What are the duties of an Assistant General Manager? Job description of the assistant to the head Assistant to the general director what does he do

Assistant CEO- the face that every worthy leader needs. When managing a company, it is important to entrust half of the work to a person who has the proper knowledge, skills, and relevant competence. That is why the first and most significant vector of the direction of activity is the job responsibilities of the assistant general director.

Instruction approval

The basis of any job description is the labor legislation of Russia, and such a position as an assistant to the general director was no exception. The duties assigned to the "right hand" of the manager must be drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as additional regulatory legal acts.

The prepared instruction is approved by the head or head of the organization. His signature means the legality of the adopted document, as well as agreement with all its provisions. Moreover, the manager has the right to make changes, supplement duties, or not sign an autograph at all with a reasoned refusal and an indication of significant shortcomings.

General provisions: what guides the assistant?

It is impossible to overestimate the role played by the Assistant General Director in the company's activities. The job description for this category of persons must necessarily contain general provisions, where the employee will be able to get acquainted with the legal framework governing his activities, as well as with the materials that determine the nature of his work.

The assistant to the general director is the technical executor of the instructions and decisions of the manager of the organization. Accepted and dismissed from office by order of the relevant official. As a rule, the following requirements are imposed on him:

  • higher education;
  • the presence or absence of work experience (its term is determined by the head);
  • requirements for work experience in the specialty.

If you want to try yourself in this position, then be prepared for the fact that direct and strict submission to the boss is the main rule of work that any assistant to the general director adheres to. The job description also talks about cases of the absence of an assistant in the workplace. At this time, his duties are performed by the deputy head, who is in charge of full responsibility for their performance.

Legal regulation

The functions of the Assistant General Director are based on the following legal acts:

  1. Documents that regulate its activities in general or regulate a similar type of activity.
  2. Guidelines and other materials created in order to streamline a particular area of ​​activity.
  3. Charter of the company/organization/enterprise.
  4. Labor schedule.
  5. Orders and directives issued immediate supervisor organizations.
  6. Defined by the boss job description.

The assistant to the general director must quickly, clearly and correctly navigate the legal framework that regulates his activities in general, as well as the work of officials subordinate to the assistant. It is important to note that it is necessary to study not only federal and regional legislation, but also local regulations.

What do you need to know?

The position of the "right hand" of the head of the company requires a solid knowledge of the structure and management of the organization, as well as all existing divisions. An important skill in work is the ability to correctly draw up an appropriate document - an order, order, resolution, and so on. That is, without the basics of office work, the assistant general director will not be able to fully fulfill his job duties.

Persons applying for a position must have the basics of ethics, know the rules business communication and know the general rules labor code and administrative law. Yes, and without the skills of working with electronic computers is also indispensable.

Assistant functions

The next basic section of the job description is a list of functions that the Assistant General Director for General Affairs is required to perform:

  • Correct and clear organization of technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the company.
  • Maintaining and organizing office work, monitoring the activities of other employees, explaining unclear issues to employees in this area.
  • Development or participation in activities aimed at streamlining the company's workflow.
  • Reception of visitors.

Job Description Example

The characteristics of the assistant to the general director consist of both the job duties presented and the level of their performance, and is as follows:

  • Acceptance of incoming correspondence addressed to the head of the company, its transfer and use in accordance with the decision of the head.
  • Conducting business in accordance with federal laws, as well as the effective use of computer technology; application of basic skills in the work of collecting and processing information.
  • Acceptance of documents and applications, sending them for signature to the head of the organization.
  • Preparation of documents for the work of the head.
  • Organization of telephone conversations. In addition, the person holding this position is obliged to bring the information received as a result of the negotiations to the employees, exposing them in the required form.
  • Drawing up letters, requests, as well as other types of documents, preparing responses to requests on behalf of the head.
  • Organization of activities for the preparation of meetings, meetings, keeping minutes and their subsequent execution in the proper form.
  • Supervision of the work of company employees.
  • Organization of the workplace of the head in accordance with the requirements, provision of office supplies, creation of conditions for successful and efficient work.
  • Print office and work materials.

It is important to note that this list of job responsibilities is not exhaustive. The head, at his own discretion, can change each item, if the amendments made do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rights of Assistant General Manager

IN general view The rights of the Assistant General Director are presented in the following list:

  • the right to familiarize with the draft decisions of the head concerning the activities of the assistant;
  • the right to consider proposals made by the head and related to the implementation job activity assistant;
  • the right to information that is necessary for the successful implementation of labor activity further;
  • the right to demand from the management actions that contribute to the execution of the job description.

Assistant Legal Responsibility

As a rule, the final paragraph of any job description is the provisions on the measures of responsibility imposed on the employee. Thus, responsibility is provided for the following types of actions:

  • Improper performance or refusal to perform official duties.
  • Violations of criminal, administrative, labor, civil legislation.
  • Causing damage to the property of the organization.

Legal liability can be imposed on a person both with the participation of law enforcement agencies, and without the involvement of such. As a rule, the nature and extent of the harm caused plays a significant role in determining the measure of responsibility. If the employee has damaged the thing of the organization, then the recovery occurs as part of disciplinary liability. If the damage is of an interpersonal nature, the involvement of the investigating authorities is indispensable

Instruction approval

Job description of Assistant Gen. director is approved not only by the signature of the head, but also by the signature of the person starting to perform his direct duties. This legal act is local, therefore, it applies only to the territory of a certain organization. If the job description contains inconsistencies with federal or regional legislation, then the employee has the right to refuse to fulfill the illegally approved position.

The job description specifies the scope of duties and work that a person holding a certain position must perform. Job description in accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of December 30, 1993 No. 299) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization's activities. The group of such documents, along with the job description, includes, in particular, the internal labor regulations, the regulation on the structural unit, and the staffing table.

Is a job description required?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. Indeed, in an employment contract with an employee, his labor function should always be disclosed (work according to the position in accordance with staffing, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications or a specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee's labor function is specified. The instruction contains a list of the employee's job responsibilities, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibility (Rostrud Letter dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only discloses the employee's labor function, but also provides qualification requirements, which are presented for the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between the employee and the employer on the content of the labor function, the rights and obligations of the employee and the requirements for him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired employees, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that the job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, the presence of a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively assess the performance of the employee during the period probationary period;
  • justifiably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain Additional requirements, connected with business qualities employee);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer an employee to another job;
  • evaluate the conscientiousness and completeness of the employee's performance of the labor function.

That is why the preparation of job descriptions in the organization is appropriate.

This instruction may be an appendix to employment contract or be approved as a standalone document.

How a job description is compiled

The job description is usually drawn up on the basis of qualification characteristics, which are contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For employees who are hired according to the professions of workers, to determine their labor function, unified tariff and qualification reference books of work and professions of workers in the relevant industries are used. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for working professions are often also referred to as job descriptions.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing the employment contract) (

Executive Assistant is Elite administrative staff. The director of a large enterprise needs a responsible and reliable assistant who leads the entire organizational and information work. Thus, the leader stops wasting time irrationally, fussing and occupying himself with petty issues. The assistant acquires a special status in the company, because he is the confidant of the director.

In order to perform your duties efficiently, it is not enough to have a basic set of knowledge and skills, you need to have certain human qualities. You must be punctual, benevolent, self-possessed, tactful, devoted to corporate interests. At the same time, one must prepare to be in a subordinate position, to be able to adapt to the circumstances and the character of the boss.

First of all, you need to be able to respect both the leader himself and others. You will have to master the ability to manage and give orders, because you will be entrusted with the responsibility of supervising simple projects. Work must be taken with all responsibility and not be afraid of it. Use your initiative and don't be afraid to tell your boss your opinion if you think you're right.

