How I started a trucking business. Profitable freight business from scratch What will happen to freight transportation

Cargo transportation is a business for a narrow circle of people

This is partly true. To enter the market, it is necessary to invest a lot of money - to buy cars and trailers, find and train staff, buy / rent areas for storing trucks. In order for the company to work effectively, it is necessary to hire a professional logistician.

After the abolition of licensing of carriers, many people rushed into this sector who had no experience with transport before. To break into the market, such people choose a dumping scheme, thereby reducing their income, as well as destroying the established course of things. In addition, a significant increase in the number of intermediary companies upset the balance of supply and demand. An illusion was created of a glut of the market with affordable transport. All this led to the fact that a number of carriers began to sell their cars to inexperienced market players, assuring them of the incredible profitability of this business. Well, in fact, the profitability in this area is not so high.

The dispatcher will refund the cost of the cargo in case of damage / loss

This statement is true for small and inexpensive loads. If the cost is considered not in thousands, but in millions, then the probability of indemnification sharply tends to zero. And even if the court recognized your right to receive Money, then the dispatcher will not be able to pay - he does not have so much money in assets. That's why banks don't lend to dispatchers.

“Working off” the cost of the lost cargo by transportation is not an option at all. Real carriers without receiving compensation from the dispatcher will turn to the real payer.

If the dispatcher has insurance, then this is a guarantee of compensation for losses

Many dispatchers pride themselves on liability insurance. Policies are provided at the conclusion of the transaction as a talisman against all misfortunes on the road.

But is it as easy to get an insurance payout as it sounds in words? Unfortunately no. The terms of the insurance contract are very strict and even the slightest deviation from the prescribed conditions means that the case will be recognized as not insured. And this entails the refusal of the insurer from compensation for losses. In addition, some contract terms cannot be verified. Here we mean the observance of the work regime by the driver, the speed limit, the rest of the driver in special guarded parking lots, and the observance of the route.

Today I want to start a conversation on a topic that interests many people who plan to get into the transport business. Its organization requires a special, responsible approach. Before starting work in this industry, every future businessman should conduct a thorough market analysis and draw up a freight business plan for himself. Those who don't know where to start they ask a natural question: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation?

This article is devoted to the answer to this question, in which I will try to express my attitude and opinion on this problem, taking into account modern Russian realities.

Superficial analysis of the market for shipping

Before discussing the benefits of the trucking business, it is necessary to analyze it a bit. Only after that you can say how profitable it is to be a freight dispatcher or a cargo carrier.

If we compare the data for 2012 and 2013, the difference in cargo turnover is not too big (about 4%). At the moment I don't have more accurate figures. That is why, if an entrepreneur plans to engage in any specific type of cargo transportation, then he it is necessary to study a narrower sphere of the transport market.

Transportation of products is not only transportation by any separate view transport. Although, in general, the cargo transportation market is divided into several segments: air transportation, sea transportation, cargo delivery by rail, transportation of products by cars.

When analyzing the cargo transportation market, each of the listed segments can be divided into several more parts. For example, the transportation of products by road is divided into Gazelles, trucks, car carriers, special equipment, etc. Each of these parts, in turn, has its own subgroups. It must be said that large and small products can also be divided into various classifications and groups. For example, "Gazelle" is refrigerated, and sometimes tented, or even a Gazelle-pyramid. Each subgroup has its own number of carriers whose activities must be taken into account when analyzing the freight market. This article is just trying to convey the general algorithm of correct and confident actions when trying to create a transport company. The future carrier must find for himself the answer to the question of how profitable it is for him to engage in this type of business.

So, in connection with the development of the transportation market, albeit not too fast, but nevertheless, the future entrepreneur must collect all the information about the industry in which he is going to become a member.

Freight business: The opinion of others

Many people believe that any activity can bring positive results if you work every day. In their opinion, if a person has a sense of purpose and perseverance, then it will be beneficial for him to engage in cargo transportation.

According to another group of people, the business of delivering goods, of course, requires a lot of investment, but the profit from it is quite large.

Far from this business, people believe that transportation is a very simple activity. People forget that the cost of fuel alone can be considerable. As you know, prices for diesel fuel today are growing with frightening constancy. And if an entrepreneur has several vehicles, then they require the maintenance of personnel, repair boxes, parking spaces, wages for a mechanic and many other constantly increasing costs. All this must be taken into account when drawing up a cargo transportation plan. Another thing is that at present there are many professional freight dispatchers who are able to help transport workers in providing loads. But, their services are also not free, so contacting the dispatcher is another expense item.

