the quality of work will be much higher.

2. Procrastination is very characteristic of perfectionists - people who value only the perfect result of work. But the ideal is difficult to achieve. In most cases, it is enough not to do the job perfectly, but simply to perform certain actions on time and at an acceptable level. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. This is normal and common to everyone. If you allow yourself to be wrong, to be imperfect, then work will go much faster.

3. It is impossible to work productively without rest. Not only the body, but also the brain, as well as the human psyche, need to be restored, in pauses. Recreation should not be confused with entertainment. Computer games or a party in a nightclub will not restore strength and mind. Good rest is a healthy sleep, physical exercises, communication with loved ones, doing what you love. If there is no way to allocate time for rest, then it is necessary to alternate different types of work so that the brain switches from one activity to another and is not overloaded.

4. How is it useful to remind yourself of the successes that have been achieved in the past? If you remember situations when you have already managed to win, this will become an incentive to win again. After all, if you managed to cope with yourself in the past, then it will work out now.

5. It's good to ask for help. Help may vary. The approval of loved ones helps someone fight laziness. Others need people to push them forward. Sometimes in the work someone's support is extremely important. If necessary, you should use the help of psychologists and neurologists.

6. Self-hypnosis is considered a good psychological technique. This is an old method, but experts still successfully use it in the fight against various negative character traits. It is in a situation with laziness that self-hypnosis is considered especially effective. The man believes what he says. Therefore, if several times a day you convincingly pronounce phrases such as “I love to work” or, then over time these statements will become sincere beliefs. On a piece of paper, you need to write a few motivating phrases and every day say them out loud with feeling, preferably standing in front of a mirror.

7. To show children how to deal with laziness, you need to provide them with attractive examples. successful people- astronauts, doctors, even characters in children's books. Of course, your own example is extremely important. Children adopt the behaviors of those they like. So that at a young and mature age one does not have to try to understand how to force oneself not to be lazy, mom and dad should instill the right moral values ​​in a child from early childhood.

Organizational techniques to combat laziness

Psychologists have developed several tips on how to defeat laziness, how to get rid of it with the help of organizational techniques. Try to apply those that help to cope with laziness by organizing your work and workplace:

Changing your life completely and completely, saying goodbye to destructive habits, changing the environment and starting to make professional progress is not at all difficult if you understand how not to be lazy and become a hardworking person.

Every person in life has periods of apathy and unwillingness to fulfill the tasks facing him. The reasons are different for everyone, but one problem inevitably arises - how to cope with laziness at work and force yourself to do something. Here you have two options: either wait until inspiration comes (which is unlikely to happen), or pull yourself together and defeat laziness. How to do this - now we will tell.

First of all, let's figure out why you don't want to work.

Why are you lazy at work?

What influences work attitude? The reluctance to work can be caused by many factors: family quarrels, constant stress or health problems, “burnout” at work. The cause of laziness can be overwork and the inability to fully relax. Sometimes the task is so out of line with the capabilities and interests of a person that it is difficult for him to motivate himself to complete it.

For these cases, there are solutions - to relax, change the field of activity, take care of health, meditation, finally! And sometimes getting enough sleep is enough.

Another common reason is unreasonable laziness, which prevents a responsible approach to the performance of one's duties and hinders the achievement of goals. You, it seems, are ready to work, joy even flashes inside you for interesting tasks, but ... too lazy to work!

How to deal with laziness? Development, development and more development!

Train your willpower and discipline yourself, otherwise you risk spending your whole life in dreams without achieving what you want. And all just because you were too lazy to move.

2 steps to overcome laziness

  1. Social networks are not your friend in the fight against laziness

    Let's remember a significant factor that prevents us, the people of the XXI century, from concentrating on our affairs: excessive communication on social networks and on the phone. Even habitual browsing of news feeds steals invaluable hours of working time. Self-discipline and the ability to concentrate will help you quickly get your brain working in the right direction.

  2. Solve problems as you find them

    So, try to make a list of tasks facing you now. Then, next to each task, record the answer to the question: “Why do I not want or cannot complete it?”. Thus, you will get a visual list of problems that prevent you from concentrating on work.

Common causes of laziness at work:

  1. The task is too simple and boring.

    The solution is obvious, so there is no interest in doing it. It is worth noting that this is the lesser of the evils. Such tasks are easily solved and allow you to quickly get rid of some of the accumulated cases. The main thing here is to learn daily how to overcome laziness.

  2. The task is too difficult.

    You have to perform a new, completely unfamiliar task, and you do not understand how to approach it. It is important to take the first step here. In the process, you will surely come up with new ideas or remember forgotten skills, and things will get off the ground.

  3. The time frame for the task is blurred.

    Or too much is allocated to it. Strongly relaxes and the lack of control from the authorities. In this case, remember what will affect the solution of the problem. You can quickly get yourself to work by remembering another, more interesting task waiting for your participation.

  4. Work requires giving up inner convictions.

    It is important to understand here: will you be proud of having overcome yourself, or should you still think about changing activities?

Defeat laziness? Easily!

To achieve your goals, learn not to depend on moods or desires. Otherwise, you risk forever remaining in a world of unfinished business and unattainable goals. Cultivating self-discipline in yourself is an effective way to implement your plan. Especially if you strive for career development, but are constantly lazy at work.

