Logistics manager training. Logistics manager courses for beginners, transport, warehouse, customs logistics, logistics training

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The Group of Companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSH", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
2. ANO DPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
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4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out the Application for training/receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing their intention to use the educational/information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

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12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions indicated by the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing relations between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the Client's access to the personalized services of the Website of the Group of Companies.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

logistician(from Greek. logistics- the art of calculating, reasoning) - a specialist involved in the control and management of movement inventory, organization rational process promotion of goods and services from the supplier to the consumer. Also, the sphere of activity of a logistician may include ensuring the functioning of the sphere of circulation of goods, services, products, organizations and directly creating an infrastructure for the movement of goods. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in geography and labor and economy (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Business logistics is divided into purchasing, distribution, marketing, transport, customs, warehouse, information, complex, as well as inventory logistics.

Until recently, no one, except for a narrow number of people, knew what logistics was. Now this word is firmly entrenched in the field of managing the flow of goods or services. The industry is developing rapidly, no large company can do without a logistics department, and therefore there is great potential for career growth and development in the logistics industry in general. If earlier one or several people responsible for logistics worked in organizations, now entire departments, structures, departments are being created, teams are being formed. At present, the role of distributors is increasingly being reduced, and the delivery of goods is carried out directly from the manufacturer.

Today, in the field of logistics, procurement specialists, logisticians for intercity and international transport. The sphere of international logistics has been developing in Russia for no more than 15 years, so there are quite a few qualified specialists with experience in this area, which forces employers to accept young specialists with little work experience.

The logistician enters into contracts with transport companies, monitors the location of goods in transit and ensures their customs clearance. Also, the logistician decides how many warehouses need to be rented, which goods should be stored in them, and which ones should not.

One of the tasks of a logistician is to organize the movement of goods as rationally as possible, saving time for the delivery of goods and money, which, if business is not managed rationally, will be spent on renting unnecessary premises and paying extra staff.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be a confident negotiator;
  • the ability to see the entire process of movement of goods or services as a whole;
  • knowledge of various types of transportation;
  • knowledge of purchasing, warehouse logistics;
  • knowledge modern technologies required software tools eg SAP, Axapta;
  • experience of interaction with suppliers;
  • fluency in English or several languages.

Personal qualities

  • persistence;
  • activity;
  • diligence;
  • ability to learn and gain experience.

Pros of the profession

  • in connection with the actively developing field of logistics, including in the regions, specialists in this field will always be in demand in almost all specializations;
  • quite high salaries after a certain length of service.

Place of work and career

Most logisticians work in manufacturing, trading, forwarding, logistics companies, as well as in companies that provide warehousing services. Many of the logistics organizations include a service sales department (working with current customers and attracting new ones) and a production department (it organizes the process of customs clearance, warehousing, transportation, courier delivery).

The best start for a graduate may be the position of an intern in one of the departments of the logistics division. Further, the employee will have the opportunity to continue working and developing in this department or transfer to another area. In most cases, after five years successful work a specialist can take the place of a middle manager in one of the areas of the logistics department. The speed of career advancement will generally depend on the skills, ambitions, specialization and capabilities of the employing organizations.


Salary as of 12/12/2019

Russia 25000—80000 ₽

Moscow 40000—110000 ₽

Logistics training

V large companies a huge plus is that the future employee has a western specialized education, the completion of a professional development program or work experience in a western organization.

The Interregional Academy of the Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) provides services in the field of additional education and invites you to the course professional retraining specialists with completed higher and secondary specialized education. Students of the Academy have access to distance learning programs in their specialty.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a remote program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Training in logistics at the Kursy+ training center will allow you not only to master a new profession, but also to form an understanding of the entire cost optimization system. The course, built on the basis of an innovative methodology, a modern program, introduces only relevant information that is valuable for any specialist. Our logistics courses in Moscow are unique. They don't just teach competent work, but also avoid all common mistakes beginners. By attending logistics courses, day after day you will study the most important processes and begin to understand well the modern market with its tendencies, patterns and even oddities.

