How to make money on agritourism in Russia. Rural tourism as a business

The aggressive environment of megacities is extremely tiring for a person, so many citizens seek to acquire summer cottages and rural estates, where they go to relax at every opportunity. For those who, for various reasons, cannot afford to buy and maintain a country house, agritourism can be a great way out - a relatively new direction that involves living in the countryside away from big cities, with the opportunity to take part in various cultural and leisure activities.

Considering rural tourism as a business, it should be noted that it is equally of interest to both vacationers and farmers who have at their disposal enough resources to comfortably accommodate several guests. Moreover, tourists perceive the processes familiar to local residents as exotic, and therefore willingly take part in field work, take care of animals, rent boats for fishing and pick mushrooms, thus bringing a good additional income to the owner of a village hotel.

Business Features

The main feature of rural tourism lies in the living conditions: guests are accommodated in old log houses or in antique-style estates located in areas with untouched nature, away from industrial enterprises and multi-storey concrete buildings. With the exception of complexes with complete historical reconstruction, such village hotels provide visitors with resort-like amenities: bathrooms, air conditioning, TVs and refrigerators in the rooms, and three meals a day are provided in the dining room.

The main meaning of this type of recreation is to separate the inhabitants of megacities from the usual hustle and bustle and immerse themselves in a leisurely and measured rural life. In addition, the tours are educational in nature: many citizens have never seen a genuine folk costume, did not sit with a fishing rod at dawn and did not milk a cow.

In Russia, rural tourism attracts predominantly women, whose share in target audience reaches 70%. Living in the countryside may be of interest to other residents of megacities - couples with children and young people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and environmental cleanliness environment.

Another fairly large category of tourists are foreign citizens who want to get acquainted with cultural traditions and folklore. For such guests, the natural environment, national flavor and authenticity of rural life are sometimes more important than the presence of a TV in the room. Given that foreigners choose places to stay mainly through the Internet, it is necessary to develop their own multilingual website with colorful photos, descriptions of services and price lists, as well as regularly post ads on foreign travel forums and social networks.

Collective field trips are also common in the corporate environment: the leaders of various companies buy such tours for their employees in order to conduct activities aimed at strengthening team spirit and working out ways of interaction between employees. Such clients usually rent a hotel for a period of several hours to two or three days and pay much more for this than ordinary private visitors.

Finally, the concept of developing rural tourism implies close interaction with tour operators: companies interested in cooperation on favorable terms will not only place information about home hotel services on their website and in promotional materials, but will also help in developing a quality tourism product, organize transfers and entertainment program.

Types of rural tourism

Clients of home hotels have different requirements for organizing their vacation: some simply want to spend time in nature, others are interested in hunting and fishing, and still others come to the village to get acquainted with folklore and folk crafts. In accordance with the list of cultural and leisure activities, several of the most popular rural tourism programs are distinguished:

  1. Medical tourism. It aims to study the means and methods of traditional medicine, the collection of medicinal plants, as well as the implementation of wellness procedures demanded by people with various diseases;
  2. Historical tourism. It is a complete immersion in an authentic old way of life, including accommodation in reconstructed huts with minimal amenities and eating dishes of old Russian cuisine;
  3. Rural ecological tourism. It implies living in a remote village with a switched off telephone, without television and the Internet. Various cultural events contribute to complete immersion in rural life;
  4. Sports tourism. In this case, the countryside is used as a platform for various sports, hiking, orienteering, rock climbing, rafting, horseback riding;
  5. Educational tourism. This type of rural tourism involves the study of classical folk crafts - pottery, artistic painting, wood carving, weaving of wicker products, embroidery;
  6. Agricultural tourism. Includes active recreation with the opportunity to take part in the main agricultural processes, including grazing, firewood, field work, haymaking, hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms or berries;
  7. Folklore tourism. It aims to study folk art, rituals, oral stories and songs, visit historical sites and museums, as well as festivals and fairs held in the countryside;
  8. International tourism. This type of tourism in the countryside may include one or more areas of interest to foreign guests - the study of folklore and folk crafts, history and medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages

An entrepreneur considering how to start a rural tourism business should pay attention to characteristics these activities and take into account their positive or negative impact on the operation of the enterprise as a whole.

The advantages of agritourism include the following factors:

  1. To open a home hotel on a farm, you do not need to obtain a hotel license - it is enough to register as a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur;
  2. This direction is considered a priority, thanks to which the entrepreneur has the opportunity to participate in the rural tourism development program;
  3. If you have a subsidiary farm, you can reduce the cost of food for guests using organic products of your own production;
  4. The hotel owner does not have to pay rent;
  5. Using the surrounding natural resources and the potential of the region, you can create an exciting program of cultural and educational activities;
  6. At this stage, the industry is characterized by a low level of competition;
  7. To organize rural tourism, you do not need to have experience or special knowledge in this area.

At the same time, negative factors can significantly complicate the work of an entrepreneur and lead to additional expenditure of resources aimed at overcoming the consequences of their influence:

  1. In rural areas, the infrastructure and resources necessary for a comfortable stay of tourists are often lacking;
  2. The activities of home hotels are not regulated by law;
  3. Under the influence of urbanization, villagers quickly forget traditions and lose their identity;
  4. The development of rural tourism in Russia is hampered by a rapid decrease in the number of able-bodied residents of villages and villages.

Required Resources

Of course, not every village will be attractive for tourists: in some settlements there are no sights or interesting natural resources in principle. Therefore, it is desirable to open a home hotel in a region known for its cultural traditions, crafts, architectural monuments and beautiful landscape.

A big advantage will be the presence of a nearby forest and any reservoir - a lake, a pond or a river: visitors will definitely be interested in such outdoor activities as fishing, swimming, hiking for mushrooms or berries. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will be able to earn by providing guests with various equipment - boats and catamarans, bicycles, fishing rods, mushroom picker kits.

When choosing where to start rural tourism in such an area, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of any such resources and evaluate the possibility of using them to develop a program of cultural and leisure activities. In addition, for the service and entertainment of tourists, you can use:

  • Manor. Several rooms are allocated in the house for guests to stay, and the surrounding area is put in order, flower beds and lawns are planted here, gazebos, barbecues and swings are installed, and parking spaces are equipped;
  • Pets. Maintenance, feeding and grazing of chickens, sheep, pigs, cows and horses will be part of entertainment program, and the use of livestock products will provide visitors with fresh milk, meat, eggs;
  • Garden. For urban residents, ordinary agricultural work will become an active and educational holiday - many of them have never seen potatoes, carrots or corn in their natural environment. In addition, dishes from these vegetables can be served at the table in the evening;
  • Orchard. Gardening, harvesting and processing of crops may also be of interest to tourists. Fresh apples, pears, plums, cherries are eaten or used to prepare various desserts - pies, jams, preserves;
  • Russian bath. Bath procedures are used for health purposes, supplementing them with homemade kvass or herbal tea. Fans of extreme recreation will want to jump from the steam room into a snowdrift or into a hole with ice water;
  • Craft, hobby. Various workshops dedicated to wicker weaving, pottery, woodworking, soap making and other works typical of rural life will help attract and interest customers;
  • Special knowledge. The hotel owner needs to learn the art of hosting, get acquainted with local historical, architectural and landscape sights for excursions, master the preparation of national cuisine, and improve communication skills in foreign languages ​​to serve foreign guests.

Arrangement of rooms and territory

Quite high requirements are imposed on the estate, which claims to be a home hotel, designed to ensure maximum comfort for guests. Therefore, when landscaping the local area, it is necessary:

  1. Remove all debris from the site, repair paths, sow lawns with grass and flowers, if possible, find and install carts, wheels from them, old agricultural mechanisms as elements of decor;
  2. Equip a parking place for visitors' cars;
  3. Clean and tidy up the paths to the well, spring and reservoir;
  4. Avoid proximity to abandoned and dilapidated houses, garbage and dung heaps, livestock farms and other sources of unpleasant smell and noise;
  5. Provide telephone, satellite TV and internet access (many guests will want to immediately publish photos on social networks);
  6. Install artificial lighting on the site;
  7. Arrange recreation areas, install gazebos and garden benches, hang hammocks.

Premises intended for accommodating guests must be equipped with ventilation, lighting and heating systems, bathrooms and showers. Of course, some tourists, in pursuit of historical authenticity, will want to live with stove heating, wash themselves from the stream and sleep on the floor, but the majority of visitors will prefer this minimal set of amenities:

Furnishing of living rooms

Name Qty Price Sum
Bed 9 8 000 72000
Wardrobe for outerwear 3 4500 13500
wardrobe 3 6000 18000
Chair or stool 9 1 000 9000
Dining table 3 2500 7500
Chandelier or wall lamps 3 2000 6000
Television 3 9 000 27000
Air conditioner 3 18 000 54000
router 3 1500 4500
Electric kettle 3 1000 3000
Mini fridge 3 6500 19500
Bedspreads 9 2 000 18000
Pillows 9 500 4500
Blankets 9 2 000 18000
Linens 18 500 9000
Toilet bowl with cistern 3 4 000 12000
shower cabin 3 12 000 36000
Mirror 3 2 000 6000
Wash basin 3 8 000 24000
Mixer 3 1 000 3000
Boiler 3 5500 16500
Large towel 18 500 9000
Small towel 18 300 5400
Mat 3 500 1500
Clothes dryer 3 1 500 4500
garden tent 3 3500 10500
Garden furniture set 3 6 000 18000
Brazier 3 700 2100
Set of dishes 3 5 000 15000
Hammock 3 1000 3000
Total: 450000

The area of ​​guest rooms is selected on the basis of at least 6–7 m² per person for double rooms, or 5–6 m² per person for triple rooms.