Are you almost ready to put yourself to work? Try like this:

  1. The brain resists drastic changes. Therefore, changing habits should be gradual. The main thing is to do it. It is better to start with difficult tasks. If you can’t get down to business, for example, in the morning, try to “warm up” by doing a few small things and only then proceed to serious tasks.
  2. Set a time interval during which you complete a certain task without being distracted by external stimuli. Time to complete important tasks can be gradually reduced.
  3. Self-discipline does not mean self-torture. Leave time to rest, otherwise you will only exhaust the body, and the desire to work will again come to naught. Getting enough sleep is especially important. Set the optimal mode and try to stick to it.
  4. The place where you work, always keep in order. It is not clear how to deal with laziness and work on self-organization if chaos reigns on the desktop. Set aside time each day to clean up and keep your workplace comfortable and cozy.
  5. Don't forget about motivation. Reward yourself, at least symbolically, for every accomplishment.

In the formation of self-discipline, one cannot count on an instant result. Success will come with time, and annoying setbacks should not lead you astray. Knowing how to defeat laziness at work and correctly, you will learn how to complete the tasks assigned to you with pleasure and for the benefit of the business.



Useful advice

Many people try to overcome laziness by the efforts of the will, forcing themselves to do something contrary to their desires. But the point is not at all in a strong-willed attitude, but in awareness. In fact, there is no laziness. Perhaps now someone's attitude has collapsed, but she really is not there.

Doing nothing is also a kind of occupation. Nothing is possible at all. You will still lie, sit, in the end, think! And this too. Take the risk of sitting in a chair for a week. It's a whole job. And heavy. Either way, you'll want a change of scenery.

However, laziness can logically arise from lack of rest. If you are physically/mentally tired don't force yourself to do something. It's going to be bad anyway. Therefore, when we are full of energy (and this is usually on the first day), it is easier for us to do something difficult. Therefore, to eliminate laziness, choose the most suitable one.

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  • How to overcome laziness? How to win and get rid of laziness forever?

Laziness sooner or later it hits everyone. At the same time, it is common for a person to deny that he is lazy, and he begins to look for reasons for his unwillingness to do something: he justifies his laziness with fatigue, lack of time, stress or circumstances. However, you can’t deceive yourself, and there comes a time when you need to urgently take concrete steps against laziness. There are ways to overcome it, although it must be said right away that it is not easy to start implementing them, because laziness will interfere in every possible way and build obstacles. And yet, with a strong desire to overcome laziness, you can.


Relive your to-do list in your mind. Surely everyone has one. And almost certainly lined up against everyone whole line reasons why it is on this list. Choose one task each day and see it through to the end. Bring it on by all means. Sweeping away all your excuses. Connecting willpower. Each completed business will be your personal victory over. Practice shows that one who has set foot on this path cannot then stop and continues to bring any work begun to the end. Laziness under such pressure capitulates.

Set yourself up for real specific goals and tasks. If the goal is obviously impossible (“I want to fly into space as a tourist”) or vague (“I want to lose a few pounds”), then it is unlikely to be achieved. These items will remain on your to-do list. But if you set the task more clearly - “ Lose 2 kg in 1 month by following a fractional diet”, then she is more likely to. Follow your guidelines day in and day out and you'll be fine. And your reward will be not only your waist that has decreased in volume, but also a sense of satisfaction with yourself, because you have won another victory over laziness.

Do one thing at a time. In a fit of proving to yourself that you can cope with laziness, you don’t need to try to embrace the immensity and redo a bunch of things in one sitting. Most likely, you will fail and, in addition, you run the risk of falling, after which you briefly give up and “score” on all things in general. That is, you will allow laziness to spoil your life again. It is better to act step by step, defining the specific boundaries of your actions.

Treat yourself for every, even a minor victory. It is very difficult to overcome laziness if only hard labor, hopeless everyday life, the routine of endless affairs looms before you. Motivate yourself. Come up with rewards for the stages of work or for the completion of the case as a whole - whichever is more convenient and enjoyable for you. Try to focus on the rewards, not what's in between. At the same time, enthusiasm increases significantly, it does not seem so dull.

Play mentally the situation that can happen if you do not do this or that thing. Such a move is the opposite of motivation. That is, you stimulate yourself not with a reward, not with encouragement, but. Think about what negative consequences, failures, failures and inconveniences may result in your inaction. Worst of all, if your loved ones (, colleagues) suffer. And all because of your laziness. Usually this approach works flawlessly.

Useful advice

Do not expect that at one fine moment someone kind and affectionate will take your hand and start fighting your laziness. This will never happen. Only you can overcome your laziness. And for this, you just need to start acting.

Man could do much more if it didn't exist. But it often happens that you just don’t want to do what was planned. At times like these, there are all sorts of excuses. Overcome your laziness possible, and in some cases even necessary.


Stop looking for excuses. Think about the last time you were too lazy to do something. More often than not, you start thinking that it doesn't matter, that there are more important things to do, that you can't do it right now. A person can find many reasons why not to do what he does not want to do. This is fertile ground for the emergence of laziness. If you find yourself looking for excuses, immediately get them out of your head and do what you had to. Gradually, you will unlearn to puzzle over how to avoid things.

Stop postponing plans for later. For many years, the same saying has been passed from mouth to mouth, and still many people do not attach importance to it. But if you really do everything on time, then there will be much less duties and unpleasant things. Make it a rule not to put off anything without good reason.

Think about the future. Laziness has a quality that can be called "here and now." You are lazy to do something, because at a particular moment the result of this activity is of no interest to you. For example, you laziness cook food. Imagine that you haven't eaten for days. In this case, you will not be lazy, because. you will have a real need for food. From this we can conclude that each of your actions must be justified. Explain to yourself why you need this or that, what will happen if you are too lazy and do not do it.

