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  188. Bezrukikh P.P. Use of RES - state support Energy: economics, technology, ecology. - 2005. - N 8. - Bezrukikh P.P. Prospects for renewable energy // Science in Russia. - 2003. - N 4. 155. Resources and efficiency of use of renewable energy sources in Russia / P.P.Bezrukikh, Yu.D.Arbuzov, G.A.Borisov, V.I.Vissarionov; Under total ed. Bezrukikh P.P.; Ros. acad. Sciences. Karelian scientific Centre. Institute of Applied mat. researcher, JSC "New and Renewable Energy Sources". - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002. - 314 p.Z 6-R.443ch / s
  189. Tarnizhevsky B.V. Prospects for the use of renewable energy sources in Russia // Mining Journal. - 2004. - Special issue. -С.22-25. Renewable energy sources (wind, energy of water flows, wood and other vegetable fuels) and prospects for their use in the energy sector of Russia are described.NO.
  190. Decision of the Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated March 11, 2005 \"On the Main Directions and Principles of Interaction between the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Field of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving\"
  191. Report of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Federal target program"ENERGY EFFICIENT ECONOMY" for 2002-2005 and for the future up to 2010 for 2002-2006.
  192. Analytical report on the results of the implementation in 1998-2000 of the first stage of the Federal Target Program "Energy Saving of Russia"
  193. Zakharov S.V., Kozhevnikov V.A. Analysis of the potential use of used oils
  194. Energy Efficiency Improvement Strategy in Municipalities (

1. Astafiev, V.E. Economics of electrical production, M, Higher School, 2009 - 126p.

2. Bagiev, G.A. Organization, planning and management of industrial energy. M.: Higher. school, 2008. - 361 p.

3. Volkova, O.I. Economics of the enterprise, M, Infra - M, 2010. -315 p.

4. Gorfinkel, V.Ya. Economics of the enterprise, M, Banks and stock exchanges, 2009.-521s.

5. Grazershtein, I.M. Economics, organization and planning of production TsM, M, ed. "Metallurgy", 2008. -302 p.

6. Zhukov, V.V. Chief Power Engineer / V.V. Zhukov // Problems of energy economy. - 2010. - No. 2 - S. 23-27.

7. Kovalev, V.V. The financial analysis: Capital Management. Choice of investments. Reporting analysis. M.: Finance and statistics, 2008. - 462 p.

8. Kovalev, V.V., Volkova, O.N. Analysis economic activity enterprises: textbook. - M.: TK Velby, 2006. - 424 p.

9. Kovaleva, A.M., Barannikov, N.P., Bogacheva, V.D. Finance textbook - 3rd ed., revised and additional - M .: Finance and statistics 2008. - 384 p.

10. Kreichman, F.S. Effective management organization joint stock companies in market conditions. M.: CJSC "Finstatinform", 2000. - 220 p.

11. Lyubushin, N.P., Leshchaeva, V.B., Dyakova, V.G. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: a study guide. - M.: UNITI-Dana, 2005. - 471 p.

12. Maital, Sh. Economics for managers: Ten important instructions for managers. M.: Delo, 2009. - 154 p.

13. Markaryan, E.A. Financial analysis: textbook. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: KNORUS, 2006. - 224 p.

14. Moskalenko, I.A. Financial results of the enterprise. - M.: MPEI Publishing House, 2008. - 361 p.

15. Moskvina, D.D. Basics economic theory. Political economy: textbook 3rd edition, corrected. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2008. - 528 p.

16. Nelipov, B.N. Electrical part of power plants and substations, ed. 4th, revised and supplemented, M, Energoizdat, 2008. - 253 p.

17. Nechitailo A.I. Accounting financial results and use of profits. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg IVESEP, Znanie, 2009. - 104 p.

18. Organization entrepreneurial activity: studies. allowance / ed. V.A. Osipov. Vladivostok: DVGTU, 2006. -210 p.

19. Pelikh, A.S., Dzhukha, V.M., Bokov, I.I. and others: General. ed. Pelikha A.S. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2006. - 416 p.

20. Pimikov, O.K. Handbook of PPR of power equipment, M, Metallurgy, 2009. - 125 p.

21. Economic and social development Far East and Transbaikalia until 2010 / ed. P.A. Minaker. M.: Economics, 2010. - 361 p.

22. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic analysis enterprise activities. - M.: Academic prospectus, 2009. - 573 p.

23. Repin, V.V. Enterprise financial management technologies: textbook. - M.: Publishing House“ATKARA”, 2010. - 228 p.

24. Reform of enterprises (organizations): method. recommendations. M.: Os-89, 2009. - 124 p.

25. Romanova, L.E. Business Analysis: Textbook for Higher educational institutions. M .: Yurayt - publishing house. 2004. - 220 p.

26. Savitskaya, G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise: textbook - 4th ed., Corrected. - M.: New knowledge, 2009. - 686 p.

27. Savitskaya, G.V. Methodology complex analysis economic activity: a short course. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 303 p.

28. Samsonov, V.S. Economics of an energy complex enterprise M.: Vyssh. school, 2003. -254 p.

29. Samsonov, N.F., Barannikov, N.P., Volodin, A.A. Financial management: Proc. M., UNITI Finance, 2006 - 495 p.

30. Safronova, N.A. Enterprise Economics: Textbook - M.: Yurist, 2007. - 608 p.

31. Sergeev, I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. -2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 304 p.

32. Sinyagin, N.I. PPR system, equipment and networks of industrial energy, M, Energia, 2009. - 302 p.

33. Fabozzi, F.D. Investment management. M., INFRA-M, 2000. - 110 p.

34. Fedorova N.N. Efficiency mark organizational structure enterprise management in the process of adaptation to the market. M.: Economics, 2009. - 196 p.

35. Khariton, A.G. Energy and law / A.G. Khariton // Features of the energy sector at the present time. - 2010. - No. 3 - S. 57-59.

36. Shulgin, Yu.P. Save energy resources, M, Moscow worker, 2008. - 297p.

37. Economics of the enterprise / ed. V.P. Gruzinova. M.: UNITI, 2009. - 52p.

38. Economics of industry: textbook. manual for universities / ed. A.M. Baranovsky, N.N. Kozhevnikova, N.V. Piradova. M.: MEI Publishing House, 2008. - 121 p.

