Entrepreneurship and modern market conditions. Entrepreneurship as an essential element of a market economy

1. Essence, tasks and types of entrepreneurship. The firm and its functions.

2. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity.

3. Features of entrepreneurial activity in Russia.

1. Essence, tasks and types of entrepreneurship. The firm and its functions

Economic activity in a market economy at the micro level is characterized by concepts such as "entrepreneurship" and "firm".

When considering entrepreneurship, it is necessary to distinguish between economic activity and entrepreneurship in its own sense of the word. The first arose with the advent of man. Gathering, hunting, farming were forms of economic activity, characteristic of different eras of human history. Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, arose at a certain stage in the development of society and coincides with the formation of capitalism. Thus, entrepreneurship is associated with a specific type of economic system.

Entrepreneurship is the main attribute of the capitalist mode of production. Its emergence is closely connected with the formation of bourgeois socio-economic and political-legal relations. Entrepreneurship presupposes economic freedom. Economic freedom complements personal freedom and makes it possible to organize the production and distribution of wealth without the need for arbitrary intervention by the authorities, the dictates of a stronger regime, or the favoritism of a regime based on privileges. Economic freedom under private ownership includes the right to economic initiative, the freedom to create and dissolve communities of their own choosing.

In modern domestic and foreign economic literature there are many definitions of the concept of "entrepreneurship". The versatility of entrepreneurship as a socio-economic phenomenon allows for its various interpretations. Unfortunately, in most cases the essence of this phenomenon is replaced by the purpose of entrepreneurial activity. Thus, in article 2 Civil Code RF (part one) of November 30, 1994. No. 51-FZ entrepreneurship is defined as follows: “entrepreneurial is an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in established by law okay. " Here, only some aspects of entrepreneurship are noted and the distinctive features of entrepreneurial management are not reflected.

The following interpretation seems to be the most successful. Entrepreneurship is a special type of reproduction that includes organizational, innovative and social components. The organizational component implies the connection of a complex of resources, their rational combination, carried out according to own initiative, at your own risk and under your own responsibility in order to generate business income. The organizational side involves not only the creation and development of an operating enterprise, but also the organization of the company's interaction with the micro- and macroenvironment of its functioning, taking into account the complex of factors of changing external environment... In practice, this component is implemented mainly through strategic, current and situational planning. The innovative side is associated with the search for new combinations of factors of production, with the active search for new solutions, with finding new opportunities for making a profit. And finally, the social component implies the importance of this activity from the standpoint of economic progress in society as a whole.

In the economic literature, a distinction is made between classical and innovative entrepreneurship. Distinctive feature classical entrepreneurship is to maximize profits and get the most out of the available resources on the basis of established technologies. Innovative entrepreneurship is focused on finding more efficient technologies resource processing and economic methods management and leads to the maximization of profits, as a rule, only in some distant future. Using own and external resources and shaping new strategies for economic development, the entrepreneur assumes innovation risks associated with innovative activities.

During periods of social transformations and economic reforms, the role of an innovative model of entrepreneurial behavior becomes especially important. Of great importance in the field of entrepreneurial activity are non-standard strategic decisions that make it possible to reconcile the conflicting economic interests of economic entities. Implementation of the innovation model requires, as a rule, the participation of the state.

Entrepreneur for successful implementation of his functions must have the following abilities (skills):

Make non-standard, innovative solutions in standard and especially uncertain situations;

Generate new production and commercial ideas, assess their prospects in terms of generating additional income;

Evaluate market conditions, analyze information and draw correct conclusions;

Promptly evaluate innovations in terms of their ultimate effectiveness;

These abilities of an entrepreneur are realized in the aggregate of the main tasks of his practical activity. Among them:

Studying the needs of buyers and their ability to pay;

Determination of the type of production, product parameters and the volume of goods output, sales markets and product promotion channels;

Maintaining high competitiveness of manufactured goods and services rendered;

Identification based on the intended production program required raw materials and markets where the required raw materials can be purchased at the most reasonable prices;

Choosing the most perfect technological scheme production and sources of its constant renewal, determination of the scale, sources and methods of modernization and expansion of production;

Organization and management of the production of goods to be sold;

Maintaining the interest of the direct producer in increasing labor productivity.

Distinguish between objects and subjects of entrepreneurship. The objects of entrepreneurship are various types of resources (land, means of production, labor), as well as securities, currency, goods produced and services provided.

