Whether the cost price depends on the production speed eve. Home among the Stars: Industrial Complexes

Most of the items in the EVE universe are created by the players, so production in the game matters a lot. There are many things involved in manufacturing, from researching in a laboratory and producing your product to selling it. Let's start with the basics: the skills that a manufacturing character needs to be effective.


The most basic skill a manufacturing character should have is Production Efficiency. After you buy this skill, train it to 5th level. Production Efficiency is a one-of-a-kind skill that everyone must have in order to be efficient and competitive in the production of goods and, unlike many other skills, the benefits of reaching the 5th skill level are worth it. The easiest way to explain why this is so is with an example.

Let's say that you and your competitor have the same projects that are equally well researched (I'll dive a little deeper into “research”). Your production efficiency is at level 5, and he doesn't have it. Further, suppose the project says that 1000 pieces of material are required for production. You will produce items using as much material as specified in the project, that is, 1000. Your competitor on the other hand will need 1250 units of material (I will explain what the matter is later). It may not seem like a huge number, but let's take it a step further down the road and see what happens when you start selling items.

You look at your product and think that the selling price of this product should be 50% higher than the cost price, which will bring good income... You set the price to 1500 and start selling it. Your poorly trained competitor is facing a dilemma. He, too, can put the price 50% higher than the cost, but this will mean that the price of his product will be equal to 1875. Perhaps he will be lucky and he will sell this product. But on the other hand, most likely not. He will have to lower the price to compete with your price. To become competitive, he needs his product to cost 1500. This means that his profit from the sale will be a negligible 20% of the production costs, which is not even close to the profit that you get.

Other skills are of course important too. After Production Efficiency, Mass Production is the most important. It allows you to manage multiple factories. In simpler terms, it will allow you to produce more product. Industry is good, but more productivity is easier to achieve through mass production. Industry level 5 will increase your productivity by 33%. Tier 3 mass production will increase your productivity by 300%, plus it will allow you to have factories at different locations. Give mass production a higher priority in training than Industry, even if it has a second rank, it is still more profitable to train it than Industry, despite the cost of time.

Then there are Science skills. They are much less important than Production skills. Why? Anyone with Science level 1 can operate a laboratory. At a cost of 20,000 ISK Science is a very inexpensive skill and players only need access to projects for research. Use laboratories to your advantage. Everyone in your corporation who you believe has a Science skill and has to research something - renting a lab is the only real cost. The skills of Science (science, metallurgy, and research) only reduce the time spent on research. While this is useful if you need to do a lot of research or need to research something quickly, the reality is that it is much more profitable to pay 20k while having another player doing the research. Although if you have a character with highly trained Science skills, make sure he / she also has Lab Operations. After that, if you have been given a bonus, use it as much as possible. Controlling Lab Operations is very important for both small corporations and private individuals - it increases the efficiency of a limited number of players.

Choosing the first project

Once you have mastered the skills required to make things, you need to make your choice and decide what you will be producing. Basically, the manufacture of things has two purposes:

Making things for personal use (by you personally or in a corporation)
Making things for sale
If you decide to make things for yourself or your corporation, then you need to focus on those things that you will definitely produce quite often. Ammunition fits perfectly into this category. It is also worth purchasing some equipment and possibly ships - if you are using a lot of different equipment. As for corporations, it is worth adding to the project things that participants use constantly.

Keep in mind that many players are crafting items and you must do right choice to make a profit.

When it comes to sales, the abundance of information available in the marketplace will help you make an informed decision. Hiding on the trade screen provides information on the price history of everything that can be bought in the market. If you open a market and select a specific item, you will see a map of the area on the supply and demand screens. Players often use the market for this purpose. However, there is also much more information here for the resourceful player planning to build their own trading empire.

In particular, this applies to the history icon. By clicking on it, you can see how well a given item has sold over a certain period of time. By setting up a combo box on the left side, you can see how well an item has sold in a specific location or region. You will also see how many items are sold each day, as well as prices - high, low, and average. While the data may seem dry, it is invaluable information to help you decide what to sell.

Projects (Blueprints)

Projects are the basis for making things, so we will take a closer look at the information they contain. As soon as the project enters the cargo hold, you can get detailed information about it with the right mouse click. Here is a screenshot of the Antimatter hybrid charge project. One thing to note is that the project statistics do not take into account the skills that you possess or not. But the research done is taken into account.

Manufacturing Time (Production cycle): The time in seconds required to manufacture one batch.

Mineral Level (Mineral level or ME): The mineral level shows how many times a blue print has been tested for minerals.

Wastage factor (Loss Factor): In many ways, this figure is imprecise. In fact, there are two types of losses associated with the manufacture of things. The first type of loss can be called loss due to incompetence. It depends on the skill level of production efficiency (Production Efficiency). This value is related to another, which can be called production losses. They depend on the level of mineral efficiency of the project and require an additional amount of each type of mineral to the total "mineral" cost of producing the item for the project. For everything except drones, the total loss factor is calculated using the following formula:

(1 / (1 + ME))

Where ME is the level of mineral efficiency of the project. For drones, the following formula is used:

(0.05 / (1 + ME))

Research Mineral Time (Mineral Research Time): This is the time in seconds it takes a player with zero Metallurgy to increase the Mineral level of a project by 1. Typically 2400 for ammo and drones, 12000 for equipment, 120,000 for frigates, 240,000 for industrials and cruisers, 360,000 for battleships.

Research Copy Time (Research Time): This is the time in seconds it takes for a Science zero-level irgoku to create a copy of a project with half of the production cycles “hammered” into the original project. Typically 2,400 for ammunition and drones, 12,000 for equipment, 120,000 for frigates, 240,000 for industrials and cruisers, and 360,000 for battleships.

Produces: This is the name of the item that will result if you deliver the project to the factory and can make the item.

Copy (Copy): Indicates whether the project is a copy or original. This allows you to distinguish copies from originals. When buying from someone a project (blue print), be sure to check it in info. This way you will know for sure that it is not a copy.

Research productivity time (productivity research time): This is the time in seconds it takes a player with zero Research level to increase the productivity level of the project by 1. Usually, for ammunition and drones it is 2400, for equipment - 1200, for frigates - 2400 120,000 for industrials and cruisers, and 240,000 for battleships.

Productivity level ( Productivity Level ): The Productivity Level indicates the number of times a project has been subjected to a Productivity Survey.

Licensed Production Runs Remaining(Remaining Licensed Product Cycles): When copying a project, you need to consider how many production cycles the project will have. The more cycles you specify, the longer it takes to manufacture. Each cycle allows the factory to produce one batch of goods. Usually, the maximum number of cycles for ammunition and drones is 1500, ammunition - 300, frigates - 30, industrials and cruisers - 15, battleships - 10. You may have noticed that some projects have this value set to an unlimited number (as a result of a previously produced patch, which gave such an opportunity). This means the following: you can use the copied project an unlimited number of times without any problems.

Production Batch Size (Batch size): This is the number of items you will receive in one production cycle in a factory. For ammunition, this number is 100 copies. For rockets and light missiles - 10. In all other cases, you get 1 item in each batch.

