Presidential grant for NGOs second. State support for NGOs

Health care-related projects received the most grants in this competition, totaling RUB 323 million. Grants went, in particular, to the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund (5.7 million rubles) and the Fund for Supporting Persons with Developmental Disabilities " Best friends”(5.5 million rubles), who have never won presidential grants before.

The decision on the distribution of grants was made on July 31 at a meeting of the foundation's coordinating council chaired by First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko (RBC has information on the results of the competition).

In total, 6,623 applications were submitted for the competition, of which 5,888 were registered. Most of the grants were received by projects in the healthcare sector (146 organizations), 323 million rubles were allocated for them. In second place are educational scientific projects(133) with the amount of 303.5 million rubles. On the third - social initiatives (123), 246.7 million rubles were allocated for them. During the meeting, Kiriyenko said that most of the successful applications - 81.5% - came from the regions, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports.

Three grants were received by NGOs on the list foreign agents, — Levada Center, charitable foundation"Samara Province" and the St. Petersburg Center for Support of Public Initiatives.

The average grant amounted to 2.32 million rubles, according to a statement from the Presidential Grants Fund. In the course of the first competition, experts distributed 2.25 billion rubles, while the total amount of grants received by the president this year is 7 billion rubles. This is due to the fact that many projects were drawn up “not neat and complete enough,” Pavel Gudkov, a member of the joint expert council, explained to RBC. "Combined expert advice I decided to give them the opportunity to finalize, ”he added. Experts expect that the participants of the competition will finalize the "raw" applications and submit them again, for the second competition, which should begin on August 16.

During the competition last year, 502 projects received grants. Most of them (227) were distributed by grant operators Perspektiva, the Russian Youth Union (RSM) and the National Charitable Foundation, specializing in patriotic, educational and social projects. Most of the healthcare grants were distributed by the Nation's Health League, and 56 projects received them. Another grant operator, the Russian Union of Rectors, distributed 59 grants - they went, among other things, to the international show "The Fifth Empire" of the Night Wolves bike organization, to popularize the history of the Cossacks to the Shchapovskoye camp society and to the Patriot video studio, which in autumn released last year cartoon about the death of a Russian soldier in Syria.

This year, the "Night Wolves", which have received presidential grants since 2011, did not pass the competition. The regional branches of the “Combat Brotherhood” organization, co-headed by the Anti-Maidan founder Dmitry Sablin, did not receive a grant either (last year they received more than 15 million rubles). make the system transparent and more objective”. “Now they really decided to support healthcare; believe that this is more important than patriotic projects,” she said.

Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS

Conflict of interests

Non-profit organizations associated with organizations that are part of the grant operator took part in the competition for grants. For example, the charitable foundation for the implementation of the programs of the League of Health of the Nation, which received 4.3 million rubles. for the youth project "My Alternative", is a subsidiary of the organization of the same name, which is part of a single grant operator. Grant in the amount of 2.9 million rubles. received the organization "Radimichi - children of Chernobyl". Its founder, Pavel Vdovichenko, heads another organization that is part of the Presidential Grants Fund - Civil Dignity.

Experts related to the participants of the competition declared a conflict of interest and did not make a decision on these projects, Ilya Chukalin, director of the Presidential Grants Fund, assured RBC. Information about this will appear on the fund's website within a few days, he promised.

“Usually, a conflict of interest is declared immediately and openly,” Ivolga said in a conversation with RBC. “During the distribution of grants from the Ministry of Economic Development, for example, along with the results, it is announced that an expert such and such declared a conflict of interest and did not make a decision on this project.”

Twice as much

The second and last competition of presidential grants this year is scheduled for August. In a conversation with RBC, Chukalin stressed that the number of applications submitted during the current stage is approximately twice as much as a year earlier. During the first call in 2016, 3,984 applications were submitted for grants, 40% less than now. However, a total of four grant competitions were held in 2016, and 1,623 organizations became winners.

Chukalin explained the increase in the number of applications by simplifying the procedure: in order to apply, it was necessary to provide only two documents - the charter of the organization and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Previously, participants were required to provide documents on the appointment of the head of the participating organization, the chief accountant and a certificate from tax office about no debt. Now organizations with debts have received the right to register for the competition (although they are required to pay them off before the results are announced). Another factor in increasing interest in the competition is wide publicity, Chukalin noted. In all federal districts, according to him, information events were held, which told about the competition.

Ilya Chukalin (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak / TASS)

How the winners were selected

In April, the Kremlin hosted a meeting of the fund's coordinating council to change the principles for evaluating applications for grants. Then the sources of RBC said that applications would be evaluated according to ten criteria, and the final assessments of projects with explanations would be published in the public domain.

The projects were evaluated according to ten parameters on a ten-point scale, Chukalin told RBC. The results of the competition winners with expert comments are published on the Foundation's official website. The rest of the applicants are informed of their results individually.

