An example of a project for dispatching engineering systems. Engineering equipment dispatching systems

Dispatch system is designed to remotely display the collection and storage of data on the operation of the technological equipment of the building or production process, it transmits information about the parameters of ongoing processes, operating modes engineering systems, emergency situations. The interface of the dispatching system allows the operator to remotely set the operating modes of the system as a whole or individual equipment.

The requirement for dispatch systems in modern buildings defined by SP 31-110-2003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings". VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards” - regulates the design of dispatching systems.

Thus, the main purpose of the dispatching system is to centralize the control and management of the building.

There is sometimes confusion when a building management system is defined as a building management system BMS. This is due to the fact that controllers and SCADA software of BMS systems will be used in dispatching. However, the dispatching system is an interface part of the smart building system, it only outputs information to the control panel and allows the operator to manually control part of the processes, albeit remotely. Algorithms for optimal and economical interaction between building subsystems must be developed by the automation project and programmed in the control controllers, only then the operator is freed from making most of the routine decisions.

The dispatching system is not a complete automation system! It performs functions related to display - "supervisory control" and manual remote control - "supervisory control" of engineering systems.

Typically, the functions of the dispatching system include:

  • Data collection from devices and visual display of the processes occurring with the engineering equipment of the building (for modern systems using SCADA);
  • Timely detection of emergency situations, prevention of accidents;
  • Formation and sending of alarm messages to responsible persons;
  • Remote control of engineering systems devices;
  • Collection and storage of instrument readings in automatic or manual mode;
  • Presentation of data in graphical and tabular form;
  • Maintaining reports on energy consumption, generating reports automatically and at the request of the operator;
  • If necessary, transfer data to a higher priority remote control.

Displayed on the control panel information flow from the following systems:

  • Supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration;
  • heating;
  • Heat supply (ITP or boiler equipment);
  • Water supply, water treatment, sewerage;
  • Lift and escalator equipment;
  • Power supply and electric lighting;
  • Fire alarm and building security systems;
  • Sound control systems;
  • Fire-fighting automation (smoke ventilation and fire extinguishing);
  • Other systems related to production or process control.

Outside air temperature, chilled water to/from the ventilation system, chilled ethylene glycol, heated heating water can be displayed; pressure values ​​of chilled water or ethylene glycol of ventilation and air conditioning systems; control valve positions; power on the motors of circulation pumps or fans; ; filter clogging data; alarm about the threat of freezing heaters information about the state of elevators, supported by video data; state of circuit breakers in electrical panels, etc.

The control of equipment in dispatching is limited by the ability to enable certain operating modes, for example, the system start mode in winter or summer, maximum performance mode, emergency shutdown of the unit, manual switching from the main to the standby pump, etc. In theory, the dispatcher has the ability to control each of the devices with a drive, but in practice, one person physiologically will not be able to manually control a large engineering system.

The management of such a system is carried out 24/7 by qualified personnel who have completed specialized training courses. In addition, for each system in the process of design, commissioning and operation, technologists develop action protocols for possible emergency situations.

Possibilities of modern dispatching systems

Modern dispatch systems are increasingly implemented on controllers and software of BMS systems. This causes a large number of software options for customizing their functions. In general, dispatch systems should provide:

  • An up-to-date and complete picture of the state of all engineering systems at any time;
  • Convenient and clear graphical interface;
  • Quick response to emergencies;
  • Possibility of issuing emergency messages on the monitor screen, printer, remote computer, mobile phone;
  • Registration of all system events, which in many cases makes it possible to establish the cause of the emergency, its culprit, and also prevent its occurrence in the future;
  • Connecting to the system remotely via an Internet browser;
  • Quick and adequate response to changing environmental conditions;
  • Automatic counting of engine hours, equipment time to failure and warning about the need for maintenance and preventive maintenance;
  • Ample opportunities for managing systems, which allows to reduce the staff of maintenance personnel;
  • Possibility of collecting statistical information, forming samples, graphs comparing cost forecasting.

The difference between a dispatching system and a building automatic control and dispatching system (SAUiD)

The main differences between the functions of the engineering equipment dispatching system and the building automation system are visible in the diagrams below. Typical scheduling scheme for engineering systems of an object

Typical scheme of automation and dispatching of engineering systems of an object (synonyms: BMS, intelligent building)

In this way, the dispatching subsystem is only part of the BMS building management system.

Equipment and software for dispatching systems

The task of dispatching is to display information and provide control, therefore, the main elements of the dispatching system are operator software and interface converters, often installed in automation panels of engineering equipment.

As a rule, modern automation controllers have the ability to work with SCADA software of the dispatching system, they are also interface converters. The software provides the implementation of such functions as:

  • Displaying information in the form of mnemonic diagrams with the issuance of real-time measurement values, controller settings, various icons and other graphic objects;
  • Formation and issuance of emergency messages;
  • Maintaining archives (trends) for all hardware signals and calculated technological variables;
  • The possibility of correcting the operation of the system, without stopping it;
  • Possibility to search and filter records of archives by a number of selection criteria; the ability to generate reports based on user-defined templates; viewing archived information in the form of graphs and tables;
  • Ability to create schedules, multi-level access and other functions of computer control systems.

Data transfer from the local automation system to the SCADA dispatch system can be carried out directly or through the interface of the OPC (Open Platform Communication) server. Wherein OPC server is a translator between the language that the installed equipment understands and the language of the dispatcher's software interface.

