Features of economic methods of personnel management. Economic methods of personnel management

› Management › Methods of personnel management of an enterprise (organization)

Economic methods of personnel management of an enterprise (organization)

As you know, the activity of personnel management is a purposeful impact on the human component of the organization. This impact is focused on bringing the capabilities of the staff in line with the goals, strategy and conditions for the development of the organization.

Personnel management methods - these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of managing an organization (enterprise). There are the following control methods:

  • economic methods of personnel management;
  • administrative and legal methods of personnel management;
  • social psychological methods personnel management methods.

All these methods differ in the ways and results of the impact on the staff. Let us consider in detail each of these methods, and the first of those considered will be economic methods of management.

Economic methods of personnel management - this is a system of techniques and methods of influencing performers with the help of a specific comparison of costs and results (material incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, wages, cost, profit, price). At the same time, it should be taken into account that in addition to purely personal goals, each participant in the process pursues both public and group goals.

The effectiveness of economic management methods is determined, first of all, the following factors :

  • form of ownership and conduct economic activity;
  • principles of economic accounting;
  • system of material reward;
  • market work force and market pricing;
  • tax system;
  • lending structure, etc.

The most common and effective form of direct economic impact is material incentives for employees of the enterprise . Material incentives are carried out by establishing the level of material remuneration ( wage, bonuses), compensations and benefits.

Moreover, the employer has the right to set various systems bonuses, incentive payments and allowances, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees . Such systems may also be established by collective agreements.

Legislatively, incentive payments are established for the following categories of employees:

  • workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful, dangerous and other special conditions labor, work in areas with special climatic conditions;
  • employees employed in the performance of work in conditions that deviate from normal (when performing work of various qualifications - labor is paid for work of a higher qualification; combining professions and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee - an additional payment is made, the amount of which is established by agreement of the parties employment contract);
  • when performing work outside normal working hours ( overtime work weekends and holidays, night time;
  • employees forced to stand idle due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and the employee.

For the achievement of certain results by individual structural divisions remuneration for the final result can be paid from the payroll fund . Such remuneration stimulates group interests, encourages collectivism and is paid when one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • increase in the volume of marketable products, works and services;
  • growth in labor productivity;
  • improving the quality of products, works and services;
  • saving resources, etc.

Usually, the final results are indicated in the work plans of the departments, and when they are overfulfilled, an additional wage fund appears, which goes to pay remuneration.

The bonus for the main results of labor, as well as remuneration, stimulates the achievement of final results, but is paid out of profit. With shortcomings in the tax system commercial organizations may artificially lower profits, and pay bonuses in other ways.

Management is a complex and dynamic process. Its goal is to achieve the competitiveness of the services provided, products manufactured. The division into administrative, socio-psychological and economic methods of personnel management is traditionally used. Despite the fact that these management methods are completely different, they are used in combination, which allows you to achieve the greatest effect.

A distinctive feature of the methods is the degree of freedom that is provided to the employee. There is even a certain classification of degrees of freedom:

  1. Limited. The employee is forced to fulfill a certain plan, which was drawn up by the management team.
  2. Motivational. Management must find a motive (necessarily beneficial for the employee) that will encourage him to implement this plan or instructions.
  3. High degree of freedom. In this case, the management must, with the help of logical and mental influence, induce the object of management to perform certain actions.
  4. The administrative method (organizational or organizational-administrative) is a method that requires employees to observe discipline and strictly follow the instructions of the management. Leadership style is usually authoritarian. Provides for top-down planning, inspections to monitor compliance with management instructions and, if necessary, removal of obstacles that appear in the way of employees in the course of implementing these instructions. Most often, this form is typical for public institutions.
  5. Socio-psychological methods of management provide for the perception of each employee as an individual personality, which needs an approach. Mutual understanding with management is one of the important components of the company's success. This method of management is most often used in private enterprises. The leader who makes decisions is based on his own experience. Moral stimulation, psychotechnologies, questioning, personnel testing and monitoring are used.
  6. Economic methods of personnel management are methods based on the economic impact on employees. That is, the main thing in this case is precisely the financial side of the issue. The main principles of the economic method are consistency and complexity. Based on all the levers of management, this method relies on the following factors:

What are the characteristics of classical management methods?

  • capital productivity,
  • profit,
  • loans,
  • profitability,
  • finance,
  • wage.

Specificity of economic methods

  1. Managed processes are becoming more elastic and adaptable.
  2. There are opportunities for more effective control.
  3. Administrative control ceases to be so mandatory.
  4. The spread of economic methods of influence is often combined with the separation of departments and their self-regulation.

The economic methods and technologies of personnel management include the following activities:

  • organizational and production planning)
  • commercial settlement)
  • system of economic regulators)
  • program-target management)

Organizational and production planning

It is a developed system of indicators covering the entire company. That is, for a certain time, a specific contractor or a specific department is shown a report relating to the activities of the entire enterprise - production, procurement, finance, stocks of materials, labor.

Commercial calculation

Based on the principles market economy- it is responsibility for the results of activities, free pricing, competition among manufacturers various services and goods.

System of economic regulators

Consists of the following aspects:

  1. National regulators - taxes, regulated prices, tariffs, loans and economic incentives.
  2. Local regulators are local taxes, fees, rent payments that local authorities use to replenish their budgets.
  3. Intra-system regulators of economic activities of supra-departmental enterprises - centralized creation of funds (training, insurance). The management bodies of the organization and the enterprise establish the norms for deductions to these funds.

Program-targeted management

A "backup" method used when situations arise for which solutions have not yet been developed.

Economic methods of management

Economic methods of personnel management are based on the understanding that a person is an individual who has his own needs. It is these needs that become the main motivation that encourages them not only to work, but also to work well.

Specific methods and methods of management can be divided into several types.

Economic and mathematical modeling

It is a process that expresses economic phenomena in the form of mathematical phenomena. A model is a conditional image of a control object. They make it possible to find solutions to various problems. Mathematical modeling allows you to get a complete and detailed idea of ​​the object being modeled, thereby simplifying it.

The economic and mathematical model should reflect all aspects of this object, being its mirror reflection. It has the following characteristics:

  1. Analysis of the patterns that are characteristic of the object or process under study, its structure, features, which allow creating a model based on this knowledge.
  2. Determination of methods that help to solve the problem.
  3. Analysis of the results obtained during the study.

Arsenal of economic levers

Planning is very important aspect economic management of personnel, which makes it possible to determine the program of development and work of both the company itself and departments.

Lending is a method that involves creating conditions that allow you to increase profitability and rationally use loans and own funds. This method combines economic independence and centralized management. Usually, the bank that provides the company with a loan controls the objectivity of the project, its urgency, repayment and targeted nature.

Pricing - occupies a central place among the various levers of the economic mechanism. The price reflects the necessary costs in a competitive environment, and also distributes demand.

Cost accounting is a method that encourages staff as a whole to fully reimburse production costs, economical use of resources, material interest of company employees for the result of labor. The main tools of this method are self-sufficiency, self-financing, independence of the unit, economic standards.

Budget calculation - suggests that most often the costs of the enterprise fall on the budget of the owner, in the role of which the state often acts.

Stimulation and motivation

They are, in fact, synonyms (although some managers believe that these terms are completely different). Why is motivation needed? Motivation, as well as stimulation, allows you to achieve noticeable success in business, because when employees do their work, knowing that they will receive some kind of reward for it, the result of their work is of high quality. And this increases the competitiveness of the company in the global market.

Economic incentives are an integral part of the success of the company's employees.

Financial incentive

Material incentives form the basis of economic management methods. Everything is explained quite simply - any employee, getting a job, wants to receive a decent salary, since the quality depends on the salary. In the presence of low wages (or its constant cuts), there is a risk of demotivation among employees. The system seems quite simple, but it also has its subtleties.

