Yurayt electronic library. Electronic resources

  • Virtual Exhibition the entire assortment of books published by Yurayt. Absolutely all interested users can, for free and without registration, familiarize themselves not only with the descriptions of the publications, but also with the texts (10% of the text is available in the trial mode).
  • Virtual reading room of literature on many branches of knowledge. For educational institutions corporate subscription is available to any books from the electronic library of your choice, only those educational materials, which are selected by teachers and librarians for the educational process.
    In our EBS there are no basic collections of sets, you are free to choose only the necessary textbooks in the required quantity, there is no minimum threshold for ordering a corporate subscription, your "virtual reading room" in our library may even consist of one title.

Fund electronic library is more than 5000 titles and is constantly updated with new products, most of them are textbooks and tutorials for all levels vocational education from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new federal state educational standards.

Dear teachers and students!

The BRPK library invites everyone to register on the website of the electronic library of the Yurayt publishing house by clicking on the link http://www.biblio-online.ru/. The list of available free books is hosted on the network storage system. NAS at NAS - library - Yurayt 2018.

Also, the college library invites teachers on December 18 to take part in the webinar “Master class for teachers. Registration, Mobile application. Working with the catalog. Media textbooks ". Registration of webinar participants at https://events.webinar.ru/339323/1833379. Participation in the webinar is free.

A complete list of free webinars on the website http://www.biblio-online.ru/

BRPK Library

For reference

The goal of Urayt Publishing House is to provide teachers and students with quality educational content.

EBS Yurayt is a site for searching publications and accessing the text of a publication in the absence of a traditional printed book.

For the convenience of navigation through the electronic library, the publications are grouped into the catalog according to the thematic principle. Users have access to various services for selecting publications and providing them with a comfortable educational process.

This form of presentation of educational materials is in demand by educational institutions, teachers, students. It allows you to get acquainted with educational materials faster than the printed circulation; it is open every hour, every day, anywhere on the Internet. The time of use and the number of users are not limited.

The commercial policy of the library is as transparent as possible and accessible to every educational institution.

The electronic library contains all the books of the Urayt publishing house. Some editions and additional materials are available only in the electronic library.

The electronic library performs 2 main tasks:

1. Virtual exhibition of the entire assortment of books published by the Urayt publishing house. Absolutely all interested users can, for free and without registration, familiarize themselves not only with the descriptions of the publications, but also with the texts (10% of the text is available in the trial mode).

2. Virtual reading room of literature on many branches of knowledge. For educational institutions, a corporate subscription to any books from the electronic library of choice is available, only those educational materials that are selected by teachers and librarians for the educational process.

There are no basic set collections in EBS. You are free to choose only the necessary textbooks in the required quantity, there is no minimum threshold for ordering a corporate subscription, your "virtual reading room" in our library may even consist of one title.

The fund of the electronic library is more than 5000 titles and is constantly updated with new products, for the most part these are textbooks and teaching aids for all levels of professional education from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard.

EBS Yurayt meets most of the requirements of Rosobrnadzor: in EBS there is the possibility of individual unrestricted access of users to content from any point where there is a connection to the Internet; in the EBS there is the possibility of simultaneous individual access of users to the content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education; in the EBS there is the possibility of full-text search by content, the formation of statistical reports on users; publications in EBS are presented with the preservation of the page layout (original layout).

Exclusive rights to the EBS belong to URAYT Electronic Publishing House LLC.

Dear Readers!

Access to the main EBS Znanium . com ... and reading editions included in this EBS are possible only by subscriber number, login and password issued during registration in the university library, both from any point of access to the Internet (remotely), and on all computers of the university with Internet access.

Access to EBS Yurayt and EBS Book . ru (reading editions) without login and password provided byIP-addresses of the university from all computers of the university with Internet access.

To use EBS Yurayt and EBSBook. rufrom any point with access to the Internet, i.e. remotely, you need to register your personal account.

Registration in EBS Yurayt andBook. ru You can implement

- in the reading room of the library room 210 androom 1205 for independent work at the address: Moscow st. Novocheremushkinskaya 69,

- either in the reading room of the library room 112 andaud. 113 for independent workat the address: Moscow, Novy Zykovsky proezd, 7

You need to go through the Registration Procedure ONLY ONCE !!!

Personal data is necessary for correct identification of you by the library administrator and support during all work with resources. An email address is required to change the password (if necessary). This is especially important if you have forgotten your current password!

Please note that the disclosure of data for personal access is unacceptable. Please take steps to ensure the safety of your data for authorization.

Rukont NCR

National digital resource "RUKONT" - intersectoral science Library on the base information technology"CONTEXTUM".

The section "Signed Collections" (periodical electronic journals) is available for the readers of RPMU

LEX RUSSICA (Russian law) (from No. 10 2016 to the present)

Topical issues of economics, management and law: a collection of scientific papers (from No. 1 2017 to the present)

Actual problems of administrative law and process (No. 1-4 2019)

Actual problems of Russian law (from No. 10 2016 to the present)

Actual problems of modern legislation (No. 2.3 2016) - in the old version of the site

Army collection (from No. 1 2020 to the present)

Bulletin of the European Court of Human Rights (from No. 7 2017 to the present)

Currency regulation. Currency control (No. 10-12 2016, No. 1-6 2017) - in the old version of the site

Bulletin of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District (No. 4 2016 No. 1,2 2017)

Moscow University Bulletin. Series 7. Philosophy (from No. 5 2016 to No. 3 2017)

Questions of economic sciences (from No. 5 2016 to the present)

Citizen and Law (from No. 1 2017 to No. 12 2019)

Housing law (from # 1 2019 to the present only in the reading room)

Law and Law (No. 1-6 2018; from No. 1 2019 to the present)

Foreign military review (from No. 1 2019 to the present)

Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (No. 10-12 2016 No. 1-6 2017) - in the old version of the site

Innovation management (No. 5.6 2016) - in the old version of the site

New laws and regulations(No. 13-24 2017)

Right and modern states(from No. 4 2017 to No. 6 2018)

Legal culture (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Practice of enforcement proceedings (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Representative power - XXI century: legislation, comments, problems (from No. 7-8 2016 to No. 4 2019)

The precedents of the European Court of Justice (from No. 10, 11, 12 2016, further from No. 7 2017 to No. 12 2018)

Public and private law (from # 3 2017 to # 4 2019)

Russian Chronicle of the European Court (from No. 1 2017 to the present)

Insurance business (from No. 7 2017 to No. 12 2018)

Insurance law (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Judge (from No. 10 2016 to the present)

Labor law (from No. 1 2019 to the present day only in the reading room)

Criminal Law (from No. 1 2019 to the present)

Access to full-text individual periodicals is possible anywhere on the Internet at the link http://rucont.ru/

Login and password for remote access can be obtained in the reading room of the university library (room 210)

Agreement on providing access to the resource No. 1058 dated 12.12.2019

Granting access from 01/01/2020


LLC "IVIS" is one of the largest Russian companies- distributors of printed periodicals, books, electronic databases of periodicals. IVIS LLC is the official partner and exclusive distributor of the American company East View Information Services, Inc in Russia.

Individual periodicals EBD IVIS, available in in electronic format for readers of the Russian Library state university justice:

Arsenal of the Fatherland (since 2018)

URFU Bulletin. Series Economics and Management (since 2017)

Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation (since 2007)

Questions of history (since 1945)

Philosophical issues (since 2000)

Economics (since 2006)

State and municipal management issues (since 2017)

State and law (since 2000)

Goszakupki.ru Official information... Letters. Comments. Administrative practice (since 2013)

Money and credit (since 2011)

Law (since 1998)

World economy and international relations (since 2000)

Social Sciences and Modernity (since 2000)

Society and economy (since 2000)

POLICY. Political Studies (since 2000)

Problems of economics and legal practice (since 2012)

Russian newspaper (since 1997)

Modern law (since 2016)

Financial management (since 2011)

Russian economic journal(since 2011)

Access to the above-mentioned full-text individual editions is possible from the local computers of the University at the link www.ebiblioteka.ru, as well as in remote access at the link http://dlib.eastview.com/. Login and password for remote access can be obtained in the reading room of the library (room 210)

Agreement on providing access to the resource No. 188-P dated 09/02/2019

Granting access from 01.10.2019 until 30.06.2020 (unlimited number of accesses)


The readers of the University have access to books from the collection "Legal Sciences" by the publishing house "Prospect", as well as books from the collection "Law" and "Economics and Management" by the publishing house "KnoRus".

The electronic library system BOOK.ru is adapted for visually impaired persons (Mode for visually impaired)

Copyright holder: Book Industry LLC

Certificate of state registration database No. 2010620633 dated 26.10.2010

Certificate of registration of funds mass media EL # FS77-52722 dated 02/08/2013

License agreement No. 18499253 dated 02.12.2019

Access from 10.01. P on 01/09/2021 (unlimited number of accesses)

EBS Znanium

For authorization in new version EBS, you can use your authorization data from the old version (login or e-mail, password) Please, in the personal account of the new version, check and enter your current e-mail address. This required condition for full-fledged work with the resource. We draw your attention to the fact that all further work with EBS will be done only in the new version at new.znanium.com.

Go to the EBS website: new.znanium.com

Copyright holder EBS Znanium.com - Limited Liability Company "Znanium"

Contract No. 974 of 11/18/2019 for the provision of access to the resource (Main collection)

(access from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020, number of accesses 25200)

Agreement No. 4021 ebs of 10/15/2019 on providing access to the resource (Statute collection - access from 10/25/2019 to 04/24/2020, the number of accesses is 24,000)

EBS Yurayt

EBS "Yurayt" - these are textbooks and teaching aids published by Yurayt in various areas of training.

Reading the electronic version of books is available on a page-by-page basis, and, if necessary, it is possible to quote up to 10% of the book's content. Convenient navigation in the system allows for a quick parametric search by author, title, publisher, as well as disciplines and areas of training. Each edition is accompanied by a bibliographic description and annotation.

To work in EBS "Yurayt" you need to go through a simple registration on the site www.biblio-online.ru from local network University.

After registration in EBS "Yurayt" the user is provided with a convenient and functional Personal Area with different capabilities. First of all, this is the possibility of full access to the electronic library system remotely on the Internet, the creation of bookshelves and bookmarks, the history of queries, the export of bibliography and search results to Excel for further work, etc.

In EBS Yurayt users are given the opportunity through mobile app reading publications offline: https://biblio-online.ru/info/mobile-app

The electronic library system Yurayt is adapted for visually impaired persons (Version for the visually impaired)

Copyright holder LLC "Electronic Publishing House YURAYT"

  • Virtual exhibition of the entire assortment of books by the Urayt publishing house. Absolutely all interested users can, for free and without registration, familiarize themselves not only with the descriptions of the publications, but also with the texts (10% of the text is available in the trial mode).
  • Virtual reading room of literature on many branches of knowledge. For educational institutions, a corporate subscription to any books from the electronic library of choice is available, only those educational materials that are selected by teachers and librarians for the educational process.
    In our EBS there are no basic collections of sets, you are free to choose only the necessary textbooks in the required quantity, there is no minimum threshold for ordering a corporate subscription, your "virtual reading room" in our library may even consist of one title.

Fund electronic library is more than 5000 titles and is constantly updated with new products, most of them are textbooks and teaching aids for all levels of professional education from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new federal state educational standards.