Determination of criteria for selection of candidates for vacant positions. Methods for evaluating candidates for a vacant position Criteria for selecting an applicant for a vacant position

employee vacant position selection

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is carried out from among the applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist by assessing the business qualities of candidates. At the same time, special methods are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics, covering the following groups of qualities Kokhanov E.F. Personnel selection and induction: Proc. allowance./ E.F. Kokhanov. - M.: GAU, 2004. - P.67 .:

1) social and civil maturity;

2) attitude to work;

3) level of knowledge and work experience;

4) organizational skills;

5) ability to work with people;

6) ability to work with documents and information;

7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner;

8) the ability to see and support the advanced;

9) moral and ethical character traits.

The first group includes the following qualities: the ability to subordinate personal interests to the public; the ability to listen to criticism, be self-critical; actively participate in social activities; have a high level of political literacy.

The second group covers the following qualities: a sense of personal responsibility for the task assigned; sensitive and attentive attitude towards people; diligence; personal discipline and exactingness in the observance of discipline by others; level of aesthetics.

The third group includes the following qualities: availability of qualifications corresponding to the position held; knowledge of the objective foundations of production management; knowledge of advanced management practices; work experience.

The fourth group includes the following qualities: the ability to organize a management system; the ability to organize your work; possession of advanced management methods; ability to conduct business meetings; ability to self-evaluate their capabilities.

The fifth group includes the following qualities: the ability to work with subordinates; ability to work with leaders different organizations; the ability to create a cohesive team; the ability to select, arrange and fix frames.

The sixth group includes qualities: the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals; ability to compose business letters, orders, orders; the ability to clearly formulate instructions, issue tasks; knowledge of the possibilities of modern technology, etc.

The seventh group is represented by the following qualities: the ability to make decisions in a timely manner; the ability to ensure control over the execution of decisions; the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment; ability to resolve conflict situations; self-control; self-confidence, etc.

The eighth group combines qualities; the ability to see the new; the ability to recognize and support innovators, enthusiasts and innovators; the ability to recognize and neutralize skeptics, conservatives, retrogrades and adventurers; initiative; courage and determination in maintaining and implementing innovations. The ninth group includes qualities: honesty, conscientiousness, decency, adherence to principles; balance, restraint, politeness; persistence; sociability, charm; modesty, simplicity; neatness and neatness appearance; good health.

In each specific case, those positions that are most important for a particular position and organization are selected from this list (with the help of experts), and specific qualities are added to them that an applicant for this particular position should possess. When selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when applying for a job and the qualities that can be acquired fairly quickly.

After that, the experts work to determine the presence of qualities in candidates for a vacant position and the degree to which each candidate possesses them (for each quality).

Goals and stages of personnel selection.

Selection is a method that allows under any conditions to carry out the most democratic and largely subjective competitive procedure Kokhanov E.F. Decree. composition.-S. 45..

The advantages of the selection method are a comprehensive, thorough and objective study of the individual characteristics of each candidate and the possible prediction of its effectiveness, the disadvantages are the duration and high cost of the procedures used.

The purpose of this method is to select the most suitable candidates for employment. Education, qualifications, level of professional skills, previous work experience, personal qualities, psychological and professional suitability are taken into account.

Before the organization makes a decision on hiring, the candidate must go through the following selection stages (Fig. 1.1.):

Rice. 1.1. Candidate Selection Stages

Preliminary interview. The conversation can be conducted in a variety of ways. For some activities, it is preferable that candidates come to the future place of work, then it can be carried out by a line manager, in other cases it is carried out by a specialist in the human resources department.

The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the level of education of the applicant, his appearance and defining personal qualities.

Filling out an application form. Applicants who successfully passed the preliminary interview must fill out a special application form and questionnaire.

The number of questionnaire items should be minimal, and they should ask for information that most of all clarifies the performance of the applicant's future work. Information may relate to past work, mindset, situations that have been encountered, but in such a way that a standardized assessment of the applicant could be made on their basis. Questionnaire questions should be neutral and suggest any possible answers, including the possibility of refusal to answer.

Hiring conversation (interview). There are several basic types of interviews for hiring Dugin O. Assessment Center Method (Assessment-Center). Place of personnel assessment in personnel work / O. Dugina // Personnel bulletin, 2004. -№ 2 (14).-p. 24.:

1) according to the scheme - the conversation is somewhat limited, the information received does not give a broad picture of the applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, constrains him, narrows the possibilities for obtaining information;

poorly formalized - only the main questions are prepared in advance, the moderator has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer should be better prepared in order to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to choose from the spectrum of possible exactly those issues that currently deserve more attention;

not according to the scheme - only a list of topics that should be touched upon is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, such a conversation is a huge source of information.

Testing. A source of information that can provide information about the professional abilities and skills of the candidate, describe both the potential attitudes, orientations of a person, and those specific ways of activity that he actually owns. Testing can make it possible to form an opinion about the candidate's ability for professional and job growth, the specifics of motivation, and the features of an individual style of activity.

Check references and track record. Information from letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as recommenders can make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did in previous places of work, study, residence.

Methods for assessing personnel when hiring. Personnel assessment centers. They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. The use of a large number of different methods and the mandatory assessment of the same criteria in different situations and different ways significantly increases the predictability and accuracy of the assessment. They are especially effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (promotion) and in evaluating management personnel.

Aptitude tests. Their goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform a certain activity. In most cases, tests are used that are in some way similar to the work that the candidate will have to do.

General ability tests - an assessment of the general level of development and individual features of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

Biographical tests and study of the biography. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of the intellect, sociability.

They also use the data of a personal file - a kind of dossier, where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee's development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed.

Interview - a conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate that, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations come from and how they are framed. To obtain a recommendation, information is required from the immediate supervisor of the person to whom the recommendation is presented. Recommendations are made out with all the details of the organization and coordinates for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from a private individual, it is necessary to pay attention to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very famous in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more reasonable.

non-traditional methods. In some cases, a polygraph (lie detector), a psychological stress indicator, tests for honesty or attitude to something established by the Gainullova T. company are used. The use of a polygraph (lie detector) when working with personnel / T. Gainullova // Personnel management, 2001. -№3.-С.6.. Alcohol and drug tests are sometimes used for candidates. Typically, these tests are based on urine and blood tests, which are part of a routine pre-employment medical examination. Some professionals use various types psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations Berezin F.B. Methods of multilateral research of personality. / F.B. Berezin, M.P. Miroshnikov, E.D. Sokolova.-- M.: Folium, 2004.-- S. 79..

It has been established that the most effective methods for evaluating candidates are personnel assessment centers, aptitude tests, general ability tests, followed by biographical and personality tests. The least effective are interviews, recommendations, astrology.

