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Anastasia Tyrina
Parents' meeting "Whims and tantrums of children 4-5 years old"

Parent-teacher meeting

Whims(translated from French whim, quirk)- pursuit children to achieve something forbidden, unattainable and impossible at the moment.

Usually whims are unreasonable, are almost always accompanied by crying, screaming, stamping feet, throwing things around.

It should be noted the most main: whims of children 4 - 5 years of age is age-related negativism. The child begins to do everything in spite of. Parents lead him one way, and he goes the other. He just demanded an apple, but having received it, he refuses to eat it.

We offer to parents give your examples.

Explanation of everything that happens following:

All this is called asserting your own "I AM".

The child is not yet able to affirm his personality positively and is proceeding from the opposite "You are so, and I - on the contrary!".

The child wants to prove that he also has his own opinion, which is different from the opinion of adults.

Of course, this period is difficult for both children and for parents.

But it must be remembered:

* soon this period will pass;

* it is necessary to treat this period with patience and understanding (we are not angry with a child when he naughty at high temperature... Consider that your child has a temporary increased degree of stubbornness)

However, to parents you need to know how to properly behave with children during this period.

We bring to your attention parents situations of children's behavior 4 - 5 years and together we formulate the rules "How to treat children whims


1. First situation

The mother of 4-year-old Sasha, walking with him in the park, met a friend whom she had not seen for a long time. They got into conversation. Sasha almost immediately became be capricious pull mom's hand with in words: "Well, mom, let's go!"….

What should mom do in this situation?


Come up with an activity for baby: swing, carousel. The child will understand that you have taken care of him, paid attention to him, and will be happy to ride the carousel. And you will continue the conversation. The child should know that parents also have their own things to do, desires.

Very often, when to guests came to parents, baby starts be capricious- attract attention to yourself. It is necessary for the child to be occupied with something (puzzles, mosaics, coloring books, etc.)

2. Second situation

Marina was a long-awaited child. So her parents cherished, doted on her soul, indulged all of her whims... Even at the age of 5, they dressed and undressed her themselves, constantly taking care of the child. But at some point and parents and educators noticed: the child has become very capricious, constant tantrums, tears, disobedience.

Why is this happening to the girl?


Pampered, cuddly children are often capricious... Excessive attention and overprotection tire the baby. The child becomes disobedient, achieves his goal, since there was permissiveness - "If only the child is not upset".

3. Third situation

Artem is 4 years 3 months old.

Artem became capricious and stubborn child... Moreover, stubbornness flared up sharply and suddenly: daily tears, tantrums.

Recently in the family a girl was born... Mom devotes considerable time to newborn Polina, since the girl born premature... And then there are unreasonable Artyom's whims, which "Knocks mom out of a rut".

With this, in your opinion, are connected whims Artyom and how to help the child?


Modern research shows that most parents touch their children only by the need: helping to get dressed, get into the car. Rarely seen parent, who just like that, for no reason, hugs the child, kisses, pats him on the head.

Parents little time is given to children. Employment may be the reasons parents, work, the birth of a second - third child, etc. And, as a result, the child becomes capricious- attracts attention.

4. Fourth situation

The mother of 4-year-old Alyosha every day, returning home from work, picks up the child from kindergarten and goes with him to the store. And every day Alyosha arranges in the store tantrums: asks to buy one or the other, falls to the floor, screams, squeals and cries. Mom has no choice but to buy the child everything he asks for.

How to avoid this situation?


For example, if your child rolls up tantrums in the store, then exclude trips to the store with a child for this period. Go to the store without it, buy everything you need for a few days.


During hysterical, whims no slaps and cuffs, no arguments and persuasions. Tantrums and whims love"Spectators"... Once "Spectators" gone - passed and hysterics.


In the moment tantrums a child can go to the window and pay attention, for example, to a dog in the yard, or a large car that has driven out of the garage. Typically, curiosity picks up and the tears dry up.


Children are very observant and understand perfectly well that they have to go to their grandmother for sweets, "Soda" grandfather will buy, mom doesn’t allow you to climb high, and dad does the opposite.