  • Firstly, economic methods and methods of personnel management with the help of motivation must be clearly synchronized with the company's work plans.
  • Secondly, monetary motivation must be introduced to achieve specific purpose Employees need to know what exactly they receive additional remuneration for. If the manager accrues a certain amount in the form of an increase in salary, he must inform his subordinates for what merits they received it.
  • Thirdly, in no case should remuneration be made a regular procedure that is regularly repeated. Eventually, for employees, additional wages will become so familiar that it will no longer motivate them to work. It is best if the stands (you can also use corporate newspapers) periodically post the results of the work of certain specialists or departments. This will enable employees to see who is in the lead and who is a little behind, mobilizing their forces to achieve more.
  • Finally, monetary remuneration must be related to the result of work - that is, it must be paid immediately after the work done and in the amount that corresponds to this work.

In what form is the monetary reward:

  • additional payment for working conditions,
  • allowance,
  • premium.

Economic methods and methods of personnel management: what are the benefits?

The main advantage of the economic method is its flexibility, because the impact on employees occurs while taking into account their interests. Such a system is extremely mobile - it changes depending on the task of control.

At the same time, the manifestation of initiative is stimulated, the creative potential of employees is noticeably increased in order to achieve material rewards.

Are there any disadvantages to the economic methods of personnel management?

There is only one drawback: as studies show, it is important for a person to enjoy their work, not taking into account material needs. If an employee is engaged in unloved, but profitable business, his motivation is significantly reduced. Many needs of employees in companies dominated by economic methods remain unmet. As a result, even with a favorable salary, an employee may cease to perform his work qualitatively.

  • Corporate culture

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Management methods- these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel to achieve the goals of production management.

There are 3 groups of management methods that differ in ways of influencing people: administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

administrative methods. The implementation of managerial influences on personnel is based on power, discipline and penalties. Administrative methods are focused on such behavioral motives as the perceived need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a particular organization, etc. These methods have a direct impact: any regulatory or administrative act is subject to mandatory execution. Ways of administrative influence:

1) organizational impacts: staffing; regulations on subdivisions; job descriptions; organization of the workplace; collective agreement; labor regulations; organizational structure of management; the charter of the institution. These documents (except for the charter) can be drawn up in the form of institution standards and must be put into effect by order of the head. On the other hand, the implementation of organizational impacts largely depends on the mentality of employees, their readiness to strictly follow the instructions and work according to the rules approved by the administration;

2) administrative influences: orders; orders; instructions; instruction; instructions; target planning; regulation of labor; work coordination; execution control. Administrative influences are aimed at achieving the goals of management, the execution of internal normative documents or maintaining the management system of the institution in the given parameters by direct administrative regulation. The most categorical form of administrative influence is an order. Failure to comply with it entails the appropriate sanction (punishment);

3) material liability and penalties: voluntary compensation for damage to an institution or a patient who was harmed to health or provoked the development of another disease; deductions from wages; deprecation; full financial responsibility; collective liability;

4) disciplinary responsibility and penalties: remark; rebuke; severe reprimand; demotion; dismissal;

5) administrative responsibility: warnings; fines; compensation for damage. The role of administrative responsibility in Lately increased. Increasingly, fines for violations labor discipline, failure to comply with orders and orders, etc.

Administrative methods of management can have both positive and negative impacts.

Positive and negative impact of administrative management practices

positive impact Negative impact
1. Growth in the level of management regulation (organizational impact):

1.1. The presence of a well-designed charter of the institution with free access to it for employees

1.2. Development of clear internal labor regulations and work with personnel in accordance with the Civil Code and Labor Code of the Russian Federation

1.3. Having a clear organization and staff structures, their annual adjustment due to changes in operating conditions

1.4. Having clear job descriptions with the definition of the functional characteristics of the employee and the regulation of labor

1.5. Development of the contract system of organization and remuneration of labor

1. Ineffective organizational impact on staff:

1.1. model charter institutions

1.2. Use of standard or outdated internal labor regulations, work with personnel in violation of the Labor Code and the Civil Code

1.3. Absence or use of an outdated organizational structure

1.4. Lack of job descriptions, focus on verbal instructions from management, use of outdated instructions

1.5. Absence or liquidation of the contract system of organization and remuneration of labor

2. Effective types administrative influences:

2.1. Clear orders indicating the status of the issue, activities, resources, deadlines and responsibilities

2.2. Clear verbal guidance from management at all levels of management

2.3. Application of a quality control system for the work performed

2. Ineffective types of administrative actions:

2.1. Vague or contradictory orders with a statement of the state of the issue and without indicating clear measures

2.2. Vague and conflicting verbal guidance from management

2.3. Lack of a quality control system or its low efficiency

3. Balance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement:

3.1. Reducing staff turnover, analyzing the reasons for dismissal and developing measures to eliminate them

3.2. Effective application of methods of administrative incentives for employees for the results achieved (promotion, increase in wages, referral for an internship)

3.3. Usage Japanese rule: omissions are recorded, achievements are encouraged

3. Imbalance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement:

3.1. Increasing staff turnover, lack of analysis of the reasons for dismissal

3.2. Lack of connection between administrative incentives and the results achieved by the employee (announcement of a reprimand, and then a promotion)

3.3. Lack of clear rules for punishment and rewards

At present, the role of administrative methods has decreased. A number of contradictory processes in society also hinder the use of administrative methods: these are the growth of unemployment and part-time employment, significant inflation during recent years and late payment of wages, excess growth in prices for consumer goods over wage growth.

Economic methods. Control actions on personnel are carried out on the basis of the use of economic laws and categories. In the Soviet period, central planning, cost accounting, wages were considered economic methods, i.e. the role and place of economic methods were interpreted narrowly, which limited the range of decisions made and the levers of regulation at the institution level. Economic methods should be based on the commodity-money relations of a market economy, which necessitates a new theoretical substantiation the role of economic methods.

Economic management methods can be classified as follows:

1) planned management of the economy: free enterprise; plan economic development; portfolio of orders; efficiency criterion; final results. The role of economic methods is to link the listed categories and mobilize the workforce to achieve final results;

2) wages: official salary for doctors; tariff rate for middle and junior medical personnel; additional salary; remuneration; premium. The head of the institution, with the help of the 5 listed components, can regulate the material interest of employees in accordance with the economically possible costs of production under the item "wages", apply various systems of remuneration (piecework or time), form the material and spiritual needs of employees, ensure the growth of their living standards ;

3) labor force: labor market; demand (need); presence (number); labor cost; standard of living;

4) market pricing: cost; price; cost price; income; profit;

5) forms of ownership: state (federal); municipal; private; public; intellectual. Forms of ownership are important economic category, which determines the nature of relationships within the institution.

Economic management methods can affect the staff both positively and negatively.

Positive and negative impact of economic management practices

positive impact Negative impact
1. Planned housekeeping:

1.1. An economic development plan is developed based on the set long-term goals, production volumes are calculated medical services and consumption of resources based on economic norms

1. Unscheduled housekeeping:

1.1. An economic development plan is not being developed; medical care and the required resources are not produced, economic standards are absent or outdated

1.2. The end results are clearly defined (revenue, sales, productivity, quality, cost, etc.). They are the basis of planning, accounting and analysis, motivation and stimulation of labor, they are stable over time and by management levels. 1.2. End results are not clearly defined or blurred. They are not the basis for planning, accounting or analysis, motivation and stimulation of labor, they often change over time and by management levels
2. Wage growth:

2.2. Development of forms of additional wages, taking into account working conditions and qualifications (consulting, expansion of the service area)

2. “Freeze” of wages:

2.1. Fixed salary at the lowest level in the industry

2.2. Payment of additional wages at a minimum within the Labor Code

3. Development of a bonus system from profit:

3.1. Bonuses to personnel from profit as a percentage of the official salary (tariff rate)

3.2. Distribution of bonuses from profits based on the final results of the activities of departments and within the team itself