“This is so as not to provoke conflicts in the commercial sector. A low score is a shame, ”Chukalin explained. According to the director of the fund, many projects did not receive grants due to the fact that they did not meet the “criterion of realism”: “After all, sometimes an organization asks for something inaccessible - a Macbook Air, like a blue dream, or a UAZ Patriot, but it must be equipped premium. Why for an environmental project machines with such a complete set?

The selection procedure has become more transparent due to the fact that the grant operator has completely switched to electronic form submission of applications, added a member of the expert council Gudkov. “Also [the procedure has become more transparent] by minimizing the human factor in the automatic distribution of applications among experts, the pool of which has been significantly updated,” he said.

The decision on which NGOs to receive grants was made by experts and members of the coordinating committee headed by Kiriyenko. According to Chukalin, the committee has a decisive vote - it can reduce or increase the number of points needed to win, and veto the results of the competition, sending all projects for review. “Sergey Vladilenovich [Kiriyenko] always delves deeply into the procedure for distributing grants, studies projects, and expresses an opinion,” the director of the fund emphasized.

The first competition Acceptance of applications for participation in the first competition of presidential grants was held from April 17 to May 31. Its results were summed up by the Coordinating Committee on July 31 (published on August 1 on the website of the Presidential Grants Fund). The list of winners includes 970 non-profit organizations from 79 regions. The total amount of allocated grants amounted to 2.25 billion rubles. The top three NGOs that received the largest grants included the Golden Mask Festival (50 million rubles for holding the Russian national award and festival of the same name), the Russian Red Cross (20.355 million rubles for the development of the all-Russian volunteer movement “I am your donor” ), Sports Club of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (15.33 million rubles for the event "Oh, sport - you are the world!"). Ten non-profit organizations received grants ranging from 10 to 15 million rubles.

Presidential grants for NGOs. dossier

More than four billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for the implementation of projects of non-profit organizations. On the website of the Civic Chamber and the grants portal, you can get comprehensive information about ongoing grant competitions, learn news about state support for NGOs.

In April, you need to have time to apply for participation in the competition, which takes place in two stages: the qualifying round and participation in the competition. How to open an NPO legal entity and register with the tax authorities.

To simplify the registration procedure, you can contact specialized companies that will take over paperwork. The service is paid, but the head of the future non-profit structure will save time.

Get compensation and benefits

Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, has been appointed Chairman of the Coordinating Committee. According to the order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated April 3, two open competitions will be held in 2017.


They can present projects in 12 areas. Among them - social service and social support of citizens, protection of the health of citizens and propaganda healthy lifestyle life, family support, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, projects in the field of science and education, culture and art, protection environment and etc.

A subsidy in the amount of 7 billion 16 million 814.9 thousand rubles was allocated to the Fund for Presidential Grants for holding competitions and providing grants. (Initially, it amounted to 4 billion 316 million 814.9 thousand rubles; in July, by decision of the President, the size of the subsidy was almost doubled).

TASS-DOSIER. On November 22, 2017, Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, will hold a meeting of the coordinating committee for holding competitions for grants from the President of Russia for the development of civil society. It will determine the winners of the second grant competition in 2017.
Presidential grants Presidential grants are allocated to non-profit organizations (NPOs) that participate in the development of civil society institutions and primarily implement socially significant projects. The President of Russia does not distribute his grants to NGOs directly.
The head of state, by his decree, annually determines the total amount of subsidies for grants, as well as the operator or operators that hold competitions among NGOs to receive funds. The competition for presidential grants was first held in 2006. Then financing in the amount of 472.7 million rubles. received 1 thousand

Presidential grants for NGOs in 2018


If the coordinating committee confirms that the activities of the NPO meet the requirements for participation in the competition, the organization will have a chance to be allocated by the state. budget for its development. Applications must be submitted within a strict deadline.

For example, in 2017, the acceptance of applications for the second competition was completed, and the results will be summed up on November 24. The winners of the first competition were announced already in July, they were 970 organizations that received a total of 2.5 billion rubles. What is the amount of Presidential grants for NGOs in 2018? Different types of projects receive different amounts of money:
  • up to 0.5 million

How can an NGO receive a presidential grant?

During the implementation of the projects, the winning NGOs will be required to submit quarterly electronic reports to the grant operator. What projects receive grants? Grants will be distributed in 12 areas: social services and protection; health protection, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; family support, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; support for youth projects; support for projects in the field of science and education; support of projects in the field of culture and art; preservation of historical memory; protection of human rights, including the protection of the rights of prisoners; environmental protection and animal welfare; strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony; development of public diplomacy and support of compatriots; development of civil society institutions.

Who and how receives presidential grants for NGOs in 2016

  • copies of each page of the current edition of the charter of the NPO, including changes;
  • a notarized power of attorney for filing an application by a person whose information as an employee with the right to act on behalf of the NPO without a power of attorney is not contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if the application is submitted by an authorized person).

