Technology of production of products from granite. Granite Workshop: Ways of Rational Development Technological process of manufacturing a monument

In addition to the traditional classical monuments made of granite and marble, the market in Lately Manufacturers of monuments made of concrete, as well as monuments made of polymer concrete, are actively appearing. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features and benefits of producing concrete monuments. First of all, you need to understand that the technology for the production of concrete monuments is a vibrocasting technology for the production of any other decorative concrete products. Therefore, for production you will need the following equipment: a concrete mixer, a vibrating table and molds. The concrete mixer can be different according to the principle of the device and at the price depending on the raw components of the mixture. For example, when using large aggregates over 1 cm, you will not be able to use any other concrete mixer other than gravity. Conversely, in the production of products with a predominant sand content, the necessary thorough mixing of the components dictates the use of more expensive forced-action mortar mixers.

The choice of a vibrating table must be approached based on the fact that the forms for monuments, flower girls and fences can reach a length of up to 1.5 meters. Accordingly, the dimensions of the vibrating table must be no less than the dimensions of the product being poured.

Another specific equipment for the production of monuments is the form. Forms for the production of monuments are rigid and relatively flexible. Rigid molds are mostly fiberglass and are ideal for polymer concrete. A rigid form costs an average of 10,000 - 20,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the product. For the production of concrete monuments, a plastic mold is best suited, which is relatively flexible and inexpensive. On average, their cost varies from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles. Plastic forms allow the manufacturer to provide the buyer with a wide range of monuments of different textures, with different depths of drawing, and not just flat elements, as is the case with rigid forms. It should also be noted that the surface of a concrete product obtained from a plastic mold is highly smooth and shiny, which favorably affects its external attractiveness. The only thing you need to monitor the cleanliness of the form and protect it from mechanical damage in the form of scratches.

The traditional composition of the concrete mix assumes a ratio of cement and filler 1:3. In the production of concrete mix, it is necessary to add plasticizing additives to improve the quality of the concrete product. The most common additive for concrete is a plasticizer called "Superplast RT" or "Plasticizer C3". You can independently purchase a vibrating table, a concrete mixer, molds for monuments and, using the traditional concrete mixture for vibrocasting, organize the production of concrete monuments - gray or monochromatically painted in brown, white, black, burgundy colors. Imported and domestic iron oxide pigments are used for coloring the concrete mix. You can find suppliers of these pigments in your region (focus on pigments made in China, the Czech Republic, Ukraine), or use the services of our company and purchase these pigments along with equipment and molds for the production of monuments.

Currently, many new technologies for the production of decorative concrete products have appeared on the market, which make it possible to obtain complexly colored products that combine several colors at once and imitate the overflows inherent in natural stone. These technologies are the property of the companies in which they are developed and the use of such technologies in the production of monuments is more than justified, as it increases their attractiveness and competitiveness without a significant increase in their cost. Our company offers you the "High-strength concrete" technology for the production of small-piece decorative concrete products, as well as monuments, flower beds and fences.

Equipment, raw materials are universal and suitable for the production of paving slabs and ritual products. We draw your attention to the high profitability of the business associated with the production of concrete monuments. On average, the weight of one monument does not exceed 85 kg. 1 m 2 of paving slabs weigh the same amount, the cost of which on the market does not exceed 600 rubles, and the cost price is about 150 rubles, and market price a concrete monument starts from 4,000 rubles.

When choosing a supplier of forms for monuments, you should pay attention to the following fact, that mainly on the monuments there are places (ovals and rectangles) for ceramic-metal plates. Metal-ceramic elements are standard and have their own fixed dimensions. Not all manufacturers of forms adhere to these dimensions when placing these places on the monument, which greatly complicates the further sale of this monument to the client. In our company, you are guaranteed to receive monuments with properly prepared elements for ovals and plaques. Be careful also about the quality of the forms you receive, in particular the accuracy and clarity of the design applied to the monument, as this ultimately reflects on its attractiveness.

Topic related ritual business, for many people is frightening and strange. However, it should be borne in mind that such an activity is one of the most profitable. People are born into the world and, having passed their life path, they die. That is why funeral services will be in demand at all times. They are not affected by economic fluctuations, inflation, or any other factors.

Marketing research

Unlike an organization that provides funeral services, a company that makes monuments may not deal with burials. The list of her works will include only the manufacture of tombstones and their installation.

Before organizing a business on monuments, it is necessary to research the market in your region and determine the demand for this service. It is worth remembering that this type of product is very specific. The presence of a lot of competition in the face of a couple or three major manufacturers dooms the entrepreneur who has just decided to enter this market to failure.

