The boundaries of social project activities. Lukov Val

Specific social problems are determined by the peculiarities of the development of world social systems socio-economic formations. These processes are now taking place in the context of the scientific and technological revolution and its socio-economic consequences. They define the general (in a relative sense) problems of sociological research: observed, expected and desirable changes in the system of social needs, in the social structure, in social organization and management, in the structure of time and in the living environment of society, in the way of life of people: increasing the efficiency social production and improvement of the quality of products; acceleration of growth rates of labor productivity; creating an abundance of material and cultural wealth; the development of society in the direction of social homogeneity; intensifying the participation of workers in the management of production and society; improving the culture of everyday life, leisure, the growth of free time; the elimination of essential differences between town and country, between intellectual and physical labor; effective security environment; elimination of antisocial phenomena. In contrast to more developed areas of forecasting in sociology, the initial information arrays necessary for constructing time series are relatively weak, the level of research mathematization is significantly lower, which narrows the possibility of using modeling methods, the predicted phenomena themselves are much more complicated, this leads to a decrease in the lead period, in general, the range between short- and long-term forecasts, to the predominance of still purely preliminary, indicative, mainly qualitative assessments, the organizational base of sociological forecasting is also relatively weak. In Russia, only a few departments of various scientific institutions and a relatively small number of researchers are engaged in the development of such forecasts. The requirement for the complexity of socio-economic forecasts makes it necessary to tighten the lead time, the accuracy and specificity of quantitative and qualitative forecast estimates in sociology to the standard level of advanced social disciplines in this respect. Sociologists-forecasters are trying to compensate for the narrowed possibilities of extrapolation and modeling by expanding the practice of questioning, in particular, improving the methods of interviewing experts and developing the practice of polling the population specifically for the purpose of forecasting, which has almost never happened before in other branches of forecasting. Continuing this line, it is necessary to take care of forcing the mathematization of sociological research, which will create the possibility of a wider application of modeling methods.

One of the social problems - the problem of orphanhood is global in nature and has acquired an all-Russian scale. At the same time, the positive experience of its solution has a local "point" character. Thus, there is a serious gap between the urgent requirement to launch large-scale work and the available resources for its implementation. The mechanism for solving the problem that has developed in the state system of education and social protection needs serious restructuring. The problem is how to move from point initiatives to solving the problem on a global scale.

The usual way to solve this kind of problems is to create complex targeted programs giving priority to them for a certain period, restructuring the work of state bodies. But it is precisely here that a number of problems arise, without special study of which all this global activity can bring purely negative results.

There are no global programs in the field of orphanhood yet, but it should be expected that the moment of the start of intensive work in this direction by public and state structures close, judging by the active coverage of this problem in the media, the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, and the discussion of the problem in the State Duma.

Social design is a term that has been used relatively recently - since the 70s and 80s of the last century. Although, as noted by the author of one of the early works on the methodology of social design, V. M. Rozin, the first attempt to develop a global social project was made by Plato, who developed the doctrine of an ideal state. After the 1917 revolution, Russia becomes a huge field for global social experiments. The subject of design is society as a whole, including a person - every citizen of this society. The task of forming a new person was included in the program documents of the CPSU. This attitude penetrated so deeply into the minds of many leaders that in 1991, after the August coup, at one of the regional meetings, a major official in the education system quite seriously stated that "the task of the education system is to design a new type of child."

Delivered in Soviet time the tasks of global change required the implementation of large-scale programs. And such programs were created. Many of them were implemented, however, at a very high price, and did not bring quite the results that were expected. However, most of the global programs, especially in the last decades of Soviet power, were of an ideological nature and did not bring practical positive results.

The author of one of the world's most popular books on design methods, J. Jones, comparing the opinions of authorities in the field of designing technical and human-machine systems, came to the conclusion that design should be understood as the process of "setting changes in the surrounding artificial environment" . Usually these changes are based on good intentions, in the sense that every designer strives to make the world a better place. Thus, people's values, their ideas of a “better life” (which often seem so self-evident to them that there is no need to reflect on them) stand behind the supposed changes.

Returning to the topic of orphanhood, we note that in a number of projects for the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools, the authors sincerely believed that their influences remake orphans, form new personal properties and intellectual characteristics in them. The sociotechnical megamachine of the orphanage replaces the "piece" work of raising a child who, in addition to learning, needs a strong emotional attachment, a sense of his significance for another person, the ability to determine his own destiny. Therefore, effective adaptation of graduates of the orphanage took place where stable human relations developed between them and their adult mentors.

One of the stereotypes is that large-scale programs of social change can only be initiated "from above". Back in the 19th century, P. Ya. Chaadaev noted this feature of the social development of Russia: “Look from beginning to end our chronicles - you will find in them on every page the deep influence of power, the incessant influence of the soil, and almost never meet manifestations of public will” . And in the same place: "The deepest feature of our historical appearance is the absence of a free initiative in our social development." Distrust of public initiatives and reliance on the authorities is a stereotype that has survived to this day.

The fate of a large-scale project (program) is largely determined by the moment of "launch". If at the time of the "launch" the program is understood as a document descended "from above", and the people of practice - as the performers of a project developed without their participation, but "scientifically based" project, then the results and consequences of such programming are easy to predict. We are reminded of them by the entire experience of developing and implementing programs of socialist construction in our country. And the perestroika period can be described as the history of the creation and collapse of such programs, ranging from the fight against alcoholism and moonshining to the program of universal automation.

The reason for the inevitable collapse of such programs are two processes that are triggered by the document program coming "from above": imitation and manipulation. The imitation of program execution is due, firstly, to the fact that the program itself is not considered by most of the participants in the process as something that must be performed (reporting for execution and performing are two different things), and, secondly, the performer (unlike the author of the idea) works in accordance with the "letter", but not the "spirit" of the program. Manipulation - the second process launched by "such" program - is carried out both "top down" and "bottom up". Manipulation "from above" is a necessary companion of forcible introduction, manipulation "from below" acts as a protective process, as a means of protecting the imitator. Due to the destruction of meaningful connections, and the dominance of imitation-manipulative relations between the participants in the innovation process, the goals stated in the program are, in principle, unattainable. When the process goes far enough, and the consequences become visible, the management has no choice but to order the "scientists" to develop a new concept, a new program.