The possibilities and disadvantages of the most common personnel assessment methods are presented in Table 2., Appendix 1.

It is possible to correctly select the method of assessment that should be used by the enterprise, allowing a preliminary assessment of the results of the selection and the costs incurred for it.

The organization of recruitment should: meet its goals, not infringe on the interests of the individual, ensure strict compliance with labor laws, take into account, on the one hand, the timing of the selection associated with its implementation, costs, and on the other, the responsibility of the position for which the employee is selected. In small firms, the manager himself is directly involved in the recruitment of new employees, in medium firms, the personnel department, and in a large enterprise, the personnel service, which, as a rule, includes a specialized structural unit. Within the enterprise, the head of the structural unit can be engaged in the selection of personnel. More effectively, such work will be performed by specialists from the personnel departments at the request of the heads of the structural unit.

In the absence of experienced specialists in the professional selection of personnel at the enterprise, consultants from specialized firms may be involved in this work.

Personnel selection should be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

knowledge of the needs of the customer, the characteristics of the company, its structure, development strategy, organizational culture;

knowledge of the nature of the vacant position, its role, the scope of responsibility of the employee occupying it and other requirements imposed on him;

availability of the necessary information regarding vacancies. Such information should characterize the content of the work (functions and work performed), the requirements for the employee’s competence (knowledge, experience), the necessary abilities and individual characteristics(physical, intellectual, etc.), contraindications; 4) strong interaction of functional structural subdivisions Magura M.I. Modern personnel-technologies./ M.I. Magura, M.B. Kurbatova.-- M .: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2001. - P. 189 ..

The organization of recruitment should begin with a description of the work, their concretization in relation to the workplace. The purpose of this procedure is to clarify a specific list of work, to determine the feasibility of hiring a new employee, because there may be the potential to reallocate these jobs to other workers. When forming a set of works, tariff-qualification reference books are used, which contain standard decisions regarding the set of functions (works) in relation to the position of employees and the category for workers Spivak V. A. Organizational behavior and personnel management: Textbook. / V. A. Spivak .-- St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - S. 261 .. Of great importance is the determination of the scope of work that determines the form of employment (full-time or part-time), the possible expansion of functions ( official duties), if the scope of work does not provide a full workload of the employee for the intended functions during the working day.

Qualitatively prepared job descriptions allow not only to ensure the selection of personnel for a given position, but also to plan their training, evaluate the effectiveness of work, the employee's compliance with the position held, make decisions on promotion, and resolve labor conflicts in the organization. In addition to the list of works that make up job responsibilities, requirements are also formulated for the performer of these works - for the personality of the employee himself. Here it is important to focus on objective criteria, if possible, because. Each manager has his own idea of ​​an effective employee.

Hiring an employee can be represented as a set of procedures arranged in a certain sequence. most important integral part recruitment is a professional selection, which is built as follows: first, there is a search for several applicants, as a result, several people are selected, who are presented to the management of the enterprise for a final decision. The selection is multi-stage, including a preliminary interview, assessment of personal data, interviews, testing, health assessment, probation, final hiring decision.

Among the reasons forcing the unemployed to refuse offered vacancies, the main one is low wages with a newly increased probability of delays and instability of enterprises.

Most common causes employers' refusals to hire the unemployed are: for men - their orientation to a higher salary than the employer offers (21.0%) and middle age (20.0%); for women - labor discrimination (sex, age, having a child, age, health status) - 6 refusals out of every 10; young people - lack of profession, work experience, professional skills and skills (8 failures out of every ten) and young age (17.7%) Starobinsky E. E. Some strokes to personnel policy/ E. E. Starobinsky // Personnel management. -- 2004. -- No. 7.-S. 12..

As for the requirements of employers to the future employee of their company, the following qualities were identified (in order of importance):

the level of professionalism;

· social maturity;

the presence of work experience;

The desire to improve qualifications;

a high level of culture;

Proficiency with modern computer programs;

availability of additional qualifications;

theoretical preparation.

Personnel selection- this is a procedure for selecting the most suitable persons from the entire set of candidates for vacant positions. In fact, it is an evaluation procedure. This assessment is based on a number of principles that determine both the specifics of the various methods used in this process and the general ideology of selection.

The organization can select candidates for the position or what is called "to the firm". Selection for a position involves, first of all, strict procedures for testing exactly those knowledge and skills of a person that he will need to successfully perform clearly defined job duties. This is the most rational selection principle, however, it does not take into account the possibility of further growth of the employee, in which other skills and abilities will be in demand. The application of this principle alone leads to an increase in staff turnover and the inability to fully implement career planning and management mechanisms. The selection of candidates not for a specific position, but for an organization involves, first of all, an assessment of a person’s potential, his motivational characteristics. Being the basis for the selection of personnel in Japanese management, this principle allows you to create a stable structure of personnel, ensure its interest in the global goals of the organization, and freely manage the career growth of specific employees.

Another group of principles is related to the role of the immediate supervisor of future employees in the selection process. Traditionally, it was the head of the respective unit that had the deciding vote in the selection process. This situation emphasized trust in managers - their opinion and intuition. At the same time, in a number of cases, the leader is inclined to select his subordinates, as they say, "for himself." The main goal of such a selection is not to create competitors in the organization, not to allow situations in which personal incompetence may manifest itself. Therefore, in modern organizations, the opinion of HR managers is increasingly taken into account in the selection process of candidates, and the immediate supervisor no longer has the power to select subordinates for himself, which he had a few decades ago.

Evaluation of candidates for filling vacancies can be made by various methods. Actually, the function of personnel selection in the practice of personnel management is reduced to the development and use of these methods. These basic methods are: evaluation of written sources, testing and interviews.The grounds for choosing a method and assessing its significance in the selection process are: expenses; authenticity; profession specifics.

Many recruitment methods involve very costly activities and distract managers from their immediate work. Therefore, the costs of selection procedures become an important factor. The reliability criterion shows how suitable the application of a particular method is for the selection of candidates for a particular position. The use of this criterion is primarily due to the fact that the HR manager evaluates his experience and monitors how successful and promising employees were selected using a certain test, type of interview, business game, etc. (how many people quit, what are their performance indicators, relations with the team).

Such work must be carried out, since only with its help it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of personnel selection, because the general logic and common sense cannot always serve as the basis right choice. In some cases, tests, for example, can show everything that an employee needs to know (typing, computer knowledge, ability to drive a car, etc.), in other situations more complex procedures are needed. The general trend here is: the lower the qualifications required, the easier it is to standardize the selection process.