Depending on the content of entrepreneurial activity and its connection with the main stages of the reproduction process, the following types of entrepreneurship are distinguished: industrial, commercial, financial, insurance, intermediary.

Entrepreneurship is called production if the entrepreneur himself, using his own or acquired means of production, labor as factors, organizes the production of goods and the provision of certain services. This type of business includes the creation of goods, the implementation construction works, transportation, provision of communication services, etc.

In commercial entrepreneurship, a businessman acts as a trader, a merchant, selling finished goods purchased by him from other persons. In commercial entrepreneurship, profit is generated by the sale of goods at prices higher than the purchase price.

Financial entrepreneurship is special kind commercial entrepreneurship associated with the implementation of transactions with securities and in cash, including those provided on credit and acting in the form of currency.

Insurance business is that the entrepreneur guarantees the policyholder for a certain fee compensation for possible damage as a result of an unforeseen event. Property, health, life insurance is a special form of financial and credit entrepreneurship, which means that an entrepreneur receives an insurance premium, which is returned only under certain circumstances. Since the likelihood of such circumstances occurring is small, the remaining part of the contribution forms entrepreneurial income.

Mediation is an entrepreneurship in which an entrepreneur himself does not produce or sell goods, but acts as an intermediary when connecting parties interested in a mutual transaction (this type of activity includes the functioning of commodity and stock exchanges).

The development of entrepreneurship is possible only if the appropriate infrastructure of the market economy has been created. Its elements are various financial institutions, insurance and consulting companies, government bodies stimulating entrepreneurial activity.

Business entities are individuals, various unions (associations) and the state. Based on the kind of subject, entrepreneurship can be carried out both in public and in private, both in individual and collective forms. Entrepreneurship can provide for the creation and registration of a company and a certain structural design of its elements, or it can be carried out in the form of individual labor activity.

The main subject of entrepreneurial activity, and, consequently, the agent of the modern market economy, is the firm.

"Firm" and "enterprise" - different categories economic science. An enterprise should be understood as a certain production, technical and economic complex used for the production of goods or services in any sector of the national economy. Promotion of the company to the role of the main link in market economy is the result of economic progress. The firm concentrates and realizes through its activities a whole range of economic interests that arise in the national economy.

A firm in a broad sense is the main economic unit of a market economy, registered in a certain organizational - legal form... In a narrow sense, a firm is a name under which a legally full-fledged entrepreneur (sole or collective) conducts his business. A firm may include one or several enterprises.

The essence of the firm is most clearly manifested in its functions:

The firm is a link in the social division of labor;

The firm is the place where labor, capital and entrepreneurial talents are applied;

Through the activities of enterprises within the company, on the one hand, economic benefits of a certain economic purpose (consumer goods and means of production) are created, and on the other hand, purchasing power is formed for the acquisition of other economic benefits;

The firm provides employees wages, provides income for capital, and through taxes provides state revenues and ultimately financing social sphere in society;

Through the functioning of the firm, jobs are created both in the firm itself and in other divisions of the national economy that are technologically related to the activities of the firm;

Operating in a market environment, the firm provides rational use limited economic resources.

Some authors (L. Mises) consider the purpose of the firm to serve the consumer. Another common approach is associated with an extremely narrow interpretation of the company's goal as profit maximization (neoclassical and Marxist schools). V Lately more and more researchers come to the conclusion that it is incorrect to consider profit maximization as the only goal of a firm. This is just the ultimate goal of the firm. So, from the point of view of the managerial theory of a firm, the main goal is to maximize sales in the face of growing demand for the firm's products and to strengthen the firm's position in the market, and then to maximize income. Managers believe that a growing firm is preferable to just a large firm. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly look for opportunities to strengthen the position of the company both in the domestic and in the world market. The most significant goals that modern firms pursue are:

Obtaining and maximizing the mass (rate) of profit;

Conquering a larger market share;

Achievement of a certain volume of production and sales level;

Achieving market power.

The size of the firm is determined by:

The size of the effective demand for the product or service being produced;

Economies of scale;

The ability to withstand external influences and provide the resilience necessary to perform functions.

To carry out activities, the company bears production costs... However, in addition to costs directly related to production, the company also incurs non-production costs. They arise during economic activity and includes the costs of preparation, conclusion and implementation of transactions. They are called transaction costs (from the Latin company “on” - a deal). Indeed, in order to carry out a transaction, a firm needs:

1) select potential partners, collect information about them and about their competitors (information search costs);

2) negotiate, draw up a contract (negotiation costs);

3) provide guarantees for the implementation of the agreement (costs of protecting property rights).

