Departmental target programs. All-Union Translation Center What is VTsP


Centrifugal dust fans VCP110-43 (VCP 5-45) are used for:

  • removal of wood shavings;
  • removal of metal dust from machine tools;
  • in grain pneumatic transport systems;
  • other sanitary and industrial purposes.


  • Fans in the standard version are designed to move explosion-proof, non-abrasive dust-gas-air mixtures with an air temperature of no higher than 80 ° C. Aggressiveness of transported media in relation to carbon steels of ordinary quality should not be higher than the aggressiveness of air that does not contain sticky substances and fibrous materials. The concentration of mechanical impurities is allowed up to 100 g/m 3 ;
  • The fan is used in stationary conditions in macroclimatic regions with a temperate (U) and tropical (T) climate, placement category 2 according to GOST 15150-69.


  • Execution 1st;
  • Carbon steel as standard;
  • From various grades of stainless steels;
  • In explosion-proof design, from dissimilar metals according to DNAOP 0.00-1.18-98;
  • Dust fans are manufactured with right and left rotation (see installation diagrams for case turns);
  • The temperature of the transported medium is up to 200 ° C (by special order);
  • VCP110-43 fans (VCP 5-45) can be equipped with impellers of various ratings (0.9Dn; 0.95Dn; 1Dn; 1.05Dn; 1.1Dn).


  • Centrifugal dust fan;
  • Single suction;
  • Welded impeller with radial blades in the amount of 8 pcs;
  • The case is spiral rotary.


  • Fans are delivered to the customer assembled, on a frame and complete with an electric motor;
  • Installation of the fan should provide free access to the place of its maintenance during operation;
  • The fan should be installed on the foundation and secured with foundation bolts. If vibration transmission to the foundation is not allowed, and also to eliminate resonance, it is recommended to install the fan on vibration isolators;
  • To reduce the noise level to sanitary standards, soundproofing of the body and pipelines must be performed;
  • Fan that moves air high temperatures, must be covered on the outside with a layer of thermal insulation;
  • The air ducts must not vibrate; for this, flexible inserts are installed from the air duct to the fan.


  • To inspect the flow part of the fan on the suction side, it is necessary to have a removable section of the gas pipeline with a length L;
  • The impeller is removed through a hole in the casing wall located between the main impeller disk and the electric motor. In working condition, this hole is closed by a removable housing disk.

The fan VCP110-43 (VCP 5-45) is simple and reliable.

It provides for a complete set of impellers of various ratings, which made it possible to increase the working area of ​​the fan without the use of a V-belt drive (version 5) or frequency regulation.

Impeller blades are radial, slightly prone to sticking.


DesignationUseImpeller ratioEngine power, kWSynchronous speed, rpmProductivity, 10 3 m 3 / hTotal pressure, PaWeight without engine, kg±5%Weight with engine, kg ±5%
at max efficiencyin the working areaat max efficiencyin the working area
VCP 5-45 No. 6.31 0,9 5,5 1500 1455 6,17 2,75-9,61 1114 1233-820 117 168
7,5 1500 1455 6,17 2,75-10,49 1114 1233-699 117 192
0,95 5,5 1500 1455 6,23 2,64-8,8 1295 1416-1100 118 169
7,5 1500 1455 6,23 2,64-11,41 1295 1416-803 118 193
1,00 5,5 1500 1440 6,67 2-8,1 1405 1596-1310 119 170
7,5 1500 1440 6,67 2-11 1405 1596-1000 118 193
11 1500 1440 6,67 2-11,99 1405 1596-901 118 205
1,05 7,5 1500 1440 6,95 2,51-10,2 1638 1862-1330 119 194
11 1500 1440 6,95 2,51-12,78 1638 1862-1044 119 206
1,10 7,5 1500 1440 6,82 2,89-9,12 1878 2089-1674 120 195
11 1500 1440 6,82 2,89-13,7 1878 2089-1174 120 107


DesignationUseImpeller ratioImpeller speed, rpmTotal sound power level, dB, no moreOctave sound power levels, dB, not more than, in geometric mean frequency bands, Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
VCP 5-45-6.31 0,9 1455 100 89 91 95 94 91 90 84 75
0,95 1455 101 90 92 96 95 92 91 85 76
1,00 1440 102 91 93 97 96 93 92 86 77
1,05 1440 103 92 94 98 97 94 93 87 78
1,10 1440 104 93 95 99 98 95 94 88 79


Fan plant "Ukrventsystema" manufactures dust fans

Dust fans VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3), marking is found in the technical literature VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) designed to move air and other gas-air mixtures, the aggressiveness of which in relation to carbon steels of ordinary quality is not higher than the aggressiveness of air with a temperature of up to 80 ° C, not containing dust and solid impurities in an amount of more than 100 g / m 3.

Dust fans VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) are used in dust cleaning systems, in pneumatic transport systems, to remove wood dust and shavings from woodworking machines, transport grain and its waste, cotton, wool, etc., as well as for other sanitary and industrial purposes in the area of ​​absence of permanent work places.

Dust fans for general industrial purposes VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) are manufactured according to the first design, according to GOST 5976-90. With this design, the fan impeller is located on the motor shaft.

Dust fans VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) are issued according to the fifth constructive execution, according to GOST 5976-90. With this design, the fan impeller is located on the shaft of the bearing assembly connected to the electric motor by a V-belt drive, which allows changing the speed of the impeller with pulleys.

At the request of the customer dust fans VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) performed according to the third design. With this design, the fan impeller is located on the shaft of the bearing assembly connected to the electric motor by a pin-sleeve coupling.

At the request of the customer dust fans for general industrial purposes VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) equipped with spring vibration isolators DO or explosion-proof vibration isolators ВРВ.

The device and principle of operation of dust fans VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3)

Device and principle of operation VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3)

Principle of operation dust fan VCP 110-43-6.3 (VCP5-45-6.3) It consists in moving air by transferring the energy of rotation of the impeller to it.

When the impeller rotates, the air mixture entering through the collector enters the channels between the impeller blades and, under the action of centrifugal force, moves to its periphery and is released into the atmosphere.

