Characteristics of the state of the bakery industry d. Trends in the development of bakery production at the regional level

1. general characteristics bakery industry

1.1 History of the development of the baking industry

bakery industry is one of the largest industries Food Industry. Mechanized bakery production in our country was created during the years of Soviet power. Only under the conditions of the socialist mode of production was it possible to radically reorganize the centuries-old handicraft bakery production and bring it onto the path of industrial development. The construction of bakeries equipped with mechanical equipment was first carried out in the largest cities of the country - Moscow and Leningrad.
In 1925, the first Moscow bakery for five ovens was put into operation, equipped with some types of mechanical equipment: metal bowls, dough mixing and dough dividing machines, sifters, etc.
In the same year, the first Kharkiv bakery equipped with ten domestic ovens with sliding hearths, bakeries in Kiev (for ten ovens), Donetsk (for six ovens) and Dnepropetrovsk were put into operation in Ukraine. At these bakeries, dough was kneaded on dough mixers with rolling bowls with a capacity of 600 liters.
The extensive construction of bakeries began in 1930-1933. By this time, factories were created that manufacture mechanical equipment for the baking industry (Melstroy, Glavprodmash, etc.).
Until 1928, 74 bakeries were built and put into operation throughout the country. From 1929 to 1940, 280 new bakeries were put into operation with a daily design capacity of 17 thousand tons.
In 1927-1928. Soviet designer G.P. Marsakov began the development of a new type of bakery with a rigid ring conveyor. The first such pilot plant was built in Moscow in 1929. In 1931, a circular bakery with a capacity of 250 tons of bread per day was built in Moscow, which, in terms of technical equipment, far exceeded all the existing plants in Europe and America. At this time, the movement of leaders and innovators of production began to develop widely at bakeries, which was an inexhaustible source of creative initiative aimed at improving bakery production.
During the Great Patriotic War, the baking industry suffered significant damage; Most of the enterprises located in the temporarily occupied territory were destroyed.
In the post-war years, the baking industry, after restoration, began to develop rapidly. The new baking technique made it possible to organize continuous dough preparation and start creating continuous production lines.
In the last two years, there has been a steady increase in bread production. Exactly ten years ago - in the rather prosperous 1990 - the volume of production and consumption of bread amounted to 18.0 million tons. Then there was a general decline in production, and in 1995 12.4 million tons were produced. The decline continued until 1998, reaching the level 8.3 million tons, or 45.6% of the 1990 volumes. In 1999, the growth of bread production in the country in comparison with 1998 increased by 8%, and in some regions it was much more. In the Northern region, for example, the increase in production for the year amounted to 16.5%, in the Volga region - 11.0%, in the Urals - 12.0%, and in the North Caucasus region it reached 24.5%. Over 20% of the volume increased production bakery products in the Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kaluga and Chelyabinsk regions, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in Kabardino-Balkaria. An increase in bread production occurred in 78 regions, and only in 11 regions the decline continued.

2.2 Types and significance of the baking industry in the food complex of Russia
Baking is one of the leading branches of the food industry. Bread as the main food product is able to satisfy up to 30% of a person's need for calories, serves as a source of proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. About 18 thousand enterprises operate in this industry, among which more than 50% are small bakeries. Today, large bakeries are able to satisfy the population's need for bread almost everywhere, since today their capacities are not fully utilized. However, the growing demand of the population for freshly baked products, dietary and medical products makes it necessary and expedient to build small workshops and bakeries with a small radius of product delivery.

Currently, the industry produces about 5 thousand types of confectionery.
Flour confectionery in terms of production takes the second place. In addition, they are produced in significant quantities by the baking industry. The assortment of flour confectionery products is extremely diverse. Thus, the cake and pastry industry produces more than 400 items.
An increase in production, a change and improvement in the assortment is ensured by a corresponding increase in capacities, which is planned to be carried out primarily as a result of the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, the renewal and modernization of equipment, the acceleration of the replacement of obsolete equipment, the fastest introduction into production of the latest achievements of science and technology, construction new large enterprises.
Employees of the confectionery industry have done a lot to create and implement an advanced modern technology and technologies that ensure the creation of complex mechanized production lines, which are the most advanced form of organizing production and provide conditions for the creation of automated enterprises.
Further production of confectionery products should be associated with the mode of saving raw materials, material and fuel and energy resources. Saving raw materials in turn, it is aimed at reducing the sugar content of flour confectionery products as a result of the revision of recipes towards reducing the loss of raw materials, reducing the production of sugar-intensive products, using local and non-traditional raw materials.

2. Activities of the enterprise CJSC "Traktorozavodsky bakery No. 8"

2.1 Location of business and a brief description of its activities

CJSC Traktorozavodsky Khlebokombinat combines two bakeries. Bakery No. 4 was built in 1931, in 1942 it was destroyed during a Nazi air raid. Restored in 1943 by the staff of the bakery. Located in the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd.

Bakery No. 8 was built in 1963 and is also located in the Traktorozavodsky district.

Since 2002 Traktorozavodsky Khlebokombinat CJSC has been a part of UK Volgo-Don-Khleb CJSC.

The total area of ​​the land plot of the bakery No. 4 is 819 sq.m. On the territory there is a production building with an area of ​​2593 sq.m., garages and repair boxes - a total area of ​​391 sq.m., storage and utility rooms with a total area of ​​483 sq.m., a plant management building with an area of ​​230 sq.m. The plant was focused on the production of loaves, small-piece products and hearth rye bread.