Among the carriers there are different opinions about their own work. Some may say that the trucking business is a thankless job, the income from which is only enough for the bare necessities, and sometimes you even have to cut back hard. Other carriers keep secrets own business and never share his secrets. Nevertheless, among the representatives of this activity there are those who willingly help with advice to their novice colleagues.

In general, we can say that public opinion is inclined to believe that the business of cargo transportation is a rather profitable and promising occupation, which is definitely worth a try with the proper opportunities and desires.

Trucking Business: Personal Experience

More often, personal experience other carriers pushes the novice entrepreneur to greater zeal and diligence. He shows that with the right attitude to business and avoiding the mistakes of colleagues, transportation activities can become a very profitable activity.

It all started before the crisis began. In the spring of 2008, I was the manager trading company"Spectrum", located in the small town of Uyar. My main profile was to attract more customers. The work brought a stable income, but left a lot of free time. It was at this time that I thought about starting my own trucking business.

I had only one car available (a new Maz) and a used semi-trailer of 90 cubic meters with an awning and awnings. At that time, I had not even heard of the site ( Our first flight was the transportation of cargo from Uyar to the nearby city of Krasnoyarsk. There we were able to find customers who need delivery of goods in the direction we need. After the first flight, another order appeared, and then another and another. During the year, we acquired another truck, and then we started loading foreign vehicles at 2-3 trucks per day. After another 2 years, our fleet already contained 4 units of trucks. In addition, the daily loading of transport attracted from outside did not stop. The path to success was accompanied by ups and downs, it was especially difficult for us in the early stages. But everyday hard labor and self-confidence did their job. Every day our work became more and more confident.

I will not go into the smallest details of the beginning of the transport business. The only thing I want to say is: with proper motivation and performance, you should succeed.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that cargo transportation may well turn into a profitable business if you approach their organization responsibly and with due diligence. In addition, you need to be an entrepreneurial person and be able to communicate well with people. Subject to all these conditions, cargo transportation will bring the entrepreneur a stable and high income.

Video: Trucking business, how to organize

Here, only the problems of small businesses that are involved in the transportation of goods on the roads of RUSSIA are considered. This is a subjective opinion and may not fully reflect the views of market participants, or even contradict them.

Priority problems in cargo transportation for small businesses:

  1. Incompetence, financial illiteracy of some participants in the freight market;
  2. Value added tax, its impact on the freight market
  3. Aging of the fleet of transportation participants;
  4. Price competition, dumping of carriers market participants;
  5. Dialogue with the authorities.

Secondary problems in cargo transportation for small businesses, although these are the problems that concern the bulk of carriers in the first place:

  1. Fundraising system for compensation for damage to the roadway "Platon";
  2. Tachographic control;
  3. Weight control.

Consideration of the main problems in cargo transportation for small businesses in more detail.

  1. Incompetence, financial illiteracy of some participants in the freight market.

Illiteracy of some "entrepreneurs" involved in cargo transportation by car is as follows: there is no clear understanding of the basic basic principles of work. These "entrepreneurs" cannot calculate the cost of work.

Accordingly, the calculations of such entrepreneurs look something like this:

A) freight cost - diesel fuel = if the remaining amount is more than 0, then it means earned, otherwise lost

B) freight cost - diesel fuel - food - overhead costs = see point "A"

C) distance X fuel consumption X cost of a liter of fuel X 3 = they try to leave according to the amount obtained as a result of the calculation.

These are just three options for calculating the cost of freight, which are used by some carriers. In fact, there are much more options for calculating, I even had to meet those who do not use any calculation options at all, but travel for the amount offered by the dispatcher.

This raises a question that is very funny at first glance, which is very common among those who want to try to start a business in cargo transportation - which tractor (car) to buy. And where is your calculation, fellow entrepreneurs?

Even if we carry out a superficial analysis of the cargo transportation market, it becomes clear that there is no fundamental difference. There are some deviations in operating costs for maintenance of equipment, but their impact is not so obvious if you make a competent calculation of the cost. It is from here that such concepts as obratkki and hitchhiking are formed.

Based on what is described in this paragraph, it is possible to sum up an intermediate result: it is very difficult to make money when the final price for a service, with equal or with slight deviations in the price of the cost of providing this service, is formed practically with the help of a shaman's tambourine.

If there are difficulties with calculating the cost, then you can start with this.