Preparation of documents

In order to open a business you will need:

Register a legal entity;

Organize points where orders will be taken;

Open a production shop;

Conclude agreements with suppliers of materials;

To master the technological cycles of making monuments;

Learn the rules for installing tombstones.

Organization of points of reception of orders

In order for the client to be able to contact you, you need to rent a room. This will be your point for receiving orders for the manufacture of monuments. When choosing a room, give preference to one that is located in a busy place. Additionally, you can take orders at any existing cemetery, where it is desirable to open a pavilion for storage finished products.

Items must be equipped with everything necessary equipment. For normal operation you will need not only office furniture, but also office equipment, a computer, documentation (work orders and receipts). At the reception points, the client should have the opportunity to familiarize himself with the catalogs, which contain photographs of all types of monuments manufactured.

Opening of the production hall

If you decide to create your own business, the manufacture of monuments in which will be the main direction, then you will need to organize a workshop. The premises can be rented at any plant. As an option, boxing in a garage cooperative may be considered. Depending on the volume of products produced, the area of ​​​​the premises should be in the range from seventy to two hundred square meters.


The production of monuments is carried out only after the purchase of certain equipment and forms. Basic necessary element technological process - vibrating table. Its main purpose is to compact manufactured mixtures.

The production of concrete monuments is based on a simple technology. First of all, the form for the future workpiece is selected. Liquid concrete is poured into it. The vibrating table, on which the form for the monument is preliminarily fixed, produces oscillatory movements. The result of this process is the shrinkage and compaction of the concrete mix. This technology makes the monument durable and more resistant to weather conditions.

The vibrating table is the main production unit, which cannot be replaced by manual material processing. All other equipment is intended for mechanization only. labor processes. At the same time, it optimizes the number of employees.

Monument making equipment should include a vibrating sieve. This element is next in the list of the most significant aggregates. The sieve is intended for sifting dry cement. As a result of this process, lumps and foreign impurities are removed, which significantly reduce the quality of the product and its appearance.

If the cement is poorly sieved, during the concreting process, the product may become cracked or become pockmarked, which will increase the susceptibility of the surface to erosion.

Vibrating sieve can be replaced by manual screening. However, it is worth remembering that the unit will significantly speed up the process of cleaning the material and allow one employee to be excluded from the staff.

Equipment for the production of monuments includes a concrete mixer in its list. This machine is familiar to everyone who has ever encountered construction work.

The production of monuments begins with the preparation of the concrete mix. This is important technological stage product manufacturing process. Manual mixing cannot provide the consistency of the concrete mix, which is necessary for the production of a quality product.

The last component of the equipment of the workshop for the manufacture of monuments are molds. They are special matrices for pouring concrete. There can be many forms, because the client needs to be offered various configurations and designs of tombstone elements.

It is advisable to place lifting devices in the workshop. They can be a hydraulic trolley, hoist, etc.

DIY equipment

How to make a vibrating table yourself? First of all, you need an electric motor. A unit operating on a voltage of two hundred and twenty volts is enough. This electric motor must have sufficient power to fulfill its intended role as a vibrator.

The second most important detail will be a perfectly smooth sheet of metal. Its surface must be without the slightest flaw, otherwise the movement of the forms on the table will not vibrate, but jump. In this case, the solution will not be able to be distributed evenly. Some try to fit a sheet of plywood under the surface of the vibrating table. However, this material, due to its lightness, is not able to convey vibrating movements to the form.

When making a table, it is impossible to do without springs. These parts must be made of metal, have sufficient strength and the required diameter.

After the frame is made of pipes and channels, prepared springs are located at its corners. A metal sheet is attached to the top, to the bottom of which the electric motor is screwed.

metal monuments

Tombstone elements can be made not only from concrete. The production of monuments from galvanized steel and metal is very cheap and unpretentious in terms of investments of material and labor costs. However, it should be borne in mind that the manufacture of these products should not serve as the only and main source of income due to its unprofitability. As a rule, metal monuments are produced as a by-product of an enterprise whose main activity is professional welding.

Tombstone elements from facing rocks

The material for such products are marble and granite slabs. During the production process, they must be processed in the form of grinding. This will require the purchase of special machines equipped with diamond discs. Processing of granite or marble is carried out at least six times.

In this case, discs of various degrees of roughness are used. First, a rough surface treatment is performed, and then a transition to finer grinding is carried out. As a result, the stone becomes matte and even.