This aspect was highlighted by the laureate Nobel Prize in Economics Ronald Coase. He believed that the basis for the emergence of the firm as a special institutional structure that replaces the enterprise is the savings on transaction costs. Firms arise due to the many costs involved in the implementation of a large number of transactions. Market external transactions and intra-firm transactions are linked, and the relationship between the two influences optimal firm size. If external transactions are very high, then there is a benefit in combining a number of independent enterprises into a firm and consolidating the firm through mergers with other firms or acquisitions. When intra-firm transaction costs become too high, further expansion of the firm through the addition of other firms is impractical. Otherwise, the entire economy could be viewed as a giant firm.

There are several ways to transform an enterprise into a firm, or to combine several firms into a larger firm. These paths are: a) horizontal integration; b) vertical integration; c) diversification.

Horizontal integration involves the unification of single-profile enterprises or firms that produce the same type of product.

Vertical integration Is an association of firms or enterprises engaged at certain stages of the production process sequentially along the technological chain, for example, from oil production to the sale of petroleum products.

Diversification- this is the penetration of specialized firms into other industries or services. It is an amalgamation of enterprises and firms whose technological processes are not directly related to each other, but at the same time there may be one or another relationship with the main type of activity, including the unity of the resources used or the unity of sales markets. Currently, the largest firms in the world economy have a diversified nature of their activities. They are more stable in the market, as they can move capital from one industry to another, responsive to changes in market conditions.


In the context of the transformation of the world economy, the transition of civilization to the post-industrial path of development, entrepreneurship is becoming an integral link in the structure of the social reproduction process, without which it is impossible to ensure the successful socio-economic development of society and the growth of production efficiency.

The relevance of the course work lies in the following provisions. The need to reassess the role of entrepreneurship, taking into account structural shifts in the industries of mass production and a change in orientation in consumer requirements for a modern product, changes in the level of development modern technology and technology. On the one hand, science has accumulated vast experience on issues such as entrepreneurship and economic growth. On the other hand, despite this, its most important aspects remain poorly understood - the mechanisms of self-development of entrepreneurship and its role in ensuring national economic development.

The object of analysis of the course work is entrepreneurship.

The subject of my research is the forms of entrepreneurship in a market economy.

In my work, I used such methods of analysis as graphical, comparative, factorial, formal-logical.

The purpose of my research is to analyze entrepreneurship as a factor in ensuring economic growth. In this regard, the work determined economic essence small business, a systemic view of entrepreneurship is shown not only from the point of view of productive forces, but also property relations and the role of hired labor.

The objectives of this work are to consider the essence and forms of entrepreneurship, take into account their peculiarities in a market economy, make an analysis of the material, draw conclusions on the problems associated with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity.

Course work written using the literature of such authors as: K. Marx, M.R. McConnell., S.L. Bru, Drucker P.F., Bagiev G.L., Asaul A.N. and others, as well as materials from periodicals.

Development and essence of entrepreneurship

Content of entrepreneurial activity

Economic reforms are inevitably carried out in Russia, although not always consistently and reasonably. The result of the reforms is the formation and development of new economic, financial, social and other relations based on the formation of a market economy in which entrepreneurs are the leading economic entity. Therefore, at present, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of a set of conditions for entrepreneurial activity, to create a favorable business climate.

The economic system, based on the unlimited domination of state property, could not provide conditions for creativity and initiative, without which the widespread dissemination of innovations is impossible. It should be recognized that a prerequisite for the development of entrepreneurship is private property.

Of course, other conditions are needed for the development of entrepreneurship. They include the stability of the state economic and social policy, preferential tax treatment, and a well-developed infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs should be able to freely enter foreign market... It is necessary to create accessible for entrepreneurs credit system, provide an opportunity to purchase the necessary means of production, raw materials, components. In all this Russian entrepreneurs are still experiencing serious difficulties.

As never before, the country needs those people who would start the difficult but fruitful work to create a truly effective economy.

entrepreneurship typology commercial market

Behind the word "entrepreneurship" is "business", enterprise, production of a product or service. Entrepreneurial activity is often called business.

Today, there is not even a generally accepted definition of entrepreneurship. As noted by the famous American economist P.F. Drucker, "Many years have passed since Sey introduced this term, and we still continue to get confused about the definitions of" entrepreneur "and" entrepreneurship "."

