Financing of small business by the state. Assistance to small businesses from the state: myth or reality? How to get financial support

Business development is one of the highest priority government tasks. After all, business is the basis of budgeting. From this article you will learn what the essence of the small business support program is, how to get a subsidy and what are the conditions for receiving a subsidy in 2019

The economic instability in Russia, which has been observed for more than a year, has deprived many citizens of jobs and decent wages. An alternative for this category of the population has become a small and medium business. However, due to the lack Money, most do not have the opportunity to open their own business. That is why the state decided to issue subsidies for starting and supporting small businesses in 2019.

What is the subsidization of individual entrepreneurs?

A subsidy is a type of monetary non-refundable assistance for business entities, which is issued for the intended use (business).

Assistance to small businesses can be allocated for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of premises;
  • purchase of equipment, goods for subsequent sale;
  • purchases of intangible assets.

The allocated funds must be directed to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. State bodies later they will be able to request official supporting documents from the recipient, for example, checks, invoices with a specified amount. If the funds were not fully spent, the rest will need to be returned.

Types of financial assistance and conditions for supporting small businesses

  1. Grants for entrepreneurs who are just starting a business, amount to 60,000 rubles or 12 monthly allowances. Small Business Support Grants are available to individuals who have been registered as SPEs for more than 2 years. Funds are issued on a competitive basis with the aim of directing them to business needs, except for renting premises and paying salaries to hired workers. The grant is also issued to unemployed persons, low-income families with young children, disabled children, former employees government or military service.
  1. To purchase fixed assets- the state program to support small businesses in 2019 guarantees the issuance of up to 60,000 rubles for entrepreneurship, which in the future will increase the number of jobs, tax revenues in federal budget, boost social significance small business.

Private entrepreneurs in the industrial, housing and communal, economic, social spheres who:

  • prepare and defend a business development project;
  • will provide a full package of documents at the request of the commission.
  1. Cash subsidies for business from the Employment Center 2019- the state offers up to 25,000 rubles for opening a small private business.
  1. Compensation of loans previously received for the development of small and medium-sized businesses- the 2019 program was proposed by the Russian Government for financial and property support.

To cover part of the interest rate, the entrepreneur provides a business plan, Required documents, after which a decision is made on the allocation of financial assistance to this person.

  1. Financial state support to socially unprotected categories of the population(released from places of detention, the disabled, single mothers and fathers, graduates of boarding schools, etc.) - the program provides for the issuance of a subsidy in 2019 up to 300,000 rubles to support planned measures to stabilize and develop entrepreneurship.
  1. Training and internships public funds, professional qualification(can be issued with full or partial coverage of expenses).
  1. Business incubators (usually based on Small Business Support Funds)- assistance in expanding the area of ​​​​the working area (rental of premises, warehouses, etc.), training in the basics of entrepreneurship, assistance in drawing up a business plan according to the model for obtaining a subsidy.
  1. Assistance with bookkeeping and tax accounting free of charge (outsourcing).
  1. Promoting the Development of Innovative Technologies 2019- the state allocates funds to cover the costs of promoting a new product, acquiring a patent and licensing rights for it (maximum 60,000 rubles).

Is it possible to get a subsidy to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation and where?

In Russia, the state is offered. financing of individual entrepreneurs in special centers and business support funds, as well as in the Employment Center.

Getting Help at the Employment Center

To receive financial assistance, officially unemployed persons must register with the Employment Center and fill out a standard questionnaire according to the model.

You will also need to provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation indicating the place of registration;
  • TIN of the established form;
  • document on secondary or higher education;
  • a certificate for the last six months indicating the average salary (for persons who were previously employed);
  • other documents (at the request of the inspector).

After the documents are submitted by the employees of the service, they will be offered the option of receiving one-time (non-refundable) assistance to start their own business. It is best to take entrepreneurship courses first, draw up a correct business plan and submit it for review by the commission.

If approved, you will need to register tax office as an entrepreneur, on the basis of which assistance to the unemployed will be transferred.

State subsidy for starting a business 2019: what is needed?

