Statuses about yourself happy. Statuses about yourself happy Status about happiness with meaning short VK

The more you mean something to others, the more your life is illuminated with a higher meaning. 11

The soul is like a balloon: if you throw away the ballast, it takes off. 12

Simply - Love ... Simply - Farewell ... You can’t do it, don’t promise ... Don’t offend and don’t envy, don’t suffer in vain and value time, don’t hold evil in your heart, in your soul ... Just dream, dare, create ... Just live with love in your heart! 15

Apparently, there is no happiness quick and easy. For some reason, happiness must be suffered.. Pay for every moment. 20

When your dreams are stronger than your fears, they will come true. 21

Each of us has something to say, it's just that many use the language for other purposes. 19

Don't expect it to get easier, better, easier. There will always be some difficulty. So you need to be positive today. 18

You can't start life over, but you can continue it in a different way... 21

Do not try to look for someone to blame... There are no people guilty of fate... It's just that someone got something... But this one - you got it. 21

The French say: "Be polite to a stranger, he may turn out to be an angel in disguise!" 18

Ask a person: what is happiness? - and you will find out what he misses the most. 22

The right choice in reality does not exist - there is only the choice made and its consequences. 14

We are like pencils in this life: everyone draws their own destiny, just someone breaks, someone blunts, and someone sharpens and moves forward ... 22

The bone of contention is often just a figment of the imagination. 16

Don't fly low, don't disturb the birds. Take care of your loved ones, believe - and forgive! Do not look askance - just straight, boldly! And away from the nose to see the case. Do not be sad a lot, rejoice, live! 14

This is how you think about life, and a crazy thought comes to your mind: Anyone can walk like Christ on water... You walk along our roads... 14

I am not a doctor, not a fabulous healer, but still I can give people advice. Love each other as much as possible. Love is the medicine for our troubles! 16

The past is in the past, the present is in you. The future is not known, but the meaning is in the dream. 14

If you're afraid - don't do it, if you're doing it - don't be afraid, if you've done it - don't be sorry... 21

History repeats itself three times. The first time as a tragedy, and a couple of times - for the stupid. 13

Have you ever seen how children communicate? They get to know each other as if they had known each other for a long time, and say goodbye as if they would never see each other again. We have a lot to learn from them. 18

The only thing that everyone is excellent at is throwing words to the wind. 22

If people could know who thinks about them before going to bed, there would be more happiness in this world. 22

If you have a conscience, then those who do not have one have you. 21

If you don’t know what you feel for a person, close your eyes and imagine: he is not there. Nowhere. There was not and will not be. Then everything will become clear. 19

Before you educate a person in someone else, educate him first in yourself 18

If you see that someone has fallen, pick him up. After all, you yourself are not immune from falls ... 12

No matter how beautiful your words are, you will still be judged only by your actions. 18

A different view of the world - someone enjoys the rain, and someone just gets wet under it 16

It is much more valuable when you are loved than when you have a lot of money. Because when there is no love, there is no happiness, and no amount of money will help you.

Happinnes exists. I even know his name. I know his phone number by heart, I know all his habits, I know the color of his beautiful eyes. His hands are the most tender, and kisses are the most passionate!

You are a bastard and a scoundrel! Nevertheless, I congratulate you, such a scoundrel! I wish you get everything you want. In short, be happy!

Remember what our childhood was like! Previously, all friends were in the yard near the house, but now they are online Vkontakte. And after all, no one had mobile phones, and we always found each other even without them.

It is very easy to be an unsuccessful person, sinning on your difficult fate and claim that you were just unlucky, and life turned out that way. And it is very difficult to admit that all this is the result of elementary laziness and unwillingness to get rid of your envy.

Our thoughts are material. Therefore, others always hear from me only that everything is excellent with me, and I am an absolutely prosperous person.

For a good mood, I need a little: just a gorgeous photo for the Vkontakte avatar, a lot of daily declarations of love, and a chocolate bar.

Each of us is in constant pursuit of happiness. And what is our surprise when it turns out that it, it turns out, has been looming nearby all this time - within easy reach.

Does everyone have it? When mom accidentally breaks dishes, this is a good sign, and when you do, it means that your hands are not in the right place.

Childhood is that happy time when you run out of the toilet at night and rejoice that you have not been eaten.

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and really want to go home in the evening

Noticed? If mom broke the mug, then it's good luck, but if you, then your hands are out of your ass 😀

They lived happily ever after. Until we found out that others live longer and happier ..

I want happiness ... such a small happiness, with tiny arms and legs and with your eyes.

