Energy and resource saving. The role of energy and resource conservation in the country's energy policy Problems associated with energy and resource conservation significance

The problem of reducing energy costs, the problem of energy saving is becoming more and more urgent in the world aspect. This problem is especially urgent for the Russian economy, since in Russia the energy intensity of industrial production and social services is many times higher than global indicators. This problem is even more aggravated in connection with the constant increase in the cost of energy resources in our country: natural gas, oil products, electricity, etc. In the cost of production in Russia, the share of energy consumption often becomes dominant. In this regard, the competitiveness of domestic products increasingly depends on the economical use of energy resources. The overwhelming majority of energy resources are currently so-called non-renewable energy sources in the form of organic mineral fuels. These are natural gas, oil, coal, peat and other types of fuels.

The use of these fuels as energy sources also leads to significant emissions of both greenhouse gases and harmful substances (dust, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, etc.). Therefore, the problem of energy conservation is closely related to the solution of a number of important environmental problems, including global ones.

When solving energy conservation problems, it is important to determine the main strategic approaches and methods rational use energy resources, which can be both common to the entire economy, and specific to individual industries, Agriculture and the social sphere. Among these most common approaches in the energy saving strategy, one could name the use of resource-saving technologies in the field of energy technology facilities, the use of mathematical modeling and optimization methods in the design and reconstruction of enterprises in various industries, the replacement of expensive energy-intensive types of energy carriers, such as electricity, coke with cheaper ones, in particular, for natural gas, the increasingly widespread use of renewable energy sources - wind, sun, biomass, etc.

Despite the available literature on the problems of energy conservation, including published periodicals, the coverage of these issues remains insufficient. This makes it difficult both to make informed decisions in the field of energy conservation and to provide appropriate staff support.

It is necessary to study a block of issues related to the legislative framework in energy saving, standards, licensing, certification, energy audit, rationing and tariff setting for energy carriers.

The course of the discipline "Energy and Resource Saving" reflects the main directions of saving energy resources in fuel and electricity consuming installations. Considerable attention is paid to highlighting the theoretical basis of energy conservation, directly related to the rational use of energy resources - a generalized theory of the efficiency of heat and mass transfer processes and modern methods mathematical modeling of these processes.

In the course of lectures, special attention is paid to issues related to the determination of the energy intensity of products, with the assessment of the main factors of energy intensity, which is especially important for solving the problems of reducing energy consumption in our country and approaching the world level.

Recommendations on energy saving in various spheres of the national economy - in industry, agriculture and communal services - are also presented in full and at a fairly modern level.

V educational process focuses on precisely Russian problems energy savings, which are often sharper and more pressing than those in the West.

It can be assumed that the presented lecture notes on the completeness of coverage and significance of the problems will noticeably fill the gap that currently exists in the field of literature on energy and resource conservation. The abstract can be used to solve urgent problems of rational use and saving energy resources, as well as to improve the qualifications of specialists in the field of energy saving.

One of the features modern life in Russia, this is the formation of a certain system and structure for the rational supply and consumption of energy, which can also be called the problem of energy conservation. This problem has always existed, but over the decades it has remained proactive and periodically directive. The situation is currently changing radically.

State Duma on March 13, 1996 adopted the federal law N228-F3 "On Energy Saving", which aims to regulate relations arising in the process of activities in the field of energy saving, in order to create economic and organizational conditions for the efficient use of energy resources.

The experience of mastering market relations in the last decade has shown that Russia was not ready in terms of its energy efficiency indicators to be a worthy competitor in the single world economic space.

In this regard, the problem of energy saving has become acutely relevant in various industries industry - determining to a large extent both the competitiveness of our products and the stability of the entire economy.

Life forces us to live by the rule - to spend as little energy as possible, using it rationally and efficiently.

Per last years a large number of various normative acts, directly or indirectly related to energy saving, have been adopted, a certain experience has been accumulated, and several specific directions have been developed for the formation of energy saving policy at the regional level.

All this requires the training of highly qualified specialists in energy conservation, knowledgeable of the legislative and regulatory provisions for the rational use of energy, and who are able to offer specific recommendations in practice.

In our opinion, the task of rational and efficient use of energy resources should ultimately become one of the national ideas, which has not only technical, economic, but also political significance.

Thus, the ever-increasing attention to the problems of energy saving makes it necessary to study the means and methods for solving this problem, ensuring the study of the effectiveness of the measures taken, their justified choice, a scientific approach to the analysis and optimization of the decisions made.

So scientific approach is the theory of heat and mass transfer efficiency of energy technological processes, including the analysis of organically combined thermal and physicochemical (mass transfer) processes based on thermodynamic approaches.

For several decades, our country has occupied a leading place in the world in terms of creating and applying mathematical models of heat and mass transfer processes.

At present, the development of methods for assessing the energy intensity of products and the analysis of its reduction are especially important. In particular, Russian scientists for the first time proposed an end-to-end (complete) energy analysis within the framework of the developed dissipation method, which ends not only with the assessment of the energy intensity of the product, but, in accordance with the theory of heat and mass transfer, with the determination of the global energy efficiency. energy technological processes.

Increasing attention is being paid to these problems abroad as well. This is evidenced by the great success of the so-called pinch technology developed in Manchester under the guidance of Professor B. Linnhof, aimed at optimal construction complex systems heat transfer. This system is widely implemented in the industry of a number of countries. Despite the fact that this technique often has serious disadvantages associated with the accuracy of the solution.

The urgency of the problem is also indicated by the annual international conferences ECOS series, regular international round tables, World Energy Congress in Las Vegas and so on. The exergy method for analyzing energy losses and other methods based on the second law of thermodynamics are also widely used. These methods will also receive some emphasis in the learning process.

