An active life position is a start in the success of an essay. Active life position - start to success

Do you often hear or say the phrases “I don’t care”, “I don’t know”, “Doesn’t matter”? What we say is not just words. Most of our words, actions, gestures are a reflection of our inner world. Excessive use of phrases of indifference may indicate the inability to desire and achieve the fulfillment of their desires. We say: "It doesn't matter ..." and those who care about it decide for us. We say: “No difference” and those for whom this difference exists decide for us. You can relate to life, to your own future in different ways: to work with enthusiasm or half-heartedly, to take care of the usefulness of the business or only about yourself, to meet difficulties or hide in the bushes, to take an active or just comfortable position. One of the secrets of self-realization and success is an active life position, courage of initiative and readiness to act.

The dynamics of modern public relations requires a graduate of the school to have a certain set of qualities. If you study the requirements of employers for advertisements under the heading "Vacancies", then you can make an approximate psychological portrait of the employed person. In addition to business and professional qualities, employers want to see such things as activity and communication skills, the ability to overcome difficulties and initiative, the desire for creativity and mobility, discipline and responsibility. Consequently, a graduate needs an active life position, including in order for him to be competitive in the labor market. What do we mean by the term "active life position"? An active life position means actions in the name of achieving a goal, the selection of ways to overcome problems by looking for constructive solutions. The basis of an active life position of a person is the motive for achieving success. In school years, an active life position is manifested in the ability to realize oneself in different types activities: in public work, and in sports events, and in school or class self-government, etc. The life of a student becomes much brighter and more interesting if he realizes himself not only in learning, but also in extracurricular or extracurricular work. It is very important for active people to study well, work effectively, achieve High Quality in any kind of activity. They strive to improve an existing result or get a fundamentally new one; able to enjoy their work or learning activities; rejoice at success in little things; interested in bringing the work started to the end, as they clearly know why they need it. They are more persistent in overcoming obstacles. As a rule, such people are successful already at the stage of choosing a profession, as they are interested in further prospects and are able to plan their professional growth in advance. The presence of an active life position gives a person the opportunity to quickly advance in the service, because the management notices such personnel at the beginning of their professional path... Sometimes, already at the stage of passing educational practice, such students may receive tempting job offers. In addition to career growth and material stability, an active position gives recognition among colleagues, prestige and a certain degree of independence associated with the ability to make decisions independently. In turn, such a specialist receives moral satisfaction from the work, the opportunity own development in the process of activity.

How to develop an active life position in yourself? Where to begin?

1. Learn to set goals

Where should you start any activity in the first place? With the formulation of the goal. The vagueness of the expected results, the unwillingness to understand oneself provoke difficulties in setting adequate goals. Pay attention to the rules for formulating the goal. The goal should be:

  • specific;
  • measurable;
  • motivating;
  • realistic;
  • limited in terms of achievement.

2. Get rid of bad habits

Bad habits here mean not only alcohol abuse and smoking, we are talking about what can take a lot of your time without any benefit. For example, spending time aimlessly in in social networks, many hours of "freezing" in on-line games. This does not mean at all that you should completely stop appearing on social networks or your favorite game, just know when to stop, because the saved time can be spent on something else.

3. Read

Broaden your horizons. Read books, popular science magazines, internet blogs successful people etc. Get useful information in various fields: economics, politics, sociology, psychology, etc.

4. Spend Your Weekend Effectively

The main purpose of the weekend is not to get enough sleep and "do nothing." Relax actively: visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, communicate with interesting people, make new acquaintances. The more impressions you get, the better you will begin to understand many things.

5. Master time management

Time management is a technology for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use. In a way, this is not so much a set of techniques as a lifestyle and philosophy of the value of time in a fast flow of information and an ever-changing world. Learn to plan your time, it will be very useful for different stages professional growth.

6. Bring novelty to your life

Take the risk of changing your image, rearrange your room. Show interest in art that you don't know much about. Finding something new will allow you to develop your creativity.

7. Invest in yourself

Today, getting just one education is not enough. Knowledge in many areas is required everywhere. Of course, if you study in only one college or university, then it will be problematic for you to get all the necessary knowledge for further work. Therefore, you should think about getting additional education. You can attend all kinds of trainings, seminars. And remember that you can study in additional educational programs while still a student.

8. Don't be afraid

Try to overcome the fear that your ideas might not work. Successful people always take risks. There is no way to know if an idea was good without giving it a try.