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

- And how much does a person need to be happy? - A lot. A whole other person.

No man is happy until he considers himself happy.

Happy exes do not write ...

She can look into the night sky for a long time... And wait for the star to fall... She believes in miracles and knows that she will definitely be happy...

Loves not the one who swears love to you! And the one that silently makes you happy!

I just believed in a dream... and my dream came true.

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say in a timely manner: "I'm sorry"

I realized: when you are happy, you can’t tell anyone about it ...

Depression is just a period of acute need for happiness

I'm very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And who will spoil my mood - I will throw slippers!

I will be happy... I will be strong... We just have to wait a little...

Before childhood was happier! Friends were not VKontakte online, but on the street! and somehow we found each other without mobile))

Do you want to be happy? Leave the past in the past!

Sometimes, in order to become truly happy, you need to take a step back ... After all, many doors open on themselves.

Draw "happiness" in my heart.

And they lived happily ever after...until they met...

Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy

Damn pride gets in the way of my happiness.

Hey! -Hi. - I saw you recently... I was walking happy like this, with another... - Well, yes, but you decided to come back and ruin everything? -Not. I just saw it with another and somehow it became bad that you were happy ...

Depression is just a period of acute need for happiness...

For happiness, someone lacks a car, money, a view of New York, ... And I just need you ... Just next to me ... And just forever!

In my purse you can find only perfumes with the smell of joy, glitter of the color of the rainbow and Orbit with the taste of happiness ...)

Happiness is not when the ex goes with the girl, but she is terrible. Happiness is when he goes with you and is not at all former.

There must be some kind of happiness blockage in my body. I don’t know how this thing turns off, but it definitely is!

Elena was in her seventh month of happiness.

I want to be happy! And you will help me with this!

To find out what happiness is, you must first do something bad, and then return everything as it was.

To be cruel, to be indifferent to other people, to have no conscience: this is the key to happiness ...

Learn to let go… Happiness will always find its way back.

Expecting happiness is also happiness

Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up from the fact that I stopped hugging him.

Happiness is not when the ex goes with the girl, but she is terrible. Happiness is when he goes with you and is not at all former.

For a horseshoe to bring happiness, you need to nail it to the hoof of a horse and plow, plow, plow.

42 accidents begin with the words: “Look how I can! “The remaining 58 with the words: “Bullshit! Look right!”

Happiness cannot have “experience”…

On the face, a smile. And go baby. They must think you're happy...

Children in the backseat lead to accidents, accidents in the backseat lead to children...

Can I die of happiness right now?

All people bring happiness. Some by their presence, others by their absence.

Oh, baby, you hear, don't go into someone else's happiness. - what? - I say, she removed her hands from my chocolate.

  • I don't care about anyone - I'm happy!
  • If there are demoniac sparks in my eyes, then happiness has come!
  • I have a lollipop in my mouth and I'm happy!
  • When I feel your 36.6 at my side, it makes me incredibly happy!
  • I have no reason to be upset and this is happiness!

Imagine! I see how a star fell in the sky, but I have nothing to think of - I'm happy!

  • I need a lot of people in this world and that makes me happy!
  • Real happiness is to receive a bouquet of flowers every morning from a loved one!
  • You see the sun and walk the earth - this is already happiness!
  • I found my happiness and handcuffed him just in case)
  • My goosebumps from the kiss of my beloved guy is my happiness!
  • I will reveal to everyone my most secret secret - I am happy and do not believe in damage!
  • I eat strawberries from the hands of my beloved in bed and I am the happiest!
  • I am 9 months pregnant and this is super happiness!
  • I did not look out for my happiness from every corner - I created it myself!
  • Happiness is when a little fluffy miracle purrs near your pillow!
  • I may be a fool for boasting, but I'm happy!
  • 100 grams of happiness is a bar of chocolate!
  • Plunge back into the world of childhood with your baby and there is real happiness!
  • Turns out I'm a talented cook! She created a recipe for family happiness)
  • I knit socks for my little daughter and a sweater that my hubby will wear - this is my happiness!

Happiness in a family is when you do not ask yourself who is in charge in it.