Khlebozavod 8 total area of ​​the land plot 15846 sq.m. On the territory there is a production building with a total area of ​​3009 sq.m., a workshop for the manufacture of corn products with a total area of ​​458.9 sq.m., a straw and flour confectionery workshop with a total area. 297 sq.m., storage and utility building with a total area of ​​576 sq.m., garages with an area of ​​139 sq.m. and detached warehouses with a total area of ​​739 sq.m., a shelter with an area of ​​94 sq.m. Equipment: 4 FTL-2 ovens, 3 Musson-Rotor ovens, one PIK-8 straw production oven, one A2-SHPZ oven, one PKE-9 oven. The plant was focused on the production of molded bread, extruded products, straws, cookies and gingerbread.
In 2004, the reconstruction of production began. Bakery No. 4 was stopped, part of the equipment was transported to Bakery No. 8. At the bakery No. 8, the 1st line was launched on the basis of the FTL-2 oven for the production of loaves, with a capacity of 5 tons per day. The production of small-piece products was organized on the basis of 2 Musson-Rotor 99 furnaces with a capacity of up to 2.5 tons per day. All this made it possible to produce competitive products that are in demand by the consumer.

The main task facing Traktorozavodsky Khlebokombinat CJSC is to expand the sales market and strengthen the won positions by expanding the range and quality of products. Thus, in order to follow the development strategy of the enterprise for 2006-2007, the plan of necessary measures is as follows:
Increasing production volumes and quality of bakery products.
Reducing energy costs by replacing the electric furnace in the straw production shop with a gas furnace and increasing straw production to 3 tons per day.
Organization of the production of gingerbread, cookies and crackers at the bakery No. 4 up to 10 tons per day.
Use of branded packaging finished products.

2.2 Production capacity of ZAO Traktorozavodsky Bakery No. 8

Production capacity - the maximum possible output per year (day, shift), which can be achieved with the most complete use of the means of labor assigned to the enterprise in accordance with the established specialization and mode of operation. Production capacity is also determined by individual workshops, units, lines, installations. Production capacity is calculated for the entire range of products in the planning period. For each type of product, power is determined in natural units of measurement, according to certain types products - in kind and value terms. Production capacity is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops of the main production, where the main technological processes are carried out and which are of decisive importance for ensuring the release of finished products.
The presence of bottlenecks, i.e. workshops, sections, groups of equipment, the throughput of which does not correspond to the capacity of the leading production links, is not a reason to reduce the production capacity of the enterprise. It should develop and implement measures to eliminate bottlenecks. The calculation of the production capacity includes all the equipment of the enterprise, except for the reserve equipment and the equipment of experimental sites. Capacity reserves facilitate the timely preparation of production and mastering the production of new types of products, increase the flexibility of production, and help to eliminate disproportions that arise in the course of fulfilling the plan.
For businesses with continuous process production capacity is calculated based on the quantity calendar days per year and 24 working hours per day (minus normalized time for all types of repairs). For enterprises whose main workshops operate in two shifts or less than two shifts, the capacity is determined based on a two-shift operation of the equipment, and a unique one - from a three-shift one.
Material incentives for employees also have a significant impact. For improved utilization of production capacity.

Bread and bakery products are one of the most common food products of the population, which contain substances necessary for the life and development of a living organism, occupy an extremely important place in the diet of people. At the same time, in recent decades, a significant decrease in the consumption of these products by consumers has been noticeable. Since 1990, the country has seen a downward trend in the production and sale of bakery products. So in 2015 the volume index retail bread and bakery products amounted to 77%, and the production index - only 37.5% compared to 1990 (table 1)

Table 1

Production of bread and bakery products Russian Federation

The value of the indicator,

Absolute change of the indicator in comparison with 1990,

Absolute change in the indicator compared to the previous year, thousand tons

Relative change since 1990, %*

Relative change compared to the previous year, %*

*Calculated from

The volume of production decreased especially rapidly from 1990 to 2000, the average annual rate of decline was: from 1990 to 1995. - 7.6%, from 1995 to 2000 - 4.1%, in 2000 the production of bread decreased by more than 2 times compared to 1990. This decline continued into subsequent years, but the pace decreased: from 2000 to 2005, the volume of production decreased by 11.5%, from 2006 to 2010 - by 8.9%, from 2011 to 2015. - by 5.9%. Over the past five years, the volume of production of bread and bakery products has stabilized and in 2015 there was an increase in this indicator compared to the previous year, although insignificant - 2.5% (Table 1).

Similar to the data for the Russian Federation for the period from 1990 to 2015, this indicator also decreased by territory. However, starting from 2010, the differentiation between the federal districts is more significant: while in Russia as a whole the volume of production of bread and bakery products decreased by 5.8%, in such federal districts as the North-Western, Siberian and Far Eastern, the decline exceeded the average figures for Russia and amounted to more than 11%, in the Volga and Ural regions the decrease is less than the average for the Russian Federation (3.5 and 2.4%, respectively), in the North Caucasus Federal District, the volume of production increased by 33 thousand tons or 8 .0% (Table 2). These figures indicate different consumer preferences in the regional context.

table 2

Production of bread and bakery products by federal districts of the Russian Federation (thousand tons)

federal district

Change, 2010-2015

Relative, %

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

North Caucasian Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

Crimean Federal District

the Russian Federation

The total volume of production of bread and bakery products is influenced by the population living in a given territory, so it is important to analyze this indicator per capita (Table 3).