39. Economic strategy of the company: textbook. allowance / ed. A.P. Gradov. St. Petersburg: Special literature, 2005. - 98 p.

40. Yusipov, M.V. The system of maintenance and repair of energy equipment of industrial enterprises. - M, Energoatomizdat, 2009. - 256 p.

41. Jacobson, M.O. Single directory PPR, 2010. - 59 p.


Compliance with the requirements of supervisory authorities, relationships with suppliers, guidelines, document templates. As of July 2010

  • Content
  • Program "Forum Document", version 3.0. User guide
  • 1.1. Energy reform. Legal framework. Results.
  • 1.2. Administrative liability for violations of the requirements of norms and rules in the energy sector
  • Responsibility in case of detection of an administrative offense
  • Responsibility for non-fulfillment of measures to improve energy efficiency
  • 1.3. Draft technical regulation "On the safety of electrical installations"
  • 1.4. Power industry: new in the legislation in 2010
  • 1.5. Technical regulation"On the safety of machinery and equipment": a general description
  • 2.1. The work of consumers in the wholesale and retail markets electricity. Contractual relations with power supply companies
  • Opportunities and tools for the purchase of electricity (capacity) in the markets
  • Work in the wholesale electricity market
  • Work in the retail market
  • Organization of work in the wholesale and retail markets
  • 2.2. Connection of new consumers (technological connection)
  • 2.3. Accounting for electricity. Metrology.
  • Automated information measuring systems commercial accounting energy
  • Commercial electricity metering at the WECM
  • Commercial metering of electricity at REM
  • 2.4. Thermal energy supply
  • Energy sales divisions
  • Contract work
  • Determining the loads of heat supply systems
  • Organization of metering of consumed thermal energy and coolant
  • 2.5. The relationship between consumers and network organizations: problems of control and payment of reactive power (energy)
  • 2.6. Power quality assurance
  • Power quality indicators
  • System for monitoring and controlling the parameters of electrical modes and their characteristics
  • Establishing legal liability for reduced power quality
  • Problems of “power quality” among consumers of the WECM entities
  • 2.7. New edition rules for joining electrical networks: a comment
  • Approval of electrical installations for operation in the light of changes in legislation
  • The procedure for organizing work on issuing permits for admission to operation of power plants
  • Administrative responsibility
  • 2.8. Calculation of electrical loads
  • Design loads of industrial enterprises
  • Algorithm for calculating electrical loads
  • 3.1. Checks of the electrical equipment of consumers of electrical energy
  • Implementation state supervision(control)
  • 3.2. The procedure for carrying out control measures in relation to the subjects of the electric power industry (power plants and networks)
  • 3.3. Admission to operation of new and reconstructed thermal power plants
  • 3.4. state energy supervision in the system of the North-West Administration
    Rostechnadzor. Some changes in legal requirements
  • Changes in legislation
  • 3.5. Procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents
  • Investigation of the causes of the accident at the HIF
  • Investigation of the causes of incidents at HIFs
  • 3.6. Administrative responsibility in the field of energy saving. Opportunity to challenge administrative liability
  • 4.1. Divisional position. The order of organization of work
  • Organization of the work of structural units of the division of the chief power engineer
  • Tasks of the Chief Power Engineer Service
  • Functions of the Chief Power Engineer Service
  • 4.2. The procedure for maintenance and preparation for inspections of consumer electrical installations
  • General purpose electrical installations
  • 5.1. Staff requirements. Training, certification
  • Mandatory forms of work with various categories workers
  • Knowledge check
  • 5.2. Occupational Safety and Health
  • Works of increased danger
  • electrical safety
  • 5.3. Measures to prevent accidents and reduce industrial injuries
  • Technical diagnostics of consumer electrical installations
  • Testing of electrical equipment
  • Carrying out emergency response training for personnel
  • 5.4. Control technical condition equipment
  • 5.5. Repair, maintenance and modernization of electrical equipment
  • Electrical repair planning
  • Organization of maintenance and repair of electrical equipment
  • Carrying out scheduled preventive repairs of power equipment of industrial enterprises
  • Drawing up schedules of preventive repairs of electrical equipment
  • 5.6. Operational Issues Requiring Special Attention in Preparation for Inspections
  • Operational and dispatching management of the enterprise, operational work, operational and technical documentation
  • Emergency work
  • Work with personnel in organizations
  • Compliance with safety rules and injury prevention
  • Technical condition and operation of equipment
  • Dispatch and technological management and connections. Providing the enterprise with SDTU means
  • Operation of overhead power lines and power cable lines
  • Organization of repairs
  • Preparation of subjects of electric power industry for work in the autumn-winter period
  • 5.7. Diagnostics and unbrakable control in the energy supply service of the enterprise
  • Infrared diagnostics of power equipment
  • Ultraviolet diagnostics
  • Vibrodiagnostics of rotating equipment
  • Ultrasonic diagnostics of underground pressure pipelines
  • Ultrasonic thickness measurement
  • 6.1. Criteria for selecting power equipment and its suppliers
  • Documentary support of procurement procedures
  • Equipment supplier requirements
  • Vendor Selection Procedure
  • Registration of contracts
  • 6.2. Problems of building a power plant and in the interests of an industrial enterprise
  • The feasibility of building a source of electrical energy
  • Features of the implementation of TPP construction projects in the interests of an industrial enterprise
  • 6.3. Training project documentation for power supply of buildings and structures for the state and municipal order
  • Project composition
  • Regulatory and technical papers on which the project is based
  • Consideration of power supply projects by Rostekhnadzor (gosenergonadzor) authorities and approval of the electrical installation for operation
  • 7.1. Regulatory legal regulation energy saving
  • 7.2. Organization of energy saving at the enterprise, corporate policy in the field of energy efficiency
  • Organization of energy saving at the enterprise
  • Corporate Policy in the Field of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement
  • Energy Survey
  • Energy service contract and its prospects
  • Drawing up energy passports of the enterprise
  • Accounting for energy resources
    • Programs for the service of the chief power engineer

    Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

    "Northern (Arctic) Federal University"


    List of literature for graduate students

    Institute of Energy and Transport

    (direction "Energy")

