Publishing houses and editorial and publishing divisions of the regional branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences and academic institutions, including. URSS Publishing Group

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the strategic direction chosen by the Academy to improve its publishing activities, primarily scientific journals in modern market conditions by expanding the scale and scope of activities of the International Academic Publishing Company MAIK "Nauka / Interperiodika" .

According to the composition of the founders, RAS journals are divided into general academic (published in the name and under the brand name of the RAS), regional (published in the name and with the stamp of the regional branches of the RAS) and institutional (published by the institutions of the RAS and under their stamp). General academic journals are published by the publishing house "Nauka" (Moscow) and its enterprises - publishing companies. 154 magazines are published under the Nauki brand, including 132 in Moscow and 22 in St. Petersburg. More than 20 journals are published by the regional branches of the Academy (Siberian, Ural and Far East). About 30 journals are published by departments and/or institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (sometimes with the involvement of partners).

If earlier the main founder of journals was the Russian Academy of Sciences, then in the past few years, specialized and regional departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as directly scientific institutions, began to create their own journals: for example, the Institute of Applied Mechanics publishes the journal "Mechanics composite materials and structures", the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population - the journal "Population", the Institute of International Economic and Political Studies - "Bulletin of Scientific Information". INION publishes the journal "Russia and the Modern World" and a newsletter in Russian and English"Russia and the Muslim World". The publishers of these journals are both publishing houses of regional branches and academic institutions.

The Academy continued to issue a number of journals jointly with scientific institutions foreign countries(the journal "Neurochemistry" is published jointly with the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, and the journal "Analysis mathematica" is prepared by the Steklov Mathematical Institute jointly with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and published in Hungary).

Most of the academic journals are also published in English at the same time.

Over the past 10 years, despite the difficult period, 7 general academic journals have been created, renewed or reorganized. The circulation of magazines has stabilized, and following the results of subscriptions for the first half of 2001, there was even an increase in the circulation of a number of magazines. At the beginning of 2001, the following magazines had the largest circulation: "State and Law" (5136, an increase of 465 copies), "Questions of Philosophy" (4864; +165), " World economy and international relationships"(4195; +327), "Sociological Research" (3446; +331), "National History" (3312; +73), "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (2358; +182), "New and Contemporary History" ( 2158; +57), Psychological Journal (2022; +323).

Distribution of journals published by the Academizdattsentr "Nauka" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to thematic areas.

Groups of journals by thematic areas Quantity Share in the total array, %
titles numbers per year
1. General academic interdisciplinary scientific journals 2 48 3,9
2. Scientific specialized journals,
145 1138 91,7
2.1. Physical and mathematical sciences 29 300 24,2
2.2. Technical science 14 98 7,9
2.3. Chemical and materials sciences 22 190 15,3
2.4. Life Sciences 35 248 20,0
2.5. Earth sciences 18 118 9,5
2.6. Humanities and social sciences 27 184 14,8
3. Popular science magazines 7 54 4,4
Total 154 1240 100

Including monographs, journals, collections of works of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research institutes and educational institutions.

Since 1994, the URSS PUBLISHING GROUP has released over 10 000 titles of books in Russian and European languages.

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    The members of the URSS PUBLISHING GROUP are professionals fluent in a wide variety of publishing systems. We guarantee that regardless of the state in which you submit your materials to us, the final result will surely satisfy you. The high qualification of the publishing house specialists ensures the excellent quality of our original layouts. We will be happy to orient you among the variety of existing printing and technical means and types of printing, as well as help you choose the most appropriate parameters for your order. High professional level translators and editors of our publishing house ensures accuracy and high quality Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish translations on a wide variety of topics, be it commercial documentation or scientific texts in natural sciences, sociology, politics, jurisprudence, etc. If you are the author of some work, you have doubts about your rights and you would like to hear the advice of a competent and conscientious specialist - contact us. You will be convinced of the correctness of your choice! Thanks to extensive experience working with printers and suppliers, URSS PUBLISHING GROUP provides services for placing your order in the printing house, monitoring its completion on time and delivering it to the specified address.
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  • We deliver products to any address in Moscow. We also send your order to any corner of the world at the specified address. We provide customs clearance if necessary. We provide storage services for your products in Moscow. URSS PUBLISHING GROUP has created an Inter-Publishing Distribution Center for Scientific Literature, which has a well-established distribution network that includes most stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other major Russian cities. We invite both publishers, authors and individuals to cooperate in the distribution of book products.


From the chief editor. Direct speech

This year it will be 50 years since I came to work at the Nauka Publishing House, which was then in Podsosensky Lane, 21, after the University. women. V Soviet times this mansion housed the world's largest scientific publishing house of the Academy of Sciences. All rooms and corridors were filled with editorial offices of scientific literature. Each branch of knowledge corresponded to a scientific edition. And there were even four historical editions. Life was seething. Here they sat for days with the authors - they took questions, in a wonderful library lined with wooden panels, they checked quotes from the classics of Marxism-Leninism, regular congresses of the party. The slightest mistake, especially in quotations, threatened with severe measures. Even literary works were censored. Highly specialized works were also ideologically directed. Everything, absolutely all publications had to be accompanied by quotations from Marx, Engels, Lenin.

With 100,000 circulations of ideological literature, there was a book famine in the country. Therefore, when world masterpieces of literature were published from the walls of the Publishing House, and these were the Complete Works of our classics of literature, the Literary Monuments series, popular science literature and others, huge queues lined up at the Akademkniga stores from the night. Somehow it got to the point that on Gorky Street they knocked out the window of the Akademkniga store. We, the employees of the Publishing House, got one book for the entire editorial staff. Someone one out of eight or ten turned out to be lucky.

The main value of the Publishing House was the authors and editors. Almost everyone with whom I had to work was the most interesting personalities with a unique destiny. Over the years, we published many authors in the “Monuments ... of Economic, Historical and Philosophical Thought”.

The “Podsosensky” period ended with the defeat of the Publishing House, the removal from management positions, primarily of the director, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences Alexander Mikhailovich Samsonov, in connection with the Nekrich case and the release of his book “1941, June 22”. This high-profile case can be found on the Internet.

With the move to Profsoyuznaya, 90, the new stage the life of the publisher. The leaders changed, the party organization worked, at the end of each month the working class was "rescued" - they worked in the printing house, they fulfilled the plan. Vegetable bases, in the fall, potatoes were harvested on the collective farm. Just like all over the country. But at the same time, there was an amazing “vent” in the life of the team, when our wonderful assembly hall hosted such outstanding artists as Andrei Tarkovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, Bella Akhmadulina, Sergei Yursky, Mikhail Kazakov, Alexander Shirvindt, Mikhail Derzhavin, Margarita Terekhova, Nani Bregvadze, Nikita Bogoslovsky, and many others.

Tatyana Efimovna Filippova
Chief Editor Publishing house "Science",
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation