Resource management in the project. Material resource management of the project Project resources and the main tools for their optimization

Department of Organizational Management
Material management
project resources
Papkova Ekaterina Vadimovna


Project management: textbook. allowance. - M .:
Publishing house "Omega-L", 2007.-664 p.
using project management. - M .:
INION RAN, 2005 - 184 p.

Topic 1. Processes of project resource management



Economic (production) resources

a set of all types of available and
created, accumulated and used
a community of resources that
are involved in the production of goods
and services.

Material resources

this is the most important part of production
resources dedicated to
use in the process of creation
social product, and constantly
in the form material stocks, v
work in progress at

Classification of material resources by origin:

Primary MR
Raw materials
Manufacturing Secondary MR
Materials (edit)
Semi-finished products

Factors to rationalize the use of MR:

I. group: Design and engineering factors
II. group: Technical and technological factors Organizational and economic factors Socio-psychological factors

group: Design and engineering factors

I. group: Design -
design factors
1. Development
functional properties,
2. Automated preparation of design
3. Control over the design process and
product manufacturing;

II. group: Technical and technological factors

1. Application
high-quality reception of incoming MRs and their preparation for
production consumption, optimal cutting, reduction
waste and waste use,
2. Improvement
modified and new materials,
3. Improving the technical base of transportation and storage
4. Acquisition (or creation) and implementation
resource-saving equipment and technologies,
5. Designing sustainable technology by establishing
technical and technological
use of
technological processes and the best sequence
performing operations;

1.Organization management accounting by places of origin
organizational structure of responsibility centers or persons,
responsible for rational use MR and detection
reserves from savings,
2. Improving the accounting and analysis of the use of MR,
3. Creation, implementation and revision of norms and standards of consumption
4. Organization of the secondary use of material resources,

III. group: Organizational and economic factors

III. group: Organizational and economic factors
5. Organization and improvement of the identification process
requirements for MR, scientifically grounded size of reserves,
reduction of losses during storage and delivery,
6. Development of progressive forms of material and technical
supply taking into account the principles of logistics, scientific justification
order batch, delivery route and mode of transport, reduction
transportation losses;

IV. group: Socio-psychological factors

IV. group: Socio-psychological factors
1. Involvement of employees of the enterprise in the process
rational use of MR with the help
administrative, organizational and socio-psychological methods of management,
2. Development
mechanism based on modern theories of motivation.

Creating a rational structure for the use of MR
at the enterprise, it is necessary to apply such
will allow
to raise
consumer properties of manufactured products
with a low level of material and total costs for
production using 2 groups of events:
1. Associated with innovative activity,
attracting investments aimed at
technical renewal of production,
2. Not requiring financial
(organizational measures).
investment in

Project resources

Resource management is one of the main management subsystems
a project that includes planning processes,
procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources.
The concept of a resource is everything that a project has at its disposal, including
labor, financial and material and technical resources,
project team, time (duration, time limit),
information, knowledge and technology.
The main task of resource management is to provide them
optimal use to achieve the final goal
project management.

Resource groups:

Material and technical

The main tasks of resource management:

optimal resource planning;
Logistics management, in
- resource procurement management;
- supply management;
- resource supply management;
- resource stock management;
- management of resource allocation by work

Structural model of project resource management:

Resource management
Development of charts
work support
project resources;
procurement support
supply of resources for
work resources
resource reserves.
Assessment of collateral
project work resources;
estimation of resource costs;
stock control;
quality control of resources;
control of planned
indicators by time and by

Topic 2: Fundamentals of Project Resource Planning


On the
consumed resources, taking into account the restrictions and
distribution based on the demand schedule
The essence of planning is to set goals and
ways to achieve them based on the formation
a set of works (activities, actions) that
must be performed, applying methods and means
implementation of these works, linking the resources required
for their implementation, coordination of actions of participants

the project
main stages of project implementation, decomposition
them into smaller and more manageable elements;
3.Drawing an estimate, estimating the cost of resources,
necessary to complete the project;
achievement of project goals;
5. arrangement
defining and documenting technological
dependencies and work restrictions;

Basic planning processes:

6.evaluation of the duration of work, labor costs and others
resources required to carry out individual work;
7.calculation of the schedule, analysis of technological dependencies
performance of work, duration of work and requirements for
8.resource planning, determining which resources
(people, equipment, materials) and in what quantities
will be required to complete the work of the project. Definition, in
what terms of work can be performed taking into account
limited resources;
9.budgeting, linking estimated costs to specific
types of activities;
10.creation (development) of a project plan, collection of results
other planning processes and their integration into a common

Interrelation of planning levels:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Network plan
with multiple projects
(for senior management)
Network plan
with key
stages (milestones)
network plan

Planning types:

Conceptual planning that results in
conceptual plan, represents the development process
basic project documentation, technical requirements, assessments,
enlarged schedules, control and management procedures.
Conceptual planning is carried out in the initial period
life cycle project.
Strategic planning is a process
development of strategic, enlarged, long-term plans.
Operational (detailed) planning is associated with the development
tactical, detailed plans (schedules) for operational
management at the level of responsible executives.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

decomposition of the project into subprojects, work packages
various levels, packages of detailed works;
allows you to solve the problems of organizing work,
distribution of responsibility, cost estimation,
creating a reporting system, effectively maintain
procedures for collecting information on the performance of work and
management system to summarize work schedules,
cost, resources and completion dates.

Description of the levels of the structural model

Organizational and economic
Level name
General program
Part of a subproject
Complex (package) of works
Detailed work
Single work

General scheme of the project structure

Part of Project 1
Part of Project 2

Part of Project 2
work package 1
work package 2

work package 2
types of work 1
types of work 2

types of work 2
job 1
job 2

job 2
job 1
job 2

work 2 27


As a detailed planning tool in
project management use network planning.
Network diagram (network, network graph, PERT diagram) -
graphical display of project work and dependencies
between them.
In project planning and management under the term
"Network" means a full range of works and all milestones
project with dependencies installed between them.
Network diagrams display network model v
graphically as a set of vertices corresponding
works connected by lines representing the relationship
between jobs. This graph, called a network like

Fragment of the work-top network:
Consideration and
drawings for
Consideration and
the project

ES - early start
EF - early ending
LS - late start
LF - late ending
D - duration
R - reserve time

Network diagrams of the "WorkVertex" type

ES - max value of the previous
LF - min value of the previous
EF = ES + D; LS = LF - D; R = LF - EF

There is another type of network diagram - network
type "work-arc", which is used in practice
less often.
With this approach, the work is represented in the form
lines between two events (graph nodes),
which, in turn, represent the beginning and end
of this work.
PERT charts are examples of this type

Fragment of the work-arc network:
Work with the
Job D

Network diagrams of the "Work-Arc" type

Network planning methods - methods, basic
the purpose of which is to reduce to
minimum project duration. Are based on
methods such as the CPRCritical Path Method and the method of assessing and revising plans
PERT (PERT- Program Evaluation and Review Technique).

the duration of the full path in the network is called
critical; works lying on this path also
are called critical.

