A competent personnel policy is the key to the success of any business. Maintaining the personnel policy of the organization Personnel policy interesting facts

Personnel policy. Why is it needed and how to develop it? (Komissarova T.Yu.)

Article placement date: 08.08.2014

As they say, cadres are everything. This saying is still relevant today, as qualified personnel is the most important component of the success of almost any business. To provide the company with such employees, to maintain their level, so that it does not happen that the pros go to competitors, a carefully thought-out personnel policy is needed. What it is, what its functions are, who develops it, what points you should pay attention to - we will tell in the article.

The concept of personnel policy and its types

One of the decisive factors that ensure efficiency and competitiveness for any company is a high human resources potential. At the same time, it should be remembered that work with personnel does not end with hiring - the process of working with personnel should be built in such a way as to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible way in relation to any issue, and in the personnel sphere too. This is facilitated by a developed and clearly formulated personnel policy - a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. It is through personnel policy that the goals and objectives of personnel management are implemented, therefore it is considered the core of the personnel management system.
The personnel policy is formed by the company's management and implemented by the personnel department in the process of performing their functions by its employees. Principles, methods, rules and norms in the field of work with personnel must be formulated in a certain way, personnel policy must be recorded in local and other legal acts companies, for example, internal labor regulations, collective agreements. Of course, it is not always clearly indicated in the documents, however, regardless of the degree of expression on paper, each organization has its own personnel policy.
The object of personnel policy, as we have already understood, is the personnel of the organization. But the subject is the personnel management system, consisting of personnel management services, independent structural units, united according to the principle of functional and methodological subordination.

Note. Personnel policy defines the philosophy and principles implemented by management in relation to human resources.

There are several types of personnel policy.
Active. With such a policy, the company's management can not only predict the development of crisis situations, but also allocate funds to influence them. The personnel management service is able to develop anti-crisis programs, analyze the situation and make adjustments in accordance with changes in external and internal factors.
In this type of personnel policy, two subspecies are distinguished:
- rational (when the personnel department has the means of both diagnosing personnel and predicting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. The organization's development programs contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, integral part plan is a program of personnel work with options for its implementation);
- adventurous (when the management does not have a forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel, while the personnel work plan is based on a rather emotional, poorly reasoned, but, perhaps a correct idea of ​​the purpose of this activity).
Passive. With this type of policy, the management of the organization does not have a program of action for employees, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating the negative consequences of external influences. Such organizations are characterized by the absence of a forecast of personnel needs, means of business assessment of employees, and a system for diagnosing personnel motivation.
Preventive. It is carried out in cases where the management has reason to assume the possibility of crisis situations, there are some forecasts, but the personnel department of the organization does not have the means to influence the negative situation.
Reactive. The management of an organization that has chosen this type of personnel policy seeks to control indicators that indicate the occurrence of negative situations in relations with personnel (conflicts, lack of a sufficiently qualified work force to solve the set tasks, lack of motivation for highly productive work). Human resources departments in such firms usually have the means to detect such situations and take emergency action.

Note. Personnel policy is carried out at all levels of management: senior management, line managers, personnel management service.

Depending on the focus on its own or on external personnel, on the degree of openness in relation to the external environment, an open personnel policy is distinguished (an organization turns to external sources to meet the need for employees, that is, you can start working in an organization both from a lower position and at the level of senior management; this most often happens in new companies seeking to quickly conquer the market, reach the forefront in the industry) and closed (carried out when the company is focused on the inclusion of new personnel from the lower level, and vacant positions are filled only from among employees, that is, actually using its own personnel potential).

Development of personnel policy

Some have long existing companies, especially if they work closely with foreign partners, the understanding of personnel policy, personnel processes and activities for their implementation is documented. For some, the idea of ​​how to work with personnel exists at the level of understanding, but is not enshrined in company documents. In any case, the formation of a personnel management policy begins with the identification of potential opportunities in the field of management and with the identification of those areas of work with personnel that should be strengthened in order to successful implementation firm strategy.
The formation of personnel policy is influenced by external and internal factors. The organization cannot change the environmental factors, but must take it into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering this need. These include:
- the situation on the labor market (demographic factors, education policy, interaction with trade unions);
- economic development trends;
- scientific and technological progress (affects the nature and content of labor, the need for certain specialists, the possibility of retraining personnel);
- legal and regulatory environment (labor legislation, legislation on employment and labor protection, social guarantees etc.).
Factors of the internal environment are subject to control by the organization. These include:
- the goals of the organization, their time perspective and the degree of sophistication (for example, a company aimed at making a quick profit and then closing requires completely different professionals than a company focused on gradual development);
- management style (rigidly centralized approach or the principle of decentralization - depending on this, different specialists are required);
- the personnel potential of the organization (associated with the assessment of the capabilities of the employees of the organization, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which is the basis for effective and stable work);
- working conditions (the degree of harmfulness of work to health, the location of jobs, the degree of freedom in solving problems, interacting with other people in the process of work, etc. If there are at least a few jobs that are unattractive in terms of conditions, the personnel service will have to develop programs to attract and retain employees on them);
- leadership style (it will largely affect the nature of personnel policy).
The formation of personnel policy can be divided into several stages.
At the first stage, the formation of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy is carried out. It is necessary to harmonize the principles and goals of working with personnel with the principles and goals of the company, develop programs and ways to achieve the goals of personnel work. It should be noted that the goals and objectives of the personnel policy are determined in accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents and are linked to the goals and objectives to ensure the effective functioning of the organization as a whole.
At the second stage, personnel monitoring is carried out. For this, procedures for diagnosing and predicting the personnel situation are being developed. In particular, at this stage it is necessary to determine:
- quality requirements for employees based on the requirements for the position;
- the number of employees by position, qualifications etc.;
- the main directions of the personnel policy for the selection and placement of employees, the formation of a reserve, the assessment of personnel development, remuneration, the use of personnel potential, etc.

For your information. The main goal of personnel policy is the full use of the qualification potential of employees. It is achieved by providing each employee with work in accordance with his abilities and qualifications.

Well, at the final stage, a plan of personnel measures, methods and tools of personnel planning are developed, forms and methods of personnel management are selected, and responsible executors are appointed.

For your information. The tools for implementing personnel policy are: personnel planning; current personnel work; personnel management; activities for professional development, improving the skills of employees, solving social problems; reward and motivation. As a result of the use of these tools, the behavior of employees changes, the efficiency of their work increases, and the structure of the team is optimized.

Directions of personnel policy

The directions of personnel policy coincide with the directions of personnel work in a particular organization. In other words, they correspond to the functions of the personnel management system operating in the organization. Thus, personnel policy can be implemented in the following areas:
- forecasting the need to create new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies;
- development of a personnel development program in order to solve both current and future tasks of the organization on the basis of improving the system of training and job placement of employees;
- development of motivational mechanisms that ensure an increase in the interest and satisfaction of employees with work;
- creation of modern systems of recruitment and selection of personnel, marketing activities in relation to personnel, the formation of the concept of remuneration and moral incentives for employees;
- ensuring equal opportunities for effective work, its safety and normal conditions;
- determination of the basic requirements for personnel within the forecast of the development of the enterprise, the formation of new personnel structures and the development of procedures and mechanisms for personnel management;
- improvement of the moral and psychological climate in the team, involvement of ordinary workers in management.
Recall that every employee matters, because in the end, the final results of the entire company depend on the work of an individual. In this regard, moral and material incentives, social guarantees should be the main aspect of the personnel policy pursued in organizations. The payment of bonuses and the system of participation of employees in the distribution of profits will ensure a high level of their interest in the final results of the organization's activities.