At the next stage, the natural material is polished to perfect smoothness. To carry out this process, disk machines are also used. A special paste or powder is applied to the stone. After that, it is polished with discs covered with leather, cloth or felt. The result is a shiny glossy surface.


The last step in the process of making a monument is drawing images on it. The artistic design of granite products is a carving of a portrait, surname, name, patronymic, dates of life, etc. It is carried out directly on granite.

Currently, the decoration of monuments is carried out using a computer. So, the photo is processed first. After that, a font is selected that should match the design of the monument.

Computer graphics allow you to get more expressive and clear portraits, as well as inscriptions that will last for a long time. Process decoration the monument consists in transferring a portrait of a person from a photograph to a tombstone. It should be borne in mind that it differs from manual knockout more high quality and accuracy.

The funeral business is considered one of the most highly profitable. In other words, the business of making monuments brings considerable profit. What actions need to be taken to implement this business idea? More on this later in the article.

Production of monuments: business plan

First of all, for the manufacture of stone monuments, you will need a special room with an area of ​​20-30 m? It is desirable that the workshop be located on the ground floor of the building: such a location will save a lot of time for the transportation of monuments during the reception and shipment of products.

As for the raw materials and materials used for the production of granite monuments, it is best to purchase ready-made blanks for monuments from suppliers. Finding a supplier and buying blanks is not difficult. The next step is drawing an image (portrait) and an epitaph on the monument. For this you will need engraving machine by stone. There are shock-engraving machines and laser machines for stone. Choose the type of machine is based on your requirements for equipment. suitable for those who plan to produce high-quality products in the shortest possible time. The advantages of this machine are a high resolution(up to 1000 Dpi), no consumables (no need to change the engraving needle), a wide range of applications (working with wood, plastic, glass, etc.) and autonomy. The Mirtels T5060 stone impact engraving machine is also suitable for the production of granite monuments. However, its operation is more troublesome, and the speed of manufacturing products is longer. Both types of machines are characterized by the presence of the most demanded working area - 500x600 mm.

Organization of business for the production of monuments

To organize a business for the manufacture of monuments, you need to have available:

  • Stone engraving machine;
  • Scanner.

You can start the production of monuments on your own, that is, the need for assistants on initial stage there is no business for the manufacture of monuments. One person may well combine the work of a machine operator with the duties of a photo editor and an "acceptor" of orders. When the operating time of points increases, it will be possible to think about expanding the staff.

In order to promote your business, take care of advertising. Make a small exposition of finished products, looking at which, the customer could evaluate the quality of the product. To make it easier for customers to use your services, place order points in crowded places (in markets, near train stations, etc.)

What is the cost of making monuments?

This includes: the cost of engraving, the price of the blank for the monument and rental payments. Using engraving machines Mirtels, you can count on the cost of engraving a portrait of 10-50 rubles. You can buy a blank for a monument with a stand and a flower garden for about 4 thousand rubles. And the cost of the finished monument with engraving is 20 thousand rubles. So the high profitability of the business of making monuments is obvious.

The payback period for engraving equipment depends on the number of orders. Provided there are 5 orders for portraits per day worth 1000 rubles each, it will take 2-3 months to return the money spent on the engraving machine.

You not only buy a Mirtels engraving machine, but also a service for its maintenance. You can consult with experts and take a free training course on the manufacture of monuments. Ask any questions about its operation and maintenance.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Overview of the tombstone production market

Currently, the market for funeral services is filled with relatively small offices of funeral services. As a rule, they offer not only the actual organization and conduct of the funeral, but also the installation (installation) of tombstones.

However, in the vast majority of cases, ritual offices do not produce tombstones and tombstones themselves, but only offer a ready-made version purchased in advance, or, having agreed with the customer on the sketch, they order the monument from the appropriate company, which receives the maximum profit from its sale: production, as you know , much more profitable trade and services.

But before opening own production for the manufacture of tombstones, it is necessary to carefully study the local market conditions so that a situation does not develop, as in the county town N, described by Ilf and Petrov, where there were so many funeral procession bureaus that it seemed that the inhabitants of the city were born only to die immediately.

Too much competition is fatal for this type of production: the product is too specific, and the presence of two or three large producers (and often even one on the scale of a small city) practically dooms a new player who decides to enter the market to ruin. However, if there are already similar tombstone companies in your city, do not be upset: as a rule, they specialize in different types monuments: one, for example, on marble or granite, the second - on metal and tin, and the third - on concrete. Accordingly, the question immediately arises - what kind of tombstones is it most rational to make?