  1. Select the type of activity you plan to do.
  2. Write a business plan for the grant.
  3. Register as an IP.
  4. Apply to the state body that provides subsidies to small businesses.
  5. Confirm the need to receive payments.
  6. Make up the approximate costs of opening and developing a business, provide for review by the commission.
  7. Collect a package of documents necessary for obtaining a subsidy (passport, TIN, income statement, etc.).

Within 60 days, the commission makes a decision to provide a subsidy as a way to support small businesses by the state, about which the entrepreneur is notified by mail and by telephone.

Details of subsidy programs can be found on the website of the portal of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Social Policy.

In 2019, the system of state support for small and medium-sized businesses has become more advanced, which makes it possible to allocate assistance to various segments of the population for any type of activity.

See also:

According to statistical studies, 70% of people who want to start their own own business, do not advance beyond conversations.

And only 30% of the population have such serious intentions that they are ready to devote all their time to the development of a certain activity.

Importance of small business for the country

The development of the state economy largely depends on small business, since:

  • It is an important sector of the economy. These subjects tolerate external changes more easily. The general economic downturn in Russia in the early 1990s was offset precisely by such enterprises and their ability to quickly adapt to new market conditions. Government agencies could not cope with competition, as a result of which they collapsed or were subjected to privatization.
  • Small business is the main source of tax deductions. Small companies form budgets of different levels. They pay taxes to the budget, create jobs, provide the population with an opportunity to earn. By the way, this group taxpayers more reliable than representatives of big business.
  • Small businesses develop innovative technologies. Some organizations are interested in the development of new scientific and technological inventions. Such activities are welcomed by the state, so entrepreneurs can count on subsidies and additional subsidies.
  • They provide employment for people, which has a positive effect on the unemployment rate. A small number of employees contributes to team cohesion, which is not always observed in large enterprises. This increases work motivation and improved performance. No less important is the fact that socially unstable segments of the population, namely: youth, women, immigrants, etc., can apply for employment. It is here that you can get the necessary experience, climb the career ladder and fulfill yourself.

The main problems of entrepreneurs

An absolutely natural reaction of a person who has decided to engage in any new type of activity is fear. Just as a small child is afraid to take the first step, an adult is afraid of the unknown. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of fear, but it is necessary to reduce its boundaries. To do this, it is worth talking with a more successful entrepreneur, gaining experience from him.

Every person expects to receive good income. The main problem of many novice businessmen is the search for a money niche.

It is much more correct to devote oneself to the area in which a person has certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and in which he has an interest.

After determining a suitable niche, you need to think about where to start and which direction is the most correct. Of course, it will not be possible to complete everything without errors, but a thorough analysis is half the battle.

After the start of the activity, various questions begin to appear related to choosing the best, determining the optimal cost, attracting additional finance and their correct distribution. Communication with a successful businessman can solve problems.

Every entrepreneur must learn the "Pareto principle": 20% of actions lead to 80% of the result.

Consequently, only 20% are primary and important, and the remaining 80 cannot be called particularly significant. In general, all your efforts should be directed only to those actions that lead to results.

Another problem for novice businessmen is the lack of discipline. Before opening your own business, you need to make sure of your own burning desire, otherwise success is unlikely to be achieved.

What is the support?

Any developing project needs investments that can be asked from the state.

So, the government of Moscow is ready to provide half a million rubles to the newly opened business. This type A subsidy is a gratuitous provision of funds from the city budget to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which partially or fully reimburses the businessman's expenses.

Small and medium-sized companies that were registered no more than 2 years ago can apply for this subsidy to the Moscow government.

Financial support can be spent:

  • for the acquisition of the necessary funds for the conduct of activities;
  • for the arrangement and equipment of workplaces;
  • for the purchase of raw materials and necessary materials (no more than 30% of the total amount);
  • payment of rent payments.

Financial assistance from the state is provided in accordance with the following main condition: the bulk of the funds received must be spent on the needs of the company.