Evaluation of the choice of personnel policy

The developed and implemented personnel policy is subject to evaluation after a certain time. It is determined whether it is effective or not, whether something needs to be corrected. In practice, the assessment of personnel policy is carried out according to the following indicators:
- productivity of work;
- compliance with the law;
- degree of job satisfaction;
- Presence/absence of absenteeism and complaints;
- staff turnover;
- presence/absence of labor conflicts;
- the frequency of industrial injuries.
A well-formed personnel policy ensures not only timely and high-quality staffing, but also the rational use of labor according to qualifications and in accordance with special training, as well as maintaining a high level of quality of life for employees, which makes work in a particular organization desirable.


So, in the article we very briefly talked about the personnel policy of the organization. What is the main goal of the Human Resources Department? Providing the organization with personnel capable of effectively solving urgent problems in market conditions, the effective use of these personnel, professional and social development. And the requirements for personnel policy are as follows.
Firstly, it must be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy and be sufficiently stable, allowing for its adjustment in accordance with changes in the company's strategy, production and economic situation.
Secondly, the personnel policy should be economically justified, that is, based on the real financial capabilities of the organization, and should also provide for an individual approach to employees.
The introduction of personnel policy involves the restructuring of the work of the organization's personnel management service. It will be necessary to develop a concept for personnel management, update the provisions on personnel departments, and possibly reshuffle the management of the organization, based on the data of extraordinary certification; introduce new methods of selection, selection and evaluation of employees, as well as a system for their professional advancement. In addition, it will be necessary to develop programs for career guidance and adaptation of personnel, new systems of incentives and labor motivation and management of labor discipline.

Personnel decides everything - this postulate is an axiom not only in business. How to interact with the staff so that the work goes on efficiently, and the quality of the staff does not deteriorate, being updated in a timely manner? How to build a style of communication and management? Does the law provide for any legislative regulation of personnel policy?

Consider the most common styles of interaction between the management and / or owners of the organization with hired personnel.

Definition of personnel policy

The concept of policy provides for certain features of management and interaction. In this case, we are talking about personnel, that is, methods, principles, methods, approaches, rules, etc. are taken into account, which reflect all types of direct and indirect influence on hired personnel. Absolutely all activities related to personnel are related to it:

  • leadership style;
  • drawing up a collective agreement;
  • formulation of internal labor regulations;
  • recruitment principles;
  • peculiarities staffing;
  • certification and training of personnel;
  • motivational and disciplining measures;
  • career prospects, etc.

In this way, personnel policy- a set of rules that guide the representatives of the organization in interaction between each other and the firm.

NOTE! Even if these rules are not documented or not formulated at all or are not understood, they nevertheless exist in some form and affect the process of personnel interaction.

Tasks of personnel policy

Not just conscious, but well-planned tactics and strategy of personnel management at the enterprise is designed to solve a number of purely practical tasks:

  • balance between maintaining and updating the composition of hired personnel;
  • the optimal ratio of "fresh" and experienced personnel, their composition in terms of numbers and qualifications;
  • increasing the efficiency of personnel depending on the needs of the market and the requirements of the company;
  • monitoring and forecasting personnel impacts;
  • implementation of targeted influence on the potential of hired personnel.

Principles of classification of personnel policy

  1. The degree of awareness of the organization, represented by management, of ways to influence personnel and their application for direct impact determines 4 types of personnel policy in terms of its focus and scale:
    • passive;
    • reactive;
    • preventive;
    • active (one can distinguish between rational and adventurous).
  2. The degree of desire to separate from external personnel influences, focus on one's own human resources or external potential allows one to divide the personnel policy into:
    • open;
    • closed.

Different types of scale of personnel policy

Depending on the methods of influence, personnel policy is divided into several types.


Passive personnel policy operates in such business structures that make a minimum of effort to manage personnel, letting the situation “run its course”, limiting itself only to punitive measures or leveling the negative results of personnel actions.

In such firms, the management does not have time to analyze the needs for personnel, predict the impact on personnel and plan any personnel activities, since it is forced to act in a permanent mode of “extinguishing” unexpectedly flaring “fires”, the reasons for which are no longer possible to analyze. Tactics far outweighs strategy. Naturally, such a policy is the least effective.


Reactive HR policy monitors the causes and consequences of negative aspects related to personnel. As part of this method of management, management is concerned about such possible problems, how:

  • conflict situations among personnel;
  • dissatisfaction with working conditions;
  • lack of qualified personnel in conditions of need for them;
  • decrease in motivation of employees, etc.

Problems need to be solved - this is what management's efforts are aimed at. As part of this policy, the organization seeks to develop programs aimed at analyzing situations in order to prevent their recurrence, as well as resolve existing conflicts to mutual benefit. The lack of efficiency of such a method of management can be revealed in long-term planning.


Preventive personnel policy, on the contrary, is aimed at the future human resources potential. When choosing between “looking into the past” and predicting the future situation, HR professionals who adhere to this style choose the latter. Sometimes it is not possible to equally combine the immediate impact on personnel situations with activities aimed at forming a perspective.

The organization prefers to build development plans for a more or less long period, while also focusing on current situations with personnel. The problem with the effectiveness of such a policy is if it is necessary to develop a program to achieve a certain personnel goal.


Active personnel policy provides not only forecasting, both medium and long-term, but also means of direct impact on the current personnel situation. Human resources departments of a firm that adheres to this policy:

  • carry out constant monitoring of personnel conditions;
  • develop programs in case of crises;
  • analyze external and internal factors affecting the staff;
  • can make appropriate and timely adjustments to the developed activities;
  • formulate tasks and methods for developing the qualitative potential of personnel.

Depending on how correctly the management assesses the bases put in the calculation in the analysis and programming, an active personnel policy can be carried out in two ways.

  1. Rational active personnel policy- the measures taken are based on conclusions drawn on the basis of perceived personnel mechanisms, as a result of making a “diagnosis” and reasonable forecasting. A rational way of personnel management provides not only the ability to establish the necessary principles and rules for influencing personnel, but also to change them if an emergency response to a changed situation is necessary. With this approach, any area of ​​activity will always be provided with the necessary number of performers, whose qualifications correspond to it as much as possible. An employee can count on development and growth in the long term.
  2. Adventurous active personnel policy. The desire to influence personnel exceeds reasonable and conscious information about the situation that has developed with them. Diagnostics of the state of personnel is not carried out or is carried out insufficiently objectively, there are no means for long-term forecasting in this area or they are not used. However, goals personnel development put and programs for their implementation are developed. If they are based on a generally correct, albeit intuitive, understanding of the personnel situation, such a program can be applied quite effectively. A failure is possible if unexpected factors intervene, which it was not possible to predict.
    The main weakness of this type of management is the lack of flexibility in the face of unforeseen factors, for example, an unexpected change in the market situation, changes in technology, the emergence of competitive products, etc.

