What departments are there in the enterprise. Overview of organizational structures with diagrams and examples


Any kind of activity has its own hierarchy and a certain chain of relationships that ensure consistent performance. a certain kind activities. Without a clear structuring of the system, it is impossible to achieve success in any type of production. V modern society there is a division of organizations according to their spheres of influence. Let's consider what they are.

Management is one of the most essential elements in the overall system. They represent an interconnected chain of divisions, united by goals and a set of functions performed. They are usually located in large manufacturing enterprises or government agencies. Their main purpose is to monitor the performance of work and the distribution of tasks to smaller subunits of the organization. A distinctive feature of the departments is the complete absence of personnel employed in the production area. The departments are focused on solving administrative and management issues.


The presented type of structural and functional unit is less common in public life... Most often, departments are found in organizations that carry out health care functions. In this situation, the departments are distributed according to the set of functions performed and the specifics of rendering assistance to the population, this is necessary for faster work of personnel and the provision of narrow specialized medical care.

There are branches in banking as well as among the insurance industry. But unlike healthcare organizations and medical institutions, in this case, the distribution of departments is based on territorial characteristics and the affiliation of points to a certain area. In this case, the structural components of the system can be called branches and perform a wider range of tasks for the provision of services.


The presented category occupies a lower position in the hierarchy in relation to the controls. Most often, departments are part of government agencies, large enterprises and corporations, they are official in nature and also perform the role of managing the activities of organizations. Departments, like departments, have their own subdivision into smaller structural components, which are grouped by general principles separation of functions.

Departments can meet in the system state power to control the implementation of all existing norms and principles of organizing the activities of the country, subjects, territorial departments, large enterprises and industries.


One of the main and basic elements in the structural organization and the hierarchy of departments are departments. They are found in almost all spheres of human activity, in manufacturing enterprises, in large business corporations and in other departments. In almost all organizations where there is more than one type of activity, it is necessary to distribute according to spheres of influence and according to the characteristics of the functions performed. For this, departments are created, the main task of which is to perform specific tasks.

Departments have every right to exist independently, but at the same time they can also be part of the department and departments as a structural and functional unit for performing a certain type of work. Departments carry out activities within the framework of one enterprise and cannot be spread over several organizations at once.


This type of organization occupies a special place in the hierarchy of structural divisions. Usually they have a narrow focus on a functional basis, but at the same time they have a wide coverage of territorial points. The service can perform specific tasks within a certain type of activity, but at the same time cooperate with various organizations. This is the main difference from departments and other structural and functional units in organizations.

The security service can be cited as one of the striking examples. She specializes in providing security for enterprises and monitoring the safety of the functioning of organizations. But despite one performed task, she can cooperate with several enterprises at once and government services by providing them with your services. Services can cooperate with other organizations and their branches, but at the same time they have their own clear management system and centralized leadership, which ensures their autonomy.


Unlike other types of structural components of the system, this unit is only concerned with working with documentation and drawing up information sheets. The Bureau does not have the opportunity to participate in the production process, unlike the departments, therefore its specialization is significantly different from the structures presented above. In terms of their organization and implementation of activities, bureaus practically do not differ from departments. However, if we consider the enterprise system globally, then the bureaus occupy a lower step in the hierarchy ladder, and therefore, they deal with a more limited list of issues and solve problems at the local level on specific topics. It is here that you can get the information you are interested in and find out data on specific issues.

Experts will tell you what a structural unit is, explain legal aspects activities, the main functions and methods of management of such units.

From the article you will learn

Structural unit is workshops, sections, departments, sectors and similar units that are included in organization structure... They can be located at the location of the organization or geographically apart. This means that the subdivision can be internal or separate.

The structural unit of the organization is: definition and legal aspects of work

A structural unit of an organization is a structural part that performs functional, production tasks. Employees are guided in their work job descriptions.

Since the structural unit of an enterprise is a part of it, it cannot be considered in isolation from the enterprise itself, and endowed with legal, economic independence. If the management of the organization has decided to create a structural unit, there is no need or obligation to notify the registration authorities (if we are not talking about a separate unit).

The structure's activities are reflected in the general balance sheet of the company. A separate statistical code is not assigned to a link, a separate bank account is not opened, and so on.