In this so far difficult world for a child, it is difficult for him to navigate how to do the right thing, and inconsistency parents confuses him even more.

And the baby loves both mom and dad, and grandmother and grandfather alike.

No adult raising a child should override the prohibitions of another adult.


Parents very often inconsistent in their requirements for children. For example, yesterday mom allowed her son to play with her favorite vase, but the next day she didn’t, because she thought that the child might break it. And the kid does not understand - "Why was it possible yesterday, but not today?"


Difficult at tantrums child keep calm, but be patient. Enter negotiations when the child calms down. You can hug him and sympathize: "I am very sorry that you could not restrain yourself.", "I know that you were bad"... Teach your child to express his dissatisfaction with words. Ask: "What do you feel?".

Teach your child to apologize for their actions, and next time it will be easier for him to manage himself. After tell tantrums how it grieved you that he raged over a trifle. Reassure your child that you love him so that he does not feel guilty.


At this age, children want to have a choice. They also want to decide which site to go for a walk, to whom to visit. And we, adults, constantly dictate our terms to them. If the child and I are like friends, partners, then the child is initiative, knows how to make decisions on his own. And if we suppress his will, then often such children cannot answer a single question without looking back at parents.

Conclusion: the family plays a decisive role in the development of the child, has a decisive influence on the emotional well-being of the child.

Why is the child constantly naughty and crying? This question is relevant for parents of babies and children. preschool age... Therefore, we want to consider this problem in more detail.

Why is the child naughty

Most mums and dads every day are faced with the reluctance of the child to eat, sleep, dress, go to Kindergarten or for a walk. The kid cries, refuses to fulfill the proposed requirements, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various diseases, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow the daily routine, feed, water and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child needs attention - most childish tantrums can be prevented by increasing the communication time. Mom's love is as important to a little person as air. If he does not receive the required amount of attention, he will "pull" him by all available ways... Therefore, there is no need to wait for the baby to become hysterical. Just leave your business, turn off the phone, the Internet and hug the child. Play with him, take an interest in the news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man understands perfectly where the pain points of the parents are, and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad pay off the whims financially, then the child will quickly learn to use the new scheme. It is very important to teach the child to negotiate, to look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature arranged it so that a child's cry causes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, since sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a little person. If a child cries all the time, then it is necessary to understand why he does it.


From birth to three to four months, many parents remember with horror. Why is the child constantly naughty and crying during this period? The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or artificial formula does not suit him. If the child is not gaining weight well, then doctors recommend starting additional feeding.
  • Colic is thought to be caused by gas in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or sore ear - a doctor can help fix this problem. And the mother should inform about the problems that have arisen and changes in the baby's behavior in time.
  • Wet diapers - many babies react sharply to an untimely change of linen. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your baby's clothes on time.
  • Feelings of loneliness - Children miss adults and calm down immediately after being picked up.

Unfortunately, inexperienced parents find it very difficult to determine why the child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and respond immediately to his needs.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he is faced with the first prohibitions. Children often react very violently: they shout, throw things, stamp their feet. If parents are aware of age characteristics, then, as far as possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child (1 year old) cries and cries? The kid is naughty for various reasons. Therefore, first you need to define them:

  • The child is capricious from illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and expresses protest in a way available to him.
  • Protests against overprotection - wants more freedom, refuses offered clothes, or returns home from a walk.
  • Seeks to copy his parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you will be able to constantly be near, and at the same time teach your baby to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress- Excessive severity and control cause crying attacks in the child. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that should unquestioningly fulfill your will.

Remember that there are invisible causes of children's tears as well. Sometimes a child is constantly naughty and crying just because his temperament is of a weak type. This means that the baby is quickly overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to manage his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor the daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most flexible children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have sleep problems, hyperexcitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when the child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, the child must learn new rules of communication and interaction with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that affect his independence and freedom of action.
  • Mastering speech - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. So he takes off nervous tension screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that the baby can actively move and play during the day. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, it is hard to go through family conflicts and quarrels of adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a crisis phase. Therefore, it is so important to treat with understanding his personal problems and react to them correctly.