Types of personnel policy by the level of interaction with the environment

Open personnel policy is characterized by extreme transparency for personnel of any level. Personal experience in a particular organization is not decisive for the potential building of one's career, only qualifications are important. A person can be taken immediately to the position that corresponds to his level, if the company needs it, while he does not have to go through the path “from the bottom”. Features of this type of control:

  • recruitment in a highly competitive environment (the company "outbids" the best specialists for the right positions);
  • the ability to quickly start work without a long period of adaptation;
  • the individuality and independence of thinking of employees is supported (within the framework of the required qualifications);
  • the firm is set up to provide education, training or retraining of personnel, often in external centers;
  • vertical promotion is problematic, since the company is focused on recruiting personnel with strictly necessary qualifications;
  • external stimulation prevails as a way to motivate staff.

Closed personnel policy provides for gradual growth and internal replacement of personnel, that is, the staff is “cooked” within the company, gradually improving their qualifications, growing and accumulating the basic values ​​and principles of the organization, the “corporate spirit”. The specifics of this policy:

  • often operates in conditions where recruitment opportunities are limited, labor is scarce;
  • adaptation is effective, since there are always experienced "teachers" from among workers with solid experience;
  • advanced training is carried out to a greater extent on the basis of the organization itself or its internal divisions, which ensures the unity of approaches and traditions;
  • a career can be planned, vertical promotion takes place “from the bottom up” through the gradual promotion of employees who have acquired certain experience and have received the length of service necessary for this;
  • motivation is carried out mainly by ensuring the basic needs of employees: stability, timeliness financial support, security, social recognition, etc.

V modern business the personnel policy of an organization can have a significant impact on the efficiency of economic activity. Therefore, modern personnel specialists and employers need to understand well what types, types and elements of personnel policy exist, what it is, and how to apply them in practice in the most effective way. At the same time, improving the personnel policy in already established and operating organizations can also be an extremely relevant decision, so this procedure should also be carried out on a regular basis.

Human Resources Policy - what is it?

First of all, personnel policy is a set of principles, rules, methods and other standards established in the organization, in accordance with which work is carried out with employees and the process is carried out. At the same time, there is no direct need to reflect the personnel policy in the organization in the documents. One way or another, it is present in one form or another in any enterprise where there is an employment relationship between the employer and employees. And it is easiest to consider this aspect of entrepreneurial activity on the example of the goals and objects of personnel policy, as well as the factors that influence its formation.

The main goal of personnel policy, respectively, is to create the most effective system for personnel management at all levels of the enterprise. Including - increasing labor productivity, reducing costs, creating an optimal microclimate in the organization, using suitable modes and systems of remuneration and taking into account many other nuances related to the organization's staff.

The object of personnel policy is the personnel of the organization - personnel. It includes, first of all, the main, full-time staff of employees. However, depending on the specific enterprise and its personnel policy, its object may be partially or completely personnel working temporarily fixed-term contracts, or even attracted using other mechanisms - and .

Factors affecting personnel policy

The personnel policy of any enterprise is influenced by various factors. It is influenced by both the external and internal environment. And in order to form effective solutions and improve personnel policy, it is necessary to initially understand these features of it. The factors of the external environment on which the influence of the organization is impossible or extremely limited include:

Internal factors influencing personnel policy include:

  • Organization goals. Personnel policy should be formed precisely on their basis and be a tool for achieving them in their area of ​​responsibility.
  • Management methods. The applied personnel management methods should be consistent with the personnel policy and be complementary.
  • Human resource and its potential. A lot depends on the structure of the staff and even the personal characteristics of employees in the formation of personnel policy.

Based on the assessment of the factors influencing the personnel policy, its principles should be formed. Thus, the company must both take into account external factors and do everything necessary to reduce their negative impact on personnel policy, and manage internal factors in order to achieve its maximum efficiency.

The main directions of personnel policy

At its core, the directions of the personnel policy of the organization are consistent with the main areas of activity of the personnel department. At the same time, each area of ​​activity has its own characteristics, principles of implementation and characteristics, which should also be taken into account when forming a personnel policy. The very same areas of this aspect of personnel matters are as follows:

  1. Personnel Management. General management employees is the primary direction within which the personnel policy is implemented. Regardless of its type and type, management should be based on the principles of meeting the needs of both personnel and the organization itself. on observance of the principle of equal achievement of both the goals of the organization and the goals of employees. This, in turn, will maximize management efficiency even if the organization has to partly sacrifice its interests. For example, giving employees a bonus will actually reduce the company's profits, but increase labor efficiency, which, in turn, can increase its income by more significant indicators. the interests of the organization at first glance may be weakened.
  2. Search and distribution of employees. Personnel policy also addresses the issues of filling gaps in the state and its effective formatting. The main principles of this aspect are the correspondence of the volume of work to the capabilities of employees, the correspondence of the employee's knowledge to the requirements of the profession and position. In addition, the selection and distribution of employees should also take into account the individual characteristics and inclinations of each employee, as well as their practical experience.
  3. Creation of a management reserve. An effective personnel policy always provides ready-made solutions in case of loss of valuable personnel. This aspect should always be based on the principles of competitiveness - selection of the best employees, rotation - change of positions and their interchangeability, training and evaluation - transfer of a position to those who have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills and are ready to maintain high results.
  4. Conducting and evaluating the effectiveness of labor resources. The personnel policy of the organization should include mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of employees. At the same time, the main principles of the evaluation aspect of personnel policy are independence, objectivity and professionalism. The assessment should be carried out by competent people who are not interested in the promotion of individual employees or, on the contrary, their stagnation. It is also necessary to provide in advance both the evaluation criteria and the estimated indicators for each specific aspect of the activity.
  5. Staff development. With the effective organization of personnel policy at the enterprise, the process of developing its staff is constantly going on to increase its economic efficiency. Development operates on the principles of legality, self-development and justice. That is, it should raise the status of employees in terms of legislation, encourage their personal aspirations and be encouraged to an adequate extent by the employer himself.
  6. workers and wages. This direction of personnel policy provides for the development of mechanisms for motivating workers and directly wage systems. At the same time, the main principles in this direction are the correspondence of the complexity of labor to its payment, as well as a uniform combination of positive and negative methods of motivation - the presence of both a system of disciplinary influences on employees and mechanisms for their remuneration.

Elements of personnel policy

Personnel policy cannot be implemented without a certain range of tools that will be applied within the framework of personnel management. At the same time, the range of such tools can be quite wide. So, the indicated elements of personnel policy can be as follows:

  • administrative tools. Local regulations of the organization, which include the staffing table, internal labor regulations, provisions on remuneration and bonuses - the employer has a fairly wide range of opportunities to regulate the activities of personnel using its internal standards, and therefore this personnel policy tool is the most effective.
  • Psychological tools. Employers and the personnel department can use not only direct administrative tools in the implementation of personnel policy. The effective use of methods of psychological influence on employees, the creation of a favorable environment in the team, or vice versa - the stimulation of conflicts to identify the most effective employees can also be quite convenient tools in the implementation of personnel policy.
  • Social tools. Creating a company's image in the external and internal environment can also affect the effectiveness of personnel management. General interior style, corporate ethics, increasing the loyalty and involvement of employees in the organization form a separate society in it, which in itself is important element personnel policy and, if used properly, can demonstrate much greater efficiency than purely administrative regulated management tools.