Table 3

Production of bread and bakery products (per capita per year; kg) in the Russian Federation

The value of the indicator,

The absolute change in the indicator compared to

Relative change of the indicator in comparison with

previous year, kg

previous year, %

An analysis of the information presented in Table 3 shows that the production of bread and bakery products per capita has decreased by 2.6 times. The dynamics of this indicator is similar to the dynamics of the total volume of production. The main reasons for this development of the baking industry were, on the one hand, a drop in consumer demand for low-grade bread due to the cessation of its use for livestock feed, and, on the other hand, price increases, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, as well as more economical spending bread and bakery products due to their high cost.

Experts note a number of reasons for this state of the baking industry: bread products are one of the main human food products, daily consumption of bread in different countries is from 150 to 500 g per capita. In our country, at the moment, the consumption of bread and bakery products per person per year is 118 kg, and in accordance with rational consumption standards food products that meet modern requirements for a healthy diet and are developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, this figure should be 96 kg, including cereals, pasta and beans. In modern conditions, both abroad and in Russia, an increasing number of people pay increased attention to their health, based on this fact, the consumption of bakery products will decrease, and, accordingly, the volume of production of the baking industry will decrease.

Table 4

International comparisons on the consumption of bread and bakery products per capita, kg/person.


The ratio of the country's actual consumption to the RF indicator, %

Rational standard for the Russian Federation

The ratio of the country's actual consumption to the rational standard of the Russian Federation

CIS countries







EU countries



Other countries

As follows from the information presented in table 4, there are significant differences in the consumption of bread products in different countries. Thus, in the CIS countries, the population traditionally consumes a fairly large amount of bread and bakery products, in Armenia this figure is 191 kg, which is 61.9% more than in Russia, the consumption level is relatively high in Tajikistan - 153 kg, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan ( 138 kg). Less than in Russia, the value of the indicator in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, the minimum among the CIS countries is this indicator in Belarus - 89 kg.

In the EU countries and Japan, the consumption of bread products is much less than in the Russian Federation. Among this group of countries, the minimum consumption is in Austria - 79 kg per capita, the maximum - in Poland - 106 kg, but even this value is less than the Russian indicator by 10.9%.

A comparison of the actual indicators of countries with rational norms for the consumption of food products that meet modern requirements for a healthy diet shows that in many countries these norms are violated, much more bread products are consumed, although the trend of our time is the desire to healthy lifestyle life. Research has shown that in high developed countries, where the level and quality of life of the population are quite high, the consumption of bakery products is much less and tends to decrease. All this once again proves the decrease in the consumption of these products in the Russian Federation.

The modern market of bread and bakery products dictates stringent requirements for the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass varieties of bread and bakery products. To survive and be successful, it is necessary to develop a wide range of products. According to experts, representatives of the baking and confectionery industries should pay special attention to the quality of their products, as well as take into account the specifics and habits of consumers.

Studies show that the structure of consumed bakery products is changing, the consumption of traditional types of bread is decreasing, and the consumption of new and healthy products is increasing (Table 5). If in 2010 6816 thousand tons of non-durable products were sold, then in 2015 there was a decrease in its sales by 507 thousand tons or 7.4%, while the sales of packaged products and other types are increasing, the structure of bread and bakery products is gradually changing.

Table 5

Changes in the structure of bread and bakery products for 2010-2015


Specific weight, %

Specific weight, %

Bread and bakery products, thousand tons


non-durable bakery products

long-term storage bakery products

low moisture bakery products

bread and bakery products, other

The structure of the production of bread and bakery products in Russia differs from that currently existing in developed European countries. V last years in the world great attention is given to the enrichment of bread with various useful substances that give it therapeutic and prophylactic properties. The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the use of dietary bakery products is provided either by introducing the necessary additional components into the recipe, or by eliminating unwanted ones, as well as by changing the technology of their preparation. Enrichment of bakery products with additives with a preventive focus remains in demand and relevant. Particularly valuable are natural additives that enrich the bread with healthy substances and have a positive effect on the technology of baking.

The market for the production of domestic dietary products has great potential for growth. A significant number of various bakery products for medical nutrition have been developed; there is a wide range of products for preventive nutrition designed for people with a predisposition to certain diseases, as well as people living in ecologically disadvantaged regions of the country, for workers in difficult professions, children preschool age and the elderly.

Industry workers face a number of problems related to improving the quality and nutritional value of bread, bakery, rusk and lamb products. Very important issues are: improvement of technology in order to intensify the production of bread; regulation of its nutritional value; creation of new dietary varieties of bread and bakery products.

Bakery products are sold today mostly through trade enterprises. Meanwhile, there are a number of manufacturers of bakery products that own their own chains of stores. Consumers are mainly sold fresh pastries and packaged bakery products. Following the market trends, manufacturers of bakery products equip their enterprises with modern technological and packaging equipment, making their products competitive and interesting to the consumer. Therefore, one of the first steps in the new conditions of market relations is labeling and branded packaging. Naturally, creating your own style and brand requires additional costs and, as a result, increases selling price. But it gives an extremely noticeable result. According to experts, the name and packaging of bakery products attract consumers and, therefore, expand sales. This gives companies a chance to expand the market. Advertising also influences demand. However, today most businesses retail they do not advertise bread and bakery products at all. This decision is due to the fact that the majority of trade workers believe that, since bread is an essential commodity with constant demand, it does not need advertising. Such an opinion is erroneous, since new and traditional types of these products are constantly appearing on the consumer market, for example, various varieties of rye bread. Due to the circumstances, it is necessary to promotional activities on the formation of demand and sales promotion.