Avoid the company of lazy people. Have you noticed that in the process of communication, many words, expressions, gestures and even habits are passed from one person to another? The same goes for laziness. In a team where everyone is lazy, it is much more difficult to work than where an atmosphere of industriousness reigns. To “not get infected”, try to spend as little time as possible with lazy people.

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Useful advice

If you constantly catch yourself being lazy, do not scold yourself for it. For some, laziness can be a way of life. And there is nothing terrible in this. On the contrary, if you constantly blame yourself, various mental illnesses can develop.

For the time being, laziness can be a pleasant and not at all burdensome, even a cute disadvantage. But for some people, the question of how to overcome laziness becomes very serious when they realize that it jeopardizes their career, prevents them from maintaining relationships with others, and causes them to stop their development.


Training to stay in shape is necessary not only for your body, but also for your soul. Laziness is an indulgence when, instead of doing what was planned, you postpone or postpone your affairs for tomorrow, for later, for ... never. It tightens and relaxes, and you plunge into this abyss deeper and deeper. There comes a day when you realize that life, without waiting for you to gather your strength and stop being lazy, passes by. Start the fight against your own laziness, but remember that you must have a goal or an incentive that will help you achieve it.

Sit down in the evening with a piece of paper and a pen. Remember everything that you have deprived yourself of in Lately only because you are lazy. Some of these things can be counted in monetary terms, some - in pleasures, feelings and relationships with loved ones and loved ones. Be horrified by how much you have lost and take decisive action.

Set yourself a difficult task and set a strict deadline for its implementation. For example, to achieve some high performance in a short time, to become the head of a department in six months, to complete in three months a project that you have been working on for three years. To get the first positive results and stimulate yourself to further overcome, break the path to your goal into several stages or subtasks. Having completed one successfully, you will enthusiastically begin to perform the following ones.

Every evening, make a work plan for tomorrow. Make it as saturated as possible and the next day make every effort to complete it without fail. By an effort of will, forbid yourself to postpone the planned “for tomorrow”. If you are relaxed and lazy during the day, postpone sleep, but complete what you started. Having punished yourself for laziness several times in this way, the next time you will already think a few times before abandoning things.

The best incentive is thoughtful motivation. Reward yourself for your success by postponing what you want until after you complete the next step in your plan. It can be buying a new dress, perfume, going on vacation or having a party with friends where you and your friends will celebrate the victory over your own laziness.

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One of the most stable and negative human habits has been and remains laziness. It is she who prevents you from completing important things, achieving what you want, achieving success, and especially doing what you need. If you don't want to be Her Majesty's slave, start the fight.

You will need

  • Free time, desire and willpower.


If you do not want to do something, think maybe the problem is not in you, but in what needs to be done. Even if it is difficult for people to do the simplest things, the problem most often lies in the fact that a person does not want anything from life. Therefore, it is very important to first find the reason that causes unwillingness to do what is necessary, and only then deal with the consequences.

By understanding yourself, you can radically change your attitude to life and your behavior. When a person has motivation, he will do whatever it takes to achieve what he wants. If you don’t want anything, then it’s time to look for the path that will give you the opportunity to fulfill yourself. After all, laziness is a signal that you are on the wrong path.

Do not be afraid to admit to yourself that the work and your environment causes melancholy and despair in the depths of your soul. Find the strength to understand the true reasons why laziness prevents you from moving on. Be alone with yourself. Let your thoughts flow freely and soon you will understand what you want from life.

But before you change dramatically, learn to distinguish between healthy laziness and one that destroys life. Their main difference lies in the fact that healthy laziness is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, and destructive - indifference. Only after you understand what kind of laziness is preventing you from living, decide what is best to do.

Useful advice

You don’t need to fight laziness, it’s better to listen to it in order to build the life that will delight you, give you pleasure and make you want to do what is necessary. When a person has something to strive for, he himself will not want to lie on the couch for an extra hour or spend time at the computer.

Laziness can appear on your way to achieving goals. Because of the unwillingness to do something, your life does not get better as you want it to be. But the habit of postponing things for later can be defeated.


Take care of motivation. Without it, it will be very difficult to defeat laziness. You need to know what you want, what you strive for, what you can get as a result of your efforts. When you do not understand what a job will give you, you have to do it. No wonder that in such cases laziness takes over a person, and he does not try to overcome it.

Remember the main thing. Concentrate your attention on what is of the highest importance to you in this period of life. Do not trade on trifles. This strategy will help you find the strength to carry out your plans, despite laziness. Remember that every time you miss a chance to do something towards your goal, the chance of achieving it decreases exponentially.

Stop putting things off until later. There is no magic technique, having mastered which, you will begin to solve problems immediately after they arise. All in your hands. Use the following advice: for a certain amount of time, for example a couple of months, stick to the strategy of immediately resolving all issues that arise. Surely, after the agreed period, you will understand that it is easier, simpler to live this way, take this principle into service for life and defeat laziness forever.

Think that you are not forcing yourself to do something, but, on the contrary, gaining freedom, becoming closer to your dream. It is this position that will inspire you to fight laziness and new achievements. Work, albeit sometimes through force, but for its own good, should bring joy, not despondency. Treat her right.

Before you start a big, complex business, prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will have to experience some kind of discomfort. If you don’t think about it at the beginning of the journey, it will be more difficult for you to keep up the working pace in the process. When difficulties arise, there will be a temptation to give up everything.

Try to find positive moments in an unpleasant duty for you. If you love the work that you need to do, you will be able to do it much faster and better, and no laziness can prevent you from doing this. Think about what abilities you develop by doing this or that business, what skills you acquire.