2 planning methods:
Resource planning with limited time:
- Assumes a fixed completion date for the project and
availability of the possibility of assigning additional
resources for the project.
Scheduling with limited resources:
- Assumes that the initial target quantity
available resources cannot be changed and is
the main limitation of the project.

Resource Requirements Graphs
Project resources
financial resources
labor costs

1. Building a histogram of the need for
non-expendable resources
2. Building a histogram of the need for
consumable resources

Gantt chart is linear
a schedule specifying start dates and
the end of interrelated actions,
forming a single process that
must be done for
achieving the goal of the project.

Topic 3. "Resource procurement management"


Procurement - activities aimed at
providing projects with resources.
Procurement management, project logistics -
goods, products and services for the project from
external supplier organizations.

Resource procurement management

decisions on the project
in relation to procurement,
approach and
Carrying out
Obtaining process
responses from
sellers, choice
seller and
Management process
relations with
contracts, and, if
making changes
and adjustments.
Completion process
each purchase

The main task of the design and procurement
phase of the project - to ensure admission
equipment, structures, materials and
services in strict accordance with the plan
resources and
services at the competitive
On-site deliveries
production of works.

1. Preparation of specifications and technical conditions,
characterizing the quantity and quality of the required
equipment of machines and mechanisms, structures, materials,
works, services.
2. Planning and organization of the procurement process.
3. Study of possible sources of procurement of resources and
negotiations with possible suppliers.
4. Pre-selection of bidders.
5. Preparation of documents for bidding.
6. Conducting bidding and deciding on the award
contracts to the winning bidders.
7. Placing an order, including negotiating deliveries.

The structure of the tasks of the logistics of projects:
Delivery control (timeliness,
completeness, quantity and quality) with acceptance
necessary measures in case of deviations.
Conflict resolution.
Mutual settlements.
Hiring necessary specialists
(contractors), including consultants.
Supply planning.
Organization of accounting.
Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods.
Accounting and control of delivery.

Purchase management planning

Purchase Management Planning - Process
documenting project decisions regarding
procurement, setting an approach and defining
potential sellers.

A contract is a mutual agreement binding
the seller to provide the buyer with something that has
value (for example, certain products, services or
results), and the buyer should be provided to the seller
monetary or other compensation.
The role of the contract in procurement is the legal
establishes obligations between them, the fulfillment of which
protected by law. Moreover, the contract is not only
enshrines the obligations and rights of the parties, but also determines
the order of their execution, and also provides for ways
protecting the interests of these parties.

Legal regulation of procurement and
Contract with
fixed price
Reimbursement contract
A contract with a firm
fixed price
Reimbursement contract
costs plus fixed
Fixed contract
cost and incentive
Reimbursement contract
cost plus incentive
Fixed contract
price and disclaimer
price adjustment
Reimbursement contract
costs plus bonus
Agreement "Time and
Materials "


Procurement is the process of getting responses from
sellers, choosing a seller and concluding a contract.

Organizational forms

Direct: in which a legal link exists between two subjects
purchases; an appropriate agreement is concluded between them;
intermediary: in which the person implementing the project enters into
legal relationship with an intermediary, i.e. with a person who contributes
support of the project the necessary resources;
exchange: in which members of the exchange carry out exchange trading:
a) directly on its own behalf and at its own expense;
b) on behalf of the client and at his expense;
c) on its own behalf at the expense of the client;
d) on behalf of the client at his own expense.
Visitors to exchange trades can be legal and physical
persons who are not members of the exchange and have the right to commit
exchange transactions.

Basic requirements in the cycle
procurement and supply
purchases and supplies are based on data
project documentation;
schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project plan and
take into account the duration of all its phases;
the plan should cover the entire project as a whole;
the choice of the place of purchase is determined based on the calculation
cost of options;
the plan defines the structures and persons responsible for
each item to be delivered.

Requirements for the order of placing orders:
are being developed
are common
are issued
on the
reduction of the range of purchases;
evaluation of bids and bidding precede the conclusion
contracts are concluded as a result of additional
meetings and agreements with the winners of the auction on issues
requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the order
payments and bonuses.

Procurement control

Procurement control is the process of managing relationships with
suppliers, monitoring the execution of contracts, and, when
the need to amend the contract and

Delivery control:
carried out
on the
including planned and actual dates and volumes
organized for each of the above types
supplies (equipment, work, local materials,
based on the overall project plan;
all changes are made to general schedule project;
based on standard reporting forms.

Closing purchases

Closing Procurement is the process of completing each procurement of a project.
A key benefit of this process is documenting
agreements and related documentation for the future

Topic 4: Resource Supply Management


reception, storage
Accounting and control

types of commodity markets:
1. Markets for products, upon purchase of which the consumer
is guided by established standards, enough
fully characterizing it in terms of capabilities
2. Markets for products that the consumer can purchase
according to samples or guided by the catalogs of manufacturers.
3. Markets for customized products

The system for providing the project with resources should:
guarantee a sustainable supply of raw materials, materials,
components in volumes and assortments dictated by
consumers of the project;
diversification of the product range;
ensure a timely transition to the release of new ones,
globally competitive and Russian markets species
help to reduce the consumption of materials in production,
including through the use of new technologies and materials,
reducing the level of inventories and transport preparation costs;
ensure the supply of resources in accordance with the design
documentation and technology for project implementation.

Supply planning.

calendar plan
on the
the schedule for the commissioning of facilities and tasks for
completion of stages of work;
resource procurement plan;
delivery schedule of materials from specialized commodity
contracts and specifications;
regulatory and technological
technical supply and equipment;
progress information
preceding the planned;

Initial data for scheduling
resource provision of projects (documents):
information on the progress of putting objects into operation and on completion
stages of work for the period preceding the planned one;
information on the fulfillment of orders for the period preceding
information on the movement of material residues;
production and technical
production stock rates.

Organization of material support for construction
projects is based on a system of production and technological equipment.
This system assumes the unity of the complete
manufacture of structures and products, supply and
transportation of all material resources to
according to the technological sequence
rational and economical use of resources.