The first simplest selection method is assessment of written sources - application forms, biographical data, reviews and recommendations. The evaluation of written sources of information has its main advantage in that it does not require large expenditures of time and money. At the same time, it is a relatively objective method: the selector evaluates and checks the real facts, and not his impressions. The main disadvantage of this method is the limited information obtained with its help. From such documents, one can learn reliable information only about the experience and education of a person. Sometimes, however, filling out documents is to some extent also a test for literacy, accuracy, patience, etc. Most importantly, personal data largely describe a person's past, for example, the education that he once received. They talk very little about real opportunities future employee, his ability to professional development.

The information contained in the application is, as a rule, completely insufficient. However, it can also be extremely useful in some cases. For example, in the case when the place of residence of the candidate is of paramount importance due to the need for after-hour work, when a person will need to quickly be at the workplace at any time.

As for biographical data, they can be much more meaningful. They give a certain picture of the experience that the candidate has. In addition, they can be checked by asking how a person has proven himself in a previous job. However, the data obtained as a result of such inquiries must be treated with some caution, one should take into account the possible subjectivity of the assessments of former colleagues and leaders of the candidate. Currently, biographical information about the candidate is in the form of a resume. A resume is the first selection tool. The resume not only allows for the initial selection of candidates, but is also used as a starting point in the process of implementing the subsequent stages of the selection of candidates.

A traditional resume consists of the following items:

1. Name, address, phone number(with area code).

2. Position you are looking for(not required, but recommended).

3. experience(in reverse chronological order - the last position held is described first) This is the first of the two main resume blocks. It is in it that the candidate must remember all the important achievements that he had previously, based on the specifics of the desired position. In fact, most people have such achievements and virtues, and the art of writing a resume is to remember them, systematize and describe them correctly.

4. Education(traditionally also described in reverse chronological order). For graduates, this item may come before work experience. In this case, the candidate also needs to remember all the educational programs in which he took part, as well as emphasize those disciplines and studies that correspond to the desired position.

5. Additional Information: possession foreign languages, computer (indicating programs), possession of a driver's license, membership in professional associations, etc.

6. Indication of the possibility of providing recommendations.(not required, but preferred)

The second selection method is testing . The candidate is tested in such a way as to determine to what extent he possesses the qualities necessary for the job. Tests are used very different: professional, psychological, intellectual capabilities, physical development. Professional tests are directly related to the performance of specific tasks necessary for the effective performance of the upcoming work (typing, shorthand, computer skills, knowledge of the intricacies of accounting, etc.). In some cases, such tests are simply necessary. However, if a person is well motivated, he can often learn the necessary skills already in the workplace. By rejecting a candidate who has less certain skills, the organization may lose a good employee in the long run and take on a person who is formally more suitable, but does not want to improve himself.

With regard to psychological tests, their use should be most careful. Many psychological tests are generally not acceptable for the selection of candidates - their results are so ambiguous that they can only distort all the information about a person. The most suitable are tests for memory, attention, speed and adequacy of reaction. First of all, with the help of such tests it is necessary to check the people already working in the respective places. Only if the correlation between performance and test results becomes apparent can the test be applied in recruitment practice. Although here the question remains: have not the observed psychological qualities developed in a person already in the process of work? Therefore, even after the selection, it is necessary to monitor how the employee who showed high marks during the test copes with real work. If he is not very successful in his workplace, the test must be withdrawn. The fundamental inaccuracy of psychological tests makes them particularly vulnerable, because even such sophisticated techniques as the use of a lie detector do not guarantee against errors.

Intelligence tests are quite common in the West. However, there are also serious opponents of their use. As practice shows, the intellectual development of a person cannot be assessed outside the cultural, national and social context. Only with this in mind, it is possible to compare candidates of different nationalities, people belonging to different subcultures, people from different segments of the population. In its purest form, the best intellectual test will be an exam in mathematics, because this science is devoid of any cultural associations. Therefore, in universities of all countries, a written exam in mathematics occupies a special place. But for the selection of candidates for vacant positions, such an examination is most often not entirely appropriate. The intellectual capabilities of a person are fully revealed, again, only in the process of work, and attempts to predict these capabilities may not be so effective.

The human resources departments of many Western firms don't even bother to train testers. They resort to the services of special intermediaries or create so-called evaluation centers. Here, specialists conduct various tests of both the personnel reserve and candidates for a position in the company. First of all, such centers are used in the selection of managers. Testing lasts more than one day with the involvement of employees of the organization and interested structural units, as well as experienced instructors who are able to competently conduct tests and evaluate their results. Group tests or business games are often used here. The competence and suitability of candidates is assessed based on how they behaved in the simulated environment. Deep testing should precede the enrollment of an employee in the reserve for filling managerial positions and attracting candidates for managerial positions from other organizations.

The third method for selecting candidates is interview with employees of the organization. Interviews can be structured or unstructured. The choice of type depends, first of all, on the specifics of the vacant position and the number of candidates. A structured interview with a clear plan and a list of questions developed in advance is advisable to use where there are a large number of candidates (while the manager must evaluate them according to at least relatively the same criteria) and when the required qualifications are not too high. In the event that a major specialist or manager is hired for a vacant position in the management of the organization, the interview will somehow turn out to be less structured. For an effective interview, a representative of an organization needs to follow the logic of the candidate, starting in his questions from the information that the latter has provided (especially with regard to previous experience) and not imposing his own logic on him.

In the practice of personnel management, interviews as a selection method are used very often, one might say, always. This is due to the fact that only this method of personnel selection allows you to make a comprehensive picture of a person, to evaluate both his professional and personal qualities. Communication takes place not only on a verbal, but also on a non-verbal level, and, as you know, often gestures, facial expressions, intonations, facial expressions can say more than words. In addition, during the interview, the candidate has the right to ask his own questions regarding future work, to express what, in his opinion, is undeservedly overlooked by the interviewer. Such communication is very useful both from the point of view of the candidate's adaptation to the conditions of future work, and from the point of view of compiling the most complete impression of a person.

Experience personnel work indicates that one interview, as a rule, is not enough. At least the candidate goes through two interviews: one with the HR manager, the other with his future immediate supervisor. Most often there are more. Modern Western companies also use interviews conducted by the candidate's secretary or future colleague. This is done in an attempt to determine what the candidate's relationship will be with people who are not in managerial positions.

Despite the widespread use of the interview as a selection method, it has serious drawbacks. The main one is subjectivity. At the same time, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that by no means always a subjective assessment is bad. The intuition of a manager who has worked with people for a long time can mean much more than formalized, objectified assessments made according to rigidly substantiated criteria. In particular, this concerns the future career of the candidate. At the same time, some subjective preferences and features of the human psyche can really distort the information received and lead to erroneous selection.

These main points include:

1) assessment on the first impression without taking into account what was said in the main part of the interview;

2) chain comparison, when the candidate is evaluated in relation to the impression made on the interviewer by the person with whom the interview was conducted immediately before;

3) search in the candidate for similarities with himself.