Design and overall dimensions of fans VCP110-43 No. 6.3 (VCP5-45 No. 6.3)

All-Russian Center for Translations of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation (FSUE VTsP) of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Full name: Federal state unitary enterprise"All-Russian Center for Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation"

Abbreviated name: FSUE VCP

Founder: Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

History reference

The All-Russian Center for Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Federal Agency for Science and Science of the Russian Federation is today perhaps the oldest specialized translation organization in Russia. In 1998, the VCP celebrated the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the enterprise as an independent legal entity. However, the roots of the organization go much deeper: it is the legal successor of the All-Union Center for the Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation (VTsP), which was created by a joint decision of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1972 on the basis of the Translation Bureau of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which, despite the fact that it was a division of the VINITI Institute, had the status of a legal entity and was completely self-supporting. In turn, the VINITI Translation Bureau, as a self-supporting legal entity, was established in 1960 on the basis of the VINITI Translation Bureau, which did not have the status of a legal entity and was a structural subdivision of this institution. The exact date of the creation of the VINITI Translation Bureau as a structural unit could not be identified, but, according to the veterans of the Translation Bureau and VINITI, it was created by order of the director of VINITI A.I. Mikhailov around the middle of the 50s. the last century. Thus, we have been continuously working in the field of translations for more than 50 years and all the time in conditions of full cost accounting, i.e. without government funding. This was probably one of the reasons why the GDC managed to survive in the conditions of a hard transition to market relations in the 90s. the last century. Not all media outlets managed to do this painlessly.

Established in 1960, the VINITI Translation Bureau by the end of the 60s began to play a leading role not only in practical work for the implementation of translations, but also as a scientific and methodological center for organizing translation activities in the country, for its improvement and standardization, as well as a key role in coordinating and completing the state fund of unpublished translations. Methodological and practical manuals for the translation of scientific and technical literature and documentation, instructions for translators and editors were developed and published. Catalogs and indexes of completed translations and thematic collections were published regularly. At the request of organizations, copies of previously completed translations were made. The translations were organized on the principle of using a large bank of freelance translators in different languages, the direction of translation and various topics and a limited number of full-time editors and dispatchers. The bank of freelance translators of the Translation Bureau was approximately 1-1.5 thousand people. In general, today the same principle of making transfers has been preserved in the TSC.

Along with the VINITI Translation Agency, at that time there were also whole line specialized translation organizations, the largest of which were the Translation Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with branches in 18 cities of the country, the Central Bureau of Translators of VAO Intourist. There were departments and translation agencies at large enterprises, in institutions, some of them also performed translations for third-party organizations. Although the VINITI Translation Bureau was established to meet the needs for translations of foreign literature and documentation, primarily of VINITI itself and other academic organizations, organizations of other departments soon began to use the services of this bureau. Thus, in 1968, the share of academic organizations in the total output of translations at the VINITI Translation Bureau was only 10%, and 90% of translations were carried out at the request of institutions and enterprises of other ministries and departments. At the same time, the main limiting factor in increasing production volumes was the limit on the fund wages translators, the so-called unpaid payroll. (The problem is, fortunately, even unfamiliar to many today.) These two factors, perhaps, were the main ones that contributed to the creation of the All-Union Translation Center as a legal entity designed to meet the translation needs of all organizations of any departments, and not just one department.

The first director of the Translation Bureau was Krinitsyn Nikolay Nikolaevich, a few years later he was replaced by Romanov Boris Vladimirovich, both of them were competent production organizers who set up, developed and improved the activities of the Translation Bureau. By the time the issue of transforming the Translation Agency into the All-Union Translation Center was begun, Yudin Yury Petrovich was the director.

The emergence of the TCP

In April 1972, the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology and the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences issued a joint resolution on the transformation of the VINITI Translation Bureau into the All-Union Translation Center, but this resolution should be considered only as an intermediate stage, since the created Center was subordinate to the VINITI institute and did not receive full legal independence.

Only on August 24, 1973, by joint resolution No. 425/48 of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the All-Union Translation Center (ATC) was made completely legally independent, while additionally entrusting it with scientific research on the theory and practice of scientific and technical translation. Ilya Borisovich Pochkai was appointed the first director of the VCP. The number of staff members was significantly increased, limits and funds were allocated, allowing for a more than threefold increase in the volume of translations, scientific divisions were introduced into the structure of the TSP.

In 1974, Vladimir Nikolaevich Gerasimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, replaced I. B. Pochkai as director of the VCP.

The formation of the VTsP as the leading translation organization began not only in our country, but also among the CMEA countries. In a short time, scientific departments were staffed, which launched research work in the field of translation automation, translation process management, financial accounting and control systems. Scientific and scientific-methodical work, coordination of translation activities and international cooperation have intensified.

The first all-Union, and then international seminars and conferences on the problems of scientific and technical translation were held. The production of notebooks of new terms has begun, methodological manuals for translators and scientific editors have been published. In 1976, the total volume of translations made by the VTsP exceeded 50,000. sheets (about 1.1 million A4 pages). The bank of non-staff translators of the VTsP in different languages ​​and subjects was completed at a fast pace. By the end of the 70s. about 10,000 freelance interpreters were registered in the VTsP in Moscow alone. However, no more than 4-4.5 thousand translators were involved in practical work.

State system of coordination of scientific and technical progress

The state system for coordinating scientific and technical translations worked very productively. The main principle underlying this system was to avoid duplication of translations and to make all scientific and technical translations made in the country available to everyone. The operation of the system itself was quite simple. If an organization in the country needed a Russian translation of any foreign scientific, technical, medical or other non-fiction text, then it, before starting to translate it on its own, was obliged to apply for permission to the All-Union Translation Center. If this translation was already in the state fund of unpublished translations, then the VTsP found it in the appropriate library and sent a xerox copy to the customer. The customer paid only the cost of copying and shipping. The fund of unpublished translations itself was distributed, ie. translations were kept in different libraries by subject, for example, in the State Public Scientific and Technical Library, the INION library of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the central library of the Academy of Medical Sciences and other libraries. The WDC maintained a unified file of all translations made. If the requested transfer was not in the fund, then the TsP gave permission to this organization to make this translation, indicated the deadline for submitting a copy of the transfer to the TsP for its subsequent transfer to the state fund, and controlled the transfer. If an organization ordered a translation from the All-Union Translation Center, then we ourselves looked for a foreign source in the libraries of the country, and, if necessary, in foreign libraries as part of international library cooperation.

The translation coordination system made it possible to intensively complete the state fund of unpublished translations. Improved the system of its use. Funds of unpublished translations of scientific and technical literature were the most "requested" type of literature in libraries, for example, in the State Public Library for Science and Technology. The information agencies of the CMEA countries have joined this system and have shown great interest in translating materials from hard-to-reach languages, especially Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. It turned out to be easier for specialists from these countries to familiarize themselves with the content of the material in Russian than in the original language.