Legislative acts on the topic Order of the President Russian Federation dated April 3, 2017 No. 93-rp On state support for non-profit organizations Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2017 No. 137 On the coordinating committee for holding competitions for grants from the President of the Russian Federation the federal law dated 12.01.1996 No. 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations" On the procedure for the creation and conduct of activities of NCOs Common Mistakes Mistake: An NGO is going to spend the money it receives under the terms of a grant to organize a series of rallies in support of a political party.

Russian presidential grants for NGOs

NGO from the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Southern Horizons", which planned to create a discussion platform "I'm a blogger" based on LiveJournal and Twitter. No traces of this platform can be found on the Internet - it is mentioned only in articles criticizing the system for distributing grants. In 2016, it was decided to streamline the process by creating a single grant operator. The structure of the new structure included several co-founders representing the former operators. Political scientist Alexei Makarkin back in February 2016, in an interview with RBC, linked the changes in the distribution of grants with the arrival of a new team in the Kremlin, dealing with domestic politics under the leadership of Sergei Kiriyenko. As it became known later, Kiriyenko actually headed the coordinating committee of the new Presidential Grants Fund for the development of civil society.

Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for NGOs 2016

The founders of the Fund were seven public organizations: the Civil Dignity movement, the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Women's Union of Russia, the Russian Union of Rectors, the League of Nation's Health, the National Charitable Foundation and the Pokrov Charitable Foundation. The General Director of the Presidential Grants Fund is Ilya Chukalin, one of the initiators of the creation of the Saratov Province Charitable Foundation (headed it in 2001-2011).

Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Ekaterina Lakhova, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Women's Union of Russia. See also A joint expert council has been formed to evaluate competitive projects.

It was chaired by the vice chairman head economist) Vnesheconombank Andrei Klepach. To agree on the list of winners, a Coordinating Committee was formed to hold competitions for grants for the development of civil society.

Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for NGOs for 2016

Today we tell you more about the applications received from the Volga Federal District. For the first grant competition 2018, 1933 projects were submitted from the Volga Federal District.

1727 of them were admitted to an independent examination.

Among them - 34 applications for the implementation of long-term projects. Expand text… The leader of the district was the Republic of Tatarstan - the region's public activists submitted 359 projects for the competition. The Republic of Bashkortostan came second in terms of the number of applications submitted - 310 projects, and the third - Perm region, from which 179 applications were received.

The biggest “jump” forward in the growth of submitted projects occurred in Udmurt Republic. Compared to the second competition last year, the number of projects submitted this time has increased by 30%. 599 non-profit organizations of the district from among the participants in the competition have never applied for presidential grants before.

This year, they promise not to cut the estimates, but it is still not recommended to demand too large amounts. A project with high expectations simply will not have a chance to win.

Can NGOs count on assistance other than financial? According to Anton Dolgov, winning NGOs can send applications to the grant operator for additional assistance - removing administrative barriers, attracting experts, information support etc. To the extent possible, the Fund will try to meet these requests.

If you liked the article, recommend it to your friends, acquaintances or colleagues related to the municipal or public service.
Exists separate view companies whose activities are aimed at charity, culture, social needs of citizens. This is far from the whole spectrum of NPO activities. It is important that in carrying out their activities, non-profit structures do not aim to obtain material benefits. Areas of activity of non-profit organizations The law clearly defines the areas in which non-profit organizations can operate:

  • social protection of the population;
  • prevention of accidents and preparation of people in the event of disasters of an ecological, man-made nature;
  • assistance to refugees;
  • protection and preservation of the environment;
  • legal assistance to the population free of charge;
  • science, culture, education, sports;
  • patriotic work with the population.

Activities in these areas are not related to making profits.

"The Fifth Empire", media war with Ukraine and Orthodox animation

Who and how receives presidential grants for NGOs in 2016

Dmitry Azarov/Kommersant

In Russia, presidential grants are annually distributed to non-profit organizations for projects "in the field of protecting human rights and freedoms." In 2016, more than 4.5 billion rubles will be spent on grants in this area. Experts point out that the system of distribution of budgetary funds is absolutely non-transparent and does not allow to understand on what basis the winners are determined. The site researched the results of the first competition this year and found out what the “Night Wolves” of Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldostanov, the Russian Orthodox Church, journalist Maxim Shevchenko and other politicians and public figures close to power received millions of rubles for.

"Everything is predetermined"

On April 5, 2016, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree granting 4.58 billion rubles to nine non-governmental organizations. Each of these operating organizations is responsible for distributing a portion of the total grants to the others. non-profit associations. For example, the Pokrov charitable foundation received 420 million rubles at its disposal, and the Russian Union of Rectors - 649.9 million rubles. Until December 16, all nine organizations must hold four competitions and determine the grant recipients according to the best applications. According to Putin's order, the money should be allocated "for the implementation of socially significant projects and projects in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen."

On July 4, the first competition this year was completed. The grants were distributed among 502 organizations. A total of 3981 applications were submitted. The winners of the second competition will be announced on August 8, and applications for the third competition are now being accepted.