One of the modern definitions of entrepreneurship looks like this: "Entrepreneurship is a proactive independent activity of citizens aimed at making profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, under their property responsibility or on behalf and under the legal responsibility of a legal entity."

Entrepreneurship (English business, French enterprise) as a socio-economic phenomenon has a long history. It arose in the early stages of the development of society, at the time of the birth of the division of labor and exchange operations, and reached its apogee with the flourishing of the market economy.

The concept of "entrepreneurship" was first used by the English economist of the late 17th - early 18th centuries. Richard Cantillon. In his opinion, an entrepreneur is a person acting under conditions of risk. R. Cantillon considered the source of wealth to be land and labor, which determine actual value economic benefits.

Later, the well-known French economist of the late 18th - early 19th centuries J. Sey (1762-1832) in the book "Treatise of Political Economy" (1803) formulated the definition of entrepreneurial activity as a combination, a combination of three classical factors of production - land, capital, labor. The main thesis of J. B. Seya is about recognizing the active role of entrepreneurs in creating a product. The entrepreneur's income is a reward for his labor, the ability to organize the production and marketing of products. An entrepreneur, he pointed out, is a person who takes risks and for his own benefit to produce some kind of product.

In his work "Investigation of the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776), the famous English economist Adam Smith also paid attention to the characteristics of the entrepreneur. An entrepreneur, according to A. Smith, being the owner of capital, for the sake of implementing a certain commercial idea and making a profit, takes risks, since capital investments in this or that business always contain an element of risk. Entrepreneurial profit is the owner's compensation for the risk. The entrepreneur himself plans, organizes production, realizes the benefits associated with the division of labor, and also disposes of the results production activities... At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. French economist André Marshall (1907-1968) added to the three classical factors of production (land, capital, labor) a fourth factor - organization. From this point on, the concept of entrepreneurship expands.

The famous American economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) in his book "Theory of Economic Development" interprets the concept of "entrepreneur" as an innovator. The entrepreneur's function, he argues, is to implement innovations.

Based on the above definitions, we can say that entrepreneurship is a free economic management in various fields of activity (except for those prohibited by legislative acts), carried out by subjects of market relations in order to meet the needs of specific consumers and society in goods (works, services) and profit (income ), necessary for the self-development of one's own business (enterprise) and ensuring financial obligations to budgets and other business entities.

World experience and practice convince that important element market economy is the existence and interaction of large, medium and small enterprises

The special importance of entrepreneurship in the period of transition to market relations is manifested in the restructuring of the economy, acceleration of the scientific and technical process, the formation of a new social stratum. The development of entrepreneurship creates the preconditions for accelerated economic growth, contributes to the diversification and saturation of local markets, allowing at the same time to compensate for the costs of a market economy, which include unemployment, fluctuations in production, as well as other crisis phenomena.

Entrepreneurship contains great potential for optimizing the ways of development of the economy and society as a whole. Characteristic feature the enterprise is a high intensity of use of all types of resources and a constant striving to optimize their quantity, to ensure their most rational proportions for the given conditions. In practice, this means that the enterprise cannot have excess equipment, excess stocks of raw materials and materials, unnecessary workers. This circumstance is one of the most important factors in achieving rational indicators of the economy as a whole.

Thus, the role of entrepreneurship in general economy countries are difficult to overestimate, and its impact on various aspects of social reproduction is significant and beyond doubt.

The market economy, despite its many positive features, is not able to automatically regulate all economic and social processes in the interests of the whole society and every citizen. It does not ensure socially fair distribution of income, does not guarantee the right to work socially, does not aim at protection environment and does not support vulnerable people.

An entrepreneur is not interested in investing in such industries and projects that do not bring sufficiently high profits, but they are simply vital for society and the state. The market economy does not solve many other pressing problems as well. And the state should take care of all this.

The prerogative of the state is to ensure reliable law and order in the country, national security, and this, in turn, is the basis for the development of entrepreneurship and the economy.

Thus, entrepreneurship in any country cannot develop normally if the state has not provided the appropriate conditions for this. The state always regulates the modern economy. At the same time, the organizational and legal impact is aimed at stimulating private initiative and helping business entities by creating necessary conditions for their successful functioning.