The scheme of interaction of departments of the UPTK
with a construction object by project phases:
Procurement department
Operational production department
Sales department
material assets
Planned - economic
the Department
completion 67

The numbers indicate the interaction processes
divisions in a logical order:
1 - The procurement department is engaged in planning the material and technical support of the project, planning the complete production
2 - The main functions of the operational and production department are:
organization of production and technological equipment, delivery
technological kits in accordance with the construction and installation work schedules, organization of production of atypical and non-serial
structures, control and accounting of the movement of stocks of materials;
3a, 3b - the tasks of the department for the sale of material assets are
organization of rational relations with supplier factories, in providing
project materials and equipment;

planned economic
carries out
the Department
technical and economic
production and economic
activities, is engaged in contractual claims work.

Topic 5: inventory management


Stocks - resources stored
on the
stocks (raw materials and
unfinished production;
finished products in stock.

Inventory management is control over the condition
stocks and decisions aimed at saving
time and money by minimizing the cost of
the maintenance of reserves required for effective
project implementation.
The purpose of the inventory management system is to establish
uninterrupted provision of work processes
on the project in deadlines and planned
quality at the lowest possible cost
content of stocks.

Reasonable and effective
inventory management allows:
reduce production losses due to shortages
minimize surplus stocks of resources that,
essentially freeze money;
reduce the risk of interruptions in the planned course of work on
reduce the cost of storing inventory

Point of order (threshold stock) - minimum value
resource stock, at which a new order is required for
its replenishment, or the point in time when it should be
the order is made.

reasonable stock of resources intended for
uninterrupted supply of production in case

Transit stocks
Linear stocks (stocks in transit)
Reserve resources as a stock
Serial stocks
Cyclic stocks
Safety margins

Stock types:
Transit stocks - stocks of raw materials, which in the future
distributed and transported over short distances.
Linear stocks (stocks in transit) - consist of goods that are in
the process of transportation, moving from suppliers to consumers.
Reservation of resources in the form of a stock - formed to reduce
supply risks.
Serial stocks - formed as a result of rounding to the side
more than ordered amount of resources, but not exceeding
a certain minimum size of the series of deliveries.
Cyclical stocks - formed as a result of production or import
goods with a certain frequency at certain intervals
Safety margins - created to avoid possible
uncertainty associated with the reliability of the supplier.

Costs for the formation and storage of stocks
represent costs associated with:
distraction working capital to stocks of raw materials,
materials, etc.,
ongoing maintenance of stocks,
storage costs,
cost of risks.

Space refers to the cost of
depreciation, maintenance, heating, etc.,
occupied space for the stock.
Rent is the expense on capital invested in the stock.
Cost of Risk - Consequences of Various
insured events, as well as cost estimation
risk in monetary form.

Tasks of the inventory management system:
control and accounting of the level of stocks;
determination of the size of the safety stock for each
resource depending on the need for continuous
ensuring the work of the project;
calculation of the optimal size of the order of the resource;
determination of the time interval between orders.
Inventory level control is carried out for all groups
resources and consists in taking into account the availability of resources and
tracking the moment when to place an order
the next batch of resources.

One of the most famous control methods
stock level is the ABC method.
ABC-method - a way of accounting and control over the state
stocks, consisting in the breakdown of the nomenclature
resources into three subsets: A, B and C.

Category A - includes a limited number
the most valuable types of resources that require
constant detailed accounting and control.
Category B - made up of those types of inventories that are less important
for the project and which are evaluated and verified at
monthly inventory.
Category C - includes a wide range of
the remaining low-value types of resources purchased
usually in large quantities.

Basic inventory management model.
Basic model prerequisites:
1) The demand is uniform and constant.
2) Delivery time is constant.
3) Lack of stock is unacceptable.
4) A constant quantity is ordered every time -
optimal order size.

Reorder level - number of items per
a warehouse where an order for new products is placed.

Optimal order size:
, where


D = 1,500 units,
C0 = 150 rubles / order
Ch = 45 rubles / year
Delivery time = 6 days
1 year = 300 working days

TC (q) (total storage overhead) =?

Distance between cycles =?

D = 400 units
C0 = 40 rubles / order
Ch = 250 rubles / year
Delivery time = 6 days
1 year = 250 working days
q (optimal order size) =?
TC (q) (total storage overhead) =?
Reorder Level =?
Number of cycles (orders) per year =?
Distance between cycles =?

Topic 6: New Methods of Logistics Management - Logistics


Logistics is the science of managing and optimizing material
flows, flows of services and related information and
a certain
micro or
macroeconomic system to achieve the
her goals.
is an integral management tool,
contributing to the achievement of strategic or operational
business organization goals through effective management
material flows, as well as accompanying flows
information and funds.

The logistics system is a complex organizationally complete
(structured) economic system, which consists of
elements - links interconnected in a single process, management
material and accompanying flows, and the tasks
the functioning of these links are united by internal goals
business organization and / or external goals.
Link logistics system- some economically and (or)
functionally separate object, not subject to further
decomposition within the framework of the task of analysis or construction
logistic system fulfilling its local purpose.

Logistics management objects

Material flows - products (cargo, parts, etc.),
considered in the process of applying to it various
logistics (transportation, warehousing, etc.) and / or
technological operations and referred to a certain time
Financial flows - directed movement of funds,
circulating in the logistics system, as well as between the logistics
system and external environment necessary to ensure
efficient movement of a certain commodity flow.
Information flows- message flow in speech, documentary
and another form generated by the original material flow in
the considered logistic system.

Total storage costs:
, where
TC (q) - total storage costs,
q is the optimal order size,
C0 - the cost of placing an order (overhead,
related to the implementation of the order);
D is the annual demand for products;
Ch is the storage cost of one unit.

The structure of the logistics system of the project:
on the
Logistics system
- flow of funds
- material flow
- border of the logistics system

The purpose
is an
consumers based on optimal material management
flows, for which information flows are organized in logistics.
Logistics tasks in UP
creation of an integrated material management system
based on information flows;

Project, how the system functions within the life
cycle, has:
"Input", which is all the resources of the project,
including those discussed in this chapter, material and technical and labor, as well as financial and temporary
resources, project team, information, knowledge, technology and
various restrictions on input parameters;
a set of interrelated processes for processing these resources
taking into account the limitations and criterion indicators for the purpose
ensure their optimal use to achieve
the ultimate goal of project management is to form
the result of the project with the planned indicators;
"Exit", which is the actual result of the project.

general tasks of logistics in project management:
material flows based on information flows;
development of methods for managing the movement of resources and
control of material flows;
allocation of resources for the work of the project;
standardization of semi-finished products and packaging;
identifying the imbalance between needs and opportunities
purchases and supplies;
optimization of technical and technological
transport and warehouse complexes.

Main cost items
for the maintenance of warehouses:
1. Maintenance of warehouses,
2. Costs for service personnel,
3. Costs of vehicles,
4. Losses from storage of stocks.