Types of personnel policy by implementation method

Considering the direct implementation and application of personnel policy, it should first of all be understood that it can be divided into several main types. For existing enterprises without a regulated personnel policy, determining its type is a priority. Basically, in modern personnel matters, the employer's policy in this area is divided into:

Types of personnel policy by degree of openness

It must be understood that the types of personnel policy can also be divided in terms of its openness. The openness of this aspect of labor organization affects almost all other aspects of both external and internal personnel policy and the structure of personnel in general. With an open personnel policy, personnel are mainly recruited from outside for all categories of positions, while a closed personnel policy provides for the selection of personnel exclusively for lower positions, and all other personnel positions are closed precisely at the expense of the employees of the enterprise.

The following characteristics can be attributed to the features of an open personnel policy:

  • Recruitment is carried out mainly from the external labor market for any position, from lower-level employees to senior management. This approach is effective in a developed labor market without a shortage of workers.
  • can be carried out by various methods and is a rather complicated procedure due to the variety of employees selected.
  • Training of employees is carried out mainly in external institutions, or they are initially required to have a certain level of education, practical skills and theoretical knowledge at the stage of selection.
  • The possibility of career growth within the enterprise is limited, since often the personnel policy provides for a focus on finding professionals, and not selecting them from existing employees. In this case, the promotion of employees on the career ladder will mean the opening of a new vacancy, which will also need to be filled, instead of just initially picking up suitable employee in the job market.
  • Personnel motivation is provided mainly by direct monetary influences and disciplinary sanctions.
  • A wide variety of personnel greatly simplifies the search for innovations and their implementation by employees.
  • An open personnel policy does not stimulate the growth of loyalty to the brand and the company and has certain problems in comparison with closed mechanisms.

The closed personnel policy has the following characteristic features:

  • Recruitment is carried out exclusively on the basis of existing employees in lower positions. Such an approach is extremely relevant in the context of a labor shortage in the labor market and a lack of professionals.
  • The adaptation of personnel in the organization provides for their wide involvement in the corporate culture.
  • Training of employees most often takes place in a complex within the enterprise, including popular. This method allows you to increase team cohesion and form a unified corporate policy and ethics.
  • From the point of view of career growth, a closed personnel policy provides extremely high motivation for employees, since almost any position within the enterprise is achieved from below.
  • The motivational approach also provides for the creation of an atmosphere of stability for employees and the provision, first of all, of intangible values ​​and benefits on the basis of the enterprise.
  • Innovation processes within the framework of a closed personnel policy require special additional motivation of employees and their initiation in the first place from above, which can reduce potential.
  • A closed personnel policy provides for the formation of a stable corporate culture and ethics and provides for the interchangeability of employees, however, the overall efficiency of economic activity due to such a policy may decrease, since it has a rather strict regulation and does not imply large-scale fluctuations, both in the negative and in the positive direction.

The above concepts are only a general theoretical designation of personnel policy, and in practice, enterprises do not use a completely closed or completely open model, but combine their individual features to one degree or another.

Requirements for personnel policy

The formation of an effective personnel policy of an organization is a complex task that requires a balanced approach and strict adherence to the basic principles, which are the same regardless of the type or type of personnel policy chosen. So, we can highlight the main requirements that should be presented to this aspect of personnel management in an organization:

The procedure for developing and improving personnel policy

The development of a personnel policy can be initiated by the management of an organization at any stage of its existence, however, the sooner attention is paid to this aspect of labor, the more effective the overall economic activity of almost any organization will be. The easiest way to start developing a personnel policy is to use enough simple algorithm actions:

  1. Definition of the general strategic goals of the organization and its development plan as a whole. This stage is necessary, since personnel policy is only auxiliary tool to achieve the objectives of the organization itself.
  2. Development of the basic principles of personnel policy, its priorities, as well as the identification of weak and strengths taking into account all the factors affecting the organization. At this stage, a specific type of personnel policy and the overall structure of the enterprise's personnel are determined.
  3. Formation of the financial base of personnel policy. At this stage, it is necessary to assess the assets of the enterprise and possible funds that will be directed to the implementation of the personnel policy, after which its final approval takes place.
  4. Approval of personnel policy. An effective personnel policy should be accurately and clearly reflected in the regulatory documents of the organization, which must also comply with it.
  5. Promotion of personnel policy. Each employee must understand what level he occupies in hierarchical structure enterprise, and how exactly the current personnel policy can help him achieve his goals - at this stage, it is necessary to ensure the clarity and accessibility of the basic principles of personnel policy for each of the employees.
  6. Development of operational plans. At the initial stages, the personnel policy is oriented in its development towards achieving global goals and directly methods for determining and implementing tactical tasks. After the actual implementation of the personnel policy, its direct and primary goals in the short term should be determined.
  7. The actual implementation of operational plans and the use of personnel policy methods. At this stage, work is underway within the framework of the developed personnel policy as a whole
  8. Evaluation and analysis. Personnel policy should always be analyzed by the management of the enterprise and reworked to improve its effectiveness, and, accordingly, the overall economic benefit of the organization.

Improving personnel policy is impossible without its comprehensive analysis. However, it should be understood that policy improvement is not always possible overnight. In certain situations, any changes, even promising ones, can lead to a short-term decrease in the overall effectiveness of personnel policy, since employees need some time to adapt to the ongoing changes.

  • What types of personnel policy exist.
  • What elements are included in the system of personnel policy.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel policy in your company.
  • How well-known companies implement personnel policy.

Personnel policy- the general line in interaction with employees.

The personnel policy of the organization forms:

  • requirements for employees when hiring (to the level of knowledge, length of service, etc.);
  • investing in labor resources. Attitude towards systematic influence on increase in the skill level of employees in the right area;
  • measures to stabilize the team (completely or a specific structural unit);
  • the specifics of training the company's labor reserves and retraining of specialists.

The directions of the personnel policy of the organization are determined taking into account the possibilities of increasing the potential of the company within the framework of existing market development trends.

The purpose of personnel policy- improving the professional level and maintaining the number of specialists that is necessary for the efficient operation of the company. It should solve the problems of shaping the atmosphere in the team and building the capacity for career development .

What is the HR policy in your organization?

Passive policy

It's hard to imagine, but there are leaders who are not interested in developing their staff. Most often, this type of personnel policy is typical for companies that do not have formed personnel programs. As a rule, the leader intervenes in the team only when there is a threat of a serious conflict. In such companies, there is no understanding of what employees want, managers do not develop criteria for assessing personnel. The managerial role is reduced to the rapid elimination of the consequences of conflicts.

Reactive politics

The implementation of personnel measures involves constant monitoring actions to identify shortcomings in the policy. This is necessary to detect potential dangerous situations understanding their causes. Crisis processes in organizations are often the result of a lack of sufficient human resources to meet production goals or low staff motivation.

To overcome such trends, the organization's policy is built on the basis of diagnostic tools and medium-term planning.