An alternative to this, although well-established and deeply rooted in our country, approach is the approach to developing a large-scale program as a program of action for specific people uniting in a community on the basis of common values, vision of problems, and ways to solve them. By uniting in a community, putting together joint efforts, members of the community increase the scale of their activities, their opportunities to carry out transformations. Ideally, even such a document as a regional program for solving orphanhood problems can be the product of a reflexive formulation of the actual actions of this community. Then the program becomes not a means of achieving social goals, often of an opportunistic nature, but being a community action program, it becomes a process of implementing cultural values ​​accepted by the community, and goals, means and resources become purely technical aspects of this implementation.

It was in this way - as an association of author's projects - that the regional "Program for the Stabilization and Development of Education in the Perm Region for 1996-2000" was created. The development of the program was preceded by a three-year work on the initiation of innovative projects of teachers, educational institutions, education authorities. The decision to develop an initiative program was made conference of innovative educators, and the concept of the program was developed by a group of specialists who were selected at the same conference.The basis of the program, which included more than 80 author's projects, was created within a month.Most of the projects indicated that they would be implemented on one scale or another even in case they do not receive support from the regional education department.The program was "doomed to be feasible" and approved by the head of the Main Department of Education of the Perm Region.Despite the objective difficulties (the 1998 default, the economic crisis), this program was successfully implemented lysed.

It was this path “from below” that was proposed as a strategic basis for the management of the investment program “Helping Orphans in Russia” (ARC Program) at the moment when the inadequacy of the initial strategy to support large public initiatives to achieve rapid large-scale results became obvious.

It would seem that investment programs should not face the difficulties that arise when programs are launched “from above”. However, as the very first competition showed, most of the projects, especially those applying for large sums (the upper limit in the "Help to Orphans in Russia" program was a grant of one hundred thousand US dollars), were clearly imitative in nature.

The ARC program, focused on supporting major regional initiatives, faced a lack of such, and thus proved unable to fulfill its mission in Russia. In this situation, the leadership of the ARC Program faced the need for self-determination: either to formally implement the program and distribute money to organizations that indirectly deal with the problems of orphans in their activities, but do not directly deal with this problem; or close the program; or change the strategy of the program and find a solution in which the program funds go to help orphans.

In this situation, ARC Program Director Chris Kavanaugh chose the path of finding a solution that would make the program as effective as possible.

As a possible solution, V. Zaretsky and M. Dubrovskaya proposed to hold regional project seminars with potential actors in the field of social orphanhood (potential grant recipients of the Program).

Why potential? - Because, as the analysis of the situation showed, there were almost no real figures - people, organizations that would deal specifically with the problems of orphanhood. At the same time, on the one hand, the very fact of the emergence of the ARC Program revealed the great potential of public organizations and state bodies, which, with a certain restructuring of their activities, could direct their efforts to solving the problems of orphanhood, but, on the other hand, put them in an ambiguous position.

Thus, the very appearance of the ARC Program provoked the “development” simulation projects. We call simulation projects, in this case, projects that are formally tied to a topic, but in reality, in their content, are aimed at solving other problems.

At the same time, the competition of the ARC Program has become an occasion for many organizations working with special children, with dysfunctional families, to think about what they have to do with this problem, and, perhaps, to take it seriously, expanding the scope of their activities.

Thus, the problem was concretized to the limit. If there are no figures, ie. people who deal specifically with the problems of social orphanhood, the ARO Program and similar programs will not be able to provide assistance to orphans.

Therefore, the Program should help the process of emergence of actors in this area, i.e. initiate the process of self-determination on the problems of orphanhood.

List of used literature:

1. Dridze T. On the threshold of ecoanthropocentric sociology // Social sciences and modernity, 1994.- No. 4. – S. 97-103.

2. Dridze T.M. Ecoanthropocentric paradigm in social cognition and social management // Man, 1998. - №2. - S. 95-105.

3. Dridze T.M. Two new paradigms for social cognition and social practice // Social communication and social management in ecoanthropocentric and semiosociopsychological paradigms. - M.: IS RAS, Center for Social Management, Communication and Social Design Technologies, 2000. - P. 5-42.

4. Dridze T.M. To overcome the paradigm crisis in sociology // Social sciences and modernity, 2000. - No. 5. - S. 121-141.

5. Wiener N. Cybernetics or control and communication in animals and machines. Per. from English. - M., 1988.

6. Gerlovin I.L. Fundamentals of a unified theory of interaction in matter - M., 1990.

7. Dridze T.M. Ecoanthropocentric and semio-socio-psychological paradigm for the integration of socio-humanitarian knowledge into research social-diagnostic and social-project practice // World of Psychology. - 2000. - No. 2. - S. 10-26.

8. Dridze T.M. Ecoanthropocentric model of social cognition as a way to overcome the paradigm crisis in sociology // sociological research. - 2000. - No. 2. - P.20-28.

9. Ortega y Gasset H. Selected works: Per. from Spanish / Comp., foreword. and general ed. A.M. Rutkevich. 2nd ed. - M .: Publishing house "Ves Mir", 2000. - 704 p.

10. Ortega y Gasset H. What is philosophy? – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 408 p.

11. Toffler A. Futurshok. Per from English. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

12. Problems of subjects of social design and management / Preprint, ed. V.I. Arshinov and V.E. Lepsky. M.: "Cogito-Center", 2006. - 256 p.

13. Jones D. Design methods. M., Progress, 1990.

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...............3

1.Social design…………………………………………………...4

1.1. The history of the development of social design…………………………..4

1.2. Stages of social design…………………………………………11

1.3. Methods of social design…………………………………….13





They started talking about social design not so long ago, it was preferable to write about social planning and programming. But the emergence of a class of new complex tasks in the field of economics, culture, urban planning, and design, among other types of social engineering activities, singled out social design.

V modern conditions an increasing need is the design of social systems, which in principle comes down to determining the future state of a particular social object, process, phenomenon within a certain program and plan.

