The rate of the first category of the unified tariff scale. Employee rate

Tariff scale often used to differentiate the salaries of employees whose work varies in complexity, and the employees themselves have different skills and experience. How the tariff scale is formed and what effect it has on the size of the final salary of an employee, we will tell in our article.

How is the tariff scale by categories used in organizations for 2017-2018

In each organization, at the local level, it is fixed which system of remuneration is applied in it. If this is a tariff system, the rules for using which in 2017-2018 are regulated by the current norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then in the local normative act, such as a pay clause or collective agreement, all components of this system and the principles of their application are prescribed. So, the employer must paint the tariff scale, which will be used when calculating salaries for employees.

Within the framework of the tariff scale, the binding to tariff categories is fixed. So, all positions in the enterprise are divided into certain groups - categories. Typically, the 1st category is assigned to the least qualified positions, and with an increase in the level of complexity of the work, the category also increases.

NOTE! Naturally, for more complex work that requires certain knowledge and skills, higher wages are set. In order not to set separately the amounts for each group of positions, tariff coefficients are used. With their help, the salary assigned to posts of the 1st category is automatically increased by the established coefficient for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. categories.

Thus, a tariff scale is formed, where each category is assigned its own coefficient. The tariff system is used by many enterprises, but their tariff scales may vary. In private companies, personnel officers independently develop pay scales, taking into account the specifics of their activities, and the number of categories in such grids varies.

There is more unity in the budget system, since in this case the issues of remuneration are regulated at the state level, including the Unified tariff scale, approved earlier.

Unified tariff scale of state employees

From the end of 1992 to December 1, 2008, the Unified Tariff Scale was in force in Russia, according to which the salaries of state employees were calculated. The main issues were resolved in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On differentiation in the levels of payment

labor of employees of the public sector on the basis of the Unified tariff scale "of October 14, 1992 No. 785. This act approved the UTS itself, and it was also recognized as mandatory for use in all budgetary institutions.

Initially, the Unified Tariff Scale consisted of 18 categories, it included coefficients from 1 to 10.7. To calculate the tariff rate, for example, for the 5th category, it was necessary to multiply the rate of the 1st category by the coefficient of the 5th category. The question was only what rate to apply for the 1st category. And he decided as follows: it was accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Tariff categories were established depending on the complexity of the work. In order to unify the distribution of employees by wage categories, 2 qualification reference books were used:

  • Unified tariff-qualification reference book of works and working professions (ETKS);
  • Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees (EKS).

Both reference books are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are constantly updated as the level of technological development increases, new standards of work are introduced.

New wage systems in budgetary organizations

On December 1, 2008, the Unified Tariff Scale was replaced by a slightly different way of charging the salaries of state employees. This happened after the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the introduction of new wage systems for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and state institutions” dated 05.08.2008 No. 583 came into force.

1 . Tariff rate - it is expressed in monetary terms sizeremuneration of the employee for the performance of labor dutiesa certain qualification per unit of time.

Tariff rates are set at enterprises depending on .

From complexity, intensity; working conditions and its importance in the form fixed quantities. Size wages It is the tariff rate that determines workers (for time workers - when determining the amount of payment for hours worked; for piece workers - when determining piece rates).

Tariff rate of the first category is the initial value for the formation of tariff wages and represents the level minimum wage the simplest work. It cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by law. Tariff rates of the second and subsequent categories are calculated by multiplying the tariff rate of the 1st category by the corresponding tariff coefficient -

2. There are three types of tariff rates depending on the unit tsy time :

sentries tariff rates - are used for works for which time norms;

daytime tariff rates - are applied to works, the rationing of which is carried out according to production standards;

period tariff rates or salaries - apply for temporary workers serving the main production. Of particular importance in the organization of wages are hourly rates. rates, since in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the establishment of certain additional payments to the basic salary is made on their basis (surcharge for overtime work for work at night And etc.).

3. Factors affecting the size of tariff rates : \ financial condition enterprises;

Efficiency of collective bargaining regulation wages at the federal, regional, branch, local levels;

working conditions, reflecting the influence of a combination of factors of the production environment on human performance. Increased wages in difficult, harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful conditions are established by increasing tariff rates and through the introduction of additional payments to wages;

labor intensity. Many enterprises practice the establishment of differentiation in wages depending on the form of remuneration (tariff rates for piecework workers are higher than those for part-time workers).