9. Surround yourself with successful people

Learn from successful people. Ask them for advice. Communicate with them as much as possible. Acquire knowledge that can be very useful in the future.

10. Leave negative experiences in the past

Live in the present and reflect on the future. Take only valuable experience from the past, and all negative experiences should be released. Otherwise, instead of going forward, you will constantly look back.

How active is your life position?

If you want to know how active your position in life is, we suggest evaluating a number of statements. If you agree with the corresponding statement, then put the "+" sign next to its number.

  • I know my goals and desires well.
  • I studied myself, I know what I am capable of.
  • I am able to navigate in the flow of information and independently obtain the necessary information.
  • I believe in myself, in the possibility of achieving success and of planned deeds.
  • I believe that I have the right to choose in any competitive situation - not only I am chosen, but I also choose.
  • I can turn to other people for help, make them allies in the implementation of my plans.
  • I can profit from mistakes, learn from my own experience and from the experience of other people.
  • Faced with an obstacle, I am looking for new ways to resolve the difficulty that has arisen.
  • I feel enough strength and energy to achieve my goals.
  • When building ways to achieve the main option, I definitely think over a spare one.
  • I strive to gain experience by trying myself in different fields.
  • I constantly analyze and adjust my actions depending on the results obtained.
  • I am able to take into account the opinions of other people in the development and implementation of my plans, without losing my position.
  • I have the skills of behavior in business situations: I can make an appointment with the right people, introduce yourself, talk about your capabilities.

Count the number of pluses that came out in the end.

  • 12-14 - Your position is very active, you know your goals and desires well and confidently meet them halfway. You are energetic and active, surpass those around you with activity and speed of decision-making, know how to take responsibility. In your environment, you are desired and loved, primarily for your dynamism and extraordinary activity.
  • 8-11 - Your position is quite active, but you do not always have enough determination to achieve the fulfillment of your desires. Your ability to act quite often depends on your desire, mood.
  • less than 8 - Unfortunately, your energy is not your strongest quality. You get tired quickly, are reluctant to take responsibility. Keep your opinion to yourself and prefer to stay away. There is too much indifference and caution in you in your relationships with others. You have a lot of difficulty making decisions. Your energy, as well as your ability to act, depends on your imagination and not always justified fear. It makes sense to think seriously and, perhaps, consult a professional psychologist.

Indicators of the formation of an active life position:

  • a positive attitude towards affairs and undertakings, a willingness to carry them out;
  • experience of participation in public life, which is associated with the implementation of specific duties, orders;
  • the presence of a certain level of organizational skills;
  • experiencing responsibility for their work;
  • favorable position in interpersonal communication.

An active position presupposes independent, creative, flexible behavior. And the activity of the position and success depends only on you! Follow the guidelines above, be more proactive in different areas activities and remember that "water does not flow under a lying stone."

Active life position - start to success

My life is a continuous series of events. I'm taking off, stomping, drowning, toying ...

Even childhood I was so laid down. I didn’t sit there. I constantly wanted to learn something new. I ran, jumped, and did not notice my carefree childhood. Now that I was seven years old, I went to the first grade.

I still remember my first step towards active life... My favorite school helped make it. Of course, there were no rehearsals with Nina Aronovna Gubareva. I read a poem by E. Uspensky "My puppy" at the competition. I was eight years old then. It's fifteen now.

Time flies very quickly, very imperceptibly. Also our life will fly by. You do not have time to blink an eye, all that was is already behind. I don't understand those people who stop at one and don't want to take off further, don't want to discover new talents and opportunities. After all, our reality is so boring, which is probably why I chose creativity. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the excitement before a concert, or a full dress rehearsal.

Everyone finds himself different, and everyone finds his idols. Dmitry Bikbaev has been my idol for the fourth year now. V Lately I am starting to appreciate and respect him more and more, and even more often I say to him a huge human thanks! His words are very encouraging to me. Astihi allow thoughts to "break out" into the light.

There is only one meaning in life

This meaning is Love

Noion empty

If there is no development

Endless striving

To an unattainable ideal ...