Sistema Kadry experts will tell you about the peculiarities of the work of the cells, which are assigned certain functions, about the execution of documents when creating such structures, they will give a definition to the indexer and describe in detail how to create it.

On the basis of which the work of structural divisions is carried out

The activity of a structural unit is the implementation of functional, production tasks... The organization can develop Regulations on the work of the structural unit... This is done by the head of the organization, taking into account the established norms of the legislation.

Section of the Regulations on the work of the structural unit

  1. General provisions, which describe the organization itself and the intention to create a separate structure.
  2. The number and composition of personnel.
  3. Functions and tasks assigned to the link.
  4. Goals and methods of achieving them.
  5. The order of appointment of the head.

The head of a structural unit is who, by whom he can be appointed

The head of a structural unit is an employee who is directly responsible for the implementation of assigned tasks. The methods and model of management are delegated by the top management of the organization, or they can be chosen by the head of a department, sector, site, shop independently.

Expert "Systems Personnel" will tell , will give an example of creating a labor protection service as a separate link.

The work of the created cell should be flexible. This will allow you to react as quickly as possible to all changes that occur not only within the organization, but also during external environment, in the job market. Considering that the link is responsible for the corresponding field of activity, the work of all units of the cell must be specialized. The burden on the leader should not be overly large.

A separate structural unit is what: requirements and functions

A structural unit is a work unit. If we are talking about a separate subdivision, then it, unlike the internal one, is located separately from the parent organization.

The structural unit of the organization is (example)

A separate structural unit is a representative office, branch or other separate subdivision... When creating it, a certain sequence is observed.

A structural unit is a cell that is assigned certain functions. When creating several units, their functions should not duplicate each other. Depending on the location, the organization can create internal structural divisions, as well as separate divisions.

Achieving high performance results is what all companies strive for, without exception. However, without a well-established organizational structure the enterprise runs the risk of failing.

In this article we will analyze what the organizational structure of enterprise management is and how to choose it correctly.

Features of the choice of the organizational structure of the enterprise

The organizational structure is the basis for performing enterprise management functions. So, it is understood as the composition, subordination, interaction and distribution of work between individual employees and entire departments.

Speaking simple language, the organizational structure of an enterprise is a set of departments, as well as managers headed by director general... Her choice depends on many factors:

  • the age of the organization (the younger the company, the simpler its organizational structure);
  • organizational and legal form (JSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur, ...);
  • field of activity;
  • the scale of the company (number of employees, departments, etc.);
  • technologies used in the work of the company;
  • communication inside and outside the firm.

Of course, when considering the organizational structure of management, it is necessary to take into account such characteristics of the company as the levels of interaction. For example, how the departments of the company, employees with employees, and even the organization itself with the external environment interact with each other.

Types of organizational structures of enterprise management

Let's take a closer look at the types of organizational structures. There are several classifications, and we will consider the most popular and at the same time the most complete of them.


The linear structure is the simplest of all existing varieties of enterprise management structures. At the head is the director, then the heads of departments, then ordinary workers. Those. everyone in the organization is vertically connected. Typically, such organizational structures can be found in small organizations in which the so-called functional units are not distinguished.

This type is simple, and tasks in the organization are usually completed quickly and professionally. If, for some reason, the task is not completed, then the manager always knows that you need to ask the head of the department about the completion of the task, and the head of the department, in turn, knows who in the department to ask about the progress of work.

The disadvantage is the increased requirements for management personnel, as well as the burden that falls on their shoulders. This type of management is applicable only to small businesses, otherwise managers will not be able to work effectively.


If a small firm that used a linear management structure develops, then its organizational structure changes and turns into a line-staff one. Vertical connections remain in place, however, the leader has a so-called "headquarters" - a group of people performing the role of advisers.

The headquarters does not have the authority to give orders to executors, however, it has a strong influence on the leader. Based on the decisions of the headquarters, the management decisions.


When the workload on employees increases, and the organization continues to grow further, the organizational structure moves from a line-staff structure to a functional one, which means the distribution of work not by departments, but by functions performed. Whereas earlier everything was simple, now managers can safely call themselves directors of finance, marketing and production.

It is with the functional structure that you can see the division of the organization into separate parts, each of which has its own functions and tasks. A stable external environment is an indispensable element of supporting the development of a company that has chosen a functional structure for itself.