How is logistics training in our center?

Your teachers will be experienced metropolitan specialists, including international level. The students of our logistics courses are provided with the best conditions for studying - modern classes with the latest computer technology and professional teaching aids. As a result of training in logistics in Training Center Courses+ you will receive an official certificate, which is issued on the basis of our state license for educational activities.

What will you be taught?

The first part of the training is devoted to those costs that start the costs of the enterprise. Here you will learn how to control the time of storage of goods in warehouses on the way to you, the cost of loading and unloading, customs costs, understand how to competently conclude a contract with a supplier.

This is followed by warehouse and production logistics. This section will teach you how to correctly monitor the movement of goods in your warehouse, taking into account storage conditions, assortment and time of sending it to customers. You will learn the basics of customs law, the terms of international deliveries, the specifics of transporting goods across the border.

Getting a logistics profession means acquiring a specialty that will provide you with a high salary and permanent job. We invite you to the logistics courses at UC Kursy+ and hope to see you soon among the leading Moscow specialists in this field.

Logistics training courses are designed to train specialists in the field of warehouse, transport and production logistics. The training program for logistics courses includes the following main topics: transport logistics, transport component and contract terms, transportation costs, organization of transportation in Russia and abroad, international agreements in the field of cargo transportation, containers, customs clearance, warehouse logistics, procurement, production and distribution logistics, IT-technologies in logistics (computer programs, Internet), customs regulation. Upon completion of the course, graduates can work as a logistics specialist in transport, production and trade enterprises, as well as in the field of foreign economic activity.

Cost of training in logistics:

Start dates

date Studying time
December 24, 2019 Morning
December 23, 2019 Day
December 25, 2019 Evening
January 18, 2020 Weekend

Logistics course program

  1. 1. The concept of the concept of logistics. Types of logistics. Role and goals transport logistics in foreign economic activity.
  2. 2. Transport specifics of the basic terms of sales contracts. Factors influencing the choice of delivery basis in a particular situation.
  3. 3. Transport conditions of contracts, their content and relationship with the basis of delivery, the specifics of the goods, the method and type of delivery.
  4. 4. Fare and the transport component in the price of foreign trade goods. Ways to reduce transport costs in the execution of the contract.
  5. 5. Management and organization of cargo transportation various types transport in Russia, the CIS and abroad. Documentation. Legal framework. The order of calculations.
  6. 6. International conventions and agreements in the field of transportation of goods by various modes of transport.
  7. 7. Transportation of cargoes by enlarged packages (world standards, container leasing procedure).
  8. 8. Customs clearance of goods during transportation and storage. The concept of the customs carrier VTT.
  9. 9. Logistics of warehousing, its essence and methods.
    • 9.1. Logistics of warehouse processing of goods: purchases, delivery of purchased goods; unloading of goods; acceptance in terms of quantity and quality; accounting of income, expenditure and availability of goods; availability control; claim work; placement of goods; operations to ensure storage conditions; quality control of stored goods; Inventory Management; order processing; customer service; organization of shipments; delivery of shipped goods to carriers or customers.
  10. 10. Procurement, production and distribution logistics, their essence and tasks.
    • 10.1. Introduction to purchasing, production and distribution logistics.
    • 10.2. Essence and tasks of procurement logistics.
    • 10.3. Supply service at the enterprise.
    • 10.4. The task is to "make" or "buy".
    • 10.5. The task of choosing a supplier.
    • 10.6. The concept and concept of production logistics.
    • 10.7. Management of material flows within the framework of internal production systems.
    • 10.8. Application efficiency logistic approach to the management of material flows in a manufacturing enterprise.
  11. 11. inventories in warehousing logistics.
    • 11.1. The concept of material stock.
    • 11.2. Reasons for stockpiling.
    • 11.3. Types of inventories.
    • 11.4. Determination of the optimal volume of the ordered lot.
    • 11.5. Organization of inventory accounting.
    • 11.6. Primary documents in the account.
  12. 12. New Information Technology in logistics.
    • 12.1. International systems exchange of transport information ("Edifact" and others).
    • 12.2. Electronic document management in logistics.
    • 12.2.1. Opportunities.
    • 12.2.2. Implementation examples.
    • 12.2.3. Perspectives.
    • 12.3. Geoinformation systems in logistics.
    • 12.3.1. Appointment.
    • 12.3.2. Opportunities.
    • 12.3.3. Examples.
    • 12.4. Internet logistics resources.
  13. 13. Fundamentals of customs regulation.
    • 13.1. Basic concepts used in customs and comments on them.
    • 13.2. Legal regulation activities of a customs representative and a specialist in customs clearance goods
    • 13.3. Customs procedures, the order of their application.
    • 13.3.1. The concept of the customs procedure.
    • 13.3.2. The main aspects of the customs procedure.
    • 13.3.3. Persons responsible for the financial settlement in each specific procedure.
    • 13.3.4. Permissible operations with goods in each of the procedures.
    • 13.3.5. Taxation procedure customs duties and taxes.
    • 13.4. TN VED TS and its practical application.
    • 13.4.1. Definition of TN VED TS.
    • 13.4.2. Scope of application, purpose of TN VED CU.
    • 13.4.3. The structure of the TN VED CU.
    • 13.4.4. Signs of systematization of TN VED CU.
    • 13.4.5. Basic rules of interpretation.
    • 13.5. customs value goods. Definition methods.
    • 13.5.1. Determination of customs value.
    • 13.6. Customs payments.
    • 13.6.1. Classification of customs payments.
    • 13.6.2. Basis for their accrual, rates, benefits.
  14. Test (interview).
Ac.h. base price Discount Final cost Pay
42 ac.hours
36 ac. hour.- Auditory lessons
6 ac. hour.- self-study
23550 rub. 16500 rub.