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the volume of production and consumption of bread and bakery products;

The state of the bakery market depends on many factors: supply and demand, the political and economic situation in the country, the solvency of the population, the competitive component, etc.

Innovations, expansion of the manufactured assortment are the current trends in the development of the bakery market in Russia;

Due to the decrease in the consumption of traditional varieties of bread products, bakeries are forced to change the structure of the assortment, produce and sell new products.

Baking of bread products currently occupies a leading position among all branches of the food industry. Bread is a product that satisfies a person's need for calories by 30%. Together with it, a person receives proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. Today, there are approximately 18,000 enterprises involved in this industry, half of which are small and the other half are medium and large enterprises. If large bakeries would use all possible production capacity, they would be able to fully satisfy people's needs for bread.

Most domestic enterprises, as a result of the non-competitiveness of their products on the world and domestic markets, especially in connection with the appearance on the market of better products from Western firms, are poorly adapted to the requirements of the modern market. The problems of business efficiency are of particular importance for socially significant industries that are focused directly on meeting the needs of the population: food and light industry, housing and communal services, etc.

The food industry in Russia unites about 30 industries, which are characterized by certain biotechnologies for the manufacture of products and various organization of production. The economic and food security of the country and the health of the population largely depend on the results of the work of food industry enterprises. The purpose of the development of the food industry from the standpoint of national interests is to meet the needs of the country's population in high-quality food. Thus, the food industry is a strategic industry.

The baking industry is one of the leading food sectors of the agro-industrial complex and performs the task of developing essential products. In Russia, bread is an essential product, it is regularly bought by everyone and everywhere. The supply of the most affordable food product for all segments of the population depends on how efficiently the industry functions and develops.

There are more than 10,000 bakeries in Russia (including 1,500 large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70,000 tons of bread a day, or 500 grams of bread per person. At the same time, up to 90% of the production capacities of the industry are concentrated at 990 enterprises.

One of the features of the baking industry is the concentration of production capacities at large enterprises and, at the same time, the presence of a large number of small enterprises. various forms property. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries, and former state-owned bakeries, which were corporatized during privatization. In Russia, the bulk of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. More than 80% of all bakery products are produced here. However, the decline in output at the enterprises of this group in 2006 amounted to 2.8%.

Bakery enterprises of relatively small capacity, which are commonly called mini-bakeries, have become widespread. At the same time, production at small bakeries increased by 11% (from 715 thousand tons to 772 thousand tons), but this volume is less than 10% of the total output in Russia.

In the last decade, approximately 200 out of 1500 bakeries have ceased to exist. Some bakeries found themselves in a very difficult position; a number of enterprises in the regions have been redesigned for the production of vodka; many dozens of bakeries reduced bread production by several times.

The production of bakery products, according to official statistics, has been declining in recent years: in 2000, 9.1 million tons were produced. products, in 2003 - 7.8 million tons. In 2004-2005 there is, although insignificant, but an increase in production volumes (8.1 million tons and 8.4 million tons, respectively). However, in 2006, the analyzed indicator fell again to 7.7 million tons.

The decrease in the production of bakery products in the country, the fall in demand and the growth of costs, of course, negatively affects economic indicators work of enterprises. The profitability of bakery production in 2006 was less than 10%, and the number of unprofitable enterprises, i.e., in essence, bankrupts, is constantly increasing. Low profitability directly affects the prospects for the development of the industry as a whole. Thus, there is a tendency for the performance indicators of the Russian bakery industry to deteriorate.

The main reasons for this development of the baking industry were:

1. Falling consumer demand for products bakery enterprises, first of all, for low-grade bread due to the cessation of its feeding for livestock feed.

The consumption of bread and bakery products in Russia is traditionally at a high level. Bread contains many of the most important nutrients needed by man; among them are proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Due to the consumption of bread, a person almost half satisfies his need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts. For most peoples of the world, bread has a moral significance, and has always been a measure of human values.

The consumption of bread in Russia has been declining for several years (due to a decline in living standards) and reached a minimum in 2006, when one person had only 45 kg of bread per year, while the consumption rate for this product is 100 kg. per year per person. Consequently, per capita consumption is 55% less than the normative level.

2. Rising prices, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population's money income, as well as more economical consumption of bread and bakery products due to their high cost.

V market conditions bakery should develop in strict accordance with the needs potential consumers bread - residents of cities, towns, other settlements. When planning the volumes of production of bakery products, it must be taken into account that each category of consumers makes “its own” quality requirements, focuses on “its own” assortment and considers a certain price level acceptable for itself.

Despite the fact that the baking industry, like the entire industry, is in market conditions, and there are no legislative acts at the federal level that provide for the influence of the state on pricing policy bakery enterprises. However, in Russia, where bread traditionally occupies an important place in the diet, the price of bread is politics.

Prices for bread and bakery products made from wheat flour, which is most commonly used in bread baking, almost doubled from 2000 to 2006, due to rising costs for raw materials, electricity and services. The increase in flour prices is the main factor influencing the increase in bread prices, while the rate of growth in bread prices is much lower than the increase in prices for flour and other types of raw materials

The average market prices for grain in the Russian regions for the period under review had a steady upward trend. The dynamics of flour prices is directly dependent on changes in grain prices. To reduce non-production costs, most bakeries and bakeries sell products through their own distribution network. This speeds up the promotion of goods to the buyer and reduces retail prices.

3. The rapid development of small-scale bakery in urban and rural areas, which produces products that are more competitive in price due to the use of cheap low-quality flour and often deviations from the standard technology for making bread and bakery products.