  • Family happiness is when you fall asleep so soundly in the arms of your beloved that not a single alarm clock can wake you up in the morning!
  • Happiness when you adjust the blanket for your baby in the crib, and your husband is going to work on tiptoe in the morning so as not to wake you up.
  • I gave birth to a child from a beloved man, for whom I am dearer than life, and now I plunge into this happiness!
  • Family happiness is when you take care of yourself.
  • I have my own house, and it has a wide warm window sill overlooking the bustle of the city and I am happy!
  • Happiness is when there is someone to love.
  • It doesn’t occur to me what to do with myself tomorrow, which means I’m happy!
  • A smile never leaves my lips, and many people ask me one question: “What are you happy about?” - I am glad that I meet the morning dawn in my house, then I go to my favorite job, and on weekends I relax with true friends.
  • When I walk along the sidewalk along the sidewalk along the branded boutiques with the gait of a self-confident woman, and the scent of expensive perfume emanates from me, my hairpins tap the melody of a song about happiness.

For me, amazing doping is when I arrange wholesale shopping)

  • When a loved one gives you white, red or green pebbles, which are measured in two-digit carats, then this is beyond happiness!
  • Women's happiness in an exact copy of the beloved man, whom she herself gave birth to.
  • Happiness never win the lottery - it brings a stork)
  • Holidays in silence and with a view of the sea - this is crazy happiness!
  • My child's eyes glow with happiness and therefore my heart is overwhelmed with sublime feelings!
  • I am a creative person and once I drew my happiness, and now I have found it in my life!
  • I always do what my soul tells me, and I never regret what happened - my happiness does not change me)
  • A happy life is not divided into "before" and "after" - it's one long melody!

When you live and feel like a winged bird - happiness!

You left, I lost my nerve. Done, forgot. You are back. I did not pay attention to you and after your screams I received an SMS that I was a fool. Now I'm fine without you, I'm happy!

It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and throw the unnecessary past out of your head. I forgot you - and again happy!

It's cool to feel a heady feeling of happiness, alcohol is resting!

There is no need to be ashamed of harmful habits, such as passion, smoking, wine. Life is shorter from them, but there are moments of happiness ...

Best Status:
From the truth - I will not refuse, but happiness is preferable to me!

Believe it or not, I'm almost happy. Rare joint photographs remained from the past, and sometimes the habit of speaking in his intonation slips.

Tariff “Personal happiness!” – without limits and limits, join us!

She opened the curtains and released her happiness into the street so that it would become brighter from its radiance.

It doesn't matter if there is a blizzard outside the window, a snowstorm or a blizzard, or rain knocking on the glass with wet snow. I wish that the heart does not worry in the coming year, good luck to you people!

As we go through life, we are constantly evolving and changing. Often these changes of two close people do not coincide in direction. Have a good trip!

He is nobody to me, he just made me happy once

Happiness is when wishes come true before you have time to make them...

And he lived happily ever after ... ..until he went to work

Can I be a little happy today?

Selfishness - when you want her to be with you, and love - when you want her to be happy

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeous!

People are constantly evolving and changing. Often these changes of two close people do not coincide in direction. Have a good trip!

Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?!

Changed .... Change .... And I will change……. Your Life for the Better!

Parting with a loved one is a happy ticket to a new life. Life full of loneliness and sad songs

People say that impudence is the second happiness! And how to live without happiness? - here you have to look

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it ...

You need to go to the dream with someone by the hand.

A small female happiness is worth a huge male effort…..

I'm happy!.. there is a smile and sparkle in the eyes again... only forward!!! Towards happiness...

Nothing-nothing! They don't die of happiness!

Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

Stars twinkle in the sky and you and I are alone. We understand the essence of happiness! Just don't forget it!

... You know, dear? .. and I'm happy ... yes, happy without you ... I'm glad that everything went ...

Beautiful smile, Confident gait, A drop of perfume, Heels and a whisper behind her back: “She is still happy”

Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy

I am happy that every day I see my future more and more clearly ... next to him ...

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...

I don't need gifts for the New Year! Give me the days when I was happy with him

Do not disturb... found happiness...

I just believed in a dream... and my dream came true.

The greatest happiness in the world is the belief that you are loved!

You know, I'm happy ... You call me ... And I will smile and look at your name ... And I will not answer the call ... Suffer, dear, but I have happiness ...

A beautiful smile intrigues, a modest one touches, a kind one pleases, a happy one enchants, a sincere one inspires. The smile does not leave you indifferent. Smile :)

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway

FREE, HAPPY, but for some reason the eyes are still sad

Life is worth seeing in the mirror of a happy person.

“Happiness is in the ability to take revenge,” the cat thought while pissing and focused on the master’s slipper

The candle burned out at night, I sat locked up, It seemed to me that everything passes, That there is no life along the way, But my girlfriend came, And you said, understand ... That everything does not come at once. There will be happiness ahead! :)

Happiness is a small ball, rolling into a corner, hiding its eyes from me, I found tenderness in it, I found love in it, how I love you!