In addition, the interview to some extent resembles an exam, during which the candidate may become confused or stumble, thereby thoroughly spoiling the impression of himself. The interviewer's awareness of these unpleasant moments and focusing on them will in themselves contribute to an increase in the objectivity of the assessment. In addition, where possible, the use of a more structured interview also reduces the risk of subjective evaluation.

The rule says that during an interview, it is important for a manager to evaluate those qualities of a candidate that are directly related to the job offered to him. At the same time, as mentioned above, the advantages of the interview lie in the possibility of a comprehensive assessment. Personal contact with future employees, mutual communication, the ability to assess the personal qualities of a person, to make the most general impression about him - all this makes the interview an almost indispensable stage in the selection of personnel for vacant positions of any level. Each selection method has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is why in the practice of personnel management of a particular organization they should be used in combination, forming a single cycle for selecting candidates for vacant positions.

Reading time: 3 min

Evaluation of employees is the establishment of their parameters to the requirements of the position. Hiring must precede the prospective employee. Pre-determined criteria for assessing personnel when hiring will simplify the process and will help to make a better decision.

Main Requirements

Requirements that are important to the employer may be different. As a rule, among them:

There is no doubt that different employers in the first place can nominate different qualities, including specific ones, and not mandatory for everyone. It all depends on the content of the work.

The most important thing is the interest to work and earn. Without it successful work it can not be. All personnel assessment methods should be based on certain principles-criteria:

  • objectivity,
  • reliability
  • authenticity,
  • predictability,
  • complexity,
  • clarity of presentation
  • the possibility of further development of the team.

Qualities of character for a successful job search

There are certain personal qualities when applying for a job that help you get it faster. They are not related to professionalism and experience, they depend only on the personality of the applicant.

  • Activity. In this case, it means the ability not to succumb to panic or just despondency and mobilize by setting yourself new goals.
  • Patience is the ability to not give up at the first setbacks.
  • Flexibility - for a successful result, it is worth taking less irreconcilable positions.
  • Self confidence. This quality implies the ability to present yourself and charm.
  • Sociability. The more diverse connections and acquaintances a person has, the better it is for finding a job, because not everyone is looking for workers through recruitment agencies.

The list for each specific situation may turn out to be wider and also include such properties as the ability to work in a team, organizational skills, initiative, a sense of humor, etc. Positive, work-enhancing qualities become a strong competitive advantage.

If the conformity of the personal qualities declared during the placement of reality remains on the conscience of the applicant himself, then the professional qualities for employment may be subject to verification in accordance with the law. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provided for a trial period of three months, when the employer checks the employee, and in case of unsatisfactory professional qualities, he can be dismissed as having not passed the trial period.

What is 360-degree personnel assessment: Video

Stages of hiring

These principles should be taken into account at each of the following stages of pre-screening:

  1. Selection interview.
  2. Filling out a job application.
  3. Interview or conversation in the prescribed form.
  4. Professional test.
  5. Establishing the reliability of recommendations.
  6. Medical preventive examination.
  7. Announcement of the final decision.

Only with the successful completion of all these stages, observing the criteria for assessing and hiring employees, it is possible to replenish the staff with reliable and professional staff perfect for this job.

Candidate Assessment Methods

Candidates for employment are assessed by considering their business qualities using different methods:

We must strive to ensure that it is not subjective. A lot depends on the mental and physical condition of the examiner and the subject. Therefore, the final analysis should be done only by carrying out several evaluation methods, based on the results of the entire complex of methods used.

Quite often, the HR manager cannot assess the level of training of a narrow specialist. To save time and make the right decision, the interview is conducted with the immediate supervisor or specialist. An informative assessment of the work performed by the applicant can be obtained by using specialized tests and analytical tasks.

The purpose of the stage is to reduce the cost of hiring staff by reducing the number of applicants that are subject to evaluation. It is carried out according to formally established minimum requirements, which are determined for each position individually in accordance with the specifics of the functions performed

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  1. Economic aspects recruitment

Control questions on the topic:

  1. List the steps in the recruitment process.
  2. Describe the pre-selection stage.
  3. List the types of resumes.
  4. List the structural elements of a resume.
  5. What should not be on a resume?
  6. Describe the stage of the initial interview with the candidate.
  7. How should interview time be allocated?
  8. What are the main questions to be answered in an interview?
  9. List the types of interviews.
  10. What are the basic rules for conducting an interview?
  11. Describe the techniques that interviewers use during interviews.
  12. What is the purpose of candidate evaluation?
  13. How is the documentation provided by the candidate checked?
  14. Describe the stage of the final interview.
  15. What is the stage of making a final decision on hiring?
  16. What is a recruitment error?
  17. Name the types of errors according to the criterion of their repeatability.
  18. DescribeErrors in the psychological perception of candidates.
  19. Describe the economic aspects of recruitment.
  20. *Create a resume for a job.
  21. *Review your colleague's resume.
  1. Stages of the personnel selection procedure.

Stage 1. Preliminary selection of candidates for the declared vacancy

The purpose of the stage is to reduce the cost of hiring staff by reducing the number of applicants that are subject to evaluation. It is carried out according to formally established minimum requirements, which are determined for each position individually in accordance with the specifics of the functions performed. Preliminary selection is carried out by the HR manager based on the analysis of resumes (questionnaires) of applicants. As a result of the analysis, information about applicants is entered into the enterprise database.

Types of resume:

  • chronological– information about the applicant is presented sequentially, starting with the latest events in professional activity;
  • professional- the emphasis in the presentation is on achievements in a particular field of activity that are important for successful work in a vacant position at a given enterprise;
  • functional - compiled by applicants who have experience in several enterprises specializing in certain areas of activity; professional and qualification development in each of the areas of career growth is consistently stated.

The choice of the type of resume is determined by the specifics of the enterprise and the characteristics of the vacancy.

Resume structure:

  1. Full name, address and telephone number (mobile and home);
  2. Date and place of birth;
  3. marital status;
  4. education;
  5. qualification;
  6. experience (beginning with last place work) by years: periods, name and address of the enterprise, position, list of main duties, types of work;
  7. Additional Information(printed works);
  8. the purpose of the job search;
  9. recommendation letter.

Your resume should not include:

1. unreliable factors;

2. unstructured;

3. carelessness;

4. grammatical errors;

5. volume - more than 2 pages.

In the absence of a resume, pre-selection is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the primary questionnaire, which is filled in by the applicant at the time of the first visit to the enterprise. The questionnaire is developed by the personnel department, taking into account the specifics of the position. The questionnaire has a standard form, contains biographical information about the applicant, his education, length of service and work experience. Based on the questionnaire data, preparation for the initial interview is carried out.