Methods of qualitative competition, which reduce the importance of price as a factor determining the demand of the population, are associated with guaranteeing the impeccable quality of products, their originality and originality. In recent years, enterprises of the baking industry in Russia often face the problem of flour quality. In recent years, the structure of the production of grain, flour and bread has changed significantly, as well as their quality and consumption.

To obtain baking flour that meets all the requirements of the state standard, it is necessary to have a weighted average gluten content of at least 24% in the grinding batch. Only in this case, strictly observing the technological process of milling wheat, it is possible to obtain baking flour with a gluten content in the highest grade of at least 28%, in grade 1 - at least 30%. If wheat gluten is less than 24% in the grinding batch, then flour is produced according to specifications with gluten content from 23% to 27%. In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the main indicators of wheat quality - protein and gluten.

In these circumstances, flour mills are forced to work in conditions of limited choice, since only in a number of regions flour is produced according to technical specifications. In general, in Russia, such flour is produced approximately 30% of the total.

The high price of flour and the ability to produce bread from flour according to technical conditions led to a decrease in the profitability of bakery enterprises, the suspension of work on the technical renovation of production, the departure of highly qualified personnel and, as a result, a reduction in the assortment and some deterioration in quality. However, this state of affairs does not stop the leaders of many regions, demanding, including from low-profit and close to bankruptcy enterprises, to keep the price of bread.

To create high-quality varieties for various purposes, it is necessary to strengthen scientific research on the molecular genetic foundations of the gluten complex of grain, develop a system for assessing, predicting and managing quality along the entire technological chain: seeds - grain - flour - bread. It is advisable to unite the efforts of scientists, breeders-practitioners, seed growers, grain producers and processors, representatives of professional associations and state quality control bodies around solving this problem.

A certain role in solving this problem is assigned to the creation of adequate quality regulations. The outdated database of documents regulating the use of resources (output rates, consumption of packaging materials, fuel, electricity, and much more) needs to be revised. The system of technical regulation will improve the culture of management, will contribute to the formation of an effective system for managing the processes of production, supply, marketing, and service. This is directly related to the formation of a network of business processes and the construction of a process management system, including the regulations for the implementation of business processes, the development of regulations on departments, job and work instructions that meet the requirements of business processes. As a result, it can be assumed that there will be an improvement in the quality of bread and bakery products. Changes in the field of management are necessary, as they are the basis for the dynamic development of enterprises.

4. The crisis state of the economy, expressed in the lack of real opportunities for investing in production, imperfect taxation, the use of methods of unfair competition, imperfection legislative framework that do not contribute to the stable and efficient functioning of industries and enterprises.

The current state of the technological equipment of bakeries and bakeries is alarming. The wear rate of equipment in bakeries and bakeries is 65-75%, and these percentages continue to increase. Only 30% of enterprises are in a satisfactory condition, a significant part of the technological equipment has been in operation for more than 20 years. The main equipment (baking ovens) was developed back in the 30s.

One of the serious problems of bakery enterprises is an acute lack of investment, while the baking industry is one of the least investment-attractive branches of the food industry. Despite the steady demand for bread and bakery products, the effect of such negative factors as the relatively low performance indicators of a large bakery business and the policy of price containment for mass varieties of bread (grades 1 and 2), which are practiced by regional authorities, do not lead to an increase in investment activity in this industry.

Thus, due to the decline in production over the past 10 years, the production of bakery products has significantly decreased, and also due to profitability restrictions (in the regions), most enterprises do not have funds not only for technical re-equipment, but also for replacing worn-out equipment. Since the equipment for the baking industry is constantly being improved, its wear and tear at enterprises and limited financial opportunities predetermine the backlog of the industry in its development.

5. Low level of use of existing production capacities, caused by the fall in production and sales volumes. In connection with the growth in the number of bakery enterprises, increased competition, with a decrease in the volume of manufactured products, the use of production capacities is reduced.

The capacity of enterprises in the industry according to the data at the end of 2006. is 25 million tons. in year. In 2006, enterprises produced 7.702 million tons. bread and bakery products. Thus, the capacities of most bakery enterprises are used by 30-40%. This negatively affects the price competitiveness of manufactured products, since the share of semi-fixed costs (depreciation of fixed assets, salaries of management personnel, expenses for the maintenance of buildings and equipment, repairs, etc.) in the unit cost increases products. Accordingly, the prices for bakery products are rising.

The reduction in the use of production capacities at bakery enterprises is caused by a number of reasons:

– the lack of flexible technological chains that allow equipment to stop in the event of a drop in demand, as well as the impossibility of baking products of different weights in one oven, which reduces their loading and productivity;

- high energy intensity of furnace equipment operating on a continuous cycle;

- the capacity of the existing equipment is designed for the production of a large daily volume of products, which makes it difficult to use it effectively for the production of small series;

– lack of rhythm in the delivery of raw materials, which leads to a halt in production and a disruption in the fulfillment of requests trade organizations;

— price liberalization and the lack of state control allowed enterprises to increase profits and profitability of production not by increasing output, introducing the latest technologies, but by raising prices;

- the lack of a market behavior strategy has led to a deformation of production, i.e. bakery enterprises operate as a handicraft workshop with low economic efficiency, weak technical and technological base.

Theoretically, the task of finding solutions to the problems of low efficiency of the baking industry can be reduced to the development various options marketing strategies of enterprises in this industry. The peculiarity of the development of marketing strategies for enterprises in the baking industry is determined by the discrepancy between the production process and the consumption process. In this regard, in the formation of strategies, it is important to take into account the dialectics of consumer demand, the possibility of meeting it on the basis of monitoring, knowledge of market trends, etc.