You are my happiness!!! Yep, you…. Yes, yes, the one who looks at this status slightly surprised on the other side of the screen, you are my future and present !!!

Happiness is when you look at the bed and there lies a small miracle and smiles. Children are the greatest happiness that we can have :)

Happiness is not when you have everything, but when you don’t have something, and thank God that you don’t!

For me, Happiness is my family, who will never betray you ... They will support you until death ...

I'll eat candy in the morning - there will be dofig happiness !!!

In childhood, everyone was happy. Where did the ability to rejoice and be happy go?

Happiness comes from nowhere, especially when you don't expect it.

Happiness sparkles in your eyes, A smile plays on your lips. I gently touched you ... What a pity that I woke up again.

I love you, my dear, and I won’t drink anymore, because it’s better to happily sail with you than with a glass of vodka in silence!

Happiness - like a sunbeam - does not tolerate bad weather.

My cat Princess, my happiness, my soul is the most precious thing in my little, fabulous life !!!))

Happiness, happiness, where have you gone from me? You come back to me soon, it will be more fun together!

Happiness is when you are surrounded by love, kindness and beauty...

Today there is happiness, but not tomorrow - the law of life ...

Happiness is me, I will be the sun in my eyes, I will be the sky in my heart and I will never betray!)

Love is different, But not when you do not understand that happiness is an important thing, and it is easy to lose it.

A cute boy, a sunny bunny, he caught happiness and fell in love with me :-)

What a joy to see the enemy biting his elbows from the impossibility of doing anything to me!

Happiness is mommy and daddy sister, for whom I am always dear, unity and unique, these are gentle words, dreams and tenderness!)

Happiness is to wake up at 5 in the morning from the crying of a little peanut, and not at lunchtime from the boring ringing of an alarm clock.

You need to be happy if you want everyone to be annoyed by it, you can believe life will become easier :-)

The main thing in life is happiness, a little one that loves you just for being you!

Happiness is when you have a big family like me, seven children and parents...

Happy people glow from within. They, like fireflies, illuminate everything around them with light.

Happiness is just a moment, but so pleasant.

came home you are not there. You are walking somewhere with someone else. I wish you happiness dear. With that red-haired and lame girl.

I love. I suffer. But I am silent. After all, I don’t want to lose you ... And I’ll tell you quietly. You are happiness in life my boy love the whole dear!

Happiness cannot be expressed in words, it must be felt.

Women's happiness is not in beautiful clothes, and not in cars and resorts, but in the smiles of cute kids, pulling their bathrobe and shouting “Maaaaaaaaaam” to the whole house.

Happiness is children's laughter, happiness is cute eyes, happiness surrounds us all and will never disappear!

Happiness is tenderness collected from all corners of the earth and presented to a small miracle, whose eyes shine from the sun that lives inside !!!)))

Happiness is fast, Runs away, I'll catch it and lock it up now!!!

I always have the sun in my pocket, sparks in my eyes and happiness in my soul.

She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

Happiness is on the side of those who are satisfied with ... themselves.

Happiness is the ability to appreciate what you have, not what you don't have. Woody Allen.

Happiness is the art of not dwelling on problems.

Happiness is a process. When it ends, happiness goes out like a light bulb.

Happy is the one who achieves the goal, and does not receive it as a gift.

Happiness is when you don't have free time to think about the meaning of life.

Happiness is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you like between these events.

Happiness is when you wake up and sleep at the same time.

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.

Happiness is a quiet, continuous enjoyment of little things! Enjoy the little things! They have a wonderful ability to quietly make their way into the soul.

You can sit on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof. It is very easy to be happy. Tove Jansson.

If you want to be happy, be! Nobody minds but you!

You just need to look for a piece of happiness in every day, and then by the end of your life you will be able to collect a complete picture of it.

Do not part with dreams of happiness, without them your life will turn into a dreary existence.

A tiny seed of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness.

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is because they always assume that the past was better than it really was, that the present is worse than it is, and that the future is much more uncertain than it really is.

I do not know what will happen tomorrow. My job is to be Happy today.

Do not chase happiness: it is always in yourself. Pythagoras

Everyone wants to be happy, however, each person has his own answer to the question of what happiness is.

Everyone has their own happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness! Do you think it's spelled wrong? Where did you see perfect happiness?

The world was made for me to purr!

Still, life is beautiful! Just smile and the world will smile at you!

Happy is he who considers himself happy!

Good luck and happiness to you full hands!