Required Ingredient - Required components (per batch): shows how many units of certain materials you need in order to make one batch. You will have one entry for each type of mineral required to craft an item. This metric takes into account production losses resulting from low ME, but does not account for incompetence resulting from low Production Efficiency.

Wasted Ingredient (Per Batch) - Spoiled material (for a batch): This is a certain number of units of each type of mineral that you additionally need for production losses. You will have one entry for each type of mineral required to craft an item. Ideally, this amount is less than 1 for each mineral. This number is derived from the base minerals (not shown in the project).

The base amount of each mineral needed to craft something is a valuable statistic, although not specified in the project. We call this basic mineral requirements. It can be calculated by taking the required materials and subtracting the number of damaged minerals for each mineral (tip: if you have not yet started researching the level of minerals, then keep in mind that for most things the base requirements for minerals are equal to the number of damaged minerals multiplied by ten, and for drones twenty). The basic requirements for minerals are the starting point from which all other data for the manufacture of things is calculated. It is worth starting with them in order to determine how much you will receive after processing things.

Factory Work Wizard ( The Factory Wizard)

When you start working with the factory wizard with the install button, the first step is to select a hangar for production. This hangar contains the project you want to run, and can be your personal hangar or owned by a corporation.

Click on the double arrows to select a hangar from the list that appears. The hangar with the desired project must be in sight. After selecting the hangar, you will see a list of all available projects in the hangar. Click on the project you want to run, select it and then click on the next button.

If you have chosen a project from your corporation's hangar, then you will be asked to select a hangar in which you will need to place materials. Click on the double arrows and select a hangar from the list that appears. Keep in mind that you must have access to use items from this hangar. With the hangar selected, press the next key.

Now, you will be asked to choose the hangar from which you want to receive finished products... It is in this hangar that ready product(indicated in the project in the "Produces" column). You must have access to this hangar. So, select the hangar using the context menu and press the next key.

Now you will need to indicate how many batches of the product you want to receive. At this stage, it is important to understand the difference between batches and the amount of things that you end up with. A batch is one cycle of a project. This number may not coincide with the number of things in the end. In some projects, more than one item is made per cycle (for example, ammunition). The project item "Production Batch Size" will indicate how many things you will receive in one batch. For example, the batch size of Phased Plasma M is 100. So if I want 2,000 of these ammunition, then I need to make 20 batches. You can set the desired number of parts using the keyboard or the + and - keys on the right side. After specifying the required number of games, click on the next button.

The last window will show you a summary of your actions. This is the last window and production will start as soon as you hit ok, so make sure everything is correct. The production work will start as soon as you click ok and the factory wizard will close.

When working with a factory, you need to consider the amount of consumed minerals and the time to make a batch. First, we will show simple formulas using the data already obtained in the project. Then, we will demonstrate complete formulas that take project research into account (and allow you to validate various data if necessary).

The amount of consumables for each batch is equal to:

(1.25 - 0.05 * Production Efficiency Skill Level) Materials Required

Time to complete each batch:

Production cycle * (1 - 0.05 * Industry Skill level)

Complete formulas that take into account all factors:

(1.25 - 0.05 * Production Efficiency skill level) * (1 + (Basic Waste Factor / (1 + Project Level Mineral Efficiency)) * Basic Mineral Requirements

(Base Production Time - (5 / (1 + Productivity Level))) * (1 - 0.05 * Industry Skill Level)

Laboratory operations

The steps for managing a laboratory are similar to those used for a factory. However, the individual steps are quite different and deserve detailed consideration. The best place to start is the Research Facility window. The screen below is an example of what you can see when you open the research facility window at the station. Please note that in the examples provided, you will see the actions of a member of the corporation. If you are doing research in a laboratory that you have rented for yourself, then the procedure is almost identical, except that you do not need to decide which hangar to put materials in and from which to pick up items.

On the right side of the window is a list of all laboratories in the station. Currently, 36 laboratories are free at the station. Each of the labs has one of the following statuses: Publicly Available, Rented, Rented to your corporation, or Rented to you. Public laboratories are just that, that is, they can be rented by any player. Slots number 22-26 have this status. Slots number 14, 16 and 21 are rented and temporarily unavailable for use. They were rented by another player or corporation. You cannot see which player or corporation rented the hangar, you just see its status. The status of your rented slots will be as follows: Rented to Character Name, where character name is the name of your character. In our example, slot number 17 is listed as "Rented to Dawnstar", which is our character. Thus, the slot is available for our personal use. Finally, slots can also be rented by your corporation. In this case, the slot status will be Rented to Corporation Name, where Corporation Name is your corporation name. The screen shows that slots 15, 18, 19, 20 and 22 are Rented to Kiroshi Group (this is the name of the corporation we belong to). Also, you may have noticed indications that some of the slots are already in use by your corporation. For example, slot 18 is leased by the Kiroshi Group and is temporarily used by the Omen project.

Also, in addition to the list of labs on the right side, there is a large panel on the left and buttons at the top (as well as a close key to close the window). The panel is a list general information about the various slots, including the ones you see and can use. The keys at the top take effect when you select a specific slot.

First, click on the slot. This way you make it stand out. Once you have done this, three keys can be used (depending on the activity in the selected slot at the moment).

The "Rent Slot" button is only used if you have selected a Publicly Available slot. This allows you to rent a slot in the name of your character or corporation. The first thing you will see when you rent a slot is a dialog box asking if you would like to rent this slot for the needs of your corporation. This question will only appear if you have factory manager rights and your corporation has an office in the station. If you decide to rent a slot for a corporation, then it will be available to every member of the corporation, and otherwise only for your personal use. However, you will also see another dialog box with information about the rental price. We recommend that you agree to the rental amount, otherwise you will not be able to use the laboratory.

The "Cancel Rent" button only works if you have selected a rented slot. Clicking will cancel the lab rental.

The last "Install" button only works if you have selected a slot for a lab rented by you or your corporation. This function is central to the Research Facility window, as it is the one that initiates the lab master for the slot rented by you or the corporation. We warn you about the peculiarity of the laboratory wizard - the dialog box is modal, so you cannot switch focus to other windows (as in one of the chat channels). All lab wizard screens have four keys: Back, OK, Cancel, and Next. Back will take you back to the previous step in the wizard (unless you are in the first step, in which case nothing will happen). The OK key is used to confirm the final; it does not work at other stages. The Cancel key works at any step and will interrupt the lab wizard by closing its window. Finally, the Next key takes you to the next step of the wizard (unless you are in the last step, in which case it has no function).

The Install key transforms into an Uninstall key if the slot has already been started by you or another member of your corporation. If you click on the Uninstall button, then this will extract the project from the factory back to the hangar.

Laboratory Master ( The Lab Wizard)

The Lab Wizard includes several steps that you must go through to get started in the lab. The first step is to decide what type of work you will be doing in it. You will see the Manufacture combo box and the double arrows on the right. By clicking on the double arrow, you will open a list of all possible actions. These actions are: Manufacture, Copy, Research mineral efficiency, Research productivity time, Duplicate item, Reverse engineer. Currently available are Copy, Research mineral efficiency and Research productivity time. Other steps will take you through the wizard, but at the end you will receive a fault message.

