In his activities, the ex is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by this regulation. Analysis and justification of organizational changes in kraft-novosibirsk ltd. Activities are guided by the current

The object of the study is the limited liability company "Royalties" (abbreviated as LLC "Royalties"), has the TIN 4401055830. The location of the investigated enterprise is the city of Kostroma, st. 2nd Volzhskaya, 7, the legal address is the same.

"Royalty" is a limited liability company established by two individuals, authorized capital divided into shares, the size of which is determined by the constituent documents.

The company "Royalty" is located on the left bank of the river. Volga, in the industrial area of ​​the city of Kostroma. LLC "Royalty" was established in 2000.

The enterprise is legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, separate property, bears independent responsibility for its obligations, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, perform duties, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The company has bank accounts and assumes actions based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the Memorandum of Association. The main purpose of the enterprise is economic activities aimed at making a profit to meet the social and material needs of the participants in the enterprise, to meet the social needs for its products, works, services.

The main activity of LLC "Royalty" is currently the production of cabinet furniture for individual orders, including dining tables, writing tables, computer tables. Hallway furniture, kitchen sets. The company's management suggests expanding the range of products.

The company operates in strict accordance with the licenses it received from licensing government agencies.

In order to fulfill the statutory tasks, the enterprise carries out production and economic activities on leased land, as well as in production and storage facilities that are owned and used by the enterprise.

In its activities, the enterprise is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation; resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory and legal documents.

The enterprise independently forms and plans its production program, determines the prospects for its development, based on the demand for manufactured products, works and services, the need to ensure production and social development enterprises, increasing the income of its employees.

The plans are based on contracts concluded with consumers (buyers) of products (works, services), contractors, suppliers of material - technical means... The company builds its relationships with other organizations in all areas economic activity on the basis of agreements, contracts, agreements. The company is free to choose the subject of the content of contracts and obligations, any forms of economic relationships that do not contradict the legislation Russian Federation and the Charter.

The relationship of an enterprise with consumers of its products is carried out on the basis of contracts concluded between them. The company sells its products, performs work and renders services at prices and tariffs set independently on a contractual basis. Establishes prices and tariffs for all types of work performed, services, manufactured and sold products in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The company owns, uses and disposes of the property independently. The profit of the investigated enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments goes to its disposal, and uses it at its own discretion.

Employee labor relations are regulated Labor Code RF. Forms, systems and remuneration of workers are established by the enterprise independently. The minimum wage is established in accordance with the law. Specific terms of remuneration are established by the Regulations on Remuneration. At the enterprise labor Relations are governed by the internal labor regulations established for their employees.


· In its activities, the Commercial Department is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, orders and other regulations relating to the activities of the department, as well as this Regulation.

2. Functions.

1. Conducting negotiations with clients.

2. Preparation of draft contracts for the provision of services.

3. Signing contracts for the provision of services.

4. Monitoring the implementation of contracts for the provision of services.

5. Organization of service works at the client.

6. Implementation of claim work.

7. Organization of warranty and post-warranty service.

8. Participation in controversial issues related to the activities of the department.

1. In the prescribed manner, use sales network companies.

2. Carry out in the prescribed manner negotiations with companies, enterprises and organizations on issues within the competence of the department.

3. On behalf of and on behalf of the company, under the power of attorney issued director general companies:

3.1. Conclude contracts for the provision of services.

3.2. Submit and review claims.

4. Request and receive from the functional departments and services of the company materials, certificates and other information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to the department.

4. Evaluation of the work of the department.

The performance of the Commercial Department is assessed on the basis of the fulfillment of business plans, work plans or any other types of plans and standards established for the department for a certain period.

5. Interactions.

The commercial department, within the limits of the functions assigned to it, interacts with the following structural divisions of the company:

· Purchasing department.

· Human Resources Department.

· Legal service.

· Accounting department.

· Transportation Department.

· Marketing department.

Head of Commercial Department:

/ I.O.F./ "" 200_ g.

Appendix 2

Territory Development Manager Job Description

I approve

General Director of the company _

"_" 200 years

I. General Provisions

1.1. The name of the structural unit: Branch.

1.2. Submits (position of the head): Commercial director.

1.3. Replaces (positions whose functions are performed by the employee, in their absence): Head of the representative office.

1.4. Deputy (positions that perform the functions of an employee in his absence): Commercial Director.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1. Analyzes the work of distributors and representative offices, identifies opportunities to increase the efficiency of their work.

2.2. Supervises the implementation of work standards by each employee of the representative office.

2.3. Supervises the implementation of tasks assigned to the representative office.

2.3.1. Participates in the formation of strategic and tactical plans for market development.

2.3.2. Ensures the implementation of the tactical plans assigned to the mission.

2.3.3. Supervises the implementation of plans for sales and development of the territory.

2.3.4. Conducts an audit retail outlets at each visit to the dealership.

2.4. Analyzes and controls the repayment of receivables of the representative office.

2.4.1. Develops and implements measures to identify and reduce accounts receivable.

2.4.2. Supervises the repayment of accounts receivable in interaction with the Head of the representative office and distributors.

