Job Description for Partner Relationship Manager. Key Account Manager Roles

The position of the account manager is present in various companies engaged in a variety of activities. This can be a trade area, and then the manager will look for new clients and establish cooperation with them. There are also managers in the advertising field, where each client needs its own approach.

You will learn:

  • What role does the account manager play in the company?
  • What are the main functions of an account manager.
  • What skills should a customer service manager have?

What role does an account manager play in the company?

The specialty of a manager working with clients is present in companies engaged in various types of activities. If the company is from the field of trade, then such a specialist is looking for new clients for it. Advertising organizations often have clients that require a special approach. They always want full confidence in that their requests will be fulfilled. In this case, the manager's job is to give the client a sense of confidence in a positive result when working with his firm.

Depending on what the company does, the job title of such a specialist will sound differently. If, again, the company is in the trade, then the position may be called "sales and customer service manager." At other enterprises - "manager / specialist for work with clients", "specialist / manager for services". But it doesn't matter how the employee is officially formalized when hiring. The essence of the duties for any name is the same: to make the client feel that relations of equal partners have been built between him and the company. Under this condition, the client will cooperate with the company for a long time, and the organization, in turn, will increase its income.

Initially, the manager helps the client to become interested in the services offered by the firm. When interest arises, the work continues on its development and retention: the achieved results are discussed, the further prospects of cooperation are assessed. A successful manager is one who is looking for a personal approach to each customer and builds relationships with him based on trust.

The account manager often takes a leadership position in his company. One of its main functions is the search for new customers and the implementation of working together with them. It is important here to find your own approach to each client. After all, if the manager is able to show all the advantages of working with the company, then the buyer will continue to do business with it constantly. The results of cooperation are always discussed together with the manager. He also estimates further prospects interactions. An effective manager will soon develop his own personal client base.

A customer service manager has the following qualities: politeness, patience, his own approach to each of the customers, high degree communications. Moreover, the latter quality should be constantly developed. This level of professionalism helps to build reliable, trusting relationships with clients. One manager usually contacts a fairly large number of customers. It also happens that a certain manager deals with all the most important partners. He is also called "Key Account Manager".

This specialist is also directly related to the marketing strategy pursued by his company. This means that he must not only take part in marketing activities and know his product well, but also collect information about competitors and their services or products. Plus, he must be able to analyze the information collected and draw conclusions based on the analysis.

KPIs for account managers

Avoid the usual assessment of staff performance so that managers fulfill KPIs not out of fear of receiving a fine, but out of a desire to make a profit. Editorial office of the journal " Commercial Director”Told how to achieve this.

Key functions of an account manager

The roles a account manager can perform will vary by business. Here are the most basic ones.

Working with existing and new clients

The specialist works with the already created customer base, as well as expands it, looking for new customers. Communicates both by phone and in person. He gives full information about the products or services of the company, about their cost, terms of cooperation, conducts, even organizes its shipment if necessary. In addition, the manager for work with corporate clients invites them to various events held by the company, for this he sends out invitations, conducts preliminary calls.

Knowledge of the assortment of goods

The specialist must know the products sold by his company. For regular customers, he offers various discounts and benefits, organizes exhibitions. He always has demo samples in stock. The manager develops a strategy for attracting new customers. In addition, he works on reports on issued invoices, payments made, projects in which he is engaged or graduated from, and past promotions.

Market analysis

A customer service specialist constantly analyzes the sales market for the services or products of his company, determines the portrait of a potential customer, his income and needs. Having this kind of information, the manager is able to offer the client more interesting terms of the deal.

Study of competitors

In addition to studying customers, a manager should also gather information about competitors. If a conflict arises in the course of the transaction, then the specialist looks for different ways its settlement, up to the involvement of a lawyer in the case. However, he should always remain polite and calm, loyal to the customer, because the manager for the client is the main representative of the company. However, even a person who has been cooperating with you for a long time will change you to competitors if he is dissatisfied with incorrect communication.

Maintaining connections

The manager always provides clients with the most complete information, conducts consultations by phone, tries to outline the benefits of long-term collaboration. With the consent of the customer, the specialist meets with him personally to complete the contract. If the client is the first to call and is interested in the company's services, the manager needs to attract his attention and invite him to the office for a meeting.

Expert opinion

How does an account manager differ from a sales manager?

Dmitry Gordov,

executive director of the company "Integra"

Renaming the position “sales manager” to the position of “customer service manager” was a significant milestone for us. As it turned out, this is not just a technical nuance in the name. This is a change in the principle "the main thing is to sell - and that's all", to a completely different approach, when a specialist communicates with the customer at all stages of the transaction - from the purchase to discussing issues that arise after the sale. This type of support is logical for a company with a full cycle of services - from construction to support after the completion of development.

A bonus from establishing a long-term and trusting relationship with a customer is the customer's perception of the company as a reliable partner suitable for long-term cooperation. First, it benefits the company. Secondly, the client feels protected, because he knows that in case of additional questions or any problem, he can always contact the manager and get all the necessary information. These reasons fully justify the need to have a competent account manager in the company.

What should be the skills of an account manager

Applicants for the position of a manager / specialist in working with clients may be asked to provide papers confirming the receipt of secondary, higher or any special education.

Depending on the field of activity of the company, an employee with a legal education, a psychologist or an economist may be required. Some firms take care of increasing the level of professionalism of their specialists, send them to various seminars or courses. Today, a popular service has become an offer to conduct a coach session or training in the company's office.