These companies have one serious drawback: the functions of management personnel are very blurred. If in a linear organizational structure everything is clear (sometimes even too much), then in a functional organizational structure everything is a little blurry.

For example, when there is a problem with sales, the director has no idea who to blame. Thus, the functions of managers sometimes overlap and when a problem arises, it is difficult to establish whose fault it occurred.

The advantages are that the company can be multidisciplinary and can handle it perfectly. Moreover, due to functional separation, a firm can have multiple goals.


This organizational structure only applies to large organizations. Thus, it combines the advantages of both organizational structures, however, it has fewer disadvantages.

With this type of control, all the main connections are linear, and the additional ones are functional.


Like the previous one, it is only suitable for large companies... Functions in the organization are distributed not according to the areas of responsibility of subordinates, but according to the type of product, or according to the regional affiliation of the division.

The division has its own subdivisions and the division itself resembles a linear or linear-functional organizational structure. For example, a division may have a purchasing department, a marketing department, and a production department.

The disadvantage of such an organizational structure of the enterprise is the complexity of connections between departments, as well as the high costs of maintaining managers.


Applicable to those enterprises that operate in the market, where products must be constantly improved and updated. For this, the company creates working groups, which are also called matrix. It follows from this that a double subordination arises in the company, as well as constant collaboration of employees from different departments.

The advantage of such an organizational structure of the enterprise is the ease of introducing new products into production, as well as the company's flexibility to the external environment. The downside is double reporting, which often leads to conflicts in workgroups.


So, the organizational structure of an enterprise is a company management system and the ease of performing tasks, the company's flexibility to the external environment, as well as the burden that falls on the shoulders of managers depend on its choice.

If the company is small, then at the stage of formation, as a rule, a linear organizational structure naturally arises in it, and as the enterprise develops, its structure acquires an increasingly complex form, becoming a matrix or divisional one.

The video is an example of the organizational structure of a company:

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When we talk about organizational structure, we mean the conceptual framework around which a group of people is organized, the foundation on which all functions are held. An enterprise organizational chart is essentially a user guide that explains how an organization is built and how it works. More specifically, the organizational structure describes how decisions are made in a company and who is its leader.

Why is it necessary to develop the organizational structure of the enterprise?

  • The organizational structure provides a clear understanding of the direction in which the company is heading. A clear structure is a tool with which you can maintain order in decision-making and overcome various disagreements.
  • The organizational structure links the participants. Thanks to her, people who join the group have distinctive features. At the same time, the group itself has certain characteristics.
  • The organizational structure is inevitable. Any organization, by definition, implies some kind of structure.

Organizational structure elements

The organizational structure of any organization will depend on who is its participants, what tasks it solves and how far the organization has come in its development.

No matter which organizational structure you choose, three elements will always be present in it.

  • Control

A specific person or group of people who make decisions in an organization.

  • The rules by which the organization operates

Many of these rules can be stated explicitly, while others can be hidden, but no less binding.

  • Distribution of labor

The distribution of labor can be formal or informal, temporary or permanent, but every organization will certainly have a certain type of distribution of labor.

Traditional organizational structures

These structures are based on functional unit and department. They are characterized by the fact that on upper level concentrated powers of strategic and operational tasks.

There are several types of traditional structures.

  • Linear organizational structure

The most simple structure of all the existing ones. It is characterized by the presence of a certain chain of command. Decisions come from top to bottom. This kind of structure is suitable for small organizations like small accounting firms and law firms. The linear structure makes decisions easy.


  • The simplest kind of organizational chart.
  • As a result of tough management, tough discipline is formed.
  • Quick decisions lead to quick and effective action.
  • There is clarity in the structures of power and responsibility.
  • Since control rests with one boss, in some cases he can be flexible.
  • There is good prospects career growth for people who do quality work.


  • There are opportunities to influence the head of the department.
  • A constant problem is the lack of specialization.
  • The department head can be overwhelmed with work.
  • Communication is carried out only from top to bottom.
  • A boss with power may misuse it to his advantage.
  • Decisions are made by one person.

Line-staff organization

This structure is characterized by the presence of line managers and departments, which in fact do not have the right to make decisions. Their main task is to assist the line manager in performing certain management functions. The decision-making process in such a structure is slower.