These are his words ... She "touched" my soul so much that I changed. I began to notice that after the creativity of Dmitry, a person becomes better. Sometimes you even start to forget about such words as "bite", "cool" words of admiration escaped from the mouths "great"

Probably, you are reading this now, and you don’t understand what I am saying? It's just that Dmitry Bikbaev was born in an ordinary family, VUssuriisk. As well as when I was eight years old, I began to participate everywhere, I strove upward, then I came to Moscow and entered GITIS (RATI). Imagine, a simple boy from Ussuriysk enrolled in one of the most prestigious theater universities in the world! I didn’t just do it, and finished it with a brilliant diploma. Aved started out like everyone else. School matinees.

Unread, burn

As before with a glance she burned.

And after memory tell me

Why did you portray love so passionately ...

This is also the work of Dmitry Bikbaev. At the given moment, he publishes his own book.

Would it also be dubious? I, alas, don’t know that. I strive now to lay the foundation for my future profession.

About two years ago I was learning what theater is. Japanese how great and immortal it is! I realized that the given moment is the theater is my life. Yes, yes, I know that it is still very early for me to say such great things, but still in my list it is written in large letters: GET INTO VNGTI !!! Who would have thought that that competition in eight years would help me make some kind of start to success! Start into the future! Let the school be strong, willow cool magazine sometimes the letters "H" appear. I am happy - after all, I have been sitting in the place for a long time. I have a favorite thing! I have favorite friends and close people! I have a lot of hobbies! Besides reading poetry, I am attracted by music. Graduated from the fifth grade music school for the accordion class. Recently I have mastered several guitar chords. Thanks to Dmitry Bikbaev, she met with poetry as a reader, as a poet. I hope that in the near future many will hear my "abstract rhymes".

I plan to have a lot, a lot of unfinished business! Which I do little by little. And I can loudly shout: "Active life position - start to success!"

My life is a continuous series of events. I take off, then fall, then find, then lose ...
Ever since childhood, I was so laid down. I could not sit still. I constantly wanted to learn something new. I ran, jumped, and did not notice my carefree childhood. But now I turned seven years old, and I went to first grade.
I still remember my first step towards an active life. My favorite school helped make it. Of course, there were rehearsals with Nina Aronovna Gubareva. I read a poem by E. Uspensky "My puppy" at the competition. I was eight years old then. And now it's fifteen.
Time flies very quickly, very imperceptibly. Likewise, our life will fly by. You will not have time to blink an eye, and all that was - is already behind. I do not understand those people who stop at one thing and do not want to take off further, do not want to discover new talents and opportunities in themselves. After all, our reality is so boring, which is probably why I chose creativity. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the excitement before a concert, or a full dress rehearsal.
Everyone finds himself in different ways, and everyone finds his idols. Dmitry Bikbaev has been my idol for the fourth year now. Recently, I have begun to appreciate and respect him more and more, and very often I say a huge human thank you to him! His words are very encouraging to me. And poetry allows thoughts to "break out" into the light.
There is only one meaning in life
And this meaning is Love
But she too is empty
If there is no development
Endless striving
To an unattainable ideal ...
These are his words ... She touched my soul so much that I changed. And I began to notice that after Dmitry's work, a person becomes better. Sometimes you even start to forget about such words as “bite”, “cool” words of admiration “great” come out of your mouth
You are probably reading this now and do not understand what I am talking about? It's just that Dmitry Bikbaev was born into an ordinary family, in Ussuriisk. Like me, at the age of eight, I began to participate everywhere, strove upward, and then came to Moscow and entered GITIS (RATI). Imagine, a simple boy from Ussuriisk entered one of the most prestigious theater universities in the world! And he did not just enter, but graduated with honors. But he started like everyone else. From school matinees.
Burn without reading
As before with a glance she burned.
And after memory tell me
Why did you portray love so passionately ...
This is also the work of Dmitry Bikbaev. He is currently releasing his own book.
And what will happen to me? I, alas, do not know this. But I am striving now to lay the foundation for my future profession.
About two years ago I understood what theater is. I realized how great and immortal it is! I realized that at the moment theater is my life. Yes, yes, I know that it's still very early for me to talk about such great things, but nevertheless, in my list it is written in large letters: GO TO NSTI !!! Who would have thought that that competition at eight years old would help me make a certain start to success! Start into the future! And even though I'm not strong in my studies, and sometimes the letters "H" appear in the class magazine. I’m happy - I don’t sit still for a long time. I have a favorite thing! I have beloved friends and close people! I have many hobbies! Besides reading poetry, I am attracted by music. In the fifth grade she graduated from music school, accordion class. Recently I have mastered several guitar chords. And thanks to Dmitry Bikbaev, I got to know poetry not as a reader, but as a poet. I hope that in the near future many will hear my "abstract rhymes".
And I have many, many unfinished business in my plans! Which I gradually realize. And I will be able to shout out loud: "An active life position is a start to success!"