  1. value added tax

The problem with value added tax "VAT" lies in the following:

A) inability to work individual entrepreneurs with organizations, since a large number of entrepreneurs employed in the field of cargo transportation work according to the patent system, or on UTII. These taxation systems do not involve working with VAT. This, in turn, makes cooperation between organizations working with VAT and small businesses unprofitable.

But as always, if something does not work out, then there is someone who can help. It is here that the assistants - the dispatcher - enter the stage.

B) Dispatchers are not only those people who, for their "interest", can bring together the participants in the chain of cargo owner - carrier - consignee. They take on the role of a company that converts money with VAT into money without VAT. Where the VAT goes in this case is unknown.

There are enough sites on the Internet where the cargo owner - the carrier - the consignee can find each other, but there is little sense from this. Due to the use of different taxation, their interaction is practically excluded. That is why there are so many intermediaries on the platforms intended for direct cooperation.

The bottom line: carriers can also use the taxation system that allows you to work with VAT, but this incurs additional financial expenses in the form of job creation for accountants. The use of such systems can only be effective if there is a large car park, which is clearly beyond the scope of small businesses.

  1. Aging of the fleet of transport participants

The fleet of carriers in Russia is very diverse, ranging from vintage domestic trucks to almost new modern technology. Exemplary, middle the age of the fleet of individual entrepreneurs involved in the transportation of goods is more than 10 years.

This state of affairs is due to a number of reasons:

A) lack of funds for the purchase of new commercial equipment. This is a consequence of the above phenomena.

B) the inability to attract credit funds by small businesses: there are no available lending and leasing programs.

  1. Price competition, dumping of carriers market participants.

As follows from the definition of the word, dumping is price competition, the essence of which is the sale of goods and services below cost, which is aimed at conquering new markets and obtaining economic advantages.

What is happening in the freight market cannot be called dumping. To engage in dumping, you need to know the cost of work and services, to have a goal of capturing the market. This paragraph is not feasible, since the first paragraph states that some market participants cannot calculate the cost of the services they provide.

Some market participants are clearing the way for those who will take their place with their own hands. This is only a consequence of the financial policy pursued by some participants in the transportation, because their cars, which in fact are the main means, are not eternal.

  1. Dialogue with the authorities.

Once I managed to take part in a dialogue with the authorities. True, to call it a dialogue, you can with a huge stretch. The authorities in this dialogue had their own goals - to make them accept the legislator's point of view and remain in their warm chairs. Needless to say, the representatives of the authorities were not interested in the problems of market participants. Not a single question was asked by the representatives of the authorities regarding the nature of the current situation. Although logically, the main task of statesmen is to make sure that citizens live better. The arguments of the representatives of the freight transportation market were not heard. According to the reports, the dialogue was held, everyone agrees with everything. This state of affairs at least shows the incompetence of people occupying responsible positions.

Minor issues that put a lot of pressure on small freight carriers.

This list of problems causes the hottest emotions among cargo carriers, since they have to be faced daily.

  1. Fundraising system for compensation for damage to the roadway "Platon".

The system of collection of funds, at the expense of compensation for harm rendered to the roadway with Vehicle, with a permitted mass of more than 12 tons, hereinafter referred to as "PLATON".

"Plato" raises a number of questions for the carrier:

A.) This system introduces a significant burden on individual entrepreneurs working in the cargo transportation market, since they do not have the opportunity in the current situation to shift these costs to the customer of transportation. This situation takes its roots from the first point of the carrier's priority problems.

B.) The second most popular question is the timeliness of this system, why the launch of the system was made at such an inopportune time. The launch of the system coincided with a deep crisis in the country's economy. The freight market, in particular individual carriers, felt it very sharply.

C.) The third question that worries market participants is why economic justification with calculations of the harm of "trucks" is not available for free acquaintance with it. It is possible that familiarization with the calculations will remove whole line questions, and possibly give rise to a number of new questions. It is possible that the taxpayers' money has run out. Therefore, there is no way to familiarize interested parties with the calculations, people need to see these figures and calculations. People have enough education to draw the appropriate conclusions, because the bulk received it at a time when it was of high quality.

  1. Tachographic control.

There is also confusion with tachograph control, which creates the following questions:

A.) The cost of equipment for monitoring compliance with RTO.

B.) The incompetence of employees who control compliance with the RTO.

C.) The almost universal lack of infrastructure to comply with RTOs.