It is necessary to consider the specifics of each type of production. Let's start with tombstones made of metal or galvanized steel.

Such monuments are cheap and unpretentious in terms of production, but there is also a flip side of the coin: there are simply no enterprises involved in the manufacture of such monuments - low price makes pure production unprofitable, as a rule, such monuments are by-products of firms manufacturing tin products (various profiles, drains, buckets, etc. products) or organizations involved in professional welding. As the main and only source of income for the organization, such monuments will not work.

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The next option, granite, marble and other monuments made of facing rocks, can also hardly be called too profitable: equipment for processing such materials is not cheap, and the monuments themselves are sold relatively infrequently - they turn out to be too expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

In addition, enterprises of this profile have practically no possibility of additional income - except for the manufacture of commemorative plaques for buildings or one-time orders for bas-reliefs, etc. decorative elements. This does not mean, of course, that such a company will “burn out” upon opening - the business is very profitable, even taking into account the cost of equipment and material, which, as you know, is most often imported from other regions (Karelia, Leningrad Region) and even neighboring countries (in particular, Ukraine and Kazakhstan). But the optimal location for capital will be only large cities with a status not lower than the regional center, in which, with rare exceptions, such production has long been launched.

Ready-made ideas for your business

As you can see, the most promising is the production of tombstones from concrete: they are relatively cheap, can be decorated with the same granite, marble and similar elements, which will make them practically indistinguishable from granite and marble monuments, and metal ones are much more durable.

In addition, concrete monuments occupy a major niche in the funeral market, so entering it will not require much effort.

Production of tombstones: Necessary equipment

An important factor in the prospects for the discovery of concrete monuments is the cost of equipment used for their manufacture. In fact, it consists of only three units of technology, not counting the forms.

The main element is a forming vibrating table designed for compacting concrete mixtures. The technology for making a tombstone is as follows: liquid concrete is poured into the selected form, the form itself is fixed on a vibrating table, which, by vibrating, produces an easing and a gradual compaction of the mixture, which makes the monument more durable and resistant to the destructive effects of climate (wind and other types of erosion). ).

The table itself is the main production unit, which cannot be replaced by manual processing of the material. The remaining machines are intended only for the mechanization of labor and the reduction of the number of employees of the enterprise. The cost of this equipment is 55 thousand rubles.

The second most important is a vibrating sieve, with the help of which dry cement is sieved and lumps are removed from it, foreign impurities of a fraction larger than the cement mixture, which significantly reduce the quality of products as appearance(for example, small stones and paper from the bag can end up on the front side of the monument and spoil its design), and in terms of strength characteristics: poorly sifted cement during concreting can crack, due to slag, or burrow through, fraught with greater susceptibility to erosion.

Of course, a vibrating sieve can be replaced by manual sifting, but this is unprofitable for two reasons at once: firstly, the device will carry out this process much faster, more accurately and regardless of the “human factor”, and secondly, having bought a vibrating sieve once, your costs for the sifting process ends, while otherwise it will be necessary to keep a special person who will only do this and who will have to be paid wages, which at some point will exceed the cost of a vibrating sieve, especially since the cost of this equipment is only about 10 thousand rubles.

The third unit is a concrete mixer, which is also often referred to simply as a "concrete mixer". This machine is known and familiar to many people who at least once in their life are faced with construction or at least watched the neighboring construction site from the windows of their house.

The preparation of the concrete mixture is the most important stage of the technological process, therefore manual mixing is absolutely unacceptable, since it cannot provide the normative consistency of the working mixture. In addition, the same principle applies to a concrete mixer as to a vibrating screen: the cost of the equipment is much lower than the cost of an auxiliary worker, even considering that he could sieve and mix the concrete components by hand alone. The cost of portable concrete mixers is from 11.5 to 16 thousand rubles. depending on the volume of loading (in the described case, mixers for 130-165 liters are optimal in terms of power).

The last element of production equipment for the manufacture of tombstones are molds - special matrices, which are the standard for pouring concrete.

On monuments and tombstones can be arranged highly profitable business considering all possible pitfalls. First of all, you need to study the level of competition in your region. Sometimes even one manufacturer in a small town can cover all the demand. But often such companies specialize in the production of one type of monuments. Therefore, it is important to first study what the competitors' business is based on, and then choose your own direction.

Types of monuments

First of all, monuments and slabs can be different shapes and scale:

  • memorial complex - in this case, in addition to the monument itself, a fence, a small table, and seats are installed;
  • sculpture according to an individual sketch;
  • concrete or stone cross with or without a photograph;
  • a standard rectangular plate with a photograph, name and period of life.