Notebooks of new terms

The notebooks of new terms (TNT) published by the WCP were also in great demand. In total, more than two hundred TNTs and dictionaries in various languages ​​and subjects were published in the VCP. In the conditions of the practical inaccessibility of computers for translators in the 70–80s. of the last century, notebooks of new terms, annually published by the WCT, have become an important source of new terms and a significant help in the practical work of technical translators. Some of these TNTs are still in demand today.

Development of norms and standards

The Department for the Improvement of Scientific and Technical Translation developed and the competent authorities approved uniform norms for the expenditure of working time for translation and editing of translations from various foreign languages ​​into Russian and from Russian into foreign languages. Developed and approved by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR normative terms translations, GOST “Unpublished Translation” was revised and refined, criteria for assessing the quality of a completed translation, criteria and requirements for attesting translators, etc. were developed. These documents were actively used by all information bodies in the country. In our opinion, these same standards formed the basis of intersectoral time standards for the translation and processing of scientific and technical literature and documents developed in 2000 by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF.

Scientific activity

VCP has started publishing collections of scientific papers on various issues of scientific and technical translation, automation of translation and management process, traditional and computer lexicography. V different time defended doctoral dissertations Marchuk Yu. N., Ubin I. I. scientists VCP.

The emergence of branches

In the mid-1970s, the VTsP was given the task of creating a network of branches and out-of-town editions of the VTsP in the country, moving part of the translations from Moscow to the regions. The Gorky edition of the VCP (1977), the Kiev edition of the VCP (1979), the branch of the VCP in Rostov-on-Don (1980), the Tbilisi edition (1983), the Minsk edition (1986) were created. Translations in these editions were carried out in the same way as in the parent organization in Moscow by local freelance translators and full-time editors and dispatchers.


In January 1980, Vladimir Nikolaevich Gerasimov was replaced as director of the VCP by Yuri Nikolaevich Marchuk, Doctor of Philology, Professor. The output of translations in 1980 reached the level of 60,000 ed. sheets.

From 1986 to the present, the director of the VCP is Ivan Ivanovich Ubin, Doctor of Philology, Professor.

It was a difficult time for the beginning of perestroika processes, the transition of the country to the rails of a market economy. For the labor collective of the VTsP, the transition to a market economy was not as painful as for many other information bodies, since for the entire period of its existence, the VTsP has always been fully self-supporting and self-sufficient (with the exception of scientific research, which was financed from the state budget). The enterprise continued to operate in the same mode, the volume of translations was increased, which in 1986, taking into account non-resident editions, exceeded 80 thousand account-publishers. sheets (approximately 1.75 million A4 pages). This was the highest volume of remittances produced by the GDS in its history. The acquisition of the state transfer fund continued. Unpublished translations were in great demand among consumers of information. As mentioned above, the average frequency of requests in libraries for each translation was about 7, with a five-six-year-old fund in active circulation. The VTsP compiled, published and distributed by subscription the "Index of Translations", which indicated all unpublished scientific and technical translations that passed through the state system for coordinating translations, both translated in the VTsP and in other organizations, as well as the place of their storage (mainly libraries ). These "Translation Indexes" were distributed to all leading libraries in the country, to industry information bodies, research institutes, other organizations and individuals, and served as the main source of information about unpublished translations made in the country. Any reader from any region of the country could order a copy of the translation he needed from the appropriate library at the price of a photocopy, which made this information service very much in demand.

Adopted in the mid-80s, the law "On individual labor activity”, on the one hand, contributed to the growth of economic activity of the population, and on the other hand, gave the official right to conduct translation activities to persons with only unfinished higher education(at least 3 years of university) without requiring any translation or even philological specialization. The situation worsened after the adoption of the Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1990 “On enterprises and entrepreneurial activity”, where there are no criteria and requirements for the level and quality of education at all. This led to the fact that, one might say, poorly trained people rushed into translation, which had a sharp negative impact on the quality of translation and, in general, on the prestige of the translator's profession. The law “On Legal Deposit” (No. 77-FZ), adopted in 1994, excluded the unpublished translation from the list legal deposit presented free of charge to various libraries and other information bodies, which actually put an end to the functioning of the state system for coordinating translations and completing specialized libraries with free copies of unpublished translations of scientific, technical and other special literature.

With the collapse of the USSR, both the single economic and the single information space were destroyed. Actually ceased to exist State system scientific and technical information. The crisis has spread to all areas of activity, including translation. After 1991, all out-of-town editorial offices and the Rostov branch withdrew from the VCP and changed their legal status. In the All-Union Translation Center, as in all other translation organizations, a sharp decline in production began, caused primarily by a reduction, and in some periods, a complete cessation of funding for research work in the country. The fund of unpublished scientific and technical translations, which is very valuable in terms of information, has ceased to be replenished.

In 1989, funding for research work at the VCP was completely stopped overnight, which led to their termination, the liquidation of scientific departments and the dismissal of all full-time researchers. I believe that this was a serious blow to the translation business in the country. Unfortunately, this was not the only such case in matters of research funding in the country at that time.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 26, 1992 No. 566-r, the All-Union Center for Translations of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation was renamed the All-Russian Center for Translations of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation, which became the assignee of the All-Union Center for Translations. The new Statute of the VCP was revised, agreed upon, approved and registered, based on the aforementioned Law of the RSFSR “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activity”. The aforementioned laws laid the basis for the activities of enterprises on the market mechanism of management.

After the collapse of the USSR and all the accompanying events of the All-Russian Translation Center, the All-Russian Translation Center, on the whole, continued to function normally despite the dramatically changed situation in the translation business. An analysis of the flow of translations performed at the VDC showed that, starting from the beginning of the 1990s, the contingent of customers, the range of translations, as well as the list of languages ​​from/into which translations began to be performed, have changed dramatically. Enterprises and organizations of the public sector during that period practically ceased to finance the information component of their activities and disappeared from the list of regular customers of the TSP. Organizations of the non-state sector at that time were still in their infancy and they were then of little interest in translations. Translations on scientific and technical topics have completely disappeared, traditional customers from the former Soviet republics have disappeared, but the volume of translations of a commercial and legal nature has increased, and there is a demand for translations of certain types of documents from the languages ​​of the former Soviet republics into Russian. The demand for translations of personal documents from Russian into major European languages ​​has increased. Non-state property organizations and private individuals became the prevailing customers. More details about these data can be found in the collection of articles “Translation in the Modern World”, M., VCP, 2001. The problem of translators from / into the languages ​​​​of the CIS and Baltic countries, which were not previously trained in the country, has become acute.