To stabilize market relations and overcome the economic crisis, the state is entrusted with the following main functions:

  • 1. Creation of a legal framework. The state develops and adopts laws that define property rights, regulate entrepreneurial activity, ensure product quality, etc. With the help of a legal framework, the state ensures the lawful "rules of the game" governing relations between business entities.
  • 2. Ensuring proper law and order in the country and national security. The state must ensure the rights and safety of every citizen, society as a whole and all business entities. If the state does not properly perform this function, then the country creates conditions for the development of a criminal environment: criminality, mafia, corruption, bribery and other negative phenomena, which adversely affects business and the country's economy as a whole.
  • 3. Stabilization of the economy, i.e. sustainable development economy, when the main macroeconomic indicators are achieved and maintained at an optimal level: the volume of the gross national product, national income, the rate of inflation and unemployment, the budget deficit, etc.

To ensure the stabilization of the economy, the state is obliged to use all the levers and methods at its disposal through the implementation of appropriate fiscal, financial and credit, scientific, technical and investment policies.

If the state does not seek to stabilize the economy, then this can significantly and negatively affect entrepreneurial activity, the country's economy as a whole, the social situation and other processes.

  • 4. Security social protection and social security... The state is obliged to conduct an active social policy, the essence of which is the guaranteed provision of all workers with a minimum wages, old age and disability pensions, unemployment benefits; in providing different types helping the poor; in the implementation of indexing fixed income due to inflation, etc. Pursuing this policy, the state thereby ensures the minimum subsistence level for all citizens of its country and does not allow social tension in society.
  • 5. Protection of competition. In a market economy, competition is one of the main regulatory instruments. Competition is the basis of progress in all spheres of the economy; it forces producers of goods and services to introduce everything new and advanced, improve product quality and reduce production costs. Therefore, one of the functions of the state is to protect competition.

The legislation of most countries of the world determines the essence of entrepreneurial activity: an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at systematic profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the prescribed manner.

On this basis, several characteristic features and features of entrepreneurial activity:

  • - Independent activity capable citizens and their associations;
  • - Proactive activities aimed at realizing their abilities and meeting the needs of others and society;
  • - Risk activity;
  • - A process aimed at making a profit in a legal way;
  • - Activities carried out by persons (natural or legal) registered as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, that is, this is an activity carried out in accordance with legal acts.

The main goal of entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit, representing the difference between the price that the buyer pays for the relevant goods (services) and the costs of meeting the demand, that is, the excess of proceeds from the sale of goods (services) over the costs of their production. The entrepreneur seeks to obtain the greatest profit as a result of the maximum satisfaction of certain social needs. “In case of success in his activities, an entrepreneur gains entrepreneurial profit, in case of failure, he incurs losses, therefore knowledge, experience, and the ability to take reasonable risks are very important for any firm and enterprise”. But an enterprise can make a profit only if it produces products or services that are sold, that is, satisfy social needs. The subordination of these two goals - satisfying needs and making a profit - is as follows: you cannot make a profit without studying the needs and not starting to produce the product that satisfies the needs.

It is necessary to produce a product that will satisfy the needs and, moreover, at such a price that would satisfy the solvent needs. And an acceptable price is possible only if the enterprise maintains a certain level of costs, when all the costs of consumed resources are less than the received revenue. In this sense, profit is the immediate goal of the functioning of the enterprise and, at the same time, is the result of its activities. If an enterprise does not fit into the framework of such behavior and does not profit from its production activities, then it is forced to leave the economic sphere, to declare itself bankrupt either voluntarily or at the request of creditors.

The development of entrepreneurship is an integral part of a market economy. Entrepreneurship is defined by civil law as "an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law" (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1 of Art. . 2, item 1).

Business entities can be both individual individuals (citizens), and legal entities(organizations).

The most important characteristics of entrepreneurial activity are:

1) the independence of business entities. This means that an economic entity is free to choose the types of activities, methods of using economic resources, to determine the volume of economic activity, and to choose business partners. He independently manages economic and financial activities, makes decisions, bears responsibility for his obligations;

2) the risky nature of the activity. In a market economy, risk is an objective phenomenon due to the uncertainty of the economic environment and the presence of competition. At the same time, some risk parameters depend on subjectivity management decisions;

3) economic interest. This interest is expressed in the desire to increase the value of the enterprise, to maximize profits. At the same time, the economic interest of an economic entity in the process of entrepreneurial activity ultimately benefits the entire society. Firstly, you can make a profit only by selling the product that is needed by the consumer and corresponding to the demand; secondly, the development of economic activity contributes to the growth of employment of the population, an increase in incomes of both entrepreneurs and employees; thirdly, part of the income received in the process of entrepreneurial activity in the form of taxes replenishes the state budget;

4) reliance on innovation. Innovations are of great importance in the development of the economy, and in modern conditions the role of innovations is increasing. Firstly, this is due to the very nature of market relations, competitive environment; secondly, innovations are becoming the fundamental factors of economic growth and profound qualitative transformations. Innovation activities are aimed at finding and implementing innovations in order to expand the range, improve the quality of products (services), improve technology and organization of production, ultimately increase efficiency. This creative, search activity reforming production and other spheres of the economy. Despite the fact that innovation is associated with a certain risk, reliance on it allows the entrepreneur to remain competitive.