Three meals a day are included in the basic package of home hotel services. To organize it, it is necessary to equip a small dining room for 10-12 people, in which you can also install a samovar and arrange sweets on dishes to organize tea drinking at any time of the day. It is possible that this place will become the center of communication and exchange of impressions for guests after a busy day.

The basis of the menu for tourists is made up of simple and unpretentious village dishes prepared from farm products. This may include:

  • Vegetable salads, homemade pickles, fresh herbs;
  • Homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Cutlets, meatballs, homemade sausage, dumplings, barbecue;
  • Fish and fish dishes;
  • Various cereals, naval pasta;
  • Baked potatoes, boiled with herbs, stewed with mushrooms;
  • Ukha, cabbage soup, pickles, vegetable and cold soups, borscht;
  • Homemade eggs, omelettes and scrambled eggs;
  • Pies, honey cakes, pancakes, pancakes, homemade jam;
  • Compotes, herbal and fruit teas.

Be prepared for the fact that some guests who are on a vegetarian or therapeutic diet will find the village menu unacceptable and wish to prepare their own dishes from products brought from them or bought from the farmer. For their convenience, you need to equip a separate kitchen, equipped with all necessary utensils and household appliances:

Guest kitchen equipment

Name Qty Price Sum
Pot set 2 3500 7000
Pan set 2 3000 6000
Knife set 2 500 1000
Forks, spoons 2 2900 5800
Gas stove 1 6000 6000
Cutting boards 2 800 1600
Kitchenware 3000 3000
Food processor 1 3000 3000
Fridge 1 15000 15000
Washing 1 600 600
Mixer 1 1000 1000
Total: 50000

Leisure organization

Few guests will be satisfied with the opportunity to simply live away from the noise of the city, swim in a clean river, take a steam bath and look at live cows: usually people interested in agritourism are attracted by slightly different goals - immersion in village life, outdoor activities, participation in agricultural work. In addition, many people buy family tours and bring children to the village who grew up in the city and have never seen wildlife. Therefore, a set of various cultural and leisure activities is being developed for guests, including them in the basic package or offering them as additional services:

Agricultural recreation:

  • Gathering berries, vegetables and fruits, work in the field and in the garden;
  • Extraction of honey, excursion to the apiary;
  • Feeding and grazing animals, working as a shepherd;
  • Baking homemade bread;
  • Arrangement of a smokehouse, smoking of meat or fish;
  • Collection of sour cream and whipping butter;
  • Tree felling and firewood harvesting.


  • Hunting and fishing;
  • Horseback riding, sleigh rides, excursion to the horse farm;
  • Water procedures, swimming in a river or lake;
  • Hiking and cycling;
  • Bath wellness procedures;
  • Holding picnics;
  • Access to leisure equipment - balls, badminton;
  • Photo sessions with pets.

Cognitive rest:

  • Acquaintance with local customs, rituals and folklore;
  • Participation in celebrations, invitation of folk groups;
  • Conducting master classes on folk crafts and crafts;
  • Excursions to museums, sightseeing of architectural and natural monuments.


When developing a business plan for rural tourism, it is necessary to take into account that the work on arranging a home hotel is not limited to repairs in the rooms: in order to ensure an acceptable level of comfort and organization of leisure, guests will have to tidy up the local area, install air conditioners and satellite dishes, and purchase inventory. It is also desirable to have at your disposal a small minibus to deliver tourists to the place of rest and organize sightseeing trips.

The list of expenses associated with the creation of a hotel of three triple rooms will include the following items:

Capital investment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Registration of SPD 2000
Renovation of guest rooms 75000 3 225000
Guest room equipment 150000 3 450000
Kitchen equipment 50000 1 50000
Yard improvement 150000 1 150000
Installation of a 6 m³ septic tank 80000 1 80000
Touring bikes 10000 4 40000
boats 40000 3 120000
Sports equipment 20000
Information site development 20000
Transport, minibus 350000 1 350000
Total: 1507000

Unfortunately, the owners of the farm, engaged in the provision of rural tourism services, physically do not have enough time to serve the guests, care for the animals and field work at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to take several hired assistants into the staff of the enterprise:

  • Technical worker for laundry, cleaning rooms, washing dishes;
  • Animator-guide for excursions and master classes;
  • Cooks to work in the kitchen.

Yearly expenses

Name Amount, rub.
Communal payments 36000
Equipment repair 20000
Marketing expenses 30000
Property insurance 10000
Fare 24000
Chef's salary 180000
Tour guide salary 180000
cleaning lady salary 180000
payroll tax 164700
Administrative expenses 24000
Food 369000
IP insurance premiums 27600
Total: 1245300

Income and profitability

Agritourism as a business involves the formation of a tourist product from a whole range of basic and additional services. By default, this includes accommodation in a separate room, three meals a day, the opportunity to contact animals, engage in outdoor activities and agricultural work. When developing a pricing policy, one should take into account the tariffs of similar rural hotels located in the Perm Territory, in Karelia and in Altai: here every day of accommodation costs a tourist 1200-1500 rubles.

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In order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is recommended to reduce the cost of services during periods of falling tourist activity and thereby attract customers who want to save money on vacation. Thus, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in attendance, a farmer who rents out three triple rooms can receive an income of 1.74 million rubles during the year:

Home hotel income

Average guests Man-days Tariff, rub./day Income, rub.
Summer 80% 7,2 648 1300 842400
Autumn 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
Winter 40% 3,6 342 1200 410400
Spring 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
Total: 1738800

The increase in the profitability of the enterprise is facilitated by the provision of a set of paid services, the list of which is formed depending on the resources available in the area: for example, if there is a horse farm, you can organize horseback riding, and if there is a reservoir, you can rent boats and fishing rods. When compiling a business plan for agritourism, it is necessary to analyze all available opportunities, and then develop a price list taking into account the depreciation of equipment and the cost of cultural and leisure activities:

Additional income

Thus, the total annual turnover of the home hotel will exceed 2 million rubles. Given the current costs, it is possible to calculate the main economic indicators of the project and the expected payback period:

Calculation of economic indicators


Being engaged in the development of rural tourism, one cannot stop there. In order for visitors to return to the hotel every year, it is necessary to constantly improve the quality of service, improve the surrounding area, think over new excursions and entertainment events. However, the most important factor contributing to increasing the loyalty of guests is a special homely atmosphere that needs to be created on the farm through the constant manifestation of hospitality, goodwill and readiness to provide the guests with the necessary assistance at any moment. At the same time, gratitude and rave reviews from customers will serve as a worthy reward for the efforts made.

Tourism plays an important role in the economy, solves problems in stimulating the social development of the regions, as well as in the flow of significant funds to the state treasury. That is why this area of ​​activity needs constant updating and development.

Rural tourism in Russia is a relatively young concept that has not yet received due attention among the population of our country. However, in European countries, this type of recreation has long been popular.

The relevance of this term paper lies in the need to develop and improve rural tourism in Russia.

Our country is rich in natural resources, has interesting history, culture, numerous and varied traditions. All this can serve as a good support for the growing popularity of this type of recreation.

The subject of this work is tourism in Russia, the object is rural tourism in our country.

The purpose of writing a term paper is to review and study theoretical aspects in the organization of rural tourism, as well as the features of customer service in this field of activity.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Get acquainted with the history of the development of rural tourism in the world and Russia;
  • To study the features and classification of rural tourism;
  • To study the classification of accommodation facilities in rural tourism;
  • Assess the prospects for the development of rural tourism in our country;
  • Familiarize yourself with the management of rural tourism;
  • To study the features of the organization of the work of the guest house in rural tourism;
  • Develop an exemplary business plan for the operation of a guest house in rural tourism.

This course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the topic of this work, defines the goal and sets the necessary tasks to achieve it. The subject and object of research are determined.

The first chapter contains the theoretical aspects of rural tourism. Here the history of the development of this direction of recreation is studied, the features of rural tourism, its classification are determined. The prospects for the development of rural tourism in Russia are assessed.

The second chapter is devoted to the practical part. Here we study management in rural tourism and the peculiarities of organizing a guest house. In addition, the second chapter provides an example of developing a business plan for a guest house in rural tourism.

In conclusion, the results of the work done are summarized.

In writing this term paper, the works of the following authors were used: Nesterova N.A., Akulenok D.N., Drozdova A.V., Zorina I.V., Luzgina B.I. and others.

Chapter 1. History and prospects for the development of rural tourism

    1. The history of the development of rural tourism

Rural tourism is a vacation in the countryside in guest houses or micro-hotels created by the family on the basis of their own residential building and garden plot. The rural family in this direction of tourism is the main figure providing accommodation, food and leisure activities.

Rural tourism has much in common with ecological tourism and meets many of its priorities, such as preserving the environment, supplying tourists with food from local products.