Another significant feature of the marketing strategies of bakery enterprises is unevenness, unequalness and different level development of a marketing system, including a study of consumer demand, production, storage, processing, sale of goods to the end consumer in accordance with his needs, requirements, requests. An insufficient level of marketing support in only one link in the chain leads to an unsatisfactory result and significantly reduces business efficiency. For example, it is quite difficult to respond in a timely manner to the prospect of changing consumer demand at the stage of developing a production program.

Consequently, the role of the marketing strategy in the development of bread production lies in the fact that it contributes not only to improving the quality of products, expanding the range and updating production, but also introducing new forms of management, improving the image of the enterprise and the ethics of doing business in order to maximize th consumer satisfaction.

Thus, a marketing strategy is also necessary in the conditions of a rapid change of tasks and the corresponding reaction of enterprises to change the directions of capital investments116, organizational forms management, etc. within a certain direction of enterprise development. Marketing strategies become relevant in the absence of developed formalized schemes and procedures for solving stable tactical and strategic objectives development consumer market and, consequently, companies. The development and implementation of science-based marketing strategies for bakery enterprises will further contribute to their development and increase the efficiency of their activities.

At the moment, entrepreneurs are noticing a rapidly growing trend that the population is increasingly beginning to love freshly baked, dietary and therapeutic products, in the process of which the need and expediency in the construction of small enterprises that will deliver products to the nearest settlements are being monitored.

bakery industry Russia belongs to the leading food industries of the agro-industrial complex. At present, there are over 10,000 bakeries(including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries producing daily about 70 thousand tons of bread per assortment(more than 700 titles).

Consumption bakery products in Russia, on which production volumes depend, has been declining for a number of years and reached a minimum in 2002, when, according to official data, only 57 kg were produced and sold bakery products in terms of one person per year (in 1995 - about 77 kg). The consumption rate of this product is over 100 kg per person per year.

Level of average per capita consumption bakery products in Russia for many years was 120–125 kg per year (325–345 g per day), including for the urban population 98–100 kg per year (245–278 g per day), for the rural population 195–205 kg per year ( 490–540 g per day). These norms depend on age, gender, degree of physical and mental stress, climatic features of places of residence.

Modern bakery is a highly mechanized enterprise. At present, the problems of mechanization are practically solved production processes, starting from the acceptance of raw materials and ending with the loading of bread into vehicles.

On many bakeries installations for bulk reception and storage of flour, fat, yeast milk, salt, sugar syrup, whey were installed, new methods for transporting bulk raw materials based on flexible elements were introduced. Further introduction of progressive methods of transportation and storage main and additional raw materials at bakeries is an urgent task.

It is important to introduce better methods dough preparation. A feature of such methods is the reduction in the duration dough fermentation, which allows to reduce the cost of flour solids, reduce the need for containers for fermentation to reduce the power consumption of the equipment. Process intensification dough fermentation achieved by increasing the dosage of pressed yeast, using instant yeast, increasing the intensity of dough mechanical processing during kneading, the use of various improvers that speed up the maturation of the dough.

Widely used traditional methods preparation of wheat and rye dough on large thick sponges and sourdoughs, on liquid sourdoughs and sourdoughs, providing high quality finished products, including taste and aroma, highly valued both in Russia and abroad. Use of heavy machining during kneading reduces the duration dough fermentation prepared in these ways. There is an appropriate hardware design of these technologies that provide comprehensive mechanization production, full mechanization of the labor-intensive process dough preparation.

Currently in Russia, approximately 60% of all bakery products produced on complex mechanized lines. These are production lines. pan bread, round bread, loaves, as well as bakery and fancy products. An important role in the mechanization of processes on production lines is played by manipulators: dividing and landing machines, tape and other landing devices. One complex-mechanized line can be operated by one person. At advanced enterprises, one person serves 2-3 lines. In the main production, the level of labor mechanization is approximately 80%, labor productivity is 65.5 tons per person.

However, on many bakeries manual labor is still used cutting dough, when placing test pieces in the final cabinet proofing, transfer of spaced blanks to the hearth of the furnace, stacking bakery products in trays and transportation of trolleys and containers. Therefore, an important task is the technical re-equipment of such enterprises.

For domestic bakery industry characterized by a high concentration of production, in which it is difficult to maintain freshness bakery products and prompt delivery of them to the trading network.

In recent years, the working conditions of the baking industry have changed, and above all, organizationally. Almost all bakeries and bakeries became privatized joint stock companies. On the bakeries market relations are formed, the laws of competition begin to operate.

The new working conditions of the baking industry require new approaches to the development assortment products. If earlier range was determined mainly by the conditions of production and the dictates of mechanized lines, now the conditions of production and the composition of the equipment are determined assortment and demand. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the demand and needs of different groups of the population more than before.

The task of increasing the consumption of bread requires special attention and study of the problems of improving its quality.

In new economic conditions there are prerequisites for the introduction bakeries producing a wide assortment of bakery and flour confectionery. Currently, the issue of domestic equipment for bakeries with a productivity of 0.2–5.0 tons per day. These enterprises allow to develop a wide assortment of bakery products and sell them fresh directly in stores at these bakeries. To provide this production with equipment, new machines have been developed that are included in the equipment sets. for bakeries low power.

One of the most important areas for increasing production efficiency and improving product quality bakery industry– creation of a rational structure of enterprises in the industry, mechanization and automation of production processes based on the latest technologies.