1. Maintenance of warehouse premises:
depreciation of warehouse buildings;
depreciation of warehouse equipment;
preventive maintenance costs;
heating, electricity and water costs;
building insurance and land tax;

2. Costs for service personnel:
on the
3. Costs of vehicles:
fuel and energy costs;
expenses for preventive and Maintenance;
insurance and vehicle taxes.

4. Losses from storage of stocks:
warehouse security and material aging;
corrosion and other losses;
discrepancies in inventory results
(errors in accounting for the release and acceptance);
losses due to lower prices;
stock insurance.

In fact, the management of the material resources of the project begins in the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then the needs for resources and the possibilities of their provision are worked out in the planning phase.

In every this moment time, project resources are limited, and therefore the main tasks of resource management are: optimal resource planning; logistics management, including: resource procurement management; supply management; resource supply management; resource inventory management; management of the distribution of resources for the work of the project.

Resource management involves a number of basic processes, including purchasing, supplying, resource allocation, and resource inventory management.

Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system. Procurement is understood as activities aimed at providing projects with resources - that is, property (goods), performance of work (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are interrelated and, in fact, are two sides of the project's logistics processes.

Procurement management, project logistics is a project management subsystem that includes the processes of purchasing goods, products and services for a project from external supplier organizations. The subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding contracts and maintaining them, securing supplies, completing contracts.

Supply management stands out along with procurement management as an independent subsystem. Includes: supply planning; organization of accounting; delivery, acceptance and storage of goods; accounting and control of delivery.

Planning and organizing procurement and supply is the first step in project resource management. Planning and organization is driven by data design and estimate documentation in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle. Consists of stages including supplier selection, order placement and delivery control.

The selection of suppliers is based on the study of qualification questionnaires designed to highlight the management, technical, production and financial capabilities; the list of applicants, developed on the basis of studying the questionnaires, is coordinated with the customer and the project manager; the final selection of suppliers is made by bidding.

Placing orders - in conjunction with design organization measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the nomenclature) purchases; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases; evaluation of bids and bidding precede the conclusion of contracts; the latter is made as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winners of the auction on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Delivery control - carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, work, local materials, services); based on the overall project plan; all changes are made to the general project schedule; based on standard reporting forms.

Procurement processes are the most difficult to manage resources and require careful planning. Here are a number of basic concepts in a logical sequence.

Procurement strategy for a project is a system of methods, principles of interrelation of the specifics of procurement for a specific project with environment project.

The relationship of procurement (provision) for the project with the structure of work under contracts and stages of the project is a formalized structure of links between the work of the project and the required provision of resources in terms of terms and contracts.

Contract procurement planning is a process that results in the formation of procurement documentation that establishes the principles of procurement (project support), detailing the procurement process in terms of time, costs, performers, suppliers, contracts, project stages and types of resources.

Sourcing sourcing is the process of selecting an organization and / or individuals whose resources, reliability and performance are expected to ensure the achievement of procurement objectives.

Sourcing Sourcing Assessment - General Study possible suppliers to send them a request for proposals or to start negotiations with them in order to conclude a contract.

Verification (assessment) of suppliers for procurement under the project - qualification checks of compliance of specific suppliers with the project objectives at the negotiation stage in the contract phase of the project.

Consideration of the technical competence of suppliers at the procurement stage (project support) - conformity assessment of suppliers and their products (materials, services) technical requirements project.

Negotiations on purchases (supplies) - a stage of the project, which includes assessments of suppliers, discussions of terms of supply, draft supply contracts. Part of the procurement process support system.

Consideration of the cost of procurement - consideration by the customer of the approach to the price, its feasibility and reasonableness, forecasting the impact of economic factors on costs and risks in relation to the cost of the project.

Evaluation of the implementation of procurement for a project - a tracking system, evaluations of procurement (provision) processes by project phases for maintaining statistics and a database for future use in other projects.

This section provides the foundational principles and concepts necessary for the context of resource management. At the planning stage, a balanced analysis of the work packages and consumed resources is carried out, taking into account the restrictions and their predicted distribution based on the resource demand graphs. Project Resource Planning is the basis for determining resource requirements over time and determining the ability to provide resources for the conclusion of contracts for the procurement of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as the basis for the distribution of already purchased resources for the work of the project.

As the main component of project management, resource planning includes a number of components, including:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals;

Development of a resource allocation system and appointment of responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing the planned parameters of work with the actual ones and developing corrective actions.

Resources act as supporting components of project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, each work can be associated with a function of resource requirements and calculated by scheduling methods of resource requirements for the project as a whole and by alignment methods to ensure compliance with needs availability or capacity to provide resources.

There are two main methods for scheduling project resources; resource scheduling under time constraints; planning with limited resources.

The first approach - resource planning with a time constraint - assumes a fixed end date for the project and the assignment of additional resources to the project during periods of congestion.

The second approach - scheduling with limited resources - assumes that the initially specified amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager gets the opportunity to move on to the next phase of resource management - to the organization of procurement and supply of resources.

At the stage of project development (planning), a model of technological equipment is created. As part of the project plans, a certain unified regulatory and technological documentation (UNTD) is being developed - a set of documents that is the regulatory framework for the production and technological configuration of the project.

Along with the development of production and construction equipment through construction organizations The form of supplying construction projects through territorial intermediary enterprises (optorgs) under the orders of the customer's project teams has received significant development.

Procurement and supply management issues are interlinked with resource inventory management issues. The decision of the questions “what needs to be purchased” is followed by decisions: how much needs to be purchased (in what volumes and with what frequency of deliveries), and in accordance with this it is determined how much of each resource needs to be in the form of a certain stock in order to:

Minimizing the risk of interruption of the production process due to a lack of resources for the production of work;

Ensuring rhythmic production between the moments of resource supply.

The problem of determining the schedule and volumes of supplies and stocks belongs to the class of optimization problems of resource management. As objective function in inventory management are the total costs of maintaining stocks, warehouse operations, losses from damage during storage, etc. Such costs should be minimized. The controlled parameters in this task are the volumes of stocks; the frequency, timing and volume of their replenishment (supplies); the degree of readiness of the resource stored in the form of a stock.

The point of order, or the threshold stock, is the minimum amount of the resource stock at which a new order is needed to replenish it, or the moment in time when the order must be made.

Insurance (reserve) stock - the minimum reasonable stock of resources intended for uninterrupted supply of production in the event of a disruption in the progress of supplies in comparison with the planned one. The safety stock is determined by an optimization calculation; in this case, the conditions for the supply of resources, the materiality (criticality) of the resource for the planned progress of work on the project, the presence of supply risks, etc. are taken into account.

Inventory management refers to control over the state of stocks and making decisions aimed at saving time and money by minimizing the costs of maintaining stocks necessary for the efficient implementation of the project.

