Development of a unified state automated information management system. Federal Treasury



About the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of social economic development Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the GAS "Upravlenie"

Document as amended by:
(Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 07/19/2017).

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 N 1088 "On the state automated information system" Management "Government of the Moscow Region


1. Create an automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie".

2. Approve the attached:

Regulations on the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie";

Regulations for the input and transfer of information contained in the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the State Automated System "Upravlenie" to the state automated information system "Upravlenie".

3. Determine that:

Ministry of Public Administration, information technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region performs the functions of an operator of the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie" (hereinafter referred to as the State Autonomous Information System of the Moscow Region);

The Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region carries out the formation of functional requirements for the development, modernization and maintenance of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region, as well as the coordination of the information content of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region by the central executive bodies state power Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region and local governments municipalities Moscow region.
Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

4. From September 1, 2015, to the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region and state bodies of the Moscow Region, the collection, formation and reporting on the achieved and projected values ​​of indicators of socio-economic development of the Moscow Region shall be carried out using the GASU of the Moscow Region, including the indicators provided for in, , , , , , , , , , , and indicators of the implementation of state programs of the Moscow region.

5. The Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, by July 20, 2015, in agreement with the Ministry of Economy of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Finance of the Moscow Region and the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, develop and approve the Regulations for the exchange of information between the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region, the the automated procurement management system of the Moscow Region and the automated budgetary process management system of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Information Exchange Regulation).

6. By August 1, 2015, the Ministry of Economy of the Moscow Region shall develop and approve, taking into account the Regulations for the exchange of information:

the order of work in the subsystem "Monitoring of indicators of the development of the Moscow region" of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region;

the order of work in the subsystem "State and municipal programs of the Moscow region" of the GASU of the Moscow region;

the order of work in the subsystem "Forecasting the socio-economic development of the Moscow region" of the GASU of the Moscow region.

7. The Ministry of Finance of the Moscow Region, by October 1, 2015, shall ensure information exchange automated system for managing the budgetary process of the Moscow Region with the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region in accordance with the Regulations for the exchange of information.

8. Until October 1, 2015, the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the information interaction of the unified automated procurement management system of the Moscow Region with the GASU of the Moscow Region in accordance with the Rules for the exchange of information.

9. Recommend to the heads of municipal districts and urban districts of the Moscow Region from January 1, 2016, the collection, formation and reporting on the achieved and projected values ​​of indicators of socio-economic development of the Moscow Region to be carried out using the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region, including the indicators provided for in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 N 596 "On the long-term state economic policy", dated 07.05.2012 N 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy", dated 07.05.2012 N 598 "On improving the state policy in the field of healthcare", dated 07.05.2012 N 599 "On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science", dated 05/07/2012 N 600 "On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing and communal services", dated 05/07/2012 N 601 " On the main directions for improving the system of public administration of 07.05.2012 N 602 "On ensuring interethnic harmony", dated 07.05.2012 N 603 "On the implementation of plans (programs) for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and the modernization of the military-industrial complex ", dated 07.05.2012 N 604 "On the further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation", dated 07.05.2012 N 605 "On measures to implement the foreign policy of the Russian Federation", dated 07.05.2012 N 606 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation", and indicators of the implementation of municipal programs.

10. The Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the official publication of this resolution in the newspaper "Ezhednevnye Novosti. Podmoskovye" and placement (publication) on the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region.

11. This resolution comes into force from the day of its official publication.

12. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Gabdrakhmanov I.N.

Moscow region

Regulations on the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie"

Government Decree
Moscow region
dated July 23, 2015 N 600/28

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation defines the purpose of the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Management" (hereinafter referred to as the State Autonomous System of the Moscow Region), its structure, participants in its creation and operation, their powers and responsibilities.

2. GASU of the Moscow Region is the state information system of the Moscow Region, which provides the formation and processing of data received from central executive bodies the state authorities of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region and local governments of municipalities of the Moscow region, as well as official state statistics:

on the socio-economic development of the Moscow region;

on the formation and implementation of state programs of the Moscow region and municipal programs;

on indicators of the medium-term forecast for the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region and municipalities of the Moscow Region (including urban and rural settlements) and long-term forecast of socio-economic development of the Moscow region.

3. The purpose of creating the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region is to increase the efficiency of public administration in the Moscow Region.