The main goal of the OPC standard was to provide the possibility of joint operation of automation tools operating on different hardware platforms, in different industrial networks and manufactured by different companies.

After the OPC standard was implemented, almost all SCADA packages were redesigned as OPC clients, and every hardware manufacturer began to supply their controllers, I / O modules, smart sensors and actuators with a standard OPC server. Thanks to the advent of standardization of the interface, it became possible connection any physical device to any SCADA, as long as they both comply with the OPC standard. Developers got the opportunity to design only one driver for all SCADA packages, and users got the opportunity to choose hardware and software without the previous restrictions on their compatibility.

IP equipment

90% of modern dispatching systems have the ability to exchange information over IP networks. The conversion of data into the appropriate protocols takes place either directly in the controllers, or on top-level servers (Schneider Electric Automation Server), or through gateways, for example, Xenta-911.

With the reduction in the cost of IP equipment, the functions of transmitting data to the network are gradually being extended to field devices (valves, frequency converters, etc.), but this solution is still more expensive anyway, and also requires the development of a stable and secure SCS at the facility, this is true is an expensive undertaking.

IP equipment for automation and dispatching engineering systems is selected depending on the requirements for its functions. As a rule, it is enough to have a software interface between the dispatching system and the enterprise IP network, and it becomes possible to connect additional information to the SCADA system. In particular, for visual monitoring of important nodes or premises from the control room, IP surveillance cameras of the industrial television or security system are connected to the system.

Development and design of dispatching systems

The project of the dispatching system is carried out by section of the set of drawings of the building automation and dispatching system. The signals output to the dispatcher's console are determined by the developers of the building systems technology.

Design standard: VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards»

A dispatch system design will typically contain the following sheets:

As part of the dispatching project, an automated workplace dispatcher. Depending on the scale of the system, it can be equipped with:

Shield with applied mnemonic diagram(at present, such systems are less and less common in production);

PC with installed SCADA software;

PC with web interface access to the controller-server of the system (example: automation server Schneider Electric);

PC with installed SCADA system with access to multiple monitors and monitor wall.

    Time guarantee

    You receive the project right on time, otherwise we we will refund you 1% of its value for each day of delay

    Agreement guarantee

    We coordinate the project in GOSEKSPERTIZA and Rostekhnadzor, otherwise we will redo the project for free

Designing dispatching systems for industrial and commercial facilities in Moscow and the Moscow Region is one of the key activities of Obion. We develop hardware and software systems that allow you to effectively and reliably control and manage the operation of targeted engineering networks. In particular, we offer automation and dispatching projects for all types of engineering systems:

  • Energy supply.
  • Water supply.
  • Heating.
  • Ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Access control.
  • Fire alarm and fire extinguishing.

Goals and tasks of automation

The dispatch service can receive real-time information about the status of all networks and devices at the facility. There is no need to manually check each element or wait for emergencies to call repair specialists. A well-configured automated system is capable of solving a wide range of tasks:

  • Maintain the specified parameters of the microclimate in the premises.
  • Alert employees and building visitors in the event of a fire hazard.
  • Automatically turn on fire extinguishers to localize and prevent the spread of fire.
  • Promptly transmit to the guard information about the violation of the perimeter.
  • Control congestion in the network and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
  • Notify when equipment is worn out or when it is scheduled to be replaced.
  • Collect statistical data and prepare realistic forecasts based on them.

All these functions are performed extremely clearly, quickly and efficiently thanks to the correct configuration of programs and devices. In the long term, enterprises save significant funds due to the reduction in the number of employees necessary for quality maintenance of the facility. In addition, thanks to automation, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and maintain optimal operation of the equipment.

Implementation of automated systems that control technical processes with minimal human involvement modern direction engineering. Every year new opportunities open up, this area is developing faster and more actively, helping to build cost-effective facilities with extended functionality. The Automation and Communication Systems Design Center ensures the smooth operation of all networks and helps to quickly respond to emergency situations.

Benefits of designing automation and dispatching systems

Benefits of designing automation and dispatching systems

  • remotely control the operation of all building networks (heating, water, electricity, ventilation, etc.);
  • monitor the quality of the actions performed;
  • collect and archive information;
  • monitor ongoing processes online;
  • determine equipment operation schedules, coordinating them among themselves;
  • receive timely signals when problems arise;
  • have complete information about technical condition networks;
  • maintain comfortable living and working conditions for employees.

The current construction is characterized by the design of automation and dispatching of engineering systems during the delivery of the facility to the customer. Connect to a public network automated control any object is possible: a residential building, industrial premises, offices and administrative buildings. This decision will allow not only to organize work in the complex, but also make life and stay of people more comfortable and safer.

The design of the dispatching of engineering systems usually occurs together with automation. Dispatching itself is not an automatic process, it establishes remote control. In order to eliminate the human factor, automation is connected. Therefore, it is customary to perform these actions simultaneously.

Advantages of implementing automation:

  • rational use of utility networks entails economic feasibility and measured consumption of resources;
  • coordinated network actions reduce the cost of operating a home;
  • employee productivity increases due to comfortable working conditions;
  • due to automated data collection, maintenance costs are reduced;
  • with the help of constant monitoring, complete safety of objects is achieved.

Design of automation and dispatching of engineering systems, stages

Work on the creation of a unified automatic system control is a complex multi-tasking process. The adequacy of equipment actions directly depends on the correct actions of the design engineer. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust the task of development and design to a trusted company.

Speaking about the development stages, there are four points that need to be considered, regardless of the type of building:

  1. Training. The invited engineer gets acquainted with the object, clarifies the wishes of the customer, analyzes the information provided.
  2. Technical task. At this stage, the definition and coordination of ideas takes place, tasks are set. An employee evaluates engineering networks and their level, selects suitable equipment and software, and calculates the cost.
  3. Project. A project document is being prepared, on the basis of which the installation work will be carried out. The documentation contains complete information about the specifics of the implemented systems, their parameters and characteristics. A manual on the proper use of networks for employees is also being prepared.
  4. Coordination. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to approve the project in government bodies. Rostekhnadzor checks the compliance of the plan with current regulations. This task can be undertaken by the company with which the customer works.

The following information is usually provided in the project "Automation of design of control systems":

  • general data about the building, availability of engineering networks and their automation;
  • scheduling schemes;
  • features of the materials and equipment used;
  • external join tables;
  • circuit diagrams of boards;
  • cable magazines;
  • schematic diagrams of controllers - interface communication lines;
  • plan of the final location of equipment on the territory.

Features of designing automation and dispatching systems

This service is needed by objects whose communication networks are distributed over a large area and (or) have difficult access: shopping and entertainment centers, large manufacturing enterprises, business centers and administrative buildings, residential buildings of an elite character.

Specifying the features of the implementation of equipment, it is worth noting the components of the ASDU:

  • Sensors, connections and actuators. With their help, information about the state of the equipment is collected.
  • Switching equipment, input and output modules, controllers. Provides control of device operation.
  • Monitoring. The brain of the project is computer control through servers.

Dispatching software is required to communicate equipment status in an understandable way, as well as the possibility of remote adjustment. Most often, information is sent to the dispatching computer in the form of graphs. The software performs the following tasks:

  • converting data into schemas;
  • creating and issuing, if necessary, reports of an accident or an emergency situation;
  • building an archive with the ability to search and view information by filters;
  • making report;
  • editing current processes without stopping the network;
  • formation of access levels, schedules, etc.

Requirements and norms

And a set of project library elements that implement typical housing and communal services facilities make it possible to “assemble” dispatching systems from ready-made components. This development allows you to dramatically simplify the creation of projects and reduce the time of their development by an order of magnitude.

The cost and timing of the implementation of dispatching projects are increasingly influencing the decision-making on the choice of tools for their implementation. Extra costs are especially painful in a situation of general sequestration of budgets, and deadlines are sometimes missed for the same reason - funds are allocated late to purchase equipment and pay for work. It's no secret that in last years a significant part of the costs in most projects is the wages of developers. There are few specialists, they are not very cheap. In such a situation, the temptation to use specialized systems is great. But everyone who has tried to follow this path is already aware that it leads to a too rigid system that does not fully take into account local characteristics and needs. As a result, the effect of its implementation is largely reduced to nothing. So what to do, spend the scarce and expensive forces of developers and create a system from scratch based on a universal SCADA system?

Fortunately, there is a golden mean. It is offered on the basis of its system, which is widespread in housing and communal services throughout the Russian Federation, and a set of typical project elements. is based on an object ideology, therefore each such element of the project fully implements a typical housing and communal services object, including a list of interrogated and controlled parameters, their archives and messages, processing algorithms and mnemonic diagrams, control windows and reports, parameter change graphs and event logs.

Among the typical objects:

Individual heat points (ITP);

gas control points;

Pumping stations of all types (water, sewer, fire, storm);

Ventilation installations;

Transformer substations;

Reserve power supply (ATS and DGU);

Apartment and house accounting of resources.

Rice. Automatically configured mnemonic diagram of a typical ventilation unit

Along with the library of housing and communal services, there is also a complete set of project elements necessary for the creation of ASKUE (ASKUE, AIIS KUE): these are all required reporting forms, as well as OPC servers for most common types of meters, for example, Mercury, SET-4 and others

How is a project created from library type objects?

For "specialized" systems (only ventilation units or only ITP), the project can be simply generated. To do this, you must specify the code of the equipment composition. Idea borrowed from software product SM Constructor, with which Segnetics (St. Petersburg) configures its controllers to control ventilation units and ITP. But if the code there is the result of a configuration that can be immediately entered into, then when using other types of controllers, such as Regin, you need to tick the checklist in the Excel file. They are automatically summed up and give the desired code. On the basis of this code, not only the composition of the project and the connections of design objects with installed controllers are formed, but also the appearance of equipment mimic diagrams - unused elements are simply disabled from the user interface. Typical objects of ventilation units or ITP can be supplied in an open (with the possibility of editing them) or closed form. In the latter case, only "terminals" of objects are available to establish connections with the equipment.

For apartment-based resource accounting systems that practically do not require customization of their composition, a different approach is used. The project includes the objects "house", "entrance", "floor", "apartments", as well as a script (script) that must be run in development mode after the number of entrances, floors and apartments on the floor is set for each house . The project, including an overview mimic providing home navigation, will be generated fully automatically. It is important to note that the script itself (in C#) is available in the editor built into the integrated environment in a completely open form and can be modified to take into account the specifics of a particular project.

