Archive of the journal science and life read. Science and Life (Journal Archive)


Science and Life (Journal Archive)

Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages and EBook
Year of issue: 1890-2011
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: Many
Science and Life” is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. Founded in 1890. The publication was resumed in October 1934. The circulation of the magazine in the 1970s-1980s reached 3 million copies and was one of the highest in the USSR. The circulation for 2009 is about 44,000 copies. The magazine has always been designed for a wide range of readers of all ages and professions and remains the most famous and widely read popular science magazine in Russia. The journal publishes only reliable information, mainly from "first hand" from leading scientists and experts and popularizes knowledge in an accessible form, but, quoting the founder of the journal M.N. and politics."

1890 - djvu - 1
1893 - djvu - 1-26
1934 - djvu - 1
1935 - 1,6,11
1936 - pdf - 3,7,10
1938 - no
1940 - djvu - 5-6,10-12
- pdf - 1-12
1942 - no
- pdf - 1-12
- pdf - 1-12
- pdf - 1-12 + djvu - 2-3,8-9
1946 - pdf EBook - 1-3.5-12 + djvu - 1-3.5-12
1947 - pdf EBook - 6.7.9 + djvu - 4-7.9
- pdf - 1-12 - scans
1949 - pdf EBook - 2-6 + djvu - 2-6
1950 - pdf EBook - 1-5,9,12 + djvu - 1-6,9,11,12
1951 - pdf EBook - 1.5-10 + djvu - 1.5-10
1952 - pdf EBook - 1-6,10,12 + djvu - 1-6,10,12
- pdf EBook - 1-12 + djvu - 1-12
1954 - pdf EBook - 1,6,12 + djvu - 1,6,12 + pdf - 2
- pdf EBook - 1-7,9-12 + djvu - 1-7,9-12 + pdf - 8
1956 - pdf - 1-9
- pdf 1-6 + pdf EBook - 7-12 + djvu - 7-12
- djvu - 1-12 - scans
- djvu and pdf - 1-12 - scans
1962 - pdf - 6,8,10,11
- djvu and pdf - 1-12 - scans
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- pdf EBook - 1-12

1890 - founded by M. N. Glubokovsky (1857-1903). The purpose of the journal was proclaimed the popularization of science. The magazine was published once a week and was small in size (16 pages). The annual subscription cost 5 rubles.
1894 - in addition to "Science and Life", the publisher also began to publish the magazine "Delo", a more practical and cheaper one - only a ruble a year.
1900 - The publication of the magazine ceased due to a serious illness of the editor.
1904-1906 - in St. Petersburg, under the editorship of the agronomist F. S. Gruzdev, a journal with the same name, but of a different orientation, was published (a socio-political and artistic publication that did not pay much attention to the popularization of science).
1934 - The publication of "Science and Life" was resumed under the editorship of N. L. Meshcheryakov (1865-1942).
1938 - "Science and Life" becomes an organ of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
1948 - the journal is published by the All-Union Society for the Propagation of Political and Scientific Knowledge (All-Union Society "Knowledge").
1961 - the magazine changes its direction and content towards accessibility for a wide range of readers. V. N. Bolkhovitinov (1912-1980) becomes the chief editor.
1980 - Chief Editor V. N. Bolkhovitinov was replaced by I. K. Lagovsky.
1984 - the magazine is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
1990 - the editorial staff and the Pravda publishing house became the founders of the journal.
January 1991 - the magazine is now completely typed and typesetted on editorial computers, before that most of the work was done in the printing house
November 2007 - the section "Uma Chamber" appears in the magazine, intended for schoolchildren.
2008 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Elena Leonidovna Lozovskaya, who previously headed the Department of Natural Sciences, became the editor-in-chief of the journal.

Differences of this distribution from others present on the tracker or other distributions on the Internet:
- Quality. This collection contains scans in the best quality.
- Completeness. This collection contains all scans of magazines found on the Internet.
- Magazines for 1975-2010 in distribution with working navigation (names and file locations are saved as on editorial disks).
- The presence of an OCR layer in all files (it was originally in editorial files, I added it to the rest; the quality of pdf files was not affected).
- Some magazines for the 1940-70s are presented in two copies: pdf and djvu. At the same time, the djvu version is a regular scan, in which the structure and appearance of the magazines are completely preserved, it is of historical value as the original; and the pdf version is a newly made layout (I wonder who did it), where the text is text, not a scanned picture, the fonts in it are somewhat different from the original (in the distribution, such files are signed as EBook).


Science and Life No. 6 (June)

Release year: 2010

Russian language
Number of pages: 148

Main headings: science, technology, medicine, and...


Science and Life No. 2 (February)

Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.


Science and Life No. 4 (April)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148


Science and Life #1 (January)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, ...


Science and Life No. 12 (December)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2009
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 164
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, ...

but I

Science and Life No. 9 (September)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...

but I

Science and Life No. 11 (November)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life #12 (December)

Science and Life #12 (December) (1988)
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Released: 1988
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Pravda
Russian language
Number of pages: 172
Description: Science and Life” is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. Founded in 1890. The publication was resumed in October 1934. The circulation of the magazine in the 1970s-1980s reached 3 million copies and was one of the highest in the USSR. The circulation for 2009 is about 44,000 copies. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history...


Science and Life No. 8 (August)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life No. 8 (August)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2013
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO "Editorial office of the journal "Science and Life"
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: Monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.

Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, household chores, garden, vegetable garden, man and computer, photo ...


Science and Life No. 5 (May)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life No. 10 (October)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2016
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Editorial board of the journal "Science and Life". Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" - This is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.
Main goal: popularization of scientific knowledge. Screenshots


Science and Life No. 9 (September)

Format: PDF (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Nauka i Zhizn
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Official site:
Description: Science and Life is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.
Main goal: popularization of scientific knowledge.


Science and Life No. 7 (July)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148 "Science and Life" - a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, household chores...


Science and Life No. 6 (June)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...

The journal "Science and Life" was founded in 1890. Its creator, Matvey Nikanorovich Glubokovsky (1857–1903), was an original and versatile personality. Born into the family of a poor rural priest in the Vologda province. He graduated from the seminary, but did not follow in his father's footsteps (by the way, his brother Nikolai became a prominent theologian, emigrated after 1917). He studied at the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages, but did not become an orientalist. He volunteered for the army, but did not become a military man either. He graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow State University in 1885, received a diploma as a doctor, but medicine did not become his profession. While still a student, he began working as a proofreader at Moskovskie Vedomosti, and soon began to lead the main sections of the newspaper, write editorials, and make scientific reviews. He also published in many other Russian newspapers and magazines. He was the author of poems, stories, plays and scientific treatises on medicine, mathematics and mineralogy. Even before the advent of Esperanto, he proposed a project for a world language based on mathematics. Patented several inventions.

In 1890, he created his weekly magazine, the purpose of which in the first issue proclaimed "the popularization of knowledge and the communication of all outstanding scientific and practical news in the most popular form, but without falling into a tabloid tone and standing aside from any tendentiousness and politicking." The then "Science and Life" had a format similar to today's "Spark", 16 pages and was published once a week.

In 1894, the publisher of Science and Life, considering that five rubles for an annual subscription was an unbearable price for many, began to publish the Delo magazine, also popular science, but characterized by a more practical orientation and costing only a ruble a year.

Due to the serious illness of the editor, the publication of Science and Life ceased in 1900. Even before that, the magazine was clearly fading: its volume was reduced (some issues consisted of only two pages), previously published articles were often repeated, an announcement began to appear about the desire to sell the magazine to other hands.

In 1904–1906, a magazine under this title was published in St. Petersburg under the editorship of the agronomist F.S. Gruzdev, but it was rather a socio-political and artistic publication that did not pay much attention to the popularization of science.

The publication was resumed only in 1934, under the editorship of N.L. Meshcheryakov (1865–1942), an old Bolshevik, publicist, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In a completely different historical setting, the journal largely retained the program of the old Science and Life. But, of course, instead of "renouncing tendentiousness and politicking" in the program article that opened the first issue, it was emphasized: "All questions in the articles of our journal will be covered from the point of view of Marxism-Leninism."