Imagine what will happen to you in the future if you continue to be a lazy, apathetic person. There are passive persons who do not want to strain themselves once again. At the same time, there are more active people who understand that the word “necessary” should only be tied to “I want”, and forces will appear to fulfill any duties. It is probably not necessary to explain that individuals belonging to the second category have a much higher standard of living than people from the first group.

Laziness is not the engine of progress, but the most destructive human quality of all. It is she who is an obstacle to success, does not allow sports, interferes with work. What is there! Homes dominated by laziness are dirty and uncomfortable.

There are days when you want to be lazy. And you can afford it sometimes, especially if there were tense moments the day before. But when laziness becomes a way of life, it's not just bad, it's scary. Life turns into a swamp that sucks deeper and deeper. Things are growing like a snowball. And at first, the sloth is ashamed of both the reprimand from the authorities, and the untidy appearance, and the untidy apartment. But then the inconvenience fades into the background, the level of claims is significantly reduced and the person quietly and peacefully goes with the flow, doing something when it is no longer possible to postpone. In this case, you need to get rid of laziness immediately.

As a rule, almost all lazy people are notorious and not self-confident. These are people who, like fire, are afraid of someone else's criticism and it seems to them that they are not able to do something well. Over time, this is so rooted in the mind that a person generally stops doing something, so as not to be ridiculed. This is already a disease. Here, if there is no way to cope on your own, you need the help of a specialist.

In general, laziness can be dealt with in several simple ways. If you can't bring yourself to get to work, you can apply the five-minute rule. It actually works. For example, five minutes for work - ten minutes for rest. Usually, after working for a while, it is difficult to stop. The process is addictive, and when more than half of the work is done, it’s already a shame to stop.

When you have to do something, you need to scroll through it less in your head. It is only hard to think about work, but it is not difficult to do it. On the contrary, if you work hard, you can feel such a surge of strength that it will be easier to redo a bunch of other things.

The work of the master is afraid. This is not fiction, but folk wisdom. When a difficult task is ahead, you always want to postpone it. This is fundamentally wrong; on the contrary, you need to roll up your sleeves and boldly get to work. It will be all plain sailing.

When the work is large, you don’t want to do it. In this case, you will need to break it down into small steps. Not two or three, but ten, for example. And do it step by step. After all, even a huge mountain of stones can be dragged over a pebble. This must always be remembered.

You have to work for results. When you do not see what you are trying for, then the ardor disappears by itself. Therefore, every day you need to complete some business. This is important so as not to quit what you started halfway through.

When the matter is small, it must be done immediately, without delay. Because such tiny things add up to mountains of work. If you take this rule into service, a lot of problems will suddenly recede.

Some put off work until later because of their own ambitions. Maximalists sin with this, trying to do everything for five with five pluses. It would seem that this is good. However, not always - to the point of absurdity, nevertheless, it is not necessary to reach. Washing bathroom tiles with a toothbrush is stupid and not justified. Things that can be done in a hurry, and should be done. There is no need to further complicate your life.

You can overcome laziness by constantly stimulating yourself. A person must have goals and desires. Without it, everything loses its meaning. And here the main thing is not to stand in one place. At least in small half-steps, but you need to move forward. Excitement will appear later, after some shifts, and you will no longer want to be lazy. And where there is no laziness, new opportunities appear.

Many articles are devoted to getting rid of laziness. However, recent research suggests that laziness is a protective function of the psyche. Existential psychotherapist Alfried Lenglet discovers the causes of all condemned behavior and doubts that laziness needs to be overcome.

We are not talking about laziness in the event that a person constantly sits on the Internet or in front of a TV screen. This is addiction, a completely different concept. Laziness is an unwillingness to do something for no apparent reason.

According to recent studies, laziness is our denial of the rules of behavior, goals and objectives, moral stereotypes and lifestyle in general that have been forcibly imposed on us.

We are constantly busy with relationships with the world, with other people, with the future. For the correct construction of life, it is very important to be sometimes busy with yourself, with your inner world. Everyone must go their own way. So, the Chinese have the concept of "wei wo" - existence "for oneself" or "for the sake of one's "I". Therefore, modern laziness is nothing but life for oneself, protection from external regulations that prevent one from being oneself.

In the subconscious, we divide all cases according to the principle of "like-dislike" and react in accordance with the result. We give up some things or postpone them for later in favor of more interesting activities.

Psychologist Alfried Lenglet, in the book Understanding What Life Expects of Me, says: “Laziness is a way to survive an unfavorable time. I remember a student who turned to me for help, because she considered herself very lazy and was burdened by it. her, if it was necessary to start doing something new. It turned out that under the pressure of her parents, the girl for many years was in what she was not interested in. And when she began to work in her specialty, she completely suffered a nervous breakdown. It was during her studies that this laziness developed Behind her, as if behind a screen, her Person (the spiritual component of the personality) and her life moved.So she, without realizing it, answered two questions that are most important for a person.First: is there something valuable in what I do for me, does life give me what I feel as good? Second: does what I have to do correspond to my essence? This helped her to save herself, wait out the "winter" of her being and live up to the "thaw" ".

Laziness gives us time to be ourselves and think about the need to do something. Time passes, deadlines are reduced, and under this pressure, the motivation to complete the task gradually increases. By the deadline for submitting work, we are increasingly asking the question "Do I really need it?", "What will happen if I don't do this?", "How to stop being lazy?" These questions help us to understand the true significance for us of this task and the consequences if it is not completed. And if we do not begin to do this work, it means that "something else is more important for me now."

Laziness is a quality that is inherent in absolutely every person. Laziness very often prevents us from becoming rich and famous and succeeding in life. How to deal with this quality?