Question 49

    The concept of the tariff scale

    Parameters of tariff scales

    Types and principles of constructing tariff scales

1 . Tariff scale - this set of tariff categories of work(professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the qualification characteristics of workers using tariff coefficients. Pay scales are an integral part of the organization of wages in the enterprise.

Tariff coefficients show how many times the tariff rates of the second and subsequent categories are higher than the rates of the first category, while the tariff coefficient of the first category is always equal to unit.

Tariff categories characterize one or the other. level difficultthe nature of labor or employee qualifications. The first category is assigned to workers with the lowest level of qualification performing the most simple work. Employees are charged with the last category the highest level of qualification, doing the most difficult jobs.

2. Parametertariff scales are :

    the number of tariff categories;

    tariff coefficients;

    the range of the tariff scale, i.e. the ratio of the tariff coefficients of the first and last digits of the grid;

    absolute increase in tariff coefficients - shows the difference between the tariff coefficients of adjacent grid categories;

    the relative increase in tariff coefficients - reflects, on the how many percent the employee's salary increases when moving from rank to rank.

3. In the current practice of tariffing for most jobs and professions of workers, six-digit range (light, food industry, building materials industry, etc.). Workers employed in the extraction of oil and gas, in the rolling and pipe production of ferrous metallurgy, in the repair of equipment of power plants and networks, are charged based on from seven ranks. The smallest contingent of workers in terms of specific weight is employed in industries that are characterized by the highest complexity of labor, corresponding to eighth grade (fitting and assembly, welding, production of folk art crafts, blast-furnace and steel-smelting production, etc.).

An example of a six-bit grid is presented in tab. five.

Table 5

Six-digit tariff scale

Tariff categories

Tariff coefficients

Depending on the nature of the change in tariff coefficients from category to category there are several types of tariff grids.

    tariff scales with uniform increase tariff coefficients;

    tariff scales with increasing progression tariff coefficients;

    tariff scales with decreasing progression tariff coefficients;

Tariff grids with mixed character their changes (combination of uniformity with progression or regression etc.).

The construction of tariff scales at enterprises should be carried out be guided by the following principles :

    tariff scales with an increased range and with increasingprogression tariff coefficients, as a rule, increase the interest of workers in advanced training, the performance of complex and responsible work - they are set for the highest ranks;

    the nature of the grid construction is due professional qualification balance enterprise personnel. For example, with a steady shortage of highly skilled workers, their material incentives are provided by an increase in the progression of tariff coefficients of the highest categories of the tariff scale. The shortage of low-skilled workers and their high turnover can be restrained to some extent by

by increasing the progression of the tariff coefficients of the initial digits of the grid;

The choice of tariff scale parameters is largely determined by financial possibilities enterprises. Thus, an increasing progression of tariff coefficients in the tariff scale is more economical than their uniform change.

Employees different categories wages are differentiated through a tariff system. Its definition and procedure for use is given by Art. 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In practice, this form of payment combines the rules and norms, according to which any position in the organization has a tariff rate (salary). Its value is affected by the severity, complexity, intensity and other working conditions. In this article, we will consider what is included in the tariff form of remuneration of workers.

Key components of the tariff wage system

The tariff system is the most common payment model. She shares it like this:

  1. Time-based tariff system - the time worked by a person after the fact is taken into account.
  2. Piecework tariff system - it takes into account how much the employee produced products (rendered services).

The elements of this system include tariff indicators:

  • grid;
  • ranks;
  • Odds;
  • rates;

Tariff scale - a scale that links ranks with coefficients. For example, for state employees, tariffs for 18 categories are applied. The size of the tariff and earnings is affected by the qualifications and complexity of labor. The rate of the 1st category is considered the basis for calculation. It sets the amount of salary for reporting time.

ETKS - unified tariff qualification and EKS - single directory administration positions created for billing and rank division of personnel. They describe what education and experience an employee should have, his knowledge, skills, nature of work. Today, employers can use professional standards corresponding to the requirements of the labor market.

How are wage rates set for employees?

Personnel performing elementary operations are assigned the 1st category. It is increased with the growth of the professionalism of the worker.