In 1938, "Science and Life" became an organ of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1948, after the creation of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge, it passed into the system of this society. These reorganizations noticeably "dried up" the journal and made it of little interest. The content of the magazine was also strongly affected by the general atmosphere prevailing in the country by that time. Almost all the discoveries and developments of Soviet scientists could not be written for reasons of extreme secrecy. It was impossible to write about the achievements of foreign science and technology - after all, this is propaganda of the capitalist way of life. Explanatory articles on many new branches of science and technology, for example, on the bourgeois sciences of genetics and cybernetics, could not appear in the journal. It was impossible to report even some natural phenomena, for example, earthquakes on the territory of the USSR, so that hostile propaganda would not pick up this topic.

From 1943 to 1961, the journal was headed by Alexander Sergeevich Fedorov, a metallurgical engineer.

A new era of Science and Life began in 1961, when Viktor Nikolaevich Bolkhovitinov (1912–1980), a physicist by education, a journalist by profession, and a poet by vocation, became the editor-in-chief. Viktor Nikolayevich was born into a family of teachers in the city of Sasov (now the Ryazan region). He grew up in an atmosphere of deep respect for knowledge and an equally deep conviction in the need to share this knowledge, to spread it.

Labor path of V.N. Bolkhovitinov began as a tractor driver at a local state farm, then worked as a miner and electrician. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, he worked as an engineer-physicist, taught at a secondary school, at a university, and did research work at a research institute. More than ten years he worked in the magazine "Technology - Youth". Peru V.N. Bolkhovitinov own artistic essays about the figures of science and culture - Mendeleev, Tsiolkovsky, Newton, Lobachevsky, Gorky, Leonov. His book "Centuries" about the outstanding Russian physicist was published more than once in the ZhZL series. He was a member of the editorial board of Litgazeta. Bolkhovitinov also wrote poems, but never published them in his journal, several poems were published in Science and Life only after his death.

He dreamed of creating his own popular science magazine, which was no less difficult in the middle of the last century than it is now, although for different reasons. First, Viktor Nikolaevich tested and refined his ideas about what a publicly accessible journal about science and technology should be like, creating in 1956, under the auspices of the Komsomol, a magazine for young people called "Young Technician", which was a great success among young people. A few years later, having managed to achieve a special resolution of the all-powerful Central Committee of the CPSU, Bolkhovitinov set about reorganizing the boring journal Science and Life, then intended mainly for lecturers and activists of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge.

In just a few months, having taken with him most of the staff from the editorial office of "Young Technician", Viktor Nikolayevich turned the magazine into an interesting, lively and accessible reading for the whole family. Of course, the situation in the country, which had changed by that time due to the “thaw”, and the weakening of censorship and ideological restrictions contributed to the success. The circulation in a few years grew more than 20 times, so that the subscription had to be limited so that all the paper produced in the USSR did not go to Science and Life. The design, the scheme of the magazine, laid down in 1961, turned out to be so promising and durable that it is maintained to this day, even the main headings invented at that time have been preserved.

From 1980 to 2008, the magazine was headed by Igor Konstantinovich Lagovsky, an engineer, a participant in World War II, who defended the skies of Moscow. Since 1951, Igor Konstantinovich began to publish in popular science magazines, without leaving the profession of an engineer, and in 1956 V.N. Bolkhovitinov invited him to work in the newly organized "Young Technician". Igor Konstantinovich became there first as a literary worker, and then as deputy editor-in-chief. In September 1960, he moved to Science and Life and worked there as an executive secretary until April 1961, when, during the reorganization of the journal, he was appointed deputy editor-in-chief. The author of numerous popular science articles and notes, the author of the book "Your Free Time", which was repeatedly reprinted.

Now there are not so many employees left in the editorial office who were part of the team created by Bolkhovitinov and his friends, but, apparently, the charge received then is so strong that it is transferred to those who come again. Or maybe the fact is that the new employees, of course, read "Science and Life" in childhood and adolescence.

] Journal.
Scan No. 01-04,06-12, processing, Djv format: ???, provided by: Arkady Yugrin, 2010; Scan #05: AAW, OCR, processing, Djv format, Pdf: Dmitry7, 2015