To do nothing. It is inaction that will help you in the fight against laziness. Try doing absolutely nothing, not even getting out of bed, after half an hour of idleness you will want to do something.

Start doing the worst. The first thing you have to do in the morning is the thing that worries you the most and most unpleasant to you.

Don't put everything off until later. Few follow this rule. Once you get the job done, you'll be relieved of the burden of responsibility and the day will go much easier.

Work 15 minutes a day. Set aside 15 minutes each day to complete a task. Thanks to this technique, you will redo a bunch of accumulated cases. Set aside 15 minutes every day to read a book, 15 minutes to write your thesis, 15 minutes to clean your house, and so on.

Come up with a reward. Folk wisdom says that you yourself need to take care of yourself, otherwise no one will do it. Therefore, for a job well done, reward yourself with a break, a meeting with friends, or some pleasant surprise.


Laziness simply needs to be fought, as it is one of the main ropes that does not allow your ship of desires and goals to moor from the shore of failure.

Many people laugh at laziness, many do not consider this property to be a disadvantage, and only a small part of people try to get rid of it, realizing that laziness literally steals minutes and hours of life, preventing them from achieving what they would like to achieve.

Some even believe that laziness is an economy of energy. However, they are mistaken, because if you take care of yourself, you can clearly see that after being too lazy, your strength becomes even less. The body relaxes so much that it is difficult to bring it back to working condition, which means that extra time is spent on getting out of laziness, which could be used for business.

Meanwhile, there is a simple laziness overcoming algorithm - that is, "laziness". First, a few short recommendations that will help you to always be in good shape (laziness simply will not stick to such a person):

1. Compliance with the regime where work alternates with rest. Not fifty-fifty, of course, but there should be reasonable limits in everything. Having processed, a person can go into apathy and start to be lazy - a defensive reaction may turn on, he will need more time to recover. And if you take a break in time, gain strength for the next stage of work - this will not happen.

2. early rise. Difficult, understandable. However, those who live more or less close to the rhythms of nature feel much more cheerful than "owls". It's just the way nature intended - to get up with the sun. And it is not difficult to adjust to this rhythm, if there is a desire. This requirement is also connected with the energy of a person: after 6 in the morning, stagnation of energies begins in the aura, and this can cause illness.

3. Pouring. Contact with cold water activates the body, gives strength, energy, launches the body's defenses - this is very useful and invigorates perfectly! Whoever pours himself in the morning feels great all day.

4. Physical exercise. Now there are a lot of all kinds of complexes, they can be used to keep the muscles in good shape. Morning exercises are especially useful when you can wake up your body, make it work, and blood move and rejuvenate cells.

5. Drinking quality water. This will help the blood to thin, red blood cells to carry oxygen through the tissues faster to avoid oxygen starvation. A person who drinks enough good water will never feel lethargic.

This is about the external side of the matter - what you can add to your daily routine to cheer yourself up. However, there are still things that will help track the moments of laziness - after all, a person sometimes takes laziness for an elementary desire to relax.

So, so that insidious laziness does not penetrate your life, you must:

Stop putting things off until later. As soon as you start doing everything on time, you yourself will like it, the process will bring satisfaction;

Be consistent, don't stop halfway. So you will avoid chaos in business;

Analyze everything: plans, reports, meetings, conversations, etc. Analysis helps to prevent past mistakes and strengthen the positive;

Eliminate vanity from your life, because it interferes with doing the main things. Vanity is, in fact, the appearance that a person is violently "creating" something. And the result, as a rule, is not;

Calculate the result of plans, deeds, contracts, etc. By doing this, a person sets a certain bar for himself, and can calculate the efforts that need to be applied to achieve the goal;

Remember the main thing (what you were born for, what you want to achieve in life, what is important today). It helps to keep yourself in good shape;

Keep a diary. We will leave this point without comments, it simply does not need them.

And most importantly: being lazy, you have time, health, success. And, ultimately, fate. If you remember this all the time, it will be much easier to defeat laziness.

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As they say, laziness is laziness, but you always want to look good. These simple steps will help you look great without spending a lot of time or effort on creating an image.

Clay mask

You can buy an expensive ready-made mask or buy clay in powder form at a pharmacy and then prepare masks yourself. Each type of clay is suitable for a specific skin type, you just have to choose the right one for yourself.

If you bought clay powder from a pharmacy, all you have to do is add some water, apply the mask for 15 minutes and see how your skin has changed in that time. Also you can use various additives: kefir, olive oil, essential oils, oatmeal. This will further enhance the effect of the mask.

Radiant Foundation

The radiance effect foundation additionally moisturizes the skin and gives it a well-groomed appearance. If you have oily skin, then under such a cream you definitely need to apply a primer.

Light lip gloss

The radiance of gloss will create the effect of a freshly rested face, which is what we need. In addition, unlike lipstick, gloss perfectly softens and nourishes the lips, while bringing them into excellent condition.

Some cream blush

Rosy cheeks are the hallmark of youth and well-being, so feel free to apply them and enjoy your appearance. In addition, it is impossible to apply too much cream blush, and they shade well, which is good for us.

Accentuate your look with mascara

Mascara has always been and will always be a woman's secret weapon. Mascara is able to demonstrate your unique eyes to the whole world. If you are too lazy to paint your eyelashes carefully, use a tricky trick. Paint over only the cilia at the top corner. So you get a beautiful almond-shaped eye.

Give shine to hair

Shiny hair makes the image well-groomed and elegant. If you are too lazy to spend time styling, work only on the strands near the face and fix the result with a special spray. This will be quite enough to achieve the desired effect.

