Evaluation of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise for cargo transportation. Analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management of a transport enterprise

Ways to improve the efficiency of transport enterprises on the example of SUE MO ""

Introduction. 3

1 Theoretical part. five

1.1 Theoretical aspects of transport processes. five

1.2 Functional cycle of logistics of forwarding services. nine

2. Analytical part. 10

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics. 10

2.2 Analysis of the field of activity of the enterprise in accordance with the declared subject 15

3 Practical part. eighteen

3.1 Development of measures aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise. eighteen

3.2 Evaluation of the parameters of the quality of the services offered. thirty

Conclusion. 43

List of used literature.. 44

Applications. 46


The beginning of the emergence of road transport in Russia as a branch of the economy is September 11, 1896, when the Ministry of Railways issued a decree "On the procedure and conditions for the transportation of heavy loads and passengers along the highway of the Department of Railways in self-propelled carriages." The first freight transport organization was organized in 1901 and consisted of five trucks.

IN market conditions important requirement of the consumer transport services is timely and high-quality delivery of goods. The range of goods transported by road is quite wide from consumer goods to specific goods that require special approaches to the organization of transportation. Such cargoes include bulky and heavy cargoes.

IN last years there is a tendency to increase the number of cargo transportation, which is caused by a construction boom, an increase in the efficiency of certain industries due to the use of complete factory assembled equipment, the overall weight parameters of which are very large, etc. In market conditions, transportation should be carried out taking into account logistic approach: just in time, with minimal cost and without the risk of damage to the cargo, the road and its artificial structures.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out the transportation of these goods in such a way as not to interfere with other road users to transport goods and passengers. Factors such as weather conditions, time of year and time of day are also taken into account. One of the most important stages in the organization of the transportation process is obtaining all the necessary permits.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in order to take a stable position in the industry, organizations should apply efficient supply chain organization in order to reduce costs, reduce order processing time and achieve higher and more stable growth for this.

Research conducted by supply chain management experts confirms that improved order processing leads to increased competitiveness and performance. commercial activities companies. Thus, the efficiency of order fulfillment is closely related to the efficiency of the company as a whole - both in terms of cost containment and growth stability.

To improve the process of transporting dangerous goods, companies need to find ways to solve these problems, ensure full control and automation of this process, and also gain access to the main mechanisms for managing this process at all stages.

The purpose of the work is to develop a project for optimizing the transportation of paint and varnish products.

Achieving this goal is possible by solving the following tasks:

Conduct an analysis of the company in question;

Estimate existing work transportation of dangerous goods on the example of the company in question;

Propose a project aimed at optimizing the transportation of dangerous goods

Subject of study transportation of paint products.

1 Theoretical part

1.1 Theoretical aspects of transport processes

Active development foreign trade, caused by socio-economic transformations in Russia, required the improvement of the organization of foreign trade transportation. The Russian market of transport and forwarding services is in the process of formation and is currently not yet adequately represented by domestic transport and forwarding companies that are able to provide a full range of transport and logistics services and successfully compete with foreign partners.

In table. 1 shows the factors that determine the directions and conditions for the development of forwarding services for enterprises.

There are over 6,000 companies offering freight forwarding services on the Russian transport market today. However, according to experts, only about 2% of companies position themselves as complex. At the same time, companies that manage the entire supply chain and transportation with combined use possibilities of all modes of transport, currently on Russian market missing.

The modern system of servicing cargo owners, which provides transport services of a fundamentally new quality and is able to compete with foreign companies, is formed only in railway transport (the first forwarding organizations appeared here in the 1880s). However, it mainly provides, through an extensive network of branded transport service centers, an expedition for the transport of goods delivered by railways in direct communication, as a rule, in large volumes and over long distances.

Table 1 - Development of forwarding services for enterprises


Geography, specialization, state and market requirements for transport services

Geographical position of the markets for transported products (cargo). Specialization of the cargo owner - the manufacturer of the goods, the volume of shipment and the amount of concentration, segmentation, transport infrastructure, regional specialization, international division and cooperation of labor, placement of the main and organization of auxiliary production, preferences of consumers, market segments, etc.

The state of transport services and competition

Type of service, quantity (range) and quality of services, number of competitors and their capacity, concentration, methods used for organizing forwarding services, complexity of forwarding services, etc.

Intermediaries and partners

Types of services provided, their range, scope of activities, reliability, financial position, information openness for interaction and outsourcing, etc.

The state of the goods distribution infrastructure

Forms of ownership, quantity and quality of infrastructure (warehouses of cargo owners and transport, access roads and highways, infocommunication systems, customs and cargo terminals, etc.), cost of use, etc.

Scientific and technological progress and innovation

Means and methods of combined delivery of goods, information and communication technologies of through transport forwarding

Status and trends state regulation

Transport legislation and transport expedition; norms of economic regulation (customs, tariff, tax, etc.)

Control system

Decentralized, centralized, enterprise

When carrying out transport and forwarding activities, Russian peculiarities should be taken into account, which do not always fit into a strict theory worked out in practice in regions with a high density of transport communications and infrastructure.

The phases and stages of cargo transportation with the participation of Russia's inland waterway transport were, in principle, formed earlier. However, in order for a freight forwarding company to perform the functions of an operator of through delivery of goods, some methodological provisions can be proposed.

When concluding an agreement with a consignor for the organization of cargo transportation through the “door-to-door” or “just-in-time” system in Siberia transport forwarder should represent the real process of moving cargo with all possible participants and time characteristics. One of the trends in the transportation of packaged cargo is the terminal delivery method. The key stages of the door-to-door cargo transportation process are shown in fig. one.

Figure 1- Key points of a through transport expedition

Having an idea about the stages of end-to-end delivery of goods, freight forwarding companies can influence the indicators on which the final result of freight forwarding services for cargo owners depends.

When organizing the transportation of cargo through the river terminal (acting as a transportation operator), the freight forwarder must be familiar with methods for evaluating transportation schemes, developed taking into account, first of all, the various requirements of cargo owners, normative documents state, including in the field of ecology and safety of transportation (transportation, reloading, storage), as well as the possibilities of their implementation by those participating in technological process transportation of goods by transport, freight forwarding and agency companies.

Forwarding services are considered as a complex delivery system, including the transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer and the performance of related loading and unloading operations, packaging, warehousing, storage, insurance, settlements, etc.

In countries with developed market economies, the freight forwarder plays the role of the main link between the cargo owner, carrier and consignee. In the last decade and a half there have been significant changes in the structure and proportions of capital in the transport business - there has been an increase in the share of capital of transport and forwarding companies, an increase in the share of forwarding services in the total cost of freight transportation. There have been major changes in the technology of transportation of goods, expressed, in particular, in the use container shipping cargo mass and the transition to multimodal and intermodal transportation technologies, in increasing the share of transportation according to the door-to-door delivery scheme.

1.2 Functional cycle of logistics of forwarding services

Basic production task road transport is the implementation of the transport of goods, i.e. performance transport work for the movement of goods from one place to another with the help of road rolling stock.

The development of road freight transportation shows that the most effective form of organization of the transport process is the centralized transportation of goods carried out by road according to a predetermined and planned schedule.

Road transport, making direct contact with customers at the initial and final stages of the transportation process, acquires preferential opportunities to free cargo owners from the unusual operation of organizing transportation and the accompanying forwarding operations.

The implementation of a complex of forwarding operations and services for centralized transportation of goods through road or rail terminals is aimed at organizing the delivery of goods from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse without the participation of customers in the transport process. It is worth considering that such an organization of cargo delivery should provide for the possibility of monitoring the progress of cargo movement along the entire transportation route. Therefore, the development and improvement of forwarding services must be considered as the most important tool in coordinating the work of both one and interacting modes of transport.

2. Analytical part

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics

SUE MO "" - the largest automobile carrier of the St. Petersburg region - carries out passenger and freight transportation both in the Leningrad region, and in Russia and other countries. The route network of SUE MO "" covers the entire Leningrad region, as well as neighboring regions of Russia. The enterprise provides transport services to organizations and individuals, offers services for the repair and maintenance of vehicles, and carries out tourism activities.

One of the main clients of SUE MO "" is the Corporation "KREPS".

KREPS produces:

Paints and varnishes;

Mounting foam;

Adhesives for facing works;

Compositions for leveling walls and ceilings, including for machine application;

Levelers for floors, including for machine application;

Compositions for masonry and installation;

Special compositions;

Liquid products of building chemistry;

Wet facade insulation systems TERMOKREPS, technical certificate TC-07-17-1706-07, TC-07-1705-07.

The geography of distribution covers the whole of Russia and the countries of the Near Abroad.

The KREPS plant is located in St. Petersburg. In terms of technical equipment for the production of dry building mixes, the KREPS plant ranks second in Russia. The plant has a HAVER&BOECKER (Germany) production line.

The products of KREPS Corporation LLC in St. Petersburg are delivered hired transport GUP MO "".

The company's paints are sold through networks of construction and hardware stores in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. (Table 2)

Table 2 - The main clients of LLC "Corporation" KREPS "

Name of the chain of stores

Quantity outlets

STD "Petrovich"


TF Saturn

Other stores

Let's imagine a route scheme, including distances to retail outlets located within the city in Fig. 3

In order to meet delivery times, it is not always possible to make the most of the cargo capacity or load capacity of the vehicle. Therefore, there are so-called "complex shipments", in which the transportation route may include arrivals at two or more associated branches to collect cargo. The use of such a method of delivery contributes to an increase in the utilization ratios of carrying capacity and cargo capacity, increases the profitability of transportation and does not make consignees wait.

The reliability and quality of the transport process during the transportation of goods depends on many factors, the main of which are the transport characteristics of goods and the operating conditions of road transport. Based on the properties of goods and operating conditions, the choice of vehicles for the transportation of goods is made according to design and operational parameters. The operating conditions of vehicles are classified into four groups: transport, road, climatic and organizational and technical.

Transport conditions operation are determined by the shipper, who, in the presence of a contract for the carriage of goods, submits to the carrier an appropriate application, and in the absence of a contract, makes a one-time order. In this case, the carrier may legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has both his own and public transport vehicles at his disposal or operational management, performing the transportation of goods on commercial basis. The declared documents of the consignor (customer) indicate the name of the cargo, the type of packaging, the number of pieces, the weight of the cargo (net, gross), the total volume of transportation, the address and distance of transportation, the conditions and method of loading and unloading, the type of transportation, the procedure for payment and additional terms.

Road conditions operation are characterized by normalized parameters of the elements of the road, the plan of the road, the longitudinal profile and the presence of artificial structures. The road plan is a projection of the route on a horizontal plane. The track is the position of the geometric axis of the road in space. Each change in the direction of the track is determined by the angle of rotation, which is associated with a circular curve.

The main characteristic of a circular curve in plan is the turning radius. A motor road with a complex plan outside cities and suburban areas has an average of 1 km of path more than five roundings with a radius of less than 40 m.

The longitudinal profile of the road characterizes the relief, the steepness of individual sections of the road, measured by the longitudinal slope, the location of its carriageway relative to the surface of the earth. The type of relief of the road is determined by the height above sea level, connected to the ocean: P) - flat (up to 200 m); P 3 - slightly hilly (from 201 to 300 m); Р 3 - hilly (lower mountains) (from 301 to 800 m); P 4 - mountainous (middle mountains) (from 801 to 2,000 m); R 5, - mountain (highlands) (above 2,001 m). A road with difficult terrain has slopes steeper than 30...4095.

The main indicators of the enterprise are presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Main economic indicators SUE MO ""



The total amount of property, thousand rubles.

Capital and reserves ( average value), thousand roubles.

Long-term liabilities, thousand rubles

Revenue from the sale of goods, works, services, thousand rubles

Cost price

Profit from sales, thousand rubles

Profit of the reporting period, thousand rubles

Return on assets (net income/assets)

Return on sales (profit before tax to revenue)

Thus, it can be noted that the economic condition of the enterprise is stable, sales revenue is increasing. So in 2012, revenue increased by 40% compared to 2011. However, the costs of services rendered also increased, as evidenced by the decrease in the profitability of sales indicator by 8.4. Net profit The company can also be noted increased by 17.31 million rubles, which is associated with an increase in profits from the sale of the company's services.

2.2 Analysis of the field of activity of the enterprise in accordance with the declared subject

The specifics of the transported cargo imposes certain requirements on the rolling stock.

Paints and varnishes are transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. Allowed paintwork materials packed in metal cans for retail and packed in a container-equipment in accordance with GOST 24831-81 or other regulatory and technical documentation, transported on open specialized vehicles. It is allowed to transport paintwork materials in soft containers in open vehicles. Flexible containers on open railway transport are fixed in accordance with specifications loading and securing cargo, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

Transportation of glass containers with a capacity of more than 1 dm3 and polyethylene barrels in universal containers is not allowed.

During transportation, group packaging and shipping containers with paints and varnishes must be formed into transport packages in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

When fastening containers on a pallet, strapping means or frames are used, attached to the pallet and made according to normative and technical documentation.

Requirements for the transportation of materials in packages - according to GOST21650-76, GOST24597-81 and other regulatory and technical documentation.

Transportation of paints and varnishes without formation in transport packages is allowed in the following cases:

When transported by road;

When transported by rail by wagon shipments in barrels with a capacity of more than 100 dm 3;

When transporting in universal containers, except for large-capacity ones.

When transporting materials in a transport metal container, wooden spacers are installed between the tiers of the container.

When warehousing, containers with paint and varnish material are installed with stoppers and lids up.

Transport characteristics of the cargo. Transport characteristics cargo - this is a combination of cargo properties in combination with the parameters of containers and packaging, which determines the transportability of the cargo, the conditions for its storage, loading, transportation, and unloading. Cargo transportability - this is the property of the cargo to maintain qualitative and quantitative parameters during transportation under specified conditions, i.e. the suitability of the goods for carriage.

The transport characteristics of the cargo include the physical and chemical properties of the cargo, the interaction of the cargo with environment, danger, environmental friendliness, cargo compatibility, volumetric characteristics, as well as the type of packaging.

flammability (fire hazard ) - the ability of a substance or material to progressive combustion in the event of a fire. Substances or materials that, by their properties, contribute to the occurrence or development of a fire are called fire hazardous. Flammable goods according to their ability to burn in air are divided into combustible, slow-burning and non-combustible.

Management of the chain of transportation of paints and varnishes means the management of the global flow of materials, goods, services, while the following provisions are characteristic:

The supply chain documents all processes from the receipt of raw materials to the service of the end user;

The subject of research in the supply chain transportation of paints and varnishes are the processes of product development, procurement, production and distribution;

The supply chain transcends organizational boundaries;

Coordination is carried out with the help of a continuous information system available to all participating enterprises;

The main purpose of the supply chain is to create value for customers;

The individual goals of the participating partners are achieved with the help of the performance of the entire chain;

The concept of supply chain management considers intra-organizational and inter-organizational processes, i.e. all activities along the chain are coordinated and integrated into a customer-centric process.

3 Practical part

3.1 Development of measures aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise

Vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods must meet a number of requirements, including: the presence of wheel chocks corresponding to the weight and dimensions of the vehicle, at least one; at least two illuminated warning signs with independent support; brightly colored uniforms and flashlights for the crew.