The purpose of the inventory management system is to ensure uninterrupted provision of the processes of performing work on the project on time and with the planned quality at the lowest possible cost of maintaining the inventory.

The size of reserves for each type of resources is determined by their specifics, fluctuations in supplies, and importance for the project. The minimum required reserve, or insurance, amount of the stock is provided, which is never consumed.

The project team managers responsible for the supply of resources are also responsible for the volumes of stocks, i.e., they maintain a balance between the incoming supply of resources and the outgoing (allocated) flows of resources for the work of the project to ensure the smooth implementation of the project in accordance with the planned indicators.

V last years in the practice of material and technical support of projects, new methods and technologies based on the concept of logistics began to be used.

Logistics in the field of logistics is understood as the science of:

The rational organization of production and distribution, which comprehensively studies the supply, sale and distribution of the means of production;

Aggregates different types activities in order to obtain the required amount of products at a specified time and in a predetermined place, in which there is a need for these products;

Interaction of all elements of production and transport systems - from production to consumption;

Managing the process of physical distribution of products in space and time;

Relationships and interactions of supply with sales and transport;

Integration of production and transportation processes, including all transportation, loading and unloading and other operations requested by the clientele, and their necessary information support;

Planning, management and control of the material flow entering the enterprise, processed there and leaving this enterprise and the information flow corresponding to it;

Planning, management and control of material, information, human and energy flows;

Physical distribution of material resources, technical, technological, organizational and informational support of this process.

The purpose of logistics is to meet the needs of consumers on the basis of optimal management of material flows, for which information flows are organized in logistics.

Material flow is a product considered in the process of applying various logistic operations to it (transportation, warehousing, etc.) and referred to a time interval.

The most common logistics operations with material flows are warehousing, transportation, picking, loading, unloading Vehicle etc. The collection, storage and processing of data can also be classified as logistic operations with information flows corresponding to material flows.

In this way, material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage, operations with raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, starting from the primary source all the way to the final consumer.

Information flow is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, as well as between the logistics system and the external environment, which are necessary for the management and control of logistics operations.

The information flow corresponds to the material flow and can exist in the form, for example, of a paper or electronic document. Information flows are characterized by their origin, direction of flow, transmission and reception rates, and intensity.

The main goal of the logistics system is the delivery of resources in the required quantity and range and, as far as possible, ready for consumption in Right place at a given level of logistics costs.

Logistic costs - the costs of performing logistic operations (warehousing, transportation, collection, storage and transmission of data on orders, stocks, deliveries, etc.).

Among the functions of logistics, one can single out production ones related to the direct implementation of production processes, and managerial, associated with the collection of information and decision-making on the material and technical support of the project.

The main production functions of logistics include supply (procurement), production and sales (study of demand, transportation, sales finished products, trade, distribution, customer services, insurance, credit and payment functions, etc.).

The most common management functions are research, analysis, forecasting, decision-making, planning, organization, control, accounting of the considered production functions - supply, production and sales - in particular, and the material flow in general. Logistics management functions are implemented in close interaction with project marketing functions (product line management, forecasting market capacity and market share of a company, formation pricing policy and others), as well as with all project management subsystems.

Material resources are one of the most important manageable aspects of the project and, accordingly, the resource management system acts as the main one in a number of project management subsystems. In fact, the logistic approach to ensuring the optimality of material flows is fully consistent with the systematic approach to project management in the field of resource provision. The project, how the system functions within the life cycle, has:

- "input", which is all the resources of the project, including those considered in this chapter, material and technical and labor, as well as financial and time resources, the project team, information, knowledge, technology and various restrictions on the input parameters;

A set of interrelated processes for processing these resources, taking into account the limitations and criterion indicators in order to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators;

- "exit", which is the actual result of the project.

Within the framework of project management, material flows of resources and accompanying flows of information function, which reflect the effectiveness of project management processes or signal violations in the planned course of work.

Thus, logistics, with the goal of increasing the efficiency of the project management system, is its integral part and deals with the management of flows of material resources.

In the subsystems of project management from the standpoint of a logistic approach and taking into account the interests of each participant, such issues are interconnected as: development of a general concept of resource allocation; selection of the form of supply; placement of a warehouse; the choice of the mode of transport and the type of vehicles; organization of transportation of resources and products; selection of rational directions of transportation; selection of delivery points; selection of a rational radius of warehouse service; location of warehouse systems (central, regional, transshipment), etc.

The choice of a specific form of organization of material resources management depends on the specifics of the project.

The logistics subsystem for project management is focused on material (resource) flows, that is, in fact, it is a resource management subsystem.

Logistics of procurement (supply), being the first logistics subsystem, is the process of movement of raw materials, materials, components and spare parts from the procurement market to warehouses. For the efficient functioning of procurement logistics, you need to know which resources and materials are needed for the project, draw up a procurement plan that ensures the coordination of the actions of all project participants, and solve the following tasks: analysis and determination of needs, calculation of the amount of ordered materials; determination of the procurement method; consistency of the price and conclusion of the contract; establishment of control over the quantity, quality and delivery time; organizing the placement of resources in warehouses.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary educational institution Higher professional education

"Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"

Department: Economics and Management in Construction

Credit work

in the discipline "Project Management"

On the topic "Project Resource Management"

Completed: student FTGS

4 courses, group H-91

Zorkina A.N.

Checked by: Assoc., Petrov N.A.

Samara 2012


1. Processes of project resource management

1.1 Project resources


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We will consider two interconnected groups resources:

· Material and technical - raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; resources of the "power" type or technological resources (machines, mechanisms for the implementation of the project's work); installed equipment, etc.;

· Labor - carry out direct work with material and technical resources (for example, builders, car drivers, equipment installers, etc.).

Apart from the variety of types of these resources, it is advisable to single out two main ones:

Non-reproducible, stockpiled, accumulative - in the process of performing work, they are completely consumed, preventing reuse. Not involved in a given period of time, they can be used in the future. In other words, such resources can be accumulated with the subsequent expenditure of reserves. Therefore, they are often referred to as "energy" type resources. Examples: fuel, objects of labor, single-use tools, and financial resources.

Reproducible, non-accumulating, non-accumulating - in the course of work, they retain their natural-material form and, as they are released, can be used in other works. If these resources are idle, then their unused ability to function in a given period of time is not compensated in the future, that is, they do not accumulate. Therefore, resources of the second type are also called resources of the "power" type.

Examples: people and means of labor of repeated use (machines, mechanisms, machine tools, etc.).

1. Project resource management processes

1.1 Project resources

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of "work", since resources are related not to the project as a whole, but to certain works performed in a planned sequence corresponding to the project schedule.