Stage 2. Initial interview with the candidate

The interview is the main method of selecting a candidate for a vacant position.The goal is a more detailed acquaintance with the candidate, determining his suitability for future work. Conducted by HR specialists, whose main task is to obtain and analyze information about the candidate. It involves providing information to the candidate about future work, which allows you to determine the degree of interest of candidates in the proposed work and further reduce staff turnover.

Interview time distribution:

  • Candidate talks 70% of the time;
  • 30% of the time the interviewer speaks.

Key questions to be answered during the interview:

Is the candidate capable of doing the job?

whether the candidate will perform this job;

whether this candidate would be the best for the job.

To conduct an interview, a standard scheme or set of questions can be used (Table 6.1), but it is advisable to draw up a set of questions for each vacant position separately, taking into account its specifics.

Table 5.1 - Questionnaire (questionnaire) for interviewing a candidate for a vacant position

Questionnaire "interview with a candidate for a vacant position"

Full name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________


Describe your work experience to date

Describe your current job

What are the best and worst aspects of your current job?

What tasks do you consider easy and difficult in the work you do?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What do you consider your greatest achievements and failures? Why?

What is your relationship with your boss at your old job?

What kind of relationship do you have with your old colleagues?

What qualities do you think an ideal boss should have?

What are you looking for in a new job?

What aspect of the new job is most important to you?

What attracts you to your new job?

Why would you like to work in this profession?

What will you do in a critical situation?

What kind of work do you love?

What leadership style would you like to work with?

What accomplishments do you enjoy the most?

On what wages Do you count?

What do you know about our company?

Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Types of interview depending on the goals and objectives of the selection of candidates:

  1. preliminary interviewtakes relatively little time and is intended to determine if a candidate has a minimum qualification. Its results are the basis for subsequent, more detailed acquaintance with the job seeker.
  2. one-on-one interview– a conversation between the applicant and the representative of the enterprise (used when hiring administrative workers). It is used when the characteristics and specifics of the job itself are extremely clear and the employer has a clear idea of ​​who he needs and what is required of the candidate.
  3. group interview(panel) carried out in the presencegroup of representatives of the enterprise. Used when hiring top managers or professionals in any field (doctors, lawyers). Sometimes the candidate meets with different interlocutors separately, who then compare their impressions. Such a group of representatives of the enterprise often includes a specialist in the personnel department, the candidate's future supervisor, members of the working group with which the applicant will have to work and contact if he is hired. Representatives of other structural divisions (departments) of the enterprise, acting as "clients" in relation to the department in which the candidate is supposed to be enrolled (i.e., using the services of this department), may be invited to participate in the interview. The number of group members is 3-5 representatives of the enterprise. In some cases, for example, when interviewing top managers, whose qualifications are sometimes very difficult to determine, six to eight or more people may be involved in the interview.
  4. unstructured interviewinvolves the preparation of a list of basic questions that provide a framework for conducting a conversation or determining the topic of an interview. It is carried out if the group does not have any fixed tasks. The interviewer or their group asks what they see fit, based on the job description, which serves as the basis for the interview. Assumes a highly qualified interviewer. Flaw - all members of the group can involuntarily focus their attention on the same issues, based on general idea about the work, thereby ignoring more specific points.
  1. Structured interviewinvolves the use of a pre-prepared list of questions. Each interviewer has their own questions and task for the interview. Flaw - not all employees who conduct the interview have the same qualifications and, as a result, some areas of knowledge about the candidate may not be disclosed. It is also used when working with a large number of applicants.
  2. Focused Interviewinvolves highlighting the most important topics to be discussed. Flaw - the potential qualities of a candidate may remain undisclosed only because the management of the enterprise has not thought about them and has not yet realized that they are needed at all. If they were discovered in a less focused conversation, then they could be a source of new ideas and opportunities for the enterprise.
  3. Interview in an emotionally intense environment(stress interview) involves finding out the reaction of the candidate and the degree of his stability in a specially simulated stressful situation. It is recommended for use in the selection of cashiers, bank employees, firefighters, police officers, personnel specialists. Flaw – Departure of the best candidates; the likelihood of hiring people with low self-esteem. A typical stress interview scenario involves:
  • being late for an interview with a representative of the employer for some time;
  • manifestation of inattention to the merits, degrees, titles of the applicant;
  • loss of a candidate's resume;
  • creating uncomfortable conditions (a sawn-off chair leg, a very high chair, a bright light in the eyes, placing the applicant in the center);
  • the presence in the conversation of personal and intimate issues;
  • unexpected actions on the part of the recruiter.
  1. Situational (hypothetical) interviewinvolves the creation of a hypothetical situation for the candidate for the purpose of subsequent decision. Not only the correctness of the answer is subject to assessment, but also creativity, poise, and the ability to remain calm. Used in addition to other types of interviews.

Basic rules for conducting an interview:

  1. The interview must be planned and prepared. The more carefully its stages are thought out and the topics for discussion are designated, the better the result.
  2. anonymity must be maintained. All information received must be confidential to unauthorized persons.
  3. It is unacceptable to use the interview and the information received for personal purposes.
  4. The behavior of the interviewer should be polite and tactful, which is often violated by the staff conducting the interview.
  5. for the interview, you should choose a comfortable room where visitors and phone calls will not be distracting.
  6. develop a positive attitude towards the applicant. Be prepared to listen to the candidate. Concentrate on the thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor - only if you have a sincere interest in a person, you can adequately assess his professional and personal qualities. Among the attitudes that prevent listening and adequately evaluating what was heard, one can name neglect, pronounced distrust, aggression towards the candidate. Try to avoid "wandering thoughts."
  7. Try not to interrupt the applicant, listen to the answers completely, to the end, because only after a complete answer may additional nuances appear that require clarification.
  8. Make sure that the meaning of your words and gestures do not diverge from others.
  9. Try to make sure that the candidate does not feel constrained during the interview.
  10. During the interview, record the information of the applicant, otherwise the likelihood that some important points his biography may be missed, great.

Techniques that interviewers use during interviews:

a) Organizational and procedural techniques.

Most of the techniques contribute to a certain "heat" of the atmosphere of the interview, which, in turn, allows you to assess the stress resistance, psychological security of the candidate.

  • "Which side of the table?"
  • "Get your own chair."
  • "Get comfortable if you can."
  • Use of video.
  • Ignoring.

b) Psychological tricks:

the goal is to influence the interlocutor - to put him into a state of irritation, to play on his pride or other mental characteristics. Unlike organizational and procedural techniques, the techniques of this group can be used by a strong candidate against an interviewer. In this case, the winner is the one whose "nerves are stronger" and self-control is higher.