In any case, the manager is required to have standard knowledge of the basics of the following subjects:

  • management and marketing;
  • administration;
  • knowledge of the basics of legislation;
  • interpersonal psychology;
  • communication methods, modern communications;
  • full awareness of the offered goods or services, of the activities of your company;
  • schedule, requirements for employees and work carried out in the company;
  • preparation of presentations and their conduct;
  • preparation of contracts, various documents, business plans.

A customer service specialist is distinguished by sociability, education, knows how to build a conversation in an interesting and competent manner, listens to the client attentively, has the ability to convince in his words, and is always correct and tactful. The key qualities of an account manager are as follows:

  • information analysis skill;
  • the ability to instantly make decisions even in difficult situations;
  • the ability to communicate correctly on the phone;
  • politeness, tact, resistance to stress;
  • return to work;
  • the ability to work in a group, to follow the rules of the company;
  • learnability and career ambition.

In addition, the manager is outwardly attractive, charming, neat, wears business-style clothes, and primarily observes the interests of the company.

What responsibilities should a account manager perform?

The account manager has job responsibilities, the list of which is as follows:

  1. Communication with the client by telephone, other means of communication or in person.
  2. Fulfillment of the sales plan, development of the client base.
  3. Planning and implementation of actions in order to establish long-term cooperation with the client.
  4. Advising customers on the company's services, delivery times and payments.
  5. Identifying the goals of the client, forming an order based on the needs and wishes.
  6. Orientation of the customer to the maximum volume of goods or services.
  7. Consulting on ongoing promotions, discounts, etc.
  8. Informing the client about the amount of discounts provided.
  9. Assessment and verification of the client's solvency.
  10. Personal ordering with further partial transfer of it to other departments if necessary.
  11. Work with a full package of documents, with the initial execution of the contract or extension / renewal.
  12. Working with the current client base, constantly updating it with information about orders, calculations, etc.
  13. Interaction with debtors to pay off debts.
  14. Search for new clients, analysis of their activities and possible prospects for cooperation.
  15. Display of goods in trading floor according to established order.
  16. Activities for the creation of documentation for the assortment and sale of products.
  17. Work with incoming complaints, analysis of reasons.
  18. Analysis of the selected market for product sales, preparation of proposals for improving sales, changing the assortment.
  19. Preparation of complete information on current competitors.
  20. Carrying out promotions, events to increase sales, preparation of loyalty programs.

What rights and responsibilities does the position of a customer service manager imply?

Rights account manager:

  • Be proactive within opportunities and responsibilities.
  • Improve qualifications, attend trainings, seminars, etc.
  • Suggest possible options for improving the firm's performance.
  • Know the position and decisions made by management in relation to their department.
  • With a threat to life or health, refuse to perform official activities.
  • On business issues, communicate with other departments of the company.
  • Affix documents with a signature within the scope of authority.
  • When identifying shortcomings in the activities of the company, inform the management about them, offer options for their elimination.
  • Demand the creation of optimal conditions for official activities, for the storage of documents or material property.

Account Manager responsible per:

  • Providing complete information to customers about the product, delivery, etc.
  • Implementation of plans for the promotion and sale of products.
  • Wrong communication with clients.
  • Correct registration of the client base, documents, reports.
  • Compliance with the norms of official documents.
  • Unauthorized use of personal information.
  • Execution of the sales plan.
  • Self-made decisions and their consequences.
  • Failure to comply with discipline, work regime, fire and safety rules.
  • Damage caused to a company, employees, customers or the state.
  • Compliance with the rules of official etiquette, business communications.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations in full.

For some misdemeanors committed during execution official duties, the manager may be subject to disciplinary, criminal or civil penalties. The penalty depends on the seriousness of the offense and the amount of damage caused. Working with the most important customers sometimes requires the manager to take certain actions, which can lead to some damage due to negligence.

A specialist can be punished for the following offenses:

  • violation of civil or criminal law during the performance of official duties;
  • non-fulfillment and improper fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by the documents.

What responsibility the specialist will bear and to what extent depends on the degree and extent of the harm caused, as well as on whether his actions were intentional or not. That is, a specialist in working with both legal and individuals within the framework of its competence must comply with certain rules. If they are violated, he can be brought to legal responsibility.

Account Manager Job Description

1. Instructions for an employee working with clients should be prepared in a specific form established for official documents. The structure looks like this:

2. On the upper right corner of the first sheet, blocks of approval and agreement are placed. They are signed by the director and the date of signing. Also, upon agreement, they enter data and receive a list of all employees who took part in drawing up the document.

The general part of the manual contains the following sections:

  • basic requirements for an employee;
  • company documents that the employee must study;
  • organization of recruitment, replacement, dismissal;
  • position in the enterprise, determination of the head of the manager.

3. The key part is official rights and responsibilities. The more detailed all the information is, the easier it will be for the employee to carry out his activities. If the list of key functions is large, then usually two parts are created: in one, the rights of the employee are revealed, in the other - responsibilities.

4. The last point is the establishment of responsibility for non-compliance with official duties. The punishment must be in accordance with labor law.

After reading the instructions, the employee must definitely sign and date.