The brake system of vehicles with a total mass of up to 16 tons must be wear-resistant, with an emergency analog, and for vehicles with a total mass of more than 16 tons, an anti-lock brake system is required.

The rated voltage of the electrical equipment of a vehicle carrying dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 must not exceed 24 volts; electrical wires must be protected by a seamless sheath that is not subject to corrosion; fuses, limiters or switches must be installed on electrical circuits; the vehicle must be equipped with a device designed to disconnect the battery from the driver's cab.

The fuel tanks of vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods must be equipped with shock protection, in case of damage to the tanks, the fuel must flow directly to the ground, without falling on the transported cargo. The fuel tank must be located at a distance from the battery or separated from it by a blank partition, the same conditions must be met for the location of the tank to the engine, electrical wires and exhaust pipe. Exhaust system must be done in such a way as to prevent damage and overheating of the cargo.

In vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods, the following tools and equipment are required: hand tool to repair the vehicle in the event of a breakdown; fire extinguishers, shovels and the necessary supply of sand to extinguish the fire; two self-powered lamps with orange flashing (or constant) lights; first-aid kits and means of neutralization of transported hazardous substances.

If a road train is required for the transport of dangerous goods, then it can consist of only one trailer (semi-trailer). In the case of transportation of dangerous goods using a tank, the vehicle must be equipped with a special bumper that protects against rear impact (distance from extreme point tanks to the bumper - at least 10 cm).

To choose the purchase of rolling stock, consider three types of vehicles:

1. Ford Cargo 2526HR;


3. IVECO Trakker AD/AT380T38WH.

Vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods on the chassis of Ford Cargo 2526HR. The vehicle complies with the requirements of the "Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (POGAT)" and the requirements of the "European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Public Roads by Vehicles of Class EX/III" (according to the classification of ADR and UNECE Regulation No. 105).

Complete set of a vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods Ford Cargo 2526HR with modifications:

Installing a tachograph;

Folding spatula - 2 pcs.;

Fire extinguisher OP-5 - 3 pcs.;

Sandbox on vehicle frame;

Towing rope - 1 pc.;

Installation of an alarm system on the back door - 1 pc.;

Silencer transfer according to GOST 19433-88 - 1 with installation of a spark arrester;

Table 4 - Specifications Ford Cargo 2526HR

Ford Cargo 2526HR

Load capacity, kg

Van dimensions, mm

7200 x 2550 x 2400

with sleeping bag, autonomous heater

Vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods on the chassis SCANIA P340LA HNA (4x2). The vehicle complies with the requirements of the "Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (POGAT)" and the requirements of the "European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Public Roads by Vehicles of Class EX/III" (according to the classification of ADR and UNECE Regulation No. 105).

Body-van, designed for the transport of explosives - increased strength. The outer skin of the van is made of clad metal, the inner one is made of 10 mm thick plywood. The floor of the van is wooden, sheathed with corrugated aluminum 2 mm thick with flanging. Body without insulation. The rear doors are hinged. The fuel tank is closed front and rear with a perforated sheet, and its bottom is closed with a steel mesh with cells.

SCANIA P340LA dangerous goods vehicle equipment:

Installing a tachograph;

Folding spatula - 2 pcs.;

Fire extinguisher OP-5 - 3 pcs.;

Towing rope - 1 pc.;

Sandbox on vehicle frame;

Sign "Entry prohibited" - 2 pcs.;

Car first aid kit - 1 pc.;

Rear safety bar - 1 pc.;

Wheel chocks - set;

Snow chain kit;

Installation protective screens- 2 pcs.;

Flashing beacon of orange color - 1 piece;

A set of tools for minor repairs - 1 pc.;

Installing an alarm on the back door - 1 pc.;

Installation of a speed limiter up to 90 km/h - 1 piece;

Documents for setting up a car in the traffic police;

Holographic danger signs according to GOST 19433-88;

Emergency stop sign - 2 pcs.; emergency stop signal - 2 pcs.;

Metal ground chain + ground loop (20 m);

Silencer relocation in accordance with GOST 19433-88 with installation of a spark arrester;

Installation of a tool box on the vehicle frame - 1 pc.;

Plafond of internal illumination of a body with isolation of an electrical wiring in aluminum casings - 2 pieces;

Fire extinguishing system "Doping-2" self-powered from a standard battery, activated from the driver's cab - 8 pcs.;

Installing a switch to open the electrical circuit near the battery and in the driver's cab (protection class IP54) - 2 pcs.

Table 5 - Specifications SCANIA P340LA HNA


Wheel formula

Engine power, h.p.

Load capacity, kg

Van dimensions, mm

7200 x 2500 x 2300

with a sleeping bag

Vehicle IVECO Trakker AD/AT380T38WH for the carriage of dangerous goods of all subclasses and compatibility groups, in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road, as well as the Temporary Storage of Dangerous Goods. Meets the requirements of the Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (POGAT) "and the requirements of the "European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Public Roads by Vehicles of Class EX/III (According to the ADR Classification) and UNECE Regulation No. 105.

The vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods is assembled using components and assemblies of IVECO TRACKER vehicles supplied from factories in Italy, Spain, Germany and France (engine, axles, gearbox, transfer case, etc.), which ensures its reliability and quality. The car is equipped with a 420 hp CURSOR-13 (EURO-3) diesel engine; cab of the AT series with improved thermal insulation, increased comfort and high ergonomics; anti-lock braking system ABS with electronic brake force limiter EBL.

Vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods - a container carrier is designed to work in difficult road and climatic conditions (up to - 45 degrees Celsius).

Equipment for transporting dangerous goods:


External socket;

Spare wheel;

Tool kit;

Working hours counter;

Protective grilles for headlights;

Rear light protection;

Bridge sensors protection;

Northern version of fuel and lubricants;

Engine insulation cover;

Radiator insulation cover;

Sealed tachograph;

Wheel chocks - 2 pcs.;

Speed ​​limiter 85 mph;

Mechanical mass switch;

Fog lights with protection;

CD player with sound system;

External sun visor;

Batteries for 190 A / h;

Heated rear-view mirrors;

Hose for tire inflation, length (15 m);

Vertical silencer;

Heated brake dryer;

Additional protection of the engine crankcase;

Horizontal DZK on the rear overhang of the frame;

Additional front towing loops;

Tool box on the car frame;

Rear towing device Rockinger RO* 500;

Sound-absorbing cab lining 80 dB;

The lower step of a footboard on a cable suspension;

Horizontal metal air filter;

Fuel filter - Iveco separator with el. heating;

Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, warning triangle;

Independent cabin air heater Eberspächer Airtronic D2 (power 2 kW);

Liquid heater of a cabin and engine compartment Eberspächer Gydronic D10 (power 10 kW).

Table 6 - Specifications for Iveco Trakker AD/AT380T38WH

Base Chassis

Iveco Trakker AD/AT380T38WH

Wheel formula

Engine model

IVECO F3B (Cursor 13), liquid-cooled, turbocharged, in-line, 6 cylinders, EURO-3

Rated power hp

Maximum torque at 1000-1500 rpm, Nm

Load capacity, kg

Wheel base, mm

Above the engine is a long series "AT" 2-seater, with one berth. Adjustable driver's seat on air suspension, with a headrest, with a seat belt; adjustable passenger seat with seat belt.


ZF16S2220TO, 16+2 gears, synchronized

Transfer case

TC 2200, 2-stage, control drive - pneumatic.


Single disc dry, disc diameter 17", with control drive amplifier


With hydraulic booster, adjustable steering column, with steering lock


Front - multi-leaf spring and hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers. Front axle anti-roll bar. Rear - multi-leaf spring.

Dual-circuit pneumatic brake system; ABS with electronic brake force limiter EBL

Fuel tank

591 l. fuel intake with el. heated

container platform

For transportation of 20 foot container 1C, 1CC. 4 JOST locks for securing the container

By technical specifications SCANIA P340LA HNA is the most convenient and profitable vehicle for transportation of paint and varnish products.

The transport economy solves various, multifaceted tasks that should be classified into a number of areas, namely: organizational, economic, transportation, service.

Organizational direction includes:

Dispatching transportation for a number of basic operations (carrying out commercial inspection of goods, checking vehicles, carrying out cargo redirection, carrying out transshipment of goods);

Development regulatory framework(calculation of vehicle loading standards, differentiation of standards for certain categories of goods);

Carrying out preparatory procedures (preparation of the necessary transportation documentation, marking of goods, carrying out loading and unloading operations, determining the timing of delivery of goods, forming goods into an appropriate transport package, drawing up a cargo plan for various kinds transport).

The economic direction includes: analysis and evaluation of the use of terminal traffic in international traffic, in large seaports and transport hubs; analysis and evaluation of variable costs associated with the transportation of goods (costs for fuel, lubricants, electricity, Maintenance And Maintenance); analysis and evaluation of fixed costs associated with the transportation of goods; analysis and evaluation of logistical components of costs; assessment of the ratio of the cost of transportation of goods and working capital invested in goods (the cost of the cargo mass) that are in the process of transportation; determination of the amount of released working capital when accelerating the delivery of goods; optimization of costs for transport operations (initial-final operations, movement of goods, additional operations); minimization of the means of technical equipment of the loading and unloading front according to the cost criterion.

The transport direction consists of: selection best options transportation of goods (selection of the type of transportation or system of delivery of goods, the choice of a type or several modes of transport, the choice or the optimal combination of the method of transportation, the optimal combination of participants in the transportation process); drawing up rational routes for the movement of vehicles (calculation of schedules for the movement of vehicles on various routes, the use of various modes of transport, the development of flexible schemes for routing transportation; the rational use of vehicles in terms of carrying capacity (combined transportation, the possibility of using additional equipment during transportation, the development of optimal laying schemes cargo in vehicle); Transportation of goods (delivery of goods to consignees in deadlines delivery of small batch cargo to the destination, resolution of disputes arising in the course of transportation).

The service direction has the following components: implementation of the return of reusable containers (pallets, containers) with the organization of its delivery; selection of logistics intermediaries from the standpoint of optimizing the criteria specified by the customer (costs, reliability and delivery time, safety of goods); cargo tracking (export-import) when passing the borders of neighboring states; providing information about the transport company for servicing participants in the logistics chain; obtaining documents for export-import cargo; fulfillment of customs formalities and control of payment customs duties, fees and other costs associated with transportation; storage, warehousing, sorting, cargo assembly; information services, insurance and cargo protection.

Transport, depending on the scale of its use, is divided into two independent groups - main and industrial. Trunk transport (public transport) is used to designate communication routes connecting large cities, industrial centers and economic regions. Main transport can be grouped as follows: universal (railway, water, road, air) and special (pipeline); internal (carries out transportation within the country) and external (carries out international transportation); year-round (rail, road) and seasonal (inland water). Departmental transport of enterprises and organizations is usually called industrial transport.

Let us briefly consider the characteristics of modes of transport and their importance for production economic activity business entities - participants in the macrologistic chain.

Rail transport is one of the most important types of modern transport. At present, railway transport has embodied the results of a long process of development of the railway network and the continuous improvement of their individual elements - rail tracks, station buildings, traction means, wagons, communications, signaling and security. Features and Benefits railway transport are as follows:

Firstly, the lower cost of transportation of goods compared to other modes of transport and the possibility of regular transportation regardless of meteorological conditions and seasons;

Secondly, the possibility of building railway tracks on almost any land territory and organizing mass transportation with a high carrying capacity, as well as at a significant speed;

Thirdly, the possibility of creating a direct link between large industrial enterprises using access railway lines and ensuring the delivery of goods without expensive transshipments;

Fourthly, rail transport is distinguished by the versatility of rolling stock designed to transport a whole range of different cargoes - oil and oil products, coal, timber and building materials.

Rail transport has a number of specific economic and organizational features that distinguish it from other modes of transport, which are as follows:

High capital intensity of railway construction and relatively slow return on advanced capital. At the same time, the payback of capital expenditures in railway construction largely depends on the capacity of the developed cargo flows on new lines;

The technical equipment of railway transport includes various and numerous structures and devices - rail tracks with artificial structures, stations with appropriate facilities, rolling stock, power supply devices, special means of regulating and ensuring traffic safety;

The predominance of the cost of permanent, stationary devices in the structure of railway transport funds. Therefore, the decline in the volume of cargo transportation entails a decrease in revenues, which negatively affects the financial condition of railway transport;

The existence of a sufficiently large industry that serves the main activity of the railways, which is subdivided into enterprises that perform current repairs and maintenance of rolling stock - locomotive and car depots, and repair enterprises implementing overhaul and modernization of rolling stock, as well as producing spare parts for current repairs.

3.2 Evaluation of the quality parameters of the services offered

Let us determine the shortest distances for the delivery of paint and varnish products to the shops of St. Petersburg using the potential method.

min ( u 13(r), u 24(r), u 38(r), u 39(p) ) = u 24(p) = 6.

Potential u 24(p) is assigned to the corresponding end point ( v 24 = u 24(p)=6), and the p–24 link is marked with an arrow (see Figure 5).

For links, starting points i who have been assigned the potential v i , and for endpoints j potentials not assigned: p-13, p-38, p-39 and 24-21, the values ​​of the potentials of the endpoints are calculated j:

u 13(p) = v p+ l p-13 = 0 +13 = 13;

u 38(p) = v p+ l p-38 = 0 +14 = 14;

u 39(p) = v p+ l p -39 = 0 +11 = 11; +

u 21(24) = v 24 + l 24-21 = 6 +9 = 15.

Of the considered potentials at this stage, the minimum is found

min ( u 13(r), u 38(p), u 39(r), u 21(24) } = u 39(p)=11.

Potential u 39(p) is assigned to the corresponding end point ( v 39 = u 39(p) = 11), and the p–39 link is marked with an arrow (see Figure 5):

u 13(p) = v p+ l p-13 = 0 +13 = 13; +

u 38(p) = v p+ l p-38 = 0 +14 = 14;

u 21(24) = v 24 + l 24-21 = 6 +9 = 15;

u 21(39) = v 39 + l 39-21 = 11 +2 = 13; +

u 20(39) = v 39 + l 39-20 = 11 +7 = 18;

u 40(39) = v 39 + l 39-40 = 11 +7 = 18;

u 36(39) = v 39 + l 39-36 = 11 +22 = 33;

u 37(39) = v 39 + l 39-37 = 11 +10 = 21.

So min( u 13(r), u 38(p), u 21(24) , u 21(39), u 20(39) , u 40(39), u 36(39) , u 37(39) } = = u 13(p) = u 21(39) = 13;

u 38(p) = v p+ l p -38 = 0 +14 = 14; +

u 21(24) = v 24 + l 24-21 = 6 +9 = 15;

u 20(39) = v 39 + l 39-20 = 11 +7 = 18;

u 40(39) = v 39 + l 39-40 = 11 +7 = 18;

u 36(39) = v 39 + l 39-36 = 11 +22 = 33;

u 37(39) = v 39 + l 39-37 = 11 +10 = 21;

u 12(13) = v 13 + l 13-12 = 13 +9 = 22;

u 43(21) = v 21 + l 21-43 = 13 +6 = 19;

min ( u 38(p), u 21(24) , u 20(39) , u 40(39), u 36(39) , u 37(39) u 12(13) , u 43(21), } = u 38(p) = 14;

u 20(39) = v 39 +l 39-20 = 11 +7 = 18; +

u 40(39) = v 39 + l 39-40 = 11 +7 = 18; +

u 36(39) = v 39 + l 39-36 = 11 +22 = 33;

u 37(39) = v 39 + l 39-37 = 11 +10 = 21;

u 12(13) = v 13 + l 13-12 = 13 +9 = 22;

u 43(21) = v 21 + l 21-43 = 13 +6 = 19;

u 26(38) = v 38 + l 38-26 = 14 +9 = 23;

u 27(38) = v 38 + l 38-27 = 14 +9 = 23;

min ( u 20(39) , u 40(39), u 36(39) , u 37(39) u 12(13) , u 43(21), u 26(38), u 27(38) } = u 20(39) = u 40(39) = 18.