The tariff rate is fixed by local acts of the organization, regulations, agreements, collective agreements. The established system of payment for work must fully comply with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the established rates must comply with the norms of the ETCS, CEN, professional standards, and also not contradict the guarantees of the state.

According to the Letter of Rostrud dated April 27, 2011 No. 1111-6-1, the authorities recommend setting equal salaries for positions of the same name in the state.

Work of equal value should be paid equally Art. 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Other payments in excess of the tariff: allowances, incentives and others may vary for employees depending on the following points ( Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Qualifications;
  • The complexity of the activity;
  • The amount of labor;
  • The quality of labor.

Employees' earnings also increase by the value of the coefficients indicated in the table.

These coefficients determine the organs state power by industry and separate sections of organizations.

Example #1. Calculation of wages according to the tariff system of remuneration

An employee of the accounting department Chernygova M.P. earnings are calculated on the basis of the daily tariff rate: 1,200 rubles / day. In addition, she is entitled to a bonus of 2,500 rubles / month. She works for Far East with a multiplier of 1.5. In August 2016, she worked 18 days out of 22 according to the schedule, and was on sick leave for 4 days, the amount of which amounted to 4,054 rubles.

The employee's earnings for August are: ((1,200*18)+(2,500/22*18))*1.5+4,054=(21,600+2,045.45)*1.5+4,054= 39,522 ,18 p.

Time-based wage system

Earnings depend on the skill of the employee and the time worked by him. The system is introduced when labor is not standardized and it is difficult to take into account the number of actions performed by a person. Often, the time allowance is used for payments to administrative and management personnel (AMP), auxiliary, service personnel and part-time workers.

Earnings with simple time work are calculated by multiplying the rate by the time spent on labor. If not the entire calculation period has been worked out, the interval actually worked out is taken into account.

Salary = Hourly rate x Hours worked

The bonus form, in addition to the time spent on labor, implies taking into account the quality and quantity of duties performed. Based on this, the employee is entitled to a bonus: a fixed amount or a percentage of the base in accordance with the collective agreement, regulations and order.

Salary = Hourly rate x Hours worked + Bonus

Salary (option No. 2) \u003d (Hourly rate x Volume of hours worked) * Bonus percentage

With unsatisfactory results labor activity the employer has the right not to issue bonuses to the employee.

Example #2. Calculation of wages according to the temporary wage system

An employee of Mayak LLC, painter Vasiliev N.N. the rate of 155 rubles per hour is assigned according to the tariff. In July of this year, he worked 176 hours (22 days * 8 hours). The organization provides for bonuses for employees of this position in the amount of 3,500 rubles. monthly.

Vasiliev's earnings for July 2016 will be: 155 * 176 + 3,500 \u003d 30,780 rubles.

Piece rate form of wages

With this form of payment to personnel depend on the final result of labor, taking into account the quality of the services provided or finished products. Such a system gives a person an incentive to increase productivity and provide good quality his work.

The amount of earnings is at piece rates per unit of production or operation. The transaction is practiced by organizations that can clearly record the quality and volume of goods produced or actions performed.

An organization can pay for the results of work individually or collectively, for example, for a team of employees. Depending on the method of calculating salaries, a transaction is divided into several types:

  1. Direct - at fixed rates;
  2. Premium - premiums are applied for processing and for other reasons;
  3. Progressive - prices increase with excess production;
  4. Indirect - earnings directly depend on the result of labor;
  5. Chord - for the entire amount of work set the deadline and payment.

This form is based on clear rates and takes into account permanent circumstances. It is ideal for remuneration according to the plan: for the performance of a specific amount of work.

It has some disadvantages. Permanently paid employees do not seek to increase the intensity and efficiency of their work, do manufacturing process more optimal and rational.

Additional material remuneration for employees is simply necessary. This will stimulate initiative and creativity to the performance of their duties.

By paying allowances and bonuses to employees who show the best results, the manager ultimately wins. Production begins to develop actively.

A positive impact on the economy of the organization, in terms of remuneration at the rate, will have a few simple rules:

  • Arouse the interest of workers in the wage system;
  • Pay for identical work is equivalent;
  • Divide rates not only depending on the skill of the staff, but also on the results, complexity, intensity of activities;
  • Create interest in replenishing the workforce;
  • To provide bonuses and raise salaries to highly qualified specialists who show significant results for production;
  • Increase the rates for work performed in excess of the standards.