Preventive Policy

We can say that an adequate policy takes place where the manager receives objective data on forecasts in various aspects. But in order to appropriately influence such a situation, preventive personnel measures are required. The list of main issues in this approach to business should contain the tasks of professional development and analysis of the potential need for employees at certain intervals.

Active policy

If an organization has not only tools for medium-term forecasting, but also ways to influence personnel policy based on a well-thought-out anti-crisis program, then the manager gets the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

In such a situation, there are grounds confirming the implementation of active measures in relation to personnel. To make effective decisions, rational (conscious) and irrational forecasting methods can be used (in this case, the basis for compiling a picture for the future are factors that cannot be described and structured according to understandable algorithms). Such experience allows us to assert that there are two subspecies of active personnel policy: rational and adventurous.

With a rational policy, the leader conducts the formation of tools of influence based on objective conclusions and reasonable forecasts. In order to develop interventions, the HR department must have diagnostic tools at its disposal to extrapolate the situation to the medium term. Using this mechanism, development programs are formed, forecasts are made for the quality and quantity of personnel reserves that may be needed in the future to implement the tasks set. One of highlights rational approach are considered options for the implementation of the planned personnel programs.

With an adventuristic policy, personnel issues are resolved without an objective analysis of the situation and a real forecast of its development in the medium term. This is due to the fact that the personnel department lacks the necessary tools for accurate diagnosis and drawing up sound development programs. Here, measures regarding employees, although they are carried out taking into account the strategy of the organization, but not according to forecasts of changes in the external and internal situation. The development of personnel policy takes place on an emotional level without taking into account objective factors.

Adventurous work with personnel can lead to crisis situations within the organization, which will be due to changes in the external environment. For example, the appearance of a more competitive product on the market can reduce the turnover of the enterprise. Rejuvenation of personnel, training of personnel, and advanced training of employees will help to correct this situation. It is rather difficult to implement such a program in an organization staffed with highly experienced specialists.

It is much easier to solve such a problem in a young, ambitious team, albeit with less qualified personnel. This example indicates the importance of taking into account all factors in the formation of a personnel policy, including such a criterion as the quality of specialists.

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Elements of personnel policy

The personnel policy and personnel work of the organization are single system comprising seven major components.

1. Personnel accounting

The accounting policy for the personnel of the organization is based on the norms current legislation and internal order. The implementation of the prescribed document flow is entrusted to the HR department. To regulate this unit, the Regulations on the personnel records of the organization are being developed. The relevant service of the enterprise draws up the following list of documentation: the structure of the company, management scheme, instructions for employees of different positions, norms for departments, etc. All these provisions must be unified.

2. Recruitment and Onboarding Issues

This component of the personnel policy is responsible for the recruitment and adaptation of employees in the organization. For the normal operation of this area, a clear regulation of all processes is needed. All structural units of the enterprise must be guided by the recruitment and adaptation standards, which are formed by the personnel department in the form of an appropriate document. In addition, it is also necessary to develop the following internal provisions: “Passport of the position”, “List of requirements for the vacancy applicant”, “Script for conducting interviews with the applicant”, “Plan of training and induction into position”.

3. Issues of evaluation and certification

The recertification system should be linked to training and promotion plans qualification level workers. Such dependence should be built taking into account motivational programs. If there is no incentive component, and the personnel assessment system is not linked to the issues of advanced training, then the very procedure for confirming the level of specialists risks becoming a mere formality. The standards on which the procedure for attestation of personnel is based should be prescribed in the Regulations on the assessment of the activities of employees.

4. Personnel training system

This element of the organization's personnel policy includes measures to form the objectives of professional training, determine the need for such actions, as well as the implementation of specific educational programs and trainings. There are several types of training activities: an adaptation course, mentoring systems, professional development, team-building trainings, and activities to introduce professional culture. The tasks of organizing a continuous planned training process are assigned to the internal training center (VTsO). The work of the ECU is regulated by a special regulation on the training of specialists.

5. Staff motivation system

The ancient technique of stick and carrot has not lost its relevance in our days. In addition to these two interrelated tools (motivation and stimulation), experts also note the importance of such a tool as showing interest in the work performed. A person who is passionate about his occupation does not need to be forced to productive work. He does his job with pleasure. In the personnel policy of the organization, all motivational tools can be used. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balance of different methods (material and moral). As a financial incentive, a bonus system based on the evaluation of key performance indicators of employees can be introduced.

Do not ignore such intangible motivators as internal competitions. For example, you can hold a competition for the title of "Best Employee of the Month" in the organization. For the winners, it is worth preparing not only diplomas, but also a certain amount of bonuses.

Such an incentive complex for employees is regulated within the framework of the company's personnel policy by a special Regulation on the system of motivation and incentives for employees.

6. Corporate culture

An efficient business has its own corporate culture, which includes a set of regulated norms for the relationship of employees within the organization. In order to create the necessary microclimate and level of communication, it is necessary to clearly understand the mission of the enterprise and determine its main goals. There are examples when certain structures of one company have formed different types corporate cultures. This situation can lead to contradictions in the relationship between employees of different departments. The systematic introduction of the desired corporate culture strengthens the organization, increases employee loyalty, and reduces the number of conflicts in the team.

7. Monitoring

An effective personnel policy of a company is impossible without a constant analysis of the situation inside the enterprise and in the external environment. The obtained research data make it possible to adequately respond to changing situations and take effective measures in connection with the personnel. This element of the organization's personnel policy is regulated by the Monitoring Regulation, which includes a full set of descriptions of the methods used. To study the situation, tools such as analysis of the level of salaries, demand for specialists in the right areas, questioning employees to determine their attitude to the organization, interviews with the manager, etc. can be used.

Schemes where employees steal money from you

The former security officer revealed typical schemes for withdrawing funds from the business of the editorial office of the General Director magazine and talked about ways to prevent theft.

What should HR policy be based on?

legal act defining key aspects personnel issues in organizations, speaks Labor Code. It sets standards for labor relations and salaries. Regulations on personnel policy in organizations are developed on the basis of the main document. Such standards cannot contain conditions that allow reducing the amount of wages below the level specified in the code.

Organizations in relation to personnel policy form three main documents.

1. Inner order rules

The main task that this document is intended to solve is to establish a regime for the implementation of admission / dismissal, provision of leave, bonuses, fines, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the code. The norms that are included in the Internal Regulations must be approved by the director of the organization and are binding on employees. This document often serves as an appendix to collective agreement workers. One of the defining sections of the Rules is the clause on working hours, which includes the provisions:

  • about the duration of the working week;
  • about the start time and duration of the working day;
  • overtime and night work;
  • about the exit of employees on weekends and holidays.

According to the norms included in this document, each specialist is obliged to perform the tasks of the organization throughout the entire working time.

2. Regulations on wages

A separate document regulating some aspects of personnel policy is the Regulation on wages. This set of norms is drawn up taking into account the interests of the company and the wishes of employees, after which it is certified by the director.

The development of the Regulation on wages is carried out taking into account the standards enshrined in the Labor Code, as well as the specifics of the industry in which the enterprise operates.

In the Regulation, the organization must prescribe the rules remuneration calculation and employee incentives. It is necessary to provide for additional accruals for overtime hours, for going to work on holidays, etc. The regulation of personnel policy in matters of wages should be drawn up in such a way that its provisions do not lead to a decrease in the level of remuneration provided for by labor legislation.

Rates wages in the organization are formed on the basis of the staffing table and the qualification level of the specialist. As a separate item in the remuneration regulations, it is necessary to prescribe the technology for changing the cost of labor depending on fluctuations in the prices of goods and services in the national market. The director of the organization must set clear parameters for increased salary for situations that differ from the standard ones.

The minimum wage is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The minimum wage cannot fall below the cost of living, which is enshrined in Article 133 of the Labor Code of Russia. This means that monthly payments of remuneration to a specialist who, in fulfilling his duties, has worked out the prescribed time limit, should not be less than the minimum wage.

In order to increase the level of motivation of employees in the interests of increasing labor productivity, a bonus system is being formed in the organization.

The issues of accrual of incentive remuneration are regulated by separate norms of the Regulations on the salary of the organization. In some cases, it will be appropriate to develop two different Regulations - on contractual rates and on material incentives. Thus, the manager can distinguish between the cost of salaries and bonus payments in the organization.

Another point that should be highlighted in the document on wages concerns the description of the basis for the deduction of bonuses. Here it is necessary to outline the issues of reducing the amount of incentive payments, as well as the complete deprivation of such accruals of both an individual specialist and the entire structural unit of the organization. The personnel policy provides for establishing the dependence of such measures on the level of impact of employee omissions on the well-being of the enterprise and the effectiveness of the decision production tasks.

3. staffing

An important factor in the system of personnel policy is the staffing table. This document is formed and approved at the initial stage of the creation of the organization, even before the recruitment of specialists. At the same time, there are often cases when a formal approach is applied to the development of the staffing table or it is generally forgotten about. This can have serious implications for the debugging of an organization's production processes. Despite the fact that the Labor Code does not contain rules on the mandatory staffing, a number of factors can be cited that indicate the importance of such a document for personnel policy:

  • Article 57 of the code speaks of the need to include information about the position of a specialist and his professional qualifications in an employment contract. At the same time, it is indicated in accordance with the staffing information;
  • in personnel policy, the staffing table plays the role of a regulatory provision that fixes the necessary number of employees for the successful solution of production problems, as well as determining the amount of expenses for the maintenance of specialists;
  • direct indications of the need for such a document are presented in the acts that establish the norms of fiscal policy. The staffing is a confirming fact in matters of benefits for mandatory contributions to the budget, as well as in calculating the cost of goods and services. Given this situation, during a tax audit, inspectors have the right to require the provision of a document regulating the structure and number of personnel.

The staffing table is a form that does not include specific names and other information about employees. Only data on the number of positions and salaries for each of them are indicated here. The appointment of a certain specialist to a particular position is carried out by order of the director on the basis of the existing staffing table.

This document can be drawn up separately for each branch or structural unit, or for the entire organization as a whole. For divisions of companies, situations are typical when their head works on the basis of a power of attorney from CEO corporations. In this case, the written powers of the head should contain the possibility of resolving issues of personnel policy and drawing up a staffing table in a subordinate enterprise.

Another point in working with the organization's personnel, related to the staffing table, concerns the dismissals of specialists. One of the grounds for such actions may be this regulatory document. In the course of proceedings in the courts on labor disputes on dismissal, it is necessary to provide the court with a staffing table. If it is missing or inaccurate information is entered into it, then the likelihood of losing a lawsuit increases.

The form that is used in the organization to draw up the staffing table is designated No. T-3. It was approved by a special resolution of the State Statistics Committee. The document is developed and accepted for execution by order of the director of the organization.

Personnel policy methods

Separate methods are used for each element of personnel policy in organizations. We list the most important of them.

Method 1 Optimization of the personnel of the organization

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the enterprise is established according to the following scheme.

  1. Based on the existing scope of work and future tasks, the required number of personnel of the organization and its structural units is calculated.
  2. The required level of qualification of specialists in different positions is established.
  3. Staffing takes place based on the data described in the previous paragraphs.

The principles of the personnel policy of the organization in relation to specialists at vacant positions criteria such as friendship or family ties, personal sympathies, etc., should not be included.

Method 2 Creation of an effective system of labor motivation

The tasks of the organization's personnel policy to build an effective motivation system are related to creating a situation in which each employee will be interested in achievements that correspond to the goals of the enterprise, as well as in improving the planned performance.

The most important element of the incentive mechanism for employees of the organization is a well-thought-out system of financial rewards for labor success. It is based on the principle of equal pay for employees in similar positions and performing the same tasks.

The main component of the company's personnel motivation system is the mechanism of monetary remuneration for work. Its main principle is equal pay for equivalent classes, which means the same level of rates for specialists occupying positions (jobs) of similar complexity and importance and showing comparable levels of performance. The payroll includes two components:

  • constant. This is a guaranteed rate or salary corresponding to the position held;
  • variable. It is calculated on the basis of the results of the activities of a specialist, structural unit, organization as a whole.

Thus, we can conclude that the personnel policy provides for the formation of Regulations on remuneration and incentives for employees of the organization, which will determine the algorithm for accruing remuneration.

Method 3 Creation and maintenance of a rigid organizational order in the company

In order for the organization to successfully solve its problems, each individual employee is obliged to strictly observe labor discipline and accurately perform his official functions. This moment should be provided for by a personnel policy aimed at strict subordination of personnel to the orders of management and increasing the efficiency of each specialist.

Employee performance is the basis for the success of an organization. Each employee is supposed to know exactly and fully implement the duties within their position, which are prescribed in the relevant personnel instructions. At the same time, all representatives of the management level of the organization are responsible for the decisions made, the implementation of measures to control and plan the activities of structural units and individual specialists.

The above norms are included in the Internal Labor Regulations. In addition to them, in the practice of personnel policy various companies the provisions of the Code of Corporate Conduct are used, as well as such regulatory documents as job descriptions of the enterprise.

Since a rigid organizational order is the basis of the company's efficiency, all its violations can be regarded as serious disciplinary offenses and should lead to severe penalties (financial penalties, reprimands, dismissals).

Method 4 Creation and development in the organization of a system of training and advanced training

A training system aimed at maintaining the required level of staff qualifications and increasing the professionalism of specialists should become an integral element of the organization's personnel policy. A special role in this aspect is given to internal training, which may have different forms: mentoring, trainings, advanced training courses, etc. To increase the motivation of employees to develop the level of competencies, methods of moral and material incentives are used. The organization, within the framework of the personnel policy, compensates for the costs of training and acquiring skills that contribute to increasing productivity and quality of work.

Method 5 Formation and strengthening of the business corporate culture of the organization

A successful HR policy involves holding company-wide events that contribute to the formation of a corporate culture. In the course of such actions, the loyalty of employees to the company, team qualities and common industrial interests are developed. This allows you to improve the image of the organization and creates a positive psychological atmosphere in the personnel environment.

Responsible for the development of measures to form a corporate culture are HR specialists who must interact with the heads of departments and the management structure of the entire company.

Formation of the personnel policy of the organization: 2 levels of development

The personnel policy of the organization is developed at two levels.