Types of subsidies and grants

In order to receive state subsidies, a novice entrepreneur must consistently perform the following steps:

  1. Register with the job center.
  2. Collect and provide the necessary package of documents confirming.
  3. Submit a business plan to the employment agent detailing the goals that require government support.

This help granted once and only if the employment center has not coped with the selection of a suitable workplace for a person. The amount of the subsidy is equal to the amount of the annual unemployment benefit.

Another way to receive assistance is to submit documents to local authorities in accordance with the place of residence. The amount of support here is much larger, however, it is more difficult to get it - the competition is higher.

Federal subsidies are provided by the Fund for Assistance to Small Businesses in Science and Technology. The most beneficial programs include:

  • "Start". Any company that has been on the market for no more than 2 years and has not yet sold its product has the right to apply for participation (annual revenue should not exceed 0.3 million rubles). Research and development activities can be financed with a maximum of 6 million rubles. for 3 years.
    The program is provided for several areas: biotechnology, innovative medicine, IT, development of innovative equipment and materials. After the entire amount of the subsidy has been paid, the annual revenue must increase to the amount of the assistance provided, and employees with a main place of work in the enterprise must be at least half of the total number of workers.
  • "Development". This program is intended for companies that form their own niche, have their own history scientific work and a certain level of cash flow. The program allows you to receive up to 15 million rubles, but not more than the amount of personal funds invested in activities. The assistance is aimed at increasing revenue and profitability.

Departmental programs include:

  • Two programs for the agricultural sector aimed at supporting farmers and developing livestock. Such grants can be spent on the construction of livestock farms, the purchase of animals, and the improvement of everyday life.
  • A program that seeks to support organizations engaged in high-tech manufacturing, as well as introducing science into various business processes. For allocation of funds, please contact the Ministry of Education.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for the development of folk crafts. With state aid, it is possible to purchase raw materials, organize logistics and significantly advance the fishery. Enterprises that are not included in the list of organizations engaged in folk craft, which is supported at the expense of federal funds, cannot count on financing.

Within the framework of regional programs, a company that owes nothing to the state can count on the following assistance:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business. Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who registered no more than 1 year ago can apply for support. In Moscow, up to 500 thousand rubles are allocated, in the regions - up to 300 thousand. An increased subsidy can be issued to enterprises engaged in innovative activities. You can spend money on the acquisition of fixed assets, paying rent, providing jobs and purchasing raw materials.
  • Subsidies for the acquisition of fixed assets on lease. Each individual region has its own rules for issuing this amount: either for making a down payment, or for the full repayment of leasing debt, or for both purposes. The amount of assistance varies from 300 thousand to 10 million rubles. (the final amount depends on the cost of fixed assets).
  • Loan subsidies. Such assistance does not provide compensation for the body of the loan, its subject is part of the interest for the use of credit money.
  • Subsidies for participation in exhibitions- the region compensates the enterprise for the money spent on participation in such an event.

Many nuances various forms support are disassembled in the following video:

Where and how to seek help from the state?

Small business that needs financial aid must take part in competitive selection. He needs not only to collect a package of statutory and registration documents, but also carefully fill out a special application, the information of which will be the basis for the selection of program participants.

Each significant criterion earns a certain score. Based on the results obtained, the most worthy candidate, who deserves the support of the state, is selected.

The main evaluation criteria include:

  • the number of jobs created;
  • efficiency for the budget (the amount of taxes and fees);
  • social level of business;
  • a number of other specific parameters.

A novice businessman must provide a carefully developed business plan with detailed information about the purpose of obtaining support, the main costs, the payback period and profitability.

In addition, an entrepreneur can apply for help to local governments, although the competitive basis here is much more pronounced, since many people want to get help, but the state cannot invest in everyone.

Latest innovations

Based on the current trends, we can safely say that there will be even more government programs aimed at supporting business. This area economy is considered the highest priority, so it is beneficial for the state to expand and enlarge it.

Several new solutions are aimed at the tax industry, labor relations, business insurance and the work of credit institutions.

The economic situation in the country is such that the state is forced to keep small entrepreneurs with a guaranteed demand for their goods and services. So, for example, a certain percentage of state purchases is legally established. institutions of goods from small businesses.