According to the website of the Pokrov Charitable Foundation, first all applications are selected by the competition commission according to formal requirements. “There are several parameters, including the correct application form. If the project has passed the first stage, it is sent to independent experts. For each project, we have at least two opinions of independent experts,” the fund said. The final decision on who will receive grants is made at the final meeting of the competition commission, taking into account expert opinions. “In total, there are 10 criteria in the competition regulations that help determine the winners. Compliance of the project with the goals and conditions of the competition, relevance and social significance the project, the detailed elaboration of the project, the realism and reasonableness of the budget - these are the main criteria. In addition to them, the applicant's experience in implementing similar projects, the presence of a team that will implement this project, as well as its development prospects are taken into account. Presence welcome additional sources funding," Pokrov said. According to the fund's statistics, about 10% of applicants are recognized as winners.

In addition to "Pokrov" and the union of rectors, competitive selection are run by the fund for supporting civic activity in small towns and rural areas "Perspektiva", the public organization "League of the Health of the Nation", the Russian Youth Union, the Union of Pensioners, the National Charitable Foundation, the public movement "Civil Dignity" (the founders include the chairman of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova) , Union of Women of Russia.

“I have no idea how these grants are distributed, during the distribution there is a dark cat running around, apparently. I was invited, I once was, listened, kept silent and that’s it, I didn’t go there anymore. Because everything is deliberately distributed there, people come there only to raise their hands for no one knows what. So excuse me,” said State Duma deputy Valery Yakushev, who is listed as a member of the competition commission from the Union of Pensioners.

Although formally the decision to determine the winners of competitions for grants is made on behalf of public organization, it does not remain without the control of officials. So, in addition to deputy Valery Yakushev, the competition commission of the Union of Pensioners includes, in particular, the chief adviser to the Department of the Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy Ekaterina Levina, the head of the Department for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects Andrey Platonov, as well as the leader of the Union of Pensioners, a member of the Federation Council Valery Ryazansky , State Duma deputy Olga Batalina. In the case of other organizations that distribute grants, the situation is similar: in addition to social activists, the competition commissions include officials of the presidential administration, deputies, and members of the Federation Council.

Maxim Shevchenko and culture

Most of the grants, judging by the first competition this year, are distributed in Moscow and the Moscow Region. One of the largest sums - 15 million rubles - was received by the fund for support and development of civil society "Caucasian Civil Forum", executive director which is Maxim Shevchenko. According to the SPARK database, the head organization of this fund is the Center strategic research religions and politics of the modern world by the famous journalist and political scientist Maxim Shevchenko.

The grant will be spent "to support the network resource." “The task of the resource is to create an information space to counter religious and national extremism by creating positive information and analytical content for the life of the North Caucasus Federal District,” the project description says. “This is an already functioning portal

Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

In addition to Shevchenko, only a couple of cultural projects received such large grants - 15 million rubles. The Vinokurov Foundation won a grant for a master class in classical dance, which will be held by ballet stars Bolshoi Theater Russia Artem Ovcharenko and Olga Smirnova, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergey Filin. A lecture on the history of Russian ballet will also be organized, and an award in nine categories will be awarded to the winners of the competition for young talents. And the non-profit organization "Research Institute of Communication Strategies" organizes the first theater festival named after Leo Tolstoy in the museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana".

Only one organization received a larger grant amount - the Interregional Union of Journalists in the Moscow Region. The organization will spend 17 million rubles on the Modern Problems of Journalism forum. It will be about the "development and creation of a complex information programs consolidating Russian society”.

Grants and power

In the regions, grants are often received by organizations that are directly related to officials. The Sverdlovsk public organization "Institute of Regional Policy" will receive 900 thousand rubles for a project to "form young people with a sense of patriotism and pride in the victory in the Great Patriotic War on the example of the life of Marshal G.K. Zhukov." The description says that it is about organizing seminars for teachers of schools, colleges and technical schools "on the development of traditional spiritual values." The project partner is the Center for the History Sverdlovsk region».

According to SPARK, the fund is a subsidiary of the institute. Both organizations are headed by Anatoly Kirillov, father of Boris Kirillov, Deputy Plenipotentiary of the Urals. Boris Kirillov himself is one of the founders of the institute.

IN Chelyabinsk region 1.5 million rubles will be received by the public movement "For the revival of the Urals", which is headed by Governor Boris Dubrovsky. This is a project related to the formation of councils apartment buildings. “The purpose of the project: to encourage homeowners to protect and assert their rights in housing and communal matters; reduce the social tension of the population through a positive solution to the problems of housing and communal services in the Chelyabinsk region; on concrete examples to encourage citizens to constant, active cooperation and interaction with local governments and management companies,” the project description says. As part of its implementation, it is planned to hold several training seminars, round tables and open legal lessons on the stated topic.