4. GASU of the Moscow Region is the property of the Moscow Region.

5. The information posted in the GASU of the Moscow Region is the state information resource of the Moscow Region.

6. GASU of the Moscow Region is designed to solve the following tasks:

automating the processes of collecting, processing and monitoring the values ​​of indicators established in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 N 596 "On the long-term state economic policy", dated 07.05.2012 N 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy", dated 07.05.2012 N 598 "On improving the state policy in the field of healthcare", dated 07.05.2012 N 599 "On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science", dated 07.05.2012 N 600 "On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improving the quality of housing and communal services", dated 07.05.2012 N 601 "On the main directions of improving the system of public administration", dated 07.05.2012 N 602 "On ensuring interethnic harmony", dated 07.05.2012 N 603 "On the implementation of plans (programs ) construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and modernization of defense industrial complex", dated 07.05.2012 N 604 "On the further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation", dated 07.05.2012 N 605 "On measures to implement the foreign policy of the Russian Federation", dated 07.05.2012 N 606 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation", and indicators of socio-economic development of the Moscow region and municipalities of the Moscow region;

automated support for the processes of formation, monitoring and analysis of the implementation of state programs of the Moscow region and municipal programs;

automated support for the formation and control of the implementation of roadmaps for the Moscow Region aimed at achieving indicators of socio-economic development, as well as the implementation of activities of state programs of the Moscow Region and municipal programs of the Moscow Region;

automated support for intradepartmental processes of needs formation structural divisions in goods, works, services, control processes of activity plans of the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region and state bodies of the Moscow Region;

automated support for the formation of a medium-term forecast of the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region and municipalities of the Moscow Region and a long-term forecast of the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region;

automated support for the processes of monitoring and analysis of performance indicators of the activities of local governments of municipalities of the Moscow Region, carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2008 N 607 "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments of urban districts and municipal districts";

automated support for the processes of monitoring and analysis of performance indicators of the activities of the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region, carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2012 N 1199 "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation";

automation of collection forms design processes electronic reporting, input and approval of data provided by the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region, local authorities of municipalities of the Moscow Region;

providing public access in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet") to information on the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region, on the implementation of state programs of the Moscow Region and municipal programs;

formation of information according to the indicators determined by the technological maps of interdepartmental interaction of the state automated information system "Management" (hereinafter - GAS "Management"), and their transfer to the GAS "Management".

II. Structure of the GASU of the Moscow Region

7. GASU of the Moscow region has a modular structure and includes basic, departmental and supporting subsystems.

The basic subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region are created by the operator of the GASU of the Moscow Region and are used to work with the information specified in paragraph 2 of these Regulations. The holder of information regarding the basic subsystems of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region is the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

The supporting subsystems of the GACM of the Moscow Region are used to ensure the proper functioning of the basic and departmental subsystems of the GACM of the Moscow Region, to visualize the information contained in them, as well as to service the departmental subsystems of the GACM of the Moscow Region. The owner of information in relation to the supporting subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region is the operator of the GASU of the Moscow Region.

Departmental subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region are created and used for the purpose of maintaining information resources as part of the GASU of the Moscow Region, intended for the implementation of executive and administrative activities in certain areas public relations. The owner of information in relation to the departmental subsystems of the SAAU of the Moscow Region is the central executive bodies of state power, the state bodies of the Moscow Region, in the field of activity of which the corresponding subsystem has been created.

Responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information contained in the subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region is borne by the owners of the information.

8. The basic subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region include:

subsystem "Monitoring of indicators of development of the Moscow region";

subsystem "State and municipal programs of the Moscow region";

subsystem "Forecasting the socio-economic development of the Moscow region".

9. Supporting subsystems include:

subsystems for visualizing information in the information and telecommunication network Internet;

information visualization subsystems on mobile devices;

subsystems designed to ensure the proper functioning of the basic and departmental subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region.

III. Organization of management of the process of functioning and development of the SAAU of the Moscow Region

10. Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

develops and approves the organizational, administrative and methodological documents necessary to ensure the functioning of the subsystems of the SACM of the Moscow Region, the procedure for the formation, processing of data, as well as the analysis of information contained in the subsystems of the SACM of the Moscow Region;

monitors the information interaction of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region with the Automated Budget Process Management System of the Moscow Region and the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region;

develops functional requirements for the implementation of work on the creation, development, modernization and maintenance of basic and supporting subsystems of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region;

approves draft forms for collecting electronic reporting carried out using the form designer, which is part of the subsystem "Monitoring of indicators of development of the Moscow region";

coordinates the functional requirements for the implementation of work on the creation, development, modernization and maintenance of departmental subsystems of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region.

11. Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region:

develops and approves organizational, administrative and methodological documents regulating the functioning of the software and hardware components of the SAAU of the Moscow Region;

develops and approves the Procedures for Information Interaction of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region with other state information systems of the Moscow Region;

provides information interaction of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region with the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and the Automated Management System for the Budgetary Process of the Moscow Region;

determines and grants access rights to users of subsystems of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region.

12. Central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region:

determine those responsible for entering information into the subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region;

ensure timely input of information into the subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region in accordance with the organizational, administrative and methodological documents developed and approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region and the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

coordinate with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region draft forms for collecting electronic reporting;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

develop, in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region, functional requirements for the implementation of work on the creation, development, modernization and maintenance of departmental subsystems of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

13. In the case of the use of the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region in a municipality of the Moscow Region by local governments of municipalities of the Moscow Region:

responsible for entering information into the subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region are determined;

timely input of information into the subsystems of the GASU of the Moscow Region is ensured in accordance with the organizational, administrative and methodological documents developed and approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region and the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

draft forms for collecting electronic reporting are coordinated with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

IV. Information exchange of GASU of the Moscow region with the state automated information system "Upravlenie"

14. The procedure for entering and transferring information to GAS "Upravlenie" is determined by the Regulations for entering and transferring information contained in the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region using a typical regional segment of the GAS "Upravlenie" to the state automated information system " Control".

V. Provision of information contained in the GASU of the Moscow Region

15. Provision of information contained in the GASU of the Moscow Region to the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region and local governments of municipalities of the Moscow Region is carried out by granting the specified subjects the appropriate access rights to the GASU of the Moscow Region by the operator of the GASU of the Moscow Region.

16. The provision of publicly available information contained in the GASU of the Moscow Region is carried out through the portal of the GASU of the Moscow Region on the Internet - "Moscow Region in Figures", which is a module of the information visualization subsystem in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

17. To access information portal Moscow Region "Moscow Region in Figures" registration is not required.

Government Decree
Moscow region
dated July 23, 2015 N 600/28

Regulations for the input and transfer of information contained in the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow region using the standard regional segment of the State Automated System "Upravlenie" to the state automated information system "Upravlenie"

1. This Regulation for the input and transfer of information contained in the automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region using the standard regional segment of the State Automated Information System "Upravlenie" with the state automated information system "Upravlenie" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes the procedure for the formation and transfer of information to the state automated information system "Management".

2. For the purposes of the Regulations, the following abbreviations, terms and their definitions are used:

GASU of the Moscow Region - automated information and analytical system "Monitoring of the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region using a typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie";

GAS "Management" - state automated Information system"Control";

State bodies of the Moscow region - central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region;

TKMV - technological map of interdepartmental interaction of regional government bodies of the GAS "Management";

Information TKMV - data on indicators determined by TKMV;

Users responsible for entering information - employees of the executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, providing the input of specific indicators of TKMV in the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region.

Users responsible for approving information - officials central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region responsible for approving specific indicators of TKMV in the State Autonomous Administration of the Moscow Region;

3. The operator of the GASU of the Moscow Region is the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region.

The authorized body of the SAAU of the Moscow Region is the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of June 27, 2017 N 530/22.

4. Operator of the GASU of the Moscow Region:

provides access rights to users responsible for entering information, and users responsible for approving information TKMV;

organizes training for users responsible for entering TKMV information and users responsible for approving TKMV information.

ensures the development and modernization of the GASU of the Moscow Region, taking into account changes in the TKMV;

ensures the correct transmission of TKMV information from the GASU of the Moscow Region to the GASU "Upravlenie".

5. The authorized body of the GASU of the Moscow Region:

organizes the work on the appointment in the state bodies of the Moscow region of users responsible for entering information, and users responsible for approving information;

organizes the work on the preparation of comments and proposals for the projects of the TCPM;

oversees compliance deadlines and the frequency of entering information for each indicator determined by TKMV;

coordinates the work of the state bodies of the Moscow region in terms of the formation, introduction and approval of information from the TKMV in the GASU of the Moscow region.