Social design is so necessary when planning socially significant projects involving a large number of people, large projects with great financial responsibility. Competent social design can help avoid inefficiencies, weed out impossible tasks at the planning stage, create the necessary conditions for achieving goals, identify means, and so on. All this makes it possible to get the best result or scientifically make sure that the goal needs to be adjusted.

The topic of social design cannot but be relevant, as society develops, conditions change, and what was impossible ten years ago is now quite accessible. Information is the main condition for design, and the volume of information is constantly growing. In addition, within the framework of scientific reality, this concept is quite young and justifies the interest in itself on the part of people involved in sociology, political science, psychology, management, etc.

The concept of "Foresight" was first used in 1932, and the first Foresight technologies were applied in 1953, however, this phenomenon can still be considered modern, like social design. But where is the fine line that separates these two concepts? After all, both of them essentially answer the question: what to do now to get what you want later. The first chapter of this work is devoted to the history of the development of social design, its stages and methods. The second chapter is devoted to the concept of "Foresight" and "Foresight research".

social engineering

History of the development of social engineering

The term "design" comes from lat. "projectus" - thrown forward; it is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of a supposed or possible object or state. This is a specific activity, the result of which is a theoretically and practically justified definition of options for the predicted and planned development of new processes and phenomena.

Design - component management, which allows you to ensure the implementation of controllability and controllability of a certain process. Design means determining versions or options for the development of a phenomenon.

Social design makes it possible to assess the validity of the forecast, to develop a scientifically based plan for social development. The design also takes into account the possibility of an unsuccessful experiment to test ideas, the so-called negative result.

The subject of social design is the one who carries out the design in order to transform social reality. The subject is: various carriers management activities- individuals and organizations, labor collectives, social institutions, etc. A necessary feature of the design subject is his social activity, direct participation in the design process.

The object of social design is the one on whom the design process is carried out. These can be objects of a very different nature:

1) a person as an individual and a subject of activity with his own needs, interests, value orientations, settings, social status, roles in the system of relations;

2) various elements and subsystems of the social structure of society (labor collectives, regions, social groups, etc.);

3) varied public relations(political, ideological, family, household, interpersonal, labor, etc.);

4) lifestyle elements (life positions, ways of life, quality and style of life, etc.).

The study of the object and the subject allows you to accumulate a certain amount of information (information array), which is necessary condition and source of social design. The analysis of information, the material of various sociological studies allows us to design and make it so that it meets the set goals.

The main goal of social design is to create with the help of an information array social projects. A social project is a consciously developed and scientifically substantiated characteristics connected with a certain dependence, providing specific knowledge about the future desired state of a social system or process. The project reflects the future desired state of the system, which occurs under certain actions of people and the presence of certain conditions: financial, labor, material, energy, intellectual, and others.

If we start from the first attempts to scientifically substantiate the use of design activities in relation to social phenomena and processes, then the history of the development of social design originates in the 20-30s of the 20th century. And above all, these attempts were associated with the development of design justifications for optimal ways to solve promising problems of social development. Their substantive and practical manifestation was reflected, in particular, in the form of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy in the Soviet Union and in the so-called "new course" in the United States. The Soviet Union focused on socio-economic problems such as illiteracy, homelessness and others, as well as on ways to resolve them. In the United States, they were engaged in overcoming the "crisis of overproduction". At that time, a design ideology was formed, within which the task of designing new social relations, a new person, socialist culture, that is, what is today classified as social activity, was set.

In subsequent years, people preferred to talk more about social planning, goal-oriented methods or innovations than about social design as such. However, the appearance in the 1970s a class of new complex tasks in the field of economics, culture, politics, spiritual life, as well as urban planning and design, which fully demonstrated that ignoring the social aspects of development is fraught with serious costs in the functioning of modern societies, required the allocation of social design as an independent technology for the implementation of sociological knowledge .

However, there are two more interesting points of view regarding the emergence of social design.

The first argues that social design has its roots in antiquity, and Plato's "State" can be considered one of the first social projects. In other words, we can say that social design has always existed.

And after all, indeed, a person has always wanted to look into the future, and even in the distant past, when the information received about the future could not be verified - various kinds of predictions, divination, shamanism. And now, using the accumulated knowledge and experience, applying proven methods and techniques, it is possible to obtain data on which the further actions of the subject of the process will depend. Is it possible to compare design with professional intuition - definitely not, even if the results of both processes can be identical. Design is a complex multi-level process, in which, although there is a share of subjectivity (the subject is still involved in design), it is still designed to minimize the emotional attitude to past experience. For this purpose, the whole process is divided into several stages, certain methods are applied, all conditions are taken into account - a system of social phenomena and processes that has a certain impact on project activities (relations, processes, environment, actions, things, activities, means, etc.) .

There is such a thing as a "utopian project", for example, philosophical normative constructions such as Plato's "State", Thomas More's classic literary utopia "Utopia", utopian constructions of science fiction. But can utopia be classified as a social project? On the one hand, a utopia, just like a social project, anticipates the future, involves rationalization in order to develop a number of practical actions. On the other hand, a utopia is not realized, since it basically contains goals that are unattainable in advance (due to social circumstances, the socio-economic structure of society, and the lack of conditions necessary for realization). Utopia is, roughly speaking, more fantasy than the logic of practical action.

Further, at the beginning of the 20th century, there is something like a crossing of social utopias with a practical installation, initially architectural. “We feel very well,” wrote I. Vereshchagin, “that architectural requirements can and should be made not only to buildings, but also to any thing, any person and his face. At present, not only factories are being built, but also a new culture and a new person. The construction of clubs, Palaces of Labor and Recreation was in full swing, where a new collective way of life, communication of workers, as well as their education and cultural development were to be formed. Subsequently, such life-building was criticized, but nevertheless they returned to it after the war. Such a phenomenon has an attitude towards design and the creation of new social relations and a new person, however, this practice was not perceived as social design, it was about urban planning and architectural activities.