We all get lazy from time to time. It is one thing - when such laziness is short-term, but quite another - when an apathetic state drags on. Unfortunately, this can be the first sign of depression.

Overcoming laziness is sometimes extremely, extremely difficult. Motivation turns out to be insufficient, and we put off some important business for tomorrow, and then again for tomorrow, and again, and again, and in the end we realize that we don’t need it anymore. Sometimes, because of this habit of postponing everything until later, we miss good opportunities in life: for example, postponing the study foreign language, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to travel on a budget to interesting student programs like Work and Travel, or by postponing writing an important report, you deprive yourself of sleep in the future, as well as the hope of passing this report without too much hassle.

There is one system developed by the writer Benjamin Spall. It lies in the fact that you must take up any business within five minutes after you remember about it. Moreover, you should think about the fact that you will do the job itself in just five minutes. Then our brain will no longer resist so zealously the action that it refused to perceive, because five minutes is a very small interval, and for our brain it is not so critical (it is impossible to put in too much effort in five minutes and get tired). Thus, starting to do something, you “get involved” and stop noticing that the unpleasant thing you put off has turned into an interesting activity.


Stress and overload at work, small children, capricious parents, etc. After a certain period of time, the individual develops a state of impotence and emotional burnout. It seems that it will always be, just like now. Overwork, in most cases, is followed by illness. Usually, it is expressed in a cold, runny nose. If you have such "bells", then the body says that it's time to relax a bit.

Latent depression

Overwork and depression are often intertwined. A person, getting into the “home-work-home” wheel, gets tired of the monotony of life and loses his taste for it. Interest in everything begins to disappear, there is no desire to communicate and even take care of yourself. As soon as such thoughts appear, this is a sure signal that it is time to pull yourself together and get out of this state.

The main methods of getting rid of laziness and apathy include the following:

  • doing your favorite hobby

Engage in it through force, and you will soon notice that the state of apathy recedes. There was an interest in life.

  • personal care

Do not appear in public in soiled and stale clothes. Get over yourself and look after your appearance. It is one of the main indicators of health and peace of mind personality.

  • walks and sports

It helps to remove nervous tension, improves mood and revives the taste for life.

  • more communication

Through communication we comprehend the essence of being. Do not dwell on thoughts that you are the worst. People retain a taste for life and strength of mind in much more difficult situations.

Each of us periodically likes to be a little lazy, because it is much more interesting to chat on the phone with a girlfriend than to wash the floors! There is nothing wrong with being sometimes lazy and postponing some business for tomorrow. But it is much worse if idleness begins to absorb you and you turn into a clumsy lazy person. Therefore, it is important to know how to overcome laziness.

Of course, laziness prevents people from achieving success in work and in life in general, but on the other hand, it plays a protective role in the body, which allows it not to overwork and save its strength. Therefore, it will not work to overcome laziness once and for all, and it is not necessary. It is much more important to learn to control it, as, in fact, other feelings and desires.

The first thing that will help you overcome laziness is a good rest, when the body is at its limit, you won’t be able to do anything, even if you really want to. As a result, fatigue and a lazy state are guaranteed to you.

It's no secret that laziness is accompanied by a lack of willpower. Do not try to do everything at once, especially if it has failed more than once. Make a plan of action and complete each item separately, praise yourself for completing each of them. Just imagine what feelings you will experience if you bring the matter to the end! Cultivating willpower is expensive.

It may happen that you are not at all interested in doing this or that work, so you find thousands of excuses, just to postpone it until later. But think about what this job will give you: perhaps a good monetary payment, considerable experience, new knowledge that you will apply in the future. Look for motivation and it will be much easier for you to get down to business.

In addition, it is better to start the task in the morning. The longer you sleep, the more you want to lie around and mess around, and getting up early will not allow the body to relax. Do exercises, take a shower, drink coffee while listening to your favorite radio station - a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood help you get things done with ease.

Try to communicate with purposeful and hardworking people, they know exactly how to overcome laziness. Being in such an environment, you will want to be no worse than others, and there will be no time to be lazy. Analyze the scope of the intended task and your strengths, it is quite possible that you just need someone's support. They will help you now, and you will reciprocate next time.

Set goals for yourself, overcome your laziness and get results that will inspire you to new achievements.

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Laziness is a consequence of a task that seems beyond human strength. In other words, the body reacts with laziness when some business seems meaningless to it. Unfortunately, almost everything seems meaningless to him.

For example, you might need to complete a time-consuming, but not urgent, work-from-home assignment. Such deeds are often postponed until later, but now the person has decided to do it. His brain automatically tells him: "Why do you need this now, an interesting movie is about to start on TV, and there is a delicious lunch in the refrigerator, have a bite." The fact is that the body is not accustomed to sudden changes, especially with a passive lifestyle. And how to convince him? You just need to divide a large task into many small subtasks.

To begin with, tell your mind: "I'll just sit down and turn on the computer." After the task is completed, the appeal to the brain again: “I sat down, opened the task, I don’t want to get up right now. Therefore, I’ll just read the task.” So one subtask is performed, then another. And after completing the small tasks in turn, the job is done.

Our consciousness does not like to spend a lot of energy and tries to save it as much as possible. Especially if a person leads an inactive lifestyle. And breaking a big task down into smaller ones is a good solution. It is recommended to perform such manipulations with all targets.

Dream is to learn English language- begins with reading foreign words and their pronunciation. Jogging in the morning starts with getting out of bed.


Given the previous step, it's important to be consistent. For example, a person decided to start going to the gym in the morning. It should start with the fact that he will just get up in the morning and drink a glass of water. It is worth doing this manipulation within a week, after adding walking around the apartment to this. These small steps will lead to the fact that a person will start exercising in the gym. The main thing here is not speed, but constancy of action.