It should be noted that also in the Sverdlovsk region a relatively large grant - 2.5 million rubles - will be received by the charitable foundation of biathlete Anton Shipulin. For this amount, one-day festivals "Sport of equal opportunities" will be held in 10 small towns of the Sverdlovsk region. During them, inclusive sports events will be organized. Olympic and Paralympic champions will also take part in them. “The project is partly of an image nature, forming a positive attitude towards the organizers and partners of the project,” its description says.

"Night Wolves" and Crimea

Projects related to the Crimea are popular. The youth non-profit organization "Night Wolves" of Alexander Zaldostanov will receive 7 million rubles for the Fifth Empire bike show in Sevastopol. The explanation says that this is “one of the largest patriotic events in Russia aimed at preserving and popularizing Russian history and has been running since 1995. “From 2009 to 2015, the bike show was held in Sevastopol, became a harbinger of the Russian spring and the return of the legendary Russian city home. The 2016 bike show “The Fifth Empire” is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War,” the project description says. "Night Wolves" promises "a bright, spectacular and large-scale event, with the participation of a large number of artists, stuntmen, unique scenery and automated characters." According to them, 100,000 people take part in the bike show in Sevastopol every year.


The editors of Literaturnaya Gazeta allocated 7.86 million rubles for the publication of 12 thematic issues, which should reflect "all the main trends in Crimean culture and literature." “The project continues the integration of Crimean literature into the Russian literary and artistic space. It is planned to publish the works of those writers of the Crimea, whose work has undeniable artistic value and has received recognition both in the Crimea and throughout the Russian Federation,” the authors of the project called “Muse of Taurida” explain.

The Innovation Fund will receive 3.5 million rubles for the festival of visual arts "My Crimea". As part of the project, 50 "talented students of art schools in Crimea" will take part in a master class from professional artists. “Paintings painted by children will be donated to orphanages in Crimea,” the project description says. There will also be an amateur landscape photography competition for teenagers.

ROC and sand animation

A separate block is Orthodoxy and relations between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the state. The Orthodox parish of the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra on the Three Mountains (Moscow) will receive 3 million rubles to hold a congress of specialists in church-public and church-state relations. Within the framework of the congress, it is planned to hold training seminars for representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to “increase the level of competence of specialists in interaction on regional level between the ROC, the public (represented by the media, non-profit and charities, as well as individual activists) and state power.”

Non-profit organization "Directorate presidential programs, which is directed by the Vice President Russian fund Culture Elena Chavchavadze, will receive 2 million rubles. This money will be used to hold a conference “To the 10th anniversary of the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Vladyka John the Unifier. “Using the example of the fate of the outstanding son of Russia, Archbishop John (Maximovich), the authors intend to show how, after the Civil War and the exodus, the subjects of the Russian Empire managed to organize themselves in a foreign land and rally around the traditional spiritual foundations of national life: the church, mercy, charity,” the project description says. . Note that Elena Chavchavadze was the author of the script for the film “The Romanovs. The fate of the Russian Crimea.

The non-profit organization Information Technology Center of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church will receive 8 million rubles for the educational media project "50 words about the important". We are talking about the creation of "a series of spectacular video performances, in which, with the help of sand animation technique, professional dramaturgy and artistic sound design, a number of topics related to the most acute spiritual and moral issues are revealed."

From the Kurgan region, the only winner of the competition for the distribution of grants is the Orthodox parish of the temple in honor of the Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God "The Triumph of the Most Holy Theotokos". For 500 thousand rubles, the organization will provide the work of the teenage Cossack club "Khutorok", on the basis of which classes for teenagers will be held, for example, by the local history association "Stanitsa" and the sports and patriotic association "Dobrynya".

"Eat Russian" and the new "people's elite"

There are other winning applications reflecting government trends. 4 million rubles were allocated for the Eat Russian project. This money will be received by Sergey Raksha's Pravda o Ede public organization. The explanation says that this project was created “to create a culture of consumption, to tell people how they are being fooled by advertising, to talk about similar products that cost several times cheaper, to enable people to invest the money they have freed up in their education, their growth, not the rise of Western corporations."

Olga Kryshtanovskaya, Chief Researcher at the Department for the Analysis of Socio-Political Processes at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will receive 5 million rubles for the implementation of the research project "The People's Elite of Russia". It is dedicated to "identifying and studying a group of people with a reputation for excellence and moral authority in Russian society". The study will include 18 focus groups and 160 interviews with Russian citizens. Based on the results of the study, a database will be formed, which will include information about people who can be considered the "people's elite". Financing will go through the autonomous non-profit organization Kryshtanovskaya Laboratory.


Some projects are targeted at women. The Association of Law Enforcement and Security Officials will spend 7.97 million rubles on the organization of the Shield and the Rose contest, in which the best female security officers are awarded. The explanation says that this event is held annually "with the support of the presidential administration, the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Moscow government and relevant ministries and departments."

