The accident at the chaes presentation interesting facts. Chernobyl accident presentation

Official languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French Ban Ki-moon ( South Korea) from to General Secretary

The first international act of the UN in the field of affirming universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved on December 10, 1948 by the UN General Assembly. The full text is at intro.htm intro.htm

; Freedom of movement and choice of residence Freedom of choice of nationality and language of communication The right to judicial protection Freedom of religion (each person can adhere to any religion, or create their own) Property right (some jurists refer to economic rights; in France it is recognized as one of the basic personal rights since the time of the Great French Revolution.

Political rights, as a rule, include: The right to citizenship Freedom of speech (freedom of information) The right to association (freedom of association) Freedom of assembly (the right to assemble peacefully and without weapons, to hold rallies, demonstrations, processions) The right to participate in the management of state affairs and on equal access to public service

Freedom of funds mass media The right to participate in the administration of justice Electoral rights (active and passive subjective suffrage: to elect and be elected) government bodies and local governments)

Article 4 The States of the Convention shall endeavor to the best of all resources at their disposal to realize the social, economic and cultural rights of the child. If resources are scarce, solutions must be sought through international cooperation.

Article The child has the right to express his opinion on all issues related to him. When the authorities consider cases involving a child in a court, it is necessary to hear his testimony and act primarily in his interests. The child's rights to freedom of thought, freedom of conscience and religion must be respected.

Article A child who has lost his family has the right to alternative care. When adopting, states are obliged to take care of the interests of the child in accordance with applicable laws.

December 10 - World Human Rights Day, December 12 - the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Today's lesson is dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated on December 12. It is symbolic that Constitution Day follows World Human Rights Day - December 10. In 1948, on this very day, the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Constitution of Russia has a very rich history, and not all previous Constitutions and its drafts reflected this very direction.

1787 - adoption of the first written Constitution in the United States.

The US Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. The US Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and subsequently ratified by all thirteen then American states. C read the world's first constitution in modern understanding... Consists of seven articles, during the term of the Constitution, twenty-seven amendments were adopted, which are its integral part.

in gaining independence by the United States of America and made a major contribution to the formation young state on a solid path of development. As commander-in-chief of the American forces, he led a long struggle with Great Britain, which ended in the victory of the colonies. He took an active part in the drafting and adoption of the constitution, which also bears his signature as a delegate from the state of Virginia. As president, Washington consolidated the achievements of the War of Independence, implemented the Constitution, laid the fundamental foundations of the American state and the institution of presidents, largely defining them. further development... Opponent of slavery, he advocated its consistent abolition, in his will ordered the release of his slaves after the death of his wife.

On April 26, 1986, at 1:24 am, two successive explosions were heard at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which announced the whole world about the tragedy of the past century. A powerful man-made disaster occurred at a nuclear facility.

  • The explosions led to the complete destruction of the reactor and its core, cooling systems, as well as the building of the reactor hall.
  • Reinforced concrete and metal structures, graphite blocks and their pieces were thrown onto the roof of the turbine hall, onto the territory around the nuclear power plant.
  • A column of combustion products, a powerful stream of gaseous radioactivity, rose from the throat of the reactor, several hundred meters high. Of the 190 tons of nuclear fuel, 90% ended up in the earth's atmosphere. According to scientists, the release of radionuclides is equal, according to various estimates, to four or more explosions in X Iroshima.

There is no roof, part of the wall is destroyed ... The lights went out, the phone went off. Overlaps are crumbling. The floor is trembling. The premises are filled with either steam, fog or dust. Short-circuit sparks break out. Radiation monitoring devices are off scale. Hot radioactive water flows everywhere.

At 1:30 am, units of the fire brigades for the protection of the nuclear power plant, the station itself and the city of Pripyat arrived at the crash site, under the command of Lieutenants Viktor Kibenko (left) and Vladimir Pravik. Firefighters took upon themselves the full power of radioactive radiation when extinguishing a fire on the roof of the turbine hall. Later, fire brigades arrived from Chernobyl, Kiev and other regions, the command of which was headed by Major Telyatnikov. By 5 o'clock in the morning, the fire was localized

Both and their subordinates received high doses of radiation, it was not possible to save them.

Both were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union posthumously. All of them are buried at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow.

As a result of the accident, it was decided to evacuate all settlements in the area of ​​30 kilometers. This list also includes the city of Pripyat with a population of over 50,000 people.

Today, thirty years later, the city is empty.

Thousands of people from all over the former USSR were called up and sent to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. The work to eliminate the accident was carried out mainly by hand.

With shovels, they removed the top layer of soil on the territory of the nuclear power plant, threw pieces of reinforcement, graphite from the roof of the turbine hall by hand, washed away radioactive dirt with rags inside the station.

Some radio-controlled mechanisms, performing work to remove debris, could not withstand high levels of radiation and went out of control of the operators.

The destroyed core was in contact with the atmosphere; everything there bubbled, rustled, hummed, like fiery hell

The government, after listening to the advice of experts, decided to close, fill the funnel with heat-absorbing materials capable of filtering fire and ash.

Therefore, from April 27 to May 10, the pilots of the Air Force of the USSR, risking their flesh and their lives, made hundreds of flights over the core. They dropped from helicopters thousands and thousands of bags of sand, clay, dolomite, boron, as well as large packages of lead, which ranked first in weight - 2,400 tons.

Deactivation It was important to prevent the expansion of the zone of radioactive contamination. To this end, they fought against dust formation by spraying the surface with a special mixture, used polymer coatings, used the method of vacuum suction cleaning (vacuum cleaners), manually wiped objects with cloths soaked in decontamination solutions.