  1. Weight and dimension control

Weight and dimension control, in the form in which it is now, is aimed at destroying the small business of cargo transportation in Russia. Which automatically creates a lot of questions:

A.) The amount of fines for violation, the lack of the concept of the presumption of innocence. There is no way to prove innocence in court. A couple of weight and size fines can bring almost any small cargo carrier to its knees and knock it out of the market.

B.) Replacing the tasks of preserving the roadway with the task of collecting fines, as well as the personal enrichment of dishonest employees.

C.) Lack of ability for carriers to control the axle load.

Outcome. Small carriers are on the verge of bankruptcy, "Platon" was the last straw from which the cup of patience overflowed. Now almost every carrier understands that something needs to be changed, but what? Perhaps now is the time to suspend Plato and other innovations. Engage in dialogue with market participants. Come to an understanding of the problems of the industry and begin to jointly solve them. Now is the time to work together.

Thank you for your time, you can express your thoughts in the comments.

Transportation of goods with the involvement of professional companies is in demand among customers. Analysts note the positive dynamics of the development of the transport business. Companies ensure the movement of different-sized luggage in various directions, which is convenient for the consumer.

The owner of the company has the right to outline his geography of transportation, based on his current assets and the specifics of the region. Cargo transportation is in demand not only in large-populated cities. Inhabitants countryside also feel the need to move property.

Regardless of the commercial direction, first analyze the market segment. This is a meticulous work, including the study of consumer demand, their smallest needs and diverse requests. Requirements may vary depending on where you live. Comparison of existing offers with the specifics of customer requests, the use of various analytical techniques and much more will combine the business idea of ​​truck transportation.

What type of transport will be cost-effective in your area

Evaluate your own first financial resources. It would be an unforgivable mistake to stop the business halfway through due to lack of funds. Determine the most cost-effective mode of transport for the selected region. For example, if research reveals that most auto businesses use micro-trucks to deliver services, consider the need for multi-ton trucks. Perhaps such a decision will competitive advantage and you will make a powerful breakthrough at the start, leaving behind unlucky competitors.

Organizational aspects

Heavy trucks are wise to use for transporting bulky items. The cost of starting a heavy trucking business should include: the cost of a vehicle, diesel fuel(having previously calculated fuel consumption), the amount of the payroll, taking into account the driver, loaders, dispatcher and other hired employees. Take into account the cost of renting a car box, regular expenses for all types of Maintenance transport. To determine the revenue side, find out the prices for transportation in the selected region and nearby territory, multiplying by the number of flights for reporting period.

Whatever area of ​​business you prefer, take the time to evaluate future costs in order to understand the level of payback own investments. In the field of cargo transportation, one and a half ton trucks with 13-14 m bodies are most in demand. It is not difficult to estimate the total amount of expenses per month. Renting a garage will cost 10,000 rubles, add an integral item of fuel costs, about 40,000 rubles. Increase on spending on wages driver - 20,000 rubles. and dispatcher 10,000 rubles. As a result, we reach 80,000 rubles. monthly. You can save on the cost of a dispatcher if the owner himself performs his functions.

Marketing development plan

The leading component of the business plan is the marketing part. From my point of view, the marketing plan and the sales plan are intertwined into a single strategy. The lion's share of the costs will go to advertising campaign, especially when a new player enters the market. The work plan should include the entire chain of actions formed on the three pillars of the business: marketing, management and finance.

Registration of documentation in permitting and controlling bodies

Many try to avoid paperwork, realizing the unthinkable waste of time. But without registration of all legal documents in public institutions it is difficult to engage in entrepreneurship and road transport. Without preparing the required documents at the start, the business owner will be regularly subjected to inspections, followed by sanctions and a ban on the use of vehicles. As a result, you, one way or another, issue Required documents, but the loss of time and money will increase significantly.

An important part of future work will be the execution of contracts with customers. This phase is also unavoidable if you want to win the trust of the consumer.

Operational activity: orders

Dispatch service is the central mechanism in transport logistics. Well-trained dispatchers will politely receive calls from customers, answer all questions asked, document the order, distribute it among drivers, and track the chain of sequential actions from order acceptance to full implementation. Their responsibilities also include the search for consumer companies, at times - advertising and consumer analysis.

Transport companies can be different in size and specifics of work. As a rule, businessmen seek to launch large companies. If at the entrance financial resources do not allow organizing a large enterprise, it is reasonable to start with a couple of cars. Competent organization business, attention to detail and the ability to form a development strategy will soon allow you to expand your business. Proceed with caution!

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