The Chelyabinsk-born accordionist Friedrich Lips Charitable Foundation will receive 1.2 million rubles for a project aimed at “strengthening positive image women". We are talking about a cycle of musical and literary events “Oh, woman, I bow before you!”

And the non-profit organization "Achievement" will spend 5 million rubles in a grant on "research expeditions and hikes in cities and villages" to collect information about women who continue to engage in folk crafts. “Sociological research “Images of Russia” will be carried out, which will help to understand which Russian brands are the most popular among our citizens,” the description of the project says.

The Opora association will hold a competition for women's entrepreneurial projects of the APEC economies for 3 million rubles. “The key objective of the project is to form a pool of promising business models implemented by women in the world to adapt to the Russian economy and maximize the involvement of women in entrepreneurship, attracting international attention to the best Russian women's projects and their internationalization,” the authors of the project describe.


In addition to the largest grant (17 million rubles), which will be spent on the forum about contemporary issues journalism, there are several other projects related to the media.

About 10 million rubles will be spent to continue the work of the public board on complaints against the press. The author of the project is the non-profit organization UNESCO Creative Center. As follows from explanatory note, the main activity of the collegium is regular meetings to consider citizens' complaints about the work of the media and the development of expert opinions. In addition, as part of the use of the grant money, it is planned to train members of new media complaints boards in eight regions, including Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai Krai and Tatarstan.

For comparison, to protect the rights of journalists who have suffered as a result of their professional activity, the Mikhail Beketov Foundation will receive only 3 million rubles.

The same amount - 3 million rubles - will be received by the Crimean public organization "Global Information Technology” to finance the work of the News Front news agency, in the materials of which there is sharp criticism of the current Ukrainian authorities. We are talking about "the development of media focused on the countries of the post-Soviet space, in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation in the information space and strengthen friendship between the peoples of the Russian Federation," the project description says.

“It diverted the attention of civil society”

“We have been working on the topic of presidential grants at Transparency International for three years now. And the main emphasis that we focus on is that the system remains very opaque. It starts from the moment when the president's order on a new competition is issued, from which we will find out those operators who will distribute grants. For us, it remains an absolute mystery and a dark spot how the operators themselves are selected, why exactly these organizations distribute funds, ”says Anastasia Ivolga, an expert at Transparency International in Russia.

The second point that the expert draws attention to is the non-publicity of the contracts that are concluded by the presidential administration with grant operators. “We don't know what is written in these agreements, so we don't know how the money goes to the account of the grant operator. We can only guess whether the entire amount prescribed by the President’s order goes to the accounts of grant operators, or the money is transferred in installments, taking into account the timing of the competitions,” Anastasia Ivolga points out.

One more important point: the amounts indicated in the presidential order for each operator include the percentage that the operator will take for holding the competition, for selecting applications, for the salaries of people who communicate with the winners, an expert from Transparency International in Russia notes. According to Anastasia Ivolga, this percentage does not depend on anything: neither on the amount received, nor on the number of selected winners. Typically, operators receive 5% to 7% for their own expenses.

“The moment of selection of applications is also rather unclear for us. Because the information about the winners, which is published on the portal of presidential grants, contains an extremely poor description of the projects. Sometimes it’s just one sentence, sometimes it’s a long text, after reading which one cannot draw any conclusions about where the funds will actually go,” Ivolga explained. She also added that “organizations affiliated with state structures very often win,” or organizations that implement patriotic projects.

“The peculiarities of the last competition include the fact that the winners were determined in three stages. In my opinion, this greatly distracted the attention of journalists, the entire civil society from the fact that the grant competition was held at all,” the expert believes. In addition, according to her, the amounts received by the winners have decreased. “If last year we noted that about 25 organizations received grants of 15 million rubles, now these are isolated cases. So far, it is difficult to draw any conclusion about this,” says Anatasia Ivolga. According to the results of the second competition, according to her, it will be possible to see whether the winners of the first competition will receive grants. If they receive it, it will be possible to assume that the division into smaller amounts was intentional, the expert believes.

On December 12, the results of the final fourth year in 2016 were summed up open competition on the allocation of grants to non-profit non-governmental organizations, carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 68-rp dated April 5, 2016 "On providing in 2016 state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions and implementing socially significant projects and projects in sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

For consideration by 9 grant operators: Pokrov Charitable Foundation, Union of Pensioners of Russia LLC, NGO National Charitable Fund, NGO Union of Women of Russia, Perspektiva Foundation, LLC League of Health of the Nation, LLC Russian Union of Rectors and Russian Union of Youth LLC - 4634 applications were received. 375 projects became the winners of the competition, four of which have been developed and will be implemented in the Ulyanovsk region.

Among them:

1. Project "Rimon" of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Jewish Youth Congress". The amount of the Presidential grant received is 1.454 million rubles. "Rimon" is a project to update the spiritual values ​​of Jewish youth through the creation of a series of videos by adapting ancient Jewish literary and historical texts. They reveal the basic concepts of historical literary texts, their philosophy, wisdom and application in modern life in the language of modernity.