Tariffs in the budget

The system of remuneration in the budget is established by a collective agreement, agreements, other local acts. They must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Until December 2008, payment in the budget was carried out according to the UTS - a single tariff scale. It acted on the basis of Decree No. 785 of 10/14/1992.


Each employee, according to the ETC, has his own pay ratio.

The amount of salary (tariff) of the 1st category must be equal to or exceed the minimum wage (see →). The maximum size of this indicator is unlimited and depends solely on the finances of the employer.

The rates of personnel of the highest ranks are equal to the product of the rate of the I level and the coefficient of skill.

Now labor is paid in a new way (NSOT), this is enshrined in Resolution No. 583 of 08/05/2008. The principle of payment to state employees is based on the data of ETKS and EKS, state guarantees, lists of additional payments and incentives.

The size of the rates is approved in a new way by the manager, taking into account the skill of the employee, the complexity and significance of his work. The amount of earnings, excluding additional payments for NSOT, should not be lower than the indicators established in the ETS for similar work.

Surcharges in the tariff system

Surcharges are used to compensate an employee for any loss in salary caused by reasons beyond his control. The allowances encourage the worker to raise his professional quality and skills.

Some tariff payments are fixed in the internal documents of the organization, while others are mandatory and guaranteed by law. For example, payments for an academic degree, northern ones, for movement along a mine shaft, etc. Surcharges can be established by agreement of the parties and fixed in an employment agreement.

Additional payments can be divided as follows:

According to Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to independently establish the types of incentives for employees for their success. Surcharges are fixed in the collective agreement, charter, regulation on discipline. Labor allowances are stimulating and depend on business qualities specific employee.

Answers to current questions

Question number 1. How are holidays and sick days paid under the tariff system?

Organizations using this system “keep up” with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and provide employees with the entire social package.

Question number 2. What does the equality between the rate of an employee of the first category and the minimum wage lead to?

At the same time, the organization must change the tariff scale with an increase in the minimum wage. This leads to an increase in staff salaries. As a result, employees form the opinion that wages do not depend on the result of work, but on inflation rates and policies regarding the size of the minimum wage. Therefore, you should set the rate of the first category above the minimum wage. Only then will employees have an incentive to increase the effectiveness of the production process.

Question number 3. Where is the tariff system applied?

This form is mainly used large organizations. Regardless of the number of departments in such enterprises, it is necessary to establish a single salary payment template. Less often, small companies apply tariffs.

Question number 4. What guarantees are provided to employees working at the rate?

The law only protects wages. Even pregnant and young mothers can be deprived of bonus payments by the authorities. The main thing is that the accrued earnings be greater than or equal to the minimum wage.

Question #5. What are the disadvantages of tariff payment?

This payment system also has negative points:

  • The employer must be well versed in the laws and follow their changes.
  • The priority is the qualification of the staff, not the quality of work.
  • The management forms the salary fund based on tariffs and laws, not taking into account profit and performance results.
  • Employee contribution to labor process little depends on the amount of incentives.

The tariff system is a full-fledged opportunity to work according to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without depriving the staff in salary. To prevent possible problems with the labor inspectorate, the administration should be guided by the law, and employees should carefully read the contract and ask questions of interest in order to avoid disagreements.

Different organizations may establish different tariff scales, differing, for example, in the number of digits. IN commercial organizations there are no mandatory tariff scales introduced at the legislative level. They can develop their own tariff scale. A private employer has the right to independently set the number of categories in the company's tariff scale, the size of tariffs and coefficients. When developing pay scales, the following should be taken into account: no one should receive a salary below the current minimum wage (SMIC), and the maximum wage is not limited. FOR INFORMATION Since 07/01/2016, the minimum wage in Russian Federation set at 7500 rubles. (art. 1 federal law dated 02.06.2016 No. 164-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On minimum size wages").

Nuances and rules for using the tariff scale by category

She shares it like this:

  1. Time-based tariff system - the time worked by a person after the fact is taken into account.
  2. Piecework tariff system - it takes into account how much the employee produced products (rendered services).