Account manager salary: 4 levels

The income of such an employee depends on what level he is:

First level

Since working as a manager requires activity, sociability, knowledge of a computer, most vacancies go to young people. Some of them start their first job at this place. Vacancies exist for people with different education: higher, secondary specialized. Students are also hired. At first, newcomers have little income, but if an employee is ready to work, to put in efforts, then he will quickly start making a career and increase the level of income.

An account manager with no experience has an average income depending on the city of residence:

  • Moscow - 25-30 thousand rubles.
  • Yekaterinburg - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 12-15 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - 20-23 thousand rubles.

Second level

An employee has the right to claim a higher salary if he has work experience of a year or more. However, he must have the following skills: work in the "1C" program, the ability to competently advise the customer, knowledge of correct telephone conversation, conflict resolution.

The average income of such an employee:

  • Yekaterinburg - up to 25 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow - up to 40 thousand rubles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod - up to 20 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - up to 30 thousand rubles.

Third level

When a customer service specialist continues to develop in his field, then he can already be equated with a sales specialist. The work experience of such an employee is from two years or more, he knows how to find and establish contact with new clients, successfully negotiates. When applying for a new job, such an employee can offer his existing customer base, and this will be his advantage.

The income of a third-level manager is as follows:

  • Yekaterinburg - up to 38 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow - up to 60 thousand rubles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod - up to 28 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - up to 47 thousand rubles.

Fourth level

A fourth-level specialist can be called a “lead account manager”. He has the highest income. The clients of such an employee are in top positions, have a privileged position. This employee must have at least three years of experience, higher education is obligatory, good knowledge is desirable in English especially if the company has clients abroad.

Income of a specialist of the fourth level:

  • Nizhny Novgorod - 55 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - 95 thousand rubles.
  • Yekaterinburg - 75 thousand rubles
  • Moscow - 120 thousand rubles.
  • Communication with subordinates: how to establish business contact

How to find the right employee for the position of account manager

The standard way to search for an employee for a given position is to review the submitted CVs, select the candidates you like and conduct an interview with them. However, this method has very low efficiency.

At the same time, it does not matter who exactly is engaged in the search - the company itself, HR-specialist, agency. It's just that this method does not work in conditions of increased demand for employees.

For example, if a person applying for this vacancy, invited to several different companies for an interview, then he will choose among them on the basis of who will offer a large salary, and where it will be more convenient for him to work. And if you do not approach the search for an employee with all responsibility, then you should not count on a good result. The statistics are such that, for example, in Moscow, out of the invited 5 people, 1 is at the meeting, despite the fact that reminder calls were made to everyone.

It turns out that in order to hold real 5 meetings a day, they initially need to be planned in an amount of 15 to 20. To select the people you want to invite, you will have to look through about a hundred candidates, if there is such a number at all.

As a result, this method of searching for an employee has the following disadvantages:

  • Large investment of labor, financial costs.
  • Candidates overestimate themselves too much.
  • The choice has to be made not from those who really fit, but from those who came to the interview.
  • Comparisons of emerging candidates are difficult.

However, alas, most companies have not yet realized the disadvantages shown, and not just companies, but even HR agencies or hiring specialists.

It doesn't matter which method is used to interview for the position of account manager. The most important thing in this case is to ensure interest in the vacancy, and, as a result, the receipt of a large number of resumes. For this, the vacancy must be promoted.

SuperJob and HeadHunter are the two main human resources in Russia where you can pay for promotion. Of course, with such a promotion, the efficiency also fluctuates and depends on many factors: working conditions, the attractiveness of the company, etc. Nevertheless, you cannot skimp on promotion, otherwise, with high labor costs, there will still be a minimum result.

To get the maximum funnel of responses right from the start, there are several interview options:

  1. Streaming. In principle, it is a standard individual interview, but at the same time they are appointed based on the real data of the arrival of applicants. That is, if out of 5 people only 1 comes, then it is necessary to schedule 5 interviews at the same time. With this approach, the number of coming candidates for the vacancy is quite large. There is a choice. However, it should be borne in mind that you cannot do without the help of another person who will meet visitors, answer calls, explain how to get to the place, etc. This is a good method of saving your own time, compared to waiting for people who agreed to come to the interview, but in the end, did not show up. It is suitable if you want to try to find an employee yourself.
  2. Group. Designed by special method, with the help of which such interviews are carried out, since the specialization of many companies is the selection of the right category of employees. The difference between this method is that it becomes possible in a group of similar candidates to notice and select people with maximum motivation, competence and adequacy. The method works the better, the more experience and skill the interviewer has in managing a group of people.

Here are some difficulties, which may arise during the selection of an employee.

First, there is a lack of suitable candidates for sales positions. And managers themselves are no exception. Since many companies have a need for such an employee, there is a constant demand for them. Salespeople can come to interviews at different companies and choose from them. Statistics show that there are three vacancies for one resume.

At the same time, the same statistics show that 50% of organizations offering work leave much to be desired in terms of their parameters, and 80% of candidates are not so good specialists. But the preponderance is still not in favor of companies in need of an employee.

Second, the sales manager is expected to do a lot of work for a small salary. After all, the employer often provides already ready base clients and does not consider it necessary to pay a lot of money for a simple, in his opinion, work: just keep the existing turnover at the level.