  • IN ROOM №01:
    A. Bachurin, Dr. economy, sciences - Addition of forces (2). Horizons of the tenth five-year plan (4). By native country. Figures and facts (9,24,38,58,72,82). Y. Sedykh - On the basis of inter-farm and agro-industrial cooperation (12). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (17). V. Komov - Manager of the peaceful atom (20). M. Trunov - KMA: harmony of mutual relations (26). Biography of KMA (32). N. Zykov - House at the trant (33). Psychological workshop (36,118,127,140). A. Halamizer - How the computer was created (37). I. Artobolevsky, academician, A. Kobrinsky, doctor. tech. Sciences - Robots of the first generation (40). Popular science films (50). V. Kramov - Vigorous metabolites (52). Reported from Mars (55). V. Ginzburg, acad. - Science: horizons and problems of development (60). CMEA in action (67). A. Soldltenkov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, I. Sytinsky, Dr. biol. Sciences - Organic compounds in the Universe (68). New books (71). M. Fekhner, architect - Kazan (74). BINTI (Foreign Scientific and Technical Information Bureau) (79). Mathematical leisure (84). K. Chistov, prof. - Russian North (85). Kunstkamera (91,130,142). V. Dadykin - The birth of a forest miracle (92). V. Tanasiychuk, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Fireflies of Waitomo Cave (97). V. Tyurin - Weather and "weather gods" (98). Correspondence with readers: L. Trachtenberg - Sharp-witted crow; Pigeon strategy; A. Strizheb - Russian forbs (103). V. Sytin - Live with passion (104). Home master. Tips (109). B. Sukhanov, Ph.D. honey. Sciences - Food industry of the future (110). B. Gorin, engineer, S. Chekanov - Juicer for the collective garden (114). V. Ivanov, Dr. philologist. sciences - About the queen with a slingshot (116). V. Odintsov - The insidiousness of time (117). Z. Bobyr - Subsistence economy of Mr. Huke (119). S. Minaev - Fadeev - editor (120). E. Savitsky - "Kabarozhki" - residents of Svalbard (122). Y. Shaposhnikov - Home gym (126). Abstracts (123). Journal Chronicle (131). N. Yasharov - Spare parts for a person (132). Tak-tikl (game) (135). I. Lyamin - Russian chiseled nursery rhymes (136). Wood lathe (139). Poultry air purification (141). Hieronymus Stebnitsky - The Earth has the shape of a ball (144). Chess without chess (146). Answers and Solutions (148,152). How right? (149). For those who knit (150). Focuses (152). N. Polyanov - Expeditions in the footsteps of the myth (154). Marsh calla (160). In the poetic selection - poems by A. Voznesensky, E. Yevtushenko, M. Lvov, Y. Smelyakov, A. Tvardovsky. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Residential areas of Tomsk are supplied with high-quality water from artesian springs. The picture shows one of the branches of the city's water pumping station. Photo by A. Kuzyarin (TASS photo chronicle). Bottom: hazelnuts. Photo by V. Veselovsky (see article on p. 92). 2nd page - From the photo chronicle: the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1974 (photo by V. Elkin) and the construction of the Kashirskaya GRES named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky in 1920 (TASS photo). 3rd page - Marsh calla. Photo by Y. Dundin. 4th page - Treasures of the Anapa land Photo by V. Veselovsky. INLABS: 1st page - Scheme of the emerging territorial production complex of the KMA. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 2-3rd page - Robots of the first generation. Drawings by O. Revo (see article on p. 40). 4th page. Photo by N. Zykov. 5th page - Illustrations for the article "The Birth of the Forest Miracle". Photo by V. Veselovsky. rice. Y. Chesnokova. 6-7th page - Kazan. Architectural and building monuments. Drawings by E. Smolin (see article on p. 74). 8th page - Waitomo Luminous Cave. Photo by S. Kulik.
    IN ROOM №02:
    G. Marchuk, acad. - Siberia is a scientific land (4). By native country. Figures and facts (2,12,26,38,56,70,76). Abstracts (8.36). G. Schmal - The building of the nomplens (13). L. Sizov - Energy galaxy KATEK (20). D. Knorre, corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the USSR - "Addressed" reagents (28). V. Shumny, Dr. biol. Sciences - Evolution at the will of man (30). New books (32.68). R. Svoren - Colors of space (33). Our guest is the ECO magazine (34). A. Budker, Academician, A. Skrinsky, Academician, L. Barkov, Corr. USSR Academy of Sciences, N. Dikansky, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, I. Meshkov, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, V. Parkhomchuk, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences. From antiparticles to antimatter (40). G. Andreev, Ph.D. geol.-mineral. sciences - Synnyrity - treasures of the Synnyr ridge (52). S. Zalygin - "... Forests in great Siberia ..." (55). M. Bodnev, engineer, E. Zalkindson, engineer - From the Yenisei to the Yenisei (58). Popular science films (61). V. Bakhur, Dr. honey. Sciences - Our "I" (64). A. Zhdanov - Named after the Fonchenko brothers (68). N. Bolkhoev, Ph.D. s.-x. Sciences - What is "katon" (69). R. Kalyuzhnaya, prof. - Labor, sports, children (72). New discovery of the Earth. Participants of the XXIII International Geographical Congress are speaking: I. Gerasimov (USSR); G. Fomin (USSR); X. Vivo Escoto (Mexico); J. Charlier (Belgium); M. Lvovich and N. Koronkevich (USSR); A. Rassokho (USSR); P. Perera (Malaysia); V. Barykin and A. Scriabin (USSR); G. Dutt (India) (78). V. Zavorotov, engineer. - Atomic nuclei, satellites and table hockey (86). S. Kirpichev - Capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse (88). I. Konstantinov - Flexagon paths (92). V. Grigoriev - Graceful lines of the master (97). Home master. Tips (103). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (104). From the chronicle of the cultural life of Siberia (108). V. Zazubrin - About Pavlov (108). E. Levitan, Ph.D. ped. Sciences - Taurus (110). Psychological workshop (113,149). Correspondence with readers: E. Nazarov - The plant is the opposite (114); I. Konstantinov - Where flamingos winter (115). D. Bogoyavlenskaya, Ph.D. psychol. Sciences - On the ways to creativity (116). V. Babushkin - About Judy and her tribesmen (122). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (124). A. Sidorov, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Word about science (128). Aphorisms. Sayings. Literary citations (128). News from laboratories (130). Answers and Solutions (133). Kunstkamera (134). Stages of life (135). D. Collier - Stain remover (136). V. Yankulin - Competition before the start (138). Animals help the doctor (146). V. Khenkin, master of sports - Two horses in attack (147). Crossword with fragments (150). First aid for a four-legged friend (152). A. Strizhev, phenologist - Herbs and legends (154). In the poetic selection - poems by B. Akhmadulina, P. Vasiliev, E. Yevtushenko, V. Sayanov. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Photo by A. Skurikhin. Bottom: dark gray capercaillie - a hybrid of the common capercaillie and stone capercaillie. Photo by S. Kirpichev. (See page 86). 2nd page - From the photo chronicle: a military parade on Red Square on November 7, 1976, photo by I. Zotin (TASS Photo Chronicle) and a parade on Red Square on February 22, 1925, photo by V. Savelyev and A. Samsonov. 3rd page - Illustrations for the article "Herbs and Legends". Photo by A. Chirkov, fig. M. Averyanova. 4th page - Orchid growing upside down (see p. 114). Photo by A. Veselukhin. ON INSERTS: 1st page - ZSNT. Photo by A. Shpinev (Informelectro). 2-3rd page - Ship lift of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. Photo by A. Skurikhin, fig. Y. Rapoport. (See page 58). 4th page - Colors of space. 5th page - M. Averyanov's drawings for the article "Flexagonal paths". 6-7th page - Grouse palette (see page 88). Drawings by S. Kirpichep, Photo by R. Fedorov. 8th page - Engraving and medal art. Photo by V. Grigoriev.
    IN ROOM №03:
    L. Aganbegyan, acad. - Scientists - BAM (4). By native country. Figures and facts (2,8,20,49). Y. Fedorov - The highway is under construction (6). L. Tynel - The edge of the Soviet land (10). V. Leshkov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - Floating gold factories (13). V. Spesivtsev - With the help of freezing (22). New books (23). I. Pechenyuk - Zeya crossing (24). Y. Sobolev - The road to the future (29). K. Nnitenko - In the kingdom of pinnipeds (33). The first bearing (38). O. Baroyan, acad. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences - Doctor at the construction of BAM (42). Psychological workshop (47,115,144). Yu. Pesikov - For a just cause (48). M. Khanin - This is a difficult labor education (50). Abstracts (50). A. Galaeva - Fiery breath of Kamchatka (58). T. Torlina - Attention: twins! (66). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (73). A. Laurinciukas - Run for ginseng (76). I. Brekhman, Dr. honey. Sciences - Medicines for the healthy (80). Correspondence with readers: Y. Shaposhnikov - Watch your posture (84); A. Shkurko - Letters on coins (85). A. Zhirmunsky, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR - World of Marine Organisms: Problems of Theory and Practice (86). A. Pudovkin, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - The main object of study is salmon fish (91). E. Krasnov, Dr. geol.-miner. Sciences - The past is the key to the future (93). O. Kusakin, Dr. bnol. sciences - Littoral of the Far Eastern seas (95). Garden in a bottle (97). G. Rokhlin, Dr. tech. Sciences - High pressure lamps (98). Popular science films (101). A. Gulyga, Dr. philosopher, sciences - From the forgotten (104). Y. Simonov - Ainu - people-mystery (108). Home master. Tips (113). M. Buyanov, Ph.D. honey. Sciences - Lethargic sleep (114). V. Lishevsky - From the history of the telegraph (116). N. Zykov - Stalactite kingdom (120). Y. Lisitsyn, Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Medical Sciences - Against poisoned life (124). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (130). Yu. Tatarinov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - The man in the "iron mask" - who is he? (133). M. Gai-Gulina - For those who knit (139). Logic games (141). Chess without chess (142). A. Lopukhin - "Owls" or "larks"? (145). F. Rabiza, eng. - Experiments with models of planets (146). Mathematical Surprises. Year 1976 (149). A. Sorokin - My starlings (152). Mikola Bilkun - Contributors (155). Answers and solutions (156). Kunstkamera (157). Where do monarchs winter? (158). Plants under protection (160). In the poetic selection - poems by S. Yesenin, N. Kabushkin, Y. Kashuk, Y. Smelyakov. ON THE COVER: 1st page - One of the remarkable achievements of inorganic chemistry of recent times is the synthesis of noble lawn compounds, previously considered incapable of chemical reactions. About 150 such compounds are now known, and more than a third of them have been synthesized in our country. The spherical reactor shown in the picture is filled with a mixture of xenon and fluorine. A spark discharge ignites the mixture, and in a few seconds it turns into solid xenon fluoride. Photo by V. Obodzinsky. Bottom: First State Bearing Plant. Dimensional control of a large bearing. Photo by A. Kogan. (See page 38). 2nd page - From the photo chronicle: Il-62 turbojet passenger aircraft at the Tashkent airport (1976) and the crew of the Rodina aircraft, which made a non-stop flight Moscow - the Far East in 1938. 3rd page - Plants under protection. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 4th page - Where do monarchs winter? (See page 158). INLABS: 1st page - Scheme of the development of the zone of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Drawings by E. Smolin. 2-3rd page - Floating gold factory. Drawings by B. Malyshev. (See page 13). 4th page - Pinnipeds of the Far East. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 5th page - Illustrations for the article "Institute of Marine Biology". Photo by K. Obezyanov. 6-7th page - Great Tolbachik eruption. Photo by V. Gipenreiter. (See article on page 58). 8th page - A garden in a bottle.
    IN ROOM №04:
    N. Baibakov, Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR - The scale of creation (2). G. Golikov, Dr. history Sciences - Leniniana. New pages (10). By native country. Figures and facts (15,56,62). B. Paton, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - This is how the future of science and production is built (16). N. Kudryashov - Bridges of Kyiv (20). B. Rozanov, Dr. tech. sciences - Gigantic press: created in the USSR, works in France (26). I. Karpets, Dr. legal Sciences, N. Salishcheva, Ph.D. legal Sciences - Property of the people (33). Reborn from oblivion (35). Time of great beginnings (36). T. Gladkov - Great educator - work (38). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (43). K. Sytnik, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Program "Dnepr" (46). P. Krotkevich, Dr. biol. Sciences - Keeper of living water (49). R. Svoren - Micro stories about waves and phases (53). P. Tolochko, Ph.D. history Sciences - Ancient Kyiv (58). Abstracts (64). Yu Pobozhiy - One hundred and seventh (66). F. Gorodinsky - The best of sturgeons (68). V. Galuzinskaya - Museum of Medicine (75). New books (77). V. Goldansky, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Chemistry of ultralow temperatures (78). I. Konstantinov - In the land of birds and animals (84). L. Volkov-Lannit - Voice of Tolstoy (86). Kunstkamera (89,115,141,158). R. Petrov, corresponding member USSR Academy of Medical Sciences - Lymphocyte Dictatorship (90). T. Kruglova - The key to the secrets of many diseases (95). O. Zhuravlev - Cacti are blooming (97). T. Beskaravaynaya, L. Sytenko, candidates of philosophy, sciences - Sofia graffiti (100). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (102). O. Moroz - Newton and Goethe (105). E. Levitan, Ph.D. ped. Sciences - Constellation Leo (116). Home master. Tips (119). Y. Shaposhnikov - Famous strongmen (120). Correspondence with readers: V. Markin, Ph.D. geographer, sciences - Gloria (124); I. Elizarova - House ants (125); A. Shipulin - Grisha asks for help (125). Popular science films (126). V. Khromov - Poetic cardiograms (128). For various reasons to smile (129,145). T. Torlina - Why are twins similar? (130). N. Zykov - Phone 155-50-05. Question - answer (136). B. Shirobokov - Volumetric polyomino (138). Crossword with fragments (142). G. Shulpin, Ph.D. chem. Sciences - About acids and alkalis, about soda, soap and blackberries (144). A. Karpov, grandmaster - Turning duel (146). G. Gohlerner - In the name of science and humanism (150). Psychological workshop (156). Answers and Solutions (157). Sochechnik spring (160). In the poetic selection - poems by V. Ladyzhets, M. Rylsky, M. Stelmakh, P. Tychyna. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Dnepropetrovsk. Photo by I. Konstantinov. Bottom: 1920 poster. artist N. Kupreyanov. 2nd page - From the photo chronicle: Donetsk Metallurgical Plant named after V.I. Lenin. Photo by V. Berkhin (1977). Below: this is how the factory looked like in 1926. 3rd page - Sochevichnik. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - Psychological workshop. ON INSERTS: 1st page - Gigantic press. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 2-3rd page - Kyiv cable-stayed bridge. Drawings by M. Averyanov, (see p. 20). 4th page - The New Jerusalem Monastery is being restored. Reproduction of watercolor by P. Revyakin and photo by V. Buchkin. 5th page - Drawings by O. Revo to the article "Dictatorship of the lymphocyte". 6-7th pages - Illustrations for the article "In the name of science and humanism." Photo by Yu. Senkevich. 8th page - Cacti bloom. Photo by O. Zhuravlev.
    IN ROOM №05:
    Tula is a hero-city, a city-worker (2). V. Zhavoronkov - The feat of working Tula (4). By native country. Figures and facts (6,14,20,36). T. Kiselev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR - Born twice (8). Science of Soviet Belarus (15). R. Svoren - Excellent master of TMO (16). T. Shcherbakova - The first Soviet May Day (22). The Knowledge Society is 30 years old (23). At the head of an army of propagandists of knowledge (24). I. Artobolevsky, acad. - Keep and multiply intelligence (27). People's Universities in Belarus (31). B. Stepanov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the BSSR - Lasers with variable frequency (33). Agricultural industry of Moldova (38). V. Kramova - In the depths of the mechanics of the nervous system. From knowledge to practice (44). Einstein's Poems (50). P. Erugin, acad. Academy of Sciences of the BSSR - Responsibility of a mentor (51). V. Kovalenko - Hectare of Belarusian land (56). P. Lysenko, Ph.D. history Sciences - Berestye - a new archaeological reserve (60). Y. Pobozhiy - From idea to implementation (62). Home master. Tips (69). Abstracts (70). I. Elagin, Dr. s.-x. Sciences - Problems of buckwheat (72). Note to the hostess (76). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (78). Lectures for millions (80). Our colleagues. "The Lecturer's Word", "International Life", "Science and Religion", "Knowledge is Power" (86). L. Uspensky - What is "good" and what is "correct"? (91). New books (93). E. Bauer - Pamukkale - a stalactite miracle (94). I. Luchkova, A. Sikachev - Television from the architect's point of view (97). A. Baev - Kodoscope (100). Em. Ming Long - The first day of creation (102). L. Yuriev, Ph.D. tech. sciences - "Small mechanization" for developers of big ideas (108). Our colleagues. "Elet ash tudoman", "Urania", "Problems", "Shinzhlekh khaan amdral" (112). A. Nesterov, prof. - Intraocular pressure (115). S. Muchnik, prof. - Eye and solar rhythms (119). Psychological workshop (121,129). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (122). M. Gardner - The professor who had neither side (125). V. Yankulin - Yachts will gather in Pirita (130). Together with grandmasters (133). On various occasions - smiles (135). K. Kondratiev, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Weather and climate on Venus (136). F. Rabiza, eng. - Experiments with axes of free rotation (141). Answers and solutions (144). N. Zykov - Diamond on the Lenin Hills (146). Correspondence with readers: D. Galanin, Corr. APN - People's Readings (150); N. Vilinova - Shadow paintings (150). B. Popov, Ph.D. Sciences - Garden surgery (152). For those who knit (154). Yu. Frolov - How wool fiber is arranged (154). Kunstkamera (156). Belozor marsh (160). The selection of poetry includes poems by P. Brovka, L. Martynov, K. Kireenko, Ya. Kolas, Ya. Kupala. ON THE COVER: 1st page - 75-ton BelAZ-549 dump truck. Photo by G. Uslamov (TASS photo chronicle). Below: a medal issued for the 30th anniversary of the All-Union Society "Knowledge". Photo by V. Veselovsky. 2nd page - From the photo chronicle. House of the Government of the Byelorussian SSR. Photo by V. Shiyanovsky. (TASS photo chronicle); bottom: The Government House of the BSSR and the central district of the city of Minsk, destroyed by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1915. (TASS photo chronicle). 3rd page - Belozor. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - In the protected forests of Belarus. Photo by I. Konstantinov. ON THE INSERTS: 1st page - Organizational structure of the All-Union Society "Knowledge". Drawings by Y. Chesnokov and E. Smolin (see p. 23). 2-3rd page - Cultivation of buckwheat. Drawings by O. Revo (see p. 72). 4th page - Lasers with variable frequency. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 5th page - Illustrations for the article "Pamukkale - a stalactite miracle." 6-7th page - Circus in Moscow on the Lenin Hills. Drawings by E. Smolin (see p. 146). 8th page - TV from the architect's point of view.
    IN ROOM №06:
    S. Takezhanov, Deputy Chairman of the Sonnet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR - Development Strategy (4). A. Kunaev, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR - Science of Kazakhstan (10). By native country. Figures and facts (2,16,24). Soviet way of life. (L. Voznesensky, political observer of the Central Television takes part in the conversation. S. Novozhilov, first deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and social issues. I.M. Rakovsky, lama. chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR) (18). N. Kudryashov - City and mountains (26). A. Kapanov, architect - Alma-Ata looks to the future (29). Ya. Katz, A. Ryabukhin, D. Trofimov, Candidates of Geol.-Mineral. Sciences - Photo information from space (33). New books (36.67). Small reviews (37.96). When the guns died down (38). I. Povkh, corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, A. Barinberg, Ph.D. tech. Sciences and V. Barinberg - Professions of magnetohydrodynamics (40). Popular science films (47). L. Razorenov, I. Tindo, Ph.D. Sciences - Radiation anomalies in near-Earth space (50). The embodiment of Lenin's dream (56). Tractor-hero (59). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (60). M. Tairbekov, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Stress - stability - adaptation (63). N. Kolobova, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Ethology and poultry farming (68). A. Sludsky, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR - Saiga in the steppes of Kazakhstan (72). N. Amosov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Reflections on health (75). S. Brook, Dr. biol. Sciences - Does the "population explosion" continue? (84). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (88). L. Ponomareva, Dr. biol. Sciences - On the islands of Campbell and Macquarie (92). G. Shulpin, Ph.D. chem. Sciences - The most common, the most amazing substance (97). L. Firsov, Dr. honey. sciences - Timur and Boy (100). Psychological workshop (102,111,149). J.D. Carr - Letter from New York (103). Designer's task book (109). P. Marikovsky, Dr. biol. Sciences - History of one search (110). V. Kudryavtsev - Medeo arena of records (112). Home master. Tips (115). Abstracts (116). N. Malyutin - The smell and color of flowers in plant life (118). V. Lutsky - Posture and mood (121). Correspondence with readers: G. Khodunov - Dinga (122); P. Stefarov - Magpie Outpost (123); V. Ivanov, Ph.D. tech. sciences - Household affairs (123); Mathematical leisure (124); Puzzle solitaire games (135). M. Go - The newest keys to the origin of man (127). V. Tokarev - Medicine for the pilot (130). E. Levitan, Ph.D. ped. Sciences - In which constellation to look for a planet? (132). Harutyun Hakobyan, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR - Unyielding Ball (134). A.P. Chekhov: "Be healthy and prosperous ..." (Publication by N. Roskina) (136). L. Afanasiev - Conqueror of streams (139). Crossword with fragments (140). V. Khromov - “The cuckoo was walking past the net ...” (142). Kunstkamera (144). A. Kuznetsova, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Diseases of berry crops (146). V. Kasatkin, A. Ryabtsev - Photo library for slides (148). Together with grandmasters (150). Answers and Solutions (151). V. Chernyshev - Hunting dogs (152). Stonecrop caustic (160). In the poetic selection - poems by X. Bekkhozhin, V. Lugovsky, G. Maldybaev, G. Ormanov, S. Seifullin. Ya. Smelyakova. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Baikonur Cosmodrome. February 7, 1977 Launch of the launch vehicle with the Soyuz-24 spacecraft. Photo by A. Pushkarev (TASS photo chronicle). Below: in the Barsakelmessky reserve of the Kazakh SSR. Photo by I. Konstantinov. (For the article on saigas, see p. 72). 2nd building - Western section of the BAM. Construction of the eastern portal of the Baikal tunnel. Photo by G. Rozov, 1976. Below: Turksib - on one of the sections of the railway under construction, 1927, and the first train, 1930 (TASS photo chronicle). 3rd page - Stonecrop is caustic. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - Illustrations for the article "The smell and color of flowers in the life of plants." Drawings by O. Revo. ON INSERTS: 1st page - Illustrations for the article "Alma-Ata looks to the future". Photo by A. Godunov. 2-3rd page - Tractor K-701. Drawings by A. Novoselov. (See page 56). 4th page - Photo information from space. 5th page - On the islands of Campbell and Macquarie. Photo by L. Ponomareva. 6-7th pages - Molecular biology studies the origin of man. Drawings by M. Averyanov. (See page 127). 8th page - Chempracticum. Photo by V. Veselovsky.
    IN ROOM №07:
    Historical event (2). By native country. Figures and facts (2,16,22,42,90). I. Ibragimov, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR - A turn in the economy (4). O. Cherkezia, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR - Science for the benefit of man (8). R. Svetlova, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR - Great Masters (12). R. Harutyunyan, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - Stereometric metallography (18). I. Kozlov - Resorts for workers (23). R. Svoren - Break through to the center of the Sun (27). E. Bauer - Destruction of landscapes (33). Popular science films (37). E. Agaev, R. Bakhtamov - Lessons from one reconstruction (40). A. Jagaryan, Ph.D. honey. Sciences - Man knows himself (48). Soviet way of life (L. Voznesensky, political observer of Central Television, S. Novozhilov, first deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and social issues, M. Rakovsky, deputy chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee) take part in the conversation) (50). A. Tovmasyan, prof., P. Gandilyan, prof. - Wealth of Armenian wheat (54). A. Ledoux - Surgery without a knife and anesthesia: the explanation turned out to be simple (56). M. Volkenshtein, Corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Biophysics in a crooked mirror (62). N. Amosov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Reflections on health (67). Psychological workshop (74,102,115,122,132,152). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (75). L. Kornilov - Optimism - in knowledge (78). Kunstkamera (83,116,149). K. Blagosklonov, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - From the observations of an ornithologist (84). V. Yaschenko, Ph.D. geographer, sciences - Legends of the Caspian Sea (86). Yu. Pukhnachev, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences - Linguistic surprises (88). A. Chaiko - Competition with oneself (92). B. Lyamin - Standards and labor protection (93). I. Gubarev - ABC of security (94). V. Revich - Darrell Phenomenon (97). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (103). A. Roitbak, corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the USSR - The riddle of glia (108). Together with grandmasters (114). V. Dadykin - Taste and aroma of tea (118). G. Ismalov, Ph.D. history sciences - Hermitage in the skies (123). V. Pokhlebkin - Cuisines of the peoples of our country (124). Abstracts (128). Correspondence with readers: V. Kasatkin - Stroller rack (85); I. Naiman, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - Improvement of the sprayer (113); V. Lanina - Plants under protection (130); A. Pankeev - Sparrows and a turtle (130); S. Veldina - "Evil" dog (131); D. Lepaev - To questions from readers (131). M. Aliev, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Tuta goes north (132). Sergei Obraztsov, People's Artist of the USSR - My profession (134). M. Krasnov, acad. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences - A disease that could be called an eye infarction (138). R. Zach - Electrical Assistants (142). D.D. Carr - Letter from New York (144). For those who knit (150). N. Demenko - Improvement of strawberries (153). T. Kruglova - Medical credo of the Salerno school (154). Small reviews (156). Home master. Tips (157). Answers and solutions (158). Sedges (160). The poetry selection includes poems by Nabi Babaev, Titian Tabidze, Z. Jabarzade, Amo Sagyan, Simon Chikovani. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR. Tourists on the Sukhumi mountain. Photo by A. Bogdanov. Below: one of the blocks of scintillation counters at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Photo by A. Vekhov. 2nd page - From the photo chronicle: overpass on the Oil Rocks near Baku. Photo by Y. Rakhil, 1976. Below: community view of oil developments in Sabunchi, near Baku. Photo by A. Samsonov, 1926. 3rd page - Sedges. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - Restoration of the ancient fortress of Garni in Armenia. Photo by Z. Sargsyan and V. Sevoyan. ON INSERTS: 1st page - Neutrino telescope. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 2-3rd page - Technology of cultivation and production of tea (see page 50). Drawings by B. Malyshev, photo by I. Konstantinov. 4th page - Illustrations for the article "Destruction of landscapes". 5th page - Safety signs. Drawings by E. Smolin. 6-7th page - For kids. The Adventures of Pif. 8th page - Fenech - desert fox.
    IN ROOM №08:
    Draft Constitution of the USSR. National discussion (2). By native country. Figures and facts (4,10,25,40,49). Single links of labor (6). I. Brainin - “My life is in the students” (11). Tribune of millions. VII Congress of the All-Union Society "Knowledge" (16). A. Imamaliev, corresponding member VASKHNIL - Golden hands grow white gold (20). Soviet way of life (L. Voznesensky, political observer of the Central Television, and G. Fomin, First Deputy Chairman of the Gosstroy of the USSR take part in the conversation) (26). G. Umarov, corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR - Solar engineering for every day (33). I. Masaulov - Przhevalsky Variety Tester shares his experience (37). A. Babaev, acad. - Deserts: their present and future (42). V. Kramova - Endoscope and white root of Pamir (50). P. Babadzhanov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR - Space Wanderers (54). S. Mukhamednazarov - On the television screen - meteors (58). V. Smirnov, acad. - How the minerals were named (63). Abstracts (66). N. Grigorovich - Sun and water, earth and salt (68). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (70). Yu. Pukhnachev - Noble Bukhara (72). Home master. Tips (77). Popular science films (78). News from laboratories (80). Kunstkamera (82,136,143). L. Volkov-Lannit - Audible memory of time (83). "News-77" (88). O. Alimov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR - Next in line - drilling robots (90). I. Belolipov, Ph.D. biol. Sciences - Save the "wild field" (97). Correspondence with readers: Flexagons (98); V. Marikov - Mushrooms in the garden (146); G. Karakozov, Ph.D. military Sciences - Footprint in the sky (147). Ya. Arkin, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR - Safe mountaineering (100). N. Amosov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Reflections on health (104). New books (112). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (113). Paleolithic Portrait Gallery (116). Harutyun Hakobyan, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR - Focuses (118). F. Rabiza, eng. - Experiments with weightlessness (119). Aldous Huxley - Little Archimedes (122). E. Levitan, Ph.D. ped. Sciences - Attractions of the constellation Perseus (133). Mathematical leisure (135). D. Bronstein, grandmaster, G. Smolyan, pandas, philosopher, sciences - Beautiful and furious world (138). Great hunter - snail (140). Crossword with fragments (144). N. Muller - Bekesha, break, frock coat (148). I. Solovyov, Ph.D. s.-x. Sciences - Garden Fertilizer (150). Psychological workshop (152). Y. Fedosyuk - Santa Claus or Santa Claus? (153). V. Pokhlebkin - Cuisines of the peoples of our country (154). Hairy hawk (160). The selection of poetry includes poems by Sadriddin Aini and Yakub Nasyrli. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Moscow. Grand Kremlin Palace. June 16, 1977 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Comrade L.I. Brezhnev speaks at the sixth session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the ninth convocation. 2nd page - From the photo chronicle. Above: Photo by Ya. Soroko. Below: photographs from the Soviet Photo magazine Nos. 1 and 5, 1930. 3rd page - Hairy hawk. Photo by I. Ivanov. 4th page - Illustrations for the article by Academician V. Smirnov "How Minerals were Named". Photo by V. Veselovsky. INLABED: 1st page - Schematic diagram of the formation of systems of settlements on the territory of the USSR. Drawings by E. Smolin. 2-3rd page - Cotton cultivation technology. Drawings by M. Averyanov. (See the article on page 20.) 4th page - Solar machines. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 5th page - Universal drilling unit UBA-1. Drawings by V. Radaev. 6-7th page. Map of folk crafts of Uzbekistan. Drawings by O. Revo. (See the article on p. 72.) 8th page - Broomrape. Photo by I. Konstantinov.