Since the mid-60s, for the first time, they started talking about design as such. At the same time, the sociological approach began to gain strength in scientific research and design. The convergence of the ideas of design and social management began, which subsequently led to the separation of social design. It was necessary to identify ways to solve a number of social problems. In particular, in the studies of B.V. Sazonov, M.A. Orlov, I.R. Fedoseyeva, A.G. Rappaport, V.M. Rozin, the ideas of a “functional system public service» . In fact, from a modern point of view, it was one of the first examples of thoughtful (methodologically meaningful) social design, but it was not yet recognized as such. In order for social design to be singled out as an independent type of activity, it was necessary to cross the project approach, meaningful in the design methodology, with a sociological approach. This is what happened in the seventies. By this time, a group of practices (types of activity) had developed, in the structure of which something was felt in common, this is social management, social planning, design and design of organizational and social processes and structures, design and urban planning. On the one hand, the objects of these practices were described and specified on the basis of the sociological approach, which was gaining momentum during this period, on the other hand, the strategy of these types of activities was built under the influence of systems engineering, quasi-engineering and design concepts.

I. Lyakhov in the early 70s tried to generalize the accumulated experience, to single out the general laws to which all such types of activity were subject. “Very conditional and preliminary,” he writes, “a new direction of scientific research can be called social construction. With the help of sociological research, we acquire knowledge about the state of a social object, social forecasting reveals the trends in the development of an object, social construction indicates feasible forms of its rational transformation.

I. Lyakhov, adhering to the idea of ​​construction, connects it with such keywords as “concrete sociological research”, “forecasting”, “rational transformation of a social object”, “system approach”, and thus opens up a completely new reality that lies within the framework of social engineering. It only remained to find a more suitable and adequate term. Lyakhov himself has already spoken about social design, but has not yet put it at the forefront. Another concept was needed because the term "social construction" did not reflect the main process that took place throughout the 70s - the change in the public consciousness of the engineering paradigm and the organization of activities to the design one. Therefore, in the late 70s - early 80s, another name was assigned to the new approach - "social design".

In the work of L.N. Kogan and S.G. Panova, social design already receives detailed characteristics, the main problem is outlined. Social design is seen as a complex multifaceted process that includes planning, programming and design. However, the components of the process are not identical to the process itself. Social design is opposed to forecasting: forecasts, being “a way of knowing reality, must precede social design (as well as planning and programming), increasing the degree of its scientific “validity, objectivity and effectiveness” .

There is also a point of view that social design is being formed only now, since at present there has been an awareness of social design, the base of design methods is being formed. On the basis of the ideas about social design, formed earlier, the provisions of the regulation on social design, which are within the framework of management science, are being developed.

There are two main directions in the study and application of social design: one is more based on philosophy, the other - on sociology. Although both directions have much in common and often intersect. So, for example, both directions believe that social design is one of the types of social engineering and in this role should be an effective means of solving urgent social problems. Sometimes in the statements of scientists, the utopian tasks of life-building of the 20-30s found a response, for example: “the development of socialist social relations into communist ones, changing the social structure of the collective, the city, erasing the inequality of nations, turning labor into a vital necessity of the individual, developing the individual, strengthening it confidence in the future, etc.” . Crisis moments, probably, cannot be avoided, and most likely this is due to subjectivism, which cannot be avoided in the sphere related to society, society, and man. After all, when planning and designing the future, there is a great temptation to raise the bar, sometimes setting society such tasks for which it is not ready. How is it possible to erase inequality if it has always existed among people, throughout the development of man, at first it was inequality in physical capabilities “who is stronger is right”, inequality in the origin “son of the leader”, then material wealth, status, position in society, etc. And the inequality between the poor and the inglorious with the rich and those in power has grown to such an extent that it will no longer be possible to reshape society by taking away from some and distributing to others. After all, inequality has developed not only in external indicators, but also in the internal capital of a person: the ability of some to get a richer and more diverse development (sections, circles, as a rule, require additional costs, sometimes considerable ones - participation in competitions, payment for coaching, purchase of costumes and etc.), deeper education (a lyceum or a gymnasium with a complex curriculum, a staffing of teaching staff, a good sports hall, equipment of a computer class - all this increases the chances of students of such lyceums and gymnasiums to receive a better education and enter prestigious universities compared to students from a small rural school, where sometimes one teacher teaches several subjects in different classes), more qualified medical care and the opportunity to travel.

At present, the following approaches to the disclosure of the essence of social design have actually developed. The first approach considers design as a specific activity, the result of which is the development of scientifically based options (models) for the predicted and planned development of new objects, social phenomena and processes in the context of solving certain problems. An important component of the social project is predictive activity. The second approach interprets social design as a directive (normative-target) determination of the future state of a particular object of the social environment, linking it with the implementation of long-term development programs and plans. The third approach characterizes social design as one of the types of social planning.

And, finally, the fourth approach, as the main task of social design, determines the provision of social priorities in any newly made decisions.

According to another classification and explanation of the essence of social design, the following approaches are distinguished:

Objective-oriented approach (G. A. Antonyuk, N. A. Aitov, Zh. T. Toshchenko) - preference is given to the development of projects of objective reality in social project activities, all requirements are clearly worked out;

Problem-oriented approach (T. M. Dridze, E. A. Orlova, O. E. Trushchenko) - preference is given to the development of various alternative models for solving current and future socially significant problems;

Subjectively-oriented approach (V. A. Lukov) - preference is given to taking into account the subjective perception of the objective world with all its attitudes, value orientations.

Consider the main specific traits inherent in all social projects:

1) the presence of characteristics that the designed object does not have without a project;

2) availability of parameters and conditions for implementation;

3) the presence of characteristics that can be implemented within a given period of time.

According to a number of authors (V.I. Kurbatov and others), social design is a specific social technology for solving problems under conditions of maximum uncertainty of tasks and the multifactorial nature of their possible solutions. An important methodological task is to identify a system of general (basic and specific) groups of principles of social design.

The main principles of social design include:

The principle of "permissible threshold of modification and modernization", which requires taking into account the boundaries and possibilities of controllability of the design object (which is also the subject of self-organization and self-development), the degree of correctability of socio-cultural processes, and the assessment of the socially significant consequences of their modification.

The principle of optimizing the "zone of proximal development" of the personality - the socio-cultural environment of its habitat, which consists in developing conditions conducive to the self-development of the socio-cultural subject (personality, group, institution, society) by solving or preventing problems that characterize the unfavorable circumstances of his life.