The solution of the main tasks of scientific and technological progress in the baking industry is closely related to the development modern technologies storage of bakery products and the creation of automated devices to control the properties raw materials, semi-finished bakery products and quality of finished products.

According to current trends nutritional sciences range bakery products should be expanded with the release of high quality products and nutritional value, dietary bakery products and products of low humidity.

Output volume dietary products insignificant, the need for them is satisfied only by 10–20%. The level of production of preventive products for the population in zones of ecological trouble is low, of bread long-term storage (from 3 to 30 days) for people living in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in conditions of man-made disasters, emergencies, special contingents, etc.

For the production of such products, special composite flour mixtures with bran, germ meal, crushed and flattened grain, vitamin and mineral components, biologically active additives are used.

In the new conditions, great importance and development is acquiring packaging of bakery products, which protects them from premature drying, preserves consumer freshness, improves the sanitary and hygienic conditions of their storage and increases the terms of implementation.

One of the main tasks of the industry is technical renewal, as wear and tear equipment v bakery industry, including bakeries, reaches 80%.

characteristic feature modern period is a critical approach to the technology of dough production in a continuous way and restoration in many cases of classical technology, which improves the palatability of bread, enhances its aroma and ability to keep fresh for a longer time.

An important role in providing the population bakery products play bakeries low power. They produce approximately 20-25% of the total volume of bakery products produced in Russia per year. One of the priorities in the development technological processes at small enterprises is baking products from frozen dough pieces.

The bakery industry of Kazakhstan was entirely created during the years of Soviet power. At the initial stage of development, the industry was dominated by small enterprises with a production capacity of up to 3 tons per day, which, accounting for 78.3% in total enterprises produced only 14.1% of all bakery products. The growth of the urban population of the republic required the transformation of bakery production from handicraft into a mechanized industry. In the context of the transition to market economy In the bakery industry, compared to other food industries, there was a rapid growth of small enterprises, caused by a number of reasons. First of all, the consumption of bread and bakery products as the most affordable product in the conditions of low solvency of the population increased, which required an increase in the output of bakery products. According to statistics, the consumption of bread products per capita by 2005 increased to 200 kg, with a significant reduction in the consumption of other food products (meat, dairy, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits). In 2000 there was a decrease in the level of consumption of bread products, which is not a progressive trend, since there was no simultaneous increase in the consumption of other food products. In 2005-2011, there was an increase in the consumption of most essential food products, as a result of which in 2011 the consumption of bread products per capita amounted to 10.4 kg per month (1.2 kg or 13% more than the normative level), oils and fats - 1.6 kg (0.85 kg or 113.3% more than the norm), meat and meat products - 5.5 kg (1.3 kg or 19.1% less than the norm), fish and seafood - 0 .6 kg (0.7 kg or 40% less than the norm), milk and dairy products - 19 kg (14.75 kg or 43.7% less than the norm), eggs - 12.5 pcs. (11.8 pieces or 48.6% less than the norm), fruits - 4.5 kg (5.4 kg or 47.8% less than the norm), vegetables - 7.3 kg (4.9 kg or 40.2% less than the norm), potatoes - 4 kg (4.1 kg or 50.6% less than the norm), sugar, jam, chocolate, confectionery - 3.2 kg (0.1 kg or 3.2% less than the standard). Thus, only two of the ten most important foodstuffs exceeded the consumption standards, which indicates the presence in the republic of serious problems with ensuring food security.

Table 1 - Food consumption by the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011, on average per capita per month, kg



bakery products

meat products


milk products

eggs (pieces)

oils and fats


sugar, jam, chocolate, confectionery

Difficult economic situation large enterprises for the production of bread led to the emergence of small enterprises as more mobile, able to quickly respond to changes in the market situation. The simple manufacturing technology used in the baking industry has become one of the incentives for the development of small business. Since a significant proportion of products is produced by small enterprises, most of which cannot provide an appropriate level of quality for bread products, the problem of improving the quality of bread products is of particular relevance. For example, in 2005. production of bakery products by small enterprises increased by 28%, which contributed to the growth of their share in the total output from 55.8 to 64.7%. In general, the production of fresh bread in the republic decreased from 1290.6 thousand tons in 2000 to 569.3 thousand tons in 2002, or by 55.6%. Under these conditions, there was an increase (almost 2 times) in imports of bakery and flour confectionery products, which were carried out at high prices, especially at the initial stage from non-CIS countries. Importing products is not economically justified because they can be produced domestic enterprises. In addition, these products are perishable, and their transportation over long distances can be explained by the use of preservatives in their manufacture. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen state control over the quality of imported bakery and flour confectionery products, and other perishable flour products, especially over the use of preservatives and their quantity. Along with a decrease in the production of bread and bakery products, it is necessary to note the narrowness of their assortment. Diabetic bread (based on sorbitol or other sugar substitutes), achloride bread (without salt), grain bread (which enhances intestinal peristalsis) and its other medicinal types are not produced. Little bread products are produced from rye flour, as well as from wheat flour with a high content of bran, the addition of vitamins, mineral elements and other enrichers that increase the biological value of the finished product. The Conceptual Program for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the need to develop and introduce improvers - complex enzyme preparations to regulate the baking properties of wheat flour and master the technology of baking wheat bread with liquid yeast, prepared on the basis of new strains of microorganisms and biological activators. This program determined the expediency of organizing the production of dry gluten and introducing it into bread products in order to increase their protein value, as well as the deep processing of flour under the action of enzymes that hydrolyze starch to glucose, and the use of glucose-fruit syrups, powders, inulin and other sugars with to reduce the shortage of sugar in the production of bakery products. Improving the nutritional and biological value of bread and bakery products is possible in the following areas:

  • - the use of food additives (dietary supplements and biologically active substances), which allow enriching bread with dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals;
  • -technology for the production of bread from whole grains, its enrichment with natural vitamins and minerals, the addition of protein fortifiers (legumes, dry dairy products, curd whey); addition of carbohydrate fortifiers (potato, corn starch, rice flour, malt, dry wheat gluten), introduction of lactic acid bacteria;
  • -technology for the production of dietary products and functional types of bread, for a certain category of people in need of medical nutrition.