In this case, it is considered that a specialist in active sales works more, as he is engaged in attracting new customers, is constantly on the road and telephone conversations. And an employee who works with existing clients does not waste time on calls and meetings, he does not have an emergency, so there is no reason to pay him a lot. But since there are few good candidates available, the cost and customer requests are still taken into account when selecting a manager.

Expert opinion

Don't expect quick results from a beginner

Tatiana Modeeva,

CEO of Acsour, St. Petersburg

A newly hired manager will become useful to the company in about six months. We carried out a study, as a result of which it turned out that an employee is fully involved in work after 6 months, not earlier. Our company conducts a kind of training, but only after the candidate has mastered the theoretical part. The prospective seller needs to make a deal to sell the product. The clients are experienced employees.

Such game training gives a clear idea of ​​how the candidate can competently advise on the company's products, give all the necessary information. If it did not work out, then he has one more, and at the same time the last, opportunity. A specialist is allowed to practice only after he has successfully completed this training.

  • Business games for employees that increase work productivity

4 stages of preparing an account manager

After applying for a job, a specialist must be immediately prepared. Without this, he will work in his usual way. And if you try to teach him the methods adopted by the company, he may assume that he is simply being discriminated against. The customer service specialist goes through 4 stages of training.

Introduction to work, getting information about the company

A couple of days from hiring an employee go to familiarization. They give him information about the company, the current policy, and introduce him to new colleagues. From the system administrator, he receives all the necessary information about the computer programs with which he has to deal. This is usually a package Microsoft Office, 1C program, also a CRM system that is used on this enterprise... Plus, they explain to him what local disks are used for general information how to use this or that technique. From the head of the department, the employee receives information about clients, the nearest tasks set to be completed.

Obtaining information about the subject of sale. Formation of a customer base

For a few more days, the new employee is explained everything about the company's products or services. And he immediately begins to fulfill his duties with the formation of a client base. Otherwise, the tragic experience of one telecommunications company, in which employees were given ten days to train, could be repeated. And only after this period they began to work, proceeded to cold calls. And at this stage, many had to leave, as they failed. Some were afraid, while others did not know the rules of telephone conversations. That is, the company's funds were wasted.

As a result, the company had to change the scheme of work. Now the training was given only two days, during which the trainees received information about the products, the sales system, and learned the technique of cold calls. After this period, they began to look for clients. Those who did not succeed left. Those who stayed continued to be trained. If your company still works according to the first scheme, then the head of the sales department should modernize it.

Sales training

If the manager coped with the first test successfully, then it is necessary to proceed to the next stage of training.

The first step will be to appoint a facilitator teacher. It's great if the company has its own coach. In its absence, this role is usually given to the most experienced employee in the sales department. It is more economical in comparison with keeping a special trainer on the staff, but there is not always a guarantee of the result. When looking for an experienced teacher to be a teacher, choose someone who works honestly and openly. Otherwise, the newcomer, along with sales skills, can learn techniques that will negatively affect the company.

The best option as a teacher would be an employee who is always eager to help colleagues. Such a person has already developed certain teaching techniques. It can also be stimulated, for example, financially. He will receive an increased allowance if the student achieves positive results within a specified time period. The results of the work should be recorded: how many calls were made, how many applications were received, etc. If the head of the sales department does not see a suitable candidate for training a newcomer, then he does it himself. In this case, he will have to explain and show the following points:

  • what the commercial offer should look like;
  • how to arrange everything correctly Required documents: agreement, application, report, etc .;
  • the process of entering customer data and the correct filling of the CRM system;
  • how to correctly search for information about potential customers, maintain a database (in the event that the manager will also be looking for customers);
  • the process of interaction with the divisions of the company in cases when it is necessary to sign documents (invoice or contract), organize the shipment of goods or ask to reserve it;
  • how to divide clients into segments;
  • how to work with the price list, correctly calculate the discount when preparing an offer to the client, taking into account the volume of goods ordered by him and the delay in payment.

Familiarization with the product will be the second step. If the firm presents not one, but several products, the new manager is initially given for study those that provide a large profit.

To understand the degree of assimilation of information, the manager takes a survey in writing or orally. It is conducted either by a trainer or by a personnel specialist. Additional controls may be carried out by the CEO. To do this, he is provided written form with answers to questions of the following nature:

  • List the characteristics of the specified product, its differences from competitors' products.
  • How is the product packaged?
  • What will be your suggestions if the warehouse does not have the goods the customer needs, but he urgently needs this product or similar?
  • If the customer uses this and that, list the equipment options that can be offered to him.
  • What are the terms of use for the specified product? How can the client get acquainted with this information?
  • How soon will the product from the warehouse be delivered to the customer?
  • How soon will the product be delivered to the customer if it is out of stock?

The tested employee in his answers must reveal his understanding of the company's assortment, the nuances of demand and delivery. Answers are usually checked from 3 to 4 weeks.

Getting into a normal work rhythm

After the stages of studying the range of products, training calls, the manager can get to work, but still under the guidance of an experienced employee. In this case, the curator can be a colleague from the sales department with great experience and the best performance, or the head of the department. He helps to analyze and analyze customer situations.

The manager's performance will be an indicator of his readiness to start working independently at full strength.

7 criteria for assessing how effectively a customer relations manager works

Criterion 1. Attending events, conferences, various exhibitions

An employee in such a position is obliged to constantly ensure the flow of new customers, find and maintain contacts of potential customers. To do this, it is worth visiting various exhibitions, events, conferences. If the company welcomes this method of finding clients, then the employee should make it his own responsibility.

