Business on 40 acres of land. Seasonal and year-round business at their summer cottage

Your own piece of land is a storehouse of opportunities for additional and basic income. What can you do at the cottage? There are two main areas Agriculture: plant growing and animal husbandry. Let's look at possible options for their implementation.

crop production

In this area, business can develop in two directions: growing products directly, seeds or seedlings. Growing vegetables and fruits for harvest is highly dependent on weather conditions. Hail, drought, late frosts - all this affects the yield of a particular crop and earnings will be in jeopardy. It is safer in this regard to grow seeds and seedlings.

On your site you can grow:


To implement this idea, a couple of tens of acres will suffice. The cultivation technology is simple and has long been known to everyone:

  • plow the land;
  • plant potatoes;
  • spud;
  • when it grows, dig;
  • sell.

On average, it is realistic to collect about 3 tons of vegetables from 10 acres and make a profit of $ 750-1125. Revenue depends on when it is sold: in autumn - cheaper, in spring - more expensive. But in the latter case, you need to have a place where to store it. In the northern regions, one crop is harvested per year. In the southern ones, early-ripening potatoes are planted and two crops are harvested.


Many build a business on tomatoes. Greenhouses have been installed since early spring own production approximately 10 meters long and 6 meters wide. Some install stoves in them and heat them with wood. A plot of 13 acres is enough to accommodate a couple of thousand bushes. The harvest is usually handed over to resellers or they themselves carry it to be sold to the end consumer.

Some master this direction for growing seeds. But then, in order for the business to generate income, it is necessary to cultivate more than one variety of tomatoes. And, of course, grow them in sufficient quantities for sale. In addition, it is necessary to create a client base of buyers.

Early cultures

This idea also needs a greenhouse and preferably polycarbonate, of course with heating. It is not cheap, but greens and early vegetables from the end of spring and the beginning of summer come true very well even on their own, without intermediaries.


Almost everyone in the country grows strawberries for their own needs. But it is easy to build a business on it, especially when cultivating early varieties. From 10 acres, you can get 1.5-2 thousand kg and sell for about 4.7-6.2 thousand dollars. And this is only on the variety that produces one crop per year. More production is given by high-yielding varieties. Plus, it is worth organizing a business selling seedlings of this very strawberry. 4-4.5 thousand bushes are placed on one hundred square meters. This means that from 10 acres, the average income will be 25-28 thousand dollars, depending on the seedling variety.


On your own plot of land, you can organize the cultivation of various seedlings. In the spring, many begin to plant various vegetables in the country, but they do not have the opportunity to grow their own seedlings. Therefore, they are looking for where to buy it. Earnings on seedlings are quite profitable, but have a seasonal character.


If you have a warm basement in your country house, you can master a business such as growing mushrooms. Then you will harvest all year round. If there is no basement on the site, you can cultivate them in a greenhouse, but then your business will be seasonal. The easiest way to grow oyster mushrooms. A little more experience and care will require champignons. There are other varieties of mushrooms, but in this case it is necessary to study the market so as not to grow unclaimed products.


Most often, seedling business is done by growing grape shoots. True, this idea requires certain knowledge. Up to 50 varieties of various grapes are grown at the dacha. IN open field about 4-5 thousand seedlings are placed on a hundred square meters. If you sell all of them, you can earn 84.4-225 thousand dollars. But today almost everyone is engaged in their cultivation. With such competition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell all the goods. Although today the demand is quite high, as many began to develop viticulture on their plot of land. You can also grow seedlings of fruit trees in the country. This technology is more complicated, but it is also much easier to sell them.

animal husbandry

You can make a profit not only from the land. On it you can organize the cultivation of not only animals, but also birds. Moreover, they can be kept not only for the sake of meat, but also for other related products: milk, butter, cheeses, eggs, young animals.

Poultry rearing

It is believed that due to high feed prices, raising poultry for meat is a low-margin business. But you need to be guided by how much the final product costs: if the cost of eggs and meat grows, then the profitability of the business will increase. You can also reduce the cost of keeping birds by growing feed on your site. Or you can organize pens for walking birds.

But the greatest return is given by growing poultry in the country for the sake of eggs for the incubator and young animals. Such an egg is ten times the cost of a food one, and chickens are much more expensive than eggs. Even more expensive is the young growth of meat varieties of birds: turkeys, geese, ducks.


The implementation of this idea at the proper level can become a highly profitable business. Firstly, rabbit meat is dietary and in high demand. Secondly, the sale of young animals to summer residents in the spring also gives a consistently high income. Many of them, settling in the summer in the country, raise rabbits for their own consumption.