This course organically combines the presentation of normative materials, theoretical approaches and specific recommendations for energy saving in individual industries and communal services... It should nevertheless be noted that it is practically impossible to answer all questions concerning specific objects and processes of industrial production in this course, therefore a number of questions are submitted for independent study. Selected areas production activities we will describe rather schematically. But at the same time, the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe common approaches to energy saving on the basis of the theory of energy and exergy analysis, on the basis of the theory of generalized efficiencies of heat and mass transfer processes, we will try to consider in more detail.

Of the latest domestic publications dealing with energy conservation in industry with a large number of reference materials, it should be noted that V.G. Lisienko, G. Ya. Vagina, L.V. Dudnikova, E.A. Zenyutich and others. These materials are of great interest in the field of industry.

All materials presented in the course are closely linked by a single ideology and are inseparable in their content. Great attention given consideration strategic issues energy consumption, legal framework, energy audit methods, heat and mass transfer and energy analysis, modeling and calculation of heat and mass transfer processes and evaluation of efficiency indicators.

St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics

Murmansk Institute of Economics

Extramural studies

Faculty of Economics and Finance

Specialty Finance and Credit


by discipline Economic fundamentals technological development

Centrally supplied energy prices are constantly rising. In the cost of the final product industrial enterprises the share of costs for heat and electric energy is high (one and a half - two times higher than in industrial developed countries), which negatively affects the competitiveness of goods and equipment produced in domestic production. Effective energy saving can significantly reduce the cost of production and, as a result, increase its competitiveness in the markets.

But it should be noted that energy-saving technologies are rather poorly applied by the enterprises of our country. Meanwhile, here is hiding effective tool to improve the efficiency of any enterprise, which can be used to increase the volume of working capital and reduce production costs, thus freeing up additional funds that can be invested in the development of the company. After all, the crisis itself is on manufacturing enterprises, which began long before the current economic crisis, is, among others, associated with the fact that energy conservation at most industrial enterprises is not given due attention. The main reason for this is, in addition to the general technical condition and low energy efficiency of the equipment existing at the enterprises, the fact that the majority of industrial enterprises were designed and built with the expectation of using practically free electric and thermal energy, which actually took place during the times of central planning. economy of the USSR. But the market economy dictates its own conditions, and the reduction in the cost of production of an enterprise directly depends on its energy efficiency.

There are a wide variety of methods to improve the rational use of available energy resources and capacities. And the sooner the company starts to implement energy-saving technologies, the sooner it will feel the positive effect of these measures, which will be expressed in specific financial indicators.

On 23.11.2009, Federal Law No. 261-FZ of 23.11.2009 was adopted. "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation". The law sets tasks for the implementation of measures aimed at reducing energy costs, namely:

From January 1, 2010 state-financed organization is obliged to ensure a reduction in comparable conditions of the volume of water, natural gas, fuel oil, diesel and other fuel, thermal energy, electric energy consumed by him within five years by at least fifteen percent of the volume actually consumed by him in 2009, each of the specified resources with an annual decrease in such volume by at least three percent;

Until January 01, 2011, the owners of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities during the operation of which energy resources are used must complete equipping such facilities with metering devices for used water, natural gas, heat energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation;

Until May 15, 2010, organizations with the participation of the state, incl. state and municipal institutions are obliged to adopt energy saving and energy efficiency programs;

Organizations with state participation, incl. state and municipal institutions are obliged to organize and conduct the first energy survey by December 31, 2012, subsequent energy audits - at least once every five years


3.Heat saving

Russian manufacturers thermal insulation materials were concerned about the losses incurred by the economy due to the unsatisfactory condition of heating networks and structures of heated buildings. A collective appeal of market participants was prepared to the address of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, in which they outlined their vision of solving the problem of energy conservation in Russia (July 2008).

The facts cited in the appeal speak, in particular, of the need to take urgent measures aimed at increasing the energy and environmental efficiency of construction and utilities. Energy losses in Russia account for up to 40% of the total consumption, or 400 million tons of fuel equivalent per year. This figure is comparable to the volume of all oil exported from Russia or the output of 100 large thermal power plants. At the same time, according to statistics, heating one square meter in our country requires 5 times more fuel than in Sweden, a country with cold climatic conditions. For this reason, in June 2008, at a meeting on improving the environmental and energy efficiency of the economy, Dmitry Medvedev himself called Russia the world leader in energy losses and set the task within the framework of Strategy 2020 to halve the energy intensity of the economy.

According to the authors of the letter, according to the estimates of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Building Sciences, up to 45% of the total of used heat in Russia is consumed by buildings. Moreover, only 10% of them meet modern requirements for thermal insulation, and the total economic effect from their operation in 2007 was equivalent to 12 million tons of fuel equivalent. Estimates show that savings financial resources for the maintenance of energy efficient buildings is from 20 to 80% of all operating costs.

According to manufacturers, the use of high-quality thermal insulation in the construction of new buildings, as well as in the reconstruction of existing buildings, in addition to saving energy, increases the capitalization of the economy as a whole.

4. Resource saving in everyday life

Everywhere in residential buildings in vestibules, on staircases and staircases, in apartment areas, lamps work from 12 to 24 hours a day. And how much time do people spend in these rooms, who, in fact, need lighting? Not much, obviously.

Energy saving measures are to use energy-saving lamps and switches when lighting is guaranteed to be supplied to Right place and at the right time in full, maximally satisfying the requirements of comfort and safety in accordance with all available regulatory documents and practical requirements. The devices effectively “predict” the appearance of a person by voice, noise of footsteps, turning a key, opening a door, knocking, etc. A person always enters an already lit room.