Criterion 2. Competent organization of the alternation of meetings and calls

Telephone conversations are the main method of interaction with the customer. Meetings with prospective buyers and cold phone calls better distributed among different employees. But this is not always possible. It happens that a company has a small staff and only a few managers. In this situation, it is worthwhile to schedule the alternation of calls with appointments. For example, one day to make calls and expand the base, the second day - to hold meetings.

A skilled and experienced worker will not expect a client to ever recommend it to someone else. He himself asks for the contacts of those to whom, in the client's opinion, his services may be useful.

Criterion 4. Number of meetings per week (day)

Active telephone conversations, correspondence with the customer should ultimately end with a meeting to make a purchase. A qualified manager should fully feel the line when it is already possible to make an appointment. The number of meetings held per week depends on the scope of the company. For example, 20 appointments per day is a great indicator if the company sells products for everyday life. And 1-2 per day - if the services of the company are from the b2b sphere.

Criterion 5. Ability to find contact with the decision-maker

When a customer service specialist has already held a certain number of meetings with a client, but the contract has not yet been signed, most likely, this indicates that he could not reach the desired executive... However, at the same time, do not forget about the ratio of orders to calls to specific areas activities. For example, a company with consulting services will have normal statistics to conclude one contract from 10 potential customers.

Criterion 6. Plan overfulfilment

A manager should always strive to overfulfill the plan, bring in more clients and, therefore, increase the company's income, without looking back at the established plan or supervisory control. In the event that the manager tries to conclude some contracts in the next month, so that the profit will arrive at the same time, and for this he pulls with placing an order, then such an employee may well cease to be of benefit to the company.

Criterion 7. Ability to create a funnel of opportunities

Really, professional specialist does not remember about his failures. Since he realizes: refusal today does not mean that the same will happen tomorrow. He does not give up, but simply continues to do his job, to look for new clients. He knows how to create a funnel of opportunities from an influx of potential customers, and understands that this will eventually give a result - at least 1 out of 10 clients, but will conclude an agreement.

Information about experts

Tatiana Modeeva, CEO of Acsour, St. Petersburg. The scope of Acsour is accounting services, HR administration and calculation wages, consulting on issues of tax and labor legislation. The form of the organization is LLC. Territory: head office in St. Petersburg; branches in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Veliky Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Smolensk. The number of personnel is 165 people. Annual turnover- USD 3 million (in 2010). The main clients are GNLD, TataSteel, Tele2, Woodward. Experience general director in position: since 2006

Dmitry Gordov, executive director of the company "Integra". Dmitry Gordov graduated from Moscow energy institute... Completed the MBA Warwick program Business School... From 1997 to 2010 he worked in the Moscow office of IBM in various positions - from a specialist training center to the deputy director of the department software... In 2010 he came to the post executive director to the development group "Integra". Deals with issues corporate governance and development.

« Integra»- a development group formed by the merger of several diversified companies for the implementation of projects in the field of development of suburban real estate (currently in the Moscow and Tula regions). Official site -

An employee holding the position of a manager can be found in the management apparatus any company... Heads of various departments, administrators, managers of different levels are called by the name of this profession, specialists who have mastered it are in demand on the labor and employment market. They control the execution of tasks in the area entrusted to them, managing a specific group of workers.

There is no need to confuse ordinary sellers of goods, perhaps their employer has elevated them to a similar status for greater importance on working position consultant, seller, trader. On it they perform their duties, are not organizers of functional production departments, but with a virtual name and professional status, in contrast to a real manager who earns on the effective work of employees under his command.

Types of managers and characteristics of activities

To understand what function managers perform in production, it is necessary to define the science of management.

It includes in its sections:

  • correct management of production processes;
  • development of measures to achieve efficiency in the work of firms;
  • control over the economic, financial system;
  • organization social sphere in a collective.

The responsibility of management includes solving tasks that are different in nature:

  1. Organizational- levers are created that operate from the very formation of an enterprise with management functions, norms and standards.
  2. Strategic- here is the area, responsibility is imposed on it in achieving a promising goal, it is put immediately after the registration of the company in front of the management personnel. You need to choose a qualifying staff, find out about the availability of professionals in this region, organize consumers for manufactured products, achieve efficiency in production.
  3. Tactical- aimed at resolving problems, short-term prospects by middle management.
  4. Operational- those responsible for current production tasks, providing a material base, identifying resources, posing and answering priority questions.

At these levels of management, educated people carry out their activities, with knowledge of production processes, the ability to promote and sell products - managers... They lead in various management levels in a specific position. Employees at this level are empowered with the rights and responsibilities to make responsible decisions, which improves production productivity.

Collaboration with clientele - one of the important directions of the company, whatever type of activity she is engaged in.

Sales managers find a network of consumers for long-term cooperation.

They are obliged to create a relationship in which there will be no room for doubts about the performance of the proper functions by the organization, with all the client's wishes, in a quality manner, on time. As a result of the competent functionality of the manager, the mutual income will increase with the help of the accumulated personal client structure.

For successful performance, the specialist must have qualities:

  • courtesy;
  • tolerance;
  • correct attitude towards people, their customers;
  • high communication skills.

The skill level comes with experience throughout many years... With the presence of professionalism, the ability to establish reliable trusting relationships with partners begins. One specialist can manage several customers, an entire chain, or become a key clientele manager. The connection with a significant part of customers is closed on it.