As part of the scheduling of activities for a project, the resource requirements for activities are described as a requirement function. The need for work in the stored resource is described by the cost intensity function, which shows the rate of resource consumption depending on the phase of work, or by the cost function, which shows the total accumulated volume of the required resource depending on the phase.

The demand for work in a non-stocked resource is specified as a demand function showing the number of units of this resource required to complete the work, depending on the phase.

Along with the functions of demand, characterizing the tasks of the project, it is necessary to consider the functions of availability (availability) of resources, which are set similarly to the functions of demand. The difference lies in the fact that the availability functions are assigned to the project as a whole, so that their argument is not the work phase, but the time (work or calendar). Checking resource feasibility calendar plan requires a comparison of the availability and resource requirements of the project as a whole.

In fact, the management of the material resources of the project begins in the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then the needs for resources and the possibilities of their provision are worked out in the planning phase.

At each current moment in time, the project resources are limited, and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

· Optimal planning of resources;

Logistics management, including:

· Management of procurement of resources;

· Supply management;

· Resource supply management;

· Management of stocks of resources;

· Management of the distribution of resources for the work of the project.

Figure 1 shows the structure of the logistics of projects.

Rice. 1. The structure of the logistics of projects

1.2 Resource management processes

Resource management involves a number of basic processes, including purchasing, supplying, resource allocation, and resource inventory management.

The structural model of resource management processes is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Structural model of project resource management

Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system. Here are the basic concepts.

Procurement is understood as activities aimed at providing projects with resources - that is, property (goods), performance of work (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are interrelated and, in fact, are two sides of the project's logistics processes.

Procurement management, project logistics is a project management subsystem that includes the processes of purchasing goods, products and services for a project from external supplier organizations. The subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding contracts and maintaining them, securing supplies, completing contracts.

Supply management stands out along with procurement management as an independent subsystem. Includes:

· Planning of supplies;

· Organization of accounting;

· Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

· Accounting and control of delivery.

Planning and organizing procurement and supply is the first step in project resource management. Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of data from design estimates in conjunction with the general project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle. Consists of stages including supplier selection, order placement and delivery control.

The selection of suppliers is based on the study of qualification questionnaires designed to highlight the management, technical, production and financial capabilities; the list of applicants, developed on the basis of studying the questionnaires, is coordinated with the customer and the project manager; the final selection of suppliers is made by bidding.

Placing orders - together with the design organization, measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the nomenclature) procurement; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases; evaluation of bids and bidding precede the conclusion of contracts; the latter is made as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winners of the auction on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Delivery control - carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, work, local materials, services); based on the overall project plan; all changes are made to the general project schedule; based on standard reporting forms.

Procurement processes are the most difficult to manage resources and require careful planning. Here are a number of basic concepts in a logical sequence.

The environment affecting procurement is a combination of internal and external forces, both separately and in interaction with each other, which contributes to or hinders the achievement of the procurement goal. These forces can be related to a business, a project, or due to political, economic, technological or organizational circumstances.

The procurement strategy for the project is a system of methods, principles of the relationship between the specifics of procurement for a specific project and the environment of the project.

The relationship of procurement (provision) for the project with the structure of work under contracts and stages of the project is a formalized structure of links between the work of the project and the required provision of resources in terms of terms and contracts.

Contract procurement planning is a process that results in the formation of procurement documentation that establishes the principles of procurement (project support), detailing the procurement process in terms of time, costs, performers, suppliers, contracts, project stages and types of resources.

Procurement Opportunity Preliminary Assessment - Assessment of experience, performance indicators (in retrospect), opportunities, resources and current workload of potential suppliers.

Sourcing sourcing is the process of selecting an organization and / or individuals whose resources, reliability and performance are expected to ensure the achievement of procurement objectives.

Evaluation of sources of procurement - a general study of possible suppliers to send them a request for proposals or to start negotiations with them in order to conclude a contract.

Verification (assessment) of suppliers for procurement under the project - qualification checks of compliance of specific suppliers with the project objectives at the negotiation stage in the contract phase of the project.

Consideration of the technical competence of suppliers at the procurement stage (project support) - assessment of the compliance of suppliers and their products (materials, services) with the technical requirements of the project.

Negotiations on purchases (supplies) - a stage of the project, which includes assessments of suppliers, discussions of terms of supply, draft supply contracts. Part of the procurement process support system.

Consideration of the cost of procurement - consideration by the customer of the approach to the price, its feasibility and reasonableness, forecasting the impact of economic factors on costs and risks in relation to the cost of the project.

Evaluation of the implementation of procurement for a project - a tracking system, evaluations of procurement (provision) processes by project phases for maintaining statistics and a database for future use in other projects.

1.3 Basic principles of project resource planning

This section provides the foundational principles and concepts necessary for the context of resource management. At the planning stage, a balanced analysis of the work packages and consumed resources is carried out, taking into account the restrictions and their predicted distribution based on the resource demand graphs. Project Resource Planning is the basis for determining resource requirements over time and determining the possibility of providing resources for concluding contracts for the procurement of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as the basis for the distribution of already purchased resources for the project work.

As the main component of project management, resource planning includes a number of components, including:

· Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals;

· Development of a resource allocation system and appointment of responsible executors;

· Control over the progress of work - comparison of planned parameters of work with actual ones and development of corrective actions.

Resources act as supporting components of project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, each work can be associated with a function of resource requirements and calculated by scheduling methods of resource requirements for the project as a whole and by alignment methods to ensure compliance with needs availability or capacity to provide resources.

There are two main methods for scheduling project resources:

· Resource planning with time constraints;

· Scheduling with limited resources.

The first approach - resource planning with a time constraint - assumes a fixed end date for the project and the assignment of additional resources to the project during periods of congestion.

The second approach - scheduling with limited resources - assumes that the initially specified amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager gets the opportunity to move on to the next phase of resource management - to the organization of procurement and supply of resources.

1.4 The main tasks of procurement and supply

In fig. Figures 3 and 4 show the location of procurement and supply in the project life cycle. In this chapter, procurement is considered as a stage in the project life cycle (project cycle). At the same time, certain aspects of the procurement of material and technical resources are considered.

Rice. 3. Enlarged stages of the design and procurement cycle

Rice. 4. Place of purchases and supplies in the project cycle

The main task of the design and procurement phase of the project is to ensure the supply of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. This process can be divided into two parts:

· Procurement of resources and services on a competitive basis;

· Delivery to the place of work.

In fig. 5 shows the structure of the resource allocation system for the work of the project.