6. State bodies of the Moscow region:

determine the users responsible for entering information TKMV;

determine the users responsible for approving information, with a rank not lower than deputy head government agency Moscow region;

ensure that users responsible for approving information receive electronic signatures in the prescribed manner;

ensure the input of TKMV information into the GASU of the Moscow Region;

ensure the approval of the TKMV information in the GASU of the Moscow Region;

ensure the reliability, timeliness of the input and approval of TKMV information in the GASU of the Moscow Region.

7. The input of TKMV information into the State Autonomous System of the Moscow Region for the purpose of its transfer to the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie" is carried out by users responsible for entering information in accordance with the TKMV by filling out the screen forms of the subsystem "Monitoring of indicators of development of the Moscow region" of the State Autonomous System of the Moscow region.

8. Approval of the entered TKMV information is carried out by signing the TKMV information by the user responsible for the information approval.

9. Transfer of TKMV information to GAS "Upravlenie" is carried out in electronic form using a special service of the GASU of the Moscow Region after approval of the TKMV information entered into the GASU of the Moscow Region by the user responsible for approving the information.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

State Information System "Management" (GASU)- it is planned that it will be used to evaluate the work of officials "to achieve the most important indicators of socio-economic development and the exercise of their powers."

In December 2009, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 1088 on a single vertically integrated state automated information system "Management" (GASU). The document says that work on the system will be completed in 2012, and until the end of 2010 their funding will come from federal budget under the program "Electronic Russia".

Why do we need GASU

Initially, it was assumed that the system would be aimed at solving the tasks of monitoring the implementation of the Priority national projects, analysis of the socio-economic development of Russia and regions of the Russian Federation. Later, the tasks of the system changed.

The concept of the SAAU says that it will be used to evaluate the work of officials "to achieve the most important indicators of socio-economic development and the exercise of their powers." Employees of these departments should monitor the performance indicators of officials through the SAAU in real time.

“A subject is often asked for the same data by multiple federal agencies. Moreover, the data provided is different: in one case, everything is bad, in the other - on the contrary. With the introduction of GAS Management, the information will be unified, ”the director of the IT department of the government, Alexei Popov, explained earlier the meaning of creating the system (he worked in this position until May 2012).

It is expected that GAS "Upravlenie" will unite a number of information departmental and regional resources that provide a solution to a wide class of tasks in the interests of specific departments and regions. All solutions must be implemented in a single software and hardware platform, which allows for their integration in order to form the basis of a unified automated system of public administration.

For 2014, one of the key tasks of the GAS "Upravlenie" was the transfer of the entire exchange of statistical information between departments to electronic form. In fact, the system should replace the current exchange procedure and collect periodically updated information that is in demand, allowing, on the one hand, to have a top-level vision, and on the other hand, the ability to obtain detailed data on a selected topic.

Double click to enlarge

Customer, operator, users

The state customer for the creation of the "Management" system was the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the operator is the single national operator of the electronic government infrastructure "Rostelecom".

Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Treasury, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Regional Development and FSO

Until the beginning of 2014, the following companies took part in the development of GAS "Upravlenie":

Among the users of the system are the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government Apparatus, the Accounts Chamber, and presidential plenipotentiaries in the federal districts. Employees of these departments should monitor the performance indicators of officials through the SAAU in real time. Communication channels are used to transfer data Federal Service protection (FSO).

System development costs

For April, 2014 expenses of the federal budget for GAS "Upravlenie", according to CNews Analytics, are close to 1 billion rubles.

Costs for 2009-2010 were approved by the government in September 2009 in Decree No. 721. Rostelecom also started work on the GASU in 2009. In total, 549.14 million rubles were allocated to the GASU for these two years. A source in the government told CNews that in 2009 260 million rubles were spent on developing the system. Based on these data, in 2010 similar costs will amount to almost 290 million rubles. Valery Zubakha, director of the Electronic Government project at Rostelecom, did not give absolute numbers to CNews' question about costs, but said that in 2009 they were "significantly less than 260 million rubles."