    Compiled by:

    chief librarian of the department

    information and bibliographic services


    From the compiler

    normative and technical documents

    1. Avetisyan, D. A. Automation of the design of electrical systems and devices [Text]: textbook. allowance / . - M .: Higher. school, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(1); Book code: 621.3; A 19

    2. Akimova, N. A. Installation, technical operation and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment [Text]: textbook. allowance / , ; ed. . - M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASC (9); Book code: 621.3; A 39

    3. Aliev, I. I. Cable products [Text]: reference book / . - M .: RadioSoft, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (3), OF (1); Book code: 621.3; A 50

    4. Aliev, I. I. Electrical engineering and electrical equipment [Text]: reference book /. - M .: Higher. school, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASK (4); Book code: 621.3; A 50

    6. Beyerbach, V. A. Engineering networks, engineering preparation and equipment of territories, buildings and construction sites to[Text]: studies. allowance/ . - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 69; B 41

    7. Bodin, A. P. Electrical installations of consumers [Text]: reference book / .–M .: Energoservice, 200s.

    Instances: ASK (2); Book code: 621.3; B 75

    8. Braslavsky, I. Ya. Energy-saving asynchronous electric drive [Text]: textbook. allowance / , ; ed. . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(6); Book code: 62; B 87

    9. Buhl, O. B. Methods for calculating the magnetic systems of electrical apparatus. ANSYS program [Text]: textbook. allowance / . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: ACK(3), OF(1); Book code: 621.3; B 90

    10. Bychkov, V.P. Economic issues in graduation projects [Text]: textbook. allowance / ; Voronezh. state forest engineering acad. - Voronezh: VGLTA Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 65.9(2)37; B 95

    11. Volkov, V. M. Calculation of electromagnetic transients in electrical systems [Text]: method. instructions. to the implementation of individual tasks, course. and dipl. projects / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (137); Book code: 621.3; At 67

    12. Volkov, V. M. Power supply of industrial enterprises [Text]: method. directions for the course. and dipl. design / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (57); Book code: 658.2; At 67

    13. Goldberg, O. D. Reliability of electrical machines [Text]: textbook /,; ed. . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASC (9); Book code: 621.3; G 63

    14. Danilov, A. D. Technical means automation [Text]: textbook. allowance / ; Voronezh forest engineering. acad. - Voronezh: [b. and.], 1998. - 160 p.

    Instances : OF (1); Book code: 6P2.154.5; D 18

    15. Demenkov, M. E. Guidelines to the design of term papers, graduation projects (works), abstracts, tests, settlement and graphic works, reports on the practice of students [Text]: method. instructions / ; ASTU. In-t inform. technologies. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); CTiIT (95); 006; D 30

    16. Doronin, V. A. Automation of soda recovery units [Text] / . – M.: Lesn. prom-st, 19s.: ill.

    Instances: ACK(10), OF(1); Book code: 6p7.53-08; D 69

    17. Zhukova, G. A. Course and diploma design for low-voltage electrical apparatus [ Electronic resource]: studies. allowance for technical schools /,. - M .: Higher. school, 19s.: ill.


    18. Kaminsky, M. L. Installation of devices and automation systems [Text]: textbook /,. - M .: Higher. school., 19s.

    Instances: ACK(3), OF(1); Book code: 6P2.154; K 18

    19. Konyukhova, E. A. Power supply of objects [Text]: textbook. allowance/ . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: ACK (3); Book code: 621.3; K 65

    20. Kopylov, A. S. Water treatment in the energy sector [Text]: textbook. allowance / , . - M .: ID MPEI, 20s.

    Instances: ACK(4), OF(1); Book code: 621.3; K 65

    21. Koryakovskaya, N.V. Automation technological processes and production [Text]: method. directions for the course. and dipl. project. / , ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(69); Book code: 681.5; K 70

    22. Kotikov, Yu. G. Transport energy [Text]: textbook. allowance / , .– M .: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: ACK(9), OF(1); Book code: 620.9; K 73

    23. Krasnik, V.V. Secrets of consumer survival in the electric energy market. Connecting to power grids in conditions of restrictions [Text]: pract. allowance / . – M.: ENAS, 20s.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 621.3; K 78

    24. Krasnik, V.V. Management of the electrical facilities of enterprises [Text]: production and practical guide / . – M.: ENAS, 2007.

    Instances: ASK (8); Book code: 658.2; K 78

    25. Kudryavtsev, E. M. Making a graduation project on a computer [Text]: textbook. allowance / . - M.: ASV, 2004. - 226 p.

    Instances: ASK (31), SF (15); Book code: 006; K 88

    26. Lokhmatov, V. M. Automation of industrial boilers [Computer files]: textbook. allowance / . - Electron. text data. - L .: Energy, 19s.: fig. + 1 email copy.


    27. Maksimov, B.K. T theoretical and practical foundations of the electricity market [Text]: textbook. allowance / , . – M.: MEI Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (4); Book code: 621.3; M 17

    28. Intersectoral standard instructions for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, electrical measurements and tests: TI R M-(062-074)- 2002 . Ministry of Labor and Social. development. - M .: Publishing house of NC ENAS, 20s.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 621.3; M 43

    29. Intersectoral labor protection rules (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations. POT RM. RD-153-34.0-03.150-00: the rules come into effect from July 1, 2001 - St. Petersburg: DEAN, 20p.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.3; M 43

    30. Management And marketing in the electric power industry [Text]: textbook. allowance/ [and others].; ed. .– M.: ID MPEI, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (7); Book code: 65.9(2)304; M 50

    31. methodical guidelines for determining the electromagnetic environment and compatibility at power plants and substations [Text]: organization standard: SO 34.35 .. - M .: MPEI Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.3; M 54

    32. Mokeev, A. V. Basics automatic control power supply systems [Text]: textbook. allowance. Part I / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (69); Book code: 621.3; M 74

    33. Mokeev, A. V. Relay protection and automation of power supply systems [Text]: method. instructions for completing the course. project / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: AGTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(97); Book code: 621.3; M 74

    34. Molnar, Ya. F. Guidelines for the economic justification of graduation projects (works) for students of technical specialties [Text] / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (332); Book code: 338; M 75

    35. Adjustment means of automation and automatic control systems [Text]: Ref. allowance / ed. . - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989. – 368 p.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 6P2.154; H 23

    36. Nekrasov, I. S. Power supply of industrial enterprises [Text]: method. instructions and assignments for the course. design / , . - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (160); Book code: 658.2; H 48

    37. Nickelberg, V. D. Installation of lighting for industrial and residential buildings [Text] /,. - M .: Energoatomizdat, 19s.: ill.