The elements of this system include tariff indicators:

  • grid;
  • ranks;
  • Odds;
  • rates;

Tariff scale - a scale that links ranks with coefficients. For example, for state employees, tariffs for 18 categories are applied.

The size of the tariff and earnings is affected by the qualifications and complexity of labor. The rate of the 1st category is considered the basis for calculation. It sets the amount of salary for reporting time.

ETKS - a unified tariff-qualification and EKS - a unified directory of administration positions were created for billing and rank division of personnel.

Tariff scale by category for 2018

  • home
  • Accounting for settlements with personnel


In practice, this form of payment combines the rules and norms, according to which any position in the organization has a tariff rate (salary). Its value is affected by the severity, complexity, intensity and other working conditions.

In this article, we will consider what is included in the tariff form of remuneration of workers. Key components of the tariff system of remuneration The tariff system is the most common payment model.

Calculation of salary by minimum wage category and category

ETS - unified tariff scale. It acted on the basis of Decree No. 785 of 10/14/1992. Pay grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tariff coefficients 1.00 1.36 1.59 1.73 1.82 2.00 2.27 2.54 2.91 continued: Pay grades 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Wage coefficients 3.27 3.68 4.18 4.73 5.32 6.00 6.68 7.41 8.23 ​​Each employee, according to the ETS, has his own pay coefficient.

The amount of salary (tariff) of the 1st category must be equal to or exceed the minimum wage (see → table of the minimum wage by years). The maximum size of this indicator is unlimited and depends solely on the finances of the employer. The rates of personnel of the highest ranks are equal to the product of the rate of the I level and the coefficient of skill. Now labor is paid in a new way (NSOT), this is enshrined in Resolution No. 583 of 08/05/2008. The principle of payment to state employees is based on the data of ETKS and EKS, state guarantees, lists of additional payments and incentives.

Tariff wage rate. minimum tariff rate

The tariff rate is a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for fulfilling a labor norm of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time (hour, day, month), excluding compensatory, incentive and social payments. The tariff rate of the first category determines minimum payment unskilled labor per unit of time.


Tariff scale - a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the requirements for the qualifications of employees using tariff coefficients. The tariff scale is a scale of ratios in the remuneration of workers of various qualifications.

The wage category reflects the complexity of the work and the level of qualification of the employee, and the qualification category characterizes the level of his professional training.

What is a tariff rate

When creating your own vehicle, specialists personnel service together with the heads of departments determine:

  • number qualification levels each profession and specialty;
  • the maximum coefficient for the highest category in each specialty;
  • intermediate indicators (they will grow evenly or progressively).

As a result, a table is formed that allows you to rate the work of each worker and employee and assign a fair wage that reflects the value of his knowledge and skills for the company. Tariff coefficients of the unified tariff scale 2018 If it is difficult to create a grid on your own, you can “borrow” samples in industry agreements for the period up to 2018 - documents created by associations of specialized employers and approved by the relevant trade unions.

Tariff system of remuneration in the commercial and public sector

Daily tariff rates are applied when the work has the status of a day job, while the number of working hours on each such day is the same, but differs from the usual norm established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Monthly tariff rates are subject to constant observance of the normalization of working hours: a stable schedule, fixed days off. In such conditions, the employee will “close” the month, regardless of how many hours he actually worked: having worked out the monthly norm, he earns his rate. Functions of the tariff rate Application for accrual in monetary form of remuneration for the performance of labor functions - the tariff system of payment - has a number of advantages over other forms of payment.

What is the tariff scale

The document explains in some detail the level of knowledge and skill that is necessary to perform work of varying complexity. In which case the hourly wage rate of workers is applied At some enterprises, hourly wages have been introduced to pay for the work of employees.

Such a system is most convenient when taking into account the shift nature of work. If the company until recently used a different remuneration system, then the manager is obliged to inform all employees about the changes that have taken place a month before the introduction of the new regime. When calculating hourly wages, you must adhere to the forty-hour rule. working week. In case of reduction total hours fix the norm additional agreement to an employment contract and written consent worker. Otherwise, such a change in the labor regime may become a reason for litigation.