Special fuel pellets, energy-saving lamps, smart homes, bioenergy, solar panels and wind turbines are all from a series of energy efficient alternatives. True, experts call for a more sensible attitude to modernization, because any re-equipment requires considerable investments. And therefore, it is important to always calculate the expected effect, and only then introduce innovations.
Scientists propose whole line interesting techniques, including the use of stone heat accumulators built into the walls of buildings. They not only retain heat, but also redistribute it, as a result, part of the peak load is transferred to nighttime and provides tangible savings.

Pumps can be used to redistribute warm air from more heated bodies to less heated ones. Within this foreign methodology it is proposed to replace central heating with autonomous, apartment-based heating.

It is proposed and new way transmission of electricity over a single-wire line using a voltage converter.

Our scientists have developed quite competitive equipment for non-contact diagnostics engineering networks, including pyrometers and thermal imagers. These devices are able to determine the place of heat leakage, water leakage, pipe or cable damage in a few minutes. At the same time, there is no need to dig up the territory in search of an emergency site.
More recently, the specialists of the State Unitary Enterprise “NII Mosstroy” have put into operation a unique climatic chamber for carrying out complex tests of external fences of building structures. It allows you to check their heat-shielding properties by testing life-size fragments of external walls.


To meet the growing energy needs of the economy, there is a continuous search for alternative energy sources - such as hydro, solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc.

At the same time, new energy-saving technologies are being developed.

Technologies that make it possible to practically use new - alternative renewable ones - appeared in the 1970s, during the oil crisis.

The idea of ​​using solar energy appeared a long time ago, but only during the years of the crisis were devices created that made it possible to bring it to life. The main obstacle is the cost of the device. However, for rural areas this is an excellent solution to the problem as eliminates the need for power cables.

Today, solar energy technology is developing rapidly. Here's an example. In 2007, a solar power plant was launched near Seville, Spain, providing electricity to 6,000 homes. This is not the first station of its kind, nor the last. By 2013, it is planned to build a network of such power plants, while generating 300 MW and thus providing about 200,000 homes.

Serious interest in large wind turbine generators also emerged in the 1970s. Among the main countries using wind energy today are Germany, USA, Denmark, Spain, India, China.Vehicle, are backbone for the entire world economy. Military equipment, transport, thermal power plants, equipment in factories, heating systems - all this is in modern society it runs largely on oil and gas. Refusal from petroleum products requires breaking up the industrial structure of states, which is one of the main, if not the main, brake on the development of alternative energy sources.

However, problems with hydrocarbon fuels constantly force us to address this problem. So, cars running on hydrogen, biofuel, electric cars are no longer a rarity.

New ideas for the use of alternative energy sources are continually proposed and developed, they are "in the air".

Humanity is mobilizing and is approaching a solution to the problem of creating and industrial use of new energy and resource saving technologies.

List of sources used

Resource saving is a decrease in the material consumption of a unit of production, an increase in the output of the final product, and a reduction in losses in the production process by applying the latest technology and technology.

The Republic of Belarus has an interstate standard developed by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 111.

This standard is fundamental and establishes the goal, objectives, objects, basic principles, terms and classification of groups of requirements for the rational use and economical use of material resources at all stages of the life cycle of substances, materials, products, products when carrying out work and providing services to legal entities and individuals.

The purpose of standardization in the field of resource conservation is to create organizational, methodological and regulatory framework, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the state technical policy aimed at reducing the resource intensity of the income received without deteriorating the conditions for the country's economic development with the unconditional provision of high consumer properties of products.

Resource saving requirements are divided into three groups:

- resource content requirements that determine the perfection of processes, products, works and services, for example, in terms of the composition and quantity of materials used, weight, dimensions, volume of the product;

- requirements for resource intensity (in terms of manufacturability), which determine the possibility of achieving optimal resource consumption in the manufacture, repair and disposal of products, as well as the performance of various works and the provision of services, taking into account the requirements of environmental safety;

- the requirements for resource efficiency of the product, which determine the possibility of achieving optimal resource consumption during the operation, repair and disposal of products, as well as during the performance of work and the provision of services.

These groups of requirements are interrelated when:

- product development, planning of works and services (establish design requirements for resource content and resource efficiency, recommendations for resource intensity);

- manufacture of products, performance of work and provision of services (they establish refined (control) requirements for resource intensity (for manufacturability));

- operation of products and performance of work and provision of services (they establish refined (control) requirements for resource efficiency and resource intensity));

- disposal of products (set the requirements for resource intensity and resource efficiency).

In progress economic activity the resources of the enterprise occupy one of the central places, therefore, the issue of resource conservation and determination of the optimal ratio of resources at the enterprise is very relevant at the present time. The financial policy in the field of resources is aimed at influencing the long-term state of the enterprise, as well as determining its current state. It dictates the trends of economic development, the promising level of scientific and technological progress, the state of the production capacity of the enterprise.

The relevance of this topic, among other things, lies in the fact that in the process of economic activity, almost all Belarusian enterprises are faced with the problem of lack of resources to ensure normal operation.

The production of various goods and all economic activities are based on the use of various economic resources. Economic resources are understood as all types of resources used in the process of goods and services. The resources of the enterprise include:

- land ( Natural resources) - the capital of the enterprise;

- human resources;

- entrepreneurial ability.

The earth - firstly, it is generally any place where a person is: he lives, works, rests, has fun, etc. Secondly, industrial and other enterprises are also located on the ground as on the territory. Thirdly, the land, which has biological properties of fertility, serves as an object of agriculture and forestry. Fourthly, it is also a source of minerals, water and other resources. Speaking about land as a factor of production, economic theory takes into account all the functions of natural factors in the economy.

Fixed assets are a part of production assets, which is materially embodied in the means of labor, retains its natural form for a long time, transfers the cost of production in parts and is reimbursed only after several production cycles.