Rice. Generation of a project for apartment accounting of resources using a script

Now consider the case when the project has objects of various types. Each of them is inserted from the library as a whole. In order to implement the project, it remains to perform two operations: binding to equipment and reproduction of an object of this type in the required quantities. Binding does not cause problems even for novice "automators". The fact is that the already mentioned mechanism of “terminals” of objects is understandable on an intuitive level, and dragging controller inputs / outputs to these terminals is a matter of several minutes. But this is a few minutes per object. What if there are many? If the objects are typical, it will be enough to spend just a couple of extra minutes to activate the mechanism of called objects. The project will still have one exemplary object of this type, but after setting the number of its instances, their list and links of each instance to the equipment will be automatically generated. Of course, you can then rename a specific instance or change its links manually if necessary. In runtime, it will be possible to call the document of an individual instance from their complete list.

We have considered the situation with strictly uniform objects. What to do in a situation where they have some differences? In this case, another mechanism comes to the rescue - an instance template. A typical library element acts as a template, and copies reproduced in the project exactly repeat it without losing connection with the original. We can edit any of them, view all the differences between the instances and the template, and when the template changes, apply these changes to all or selected instances.

Rice. Synchronizing objects with a template

How, in the case of objects of different types, is an overview, as a rule, a starting mnemonic scheme created? In this case, it's probably not practical to write a "one-time" script. provides the project developer with a choice of two main mechanisms - the object button and the object symbol. The design object is simply dragged onto the overview mnemonic diagram, and at the choice of the developer, either a button is created with a compressed static image of the object’s mnemonic diagram, or an image with data belonging to a particular instance is “pasted” - a symbol of a typical object created by its author. In both cases, in addition to the visual representation of the object, it is possible to call up its mnemonic diagram or any other document available for the object, such as a message log or a resource consumption report, by clicking on a button or symbol.

General information

This section of the project develops design documentation for equipping a multifunctional building with a building automation and control system (BACS).

The design documentation is made in accordance with the requirements of the following norms, regulations and standards:
- GOST 21.1101-2009 "Basic requirements for design and working documentation";
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 87 dated February 16, 2008 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content";
- GOST 21.404-85 “Automation technological processes. Conventional designations of devices and means of automation in schemes”;
- GOST 21.408-93 “Rules for the implementation of working documentation for automation of technological processes”;
- SNiP 3.05.07-85 “Automation systems”;
- SNiP 3.05.06-85 “Electrical devices”;
- SNiP 21-01-97 * " Fire safety buildings and structures”;
- SP 31-110-2003 “Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings”;
- SP 6.13130-2009 “Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements”;
- No. 384-FZ dated 12/30/2009 " Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures”;
- No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical regulations on fire safety requirements”;
- GOST R 53315-2009 “Cable products. Fire safety requirements”;
- SP 10.13130-2009 “Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. fire safety requirements;
- VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards”;
- GOST R 22.1.12-2005 “Safety in emergency situations. Structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures”
- PUE "Rules for the installation of electrical installations". 7th Edition, as well as existing safety and site procedures.

Documentation of a recommendatory nature:
- standard IEEE 802.11 (IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g) - a communication standard that describes local computer networks built on the basis of wireless technologies;
- IEEE 802.3af standard - power supply over ethernet networks;
- ANSI / TIA / EIA-568-B -2001 "Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard" (Cabling systems for telecommunications in buildings of commercial organizations);
- TIA/EIA-569-A-1990 Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
- TIA/EIA-606-A-1993 "Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Building" ( Technical documentation and marking of cable systems for telecommunications in buildings of commercial organizations);
- TIA/EIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for the Telecommunicatopns Industry;
- ISO/IEC 11801 - Generic Cabling for Customer Premises.
- ISO 9000 - "Standards for quality management and quality assurance".

Major Decisions

The control objects of the AMCS are the equipment of engineering support systems, including local automation facilities.

In this project, an automation and dispatching system for the following engineering systems of the facility is being developed:
- water supply and sewerage system;
- supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning system;
- refrigeration system;
- power supply and electric lighting system;
- heating points.

Automation of water fire extinguishing, gas fire extinguishing are considered in a separate section "Fire safety systems".

Dispatching elevators is considered in a separate section "Vertical transport and equipment".

Monitoring of building structures is considered in a separate section "Automated system for monitoring the deformation state of structures (SMIK)".

Purpose of the dispatching system

The purpose of the creation of SAUZ is:
- reducing the operating costs of the public and business center by obtaining complete information about the state of engineering systems and optimal management of subsystems.
- obtaining cost savings due to the reduction of maintenance personnel, effective energy saving, reduction of insurance costs;
- increasing the reliability of the infrastructure, and, consequently, the safety of the facility.

The designed automation and dispatching system is designed to perform the following functions:
- remote control/management of engineering systems equipment operation;
- obtaining operational information about the state and parameters of engineering systems equipment;
- improving the reliability, safety, and quality of functioning of engineering systems equipment;
- registration and creation of an archive of technological processes of engineering systems and actions of operational services;
- optimization of engineering systems.
- warning the dispatcher (operating service) about emergencies or abnormal situations;
- organization of automated commercial and technical accounting of energy resources;
- delimitation of powers and responsibilities of services in decision-making.
- ensuring prompt interaction of operational services, planning for preventive and repair work of engineering systems;

The automation objects of the AMCS are the processes of control and management of the engineering systems of the building, carried out by the operating personnel.