    Instances: ACK(1); Book code: 6P2.19; H 62

    38. Nikolaevskaya, I. A. Engineering networks and equipment of territories, buildings and construction sites [Text]: textbook /,. – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: ASC (1), SF (2); Book code: 69; H 63

    39. Basics cable technology [Text]: textbook / [and others]; ed. . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: ACK(4), OF(1); Book code: 621.3; O-75

    40. Basics modern energy [Text]: a course of lectures for managers of energy companies: In 2 hours, Part 1: Modern thermal power engineering: a course of lectures. / , ; Ed. . – M.: MEI Publishing House, 200s. Instances: ASK (17); Book code: 620.9; O-75

    41. Basics modern energy [Text]: a textbook in two volumes / ed. ed. . – M.: ID MPEI.

    Volume 1: Modern thermal power engineering / ed.

    Volume 2: Modern electric power industry / ed. And.

    Instances: ASK (4); Book code: 620.9; O-75

    42. Security environment and rational use natural resources [Text]: collection of scientific papers, vol. VI / ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 19p.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 6P6(05); A 87

    In the library catalog the book is under the name of the collective author - "Arkhangelsk State Technical University".

    43. Panteleev, V. N. Fundamentals of industrial automation [Text]: textbook. allowance / , . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(1); Book code: 681.5; P 16

    44. Pletnev, G. P. Automation of technological processes and production in thermal power engineering [Text]: textbook / . – M.: MEI Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances: ACK(11), OF(1); Book code: 621.3; P 38

    45. Raise efficiency of heat exchange processes and systems [Text]: conference materials. Part 1 / II International Scientific and Technical Conference (April 19-22, 2000; Vologda); Vologda state. tech. un-t. - Vologda: [b. i.], 20s.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 6P7.1; P 42

    46. rules safety when working with tools and devices [Text]. - [B. m.: b. i.], 19s.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 6-04; P 68

    47. rules safety when working with tools and devices: normative and technical material [Text]. - St. Petersburg: DEAN, 20 p.

    48. rules safety when working with tools and devices [Text]. – M.: ENAS, 20s. - Recommended by the industry Min.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.8; P 68

    49. rules electrical installation devices [Text]. - [B. m.]: DEAN SPb., 2003 - Sec. 6: Electric lighting. Sec. 7.: Electrical equipment of special installations. Ch. 7.1.: Electrical installations of residential, public, administrative and household buildings. Ch. 7.2.: Electrical installations of entertainment establishments, clubs and sports facilities. – 80 s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.3; P 68

    50. Device rules electrical installations [Text]. - [B. m.]: DEAN SPb., 2002. - Section 1: General rules. Ch. 1.1.: General part. Ch. 1.2.: Power supply and electrical networks. Ch. 1.7.: Grounding and protective measures for electrical safety. Ch. 1.9.: Insulation of electrical installations. Sec. 7.: Electrical equipment of special installations. Ch. 7.5.: Electrothermal installations. Ch. 6.: Electric welding installations. Ch. 7.10.: Electrolysis plants and electroplating plants. - Input. from 01.01.2003.

    51. Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 621.3; P 68

    52. Devices and diagnostic tools for electrical equipment and measurements in power supply systems [Text]: Ref. allowance/ [and others]; under total ed. . – M.: Kolos, 20s.

    Instances:: EPP (1), ASK (3); Book code: 621.3; P 75

    53. Industrial heat power engineering and heat engineering [Text]: reference book / ed. , . – M.: MEI Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (4); Book code: 621.1; P 81

    53. Prosviryakova, L. S. Economics and management of energy enterprises [Text]: method. instructions for completing the course. works / ; ASTU. Institute of Economics, Fin. and business. - Arkhangelsk: AGTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASK (65); Book code: 65.9(2)304; P 82

    54. Prosviryakova, L. S. Energy Economics [Text]: method. directions for the course. design / ; ASTU. Institute of Economics fin. and business. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1 ); ASK (73); Book code: 65.9(2)304; P 82

    55. Prosviryakova, L. S. Economic justification projected measures in the energy sector [Text]: method. decree. to Dipl. designer / ; ASTU. Institute of Economics fin. and business. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1 ); ASK (69) Cipher books: 65.9; P 82

    56. Rakhnov, O. E. Ecological efficiency of local energy sources (on the example of flat solar collectors) [Text]: author. dis. for the competition scientist step. cand. tech. Sciences: 05.14.08 / ; Mos. state builds. un-t. – M., 20s. -

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 620.9; R 27

    57. Rekus, G. G. Electrical equipment of production [Text]: Ref. allowance/ . - M .: Higher school, 20s. Instances: OF (1); ASK (4); Book code: 621.3; R 36

    58. Runov, Yu. A. Power supply of industrial and agricultural enterprises (Course and diploma design) [Text]: textbook. allowance/ . - Minsk: Urajay, 19s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.3; R 86

    59. Saburov, E. N. Fundamentals of thermal conductivity [Text]: textbook. allowance / ; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: AGTU, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASK (53); Book code: 621.1; From 12

    60. Saburov, E. N. Theory and practice of cyclone separators, furnaces and furnaces [Text]: monograph /,. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (4); Book code: 536; From 12

    61. Sibikin, Yu. D. Power supply of industrial and civil buildings [Text]: textbook /. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 368 p.

    Instances: ACK (3); Book code: 621.3; From 34

    62. Boiler installations of industrial enterprises: a textbook. – M.: BASTET, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(9); Book code: 621.1; From 34

    63. Sidelkovsky, L. N. Steam generators of industrial enterprises [Text]: textbook /,. - M .: Energy, 19s.

    Instances: ACK (1); Book ciphers: 6P2.22; From 34

    64. Improvement energy systems and technological equipment [Text]: collection of scientific papers / ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: [b. i.], 20s.: ill.