    IN ROOM #09:
    On one of the working days (2). M. Kirichenko, Dr. legal Sciences - Soviet Constitution. Stages of formation and development (6). From Moscow to the very outskirts (10,16,22). Information from the whole planet, for the whole planet (12). Moscow time (16). V. Itkin - Ancient and young Kolomna (18). IN AND. Lenin on labor (21). R. Kuznetsova - Zvezdny is getting ready to start (23). I. Bisher, Ph.D. legal Sciences - Democracy is real and democracy is fictitious (25). Soviet way of life (The political observer of the Central Television L. Voznesensky and the Minister of Health of the USSR B. Petrovsky take part in the conversation) (26). S. Ayukigitov - The subway is great! (33). R. Svoren - The computer looks through the microscope (35). V. Oranovsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - Everyday FIAN (36). A. Nogtev - Under the wing - the whole country (40). Evg. Nikolaev - Goals and traditions (42). L. Lefansky - Removes "Mosfilm" (44). O. Thomas - Toilers of the sea (48). G. Alaeva - Birthday - May 10 (52). Moscow Forum of Geochemists. Biogeology is born. Under the program "Monsoon-77". New awakening of the Nameless. Floating laboratories (55). B. Andreev, B. Novikov - USSR - France: Experiment "Snow-3" (58). Ya. Barsky - Show Paris, Prague, Moscow (60). E. Gogoleva, People's Artist of the USSR - Day at the theater (62). I. Elshansky - Treasures of the mind, talent and labor (64). By native country. Figures and facts (67,84,89). S. Ilyicheva - Feed concentrate lysine. Biological regulator (68). Small review (71). J. Macevičius, prof. - Do the soil reclamators dry out? (72). Z. Yanushkevichus, acad. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences - 172 medical posts ... What's next? (76). Ch. Kudaba, dr. geographer, science - National Park in Lithuania (80). S. Popchenko, Dr. tech. Sciences, A. Kisina, Ph.D. tech. Sciences - The Kiek-in-de-Kek Tower testifies in favor of "black binders" (86). H. Teder, Minister of Forestry and Nature Conservation of the Estonian SSR - Caring for the forest, caring for people (90). Yu. Pesikov - Red Latvian arrows (95). Abstracts (96,148). M. Zaraev - Renewed land (97). CMEA in action (101). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (102). V. Goryacheva, engineer. - At the origins of diesel locomotive building (104). According to Lenin's plans (106). Novelties-77 (110). M. Voronkov, corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences, B. Trofimov, Ph.D. chem. Sciences - The Future of Organic Synthesis (112). New books (117). V. Markin, Ph.D. geographer, sciences - The first climatologist of the globe (118). N. Ilyina - Uncle Professor (120). Correspondence with readers (126,127). Sergei Obraztsov, People's Artist of the USSR - My profession (128). Psychological workshop (135,141,155). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (136). S. Hotels - Bicycle (140). G. Shulpin, Ph.D. chem. Sciences - Electrical and chemical reactions (142). A. Galaeva - Office No. 17 (144). Home master. Tips (149). B. Solntsev - Barn Swallow (150). Kunstkamera (152). L. Prineva, Ph.D. s.-x. Sciences - Lawn in the garden (154). Our guest is Chess magazine (156). Z. Nikolaeva - Rings around Uranus (158). Mouse peas (160). The selection of poetry includes poems by Pavel Antokolsky, Yaroslav Smelyakov, Vladimir Kharitonov. ON THE COVER: 1st page - State Emblem of the USSR. 2nd page - State anthem of the USSR. Drawings by E. Smolin. 3rd page - Mouse peas. Photo by I. Konstantinov. 4th page - The Constitution of the USSR guarantees the citizens of the USSR the right to work, to rest, to health care, to material security in old age, to housing, to education, to enjoy the achievements of culture. In the pictures: At the plant "Mikroprovod", Chisinau: a carousel in the recreation area at VDNKh: physical exercises in a pioneer camp. Crimea; Hero of the Soviet Union A.G. Rybin among young countrymen, the village of Sosnovka, Tambov Region; the family of the machine operator Hero of Socialist Labor N.I. Belana at his home, the Lenin collective farm of the Zhukovsky district of the Kaluga region; training of machine operators, Shipunovsky district of the Altai Territory; in the museum of F.I. Tyutchev, the village of Ovstug, Bryansk region. Photo by I. Konstantinov. ON THE INSERTS: 1st page - Illustrations for the article "Soviet Way of Life". 2-3rd page - Exhibits of the exhibition "Treasures of History and Culture". (Historical Museum, 1977). Photo by Yu. Pekurovsky and M. Uspensky. 4th page - Machines for maintaining cleanliness in the subway. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 5th page - Heterocyclic compounds of marine organisms. Drawings by O. Revo. 6-7th page - Forest houses. Photo by V. Koldre, fig. M. Averyanova (see article on p. 90). 8th page - Psychological workshop for children.
    IN ROOM #10:
    The triumph of socialist democracy (2). M. Iroshnikov, Dr. history Sciences - Lenin. Smolny. October (6). Leningrad. Memorable places of the revolution (11). The ship that reached the Pole (12). The Soviet way of life (The political observer of the Central Television L. Voznesensky and the President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR V. Stoletov take part in the conversation) (14). I. Leiberov, Dr. history sciences - For the power of the Soviets! (twenty). I. Maksimikhin - From the history of the legendary cruiser (24). T. Shcherbakova - The triumphal procession of Soviet power (29). Yu. Grigoriev - With a high coefficient of acceleration (33). A. Krylov, First Secretary of the Khakass Regional Committee of the CPSU - Sayan potential (37). I. Skachkov - The Constitution is being published (42). G. Shergova - Both a hero and a chronicler (44). Physiology today - medicine tomorrow (50). Yu. Kolesnikov - Cell and oxygen (52). L. Firsov, Dr. honey. Sciences - Gamma and Silva: two pedagogical systems (54). New books (57). First step to the stars. (Doctors of technical sciences P. Agadzhanov, candidate of technical sciences V. Yastrebov, A. Vitruk and B. Pokrovsky (58) take part in the conversation. N. Tregubov - According to the map of Moscow trading (63). Yu. Dovgosheya, engineer - Urgent return (68) Notes on Soviet science and technology (73) V. Tyurin - Forecast is possible (76) Psychological workshop (83,139) E. Levitan, Ph.D. Andromeda (84) A person thinks, remembers, remembers (87) M. Livanov, Academician - When the brain works better (88) N. Bekhtereva, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Word in neural ensembles (90). Ross Ady - Membranes - storehouses of information (94) K. Novozhilov, Corresponding Member of VASKhNIL - Integrated plant protection (97) Scientists joke (103) Artist of the revolution (104) Tatyana TESS - Meetings with Eisenstein (107) BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (114) N. Zykov - Leningrad "Summer" (118) Correspondence with readers: Psychological workshop (121) V. Svishch - hive-incubator (122) G. Belousov - Night guests (122), O. Bogdan ov - Instinct of hiding (123); A. Voshchanskaya - Loss (123). N. Amosov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Reflections on health (124). Abstracts (130,140). D. Danin - Memory quanta (132). Answers and solutions (141,143,147). Kunstkamera (141,158). Leningrad International (142). Home master. Tips (144). For those who knit (145). Paper planes (148). Crossword with fragments (150). A. Onegov - Herons of the Rybinsk Reservoir (152). Oregano ordinary (160). The poetry selection includes poems by Mikhail Isakovsky, Leonid Martynov, Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky, Yaroslav Smelyakov, Alexei Surkov, Nikolai Ushakov. ON THE COVER: 1st page - The cruiser "Aurora" in the eternal parking lot. Photo by B. Manushin (TASS photo chronicle). See article on page 24. Below: model of the first artificial Earth satellite launched in the USSR on October 4, 1957. 2nd page - A poster issued by the Plakat publishing house. Artist V. Kononov. 3rd page - Origanum ordinary. Photo by R. Voronov. 4th page - A sample section of an extra-high voltage transmission line. Demonstrated by the Soviet Union at the international exhibition "Electro-77". ON THE INSERTS: 1st page - The triumphal procession of Soviet power. 1917-1918 2-3rd page - Cruiser "Aurora". Drawings by O. Revo. See article on page 24. 4th page - Illustration for the article "Scientific bridge "Leningrad - Siberia". Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 5th page - Spatial interaction of different areas of the brain. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 6-7th page - Urgent return. Drawings by B. Malyshev. See article on page 68. 8th page - Basic methods of biological protection of plants from insect pests. Drawings by O. Revo.
    IN ROOM #11:
    Materials of the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the ninth convocation. Declaration of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the adoption and announcement of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Report of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Chairman of the Constitutional Commission Comrade L.I. Brezhnev "On the Draft Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the results of its nationwide discussion" (2). Closing remarks by Comrade L.I. Brezhnev (12). Revolution that changed the world (14). D. Galkin - Magnitogorsk on the way (18). Pages of the annals of Magnitogorsk (24). Monumental chronicle of the capital (27). K. Chubakov - Campaign to the North Pole (30). O. Gazenko, acad. - Before a long journey (33). Soviet way of life. (The political observer of the Central Television L. Voznesensky and the head of the department of culture and education of the State Planning Committee of the USSR I. Tsvetkov take part in the conversation) (40). New books (46). V. Pavlovsky, engineer. - Preserved for centuries (47). M. Iroshnikov, Dr. history Sciences - Land - to the peasants! (fifty). On communist education (53). Yu. Pesikov - Humanism of the revolution (54). A. Osipova - Relay race of generations (58). M. Zaraev - Leaving the shores of the past (61). I. Artobolevsky, acad. - "The study of any, even abstract sciences should be combined with the application of these sciences to practical problems" (68). E. Kozlovsky, Minister of Geology of the USSR - Geology: forecasts and exploration (76). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (83). V. Andriakhin, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences - Powerful laser holds the exam (86). V. Pokhlebkin, Ph.D. history Sciences - Emblems born and revived by October (91). G. Shulpin, Ph.D. chem. Sciences - Something is oxidized, something is restored (97). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (99). B. Piotrovsky, acad. - According to the Hermitage (112). E. Bornovolokov - Made by amateurs (112). E. Chazov, acad. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, A. Wiechert, prof. - The truth about atherosclerosis (114). CMEA in action (121). V. Craft, acad. - Capital of winter wheat (122). Home master. Tips (129). S. Hugh-Jones - By hook or by crook (130). Psychological workshop (131). A. Halamizer - The oldest of sciences (132). V. Kirsanov - Mechanical trainer (134). Abstracts (138,154). Chess without chess (140). Answers and Solutions (141,149). N. Amosov, acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - Reflections on health (142). New items (150). V. Shuntov, Dr. biol. Sciences - Wealth of Peter the Great Bay (152). Kunstkamera (156). Correspondence with readers (158). Double leaf mine (160). In the poetic selection - poems by Mikhail Lvov, Yaroslav Smelyakov. ON THE COVER: 1st page - Festive demonstration in Moscow on Red Square. Photo by N. Matorin. 2nd page - Scientific centers of the country. Drawings by M. Filippov. 3rd page - Two-leaf mine. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - What the October Revolution gave to the working people. Poster 1919, "Posters of the Land of the Soviets". Ed. "Poster" 1977 ON INSERTS: 1st page - Nuclear-powered ship "Arktika". Route scheme. Drawings by Y. Rappoport. Photo by TASS. 2-3rd page - Reconstruction of the Magnitogorsk plant. Drawings by O. Revo. Photo by B. Klipinitser. 4th page - Drawings by Yu. Chesnokov to the article by acad. O. Gazenko "Before a long journey." 5th page - Heraldry of the revolutionary years. Drawings by M. Averyanov. 6-7th page - Hermitage. Restoration work. Photo by V. Priymenko. 8th page - Psychological workshop. Drawings by M. Averyanov.
    IN ROOM #12:
    The victory of October is the main event of the 20th century (2). D. Kraminov - Lenin's Peace Policy (3). M. Mikhailov - Moscow - Paris (8). D. Gvishiani, corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences - International Scientific and Technical Relations of the Soviet Union (12). E. Shatokhin - Friendship Track (22). Notes on Soviet Science and Technology (26). I. Kirilin - Moscow is preparing for the Olympics (27). Abstracts (33). All chemistry of the world (34). D. Pipko - Big Chemistry Parade (34). A. Evseev - Cooperation is a powerful catalyst (39). N. Kolesnikova - Books in all languages ​​(43). CMEA in action (46). V. Sokolov, acad. - Tasks of zoology in the age of scientific and technological revolution (48). V. Ilyichev, prof. - Migratory birds are flying (48). General humanitarian cause (55). International cooperation of scientists. Figures and facts (58). Y. Pavlenok - The screen brings people together (60). Y. Proskurin - About a rural house (62). Through the pages of popular science magazines of the world (64-96). K.P. Hermann, eng. - Hot light welds plastic (64). Underwater megaliths of the Atlantic (65). Bayraktarski, I. - Automated control over the state of the external environment (66). Dreams to choose from (67). J. Hanlon - Gelleromania Continues (68). Air frigates (71). J. Jones - Honey and Wax from Mount Gimet (72). T. Bauer - These illogical babies (74). BINTI (Bureau of Foreign Scientific and Technical Information) (76). Our guest is the French magazine "Science et vie" (80-96). P. Rossion - The first French vaccine against hepatitis (80). R. de la Tay - Seven catastrophes (82). J. Ferrara - An insulin-producing bacterium has been constructed (88). Map of the world: a new look (89). Domino Olympics (90). J. Maurice - Concrete on sea water (91). A. de Nanx - Galapagos in danger (92). A. Dorozinsky - Medicines of the future (93). Installation for the separation of sulfur isotopes (97). V. Letokhov, Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences, B. Moore, prof. - Laser isotope separation (98). A. Galaeva - The kid will live (105). E. Levitan, Ph.D. under. Sciences - Amazing Stars of the Aurigae (108). V. Khromov - Feathered and quadrupedal polyglots (110). P. Simonov, Dr. honey. Sciences - Language without words (112). K. Izard - Emotional contact (112). N. Zhuravlev - Check yourself, what if you play Tal's power (122). I. Sventsitskaya, Dr. history sciences - Earthly roots of Christianity (124). Z. Kosidovsky - From the history of the ancient rite (127). Tips for the home master (131). Bulat Okudzhava - Journey of amateurs (132). The writer is working on a historical theme (137). P. Shchegolev - Love in a ravelin (138). D. Bilenkin - Union of antagonists (146). V. Levshin - Perfect numbers and geometry (147). For those who knit (148). Crossword with fragments (150). Psychological workshop (151). Printed in 1977 (152). Sorrel sour (159). ON THE COVER: 1st page - On one of the construction sites of the Orenburg-Western border of the USSR gas pipeline. 2nd page - A poster published by the Plakat Publishing House. Artist E. Abezgus. 3rd page - Sorrel sour. Photo by A. Chirkov. 4th page - Foreign popular scientific journals. ON INSERTS: 1st page - Moscow Olympic venues. Drawings by O. Revo. 2-3rd page - Gas pipeline "Orenburg - Western border of the USSR". Drawings by E. Smolin. (See article on page 22). 4th page - High pressure polyethylene production method. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov. 5th page - Scheme of the action of interferon. 6-7th page - Migratory birds are flying. Drawings by M. Averyanov. (See article on page 48). 8th page - Installation for the separation of sulfur isotopes. Drawings by Y. Chesnokov.