My life is a continuous series of events. I take off, then fall, then find, then lose ...

Ever since childhood, I was so laid down. I could not sit still. I constantly wanted to learn something new. I ran, jumped, and did not notice my carefree childhood. But now I turned seven years old, and I went to first grade.

I still remember my first step towards an active life. My favorite school helped make it. Of course, there were rehearsals with Nina Aronovna Gubareva. I read a poem by E. Uspensky "My puppy" at the competition. I was eight years old then. And now it's fifteen.

Time flies very quickly, very imperceptibly. Likewise, our life will fly by. You will not have time to blink an eye, and all that was - is already behind. I do not understand those people who stop at one thing and do not want to take off further, do not want to discover new talents and opportunities in themselves. After all, our reality is so boring, which is probably why I chose creativity. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the excitement before a concert, or a full dress rehearsal.

Everyone finds himself in different ways, and everyone finds his idols. Dmitry Bikbaev has been my idol for the fourth year now. Recently, I have begun to appreciate and respect him more and more, and very often I say a huge human thank you to him! His words are very encouraging to me. And poetry allows thoughts to "break out" into the light.

There is only one meaning in life

And this meaning is Love

But she too is empty

If there is no development

Endless striving

To an unattainable ideal ...

These are his words ... She touched my soul so much that I changed. And I began to notice that after Dmitry's work, a person becomes better. Sometimes you even start to forget about such words as “bite”, “cool” words of admiration “great” come out of your mouth

You are probably reading this now and do not understand what I am talking about? It's just that Dmitry Bikbaev was born into an ordinary family, in Ussuriisk. Like me, at the age of eight, I began to participate everywhere, strove upward, and then came to Moscow and entered GITIS (RATI). Imagine, a simple boy from Ussuriisk entered one of the most prestigious theater universities in the world! And he did not just enter, but graduated with honors. But he started like everyone else. From school matinees.

Burn without reading

As before with a glance she burned.

And after memory tell me

Why did you portray love so passionately ...

This is also the work of Dmitry Bikbaev. He is currently releasing his own book.

And what will happen to me? I, alas, do not know this. But I am striving now to lay the foundation for my future profession.

About two years ago I understood what theater is. I realized how great and immortal it is! I realized that at the moment theater is my life. Yes, yes, I know that it's still very early for me to talk about such great things, but nevertheless, in my list it is written in large letters: GO TO NSTI !!! Who would have thought that that competition at eight years old would help me make a certain start to success! Start into the future! And even though I'm not strong in my studies, and sometimes the letters "H" appear in the class magazine. I’m happy - I don’t sit still for a long time. I have a favorite thing! I have beloved friends and close people! I have many hobbies! Besides reading poetry, I am attracted by music. In the fifth grade she graduated from music school, accordion class. Recently I have mastered several guitar chords. And thanks to Dmitry Bikbaev, I got to know poetry not as a reader, but as a poet. I hope that in the near future many will hear my "abstract rhymes".

And I have many, many unfinished business in my plans! Which I gradually realize. And I will be able to shout out loud: "An active life position is a start to success!"

I, Stepanova Elizaveta Alekseevna, a student of the 11th grade of the Lyceum No. 1 of the city of Nefteyugansk. I live in a small, but very beautiful town, which is not indicated on every map ... But this does not mean that my life is small and boring. Every day I go to school with pleasure, my favorite subjects are English, mathematics, social studies, Russian, literature and physical education. I strive to develop in many directions.