The main responsibilities of a good manager's assistant are: work with documentation and organizational work. Information and documentation services include the following:
1. Acceptance and verification of prepared draft documents that are given to the boss for signature, editing and finalization.
2. Reception of correspondence that arrives at the address of the company, and its transfer to the relevant structural divisions and specific employees. Preparing and sending responses.
3. Drawing up letters, requests, reports, reports and other documentation required by the manager.
4. Maintaining archival records and secure storage of files.
5. Controlling the work of employees of the enterprise, monitoring the deadlines.
6. Maintaining a registration file.

Documentless service consists of other responsibilities:
1. Receiving and broadcasting messages through various communication channels.
2. Controlling incoming phone calls, the "face" of the company in a conversation with customers, making quick decisions about the importance of the call.
3. Ensuring the work of the leader by organizing his desk.
4. Rational planning of meetings and other affairs of the boss.
5. Preparation of councils, meetings, meetings (collection of participants and documents). Keeping minutes of these meetings.
6. Organization of company presentations.
7. Fulfillment of personal requests and instructions of the head.

The range of these responsibilities depends on the scale of the enterprise, management. The director of a large company has several assistants whose duties are narrower, but no less.

An executive assistant is a great opportunity to learn management skills. This position could be the next step in your career.

The job description of an assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document indicates functional responsibilities, responsibility, employee rights.

Assistant Manager position different organizations may be called differently: personal assistant to the director, assistant to the head, secretary.

Sample job description for a manager's assistant

I. General provisions

1. An assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.

2. Assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person with a higher education and one year of similar work experience is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulations companies;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager must know:

  • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • rules of business communication and etiquette;
  • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for the use of office equipment, means of communication;
  • basics of work in text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational structure of the company;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

II. Job Responsibilities of Assistant Manager

The Assistant Manager has the following responsibilities:

1. Planning the working day of the head: development and coordination of the schedule of meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the head at meetings, receptions, on trips.

3. Technical support for the work of the head: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

4. Keeping minutes and other documents fixing the progress and results of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

5. Notifying workers structural divisions organization of instructions, instructions of the management and control of their execution.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

7. Record keeping, receiving correspondence sent to the head.

8. Registration of visitors for a personal appointment with the head, organization of their reception.

9. Acceptance of documents and applications for the signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

10. Drawing up letters, requests, other documents on behalf of the management.

11. Preparation of meetings, meetings, meetings held by the head. Collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

12. Fulfillment of official instructions of the head.

III. The rights

The Assistant Manager has the right to:

1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the tasks.

2. Send proposals to management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

3. Send requests to the departments of the organization (on behalf of the head or on a personal initiative) to obtain the documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of its official duties.

5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

6. Have access to confidential information, in the event of a business need.

IV. Responsibility

The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with false information.

2. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Causing material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

5. Violation of the provisions of the organization's governing documents, decisions, ordinances.

6. Disclosure of trade secrets, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions that go beyond his competence.

8. Violation labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of the rules business etiquette, rude treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

The CEO of a company has a lot of responsibilities. As the organization grows, this range of responsibilities expands. There is a lot of "churn", on which the manager has to spend time instead of solving problems aimed directly at the development of the company. This reduces the efficiency of the specialist. Some of the tasks that do not require high qualifications can be delegated to the assistant to the general director.

Assistant CEO Position: Key Features

It is difficult to give certain characteristics to the position of assistant to the general director. The fact is that the terms of reference of this specialist are determined based on the needs of the CEO. An employee's activity can be focused on one aspect. Consider the positions in which assistants work in practice:

  • Clerk. This specialist is responsible for working with documentation. In his area of ​​responsibility are calls, various daily tasks.
  • Personal assistant. Specializes in organizing the working day of the CEO, business meetings and conferences. The specialist also accompanies the manager on business trips.
  • Deputy General Director. The employee has the right to make decisions on a limited range of issues.

As a rule, in fact, the assistant combines the functions of several specialists. IN large companies the CEO may have two assistants. For example, one arranges work time manager, and the other is engaged in paper affairs.