Science and Life (Journal Archive)

Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages and EBook
Year of issue: 1890-2011
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: Many
Science and Life” is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. Founded in 1890. The publication was resumed in October 1934. The circulation of the magazine in the 1970s-1980s reached 3 million copies and was one of the highest in the USSR. The circulation for 2009 is about 44,000 copies. The magazine has always been designed for a wide range of readers of all ages and professions and remains the most famous and widely read popular science magazine in Russia. The journal publishes only reliable information, mainly from "first hand" from leading scientists and experts and popularizes knowledge in an accessible form, but, quoting the founder of the journal M.N. and politics."

1890 - djvu - 1
1893 - djvu - 1-26
1934 - djvu - 1
1935 - 1,6,11
1936 - pdf - 3,7,10
1938 - no
1940 - djvu - 5-6,10-12
- pdf - 1-12
1942 - no
- pdf - 1-12
- pdf - 1-12
- pdf - 1-12 + djvu - 2-3,8-9
1946 - pdf EBook - 1-3.5-12 + djvu - 1-3.5-12
1947 - pdf EBook - 6.7.9 + djvu - 4-7.9
- pdf - 1-12 - scans
1949 - pdf EBook - 2-6 + djvu - 2-6
1950 - pdf EBook - 1-5,9,12 + djvu - 1-6,9,11,12
1951 - pdf EBook - 1.5-10 + djvu - 1.5-10
1952 - pdf EBook - 1-6,10,12 + djvu - 1-6,10,12
- pdf EBook - 1-12 + djvu - 1-12
1954 - pdf EBook - 1,6,12 + djvu - 1,6,12 + pdf - 2
- pdf EBook - 1-7,9-12 + djvu - 1-7,9-12 + pdf - 8
1956 - pdf - 1-9
- pdf 1-6 + pdf EBook - 7-12 + djvu - 7-12
- djvu - 1-12 - scans
- djvu and pdf - 1-12 - scans
1962 - pdf - 6,8,10,11
- djvu and pdf - 1-12 - scans
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- djvu - 1-12 editorial version with navigation
- pdf EBook - 1-12