The objects of optimization of the ACS are the modes of operation of engineering systems and algorithms for intersystem interaction.

The structure of the construction of the system SAUZ

SAUZ has the following multi-level structure:

Level 1 - field level (Field Level) - includes automation devices (field devices) and electrical equipment, which can be field sensors and actuators, field controllers with DDC technology (direct digital control) or PLC (programmable logic controllers), local complete consoles and equipment control panels. Only standardized open interfaces and information protocols (LONWork, Bacnet, N2 OPEN, MODBUS, JBUS, etc.) can be used as physical interfaces and protocols.

Sensors and actuators must interact with control controllers with normalized signals with standard levels: a “dry contact” signal, a signal with a level of 0-10V or 4-20mA for temperature, pressure, humidity, valve position sensors, a 24V control signal for controlling contactors of electric motors and etc.

For large technological units automated by automation tools supplied as a set (refrigeration units, booster pumping stations, precision air conditioners, diesel generators, uninterruptible power supplies, energy metering systems, etc.), the project should provide for integration using the above digital protocols.

Automation and control cabinets for accommodating CAPS controllers must meet the requirements for 0.4 kV switchboards.
The degree of protection of the cabinet against mechanical shocks is not less than IK08.
The design of the low-voltage switchboard is free-standing, floor-mounted or hinged. The design of the cabinet must exclude access to live parts.
In the design of the switchboard, the input switch must be mounted "separately" above or below the others.
In each switchboard, 25% of the volume must be reserved for the installation of additional equipment.
Shields must be able to feed cables from above and below. Cables must be entered through cable glands.
Low-voltage complete devices must be manufactured, assembled and tested in the factory and comply with the requirements of GOST 51321.1.

The cables of the SAUS system should be with copper conductors, sheath and filling should be halogen-free, with low smoke emission and fire resistance of 180 min. and meet the following requirements:
- Cables for 220V control circuits must have a cross section of at least 0.75mm2.
- Control and measuring circuits 24V - not less than 0.5mm2.

All cables laid within the construction site of the building and inside it, with the exception of wires and cables for electric lighting and socket networks, must be marked as follows.
marking of power cables takes into account:
- voltage level (V - above 1 kV, N - below 1 kV);
- the serial number of the floor on which the beginning of the cable line is located (feeding board);

- marking of control cables takes into account:
- functional purpose of the cable (K - control and signaling circuits at a voltage of 220 V, I - measuring and information circuits up to 24 V);
- serial number of the floor on which the object of control, signaling, measurement is located;
- serial number of the cable on the floor.

The marking of cables laid within individual installations must take into account the functional purpose of the cable and its serial number.

Level 2 - Automation Level - the system level includes routers and hardware-level intersystem data gateways.
Routers must contain means of organizing independent information exchange between themselves (systems), servers (based on a local area network) and field controllers. Data gateways must provide the conversion of protocols and data formats for the integration of individual local systems into the BACS at the hardware level. As a data transmission network at this level, a dedicated local area network based on high-speed, at least 10/100 Mb/s, protocols (Ethernet, TCP/IP, etc.) should be used. This network is designed in section 68-IOS4.1.1 and is physically separated from the rest of the facility's LAN, and provides the required number of Ethernet ports on each floor. The requirements for data transmission channel redundancy, organization of gateways between the BACS system and other systems are taken into account when creating a dedicated SCS system and are considered in the relevant section.
Routers and gateways provide the ability to monitor topology violations (line break, loss of a network node, transition to a backup communication channel).

Level 3 - Management Level - the management level provides centralized comprehensive monitoring and control of all systems that are integral part dispatching systems. The system consists of servers, operator workstations (AWS), visualization stations, portable computers, printers and an external public address system. At this level of the hierarchy, workstations operate specialized software for monitoring and controlling equipment of engineering systems. Visualization stations are designed to simultaneously display several building systems at the command of an operator or according to a predetermined scenario.

Control plane structure

The ACS control level is based on the SCADA system. The main mode of operation of the ACS is automatic with the possibility of intervention by the operator of the control room.

The project provides for several control points:
- the control center of the building of the Central Control Center - the central control room of engineers, located in the stylobate part of the room. No. 100 at elev. -6.800;
- local control centers are located in the MFZ.

The basis of the control level is made up of two AMCS servers (with specialized software for a SCADA system using hot backup technology), which collect and process information received via a dedicated data transmission network of the central control center from controllers (field level) and dispatcher workstations (AWS). Servers are located in the stylobate part of room 218 (server) at el. 0.800.

In the premises of the Central Public Health Center, workplaces are provided for belonging to individual systems: energy, heat supply, water supply, fire fighting measures, ventilation, refrigeration, lift equipment etc. The quantity is determined at the stage of working documentation in agreement with the Customer and the operating organization. The number of personnel is less than the number of jobs. The minimum number of jobs for engineering systems is 9. It also provides for a place and the technical possibility of installing a workplace for an SMIS operator to communicate with city services in crisis situations. In addition, workplaces for operators of fire protection systems, security systems, and video surveillance systems are installed in the central control room for the purpose of operational interaction and decision-making in crisis situations upon the arrival of operational response services.