WCP today

In response to the changed situation and increased competition in the translation market, the time for translations has been drastically reduced in the TSC. Now the author's sheet (40 thousand characters), depending on the language, the direction of translation and the complexity of the original, in a non-urgent mode, is completed in 3–4 calendar days versus 10 days (excluding translation coordination) in the 80s. The requirements for the quality of translation have increased. Many of our documents are now translated in the presence of the customer within an hour or two, while ensuring high quality translation. The quality of translations has been improved.

On the whole, of course, the volume of translations we carry out today has been very significantly reduced, especially in comparison with the mid-1980s. Nevertheless, in 2008, about 7 thousand customers, both legal and individuals. Over 10,000 translations completed. Among our regular customers there are a significant number of large state, non-state and public organizations and industrial enterprises, including joint and foreign ones, a number of large banks and other organizations.

The 90s of the last century were the most difficult for everyone, including the WCP. The volume of orders for translations decreased, a significant part of the translations then, as well as now, was carried out “in the shadows”, i.e. without official registration of translation organizations and individual translators and, accordingly, without paying taxes. This put legal translation organizations in unequal conditions. Despite the fact that in the 1990s our main task was to survive in the conditions of fierce competition and maintain the VCP as a translation organization, we were still concerned about the quality of translation, mandatory certification of professional translators, standards for translation, the level of professional the training of translators, especially those who have recently entered our profession, teachers of translation, primarily in new commercial universities, which almost all of a sudden took up the training of translators. There was also concern about restoring the translation coordination system on a new basis and resuming the acquisition of libraries with unpublished scientific and technical translations.

From 2001 to 2004, without any additional external funding, the WPC prepared and published 4 small collections scientific articles and one monograph devoted mainly to the problems mentioned above.

    Translation in the modern world, M., VCP, 2001 - 78 p.

    Kovaleva K.I. Original and translation: two faces of one text, M., VCP, 2001 - 97 p.

    Translation: Traditions and modern technologies, M., VCP, 2002 - 131 p.

    Translation: Cadres decide everything, M., VCP, 2003 - 91 p.

    Translation: Interrelation and mutual influence of theory and practice, M., VCP, 2004 - 123 p.

We managed to attract leading translation specialists from Moscow and other cities to participate in these collections. The developers of some automatic translation systems, lexicographers and a number of young scientists and translators also took part in these collections: Ph.D. Bagrintseva N.V., Ph.D. prof. Belonogov G.G., Ph.D. prof. Belyaevskaya E.G., Ph.D. Dorokhova Yu.E., Ph.D. Ermolovich D.I., Ph.D. prof. Komissarov V.N., Ph.D. prof. Karpova O.M., Ph.D. Kovaleva K.I., Kosmatova E.V. and Svetova S.Yu. (Promt company), Ph.D. prof. Latyshev L.K., Ph.D. prof. Marchuk Yu.N., Mosavimiyangah Tayebi (Iran), Ph.D. prof. Semenov A.L., Ph.D. Townsend K.I., Ph.D. prof. Ubin I.I. Ph.D. Umerova M.V., Khan Van de Stij (Netherlands), Ph.D. Khoroshilov A.A. (Alexander Alekseevich), Ph.D. Khoroshilov A.A. (Aleksey Alekseevich), Ph.D. prof. Zwilling M.Ya., Ph.D. Chironova I.I., Ph.D. prof. Shitov B.A., Yang Shinzhang (China) and many others. Scientific degrees and titles of authors are indicated as of 2004.

These publications can be purchased at the VCP, at the specialized translation publishing house RVALENT (8-495-979-63-91) and at the book kiosk of the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU).

In 2005–2008 All-Russian Translation Center at financial support The Federal Agency for Science and Innovation Rosnauki of the Russian Federation, together with specialists from several specialized universities, has begun a cycle of research work on the problems of translation quality, training, certification and advanced training of translators of specialized literature and documentation (science and technology, medicine, jurisprudence, commercial documentation etc.), optimization and unification of translation activities, standardization of translator's work. A number of works have already been completed and the reports below have been submitted to customers and to the relevant control information bodies.

    "Scientific, regulatory and organizational measures to improve the system of training in the field of scientific and technical translation." 2005

    "Scientific and methodological support of professional translation activities." 2006

    "Scientific, regulatory and organizational measures to improve the system of training in the field of scientific and technical translation." 2007

    "Modern methodological foundations and principles for determining the quality of translation of scientific and technical materials and technological documents." 2008

In order to make the results of these and other studies more accessible, it is planned to prepare several publications in 2009 for the translation audience. Two of them are already ready and are in the process of publishing preparation:

    Buzadzhi D.M., Gusev V.V., Lanchikov V.K., Psurtsev D.V. A New Look classification of translation errors. Estimated date of publication - October 2009. Circulation 700 copies. The volume of the manuscript is 135 pages.

    Ermolovich D. I. Methodology for the transmission of proper names. Estimated date of publication - October 2009. Circulation 700 copies. The volume of the manuscript is 80 pages.

A collection of scientific articles on the problems of translation automation and a review on the problems of standardization of translation activities in Russia and abroad are being prepared for publication. Estimated date of publication - November 2009. Circulation of 500 copies.

Nevertheless, today the main activity of the VTSP is the implementation of translations on a variety of topics and for any customers. Terms of translation of text materials per one author's sheet (40 thousand characters) from one to four calendar days depending on the language, direction of translation, topics, complexity of the text and execution technology. Prices are regulated by the market. Decor is state of the art. The quality of the translation is guaranteed by the quality of the performers. As they say, cadres are everything. Our full-time staff and freelance translators are highly experienced and highly reliable in their work. We cannot boast that we now employ thousands of the best translators Moscow as in the 80s, but those two hundred translators who actively cooperate with us allow us to successfully solve all the tasks that arise for us, whether it is a translation for a minister or CEO big company or translation of a certificate or passport for a pensioner from any CIS country.