Employees of this area are associated with the marketing of the company, participate in all events in this area. They are informed not only about the company's product, but also know everything about competing organizations, the quality and volume of their products. Knowledge alone will not bring profit to the company, you need to be able to process information with the help of competent analysis, to draw a conclusion.

Managers are:

  1. Melancholic with unhurried business management, unbalancing customers with its slowness.
  2. Erudites well-informed in various fields of activity attract clientele with their education. They have an analytical mind, which allows them to clearly assess the situation, get out of a difficult situation. Customers can easily cooperate with such partners, they relate with confidence to the execution of documentation, purchased goods, services.
  3. Performers, they work according to the plan, fulfill all the conditions in accordance with the rules, but they never have their own initiative proposals.

An ideal management scheme provides for the presence of specialists of all types on its staff. Each of these can add value to the enterprise, which together will create effective productivity.

General Provisions

The level of cooperation with clients, the direction of services depends on what the company does.

The manager must have knowledge main subjects:

  • marketing;
  • administration;
  • legislative norms;
  • interpersonal psychology;
  • business etiquette;
  • ways of communication;
  • awareness of the products sold by the enterprise, its functionality;
  • working conditions in the company, shift schedule, established requirements for duties and employees;
  • conducting presentations, various events to increase successful productivity;
  • draw up, prepare agreements, documentation, business plans.

The specialist acting in the partner community should:

  • quickly assess the situation, resolve the problem;
  • to politely conduct telephone conversations;
  • be tactful and resistant to stressful situations;
  • be able to cooperate according to the rules of the company;
  • learn to innovate.

Managers of all levels are characterized by external attractiveness, charm, neatness, they act in accordance with the interests of the employer's company.

Customer Service Positions

The production department responsible for communication with the customer base of the enterprise can be called the customer relationship department, support service, service structure - in any case intended to serve the firm's production strategy.

The complexity of the production of manufactured products requires the recruitment of serious personnel for its implementation. Functional management is being created at enterprises, which is performed by people on the basis of their job responsibilities in various production structures.

Employees are tied to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them:

  • plan production activities;
  • analyze informative stream;
  • prepare reports;
  • interact with employees;
  • train personnel, improve their qualifications.

A citizen hired as a sales manager provides the company with clients for the products it sells.

He possesses personal qualities:

  • sociability;
  • charm and sociability;
  • self-confidence;
  • developed thinking.

The department will not function adequately without office manager.

His functions include being an administrator and a caretaker, if the company cannot have a large staff, while he manages a group of workers subordinate to him:

  • cleaners;
  • by couriers;
  • secretaries.

Such an official organizes effective performance office, provides employees with stationery, office equipment.

Top manager is the head of the enterprise, which means that his responsibility includes the management of all departments, including those for relations with customers.

He belongs to top-level managers, he is required to:

  • create a strong team of like-minded people;
  • be an experienced production worker;
  • monitor the performance of the firm's staff.

The manager is responsible for the activities of the company in all its positive and negative aspects.

Below are some basic tips for working with clients.

Main responsibilities

The responsibilities assigned to each employee in the customer service department directly depend on the activities in which the company is engaged.

General characteristics can be presented the following list of activities:

  • carry out an analysis of society in order to find new buyers, to identify their needs, focus;
  • plan relationships with existing consumers, develop interaction tactics, build further relationships;
  • coordinate events, attract customer flow;
  • organize negotiations with customers who are interested in cooperation;
  • to propose projected agreements with visitors, to agree on any disagreements that have arisen within the scope of authority;
  • develop further communication with beneficial partners;
  • communicate with the customer base to identify unsatisfied consumers in order to exclude such cases in time;
  • work with claims, timely protect the interests of the organization;
  • form, replenish, maintain a client base;
  • monitor the implementation of agreements with clients in internal divisions of the enterprise;
  • study, analyze competition policy in various areas of their activities;
  • draw up reports on their activities to a higher structure.

A similar list of responsibilities is included in the job descriptions of managers working with clients.

Features of working with corporate and key clients

For the full-fledged productivity of the enterprise, good development, it is necessary stable customer base in sufficient quantity. Retail shoppers generate some profit, but profitability is based on corporate customers.

Citizens belong to legal entities, organizations, firms that purchase products in large quantities. Many commercial companies function due to such connections, they bring main contribution to business.

To work with key partners, a separate staff unit is allocated for the position of a corporate clientele manager.

His responsibilities include:

  • find developing businesses;
  • to interest them in goods or services;
  • conduct surveys with the management of organizations;
  • form proposals;
  • hold profitable meetings;
  • organize exhibitions, events;
  • conclude agreements;
  • draw up documentation;
  • maintain corporate ties;
  • participate in negotiations, correspondence;
  • comply with reporting.

Implementation of a certain labor contract activities are supplemented or simplified, it depends on the employers and the company.

Responsibilities of a bank manager

It is impossible to imagine the functionality of a bank without a well-organized management. Managers in this area have a prestigious and responsible job, but there is a constant lack of personnel, advertising is replete with calls for decent wages and good working conditions.

These employees are required to carry out the following actions:

  • fulfill the sales plan;
  • accept and process orders;
  • work with commercial offers;
  • conduct consultations;
  • inform about banking products;
  • draw up documentation on credit cards, deposits;
  • draw up reports.