Tariff system of remuneration of employees: types, surcharges, calculation examples

Then the initial formula for the 2nd digit will look like: X / 1 × 100 - 100 = 12 X / 1 × 100 = 12 + 100 = 112 X / 1 = 112 / 100 = 1.12 X = 1.12 × 1 = 1.12 - tariff coefficient for the 2nd category. We find the tariff coefficient for the 3rd category in the same way, applying the formula: X / 1.12 × 100 - 100 = 12 X / 1.12 × 100 = 112 X / 1.12 = 1.12 X = 1.12 × 1.12 = 1.25.

Similarly, we determine the tariff coefficients for categories 4–6. The absolute increase in tariff coefficients for each category is found by the formula (1):

  • for the 2nd category - 0.12 (1.12 - 1);
  • for the 3rd category - 0.13 (1.25 - 1.12).

In the same way, we calculate the absolute increase in tariff coefficients for the remaining categories (4–6). Table 3

Minimum wage scale

Thus, the hourly wage rate for such a worker will be 25,000 / 150 = 166.6 rubles. 2 way. If you need to calculate the average hourly rate for the current year, you first need to determine the average hourly monthly rate of time. For this, the corresponding annual indicator production calendar divide by 12 (number of months). After that, we reduce the average monthly wage rate of the worker, established by the wage scale, by the number of times received.

For example, the annual rate is 1900 hours. Let's take the same monthly rate as for the previous example - 25,000 rubles. Let us calculate how much this worker earned on average per hour during a given year: 25,000 / (1900 / 12) \u003d 157.9 rubles.

What is the difference between the tariff rate and the salary These two concepts are in many ways similar, since both of them reflect the monetary value of labor remuneration.

RESOLUTION of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14-10-92 785 (as amended of 27-02-95) ON DIFFERENTIATION IN THE LEVELS OF THE WORKERS' PAYMENT OF THE BUDGET ... Relevant in 2018 (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.02.95 N 189) Categories of wages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tariff coefficients 1.0 1.30 1.69 1.91 2.16 2.44 2.76 3.12 3.53 3.99 4.51 5.10 5.76 6.51 7.36.17 8.17 Notes 1. The size of the tariff rate (salary) of the first category is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rates (salaries) of employees of other categories of the Unified Tariff Scale are established by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient. 2. Professions of workers are charged in accordance with the Unified Tariff-Qualification Guide for Works and Professions of Workers from 1st to 8th categories of the Unified Tariff Scale.

Tariff scale by category for 2018

In practice, it turned out that the management, along with the obligation to distribute funds, has an almost uncontrollable opportunity to increase their own salary. This is easy to do by reducing the volume of services provided by the institution, which naturally has a negative impact on the quality of work.


You can also manipulate the base part by setting the "director's" salary significantly higher than the average for the institution, motivating that many employees work at 1.5 rates. The NSOT has unwittingly placed the management of institutions and their staff in the position of business partners with opposing interests, which cannot but create a certain social tension.

Tariffic scale for state employees from 01 10 2018

Approximately 30% of the entire wage fund should go to ensure these payments, that is, this is exactly the share by which subsidies from the state budget increase as part of the introduction of the NSOT. In order to introduce a new payment system, each state-financed organization is obliged to make changes or adopt new regulations, which, in fact, regulate changes in essential working conditions, and therefore require the consent of the employees themselves.

If we interpret the transition to NSOT as a change in technological conditions or labor organization, then it is not necessary to obtain the consent of employees. To do this, the employer must take a number of steps prescribed by law: 1.


Notify employees in writing of changes within two months. 2. If the employee agrees to work in the new conditions, he must express this in writing.


Unified tariff scale for remuneration of public sector employees

If the conditions are not suitable for a state employee, he needs to offer vacancies in writing, if any, including those from those paid below the current ones, as well as in other regional divisions. 4. In the absence of vacancies or disagreement of the employee to take one of them, he is fired under paragraph
7 h. 1 tbsp. 77

TK RF. 5. An additional agreement is concluded with the employees who agreed with the new wage conditions prescribed in it (they should not be worse than the old ones): the amounts of salary payments, compensations, bonuses, the incentive part of the salary. Very effective in theory, in the process of using the NSOT, it discovered several extremely unpleasant “pitfalls”.