Depending on the purpose, fixed assets are divided into:

- fixed production assets;

- fixed non-productive assets.

The main production facilities include funds that are directly involved in the production process or create conditions for the production process (production buildings, pipelines, etc.)

Basic non-production assets are household and cultural facilities, medical institutions, etc.

Working capital is a set of funds advanced to create working capital production assets and circulation funds, providing a continuous circulation of funds.

Further, it should be noted that circulating production assets include items of labor (raw materials, basic materials and semi-finished products, auxiliary materials, fuel, containers, spare parts, labor tools with a service life of no more than 1 year or a cost of no more than fifty times the established minimum wage in month (IBE and tools), work in progress and prepaid expenses.

Circulation funds include the enterprise's funds invested in stocks of finished products, goods shipped but unpaid, as well as funds in settlements and cash on hand and on accounts.

Revolving production assets enter production in their natural form and are wholly consumed in the manufacturing process. They transfer their value to the product they create.

Working capital ensure the continuity of production and sales of products.

Circulation funds associated with servicing the process of goods circulation. They do not participate in the formation of value, but are its carriers. After the manufacture of products and their sale, the cost of working capital is reimbursed as part of the proceeds from the sale of products, which creates the possibility of a systematic renewal of the production process. It is carried out through the continuous circulation of funds of the enterprise.

In its movement, circulating assets go through three successive stages: monetary, production and commodity.

The efficient use of resources largely depends on the principles of organizing production. So rhythm, coherence and high performance depends on the optimal size of working capital. Therefore, the process of rationing of circulating assets, which refers to the current financial planning at the enterprise, is of great importance. For the formation of working capital, the company uses its own and equivalent funds, as well as borrowed and borrowed liabilities. The sources of the formation of working capital can be: profit, loans, share (authorized) capital, shares, budget funds, redistributed resources, accounts payable, etc.

Financial resources are funds at the disposal of the enterprise and intended for the implementation of current costs for expanded reproduction to fulfill financial obligations and economic incentives for workers. Financial resources are also directed to the maintenance and development of non-production facilities, consumption, accumulation in special reserve funds, etc.

The formation of financial resources occurs at the expense of a number of sources. The initial formation of financial resources occurs at the time of the establishment of the enterprise, when the authorized capital is formed. Basically, financial resources are formed at the expense of profit, as well as the sources listed in the above scheme. Personnel or labor resources of an enterprise - a set of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. Labor resources set in motion the material elements of production, create a product, value and surplus product in the form of profit.

The difference between this type of resources from others is that each employee can refuse the proposed conditions and demand changes in working conditions, retraining in other professions, can quit the enterprise according to on their own... The personnel structure of the enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics, which can be changed with a lesser or greater degree of reliability and are reflected by the following absolute and relative indicators:

- payroll and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and its internal divisions of certain categories and groups on a certain date;

- the average number of employees of the enterprise and its internal divisions for a certain period;

- the proportion of employees of individual departments in the total number of employees of the enterprise;

- the rate of growth (gain) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;

- the average category of workers of the enterprise;

- the proportion of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and employees of the enterprise;

- the average length of service in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;

- turnover of personnel for the hiring and dismissal of employees;

- capital-labor ratio of workers and workers at the enterprise, etc.

The combination of the above and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the personnel of the enterprise and the trends in their change for the purposes of personnel management, including planning, analysis and development of measures to improve the efficiency of using the labor resources of the enterprise.

The efficiency of using the labor resources of an enterprise characterizes labor productivity, which is determined by the amount of products produced per unit of working time, or labor costs per unit of products produced or work performed.

In a modern market economy and fierce competition, in a transitional period, the question of saving and rational use of resources has become quite relevant.

In the last decade, the problem of saving resources at the enterprise has become especially acute. It is necessary to carry out technical re-equipment or reconstruction of existing enterprises - to transfer them to resource-saving technologies.

Resource saving is a set of measures for the economical and efficient use of all factors of production, the common property of which is the potential for their participation in production (production resources) and consumption (consumer resources). Resource saving means the use of all types of resources (material, labor, natural, financial and others) to solve the problems of economic and social development. Since the needs of people and society are growing rapidly, and resources are limited and scarce, the role of resource conservation in solving the fundamental triune problem: what, how, for whom to produce is increasing. Resource saving covers not only factors of production, but also products, since the products of one industry are consumed in another, associated with it by the social division of labor.

Resource saving provides for meeting the needs of the national economy in their growth, mainly through savings. This is achieved through the integrated use of resources, elimination of losses during production, transportation and storage, reduction of waste during processing, wider involvement of secondary resources and by-products in the economic circulation, by capturing valuable products from waste gases and water drains, waste disposal, etc. should be provided at all stages of production: during extraction, transportation, storage, loading and unloading, cutting, processing, etc.

Resource conservation is an important characteristic of the quality of equipment and technology. A technique is considered resource-saving if it requires less resources for manufacturing and operation. Resource-saving technology is a low-waste or non-waste technology. The need for resource conservation is caused by the shortage of many types of resources, the depletion of their reserves in nature, a significant rise in the cost of extraction and other factors.

In connection with the transition to an intensive resource-saving type of economic growth based on the use of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, a decrease in the capital intensity and material consumption of products, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in technical and economic indicators and product quality, the possibilities of resource conservation are increasing. Scientific and technical progress is of great importance in solving the problem of resource conservation.

In order to strengthen the economic security of the state, on June 14, 2007, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Directive No. 3 "Economy and thrift are the main factors of the economic security of the state."