2. Project “Move more – you will live longer!” Regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Union of pensioners of Russia" in the Ulyanovsk region. The amount of the received Presidential grant is 500 thousand rubles. Project "Move more - live longer!" aimed at creating conditions for further development physical education and sports for older people and improve their quality of life.

3. The project "Our Common Victory" of the Orthodox religious organization Simbirsk Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church(Moscow Patriarchate). The amount of the Presidential grant received is 1.841 million rubles. The project "Our Common Victory" involves the creation of a video archive of memories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which will later be transferred to State Archive Ulyanovsk region and posted on the Internet in the public domain.

4. The project "Geographic Festival" Frigate Pallada "in Ulyanovsk" of the Ulyanovsk regional public organization "Society for the Promotion of Geographical Research". The amount of the received Presidential grant is 800 thousand rubles. The main objective of the festival, which will be held from March 29 to April 1, 2017, is to involve scientists and students, teachers and schoolchildren, tourists and all residents of the Ulyanovsk region in geographical and tourist activities. The territory of the Pallada Frigate festival will be divided into 40 thematic zones, which will continuously host interactive events free of charge for participants.

For reference:

In 2016, 161 projects from non-profit organizations of the Ulyanovsk region were submitted for the Presidential Grants competitions. The winners were 11 NGOs in the region, who received grants totaling 15.584 million rubles.

The winners of the first competition, which took place from April 11 to July 4, 2016, were the Karamzin Foundation for the Support of Cultural and Historical Heritage with the project “Literary Festival “Slovo”, the Dimitrovgrad local branch of the Ulyanovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts “Combat Brotherhood "with the project" Bryandino "- the crossroads of history: the development of the search movement in the Ulyanovsk region, the conduct of search work on the events of the Civil War in the Volga region of 1918" and non-profit organization "Cultural Fund named after I.A. Goncharov" with the project "Heritage of the master Turnip - the creation of a wicker workshop in the village of Akshuat", which received 1.5 million rubles, 914.07 thousand rubles. and 500 thousand rubles, respectively.

According to the results of the second Presidential competition, which took place from May 16 to August 30, grants in the amount of 4.125 million rubles. and 2 million rubles. won Ulyanovsk regional office All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia" with the project "Improving professional level employees of non-profit organizations in the state order system and the participation of these organizations in public procurement"and the Ulyanovsk regional public organization for the study of the history and traditions of the Russian people" Simbirsk Provincial Community "with the project" Let's remember ".

In the third competition, which took place from June 27 to October 24, the winners were the Ulyanovsk Regional Charitable Public Foundation "Give Good" and the Ulyanovsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Red Cross". Funds in the amount of 750 thousand rubles were allocated for the implementation of their projects “Continuation of the activities of the center for legal assistance to pupils and graduates of orphanages in the Ulyanovsk region” and “Evening care school”, respectively. and 1.2 million rubles.

On April 17, a competition of presidential grants for NGOs participating in the development of civil society, implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of human rights protection, started. What has changed in the distribution of grants this year?

Presidential grants for NGOs began to be distributed in 2006. Initially, the competition operator was directly the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, but already in 2007, these functions were transferred to six NGO-grant operators. To compensate for the costs of organizing competitions, they received 6% of the transferred amounts.

In 2006, 500 million rubles were allocated for grants. By 2008, their size increased to 1.5 billion rubles, and then for several years it settled at around 1 billion rubles. The amount of grants began to grow again in 2012, when Federal Law No. 121-FZ of July 20, 2012 was adopted, imposing restrictions on so-called “foreign agents”. Because of this law, Russian NGOs actually lost the opportunity to receive funding from abroad - and as compensation in 2013, the volume of presidential grants increased to 2.6 billion rubles, in 2014 - up to 3.7 billion rubles, in 2015 year - up to 4.2 billion rubles. In 2016, grants were distributed in the amount of RUB 4.5 billion.

At the same time, the work of grant operators, whose number increased to nine by 2016, caused more and more criticism. The process has become overly bureaucratic. An NGO applying for a grant itself had to familiarize itself with the list of grant operators and find out in which areas they distribute grants.

At the same time, several areas of work of grant operators were indicated on the website of the RF OP, but it did not say which areas were priorities. Thus, an NPO could apply to a grant operator that is interested in supporting physical education and sports, rehabilitation of drug addicts, and protecting animals - and then find out that this operator distributes most of the grants “for physical education”, and drug addicts and animals are not so interested in it. To avoid this, NGOs had to additionally clarify the priorities of grant operators.

As a result, NGOs began to send applications to all operators in a row. Because of this, it became difficult for operators to work, they could really look through a large flow of requests worthwhile project. And some NGOs, on the contrary, were suddenly lucky - they received grants from two operators at once. At the same time, it was noted that some grants actually go nowhere - for example, in 2014 a grant of 3.6 million rubles. won the NGO from the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Southern Horizons", which planned to create a discussion platform "I'm a blogger" based on LiveJournal and Twitter. No traces of this platform can be found on the Internet - it is mentioned only in articles criticizing the system for distributing grants.