  • Irritation.
  • Use of unfamiliar words and terms.
  • Abrupt change of pace.
  • Setting "on the wave" of the opponent.
  • Pause.
  • Provocation.
  • Equanimity.
  • Misunderstanding.
  • Active listening.
  • An encouragement to candor.

c) logical tricks:

  • Distortion questions.
  • Questions-repetitions.
  • Unspecific question.

Stage 3. Evaluation of candidates

The purpose of assessing a candidate is to identify his potential, ability to adapt to work in the intended team. The list of evaluated qualities depends on the characteristics of the vacant position. To assess whether a candidate has the required qualities, specialists of the enterprise and involved experts may be involved.

Table 5.2 - Qualities of employees that are identified in the process of evaluating candidates (example)


Quality groups


Attitude to work

  • a sense of responsibility for the assigned task;
  • attentive and respectful attitude towards people;
  • performance;
  • personal discipline and demanding discipline by others.

Level of knowledge and work experience

  • the level of education;
  • availability of qualifications corresponding to the vacant position;
  • knowledge of progressive methods of work and the ability to use them in practice;
  • professional experience.

Organizational skills

  • ability to organize own work and work of subordinates;
  • possession of modern management methods;
  • ability to conduct meetings;
  • the ability to self-evaluate their capabilities and their work;
  • the ability to evaluate the work of subordinates and other employees.

Ability to work with people

  • the ability to create a cohesive team;
  • the ability to select, arrange and fix frames;
  • Ability to work with colleagues and management;
  • ability to work with external partners.

Ability to work with documents and information

  • the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals;
  • the ability to draw up business papers, orders, orders;
  • the ability to clearly formulate tasks, instructions;
  • knowledge of the possibilities of modern org. technology and the ability to use it in their work;
  • ability to work with documents.

Ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner

  • the ability to make timely decisions;
  • the ability to ensure control over the execution of decisions;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment;
  • ability to prevent and resolve conflict situations;
  • self-control;
  • self confidence.

Ability to develop and implement innovations

  • ability to develop innovations;
  • the ability to identify and support innovators;
  • the ability to neutralize skeptics;
  • initiative;
  • courage and determination in supporting and implementing innovations;
  • courage and determination to take reasonable risks.

Moral and ethical character traits

  • honesty, decency;
  • diligence;
  • partnership;
  • modesty, simplicity;
  • neat appearance;
  • good physical and psychological condition.

When making a decision on the application of candidate selection methods, their preliminary check for reliability and reliability is necessary.

Reliability (validity) means that the method makes it possible to assess whether the candidate has qualities that correspond to the vacant position and allow achieving the best results when making a hiring decision. You can check the validity of the method using expert assessments by comparing the results obtained with its help and those obtained using other methods.

Reliability means that the method allows you to get a stable result, free from random errors.

Methods for evaluating candidates:

  • testing;
  • qualifying exams;
  • role-playing games;
  • case method (consists in “playing” real working or simulated situations (cases) with the candidate. Usually it takes 1/3 of the total interview time. The candidate is offered a situation, for example, “You are a secretary in the office of a large commercial and industrial holding. From the pass office you received a call from a visitor who would like to go to your office.Your task is to respond to this call.The candidate describes his behavior in this situation.How will he introduce himself to the guest?How will he say hello? executive director? To a lot of questions that could be asked, the candidate answers, “getting used to” the proposed role. At the same time, the candidate demonstrates real competencies. These are communication skills and ethics of business communication, and compliance with the approval procedure, etc. The following situation: a guest enters the office, what will the secretary's actions be? etc.)

Stage 4. Verification of the submitted documentation of the candidate,

Verification involves the analysis and verification of personal data by obtaining information from the management of the candidate's previous place of work and other persons who may know him well. You can find out from the candidate who can be contacted for recommendations. Information verification methods are phone calls, written requests. Information from the candidate's last job is very important. If the candidate has not yet resigned, such a request must be made only with his permission. It should be noted that the characterization of a candidate from a previous job may not always be objective, since it may be influenced by the desire of the management to either get rid of the employee or keep him at the enterprise.

Stage 5. Medical examination (optional)

Usually the employer is limited to the requirement to provide a health book. With the help of a medical examination, it is possible to assess the candidate's propensity for allergic diseases, the ability to endure physical and psychological stress. Such information can be obtained by filling out a medical questionnaire, conducting special medical examinations, and diagnostics. For many vacancies, it is a mandatory step (depending on the type of activity).

Stage 6. Conducting the final interview

The goal is to obtain information on issues that were not reflected in the previous stages or to clarify previously received information. Involves preliminary familiarization with the materials of the candidate. It is carried out, as a rule, with the immediate supervisor. positive aspect- increasing the likelihood of psychological and professional compatibility of the leader and subordinate. When hiring an employee for managerial positions, the interview is conducted by a special commission. During the interview, the candidate should be informed about the work performed and the working conditions. Questions about formatting employment contract, the term and form in which the candidate will be notified of the decision taken are determined.

Stage 7. Making a final hiring decision

When using any method of personnel selection, the final decision on hiring is made on the basis of the aggregate subjective conclusions of the company's management - one or more persons responsible for the selection of personnel. Such a decision, as a rule, is based on a set of information received from candidates, their resumes, recommendations from previous jobs, the results of psychological testing, as well as a direct interview with the candidate. The decision is made by the management of the enterprise or an authorized person.

An applicant selected for a vacant position is notified by phone of the employer's decision and invited to conclude an employment contract in accordance with applicable law. Those who did not pass the competition are thanked for their participation. If both parties come to an agreement, they sign an employment contract. When applying for a job, a person must present a passport or other identity document, work book, education document, etc.

Before signing an employment contract with an applicant for a vacant position, the personnel department must discuss all the conditions with him.

Thus, the employee was hired by order from a certain date (based on the candidate's application, endorsed by the head of the enterprise). The first working day should begin with its introduction to other employees by a personnel officer. At the same time, the information contained in the summary is reported about him. The head of the department shows the new employee his workplace, congratulates him on the start labor activity at the enterprise and wish you success.

It involves the execution of an employment contract, its signing, the issuance of an order for admission to work.

  1. Errors in the evaluation and selection of candidates for a vacant position.

Hiring error- the admission of an employee who did not meet the employer's expectations when performing the relevant professional tasks, as well as the absence (presence) of certain moral and psychological qualities in a new employee that adversely affect the work of a separate unit or enterprise as a whole.