3.3. Development of financial assistance payments from profit, taking into account the personality of the employee and various situations

3.4. Existence of a clear provision for bonuses

3. Liquidation of the bonus system from profit:

3.1. Episodic bonuses to personnel from the wage fund without reference to profit

3.2. Centralized distribution of bonuses in proportion to official salaries

3.3. Termination of financial assistance payments or its provision only in emergency cases

3.4. Absence (cancellation) of the provision on bonuses

4. Encouraging the growth of material needs:

4.1. Providing employees with interest-free loans for the purchase of durable goods

4.2. Providing employees with free or partially paid housing (hostel)

4.3. Providing employees with free or minimally paid social infrastructure (children's institutions, a health complex, a dispensary, parking lots, etc.)

4. Ignoring the growth of material needs:

4.1. Lack of loans or their provision at bank interest

4.2. Lack of housing provision or sale at market prices

4.3. Elimination or lack of free social infrastructure for employees of the enterprise

Socio-psychological methods impacts on personnel are based on the use of laws of psychology and sociology. sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, link employee motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

The impact of socio-psychological methods can be both positive and negative.

Positive and negative impact of socio-psychological methods

positive impact Negative impact
1. Effective social methods impact:

1.1. Constant holding sociological survey in the team about the state of the psychological climate and the role of leaders

1.2. The use of social experiments preceding cardinal changes in the team
(restructuring, remuneration, change of leaders)

1.3. Planning the social development of the team on the basis of ensuring the growth of living standards and social standards

1.4. Support for the initiative of employees, taking into account the accumulated traditions

1. Ineffective social methods of influence:

1.1. Ignoring sociological surveys and supporting informal methods of collecting information (rumors, gossip, etc.)

1.2. Ignoring social experiments, carrying out radical changes without preparing and informing the team

1.3. "Dumping" the problems of the social development of the team on the city authorities and the infrastructure of the service

1.4. Orientation to market competition, ignoring the initiative of employees

2. Rational psychological methods of influencing personnel:

formation of a good psychological climate in the team based on strict observance of human rights and psychological research methods

2. Ineffective psychological methods of influence:

creating nervousness and psychological discomfort in the team, ignoring human rights and psychological methods

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual.

Over the past 100 years, the place of personnel management in the management system has changed many times. Along with this, approaches and theoretical bases were revised. The situation in Russia is no exception. Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of an organization's life, capable of greatly increasing the efficiency of the latter. In order to effective management personnel medical institutions it is also necessary to competently use appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management.

Modern approaches to personnel management

Personnel management methods

Management methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of production management.

Methods of personnel management are ways of influencing employees and teams in order to implement, coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization.

Ø administrative;

Ø economic;

Ø socio-psychological.

Administrative methods of personnel management

These are "whip methods", i.e. authoritative management methods that have a direct impact. They are carried out in the form of orders, instructions, control.

Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a particular organization, etc. These methods of influence are distinguished by the direct nature of the impact: any regulatory or administrative act is subject to mandatory execution. Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of government, as well as acts and orders of higher authorities.

Economic methods of personnel management

They are of an indirect nature of influence, based on the economic interests of the employee. Such methods provide material incentives for teams and individual workers, they are based on the use of the economic mechanism.

In the Soviet period, central planning, economic accounting, wages were considered the subject of regulation by economic methods. there was a narrow interpretation of the role and place of economic methods, which limited the range of decisions made and the levers of regulation at the enterprise level. Economic methods should be based on the commodity-money relations of the market economy.

With the help of wages, the head of the enterprise can regulate the material interest of workers with economically possible production costs under the item “wages”, apply various wage systems - piecework or time wages, form the material and spiritual needs of workers and ensure the growth of their living standards.

Economic methods act as different ways of influencing managers on staff to achieve their goals. With the positive use of economic methods, the end result is manifested in good quality products and high profits. On the contrary, if economic laws are misused, ignored or neglected, low or negative results can be expected.