In accordance with the presidential decree, it is planned to form state corporation for small business development. The Agency for Credit Guarantees should form the basis of this organization. The main task of the corporation is to form a stable and long-term demand for goods offered by representatives of this business class.

In addition, the Ministry economic development instructed to develop a strategy aimed at developing a medium-sized business. The duration of this program is 15 years. In August 2015, only the first stage was completed. When successful implementation, by 2030 small and medium-sized businesses will about 45% of the state's GDP instead of today's 21%.

Distribution of grants to start-up entrepreneurs in 2016

There are different forms of support for small businesses, in addition to financing, cash subsidies or grants. These are, for example, the provision of training and internship programs for start-up entrepreneurs, accounting and legal services for small and medium-sized businesses on free terms, preferential provision of premises for rent, and many others. Support for small businesses in our country under certain programs is carried out by both state and non-state organizations. But every entrepreneur has the right to take advantage of free help. So, for example, the opening of a business in 2015 in the regions is helped by the Funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses (state or municipal), employment services, investment and guarantee funds, business schools, technology parks and other institutions.

  • Small Business Development Grants 2015-2016. This measure of state support is provided, as a rule, by regional authorities. Priority is given to start-up businessmen from among the disabled, the unemployed, young people, large families and others social categories. The conditions for receiving grants in each region may be different, specially created commissions consider applications, but there are conditions for receiving money. These are a sufficient number of jobs, the amount of revenue, the mandatory registration of an enterprise, a certain area of ​​activity of a small or medium-sized business, and other aspects. Such support for small businesses in 2015 is currently very popular among entrepreneurs: the amount of cash grants can reach 300 thousand rubles. Since 2015, increased to 500 thousand rubles.

Subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs in Moscow and the Moscow region

City and federal programs to support small and medium-sized businesses provide Moscow entrepreneurs and organizations with the opportunity to receive state subsidies of up to 5 million rubles.

In order to become an applicant for a small business subsidy, you must submit an application to the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, as well as a package of documents, the composition of which depends on the type of subsidy. The decision to provide funds is made by the Industry Commission.

In case of a positive decision, the entrepreneur who received state subsidy undertakes to report on the expenditure of funds within a specified period.

Subsidies for small businesses

Entrepreneurs applying for financial support can apply to the state state-financed organization"Small business of Moscow" for advice. In addition, on the basis of the subdivisions of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow", the acceptance of documents for obtaining various kinds subsidies. Within the framework of the state program "Stimulation of economic activity" there is a subprogram "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow for 2012-2016". In accordance with it, the following types of subsidies are provided to small businesses in Moscow:

Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

Starting entrepreneurs in Moscow can receive a subsidy of up to 500,000 rubles from the city budget.

The grant can be used for:

  • Acquisition of fixed assets (except for cars);
  • Organization and equipping of workplaces;
  • Acquisition of a licensed software;
  • Office rent (no more than 20% of the total amount of the requested subsidy);
  • Raw materials and materials (no more than 20% of the total amount of the requested subsidy).

Conditions for receiving a subsidy:

  • No more than 2 years must pass from the moment of registration of a legal entity (including individual entrepreneurs);
  • The average number of employees should be no more than 250 people, sales revenue should not exceed 1 billion rubles, and the total share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foreign legal entities and foreign citizens should not exceed 25%;
  • Entity(including individual entrepreneurs) must be registered and tax-registered in Moscow and not have arrears in paying taxes, fees and other obligatory payments of the Russian Federation.

How to get a subsidy:

  1. With the assistance of employees of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" to collect a complete set of documents for obtaining a subsidy;
  2. The collected package of documents is transferred to expert organization for the examination of the project;
  3. Present the project at a meeting of the Industry Commission under the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow, which decides on the issuance of a subsidy;
  4. If the project is approved by the Industry Commission, conclude an agreement with the Department and receive a subsidy;
  5. A few months after receiving the subsidy, confirm the intended use of budget funds;
  6. In conclusion, confirm the implementation of socio-economic indicators.