Specially for the Encyclopedia of a Translator, 2009

(Moscow: All-Union Center for Translations, 1988. - All-Union Center for Translations of Scientific and Technical Literature and Documentation. Committee of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of the USSR for Scientific and Technical Information. Commission for Scientific and Technical Translation)
Scan: blagi4ko, OCR, processing, Djv, Pdf: Dmitry7, 2014

    Plenary reports (3).
    Vannikov Yu.V. The category of text difficulty and its significance for the theory and practice of scientific and technical translation (3).
    Gorodetsky B.Yu. Terminology and translation studies (4).
    Kiyak T.R. Terms and concepts of terminology ordering as an aspect of the metalanguage of the theory of scientific and technical translation (7).
    Kudryashova L.M. Improving the efficiency of engineering activities based on the expansion of the use of scientific and technical translations (9).
    Marchuk Yu.N. Computerization of translation work (13).
    Nelyubin L.L. Translation theory and terminological practice (15).
    Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Translation of scientific prose in terms of the nature of the terminology found in scientific texts (17).
    Ubin I.I., Kudryashova L.M. All-Union Center for Translations into present stage (19).
    Ubin I.I., Tikhomirov B.D. Machine translation in the USSR (20).
    Chernyshov A.G. On the methodology of teaching scientific and technical translation in the system of postgraduate education foreign languages (23).
    Shaikevich A.Ya. Infrastructure of terminological activity (25).
    Vannikov Yu.V. Typology of scientific and technical translations (27).
    Gindin S.I. On quantitative methods for assessing the closeness of a translation to the original (28).
    Zimomrya N.I., Bobinets S.S., Fridmanskaya O.M., Kulya F.A., Durunda A.I. Reception of the text in the language. goals - a factor in the improvement of translation (30).
    Komarova E.P. Structural and compositional characteristics scientific text and translation (32).
    Kopanev P.I., Mogilenskikh N.P. Comparative analysis of scientific and technical texts and their translations is one of the important aspects translation studies (33).
    Mikhailova L.V. Method of denotation pairs (DP) as a method of correction in technical translation (35).
    Myshkina N.L. Problems of studying the textual determinism of translation (37).
    Novikov A.I., Yaroslavtseva E.I. Translation adequacy criteria for texts of various types (39).
    Pochtaruk G.Ya., Tsapenko L.E. Some problems of the functioning of language units in the sublanguages ​​of technology (42).
    Pyrikov E.G. Conjugation of terminological thesauri in the act of interlingual communication (43).
    Romanov A.A. Communication strategies and interpretation (46).
    Sidorov E.V. Communicative principle of text organization (in relation to the translation of scientific and technical literature) (49).
    Strelchenko V.I., Vlasenko S.V. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of the translation of international documents in the field of visual communications (51).
    Titov V.T. Accounting for the specifics of speech modes in scientific and technical texts (53).
    Shnaidman M.N. Translation theory and teaching translation of scientific and technical literature (54).
    Blindus E.S. System ellipsis and its role in scientific text translation (56).
    Borisova L.I. On the bases and principles of general scientific translation lexicography (58).
    Brodsky M.P. Translation of Soviet realities into English (61).
    Voitsekhovskaya E.M., Khalilov A.Sh. Complex structures of modern scientific and technical literature, difficulties in their identification and translation (63).
    Voroisky F.S., Kopylova O.V. Features of working with abbreviations in the translation of scientific and technical literature (64).
    Zhulidov SB. Types of transformations in the translation of an English scientific text (66).
    Zhuravleva I.V., Ivshin V.D. Neologisms with suffixes -nik, -out in the English-language scientific and technical literature and features of their translation (68).
    Kashkin V.B. The concept of a grammatical-contextual complex in the theory and practice of translation (70).
    Konyukhova N.I. The process of substantivation in modern German scientific speech (73).
    Kuryshko G.F. Some features of the translation of German verbs into Russian in medical texts (75).
    Lebedeva R.B. Technical translation and updating pragmatic aspects text (78).
    Lobanova L.P. Principles of building a multilingual dictionary of general scientific vocabulary (79).
    Mikhalkovsky V.G. On the issue of editing the translation of a scientific text (based on the corrections of English-language editors of international publications) (80).
    Nesterova N.M., Novikov A.I. The problem of equivalence in abstract translation (81).
    Ovcharova I.V., Ovcharov V.F. Features of the translation of words of the general Japanese language in scientific and technical texts (83).
    Ogneva G.G. Words with the prefix ent - in the sublanguage Food Industry and difficulties in translating them into Russian (84).
    Peresvetov V.V. Peculiarities of translation of patent and license documents of France, Switzerland and Belgium (86).
    Polikarpov A.A. Problems of calculating the required volume of the contextual dictionary (89).
    Rudenko S.D. Synonyms in descriptions of inventions of the USA and Great Britain (91).
    Titova L.V., Ivshin V.D. Neologisms with suffixes -ee, -in in English scientific and technical literature and features of their translation (93).
    Tretyakova G.N. Peculiarities of expressing folded propositions in the translation of German technical texts (96).
    Chernazina L.I. New technical concepts expressed in phrases (98).
    Borisova L.I., Chernavina L.I. On the development of specialized teaching aids for the translation of general scientific vocabulary and set phrases in the TCP (100).
    Antonova M.V. Translation of terms in various functional areas (103).
    Anyushkin E.S. Construction and interpretation of industry terminological abbreviations (104).
    Arsent'eva O.G. Anglo-American terminology by stages of research and development (106).
    Arsentiev O.I. Modern traditionally conservative nominations in the terminological system and in translation (107).
    Borisova L.T., Donskoy Ya.L., Rubtsov V.A. Normativity of special dictionaries and translation of scientific and technical literature (107).
    Vasilyeva N.V. Terminological situation and translation (108).
    Veselov P.V., Londareva E.V. On the issue of creating and completing a fund of international crippled terms (110).
    Volkova I.N. Criteria for evaluating a scientific and technical term (111).
    Gorbovsky N.K. Interlingual homonymy in the field of scientific and technical terminology (based on the Russian and French languages) (113).
    Grinev S.V. Principles for the internationalization of terminology (115).
    Dubovsky Yu.A., Serebryakova I.M. Alloterms-homonyms and features of their translation (118).
    Zevakhina T.S. Difficult terms: ways of research and lexicographic processing (120).
    Knignitskaya M.I. Harmonization of terms-internationalisms in the process of scientific and technical translation (122).
    Kudryashova V.A. Structural and semantic design of terms as a reflection of the essential and denotative characteristics of the term (124).
    Leichik V.M. Translation of terms as a process of term creation (127).
    Mikhailenko T.D. The place of extralinguistic factors in the translation of pre-modern German military terminology (130).
    Mkrtchyan G.A., Nelyubin L.L. Organizational work of translation departments for the unification of terminology (131).
    Novichkova L.M. Features of the semantic structure of the term: two levels of the content plan (to the linguistic characteristics of the term as a system unit) (134).
    Novichkova L.M. The term as an object of linguistic analysis in the text (to the problem of lexico-semantic patterns of scientific and technical translation) (136).
    Svilane M.P. Terminology - national or international (138).
    Stepenskaya L.A. Project for the creation of a railway terminological fund (139).
    Tkacheva L.B. Some considerations on the problems, methods and organization of terminological studies (140).
    Ugryumova V.N. Standardization of terminology in the field of information and documentation and problems of scientific and technical translation (142).