Based on the material used, the monuments are:

  1. Metal. Usually galvanized metal is taken. It has a low cost, respectively, gives a low profit. Usually organized as an additional production.
  2. Stone from rocks. Production requires high costs for the supply of raw materials, the purchase of equipment. It is impossible to organize any additional production. Therefore, it makes sense to open such production in big cities.
  3. Stone from an artificial stone. The raw material is natural stone granules bonded with polyester resin. Usually, marble chips or polymer granite are purchased for this. Then the production time of the product is noticeably reduced, since such material is easier to process. The advantage of this production is that externally the products practically do not differ from products made of natural stone.
  4. Concrete. Often supplemented with stone elements. Inexpensive production, which allows you to simultaneously produce other dimensional elements. The quality of products is not inferior to other types of raw materials.

We draw up a business plan

The business plan should provide for the following stages of starting a business:

  • company registration;
  • opening of order shops;
  • study of production technology;
  • organization of production;
  • study of product installation technology.

Regardless of the form of business organization, individual entrepreneur or LLC, when registering, you must specify OKVED 26.70.2 (cutting, processing and finishing stone for monuments). If you decide to master the manufacture of concrete products, you must specify OKVED 26.66 (production of products from concrete, gypsum and cement). For taxation, we choose UTII.

It is better to organize a store for sale or an order acceptance point directly at the cemetery. It is also possible in residential, office areas of the city, where there is a large flow of people. It is necessary to purchase office equipment here: furniture, catalogs, office equipment, a signboard, a plate with a work schedule.

The production area should occupy an area of ​​70 sq. m. The ideal option is to rent space at the factory, but your own garage is also suitable. It is important that equipment and raw materials fit there.

Equipment for concrete products

To pour concrete molds, you will need the following equipment:

  • a concrete mixer, which will cost 11.5-16 thousand rubles;
  • vibrating sieve to sift sand, cement, which will cost 10-14 thousand rubles;
  • vibrating table worth 47-55 thousand rubles;
  • molds for manufacturing: from 12 pieces of different shapes, configurations, costing 10-20 thousand rubles. piece (you can save money by buying not a hard, but a plastic product for 2-4 thousand rubles a piece).

Please note that with an individual sketch, the form must also be made individually to order. It will cost another 23-27 thousand rubles.

Equipment for stone products

This work option requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • hand tools;
  • hoist and hydraulic trolley;
  • racks;
  • circles for fine and rough grinding;
  • polishing and engraving tables;
  • circles for cutting metals and stones;
  • polishing machine;
  • cutting machine;
  • angle grinders;
  • perforator;
  • engraving tool.

For marble, granite chips, it is necessary to include exclusively rigid forms in the procurement plan. Sometimes they are replaced with formwork. Be that as it may, the business plan must include the purchase welding machine and grinder. For the latter, the room must be equipped with a drain hole with cleaning. To engrave a stone, you need to buy a special computer machine, which costs from 4 thousand dollars. It is better to hire an engraver to work on it.

Optional equipment

If your business plan provides, among other things, the provision of services for the installation of monuments, you must purchase:

  • cement mortar;
  • wooden bars;
  • pipes with a diameter of 4-5 cm;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • level.

Technology for the manufacture of monuments

The concrete mixture is prepared from three parts of sand, part of cement and plasticizers. To give the product a certain color, you can use the appropriate iron oxide pigments. Separate technologies allow the use of several pigments of different colors.

When processing stone, it should be borne in mind that granite is much harder than marble. To reduce the cost of producing monuments, you can not buy machines, but buy blanks that have already been polished.

To make a slab of marble chips, 3 parts of water and cement, 5 parts of marble are taken, and all this is mixed in a concrete mixer for no more than 5 minutes. Then the mixture is poured into a mold, placed on a vibrating table for 5-7 minutes. After that, the plate is dried for 2 days at a temperature of 16-20 about C, and then incubated for another 2 days. Only after that you can proceed to decorative processing.

Sample Case Calculations

Calculating the profitability of the business, include in the business plan the rental of premises, the cost of blanks for monuments, the cost of engraving. On average, the cost of engraving is from 10 to 50 rubles. Preparation for the monument will cost 4 thousand rubles. This will include a stand and a flower bed. In total, the production of a monument with engraving will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

The payback plan depends on how effectively the marketing policy will be built. For example, an engraving machine can pay off in 3 months if five orders for portrait engraving are completed every day. The average cost of such work is a thousand rubles.