    Instances: OF (1), ASC (2); Book code: 6P6(05); A 87

    In the library catalog the book is under the name of the collective author - "Arkhangelsk State Technical University".

    65. Modern software for calculations of normal and emergency modes, reliability, condition assessment, design of electric power systems [Text]: collection of reports: fifth scientific and practical seminar 22-26 August. 2005 / Inst dispatcher. ex. energy systems. - Novosibirsk: IDUES, 20p.

    Instances: OFOF (1); Book code: 621.3; C 56

    66. Sokolov, E. Ya. Heat supply and heat networks [Text]: textbook / . - M.: MEI Publishing House, 20s.: ill.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(62); Book code: 6С9.4; C 59

    67. Sosnin, O. M. Fundamentals of automation of technological processes and industries [Text]: textbook. allowance / . – M.: Academy, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 681.5; C 66

    68. Directory on electric networks 0 , 4-35 kV and kV, T. X / comp.: , . – M.: Energy, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1); Book code: 621.3; C 74

    69. Directory on electric networks 0 , 4-35 kV and kV [Text]: reference book, T. XI. – M.: Energy, 20s. Instances: ACK (1); Book code: 621.3; C 74

    70. Directory energy of a construction organization [Text]: In 2 volumes. Vol. 2: Heat, water and air supply of construction. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 6С6; C 74

    71. Staroverov, A. G. Basics of production automation [Text]: textbook / . - M .: Mashinostroenie, 19s.: ill.

    Instances: ACK(2); Book code: 6P2.154.5; C 77

    72. Theoretical fundamentals of heat engineering . Thermotechnical experiment [Text]: reference book / ed. ed. And. - M .: MPEI Publishing House, 20s.: ill.

    Instances: ACK (3); Book code: 621.1; T 33

    73. Theoretical fundamentals of heat engineering . Thermotechnical experiment [Text]: reference book / ed. ed. Grigorieva, . – M.: Enegroatomizdat, 19s.: ill.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.1; T 33

    74. Heat generating at settings: textbook. – M.: BASTET, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(4); Book code: 697; T-34

    75. Thermal and nuclear power plants [Text]: reference book / ed. , .– M.: MEI Publishing House, 20s.

    Instances : ASC (2); Book code: 621.1; T-34

    76. Heat engineering [Text]: textbook. – M.: BASTET, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1), ASK (99); Book code: 621.1; T-34

    77. Trukhniy, A. D. Cogeneration steam turbines and turbine plants [Text]: textbook /,. - [B. m.]: MPEI Publishing House, 20s.: ill.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(3); Book code: 6P2.235; T 80

    78. Turbines thermal and nuclear electric stations [Text]: textbook / ed. , . - [B. m.]: MPEI Publishing House, 20s.: ill.

    Instances: ACK(9), OF(1); Book code: 6P2.235; T 86

    79. Ulyanov, S. A. Electromagnetic transients in electrical systems [Text]: textbook / . – M.: TID ARIS, 20s. -

    Instances: OF (2), ASK (98); Book code: 621.3; 51

    80. Tsanev, S. V. Gas turbine and steam-gas installations of thermal power plants [Text]: textbook. allowance; ed. . – M.: MPEI, 20s.

    Instances: OF(1), ACK(4); Book code: 621.3; C 16

    81. Tsarev, E. G. Electrical safety in the design of electrical installations of residential and public buildings and structures [Text]: educational method. instructions for completing the course. designing at the course "Industrial safety" /,; ASTU. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (29); Book code: 621.3; C 18

    82. Chebotaev, N. I. Electrical equipment and power supply of open-pit mining [Text]: textbook for universities /. - M .: Mining book, 20s.

    Instances: ACK (5); Book code: 621.3; Ch-34

    83. Cherkasov, V. N . Protection of explosive structures from lightning and static electricity[Text] / .– M.: Stroyizdat, 1984. – 80 p.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 6P2.13; Ch-48

    84. Chinakaeva, N. S. Issues of Economics in Diploma Projects in Energy [Text]: Proc. manual on the course "Economics of the industry and organization of production" /,. – M.: [b. and.], 1989. - 45 p.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 338:6P2; Ch-63

    85. Shigapov, A. A. Computer support for automated testing of automatic control systems of gas turbine power plants based on a mathematical model of an electric power system: Abstract of the thesis. dis. for the competition scientist step. cand. tech. Sciences: 05.13.06; Perm. state tech. un-t. - Perm, 20s.

    Instances: OF (1); Book code: 621.3; SH 55

    86. Yarunov, A. S. Economic substantiation of projected activities in graduation projects of students of technical specialties [Text]: method. instructions. Part 1/ , ; ASTU. Institute of Economics, Fin. and business. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (93); Book code: 65.9(2)30; I am 78

    87. Yarunov, A. S. Economic justification of design decisions [Text]: method. allowance for graduation qualifying works for students of technical universities / , ; ASTU. Institute of Economics, Fin. and business. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 20s.

    Instances: ASK (94); Book code: 65.9(2)30; I am 78

    List of energy magazines available in the library's reading room

    1. "Industrial Energy"

    2 . "Heat power engineering"

    3. "Heat-efficient technologies"

    4 . "Electric stations"

    5. "Energetik"

    6 . "Energy and Industry of Russia"

    7 . "Energy: economics, technology, ecology"

    8 . "Energy saving and water treatment"

    Articles from magazines

    (the list is based on the database " NEWS »)

    1 . Avdeev, A. A. High-pressure heaters of collector-screen type [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 2. - S.

    2. Alexandrov, V. Yu. Optimization of multistage gas ejectors [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 9. - P.

    3. Alenin, D.S. Technology effective management city ​​heat supply. Dispatching and maintenance, automated energy metering [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 4. - S.

    4. Analysis technical and economic indicators of the development of a heating system with a CHPP [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering No. 11. - P.10.

    5 . Antonov, A. N. Highly efficient compact plate heat exchangers for gas turbine power plants [Text] /, // Thermal power engineeringN11. - S. 6.

    6. Aslanyan, G. S. The problem of the formation of hydrogen energy [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering - N 4. - P.

    7. Astanovsky, D. L. The use of heat exchangers of a new design in thermal power engineering [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 7. - S.