Performing such calculations, we will form the final solution. The value of the potentials at the vertices shows the shortest distances from the selected starting point “Warehouse” to each vertex, and links with arrows entering each other form the shortest paths from the “Warehouse” to all the others.

After compiling the matrix of the shortest distances, it is necessary to calculate rational routes for the operation of automobile rolling stock using the Clark-Wright method. To solve this problem, the following initial data are needed: the number of vehicles of various carrying capacities (initial data); the number of intermediate points from which the cargo is collected (determined by the transport network), the amount of cargo Q pi , subject to export at intermediate points (initial data) taking into account the coefficient of utilization of the carrying capacity; distances of milk transportation between the points of the transport network, including the initial and intermediate points (matrix of the shortest distances); restrictions on the number of vehicles of various carrying capacities (initial data).

Let's give an example of calculation. It is assumed that it is necessary to pick up the cargo at the cargo-forming points and deliver it to the cargo-loading point “P” (see Figure 6.1). Baseline: number of vehicles of different payloads k= 4: 3; 3.7; 7.75; 11.5 tons, the number of intermediate points from which the cargo is collected, m= 32.

We are building a system of pendulum routes, each of which serves one point.

The calculation of the gain for all possible options for pairwise combination of routes will be performed according to the formula:

Dc ij = with Ai + with Aj – with ij ,

where Dc ij is the reduction in vehicle mileage when combining routes A–B i –A and A–B j –A ;

from Ai , from Aj – the cost of moving from the starting point A to points B i and B j , respectively;

c ij is the distance between points B i and B j , units.

An example of calculating the winnings is given for point 1:

Dc 1 2 \u003d 63.5 + 55.5 - 12 \u003d 107 km;

Dc 1 3 = 63.5 + 49 - 26 = 86.5 km;

Dс 1 4 \u003d 63.5 + 56.5 - 19 \u003d 101 km;

Dc 1 5 \u003d 63.5 + 53.5 - 25 \u003d 92 km;

Dc 1 6 \u003d 63.5 + 39 - 36 \u003d 66.5 km;

Dc 1 7 \u003d 63.5 + 56 - 77 \u003d 42.5 km;

Dс 1 8 \u003d 63.5 + 52.5 - 73.5 \u003d 42.5 km;

Dc 1 9 \u003d 63.5 + 44.5 - 65.5 \u003d 42.5 km;

Dс 1 10 = 63.5 + 28 – 91.5 = 0 km;

Dс 1 11 = 63.5 + 29 – 92.5 = 0 km;

Dс 1 12 = 63.5 + 22 – 85.5 = 0 km;

Dс 1 13 = 63.5 + 13 – 76.5 = 0 km;

Dc 1 14 = 63.5 + 57 - 34 = 86.5 km.

Table 7 - System of pendulum routes

Route code i

R- i-R

cargo Q i , t

Number of waypoints n i

Vehicle capacity q i , t

The remaining payoff calculations are performed similarly, the results are summarized in the table in Appendix A.

After calculating the payoffs when combining pendulum routes, we perform successive merging of routes. Table 7 determines the maximum gain from a possible pairwise combining of the original routes and, accordingly, the points at which the combining of routes can be considered. These are points 1 and 2 ( r= 1 and s= 2) with merging gain equal to 107 (the gain Dc ij = 107 is nonzero). Then the possibility of combining routes is assessed, taking into account the availability of vehicles of the required carrying capacity. The total volume of transported cargo amounted to 0.643 tons ( Q t = Q r+ Q s, = Q 1 + Q 2 = 0.287 + 0.356 = 0.643), number of arrival points on the combined route n t = n r+ n s= n 1 + n 2 = 1 + 1 = 2. Since such a combination of routes is possible, a new combined route P–1–2–P is formed with the maximum payoff found. We accept that the value of the coefficient is 0.99. The value of the load capacity utilization factor is taken from the price list of 13.01.03 for the transported cargo. After calculating the payoffs when combining pendulum routes, we perform successive merging of routes. Table 7 determines the maximum gain from a possible pairwise combining of the original routes and, accordingly, the points at which the combining of routes can be considered. These are points 1 and 2 ( r= 1 and s= 2) with merging gain equal to 107 (the gain Dc ij = 107 is nonzero).

Then the possibility of combining routes is assessed, taking into account the availability of vehicles of the required carrying capacity. The total volume of transported milk amounted to 0.643 tons ( Q t = Q r+ Q s, = Q 1 + Q 2 = = 0.287 + 0.356 = 0.643), number of arrival points on the combined route n t = n r+ n s= n 1 + n 2 = 1 + 1 = 2. Since such a combination of routes is possible, a new combined route P–1–2–P is formed with the maximum payoff found. We accept that the value of the coefficient is 0.99.

In the process of adjusting the current values ​​of the parameters in connection with the merging of routes, we find that routes 1 and 2, included in the formed one, are canceled ( Q 1 = 0; Q 2 = 0) and a new route cipher (1–2) is formed, determined by the numbers of the extreme points. The volume of traffic is assigned Q 1(2) = Q t = 0.643 tons, number of intermediate points of arrival n 1(2) = n m = 2, as well as a vehicle that satisfies the condition . The gain between the end points of the route is replaced by a negative one (Table 8). Further, according to a similar algorithm, a cargo delivery route is compiled:

The maximum win equal to 101 for r= 2 and s= 4;

Q t = Q 1(2) + Q 4 \u003d 0.643 + 0.619 \u003d 1.262 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 1(2) + n 4 = 2 + 1 = 3;

- Q 1(2) = 0, Q 4 = 0;

- Q 1(4) = Q t = 1.262 t;

- n 1(4) = n t = 3;

- ; g st \u003d 0.42

The win between points 2 and 4 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route R-1-2-4-R.

The maximum win equal to 104 for r= 4 and s= 5;

Q t = Q 1(4) + Q 5 \u003d 1.262 + 0.572 \u003d 1.834 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 1(4) + n 5 = 3 + 1 = 4;

- Q 1(4) = 0, Q 5 = 0;

- Q 1(5) = Q t = 1.834 t;

- n 1(5) = n t = 4;

- ; g st \u003d 0.61

The win between points 4 and 5 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route R-1-2-4-5-R.

The maximum win equal to 86.5 for r= 1 and s= 3;

Total volume of milk transported Q t = Q 1(5) +Q 3 \u003d 1.834 + 0.32 \u003d 2.154 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 1(5) + n 3 = 4 + 1 = 5;

- Q 1(5) = 0, Q 3 = 0;

- Q 3(5) = Q t = 2.154 t;

- n 3(5) = n t = 5;

- ; g st \u003d 0.72

The gain between points 1 and 3 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route R-3-1-2-4-5-R.

The maximum win equal to 98 for r= 3 and s= 14;

Total volume of transported cargo Q t = Q 3(5) +Q 14 \u003d 2.154 + 3.23 \u003d 5.384 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 3(5) + n 14 = 5 + 1 = 6;

- Q 3(5) = 0, Q 14 = 0;

- Q 14(5) = Q t = 5.384 t;

- n 14(5) = n t = 6;

- ; g st \u003d 0.69

The win between points 3 and 14 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route Р-14-3-1-2-4-5-Р.

The maximum win equal to 78 for r= 6 and s= 14;

Total volume of milk transported Q t= Q 14(5) + Q 6 \u003d 5.384 + 3.487 \u003d 8.871 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 14(5) + n 6 = 6 + 1 = 7;

- Q 14(5) = 0, Q 6 = 0;

- Q 6(5) = Q t = 8.871 t;

- n 6(5) = n t = 7;

- ; g st \u003d 0.77

The win between points 6 and 14 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route R-6-14-3-1-2-4-5-R.

The maximum win equal to 63 for r= 5 and s= 29;

Total volume of transported cargo Q t = Q 6(5) + Q 29 = 8.871 + 1.328 = 10.199 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 6(5) + n 29 = 7 + 1 = 8;

- Q 6(5) = 0, Q 29 = 0;

- Q 6(29) = Q t = 10.199 t;

- n 6(29) = n t = 8;

- ; g st \u003d 0.89

The win between points 5 and 29 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route R-6-14-3-1-2-4-5-29-R.

The maximum win equal to 60.5 for r= 29 and s= 30;

Total volume of transported cargo Q t = Q 6(29) + Q 30 \u003d 10.199 + 0.964 \u003d 11.163 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 6(29) + n 30 = 8 + 1 = 9;

- Q 6(29) = 0, Q 30 = 0;

- Q 6(30) = Q t = 11.163 t;

- n 6(30) = n t = 9;

- ; g st \u003d 0.97

The win between points 29 and 30 is replaced by a negative one;

We received a new combined route Р-6-14-3-1-2-4-5-29-30-Р.

The maximum win equal to 58 for r= 28 and s= 30;

Total volume of transported cargo Q t = Q 6(30) + Q 28 = 11.163 + 0.745 = 11.908 tons;

Number of arrival points n t = n 6(30) + n 28 = 9 + 1 = 10;

- Q 6(30) = 0, Q 28 = 0;

- Q 6(28) = Q t = 11.908 t;

- n 6(28) = n t = 10;

- – condition is not performed.

At this, the creation of the combined route stops, since the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle is less than the total volume transported (11.5 Q t = 11.163 t, and the length of the resulting route is equal to the sum of the shortest distances between the points of the transport network included in the received route:

L total = l p-6 + l 6-14 + l 14-3 + l 3-1 + l 1-2 + l 2-4 + l 4-5 + l 5-29 + l 29-30 + l 30-p =

39+18+8+26+12+11+6+22+3+32=177 km.

Loading and unloading operations are an integral element of the transport process, which largely affects its organization. The time spent on loading and unloading operations significantly affect the productivity of the rolling stock.

Loading and unloading operations include preliminary preparation of cargo (loosening, weighing, counting, packing, marking, etc.), installation of rolling stock for loading, transferring cargo from its storage place to the rolling stock, stowage of cargo in a body, shelter and lashing of cargo , paperwork.

The operations for unloading cargo include: setting up the rolling stock for unloading, untying the cargo and removing the shelter, removing the cargo from the rolling stock, re-weighing or recalculating and carrying it to the place of storage, stacking and processing documents (the content and sequence of work vary depending on the type of cargo and organization of loading and unloading operations).

Direct loading and unloading operations (grabbing cargo, lifting it, moving it, etc.) are among the main operations. Additional operations are: opening or closing the sides or doors of the car body, weighing or counting cargo, strengthening the tarpaulin, linking cargo, attaching seals, pulling and carrying tank hoses, screwing and unscrewing them, etc.

Loading and unloading operations during the transportation of goods by road can be performed both by consignors and consignees, and by specialized enterprises (mechanization bases) designed to perform loading and unloading operations using various mobile mechanisms, or by motor transport enterprises.

Loading and unloading operations performed by means of motor transport enterprises in their warehouses are mandatory for them.

In warehouses not run by motor transport companies, loading and unloading operations are carried out by means of consignors and consignees at their own expense, unless otherwise stipulated in contracts, orders for transportation.

If the loading of goods is carried out at the places of their extraction or production, and the unloading is at the warehouses of the consignees or at the places of consumption, and at the same time the volume of loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations at the consignors and consignees is significant (good use of mechanization means is ensured), then it is more expedient to perform these works to the consignor and consignee by himself and by his own means. This is especially beneficial when the loading or unloading of rolling stock and storage processes can be performed by machines used in other types of work.

A road transport company may, under an agreement with consignors or consignees, undertake the loading or unloading of goods in warehouses, open areas and in storage facilities owned by the organization sending or receiving the goods. These jobs are optional for them.

Motor transport and specialized loading and unloading enterprises perform loading and unloading operations while ensuring that the customer maintains the loading and unloading areas and entrances to them in good condition, as well as the protection of mechanisms on their territory during non-working hours.

At railway stations, ports (piers) and airports, loading of goods onto a vehicle (road train) and unloading them from a vehicle (road train) is carried out by the forces and means of the railway, port (pier) and airport, with the exception of loading and unloading dangerous and liquid cargo at railway stations and dangerous goods in ports (piers) and airports, the loading and unloading of which is carried out by the forces and means of consignors and consignees.


The purpose of this work was to analyze and improve the organization of transportation services and the safety of the transport process.

In accordance with the goal, the following work tasks were set, which were implemented:

Theoretical aspects studied transport logistics;

The analysis of the market of motor transport services was carried out and the tasks of the enterprise's activity were considered;

The analysis of the activities of the transport company GUP MO "";

In the process of analysis, it was revealed that, in general, the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "" are organized quite effectively. But the transport and logistics system needs to be optimized.

The ways of rationalizing the route of delivery of products of one of the main customers of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "" LLC "Corporation" KREPS "are proposed.

Implementation of the results of the study into practice will help improve the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic motor transport companies in the international market. freight traffic.

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In ensuring the efficiency of the production and economic activities of an enterprise, no matter what type of property it belongs to, the key role belongs to the human factor - the people working on it, that is, the most efficient use of human resources. The personnel of motor transport enterprises solve all the problems associated with increasing the efficiency of production and the quality of work.

All the possibilities for increasing the volume of traffic and improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the operation of road transport associated with the introduction of new technology, improving the organization of labor, production and management, as well as the reorganization of the enterprise are realized only as a result of vigorous activity, that is, the personnel of the enterprise. transport company personnel management

Personnel management is closely related to all areas of economic activity of the organization. On the one hand, decision-making in the field of management occurs in all complex functional subsystems: management of scientific and technical activities, production management, management of economic activities, personnel management of the organization. On the other hand, decisions in the field of personnel management influence decisions in these complex functional subsystems. Insofar as main goal management is to provide these functional subsystems with the necessary workers, it is obvious that decisions on recruitment, evaluation, labor adaptation, stimulation and motivation, training, certification, organization of labor and workplace, use of personnel, promotion planning, management personnel reserve, management of innovations in personnel work, safety and health, the release of personnel, the definition of leadership style strongly influence the decision-making in the field of economic policy of the organization. Work with personnel is a powerful lever through which it is possible to achieve further improvement in the efficiency of transport.

Thus the goal personnel work is to ensure the optimal balance of the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of the current legislation and the state of the labor market.

Within the framework of production and economic activities, each enterprise adheres to a certain type personnel policy. The effectiveness of the personnel management practice existing at the enterprise largely depends on the type of personnel policy. The open type of personnel policy used in JSC "Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise" No. 1 is characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any structural level. A new employee can start working both from the lowest position, and from a position at the top management level, but at the same time, the process of training and adaptation of personnel becomes more complicated, since with an open personnel policy, team cohesion is much lower than with a closed one, and it is more difficult for an employee to achieve awareness of his commonality. fate with the fate of the enterprise.