The principle of personification of the process and results of social design, meaning the alternativeness of ideas and projects, creating conditions for the free self-fulfillment and self-realization of the subject by means of socio-cultural activities. The principle of optimal orientation towards preservation and change, requiring compliance with the proportionality of traditional and innovative mechanisms and processes of sociocultural dynamics.

The principle of problem-target orientation, which assumes the leading role of the target orientation of projects to solve various kinds of social problems.

Social design is the design of social facilities, social qualities, social processes and relations, and it is necessary to take into account the subjective factor. Its consideration largely determines the specifics of social design. At the same time, the following parameters should be laid in the foundations of social design:

The inconsistency of the social object;

Multi-vector development of a social object;

The impossibility of describing a social object by a finite number of terms of any social theory (fundamentally non-formalizable);

The multifactorial nature of the existence of a social object;

The presence of many subjective components that determine the ratio of what should be and what is in relation to the development of a social object;

Subjective factors in the formation of social expectation, social forecast and social design;

Factors that determine different criteria for assessing the maturity of the development of a social object.

The factors listed above are not the final list of reasons that determine the specifics of social design. They are only a system of those parametric features that characterize the fact that the design of social objects is fundamentally different from the design of such objects that do not have these features.

Social design is used as one of the components of purposeful activity, when various options for solving new social problems are being developed. Through design, the creative activity of our consciousness is manifested, which not only reflects the world, but also creates it, creates taking into account objective laws in accordance with the needs of people. It is through the design and subsequent implementation of projects that the truth of our knowledge is decisively tested. Social design is able to be one of the criteria for the truth of our knowledge about society, because it is practice-oriented and is a necessary element of it.

One of the elements of social activity is social action, that is, the impact of a person as a subject of social activity on a controlled subsystem (social structure).

Social technology is an ordered sequence of acts of social activity, a set of skills, methods and techniques aimed at achieving a specific goal, the implementation of a social order (instructions, decisions, orders, standards that direct people's social activity to the effective implementation of necessary actions).

Among the characteristics of social design, a condition occupies a special place - a system of social phenomena and processes that has a certain impact on project activities. The conditions of project activity include many components: relationships, processes, environment, actions, things, activities, means, etc.

The design background is a set of conditions external to the design object that significantly affect its functioning and development.

Social design and forecasting in the field of social work are used to develop social programs, social proposals and projects, to develop methods, techniques and technologies for specific forms of socionomic activity.

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1. The essence of social design…………………………4

2. Problems of social design in Russia……………...9

List of used literature…………………………………...18


Social design as a branch of sociological science appeared in the 20th century, when it became obvious that ignoring the social aspects of development is fraught with serious costs in the functioning of modern societies.

At the first stages of its formation, it was derived from the scientific and technical design. Historically, scientifically based design methods were first used in architecture and mechanical engineering. Designing is becoming more and more widespread in solving the problems of resettlement, as well as in improving management systems.

Currently, along with traditional types, new independent areas of design are emerging: human-machine systems, environmental, demographic, engineering and psychological, etc. Design covers almost all areas of human activity and society.

As for social design, its initial principles were developed by J. Dietrich, T. Tiori, D. Fray, P. Hillosh, F. Hanika and other researchers.

In Russian sociology, the first ideas about the design of social systems were expressed in the works of I.I. Lyakhov, V.N-Dubrovsky, A.G. Rappoport, V.M. Razina, B.V. Sazonova, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and O.I. Genisaret. From the point of view of social management, these problems were considered by V.G. Afanasiev, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, P.N. Lebedev. The actual theoretical foundations of social design were analyzed in the works of N.A. Aitova, G.A. Antonyuka, N.I. Lapin, A.I. Prigozhina, Zh.T. Toshchenko, N.G. Kharitonov, as well as in the studies of T.M. Dridze, Yu.A. Kryuchkova, O.N. Yanitsky and others.

Many works have been devoted to research questions. Basically, the material presented in the educational literature is general character, and in numerous monographs on this topic, narrower issues of the problem are considered. However, it is required to take into account modern conditions in the study of the problems of the designated topic.

The high significance and insufficient practical development of the problem determine the undoubted novelty of this study.

Further attention to this is necessary in order to more deeply and substantiate the resolution of particular topical problems of the subject of this study.

The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in this topic in modern science on the other hand, its insufficient development.

1. Essencesocialdesign

The term "design" comes from lat. "projectus" - thrown forward; it is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of a supposed or possible object or state. This is a specific activity, the result of which is a scientifically-theoretically and practically substantiated determination of options for the predicted and planned development of new processes and phenomena.

Design is one of the forms of anticipatory reflection of reality, the creation of a prototype (prototype) of an intended object, phenomenon or process using specific methods. Design in a concrete form expresses the predictive function of management when it comes to future material or ideal reality. Its purpose is to implement one of the options for transforming objective reality, associated with the desire to give the desired properties and features to the designed object.

Designing means identifying versions or variants of development or changeable or other phenomenon.

A person or organization, before taking any action, always first considers several options, one of which, after comparison, is given preference. Widely known is the statement of K. Marx about the difference between an architect and a bee, who, starting to create, prepares a preliminary draft of his future offspring.

Social forecasting is one of the manifestations of purposeful activity, when various options for solving social problems are developed. It is also used in the preparation of social plans and programs for the regulation of radically transformable processes and phenomena that previously did not need detailed elaboration and management.

Design, being one of the forms of development and decision making, acts as an important element of the management cycle, which ensures the implementation of its other functions. However, social design, unlike planning, to a lesser extent determines, determines other management functions, because it allows for multiple solutions based on the available material, labor and financial resources.

This task changes somewhat when it comes to the reorganization (reconstruction) of existing social processes or social institutions on fundamentally different foundations. In this case, the design is aimed at finding and justifying such means, which suggest the possibility of their reproduction or replacement in various situations.

Another difference is that social design may not have a specific time frame, based only on approximate calculations, without a strict time limit.

In order to accurately and unambiguously comprehend the essence of design, it is necessary to correlate it with concepts that are close in meaning and meaning. Such concepts are the following: planning, projection, anticipation, foresight, forecasting, design, modeling.

Planning is a scientifically and practically substantiated determination of goals, identification of tasks, deadlines, rates and proportions in the development of a particular phenomenon and its implementation and implementation in the interests of society.