2.5. Organizes the reporting system of the representative office.

2.5.1. Controls the timely submission of reports.

2.5.2. Oversees internal reporting in the field.

2.6. Trains the employees of the representative office and implements or controls the implementation of some of the standards.

2.6.1. Trains managers in wholesale, supervisors regional sales sales standards.

2.6.2. Conducts training of the sales team of the representative office during direct work with the Client and when analyzing specific situations.

2.7. Analyzes and develops sales channels in the territory (including own sales in new territories with the connection of new customers either to a branch or to a representative office).

2.8. Establishes mutually beneficial relationships with strategic and new Clients.

2.8.1. Interacts with distributors and key customers.

2.8.2. Supervises the work of distributors together with the Head of the representative office in order to increase the sales volume and market share of the company in the corresponding region.

2.8.3. Takes part in the formation of orders for distributors.

2.9. Participates in the development and is responsible for the implementation of programs aimed at promoting products in the entrusted territory.

III. Administrative work

3.1. Planning: Tactical planning of the development of the territory.

3.2. Reporting: weekly, monthly.

3.3. HR work: assessment of the performance of the employees of the representative office, assessment of resources to perform the required amount of work, recommendations to the Head of the representative office on the hiring and dismissal of employees.

3.4. Keeps up to date information, databases: controls the maintenance of the database of distributors, wholesale and key customers of the representative office.

Has the right to make decisions on issues:

4.1. Choice of partners: distributors, wholesalers and key clients, together with the Head of the Representative Office.

V. Documents regulating work

5.1. External documents: Legislation and regulations.

5.2. Internal documents: Civil Defense Standards, Branch Regulations, Job Descriptions, Internal Labor Regulations.

Vi. Key indicators effectiveness

6.1. Implementation of the weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible.

6.2. Implementation of the quality of the weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible.

6.3. Implementation of the volume of activities of weekly and monthly planning, for which he is responsible.

6.4. Internal customer satisfaction.

6.5. Satisfaction of external customers.

6.6. Implementation of budget plans.

Vii. Interaction with other positions

7.1 Retrieves information

The supplier



Commercial Director

Tasks, plans for sales, for the development of the territory


Head of branch

Reports on the implementation of sales plans and plans for the development of the territory

Report (excel)


Overdue accounts receivable report

Report (1C)




Reports on quantitative and qualitative distribution by distribution channels

Report (excel)


Financial analyst

Accounts receivable by customers

Report (1C)

1.1. The leading researcher is accepted and dismissed from work by the order of the rector on the recommendation of __ (the head of the department is indicated).
1.2. In its activities, it is guided by the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation on science, regulations The Government of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the University and the Regulations on the Research Institute, orders and orders of the rector, internal labor regulations and this instruction.
1.3. The leading researcher reports directly to ___ (the immediate supervisor is indicated).
1.4. An employee with a doctorate or candidate of sciences degree, who has scientific works or inventor's certificates for inventions, as well as large projects and developments implemented in practice, is accepted for the position of a leading researcher.
1.5. The lead researcher should know:
- scientific problems in the relevant field of knowledge, science and technology, directions of development - branches of the economy, guidance materials of higher and other bodies, domestic and foreign achievements on these issues;
- latest techniques, means and practice of planning, organizing, conducting and introducing scientific research and development (assessment, patent information support, release of scientific and technical documentation, etc.);
- forms of economic incentives and material incentives for employees;
current legislature;
- organization of production, labor and management;
rules and regulations of labor protection.
2. Job responsibilities
Leading Researcher:
- carries out scientific management of research on individual problems (topics, tasks) of science and technology and heads a group of workers employed by them or is a responsible executor of individual tasks of scientific and technical programs.
- Develops scientific and technical solutions for the most complex problems, methods of conducting research and development, selects the necessary means for this.
- Substantiates the directions of new research and development and methods of their implementation, makes proposals for inclusion in the plans of research work.
- Organizes the preparation of a work program, coordinates the activities of co-executors in their joint implementation with other institutions (organizations), summarizes the results obtained.
- Determines the scope of application of the results of research and development and organizes the practical implementation of these results.
- Carries out training of scientific personnel and participates in improving their qualifications.
3. Responsibility
The leading researcher carries disciplinary responsibility for untimely and poor-quality performance job duties in the manner prescribed by the current legislation. General provisions 1.1.

The office carries out the functions of working with documents in the organization and is its independent structural unit. 1.2.

The office is headed by the head of the office, who reports directly to the head of the organization. 1.3.

The head of the office is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization. 1.4.

The office in its activities is guided by: current legislation,

administrative materials of state and higher organizations,

regulations on this organization,

documentation instructions management activities approved by the management of the organization,

Regulations on the office. 2.

Main tasks and functions: 2.1.