As mentioned above, an important guarantee of the effectiveness of the company's work is to ensure the human component, namely the provision of the company with highly qualified and interested employees, the effective use of the skills and capabilities of employees in order to achieve the goals of the organization. These issues are dealt with by the personnel department of the enterprise.

The composition and structure of employees at JSC "Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise" No. 1 by category of employees are presented in table No. 1.

Table 1. Composition and structure of employees of OJSC PATP No. 1

Deviation for 2012-2009

Quantity, persons

Structure tour, %

Quantity, persons

Structure tour, %

Quantity, persons

Structure tour, %

Quantity, persons

Structure tour, %



Household cars


Repair workers

Auxiliary workers


Table No. 1 shows that the main part (on average for the study period 30.8%) of employees are drivers, conductors (on average 24.3%) and workers (on average 17.0%).

In order to be able to implement various areas of personnel work at the level of specific departments, personnel management structures create an extensive and penetrating various levels organization network.

JSC PATP No. 1 does not have a clearly defined personnel management service. The implementation of the basic functions of personnel management belongs to the personnel department, which, as a headquarters body, is structurally subordinate to the top management of the enterprise.

The formation of one or another type of personnel management service and its structural location depends on the stage of development of the organization, as well as the complexity and laboriousness of the tasks to be solved, which, in turn, largely depends on the number of employees of the organization and the structural composition of the personnel.

To study the dynamics of personnel, we present data on the number of employees in the form of a diagram (Figure No. 1).

Picture 1. Dynamics of employees of OJSC PATP No. 1

Thus, in 2009-2012, OJSC PATP No. 1 observed a general reduction in the number of employees by 133 people, mainly due to drivers working on shuttle buses, the number of which decreased by 64 people, conductors (by 40 people) and repair workers (by 36 human). At the same time, the number of auxiliary workers increased by 1 person and specialists by 11 people.

The security of the enterprise with labor resources is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category with the planned need. Table No. 2 presents data on the average number of employees for 2009-2012.

Table 2. The average number of employees of OJSC PATP No. 1

The analysis of table No. 2 shows that the enterprise for all 4 years under study was understaffed, while by the end of the period it decreased and amounted to 2.2% in 2012 compared to 2009, in which the value this indicator amounted to 7.1%.

The analysis of the enterprise's staffing is supplemented by an analysis of its qualitative composition by age, education and work experience (Table No. 3).

Table 3. Qualitative composition of the personnel of the enterprise


Number of workers at the end of the year

Specific weight, %

Worker groups:

By age, years

Of Education:

incomplete secondary

secondary, secondary special

By length of service, years:

Thus, the main part of the labor force at the enterprise of JSC PATP No. 1 is made up of workers aged 30 to 40 years with secondary and secondary specialized education and work experience of 5 to 10 years. At the same time, during the period under review, the number of employees aged 50 to 60 increases and the number of younger personnel decreases. The level of education is rising, but not significantly. JSC PATP No. 1 is systematically improving its technical and economic qualifications. Thus, we can say that the number of employees with extensive experience in the industry is increasing at the enterprise, which is of great importance in the context of organizational changes.

To increase the creative potential and create conditions for the self-development of workers, the enterprise regularly holds sports events - table tennis, billiards, hunting, and fishing competitions. Employees have free access to the swimming pool, gym, sauna, use vouchers to country rest houses.

The management of the enterprise takes care of improving the working and living conditions of employees. For drivers and conductors on the territory of OJSC PATP No. 1, rest rooms have been created, a dining room has been renovated, a first-aid post is operating, two mobile cafes are equipped on the basis of LiAZ-677 buses. A workshop for washing and repairing overalls was put into operation for repair workers, there are warm and bright premises of repair shops, ventilation systems and exhaust gases from the repair area were purchased.

The effectiveness of the ongoing personnel policy, as well as an analysis of the staffing level of the organization and the qualitative composition of employees, is supplemented by a study of the movement of personnel, which is characterized by the number of hired and dismissed employees during the reporting period with distribution by reasons for leaving. The main indicators characterizing the movement of labor in the enterprise include the turnover rate and the overall turnover ratio.

Data on the movement of personnel are displayed in table No. 4.

Table 4. Data on the movement of personnel of OJSC PATP No. 1



household machines


Repair workers

Auxiliary workers


Employees on parental leave

Thus, during the study period, the number of both employed and dismissed employees of JSC PATP No. 1 tended to decrease. The absolute change in the indicator characterizing the number of laid-off workers is 117 people, while the absolute change in hired workers is 88 people. This suggests that at the enterprise JSC PATP No. 1, layoffs are more intense, which led to a general reduction in the number of personnel.

The most unstable situation is observed among workers in the main production, where there is no definite trend in the change in the turnover rate, but over the entire study period it increased by 8%. For other categories of workers (drivers, specialists, workers of auxiliary production), relative stability is observed - the turnover rate has a slight deviation over 4 years and does not exceed 25%. Figure 2 presents data on the change in the turnover rate for the last two years under study.

Figure 2. Change in the turnover rate for 2011-2012

The change in the coefficient of total turnover in the bus fleet is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 shows that the total turnover ratio does not have a definite trend, but in 2009-2012 it generally decreased, and in 2010, in general, it reached zero, since the number of hired employees was equal to the number of those laid off.

Figure 3. Coefficient of total turnover at JSC PATP No. 1 for 2009-2012

The reasons for layoffs can be different: subjective and objective, depending on the activities of the motor transport organization and not dependent.

The data in table No. 5 show that, in general, the main reason for the dismissal of personnel in the enterprise is own wish. In turn, the reasons for this may be shortcomings in the organization of work of workers, an uncomfortable work schedule, assignment of activities that require lower qualifications, a low level of mechanization, violation of work and rest regimes, as well as threatening changes in the organization.

Table 5. Reasons for the dismissal of employees of OJSC PATP No. 1

For a more complete analysis of the reasons for dismissal, it is necessary to identify the reasons for dismissal for each category of employees (Table No. 6).

Table 6. Reasons for dismissal of employees by categories for 2011-2012


Violation of labor discipline


Other reasons



Household machines


Essential repair workers

Auxiliary repair workers


Employees on parental leave

The data in Table No. 6 show that the following categories of workers are mainly fired (or fired) at PATP No. 1 OJSC: drivers working on shuttle buses, conductors and repair workers because of their own desire.

The growth of staff turnover and a large number of layoffs is facilitated by the fact that the main source of staff recruitment at the enterprise is external sources. At the same time, OJSC PATP No. 1 practically does not have a system for selecting candidates, since due to the high level of turnover there are a large number of vacancies. For the same reason, the enterprise is blocking career opportunities for employees of the organization.

Generalizing indicators in the analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources is the average annual output of products by one employee. Productivity means the quantitative and intensive performance of a particular function, while efficiency involves choosing the right ways to achieve a common goal.

The initial data for the analysis of labor productivity are presented in table No. 7.

Table 7. Initial data for the analysis of labor productivity in JSC PATP No. 1






Income, thousand rubles, total


From route transportation

From registered transport

From other services

Realization of a canteen, mobile cafe, shop

Number of personnel, people, total,




Essential repair workers

Auxiliary workers



Passenger turnover, thousand passenger-km

Hours in operation, thousand hours

Production, rub.


For one driver

For one conductor

per maintenance worker

per support worker

per employee

For one partner

Thus, labor productivity in OAO PATP No. 1 decreased by 0.71 rubles. mainly due to a decrease in the productivity of drivers, conductors and part-time workers. At the same time, in JSC PATP No. 2, the output per worker decreased by 5.7 rubles, due to the same categories of workers.

Table No. 7 also shows that the total passenger turnover has significantly decreased (by 13,767 thousand pas.-km), as well as the number of hours in work, while at OJSC PATP No. 1 the value of this indicator exceeds the same value at OJSC PATP No. 2 almost doubled.

The impact of changes in income received from various activities on the total amount of income and productivity is presented in table No. 8.

Table 8. The impact of changes in income from various types of activities on the total amount of income and productivity in OJSC PATP No. 1

Kind of activity

Deviation, %

Income structure, %

Impact of changes in income from various types of activities, %

For total income

On labor productivity

Shuttle transportation

Custom transportation

Other services

Realization of a canteen, mobile cafe, shop

The greatest positive impact on the growth of total income was provided by the increase in income from other services and works, while this value almost doubled over the year (from 1.76 to 3.92). The increase in revenues from chartered transportations also had a positive effect. The greatest negative impact was manifested from the decrease in income from route transportation and from the sale of a canteen, a mobile cafe and a store. The impact of changes in income of certain types of labor productivity (see Table 1.8) is similar.

The impact of changes in the number of personnel groups on labor productivity is presented in table No. 9.

Table 9. The impact of changes in the number of personnel groups on the productivity of JSC PATP No. 1

Group of workers

Structure of the number of employees in 2012, %

Aligned Structure

Structure of the number of employees in 2011, %

Impact on labor productivity of changes in the number of groups



Essential repair workers

Auxiliary workers



The reduction in the number of employees had a positive impact on labor productivity (6%), with the main increase being achieved by support workers (by 1.67%), employees (by 1.5%) and drivers (by 0). .34%).

During the period of organizational change, issues related to labor productivity planning are most relevant, since this

the indicator is one of the most important performance indicators that characterizes the degree of rationality of the use of labor resources and is used for the purposes of internal analysis and planning of further effective economic activity of the organization. When determining the significance of the material incentive factor in increasing labor productivity, the ratio of the growth rates of labor productivity and labor productivity is important. wages. The multidirectional nature of the growth rates of labor productivity and wages indicates the absence of a mechanism to ensure that labor productivity corresponds to the level of its payment.

Analysis of the dynamics and ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages for 2011-2012 is presented in Table No. 10.

Table 10. Analysis of the dynamics and ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages for 2011-2012

An analysis of the rate of change in labor productivity and wages revealed that with a decrease in output per repair worker by 3%, their average wage increased by 5%. That is, the management of PATP, in the face of a shortage of repair workers, is trying to increase their productivity through material incentives, which in this case turns out to be ineffective. This increases the cost of transportation, which leads to an increase in losses.

The combination of the material interests of employees with the goals of the organization allows the latter to attract and retain ...

In addition to taking measures to form a reserve, the management of JSC PATP No. 1 needs to develop a set of measures to improve the skill level of workers, which may include improving the recruitment system, improving the quality of work on managing the adaptation of personnel, organizing training directly at the enterprise, one of the options may be Greater use of mentoring in individual or team form. The benefits of mentoring are the specific nature of the learning process and the reality working conditions, but the training will depend on the personal qualities of the mentor.

Figure 6. Matrix of SWOT-analysis of personnel management of OJSC PATP No. 1


  • 1. Having a better strategy in the field of personnel and personnel policy compared to competitors.
  • 2. The possibility of attracting a large number of candidates for vacant positions.
  • 3. High quality services.
  • 4. Favorable image of the organization among consumers.
  • 5. Pleasant in communication, friendly employees.
  • 1. Unfavorable socio-economic policy in the country.
  • 2. Weak positions in the field of personnel policy in comparison with competitors.
  • 3. Release of jobs due to upcoming organizational changes.
  • 4. Improving working conditions for competitors.


  • 1. Advantages in the level of remuneration in comparison with competitors.
  • 2. Availability of a social protection system.
  • 3. High level of competence of managers.
  • 4. A combination of both moral and material methods labor stimulation.

Development of an effective motivational mechanism.

Increasing the efficiency of personnel costs, including remuneration, remuneration, training costs.

Weak sides:

  • 1. Lack of strategic guidelines in the field of personnel management.
  • 2. Weak system of selection and recruitment of personnel.
  • 3. Weak funding for personnel management activities.
  • 4. Availability of vacancies.
  • 5. Outdated job descriptions and requirements for employees.
  • 6. An outdated system for evaluating the results of employees' work.
  • 7. Lack of career advancement system.
  • 8. Low level of satisfaction with working conditions among employees.
  • 9. Lack of innovative potential among employees.

Additional allocation of financial and other sources for personnel development.

Adjustment of job descriptions in accordance with upcoming changes.

Formation of a reserve of leading personnel at the enterprise.

Seeking to overcome weaknesses while cutting fixed costs and stopping investments

At the same time, as part of the improvement of the personnel selection system, it is necessary to tighten the personnel selection process, which should be carried out in the following steps:

  • - preliminary selection interview;
  • - filling in the application form and autobiographical questionnaire;
  • - conversation for hire;
  • - employment tests;
  • - checking references and track record;
  • - medical checkup;
  • - decision-making.

At the same time, improving the skills of workers is aimed at ensuring growth professional excellence, which is an important factor increase in labor productivity; promotions to increase wages.

To identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources, an analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise JSC PATP No. 1 was carried out according to table No. 13.

Table 13 Financial indicators activities of JSC PATP No. 1 for 2011-2012, thousand rubles.

Name of indicator

Fact 2011

Fact 2012

Oud. weight in s/s (2012), %


Own income

total cost of services


Labor costs

Insurance premiums

Material costs

public Utilities


car tire costs

  • 58256,0
  • 38732,6
  • 4700,2
  • 12321,6
  • 1601,6
  • 63266,1
  • 41982,8
  • 4778,7
  • 14601,5
  • 1903,1
  • 5010,1
  • 3250,2
  • 2279,9
  • 301,5


other expenses

of which for staff

  • 12335,0
  • 2876,5
  • 10002,9
  • 2169,3
  • -2332,1
  • -707,2

Canteen, mobile cafe, shop expenses

Management expenses

of which for staff

  • 2246,0
  • 402,0
  • 3005,0
  • 686,0
  • 759,0
  • 284,0

Financing from the budget (three services, concessionary travel)

Fin. result from the main activity

Financial result (including deferred tax assets, income tax, tax sanctions, etc.)

Thus, in 2011-2012, the company's income increased by 258.8 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of services provided increased, mainly due to the growth of depreciation and material costs. At the same time, the main item in the composition of material costs is the cost of fuel and lubricants, which, in turn, are in second place in the cost price (22.6%). Expenses for fuel and lubricants increased by 8.4% over the year, in addition, expenses for current repairs increased by 18.5% and expenses for tires by 18.8% with a decrease in the number of buses by 7 units. These figures indicate the overspending of funds for these items of expenditure, which in turn is a reserve for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The main part in the cost of services is occupied by labor costs (39.4%), which for the period under review decreased by 4906.5 thousand rubles. by reducing the number of staff. At the same time, this increase was due to an increase in the wages of key workers, while the wages of drivers decreased by 14%. Thus, one of the ways to increase the efficiency of using the labor potential of an enterprise and thereby improve the efficiency of personnel management is to reduce expenses under the item “Material expenses” in order to direct the saved part Money in the article "Salary of drivers". This will motivate drivers for productive work.

The sum of all personnel costs in 2012 is 99972.8 thousand rubles. while in 2011 - 83676.5 thousand rubles, that is, there was an increase of 16296.3 thousand rubles.