State regulation in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency is carried out by establishing:

- turnover requirements individual goods, the functional purpose of which involves the use of energy resources;

- bans or restrictions on the production and circulation of goods with low energy efficiency in the Republic of Belarus, provided that there are in circulation or introduction into circulation of goods similar in terms of use and with high energy efficiency in quantities that meet the demand of consumers;

- responsibilities for accounting of used energy resources;

- requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures;

- the obligation to conduct a compulsory energy survey;

- requirements for the energy passport;

- the obligation to carry out energy saving and energy efficiency measures in relation to the common property of the owners of premises in apartment building;

- requirements for the energy efficiency of goods, works, services, the placement of orders for which is carried out for state or municipal needs;

- requirements for regional, municipal programs in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency;

- requirements for programs in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement of organizations with the participation of the state or city education and organizations carrying out regulated activities;

- the foundations of the functioning of the state information system in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency;

- obligations to disseminate information in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency;

- implementation responsibilities information programs and educational programs in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency.

Energy saving (energy saving) is the implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, industrial, technical and economic measures aimed at the efficient (rational) use (and economical use) of fuel and energy resources and the involvement of renewable energy sources in the economic turnover. Energy saving. Energy conservation is an important task for the preservation of natural resources.

The effects of energy saving measures can be divided into several groups:

- economic effects for consumers (reduction in the cost of purchased energy resources);

- the effects of increasing competitiveness (reducing energy consumption per unit of manufactured products, energy efficiency of manufactured products when using them);

- effects for the electric, heat, gas network (reduction of peak loads, minimization of investments in network expansion);

- environmental effects;

- related effects (attention to the problems of energy saving leads to an increase in concern about the problems of the overall efficiency of the system - technology, organization, logistics in production, the system of relationships, payments and responsibility in housing and communal services, attitudes towards the household budget among citizens).

Increasing the energy intensity of production, the number of equipment involved in production processes, as well as constant growth energy prices are a significant factor, increasing the importance of the issue of energy savings. There are no universal ways to save energy at the moment, but methods, technologies and devices have been developed that help bring energy saving to a qualitatively new level.

The issue of energy saving is multifaceted and a strategic approach is needed in order to use all production capacities as efficiently as possible at the lowest possible energy costs. The energy saving approach is based on the use of energy-saving technologies that are designed to reduce energy losses. There are many devices that allow you to reduce losses during the operation of equipment, the main of which are capacitor banks and variable frequency drives, during the operation of various household lighting devices and security alarm devices, timer-type devices that automatically turn off various electrical installations during interruptions in operation and quickly turn them on at the right time.

It is especially important to use energy-saving equipment at heavy industry enterprises and at large industrial complexes, where irrational consumption of electricity leads to huge financial losses. It is also reasonable to use energy-saving technologies in terms of improving the quality of electricity, which has a positive effect on the quality of equipment operation and its service life.

A scientifically based analysis of the entire sequence of energy transformations in industry is essential for successful holding active energy saving policy.

This analysis should start from primary energy resources and raw materials, and end at the stage of secondary resources and waste, taking into account their environmental impacts.

Much attention recently paid to energy and resource conservation is caused, first of all, by the fact that the problems associated with limited natural resources have emerged. In addition, the unevenness of the location of fuel and energy resources in different regions, the depletion of the richest fuel deposits, and a general increase in prices on the world fuel market are of importance.

On average in our country, the energy saving potential is 30-35% of consumption different types energy, and the cost of any energy-saving measure is 2-3 times less than for the extraction and production of energy resources. This explains the urgency of the problem of energy and resource conservation.

Energy and resource saving is the possibility of obtaining an additional effect due to a more complete use of the original product. It can help to increase output, improve its quality, and improve working conditions. Energy conservation should be the backbone of energy generation, transmission and use. The most technically challenging is energy saving when generating energy, because requires the creation of special energy-saving technologies and equipment.

The possibility and efficiency of using energy and resource saving measures is determined based on the results integrated analysis technical systems.

V modern technology an important place is occupied by objects and schemes, the creation and improvement of which requires the use of thermodynamic research methods.

In thermodynamics, two approaches are used to study energy transformations in technical systems.

The first approach is related to different methods using forward and backward loops. These methods allow, on the basis of the balance of the system in which the cycle occurs, to calculate the energy conversion coefficients characterizing it (thermal efficiency, refrigeration or heat coefficients, etc.) and compare them with the coefficients of the corresponding ideal cycles or Carnot cycle. The comparison of the cycles also allows you to imagine the direction in which you need to change the shape of the cycle in order to increase its energy efficiency.

A significant disadvantage of these methods is that each time the appropriate cycle must be selected specifically for a given case.

The second approach is based on the use of thermodynamic potentials to analyze the processes of energy conversion into different systems... Applying the concept of potential, it is possible to assess the performance of matter and energy at any point of the system under consideration, regardless of its type, structure and complexity.

To solve the problem of using potentials in relation to the analysis of technical systems, it is necessary to have thermodynamic functions that would unambiguously characterize the operability, the energetic value of matter and energy flows under given external conditions.

For technical applications of thermodynamics, not only the parameters of the processes inside the system are important, but also the results of the interaction of energy flows and working bodies with its external environment.

Finding thermodynamic potentials in the general case should be carried out with respect to the equilibrium part surrounding system- the environment, which plays the role of a reference level for all potentials. The equilibrium part of the environment can be the atmosphere, sea water, soil, outer space.

Accordingly, the thermodynamic functions intended for the analysis under the given conditions must include, along with the parameters of the working fluid or the energy flow, the parameters of the equilibrium environment. Then these functions can play the role of potentials, allowing in any case to determine the energy resources of the system or its parts, suitable for obtaining work in the given environmental conditions.

The quantity that determines the suitability for action (working capacity) of the resources of matter and energy was called exergy, and the functions that determine its value were called exergy functions.