    8 . Barinberg, G. D. Steam turbines UTZ for promising projects [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 9. - C

    9 . Bilan, A. V. Improving the reliability of the pipe system of network heaters horizontal type[Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 9. - P.

    10 . Brodyansky, V. M. Improving the efficiency of nuclear and geothermal power plants through the use of low ambient temperatures [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN3. - FROM.

    11 . Brusnitsyn, A. N. The development of non-traditional energy in the XXI century. [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN 8. - C

    12 . Bushuev, V.V. Monitoring the implementation of the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020 in 2y. [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 9. - C

    13 . Velikovich, V. I. Condensers of cogeneration steam turbine plants of the Ural Turbine Plant [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 8. - P.

    14 . Gvozdev, V. M. Identification of ash and slag waste from CHPP-22 as a secondary mineral raw material within the framework of current legislation[Text] / // EnergetikN 11. - S.

    15 . Grechikhin, V. A. Development of a system of continuous energy education - the most important factor energy efficiency and security of the country [Text] / // EnergetikN 7. - S.

    16 . Davidenko, N. N. Application of diagnostic systems for monitoring the state of thermal and mechanical equipment of nuclear power plants [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 5. - C

    17 . Danilevich, Ya. B. Hydrogenerator with excitation from permanent magnets [Text] / // EnergetikN 2. - C

    18 . Dubinin, A. M. Mini combined heat and power plant on solid fuel [Text] // EnergetikN 3. - S.

    19 . Draytser, G. A. Problems of creating highly efficient tubular heat exchangers [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN4. - FROM.

    20. Dubov, A. A. Experience in technical diagnostics of the metal of shroud rings of generators of thermal power plants [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 2. - P.

    21 . Evenenko, V. I. Analysis of fuel efficiency of gas turbine CHP plants [Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN10. - FROM.

    22 . Ezhova, N. N. Modern methods of cleaning flue gases of thermal power plants from carbon dioxide [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 1. - S.

    23 . Elsukov, V. K. Improving the efficiency of boiler plants with dust systems equipped with fan mills [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 9. - P.

    24. Ermakov, R. L. Selecting the setup mode in open systems district heating [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 11. - P. 58.

    25. Zharkov, S. V. Prospects for heating CHP plants in Russia [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 1. - S.

    26 . Pollution and corrosion of superheaters of boilers at thermal power plants burning municipal solid waste and biomass [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering N 11. - P. 73.

    27. Zeigarnik Yu. A. Rational structure of newly constructed district heating systems [Text] / Yu. A, Zeigarnik Yu. A, // Thermal power engineering N 11. - P. 56.

    28. Usage reverse osmosis method for water treatment in thermal power engineering [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineeringN6. - FROM.

    29. Kamenetsky, B. Ya. Justification of water hardness standards for hot water boilers [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN7. - S. 60.

    30 . Kashkarov, P. N. Environmental problems of energy [Text] / // EnergetikN 3. - S.

    31. Clair, A. M. Optimization of cogeneration heat power plants [Text] /,

    // Thermal power engineering N 9. - S.

    32 . Kovgan, P. A. Study aerodynamic characteristics movement of gas suspension in a cyclone countercurrent

    heat exchanger [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 9. - S.

    33. Korobov, Yu. S. Application of protective coatings by supersonic flame spraying [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 2. - S.

    34. Kostyuk, A. G. Long lasting durability of the rotors steam turbines in the stress concentration zone [Text] / // Thermal power engineering - N 2. - C

    35. Kotler, V. R. Solution environmental issues when transferring boilers from fuel oil to water-bitumen mixture [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 3. - S.

    36. Kotler, V. R. Modern TPP on high-moisture lignite [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 6. - S.

    37 . Krylov, D. A. Radiation hazard for the population and production person from coal-fired thermal power plants [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 7. - P.

    38 . Lebedev, A. S. Test station for combustion chambers of power gas turbines [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 7. - P.

    39. Livinsky, A. P. Ways to solve the problems of autonomous energy saving for consumers in remote regions of Russia [Text] / // EnergetikN 4. - S.

    40 . Makarov, E. V. Some thermotechnical aspects of protection of the condensate-feed duct of CHP from corrosion [Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN8. - FROM.

    41. Meshcheryakov, I. M. Improving the efficiency of operational cleaning of hot water boilers [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 9. - P.

    42 . World experience and prospects for the introduction of steam-gas and gas turbine technologies in the thermal power industry of Russia based on the capabilities of domestic power engineering [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering N 9. - P.

    43. Mishina, K. I. Features and benefits of coal combustion technology in a high-temperature fluidized bed [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 9. - S.

    44. Mulev, Yu. V. Microwave - a method for diagnosing the two-phase state of the water coolant [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 4. - S.

    45. Muller, O. D. Prospects for the use of wood waste in the municipal energy sector of the Arkhangelsk region [Text] / // News of universities. Forest magazineN 4. - S.

    46 . Nazarov, V. V. Capacitors of powerful steam turbines for thermal power plants and nuclear power plants [Text] /, //

    Thermal power engineering N 10. - S.

    47 . Nikitin, V. I. Damage to the steam pipes of the circuit low pressure drum waste heat boiler PGU-450

    Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 2. - P. 30-34.

    48. Novoselov, V. B. Research and optimization of the parameters of the electro-hydraulic control system for steam

    turbines [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 4. - S.

    49. Definition loads on equipment from turbine pipelines [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering.

    - 2009. - N 7. - S.

    50. Optimal orientation of a non-tracking solar concentrator [Text] / , V.P.

    Tarasov // Thermal power engineering N 12. - C

    51. Optimization operating modes of the CHPP, taking into account the real state of the main equipment [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 6. - S.

    52. An experience and suggestions on the choice of technical solutions in the development and modernization of deaerator-free thermal schemes of modern power units [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 10. - P.

    53. An experience development of incineration of municipal solid waste at domestic thermal power plants [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineeringN7. - FROM.

    54. An experience operation of an automated installation for ion-exchange softening of natural water [Text] /, etc. // Thermal power engineeringN10. - FROM.

    55. An experience operation of a new installation for countercurrent ionization of low-mineralized natural water with a high content of organic impurities [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 6. - S.