Russia is becoming more and more attractive for doing business every year. In the World Bank's Doing Business ranking, the country ranks 35th among countries that create a favorable climate for launching and developing projects. In turn, Moscow investment attractiveness ranked second in the national rankings and fifth among European cities according to the international edition of the Financial Times.

A significant contribution to the development of the investment environment is made by both targeted programs government funding, and programs to help small businesses. In this article, we will tell you step by step about what support Moscow offers today to entrepreneurs for starting, running and developing their business:

Step 1. Registration. Consultations. Education. Choose one of the 15 Business Service Centers (TSUB), which are located in all districts of the capital and operate on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow". All services are provided free of charge. CUB specialists will help prepare documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). Only for 2017 consulting support rendered to more than 80 thousand people. Aspiring entrepreneurs will be offered training at the MBM Startup School. The basics of starting and developing your own business successful entrepreneurs and professional business coaches can also be studied online - at the MBM Online Academy. There are two training programs available at the Academy - Start and Progress. The content of the training program is based on the best business practices and case studies that are relevant in business.

The CUB will also advise entrepreneurs on various business issues: labor and civil legislation, accounting. Here they can prepare an application for the transition of an enterprise to a simplified or patent taxation system.

Step 2. Choose a premise for doing business. Center staff can help you various options and talk about the lease on preferential terms of non-residential premises owned by the city of Moscow. To date, the initial preferential rental rate for such premises is 4.5 thousand rubles per sq. m. m per year and 1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m per year for premises located in the basement. The Central Department Store will help with information about the availability of vacant premises in city technology parks. There are more than 30 technoparks with various industry specializations in the capital. In addition, if at the beginning of your business path you do not need large areas, you can get workplace in one of the six coworking centers of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow".

Step 3. Decide on funding. CUB specialists will advise on the sources of business financing at different stages of its development, invite entrepreneurs to attend special educational programs and events where representatives financial institutions. The following types of financial support are currently being provided by the city, all details on them will be provided by the Central Bank of Ukraine:

  • Subsidy programs, including subsidies for compensation of interest rates on loans and lease payments, for compensation of expenses for the purchase of equipment, as well as for participation in congress and exhibition events, and others. If your organization meets the conditions and requirements for grants, you will be helped to prepare a set of documents and complete an application.
  • Warranty Support Program in the Capital Small Business Lending Assistance Fund. The Fund will help to attract credit to successful companies if they do not have enough own security (collateral) for creditors. You can apply to the Fund or through the CUB. An entrepreneur can independently apply to any of the creditors-partners of the fund, among them 70 banks and 6 leasing companies. The guarantees of the Fund cover up to 70% of the loan. So, in the first five months of 2018 alone, thanks to this program, entrepreneurs received funding totaling more than 9 billion rubles. It is important to understand that without state support, the vast majority of these borrowers would have been refused by lenders.
  • Preferential long-term investment loans in the amount of 5 to 100 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years, the Moscow Fund for Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship offers companies operating in the field of production, scientific research or software development at a rate of 5% per annum, and for residents of technoparks and industrial complexes Moscow at a rate of 2% per annum.
  • Funding for start-ups in science and technology offers the capital's Venture Investment Development Fund. The Fund provides preferential loans to innovative projects that are at the earliest stages of development and registered in Moscow. To do this, the project initiator must attract funds from a private investor, and then apply for additional funding from the Fund. Today, 57 private investors work with the organization. The co-investor must invest from 50% to 200%, depending on the size of the loan of the Fund itself, which can range from 0.5 to 36 million rubles, respectively. Loan term - from 3 to 6 years with a repayment delay of up to 2 years.

Step 4. Entering the state order market. Moscow pays considerable attention to protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses when placing government orders: 90% of purchases are made in in electronic format. The Government of Moscow created a showcase of the city order, where 91 thousand suppliers are registered, of which 70% are SMEs, 15 million contracts worth 80 billion rubles have been concluded. On the portal, you can use the subscription service for purchases of a certain category. Participants of the state order can also receive microloans and guarantee support in the funds already mentioned above.

Step 5. Entering foreign markets. When production is established in the capital, you can safely think about it. The Moscow Export Center will advise on all issues of the export cycle, train foreign economic activity at the Moscow Export School, will help with promotion on the international electronic marketplace, as well as with the international exhibition activities. In the latter case, the center can finance 100% of the costs of participation in the exhibition. One of the important tools for promoting Moscow manufacturers is a single export catalog, which contains over 1.5 thousand commodity items from more than 500 capital manufacturers. The Industrial and Guarantee Funds will also help with financing for export activities.

Step 6. If you encounter administrative barriers while doing business in Moscow, then in this case, the city will help protect your legal rights and interests, it will come to the rescue, where it operates hotline+7 495 620-20-45 SOS.SHTAB@site

Entrepreneurs can additionally receive information about these and other areas of support at special financial conferences held by the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" in the series "Finance for Growing Business" and #MoscowforBusiness, which can be registered on the portal

Governmental support small business is an important area of ​​economic policy: today more than 5.5 million small and medium-sized businesses operate in Russia, which account for 21% of the country's gross domestic product.

It is planned that by 2030 the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP Russian Federation will reach 45%. That is why the versatile state support for small business has entered its active phase.

Fundamentals of state subsidies

Support individual entrepreneurship and small business today in Russia is at the legislative level. Within the framework of the program "Stimulation of economic activity", the activities of entrepreneurs are financed.

The program to stimulate economic activity in 2019 provides additional funding, which is referred to as a subsidy.

Subsidizing is a targeted and gratuitous state payment for the opening entrepreneurial activity. The money will not have to be repaid, as is usually done when borrowing or taking a loan.

According to preliminary information from the Ministry of Economic Development of our country, only 11 billion rubles were allocated for the entire program in 2017, while in 2014 this amount was more than 20 billion, and in 2015 almost 17 billion rubles.

These funds are divided among all subjects of Russia on the basis of competitive procedures. Due to a significant reduction in support, the regions of the country will have to independently determine the priority areas for financing entrepreneurial activities.

State funds will go to really important areas of the economy: Agriculture, trade, provision of utilities and household services, social entrepreneurship, innovative activity and others.

Each small and medium-sized business has the right to count on versatile support from the state - this is regulated by various regulations and first of all the federal law No. 209-FZ. Different programs have their own duration, conditions of provision and budget.

In each region of our country, the relevant authorized body is responsible for the implementation of state support measures for small businesses. You can find a complete list of them on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Types of financial support for entrepreneurs

In 2019, the amount of the subsidy will depend on the region of residence and will be issued for the following needs:

  • purchase of raw materials;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • intangible assets;
  • repair work.

Grant Program individual entrepreneurs allow start-up businesses to receive government funding. The amount of the subsidy depends on the region in which the businessman lives. On average, the amount of payments is 60,000 rubles.

Important! When opening a business, it should be borne in mind that state subsidies cannot be obtained for the production of tobacco products or alcoholic beverages.

Financing is carried out on a non-refundable basis and only subject to availability start-up capital at a businessman. An entrepreneur can use the funds received to open and develop his activities - for example, the purchase of equipment, raw materials and materials, maintenance work or the acquisition of intangible assets.

Types of financial support for the development of small businesses can be approved executive agency. After receiving state financial assistance, the entrepreneur must submit a report on the use of funds. This means that every person who receives a government subsidy is responsible for its distribution and must use the funds correctly.

The rest of the financial assistance will have to be returned back, and if the fact of misappropriation of the allocated money is discovered, the entrepreneur will have to return the entire amount to the state.

How to get a grant for small business development

Any unemployed citizen of the Russian Federation in 2019 can become a recipient of a subsidy for the development of small businesses.

Financing is carried out jointly with the Center for Employment of the Population.

A person may be recognized as unemployed if he is registered with the Employment Center at the place of registration.

Potential Entrepreneur ready business plan should apply to the employment center.