Assistant belongs to the category of leaders. He reports directly to the CEO. Requirements that are usually placed on an employee:

  • Higher education in the relevant field (for example, legal).
  • Work experience of three years.

As a rule, other employees are subordinate to the assistant to the general director. He has broad powers: from the right to issue orders to control over the work of various departments.

IMPORTANT! The appointment of an assistant is not at all an overkill. This measure allows the manager to focus on solving problems that require high professionalism and creativity. “Church” is delegated to an assistant. This significantly increases the efficiency of both the CEO and the company itself.

Legal regulation

The activities of the Assistant General Director are regulated by the following regulations:

  • methodical recommendations.
  • Charter.
  • Labor agreement.
  • Leader's orders.
  • Job instruction.

What are the responsibilities of an Assistant General Manager?

The duties of an assistant CEO vary depending on the size of the company. In small companies, employees control the work of couriers, managers, and the life support of the office. In large organizations, the CEO usually has two assistants. One personal assistant organizes the manager's working day, the second one takes care of all other matters. The list of duties of a specialist can vary significantly. In any case, the responsibilities should be spelled out in the job description. Consider a sample list:

  • Organization of negotiations, including by phone.
  • Reception of correspondence.
  • Organization of meetings and meetings: preparation of related materials, control over compliance with regulations, registration of minutes, shorthand.
  • Control over the execution of instructions of the General Director.
  • Providing papers for signature to the head.
  • Reception of visitors of the General Director.
  • Organization of business trips (for example, booking rooms, ordering tickets).
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the CEO.
  • Drawing up a plan for the day.
  • Information support of the CEO.
  • Participation in meetings and business meetings.
  • Organization of business meetings.
  • Organization of presentations.
  • Preparing expense reports.
  • Fulfillment of personal orders.
  • Creation of databases, virtual presentations using a PC.

The assistant is the closest person to the CEO. Often his working day is not standardized. The employee solves a wide variety of tasks, so he must have the appropriate personal qualities.

Employee Rights

The Assistant General Director is vested with the following rights:

  • Familiarization with the projects and decisions of the leader regarding the activities of the assistant.
  • The right to obtain the necessary information.
  • The right to make decisions within official powers.

The assistant general director can be endowed with great powers. For example, an employee may have the right to sign documents.

Assistant Responsibility

The responsibility assigned to the assistant should be spelled out in the job description. The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Failure to comply with job instructions.
  • Actions that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Causing damage.

If the assistant has committed a misconduct, an investigation is carried out before imposing responsibility on him. It is necessary to establish the degree of guilt. Participating in the investigation key employees companies. As a result, a document is drawn up. Depending on the degree of guilt, a penalty may be imposed on the employee. The assistant can also be fired.

What personal qualities are required from the assistant?

On the personal assistant entrusted with the widest range of tasks. Some specialists work in one direction, but this does not apply to the assistant. It requires multitasking, versatility. Consider the personal qualities that an assistant CEO is required to possess:

  • Proactive, proactive.
  • The ability to foresee further development situations.
  • Prevention of complications.
  • Versatility.
  • Adapting to a rapidly changing environment.
  • Fluency in one or more foreign languages.
  • Ability to work with information flows.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • Ability system analysis situations.
  • Ability to offer multiple solutions at once.
  • PC proficiency at intermediate to advanced level.
  • Knowledge of the basics of time management.
  • Ability to coordinate the activities of several employees.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Communication skills and ability to resolve conflicts.
  • Operational work with large volumes of information.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to prioritize.

The assistant must be competent, resistant to stress. Knowledge of related specialties is desirable (for example, knowledge of the basics of jurisprudence).

When does a CEO need a personal assistant?

An assistant is hired if the CEO has a large list of responsibilities. Even if the manager copes with the tasks at hand, most of the "churn" can slow down the work. It is to work with everyday affairs that an assistant is hired. As a rule, these employees are invited to large companies. CEOs of small organizations are able to handle all the work on their own.