When extinguishing the reactor, hundreds of vehicles were involved, ranging from firefighters to helicopters.

As a result of the large radioactive background, most of the cars were contaminated with radiation. A special parking lot was made for them, which has survived to this day.

On the tenth day, the emission power dropped -

up to one percent. Nervous discharge set in.

In the first days, when the eruption was in full swing, air currents moved towards Belarus ...

Its height was 61 meters, the greatest thickness of the walls -

18 meters. The erection of the "sarcophagus" was carried out with the help of self-propelled cranes equipped with television surveillance equipment. It provides for an exhaust ventilation system with air purification, a forced cooling system, and tanks with boron solution are installed on the roof to prevent an increase in neutron activity.

"Rossokha" is a huge field filled with rows of corroded trucks, fire engines, bulldozers, armored personnel carriers and other radioactive equipment - and in the middle, as a symbol of complete hopelessness, helicopters drooped with their blades, which were never destined to rise into the air again ...

Apples have grown to incredible sizes under the influence of radiation

Foal with five limbs

An accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 30 years ago.


Iskitim, Novosibirsk region

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Presentation on the topic:

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At about 1:24 am on April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which completely destroyed the reactor. The reason for this was the conduct of safety tests at an ultra-low power of 200 MW, while the norm is 700 MW. When the power level fell too low, pressing the emergency shutdown button triggered an uncontrollable increase in power, leading to the destruction of Unit 4. The power unit building partially collapsed. Subsequently, the remains of the core melted. A mixture of molten metal, sand, concrete and fuel particles spread over the sub-reactor rooms. As a result of the accident, a release occurred in environment radioactive substances, including isotopes of uranium, plutonium, iodine-131 (half-life of 8 days), cesium-134 (half-life of 2 years), cesium-137 (half-life of 33 years), strontium-90 (half-life of 28 years) ...

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Some facts: the reactor installation did not actually comply with the applicable safety standards at the time of design and even had unsafe design features insufficient safety analysis insufficient attention to independent safety review operating procedures are not adequately justified in safety analysis insufficient and ineffective exchange of important safety information as between operators and between operators and designers insufficient understanding of the safety aspects of the personnel of their plant; the use of COMBUSTABLE materials in construction in order to reduce the cost of the structure, which affected the extinguishing of the power unit building (extinguishing lasted all night, many firefighters received lethal doses of radiation)

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Disadvantages of the RBMK-1000 reactor The reactor becomes practically uncontrollable at ultra-low power, it is necessary to shut it down immediately, but the result was unexpected ... A large number of pipelines and various auxiliary subsystems requires a large number of highly qualified personnel; The need for channel-by-channel flow rate regulation, which may lead to accidents associated with the cessation of the coolant flow through the channel; Higher load on operating personnel associated with a large number of nodes (for example, shut-off and control valves); A large amount of activated structural materials due to the large size of the core and the metal consumption of RBMK, which remain after decommissioning and require disposal.

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In the first hours after the accident, many did not realize how badly the reactor was damaged, so the erroneous decision was made to supply water to the reactor core to cool it. These efforts were useless, since both the pipelines and the core itself were destroyed, which required work in areas with high radiation. Other actions of the station personnel, such as extinguishing local fires in the premises of the station, measures aimed at preventing a possible explosion on the contrary, were necessary. Perhaps they prevented even more serious consequences. When performing these works, many of the station's employees received large doses of radiation, and some even lethal. The release led to the death of trees near the nuclear power plant on an area of ​​about 10 km²

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Firefighters did not allow the fire to spread to the third block (the 3rd and 4th power units have single passages). From the means of protection, the firefighters had only a combat (canvas robe), a helmet and mittens. It was impossible to work in gas masks due to high temperature burning, their firefighters removed in the first 10 minutes. Instead of a fire-resistant coating, as instructed by the instructions, the roof of the turbine hall was filled with ordinary combustible bitumen. By about 2 a.m. the first firefighters appeared. They began to show weakness, vomiting, "nuclear sunburn", and after removing the mittens, the skin was removed from the hands. They were helped on the spot, at the station's first-aid post, after which they were transported to the Pripyat city hospital. On April 27, the first group of 28 victims was sent by plane to Moscow, to the 6th radiological hospital. The drivers of fire trucks were practically not injured.

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The first official announcement was made on TV on April 28. In a rather dry message, it was reported about the fact of the accident and two deaths, the true scale of the disaster began to be reported later. After assessing the scale of radioactive contamination, it became clear that the evacuation of the city of Pripyat, which was carried out on April 27, would be required. In the first days after the accident, the population of the 10-kilometer zone was evacuated. In the following days, the population of other settlements of the 30-kilometer zone was evacuated. It was forbidden to take things with you, many were evacuated to home clothes... In order not to fan the panic, it was reported that the evacuees would return home in three days. Safe paths for the movement of the columns of the evacuated population were determined taking into account the already obtained radiation reconnaissance data. Despite this, neither on April 26, nor on April 27, residents were not warned about the existing danger and did not give any recommendations on how to behave in order to reduce the impact of radioactive contamination.

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In the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, specialists began to arrive, sent to carry out work on the emergency unit and around it, as well as military units, both regular and composed of urgently called up reservists. All of them were later called "liquidators". The liquidators worked in shifts in the danger zone: those who had reached the maximum allowable dose of radiation left, and others came in their place. Most of the work was carried out in 1986-1987, with the participation of approximately 240,000 people. Total liquidators (including subsequent years) was about 600,000.