2010: Contour Components as a subcontractor of Prognoz

In accordance with the agreement, a subsystem for maintaining indicators was developed that ensures the collection and maintenance of metadata (classifiers, descriptions of indicators, etc.) and an integration subsystem that ensures the exchange of data and metadata between departments and GAS "Upravlenie".

The solution for GAS "Upravlenie" used innovative methods and technologies of the company, such as an extensible description of metadata, alternative classification, technology for exchanging data and metadata through web services in XML format, and others.

It was reported that the company "Prognoz" implemented the following subsystems of the GAS "Management":

  • Information system for monitoring the socio-economic development of subjects Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, providing tools for monitoring, analyzing and forecasting socio-economic development and the budgetary and financial condition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • Information and analytical system for monitoring and controlling the implementation of priority national projects, providing tools for monitoring and controlling the implementation of priority national projects, assessing the achievement of targets in accordance with the approved network diagrams their implementation.
  • The system for monitoring the development of industries and the defense industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, which provides tools for monitoring and analyzing indicators characterizing the development of the industry of the Russian Federation in the context of industries, types of activities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and individual enterprises of the defense industry;
  • Information and analytical system for monitoring and analyzing the use of ICT in public administration Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, which provides tools for monitoring and analyzing indicators of the use of ICT in the socio-economic sphere and public administration, monitoring the implementation of programs and projects in the field of communications and ICT;
  • Unified interdepartmental information and statistical system of state statistics, aimed at providing users with reliable statistical data that meets international statistical standards, filling other systems of GAS "Upravlenie" with up-to-date and operational statistical information provided by Rosstat;
  • A typical regional segment of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie", which provides a solution to a wide range of tasks of monitoring, analysis and forecasting in the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. On the example of the Tver region, the Situation Center of the Governor was developed, integrated with the federal segment of the State Autonomous System "Management" and providing comprehensive detailed information on the processes of socio-economic development of the region both at the macroeconomic level ( key indicators development of the region in comparison with neighboring regions, the federal district, the country as a whole), and at the level of municipalities in the region.

2012: Transfer of terms of start

In December 2012, the Subcommittee on the use of IT in the provision of public services (acting as part of the Government Commission on the implementation of IT in the activities of state bodies) published the minutes of the meetings (dated December 13 and 19, 2012) on the creation of the state automated system "Management", from which it follows that the system start is delayed.

According to a government decree signed by Vladimir Putin in September 2011, “federal executive authorities must request information from federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments exclusively through the "Management" system from January 1, 2013.

As follows from the minutes of the meetings of the subcommittee, the connection of federal bodies to the GAS "Upravlenie" is scheduled only for February 2013, and the connection of the regions - until October 2013. but only about the experimental operation of the system.

In a separate document, the subcommittee published a schedule for the integration of state information resources with the GAS "Upravlenie", according to which some systems from December 2012 - January 2013 should provide "data uploads on an ongoing basis", and for a number of others from February to April 2013 should be only "the start of test integration" is provided.

In total, the plan contains information on 62 information systems, including:

  • AC of the Federal Treasury,
  • Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS),
  • AIS "Tax" and "Finance",
  • a number of accounting systems developed on the 1C and Parus platforms,
  • systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
  • Ministry of Health,
  • Ministry of Education and Science, etc.

Responsible for the creation of GAS "Upravleniya", according to the decree of Vladimir Putin, are the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Treasury, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Federal Security Service, as well as federal authorities, which must ensure integration with the GAS "Upravleniya" of their own IT systems. The government commission for the introduction of IT in the activities of government agencies is the coordinating body for the development of the system.

Until December 1, 2011, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, according to a government decree, was supposed to transfer part of the subsystems of the GAS "Management" to the balance of the Federal Treasury, and until February 1, 2012 - the other part - to the federal authorities. “But the systems were handed over only in October 2012,” the Federal Treasury told CNews. “In this regard, we were not able to start finalizing them in time.”

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications forwarded the CNews request to the Ministry of Economic Development, in which they reported that during 2012 they worked out the methodological basis of the system. The Federal Treasury added that now the system is being modernized at an accelerated pace.

For the largest state IT projects in Russia during this period, the practice of failure to meet tight deadlines is typical. For example, the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is still not fully functioning, which from July 1, 2012 was supposed to free citizens across the country from the need to provide additional certificates when applying for public services. The introduction of the universal electronic card was postponed for a year - from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013.