Foresight - in a narrow sense - a prediction, in a broader sense - preferable knowledge about events or phenomena that exist, but are not fixed in the available experience. Foresight can be a simple anticipation, a prediction based on biological and psycho-physiological abilities (the initial stage), and foresight itself (the highest stage) - a human idea of ​​the future fate of oneself, one's qualities, one's environment and the nearest contact microenvironment. Scientific foresight is based on identifying the patterns of development of a phenomenon or event, when the causes of its origin, the forms of functioning and the course of development are known. Forecasting is a form of foresight, expressed in goal-setting, programming and management of the planned process of a phenomenon based on the identified parameters of its occurrence, existence, sustainable forms and development trends.

Social design is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of social objects, social qualities, social processes and relationships. Unlike the design of such objects, when changing which the subjective factor is not taken into account, this factor should be taken into account when designing social objects. Its consideration largely determines the specifics of social design. At the same time, the following parameters should be laid in the foundations of social design, i.e. it must be remembered that: the social object is contradictory; the social object has a multi-vector development (several ways of development); it is impossible to describe a social object with a finite number of terms of any social theory (fundamentally non-formalizable); a social object is influenced by many objective factors; there are many subjective factors that affect a social object, for example, a researcher can assess the maturity of a social object in different ways, etc. Social design makes it possible to assess the validity of the forecast, to develop a scientifically based plan for social development. The design also takes into account the possibility of an unsuccessful experiment to test ideas, the so-called negative result. Upon receipt, a thorough analysis of the reasons is necessary, which caused the discrepancy in solving the tasks. The process of social design is also called "social construction".

The subject of social design (i.e., those who carry out the design) are various carriers of managerial activity, both individuals and organizations, labor collectives, social institutions, etc., whose goal is an organized, purposeful transformation of social reality. A necessary feature of the design subject is his social activity, direct participation in the design process. The object of social design (i.e. where or on whom the design process is carried out) is called systems, processes of organizing social ties, interactions included in the design activity, exposed to the influence of design subjects and serving as the basis for this impact. These can be objects of a very different nature:

1) a person as a social individual and the subject of the historical process and social relations with his needs, interests, value orientations, attitudes, social status, prestige, roles in the system of relations;

2) various elements and subsystems of the social structure of society (labor collectives, regions, social groups, etc.);

3) a variety of social relations (political, ideological, managerial, aesthetic, moral, family and household, interpersonal, etc.);

Analysis of the object and subject of design allows you to create an "information array", which is the main source of social design. An information array is a system of parameters and factors determined on a scientific basis that comprehensively characterize the design object. Among the many sources of creating an "information array" are materials of sociological research, interviewing, analysis of periodicals, statistical data, etc.

The main goal of social design as a specific management activity is the creation of social projects with the help of an information array. A social project as a source of information is a consciously developed scientifically substantiated characteristics connected with a certain dependence, providing specific knowledge about the future desired state of a social system or process. It should be noted that the social project is a prescriptive model. The project reflects the future desired state of the system, which occurs with certain actions of people, the presence of certain financial, labor, material, fuel and energy and other resources, including intellectual, cognitive, heuristic, value.

A social project must contain a system of general parameters of the designed object, characterizing its integrity, as well as a system of parameters of its constituent subsystems, blocks, elements, and their connections. All scientifically developed social projects have the following features:

1) the presence of such characteristics that a projected object does not have without a clear design;

2) the presence of parameters that can ensure the implementation of the social order;

3) the presence of characteristics that can be implemented within a certain period of time.

The project of future possible states of social systems, processes and phenomena must comply with the following conditions for its development:

it must be created on a scientific basis,

do not violate moral standards

express generally accepted social values,

express social order

be effective in terms of implementation,

must be intended to be implemented.

The social project sets the parameters, the main characteristics of the development of social systems for a limited, clearly defined period of time. However, it is not enough to determine the strategically important goals, the direction of development, it is important to be able to express them in certain indicators. Basic ultimate strategic goal social project is the creation of an optimal community of organization of collective relations, taking into account the objective conditions and life of various social groups. The means of implementing social design include those (including technical, mathematical and logical ones), with the help of which information is obtained, analyzed and processed about the state of systems and processes, trends in their development, the emergence and development of a problem situation, the needs of subjects, means, with the help of which direct design is carried out, verbal descriptions, tables, drawings, forms, diagrams, networks of interactions, layouts, codes, symbols, algorithms, block tables, matrices and other media are created, the process of design activities is managed.

2. ProblemssocialdesignvRussia

Specific social problems are determined by the peculiarities of the development of world social systems of socio-economic formations. These processes are now taking place in the context of the scientific and technological revolution and its socio-economic consequences. They define the general (in a relative sense) problems of sociological research: observed, expected and desirable changes in the system of social needs, in the social structure, in social organization and management, in the structure of time and in the living environment of society, in the way of life of people: increasing the efficiency social production and improvement of the quality of products; acceleration of growth rates of labor productivity; creating an abundance of material and cultural wealth; the development of society in the direction of social homogeneity; intensifying the participation of workers in the management of production and society; improving the culture of everyday life, leisure, the growth of free time; the elimination of essential differences between town and country, between people of mental and physical labor; effective environmental protection; elimination of antisocial phenomena. In contrast to more developed areas of forecasting in sociology, the initial information arrays necessary for constructing time series are relatively weak, the level of research mathematization is significantly lower, which narrows the possibility of using modeling methods, the predicted phenomena themselves are much more complicated, this leads to a decrease in the lead period, in general, the range between short- and long-term forecasts, in addition to the predominance of still purely preliminary, indicative, mostly qualitative assessments, the organizational basis of sociological forecasting is also relatively weak. In Russia, only a few departments of various scientific institutions and a relatively small number of researchers are engaged in the development of such forecasts. The requirement for the complexity of socio-economic forecasts makes it necessary to tighten the lead time, the accuracy and specificity of quantitative and qualitative forecast estimates in sociology to the standard level of advanced social disciplines in this respect. Sociologists-forecasters are trying to compensate for the narrowed possibilities of extrapolation and modeling by expanding the practice of questioning, in particular, improving the methods of interviewing experts and developing the practice of polling the population specifically for the purpose of forecasting, which has almost never happened before in other branches of forecasting. Continuing this line, it is necessary to take care of forcing the mathematization of sociological research, which will create the possibility of a wider application of modeling methods.