In 2016, it was decided to streamline the process by creating a single grant operator. The structure of the new structure included several co-founders representing the former operators.

Political scientist Alexei Makarkin back in February 2016, in an interview with RBC, linked the changes in the distribution of grants with the arrival of a new team in the Kremlin, dealing with domestic politics under the leadership of Sergei Kiriyenko. As it became known later, Kiriyenko actually headed the coordinating committee of the new Presidential Grants Fund for the development of civil society. BUT CEO fund became an expert of the All-Russian Civil Forum Ilya Chukalin, who previously worked in the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Economic Development.

On April 3, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed an order and a decree on the distribution of grants in the amount of 4.3 billion rubles. in 2017. So how do NGOs get money for a particular project?

When to apply?

This year the grants will be distributed over two competitions (not four like last year).

Applications for the first competition are accepted from April 17 to May 31, they will be considered within two months. Winning projects must start no earlier than September 1, 2017 and end no later than November 30, 2018.

Applications for the second competition will be accepted from August 16 to September 29. The results will be announced on November 1, and the winning projects will be able to start on December 1. During the implementation of the projects, the winning NGOs will be required to submit quarterly electronic reports to the grant operator.

What projects receive grants?

Grants will be distributed in 12 areas:

Social service and protection;
health protection, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
family support, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood;
support for youth projects;
support for projects in the field of science and education;
support of projects in the field of culture and art;
preservation of historical memory;
protection of human rights, including the protection of the rights of prisoners;
environmental protection and animal welfare;
strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony;
development of public diplomacy and support of compatriots;
development of civil society institutions.

Can I submit multiple applications at once?

At the press conference “NPOs on the Threshold of Change” held on April 13 at the ASI-Blagosfera media center, it was announced that each NPO can apply in at least all 12 areas - but even if several applications win, only one grant will have to be selected.

Can a newly created NGO receive a grant?

Anton Dolgov, a representative of the Presidential Grants Fund for the Development of Civil Society, said in an interview with our publication that NGOs registered more than a year ago can receive a grant in the amount of more than 500 thousand rubles. If the application specifies a smaller amount, then the NPO must be created six months before the deadline for accepting applications. Thus, the latest registration date for NGOs applying for participation in the first competition is November 30, 2016.

How to apply?

In the past, NGOs had to first fill out an electronic form, and second, send a paper version of the application by mail. Now a paper application is not required - NCOs only need to upload an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation into an electronic form. The operator will be able to find out about the details of the organization’s activities on the Internet - and if this information is not there, then it is advisable to attach the NPO to the application Thanksgiving letters, recommendations and other similar documents.

In the past, applicants were required to submit a large number of documents (such as an order appointing a director), which, in fact, no one looked at. Now only the winners will ask for all these documents.

How will projects be evaluated?

A special expert group is responsible for each of the 12 areas. Then the work of these groups will be evaluated by a common expert council. And the final decision on the allocation of grants will be made by the coordinating committee headed by Sergei Kiriyenko.

This year, mathematical project evaluation coefficients are being introduced that will increase the chances of starting NGOs to win.

How to find out about the results of the competition?

NGOs should follow the news on the website of the Presidential Grants Fund on their own. The Fund will not personally inform the participants about the results of consideration of applications and explain the reasons for its decision. According to Anton Dolgov, this is explained prosaically - there are too many applications, and the experts would not have had time to answer everything. Thus, in 2016, 15.7 thousand applications were being processed.

At the same time, the grant operator systematizes typical mistakes of applicants and publishes a corresponding report. Then, based on the report, guidelines for making applications.

How to receive the money?

In the past, winning NGOs were required to open special bank accounts and provide a variety of statements for reporting. For this, banks took a commission, and in 2016, a total of 80 million rubles were spent on banking support for the distribution of grants. Now a special competition will be held to select banks that will accompany the distribution of grants free of charge and independently provide the operator with all statements.

How much money can you ask?

According to some reports, the amount of grants will be determined in three areas - "beginning" NGOs will be able to receive up to 500 thousand rubles, "middle" - up to 3 million rubles, and for grants in the amount of more than 3 million rubles. only “experienced” NGOs will be able to count.
This year it is planned to abandon the practice of cutting the amounts specified in the applications.

In the past, if an NGO needed 700,000 rubles for a project, it asked for 2 million, because it was known that the estimate would be cut. This year, they promise not to cut the estimates, but it is still not recommended to demand too large amounts. A project with high expectations simply will not have a chance to win.

Can NGOs count on assistance other than financial?

According to Anton Dolgov, winning NGOs can send applications to the grant operator for additional assistance - removing administrative barriers, attracting experts, information support, etc. To the extent possible, the Fund will try to meet these requests.

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