There are two workstations with monitors in the central control room. Only specially trained personnel who are familiar with the principles of operation of the mechanical equipment of the building and the specifics of the facility may be allowed to work with dispatching stations.
Software integration of the ACS system with fire protection systems (fire alarm, fire extinguishing) is not provided. Integration is carried out at the physical level of systems through "dry" contacts.
The specialized software of the SAUZ server interacts with the server of the structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems (SMIS) using the OPC technology. To protect information from unauthorized intervention in the dispatching system, the specialized software of the SCADA system provides various levels of access that are to be implemented at the stage of commissioning: dispatcher, advanced user, administrator.

The SCADA system software provides the following functions:
- collection, processing, presentation and archiving of all information on the state of operation of engineering systems coming from local controllers to workstations;
- presentation of technological equipment of engineering systems in the form of graphic mnemonic diagrams on the workstation monitor screen;
- formation and archiving of messages about events in the system;
- archiving of operator's actions;
- formation and issuance for printing of various reports, graphs and tables;
- optimization of the work of automation systems in accordance with the given target program management.

To organize the correct accounting of the actions of the system operators, each user of the system must work under his own password.
The user has the ability to control system parameters both in real time and process archived data for any time period. The archiving process is carried out continuously and independently of the further processing. The collection and archiving of system parameters is carried out according to the characteristic points of the process once every 5 minutes.
A log of emergency events is maintained. In addition to emergency events, it is necessary to archive events:
- transfer the system to manual mode
- turning on the engines.

For operators of workstations to receive operational information about meteorological conditions, the project provides for the placement of a complete meteorological station MK-26 by the STC Hydromet (Russia, Obnensk) on the roof of one of the buildings. A complete meteorological station allows real-time measurement of ambient air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, and solar radiation. This information is transmitted to the BACS system via the standard Modbus digital protocol and can be integrated into SCADA via the LectusSoft OPC server (or using a protocol/interface converter). The transmitted information is informative.

Structure software(SCADA-system) SCADA - the system should have a modular structure, ensuring the ease of scaling up the system. The following is an example of the functioning of SCADA by example software package Siemens, Germany.

This SCADA - system is built on a modular basis, is not tied to the equipment of any manufacturer and has the following software components: zenon supervisor 7.0 development, zenon supervisor 7.0 runtime, ZM-ETM, ZM-ARCH, ZM-REPORT, DIV-DONG-USBCM - Electronic key for software protection on the USB port zenon supervisor 7.0 development is a SCADA development module.

- Interface Programming (VBA/C#/VB.NET)
- Multi-project administration
- Efficient reusability
- Object-oriented parameterization
- Intelligent integration
- International language switching
- Various system drivers
- Clearly structured tree and list display
- Remote development and maintenance
- Support for CE projects

- Compatibility with older versions
- project-versioning
- Online guide
- Scheduler
- Distributed development
- FDA 21CFR zenon supervisor 7.0 runtime is a visualization environment.

Functions performed by this module:
- Various system drivers
- Video integration, HTML screen, on-screen keyboard
- Additional feature interface and event programming in VBA and C#/VB.NET
- A set of standard templates
- Online language and font switching
- Alarm management and Chronological Event List (CEL) with comprehensive filters
- Remote development and maintenance
- Multiproject and multiserver technology
- Possibility of online reloading
- Detailed networking
- Help system
- Menus and context menus
- Native directX 11 support
- Built-in multitouch support
- WPF support
- World view screen
- FDA 21
- Process Control Engine (PCE)
-History Starter Edition (SE)

ZM-ETM - Advanced Graphics Module
Functions performed by this module:
- Unlimited curves
- Function editor
- Logarithmic display on 2 X-axis
- Building multiple Y-axes in parallel
- Building up to 8 curves at the same time
- Active X/Y Display
- Zoom for touch screen

ZM-ARCH - Archiving module
Functions performed by this module:
- Export data to XML, ASCII or dBase
- Cascading archiving
- Packet recordings and shift recordings
- Ring buffer
- Real time data recording (RDA)
- Manual revision of archived data
- Reading and writing to SQL database

ZM-REPORT - Report module (report generator)
Functions performed by this module:
- Table-driven report generator with free GUI and extensive data analysis capability
- Documentation, analysis and presentation of data
- Convenient user interface in the form of a table
- Access to online data and archived data
- Calculation and data output
- 150 data processing functions
- Manual entry/editing
- Entering and reading values

The interface is ergonomic and intuitive. Setting up and editing the entire project is carried out in one window; no additional applications are required to be launched. Convenient navigation through the project tree has been implemented, as well as quick access to all object properties.
Alarm and event logs, as well as trend and report pages are created based on ready-made templates and do not require additional configuration.
Working with vector graphics makes it possible to scale the project to any screen resolution. An extensive library of symbols, as well as an editor of your own symbols, allows you to optimize the work with the graphic content of mnemonic diagrams and further simplify your work. Also in zenon projects, switching between color palettes, adding pdf and dxf underlays, wpf elements is available.
A project can be converted into a multilingual one at any stage of development, while adding new words to the language table is done directly in the editor and does not require additional software. Language tables can be imported into other projects.
Graphical interface objects support basic gestures (tap, swipe, zoom in/zoom out) when working with touch monitors.
There is a possibility of group editing of variables. If you need to display several screens of the same type in a project, it is enough to create only one screen, and for subsequent objects, only replace the bindings.
To create specific functions, you can use the built-in editors of both vba and .Net.
When building a network project, it is enough to specify ip-addresses or computer names that will act as a server and clients.
The SCADA database is built on SQL technology, to which all the rules and benefits of this technology apply.