Crisis of three years

A new stage in the development of the baby is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he is aware of himself as a person, the pronoun "I" appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed in this. Therefore, he "takes revenge" on his parents with tears and screams. What should be done? Psychologists advise to come to terms with the situation and just go through it.

What to do if the child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds his or her own solution to the problem. Not always the chosen path will lead to a positive result, and sometimes even further exacerbate the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to see a doctor

Experts consider it normal if the baby shows his dissatisfaction two or three times a week. If the child is constantly capricious and crying, and even more so he is satisfied with real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.

The site's journalists would not like to talk about this, but the fact is, when it comes to the whims of your children, you may be the reason for this. Paradox? Yes! Is it a shame? Certainly! But nothing can be done, everything comes with experience, so there is no point in despairing. You just understand that if you misbehave, they will learn to control and manipulate you. Can you solve the problem? Certainly.

Children who wave their arms scream and shout, "I want this now!" - do not evoke the warmest feelings in us. Therefore, we often retreat. But if you give up and let things take their course, the childish irritability will progress. Alas, they do not outgrow. And as children get older, their bad behavior only gets worse.

There are ways and means to help you avoid childish irritability by keeping your children and those around you safe.

We have a very moody child. What to do?

What is the purpose of your child being naughty? Why is the child naughty? This is very important to understand. Because if you change your reaction to his temper tantrums and stop doing what he wants, the moods will stop. Most children use whims as a way to get what they want. If you say “no” sixteen times to your daughter, who at all costs wants to get a toy that you cannot afford, and the seventeenth time you say “yes”, she will understand that she has a way to turn your “no” into “ Yes".

Learn to intervene in time. If you systematically try to avoid whims, they become less frequent. Children usually get whimsical when they are tired, hungry, or overexcited. Write down the most common whims. What time of day? What preceded them? What did you do? What was the child doing? If you see history repeating itself, change your daily routine and keep documenting the changes. If you do not notice the appearance of the system, take notes of the time of getting up, eating, resting, going to bed, and correlating it with the time when the child is especially naughty. For example, low blood sugar in a child's blood can be the cause of a mid-day moodiness - so he is irritated. To avoid this, it is enough to give the baby a banana between breakfast and lunch, or postpone lunch an hour earlier.

Do not give in to children who are naughty because they want something. When you answer a child's request with “no,” explain why. For example: "No, you can't eat a chocolate mouse until you have lunch."

Children are unusually persistent. They will continue to try to get what they want, especially if the whims worked before. Many people throw "monstrous" tantrums if "ordinary" whims do not help. If you give up because of the "monstrous" tantrum, you are in serious trouble. You made it clear to your child that perseverance is rewarded, you just have to try.

Toddlers who have barely started to walk often throw tantrums because they cannot do something. By offering them a choice, you will help them feel less helpless. For example, if you decide that your son will eat soup for lunch, offer him a choice: tomato or chicken. Don't ask if he wants soup unless you're ready to hear "no."

What to do at the peak of a child's moodiness?
Before talking to your child, take a few deep breaths and get ready to put your campaign plan into action. An unruly toddler does not understand the voice of reason. Sit down or kneel down so you can look into his eyes. Say it's okay to be angry, but you don't have to hurt everyone. As upset or angry as you are, speak calmly. Shouting, spanking and the like will only make matters worse. Tell your child that anger should not prevail over him. Explain that everything will be okay. If your toddler is waving his arms around and trying to hit you, tell him that you will hug him tightly and hold him until he calms down so that others will not get hurt. Children who lose control of themselves are usually scared and, if hugged and hugged, often calm down. When the baby calms down a little, take him to another place so that he finally comes to his senses. If you are at home, this can be a children's room, but if in mall, a changing room or your car will do.