    56. Peculiarities biofuel combustion processes in fluidized bed boilers [Text] // Thermal power engineeringN9. - FROM.

    57. Grade total hazard of flue gases of the boiler plant [Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN9. - FROM.

    58. Points, V. F. "Cloud computing" for chemical shops of power plants [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 7. - P.

    59. Pantskhava, E. S. Biofuels and energy. Opportunities of Russia [Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN3. - FROM.

    60. Perminov, E. M. Revive Russian wind energy [Text] / // EnergetikN 10. - S.

    61. prospects and problems of using biomass and waste for the production of heat and electricity [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineeringN7. - FROM.

    62. Petrosyan, V. G. Improving the efficiency of two-code condensers of steam turbines [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 8. - C

    63. Plotnikov, P. N. Comprehensive analysis of reliability indicators of heat exchangers of steam turbine plants [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 2. - S.

    64. Povarov, O. A. Development of geothermal energy in Russia and abroad [Text] /, // Thermal power engineeringN3. - FROM

    65. Raise efficiency of turbine units of thermal power plants [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering N 9. - S.

    66. pulverized coal boiler for a new generation power unit for supercritical steam parameters [Text] / [etc.] // Thermal power engineeringN 6. - C

    67. Development dynamic model of a multi-connected ASR of a pulverized-coal power unit with direct dust injection [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 10. - P.

    68. Development separators for separating geothermal steam-water coolants [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering - N 8. - P.

    69. Risks the impact of atmospheric emissions from power plants on public health [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineering N 1. - S.

    70. Roslyakov, P. V. Efficient combustion of fuels with controlled chemical underburning [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering - N 1. - S.

    71. Rotach, V. Ya. Expanding the boundaries of the theory of automatic control of heat and power processes [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 10. - P. 25 - 31.

    72. Rohman, B. B. Two-zone model of aerodynamics, heat and mass transfer processes and combustion in the above-layer space of the boiler furnace with a circulating fluidized bed [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN9. - FROM.

    73. Sakov, I. A. The use of frequency-controlled electric drives in the control of drain pumps of LPH of turbine plants of CHPP [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 10. - P.

    74. Salamov, A. A. Foreign experience of transport and storage of coal at power plants [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN6. - S. 76.

    75. Separation CO 2 using chemical cycles of combustion and gasification of fuels [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 6. - S.

    76. Comparison properties of ash from coal combustion and non-traditional fuels [Text] / E P. Dick [et al.] // Thermal power engineering N 3. - S.

    77. Temeev, A. A. Dynamic model of a float wave energy converter [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 12. - S.

    78. Heat dissipation in shells made of porous mesh materials [Text[ / [etc.] // Thermal power engineering N 3. - S.

    79. Tupov, V. B. Noise suppressors on steam discharges of power boilers [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 8. - P.

    80 . Uglaev, K. E. Application of the SDART system for diagnosing thermal expansion of turbine units [Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN6. - S. 23.

    81. Accounting in the SARCMS of power units of technological organization and functional violations [Text] / [and others] // Thermal power engineeringN 10. - C

    82 . Ushakov, G. V. Anti-scale treatment of network water by an electric field in thermal networks [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 7. - S.

    83 . Fedoseev, B. S. The current state of water treatment plants and water chemistry modes of thermal power plants [Text] / // Thermal power engineeringN7. - S. 2.

    84. Friedland, V. S. Ecological and energy directions for the disposal of municipal solid waste [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 12. - S.

    85. Khodakov, G. S.. Water-coal suspensions in the energy sector [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 1. - S.

    86 . Chernomzav, I. Z. Improvement of automatic control systems for high power steam turbines [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 10. - P.

    87. Chirkov, V. G. Mini-CHP on pyrolysis fuel [Text] / // Thermal power engineering N 8. - P.

    88. Shipilev, S. G. Improving the equipment of the ball cleaning system for condensers of steam turbine plants [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 4. - S.

    89 . Operational pipeline control , subject to erosion-corrosion wear [Text] / [etc.] // Thermal power engineering N 5. - S.

    90. Efficiency innovative solutions for coal energy [Text] // EnergetikN 5. - C

    91 . Effective shell-and-tube heaters NPO TsKTI for industrial and municipal energy [Text] /, // Thermal power engineering N 12. - S.

    92. Yurchevsky, E. B. Development, research and implementation of water treatment equipment with improved environmental characteristics[Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN7. - S. 10.

    93. Yagov, V.V. Heat transfer during film boiling in a turbulent flow of subcooled liquid [Text] / , // Thermal power engineering N 3. - S. 21-29.

    94 . Yanchenko, Yu. A. New approaches to maintenance and equipment repair nuclear power plants[Text] / , // Thermal power engineeringN12. - FROM.

    Electronic resources

    Resource name

    The address


    Library of standards and regulations


    Information and legal system "Legislation of Russia"

    http://right. msk. /

    "Consultant Plus"

    Reference legal system, available in the library

    Science and technology electronic library

    Scientific electronic library

    DB of regulatory and technical information, available in local network university, library

    System of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (Rospatent)

    "Standartinform" (Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center for Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment)


    Federal Agency for Atomic Energy (scientific and technical library)

    Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

    http://www. /wps/portal/pages. resource

    Electronic Library of Dissertations of the RSL

    Elekab Directory of electricians and energy (full-text collection of articles)

    ElectricIQ (electronic library)

    Energy Information Center (information and reference materials)

    http://www. electrocentr. info/

    Other useful sites

    Voropaev - a short course of lectures - an electronic textbook

    http://home. /tgpu/resources/ Elektrotehnika/index. htm

    Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia (special projects, statistics, reports and reviews)

    http://www. *****/

    World Energy (magazines, headings, world markets, Russian energy, education, ecology, management)

    News of electrical engineering

    Environment / Protection of natural resources.