Research on mineral efficiency ( Research mineral efficiency)

By researching mineral efficiency, you reduce production waste in a project. You can see this value in your project in the Loss Factor and Spoiled Material items.

For everything except drones, the loss factor is calculated using the following formula:

(0.1 / (1 + ME))

In which ME is the level of mineral efficiency in the project. For drones, the following formula is used:

(0.05 / (1 + ME))

In our project, Merlin uses the previous formula, or (0.1 / (1 + 5)), which is roughly equivalent to 0167.

The time you need to complete one ME level is equal to the Research Time of the level of miners (specified in the project) * (1 - 0.05 * level of the Metallurgy skill). We can give a little hint here. If your project has not yet been investigated, then the number of mineral levels to eliminate all design flaws is equal to the highest indicator in the Spoiled material column (in the project), rounded down (also, this can be exponentially calculated by multiplying the loss factor of -0.1 or 0.05 by the highest high baseline mineral requirements).

Productivity Research

The second action available to you is Productivity Research. Additional levels of Productivity will reduce the production time for your project. We recommend using this research for ammunition and if you have extra laboratory time and are not sure how best to use it. Thus, the manufacturing time will be reduced by five seconds. This time is significant in the production of ammunition, but in the production of large ships this time is negligible.

The productivity level decreases the production time by 5 / (1 + PL), where PL is the project productivity level. The amount of time for one productivity research is equal to Research productivity time * (1 - 0.05 * Research Skill Level).


By copying, you create a duplicate of the selected project. Research mineral efficiency will increase the project's level of mineral efficiency. Researching the production time (Research productivity time) will increase the level of productivity of the project. After selecting the action you want to perform, click the Next button to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

The copy is similar in every way to the original, but with the following restrictions: You cannot continue further research with the copy. It is only suitable for a limited number of production runs (excluding patched copies)

The copying time of the project may vary, depending on the number of cycles set for the release of licensed products. The copy time specified in the project is the time it takes to make a copy of the project at half the maximum number of cycles. Thus, it is calculated by the formula: project copy time * 2 * number of licensed product release cycles * (1 - 0.05 * Science skill level) / maximum number of licensed product release cycles.

At this stage, you will need to select an item for installation. First, click on the double arrow to select the hangar where you want to work on the project. In our case, we go down the list to select the Production hangar in which we store projects. Once you have selected the hangar, the project will be displayed on the screen (see the screen below). At this stage, it is important that the hangar with the desired project is in sight. Select the project you want to install (it will be highlighted) and then click on the Next button.

The next window will ask you to select the source hangar. At the moment, it doesn't matter which hangar you choose, since the options currently working do not require any resources. So, leave the cursor where it is at the moment and click on the Next button.

The next window will only appear if you are making one or more copies of your original project. There will be a question for how many product cycles the copies should be designed for. You can specify from 1 to the maximum number of cycles. The maximum number of cycles will be specified in the wizard (and will be specified in the default text box). Usually, players indicate the maximum cycles. Note: The number of cycles indicated will affect the speed at which a copy is made. Making a copy calculated for half the maximum number of cycles will take time equal to the copying time specified in the project. Making a copy from maximum number cycles will take twice as long as copying the project. Consequently, less amount will take less time. After specifying the number of cycles, press the Next button.

The final step is to confirm all the specified data. You will see a general summary. If you are convinced that everything is correct, press the OK button to complete the selection (after that, work at the factory begins). If you made a wrong choice, click Cancel and start over, or use the Back key and make the necessary corrections. The Next key does not work at this step.

Most of the items in the EVE universe are created by the players, so production in the game matters a lot. There are many things involved in manufacturing, from researching in a laboratory and producing your product to selling it. Let's start with the basics: the skills that a manufacturing character needs to be effective.


The most basic skill a manufacturing character should have is Production Efficiency. After you buy this skill, train it to 5th level. Production Efficiency is a one-of-a-kind skill that everyone must have in order to be efficient and competitive in the production of goods and, unlike many other skills, the benefits of reaching the 5th skill level are worth it. The easiest way to explain why this is so is with an example.

Let's say that you and your competitor have the same projects that are equally well researched (I'll dive a little deeper into “research”). Your production efficiency is at level 5, and he doesn't have it. Further, suppose the project says that 1000 pieces of material are required for production. You will produce items using as much material as specified in the project, that is, 1000. Your competitor on the other hand will need 1250 units of material (I will explain what the matter is later). It may not seem like a huge number, but let's take it a step further down the road and see what happens when you start selling items.

You look at your product and think that the selling price of this product should be 50% higher than the cost price, which will bring a good income. You set the price to 1500 and start selling it. Your poorly trained competitor is facing a dilemma. He, too, can put the price 50% higher than the cost, but this will mean that the price of his product will be equal to 1875. Perhaps he will be lucky and he will sell this product. But on the other hand, most likely not. He will have to lower the price to compete with your price. To become competitive, he needs his product to cost 1500. This means that his profit from the sale will be a negligible 20% of the production costs, which is not even close to the profit that you get.

Other skills are of course important too. After Production Efficiency, Mass Production is the most important. It allows you to manage multiple factories. In simpler terms, it will allow you to produce more product. Industry is good, but more productivity is easier to achieve through mass production. Industry level 5 will increase your productivity by 33%. Tier 3 mass production will increase your productivity by 300%, plus it will allow you to have factories at different locations. Give mass production a higher priority in training than Industry, even if it has a second rank, it is still more profitable to train it than Industry, despite the cost of time.

Then there are Science skills. They are much less important than Production skills. Why? Anyone with Science level 1 can operate a laboratory. At a cost of 20,000 ISK Science is a very inexpensive skill and players only need access to projects for research. Use laboratories to your advantage. Everyone in your corporation who you believe has a Science skill and has to research something - renting a lab is the only real cost. The skills of Science (science, metallurgy, and research) only reduce the time spent on research. While this is useful if you need to do a lot of research or need to research something quickly, the reality is that it is much more profitable to pay 20k while having another player doing the research. Although if you have a character with highly trained Science skills, make sure he / she also has Lab Operations. After that, if you have been given a bonus, use it as much as possible. Controlling Lab Operations is very important for both small corporations and private individuals - it increases the efficiency of a limited number of players.

Choosing the first project

Once you have mastered the skills required to make things, you need to make your choice and decide what you will be producing. Basically, the manufacture of things has two purposes:

Making things for personal use (by you personally or in a corporation)
Making things for sale
If you decide to make things for yourself or your corporation, then you need to focus on those things that you will definitely produce quite often. Ammunition fits perfectly into this category. It is also worth purchasing some equipment and possibly ships - if you are using a lot of different equipment. As for corporations, it is worth adding to the project things that participants use constantly.

Keep in mind that many players are in the crafting business and you must make the right choices to make a profit.

When it comes to sales, the abundance of information available in the marketplace will help you make an informed decision. Hiding on the trade screen provides information on the price history of everything that can be bought in the market. If you open a market and select a specific item, you will see a map of the area on the supply and demand screens. Players often use the market for this purpose. However, there is also much more information here for the resourceful player planning to build their own trading empire.

In particular, this applies to the history icon. By clicking on it, you can see how well a given item has sold over a certain period of time. By setting up a combo box on the left side, you can see how well an item has sold in a specific location or region. You will also see how many items are sold each day, as well as prices - high, low, and average. While the data may seem dry, it is invaluable information to help you decide what to sell.

Projects (Blueprints)

Projects are the basis for making things, so we will take a closer look at the information they contain. As soon as the project enters the cargo hold, you can get detailed information about it with the right mouse click. Here is a screenshot of the Antimatter hybrid charge project. One thing to note is that the project statistics do not take into account the skills that you possess or not. But the research done is taken into account.

Manufacturing Time (Production cycle): The time in seconds required to manufacture one batch.

Mineral Level (Mineral level or ME): The mineral level shows how many times a blue print has been tested for minerals.

Wastage factor (Loss Factor): In many ways, this figure is imprecise. In fact, there are two types of losses associated with the manufacture of things. The first type of loss can be called loss due to incompetence. It depends on the skill level of production efficiency (Production Efficiency). This value is related to another, which can be called production losses. They depend on the level of mineral efficiency of the project and require an additional amount of each type of mineral to the total "mineral" cost of producing the item for the project. For everything except drones, the total loss factor is calculated using the following formula:

(1 / (1 + ME))

Where ME is the level of mineral efficiency of the project. For drones, the following formula is used:

(0.05 / (1 + ME))

Research Mineral Time (Mineral Research Time): This is the time in seconds it takes a player with zero Metallurgy to increase the Mineral level of a project by 1. Typically 2400 for ammo and drones, 12000 for equipment, 120,000 for frigates, 240,000 for industrials and cruisers, 360,000 for battleships.

Research Copy Time (Research Time): This is the time in seconds it takes for a Science zero-level irgoku to create a copy of a project with half of the production cycles “hammered” into the original project. Typically 2,400 for ammunition and drones, 12,000 for equipment, 120,000 for frigates, 240,000 for industrials and cruisers, and 360,000 for battleships.

Produces: This is the name of the item that will result if you deliver the project to the factory and can make the item.

Copy (Copy): Indicates whether the project is a copy or original. This allows you to distinguish copies from originals. When buying from someone a project (blue print), be sure to check it in info. This way you will know for sure that it is not a copy.

Research productivity time (productivity research time): This is the time in seconds it takes a player with zero Research level to increase the productivity level of the project by 1. Usually, for ammunition and drones it is 2400, for equipment - 1200, for frigates - 2400 120,000 for industrials and cruisers, and 240,000 for battleships.

Productivity level ( Productivity Level ): The Productivity Level indicates the number of times a project has been subjected to a Productivity Survey.

Licensed Production Runs Remaining(Remaining Licensed Product Cycles): When copying a project, you need to consider how many production cycles the project will have. The more cycles you specify, the longer it takes to manufacture. Each cycle allows the factory to produce one batch of goods. Usually, the maximum number of cycles for ammunition and drones is 1500, ammunition - 300, frigates - 30, industrials and cruisers - 15, battleships - 10. You may have noticed that some projects have this value set to an unlimited number (as a result of a previously produced patch, which gave such an opportunity). This means the following: you can use the copied project an unlimited number of times without any problems.

Production Batch Size (Batch size): This is the number of items you will receive in one production cycle in a factory. For ammunition, this number is 100 copies. For rockets and light missiles - 10. In all other cases, you get 1 item in each batch.

Required Ingredient - Required components (per batch): shows how many units of certain materials you need in order to make one batch. You will have one entry for each type of mineral required to craft an item. This metric takes into account production losses resulting from low ME, but does not account for incompetence resulting from low Production Efficiency.

Wasted Ingredient (Per Batch) - Spoiled material (for a batch): This is a certain number of units of each type of mineral that you additionally need for production losses. You will have one entry for each type of mineral required to craft an item. Ideally, this amount is less than 1 for each mineral. This number is derived from the base minerals (not shown in the project).

The base amount of each mineral needed to craft something is a valuable statistic, although not specified in the project. We call this basic mineral requirements. It can be calculated by taking the required materials and subtracting the number of damaged minerals for each mineral (tip: if you have not yet started researching the level of minerals, then keep in mind that for most things the base requirements for minerals are equal to the number of damaged minerals multiplied by ten, and for drones twenty). The basic requirements for minerals are the starting point from which all other data for the manufacture of things is calculated. It is worth starting with them in order to determine how much you will receive after processing things.

Factory Work Wizard ( The Factory Wizard)

When you start working with the factory wizard with the install button, the first step is to select a hangar for production. This hangar contains the project you want to run, and can be your personal hangar or owned by a corporation.

Click on the double arrows to select a hangar from the list that appears. The hangar with the desired project must be in sight. After selecting the hangar, you will see a list of all available projects in the hangar. Click on the project you want to run, select it and then click on the next button.

If you have chosen a project from your corporation's hangar, then you will be asked to select a hangar in which you will need to place materials. Click on the double arrows and select a hangar from the list that appears. Keep in mind that you must have access to use items from this hangar. With the hangar selected, press the next key.

Now, you will be asked to select the hangar from which you want to receive the finished product. It is in this hangar that the finished product will appear (indicated in the project in the "Produces" column). You must have access to this hangar. So, select the hangar using the context menu and press the next key.

Now you will need to indicate how many batches of the product you want to receive. At this stage, it is important to understand the difference between batches and the amount of things that you end up with. A batch is one cycle of a project. This number may not coincide with the number of things in the end. In some projects, more than one item is made per cycle (for example, ammunition). The project item "Production Batch Size" will indicate how many things you will receive in one batch. For example, the batch size of Phased Plasma M is 100. So if I want 2,000 of these ammunition, then I need to make 20 batches. You can set the desired number of parts using the keyboard or the + and - keys on the right side. After specifying the required number of games, click on the next button.

The last window will show you a summary of your actions. This is the last window and production will start as soon as you hit ok, so make sure everything is correct. The production work will start as soon as you click ok and the factory wizard will close.

When working with a factory, you need to consider the amount of consumed minerals and the time to make a batch. First, we will show simple formulas using the data already obtained in the project. Then, we will demonstrate complete formulas that take project research into account (and allow you to validate various data if necessary).

The amount of consumables for each batch is equal to:

(1.25 - 0.05 * Production Efficiency Skill Level) Materials Required

Time to complete each batch:

Production cycle * (1 - 0.05 * Industry Skill level)

Complete formulas that take into account all factors:

(1.25 - 0.05 * Production Efficiency skill level) * (1 + (Basic Waste Factor / (1 + Project Level Mineral Efficiency)) * Basic Mineral Requirements

(Base Production Time - (5 / (1 + Productivity Level))) * (1 - 0.05 * Industry Skill Level)

Laboratory operations

The steps for managing a laboratory are similar to those used for a factory. However, the individual steps are quite different and deserve detailed consideration. The best place to start is the Research Facility window. The screen below is an example of what you can see when you open the research facility window at the station. Please note that in the examples provided, you will see the actions of a member of the corporation. If you are doing research in a laboratory that you have rented for yourself, then the procedure is almost identical, except that you do not need to decide which hangar to put materials in and from which to pick up items.