    Shaposhnikov V.N. Analysis of the terminological system with fuzzy denotations (on the material of the Latin language) (144).
    Shelov S.D. Definition of terms as an object of linguistic analysis (to the linguistic theory of definition) (145).
    Tsitkina F.A. Comparative terminology: principles system analysis (147).
    Akodes M.I., Belaya T.N., Kalinenkov N.D. On English borrowings in German terminology (149).
    Artemenko L.V., Mushtenko G.A. Peculiarities of translation of terminological units (TU) of the group of Romance languages ​​(150).
    Bartkov B.I., Klimenko L.I. The structure and functioning of adjectives with semi-suffixes in term systems and literary German (150).
    Bulycheva S.F. Semantic structure of attributive terminological phrases in the sublanguage of mechanical engineering (152).
    Burlak A.I. English building terminology and some difficulties in its translation (152).
    Dobrovolskaya T.V., Zhukova Z.G. Multicomponent nominal terms as an interlingual universal (153).
    Dubrovina L.V. Anthroponyms in the English sublanguage of medicine (153).
    Dyachenko G.F., Tomasevich N.P., Shapa L.N. On the issue of the translation of terms in scientific and technical texts of industry literature (153).
    Kalancha G.M., Kamionko E.A. Ways of formation and translation of terms in computer technology (154).
    Kiseleva G.N. Comparative analysis structures of English and Russian terms in computer science (155).
    Lugovskoy Yu.M. About new terms in technical publications on English language and their Russian equivalents (155).
    Lyubavina L.V. On the issue of creating nested word-formation terminological dictionaries (156).
    Matveeva L.A. On the question of the relationship between national and international in cryogenic terminology (157).
    Mushtenko G.A., Zubchenko I.V., Ivanov S.Z. Synonymy and variance in translation of industry terminology (157).
    Nikoshkova E.V. Some causes of errors in the translation of terms (experimental research experience) (158).
    Orlov Yu.A. Improvement of dictionaries and translation of foreign scientific and technical literature (158).
    Popovich R.I. Onomasiological aspect of scientific and technical translation (159).
    Savelyeva G.N. On the systemic differences between French and Russian terminology in computer science and documentation (159).
    Sosnovskaya L.A. Bilinguistic classification of multicomponent terms (160).
    Turchin V.M. Semantic specialization of foreign language affixes and German terminological elements of medicine in synonymous (variant) paradigms and improvement of their translation into Russian (161).
    Turygina L.A. Model of term-formation processes (161).
    Khalilova L.A. Difficulties in translation of managerial terminology (162).
    Yakimovich Yu.K. Translation of terms in the conditions of formation of new term systems (162).
    Averbukh K.Ya. Modern terminology and translation training (163).
    Akopyan A.G., Ivchenko A.E. Optimization information work translator (165).
    Bis'ko I.A. On the meaning of educational terminological dictionary (167).
    Borodyansky I.A., Shnaideman M.N. About the program of training in scientific and technical translation at the People's University (169).
    Vorobieva G.P. A communicative approach to teaching translation (170).
    Garmatyuk S.D. Features of the work of the translation group of research institutes and design bureaus (171).
    Golikova Zh.A. On some ways to improve the teaching of translation in technical universities (174).
    Dobrovolskaya L.V., Nikitina O.D. Improving the methodology for teaching the translation of foreign texts in the specialty (176).
    Emelyanov E.A. Teaching scientific translation to a new level (178).
    Korotkikh Z.E. On the Dictionary of English Signs and Interpretation (181).
    Kraev A.V., Krivatkina N.B. On the special (technical) knowledge of an interpreter in research institutes (182).
    Large V.N. Dictionary-reference book as a basic tool for the formation of the profession of a technical translator (184).
    Kudryashova L.M., Golubeva S.V., Chmovzh E.K. On the goals and objectives of completing the national fund of translations of scientific and technical literature and documents (186).
    Medvedeva I.E. Formation of a DB and carrying out SIO according to foreign literature within the framework of the branch ASNTIgeology (188).
    Minkova R.A. Participation of an interpreter in the assessment technical level to the quality of developments (190).
    Minkova R.A. Cost accounting, self-sufficiency and self-financing of NTI services in the context of accelerating scientific and technological progress (193).
    Novak E.V. Development of linguistic guess and its role in the translation of scientific and technical literature (196).
    Popov A.G. Activities of the scientific and technical translation section of the NTO of Kabardino-Balkaria (199).
    Smirnov I.P. Issues of restructuring and acceleration in translation activity (200).
    Tikhaya N.S., Khomenko E.N. On the issue of developing the skills of scientific and technical translation among students of technical universities (203).
    Tovchikh L.A. The role and place of scientific and technical translation in teaching foreign students (204).
    Fomina T.M., Zagorodnova A.A. STP training in accelerated mode (7-8 monthly groups of applicants) (205).
    Bakhmutova E.V. Correlation of subject and problem components in automatic text processing systems (208).
    Berzon V.E., Zhirnova L.N. Using the method of superphrase analysis to remove ambiguity in machine translation (210).
    Valuytseva I.I. The phrase in the SMP ANRAP (212).
    Vladimirova N.M., Smirnova L.V. Training in terminological aspects of translation in an interactive mode (213).
    Vorzhev A.V., Zverkov B.S., Korostelev L.Yu. Technology for creating linguistic processors (214).
    Vorzhev A.V., Zorkiy K.P. Technological means creation of ASMP systems (217).
    Vorzhev A.V., Ignatov S.R., Korostelev L.Yu., Oreshkov P.A. Application local network PC for translation automation (219).
    Galacheva L.G. The method of splitting complex words into stems in the SMP ANRAP (222).
    Drambyan L.V., Semenova E.K., Tikhomirov B.D., Chalyapina U.M. On the system of Japanese-Russian automatic translation YARAP (223).
    Ezhov A.S. Automatic dictionary: the principle of organizing information (225).
    Karavaeva E.N. On the linearization of a multicomponent noun phrase with prepositive attributes in automated systems word processing (227).
    Kiselev A.N. Modeling the initial network of correspondences within the framework of the grammatical analysis of the ANRAP system (229).
    Korostelev L.Yu., Sokolova E.N., Ubin I.I., Chausova I.A. Architecture of Linguistic Arrays of the Translator's Workstation (231).
    Kosilova M.F. Natural Intelligence and Machine Translation Modeling (233).
    Cooke and Yu.G. Some features of the translation of verbs in the MP ANRAP system (236).
    Lovtskiy E.E. On some features of the LINTRAN system (237).
    Semenov A.L., Sinyukova O.I., Tikhonova N.G. Experience with post-editing machine translations (238).
    Minyar-Belorucheva A.P. The problem of machine translation of scientific and technical literature (241).
    Pilipenko O.P., Muravenko E.V. Application of transformational grammars to solve the problem of machine translation (241).
    Ryabtseva N.K. Machine translation as a problem of artificial intelligence (242).
    Semenov A.L. Practical analysis of the most common hieroglyphs in modern Japanese (243).
    Silnikov A.N. Application of the unification method in the construction of a German-Russian machine translation system (244).
    Smirnov I.P. Some quality issues of human and machine translations (245).
    Tikhomirov B.D., Drambyan L.V., Istomina I.M., Semenova E.K., Galachieva L.G. A set of software and technological tools for creating machine translation systems SPRINT (248).
    Tikhonova N.G. The use of the formal structure of a scientific and technical text in its automatic processing (250).
    Chausova I.A. On translation correspondences in bilingual and multilingual dictionaries (251).
    Yarovaya G.G. Adverb in the system of transformational text synthesis (254).
    Chechurina N.N. Training of translators at the radio polytechnic (256).
    Ermakova S.N. Logico-semantic relations in a generalized text (256).
    Captain E.Ya., Doborovich L.A. Some features of the German-language patent documentation (258).