The applicant's business plan must contain detailed information about the planned activity, the place of its implementation, necessary equipment, materials, technologies, work force, suppliers.

A separate place in the business plan is given to the cost of the project, taking into account own and subsidized capital. It is also important to make calculations and analysis. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the expected revenue and profit, the profitability of the project, the payback period, and so on.

A sound business plan is the key to obtaining government funding.

After agreeing on a business plan with the Employment Center, an unemployed citizen applies to the Federal tax service with an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur.

IP registration deadline normative documents, is 5 business days. After receiving the IP Registration Certificate and an extract from unified registry, a novice entrepreneur again applies to the Employment Center with an approved business plan, an application for a subsidy, a passport and documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. So there is a conclusion of an agreement on subsidizing activities between a businessman and the state.

In order to receive a subsidy from the state for starting a business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan competently and in detail.

After signing the documents, the Employment Center transfers funds to the personal account of the entrepreneur.

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Features of obtaining a subsidy for the development of small businesses

The main feature of obtaining state funding for small businesses is the absence of the need to return, since the funds are provided free of charge.

In return, the state receives a new small business, new jobs for the population and another cell of the market economy.

When concluding an agreement on subsidizing entrepreneurial activities, a businessman should be aware that he assumes a number of obligations. The main one is reporting.

Within 3 months after receiving funds from the state, the entrepreneur must submit to the Employment Center a report with supporting documents on the use of the subsidy. Fiscal and sales receipts, invoices and paid payment orders, receipts and other documents can be submitted as confirmation.

The report must comply with the paragraph of the business plan, which indicates the intended use of funds.

In case of partial or complete non-confirmation, the entrepreneur is obliged to return to the state the amount of the subsidy in full. Another feature of subsidizing is fixed in the terms of the contract. According to the agreement, the activity of the state-funded business should last at least a year.

Thus, the state excludes the existence of one-day firms.

Types of subsidies

The type of subsidy can be established by each subject of the Russian Federation. State assistance is of the following types:

  • business support - 25,000 rubles;
  • opening a business in 2018 with the possibility of increasing the subsidy for a new job - 60,000 rubles;
  • opening a business, provided that the entrepreneur is the only parent of the child, is not employed or has a disability - 300,000 rubles.

A subsidy can be received not only for starting a business, but also for its development. At the same time, you can have own ideas production for a small business or open it on a franchise. The amount of money is given to individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in Moscow

Entrepreneurs and small businesses registered in Moscow not only have more opportunities for business development, but also receive special privileges available only to businessmen from the capital. One such benefit is a business development subsidy. The amount of this subsidy reaches 500,000 rubles.

To receive financing, a novice entrepreneur must apply to the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" with an appropriate application and a package of documents. The condition for receiving a subsidy is an activity carried out for at least six months and no more than 2 years. To confirm the success of the business, the entrepreneur provides financial statements, contracts for the lease of premises, cooperation, and so on.

An application with a package of documents is considered by a special Industry Commission.

Among the priority areas of subsidies are innovation, agriculture, healthcare, education, social sphere, hotel business and tourism. After the provision of funds, the entrepreneur is obliged to report on the intended use of financing, as well as confirm the indicated financial indicators.

Thus, the state controls not only the legality of the use of the subsidy, but also the impact of the enterprise on the economic environment of the country.

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Last changes

The purpose of receiving a subsidy by an entrepreneur in 2019 is to open a new enterprise or expand an existing one.

The advantage of this financing option is its gratuitous nature, and the main disadvantage is a large number of conditions and a strict selection procedure.

The Government plans to launch a geomarketing navigator system.

For this, over 200 business plans were developed in 75 areas of small business. With the help of this system, it will be easier for entrepreneurs to choose an area or niche for starting a small business.

If the project is approved, then state support will be a good help for entrepreneurs.

There are several other types of assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state:

  1. Renting real estate on preferential terms.
  2. Acquisition of state property into ownership at preferential prices.
  3. Use of infrastructure specially created by the state for the development of entrepreneurial activity (technoparks, offices, business incubators, etc.).