The concept of "working capacity" and "exergy method of analysis" were first mentioned in the literature back in 1870, and only starting from the 50s of the last century in thermodynamics a special section related to the concept of exergy emerged as an independent direction.

In contrast to the concept of energy associated with the fundamental properties of matter, the concept of exergy is private, characterizing one of the sides of energy - its convertibility, suitability in given environmental conditions, the parameters of which do not depend on the impact of the system under consideration. Exergy allows solving a wide range of technical and technical and economic problems on the basis of a single, logically consistently constructed method of thermodynamic analysis.

Thermodynamic analysis of technical systems, as objects, is a method of thermodynamic study of systems both as a whole and by dividing them into their component parts in order to obtain the most complete information about the energy conversion processes occurring in such systems.

Technical systems for which it is advisable to conduct thermodynamic analysis have the following features:

1. These are systems in which energy transformations are studied by means of the second law of thermodynamics, i.e., are characterized by entropy. Technical systems such as mechanical, electromechanical and electrical are not studied by the methods of thermodynamic analysis.

2. The action of technical systems should take place in conditions of interaction with an equilibrium environment, the parameters of which (composition, temperature, pressure) do not depend on the action of the system. At the same time, these parameters have a decisive influence on the characteristics of the system.

The thermodynamic parameters of the system required for the analysis are obtained either experimentally or by calculation. The minimum number of these parameters should be such that material, energy and exergy balances can be drawn up for the system under study and any part of it being analyzed. The last type of balance is based on the first two.

The method of thermodynamic analysis is ultimately reduced to operations carried out in 2 stages:

- by logical abstraction, depending on the goals of the study, for analysis, any part is isolated that includes an element or a group of elements of the system under consideration, and the corresponding exergy balances are drawn up;

- for each analyzed part of the system as a whole, on the basis of exergy balances, thermodynamic characteristics of two types are compiled - absolute and relative. The former give the values ​​of exergy of various types at the input (flow rate) and at the output (productivity), as well as the values ​​of losses; the latter show the degree of thermodynamic perfection (efficiency of all types) and the relative values ​​of this part in the entire system.

To find the listed characteristics, a complex of both analytical and graphical techniques has been developed, which constitute the main part of the analysis technique.

The results of the performed analysis can be used not only to characterize the energy transformations of the system, but also in at least two directions:

The first is based on the fact that thermodynamic analysis is directly related to synthesis. The methods of thermodynamic analysis make it possible to solve some problems, including elements of the synthesis of new processes, as well as thermodynamic optimization;

The second is based on the fact that between thermodynamic and economic values there are certain objective connections. These connections are complex. In particular, the economic optimum, as a rule, does not coincide with the thermodynamic optimum. The best setting is not always the one that is thermodynamically most perfect.

In general, the relationship between thermodynamic and economic characteristics can be used to solve complex technical and economic problems.

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Resource-saving technologies


1. Basic concepts of resources, resource-saving technologies

2. Energy saving

3. Heat saving

4. Resource saving in everyday life


List of sources used


In the process of economic activity, the resources of the enterprise occupy one of the central places, therefore, the issue of resource conservation and determination of the optimal ratio of resources at the enterprise is very relevant at the present time. The financial policy in the field of resources is aimed at influencing the long-term state of the enterprise, as well as determining its current state. She dictates trends economic development, the promising level of scientific and technological progress, the state of the production facilities of the enterprise.

Scientific and technological progress is continuous process discovery of new knowledge and their application in social production, allowing in a new way to combine and combine existing resources in the interests of increasing the output of high-quality end products at the lowest cost.

In a broad sense, at any level - from the firm to the national economy - scientific and technological progress means the creation and implementation of new technology, technologies, materials, the use of new types of energy, as well as the emergence of previously unknown methods of organizing and managing production.

The introduction of new equipment and technology is a very complex and contradictory process. It is generally accepted that improvement technical means reduces labor costs, the share of labor in the cost of a unit of production. However, at present, technical progress is "becoming more expensive", since it requires the creation and use of more and more expensive machine tools, lines, robots, computer controls; increased costs for environmental protection. All this reflects an increase in the share of depreciation and maintenance costs of the fixed assets used in the cost of production. Nevertheless, the competitiveness of a firm or enterprise, their ability to stay on the market for goods and services depends, first of all, on the receptivity of manufacturers of goods to new equipment and technology, which allows to ensure the production and sale of high-quality goods with the most efficient use of material resources.

Therefore, when choosing options for equipment and technology, a firm or an enterprise must clearly understand for the solution of what tasks - strategic or tactical - the acquired and introduced equipment is intended.

The role of science in the development of modern social production grows so much that it is increasingly considered a productive force. This happens when science is isolated into an independent sphere of activity with a special professional composition of workers, with its own specific material and technical base and end products.

The scientific and technological potential of a country largely determines the scientific and production potential of its national firms and enterprises, their ability to ensure a high level and pace of scientific and technological progress, and their "survival" in a competitive environment. The scientific and technical potential of the country is created both by the efforts of national scientific and technical organizations, and by the use of world achievements in science and technology.

1. Basic concepts of resources, resource-saving technologies

Resources are natural or man-made values ​​that are designed to meet production and non-production needs.

Rresource saving- a set of measures for the thrifty and efficient use of the facts of production (capital, land, labor).

Provided through the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies; reducing the capital intensity and material consumption of products; increasing labor productivity; reducing the cost of living and materialized labor; improving product quality; rational use of the labor of managers and marketers; take advantage of international division labor, etc. Contributes to the growth of the efficiency of the economy, increasing its competitiveness.

Resource-saving technologies- technologies that ensure the production of products with the minimum possible consumption of fuel and other energy sources, as well as raw materials, materials, air, water and other resources for technological purposes.