A significant increase in depreciation deductions indicates a deterioration technical condition fixed production assets. Table No. 14 shows the main technical and operational indicators of OJSC PATP No. 1.

Table 14. Main technical and operational indicators of OJSC PATP No. 1

Name of indicator

unit of measurement

Fact 2011

Actual deviation

Average number of buses

Machine-days on the farm total

In work

Under repair





Total passengers carried

including paid

  • 41999,3
  • 16701,4
  • 40217,9
  • 14954,2
  • 40087,9
  • 14789,6
  • -1781,4
  • -1747,2

Passenger turnover

Thousand passenger-km.

Number of buses with a service life of over 13 years

The share of buses with a service life of more than 13 years in total buses

Thus, it is clear that the mileage for the year decreased by 500.9 thousand km. and in 2005 the plan for this indicator was not fulfilled. The reasons for this were an increase in the time spent by vehicles under repair, as well as overfulfillment of the plan for downtime of buses with a decrease in their average number. There is also a significant increase in the share of buses with a service life of over 13 years by 15.5%; in 2005, the proportion of such buses amounted to more than half of the entire rolling stock.

The above, as well as the appearance of private carriers on the market of transport services, were the reasons for the decrease in passenger turnover and the number of passengers transported by 1781.4 thousand people. , while it should be noted that the number of transported paying passengers decreased by 1747.2 thousand people.

Table No. 15 shows that the company is unprofitable, since the funds received from the main activity and the funds received from the budget are not enough to cover all expenses (taking into account deferred tax assets, income tax, tax sanctions and other tax payments).

One of the reasons for this situation is the concealment of revenue by drivers and conductors working on route transportation. The wage fund in JSC PATP No. 1 does not take into account income and is a fixed value, so drivers and conductors are not interested in bringing more revenue to the company.

Thus, in order to improve personnel management in JSC PATP No. 1, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at changing various functions of personnel management. The main directions include the development of a personnel management service, the improvement of the motivational mechanism and the rationalization of the structure and number of employees in the enterprise. Each of the directions can be divided into a set of activities that are closely interconnected.

The main directions for improving personnel management in OJSC PATP No. 1 are shown in Figure No. 7.

In modern conditions, in OJSC PATP No. 1, the implementation of these measures is possible only with the formation of a new personnel management mechanism that takes into account not only the goals of the enterprise, but also the goals of its employees, as well as aimed at overcoming resistance to ongoing changes on the part of team members.

Figure 7. Directions for improving personnel management in OJSC PATP No. 1 in the context of organizational changes

The efficiency of an enterprise depends on how deeply and correctly progressive forms of organization of production are used, such as concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production.

For successful functioning, each ATP should strive to improve the efficiency of its activities based on rational use resource potential, increasing the profitability of production, improving the quality of services provided.

A necessary condition for the successful functioning of ATP in a market environment is the high competitiveness of services provided to consumers.

The competitiveness of transport services (TS) is determined mainly by two factors - the level of cost of services and improving the quality of TS. Therefore, reducing the cost and improving the quality of passenger transportation are the most important areas for increasing the competitiveness of services.

The cost of transportation as an indicator is of great importance in assessing motor transport activities, since it has a decisive influence on financial condition carrier: the lower the cost, the better the financial condition of the ATP or an individual entrepreneur carrying out passenger transportation. At the same time, the reduction in the cost of transportation has a strong impact on the financial condition of customers of technical specifications (cargo owners), since with a decrease in the cost of transportation, there are opportunities to reduce tariffs and, accordingly, to reduce the cost of production of other sectors of the economy and increase demand for technical specifications. In passenger transport, tariff reduction is an important factor in increasing the volume of traffic and improving the well-being of the population. Since the increase in tariffs has a negative impact on consumer services. Passengers are forced to pay more for travel, which causes social tension in society.

Reducing the cost of transportation can be achieved by saving fuel, spare parts, repair materials, tires, as well as by increasing the productivity of the PS.

Improving the quality of passenger transportation involves the provision of services in accordance with the timetable and the level of comfort (amenities) that the carrier can provide to passengers. For taxi transportation, the most important indicator of their quality is the time taken to deliver the passenger to the destination.

The quality of passenger transport service is a set of properties of the transportation process and the passenger transportation system that determine their compliance with regulatory requirements. The complex properties are:

Reliability is a factor in increasing the efficiency of urban passenger transportation. Efficiency has a pronounced subjective character, and its evaluation depends on the answer to the question: for whom is efficiency evaluated? From the point of view of the carrier, the efficiency will be assessed by the profitability and cost-effectiveness of transportation, from the point of view of the passenger - by the reliability of service, the comfort of the trip and the affordability of the tariff. It follows that the higher the reliability of urban transport, the more efficient it is from the point of view of the consumer of its services.

At the same time, reliability can be considered not only as an estimated indicator, but also as a factor contributing to an increase in the efficiency of transport from the point of view of the carrier. Higher reliability increases the attractiveness of this type of transport for the passenger and increases the collection of revenue, which directly affects all economic indicators. To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to develop and implement innovative measures. They aim to implement strategic goal activities of ATP - obtaining high profits, ensuring stable financial stability in their work.

At present, the innovation factor is becoming a decisive condition sustainable development transport. The problem is that along with the need to increase the total volume of investments for the successful functioning of transport, it is necessary to change the very structure of investments: a significant proportion of investments must be directed specifically to financing innovation activities.

Qualitative improvement of production in road transport is carried out in the form of innovations, which form the basis of the innovation process in the conditions of the TU market. The basis of innovative activity is the development and implementation of an innovative project (program), which is understood as a complex of research, development, production, organizational, financial, commercial and other activities linked by resources, deadlines and performers, designed as a set project documentation and providing an effective solution to a specific scientific and technical problem.

Rice. 7.

Activities to improve the functioning of the passenger ATP should be aimed at solving the following tasks (Fig. 2): High Quality THAT; -reducing the cost of services.

The main indicators of the quality of technical specifications:

– timely delivery of passengers;

safety and comfort of passenger transportation. The high efficiency of the implementation of technical specifications implies, first of all, low costs for the operation of the substation, which allows the company to pursue an optimal pricing policy.

Thus, activities to improve the functioning of the passenger ATP should be aimed primarily at improving the organization of the transportation process and reducing the costs of operating the PS.

The need for this activity is explained by the desire of each ATP to create competitive advantages, allowing him to successfully operate in the TS market and make a profit. The competitiveness of TU, ​​thus, acts as a kind of engine for improving the functioning of the enterprise. It allows you to meet the needs for it more efficiently and better than similar services on the market. In this case, the time factor is of great importance: an untimely and late decision on the application of innovations can lead to undesirable results and even losses.

Of great importance in improving the organization of the transportation process in modern conditions is the use of mathematical methods and computer modeling methods. In passenger vehicles, mathematical and computer modeling is used to solve such problems as optimizing the route network, distributing buses along routes, completing the bus fleet, scheduling buses, etc.

Extensive factors of increasing the productivity of the vehicle fleet and reducing the cost of technical equipment suggest an increase in the operating time of the substations on the line. This can be achieved through the introduction of a multi-shift operating mode of the PS for passenger transportation and an increase in the coefficients of technical readiness and the use of the vehicle fleet available on the balance sheet of the ATP.

The use of a multi-shift mode of operation of the PS for passenger transportation should be accompanied by marketing studies of the market for technical specifications. Thus, increasing the efficiency of the ATP in this case should be based on the development of marketing strategy methods and their application.

A special role is played by the maintenance of the PS in a technically sound condition. Advances in the field of engineering, technology and organization of production can serve as innovations here. Of great importance in modern conditions are the use of progressive methods of maintenance and repair, restoration of parts and increasing their wear resistance, improvement economic methods quality management of services, including stimulation of work of employees, etc.

An important direction in improving the efficiency of activities in road transport is saving material resources, and, above all, the transition to more economical and environmentally friendly types of fuel for PS, in particular, natural gas.

An effective way to increase revenue in urban and suburban passenger transport, increase accounting and control over the completeness of its collection, and suppress possible abuses is the introduction of specialized cash registers on city buses operating in the conductor collection mode and issuing tickets to passengers. In Russia, such machines have been created and tested in a number of cities.

Different activities carried out as part of improving the efficiency of activities require unequal time and financial resources. At the same time, they must be applied in a timely manner - otherwise, the transport company may be in a state of crisis. New projects at each ATP are formed based on the specialization of services performed by the enterprise, the production situation and financial capabilities. In this case, essentially the same sources of financing are used as in the implementation of investment projects: own and borrowed. In addition, budgetary funds allocated government bodies centrally as financial support highly effective innovative programs on a competitive basis.

At present, the innovation factor is becoming a decisive condition for the sustainable development of transport, because development and implementation of new projects (activities) provides an effective solution to specific problems. The nature and content of activities to improve the functioning of the passenger ATP depends on the state and characteristics of the functioning financial market, and only slightly depend on the industry characteristics of the enterprise.

Objectives of the course project.

In the course project, it is necessary to develop measures to improve the efficiency of the cargo ATP. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed organizational and technical measures of the project, it is necessary to calculate:

    indicators of the production program for the work of the PS;

    operating costs of the substation and the cost of transportation;

    technical and economic indicators of the project;

    indicators of economic efficiency of the project.

Page content

    General characteristics, technical, operational and economic indicators of the work of the ATP.

I.1. General characteristics of the ATP and its location.
I.2. Substation operating conditions and technical and operational indicators of its operation.
I.3. Production funds of ATP.
I.4. Labor productivity and payroll fund for employees of the enterprise.
I.4.1. Determining the need for labor force.
I.4.2. Labor productivity.
I.4.3. Calculation of the wage fund.
I.5. The cost of operating the substation and the cost of transporting goods.
I.6. Financial indicators.
I.7. conclusions

    Organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of production assets and profit growth.

II.1. List of proposed measures.
II.1.1. Technical and operational indicators of the work of the ATP after the implementation of measures.
II.2 Growth in labor productivity and payroll fund with the implementation of the proposed measures.
II.2.1. Determining the need for labor force.
II.2.2. Labor productivity.
II.2.3. Calculation of the wage fund.
II.2.4. Growth rates of wage fund and labor productivity.
II.3. Determining the amount of investment.
II.3.1. Rising cost of production assets.
II.4. Conclusions.
III. Technical and economic efficiency of the proposed measures.
III.1. Reducing the cost of transportation.
III.2. Annual savings and payback period of investments.
III.3. Growth of revenues, profits and profitability of the ATP in the transition to the market.
III.4. Definition and main directions of use of the accumulation fund and the consumption fund.
III.5. Conclusions.
IV. Conclusions as a whole on KP.

I. general characteristics, technical, operational and economic indicators of the work of the ATP.

I.1. General characteristics of the ATP and its location.

ATP is located in Zelenograd, Moscow region. in the temperate climate zone with moderate aggressiveness of the environment - the substation operates in the 1st category of operating conditions. Duration of winter - 5 months, summer - 7 months. The list number of the ATP fleet is 300 ZIL-130V1 vehicles with an average mileage from the start of operation - 60% of the mileage to the first KR. PS storage is carried out in an open area without heating. ATP carries out cargo centralized out-of-town transportation of construction materials. The nomenclature of goods transported by ATP is given in table 1.

Table number 1.

Nomenclature of transported goods.

The truck fleet consists of:

    300 ZIL-130V1 vehicles;

    300 OdAZ-885 semi-trailers;

ATP works on a discontinuous six-day working week (TN = 8.2 hours), the average mileage with a load per trip is 39 km. Loading and unloading operations are carried out in a mechanized way. The average mileage utilization factor ( ) is 0.68. The coefficient of production of cars per line ( in) is 0.73.

Table number 2.

The main parameters of the car ZIL-130V1.

Table number 3.

The main parameters of the semi-trailer OdAZ-885.

I.2. Substation operating conditions and technical and operational indicators of its operation.

The substation is operated in a suburban area on roads with an improved surface: cement, cement concrete. The average technical speed is 60 km/h, but since the car is operating in a suburban area, the average technical speed is reduced by 15% and is 51 km/h. (At the same time, the wages of drivers are increased by 20%).

TEP of the work of the PS.

1. Per day for one running vehicle.

tpr \u003d 3.7 min 7.7 t \u003d 28.49 min. = 0.47 h.

(Per ride tpr = tP + tR)

The technical speed is reduced by 15% when the truck tractor is operating outside the city.

VT = 60km/h0.85 = 51km/x

2. Per day for the park.

3. Per year per park.

The calculation results are summarized in Table 4.

Table number 4.

Indicators of the production program before the introduction of organizational and technical measures.

I.3. Production funds of ATP.

The production assets of ATP include: fixed production assets and working capital.

The cost of fixed production assets is the sum of the cost of PS and the cost of other fixed production assets.

KTZR - coefficient taking into account transport and procurement costs and equal to 1.08

ZIL-130V1 - 53.8 million rubles.

OdAZ-885 - 19.5 million rubles.

Cost of other fixed production assets.

NUD K V - the standard for specific capital investments, equal to 50.4 million rubles.

K1 - coefficient taking into account the type of substation;

K2 - coefficient taking into account the average daily mileage of one car;

K3 - coefficient taking into account the presence of a trailer;

K4 - coefficient taking into account the method of storage of PS;

K5 - coefficient taking into account the category of operating conditions;

K6 - coefficient taking into account the specialization of vehicles.

1. ZIL-130V1 - heavy-duty truck tractor

2. Differentiation by average daily mileage, Lcc = 311.85

3. Differentiation by the number of trailers. The number of trailers - 100%.

4. Open storage without heating.

6. K6 depends on the type of PS. ZIL-130V1 - truck tractor.

The cost of normalized working capital.

1) Calculation of the private standard of own current assets under the item “Materials” (Fuel for vehicle operation). The rate of fuel consumption per mileage.

- fuel consumption in liters per fleet per

working capital norm.

Partial standard for the article “Fuel for vehicle operation”

    engine oil

    transmission oil


  • cleaning materials

    Other materials

1. Engine oil.

2. Transmission oil.

3. Grease.

4. Kerosene

5. Cleaning materials (3 kg per month for one running vehicle)

6. Other materials

The total partial standard for the article “Lubricants and other operating materials” will be:

3) Private standard for the article “Restoration of wear and repair of car tires” (NM):

where HM is the standard cost per 1000 km of run per 1 set of tires, rub/1000 km;

na - the number of sets of tractor tires;

- total daily mileage of the entire fleet of vehicles, km;

1.1 - coefficient taking into account the increased wear of the tires of the tractor when working outside the city;

DZ - days of stock, days

(DZ - 40 days in operation, 80 days in stock);

H = 5680 rubles

4) The normalized working capital also includes:

(7%+3%+1,5%+2%+5,3% = 18,8%)

ZOR - general business expenses, rub;

SOPT A, SOPT P / P - the wholesale cost of the tractor and semi-trailer, rub;

Ac, Ps - the list number of tractors and semi-trailers, respectively;

Total regulatory working capital:

Average average = 292.084 + 67.551 + 493.44 + 6707.1 = 7560.175 million rubles

Total production assets:

PF \u003d OPF + Norm about cf, rub

where PF - production assets, rub

OPF - fixed production assets, rub

PF \u003d 47007.388 + 7560.175 \u003d 54567.563 million rubles

I.4. Labor productivity and payroll fund for employees of the enterprise.