Abstracts of reports and messages contain materials on the problems of theory and practice of scientific and technical translation, terminology, teaching of scientific and technical translation, scientific organization work of translators, improving their qualifications and automating the translation process.

TCP in the regions

One of the most important budgeting tools that determine the transition to the program-target method of planning is the target program, which reflects the main goals, objectives, activities and indicators for assessing the performance of government bodies. By now in Russian practice Some types of target programs have already become customary - federal, regional, municipal, aimed at solving complex intersectoral problems. As part of the ongoing budget reform, in order to strengthen the target orientation of planning activities within the authorities themselves, the concept of a departmental target program (TSP) was introduced. The principal differences of the new type of targeted programs are:

approval level (departmental orders);

narrow industry focus (implementation within the powers of one department);

approaches to the reflection of expenditure obligations (a departmental target program cannot generate new expenditure obligations).

For the first time, the term “VTsP” appeared in 2004 in the Concept of reforming the budget process in 2004-2006, and later it was disclosed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2005 N 239 “On approval of the regulation on the development, approval and implementation of departmental Target Programs" (hereinafter referred to as Decree N 239), which regulated the development of the TSP at the federal level. The most important stage in the formation of this type of target programs was the consolidation in 2007 in the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Article 179.3) of the norms on the possibility of distributing budgetary allocations for the implementation of departmental target programs in the budgets of all levels.

In general, currently available legal regulation only indicates the possibility of using this tool. But if the main approaches have already been fixed at the federal level, then the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities have been given the right to independently decide both on the advisability of implementing the TDP and on approaches to the formation of the regulatory framework for the development, approval and implementation of the TDP.

Starting from 2005, work on the implementation of the TDC was intensified in a significant part of the subjects of the Russian Federation. And it should be noted that by the middle of 2008 the majority of subjects of the Russian Federation and a number municipalities already created the necessary regulatory framework. Moreover, in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation there is an extensive practice of developing the programs themselves. For example, similar experience exists in the Republics of Komi, Udmurtia, Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, Ulyanovsk, Tver, Lipetsk, Omsk, Smolensk and Tyumen regions.

At the same time, to talk about the practical applicability of the TDP in the budget process and in the general system strategic planning subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities prematurely. An analysis of the existing regional practice has shown that this type of targeted programs is at the stage of initial development, and most of the examples available today are characterized by a number of similar problems, issues and systemic shortcomings.

First, there are shortcomings associated with the formation of a regulatory framework for the implementation of the TDP. A significant part of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when preparing their order for departmental targeted programs, took Decree N 239 as a basis, which led to the replication of errors and shortcomings that were made at the federal level. Therefore, despite the fact that the regions and municipalities were given the right to independently determine approaches to the development of the TDP, the content and form of the program, no initiative was taken to eliminate the shortcomings of the federal act. A similar problem is observed in the case when the region duplicates the acts of other subjects of the Russian Federation without properly analyzing the quality of the document.

The only solution to this problem is preliminary work at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to study the existing experience and select the main approaches to the development of TDCs that meet the needs and capabilities of a particular region. Secondly, a serious problem is associated with the isolation of the process of developing and approving the TRP in relation to the established procedure for planning and budget execution.

In most cases, the development, approval and implementation of the TDP does not affect the issues of distribution financial resources between authorities in the framework of the budget process, including in the course of planning budget allocations for the fulfillment of both existing and assumed obligations, in the course of the formation of state assignments for the provision public services etc. In addition, departmental targeted programs are an element of strategic planning in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and, therefore, should fit into the general system of goals and objectives set out in socio-economic development programs and reports on the results and main activities of public authorities. Quite often, the deadlines set in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for submitting developed TRPs for examination obviously do not allow taking into account strategic development directions (for example, when TRPs are submitted before the preparation of a report on the results and main areas of activity). To solve this problem, it is necessary to form a balanced schedule for budget planning and execution, which includes new tools and their relationship.