Children measure their own life on reaction to them, and if the buzzing and buzzing go unnoticed, they switch to screeching. If that doesn't help, they start yelling loudly; then if you scold and calm them down, they find the experiment successful and start again. The kid will sit quietly in your arms if you are not doing anything, but if you are reading, he lacks reaction, and he immediately goes into hostile actions.

What are your actions after a child's tantrum?
After noisy bouts of irritability, children usually feel insecure and upset. They need time to get ready before talking about what happened. Many are unable to explain or even understand what happened. Disassemble a whim into its constituent emotions. Think of it as anger plus at least one of your other emotions. When you find opportunities to help children cope with the “extra” emotions, they have less need to feel angry. For example, if a child is upset, it is enough to help get a toy that has been placed too high; it is necessary to spend more time with a jealous older brother, and a little daughter, who is afraid of the dark, should leave a night light by her bed in the evening.


Many parents have had to deal with an unpleasant situation when a child is capricious literally out of the blue: at home, on a playground or in a store. If this happens infrequently, then there is usually no reason for serious concern, however, when tantrums become constant, moms and dads are forced to look for answers to questions about why the child is naughty and how to cope with it. According to child psychologists, a lot depends on the age of the baby, and the whims of a child at 1 year old differ significantly from the whims of a child at 2 years old, and, therefore, they need to be dealt with in different ways.

The whims of a child from 0 to 1 year old

Very young children usually show an internal state of discomfort with their whims. We cry and they seem to give the parents a signal that not everything is all right with them, because they still do not know how to speak, and the whims of the child are the only way show that they are uncomfortable. Children's whims under the age of one year are often a sign that:
  • the child is hungry;
  • the child is cold, hot, or just uncomfortable (thorny blanket, too tight overalls, etc.);
  • the baby has a pain;
  • he is tired, but for some reason he cannot sleep.
A capricious baby at 1 year old is a reason for parents to pay closer attention to the physical condition of the baby. If the baby is capricious all the time, it is best to make an appointment with the pediatrician, who will help to find out the reason for the constant whims. But the whims of a child at 1.5 years old can already speak of a completely different problem.

The whims of a child from 1.5 to 2.5 years old

Children's whims directly depend on the age of the child. If in the first year of life, crying and tantrums, the baby signaled problems with his physical condition, then at 1.5 years the situation changes dramatically. The fact is that at the age of 1 year (plus or minus a couple of months), babies experience their very first age crisis, one of the manifestations of which is changes in behavior.

Children during their first crisis begin to experience an increased cognitive need, which stimulates them to break various rules. If the mother said not to go somewhere, the baby must get there in any way, and the answer to the next parental ban is that the child is naughty.

With the whims of a child at 1.5 years old, which are the direct companions of his growing physical independence, it is quite simple to cope with - you just need to remove some of the prohibitions. When a baby constantly hears a continuous "no", he feels that his cognitive need is not being satisfied, and this is irritated.

Also, sometimes the reason for a child's whims is a misunderstanding of why something is forbidden for him. Many adults cannot clearly explain to their baby why it is impossible to perform any action, and they constantly repeat only a mean "no", and it is natural that in response the baby only gets irritated and cries. If you talk to the baby and, at the level of his logic, explain to him why this cannot be done, you can avoid it.

The whims of a child at 2 years old are most often an attempt to get what he needs at any cost. He wants a new toy, but Mom and Dad don't buy it; the baby wants to go for a walk, and the parents say it's time to go home; the baby does not want to sleep, but they put him to bed. The result is hysteria and tears. Often parents of two-year-olds turn to psychologists with the question “The child is capricious, what to do?”, Not realizing that in fact the answer lies in their own methods. Most often, the reason why a naughty child at 2 years old is trying to achieve his goal lies in the fact that once mom and dad reacted incorrectly to the behavior of their crumbs and unconsciously began to indulge his whims. Hence, the baby got the confidence that everything can be achieved with tears. In fact, the only thing that can really be done in this case is to calm down and try to ignore the child's whims. Very often, the baby, seeing that tears and screams do not bring results, forgets about this technique and begins to invent new ways to achieve what he wants.