Emergency scenarios

In emergency mode, the automation system operates according to the algorithm developed at the stage of working documentation. It is planned to turn off ventilation systems in case of fire, switch to backup energy sources, etc. Specific solutions are envisaged at the stage of working documentation after the approval of the interaction schemes.
The software and hardware of the building automation and control system allows you to implement any scenarios of emergency and emergencies. At the detailed design stage, possible scenarios of emergency and emergency situations and, accordingly, algorithms for their elimination or minimization of their consequences should be developed. When specialized “expert” type software is used for dispatching, the implementation of the algorithmic (software) software may contain recommendations on the necessary actions for the duty personnel in different situations. The applied SCADA should allow the implementation Reserve copy databases automatically.

Autonomy of control and functional links of the control system

To implement the autonomy of managing this project, the open communication protocol BACnet IP, which was developed specifically for managing building engineering systems, was chosen as the main data transfer protocol. A distinctive feature of this protocol is the complete integration of hardware and software from different manufacturers. Due to its advantages, BACnet is most often used in large buildings with complex engineering infrastructure, when the control system needs to be built in such a way that equipment from different manufacturers functions together.
Thanks to the chosen IP protocol, the top level (control level) was able to access all IP devices that operate within this subsystem (in addition to the fact that the devices themselves in this subsystem have the ability to use information received from other devices without the participation of the top level ). Any local control center can receive all information not only from devices operating in this fire compartment, but also from any other device in this subsystem.
Thus, control devices interact autonomously with each other without the participation of the upper level, and in the event of a failure of the equipment of the central control room, any of the local control rooms can take on the role of the central server. Switching servers from primary to backup occurs through the use of SQL technology. For continuous monitoring of the state of engineering systems in the event of a failure of the central control room server, continuous database replication should be performed. This requirement is implemented at the top-level programming stage.
The interaction of systems with each other is achieved through the use of a single data transfer protocol. Obtaining a single protocol is achieved by laying equipment with BACnet IP protocol and installing gateways to convert RS485 interfaces to Ethernet with BACnet IP protocol. Thus, all equipment becomes a member of a single IP network with a single open data transfer protocol. At the same time, the upper level, including local control rooms, is also a member of this network, and receive full access to all data broadcast by local control devices and gateways. If it is impossible to convert the protocol to BACnet IP, the OPC UA (or DA 2.0) technology is used, which allows the SCADA system to obtain information about a device with a closed information protocol.

Heat supply automation

ITP are equipped with instruments and devices of the automation system. The equipment includes:
- control and measuring instruments (thermometers and manometers);
- circulation booster pumps;
- control cabinets for pumps and valves.

According to the indications of control and measuring instruments, the following is carried out:
- setting up the heat consumption system during initial commissioning;
- the parameters of the heat carrier are controlled (temperature, pressure on the supply and return pipelines of the heating network, internal heating system, heat supply system for heaters;
- the degree of contamination of the filters.

Calculation for the consumed thermal energy and the spent heat carrier is made according to the data of commercial accounting.
Thermal energy and coolant metering units are provided with the output of controlled parameters to dispatcher consoles, including the central console.
The automation system performs algorithms for monitoring and controlling the ITP equipment to ensure the efficient operation of the ITP, equipment safety and minimization of damage in case of emergencies.

ITP automation system provides:
- dynamic display on local operator panels built into control panels of equipment status and parameter values ​​determined by technological necessity effective management, with the help of controller equipment installed in the boards;
- to control ITP equipment:
- display of the state of operation of circulation pumps;
- emergency signals;
- transfer of the state of the pumps to the dispatching system;
- to control ITP equipment:
- input of technological parameters settings and amendments from the controller equipment installed in the ITP boards;
- automatic and manual control of circulation pumps;
- the ability to switch ITP equipment control modes (automatic / manual) while maintaining the ability to automatic control main technological parameters.
- automatic switching of pumps in the main/backup mode.

Heat supply automation should be integrated into the BACS system using a digital protocol at the level of the automation system. The AMCS system should provide remote readings, control and testing of emergency and abnormal situations using this system.

An individual thermal is a collector, on which a thermal energy metering unit, filters, shut-off valves, instrumentation and control devices, filling pumps and a pressure difference regulator are located.
For central heating dispatching, temperature sensors are installed on the direct and return pipelines, as well as pressure sensors, at all collector outlets and inputs. To control the operation of the filling pumps, a differential pressure sensor is installed between the supply and suction pipelines. The pumps are switched on by a pressure sensor installed on the feed pipeline. Protection of the pumps from "dry" running is carried out by a pressostat installed on the suction pipeline of the make-up.
ITP consist of heat exchangers of the 1st and 2nd stage of the DHW system, heat exchangers of the ventilation and heating systems. Hot water with parameters of 50-40 degrees from a chiller located in the refrigeration center enters the maintenance of the 1st stage of the DHW system. This circuit is the main one for the DHW system. In the case when the water parameters of the 1st stage are insufficient, the TO of the 2nd stage is connected. Maintaining the temperature parameters of the heat carrier for the heaters of the DHW system is carried out according to the temperature sensor installed on the supply pipeline using a two-way valve. The circulation pumps of the DHW system are used with a frequency converter that allows you to maintain the set pressure for any pressure fluctuations in the system. The set pressure is maintained by a pressure sensor. To control the operation of the filling pumps, a differential pressure sensor is installed between the supply and suction pipelines. Protection of pumps from "dry" running is carried out by a press set installed on the suction pipeline. The pumping unit is a complete product, all control devices, measuring and control devices are supplied as standard.
Maintaining the temperature parameters of the heat carrier for heaters of ventilation and heating systems is carried out according to the temperature schedule depending on the outdoor temperature with temperature control of the return network heat carrier. Maintaining the temperature parameters is carried out using a two-way valve installed on the supply pipeline of the network coolant. The circulation pumps of the ventilation system, their equipment and the principle of operation are similar to the circulation pumps of the DHW system.