Bee products, in particular honey, are highly valued. But to grow bees in the country, you must have at least elementary knowledge about these insects and their life characteristics.


One goat can produce up to five liters of milk per day. This is enough for one family, but if you keep several goats, you can sell milk. It costs more than cow, as it is considered more valuable and useful. In addition, you can sell cottage cheese, sour cream, butter. Additionally, you can sell goat down, which is very much appreciated. In the development of this idea, you can organize the sale of goats.


Traditional occupation on your site for countryside- fattening pigs. They can help out a lot of meat, fat, which will always find its buyer. But this idea has its risks. If an epidemic of African swine fever breaks out among pigs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour dacha, the animals are subject to destruction with modest compensation.


As in the case of goats, a lot of milk can be obtained from a cow, and related dairy products. In addition, you can raise cows for meat, which will also always find its buyer.


Not everyone today practices such a business on their site. But in vain. Mineral fertilizers are known to kill soil. But the worms bring it back to life and increase productivity. In addition to being an excellent fertilizer, worms can be sold as feed for birds, cows, pigs, fur animals, and fish. Moreover, the process of growing them is simple.

First of all, on your site you can grow various crops.


One of the most promising options -. If you purchase a greenhouse, you can harvest up to 5-6 times a year. A simple greenhouse and seeds for planting will cost about 50 thousand rubles, and you can earn about 20 thousand rubles selling greenery at retail or wholesale (cafes and restaurants). per month.


This profitable business with high demand for products. The most common are oyster mushrooms and champignons, besides, they are the most unpretentious in care.

Growing can be done in a barn, as mushrooms need a special microclimate and high humidity. For the purchase of a substrate, mycelium, various additives and providing climatic conditions will need about 20-30 thousand rubles, and in this way you can get from 30-40 thousand rubles a month.

Cheese production

Homemade cheese is highly valued in the market so it's incredible profitable project. You need a workshop space (minimum 50 square meters) and special equipment.

The costs will be at least 200 thousand rubles, but the monthly income after a few months of operating the “client base” will be from 40 thousand rubles.

Breeding rabbits

Looking for an idea what kind of business you can do on your site, pay attention to the always popular fur animals. At the same time, there is not too much competition in this niche yet.

For a mini-farm for breeding 700-1000 per year, you will need a plot of 600-800 square meters and equipment (+ the animals themselves) in the amount of 140-160 thousand rubles. On the sale of rabbit carcasses per month, you can get from 50 tons.

quail farm

You can count on net profit after six months of work, and per month it exceeds the figure of 110 thousand rubles.

Mini smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats will certainly appeal to many, it is a real alternative to store-bought products. Buying a mini-smoker will require an amount of 20 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on production volumes and quality.

You can install it in an extension on the site, in order to equip a room for such work, you need to lay out another 16-20 tons. But such a project can start to bring profit in the first two months of work. In particular, you can count on a monthly income of 20-40 thousand rubles.


In this business, you can earn not only on honey, but also on medicinal products produced. Make sure that there is an orchard nearby, and there are no pig farms nearby, bees also “do not like” dogs.

Hives should not be too close to each other, count their number based on 20-30 square meters per hive. The amount of investments for an apiary for 20-30 hives will be about 250 thousand rubles, and net profit per month - from 55 tr.

Having decided on that, study the sales market and boldly get down to business!

Every second Russian has a summer cottage, every fourth wonders if the business in the country is profitable, what commercial initiatives will make money on their own piece of land. Country business is possible, and it has its own secrets. At the same time, it should be understood that such commerce is risky. The weather factor, the lack of civilized sales markets, access to cheap loans and vehicles makes life difficult for those who want to earn money at their own dacha. But doesn't stop them. For a Russian person, there are no barriers that cannot be bypassed.

Before organizing your own business in your summer cottage, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  1. find out what products are in demand in the region in which you live, since long-distance transportation increases the cost of production - sometimes several times;
  2. determine (or organize independently) distribution channels - where and how to transport (sell) the products received;
  3. understand the technology of production (growing);
  4. draw up a business plan that details the expected costs and revenues.

Important! Large-scale business at their summer cottage is prohibited by law. It is impossible to build a supermarket or a brick factory on land intended for subsidiary farming. However, if the site is located near the highway and there is a desire to build a store or open a car repair shop on it, you can change the purpose of the land.