On the right side of the window is a list of all laboratories in the station. Currently, 36 laboratories are free at the station. Each of the labs has one of the following statuses: Publicly Available, Rented, Rented to your corporation, or Rented to you. Public laboratories are just that, that is, they can be rented by any player. Slots number 22-26 have this status. Slots number 14, 16 and 21 are rented and temporarily unavailable for use. They were rented by another player or corporation. You cannot see which player or corporation rented the hangar, you just see its status. The status of your rented slots will be as follows: Rented to Character Name, where character name is the name of your character. In our example, slot number 17 is listed as "Rented to Dawnstar", which is our character. Thus, the slot is available for our personal use. Finally, slots can also be rented by your corporation. In this case, the slot status will be Rented to Corporation Name, where Corporation Name is your corporation name. The screen shows that slots 15, 18, 19, 20 and 22 are Rented to Kiroshi Group (this is the name of the corporation we belong to). Also, you may have noticed indications that some of the slots are already in use by your corporation. For example, slot 18 is leased by the Kiroshi Group and is temporarily used by the Omen project.

Also, in addition to the list of labs on the right side, there is a large panel on the left and buttons at the top (as well as a close key to close the window). The panel is a list of general information about the various slots, including the ones you see and can use. The keys at the top take effect when you select a specific slot.

First, click on the slot. This way you make it stand out. Once you have done this, three keys can be used (depending on the activity in the selected slot at the moment).

The "Rent Slot" button is only used if you have selected a Publicly Available slot. This allows you to rent a slot in the name of your character or corporation. The first thing you will see when you rent a slot is a dialog box asking if you would like to rent this slot for the needs of your corporation. This question will only appear if you have factory manager rights and your corporation has an office in the station. If you decide to rent a slot for a corporation, then it will be available to every member of the corporation, and otherwise only for your personal use. However, you will also see another dialog box with information about the rental price. We recommend that you agree to the rental amount, otherwise you will not be able to use the laboratory.

The "Cancel Rent" button only works if you have selected a rented slot. Clicking will cancel the lab rental.

The last "Install" button only works if you have selected a slot for a lab rented by you or your corporation. This function is central to the Research Facility window, as it is the one that initiates the lab master for the slot rented by you or the corporation. We warn you about the peculiarity of the laboratory wizard - the dialog box is modal, so you cannot switch focus to other windows (as in one of the chat channels). All lab wizard screens have four keys: Back, OK, Cancel, and Next. Back will take you back to the previous step in the wizard (unless you are in the first step, in which case nothing will happen). The OK key is used to confirm the final; it does not work at other stages. The Cancel key works at any step and will interrupt the lab wizard by closing its window. Finally, the Next key takes you to the next step of the wizard (unless you are in the last step, in which case it has no function).

The Install key transforms into an Uninstall key if the slot has already been started by you or another member of your corporation. If you click on the Uninstall button, then this will extract the project from the factory back to the hangar.

Laboratory Master ( The Lab Wizard)

The Lab Wizard includes several steps that you must go through to get started in the lab. The first step is to decide what type of work you will be doing in it. You will see the Manufacture combo box and the double arrows on the right. By clicking on the double arrow, you will open a list of all possible actions. These actions are: Manufacture, Copy, Research mineral efficiency, Research productivity time, Duplicate item, Reverse engineer. Currently available are Copy, Research mineral efficiency and Research productivity time. Other steps will take you through the wizard, but at the end you will receive a fault message.

Research on mineral efficiency ( Research mineral efficiency)

By researching mineral efficiency, you reduce production waste in a project. You can see this value in your project in the Loss Factor and Spoiled Material items.

For everything except drones, the loss factor is calculated using the following formula:

(0.1 / (1 + ME))

In which ME is the level of mineral efficiency in the project. For drones, the following formula is used:

(0.05 / (1 + ME))

In our project, Merlin uses the previous formula, or (0.1 / (1 + 5)), which is roughly equivalent to 0167.

The time you need to complete one ME level is equal to the Research Time of the level of miners (specified in the project) * (1 - 0.05 * level of the Metallurgy skill). We can give a little hint here. If your project has not yet been investigated, then the number of mineral levels to eliminate all design flaws is equal to the highest indicator in the Spoiled material column (in the project), rounded down (also, this can be exponentially calculated by multiplying the loss factor of -0.1 or 0.05 by the highest high baseline mineral requirements).

Productivity Research

The second action available to you is Productivity Research. Additional levels of Productivity will reduce the production time for your project. We recommend using this research for ammunition and if you have extra laboratory time and are not sure how best to use it. Thus, the manufacturing time will be reduced by five seconds. This time is significant in the production of ammunition, but in the production of large ships this time is negligible.

The productivity level decreases the production time by 5 / (1 + PL), where PL is the project productivity level. The amount of time for one productivity research is equal to Research productivity time * (1 - 0.05 * Research Skill Level).


By copying, you create a duplicate of the selected project. Research mineral efficiency will increase the project's level of mineral efficiency. Researching the production time (Research productivity time) will increase the level of productivity of the project. After selecting the action you want to perform, click the Next button to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

The copy is similar in every way to the original, but with the following restrictions: You cannot continue further research with the copy. It is only suitable for a limited number of production runs (excluding patched copies)

The copying time of the project may vary, depending on the number of cycles set for the release of licensed products. The copy time specified in the project is the time it takes to make a copy of the project at half the maximum number of cycles. Thus, it is calculated by the formula: project copy time * 2 * number of licensed product release cycles * (1 - 0.05 * Science skill level) / maximum number of licensed product release cycles.

At this stage, you will need to select an item for installation. First, click on the double arrow to select the hangar where you want to work on the project. In our case, we go down the list to select the Production hangar in which we store projects. Once you have selected the hangar, the project will be displayed on the screen (see the screen below). At this stage, it is important that the hangar with the desired project is in sight. Select the project you want to install (it will be highlighted) and then click on the Next button.

The next window will ask you to select the source hangar. At the moment, it doesn't matter which hangar you choose, since the options currently working do not require any resources. So, leave the cursor where it is at the moment and click on the Next button.

The next window will only appear if you are making one or more copies of your original project. There will be a question for how many product cycles the copies should be designed for. You can specify from 1 to the maximum number of cycles. The maximum number of cycles will be specified in the wizard (and will be specified in the default text box). Usually, players indicate the maximum cycles. Note: The number of cycles indicated will affect the speed at which a copy is made. Making a copy calculated for half the maximum number of cycles will take time equal to the copying time specified in the project. Making a copy with the maximum number of cycles will take twice as long as copying the project. Consequently, less amount will take less time. After specifying the number of cycles, press the Next button.

The final step is to confirm all the specified data. You will see a general summary. If you are convinced that everything is correct, press the OK button to complete the selection (after that, work at the factory begins). If you made a wrong choice, click Cancel and start over, or use the Back key and make the necessary corrections. The Next key does not work at this step.