Business activities is associated with the implementation of functions important for the country's economy, the main of which are:

Combining economic resources into a single economic process;

Ensuring the efficient use of resources (production factors);

Security innovative development economy, the use of innovations at all stages of business (organization, management, production processes, marketing, etc.).

The development of entrepreneurship requires certain economic, social, legal and other conditions.

The economic conditions for the expansion of entrepreneurship are: the presence of a stable demand for goods and services, the availability and availability of financial resources, the level of return on invested capital, the free market for the means of production, the development of the market infrastructure (banks, stock exchanges, communications, transport service, storage facilities, etc.).

WITH economic conditions social conditions for the development of entrepreneurship are related - the attitude of members of society to work, the amount of remuneration, working conditions, life, everyday life, entrepreneurship, the desire to purchase goods and services that meet a certain lifestyle. An important social role in the development of entrepreneurship is the professional training of entrepreneurs, the formation of a certain socio-cultural entrepreneurial environment, social responsibility of the entrepreneur.

Any business activity develops in a specific legal environment. These are, first of all, laws regulating entrepreneurship, creating favorable conditions for its development, procedures for opening and registering enterprises, tax and antimonopoly legislation, etc.

Entrepreneurship can be carried out in different types... By type (or purpose), entrepreneurial activity can be subdivided into production, commercial (trade), financial, consulting, etc. These types of activities can be carried out separately or together, for example, production and trade.

Industrial entrepreneurship includes activities aimed at manufacturing products, performing work, and providing production services.

Financial entrepreneurship can be viewed as a type of commercial entrepreneurship, where the object of sale and purchase is a special product: money, foreign currency, securities (stocks, bonds, bills, etc.). In financial entrepreneurship, the role of commercial banks, stock exchanges, insurance and leasing companies is great.

Currently, consulting activities (consulting) are distinguished as an independent type of entrepreneurship. Consulting entrepreneurship consists of providing, for a fee, independent advice and assistance on management issues, including advice on solving internal problems and realizing the market opportunities of enterprises. Of greatest importance in modern conditions are consultations on the problems of developing a strategy for the development of enterprises, marketing, innovation activities, lawyer consulting.

The main subjects of entrepreneurship are organizations (enterprises) - legal entities. At the same time, individual entrepreneurship of individuals is now widespread, especially in the field of trade, rendering services to the population.

1.2. The enterprise is the main link of the economy

An enterprise is understood as an independent economic entity created in the manner prescribed by law to produce products, provide services, perform work in order to meet market needs, make a profit, maximize the value of one's company in the market and / or perform special socially significant functions.

An enterprise (organization) is the main link in the economy. It is at the enterprise that the production and sale of products (performance of work, provision of services) is carried out. There is a direct connection between the worker and the means of production and objects of labor. As the main economic entities, enterprises play an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. Social and political stability in society largely depends on the effectiveness of their activities.

The role of enterprises is as follows:

1) at the enterprise level, the main economic issues of society are resolved: what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce;

2) the socio-economic situation of the regions and the country as a whole depends on the results of the activities of enterprises;

3) the enterprise creates jobs, providing employment for the population;

4) the quality of goods, services, satisfaction of consumer demand depends on the activities of enterprises;

5) enterprises ensure the formation of incomes of the population, social development labor collectives, create conditions for training, advanced training of personnel;

6) enterprises participate in the formation of regional infrastructure;

7) enterprises through the tax system form the revenue side federal budget, budgets of subjects Russian Federation and local budgets.

The functions of enterprises depend on the profile of their activities (production of products, performance of work, provision of services) and are specified depending on the industry. In carrying out their functions, enterprises solve a number of tasks, the main ones of which are:

1) making a profit, building up market value, providing income to owners;

2) providing consumers with products, goods (works, services) of appropriate quality;

3) provision of personnel with wages, normal working conditions and opportunities for professional growth;

4) rational use of production resources;

5) ensuring the competitiveness of products (works, services) and the enterprise as a whole.

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