Little secrets of income from a summer cottage

Combining business ideas and dacha economy has its own secrets. What grows in everyone's yard cannot be sold dearly, and transportation immediately increases overhead costs - the business becomes unprofitable. Growing seedlings and early varieties requires heat, light, frequent watering - at the same time, there are land plots without water and electricity. The construction of a greenhouse will have a beneficial effect on plant growth and increase yields, but will require additional financial investments. In addition, in order to realize a business idea in a summer cottage, you need to live there around the clock or come often.

Important! Any commerce that involves earning money on minimal financial investments is built on significant labor costs. In addition, the work itself on the ground requires labor - it is difficult for one person to independently carry out the entire cycle of work. Automated tools make the process easier, but they cost money - you can’t talk about starting a business from scratch in this case.

10 ideas for making money at your dacha for the brave and hardworking

The first thing that comes to mind is to use the summer cottage for its intended purpose: to grow edible and ornamental plants. Vegetables that require minimal investment of labor and time include green onions, parsley and dill. Also, chickens are bred at the dacha, fur-bearing animals (rabbits, nutria) are grown, and this is a double income - from the sale of meat and fur. There are unusual ways to generate income. Consider in detail how much you can earn.

Important information! In crop production, profitable options for earning on seed and planting material, flowers, early vegetables and berries. In animal husbandry - on fur-bearing animals, growing quails and ostriches, rabbit breeding.

1. Income from edible greens

Dill, lettuce, parsley, radish are in demand, and it is easy to make money on them. Dill is the most popular type of greenery, and it begins to grow already at 2-3 degrees Celsius. To increase the yield, the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground, but do not germinate. It is better to purchase varietal dill seeds, even better - save them yourself. Get a crop at any time of the year will help your own greenhouse.

Every business idea is certain activity, the end result of which is earnings. And the best situation is when the pleasant is combined with the useful. And this directly applies to the cottage and the possibility of making a profit. Of course, this will not always be able to make a country house a source of main income, but, nevertheless, who will refuse a few additional thousand rubles for a month? So, is it difficult to organize a business in the country, or how to earn a good living?

general information

There are quite a few different ideas and ways to implement them. All of them, of course, will not be considered. But we will list the most worthwhile. Here are just a few options:

  1. Studio organization.
  2. Leasing (of the dacha or bath).
  3. Quail farm.
  4. Cultivation of mushrooms.
  5. Creation of an apiary.
  6. Growing herbs, vegetables and fruits.

With a thoughtful approach, these ideas, which are now seen as an additional financial leverage, can even become the main source of income. It is likely that some options are already familiar to the reader. Others will be new, but they too will be appreciated. Is it possible to organize a business in the country? Options are offered, the choice is yours.

Studio organization

In the information society, service-oriented businesses are becoming more and more common. Studios are a very convenient form of work at the micro level. They do not require much space, but are profitable enterprises. Therefore, if there is talent in a certain area, you can try to create your own own business. What skills will be useful in this case? If there are no problems with programming, design, high-quality photographs, you should think about working in the area of ​​interest. In the first (and the second case), you can create a small enterprise specializing in the creation of applications. To search for the first clients, you can turn to government tenders: now the informatization of authorities is being actively carried out, and many organizations need their own website. Such a small business in the countryside can subsequently grow into a rather large and profitable software company or even more.


If it is not possible due to certain circumstances to conduct business, the property can be transferred for temporary use to someone else. There may be several reasons for such a decision - a long stay in another country, a business trip, the birth of a child or something else - it does not matter. Dacha still requires expenses such as land tax, payment utilities, protection. When renting, you can reset the existing costs, and with a competent approach, you can make good money. The main task is to find people who will maintain order and consistently pay money. The first can be achieved by entering into the lease special conditions like removing weeds, caring for the garden and other things, in exchange for which a certain discount of a thousand or two rubles will be provided. You can practice renting for a couple of days for companies who want to relax in the fresh air. This is especially suitable for people who own a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool. But you should not chase big profits, it is advisable to choose adequate people who will not cause damage to property.

Option with bath and service

Let's dwell on this in more detail. It must be understood that the main customers will be people who are interested in the opportunity to "hide" from strangers and relax in the bath, near which there is a barbecue, a green garden, a place to relax or a cool pool. This option is suitable if the point is located in a suburban area or at a small distance from the city and is well equipped. Everything else is a matter of advertising and personal desire to earn money. Quite common is the practice of building a bath just for rent. Judging by the reviews, a comfortable building pays off in a year or two. And the bathhouse remains in the property, and if necessary, you can take a steam bath in it yourself.

quail farm

This is a great opportunity to make money on meat and eggs, but it should be noted that this is a rather risky venture. And that's why:

  1. It is necessary to qualitatively work out the ways of selling quail meat and eggs. This is definitely useful product, but at first get a permanent contract with trading network or even just a store may not work, and you will have to sell products on the market.
  2. Care problems. Quails need constant care. It is fair to say that this is a rather difficult task. We have to take into account a large number of factors and work out many points: feed, medicines, waste disposal. Therefore, it is better to deal with poultry if it was decided to build a business on it.
  3. We'll have to deal with quite vulnerable and demanding birds. It will be necessary to clean their cages every day, monitor the lighting, which should be 18-20 hours a day, add food and water on time (and do not overfeed them), and any more or less serious epidemic can literally mow down most of the farm's inhabitants. in a few days, which will lead to significant losses.

But if everything is properly organized, then the income will be significant. The first money can be counted in a month or two (and if you buy grown birds, then this is a matter of two weeks), when the eggs go. At the same time, they both rush and can be sent to restaurants at a good price. True, such specifics are found here: from a small livestock, the income will be corresponding, and it can be problematic to place several hundred animals.

Greens, vegetables and fruits

We continue to consider business ideas that are possible for implementation in the country, and we will focus on the side work aspect. It will be difficult to earn a lot in this case. Rather, for the actual subsistence and a little for sale. The industrial approach requires a significant change in work. It is necessary to think over the issues of choosing varieties, equipment, fertilizers and, of course, what to grow. If you have no idea what to pay attention to, you can turn to strawberries and apples. Both the first and the second Russian market significantly lacking, so there is where to turn around. You should try to maximize performance. And this is where greenhouses can help. Where and how to use them?

Greenhouse applications

A lot can be said about them. Here you can engage in mushrooms, flowers, herbs. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Ensuring a year-round cycle. In the northern latitudes, this can be certain problems, while in the south it is not so difficult.
  2. We need to work on quality. Equipment, seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, irrigation, lighting - this is an incomplete list of issues that are addressed in the first place.
  3. Correctly calculate the size of the crop. It should be borne in mind that a greenhouse with a size of 10-12 squares will not give a commercial effect. Here it is the same as with quails - it is necessary to aim at an industrial scale, the desirable minimum is five or even ten acres.

Variant with mushrooms

Speaking about what kind of business in the country is possible, this one could not be put in the first place, if not for a couple of small “buts”. Initially, you need to decide on the goal - an exotic or industrial variety. The first is more difficult to maintain, but more cost-effective. In the case of mushrooms, it is not difficult to make them the main source of income, if only because they grow rapidly, and the production cycle is repeated three or four times a year, or even more. Consideration should also be given to the requirements various kinds. You need to take care of ventilation temperature regime, humidity, lighting. Growth can be promoted by special substrates, top dressing. And if you enter the market with products at a balanced price, then there will be no problems with finding a place to sell.


Doing this business, having one desire, will be problematic. For successful activity, it is necessary to read a lot of literature, communicate with experienced people, go through theoretical and practical training. But this business idea is worth all this work: after all, bees in the country are both useful and profitable. And the first income is possible even a quarter after the start of activity. In the first year, with a competent approach, all initial costs will already be paid back two to three times. Of course, an apiary is very difficult, it has its own pitfalls, but if you set a goal, then achieving it is quite real. And most importantly - there are no problems with the sales market, since the population buys honey with a bang, and there are wonderful opportunities for export if a decision is made to work in the markets of several countries. For a good start, you should take care of the place, hives, bee colonies, special equipment, medicines and the availability of a territory for honey collection. But if you place an apiary in a summer cottage, then a significant plus will be a large amount of vegetation from which insects will independently collect pollen. At the same time, they do not take up much space - 5-7 hives are enough for themselves and for sale, which will easily fit on 10-14 square meters. And if there are several acres of land, then it is possible to act even on an industrial scale.

What else?

There would be a desire, you can always organize a business in the country. Ideas, production, sales - these are the three pillars on which any business rests. There is such a situation that in many areas of the market there are free niches. You just need to want and work - and everything will definitely happen. By the way, in addition to the ideas discussed above, there are some more. Considering them in detail will not allow the size of the article, but you can still make a simple list:

  1. Breeding worms (rain and California).
  2. Production of decorative blocks, bricks and stone.
  3. Breeding of rabbits and poultry;
  4. Organization of a small sawmill.
  5. Pressing fuel briquettes.
  6. Production of homemade wine.
  7. Production of cages and corrals, wicker furniture.

As you can see, if you wish, you can organize a small business in the country. There are ideas, you just need to thoroughly prepare, assess all possible risks, think about what your heart lies in, and move on to action.