Each bank makes its own individual list professional responsibilities, this may include the need to control users of loans for mandatory payments, the implementation telephone connection with clients to answer their questions, resolve various problems.

Legal authority and responsibility

Each employee has his own individual rights and responsibilities, which are detailed in the job description.

The client manager in the company has right:

  • choose a convenient method of working with a consumer, establish business relations according to your scheme;
  • use accountable entertainment facilities;
  • sign executed documents within the limits of their authority;
  • to represent the interests of the firm;
  • offer management the best conditions for the sale of goods;
  • interact with structural divisions;
  • inform the management about the detected errors in the work of the enterprise.

The employee is responsible for violations in the working order in accordance with all labor legislation. If the misconduct is carried out in the legal field, the punishment will be in accordance with the specific Codes of the case. A material offense provides for regulation from labor, civil laws.

Advantages and disadvantages of working

Each work is characterized by different pros and cons which are also present in the field of management. Employees who communicate with production partners in the field of banking, any industrial structure, have the advantage that, having accumulated experience, specialists become in demand, they are not threatened to fall into the category of unemployed citizens, while decent earnings should be taken into account.

This type of activity should be chosen by people with irrepressible energy, lovers of an active lifestyle. Those who are not afraid of a large flow of people and new acquaintances, the ability to communicate and dispose of society to the offered goods, services, and offers.

The merits of the profession are closely related to its disadvantages... The salary depends on the resourcefulness of the manager, the volume of products sold, the contracts concluded, converted into monetary equivalent. Employees are entitled to a minimum salary, and bonuses are paid according to concluded deals.

Another disadvantage of the specialty is inadequacy of some clients... Conflict situations often arise, which the manager is obliged to exclude, to listen to the dissatisfied, to find a solution to the problems.

Writing a resume

Managers are quite in demand in various fields of activity. Employers are interested in hiring a competent employee, an experienced professional.

In order for the leader to appreciate the abilities, you need to correctly compose summary... For this, only the good ones indicate personal qualities, the bosses learn about the bad ones in the course of their activities. You will need good reviews from the past management, and if you were satisfied at your previous job, you can leave contact information. It would not hurt to describe the experience, skills of working with clients.

Additional information on the profession of “account manager” is provided in this interview.

Manager is a very popular and demanded position. Not a single enterprise, firm or organization today can do without a manager. This profession has existed for as long as commodity-money relations. At all times, their main task has been and is attracting customers, successful sales maintaining the status of an enterprise.

Manager - a specialist with a wide profile

Manager - a leader holding a permanent position in an organization that operates in a market environment. He is endowed with certain powers in the field of making management decisions on issues of departments or the organization as a whole. The manager is hired labor force, attracted on specific conditions for the implementation of activities. The main reference point for him is the plan and the amount of resources at his disposal. The main job responsibilities of a manager are to make decisions and make efforts to implement them.

Perhaps, today the most demanded is the middle-level manager - middle management. This includes a sales manager, customer service, recruiting and many others. People are very interested, and at the same time not clear, what are the job and functional responsibilities of the manager? What are the advantages of this profession? And should you choose it?

Necessary qualities

First of all, it is worth knowing that a manager is a managing person who has professional knowledge of the organization and management of production, has a higher education. He knows how to plan personal work, that is, to set goals and determine the ways to achieve them, to set priorities. The manager can conduct business negotiations, identify factors of unproductive work and apply measures to eliminate them.

To date, a list of requirements for a modern manager has been developed:

  1. Mental capacity. These include creative creative thinking, the ability to give adequate assessments.
  2. Attitude towards others. That is, he must be able to work in a team, be sociable, benevolent, respect each person in the company, regardless of social status and positions.
  3. Personal traits. That is, strive for success, have intrinsic motivation, hobby.
  4. Attitude towards work. The initiative in making decisions must come from the manager, must be receptive to the loads, capable of delegating, and organized.

A full-fledged and fruitful work of a manager directly depends on several factors. This is the environment in the team, working conditions, rational organization of the workplace. It is important to be able to get out of conflict situations, to be patient.

  1. Leads the workflow. At the same time, he uses computers, communications, ensures the systematic release of products, focusing on production plan and supply agreements.
  2. Identifies and masters technical innovations, best practices, methods of increasing labor productivity.
  3. Is developing calendar charts for the production and release of products, while focusing on the plan.
  4. Makes a daily record of how the activity is progressing. This is the control of the availability and condition of products, the development of the daily rate according to the plan, ensuring the rational use of transport.
  5. Draws up, takes into account, regulates the execution of orders.

Head of department

The job of a department manager is quite interesting and intense. A person in this position must be active, quick in decision-making, and responsible. It is important to be able to update sales strategies, motivate employees, and be optimistic.

Job responsibilities department manager are as follows:

  1. Corrects production and delivery schedules, develops and implements standards for operational planning.
  2. Controls the entire manufacturing process... Fills in with his own hand technical documents, monitors the availability of tools, materials, products, transport, loading equipment, prepares equipment for new products.
  3. Warns and, if possible, eliminates any disturbances during the production process.
  4. Organizes activities to improve planning, introduce more modern and modernized technology, communication facilities.
  5. Supervises the working process at the warehouse, department workers, dispatching units.
  6. Conducts a systematic inventory.