The whims of a child 3-5 years old

If a capricious child at 2 years old cannot yet be called a skillful manipulator, then in the absence of the correct reaction from the parents, he may well turn into such by 3-4 years. When parents constantly indulge the wishes of the baby, and fulfill all his requirements, just to stop screaming and crying, very soon the child realizes that mom and dad can be manipulated. And very soon he turns into a real little tyrant. The main problem of this situation is that it becomes more and more difficult to cope with a capricious child with age, and sometimes parents have to resort to the help of a professional psychologist.

However, most often the reason for the whims of a child at three years old is age, at which the baby begins to feel like an independent person. At this time, children for the first time feel their own needs and desires, and they cannot immediately get used to these changes, hence their constant whims come from. They, as it were, oppose themselves to their parents, strive to do something to spite them, therefore, psychologists advise parents to simply endure this moment. An age crisis usually goes away on its own within two to three months.

The whims of a child 4 years and older are most often associated with a protest against excessive parental care. Kids at this age tend to do everything on their own, without the help of mom and dad, so parental intervention and the desire to control every action of the child causes them a violent protest, which is expressed in tears and hysterics. Parents, in order to cope with a capricious child, need to allow him at least to show independence in some way.

Another reason why children of any age can be capricious is a lack of parental attention. This often happens when mom and dad work a lot, and often leave the baby in the care of grandparents, or when a second child appears in the family. The way out of this situation is not to forget about the baby and spend as much time with him as possible. If the child is capricious, what to do in each specific case, it is necessary to decide, taking into account the age of the baby and the family environment.

1. Do not fight against children's "want"

Perhaps, more often than not, a small person begins to be capricious when adults refuse to fulfill his desires. And it happens all the time: sometimes they don't give candy before the soup, sometimes they don't buy a car, sometimes they don't allow them to ride a hill just because their nose is frozen ... In a word, there are sheer injustices.

Most often, moms and dads in these cases:

* diligently explain why this or that “want” cannot be realized: “Look, this machine is bad, it will quickly break down, you have better at home”, “We have already been on the street for two hours. You had to walk. Tomorrow we'll go for a ride on the hill again, otherwise you'll catch a cold ... ";

* prohibit something without explanation: “I said:“ No! ”. Stop it! ";

* the most compassionate ones, seeing that the lower lip of their child is already trembling, and tears are rolling down their cheeks, change their mind: "Well, okay, I'll buy it, since you need all the nonsense so much."

But, in fact, neither option is good. In the first case, the parent spends a lot of energy dissuading the child in the wrongness of his desires, and the child is drawn into an unnecessary argument ("No, this machine is good!", "No, I haven't walked up yet!"), Which eventually loses and gets even more upset ... In the second situation, the baby is offended, learns a model of harsh, rude behavior, and the adult feels guilty. The third option is no better - indulge in children's tears - after all, this is the most reliable way to grow a capricious person and a manipulator.

What to do? In fact, being attentive to the needs and desires of a child does not mean making every "want" a reality. Sometimes it is enough to agree that a child has the right to want anything - even if it is dangerous, harmful or untimely. And the parent has the right not to fulfill every desire, but at the same time to listen and show sympathy. Psychologists call this active listening.

In practice it will look like this: “Yes, you really want this typewriter, and you are sad that I don’t buy it. I know how hurtful it is when you can't get what you want. " Or: “You really want to ride down the hill. You don't like that we have to go home. Of course, it's hard to wait until tomorrow if you really want to have fun right now. " During a conversation, it is advisable to sit down in order to be at the level of the baby's eyes, you can hug him, hug him. The child will understand that you are on his side. But at the same time he will learn that there are indeed circumstances that have to be taken into account.

2. The less "no", the easier it is to be obedient

Another reason for the whims is the excess of prohibitions, the absence of stable requirements and the crumbs of the boundaries of what is permissible. This happens when a child asks for something, an adult, without thinking, forbids, and then, seeing the upset of the baby, still allows it. Confusion arises in the child's head, and he tests with redoubled strength every new "no-no". Suddenly, if you really want to, is it still possible?