One of the social problems - the problem of orphanhood is global in nature and has acquired an all-Russian scale. At the same time, the positive experience of its solution has a local "point" character. Thus, there is a serious gap between the urgent requirement to launch large-scale work and the available resources for its implementation. The mechanism for solving the problem that has developed in the state system of education and social protection needs serious restructuring. The problem is how to move from point initiatives to solving the problem on a global scale.

The usual way to solve problems of this kind is to create comprehensive targeted programs, give them a priority character for a certain period, and restructure the work of state bodies. But it is precisely here that a number of problems arise, without special study of which all this global activity can bring purely negative results.

There are no global programs in the field of orphanhood yet, but it should be expected that the start of intensive work in this direction by public and state structures is close, judging by the active coverage of this problem in the media, the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, and the discussion of the problem in the State Duma.

Social design is a term that has been used relatively recently - since the 70-80s of the last century. Although, as noted by the author of one of the early works on the methodology of social design, V. M. Rozin, the first attempt to develop a global social project was made by Plato, who developed the doctrine of an ideal state. After the 1917 revolution, Russia becomes a huge field for global social experiments. The subject of design is society as a whole, including a person - every citizen of this society. The task of forming a new person was included in the program documents of the CPSU. This attitude penetrated so deeply into the minds of many leaders that in 1991, after the August coup, at one of the regional meetings, a major official in the education system quite seriously stated that "the task of the education system is to design a new type of child."

The tasks of global change set in Soviet times required the implementation of large-scale programs. And such programs were created. Many of them were implemented, however, at a very high price, and did not bring quite the results that were expected. However, most of the global programs, especially in the last decades of Soviet power, were of an ideological nature and did not bring practical positive results.

The author of one of the world's most popular books on design methods, J. Jones, comparing the opinions of authorities in the field of designing technical and human-machine systems, came to the conclusion that design should be understood as the process of “setting changes in the surrounding artificial environment” . Usually these changes are based on good intentions, in the sense that every designer strives to make the world a better place. Thus, people's values, their ideas of a “better life” (which often seem so self-evident to them that there is no need to reflect on them) stand behind the supposed changes.

Returning to the topic of orphanhood, we note that in a number of projects for the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools, the authors sincerely believed that their influences remake orphans, form new personal properties and intellectual characteristics in them. The sociotechnical megamachine of the orphanage replaces the "piece" work of raising a child who, in addition to learning, needs a strong emotional attachment, a sense of his significance for another person, the ability to determine his own destiny. Therefore, effective adaptation of graduates of the orphanage took place where stable human relations developed between them and their adult mentors.

One of the stereotypes is that large-scale programs of social change can only be initiated "from above". Back in the 19th century, P. Ya. Chaadaev noted this feature of the social development of Russia: “Look from beginning to end our chronicles - you will find in them on every page the deep influence of power, the incessant influence of the soil, and almost never meet manifestations of public will ". And in the same place: "The deepest feature of our historical appearance is the absence of a free initiative in our social development." Distrust of public initiatives and reliance on the authorities is a stereotype that has survived to this day.

The fate of a large-scale project (program) is largely determined by the moment of "launch". If at the time of the “launch” the program is understood as a document descending “from above”, and the people of practice are the executors of a project developed without their participation, but on the other hand, a “scientifically substantiated” project, then the results and consequences of such programming are easy to predict. We are reminded of them by the entire experience of developing and implementing programs of socialist construction in our country. And the perestroika period can be described as the history of the creation and collapse of such programs, ranging from the fight against alcoholism and moonshining to the program of universal automation.

The reason for the inevitable collapse of such programs are two processes that are triggered by the document program coming "from above": imitation and manipulation. The imitation of the program execution is due, firstly, to the fact that the program itself is not considered by most of the participants in the process as something that must be performed (reporting for the execution and performing are two different things), and, secondly, the performer (in contrast to from the author of the idea) works in accordance with the "letter", but not the "spirit" of the program. Manipulation - the second process launched by "such" program - is carried out both "top down" and "bottom up". Manipulation "from above" is a necessary companion of forcible introduction, manipulation "from below" acts as a defensive process, as a means of protecting the imitator. Due to the destruction of meaningful connections, and the dominance of imitation-manipulative relations between the participants in the innovation process, the goals stated in the program are, in principle, unattainable. When the process goes far enough, and the consequences become visible, the management has no choice but to order the "scientists" to develop a new concept, a new program.

An alternative to this, although well-established and deeply rooted in our country, approach is the approach to developing a large-scale program as a program of action for specific people uniting in a community on the basis of common values, vision of problems, and ways to solve them. By uniting in a community, putting together joint efforts, members of the community increase the scale of their activities, their opportunities to carry out transformations. Ideally, even such a document as a regional program for solving orphanhood problems can be the product of a reflexive formulation of the actual actions of this community. Then the program becomes not a means of achieving social goals, often of an opportunistic nature, but being a community action program, it becomes a process of implementing cultural values ​​accepted by the community, and goals, means and resources become purely technical aspects of this implementation.

It was in this way - as an association of author's projects - that the regional "Program for the Stabilization and Development of Education in the Perm Region for 1996-2000" was created. The development of the program was preceded by a three-year work to initiate innovative projects of teachers, educational institutions, education authorities. The decision to develop an initiative program was adopted at a conference of innovative educators, and the concept of the program was developed by a group of specialists that was selected at the same conference.The basis of the program, which included more than 80 author's projects, was created within a month.Most of the projects indicated that they would be implemented in one or another scale, even if they do not receive support from the regional education department.The program was "doomed to be feasible" and approved by the head of the Main Department of Education of the Perm Region.Despite the objective difficulties (the 1998 default, the economic crisis), this program successfully implemented.

It was this path “from below” that was proposed as a strategic basis for the management of the investment program “Helping Orphans in Russia” (ARC Program) at the moment when the inadequacy of the initial strategy to support large public initiatives to achieve rapid large-scale results became obvious.