2013: Back to the Future

There is no doubt that the pause at the end of 2012 was caused by the renewal of a number of ministries, primarily the Ministry of Communications, which only in October was able to transfer the system software to the Federal Treasury. Besides, the director of IT department Alexey Popov left the government. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Treasury did not waste time preparing the next version of the concept GAS "Management". In October, a government commission led by the new Minister of Communications, Nikolai Nikiforov, returned to discussing the system and approved the document.

The concept of 2012 summed up the results of the previous period. It noted that not all of the announced plans were implemented. The goals of creating, using the GAS "Management" have been achieved to ensure a limited range of functional tasks of the highest authorities:

  • prototypes of information systems for supporting the activities of the prime minister and the head of the government apparatus required a deeper individual study.
  • it was not possible to create a universal tool for collecting and analyzing data in the field of public administration, which would ensure the decision-making process, monitoring, control over the implementation of decisions made, etc.

The creation of a fully functional system, according to the authors of the document, was hampered by the lack of uniform approved data formats, standards and protocols, unified regulatory technical requirements to state information systems and rules for interdepartmental documentary and information exchange, established deadlines, mechanisms and responsibilities when providing data from executive authorities to the "Management" system.

As a result, by the end of 2012, in the field of information and analytical support for the activities of state bodies, “a number of systemic shortcomings and unresolved problems” remained:

  • information flows between federal and regional authorities were repeatedly duplicated,
  • the speed of updating data and the degree of detail is low,
  • The variety of technologies for collecting, processing and storing data by various government agencies significantly increases the barriers to interdepartmental information exchange, and the exchange itself between authorities is still carried out on paper.

The authors new concept noted " major changes in the field of ensuring openness and accessibility of information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies for citizens”, taking place during the present time, as a result of which the goals, objectives, basic principles and organization of the management of the development process of GAS “Management” have changed.

One of the key tasks of the development of the system is the transfer of all interdepartmental exchange of statistical information into electronic form, the Federal Treasury believes. The system should change the existing order of information exchange and collect periodically updated, in-demand information that helps, on the one hand, to gain understanding and vision top level, and on the other hand, to get detailed information on the selected topic. According to the ideologists of the system, the automation of these functions will free up significant human resources in the administrative structures of the subjects.

New developer - new system?

Since August 2012, its leader and 100% owner has been Alexander Kozhin. From 2004 to 2008, he served as Director of Public Sector Relations at IBS, and in 2008 he moved to ISG, the parent of GAS Upravlenie. The competition of the Federal Treasury has become the largest among those in which "Katsit" has won so far.

Methodological and organizational support The development of GAS "Upravlenie" under a contract with the Ministry of Economic Development is provided by IBS, which won the corresponding tender for 21 million rubles. in September 2012. By order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Prognoz also participates in the project. The cost of the contract with him is 3.7 million rubles.

Conceptual-stage division

In 2012, it was necessary to create a system for collecting data for suppliers who do not have the technical ability to provide them (first of all, we are talking about regions with a low level of informatization, which are planned to be provided with data entry forms through an Internet browser), regulate the procedures for maintaining unified register databases, create an exchange mechanism through the GAS "Upravlenie" using the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV), etc.

In 2013, it is planned to expand the composition of information resources interacting with the system and the composition of its users, as well as to automate the uploading of data from the State Automated System "Upravlenie" to the "Kontur" subsystem, intended for top officials of the state. The creator of this is the FSO. The system development work in 2013 will be carried out by the contractor who will become the winner of the next competition of the Federal Treasury. Its initial price, according to the procurement plan, will be 69.7 million rubles.

In 2014, it is planned to connect non-state sources of information to GAS "Upravlenie" and provide the possibility of embedding third-party software systems in the portal. The targets given in the concept are already more cautious. Based on the results of the described stages, its authors promise to create a register of state databases, increase the share government systems integrated with GAS "Upravlenie" to at least 70% and reduce duplication by the same information flows. The authors of the concept do not promise to connect all regions of the country to the system - only “providing accessibility”.

Who needs it or Success in coordination

Experts, discussing the prospects of GAS "Upravlenie" with media representatives, are skeptical in their judgments about the system. Some express doubts about the certainty of the functional customer and the latter’s interest in unverified information from the regions - it was supposed to take data from departments and put them on the information panels for top officials, but do they need them?.. Top officials do not have time to use them, yes and no confidence in the accuracy of the information, since there is no verification mechanism.