At the same time, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, difficulties arise with the distinction between departmental and regional targeted programs. There is a well-established practice of formation and implementation of regional target programs, which are considered by the authorities as reliable tools for obtaining financial resources, which is due to the level of approval (usually, the decision of the highest executive body government authority). In this context, the development and approval of departmental target programs by orders of the authorities is not perceived as an effective “guarantee” of obtaining funding. Therefore, when an authority wants to apply for allocations, in the vast majority of cases, to justify the need for resources, preference will be given to the development of a regional target program. Moreover, in such a situation, even the compliance of the problem being solved with the status of a departmental target program, and not a regional one (according to the narrow sectoral focus of the problem being solved, according to the circle of performers, etc.) does not matter. In order to change the current situation (or eliminate the possibility of such a perception of the TSP), a clear political position should be expressed at the leadership level of the region that the distribution of resources depends on the relevance of the problem being solved and the quality of the development of supporting documents, and not on the type of target program (departmental or regional). Thirdly, it is impossible not to note the problems of the quality of development of departmental target programs. First of all, such problems are associated with the following factors:

insufficient understanding by specialists of the authorities of the essence and tasks of developing departmental target programs, their role in the budget process, which is due to the lack of elaboration of the norms of regional legislation and the methodological framework in terms of the TDP, insufficient qualifications of the staff responsible for the TTP;

the lack of available summary information on the experience of developing departmental targeted programs at the federal level, indicating typical mistakes, difficulties and problems. In addition, there are no methodological recommendations for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the TDC;

insufficient interest of specialists of public authorities in the development of the TDP. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the development of the TDP is a “burden” for ministries and departments for current activities. Therefore, the approach to the development of the TDS often turns out to be too formal, since priority is given to the current activities regulated in terms of timing and financing, for the implementation of which the authority is responsible;

VCP preparation speed. In most cases, we are talking about the fact that the regional leadership sets a very short time for the preparation of the TRP, which negatively affects the quality and reliability of the documents being developed. In fairness, it should be noted that often such terms depend on the federal center (for example, when establishing conditions for receiving subsidies).

In order to solve the problem of quality and in order to most fully disclose the requirements for the developed TDS in many subjects of the Russian Federation, methodological recommendations for the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs were approved. In fact, this rational step is aimed at optimizing the work with the new program-target planning tool, since the methodological recommendations contain not only advisory provisions, but also information about possible errors and shortcomings that should not be made.

Fourthly, there are a number of methodological problems associated with the need to determine the position of the region on certain issues of development, implementation and monitoring of the WTP. So, there are a number of questions, unambiguous answers to which are almost impossible to find in regulation and methodological recommendations, for example:

how to reflect the issues of underfunding, which are so typical for a large number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation? As a rule, underfunding is considered by public authorities as part of the description of the risks of implementing the GDS. From our point of view, this approach is not entirely correct. Cases of underfunding should be considered separately. At the same time, the TRP should indicate that if the actual funding is reduced by a certain percentage, the authority undertakes to fulfill only a part of the TRP (and this should be reflected in the performance indicators). In addition, you can specify the priority of activities, that is, which activities can be abandoned in conditions of underfunding, and which should not be. In the future, this approach allows the public authority to reasonably answer to the leadership of the region for failure to meet certain indicators due to lack of financial resources;

Can the GTP cause new spending obligations? Based general practice application of the TDP and legal norms regarding the grounds for the emergence of spending obligations, it can be said that the TDP does not give rise to new spending obligations. If the TRP is aimed at substantiating the need for assumed obligations, it may contain references to future spending obligations, while the TRP should indicate which legal act(contract, agreement) must be accepted in order for such expenditure obligations to arise;

for how long to develop the TCP? Most regions indicate that TRPs can be developed for periods ranging from one to three years. At the same time, a significant part of the approved TRPs is designed for a year, which, from our point of view, seems irrational. After all, it may be difficult to fully implement the tasks set in the TSP within one year (this concerns the achievement of the set goal and the values ​​of the indicators). Moreover, based on the prerequisites for the transition to a three-year budget (and in a significant number of regions such a transition has already been practically implemented), planning the activities of a government body for three years is necessary and possible;

what should be the approval level of the TCP? Ideologically, the VTsP are a tool operational management in a public authority, which involves approval at the departmental level (by order), which simplifies the administration of the program. At the same time, in a number of regions, TCPs are approved by resolutions of the highest executive body of state power. As a rule, this is considered as a disciplining factor for a more responsible approach of the authorities to the development of the TDS;

how many TSPs can one authority have? There are several main answers to this question. The first option involves the formation of one departmental target program, which will include all the goals and objectives of the department and will be a compromise document between the report on the results and main areas of activity and a set of departmental target programs. The second option involves the development of separate TRPs for each task of the department, recorded in the report on the results and main directions of activity. That is, the number of TSPs will correspond to the number of tasks of the authority. Both of the above options have the right to exist, and the choice between them depends only on the development structural divisions departments: is it possible or not assigning a separate TSC to one or another subdivision, or will it be more efficient to exercise general control within the framework of one TSC;

how to record management expenses? This question is one of the most difficult to solve, and there are also several answers to it. The first option involves the allocation of such expenditures to non-program activities, within which goals, objectives and performance indicators can also be set. In the second case, management costs can be allocated to a separate TSP, the so-called administrative TSP. This approach is in many ways similar to the first option, but involves strengthening the target orientation of management costs. The most correct option is to proportionally distribute the costs under consideration according to the tasks of the authority and, accordingly, according to the TSP, but so far the methodology for such distribution has not been developed.

All of these and many other issues should be resolved in the region at the stage of formation of the legal and methodological framework, which will allow in the future to avoid a number of mistakes in the development and implementation of the TDP. Fifth, in the preparation and implementation of the TDP, specialists from the authorities are faced with a lack of necessary statistical reporting. This situation limits the authorities in the formation of a list of TSP activities and the choice of criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. The problem of statistics can be solved both by expanding programs statistical observation, which requires significant financial costs, and through the development of departmental statistics, which seems more rational.

All the problems and questions discussed above necessarily arise at one stage or another of the development of a new instrument, which indicates the need to resolve them even at the stage of the formation of the regulatory framework.

In general, speaking about the introduction of departmental target programs in the budget process of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that this work is complex and time-consuming, involving an iterative process. From our point of view, one of the most rational and balanced approaches to such work is to ensure step-by-step implementation, for example, within the framework of pilot authorities. Only after such a “run-in” and appropriate adjustment of the legislation, it is advisable to extend this tool to all authorities and move on to the actual use of the TDP in the budget process. In addition, special attention should be paid to motivating specialists to produce high-quality documents (for example, through the use of competitive mechanisms with the distribution of additional budgetary allocations). And the last in the list, but by no means the last in importance, is the provision of methodological support and advanced training of specialists. This involves both the development of detailed methodological recommendations and the training of specialists (seminars, workshops, ongoing consultations).

But even taking into account all of the above, we must not forget that the development of the TRP should not become a flag or a slogan for the introduction of performance-based budgeting and the transition to program-targeted budgeting. New system planning and implementation of the activities of the authorities should be primarily aimed at better meeting the needs of the population and optimizing the use of budgetary resources.

E. Vaksova,

Deputy General Director of the Research Center
budgetary relations, candidate of economic sciences

I. Moiseev,

legal service analyst
Center for the Study of Budgetary Relations.