Conscious breaks are important for replenishing energy, psychological and physical. It is enough to allocate 1 day a week for rest, and the body will not feel overloaded.


Basically, laziness is experienced by those who are not active in life. The main thing is not just to engage in at least some activity, but to do something that brings joy and benefit. For example, a person goes to an unloved job. And such activity cannot be called useful, even though it brings money. Moral satisfaction is not brought, mental resources are not replenished. The brain begins to think that its owner does not know how to correctly allocate its resources and turns on the “laziness” mode. And if you do what you love, then the brain understands that its owner properly manages resources. And the "encouragement" mode is turned on, giving even more strength and energy.

How to stop putting off important things for later? Read in this article.

Many people know firsthand about laziness. They used to scold her and try to overcome her by willpower. But without knowing its causes, laziness cannot be defeated.

Causes of laziness

There are five main causes of laziness. I made a list of them. Read it carefully.

Find the reasons why you are lazy. Thanks to this, you will better understand how to get rid of laziness.

Hidden fear

In this case, laziness is a shield. They protect you from possible negative experiences. Stay in your comfort zone. You are not getting any closer to your goal.

No motivation

When you are clear “why you are doing this” and the thought of your goal brings joy, you are not lazy. And the state, on the contrary, is a manifestation of a lack of motivation. Its signs:

  • You are not interested in the target
  • You don't fully understand how important she is to you.

My battery is almost done

  • Sometimes you just don't have the strength
  • You are tired, you have little or no energy. Maybe you are experiencing depression. So the body with the help of laziness tries to recover

It is also worth finding something that takes away your strength. Here is a short list of such problems:

  • Resentments and painful situations. In this case, you often return to the thoughts of the old problem. Remember someone's hurtful words. Scold yourself or others. Read . Try to let go of grudges

  • Alien problems. Do you often complain? Are they trying to put solutions to their problems on your shoulders? Then this is your case.
  • Unloved job. It does not bring you joy, does not realize your abilities. This is not an easy task. But start solving it by finding the right offers for you.


IMPORTANT: Procrastination is the tendency to put off important things for later.

  • Do you often get to work at the last minute?
  • And then spend sleepless nights trying to catch up?
  • On the face of procrastination.

Lack of self-organization

Do you feel like you have a lot of time? And then you realize that the day has passed, but there are no results? So you don't know how to properly manage your time.

How to overcome laziness and insecurity, postponing life and happiness for later, start learning and change your life: advice from a psychologist

If fear is the cause of your laziness, there are two ways to deal with it. Choose which one works best for you.


  • pretend you didn't reach your goal
  • Do not panic
  • You see, losing is not so terrible after all!


  • focus on success
  • Imagine your victory
  • Consider even the smallest details

Are you not a “visual” and are you more affected by words than by “pictures”? Then:

  • Describe your success in detail
  • Pay close attention to describing your pleasant feelings.
  • Try reading affirmations about success. Repeat them with feeling. You can speak to yourself or out loud

Video: NLP: how easy it is to change in 15 minutes?

How to overcome laziness and develop purposefulness: advice from a psychologist

What if you don't have motivation?

There are also two options here:


  • Understand, maybe this is the voice of intuition. And you are too lazy to do something, because inside you understand: it will not be useful to you
  • Recall your last bouts of laziness. Do you need something that you have been putting off for so long?

Perhaps the goal was imposed on you by someone else. And it is at odds with your inner needs.

Imagine that you have reached your goal. What do you feel? If there are no positive emotions, you definitely do not need it.



  • Feel the joy
  • Then imagine: in the corner of the mental screen there is a small rectangle. On it, imagine the process of preparing for your goal.
  • Then mentally increase the size of this rectangle. Let it take up the whole screen space
  • Give this picture all the feel and emotion of the picture of success
  • Repeat one to three times

My battery is almost done

  • Relax
  • Take up your favorite hobby. You can try the new kind leisure

How to stop putting off important things for later: an easy way

If you have procrastination, there are two ways to solve this problem:


Just start. Appetite comes with eating. The main thing is to start, and then you yourself will be carried away by the process

Promise yourself that you will only work for five minutes. And then it will be easier to sit down to work

The main thing is to start

Second: habit. If you are accustomed to action, it is not difficult for you to start it every day. You don't have to force yourself to brush your teeth or eat with a spoon, do you?

Get into the habit of working. For this:

  • Take on anything you need to progress
  • Break it down into small steps
  • Every day, for 20 days, do one step at a time. After this time has passed, you can increase the time

Also watch a video about this method.

Video: WILLPOWER | How to Develop Willpower (100% Works)

Do you need to force yourself to work? Deal with the lack of self-organization:

  • Make a plan for the week every Sunday evening
  • Insert "flex time" into each day. You will need it for emergencies

  • Then every day in the evening or in the morning, look through your diary
  • Highlight three main things

You can read more about proper time management in the books:

  • Andrey Parabellum / Nikolay Mrochkovsky "Quick Results"
  • Roger Sipe "Brain Development"
  • Anastasia Shevchenko ", do everything"

In many cases, the cause of laziness is fatigue. If fatigue lasts for a long time, it becomes chronic.

Symptoms chronic fatigue:

  • hard to concentrate
  • headache
  • insomnia or just difficulty falling asleep

If you have all three symptoms, you have chronic fatigue.

How to avoid overwork and chronic fatigue or get rid of them? Here is a short list.

Prolonged state of impotence - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


All people are wired differently. And each of them gets enough sleep for a certain period of time.