Rural tourism originates in ancient times, when travelers went to other countries to get acquainted with foreign peoples and history. So, for example, in the VI century BC. the ancient Romans and Greeks traveled to Egypt, where they were waiting for an extraordinary history, culture and architecture. The great thinkers and travelers Herodotus, Quintilian and Democritus said that nature can be known only in direct communication with it.

The next stage in the development of rural tourism dates back to the Renaissance. Then Vives, Montel, More and other representatives of the Western European Renaissance pointed to the need for the development of hiking trips. In 1425, Vittorino de Feltre founded a school where tourism exercises were taught to students and multi-day hikes in the Alps were carried out.

Later, in the 17th century, during the Enlightenment, Rousseau, Libli and others began to point out the necessity and importance of hiking. They argued that this is a means of patriotic education of youth. At the same time, the doctrine “On the knowledge of nature and the desire to develop norms of behavior in the natural environment” began to take shape. In addition, Rousseau identified the importance of hiking for health and substantiated the theory of training and education of youth, which said that travel is one of the means of personality formation. This work was later used in the works of Zeltsman, Muts and Jan.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, one-day walks and trips of teachers with students to various cultural and historical monuments began to appear in European countries. A little later, this phenomenon was called excursions.

At the beginning of the XIX century. In the countries of Western Europe, for the first time, questions arose about the pollution of the human environment in large cities. As a consequence of this, movements such as "Back to Nature" began to appear, and alpine clubs and societies were created.

Unlike Western countries, rural tourism in Russia has become known relatively recently and today is a fairly young phenomenon. However, thanks to the wonderful natural resources of our country, many regions of Russia are striving for development this direction recreation.

Rural tourism has a number of advantages and problems (Table 1)

Advantages of rural tourism in Russia Problems of rural tourism in Russia
Reducing the unemployment rate, stimulating the creation of new jobs Lack of a generally accepted national concept for the development of rural tourism
Growth of incomes and improvement of living standards of rural residents at relatively low financial costs Lack of clearly articulated rural tourism policy
Improving the improvement of estates and villages, developing engineering and social infrastructure Lack of special federal legislation regulating this area of ​​activity
Development of small business in the countryside, as well as the environmental attractiveness of the countryside Lack of any standards and regulations governing this area of ​​activity
Expansion of the range of household products Ignorance of the population of their own recreational resources
On-site sale of products of personal subsidiary plots (in particular, ready-made food products) lack of qualified personnel
Stimulation of the protection of local attractions, preservation of local customs, folklore, folk crafts. Lack of knowledge and experience in the field of servicing foreign and domestic tourists
Raising the cultural and cognitive level of the rural population
Replenishment of local budgets through additional revenues
It does not require significant investments and uses mainly private sources of financing, and capital investments quickly pay off;
Unloads the most popular tourist centers, reducing negative environmental impact too intense activity in the "prestigious" regions.

Table 1 "Advantages and problems of rural tourism in Russia"

Thus, we see that, along with the rather significant advantages of rural tourism in our country, there are a number of problems that hinder the development of this area of ​​recreation and have not yet received due attention.

1.2. Features and classification of rural tourism. Classification of accommodation facilities in rural tourism.

Rural tourism is a sector of the tourism industry focused on the use of natural, cultural, historical and other resources of the countryside and its features to create a comprehensive tourism product.

For our country, rural tourism is a relatively young direction of recreation and therefore has not yet received proper distribution and popularity. However, in foreign countries this direction of tourism is in high demand, which can be explained by the need for citizens to communicate with nature, as well as relatively small financial costs.

Typically, a rural tourism package includes:

  • Accommodation in private houses or estates;
  • Food to order from environmentally friendly products;
  • Acquaintance of tourists with the history of the area, traditions and culture of the local people;
  • Hiking for mushrooms and berries;
  • Participation in folk rituals;
  • Boating, horseback riding, etc.

As a rule, there are seven subspecies of rural tourism:

  1. Agrotourism (harvesting);
  2. Stay tourism (life in the countryside);
  3. Practical experience tourism (acquisition of new skills and experience);
  4. Gastronomic tours (acquaintance with local dishes and drinks);
  5. Sports tourism;
  6. Community ecotourism (tourism by eco-communities);
  7. Ethnographic tourism (acquaintance with the rituals and customs of the local people).

It is important to say that in practice in rural tourism, several subspecies are usually combined. So, for example, a tourist can simultaneously live in the countryside, harvest, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, etc.

All accommodation facilities included in the structure of rural tourism are divided into 5 categories, the lowest category - 0, the highest - 4 (Table 2)

Category 0 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
A separate building converted into housing, a small separate house, a summer attic, a veranda Rooms in the owner's house with a separate entrance for guests, a separate house, insulated attic. Same conditions as category 1+ Same conditions as category 2+ Separate house, cottage of original design and impeccable appearance
Source of drinking water at a distance of no more than 100 m Drinking water at home Car parking on site good entrances Landscaped area with gazebo
Bedrooms with minimum dimensions Sufficiently large bedrooms Separate facade of the house Cold and hot water supply, shower, warm toilet Garage for a car
Beds with minimum dimensions The presence of a window or opening window in the bedroom Availability of cold water supply and drain in the kitchen, in the bath Well equipped kitchen with modern household appliances Toilet for every 6 people on each floor
Quality bed linen and accessories Wooden beds with minimal dimensions The presence of a summer shower Color TV, telephone
Wardrobe for guests' belongings, hanger for outerwear Quality bedding TV for guests Possibility to use a washing machine Perfect heat and sound insulation
Place for washing in the house, in the summer near the house, by the river Wardrobe, coat rack, bedside tables according to the number of guests, mirror, blackout curtains on the windows. Neat driveway to the house Carport for guests' cars Availability of leisure elements (tennis court, table, billiards, fitness equipment, skis, snowmobile, horses, boat, video camera, volleyball court, fishing tackle, camping equipment, etc.)
Bath with necessary accessories Separate kitchen for guests (for 4 people - 12 sq.m., for 6-8 people - 16 sq.m.) Separate guest toilet (if there are more than 8 guests) Equipped places for recreation (terrace, gazebo, balcony with flowers, hall in the house, etc.)
Separate kitchen, kitchen under a canopy or equipped hearth on the site. Kitchen equipment: 2-burner stove, stove, dining table, chairs, crockery, cupboard for dishes and groceries, underfloor for food storage Kitchen equipment: a stove with at least 2 burners, a dining table according to the number of guests, a refrigerator, a food cabinet, well-chosen and high-quality dishes.
Toilet in the yard, clean, with a neat approach Heating in the house (stove, gas, central or electric)

Tab. 2 "Classification of accommodation facilities in rural tourism"

As you can see from the presented table, with the growth of the category of housing, the amenities provided to guests also increase. Therefore, it would be quite logical to say that the cost of renting an accommodation facility depends on the services provided.

    1. Prospects for the development of rural tourism

Rural tourism is a type of tourism that is associated with the stay of vacationers in rural conditions. Tourists get acquainted with rural nature, lifestyle, landscape, traditions Agriculture etc.

Our country is rich in natural resources, has an interesting history and culture. However, despite this, rural tourism in Russia has not yet received due popularity. Although some regions of the country are beginning to develop rural tourism, there is still no clearly articulated political decision to support rural tourism, and, consequently, there is no nationwide program or financial support for this area of ​​activity (a system of concessional loans, tax and other benefits, etc. .).

The Federal target program "Social development of the countryside until 2013" formulated the task of organizing rural tourism. It provides for "the formation of a territorial network of information and consulting centers", the promotion of rural tourism, "training the rural population in the organization of non-agricultural activities in order to develop an alternative in rural areas" . In addition, a concept for the development of this area of ​​tourism in Russia has not yet been developed. The question of legal and financial support process remains open.

Among other things, there are still no clear instructions or instructions on the organization of agro-tourism facilities, there is no developed classification of agro-tourism farms, licensing procedures for this field of activity. And this is only a small part of what is required for the functioning of agritourism as a sector of the modern tourism industry.

Today, the main initiators and promoters of rural tourism are educational establishments, management of reserve museums and national parks, various public organizations and others.

Nevertheless, the Russian tourism business has already paid attention to this direction of tourism. The first companies began to appear, cooperating with agro-tourism farms operating in this sector, in fact, as monopolists.

In addition, in a number of regions of Russia, regional authorities support agritourism. For example, in the Kaliningrad region, with the support of the authorities of the region, a network of about 50 agro-tourism facilities was created.

Today, there are several options for the emergence of farmsteads or eco-hotels:

  1. In most cases, these are guest houses in ecologically clean areas, the owners of which have a small farm and offer their guests food from organic products.
  2. Sometimes there are cases when businessmen organize farmsteads from scratch. Often European estates serve as an example of this. Thus, for example, the Konovalovo eco-farm appeared in the Moscow region. Here tourists are invited to stay in a guest house, get acquainted with agricultural work, eat organically. clean products grown on the owner's farm.
  3. Some farmers invite guests to their own farms, where they are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the village life, work on the farm, and livestock. However, it should be said that this type of placement is quite rare, since combining two different directions very difficult financially, physically and organizationally.
  4. Sometimes the creation of farmsteads is carried out with the help of local administration or within the framework of international projects. But such a phenomenon does not occur often.