Logistics Manager (Transportation Management)

This course meets the requirements professional standard"Transport Logistics Specialist", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated September 08, 2014 No. 616n!

Transport logistics is not just “to deliver the goods from point A to point B”, but a whole art that requires skills in planning, negotiating, making calculations and knowing the law. Did you know that competent logistic actions reduce production costs individual goods by 30%? It is these specialists who are able to significantly optimize the process of transporting goods that employers want to see as their employees.

Our course will help you to fully master the art of transportation management and become a qualified logistician. In the classroom, you will deeply study the key logistics function and its main stages: the choice of transportation method, mode of transport, type Vehicle, as well as learn how to interact with carriers and transportation logistics partners to ensure that goods are delivered at the right time.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Develop optimal schemes for the passage of cargo from the point of departure to the destination in a short time and at optimal cost
  • Calculate the cost of transportation based on the available data
  • Work with various types of transport-accompanying and forwarding documents
  • Conduct contractor market analysis and tender procedures
  • Optimize traffic flows
  • Track the movement of raw materials
  • Maintain inventory of goods
  • Optimize transport process parameters
  • Apply knowledge of logistics management in practice

It is very important that you get acquainted not only with theoretical material, but consider a large number of real examples and situations. The course includes 8 practical work, during which you will practice choosing a road carrier, calculating the required amount of fuel and lubricants, tracking the movement of cargo using tracking systems, etc. This will allow you to be prepared for various aspects of the work of a logistician and immediately after completing the course, start real work in the logistics division of the company.

The course is intended for beginner logistics managers, dispatchers, workers in the field transportation and warehousing, customs specialists.

Do you want to become a professional logistician and manage transportation with confidence? Sign up for the course!

Now the students of the center "Specialist", studying in the direction "Logistics", there is a great opportunity not only to gain relevant knowledge in the profession, but also to put it into practice! As part of curriculum the center organizes the participation of listeners in a free workshop from one of the leading distribution companies in Russia. The practical lesson takes place with a visit to the company's territory and is devoted to the work of the warehouse and delivery service. The condition for participation in the free workshop tour is the end of at least 2 courses in the direction of "Logistics" in the center "Specialist".