I.4.1. Determining the need for labor force.


, people where Dk is the number of calendar days in a year, (Dk = 365);

Two - the number of days off in a year, 52 days;

Dpr - the number of holidays in a year, 10 days;

Dotp - the number of days on the next vacation, 28 days;

Ddop otp - the number of days of additional leave, 2 days;

Dvyp state obligation - days of performance of state duties, 2 days;

Dbolez - the planned number of days of illness, 7 days;

Pre-holiday - the number of pre-holiday days in a year, 8 days;

Dsub is the number of Saturdays in a year. 52 days;

Dotp sub - the number of Saturdays coinciding with the next vacation, 4 days.

Repair workers:

, people

per 1000 kilometers

ATP is located in Zelenograd, Moscow region. in the temperate climate zone with moderate aggressiveness of the environment - the substation operates in the 1st category of operating conditions. The list number of the ATP fleet is 300 ZIL-130V1 vehicles with an average mileage from the start of operation - 60% of the mileage to the first KR.

The initial data, calculated coefficients and results of correcting the periodicity of maintenance, mileage to CR, labor intensity of maintenance and ER are presented in Table 5.

Table No. 5

Adjustment of maintenance and repair standards.




Frequency of maintenance, km

Mileage to the first KR, thousand km

300 288 1,0 0,95 1,0 - - 0,95

Labor intensity

    TO-1, man-hour

    TO-2, man-hour

    TR, person-hour/1000 km

The meaning of the regulations

Correction factor

workers people

I.4.2. Labor productivity.


in kind


K - the number of drivers

Qt - the annual volume of transportation of the entire fleet of vehicles, t;

in monetary terms

where D - income of ATP, rub;

repair workers

in kind

Kv - the number of drivers;

D - ATP income

million rubles/km

I.4.3. Calculation of the payroll fund (PHOT).

The payroll is determined for drivers, repair workers, specialists.


where FOTv - FOT drivers;

POTs - POT of specialists

1) The price for 1 ton of transported cargo to pay the driver for the downtime during loading and unloading.

The price per ton is calculated for 1st class cargo


where Rt - price per ton;

Cm - minute tariff rate, rub/min;

Nt - time rate in minutes per ton, min / t

where 60,000 is the minimum wage;

Ktar - tariff coefficient;

BRV - the balance of working time of the estimated secret worker, h

where Dryav - the average monthly number of secret days of one worker, days;

Dsub - the number of Saturdays in a year;

Dpredpr - the number of pre-holiday days

days h rub/min rub

Payment per ton =


Kj = 1.25 (j = 0.8)

Payment per ton =

million rubles

2) Payment per tkm =


where Rtkm is the price for 1 tkm to pay the driver for the driving time, rub/tkm;

Rtkm = SmNtkm, rub/tkm

where Cm - minute tariff rate, rub/min;

Ntkm - the norm of time in minutes per 1 tkm, min / tkm


where Vt is the estimated mileage rate, 49 km/h;

 - mileage utilization factor, included in piece rates at the level of 0.5;

qn - rated load capacity, t;

jd - coefficient of dynamic use of load capacity, 1

min/tkm rub/tkm

Pay per tkm =

million rubles

Piece rate payment:

About PL SD RASC \u003d 545.523 + 2056.79 \u003d 2602.313 million rubles


i - cargo number;

(according to table No. 1)
million rubles

Bonus for excellence

Additional payment:

Hourly rate:

rub/hour rub/hour

Calculations are conveniently carried out in Table 6.

Table No. 6

Excellence bonus.

D OPcl \u003d 284.63 million rubles

C HOUR = 2635.5 rubles / hour

O PLtpz = S HOUR

AD R rub = 63.2 million rubles

RRP = 545.523 + 2056.79 + 63.2 + 284.63 + 325.289 = 3275.432

,rub ,% million rubles

The calculation data are summarized in Table 7.

Table number 7

Calculation of payroll for drivers.

1. Piece rate

per ton

For tons

Total million rubles 2602.313


new time

5. Bonus for coolness

Total for item 5

Total OZP RUB mln 3275.432

6. Percentage of DZP

8. Payroll of drivers million rubles 3635.7299. Payroll for one driver million rubles 9.3210. Average monthly salary of one driver RUB 766,666.66

R 1000 KM = C HASrr

, rub/1000km

C HASrr \u003d 0.9C HOURs

rub/h rub/1000 km

Payment by piece rates

About PL SD RASC = R 1000 KM

About PL SD RASC =

million rubles

where P - premium;

million rubles

OZP \u003d O PL SD RASC + P

OZP \u003d 360.68 + 126.29 \u003d 486.97 million rubles

Supplementary Wage (SW).

million rubles

FOT pp \u003d 486.97 + 45.77 \u003d 532.74

The calculation data of the payroll pp are summarized in table 8.

Table No. 8

Calculation of payroll for repair workers.

Kv - the number of drivers;

million rubles

Total payroll for those working at ATP:

FOT \u003d FOTv + FOTrr + FOTss

FOT \u003d 3635.729 + 572.1 + 922.91 \u003d 5130.739

Payroll of one employee:

FOT 1st SLAB =

million rubles

Main cost items:

1) Payroll = 5130.739 million rubles

Total: 39% of payroll

3) Variable costs

a) fuel

million rubles million rubles

c) Repair fund

Materials for maintenance and repair

Zm then and er = Rm then and er

Spare parts for ER

Z Z / Ch \u003d R Z / Ch

FOT 1st SLAB =

million rubles

I.5. The cost of operating the substation and the cost of transporting goods.

Main cost items:

1) Payroll = 5130.739 million rubles

2) Deductions for social needs (On PTsn)

a) to the pension fund - 28% of the payroll

b) to the social insurance fund - 5.4% of the payroll

c) to the compulsory medical insurance fund - 3.6% of the payroll

d) to the employment fund - 2% of the payroll

Total: 39% of payroll

3) Variable costs

a) fuel

million rubles

where Zg - annual fuel costs;

Nt - private standard for the article "Materials" ("Fuel for the operation of vehicles")

b) Lubricants and other operating materials

million rubles

c) Repair fund

Materials for maintenance and repair

Zm then and er = Rm then and er

million rubles: 20 = 528.97 million rubles

where Pm is the material consumption per 1 km of run of the ZIL-130V1 car, 424.4 rubles / km;

Lobsh - the total annual mileage of the entire car park

Spare parts for ER

Z Z / Ch \u003d R Z / Ch

million rubles: 20 = 418.29 million rubles

where Rs/h is the consumption of spare parts per 1 km of run of the ZIL130-V1 car;

Zz / h - the cost of spare parts for ER

Costs for KR PS

Taken in the amount of 2/3 of the amount of depreciation deductions

Zkr \u003d (Atyag + Ap / p)

million rubles: 20 = 132.545 million rubles

where Ap / p, Atyag - depreciation deductions for restoring the wear of the tractor and semi-trailer

Zkr - costs for KR PS

d) Wear and repair of car tires

Zr = Nm: 120

million rubles

where Nm is a particular standard for the article “Restoration of wear and repair of car tires”

Зр - annual costs for wear and retreading of car tires

e) PS depreciation

million rubles

where Na is the rate of depreciation deductions in % of the balance sheet value;

Ktyag - coefficient of the tractor when working in country conditions (1.1);

Сbal - book value of one tractor;

Ltot - total annual mileage of the entire fleet of vehicles

4) Fixed costs

a) running costs

ACHr \u003d 9816655467 \u003d 6434.06 million rubles

where R - general economic expenses for 1 car-hour of work, 9816 rubles / h

AHR - car-hours of operation of the entire fleet of cars per year

b) Depreciation of semi-trailers

million rubles

where Na is the rate of depreciation deductions in % of the book value of the semi-trailer, excluding mileage;

Сbal - book value of one semi-trailer;

Additional cost items

1) Transport tax (1% of the payroll) is 51.3 million rubles

2) Education tax (1% of the payroll) is 51.3 million rubles

3) Tax on the maintenance of the police (1% of the payroll) equal to 51.3 million rubles

4) Property tax (1.5% of PF) is 818.51

5) Land tax

R 1H \u003d 655467 3700 \u003d 2425.22 million rubles

where R 1H - the cost of 1 AH of work, 3700 rubles / hour

6) Payment for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere - 10% of the annual cost of fuel, which is 1776.8 million rubles

7) Tax from vehicle owners

Nvts = Ndv

i Ac \u003d 150 320 300 \u003d 14.4 million rubles

where Ndv - maximum engine power (150 hp);

i - tax rate (320 rubles);

Ac - list number of cars

8) Tax on the acquisition of vehicles.

Every year 20% of the PS fleet is renewed.

Нп = (Сopt a

0.2 + Сopt p / p 0.1) 20 / 100Ас \u003d (53.8 0.2 + 19.5 0.1) 0.2 300 \u003d 762.6 million rubles

where Sopt a, p / p - the wholesale price of the car and semi-trailer;

Ac - list number of semi-trailers

9) Road user tax - 1.5% of the sales volume

0.015 = 52993.14 0.015 = 849.86 million rubles

10) Insurance of risks associated with the transportation of goods - 1% of the sales volume.

0.01 = 52993.14 0.01 = 566.57 million rubles

(In calculations, the profitability of ATP is taken at the level of 15%)

where R - expenses of ATP, rub;

D - ATP income, rub;

P - ATP profit, rub

52993.14 million rubles

Table number 9

Estimated costs for the operation of the substation and calculation of the cost of road freight transportation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Main cost items1 LOT 5130.739 - - 49.13 10.42 Social contributions 2000.988 - - 19.16 4.063 Variable expenses 24357.545 977.1
233,26 49,43 3.1 Fuel 17768.44 712.78 - 170.16 36.063.2

Lubricants and other ex-
operating materials

821,87 32,97 - 7,87 1,6


Repair fund

a) materials for maintenance and repair

b) spare parts for ER PS

c) costs for CR PS

3.4 Wear and repair of car tires 1500.88 60.2 - 14.37 3.043.5 Depreciation PS 3186.55 127.8 - 30.5 6.464 Fixed expenses 10410.41 417.6 - 99.7 21.134.1 General business expenses 6434.06 - 9815.99 61.6 13.064.2 Depreciation PS 789.8
6066,43 38,08 8,07
Total (1+2+3+4) 38713.1321 Transport tax 51.3 - - 0.49 0.12 Education tax 51.3 - - 0.49 0.13 Tax on maintenance of the police 51.3 - - 0.49 0.14 Property tax 818.51 - - 7.83 1.665 Land tax 2425.22 - 3699.9 23.22 4.96 Payment for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere 1776.8 71.27 - 17.01 3.67 Tax on vehicle owners 14.4 - 21.96 0.13 0.038 Tax on the purchase of vehicles 762.6 - 1163.44 7.3 1.549 Tax on road users 849.86 34.09 - 8.13 1.7210 Risk insurance 566.57 22.72 - 5.42 1.14
Total II 7367.86
Total I + II 46080.992
Meter costs

Cost of transportation

There should be a pie chart here.

I.6. Financial indicators.

The annual expenses of the enterprise are: 46080.992 million rubles (see table 9)

The annual income of the enterprise is 52993.14

where P is the profit of the enterprise;

D - the income of the enterprise;

Р - expenses of the enterprise

P \u003d 52993.14 - 46080.992 \u003d 6912.148 million rubles

Profitability of the enterprise:

Tariff for transportation of 1 ton of cargo:

VAT is 20% of the payroll. VAT = 1026.14 million rubles - goes to the state budget.

Chart #2

I.7. conclusions

In this section of the CP, a general description of the ATP and its location was given. As a result of the calculations, the following technical and operational indicators of the work of the ATP per year were obtained:

QT 2677415.175 tPTCM 104419191.8 tkmLGEN 24928275.17 kmZe 434638ACHR 655467ADR 79935

Fixed production assets - 47007.388 million rubles

Normalized working capital - 7560.175 million rubles

As a result of the calculations, the cost of road transportation was revealed, which is equal to 471.8 rubles / tkm, as well as the financial performance of the ATP:

Income - 52993.14 million rubles

Consumption - 46080.992 million rubles

Profit - 6912.148 million rubles

The profitability of the ATP is fixed at 15%. Tariff for the transportation of 1 ton of cargo (excluding VAT is 19792.6).

II. Organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of production assets and profit growth.

2.1. List of proposed measures.

To increase the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, including vehicles, the project proposes the following organizational and technical measures:

1) Use of 30 interchangeable semi-trailers.

Standard hold time - 12 min

Standard uncoupling time - 8 min

The time for hitching an uncoupling for a ride is:

t POE = (12 + 8)

2 = 40 min = 0.67 h

But since the downtime of the car under loading and unloading is less than the time under the uncoupling trailer, the use of interchangeable semi-trailers is not an effective measure.

(tPRe = 0.47

2) Increasing the mileage utilization factor  by optimizing transportation routes.

  

  

Increase in the output ratio per line ( V) due to the organization of in-line production of TO1.

(In mass production, labor costs for each impact TO1 are reduced by 15%).

2.1.1. Technical and operational indicators of the work of the ATP after the implementation of measures.

1) Calculation of the daily program for the operation of one running car.

where Tn - time in the outfit;

Vt - average technical speed;

q n - carrying capacity;

j c - coefficient of static use of load capacity;

 - mileage utilization factor;

l eg - the length of the ride with the load;

t pr - idle time under loading and unloading

km riders

2) Calculation of the daily program for the operation of the entire fleet of running vehicles.

cars km riders

ACHr \u003d TnAh \u003d 1968

ADr \u003d Ah \u003d 240

3) Calculation of the annual production program for the operation of the entire fleet of vehicles.

km riders

ACHr \u003d TnAhDk \u003d 718320

ADR \u003d AhDk \u003d 87600

The calculation results are summarized in table 10

Table No. 10

Indicators of the production program after the introduction of organizational and technical measures.

Performance indicators Tr
1 2 1 2 1 2
QT 33.49 34.22 7335.8 8212.26 2677415.175 2997476.85 1.1195PTCM 1306.3 1334.5 286079.97 320278.35 104419191.8 116901597.2 1.1195LTONT 311.85 285.05 68296.64 68412.15 24928275.17 24970436.86 1.0016Ze5 5.55 1191 1333.16 434638 486603.38 1.1195AHR 8.2 8.2 1795.8 1968 655467 718320 1.095ADR 1 1 219 240 79935 87600 1.095
For one running vehicle Per day in the park per year in the park

2.2. Growth in labor productivity and payroll after the implementation of the proposed measures.

2.2.1. Determining the need for labor force.


, people

where Kv - the number of drivers, people;

ACHrab - vehicle-hours of operation of the entire fleet of vehicles per year;

ADR - car-days of operation of the entire fleet of cars per year;

GFRVv - the annual fund of the driver's working time, h.