Rice. 5. Project resource allocation system

The structure of the tasks of the logistics of projects is consolidated into the following steps:

1) preparation of specifications and technical conditions characterizing the quantity and quality necessary equipment, machines and mechanisms, structures, materials, works, services;

2) planning and organization of the procurement process;

3) study of possible sources of procurement of resources and negotiations with possible suppliers;

4) preliminary selection of bidders;

5) preparation of documents for bidding;

6) holding tenders and making a decision on awarding contracts to applicants who won the tender;

7) placing an order, including negotiating supplies;

8) control over supplies (timeliness, completeness, quantity and quality) with taking the necessary measures in case of deviations;

9) conflict resolution;

10) mutual settlements;

11) hiring the necessary specialists (contractors), including consultants;

12) planning of supplies;

13) organization of accounting;

14) delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

15) accounting and control of delivery.

In the West, it is customary to allocate the last 4 positions into an independent block of work, called deliveries. The rest of the work is referred to as procurement. This division is not accidental, since the Purchases are carried out by the Customer, and the Deliveries are carried out by the Contractor.

1.5 Legal regulation of purchases and supplies

home legal form organization and regulation of relations in the implementation of purchases between their participants (subjects) - an agreement.

Element structure legal regulation contractual relationship in procurement and supply is shown in Fig. 6.

The role of the contract in procurement is the legal consolidation of relations between the subjects of procurement, establishes obligations between them, the performance of which is protected by law. At the same time, the agreement not only enshrines the obligations and rights of the parties, but also determines the procedure for their implementation, and also provides for ways to protect the interests of these parties.

Let's give definitions to two main types of contracts on the basis of which purchases are organized: a supply contract (material and technical resources) and a work contract (procurement of services, labor resources).

A supply agreement is an agreement under which a supplier, who is an entrepreneur, undertakes to transfer the goods intended for entrepreneurial activity or other purposes not related to personal (family, household) consumption, and the buyer undertakes to accept the product and pay a certain price for it.

Rice. 6. The structure of legal regulation of procurement

The supply contract is concluded at the discretion of the parties, i.e., as a rule, there is no supplier's obligation to enter into the contract. Note: in some cases, legislation obliges the supplier to conclude an agreement at the request of the buyer - for example, in the case of deliveries of products to the Far North or for state needs.

The work contract regulates purchases, the necessary object of which is the result of certain actions.

The essence of the relationship arising from such purchases is that one party, on the instructions of another person, undertakes to perform for him for a fee a certain work (order), the result of which becomes the property of the customer.

On the basis of such obligations, the following are carried out: creation of new property (construction of enterprises, construction of roads); repair and improvement of existing things (work on reconstruction and overhaul of buildings, structures, equipment, repair and Maintenance machines, equipment); implementation of the results of creative activity (implementation of scientific research, design and engineering documentation, the creation of industrial innovations - a sample of a new product).

The main source governing this type of contract is Civil Code RF.

The types of a contract are: a contract for capital construction, a contract for the production of design and survey work, as well as an agreement for the performance of research and development work. Note that, in accordance with the law, the risk of accidental failures under the work contract is borne by the contractor.

1.6 Organizational forms of procurement

Distinguish the following organizational forms purchases:

direct, in which a legal link exists between the two subjects of procurement; a corresponding agreement is concluded between them. Direct purchases are usually preceded by tenders, but direct purchases without tenders can also be carried out;

intermediary, in which the person implementing the project enters into a legal relationship with the intermediary, i.e. the person who contributes to the provision of the project with the necessary resources;

exchange, in which members of the exchange carry out exchange trading: a) directly on their behalf and at their own expense; b) on behalf of the client and at his expense; c) on its own behalf at the expense of the client; d) on behalf of the client at his own expense. Visitors to exchange trades can be legal and individuals that are not members of the exchange and have the right to make exchange transactions.

The protection of the violated or disputed rights and interests of the enterprise and entrepreneurs when making purchases is carried out by arbitration courts (as a rule) and general courts (in some cases). Disputes arising from foreign trade activities, are resolved in the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

1.7 Basic requirements for procurement and supply management

project management procurement supply

Consider the requirements for some of the above steps in the procurement and supply cycle that are specific to market economy:

· Purchases and supplies are carried out on the basis of data from project documentation;

· Schedules are developed in conjunction with the general plan of the project and take into account the duration of all its phases;

· The plan should cover the entire project as a whole;

· The choice of the place of purchase is determined based on the calculation of the cost of options;

· The plan defines the structures and persons responsible for each item to be delivered.

The choice of suppliers is carried out on the basis of a study of the so-called. qualification questionnaires designed to highlight the managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities of the provider. The final selection of suppliers is made by bidding.

Requirements for the order of placing orders:

· Together with the design organization, measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the nomenclature) procurement;

· General orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases;

· Evaluation of bids and bidding precede the conclusion of contracts;

· The conclusion of contracts is carried out as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winners of the auction on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Delivery control:

· Carried out on the basis of special schedules, including planned and actual terms and volumes of deliveries;

· Organized for each of the above types of supplies (equipment, work, local materials, services);

· Is based on the general project plan;

· All changes are made to the general project schedule;

· Based on standard reporting forms.

All of these works are headed by the project manager's service, which works in contact with all enterprises and organizations that provide the project with resources. In large projects chief executive (general manager) of the project delegates the appropriate authority to a dedicated procurement manager (or even a special service).


Resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics.

In principle, the concept of a resource in project management methodology is interpreted broadly: everything that a project has - including labor, financial and material and technical resources, a project team, time (duration, time limits), information, knowledge and technology - is interconnected project resources. And the main task of resource management is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators.

Used Books

1. Mazur I.I., Shapirov V.D., Olderogge N.G. "Project Management" M .; 2007.-664s.

2. Project management. Fundamentals of project management: textbook / count. author; ed. prof. M.L. Once. M .; 2006. - 768 p.

3. Kolosova E.V., Novikov D.A., Tsvetkov A.V. Earned value methodology in operational management projects. M.; 2000 - 153 p.

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Resource management is one of the main PM subsystems. Resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management, which includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and material and technical, etc.

The management of material resources of the project begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then at the planning stage the needs for resources and the possibilities of their provision are determined. A significant difference between project management and production management is the limited resources at each point in time. Based on this principle, the main objectives of resource management are: 1. Optimal resource management. 2. Logistics management, including: Resource procurement management. Supply management.
Project Human Resource Management is the process of ensuring the effective use of project human resources, which include all project participants (sponsors, customers, project team, subcontractors, company departments and other project participants)

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Ticket number 16

1. Objectives and content of administrative and municipal reforms, their common features.

Administrative reform is necessary to address the following complex tasks: improving the state's ability to implement the policy prescribed by law; improving the efficiency of the system government agencies; transformation of the state into a responsible employer capable of attracting a sufficient number of employees with the necessary qualifications and at the same time controlling the costs of their maintenance; increasing confidence in the state on the part of the population and the private sector.