  1. Regional. This plan of interaction with personnel is built taking into account territorial and national peculiarities in the field of legislation and research developments. The organization of personnel activities at this stage is complicated by the absence of a clearly defined subject of activity.
  2. In-house. Here, work with the team takes place taking into account industry specifics and the specifics of the company's activities.

When developing a personnel policy, factors of the external and internal environment of the organization are taken into account

  1. Material support of the enterprise, which determines the acceptable level of financing of personnel management;
  2. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of the organization's human resources and the need to increase the level of potential capabilities of the team in the medium term;
  3. The activity of the labor market for specialties that are included in the range of interests of the company (quantitative and qualitative parameters of proposals for representatives of the required professions);
  4. The level of demand for human resources from enterprises operating in a similar segment;
  5. The activity of trade unions in the context of protecting the interests of industry specialists;
  6. Legislative norms regarding personnel policy and work with hired employees.

The system of relations with personnel must also meet certain requirements.

  1. The development of the personnel policy of the organization must be carried out taking into account its strategic directions of development. It can be said that personnel decisions should be aimed at the implementation of the economic programs of the enterprise.
  2. There must be reasonable flexibility in personnel decisions. The organization's policy in this matter is built in such a way as to combine seemingly contradictory characteristics, such as stability and dynamism. Consistency must be ensured in terms of working conditions, which must meet the expectations of employees, and the active side involves making timely adjustments, taking into account the economic situation and production needs.
  3. The selection and training of reserve specialists requires a certain amount of funding from the organization, so the personnel policy must be economically justified.
  4. In the process of implementing programs of work with personnel within the company, it is important to be guided by the principle individual approach to every employee.

Summing up the foregoing, it can be noted that the objectives of the organization's personnel policy should be determined on the basis of obtaining the required economic and social effect, taking into account the current legislative standards.

The process of developing the personnel policy of an organization consists of several successive stages

  1. Monitoring the situation with the preparation of forecasts regarding the development of the organization. Formation of its strategic objectives.
  2. Formulating the basic principles of personnel work with the definition of the most significant aspects.
  3. Approval of the provisions of the personnel policy by the management of the organization.
  4. Informing employees about the tasks and directions of the principles of interaction with the team, obtaining feedback.
  5. Analysis of available material resources that can be focused on the implementation of the goals of the personnel management system. Preparation of a methodology for the distribution of finances and procedures for stimulating employees.
  6. Planning activities for the implementation of the personnel policy: development of the structure of the organization and drawing up the staffing table, determining the main criteria for the formation of the company's personnel reserve.
  7. Carrying out the planned operational activities: creating conditions for the successful implementation of the personnel management system, recruiting employees and their adaptation, professional training and education in order to increase the level of competencies.
  8. Analysis of the results obtained: study of the compliance of the planned activities of the personnel policy with the main directions of the development of the organization, identification of problem areas and assessment of the potential of human resources.

4 criteria for evaluating the personnel policy in your company

To perform an objective analysis of the effectiveness of personnel policy, the following evaluation criteria must be used.

Criterion 1. Quantitative and qualitative staff

In order to simplify the study, the personnel composition of the company can be divided into several categories.

  1. Leading, managerial and service personnel;
  2. Male and female employees of retirement age;
  3. Working professionals and vacationers (including those on unpaid or parental leave);
  4. Employees of the central office and branches.

Qualitative staffing can also be divided according to certain criteria.

  1. Specialists with higher/secondary/special education;
  2. Personnel with experience;
  3. Employees who have completed advanced training courses, etc.

Criterion 2. Staff turnover rate

Assessment of staff turnover is the most informative indicator of the organization's policy in this area. This aspect can be viewed both positively and negatively. The outflow of labor force increases the potential of specialists and increases their level of adaptation to corporate culture. In addition, the arrival of new employees contributes to the flow of fresh ideas, which also has a positive effect on the development of the organization.

Criterion 3. Policy flexibility

To assess flexibility, criteria such as dynamism and stability are used. Personnel policy should be carried out in such a way that it becomes possible to quickly restructure under changing external circumstances without losing stability in strategic areas.

Criterion 4. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc.

Analysis according to this criterion involves identifying the presence of a methodology for an individual approach to employees. The depth of taking into account the priorities of specialists should be considered in the context of the interests of the development of the organization.

Problems of personnel policy

The problems of personnel policy can be divided into four groups.

  1. Difficulties in the process of drawing up a plan of work with personnel.
  2. Complications of an organizational nature.
  3. Issues in the field of management and incentives.
  4. Problems of the organization of control.

As practice shows, if you do not immediately solve the complex issues that arise at the beginning of the implementation of the personnel policy, then over time they only get worse and can cause completely unexpected results. It is necessary to eliminate contradictions from their very inception in such a way as to ensure stabilization of the development of the situation with personnel by the controlling stage, especially in matters of increasing professional competence.

Causes of personnel policy problems

  1. Carrying out transformations in the structure of the organization without a corresponding personnel restructuring.
  2. Consolidation of several divisions of the company or takeover by another company.
  3. Transition to remote work, creation of Internet groups or virtual teams.
  4. Unprepared execution of measures to change the payroll technology or bonus program.
  5. Personnel management and administrative decision-making without taking into account changing external socio-economic factors.
  6. Backward information support of the organization's personnel system.
  7. Low level of care and inattentive attitude of the administration to employees (the most striking form of this trend may be the manifestation of discrimination against staff).
  8. Low degree of awareness of human resources.
  9. Ill-conceived staffing.
  10. Lack of a mechanism for competent distribution of resources, responsibility and setting goals.
  11. Changes in the structure of administration.

To solve and prevent problems, changes are made to personnel policy. Transformations in the personnel management system are carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Collecting the necessary information for planning personnel policy measures, taking into account the existing problematic issues.
  2. Development of a new scheme of actions in the field of work with personnel or to reform the existing system of human resource management according to the planned plan to overcome difficult moments.
  3. Motivational and stimulating measures for personnel specialists, as well as those employees who can influence the positive resolution of problematic issues.
  4. Clear control of the implementation anti-crisis measures, as well as the use of feedback techniques to improve personnel policy.

An effective system of interaction with the team serves as a reliable tool for adapting the company to socio-economic changes and helps to minimize the negative consequences of problem situations.

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Personnel policy of the organization: examples from foreign practice

Acting as one of the most important tools for managing an organization, the system of interaction with personnel is influenced by socio-economic conditions, market processes, regional characteristics, etc.

Example 1 British corporations believe that a professional organization of personnel policy helps to strengthen their image and provides additional competitive advantages. To achieve a compromise between the administration and employees of companies, Investors in People (IiP) was developed here. It appeared in 1991 and was under the control of the Ministry of Employment until the formation of the Investors in People organization (1993), which certifies and sells franchises in many countries.

Investors in People's quality standards include:

  • quality standards for employee management, contributing to an increase in the level of implementation of business processes;
  • the degree of integration of personnel policy into the enterprise management system;
  • indicators of the quality of developing and learning processes that take place as part of solving business problems.

Example 2 Most of the examples from textbooks on personnel policy regarding organizations that have the best conditions for the development of specialists demonstrate the extraordinary charisma of managers. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, etc. are represented in this row. Thank you?