Unfortunately, today, in terms of price - quality, the Russian agro-tourism product cannot yet compete on international market. But do not forget that this direction in tourism is new for our country, while for foreign countries it is very popular. And therefore, we can hope that if we make due efforts, then rural tourism in our country will be able to become a good rival to foreign agro-tourism products.

The most significant factors hindering the growth of proposals in rural tourism include:

  1. Infrastructure. Infrastructure is very poorly developed in Russia, which negatively affects the development of tourism and, in particular, rural recreation in Russia;
  2. The absence of any state support and lack of relevant legislation;
  3. Lack of business support in the creation of any tourism brands and their advertising, in particular, rural tourism;
  4. Lack of information and tourist base on the offer of guest houses in the domestic market of our country.

Chapter 2. Principles of serving tourists within the framework of rural tourism.

2.1. Village tourism management

Modern management, or the management of any field of activity, becomes more competent if it is based on general rules, approaches, methods, the application of which in practice distinguishes effective managers from inefficient ones.

In tourism activities, management is manifested to a greater extent in service activities, in personnel management and in financial management.

Service activities include:

  • Logistics (energy, telephone, food storage, etc.);
  • Security;
  • Creation of maximum comfort, convenience, service;
  • Provision of other services taking into account individual requests and needs.

The material and technical base contains:

  • Equipment;
  • Instruments;
  • Home appliances.

They should be technologically advanced, easy to use, not create unnecessary noise and interference, especially in the reception area. Particular attention must be paid to the safety of using any equipment used by employees to serve customers.

From the point of view of tourism management, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Transport;
  • Accommodation;
  • Nutrition;
  • Additional services and

The customer service process includes several stages:

  • The first stage includes a story about the proposed service with a maximum demonstration using various types of information, photographs or material on the Internet;
  • In the service process, it is necessary to receive information from the consumer and respond to it in a timely manner;
  • The process of economic relationship between the seller of a service and its buyer should be based on the principles of economy and expediency;
  • The process of social interaction includes formal and informal relationships based on interpersonal relationships;
  • It is necessary to follow the rules and norms approved in society or formed by the entrepreneur.

The service process takes on the character of a socio-cultural activity, which includes the work of personnel, their professional and labor and socio-psychological preparedness, and compliance with ethical norms and rules. Usually in service activities, one employee combines several functions at once.

The main management task is service activities. When interacting with the consumer of the service, it is necessary to use all effective methods (for example, exchange of opinions, suggestions, clarifications, inquiries, etc.).

In the process of serving the consumer of the service, the following prerequisites must be used:

  • Requests and needs of consumers often do not coincide with the goals of employees. The main task in this case is to minimize this discrepancy;
  • In contact with customers, the question of the quality of the service provided is first raised;
  • Since quite often the needs and wishes of the client are ahead of the employee's ideas about the effectiveness of the service process, it is necessary to constantly maintain contact with him in order to track his mood;
  • In tourism, it is quite difficult to determine the quality of the service provided. If the complaint is repeated several times, then it is necessary to recognize the rightness of the consumer;
  • The effectiveness and efficiency of service activities largely depends on the ability to communicate with customers.

Most often, in the socio-cultural service and tourism, individual requests, the emotional state of consumers come to the fore, and it is often necessary to delve into the problems of customers, listen to their reasoning, which is not directly related to the service process. You need to understand that for the consumer this contact is quite important and plays a significant role in shaping the overall impression of the service provided.

Trained and experienced staff is not only a factor economic efficiency guest house, but also a guarantee that the client will be satisfied and reuse the service. Depending on the number of places and the intensity of the flow of customers, the guest house can be managed by 1 to 3 people.

For the most efficient operation of the guest house, the staff must meet certain requirements. So, it is very important that the staff could perform several types of work with the same quality. For example, the hostess of a guest house can receive and accommodate guests, prepare breakfasts, and ensure the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises, equipment and inventory. In turn, the owner of the house can work with the tour operator, provide the services of a guide, interpreter, driver, interact with regulatory authorities state power. The success of private entrepreneurship in such entrepreneurship in most cases depends on the personal characteristics of the owners of the guest house.

In the management of the service process, methods such as organizational and administrative, socio-psychological and economic can be recommended.

For example, for clients, you can develop internal regulations that would be previously agreed with them. It would be advisable to start a guest book, which will help to observe the mood of the guests.

Among the economic means of influence, various incentives can be recommended, such as discounts for regular customers, giving gifts and souvenirs at parting with customers, etc.

Social and psychological methods include the involvement of guests in a joint process, demonstration of rural labor, acquaintance with outstanding personalities of the area.

In practice, it is necessary not only to apply the listed methods and methods in management, but also to show own initiative and interest in the process.

2.2. Organization of work of the guest house in rural tourism

The stay of a tourist in any hotel house begins with his reception and registration as a guest. It is important to know that the reception of foreign guests and their stay on the estate is possible only after their registration in regional office migration service (police department) within 3-7 days after crossing the border of the country. In the case of cooperation with a travel operator, the employees of the travel agency deal with the registration of tourists.

When the owners of the guest house work as an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to keep a record of the guests who have arrived. Appendix 1 presents an approximate form of a guest card.

After the arrival of the guests, the employees of the guest house are obliged to inform the tourists about the rules of residence and fire safety requirements.

An essential role in further relations between the owners of the hotel house and tourists will be played by the agreement signed between them.

The main service provided by all accommodation companies in tourism is the temporary accommodation of guests. The main criteria for determining the quality of services provided are comfort and convenience of living. Guest rooms and other living and utility rooms of the guest house must be kept clean and tidy at all times and free of unpleasant odors.

When accommodating guests, it is important to inform them about the no-smoking policy in bed, as this is the cause of 60% of fires.

It is desirable that accommodation be regulated by the Internal Rules drawn up by the owners of the estate and meeting the basic requirements of sanitary and fire safety standards and agreed with the partner tour operator.

In addition, in cases where, regardless of the owners of the guest house, at night the house is noisy from external or internal noise sources, it is necessary to warn guests about this in advance.

One of the important components of running a guest house is food. It is believed that proper organization food in any hotel does her credit.

Catering is an important advantage of guest houses over conventional hotels. Unlike hotels, a house can accommodate a limited number of guests at the same time and it is easier to foresee their tastes than the preferences of hundreds of tourists in a hotel. In addition, in the farmsteads, food is prepared from environmentally friendly products, which is so important these days.

It is important to consider that tourists, both domestic and foreign, are very picky about food on vacation. This may be due to both geographical, cultural, religious or other factors and traditions of a particular people, as well as the personal whims of a vacationer.

Vegetarians are not uncommon among foreigners, and it is sometimes not so easy to provide them with equivalent nutrition in Russian conditions.

In addition, the religion of the guests has a great influence on the nature of food consumption. So, for example, Hindus do not eat food of animal origin, and Jews do not eat pork, considering it a dirty animal.

In order to avoid ridiculous situations in catering, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to find out the wishes of the guest, whether the intake of this or that food depends on his religion, resistance to allergies, and so on;
  2. It is important to inform guests about house specialties and find out their attitudes towards the products used;
  3. You need to discuss the menu with guests in advance.

Many professional guest houses have a practice of providing guests with a detailed breakfast menu with pricing. An example of a detailed breakfast menu in a guest house is presented in Appendix 2.

One more important factor activities of any guest house is to ensure a safe stay for guests. This concept applies to almost all aspects of the activity of agricultural tourism.

Potential danger factors for clients of guest houses in Russia are presented in Appendix 3.

Both external and internal factors play an important role in ensuring the safety of the client in the guest house.

External factors include the political and socio-economic business environment. They do not depend on the owners of the estate, nor on their guests.

Internal factors are entirely influenced by both tourists and guest house staff. These factors include issues of safe living of clients in the house, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, provision of local fire and epidemiological safety in the guest house, etc.

In addition, for complete safety, both for himself and for tourists, the owner of the estate must insure his business against unforeseen situations.

In Europe, where rural business is quite popular, local authorities strictly monitor this area of ​​activity, regularly check the owners of guest houses for insurance.

Usually in rural tourism, the standard package of services includes accommodation in a guest house and meals. All other services are paid and are classified as additional.

Additional services in rural tourism are needed to attract both new customers and stimulate the desire to repeat the holiday in this place among those who have ever visited, as well as to increase competitiveness.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of additional services is determined by the owners of the guest house and is formed depending on the demand of customers. The most popular additional services are presented in Table 3.

Service category Services Notes
Communication and communications Long-distance and/or international telephone communication, communications, Internet access It is necessary to work out the relationship between the B&B and the enterprise providing communication services in order to pay for long-distance and international calls. Usually the most popular international communication. In addition, the availability of Internet access is a significant plus of the guest house.
Excursion services Services of a certified or trained guide and/or interpreter With a trained and experienced guide and/or interpreter, the B&B can offer small tours of the area, cultural and historical monuments, buildings, exhibitions, etc.
Extra food Prepared lunch (lunch), afternoon tea, dinner. Organization of small receptions, banquets, outdoor picnics Usually only breakfast is included in the price of the guest house. Everything that is not included in breakfast is prepared for an additional fee. To provide this service, you must have certain experience and skills, an extended menu with national or traditional cuisine is recommended.
Spending time in nature Organization of collections of wild berries, fruits, mushrooms. Fishing and small game hunting with permit or license. Organization of various kinds of hiking and equestrian routes, rafting, etc. Such additional services are recommended to be provided in rural areas, taking into account the safety factor.
Animation services Organization of a cultural and gaming program that corresponds to local traditions and national characteristics (folk festivals, fortune-telling, folk crafts, etc.) Such services are an attractive factor and a competitive advantage and satisfy the needs of almost all categories of tourists.
Other services As part of the activities of agrotourist farms, the offer is to visit a village bathhouse, learn how to drive agricultural machinery, etc.