It was thought that all the funds allocated from the budget are spent within the institution itself, and those that have been saved go to the wage fund, from which they are distributed by the management as an incentive part of the salary.

Nuances and rules for using the tariff scale by category

NSOT stands for " new system wages". This is an initiative that replaces the principle of calculating labor remuneration for employees of the educational industry from a salary (based on the Unified Tariff Scale) to a differentiated approach.

Under the usual system, the salary of a public sector employee was calculated based on the salary (tariff), which corresponded to a certain qualification category by length of service and employee category. The productivity of labor in each specific time period had practically no effect on the amount of wages.
The NSOT declares a different principle for the distribution of salary funds: managers receive the sole right to dispose of their distribution, assigning different amounts depending on the quantity and quality of work of each public sector employee, encouraging more successful and qualified ones.

New salaries of teachers in 2018 tariff scale

After the official salaries for 2018 change, the salary table will also be changed. However, there is a penalty issue. It is not yet known how the IMF and other international partners of Ukraine will react to such actions.
Given that Ukraine has a large external debt that does not stop growing, then, perhaps, creditors will not like it. All this leads to the fact that the situation in Ukraine will not develop in the best way. A large number of various experts and specialists predict a default for the state in 2020. These, of course, are only forecasts, but in order to avoid this, the authorities need to make considerable efforts, because it will not be so easy to change the situation for the better.
Workers who have benefited It should also be mentioned that positive changes still affected some.

Which of the state employees will receive a salary increase from May 1, 2018

In connection with such data, it can still be argued that the official salaries of civil servants for 2018 should undergo certain changes. Growth of salaries and pitfalls Representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine have repeatedly stated the above problem. This is very important problem which practically destroys any motivation to work. If you pay attention to how the indicators have grown over the past years, you can understand that this trend had its beginning in 2014. It was then that the growth of official salaries ceased to correspond to the growth of the living wage. To delve deeper into this problem, when comparing the size of tariff rates, it becomes known that representatives of the first category have a salary, which is approximately 1,700 hryvnia.

Official salaries for 2018 in Ukraine. table

Funds for such payments should come from the savings of funds, as well as through the expansion of budget allocations at the federal level by about a third. If the temporary volume of work of a state employee remained at the same level, as well as the level of his official duties, then the salary based on the NSOT cannot be less than it was according to the UTS.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a Decree according to which public sector employees belonging to certain industries, and above all, to education, are switching from the ETS to the NSOT. This document highlights general issues related to the new approach to the system of labor remuneration in public sectors.
In Art.
To do this, you just need to find out about the coefficient, which is indicated in the unified tariff scale. This coefficient is a clearly established concept, which is regulated only by the tariff scale. That is why any other labor changes and innovations have no effect on the indicator. As you know, for representatives of the first tariff category, the coefficient is one, and for other categories it grows in a certain way. This is the basis on which the table of official salaries is compiled. It should also be said that the tariff category itself is adjusted depending on the profession of a person.

Easy work is usually equated to the lowest levels. And work, which generally requires a minimum, belongs to the first category.

But the more professional skills are needed and the more specialized knowledge is needed, the higher the tariff category will be.

Discharge grid of wages for state employees in 2018

Tariff categories were established depending on the complexity of the work. In order to unify the distribution of employees by wage categories, 2 qualification reference books were used:

  • Unified tariff-qualification reference book of works and working professions (ETKS);
  • Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees (EKS).

Both reference books are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are constantly updated as the level of technological development increases, new standards of work are introduced. New wage systems in budget organizations On December 1, 2008, the Unified Tariff Scale was replaced by a slightly different way of charging the salaries of state employees.
If this is a tariff system, the rules for using which in 2017-2018 are regulated by the current norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then in a local regulatory act, for example, a regulation on wages or a collective agreement, all components of this system and the principles of their application are prescribed. So, the employer must paint the tariff scale, which will be used when calculating salaries for employees.

Within the framework of the tariff scale, the binding to tariff categories is fixed. So, all positions in the enterprise are divided into certain groups - categories.

Typically, the 1st category is assigned to the least qualified positions, and with an increase in the level of complexity of the work, the category also increases. NOTE! Naturally, for more complex work that requires certain knowledge and skills, higher wages are set.