Objectives of the administrative reform:

● optimization and streamlining of functions federal bodies executive power;

● changing their system, structure and mode of operation;

● simplicity and efficiency of the work of state bodies;

● improvement of relations between them and business entities;

● democratization of governance, its openness and accessibility to citizens.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

● implementation of the principles and procedures of results-based management in the executive authorities;

● development and implementation of standards public services provided by the executive authorities, as well as administrative regulations in the executive authorities;

● implementation of a single vertically integrated automated system monitoring the performance of bodies state power and local self-government bodies to achieve the most important indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and the exercise of their powers (GAS "Management");

● creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services;

● organization of the provision of public services in electronic form;

● optimization of the functioning of executive authorities and the introduction of anti-corruption mechanisms in the areas of activity of executive authorities;

● increasing the efficiency of interaction between the executive authorities and civil society, as well as increasing the transparency of the activities of the executive authorities;

● system modernization information support executive authorities; ● formation of the necessary organizational, informational, resource and staffing administrative reform, improving mechanisms for the dissemination of successful experience in public administration.

The new legislation on local self-government, which embodied the main ideas of municipal reform, was adopted on October 6, 2003. Prior to this, local self-government in Russia was regulated by a number of legislative acts, the main of which was Federal Law No. 154-FZ of 28.08.1995 “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation ”. Municipal finance was regulated by a separate legislative act - Federal Law No. 126-ФЗ dated September 25, 1997 "On the financial foundations of local self-government in the Russian Federation." Keeping the same name of the main regulatory document in the field of local self-government - "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" - new legislation ( The federal law No. 131-ФЗ dated 06.10.2003) made radical changes in almost all aspects of the functioning of local authorities.

The main directions of the transformations were as follows:

● throughout the country, a two-tier model of local self-government was introduced as a basic municipalities at the level of settlements and at the level of municipal districts; in addition, it was envisaged to create urban districts - single-tier municipalities performing the functions of both settlements and districts;

● the list of issues of local importance was significantly reduced in comparison with the previous edition of the Law, all the powers of municipalities were divided between the settlement and district levels, while the solution of both local issues in inter-settlement territories and the implementation of many key functions on the territory of settlements (in particular, those related to the organization of education and health care);

● a clearer regulation of the transfer of certain state powers to the local level and the provision of their funding from the budgets of higher levels was introduced;

● more extensive regulation was provided and the forms of implementation of direct democracy at the local level were expanded; in more detail, in comparison with the previous version of the law, was worked out normative base territorial public self-government;

● The legislatively enshrined requirements for local self-government bodies were tightened, in particular, it was provided for the presence in each municipality of a representative body, the head of the municipality, as well as the local administration; as a rule, it was forbidden to combine the posts of head of administration and head of a representative body, the number of local deputies was strictly regulated, etc .;

● the list of property that may be in municipal ownership was limited; objects that did not fall under the legally established restrictions were subject to re-profiling or alienation;

● income sources were permanently assigned to municipalities; principles and mechanisms for providing financial aid municipalities have been regulated in detail by federal law;

● a more detailed regulation of inter-municipal cooperation was introduced, aimed at both more active use of this instrument in organizing the solution of issues of local importance, and at the unification of its forms.

It cannot be said that the need for reforming local self-government is not recognized in society. Active discussions with the involvement of the expert community, municipal leaders, public organizations revealed dissatisfaction with the existing regulatory system in this area. At the same time, the most acute issues were the organization of financing of municipalities, ensuring at least minimal guarantees of financial autonomy of local self-government.

The main goals of the municipal reform:

● bringing the authorities closer to the population due to the widespread creation on the territory of the Russian Federation (excluding urban districts) of municipal entities of the lower level - rural and urban settlements, which followed from the very logic of constitutional norms;

● a clear delineation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the levels of public authority (state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, local self-government bodies of municipalities of various types - municipal districts, rural and urban settlements);

● delimitation of expenditure obligations between the levels of public authority, consolidation of revenue sources in accordance with the volume of expenditure powers and the elimination of unfunded mandates.

Resource management- one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics. Financial resource management is carried out within the framework of value management.

In principle, the concept " resource"in the project management methodology is interpreted broadly - everything that the project has, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (duration, time limits), information, knowledge and technology, is its interrelated resources. the task of resource management is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators.

Two interrelated groups of resources are commonly considered:

material and technical resources, i.e. raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; resources such as capacity or technological resources, i.e. machines, mechanisms for the implementation of the project; installed equipment, etc.;

labor resources who work directly with material and technical resources (for example, builders, car drivers, equipment installers, etc.).

Apart from the variety of types of these resources, it is advisable to distinguish two main types.

Non-reproducible, stockpiled, accumulated resources in the course of work are completely consumed, without reuse. Unused in a given period of time, they can be used in the future. In other words, such resources can be accumulated with the subsequent expenditure of reserves. Therefore, they are often referred to as "energy" type resources. Examples of such resources are fuel, labor, disposable labor, and financial resources.

Reproducible, non-stockpiled, non-accumulating resources in the course of work retain their natural-material form and, as they are released, can be used in other works. If these resources are idle, then their unused ability to function in a given period of time is not compensated for in the future, i.e. they do not accumulate. Therefore, resources of the second type are also referred to as resources of the "power" type. Examples of resources of the "power" type are people and reusable means of labor (machines, mechanisms, machine tools, etc.).

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of "work", since resources are not related to the project as a whole, but to certain works performed in a planned sequence corresponding to the project schedule. Let's briefly dwell on the resource aspects of the schedule.

As part of the project work scheduling, the resource requirements for the work are described in the form of a demand function. The need for work in the stored resource is described by the cost intensity function, which shows the rate of resource consumption depending on the phase of work, or by the cost function, which shows the total accumulated volume of the required resource depending on the phase.

The work demand for a non-stocked resource is specified as a demand function showing the number of units of a given resource required to complete the work, depending on the phase. Along with the functions of need that characterize the tasks of the project, it is necessary to consider the functions of the availability (availability) of resources. The availability functions are defined in the same way as the requirements functions. The difference lies in the fact that the availability functions are assigned to the project as a whole.

So, their argument is not the phase of work, but the time (work or calendar). Checking the resource feasibility of the schedule requires matching the availability and resource requirements of the project.

The management of material resources of the project begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then at the planning stage the needs for resources and the possibilities of their provision are determined.

At each current moment in time, the resources of the project are limited and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

● optimal planning of resources;

● logistics management, including:

● resource procurement management;

● supply management, including:

● resource supply management;

● resource stock management;

● management of the distribution of resources for the work of the project.