    1. Ancharova, T.V. Power supply and electrical equipment of buildings and structures / T.V. Ancharova, E.D. Stebunova, M.A. Rashevskaya. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016. - 416 p.
    2. Ancharova, T.V. Power supply and electrical equipment of buildings and structures: Textbook / T.V. Ancharova, M.A. Rashevskaya, E.D. Stebunova. - M.: Forum, 2018. - 192 p.
    3. Ancharova, T.V. Power supply and electrical equipment.: Textbook / T.V. Ancharova, M.A. Rashevskaya, E.D. Stebunova. - M.: Forum, 2015. - 48 p.
    4. Ancharova, T.V. Power supply and electrical equipment of buildings and structures: Textbook / T.V. Ancharova, M.A. Rashevskaya, E.D. Stebunova. - M.: Forum, NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 416 p.
    5. Kashkarov, A.P. Do-it-yourself autonomous power supply of a private house / A.P. Kashkarov. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2019. - 320 p.
    6. Kashkarov, A.P. Autonomous power supply of a private house / A.P. Kashkarov. - R&D: Phoenix, 2015. - 140 p.
    7. Kireeva, E.A. Power supply and electrical equipment of workshops of industrial enterprises: Textbook / E.A. Kireeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 368 p.
    8. Kireeva, E.A. Power supply and electrical equipment of workshops of industrial enterprises / E.A. Kireeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 368 p.
    9. Kireeva, E.A. Power supply and electrical equipment of organizations and institutions (for bachelors). Textbook / E.A. Kireeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2017. - 272 p.
    10. Kireeva, E.A. Power supply and electrical equipment of workshops of industrial enterprises (for bachelors) / E.A. Kireeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2015. - 192 p.
    11. Konyukhova E.A. Power Supply of Objects: Study Guide for Secondary vocational education/ E.A. Konyukhov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2013. - 320 p.
    12. Konyukhova E.A. Power supply of objects: Textbook / E.A. Konyukhov. - M.: Academy, 2012. - 352 p.
    13. Korobov, G.V. Power supply. course design/ G.V. Korobov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2014. - 192 p.
    14. Korobov, G.V. Power supply. Course design: Textbook / G.V. Korobov, V.V. Kartavtsev, N.A. Cheremisinov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2011. - 192 p.
    15. Korobov, G.V. Power supply. Course design / G.V. Korobov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2011. - 192 p.
    16. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply of consumers and modes: Textbook / B.I. Kudrin, B.V. Zhilin, Yu.V. Matyunin. - M.: MPEI, 2013. - 412 p.
    17. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply: Textbook / B.I. Kudrin. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 160 p.
    18. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply: Textbook / B.I. Kudrin, B.V. Zhilin, M.G. Oshurkov. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2017. - 416 p.
    19. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply: Textbook / B.I. Kudrin. - M.: Academy, 2013. - 304 p.
    20. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply: textbook / B.I. Kudrin. - R&D: Phoenix, 2018. - 382 p.
    21. Kudrin, B.I. Power supply: Textbook for students of institutions of higher professional education / B.I. Kudrin. - M.: ITs Academy, 2012. - 352 p.
    22. Leshchinskaya, T.B. Power supply Agriculture/ T.B. Leshchinskaya, I.V. Naumov. - M.: KolosS, 2008. - 655 p.
    23. Mamoshin, R.R. Power supply of electrified railways: textbook / R.R. Mamoshin, A.N. Zimakova. - M.: Alliance, 2016. - 296 p.
    24. Nazarychev, A.N. Engineer's Handbook for Adjustment, Technology Improvement and Operation of Power Plants and Networks. Centralized and autonomous power supply of facilities, workshops, industries, enterprises and industrial complexes/ A.N. Nazarychev. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2006. - 928 p.
    25. Nikitenko, G.V. Electrical equipment, electrical technologies and power supply for agriculture. Diploma design: Textbook / G.V. Nikitenko, E.V. Konoplev. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. - 316 p.
    26. Opoleva, G.N. Power supply of industrial enterprises and cities: Textbook / G.N. Opoleva. - M.: Forum, 2018. - 350 p.
    27. Plaschansky, L.A. Mining power supply. Relay protection / L.A. Plaschansky. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2013. - 299 p.
    28. Plaschansky, L.A. Mining power supply. Relay protection: Textbook / L.A. Plaschansky. - M.: Mining book, 2013. - 299 p.
    29. Rozhdestina, A.A. Power supply and electrical equipment of workshops of industrial enterprises (for bachelors) / A.A. Christmas. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 368 p.
    30. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply / Yu.D. Sibikin. - M.: Radio and communication, 2012. - 328 p.
    31. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply / Yu.D. Sibikin, M.Yu. Sibikin. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2013. - 328 p.
    32. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply of oil and gas production and processing enterprises: Textbook / Yu.D. Sibikin. - M.: Forum, 2018. - 416 p.
    33. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply of industrial and civil buildings: Textbook / Yu.D. Sibikin. - M.: Infra-M, 2017. - 89 p.
    34. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply of industrial enterprises and installations: Textbook / Yu.D. Sibikin, M.Yu. Sibikin, V.A. Yashkov. - M.: Forum, 2013. - 224 p.
    35. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply: Textbook / Yu.D. Sibikin, M.Yu. Sibikin. - M.: RadioSoft, 2013. - 328 p.
    36. Sibikin, Yu.D. Power supply: Textbook / Yu.D. Sibikin. - M.: RadioSoft, 2009. - 328 p.
    37. Chebotaev, N.I. Electrical equipment and power supply for open mining / N.I. Chebotaev. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2009. - 474 p.
    38. Shevchenko, M.R. Water and electricity supply at suburban area/ M.R. Shevchenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 256 p.
    39. Shcherbakov E.F. Power supply and power consumption in agriculture: Textbook / E.F. Shcherbakov, D.S. Alexandrov, A.L. Dubov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. - 392 p.
    40. Shcherbakov, E.F. Power supply and power consumption in construction: Textbook / E.F. Shcherbakov, D.S. Alexandrov, A.L. Dubov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2012. - 512 p.
    41. Shcherbakov, E.F. Power supply and power consumption in construction: Textbook / E.F. Shcherbakov, D.S. Alexandrov, A.L. Dubov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2012. - 544 p.
    42. Shcherbakov, E.F. Power supply and power consumption at enterprises: Textbook / E.F. Shcherbakov, D.S. Alexandrov, A.L. Dubov. - M.: Forum, 2016. - 208 p.
    43. Shcherbakov, E.F. Power supply and power consumption at enterprises: Textbook / E.F. Shcherbakov, D.S. Alexandrov, A.L. Dubov. - M.: Forum, 2012. - 496 p.
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