T Rv \u003d Kv2 / Kv1 \u003d 1.095 (T Rv \u003d T rACHr \u003d T rADr)

Repair workers:

, people

where Krr - the number of repair workers, people;

- total annual labor costs for maintenance and repair, nl.h

GFRRrr - annual fund of working time of a repair worker, h

where Hto and er - the total specific labor intensity of maintenance and repair, man-hours / 1000 km

per 1000 kilometers

where TTO1 - one-time labor intensity TO1, man-hours;

TTO2 - one-time labor intensity of TO2, man-hours;

LTO1 , LTO2 - frequency of TO1 and TO2, km;

FER - specific labor input TR, km/1000km;

The calculation data for Hto and er are taken from table No. 5. It must be taken into account that in

per 1000 kilometers

As a result of the introduction of in-line production of TO1, the one-time labor intensity of TO1 is reduced by 15%.

man-hours/1000km workers

The number of specialists and employees is conventionally assumed to be 0.22Ac


II.2.2. Labor productivity after the introduction of organizational and technical measures.


in kind

K - the number of drivers

where Rtkm is the annual freight work of the entire fleet of vehicles, tkm

in conditionally natural terms

where Рpriv tkm - reduced ton-kilometers, tkm;

Qt - the annual volume of transportation of the entire fleet of vehicles, t;

Rtkm - annual freight work of the entire fleet of vehicles, tkm

Kpriv - ghost factor


in monetary terms

where D - income of ATP, rub;

Kv - the number of drivers, people

mln rub/person

repair workers

in kind

where Ltotal is the total annual mileage of the entire fleet of vehicles, km;

Krr - the number of repair workers, people


working in terms of money

where PTR - labor productivity of workers, rub / person;

Kv - the number of drivers;

Krr - the number of repair workers;

Ks - the number of specialists and employees;

D - ATP income

million rubles/km

II.2.3. Payroll calculation after the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

The payroll is determined for drivers, repair workers and employees.


where FOTv - FOT drivers;

FOTrr - FOT of repair workers;

POTs - POT of specialists

A piece-rate form of remuneration and a piece-rate system of remuneration for drivers are being tried on (at piece rates)

a) Payment per ton = RtKjQt

where Rt - piece rate per ton, 163 rubles / t;

Kj - coefficient, taking into account the influence of the load capacity utilization factor;

Qt - total annual traffic volume

Payment per ton =

million rubles

b) Payment per tkm =


where Rtkm - the price for 1 tkm to pay the driver for the driving time, 13.97 rubles / tkm;

Kj - coefficient taking into account the class of the transported cargo, equal to 1.25;

K - coefficient taking into account the mileage utilization factor, equal to 0.94;

Ktyag - tractor coefficient, taken when tractors operate in suburban conditions at the level of 1.2;

Pay per tkm =

million rubles

Piece rate payment:

About PL SD RASC = About PLt + About PLtkm, rub

About PL SD RASC \u003d 610.736 + 2302.69 \u003d 2913.426 million rubles

Forwarding surcharge: (determined as a percentage of the payment at piece rates)


where About PL SD RASC - payment at bargain rates;

i - cargo number;

a i - share of the total cargo in the total volume of traffic,%;

b i - percentage of surcharge for forwarding the total cargo, %

(according to table No. 1)

DE - surcharge for forwarding

million rubles

Bonus for excellence

Additional payment:

    25% off hourly tariff rate for drivers of the 1st class for the actual hours worked;

    10% of the hourly rate for 2nd class drivers for actual hours worked;

Hourly rate:

rub/hour rub/hour

Calculations are conveniently carried out in Table 11.

Table No. 11

Excellence bonus.

D OPcl \u003d 312.808 million rubles

Payment for preparatory and final time. Preparatory and final time is paid at hourly tariff rates.

C HOUR = 2635.5 rubles / hour

Preparatory and final time - 18 min. for a work shift.

O PLtpz = S HOUR


where About PLtpz - payment of preparatory and final time, rub;

C HOUR - hourly tariff rate, rub/hour;

AD R - car-days of work of the entire fleet of cars per year

rub \u003d 69.26 million rubles

Basic salary (BW).

OZP \u003d O PLt + O PLtkm + O PLtpz + D OPkl + D OPzk

OZP \u003d 610.736 + 2302.69 + 69.26 + 312.808 + 364.178 \u003d 3659.672 million rubles

Supplementary Wage (SW).

OZP, rub

where %DZP is the percentage of additional wages;


where D OTP - the duration of the next vacation;

Ddop otp - duration of additional leave;

Drab - the number of working days in a year;

Drab \u003d Dk - Dv - Dotp - Ddop otp

where Dk is the number of calendar days in a year;

Dv - the number of Sundays in a year

million rubles

The calculation data are summarized in Table 12.

Table No. 12

Calculation of payroll for drivers.

Indicator Unit measurements Absolute value

1. Piece rate

per ton

2. Payment at piece rates

For tons

Total million rubles 2913.426

3. Surcharge for the implementation of forwarding

4. Payment preparatory-final-
new time

5. Bonus for coolness

Total for item 5

Total OZP million rubles 3659.672

6. Percentage of DZP

8. Payroll of drivers million rubles 4062.2329. Payroll for one driver million rubles 9.51310. Average monthly salary of one driver RUB 792750

Calculation of payroll for repair and maintenance workers.

The project adopts a piece-bonus system of remuneration for repair workers. In this case, the amount of the premium for high-quality and timely service and operational repairs is taken equal to 35% of the payment for the actual hours worked.

Piece rates for 1000km run.

R 1000 KM = C HASrr

, rub/1000km

where R 1000 KM - piece rate per 1000 km;

С CHASrr - hourly tariff rate of repair workers, rub/hour\;

N TO AND ER - total specific labor intensity of TO and ER, man-hours / 1000 km

C HASrr \u003d 0.9C HOURs

rub/h rub/1000 km

Payment by piece rates

About PL SD RASC = R 1000 KM

where About PL SD RASC - payment at piece rates;

L OVR - the total annual test of the entire fleet of vehicles

About PL SD RASC =

million rubles

Bonus for timely and high-quality maintenance and repair work - 35% of the payment for the actual time worked.

where P - premium;

С CHASrr - hourly tariff rate of repair workers, rub/h

- total annual labor costs for maintenance and repair, man-hours million rubles

OZP \u003d O PL SD RASC + P

OZP \u003d 361.29 + 143.00 \u003d 504.29 million rubles

Supplementary Wage (SW).

million rubles

FOT rr = 504.29 + 47.4 = 551.69

The calculation data of the payroll pp are summarized in table 13.

Table No. 13

Calculation of payroll for repair workers.

Calculation of payroll for specialists and employees.

The salary of workers and employees is conditionally accepted 1.5 times more than that of drivers.

where FOT SS is the payroll fund for specialists and employees;

FOTv - payroll fund for drivers;

Kv - the number of drivers;

Kss - the number of specialists, specialists and employees

million rubles

Total payroll for those working at ATP:

FOT \u003d FOTv + FOTrr + FOTss

Payroll \u003d 4062.232 + 551.69 + 941.828 \u003d 5555.75 million rubles

Payroll of one employee:

FOT 1st SLAB =

million rubles

II.2.4. The growth rate of the payroll and labor productivity with the implementation of the proposed measures are calculated in Table 14.

Table No. 14

II.2.4. Growth rates of payroll and labor productivity in the implementation of the proposed measures.

Chart #3

2.3. Determining the amount of investment.

In order to introduce in-line production at TO1, additional capital investment services in the amount of 500 million rubles are required.

a) Consequently, the main productive assets after the implementation of measures will be:

OPF II \u003d OPF I + DopKV,

where OPF II is the main productive assets after the implementation of measures, million rubles;

OPF I - main production assets before the implementation of measures, million rubles;

DopKV - additional capital investments for the implementation of the proposed measures, million rubles.

OPF II = 54567.563 + 500.00 = 55067.563

As a result of the implementation of the proposed measures, ATP has received additional production capacities, which are directed to expand the scope of work. As the volume of work increases, the normalized working capital of the enterprise grows. The cost of normalized working capital after the implementation of the proposed measures.

1) Calculation of the private standard of own current assets under the item “Materials” (“Fuel for the operation of vehicles”).

Fuel consumption rate for mileage and transport work in liters per fleet per day (Nt day):


Working capital norm:


Partial standard for the article “Materials” (“Fuel for the operation of vehicles”)

million rubles

2) Particular standard for the article “Lubricants and maintenance materials”. Consists of:

    engine oil

    transmission oil


  • cleaning materials

    Other materials

1. Engine oil.

million rubles

2. Transmission oil. 4) The normalized working capital also includes:

    repair and building materials - 7% of general business expenses;

    fuel for household needs - 3% of general business expenses;

    stationery and office supplies - 1.5% of general business expenses;

    telegraph and postal expenses - 2% of general business expenses;

    fund of circulating aggregates - 25% of the wholesale price of the entire PS;

    other expenses - 5.3% of general business expenses.

(7%+3%+1.5%+2%+5.3% = 18.8%) and 25% of the wholesale price of the total PS

Total normalized working capital:

Norm about wed \u003d 298.94 + 72.36 + 484.95 + 6823.09 \u003d 7679.34 million rubles

Therefore, the increase in normalized working capital is:

Norm about wed \u003d Norm about wed II - Norm about wed I \u003d 7679.34 - 7560.175 \u003d 119.165 million rubles

where  Norm about avg - increase in normalized working capital, million rubles

Total production assets:

PF \u003d OPF + Norm about wed \u003d 55067.563 + 7679.34 \u003d 62746.903 million rubles

II.4. conclusions

To improve the efficiency of the ATP, 3 measures were proposed:

1. The use of 30 interchangeable semi-trailers, but this is not effective, since the downtime of the car under loading and unloading is less than the downtime under the uncoupling trailer.

2. Increasing the mileage utilization rate  by optimizing transportation routes.

  

  

Increase in the output ratio per line ( B) due to the organization of in-line production TO1.

With the introduction of these measures, the technical and operational performance of the ATP per year has changed:

The project provides for the expansion of the market for ATP products. As a result of the implementation of measures:

    The driver's labor productivity increased by 2.2%, and the driver's payroll increased by 2%;

    The labor productivity of a repair worker increased by 1.3%, and the payroll by 4.7%;

    The labor productivity of one working income in rubles decreased by 3% (the decrease was due to a reduction in the tariff rate). And the payroll increased by 1.5%.

The cost of production assets was also revealed - 62746.093 million rubles, including:

Basic production assets - 55067.563 million rubles;

Normalized working capital - 7679.34 million rubles

The increase in normalized working capital is 119.165 million rubles.

III. Technical and economic efficiency of the proposed measures.

3.1. Reducing the cost of transportation.

Calculation of costs for the operation of the substation and the cost of transportation of goods after the implementation of measures.

Main cost items:

1) Payroll = 5555.75 million rubles

2) Deductions for social needs (On PTsn)

a) to the pension fund - 28% of the payroll

b) to the social insurance fund - 5.4% of the payroll

c) to the compulsory medical insurance fund - 3.6% of the payroll

d) to the employment fund - 2% of the payroll

Total: 39% of payroll

Och sn \u003d 0.39 FOT \u003d 2166.74

3) Variable costs

a) fuel

million rubles

where Zg - annual fuel costs;

Nt - private standard for the article "Materials" ("Fuel for the operation of vehicles")

b) Lubricants and other operating materials

No. Groups and cost items Estimated costs,

RUB mln RUB/km RUB/h RUB/tkm % of total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Main cost items1 LOT 5555.75 - - 47.52 11.52 Social contributions 2188.74 - - 18.72 4.53 Variable expenses 24814.46 9964.36 - 212.26 51.53.1 Fuel 18185.52 728.28 - 155.56 37.73.2

Lubricants and other ex-
operating materials

880,36 35,25 - 7,53 1,8


Repair fund

a) materials for maintenance and repair

b) spare parts for ER PS

c) costs for CR PS

3.4 Wear and repair of car tires 1475.05 59.07 - 12.61 3.03.5 PS depreciation 3191.94 127.82 - 27.3 6.64 Fixed expenses 7840.105 313.97 - 67.06 16.24.1 General business expenses 7051.029 - 9815.99 60.31 14.64.2 Depreciation PS 789.8 - 1099.5 6.75 1.6
Total (1+2+3+4) 40399.055II Additional cost items1 Transport tax 55.55 - - 0.47 0.12 Education tax 55.55 - - 0.47 0.13 Police tax 55.55 - - 0.47 0.14 Property tax 941.19 - - 8.05 1.95 Land tax 2657.78 - 3699.9 22.73 5.56 Payment for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere 1818.55 72.82 - 15.55 3.77 Tax on vehicle owners 14.4 - 19.48 0.12 0.028 Tax on the purchase of vehicles 762.6 - 1061.64 6.52 1.59 Tax on road users 827.6 33.14 - 7.08 1.710 Risk insurance 551.74 22.09 - 4.72 1.1
Total II 7740.51
Total I + II 48139.565

Meter costs

Cost of transportation

Cost price:

Before the implementation of the measure - 441.3 rubles / tkm;

After the implementation of measures - 411.79 rubles / tkm

The absolute reduction is 29.51 rubles/tkm

Growth rate: 411.79/471.82 = 0.933

diagram 4

diagram 5

III.2. Annual savings and payback period of investments.

Egod = Stack 1

Rtkm 2 / Rtkm 1 - Stack 2

where Egod - annual savings;

Stack 1, Stack 2 - current expenses before and after the implementation of the measure, respectively;

Rtkm 2, Rtkm 1 - cargo work per year after the implementation and before the implementation of the measure, respectively

Egod = 46080.992

116901597,2/104419191,8 - 48139,565 = 3449,93

Payback period of capital investments:

Current \u003d  K / Egod, ged

 K - capital investments required for the implementation of this measure;

Egod - annual savings

Current = 500/3449.93 = 0.14 years

The standard payback period is 6.6 years, therefore, the proposed measures pay off within the standard period and should be implemented.

E Fgod \u003d Egod - K


where E Fgod is the annual effect from the implementation of measures;

Egod - annual savings;

 K - capital investments required for the implementation of measures;

En - normative coefficient of efficiency of capital investments (0.15)

E Fyear = 3449.93 - P = D - R

where P - ATP profit;

P - expenses of ATP;

D - ATP income

P \u003d 59327.86 - 48234.41 \u003d 11093.45

Rent = 11093.45 / 48234.41

100 = 22,99%

As a result of the implementation of measures, the enterprise has additional production capacities, which are proposed to be used to expand the scope of work. To attract new customers and encourage regular customers, the project proposes to reduce the tariff for the transportation of 1 ton of cargo so that the profitability remains at the level of 15%.

D = 55174.3 million rubles

P = 48139.565 million rubles

P \u003d D - R \u003d 7034.735

T 1T \u003d D / Q T \u003d 55174.3 / 2997476.85 \u003d 18406.9 rubles / t

The tariff is reduced from 19,792.6 to 18,406.9 rubles/t

ATP profit increased by: 7034.735 - 6912.148 = 122.587 million rubles.

III.4. Definition and main directions of use of the accumulation and consumption fund.

As a result of economic activities, ATP receives a balance sheet profit in the amount of 7034.735 million rubles. Of these, ATP transfers 32% to the state budget as income tax, i.e. 2251.1152 million rubles

Net profit remaining at the disposal of ATP is - 4783.6196 million rubles

Then the net profit of ATP is distributed between the accumulation fund and the consumption fund.