Project manager: job responsibilities and obligations

Customer satisfaction is the main goal in the work of a manager. Searching for orders, sponsors, executors - all this is the responsibility of the project manager. Job responsibilities are mainly in the planning of activities, management of the reserve, the ability to take risks. Also his work includes:

  1. Market analysis: study competitive environment collecting information about consumers, their preferences and desires.
  2. Searching for new and maintaining old relationships with customers.
  3. Development of a strategic plan, control of its implementation.
  4. Active promotion of activities in social networks.
  5. Project management, activities from start to finish.
  6. Working with mail - receiving, processing and responding to letters, technical documentation.

Account Manager

Perhaps this is the most sociable position in management activities... Daily communication with customers, their service, building relationships - all these are the main functions of a manager. It is extremely important to interest a person, to offer the product or service that will fully satisfy his needs.

Job responsibilities of the client manager:

  1. Friendly communication with clients, well-developed speech.
  2. Knowledge of the product or service being manufactured.
  3. Attracting new customers and maintaining old ones.
  4. Maintaining a mailbox. This is a systematic distribution of notifications, a response to letters.
  5. Communication with clients through communications: receiving calls, communicating in Skype, etc.
  6. Ability to find an approach to each client, to provide them with everything they need. If the product is out of stock - find an analogue.

HR manager

A recruiter is a specialist with a wide range of responsibilities. Its main task is the selection of personnel for the company. This person should be able to competently draw up questionnaires, ask correct questions, provide consulting services, be self-controlled and impartial. The HR manager's job responsibilities are as follows:

The profession of a manager will always be relevant and necessary. Its great advantage is the possibility of career growth, and, therefore, receiving a decent wage. It is important not only to know the job responsibilities of a manager, but also to be able to apply it to the benefit of the company.

An account manager should be in any company involved in trade, advertising, or other activities. He finds clients for the firm and works with them. Such a manager must have the ability to attract and retain a client through negotiations. This requires certain knowledge and skills - the ability to establish contact with a potential client, create conditions favorable for concluding contracts, finding better solutions etc. He also needs to understand the basics of entrepreneurship and how to do business.

Most enterprises have special job descriptions, and there is such a document for account managers. It establishes the main duties, rights and responsibilities of each person holding a given position. Manager must be familiar with the instructions and follow all specified conditions. The document is approved by the head of the organization and is supported by his signature.

What is the purpose and main provisions

The manager refers to the management team of the company. The main task while in this position is search for clients and their service... The manager needs to convince each individual client that all of his needs will be taken into account. Anyone potential buyer required individual approach... Provided that the specialist works correctly, the client will cooperate with the company in the future.

Also, the manager is obliged to participate in summing up and determine the prospects for interaction with the buyer in the future. If he works effectively, then over time he should form a client base.

Job description of a sales manager in the first place. They are given general concepts and lists the functions performed by the specialist. The position of the account manager is considered to be the management one. This employee must have education - secondary or higher economic. It is also desirable to have additional qualifications in the field of management and some work experience in the entrepreneurial field.

Appointment and dismissal from office is carried out only by the head.

The manager must have knowledge of all the necessary laws, he should understand the basics market economy and business theory. He will also need knowledge of marketing and management, drawing up a business plan, the ability to classify goods and establish business contacts. V general rules it is written that this specialist must establish competent interpersonal communication, knowing the basics of psychology and the rules of business etiquette. The ability to work with the equipment necessary for communication is of no small importance.

The manager reports to the chief executive of the organization and the director. During his forced absence by good reason in the workplace, his duties may be performed by another official. This employee is responsible for the obligations assigned to him.

Rights and obligations

The customer care professional has the power to decide how to find and install business cooperation with clients. He also independently disposes of all allocated to him for work. in cash... The manager acts on behalf of his company during negotiations, signs documents to the extent of his competence. He gets acquainted with the decisions of the organization about the issues that arise in the course of work.

The client manager has the right to demand from his managers those documents that are necessary for him to perform the work.

He also has access to papers in which his duties and rights are spelled out, the conditions for compliance with the quality of performance of duties.

At each enterprise, such a specialist performs certain duties. This:

  1. Analysis and study of all potential customers, taking into account their requirements.
  2. The use of various methods to find buyers and customers by placing advertisements, visiting presentations and exhibitions.
  3. Assessment of the reliability of future business partners, their capabilities.
  4. Negotiating and identifying customer preferences with their help.
  5. Meetings with potential partners, conclusion of contracts and discussion of their terms.
  6. Maintaining contacts with existing clients, working with them.
  7. Elimination of emerging problems.
  8. Creation of profitable offers for the most promising clients in the form of special conditions, discounts, etc.
  9. Communication with business partners, identification of their requirements and claims.
  10. Creation of a customer base and making adjustments to it.
  11. Analysis of such work in competing firms.

A responsibility

The client-manager is responsible in case of non-fulfillment of the duties prescribed in the instructions or any violation of them. He is also responsible for the damage caused to the company in the course of his work and the offense committed by him. The company may also provide for punishment of the manager for failure to fulfill sales plans or insufficient replenishment of the client base. An employee's punishment must not go beyond the limits established by Russian law.

A customer service manager is an important employee in every organization, as he is engaged in finding and attracting customers. He also by all means retains the partners already existing with the company. All his duties and rights are spelled out in a special job description, which must be at the enterprise.