Resource-saving technologies include the use of secondary resources, waste disposal, as well as energy recovery, a closed water supply system, etc. They allow you to save natural resources and avoid environmental pollution.

Today, resource conservation is one of the main tasks in the development of new technologies and the development of any production. According to forecasts of the 80s, for example, all gold and silver should have been exhausted in 20-30 years, i.e. at the very beginning of this century. It is unlikely that the noted is associated with the mistakes of futurologists. Obviously, humanity does not stand still: new places of occurrence of minerals are found, new ways of their extraction and use - on the one hand, on the other - new materials are being created and resource-saving technologies are being developed.

2. Energy saving

The total value of fixed assets in the energy industries (including pipeline systems) exceeds 25% of the assets of the global economy. For example, one third of the capacity of the entire energy sector and one fourth of the entire raw material base of the chemical industry is based on oil.

Meanwhile, the long-term "energy race" has led to real threats to nature and climate. About global warming caused, according to experts, in the first place environmental impact extraction, processing and use of energy raw materials, a lot has been said recently.

Large volumes of combustion of oil, gas, coal and shale during their extraction and processing, the constantly growing scale of the use of products from the processing of primary energy raw materials cause complex damage to the environment and provoke global and irreversible natural and climatic changes. And therefore, the issues of development and rapid implementation of nature and resource-saving energy technologies in our time are more relevant than ever.

The total world consumption of energy resources from 1980 to 2008 inclusive, according to estimates by the Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the International Energy Agency, increased by almost half. According to forecasts, by 2030 it will increase by another 65-70%. Moreover, countries with emerging market economies (primarily China, India, Russia, Brazil and Mexico) are increasing their energy consumption most rapidly. But for more than a decade, its integrated efficiency, that is, the total volume of losses of energy products during the extraction, use and pollution of the biosphere per unit of consumed energy raw materials, is minimal in these countries. In any case, the integrated energy efficiency in industrialized countries ( South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei) - three times more than in Russia, India and China. In addition, the same three countries lag significantly behind not only industrially developed but also many developing countries in terms of the rate of introduction of nature- and resource-saving technologies in the energy sector and related industries. Including from Brazil, which in the mid-1970s established industrial production alternative fuels from vegetable raw materials.

Note that Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves, production and export of energy resources, primarily oil and gas. And in a situation where the efficiency of energy use and energy consumption remains low, the higher the level of production and consumption of these resources, the greater the amount of damage to the biosphere. At least the Russian one. There are imbalances in the very structure of production and consumption of energy products. According to the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the share of gas (over 50%) in the country's fuel and energy balance (FEB) is much higher than the share of oil (21%) and coal (about 15%). This is due to the geography of the location of the reserves of fossil energy resources and the pipeline system of the country.

But this situation poses serious risks to the energy security of the state, since the TEB's focus mainly on gas (along with the dangers of disruptions in gas supply due to, for example, the ultra-long length of pipelines) actually preserves geological exploration and the complex use of other types of energy resources (both fossil and renewable ).

Energy saving today is one of the priority areas of politics and companies that are focused on dynamic development, both in terms of reducing costs for own production main products, and in accordance with the general direction of government programs aimed at reducing the load on generating facilities. Energy saving is one of the most important tasks for any enterprise, which is especially acute for enterprises now, during the economic crisis.

Centrally supplied energy prices are constantly rising. The cost of the final products of industrial enterprises has a high share of costs for heat and electric energy (one and a half to two times higher than in industrialized countries), which negatively affects the competitiveness of goods and equipment produced in domestic production. Effective energy saving can significantly reduce the cost of production and, as a result, increase its competitiveness in the markets.

But it should be noted that energy-saving technologies are rather poorly applied by the enterprises of our country. Meanwhile, there is an effective tool to improve the efficiency of any enterprise, which can be used to increase the volume of working capital and reduce production costs, thus freeing up additional funds that can be invested in the development of the company. Indeed, the crisis itself at industrial enterprises, which began long before the current economic crisis, is, among others, connected with the fact that energy saving is not given due attention at most industrial enterprises.

The main reason for this is, in addition to the general technical condition and low energy efficiency of the equipment existing at the enterprises, the fact that the majority of industrial enterprises were designed and built with the expectation of using practically free electric and thermal energy, which actually took place during the times of central planning. economy of the USSR.

But market economy dictates its own terms, and reducing the cost of production of an enterprise directly depends on its energy efficiency. There are a wide variety of methods to improve the rational use of available energy resources and capacities. And the sooner the company starts to implement energy-saving technologies, the sooner it will feel the positive effect of these measures, which will be expressed in specific financial indicators.

Federal Law No. 261-FZ of 23.11.2009. "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." The law sets tasks for the implementation of measures aimed at reducing energy costs, namely:

From January 1, 2010, a budgetary institution is obliged to ensure a decrease in comparable conditions in the volume of water, natural gas, fuel oil, diesel and other fuel, thermal energy, electric energy consumed by it within five years by at least fifteen percent of the volume actually consumed by it in 2009, each of the specified resources with an annual decrease in such volume by at least three percent;

Until January 01, 2011, the owners of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities during the operation of which energy resources are used must complete equipping such facilities with metering devices for used water, natural gas, heat energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation;

Until May 15, 2010, organizations with the participation of the state, incl. state and municipal institutions are obliged to adopt energy saving and energy efficiency programs;

Organizations with state participation, incl. state and municipal institutions are obliged to organize and conduct the first energy survey before December 31, 2012, subsequent energy audits - at least once every five years

3. Heat saving

Russian manufacturers of heat-insulating materials are concerned about the losses incurred by the economy due to the unsatisfactory state of heating networks and structures of heated buildings.