  • Allows employees to complete tasks quickly.
  • Helps employees take on responsibility and specialize in specific functions.
  • Helps line managers focus on specific tasks.
  • At organizational changes the risk of resistance is minimal.
  • Employees feel appreciated for their contributions.


  • Confusion can arise among employees.
  • Employees do not have enough knowledge to focus on results.
  • There are too many levels of hierarchy.
  • Employees can disagree, which slows down work.
  • More expensive structure than a simple line organization due to the presence of department heads.
  • Decisions can take too long.

Functional structure

This kind of organizational structure classifies people according to the function they perform in their professional life.


  • High degree of specialization.
  • Clear lines of authority.
  • A clear understanding of responsibility.
  • High efficiency and speed.
  • No need to duplicate work.
  • All functions are equally important.


  • Communication faces several barriers.
  • The focus is on people, not organization.
  • Decisions made by a single person may not always be beneficial to the organization.
  • As a company grows, it becomes more difficult to exercise control over activities within it.
  • Lack of teamwork between different departments or units.
  • Since all functions are separate, employees may not be aware of what is going on with their colleagues.

Divisional structure

This includes the types of structures that are based on the different departments in the organization. They group employees based on product, market, and geographic location.

  • Product (commodity) structure

This structure is based on organizing employees and working around various products. If a company produces three different products, then it will have three different divisions for those products. This type of structure is best for retail stores with a variety of products.


  • Structural units that do not work can be easily closed.
  • Each unit can be managed as a separate structural unit.
  • Fast and easy decision making.
  • Greater independence for decision-makers.
  • Individual products receive special attention depending on the problems that arise.
  • The organization is characterized by high productivity and efficiency.


  • Since each structural unit operates independently, organizational goals cannot be achieved.
  • Unhealthy competition among internal divisions.
  • A large number of organizational levels hinder business development.
  • All units cannot be equal.
  • Marketing of individual products can vary greatly in cost.

Market structure

Employees are grouped based on the market in which the company operates. A company can have five different markets, according to this structure, each of them will be a separate division.


  • Employees can communicate with customers in the local language.
  • They are available to customers.
  • Problems in a particular market can be tackled in isolation.
  • Since people are responsible for a specific market, tasks are completed on time.
  • Employees specialize in a specific market.
  • New products may be introduced for specialized markets.


  • There may be intense competition among employees.
  • Decision making can cause conflicts.
  • It is difficult to define productivity and efficiency.
  • All markets may not be considered equal.
  • There may be a lack of communication between supervisors and employees.
  • Employees may misuse their authority.
  • Geographic structure

Have large organizations there are offices in various locations. The organizational structure in this case follows the zonal structure.


  • Good communication among employees in the same location.
  • Local workers are more familiar with the local business environment and can be geographically and culturally adjusted.
  • Clients feel better connected with local managers who can speak their language.
  • Reports on the work of selected markets.
  • Decisions are made in a balanced manner.
  • New products or product modifications may be introduced to suit the needs of a specific area.


  • Unhealthy competition can arise among different geographic areas.
  • Company ethics and principles may differ from region to region.
  • Keeping track of the performance and profits of each area can be time-consuming.
  • Poor communication among employees in different regions is possible.
  • Interaction between employees of different regions may not work out.

Matrix structure

It is a combination of product and functional structures. It combines the advantages of both structures for greater efficiency. This structure is the most complex of the existing ones. A distinctive feature of the matrix structure is the subordination of employees to two or more managers of the same level.

There is a functional matrix. In this type of matrix structure, project managers oversee the functional aspects of the project. However, they have very limited power, in fact, the head of the functional unit controls the resources and the project.


  • Employees do not work in temporary jobs.
  • The functional leader manages the project.
  • The functional manager is responsible if something goes wrong.
  • The more the project manager communicates with the employees, the better the results.
  • The project manager can make a real difference without being under control.
  • Decision making is concentrated in the hands of the head of the functional unit.


  • The project manager can face apathy from the employees.
  • The project manager does not have full authority.
  • Without being monitored, employees may exhibit less performance across the entire department.
  • The project manager has weak power that prevents him from supervising employees.
  • The project manager has no control over workload management and task prioritization.
  • The project manager cannot give a report on the work.

There is also a project matrix, when the project manager is primarily responsible for the work, while the head of the functional unit can provide methodological advice and allocate resources.