70% of net profit is transferred to the consumption fund, which is 3348.53 million rubles

Economic incentive funds are formed from the consumption fund:

1) Material Incentive Fund (FMP) - 71.4% of the consumption fund - 2390.85 million rubles

The financial incentive fund is spent on:

a) bonuses to ATP employees for the main results of economic activity, 45% of the FMP - 1075.88 million rubles

b) bonuses for the development of new equipment, 10% - 239.08 million rubles

c) financial assistance, 15% of the FMP - 358.62 million rubles

d) formation of a housing construction fund, 30% of the FMP - 717.25 million rubles

2) Social Development Fund (SDF), 30% of the consumption fund - 1004.56 million rubles

FSR is spent on:

a) construction, expansion and overhaul of houses, dispensaries, rest homes, 70% of the FSR - 703.19 million rubles

b) for the purchase of medicines, vouchers to rest homes, tourist camps, 20% of the FSR - 200.9 million rubles

c) cheaper food in the canteen of ATP, 10% of the FSR - 100.456 million rubles

30% of ATP's net profit - 1435.08 is transferred to the accumulation fund. Other sources of accumulation fund formation:

1) Depreciation deductions.

PS depreciation = 3191.94 + 789.6 = 3981.74 million rubles

Depreciation of fixed production assets is 25% of general business expenses - 1762.75 million rubles

Total: 1762.75 + 3981.74 = 5744.49 million rubles

2) Revenue from the sale of retired surplus equipment is 10% of its book value - 475.0 million rubles

The total accumulation fund amounted to: 1435.08 + 5744.49 + 475.0 = 7654.57 million rubles

From the accumulation fund, a production development fund (FRP), science and technology is formed, which is spent on:

1. Financing of the pyrostasis of own regulatory working capital - 145.43 (1.5% of the FRP).

2. Financing of expenses for the technical re-equipment of TO1 - 589.4 million rubles (7.7%).

3. Acquisition of PS. Annually, 20% of the PS are purchased in the amount of 4749.8 million rubles - 62% of the FRP.

4. Organization and development of subsidiary agriculture - 765.45 million rubles - 10%.

5. R&D funding - 765.45, 10% FRP.

dtagram 7

III.5. Conclusions.

As a result of the proposed measures, the cost of road freight transportation decreased from 441.3 rubles/tkm to 411.79 by 6.7%.

The annual savings from the implementation of the proposed measures amounted to 3449.93 million rubles. Payback period cap. investment is 0.14 years, which is less than the standard period. Consequently, the proposed measures pay off within the normative terms and they can be implemented.

As a result of the proposed measures, the income of ATP increased from 52993.14 to 59327.86 million rubles; profit increased from 6912.148 to 11093.45; profitability increased from 15% to 22.99%.

Since, as a result of the implementation of measures, the enterprise has additional production capacities that are proposed to be used to expand the scope of work, in order to attract new customers and encourage old ones, the project proposes to reduce the tariff for the transportation of 1 ton of cargo from 19,792.6 to 18,406.9 rubles / ton . In this case, the income of the enterprise will be 55174.3 million rubles, the expense - 48139.565. ATP's profit increased by 122.587 million rubles a year.

IV. Conclusions as a whole on KP.

The CP has developed 2 measures to improve the efficiency of the ATP:

1. Optimization of transportation routes.

2. Implementation of in-line production TO1.

As a result of the implementation of these measures, the cost of transportation decreased by 6.7% and the tariff for the transportation of 1 ton of cargo decreased from 19,792.6 to 18,406.9 rubles / ton. This will allow the company to expand the sales market and increase profits by 122.587 million rubles a year. Consequently, the introduction of these measures will increase the efficiency of the enterprise and will allow to win a larger share of the market for transport products than before the implementation of the measures.

  • What is the danger of a sharp reduction in costs.
  • How to improve work within a transport company.
  • What benefits can centrozavoz give to the heads of transport companies.
  • What KPIs affect the performance of Asstra Transport.
  • How the operational management system was created in the company "Sovtransavtoekspeditsiya".

It is much more difficult to introduce any changes in the logistics divisions of trade and manufacturing companies than within transport companies. In the latter, decisions are made faster, and the savings can be used, say, to repair garages or improve the social conditions of workers. At the same time, approaches to optimizing transportation are similar for all companies, so the tips given in this article may be useful to managers of both transport companies and logistics services of industrial enterprises.

There is an opinion that it is possible to increase the efficiency of a transport enterprise only by reducing costs. I have often come across a situation where for many years the screws were tightened administratively in a transport company, but it got worse.

For example, the foreign owners of a transport company located in the Central region of Russia set the goal of increasing the profitability of the business by 10%. The management decided to reduce costs by reducing the salaries of employees by 10% and the budgets of various services by 20%. As a result, the company received short-term benefits and achieved the required cost reduction in the coming quarter.

But literally three months later, this turned into a disaster: more or less normal drivers and repairmen quit, the downtime of their own transport increased several times, traffic disruptions began, and there was an outflow of customers. The company suffered losses (more than 20 million rubles in half a year), and in the future it cost a lot of work to regain its former reputation and traffic volumes.

The conclusion suggests itself: by increasing the efficiency of a transport enterprise only by reducing costs, we risk getting a short-term and misleading effect, which in the future can lead to large financial losses. The following are recommendations on how to avoid this.

  • How can a transport company attract customers without using direct sales?

Improving the efficiency of a transport enterprise

A key place in improving the efficiency of road transport is the quality and efficiency of the services provided. This is the main mechanism for attracting new customers and increasing the company's turnover. Imagine that the income of a transport company from one kilometer or machine hour is 100 rubles, and expenses - 80 rubles. So, our goal is not only to reduce costs to 70 rubles, increasing the profit per unit of transport work to 30 rubles, but also to increase the volume of transportation itself. How can I do that?

Separate the responsibilities of logistics and operational services

In any transport company there should be a separation of duties. There is a logistics service that sets the rules for the transportation process, and there is an maintenance and repair service that solves the tasks. A common mistake is to subordinate these services to one leader, for example, the head of the operation service (in a transport company) or the head of the motor transport department (at an enterprise).

The logistics service receives applications, plans efficient routes, coordinates the delivery time and transfers clear and unambiguous tasks to the operational service, then monitors the quality of these tasks during the transportation process. Also, this service is looking for transport on the side in case of shortage of its own. You can subordinate the logistics unit even commercial service(which, however, has its drawbacks and is a topic for a separate discussion).

The task of the operational service is to carry out transportation within the specified time on a serviceable transport with a given level of operating costs, as well as to ensure the safety of the cargo, timely submit the car for loading and unloading, ensure the neatness of the drivers and correct communication with the client.



Set up reliable primary accounting

In the absence of a normal accounting system, it is pointless to talk about any changes: you simply will not be able to see and evaluate the fruits of your labors. There are many information systems on the market now that allow you to issue and process waybills, keep machine-by-machine cost records, calculate performance indicators, and much more. Often I am faced with the fact that when trying to implement an accounting information system, a lot of questions arise: how to properly keep records of tires and batteries? how to correctly attribute the costs of fuel and lubricants to a car using the boiler write-off method? how to track the fact of installation of spare parts? what documents should be accompanied internal activities services? In one large trucking company, it took us six months to set up accounting processes - everything was so launched. People just didn't want to work in a new way. In practice, we are constantly faced with the fact that dispatchers, drivers, repairmen and suppliers do not want to keep reliable records, as this not only increases the requirements for the quality of their work, but also reduces the possibility of abuse. Yes, in one transport company in Kazakhstan (the total fleet of this company was more than 3,000 vehicles) in regional division speedometers were broken on 800 cars (out of 1000). And this applies not only to trucks, but also to cars. There have been cases where speedometers failed (or rather, failed) on new cars worth $80,000. Therefore, the introduction of an information system for accounting for vehicles should be a logical conclusion great work on the setting of primary accounting, and not its beginning.

Per-machine accounting of income and costs is also important if it is necessary to make a decision on the timely renewal of equipment. Consider, for example, does it make sense to keep a truck tractor in the fleet, the repair costs of which eat up all the profits received from this machine, and the sum of them for three years of operation is equal to the cost of a new machine? Useful ideas for managing the logistics department will help you find.

Do not trust 100% the information of GPS sensors

For more reliable accounting, GPS sensors are now widely used. They allow you to see the real route of each car, track the dynamics of fuel consumption, speed and much more. It would seem that this is the solution to all problems! However, these devices, like speedometers, are very easy to disable. More importantly, the indicators taken from the GPS sensors are not the basis for changing any primary data indicated in the waybills, and for the subsequent punishment of drivers. There is a known case when a group of activist drivers in a transport company, who were caught using the readings of GPS sensors in draining fuel and attributing mileage on waybills (in collusion with the dispatch service), won a lawsuit. Here is an example of a phrase from the opinion on similar court proceedings: “A prosecutor's check established that the navigators purchased by the company can be used to monitor the condition of vehicles and their location. However, they are not an unconditional basis for calculating the exact mileage of cars, determining actual fuel costs and, accordingly, for attracting drivers to liability for his excess. Indications of navigators can be taken into account in each specific case only in combination with other evidence.

Pay attention to fuel consumption rates and distance guide

Often there is a gold mine in terms of cost reduction. In almost any transport company, it is possible to reduce costs by 15% only by updating the fuel and lubricant standards and distances and starting to control them.

Regulate the activities of the company

In addition to the standards, any operation service must have a set of activity regulations and comply with them. Since this service is an executive structure, the share of amateur activity in it must be minimized, and 95% of actions must be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations.

Design a system key indicators efficiency

The KPI system should be multi-level. For example, the top level (we call it the traffic light) is for the director of the company and may include indicators such as profit for specific directions of transportation, the share of machine downtime, the number of requests completed on time. These are indicators that allow you to evaluate the activities of a transport company as a whole and provide information for adoption. management decisions. At the operational level, indicators should be applied that directly affect the indicators of the traffic light level and provide an understanding of the causes of problems. These can be, for example, profitability indicators for each transport unit, the percentage of transport loading, the coefficient of technical readiness. In total, there are more than 30 indicators that allow assessing the efficiency of transport, and it is important to choose the right seven to ten of them that will be used in the work of a transport company and objectively reflect the situation.

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Why is the level of transport service so important?

No one needs a transport company that has reduced costs to a minimum, makes good profits, but constantly misses delivery times due to machine breakdowns or other force majeure situations. The work of the logistics service has no less, and probably even more influence on the company's profit. The main tools here are the correct routing and dispatching of transportation. These tools allow you to:

  • use the car as efficiently as possible by organizing the transportation of passing and return cargoes, increasing the KPI "loading of vehicles" and "reduction of idle runs";
  • provide transportation on time with the required quality.

Often, road transportation is only one of the links of any multimodal transportation, and failure to meet deadlines can lead not only to the loss of customers, but also to high operating costs. Suppose your car was delayed on the way for 24 hours, and all this time the railway car was waiting. What expenses will you incur? Now imagine what the fee will be if not a wagon is waiting, but a ship in the port. Very often, the head of the transport company learns about such situations two or three weeks after the shipment, when the company receives invoices for downtime. Given all of the above, I recommend that you do not try to save on logistics staff and automation tools. The investment will pay off many times over if used properly.

A good example of competent dispatching can be given if we turn to the work of the enterprise’s motor transport workshop (ATC) or a logistics unit within a manufacturing or trading company. Probably, many have heard such a word as a central truck. This is the organization of transportation in such a way that one vehicle provides several customer requests at once. It is the central truck that is the main tool of the logistics service, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of transportation.

The picture shows the basic principle of a central truck for one of our customers (a large pipe plant). Before the changes, each workshop could order any number of vehicles without justifying its need. Naturally, the production workers did not bother planning the need for this transport, and the ordered cars could stand idle for six to seven hours without work, and if they were used, then at 5–10% of the maximum load. When the scheme of work was changed, the role of the logistics service began to be performed by the central control room. Now the application received by the dispatcher already contained not the number of required units of transport, but the type and volume of transport work. The workshops began to report what they needed to bring and at what time, and the dispatch service already determined the type of transport for transportation and the route. It was from the dispatcher's office that the tasks for transportation were sent to the trucking department, whose employees only had to complete the tasks received. As a result of the introduction of a central truck, 50% of vehicles were released and third-party orders were organized, since the need for transportation in the region was very high. The additional income made it possible to cover the costs of the enterprise for transport support by 70%. If equally effective measures to centralize the use of transport within the framework of the transport company are applied, then the same principles will serve more customers, and therefore increase revenue per unit of transport, which is the goal of increasing the efficiency of transportation.

He speaks CEO

Leonid Shlyapnikov, General Director of Sovtransavtoekspeditsiya, Moscow

One of the main issues that we had to solve in Lately, - the formation of a modern system of operational management of vehicles. Often it comes down to simple dispatching and routing. But, in my opinion, this is a much more complex issue.

The main business of our company is international transportation by road, but the share of domestic transportation, transportation to neighboring countries and intracity deliveries is a significant part. We set two goals: to get the maximum operating profit per unit of time per vehicle and to ensure stability by distributing market risks across areas. To this end, a whole range of measures have been taken.

  1. Revised marketing and sales strategy. The emphasis was placed on stable contracts with large volumes.
  2. Made organizational changes. We reorganized the commercial, forwarding services, repair zone so that it would be possible to introduce new fleet management processes.
  3. Changed functional business processes. We identified functional business processes in accordance with the directions of transportation and individual large projects. Abandoned duplication of operations and clearly divided responsibilities within the services. This allowed each category of employees to focus on their duties and distribute responsibility between services. For example, in order to increase the efficiency of repair work and the intensity of the work of drivers, we have introduced a fleet and convoy management program. All enterprise services interact with the convoy and the car repair shop to speed up the repair cycle, reduce downtime, and optimize routes.

We have implemented a comprehensive automated system transportation management, which provides both operational reporting and complete information on the economics of transportation based on . In addition, a new motivation system has been developed. All changes are tied to personal KPIs and to KPIs of individual services. A set of instructions and practical regulations was developed for each category of employees.

As a result

We achieved revenue and margin growth, stabilized relationships with regular large customers, reduced the share of one-time and spot transportation, and also abandoned unprofitable destinations. For example, they stopped working in the Baltic direction, where the demurrage of vehicles in line at border crossings this year reached 11-12 days. They also abandoned the directions on which significant dumping was practiced by Belarusian, Baltic and Polish carriers (this mainly concerned France and Italy).

And most importantly, we have achieved that the new KPIs and reporting system now allow you to understand in detail all the many factors based on the assessment of detailed accounting data and financial reporting. The operational system for analyzing indicators and reports on transport operation is built on the basis of data from various sources. Corporate Information system, integrated with satellite navigation, allows you to receive information about the movement of your own transport both in Russia and abroad online, and they are collected and processed automatically, without human intervention.

Thus, the traditional analysis of the ratio of planned and actual values, accounting for operational indicators are now based on the most realistic information, and data can be analyzed for any period of time - a month, a week, a day.

The corporate model we have built allows us to obtain information in two sections: quickly analyze physical indicators and management reporting with any detail (a separate road train, direction of transportation), then retrospectively take into account all the many factors based on accounting data. These two approaches make it possible to make informed organizational decisions regarding the directions of transportation and the intensity of transport, and thus directly affect the efficiency and profitability of the transport enterprise as a whole.

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