1890 - founded by M. N. Glubokovsky (1857-1903). The purpose of the journal was proclaimed the popularization of science. The magazine was published once a week and was small in size (16 pages). The annual subscription cost 5 rubles.
1894 - in addition to "Science and Life", the publisher also began to publish the magazine "Delo", a more practical and cheaper one - only a ruble a year.
1900 - The publication of the magazine ceased due to a serious illness of the editor.
1904-1906 - in St. Petersburg, under the editorship of the agronomist F. S. Gruzdev, a journal with the same name, but of a different orientation, was published (a socio-political and artistic publication that did not pay much attention to the popularization of science).
1934 - The publication of "Science and Life" was resumed under the editorship of N. L. Meshcheryakov (1865-1942).
1938 - "Science and Life" becomes an organ of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
1948 - the journal is published by the All-Union Society for the Propagation of Political and Scientific Knowledge (All-Union Society "Knowledge").
1961 - the magazine changes its direction and content towards accessibility for a wide range of readers. V. N. Bolkhovitinov (1912-1980) becomes the chief editor.
1980 - Chief Editor V. N. Bolkhovitinov was replaced by I. K. Lagovsky.
1984 - the magazine is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
1990 - the editorial staff and the Pravda publishing house became the founders of the journal.
January 1991 - the magazine is now completely typed and typesetted on editorial computers, before that most of the work was done in the printing house
November 2007 - the section "Uma Chamber" appears in the magazine, intended for schoolchildren.
2008 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Elena Leonidovna Lozovskaya, who previously headed the Department of Natural Sciences, became the editor-in-chief of the journal.