To solve the problem, you need to accustom yourself to use prohibitions as little as possible, but each prohibition expressed must be strong and unshakable. For example, you cannot run out onto the road, throw sand at other children, offend pets - in a word, everything that threatens the safety of your own and those around you is prohibited. These things simply cannot be done, there is nothing to discuss here, and even more so there is no need to be capricious.

In other situations, the word “no” is best avoided. And to explain that there are things that are possible only under certain conditions. You can walk through the puddles, but only with rubber boots on the legs. You can go to bed later, but only if tomorrow is not in kindergarten. You can climb a high "climbing frame", but only when dad is belaying from below, and so on. If you say these conditions aloud each time, it is easier for the child to learn self-control. “What do we have on our feet now? Sandals! Can I go into a puddle? Not worth it. " It is even better to plan the style of the walk before it starts: "Now we are going to visit, we will put on beautiful shoes, we will not climb into puddles" - or: "We are going to the site, what is better to wear so as not to get our feet wet?"

3. Avoid being overprotective

Often the baby is capricious due to the fact that his parents take too much care of him, not noticing growing up. This is especially evident during crises of one and three years. Imagine, the kid has finally mastered new skills, and he is not allowed to put them into practice. But you really want to feel like an adult! How can one not shout: “I myself!”?

The only way out of the situation is to admit that your child is growing, which means it's time to give him more independence, entrust new things. And let the baby smear himself with food - but he will eat it himself. Or start small - let the little one drink the delicious "Tyoma" biolact from a straw himself, in order to feel independent. Let her take off her boots, hat, gloves after the walk. Let him not vacuum the floor too well, but he will feel like a mother's helper. The feeling of self-confidence and skill, which is formed at this age, will remain with the child for life.

Where the child is not yet able to decide for himself, use the tricky "choice without choice" technique. For example, before crossing the road, ask: "Which handle will you give me - right or left?" (the option "not to go by the hand" disappears by itself). But do not be cunning often, the child should have the opportunity to make a real choice.

4. Don't ask for the impossible

Remember what the king said from the tale about The little prince: “If I order some general to flit like a butterfly from flower to flower, or to compose a tragedy, or to turn into a sea gull, and the general does not obey the order, who will be to blame for this - he or I? From each one must ask what he can give. I have the right to demand obedience, because my orders are reasonable. "

These principles are also adhered to by a wise parent who dreams of avoiding children's whims. When making demands, always consider age features the child and his physiological capabilities. For example, it is useless to require a preschooler to sit quietly in a long line at a clinic or on a bus slowly crawling through traffic jams. Such a requirement is completely contrary to its capabilities. If you are very worried about the comfort of others who may be annoyed by the screams and running of your child, then stock up on relatively quiet entertainment and make sure that the child does not get hungry. You can take his favorite book and drinking yoghurt "Tyoma" with you. Thoughtful prevention will help to survive even difficult situations without hysterics.

5. Don't forget about humor

Sometimes a good joke works best to defuse a tense situation and avoid escalating moods. The main thing is that she is kind and hurtful. For example, to someone who does not want to leave the walk, say: “Imagine, we will go downhill for a long time. And we won't go home until so much snow sticks on us that we turn into two huge snowmen. In an hour we will return home, knock on the door and say: "Dad, open it, the snowmen have come!" Here he will be surprised ... ". For such a fascinating story, it will be easier to switch the baby's attention and turn him towards the house: “Let's go - let's see if dad has already come. We will tell him that we were going to become snowmen ... ”.

As an exception, you can try to switch roles with a little whim. What will the baby do if his mother starts begging for a toy loudly from him or falls into a snowdrift and starts shouting: "I will never go home!" Probably, he will try to calm him down, and at the same time laugh at how the whims look from the outside.

Let humor, friendliness and confidence in your demands become your faithful companions. Patience and ingenuity! And let the capricious mood visit your beloved child as rarely as possible!