Types of errors according to the criterion of their repeatability:

  1. Random bugscaused by various one-time misunderstandings, which, as a rule, are rare and are not decisive for the result.
    1. Systematic errorsare multidimensional and are classified into types:
  • an error in the formation of the task of selecting personnel (“staging error”), due to the inaccuracy of the definition, and more often the thoughtlessness of the tasks, duties and functions of the new employee. In practice, this means that often the employer does not completely know who exactly he is looking for. Before forming the task of searching and selecting personnel, the managercompanies must clearly and unambiguously define the list of functional duties to be performed by the employee.
  • an error caused by the incompleteness of the provided (received) information about the applicant for the position ("information error"). This error most of all influences the general systematic component of the error in hiring a new employee.

Errors in the psychological perception of candidates

  • Stereotypical perception – the desire to compare a person with a model, an ideal that has developed in the mind. For example, people with a high forehead, bald, wearing glasses seem much smarter than hairy people without glasses.
  • Persistence of the first impression- an exaggerated influence of the first impression of a person on the subsequent attitude towards him. Law of business: "We don't get a second opportunity to make a first impression."
  • Average rating- the desire not to notice the diversity of individual differences, to evaluate people with an average score: “an ordinary person”, “a gray mouse”, “so-so, nothing special”.
  • Attitude (prejudice)- distortion of an objective assessment of a person under the influence of preliminary information about him. For example, a good or unsuccessful resume, correspondence characteristic.
  • Projection - attributing to other people their own qualities, thoughts, feelings, desires, values. Oriental sages: "We condemn in other people what we do not like and try to hide in ourselves." This feature of perception obeys the law of doubling: we exaggerate our shortcomings in other people by about two times, and we underestimate our advantages in others by half. We tend to underestimate others so as not to suffer from our own imperfection.
  • Appraisal - the desire to compare people and give them ratings: smart or stupid, beautiful or ugly, good or bad.
  • Negativity of perception- the desire to focus on the mistakes and shortcomings of a person, losing sight of his merits and advantages. Attention involuntarily clings to everything that is “wrong” and “bad”. It is always easier to criticize than to point out the merits. Experts note: "criticality is the enemy of creativity." By making remarks even to the best specialist, one can completely destroy his activity, and by encouraging and supporting even the most ordinary one, one can achieve the highest results from him.
  • halo effect - A person who has achieved great success in one area is considered by others to be outstanding in other areas of activity. At school, excellent students are nominated for all olympiads and competitions.
  • order effect - when contradictory information is received, which is difficult to verify, we tend to believe the one that came first. That is why many intriguers hasten to inform us in advance about the events that have taken place.
  • Perceptual contrast- the next candidate is compared with the previous one: after a weak candidate for a position, any other one seems better, and after a strong one - worse than it actually is.
  1. Economic aspects of personnel selection.

Candidate selection costs can be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • temporary;
  • financial.

When selecting personnel, not only the financial costs of implementing the relevant search methods are evaluated, but also the estimated additional financial profit(or additional financial savings) as a result of the work of a hired specialist.

Algorithm for choosing a method (set of methods) for the search and selection of personnel, taking into account financial aspects:

  1. The choice of a method (a set of methods) for the search and selection of personnel for which the difference between the financial result and the sum of direct and indirect costs will be maximum.
  2. determination of direct and indirect financial costs for the implementation of the chosen method of personnel search.
  3. Evaluation of each method for the cost of time.
  4. Determining the financial result for the enterprise with the arrival of a new specialist. The higher the level of professionalism of the selected candidate, the higher the income of the enterprise.


Test to determine the sincerity and frankness of the interlocutor

No. p / p





Do you always keep what you promise?

Have you ever lost your temper when angry?

Do you tend to distribute various rumors and gossip?

Is it true that you only speak well of your acquaintances, even when you it is known that they do not recognize?

Has it happened Are you late for a date or job?

Are there among People you know who you don't like?

Do you ever talk about things that you don't understand at all?


"no" to question 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9.

One point is awarded per answer."yes" to question 1, 4, 6.

Test results:

  • up to 6 points - answers to the questions were sincere;
  • more than 6 points - the answers to the questions were insincere.

Test for self-control during communication

No. p / p





It seems difficult to me the art of imitating the habits of other people

I AM, possibly could (could) pretend to be a fool (fool) to attract attention or entertain others

I could (could) make a good actor (actress)

It sometimes seems to strangers that I am experiencing something deeper than it really is.

I am rarely the center of attention in company.

V different situations and in dealing with different people I behave not always the same

I always defend a position in the correctness of which I sincerely believe (on)

In order to be successful in business and in relationships with people, I try to be the way they expect me to be

I can be friendly with people I can't stand

I'm not always the way I seem


One point is awarded per answer."no" to question 1, 5, 7.

One point is awarded per answer."Yes" to question 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10.

Test results:

1-3 points - a person with a low communicative level, with persistent behavior, who does not consider it necessary to change depending on the situation. Communication with such a person is difficult because of his straightforwardness;

4-6 points - a person with an average communicative level, sincere, fairly open in communication, but restrained in his emotional manifestations, in his behavior does not pay attention to the people around him;

7-10 points - a person with a high communicative level, easily plays any role, sensitively reacts to changes in the situation, feels well and can even predict the impression he makes on others.

  • Gather information about the firm that invited you for an interview.
  • Prepare documents that may be required during the interview process.
  • Decide who can give you advice if needed.
  • Prepare a list of questions that you are likely to be asked and that you will ask the interviewer. Think about the answers to the questions (preferably in several ways).
  • Rehearse the interview script. Check what you really need.
  • Think about your image and the way you carry yourself. Remember that in order to make a good first impression, the first few tens of seconds are important.
  • Be positive for the interview.
  • Don't be late and don't arrive early. Come exactly at the appointed time.

Behavior during the interview

  • When you arrive for the interview, introduce yourself to the interviewer and make eye contact with them.
  • Observe etiquette. Hold on, relaxed but official.
  • Listen carefully to the questions being asked. Feel free to clarify what you don't understand. Answer the questions briefly, to the point (but not too frankly).
  • Do not criticize former leaders.
  • Specify where and when you can find out about the result of the interview.

At There are two possible outcomes of an interview: either you get a job, or you gain experience that will be useful in the future.

Questions that are often asked during an interview

  • Tell us about yourself. List your strengths and weaknesses as a professional and as a person.
  • How do you rate your capabilities?
  • What did you like and what annoyed you at your previous job?
  • How do you assess the reasons for your dismissal?
  • What functions were included in your competence? What powers have been delegated to you?
  • What was the social circle like?
  • What do you know about our company? How do you evaluate your contribution to the activities of our company?
  • Why should you be hired?
  • Do you get along easily with colleagues?
  • What salary and what mode of work do you expect?
  • What job functions, position in the company and social circle suit you?
  • When can you start working, if accepted?
  • What health problems do you have, in the family, at home?