The main task of the office is to ensure a clear organization of work with documents. 2.2.

To accomplish this task, the office is assigned the following functions:

ensuring timely consideration of incoming, outgoing and internal documentation;

organization of the work of meetings under the management of the enterprise and control over the implementation of their decisions;

systematic control over the timely execution of documents;

reception, registration, storage, accounting, delivery to departments and distribution of incoming, outgoing and internal correspondence, as well as preparation of cases for delivery to state storage;

organization of work on the reception by the head of visitors on personal matters. 2.3.

Functions between the structural divisions of the office are distributed as follows:

Secretariat (including assistants):

examines and prepares incoming correspondence for the management report;

prepares, at the direction of the head, projects of individual orders, letters, certificates and other documents and coordinates them with structural divisions;

analyzes certificates and reports structural units and gives opinions and proposals on them;

draws up drafts of work plans of the Council on the basis of proposals from members of the Council and heads of structural divisions and submits them for consideration and approval to the Council of the organization;

prepares materials for meetings, as well as relevant proposals to the management of the institution, developed by structural divisions;

makes the registration of minutes of meetings of the Council, distribution of minutes and extracts from them;

monitors the implementation of the decisions of the Council; ensures the preparation of relevant materials for meetings convened by the management of the organization;

develops and implements measures to improve the documentation service in the management apparatus;

develops instructions for documenting management activities in his organization and ensures that employees of the management apparatus are familiarized with them;

develops a list of unregistered documents; draws up a summary nomenclature of cases and submits it to management for approval.

Subdivision for execution control:

monitors the timely execution of documents and informs the management of the organization about the progress of execution of the Documents;

monitors the timing of the execution of orders of the organization's management by structural divisions;

analyzes the control of the execution of documents and draws up the corresponding certificates for the management.

The department for accounting and registration of correspondence: carries out accounting and registration of documents; prepares for the report to the management the correspondence arriving at his address;

monitors the correctness of the preparation and execution of documents, checks the quality of the preparation of documents submitted for signature to the head of the organization;

provides methodological guidance on organizing work with documents, including in organizations subordinate to him;

organizes training and professional development of employees of documentation services;

keeps records of documents "For official use" located in the structural divisions of the institution;

draws up a nomenclature for the office, forms cases in accordance with the nomenclature, prepares cases for submitting them to the archive of the institution;

accepts and registers applications and complaints from citizens; directs correspondence to structural divisions for execution;

monitors compliance with the deadlines for the execution of letters, notifies the applicants and organizations from which the letters were received about the results of their consideration;

organizes reception of visitors together with the secretary. Subdivision for receiving and sending correspondence: receives incoming correspondence and distributes it to structural subdivisions;

carries out quantitative accounting of documents, on the basis of which it is established form summaries of the volume of workflow;

sends outgoing correspondence; carries out the delivery of correspondence to the structural divisions of the institution and to the addressees of the city. Archive:

makes reception, accounting, storage and use of cases; monitors the correctness of drawing up the nomenclature of cases in the structural divisions of the institution;

provides methodological assistance in the preparation of cases to be submitted to the archive of the organization and the state archive;

monitors the correct formation, storage and use of cases in structural divisions;

keeps a centralized record of cases stored in the archives of subordinate organizations, and provides methodological assistance to subordinate archives.

Typewriting Bureau:

carries out work on reprinting official documents for all structural divisions of the organization from the original; carries out reading and editing of the reprinted material; transcribes the speeches of the participants of the board meetings and meetings with the subsequent transcript of the text. 3.

Rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the office: 3.1.

The Chief of the Chancellery manages all the activities of the Chancellery, is responsible for the implementation of the tasks and functions provided for in the Regulations on the Chancellery. 3.2.

The head of the office has the right:

demand from employees of the organization certificates and other materials necessary for the management of the organization, as well as information on the performance of tasks of the management;

involve, in agreement with the heads of the relevant structural divisions, individual employees in the preparation of draft documents for the management of the organization;

make proposals to the management of the institution to improve the work of the office;

develop job descriptions office workers. 3.3.

The head of the office is responsible for: organizing work with documents;

consideration of all correspondence received by the management of the institution;

random check of the quality of execution of all documents submitted for signature to the head of the organization;

organization of preparation of materials related to the activities of the organization and subject to consideration at meetings of the Council;

checking the fulfillment of individual instructions of the head by employees of the organization's apparatus;

organization of training at the direction of the head of the organization of projects of individual orders, letters, certificates and other documents and their approval in structural divisions. 3.4.

The head of the office is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the office, the proper organization of its work, the correct selection and placement of employees, for the timely and qualified execution of tasks entrusted to the office, for order and discipline in the office. 3.5.

The head of the office determines the range of issues that are the responsibility of the employees of the office, based on the tasks and functions of the unit.

The work of the office is structured so that the managers and specialists of the organization are freed as much as possible from the routine operations of document maintenance. 10.2.