But the Ministry of Economic Development is in no hurry to agree with such arguments, arguing that the data verification mechanisms are embedded in the very concept of development of the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie", in the regulatory and technical field that is currently being created and give grounds for such conclusions:

  • only regional civil servants with the appropriate authority can provide data to the system.
  • when submitted to the system, the data is signed electronic signature.
  • the system will carry out additional format-logical control of the received data.
  • The system's analytical tools allow analysts to identify spikes and deviations, often indicative of erroneously entered data.
"The launch of GAS" Management "requires high coordination of actions of all departments and regions, as well as the launch of the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV)", - said Alexey Popov, now the head of the UEC. He also assesses the prospects for the project in a similar way to the prospects for SMEV: “If it is organizationally possible to launch SMEV, in the same organizational way it will be possible to fully launch GAS Upravlenie.

2014: Another failure to meet deadlines

In April 2014, it became known that the process of connecting and integrating federal and regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation with GAS "Upravlenie" is proceeding at a slow pace, the Federal Treasury stated in reports sent to the Government. A number of federal departments and regions not only did not connect to the system, but also ignored the requests of the Treasury about the status of these works, follows from the documents that CNews has read.

Putin's decree of 2011 also approved the term for the industrial launch of the system - from January 1, 2013, the federal authorities had to request information from their colleagues in the Government and from the regions exclusively through the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie".

But this deadline has been missed. The Treasury explained this by the fact that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (in which the team changed again in 2012) delayed the transfer of the developed software to the new operator and did it only in October 2012.

At the end of 2012, the subcommittee on the use of IT in the provision of public services approved new schedules for the integration and connection of departments to the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie". According to this document, by the end of 2013, 26 federal agencies were supposed to integrate their information systems with the GAS "Upravlenie" (i.e., transfer data to it), and 82 federal departments were planned to connect to the system as consumers of information.

According to the Federal Treasury, at the end of March 2014, 12 federal departments performed integration with the State Autonomous System "Upravlenie":

  • Treasury Department,
  • Ministry of Regional Development,
  • Ministry of Finance,
  • and a number of others.

7 agencies reported that they were in the process of integration, and another 7 did not provide information and did not integrate (FTS, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, Rosportebnadzor).

They did not integrate with GAS "Upravlenie" and did not provide information to the Treasury of 32 regions (the same number were integrated, the rest are in the process).

As consumers of information, 30 federal departments and 292 regional authorities from 68 subjects joined the GAS "Upravlenie". 14 federal departments, including the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the FSS, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and others, did not connect and did not report to the Treasury about the relevant plans.

Many officials are skeptical about GAS "Upravlenie".

“This is a stillborn project, besides, a number of its functions are duplicated by the functions of situational centers of federal bodies, the decree on the creation of which was signed by Vladimir Putin in the fall of 2013,” says the IT head of one of the departments.

Another delay in the completion of work on the GAS "Upravlenie" is planned to be discussed at the government commission on April 22, 2014, follows from the documents of the Treasury.

The Federal Treasury will spend 135 million rubles. for the modernization and maintenance of the applied software GAS "Upravlenie"

The Federal Treasury announced in December 2014 open competition to perform work on the modernization and maintenance of the applied software state automated system "Management".

The initial (maximum) price of the contract is 135 million rubles. Applications for participation are accepted until December 17, 2014.

The contractor of the contract will have to perform: maintenance of GAS "Upravlenie" (the work is estimated at 41.73 million rubles); works on carrying out additional attestation tests of GAS "Upravlenie" for compliance with the requirements of information security (1.75 million rubles); works on installation and configuration of software GAS "Upravlenie" on equipment intended for commercial operation and pilot operation of GAS "Upravlenie" (3.7 million rubles); work on organizing the execution of work to assess the impact of the software GAS "Upravlenie" on the fulfillment of the requirements for CIPF (5.1 million rubles); work on updating decisions on the organization of a complex of information security tools of the GAS "Upravlenie" (2.9 million rubles); work on the modernization of software GAS "Upravlenie" and conducting preliminary autonomous tests (77.14 million rubles); work on the development of updated technical requirements for the modernization of software GAS "Upravlenie" (2.68 million rubles).