Differences of this distribution from others present on the tracker or other distributions on the Internet:
- Quality. This collection contains scans in the best quality.
- Completeness. This collection contains all scans of magazines found on the Internet.
- Magazines for 1975-2010 in distribution with working navigation (names and file locations are saved as on editorial disks).
- The presence of an OCR layer in all files (it was originally in editorial files, I added it to the rest; the quality of pdf files was not affected).
- Some magazines for the 1940-70s are presented in two copies: pdf and djvu. At the same time, the djvu version is a regular scan, in which the structure and appearance of the magazines are completely preserved, it is of historical value as the original; and the pdf version is a newly made layout (I wonder who did it), where the text is text, not a scanned picture, the fonts in it are somewhat different from the original (in the distribution, such files are signed as EBook).


Science and Life No. 6 (June)

Release year: 2010

Russian language
Number of pages: 148

Main headings: science, technology, medicine, and...


Science and Life No. 2 (February)

Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.


Science and Life No. 4 (April)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148


Science and Life #1 (January)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, ...


Science and Life No. 12 (December)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2009
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 164
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, ...

but I

Science and Life No. 9 (September)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...

but I

Science and Life No. 11 (November)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life #12 (December)

Science and Life #12 (December) (1988)
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Released: 1988
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Pravda
Russian language
Number of pages: 172
Description: Science and Life” is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. Founded in 1890. The publication was resumed in October 1934. The circulation of the magazine in the 1970s-1980s reached 3 million copies and was one of the highest in the USSR. The circulation for 2009 is about 44,000 copies. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history...


Science and Life No. 8 (August)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life No. 8 (August)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2013
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO "Editorial office of the journal "Science and Life"
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: Monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.

Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, household chores, garden, vegetable garden, man and computer, photo ...


Science and Life No. 5 (May)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...


Science and Life No. 10 (October)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2016
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Editorial board of the journal "Science and Life". Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" - This is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.
Main goal: popularization of scientific knowledge. Screenshots


Science and Life No. 9 (September)

Format: PDF (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: Nauka i Zhizn
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Official site:
Description: Science and Life is a monthly popular science illustrated magazine of a wide profile. The publication is aimed at the general reader. It covers the most important problems of science and technology, publishes scientific and artistic and science fiction works, entertaining tasks, games.
Main goal: popularization of scientific knowledge.


Science and Life No. 7 (July)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Release year: 2010
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148 "Science and Life" - a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48,000 copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, history, household chores...


Science and Life No. 6 (June)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Popular science magazine
Publisher: ANO
Russian language
Number of pages: 148
Description: "Science and Life" is a magazine containing a variety of information from leading scientists and experts in the fields of military, technical, historical and scientific subjects. The journal "Science and Life" is published monthly with a circulation of 48 thousand copies and is distributed in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The main goal of the journal is to popularize scientific knowledge.
Main headings: science, technology, medicine, ...