The personnel policy of an organization is a set of measures that are aimed at managing its personnel in order to achieve the goals pursued by this organization.

Concept and elements

The personnel policy of the organization is activities of a purposeful nature, designed to form the workforce of the enterprise ready to achieve its goals in the best possible way. It is a set of provisions and tasks that determine the main characteristics and methods of working with personnel in a given organization. Accordingly, the key object of the organization's personnel policy is its personnel, which is understood as the staffing of employees related to it.

The mission of the personnel policy is to determine at the appropriate time the general directions of work with employees, to accurately establish the tasks planned for solving.


The personnel policy at the enterprise includes the following main areas:

Types of personnel policy

The difference in the types of personnel policy of the organization is determined by how directly its management affects the situation with the staff. Taking this factor into account, four main types of personnel policy, which will be discussed below.


Passive policy, as its name implies, assumes that the management of the enterprise there is an explicitly defined program that includes a sequence of actions regarding the formation personnel employees. At the same time, the structural unit that is responsible for this area (HR department or HR department) does not make predictions for the future about how many staff this company may need in the future, limited to following the said program. Also, it has not developed a toolkit that would allow to determine the quality of the personnel currently working at the enterprise.

In the development programs of a company that adheres to a passive policy, personnel problems are mentioned only for reference. These documents are completely there are no attempts to analyze the situation in this area at the enterprise and how it was formed.

As a result, the company only responds to emerging incentives. He lacks the desire to identify trends in advance and respond to them in planned ways.


A reactive personnel policy is characterized by the fact that a company, unlike a company with a passive policy, is able to identify crisis situations in this aspect of its activity. In particular, the personnel employees of the enterprise are able to determine that the company has a shortage of personnel required to solve the tasks facing it. They are also able to detect when employees are not motivated to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. Similarly, the enterprise can identify a conflict situation in time.

In all cases, responsible employees of the company promptly respond to the problems that have arisen and try to solve them, while no action is taken to prevent the occurrence of such problems in the future.

Personnel services in companies that conduct a reactive personnel policy, are able to analyze the current situation and urgently correct it.

The development programs of such enterprises already specifically highlight the problems with the personnel that are analyzed in them. These documents contain suggestions on how to deal with them. At the same time, analysis in the medium term for companies with such a personnel policy is still difficult.


This variant of the personnel policy assumes that specialists of the corresponding profile at such an enterprise able to make a medium-term forecast relatively further development personnel situations. The personnel service is not limited to stating the situation at the moment, but is able to determine the direction of its evolution.

Accordingly, the development programs adopted in this organization contain reasonable indications of how many personnel of what level the company will need in the short and medium term. They also indicate the goals for personnel development that the company should set.

Thus, the company's management tries to anticipate and prevent possible risks.

Preventive policy differs from the most effective, active personnel policy in that in this case the enterprise lacks the mechanisms and tools with which it could influence the situation with personnel.


Finally, an active personnel policy assumes that the company has exist as developed predictions how the situation with the staff will develop in the future, and extensive opportunities for targeted impact to this policy. The personnel service in an organization that pursues an active policy is ready to:

  • create action programs in the field of personnel management, anti-crisis and others;
  • regularly monitor the situation with personnel in the company;
  • make modifications to the implementation of programs, taking into account changes in the situation within the company, as well as the situation in the external environment, both in the medium and long term.

An active personnel policy will be effective if, on the one hand, it is possible to correctly determine its key tasks, on the other hand, if it is determined how, using what mechanisms and tools, the organization can bring the situation with the staff to the optimum.

An active personnel policy assumes that the organization strives to achieve results in the following areas:

  • high level of quality of goods and services (product offered to consumers);
  • the main emphasis on the conformity of the product to the needs of consumers;
  • maintenance using the necessary technical means;
  • flexible organizational structures with high adaptability to the situation;
  • application of the most modern achievements in the field of technical progress;
  • qualified personnel of the enterprise.

closed and open

Another way to classify the personnel policy of an enterprise is division into closed and open.

The closed personnel policy assumes that the new employee who has not previously worked for this company, can find a job in it only in the place of an ordinary performer. Initially, only the basic position is available for him. In the future, from this level, he has the opportunity to grow up the career ladder. At the same time, hiring an employee from the outside immediately to a position of a higher hierarchical level is not practiced in such an organization. This variant of personnel policy is adopted in companies that seek to maintain a certain atmosphere within themselves and profess their own organizational culture.

The closed personnel policy has the following features:

  • it is typical for the situation on the labor market, when there is a shortage of fresh personnel, a shortage of new employees;
  • it assumes that new employees quickly adapt to the organization with the help of mentors, as well as thanks to the atmosphere in the team;
  • personnel training is carried out within the organization, in its course, teachers strive to develop a common view among new employees, instill in them common approaches;
  • the opportunities for growth from a lower level in this organization are relatively high, since by definition (almost) no one is accepted from outside to higher hierarchical positions;
  • motivation prevails over incentives, the organization seeks to satisfy the need of personnel for security and stability;
  • the process of introducing innovations needs to be specially stimulated.

In the same time An open personnel policy can be characterized as follows:

  • it is practiced when the supply on the labor market is large, there is a sufficient number of employees of the required qualifications who can be hired in this organization;
  • this approach implies that newcomers adapt, entering into competition with former employees, they have the opportunity to offer their own approaches that are not typical for this organization;
  • training of new employees can be implemented in centers external to the organization itself, where they are also trained in approaches new to it;
  • career growth in such an organization is complicated, since higher positions in the hierarchy can be replaced by applicants who come from outside, promotion of one's own employees is not the only and often not the most common way to fill these posts;
  • encouragement (or extrinsic motivation) prevails over the satisfaction of requests for security and stability;
  • new employees propose innovations without any initiation of this process in the company, the culture encourages them to put forward such proposals.

When developing a personnel policy, you need to understand that it is a component of the company's overall development strategy. Personnel policy should be consistent with common goals that the company sets for itself, and not go separately from them.

The personnel policy of the organization can be formulated in a single document bearing the appropriate name "Personnel Policy" or in a number of documents, including memorandums, instructions and rules.

The development of personnel policy takes place in several stages:

A personnel policy is being developed and adopted by a group, the composition of which may be different. Among others, it may include such persons as:

  • the head of the organization or its owner (in large organizations it can be a board of shareholders or top management);
  • deputy heads in various areas (both in personnel and sales, production, marketing, finance, etc.);
  • experts in various areas (they become the leading specialists of the company)
  • a specialist who is directly entrusted with the preparation of plans for this profile;
  • psychologist who is in charge of the work process.

Thus, the personnel policy of an organization can belong to one of four types according to the degree of activity, in optimal case it will be active. However, it is rare to find a company that has a pure type of personnel policy, most often mixed - for example, preventive with elements of reactive, and so on.

It can also be divided into closed and open, both of these options are acceptable in different situations. The ability of an organization to adapt to emerging challenges makes it more resilient in the harsh conditions of market competition.

The development of personnel policy takes place by the forces of a special group, and it itself is formalized by a document called "Personnel Policy".

Your attention is a video that contains additional information about the development of the organization's personnel policy.