As an example of the manifestation of economic methods of personnel management, the following can be cited:

· Technical and economic analysis.

· Feasibility study.

· Technical and economic planning.

· Economic stimulation.

· Financing.

· Motivation of labor activity.

· Salary.

· Investments.

· Pricing.

· Participation in profits and capital.

· Taxation.

· Establishment of economic norms and standards.

· Insurance.

· Establishment of financial sanctions and incentives.

Introduction. 3

1. Economic methods of personnel management. 5

1.1. Classification of personnel management methods. 5

1.2. The essence and types of economic methods of personnel management. 10

1.2.1. Essence, types and process of planning. eleven

1.2.2. Development Basics pricing policy enterprises. 17

1.2.3. Theoretical aspects research of the motivation system. 22

2. general characteristics enterprises. 31

2.1 Description of the enterprise. 31

2.2.Composition and structure of production. 33

2.3. Organizational structure enterprise management. 36

3. Implementation of economic methods in personnel management LLC Muromets 38

3.1. Planning of activity of the enterprise. 38

3.2. Product pricing.. 43

3.3. financial planning. 49

3.4. Analysis and ensuring the effectiveness of a new type of activity. 54

3.5. Analysis and development of measures to improve the motivation of the personnel of the enterprise. 57

Conclusion. 65

List of used literature.. 67

1.1. Classification of personnel management methods

The methodology of personnel management involves consideration of the essence of the organization's personnel as an object of management, the process of forming the behavior of individuals corresponding to the goals and objectives of the organization, methods and principles of personnel management.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization is currently the increasing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

The goals of personnel management will be achieved only if top managers begin to consider the human resources of the company as the key to its effectiveness. To achieve this, management must ensure the development of professional staff as an essential condition, the implementation of which is impossible without careful planning, painstaking work and evaluation.

Thus, personnel management pursues the following goals:

1) assistance to the firm in achieving common goals;

2) effective use of skills and capabilities of employees;

3) providing the firm with highly qualified and interested employees;

4) the desire for the most complete satisfaction of employees with their work, for their most complete self-expression;

5) developing and maintaining a high quality of life that makes it desirable to work in this firm;

6) communication with all employees;

7) assistance in maintaining a good moral climate;

8) traffic management for the benefit of individuals, groups, society.

These goals are the most significant. There are, of course, other goals and different ways to achieve them, but the provisions listed above should run like a red thread through all personnel management activities in firms. Efficient functioning management structure sets specific, verifiable tasks that must be completed at a specific time.

Personnel management is a specific function management activities, the main object of which is a person who is a member of certain social groups.

Modern concepts of personnel management are based, on the one hand, on the principles and methods of administrative and economic management, and on the other hand, on the concept of the comprehensive development of the individual and the theory of human relations.

Methods of personnel management - ways of influencing teams and individual employees in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization.

Personnel management methods as a specific activity are carried out with the help of various methods(methods) of influencing employees. There are various classifications of such methods in the literature. So, depending on the nature of the impact on a person, there are: methods of stimulation associated with the satisfaction of certain needs of an employee; informing methods that involve the transfer of information to the employee that will allow him to independently build his organizational behavior; methods of persuasion, i.e. direct targeted impact on the inner world, the system of human values; methods of (administrative) coercion based on the threat or application of sanctions.

AND I. Kibanov proposes a classification of personnel management methods, distinguishing three groups of such methods:

1) administrative methods: formation of the structure and management bodies; establishment of government orders; approval of administrative norms and regulations, issuance of orders and orders; selection and placement of personnel; development of regulations, job descriptions and standards of the organization;

2) economic methods: technical and economic analysis; feasibility study; planning; material incentives; pricing; tax system; economic norms and standards;

3) socio-psychological methods: social analysis in a team of workers; social planning; participation of employees in management; social development collective; psychological impact on employees (formation of groups, creation of a normal psychological climate, moral stimulation, development of initiative and responsibility among employees).