I bring to your attention another rewrite of an excellent article about industry in the world of Eve. The article was written already in 2007 and therefore is slightly outdated. I added a few of my thoughts and updated those parts of the article that were fine and became irrelevant. The article is rather superficial, but maybe someday I will write a complete production guide for the delight of beginners.

Industry. Industry.

Industry in EVE is one of the main pillars on which it rests, there will be no industry - there will be no Eve.

The main production cycle looks like this:

Resources -> Manufacturing -> Product -> Money - Resources


Ore - anyone can dig, but miners have the highest efficiency.

Refining - you can process both ore and most goods, it can be done by anyone, but refiners (characters with special skills and a stand for a certain corporation) do it best.

Salvag is a specific resource obtained from wrecked ships and sometimes found in hidden plexuses, as well as in wormholes. Anyone who has the appropriate skills can salvage, as there is almost no separate salvager profession.

Rigs (impromodules) are made of salvag.


There are two ways in the game to produce something.

In public factories that are in stock in any region and at POS (POS).

In order to produce something, you need a drawing, the so-called BPO or BPC (BOD).

BPO - Blue Print Original

BPC - Blue Print Copy

BPO can be used any number of times for production, BPT has a limited number of starts. BPO can be bought on the market and in contracts. BOC (copies) can only be purchased through the contract system, or obtained by copying from the BPC (original).

Drawings (both copies and originals) contain complete information about what materials are needed for production, how long the goods will be produced according to this drawing.


With goods, everything is clear - we sell (we get money for which we buy resources and this cycle continues indefinitely) or we use it ourselves (we fly on a built ship and use weapons made by ourselves).


In general, every industrialist is a bit of a trader. Firstly, not every industrialist is a miner, so very often you have to buy basic minerals. Secondly, this raises two problems - where to build, where to transport (both minerals and a product!). It is very important to understand this and generally play a little on the market in order to understand how this happens.

Simple examples:

1) Resources in miner / agent / hub systems can be purchased by purchase orders for a very low prices(sometimes predatory). Partly due to noobs driving lvl 1-2 missions, partly due to lazy pros who don't want to run. As a result, it turns out that we buy 10-50% cheaper than we would buy in a hurry, and we build something that brings a profit of 10-20% (very few of T1 will give a greater benefit, you are not alone).

2) Selling in hub systems goes much faster even at inflated prices, even if everything is 10-20% cheaper in 1 jump - you can simply place orders 0.01 ISK cheaper than the closest competitor at the station. This happens because very often people fly to hub stations to buy and fully fit a ship quickly.

3) The market is purely human. Very changeable. Today you sell something for 1kk, tomorrow a rich reseller comes in, buys up the entire market and puts it back at 2kk. Or vice versa - today you sell at 1kk, an agent comes who needs money - and puts up a hundred items of 800k each next to you.

Hence the conclusion - if you want to build something, swing trade and skills at a distance by managing orders. So that your base is no further from the hub than you can control the orders.

Where to get blueprints?

All kinds of BPO for t1 (technology 1) goods are sold by the NPC. If you did not find this blueprint from the NPC, fly to a neighboring region, for example, blueprints for Amarr ships should be looked for in the native Amarr system.

BOC for fractional goods can break off from some agent missions, perhaps they are in the LP-market, they can also be found together with t2 (technology 2) BPC in hidden plexuses.

t2 BPO - almost impossible to find. There used to be a lottery, but now in the t2 game the originals can be found from collectors. You don't even need to talk about the cost - it is transcendental and to recoup such a t2 BPO it will take several years of continuous production according to this blueprint.

t2 BPC - in addition to plexes, you can get from t1 BPC with the help of inventions.

Is it that simple?

It seems yes, but after calculating the production costs on a calculator (in Excel), we find that buying a product is cheaper than making it yourself.

Let's figure out why this is so.

The drawing has the concept of ML (Material Level), the higher it is, the less costs we cost to manufacture. It can be increased by sending a blueprint to Material Research. It should be borne in mind here that most of the survey lines are busy for more than 20 days, which means that you will be waiting in line for this time, get ready. To calculate the optimal ML level, I use this great link. Choose the right category, the desired drawing and look at the words "optimal material level". For each drawing, the optimal level will be different.

The drawing has the concept of PE (Performance Level) i.e. the time for which the goods will be created, usually all goods are produced according to the drawings quickly enough, so it is worth investigating this drawing parameter only if you are going to engage in mass production. As a rule, it is not difficult to find an empty line for PE surveys (production effiency in the picture above).

Did you do a great job of researching BPOs for materials and performance?

Then you stomp to make copies of it and sell them or produce them. Lines for copying usually have queues of 5-7 days. You can also make from the original, but this method is not suitable for mass production and therefore you have to make copies. Also, such copies are used for the investment (invention).

The cost of goods from a well-researched copy according to ML is usually lower market value by 5-10%.

Inventions. Invention.

Invention requires special materials.

Datacore - Can be bought or earned from R&D agents.

Data Interface - bought in the market. They fall in hidden plexes and therefore it is not a matter of one month of the game and not even a year for a mere mortal to get hold of the date interface. Cost on the market from 50kk isk. There is one pleasant surprise, interfaces are not consumed, i.e. it is a reusable item.

Descriptors are all kinds of bullshit that affects the final result.

A copy of the drawing obtained from the original.

There are also a bunch of skills that are indicated in the blueprint in the Invention tab.

After you have launched an invention (at stations in high-sek, the lines for invention are always free), you may or may not receive a BPC. The number of wounds on it is random and slightly depends on the descriptors and skills of the character. Note that if you receive a copy after invention, then this copy will be for a T2 module or a T2 ship. Small addition - upon invention it is forbidden receive BPO.

I want to note that this article does not touch on the production of T3 at all, because this is a big separate topic of conversation.

In order to craft any item in EVE, you will need the following components:
1. Drawing (Blueprint).
2. Materials required for production (indicated in the drawing).
3. The production line on which the item will be built.

Blueprint (BP)
All BPs in Eve look like the items that are built from them, depicted on a blue background:

BP has the following parameters:

1. Material efficiency level (ME)- BP research level on production efficiency. The higher this number, the less waste will be in production.

2. Wastage factor - waste level. Directly depends on ME. In the case of positive ME, the formula for calculating the Wastage factor is as follows:
Wastage factor = Base Waste Factor / (1 + ME).
When ME is negative, the following formula is used:
Wastage factor = Base Waste Factor * (1 - ME).

Base Waste Factor - Waste level for BP with ME = 0. For most BPs, it is 10%.

Thus, it turns out that by examining BP from 0 ME to 1 ME, we will reduce waste by 2 times (it was 10%, it will become 5%). However, the higher the ME level, the less effect each subsequent BP study will have. There is also a borderline beyond which further research becomes meaningless. Let's say that 23 zydrines are required to produce an item. If we divide this number by 5, then we get the number of ME needed so that there is no waste of zydrin in the production of this item.