Energy losses in Russia account for up to 40% of the total consumption, or 400 million tons of fuel equivalent per year. This figure is comparable to the volume of all oil exported from Russia or the output of 100 large thermal power plants. At the same time, according to statistics, heating one square meter in our country requires 5 times more fuel than in Sweden, a country with cold climatic conditions.

According to the estimates of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Building Sciences, buildings consume up to 45% of the total amount of heat used in Russia. Moreover, only 10% of them meet modern requirements for thermal insulation, and the total economic effect from their operation in 2012 was equivalent to 12 million tons of fuel equivalent. Estimates show that the financial savings on maintaining energy efficient buildings account for 20 to 80% of total operating costs.

According to manufacturers, the use of high-quality thermal insulation in the construction of new buildings, as well as in the reconstruction of existing buildings, in addition to saving energy, increases the capitalization of the economy as a whole.

4. Resource saving in everyday life

Everywhere in residential buildings in vestibules, on staircases and staircases, in apartment areas, lamps work from 12 to 24 hours a day. And how much time do people spend in these rooms, who, in fact, need lighting? Not much, obviously.

Energy saving measures consist in the use of energy-saving lamps and switches, when the lighting is guaranteed to be supplied to the right place and at the right time in full, as much as possible meeting the requirements of comfort and safety in accordance with all existing regulatory documents and practical requirements. The devices effectively “predict” the appearance of a person by voice, noise of footsteps, turning a key, opening a door, knocking, etc. A person always enters an already lit room.

Specialty pellets, energy saving lamps, smart homes, bioenergy, solar panels and wind turbines are all from a series of energy efficient alternatives. True, experts call for a more sensible attitude to modernization, because any re-equipment requires considerable investments. And therefore, it is important to always calculate the expected effect, and only then introduce innovations.
Scientists offer a number of interesting techniques, including the use of stone heat accumulators built into the walls of buildings. They not only retain heat, but also redistribute it, as a result, part of the peak load is transferred to nighttime and provides tangible savings.

Pumps can be used to redistribute warm air from more heated bodies to less heated ones. Within the framework of this foreign methodology, it is proposed to replace central heating with autonomous, apartment-based heating.

A new method of transmitting electricity over a single-wire line using a voltage converter is also proposed.

Our scientists have developed quite competitive equipment for non-contact diagnostics of engineering networks, including pyrometers and thermal imagers. These devices are able to determine the place of heat leakage, water leakage, pipe or cable damage in a few minutes. At the same time, there is no need to dig up the territory in search of an emergency site.
More recently, the specialists of the State Unitary Enterprise “NII Mosstroy” have put into operation a unique climatic chamber for carrying out complex tests of external fences of building structures. It allows you to check their heat-shielding properties by testing life-size fragments of external walls.


To meet the growing energy needs of the economy, there is a continuous search for alternative energy sources - such as hydro, solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc.

At the same time, new energy-saving technologies are being developed.

Technologies that make it possible to practically use new - alternative renewable - energy sources appeared in the 1970s, during the oil crisis.

The idea of ​​using solar energy appeared a long time ago, but only during the years of the crisis were devices created that made it possible to bring it to life. The main obstacle is the cost of the device. However, for rural areas, this is an excellent solution to the problem, because eliminates the need for power cables.

Today, solar energy technology is developing rapidly. Here's an example. In 2007, a solar-powered power plant was launched near Seville, Spain, providing electricity to 6,000 homes. This is not the first station of its kind, nor the last. By 2013, it is planned to build a network of such power plants, while generating 300 MW and thus providing about 200,000 homes.

Serious interest in large wind turbine generators also emerged in the 1970s. Among the main countries using wind energy today are Germany, USA, Denmark, Spain, India, China.

In the 1970s, nuclear energy began to be seriously considered as an alternative to fossil fuels. The relatively inexpensive fuel balances the investment required to build nuclear power plants. As a result, electricity becomes cheaper.

Today, among the main energy resources - oil and gas - hydrocarbon raw materials. However, while waiting for the possibility of global warming, humanity is forced to turn to environmentally friendly energy sources. The complexity of the problem of abandoning petroleum products as a source of energy, polluting environment, scarce and expensive, is due to the fact that industries, including the industries of oil refineries and vehicles, are backbone for the entire world economy. Military equipment, transport, thermal power plants, equipment in factories, heating systems - all this in modern society largely runs on oil and gas. Refusal from petroleum products requires breaking up the industrial structure of states, which is one of the main, if not the main, brake on the development of alternative energy sources.

However, problems with hydrocarbon fuels constantly force us to address this problem. So, cars running on hydrogen, biofuel, electric cars are no longer a rarity.

New ideas for the use of alternative energy sources are continually proposed and developed, they are "in the air".

Humanity is mobilizing and is approaching a solution to the problem of creating and industrial use of new energy and resource saving technologies.

Consideration of all of the above allows us to believe that the development and search for new materials, raw materials and energy resources, as well as the consumption of already known ones, is simultaneously going towards new resource-saving technologies.

At the same time, commodity crises are a manifestation of the reaction of the world economic system- its immune response, mobilizing countries to address emerging problems. New technologies both today and in the future will help solve the problems associated with spending the resources allocated to humanity. At the same time, obviously, technologies will be continuously improved.

resource heat energy energy saving

WITHlist of used sources

1. Sviderskaya, O. V. Fundamentals of energy saving / O. V. Sviderskaya. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2008

2. Storozhko, O. What is the house thinking about? / O. Storozhko // Moscow perspective. - 2009 .-- December 10.

3. Energy saving // Bulletin of energy saving of the Southern Urals. - 2009. - 11. - С.15

4. Dictionary of Economics. - Access mode:

5. Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician. - Access mode:

6. Resource-saving technologies. - Access mode:

7. Mrin, B. Resources and resource-saving technologies. - Access mode:

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