Tab. 3 "The main types of additional services in rural tourism"

2.3. An example of a business plan for a guest house in the countryside

Any rural estate can be suitable for organizing a guest house in the village - both owned by the homeowner and bought by a businessman who is going to try his hand at a new field.

The newly created enterprise Domik v Derevne LLC will provide tourism services in the field of ecological and rural tourism.

The management of the enterprise is carried out by the Founder and CEO Maryanova Marya Ivanovna

The main purpose of the established enterprise is to provide services for ecological and rural tourism.

Domik k derevne LLC will be able to successfully compete in the market, as it will provide the following services:

  • Accommodation in comfortable conditions;
  • Fishing;
  • Walks in the pine forest, picking berries and mushrooms;
  • Visit to the village bath.

The main indicators of the business plan:

It is assumed that the clients of this hotel house will be Russians.

Domik v derevne LLC is a service provider promoted by tour operators.

In its activities, the company is guided by the civil and tax legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the memorandum of association, as well as internal documents regulating certain aspects of the functioning of the company.

The staffing table is presented in table 4.

Tab. 4 "Staffing of LLC "House in the Village"

Calculation of deductions for social needs:

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is 26%

∑ Pension fund PB = (Wage fund * percentage of contributions to the pension fund) / 100% =

=(56*26%)/100% = 14,56

The compulsory health insurance fund is 2.9%

∑ Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund = =(56*2.9%)/100%=1.624

The social insurance fund is 6%

∑ Social Security Fund = (56*6%)/100% = 3.36

Deductions for social needs = 19.544 thousand rubles / month.

Thus, labor costs will amount to 75,544 thousand rubles per month.

The competitive pricing method is more efficient, but Domik k derevne LLC will use it in combination with the cost method, which will allow it to enter the market with real prices that can withstand competition and stimulate consumer demand, and ensures a certain profit.

The final price level will be determined by the balance of supply and demand. Prices for tourism services are fixed at the level at which supply equals demand. As long as demand exceeds supply, prices are constantly rising, but as soon as demand exceeds supply, prices will begin to decline.

Price policy LLC "House in the village" is presented in table 5.

Tab. 5 "Pricing policy of Domik v derevne LLC"

Experience from similar businesses shows that the busiest months are from May to September (25 days per month).

Less active - October, November, April (15 days per month).

Inactive months - from December to March (10 days per month).

When calculating, we will use the average price:

(2900+1500)/2=2200 rubles/day.

In total, the guest house has 5 rooms (10 beds): 2 suites and 3 economy class rooms.

The optimistic forecast will be based on the condition that the production capacities will be filled by 90%, and the pessimistic forecast will be based on 60% (Table 6).

Tab. 6 "Forecast of the occupancy of the hotel house LLC" House in the village "

As we can see from the table, the difference between the optimistic and pessimistic forecast is significant. However, the development of events according to the pessimistic forecast is possible only if no efforts are made to create demand and stimulate sales.

Now you can make a sales forecast (Table 7).

Tab. 7 "Sales Forecast"

Continuation of Table 7

To equip the guest house, you will need to purchase new equipment and furniture. Table 8 presents the costs required for this.

Tab. 8 "Expenses for the arrangement of the guest house"

*Note: the price includes the cost of furniture for residential buildings, baths, equipment for the kitchen, dining room.

Financing of investments is planned to be carried out at the expense of the project organizers' own funds.

Table 9 shows monthly fixed costs.

Tab. 9 "Average monthly costs"

Table 9 does not include food expenditures. Their calculation by months is presented in Table 10.

Tab. 10 "Expenses on food"

Continuation of Table 10

Thus, you can proceed to the preparation of a financial plan for the first year of the enterprise (Table 11)

May June July August September October November
Revenue, thousand rubles 506 506 506 506 506 308 308
114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127
36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 22,4 22,4
Total costs, thousand rubles 150,927 150,927 150,927 150,927 150,927 136,527 136,527
355,073 355,073 355,073 355,073 355,073 171,473 171,473
Income tax, thousand rubles 85,22 85,22 85,22 85,22 85,22 41,15 41,15
269,853 269,853 269,853 269,853 269,853 130,323 130,323

Tab. eleven " Financial plan LLC "House in the village"

December January February March April Total
Revenue, thousand rubles 198 198 198 198 308 4246
Average monthly costs, thousand rubles 114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127 114,127 1369,524
Food costs per month, thousand rubles 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 22,4 308,8
Total costs, thousand rubles 99,727 99,727 99,727 99,727 136,527 1563,124
Profit before taxes, thousand rubles 98,273 98,273 98,273 98,273 171,473 2682,876
Income tax, thousand rubles 23,59 23,59 23,59 23,59 41,15 643,91
Retained earnings, rub. 74,683 74,683 74,683 74,683 130,323 2038,966

Continuation of the table. eleven

Knowing the total amount of investments (114.127 thousand rubles), we calculate the payback period for investments:

114.127 / 2038.966 = 0.06 years.

We will calculate the break-even point, which will allow us to determine when the project will cease to be unprofitable.

Formulas for calculations:

Amount of Marginal Income = Net Revenue -

– variable distribution costs

The break-even limit (non-profit turnover) corresponds to such a volume of sales at which the value of the enterprise's profit is zero.

Break even limit = fixed costs 100%

share of marginal income

Margin of financial strength of the enterprise (FFP):

FPV = revenue - breakeven sales volume 100%

Let's present the calculations of the break-even limit in table 12.

Tab. 12 "Determination of the break-even limit"

Domik v derevne LLC must have a revenue of at least 114.72 thousand rubles. per month to start recouping costs and making a profit.

Given that the planned average monthly sales during the planning period is 353.8 thousand rubles. per month (4246/12 months), then the critical sales volume is 32.4% (114.72/353.8*100%) of this volume.

The financial safety margin is 67.6%. This will allow the enterprise to operate without losses in most possible situations, and in case of failure to achieve the planned production volume, reduce it to 32.4%.

Investing in this project is beneficial because it will provide:

  • Obtaining a stable profit;
  • High margin of financial strength;
  • Fast return on capital investment for a project of this magnitude.


Before starting to write this course work, we set goals and objectives.

The purpose of this work was to review and study the theoretical aspects in the organization of rural tourism, as well as the features of customer service in this field of activity.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

  • Studied the history of the development of rural tourism in the world and Russia;
  • Studied the features and classification of rural tourism;
  • The classification of accommodation facilities in rural tourism has been studied;
  • The prospects for the development of rural tourism in Russia are assessed;
  • Considered management in rural tourism;
  • The features of the organization of the work of the guest house in rural tourism are studied;
  • An exemplary business plan for the operation of a guest house in rural tourism has been developed.

Rural tourism is a sector of the tourism industry focused on the use of natural, cultural, historical and other resources of the countryside and its features to create a comprehensive tourism product.

Rural tourism began to develop in ancient times and today has become widespread in European countries. However, for our country this phenomenon is relatively new, not in great demand. The development of this direction of tourism is hindered by such problems as:

  • Lack of a generally accepted national concept for the development of rural tourism;
  • Lack of a clearly articulated rural tourism policy;
  • Lack of special federal legislation regulating this area of ​​activity;
  • The absence of any standards and regulations governing this area of ​​activity;

The resolution of these problems will not only help improve the living standards of the rural population, but will also play an important role in eliminating the socio-economic business.


  1. Akulenok D.N. Business plan of the firm. 5th ed. revised and additional - M., 2006. - 268 p.
  2. Babkin A.V. Special types of tourism. Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012. - 252 p.
  3. Bardin K.V. ABC of Tourism. –M.: KNORUS, 2008.
  4. Daft R.L. Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 354 p.
  5. Drozdov, A.V. Fundamentals of ecological tourism: a tutorial. - M.: Gardariki, 2011. - 271s.
  6. Zorin, I.V., Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism Encyclopedia, 2010.
  7. Ilyina E.N. Activity travel agencies: Tourist market and entrepreneurship. - M., 2005.
  8. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism - M .: Finance and statistics, 2007.
  9. Kosolapov, A.B. Theory and practice of ecological tourism: textbook / A.B. Kosolapov. – M.: KNORUS, 2005.-240s.
  10. Nesterova N.A. Recommendations for the organization of rural guest houses. Teaching aid. - M. "Silver Taiga", 2011.
  11. Papiryan, G.A. The economics of tourism. - M.: Statistics, 1992. - 209p.
  12. Pelikh A.S. Business plan. -M.: Prior, 2007. - 301 p.
  13. Nature - Culture - Tourism: Digest / Compiled by: M.V. Smirnova, N.V. Laptev, AGIIK. Scientific - information center for culture and art; Department of Cultural Studies. - Barnaul: AGIIK publishing house, 2004.- 281p.
  14. Sergeeva, T.K. Ecological tourism: textbook. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2012.- 360s.
  15. Tarasenok, A. Types of ecological tourism.//Tourism and recreation, 2000. No. 21 - 21s.
  16. Khrabovchenko, V.V. Ecological tourism: teaching aid. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 208s.
  17. Yagovets, V.S. Fundamentals of rational nature management in the organization of tourism activities. Ecology and tourism: textbook. lecture on the course "Geography of Tourism" for students of the specialization "Organization and management in the field of tourism" / author-compiler V.S. Jagovets; AltGAKI. - Barnaul: AltGAKI publishing house, 2005-21s.