If you open the info on the required materials for the production of any BP (Bill of Materials / Manufacturing), you can see 2 rows of numbers:
1. (You) The number of components needed to produce with your skills.
2. (Perfect) The number of components required for production at 5 lvl of the Production Efficiency skill.

Each level of the Production Efficiency skill reduces the amount of materials required for construction by 4%. In the absence of the Production Efficiency skill, you will need 120% of the materials from the Perfect column. With the 5 lvl Production Efficiency skill, you only need the amount of minerals indicated in BP (i.e. 100%). Thus, this skill is the first thing that a production worker should pump up to 5 levs.

3. Productivity efficiency level (PE)- BP research level for production speed. The more PE, the less time it will take for production. However, researching PE over 10 is almost pointless.

BP can be roughly divided according to the following criteria:
1. According to the BP type, a Blueprint copy (BPC) and an Original (Blueprint original, BPO) are distinguished.
2. By the type of products manufactured, BP is divided into: T1, T2, Storyline.

BPO (Blueprint original) is the original drawing. You can do the following with it:
1. Explore (thereby increasing the level of ME and PE).
2. Copy (when copying, the BPC is obtained, while the original BPO is preserved).
3. Producing.

BPC (Blueprint copy) - a copy of a drawing that is obtained as a result of copying a BPO. The BPC has the same ME and PE parameters as the original BPO. But, unlike BPO, BPC is designed for the production of a limited number of items (Licensed Production Runs Remaining, or simply the number of runs). After the specified number of items is built, the BPC will simply disappear. In addition to the production of BPC, it is also used in the inventory process (obtaining T2 BPC).

Thus, the following actions can be performed with the BPC:
1. Produce (in this case, after each produced item, the BPC decreases the number of wounds).
2. Invention.

For research on PE, research on ME, copying and inventory, appropriate laboratories are required (Time efficiency research, Material research, Copying, Invention). Manufacturing requires a production line.

T1 BPOs are the most common BPOs in EVE. They can be bought in unlimited quantities from some NPC vendors in the market. These BPOs always have ME and PE equal to 0. The newly purchased BPO can be put up for sale in the market again. But as soon as you try to do any operation with it (production, copying, research on ME or PE), BPO can no longer be sold through the market. Researched BPOs can only be bought from (or sold to) other players through the contract system. Typically, no specialized skills are required to produce, copy and research T1 BPOs. Usually it is enough to have the Industry skill of at least 1 lvl.

T1 BPCs - appear in EVE as a result of copying the corresponding BPO. These BPCs can only be purchased through the contact system. Typically, well researched BPCs are sold there and are priced well below BPO prices. In some cases, it will be cheaper to buy BPC for a one-off production than to buy expensive BPO. When buying BPC, remember that the difference in waste (calculated from the initial 10%) for ME10 and ME20 is extremely small (waste for ME10 - 0.91%, waste for ME20 - 0.48%). But the prices for such BPCs can differ several times.

T2 BPO - there are very few such BPOs in the game. Previously, before the introduction of inventory, RnD agents from time to time arranged lotteries among the characters working for them. As a result of these lotteries, a small number of T2 BPOs were randomly distributed among the players. After entering the inventory, the lottery was closed, and currently T2 BPO can be bought only from those players who have saved them. T2 BPO production requires specialized skills (usually 2 RnD skills), and Industry 5 lvl skill is also required.

T2 BPC - Today most of these BPCs come from inventory. The hallmark of T2 BPC is negative ME and PE levels, which dramatically increase waste levels. However, due to the limited number of T2 BPOs in the game, such BPCs are also in high demand.

Storyline and factional BPCs. Storyline BPC are usually given as a reward for completing storyline missions, and factional BPCs can be obtained from the LP store. Storyline BPCs are extremely unsuccessful BPCs because to produce them, you need special skills, and sometimes you need special materials. At the same time, the resulting items often have mediocre stats.

All the necessary skills for production, copying, research of any BP are indicated in the blueprint itself.

Generalized list of skills that affect production, copying and research:

Science - increases the speed of copying blueprints by 5% per level.

Research - increases the speed of researching blueprints on PE by 5%.

Metallurgy - Increases blueprint research speed on ME by 5%.

Laboratory Operation - increases the maximum number of simultaneously used laboratory slots by 1 for each lvl skill (if you do not have this skill, then you can use only 1 laboratory slot).

Advanced Laboratory Operation - also increases the number of simultaneously used laboratory slots. Thus, if you have Laboratory Operation 5 lvl and Advanced Laboratory Operation 4 lvl - you can use 10 laboratory slots at the same time.

Scientific Networking - Allows you to use the laboratory remotely. If you do not have this skill, then you can start copying, research and inventory only directly from the laboratory itself. If you are using a lab on a station, then you and your BPO should be on that station. If you are using a laboratory at a POS, then your BPO should be located in the laboratory itself, and you should be in the immediate vicinity of it. 1 lvl of this skill allows you to use a laboratory within solar system, 2 lvl - within 5 dumps, 3 lvl - 10 jumps, 4 lvl - 20 jumps, 5 lvl allows you to use the laboratory within the region.

After the exploration ends, the original BPO will be in the same location as it was before the operation started. The result of copying and inventory will always be in the laboratory. If any materials are required for the inventory (copying, research), then they should also be in the laboratory. Otherwise, you will receive a message about the lack of materials to complete the operation and will not be able to start the process. Only the original BPO or BPC itself can be located at the specified distance from the laboratory.

Mass Production - increases the maximum number of simultaneously used production lines by 1 for each lvl skill (if you do not have this skill, you can only use 1 production line).

Advanced Mass Production - also increases the maximum number of simultaneous production lines. Thus, if you learn Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production up to 5 lvl - it is possible to use 11 lines at the same time.

Supply Chain Management - the action of this skill is similar to the action of the Scientific Networking skill, only it applies not to laboratory slots, but to production lines.

To craft an item in EVE, you will need the following components:

  1. Blueprint.
  2. Materials required for production (indicated in the drawing).
  3. The production line on which the item will be built.

Blueprint (BP)

All BPs in Eve look like the items that are built from them, depicted on a blue background

Original (Blueprint original, BPO)

Copy (Blueprint copy, BPC)

The originals of the blueprints will be sold in the EVE marketplace, while copies and enhanced original can be found in contracts. Well, in various hidden locations, you also come across blueprints.

So let's say we have a drawing - we bought the original Blackbird Blueprint on the market

Now we look at the information on the drawing and see that the production will be with overruns of materials and maximum time. What needs to be done to optimize these parameters. This is first learning the right skills, and secondly research drawing on the laboratory line.

Research blueprint for manufacturing.

An example of the original drawing ME = 0 AND PE = 0. Open the tab specifications.

So any drawing has the following parameters:

General information.

Z Here in the drawing, this drawing is shown to be improved by research.

1. Material efficiency level (ME) - the level of production efficiency. The higher this number, the less waste will be in production.

2. Wastage factor - coefficient of waste. Directly depends on ME. In the case of positive ME, the formula for calculating the Wastage factor is as follows:

Wastage factor = Base Waste Factor / (1 + ME).