It would seem that investment programs should not face the difficulties that arise when programs are launched “from above”. However, as the very first competition showed, most of the projects, especially those applying for large sums (the upper limit in the "Help to Orphans in Russia" program was a grant of one hundred thousand US dollars), were clearly imitative in nature.

The ARC program, focused on supporting major regional initiatives, faced a lack of such, and thus proved unable to fulfill its mission in Russia. In this situation, the leadership of the ARC Program faced the need for self-determination: either to formally implement the program and distribute money to organizations that indirectly deal with the problems of orphans in their activities, but do not directly deal with this problem; or close the program; or change the strategy of the program and find a solution in which the program funds go to help orphans.

In this situation, ARC Program Director Chris Kavanaugh chose the path of finding a solution that would make the program as effective as possible.

As a possible solution, V. Zaretsky and M. Dubrovskaya proposed to hold regional project seminars with potential actors in the field of social orphanhood (potential grant recipients of the Program).

Why potential? - Because, as the analysis of the situation showed, there were almost no real figures - people, organizations that would deal specifically with the problems of orphanhood. At the same time, on the one hand, the very fact of the emergence of the ARC Program revealed the great potential of public organizations and state bodies, which, with a certain restructuring of their activities, could direct their efforts to solving the problems of orphanhood, but, on the other hand, put them in an ambiguous position.

Thus, the very appearance of the ARC Program provoked the “development” of simulation projects. We call simulation projects, in this case, projects that are formally tied to a topic, but in reality, in their content, are aimed at solving other problems.

At the same time, the competition of the ARC Program has become an occasion for many organizations working with special children, with dysfunctional families, to think about what they have to do with this problem, and, perhaps, to take it seriously, expanding the scope of their activities.

Thus, the problem was concretized to the limit. If there are no figures, ie. people who deal specifically with the problems of social orphanhood, the ARO Program and similar programs will not be able to provide assistance to orphans.

Therefore, the Program should help the process of emergence of actors in this area, i.e. initiate the process of self-determination on the problems of orphanhood.


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The concept of social design reflected a more general sociological principle, which is effectively used in building theories about various aspects and manifestations of sociality. The essence of the principle is in recognizing the activity of a social subject as a decisive factor determining the content and forms social life. This principle is well known, consecrated within the framework of various scientific paradigms and under various great designations, but it is often found in a too abstract form that does not allow it to be transferred from the sphere of social philosophy to the sphere of sociological interpretations.

In the very general view social design of activity is the construction of an action localized in place, time and resources, aimed at achieving a socially significant goal.

In the social field, the project method of organizing activities was implemented less systematically and in a certain separation of theory from practice. Apparently, this was also facilitated by the fact that business-project thinking proceeded from assessing the success of the project in terms of economic efficiency, and this approach is hardly applicable in social work and other socio-cultural activities.

Desired states of the future. The essence of social design is the construction of desired states of the future. The initial questions of social design - what states are desired and what resources are available to achieve them - in modern conditions are revealed differently, with different accents and shades than even 15-20 years ago.

The problem of the desired state of society has acquired clear features of ecophobia. A social project should not destroy the fragile balance in the "man-nature", "man-man" systems - this conceptual setting leads to the establishment of environmentally oriented parameters in the evaluation of social projects. These new parameters reflect, firstly, the multiplier nature of any social innovation: it cannot fail to affect a whole group of social needs, interests and values, no matter how modest the objectives of the project are and no matter how small the community it is addressed to. Secondly, they take into account the cumulative nature of the consequences that any social innovation leads to: the change generated by the successful implementation of the project grows and over time can cross the ecological boundary, beyond which the positive consequences of the innovation will be outweighed by its negative consequences.

Hence the desire to optimize social project activities, to put it under the control not so much of the state as of the public. The idea of ​​public participation in the development and decision-making on projects, their adjustment, in preventing arbitrary social decisions of the authorities, administrations of all levels or individuals has become one of the generally accepted foundations of the practice of social design in many countries. The doctrine of “public participation”, which has been developing in the United States and Europe since the 1960s, most of all affects urban planning decisions (its germ was contained in the criticism of urban development planning without taking into account the interests of consumers, the rejection of the practice of implementing architectural decisions based on the concept of a rational city, about the functional basis of human life). The doctrine is based on the transition from a functional to an environmental (environmental) approach - with the active participation of city residents in the development and implementation of social projects. The implementation of the doctrine involves "the development of procedures to support natural social identification mechanisms", i.e., "the identification of participants in the decision-making process with each other's problematic life situations", and the process itself as a dialogue, partnership.

It seems that the new features of social design are determined primarily by the new quality of thinking of the broad masses in the developed countries of Europe and America, which include an ecophobic background as the main one for the everyday life of the majority (or a significant majority) of the inhabitants. Academician B. Rauschenbach, based on his observations of the daily life of modern Germany, notes “literally, the population is obsessed with environmental problems. The desire to preserve nature, its primordial nature, takes on completely unusual forms, sometimes even seemingly hypertrophied ones. He specifically notes that “not statesmen or people who are supposed to deal with such problems, but everyone is obsessed with ecology, the entire population”

In Russian conditions, a similar background is also beginning to take shape, but its parameters are still unstable and the scale is subject to significant fluctuations. Research by the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Youth in 1995-1996, in particular, showed that the relevance of environmental pollution, environmental disaster as a determinant of personal fears among high school students and students is recognized by 29-42% of the respondents.

Ecological alarmism also covers the sphere of social and cultural life, which gives impetus to new models of utopian design that does not go beyond the scope of intellectual and artistic activity. In fact, this is a way to create new sociocultural patterns of people's hostel, sometimes acquiring the features of the real behavior of local communities.

Nevertheless, the reproduction of sociocultural images, more than half a century after the beginning of their literary life, is of research interest in itself. Within the framework of our topic, it is important to note the replacement of the aggression of group solidarity with the norms of behavior prescribed in the literary source (or rather, with patterns of behavior in situations of a simulated world). Ingroup favoritism is predetermined by a fairy tale, which the participants initially know to be a fairy tale. Symbols of aggression (for example, a sword) are also "environmentally friendly": they are only images of such symbols (cardboard swords).