I find it easy to study at school. I finished the ninth grade with a special certificate, which is very important for me. A tremendous amount of work has been done to prepare for the exams and complete excellent high school graduation. All subjects seem interesting to me, they broaden my horizons. In mathematics, I feel like a scientist who deduces formulas and deftly handles complex equations and problems. English is especially easy for me, because I love to travel around countries and practice my language skills. I like to take part in debates that make it possible to reasonably prove my position in life or defend a certain point of view on foreign language... I consider literature to be the most important subject that helps us to humanly define ourselves in life. Personal development is impossible without reading classical literature. Sports is a separate line, I can run fast, so in physical education I can give odds to any boy. Not a single sporting event takes place without my participation.First school stadium, noise, traffic, excitement, tension. We are ready. We are ready to run for victory even to the ends of the world. We are the Lyceum team, the participant of the city cross "Golden Autumn". Behind the training, anxiety, now the main thing is to get together, overcome the excitement and demonstrate everything that you are capable of. There was no fear, because there were people nearby, and it was not the first time they ran. But this is the first time we have achieved such a colossal success - we are the first in the city! The moral support of friends and teachers helped a lot - they shouted and encouraged us. And we ran a distance of 500 meters, it was difficult, the competition was very high. We will remember these competitions for a long time, but now it's all over. Breathing calmed down, let others run further ... There was some strange feeling. On the one hand, it was easy, because we were exhausted ... On the other hand, the excitement that we wanted to know the result - we only recognized it the next day and were incredibly happy! I remembered this day, because I experienced such sensations for the first time. Ahead is a new "Golden Autumn"

I take part in various Olympiads with pleasure, because they give an objective assessment of our knowledge. Trying yourself in a certain subject area is always interesting. As a rule, I participate in Olympiads in social studies, physical education, Russian and English, math. Preparation, participation, long-awaited results - I enjoy everything.

I am interested not only in my studies, but also in sports performance. I often go to all-Russian competitions, and managed to prove myself on the treadmill. I recently took first place in the all-Russian race "Zelentsovacup»In the city of Omsk. I regularly win district competitions. Sport helps me to escape from mental stress, I am glad that I often win. It’s an indescribable feeling when your heart beats faster, your adrenaline rises, and you finish first by a wide margin in important competitions for you.

In early May 2010, I was lucky enough to participate in the finals of the second open championship of Russia in universal all-around, held in Moscow. Participation in such competitions is a great honor and responsibility, because I represented my educators and teachers, my city and district. 340 educational institutions from 59 regions of Russia and the CIS countries sent their best athletes to the competition. I managed to get around my rivals and show two-thirds of the results.

But I wasn't always involved in athletics. Basketball, ballroom dancing, tennis, acrobatics, swimming - in everything I tried to find myself. Thanks to sports, I have traveled to many cities in Russia and found many good friends.

I have been doing ballroom dancing for three years. It was an unforgettable time. Dancing is ideal for romantic girls. They develop plasticity, teach to listen and feel music.

The activities that I prefer do not end with sports and studies. More than once my works were published in city and school newspapers. The topics were always different, ranging from my own interests, ending with reflections on complex social important issues... You don't need to hide your position in life, you need to be able to defend it ... A person experiences pleasant feelings when his thoughts are heard, and not just heard, but printed ... part of the country's younger generation.

I am proud that in 2012 my name was indicated in the Russian Encyclopedia of Children's Achievements. It's nice to know that right now someone needs you and is interested in you, that people will learn about your successes. I am glad that my children and grandchildren can be proud of my results, holding this encyclopedia in their hands.

Erudition, erudition, prudence, responsibility - these are the qualities I value in people. If you are surrounded by such personalities, then you are very lucky. As for my social circle, parents, teachers and classmates can support any, even a very difficult or just actual topic. I am grateful to them for their support!

In that academic year as the best student of educational institutions of the city of Nefteyugansk was awarded a grant from the mayor. It's nice to know that my commitment to success has been so highly praised.

I'm interested in performing on stage. Feeling naturally in public is very important. Literary reading (Shakespeare's sonnets in English), participation in dramatization ... Since I study at the Lyceum, a very important place in our educational institution is devoted to culture, morality. Traditionally, in October we host a literary salon, a kind of event where everyone can find themselves, show their talent. I consider it my duty to take an active part in it.

If we talk about my outlook on life, then for me the family plays a huge role. There is a book in our family that contains the biography of all my grandparents up to the fifth generation. I'm proud of my family. Parents always support, they worry with me important points life. And they are always proud of me. Without them, my successes would not have been, and the taste of victory would not have been so sweet, I always feel their support, this is my support ...

I love the land where I was born and live. He is rich and fertile. I am proud that I live in Siberia.

I am a patriot of my country, I want to make it better, I want Russia to occupy a leading position in all spheres of life, especially in the economy, and I intend to engage in economic policy. As a Russian citizen, I am proud of my country and culture and will contribute to its prosperity.