Appendix 2

Products Unit ease Unit cost Quantity Amount Cost
100% fruit juice (100% natural fruit juice) liter 40 0,5 20
Tea, coffee package 2,5 2 5,00
Milk ttr/liter 17,00 0,5 8,00
Semolina porridge, oatmeal, rice (Cereal) 200r/g 8,00 1 8,000
Fresh fruits kg/kg 60,00 0,4 24,00
Soft-boiled/boiled eggs (Scrambled/boiled eggs) 10 pcs/pieces 20,00 2 4
Bacon kg/kg 90,00 0,1 9,00
Sausage kg/kg 70,00 0,1 7,99
Tomatoes kg/kg 50,00 0,1 5,00
Toasts 10 pcs/pieces 15,00 2 2,00
Jam 200r/g 40,00 0,25 10,00
Butter 200r/g 16,00 0,25 4
Total RRU 106.00
Total in USD (1USD=27.50RRU) $3.85

Appendix 2 "An example of a detailed breakfast menu in a guest house"

Appendix 3

Categories External factors Internal factors
Threats Prevention Threats Prevention
Personal and property safety of the tourist Offenses against person and property It is necessary to warn guests in advance about the crime situation in the city, village, territory Conflicts of delimitation of the territory of family and guest use It is recommended to strictly distinguish between family, guest and common areas. Warn guests in advance about the delimitation of places of use
Epidemics, pandemics, danger of tick-borne encephalitis, etc. Epidemics, pandemics, danger




salmonellosis, etc.

It is necessary to notify in advance about the difficult epidemiological situation, warn about the need for vaccination, etc. Advise tourists going to the forest to wear appropriate clothing Diseases, malaise, poisoning by wild fruits, mushrooms, etc. Must have first aid kit medical care, quick access to call emergency clinical and resuscitation care. It is recommended to train one of the family members in basic first aid skills
Accommodation Shutdown of electricity, water supply, heat supply in case of emergency Warn guests in advance about possible troubles in the village. It is recommended to have self-supporting means, sets of warm clothes. Stocks of food and drinking water Fire hazard situations due to the fault (inaction) of the owner of the guest house due to a malfunction of the electrical wiring of the guest house, electrical appliances, improper storage of flammable objects and substances and smoking Owners are obliged to monitor the serviceability of the electrical wiring of household electrical appliances, store flammable and explosive substances and ammunition in the proper order.
Fire hazardous situations due to the fault (inaction) of guests due to malfunction of electrical appliances, improper storage of flammable objects and substances and smoking Guests must be reminded of the fire safety rules when checking in, smoking in certain areas or the rules for smoking in the room
Nutrition Poisoning due to substandard products purchased by guests outside the guest house It is necessary to warn guests about possible low-quality products, methods for determining the shelf life of products and recommend certain points of sale of food and catering Food poisoning prepared in the guest house It is necessary to monitor the quality of food from which food is prepared for guests. Buy only fresh food.

Annex 4. "Potential danger factors for clients of guest houses in Russia"

Dmitruk O.Yu. "Ecological tourism: modern concepts of management and marketing", 2004 - 192 p.

Shilova S.E. "Green House: a manual on the organization of rural tourism", 2010 - 104 p.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2002 "On the Federal Target Program "Social Development of the Village until 2013"

In this material:

The development of megacities, the popularity of a healthy lifestyle and tourism have given rise to the spread of a new tourist destination - rural tourism. This direction has long been popular in Europe, but in Russia it has been developing only in the last decade. High demand for this service has begun to emerge in the last few years. Rural tourism is a great business idea. A business plan for rural tourism will help an entrepreneur explore a niche and start a business.

Description and benefits of the business

Agritourism (rural tourism) is a young direction in the tourism business, focused on visiting cultural, historical and natural landscape places.

The duration of the tour varies - from one-day mini-journeys to a long stay in the countryside.

Benefits of this business:

  1. Low competition. This segment of the tourism business is only developing in Russia, the market has not yet been mastered.
  2. Low entry threshold. No need to buy a lot of expensive equipment. At the initial stage, you can even do without an office.
  3. Minimal risks. The entrepreneur risks only the time spent on the implementation of the idea and a small investment.
  4. High profitability. Agritourism, like tourism in general, brings good income to companies, because the main task of the company is to organize a tour. When all processes are established and automated, it does not require much effort.
  5. Opportunity to expand business and range of services. For example, you can not only organize tours, but also sell equipment, clothing and other travel equipment.
  6. The opportunity to open such a business anywhere in Russia. Each region has its own characteristics that are of interest to tourists.
  7. Growing demand for the service.
  8. Fast payback.

Tourist destinations

There are the following subspecies of such tourism:

  1. Agrotourism. Tourists live in farms during the harvest period. Their food is what they gather from the earth and cook themselves. It usually excludes the purchase of ready-made products and even individual ingredients in stores.
  2. Village life. The tourists just live for a while in the village. There is a demand for this direction all year round.
  3. Community Ecotourism. Visiting one or more villages, a short stay in them. The emphasis is on communication with local residents, studying their living conditions and traditions.
  4. Ethnographic tourism. Russia is a multinational country. In each region there are villages whose inhabitants represent separate ethnographic groups - Bulgarian, Swedish, Finnish, Kyrgyz and other villages. Their inhabitants honor their traditions and live like in their homeland. The architecture, layout and general appearance of such villages differ from traditional Russian ones. Tourists like to visit such places and learn from their examples the rites and traditions of other peoples.

How to start a rural tourism business

The target audience

Target audience (TA) - tourists, travelers, residents of large cities of different ages.

Target audience segments:

  • travelers;
  • ecotourists;
  • cyclists;
  • motorcycle tourists;
  • backpackers;
  • residents of metropolitan areas;
  • athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

Age may be different for each segment. Most often these are people over 20 years old.

The most active and solvent audience is men and women from 20 to 45 years old.

It is possible to build tours for different segments of the target audience. For example, motorcyclists who love enduro bikes need a base outside the city from where they can make off-road trips. Travelers will be interested in culture and historical sights, and residents of megacities will be interested in rural life, housekeeping and the opportunity to plunge into this atmosphere.

Market and competition analysis

The Russian tourism market is highly competitive. The main competitors are companies that offer classic tours in Russia and abroad.

However, such companies rarely offer rural tours. This segment of the market is not mastered, there is almost no competition.

List of services provided

The list of services may be different and depends on the business concept.

Organization options:

  1. Construction of a rural hotel for tourists.
  2. Organization of tours. Clients are accommodated in rented houses, farms or local hotels.

The list of proposed services in your own village hotel depends on the target audience, location and seasonality. For example, motorcyclists can spend the night in a hotel, use it as their base; those who want to plunge into village life work in the garden, cook their own food from products collected from the land, and run the household.

The length of stay at the base can be different - from one day to several months. An individual approach to each client will create the necessary conditions for him to rest.

Business development prospects

Rural tourism in Russia is still underdeveloped. This direction is in demand among a small part of the population. However, the demand for the service is increasing every year. The most prudent travel agencies include such tours in their range of services.

In addition, in recent years, Russians have been traveling more and more. The number of motorcycle tourists, people traveling by bicycles and other means of transport is growing. Some of them prefer to rest within the country. Therefore, this business has all the prerequisites for development in Russia.

organizational plan

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

The first step is to register a business. Registration of entrepreneurial activity is carried out in the Federal tax service(FTS).

There are two options for legalizing a business - registering a legal entity or registering the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP).

The second option is the simplest and most popular. It does not make sense for a small business to register a legal entity - it is long, expensive and more difficult than registering an IP.

To register an IP, you need:

  1. Select OKVED codes. According to these codes, representatives of the Federal Tax Service will understand what type of business is being registered. It is recommended to choose several codes at once, providing for possible options for expanding the business. In the future, this will save the entrepreneur from the difficulties associated with reissuing documents.
  2. Decide on the taxation system. It is recommended to dwell on the simplified taxation system - a simplified system of taxation.
  3. Fill out an application in the form P21001. The application template and registration instructions are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Pay state duty.

IMPORTANT! The application must include the address Email. The Federal Tax Service will send documents confirming registration to it. They are no longer sent by Russian Post, like any other transport mail.

When all this is done, you can apply for registration of IP.

List of documents required for registration:

  • the passport;
  • application (form Р21001);
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

If there is a catering establishment or a shop on the territory of the tourist base, additional permits will be required:

  • from the fire safety service;
  • from the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Location selection

An ordinary Russian village will not do. The place should be interesting for tourists.