When ME is negative, the following formula is used:

Wastage factor = Base Waste Factor * (1 - ME).

Base Waste Factor - Waste level for BP with ME = 0. For most BPs, it is 10%.

Thus, it turns out that, examining drawing from 0 ME to 1 ME, we will reduce waste by 2 times (it was 10%, will become 5%).

However, the higher the ME level, the less effect each subsequent BP study will have. There is also a borderline beyond which further research becomes meaningless. Let's say that 23 zydrines are required to produce an item. If we divide this number by 5, then we get the number of ME needed so that there is no waste of zydrin in the production of this item.

3. Productivity efficiency level (PE) - the level of production speed. The more PE, the less time it will take for production. But, research PE more than 10 is practically meaningless.


Skill affects production time Industry- 4% reduction in production time per skill level. Just in the drawing we see an example of a production. with Industry level 0 skill = 3h20min., and with Industry level 5 skill = 2h.40min.


The same as in the production of two parameters without a skill and with a learned skill.

Metallurgy 5% increase in production efficiency research rate per skill level. (Metallurgy: Level 0 = 2days 18h40min, Level 5 = 2days2h)

Science - 5% increase in the speed of copying blueprints per skill level.

Research - 5% increase in research speed of production speed per skill level.

You can use the program EVEmon: Plans-> Bluprint browser. It is necessary to set the desired number and see the efficiency of the drawing, development time, etc.

Reduced production materials and skills.

If you open the info on the necessary materials for the production of any draftsman p The first thing we see is skill needed to build a cruiser.

The following is materials

We see a list of materials and two rows of numbers

1. (You) The number of components required to produce with your skills

2. (Perfect) The number of components required for production at 5 skill level Production Efficiency.

Each skill levelProduction efficiencyreduces the amount of materials needed for construction by 5%.

In the absence of the Production Efficiency skill, you will need 120% of the materials from the Perfect column. With the 5 lvl Production Efficiency skill, you only need the amount of minerals indicated in BP (i.e. 100%). Thus, this skill is the first thing that a production worker should pump up to level 5.

Drawings can be roughly divided according to the following criteria:

  1. By type, drawings are distinguished between a Blueprint copy (BPC) and an Original (Blueprint original, BPO).
  2. By the type of product produced, the drawings are divided into: T1, T2, Storyline.

BPO (Blueprint original) is the original drawing. You can do the following with it:

  1. Research (thereby increasing the level of ME and PE).
  2. Copy (copying produces a BPC, while retaining the original BPO).
  3. Produce.

BPC (Blueprint copy)- a copy of the drawing that is obtained as a result of copying the BPO.

The BPC has the same ME and PE parameters as the original BPO. But, unlike BPO, BPC is designed for the production of a limited number of items (Licensed Production Runs Remaining, or simply the number of runs). After the specified number of items is built, the BPC will simply disappear. In addition to the production of BPC, it is also used in the inventory process (obtaining T2 BPC).

Thus, the following actions can be performed with the BPC:

  1. Produce (in this case, after each produced item, the BPC has a decrease in the number of wounds).
  2. Invention.

Reverse engineering - Working with drawings from wormholes (creation of T3).

T1 BPO are the most common BPOs in EVE. They can be bought in unlimited quantities from some NPC vendors in the market. These BPOs always have ME and PE equal to 0. The newly purchased BPO can be put up for sale in the market again. But as soon as you try to do any operation with it (production, copying, research on ME or PE), BPO can no longer be sold through the market.

Researched BPOs can only be bought from (or sold to) other players through the contract system. Typically, no specialized skills are required to produce, copy and research T1 BPOs. Usually it is enough to have the Industry skill of at least 1 lvl.

T1 BPC- appear in EVE as a result of copying the corresponding BPO. These BPCs can only be purchased through the contact system. Typically, well researched BPCs are sold there and are priced well below BPO prices. In some cases, it will be cheaper to buy BPC for a one-off production than to buy expensive BPO. When buying BPC, remember that the difference in waste (calculated from the initial 10%) for ME10 and ME20 is extremely small (waste for ME10 - 0.91%, waste for ME20 - 0.48%). But the prices for such BPCs can differ several times.

T2 BPO- there are very few such BPOs in the game. Previously, before the introduction of inventory, RnD agents from time to time arranged lotteries among the characters working for them. As a result of these lotteries, a small number of T2 BPOs were randomly distributed among the players. After entering the inventory, the lottery was closed, and currently T2 BPO can be bought only from those players who have saved them.

T2 BPC- Today most of these BPCs come from inventory. The hallmark of T2 BPC is negative ME and PE levels, which dramatically increase waste levels. However, due to the limited number of T2 BPOs in the game, such BPCs are also in high demand.

Storyline and factional BPCs.

Storyline BPCs are usually rewarded for completing storyline missions, and factional BPCs can be obtained from the LP store. Storyline BPCs are extremely unsuccessful BPCs because to produce them, you need special skills, and sometimes you need special materials. At the same time, the resulting items often have mediocre stats.

All the necessary skills for production, copying, research of any BP are indicated in the blueprint itself.

Laboratory and production lines.

For research on PE, research on ME, copying and inventory, appropriate laboratories are required (Time efficiency research, Material research, Copying, Invention). Manufacturing requires a production line. These lines are available at the stations and it is possible to install a POS with the appropriate laboratories.

Skills for using laboratory lines (science)

With maximum skills, you can control 11 lines.

Laboratory Operation- increases the maximum number of simultaneously used laboratory slots by 1 for each lvl skill (if you do not have this skill, then you can use only 1 laboratory slot).

Advanced laboratory operation - also increases the number of simultaneously used laboratory slots. Thus, if you have Laboratory Operation 5 lvl and Advanced Laboratory Operation 4 lvl - you can use 10 laboratory slots at the same time.

Scientific Networking- allows you to use the laboratory remotely. If you do not have this skill, then you can start copying, research and inventory only directly from the laboratory itself.

If you are using a lab on a station, then you and your BPO should be on that station. If you are using a laboratory at a POS, then your BPO should be located in the laboratory itself, and you should be in the immediate vicinity of it.

Level 1 allows you to operate within the same solar system, level 2 expands the range to 5 jumps, and each subsequent level doubles the number of jumps. Level 5 allows you to use the laboratory within the region.

After the exploration ends, the original BPO will be in the same location as it was before the operation started. The result of copying and inventory will always be in the laboratory.

If any materials are required for the inventory (copying, research), then they should also be in the laboratory. Otherwise, you will receive a message about the lack of materials to complete the operation and will not be able to start the process.

Skills for production lines.

Mass Production - increases the maximum number of simultaneously used production lines by 1 for each lvl skill (if you do not have this skill, you can only use 1 production line).

Advanced Mass Production- also increases the maximum number of simultaneously used production lines. Thus, if you learn Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production up to 5 lvl - it is possible to use 11 lines at the same time.

Supply Chain Management- remote start of production, the action of this skill is similar to the action of the Scientific Networking skill, only it applies not to laboratory slots, but to production lines.


To improve scientific and industrial performance.

Good luck!
Best regards, SoldierZD.