It is promising to use in baking fruit and berry powders obtained from whole apples, apple and grape pomace and vegetable powders from cabbage, carrots, etc. Powders - sources of sugar-containing raw materials are rich in fiber, pectin, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium ) and vitamins.

The introduction of wheat germ flakes into the recipe of bakery products makes it possible to enrich bread with essential amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, according to the content of which germ protein is similar to egg protein, macro-microelements, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamins: tocopherol, thiamine , riboflavin.

The use of flour from non-bakery grains and legumes (rice flour, corn, pea and bean flour) makes it possible to obtain low-calorie bread, with an increased content of ballast substances, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and also helps to save the main raw materials.

In this regard, various bread production technologies are being developed that can increase the nutritional value of bread.

Modern research shows that bread made from flour containing all parts of the grain undoubtedly has a much higher nutritional value than bread made from premium flour.

In this regard, the wheat milling scheme was improved to obtain high-vitamin flour. Since it was shown that the scutellum and the germ are especially rich in vitamin B 1, flour millers sought to build in this way technological scheme grinding grain, so that, if possible, maximum amount these parts of the grain fell into the flour.

A method for processing bran is also proposed. It consists in brewing and saccharification of bran and subsequent fermentation of the resulting mash. This method of dough preparation has clear advantages, which is manifested in appearance bread and a significant increase in the digestibility of bread proteins with pepsin. One of the effective methods of enriching bread is the preparation of tea leaves. The introduction of part of the flour (3--5%) in the form of tea leaves is especially effective when using flour with a reduced gas and sugar-forming ability. The use of brews significantly improves the quality of bread, but also contributes to a longer preservation of freshness.

In order to expand the range and improve the quality of bakery products, a technology was proposed for the production of bread with the preparation of tea leaves, which was subsequently subjected to saccharification, the bread recipe also included the introduction of buckwheat flour, unfermented malt. The developed technology provided for the following: tea leaves were prepared by mixing flour, malt and water at a temperature of 95-97 ° C, cooling was carried out to a temperature of 63-65 ° C, part of the flour was added from the total mass of flour used for preparing the tea leaves, saccharification of the tea leaves, dough preparation by mixing ready-made sourdough, rye-wheat flour, saccharified tea leaves, salt and water according to the recipe, fermenting the dough, dividing into pieces, laying out dough pieces into molds, proofing and baking. To prepare the brew, mix buckwheat flour and unfermented malt, brew with stirring with water at a temperature of 95-97°C. Rye flour is applied at a temperature of 63-65°C. New technology production of bread allows to achieve an improvement in the rheological properties of choux rye-wheat dough, an increase in physical and chemical indicators of quality, nutritional, biological value, an increase in the shelf life of freshness, an expansion of the assortment, a raw material base and the use of non-traditional raw materials in the production of custard bakery products from a mixture of rye and wheat flour .

Increasing the nutritional value of bread is also carried out by cereal germs and gluten preparations.

Cereal germs can be used not only to enrich bread with vitamins and proteins in the diet of healthy people, but also as an extremely valuable source of additional nutritional factors in the diet of people suffering from various metabolic disorders.

The nutritional value of wheat germ is extremely high. They contain 33-39% protein (in terms of dry weight), 21-30% sugars, 13-19% lipids, 4.6-6.7% minerals and a significant amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP and group E - respectively 6.2; 1.45; 2.5; 7.5 and 15.8 mg%.

Preliminary soaking of the germs in water for several hours then makes it possible to obtain bread containing up to 10% of wheat germs and at the same time very good in color, volume, porosity and crumb structure.

Currently, many foreign and domestic firms offer bread additives containing wheat germ. The Belgian company MultiGerm produces a concentrated mixture for the production of bread with natural ingredients BIOGERM ("biogerm") - a wheat germ obtained by cold pressing. As a result of the cold pressing technology, the embryo retains its full nutrition and activity, as well as a high concentration of vitamin E. The mixture also includes wheat gluten, ascorbic acid and the alpha-amylase enzyme. The positive effect of the germ: gives the bread a pleasant color, keeps the bread fresh for a long time, improves the taste, and for dough it is a uniform distribution of pores, plasticity and ease of mechanical processing

Known technology for the production of bread using germinated wheat germ. This technology includes washing the whole grain of wheat, soaking the grain in water, sprouting until sprouts appear 3-5 cm high, grinding, adding water to the crushed mass at a ratio of 1: 2-1: 5, separating the water extract from the crushed mass. The dough is kneaded on the obtained aqueous extract with the addition of flour, salt, yeast, dry wheat gluten 10-20% by weight of flour, whey protein concentrate 5-10% by weight of flour. Then fermentation, cutting, shaping, proofing and baking are carried out. This method of bread production allows improving the quality of bread, increasing its protein content, as well as enriching bread with dietary fiber, without compromising quality.

Of the promising areas in the baking industry, I would like to bring to your attention the use of dry wheat gluten in bakery products.