Set your daily sleep rate. Usually it is seven, eight or nine hours.

However, there is another type of people. Their body is able to rest for four or three hours. This is an innate ability and you cannot develop it yourself.

Experiment. Sleep eight hours a day. Another nine. However, don't get carried away. Don't change your sleep time too drastically.

If you could get three hours of sleep, you would have already guessed it. Waking up in the middle of the night completely refreshed. Could keep energy all day long.

You may find it difficult to change your daily routine. Or do you need to go to bed at the same time to quickly fall asleep.

In this case:

  • Wait for the weekend
  • Choose the day of the experiment (Saturday or Sunday)
  • Don't set an alarm. Wake up when you can

You will most likely wake up an hour later than your usual wake up time. Or get up at the same time. This means that the amount of your hours of sleep is right for you.

But if you get up at ten when you usually get up at eight, you need to increase your sleep time by an hour.

  • Quit smoking
  • Consume less caffeine and alcohol
  • Don't eat a lot of fatty foods. They are absorbed by the body more slowly. It may reduce your activity

Set aside at least fifteen minutes in the evening to make a plan. Be sure to include time for relaxation. Rest at least 15 minutes every hour.

There are several ways to quickly recover in 10 minutes:

  • exercise and eye exercises
  • communication with a positive person, with a friend
  • watching one or two short funny videos. Or just a little pleasant activity that will cheer you up.

And be sure to delegate some of your household or work responsibilities to others.

Go in for sports!

Choose a sport that you really enjoy. Give them some time every day. In the beginning, 15 or 10 minutes will be enough.

Even if you only do it for 10 minutes three times a week all year, the results will be better than if you do 40 minutes a day and quit after a week.

Don't overstress. Do not bring your body to severe fatigue.

Exercising every week will keep you motivated. To create it, select beautiful photo an athlete who practices your favorite sport. Put it on the screen of your computer or phone.

You can print it out and hang it on the wall.

Laziness during pregnancy: what to do?

Laziness often occurs during pregnancy. This is a consequence of the changes that occur in the body. So he tries to reduce the burden on you.

However, being too lazy can be harmful.

First stage

Symptoms: mood swings, fatigue, vomiting, loss of energy.

Reasons: So the body protects you from excessive activity. Indeed, at this stage, the fetus is only being formed. He is not strong yet.

How to overcome: at this stage, you do not need to do this. Now you just need a sedentary lifestyle! Just be patient for twelve more weeks.

Second stage . The rest of the pregnancy

Symptoms: laziness and unwillingness to move.

Reasons: change in life, changes in the body.

IMPORTANT: after twelve weeks it is very dangerous to move a little! It can impair your mental abilities. And your weight will increase. In addition, it will increase the risk of diabetes.

How to overcome: Remember that now not only your health depends on you. You are also responsible for your child.

Changes in the body are one of the causes of laziness

To have a healthy baby, every day:

  • walk for an hour and a half or two

IMPORTANT: Be sure to consult a specialist which physical. exercises you can do.

  • do maternity exercises, yoga, or just walk in the park every two hours

walk for an hour and a half or two

How can a teenager overcome laziness and start learning?

There are many reasons for teenage laziness. Here are some of them:

  • lack of physical activity
  • poor nutrition
  • lack of energy

Here is a list of effective actions to overcome teenage laziness:

The right start to the day: a contrast shower or dousing with cold water. And then a thirty-fifteen minute exercise.

Switching. After twenty minutes of one activity, switch to another activity that is different from this activity. For example: 20 minutes of math, 10 minutes of washing dishes.

Short breaks every 20 minutes. During them, take a walk, do a few squats or exercises for the eyes. You can listen to your favorite song once or dance to it. Most importantly, do not go to social networks.

Get over your laziness. Sometimes we just need to start moving and acting in order to have a desire to work. Therefore, if there is no desire to learn, start by cleaning your desktop.

If you don't want to study, sit on a chair and try not to think about anything for five minutes. Our body cannot live without movements and thoughts. Therefore, you will gladly get up to learn!

Divide a big deal into small parts. Sometimes you're just scared to start a task, it's so big! Break it down into small points and get started!

How to deal with children's laziness?

Talk about the benefits of knowledge. By your own example, show that knowing a lot is both useful and interesting.

promotion. Praise your child for each completed part of the plan.

Watch a movie with him or do something nice for him as a reward.

Praise the progress! Notice even the smallest improvements.

Remind me, but kindly. Eliminate from your speech the words: "immediately" and "now." It is better to remind how much time is left for the child to rest. And in how many minutes does he have to start his lessons.

How to get rid of laziness without effort: conspiracies

To get rid of laziness once and for all, use the following conspiracies.

The first conspiracy

Spread the bread with honey and repeat three times:
"From sweetness in grain, from strength in breadcrumbs, drop by drop, piece by piece to the slave<имя>strength, desire and will. Do not be weak to him, do not see laziness. In the hands of a copper hammer, in the legs of a copper rod. Through the belly to the womb, through the veins to the tongue. Smallness is small in great job, sweetness sweet after work. No laziness, no weakness, no sickness.”

Then eat bread.

You can give bread with honey to any person suffering from laziness

Second conspiracy

Wash your face with vodka three times.

The movements should be circular, clockwise.

Repeat while doing this:
“My spirit is strong, it will affect in strength, it will respond in the will of the heart. I wish you good luck. I will make myself happy. Not from laziness. But from strength, not from chance, but from desire.

Let the vodka dry.

Laziness is a serious problem. But it is possible to defeat it if its causes are correctly established.

Video: How to overcome laziness?

Video: 4 ways to overcome apathy