Location requirements:

  1. Nearby there are monuments of history, archeology, architecture.
  2. There is a forest, a reservoir or other picturesque place that tourists like to visit.
  3. Lack of competition. If there is already a similar organization in the selected area, you need to take into account the factor of competition or figure out how to poach customers from a competitor - for example, provide more profitable terms, to make the stay of tourists more comfortable, to advertise the institution well.
  4. The place is easy to get to. If a person does not have his own car, it is convenient for him to take a taxi or bus.
  5. In the selected village there is a convenient place for building a base or houses that can be rented and converted.

Arrangement of the premises, equipment and inventory

Tourist base does not require creation special conditions. To preserve authenticity and make the tours closer to the village life, classic rural houses are chosen.

They are arranged in accordance with the traditions of a separate village. For example, if it is ethnotourism, the interior design of the house corresponds to the household traditions of a certain people.

For home improvement you will need the following equipment and inventory:

  • beds;
  • cabinets;
  • mirrors;
  • tables, chairs;
  • kitchen equipment;
  • bathroom equipment.

Additionally - fishing boats, fishing equipment, tourist equipment. It can be rented for an additional fee.

If a large base of several houses is created, housing for tourists can be decorated in different styles.

Parking and a place for leisure of guests are being built on the adjacent territory.

Formation of personnel

To organize a business, you will need the following employees:

  • administrator;
  • tour organizer;
  • Cook;
  • cleaning woman;
  • security guard;
  • accountant.

Marketing strategy and advertising

Marketing strategy includes:

  1. Website development and promotion.
  2. Advertising on thematic sites. The owners of sites about tourism will be happy to place ads on their site. Additionally, you can order articles of an advertising nature. Content marketing works effectively when it is presented correctly.
  3. Promotion in social networks. For example, VKontakte has many thematic groups dedicated to tourism. With proper targeting, you can find the right audience.

Financial plan

Investment in the project

Investments at the start include (in rubles):

  • rental of houses - 50,000;
  • repair - 150,000;
  • purchase of furniture - 200,000;
  • purchase of food - 100,000;
  • purchase of other inventory - 150,000;
  • advertising at the start - 200,000;
  • state duty - 800.

Current expenses

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent - 50,000;
  • utilities - 40,000;
  • food - 100,000;
  • salary of employees - 150,000;
  • advertising - 50,000;
  • taxes.

Farmstead revenue

The average check for 1 day of a tourist's stay at the farmstead is 1500 rubles. This amount is added to the cost of food, transport rental, excursions and other additional services.

The homestead is designed for a tourist group of 10 people. If there is a demand for the service, the monthly earnings will be 700 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation and business performance evaluation

The business earns 700 thousand rubles a month. From this amount, the costs of maintaining the farmstead and taxes are deducted.

Net monthly income - 300 thousand rubles. Given the seasonality factor, the business will pay for itself in six months.

Rural tourism in Russia is just emerging, but there is already a growing demand for this service. This business is highly profitable and easy to organize. However, the risks must always be taken into account. To reduce organizational risks, it is recommended to order a business plan from professionals, which will take into account the specifics of the selected region and other important features.

Buy business plan

Investments: Investments 175,000 - 1,750,000 ₽

Our company has been successfully developing since 2006. Already from the first year of work in the tourism business, we have gained leadership in the industry, due to the development unique algorithm search for last-minute tours among thousands of tour operators on the market. A few years later, we achieved the title of the most popular travel company in Ivanovo and began to successfully expand our network. Due to the fact that the company...

Investments: Investments 100,000 - 500,000 rubles.

The company "Natalie Tours" was founded in 1992, and for almost 25 years of work in the Russian tourism market has acquired the status of one of the largest and most famous tour operator companies in Russia and abroad. Our company is always ready to offer its customers the highest level of service and an individual approach to any wishes. Constantly increasing the range, we always carefully…

Investments: from 50,000 rubles.

More than 600 offices in 220 cities across the country - this is the RossTour company, a federal network of travel agencies. Hundreds of thousands of Russians annually have a rest with the help of RossTour, and they have a high-quality, varied and comfortable rest! Inexpensive tours, cruises, corporate vacations or just air and railway tickets - RossTour offers its customers a wide range of travel services. A huge number of regular customers…

Investments: from 700,000 rubles.

Investments: Investments from 460,000 rubles.

Polyglots is a federal network of Children's Language Centers where children from 1 to 12 years old study foreign languages. The methodological center of the company has developed a unique program, thanks to which children begin to speak and think in a foreign language. We care about the comprehensive development of our little Polyglots, and offer additional classes in mathematics, creativity, literature, natural sciences, ...

Investments: From 320,000 rubles. up to 2,500,000 rubles

The federal network of shops and bars "Foam Guild" originates from the first own store, built in 2014 in Moscow. On October 1, 2017, a trademark was registered and a franchise was launched - we began to share our experience in running the beer business and build turnkey stores for everyone all over Russia. For not so long...

Investments: Investments 3 350 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

New Chicken is a new project of the BCA restaurant holding, which has the experience of opening more than 150 establishments in 8 countries of the world. The company is actively growing, developing new directions and knows what the consumer needs tomorrow. The company promotes a network of establishments on a franchising model. Description of the franchise The franchise package includes: production / trade / assembly equipment, furniture The New Chicken franchise has…

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 800,000 ₽

The company "Sibiryak" was founded by a group of enthusiasts in 2006. For 12 years successful work, from a rented garage near Irkutsk, has become the leader of Russia in its segment. Our company is constantly improving the quality of the baths it produces, creating author's layouts, sauna stoves (in particular, the Osa stove), introduced know-how of "warm blown" floors, and has its own program for building Sibiryak baths. FROM…

Investments: Investments 6 500 000 - 10 000 000 ₽

The idea of ​​​​creating a wine bar with a quality assortment and pleasant prices was born by Evgenia Kachalova in 2013, after some time, which took the consciousness of a holistic concept, search suitable place and the team, the first Wine Bazaar appeared in Moscow! In May 2014, the Bazaar on Komsomolsky Prospekt opened its doors and immediately fell in love with the guest. Everyone came to…

Investments: Investments 300 000 ₽

We are the only Fish Holding in Russia, whose portfolio includes the most advanced production from absolutely ALL regions of fish and seafood production in the country! Our Group of Companies, in addition to mining and processing, has independently taken a leading position in the market in wholesale trade, after which she successfully created her own network of fish stores "Kurilsky Bereg". The unique diversification of production assets,…

Agrotourism or rural tourism has been developing in Russia for several years, but due to its specificity it is not a market leader. This direction of recreation involves visiting estates and agricultural farms, observing their life, outdoor entertainment, horseback riding, participation in folk festivals. Sometimes such trips are accompanied by the opportunity to work in the field, garden or care for animals. Is this type of tourism in demand in Russia, how to organize the reception of guests in the village and what destinations are now popular.

Rural tourism is a relatively new direction in the tourism sector, involving visits to manors, villages, farms, observing their life and even participating in agricultural work. Potential tourists here are residents of large cities, for whom rural life is as exotic as sea coasts and safaris in Africa.

Whether agritourism has prospects in Russia remains a controversial issue at the moment. The schedule of life and work of many of our compatriots allows only 1 tourist trip per year, which most prefer to spend by the sea. Many have dachas and gardens, so they are not interested in spending holidays in the countryside. The demand for ecological tourism exists only among very wealthy people and only under the condition of a high level of service.

There is no unambiguous concept of agritourism. Rural tourism combines several different types of recreation at once:

  • accommodation on private farms and estates;
  • gastronomic tours with tasting of dishes from organic products;
  • participation in agricultural work;
  • ethnic tours - acquaintance with the history and culture of the area;
  • hiking in the forest, picking mushrooms and berries, hunting, fishing;
  • horseback riding.

However, all types of rural recreation are usually combined within the framework of one estate or farm - this way you can attract more guests.

Rural tourism - visiting estates, farms, villages - one of the directions of the modern tourism sector

How to organize a business in the field of rural tourism

Organizing such a business is a very difficult task. An entrepreneur will have to take into account many factors: from organizing a convenient access road to an interesting visiting program. To earn in this way, you should not rely solely on the Russian audience. The demand will be too low. It is necessary to focus on tourists from Europe, which means providing an appropriate level of comfort, safety and language.

The development of rural tourism without promotion among foreign audiences is impossible. It is the Europeans and, possibly, the Chinese, who will “do the cash register”.

Consider exemplary project tourism in rural areas. Suppose an entrepreneur owns a plot of land and a nice house in the countryside. The plot area must be at least 500 sq.m. Guests can be accommodated in the house, provided that it is sufficiently spacious and comfortable. Another solution is the construction of a hotel or guest houses. Next, you need to provide a way for guests. Businessmen from Central and Southern Russia will have an advantage - getting here is easier.

The next step involves thinking through and organizing entertainment for guests. Will they observe agricultural work, participate in it? Will they go to the forest, go hiking, fishing or hunting? Horse riding? Will they get acquainted with the history of the region, visit neighboring villages, communicate with residents? The organizer must decide all this in advance by creating several visiting programs.

The Rural Tourism Association on the site shares useful tips and news. If you are looking for a realized agritourism business plan with examples, it is worth exploring the archive of this portal.

Features of guest accommodation

The peculiarities of accommodation in rural tourism are of great importance. The fact is that when going on a village tour, guests want to retain the opportunity to use all the benefits of civilization. They do not want to give up water supply and sewerage, electricity, heat, good roads. Successful projects in this direction prove that comfortable living conditions are of decisive importance.