Sample questions you could ask the interviewer

Often the employer is interested in whether the applicant has questions for him. The absence of questions is evaluated negatively. It is advisable to prepare in advance several questions that characterize a serious attitude towards the job you are looking for. For instance:

  • What is the purpose of the firm?
  • What are the hours of work and rest? Is interpersonal communication encouraged?
  • What are the conditions for stimulating labor?
  • Is there an opportunity for promotion?

You have been hired. First steps in a new job

You successfully passed the interview and received new job. You will have to successfully prove yourself in a new team and in a new position. And here a situation often arises in which the applicant has self-doubt and doubts about how to prove himself in the new team from the best side. How to avoid possible psychological incompatibility and how to successfully pass the probationary period? Compliance with some rules and recommendations will simplify adaptation in a new team.

Tips for initial adaptation in a new team

  • Do not try to prove yourself somehow on the first day. Behave naturally. The look of a know-it-all and a look from above are contraindicated.
  • If the company does not have a dress code, put on a formal business suit.
  • When communicating with new colleagues, avoid obsessive friendliness. Do not try to please everyone, it may not please many.
  • Ask about things you don't understand or don't know.
  • Find out what your responsibilities are before starting work. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in relations with new colleagues. Your appearance in the team will necessarily violate the existing distribution of informal roles. Do not demand increased attention to yourself - colleagues are busy with their work and their own problems.
  • Ask your manager to introduce you to new employees. During the week, try to communicate with everyone. When confronted with an unfamiliar employee, introduce yourself to him.
  • Don't turn down an invitation for a new employee to have a cup of coffee together. Establishing normal communication will help you quickly settle into a new job.
  • Do not express dissatisfaction or bewilderment about the fact that employees do not first invite you to discuss any problems. This does not mean that you are avoided. They just give you time to get up to speed and figure everything out.
  • Do not discuss anyone with other employee(s).
  • Try to be busy throughout the working day. Do not abuse personal conversations on office phones.
  • Objectively evaluate colleagues, reckon with them. Be fair.
  • Do not be upset if not everything immediately turns out to be “excellent”. Be prepared to perform both pleasant and unpleasant assignments equally well.
  • Don't blame your colleagues for your difficulties. Be aware of your own shortcomings and mistakes.
  • Keep a sense of humor.
  • Remember that your success depends on your subordinates. If they make mistakes, improve management.
  • Take full advantage of the opportunity to make a good first impression on your colleagues.

Colleagues and management will evaluate the newcomer according to the following indicators: productivity and quality of work; independence and ability to make decisions, initiative; discipline; the ability to cooperate and communicate.

Job Search ABCs:a job is found by one who persistently seeks it and does not stop halfway or one step before reaching the goal. In this case, this step will be taken by another person.

When you find a job, don't forget to thank those who contributed to your employment.

TEST "for performance"

Can you follow directions? Pass this test with only two minutes at your disposal.

  1. Before you do anything, read everything carefully.
  2. Please print your name in the upper right corner of the sheet.
  3. Circle your name.
  4. In the upper left corner, draw five small squares.
  5. Place a cross in each square.
  6. Say your name loudly so that everyone can hear.
  7. Enclose in a rectangle the word angle in sentence number 4.
  8. Put a cross in the lower left corner of the sheet.
  9. Circle this sign with a triangle.
  10. If you think you followed the instructions, write in the upper right corner under the name "I can follow the instructions"
  11. Shout loudly, "I'm almost done."
  12. Now that you have read everything carefully, complete only tasks 1 and 2.


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Application No. 3

to the methodology of the competition

to fill a vacant position

state civil

service on the affairs committee

archives of the Orenburg region


criteria for evaluating a candidate for a vacant position

state civil service Orenburg region

FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________




    Candidate's professional competence

Educational level

Professional experience

Special professional knowledge, skills, abilities

General Instrumental Skills

2. Compliance with the culture of the civil service

Professional motivation

Civil position

Activity of a professional position

Readiness for self-development

    Personal and business qualities of the candidate

for a vacant civil service position

Analytic skills

Effective Communication Skills

A responsibility

Organizational skills

2 - unsatisfactory;

3 - satisfactory;

4 - good;

5 is excellent.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is put in case of receiving data about the candidate, indicating that he does not have special knowledge on the vacant position, as well as in case of incorrect answers to the questions asked or their complete absence;

the mark "satisfactory" is put in case of obtaining data about the candidate, indicating his superficial knowledge (without knowledge of their content) of regulatory legal acts, the possession of which is necessary for a vacant position; the candidate formally, in general terms, indicates or does not indicate at all the specific features of the civil service, does not specifically cover the forms and methods of work, etc.:

the "good" rating provides for the candidate's possession of meaningful information about the main regulatory legal acts regulating activities in a vacant position, an idea of ​​its most general features, orientation in the prevailing forms and methods of work, etc.;

an “excellent” rating in relation to a contestant implies an exhaustive knowledge of the necessary regulatory legal acts, the specifics of service activities in a vacant position, free orientation in the forms and methods of work, etc.

Criteria for evaluation:

Block 1. Compliance with the culture of the civil service

1.1. Professional motivation

The desire for professional self-realization in the public service, an orientation towards career growth in the field of public administration.

1.2. civil position

Following the principles of service to society and the state in activities, compliance with laws, rules of service ethics.

1.3. Activity of a professional position

The desire to take initiative in solving tasks, the willingness to make significant efforts to obtain the best result, the ability to act effectively in conditions of physical and emotional stress.

1.4. Readiness for self-development

The constant desire to improve their knowledge, skills, broaden their horizons, acquire knowledge and experience in related professional fields.

Block 2. Professional competence of a candidate for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Orenburg region

2.1. Educational level

Level, profile and quality of basic and additional professional education.

2.2. Professional experience

Duration and features of activity in the relevant professional field; achievement of concrete results in professional activity; career features.

2.3. Special professional knowledge, skills and abilities

The level of professional knowledge in the relevant field, allowing you to effectively perform job duties; knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating professional activity; possession of modern professional technologies.

2.4. General Instrumental Skills

The level of proficiency in skills that increase the overall efficiency of professional activity (computer skills, general literacy, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.)

Block 3. Personal and business qualities of a candidate for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Orenburg region

      Analytic skills

The level of consistency and flexibility of thinking, which allows solving complex problems that require analysis and structuring of information; ability to find new, non-standard solutions.

      Effective Communication Skills

Compliance with the ethics of business communication; the ability to reasonably defend one's own point of view and convince opponents; business negotiation skills.

      A responsibility

Validity and independence in decision-making; readiness to follow the undertaken obligations in order to achieve the result.

      Organizational skills

The ability to achieve results through effective planning of one's own activities and the activities of subordinates, setting goals, distributing functions, powers and responsibilities.