The development of the state automated information system "Management" (hereinafter - GAS "Management", GASU) by the Federal Treasury is carried out as part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. 1088 "On the state automated information system" Management ".

The main goals, objectives and principles for the development of the "Management" system are set out in the document "The Concept for the Development of the State Automated Information System "Management".

The formation of the information content of GAS "Upravlenie" is based on the process of collecting needs and suggestions on the composition of the necessary information to consumers, by forming technological maps interdepartmental interaction in the exchange of information through the GAS "Management" (hereinafter - TKMV). The process of forming TKMV is described in the document "Methodology for preparing TKMV".

GAS "Management" includes open and closed parts:

  • The open part of the portal GAS "Upravlenie" contains news content, and also provides access to information panels containing public data. Access to the open part is carried out at:
  • The closed part of the GAS "Upravlenie" portal contains a register of indicators, data entry forms and analytical tools available only to employees of executive authorities. Access to the closed part is carried out by clicking on the appropriate link from the open part of the portal GAS "Upravlenie".

The procedure for connecting to the closed part of the portal GAS "Upravlenie"

The procedure for connecting data consumers to the closed part of the GAS "Upravlenie" portal is presented in clause 4 of the document "".

The procedure for interaction with GAS "Management" through electronic service receiving and providing data

The procedure for interaction with the State Automated System "Upravlenie" through the electronic service for receiving and providing data to the State Automated System "Upravlenie" is presented in clause 5 of the document "State Automated System "Upravlenie". Connection and Integration Regulations”.

The procedure for integrating the IS of suppliers of federal executive authorities with GAS "Upravlenie"

The procedure for integrating the IS of suppliers of federal executive authorities with the State Automated System "Upravlenie" through the electronic service for receiving and providing data to the State Automated System "Upravlenie" is presented in clause 6 of the document "State Automated System" Upravlenie ". Connection and Integration Regulations”.

Attention! It is only necessary to transfer data according to indicators that are formed by several federal executive authorities. Passports overall indicators and the necessary directories for them have already been registered in GAS "Upravlenie".

The procedure for integrating IS of suppliers of ROIV with GAS "Upravlenie"

The procedure for integrating the IS of the ROIV suppliers with the GAS "Upravlenie" through the electronic service for receiving and providing data from the GAS "Upravlenie" is presented in clause 7 of the document "State Automated System" Upravlenie ". Connection and Integration Regulations”.

Attention! It is only necessary to transfer data according to the ROIV indicators. Passports of general indicators and the necessary reference books for them have already been registered in GAS "Upravlenie".

The procedure for integrating consumer IS with GAS "Upravlenie"

The procedure for integrating consumer IS with the State Automated System "Upravlenie" through the electronic service for receiving and providing data from the State Automated System "Upravlenie" is presented in clause 8 of the document "State Automated System" Upravlenie ". Connection and Integration Regulations”.

On December 25, 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Regulations on the Unified Vertically Integrated State Automated Information System "Management" (No. 1088). The state customer for the creation of the "Management" system is the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the operator is the single national operator of the e-government infrastructure. Work on the creation of the system was financed during 2009-2010 at the expense of the federal budget provided for the implementation of the FTP "Electronic Russia (2002 - 2010)".

In April 2011, the portal of GAS "Upravlenie" was put into operation.

GAS "Upravlenie" is a complex of information systems and resources intended for the adoption management decisions in the field of public administration.

Purpose of the system: information and analytical support for the activities of state authorities, including the highest bodies of state power, in the most important areas of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the development of key sectors of the economy, the implementation of priority national projects and programs.

The main goal of the system is to improve the quality and efficiency of management decisions in the field of public administration.
Another task facing GAS "Upravlenie" is monitoring, analysis and control:

  • execution of decisions made by the highest bodies of state power;
  • implementation of the main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of priority national projects;
  • implementation of measures to improve the Russian economy;
  • processes taking place in the real sector of the economy, financial, banking and social spheres;
  • socio-economic development of regions;
  • the effectiveness of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The central information system (CIS) includes the CIS GAS "Management", code "Kontur" (CIS GAS "Kontur"); TsIS GAS "Management", code "Federation" (TsIS GAS "Federation"); information system for ensuring activities (ISOD) of the leaders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

To date, 14 departmental information systems have been created and are functioning, developed for five departments (the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and the FSO).