Guests can be accommodated in one large house, in a separate hotel or in guest houses. In any case, it is necessary to provide a standard at the level of 3 stars:

  • illumination of the adjacent territory in the dark;
  • parking;
  • round-the-clock hot and cold water supply;
  • electricity;
  • heating and ventilation;
  • video surveillance (security guarantee);
  • the area of ​​a 1-bed room from 12 sq.m., a double room - from 15 sq.m.;
  • bathroom in the room / house;
  • regular cleaning and change of bed linen.

Catering must be arranged near the accommodation. How exactly the cafe or dining room will work is decided by the owner himself. The specificity of such a tour allows the organization of 3 meals a day according to the schedule, but with the opportunity to have a snack at any time of the day.

All movements of tourists are usually controlled by a guide. He is responsible for their health, monitors compliance with safety rules, tells what is worth visiting and where you should not go.

Separate areas of agritourism involve participation in agricultural work

Environmentally friendly products

If we evaluate the forms of village tours in terms of attractiveness for the "mass" tourist, gastronomic travel will be the undisputed leader. This is such a direction of relaxation when a guest comes to try certain dishes and products, as well as learn more about the features of their preparation.

Of course, the most farms offering their own, natural, environmentally friendly products are attractive. This applies to vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and bread. Some tourists want to participate in the cultivation of crops and cooking themselves. Tour organizers should consider whether guests will have this opportunity.


It may seem surprising, but entertainment is a serious advantage of rural tourism. The fact is that this environment opens up a lot of new things for the residents of the city. Here they can experience and taste things that are not available in the cities: from more traditional fishing and mushroom hunting, to horseback riding, cycling forest walks and participating in folk festivals.

The organization of most of these entertainments, including the safety of customers, is expensive. For example, the maintenance of horses will take several million rubles a year. Therefore, despite the seeming "cheapness" of such trips, they are quite expensive for customers.

Ethnotourism is another interesting direction of rural tours. This is a journey that involves getting to know the history, customs and culture of the region. An interesting solution would be to communicate with the locals accompanied by a guide, participate in folk festivals and even get acquainted with the rituals.

Top Rural Tourism Destinations in Russia

Where to go to relax for those who are interested in rural tourism? Now in Russia there is some popular destinations:

  1. Eco-hotel "Konovalovo", 120 km from Moscow. They produce eco-friendly products and receive guests in a mini-hotel. The farm is so successful that it has already begun selling a franchise.
  2. "Ryzhovo", Moscow region. Production of organic products and breeding of horses. Guests live in a large mansion with a fireplace, sauna, table tennis and other entertainment. You can participate in the work of the farm and care for animals, fish and ride horses. Accommodation costs from 10 thousand rubles per day.
  3. "Kalinova Valley", Smolensk region. Agriturismo, organic food, sauna, fishing, tennis, bike, snowmobile and quad bike rental. Accommodation from 10 thousand rubles per day.

There are other estates and eco-hotels. In fact, each region of Russia can offer its own rural tourism center. They will be very different from each other in terms of organization and cost. Tours to well-known, well-organized places cost 3-4 times more than a 10-day trip to the Russian south.

Sometimes the village tour includes participation in folk festivals

Prospects for the development of agritourism

Does rural tourism have prospects for development in Russia? The demand for this type of recreation has really grown a little. People are willing to pay for rural tours, but on condition that they feel comfortable. The reality is that a trip to a "modern" village with a large homestead, natural food, animals and a variety of entertainment is expensive. Finding a price below 10 thousand rubles per day is unlikely to succeed. For comparison, in the Krasnodar Territory at the height of the season, you can rent a comfortable room near the sea for 3-4 thousand rubles a day.

In addition to the high price, there is another factor that reduces the flow of tourists to the village - bad roads. Homesteads and farms are difficult to reach, guests have to change several modes of transport. It is inconvenient, hard, expensive and does not contribute to positive impressions. All successful tourist villages are in close proximity to Moscow. Whether travelers will travel hundreds of miles on bad roads is a highly debatable issue.


Agritourism is not the most popular destination in the tourism sector, but it is in high demand among residents of high-affluence cities. Village tours are more expensive than sea tours, since the maintenance of estates, houses, agricultural farms and animals is expensive for the owners. Guests should always be in comfort and safety, which is also worth it. big money. It is preferable to open such a farm in an area with relatively good transport accessibility.

Over the past few years, in the Russian tourism industry, such a variety of tourism as a vacation in the villages of Russia has become increasingly popular.

It is difficult to dispute the fact that residents of large cities experience an acute shortage of clean air and unity with nature. It really is.

Those who do not agree with this, most likely, simply turn a blind eye to the true state of affairs. And it lies in the fact that every day every average citizen of Russia, one way or another, receives his portion of stress.

Day after day, we rush to our disgusting work, experiencing a crush in crowded transport, then, at least 8-9 hours, we sit in front of the monitor, huddled in an uncomfortable position within the walls of a stuffy office. Evenings, as a rule, take place in the company of alcohol or in front of a computer. Add to this a bad environment, an unbalanced diet, hard work, pressure from the media and the inability to fully relax. All this leads to chronic fatigue syndrome.

IN Lately Psychotherapists make the diagnosis of "protracted depression" so often that the situation begins to take on the character of an epidemic. This is a terrifying psychological disease that poses a threat and which, for the most part, we do not even suspect.

The picture that emerges is indeed depressing. But, the good news is that there is a way out, and most importantly, it is simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. It consists in giving up the dubious "benefits" of civilization and changing the place of stay to a more comfortable and healthy one. We are talking about a holiday in a Russian village.

Rural rural tourism is fashionable!

What should people do who do not have a house in Prostokvashino or their own summer cottage? For such people, tour operators organize tours to the villages of Russia.

To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept of rural tourism. It refers to the organization of tourist leisure, during which he moves to the countryside, far from industrial zones, for the purpose of physical and psychological recovery. For him, psychologically comfortable conditions are created that contribute to the restoration of physical and moral strength.

Today, wild recreation trends in Russia are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons:

  • Rest in the villages of Russia implies a complete distance from the contaminated areas. This means that throughout your vacation you will be able to breathe clean air, consume environmentally friendly products and have an active holiday, traveling through the countryside, thereby significantly increasing your overall tone.
  • Village rest in Russia is a feasible contribution to the economy of your native country. This type of tourism gives a tangible impetus to the development of agriculture, both locally and in the general coverage of the state. In addition, the leakage of money abroad is excluded, which means that you care about your own well-being and the well-being of the country.
  • Tours in Russian resorts will cost you much less than holidays abroad. This applies to both accommodation, meals, excursions, and travel tickets. You save money, and in return you get restored health, great well-being and a lot of pleasant impressions from a quiet relaxing holiday in Russia.
  • Home holiday tours in Russia help to increase the level of employment of the population of villages. This is a significant contribution to the program of social, economic and cultural development of the village. It's easy to draw a parallel. With the organization of employment among the population of villages, the productivity of labor, social, and also the material standard of living will increase. This helps to reduce the level of alcoholism, degradation and moral decline among people living in rural areas.

Variety of home vacation tours in Russia

Holidays in seclusion in Russia and, in particular, in its suburban areas, can be not only useful, but also diverse. Tour operators provide their customers with a fairly rich program that will provide them with a pleasant pastime.

The programs of secluded recreation in Russia include such recreational activities as:

  • Equestrian sport or simple horseback riding;
  • River boat trips;
  • Visiting local attractions, natural, historical and cultural monuments, if any in the area;
  • Organization of outdoor activities, which includes excursions, hikes, as well as various types of outdoor competitions;
  • Direct participation in the performance of folk rituals dedicated to certain holidays or other cultural events;
  • Hiking in the forest for berries and mushrooms;
  • Acquaintance with the historical and cultural past of the villages or other adjacent territory, if any remarkable events are associated with it;
  • Ensuring cozy and comfortable living and pastime in original village-type estates in the best folk traditions;
  • Eating exclusively natural products of natural origin, which are grown in ecologically clean places. The ability to purchase them in reserve and take them with you. Acquaintance with the original Russian cuisine, as well as master classes in the preparation of national dishes.
  • Improving well-being and moral rehabilitation through communication with nature, the absence of annoying attributes of modern civilization, as well as the rejection of the fuss and aggressive media information.
  • Holidays in seclusion in Russia is a great alternative to resorts abroad. After all, you are not just relaxing. You feel unity with your roots, delve into the culture of your country, enrich yourself spiritually and strengthen your own body.

If you are still thinking about where to go in order to improve your health and relax, choose Russia. In favor of this statement, there are several weighty arguments that are undeniable:

  1. Ecotourism within Russia helps to get acquainted with the numerous historical, cultural and natural monuments that our people are proud of;
  2. Domestic ecotourism helps to raise the economy and social level of the country to a decent level, and gives tourists the opportunity to learn more about certain regions of Russia.
  3. Eco tours in Russia will cost a tourist much cheaper than a trip abroad.
  4. Domestic tourism solves the problem of the language barrier.
  5. Ecotourism is a great opportunity to effectively take a break from everyday hustle and bustle. big city while not harming the environment.