Refrigeration automation

Each refrigeration machine is equipped with its own automation with a microprocessor, has the ability to remotely control through the central control and management system, in addition, remote reading of the refrigeration machine parameters is provided through the digital interface built into them through the CACS.
Automation of refrigeration systems provides:
- regulation of coolant temperature;
- protection of equipment from freezing;
- automatic restart of installations after an abnormal stop;
- automatic diagnostics of equipment failures;
- shutdown on the signal "Fire";
- the inclusion of refrigeration machines only in the presence of circulation of the coolant in the system;
- warming up the crankcase of compressors;
- local (at the place of installation) and automatic control of the system;
- visual control of technological parameters.
The automation and dispatching system provides for the operation of refrigeration in winter and summer modes. Switching to summer/winter mode is carried out at the dispatcher's command.
The refrigeration system equipment operates in local, remote and automatic control modes. The transfer of the system equipment to local control is carried out on the control panel of the manual / automatic switches. Operation in remote mode involves changing the settings by the operator from the central distribution center or from the operator's console built into the automation panel. In the automatic mode of operation, the automation system works out the algorithms embedded in it. The default mode of operation is automatic mode.
To control the concentration of the refrigerant (freon) in the air of the premises of refrigeration stations, it is planned to install sensors for its measurement. In case of refrigerant leaks, a message is sent to the control room of the SAUS and SMIS.

The ACS system should control:
- parameters of the coolant (temperature pressure) at the characteristic points of the system;
- parameters environment(temperature and humidity);
- condition of circuit breakers, contactors, manual/automatic keys for pumps;
- the position of motorized valves and gate valves according to the feedback signal from the equipment.

To control the state of the refrigeration supply system, the following signals are transmitted to the control room of the ACS:
- status (work/standby/disabled);
- the temperature of the refrigerant at the inlet and outlet of refrigerating machines.

The CACS system under the refrigeration section includes boards with controller equipment and sensors and does not include electric motor control boards, valves, gate valves and drives to them.

Automation of the refrigeration system provides:
- management of the operation of refrigeration machines, taking into account the mode of operation of subtenants. Chillers are supplied complete with automation. The controller supplied complete with the refrigeration machine receives a signal to start the machine from the automation (control) system;
- maintaining a constant pressure drop between the direct and return refrigeration supply lines to stabilize the operation of cold consumers;
- control of the state of refrigeration machines (work/failure, on/off). Dry contact signals come from the controller, which is part of the chiller;
- protection of circulation pumps from cavitation due to pressure drop in the system;
- preliminary start-up of circulation pumps, carried out automatically before turning on the refrigeration machine;
- stabilization of the temperature of the coolant supplied to the refrigeration machines by controlling the performance of the pumps of the external circuit, carried out smoothly with the help of a frequency controller according to the temperature of the coolant.
- operation of systems in full and partial load modes.
- remote activation of circulation through reserve intermediate heat exchangers in case of loss of coolant parameters (pressure, temperature);
- automatic temperature control of the coolant supplied to consumers, carried out by controlling the control valve on the coolant supply pipeline to the heat exchanger;
- automatic activation of "feed-up" in case of pressure drop in the system circuits;
- automatic switching on of reserve circulation pumps in case of failure of operating pumps and its switching off.
- in the heat supply system of the second heating of the supply air, automatic activation of circulation through the reserve intermediate heat exchangers in the event of a drop in the temperature of the heat carrier below the set value;
- control of temperature and pressure of the direct and reverse coolant (water) in all circuits of the cold supply system;
- network transmission of emergency signals.

Description of the operating modes of the refrigeration center

Mode 1
V winter period and at the beginning of the cooling season, the outdoor air temperature is monitored and the possibility of free cooling is used to the maximum using free-cooling heat exchangers as part of cooling towers, through intermediate heat exchangers included in the XM evaporator circuit.

Mode 2
When the outdoor air temperature reaches values ​​at which free cooling is not enough for the existing needs for cold, chillers XM 1-2, then XM 8-9, which is not hydraulically connected to ice generators, are sequentially activated and provides the currently required cold load.

Mode 3
At the end of the working day, the refrigeration system of the complex is turned off and a separate group of chillers XM3 - 7 switches to the ice generation mode.
Precision air conditioners of the data center are provided with cooled coolant from cooling towers with a temperature of at least 180C.

Mode 4
During the period of greatest cold loads, all chillers XM 1 - 9 operate, as described above, and additional cold has been accumulated in the cold accumulators. When the chillers reach their maximum performance, the three-way control valve directs the required amount of primary coolant (glycol solution) to pass through the cold accumulators and additional cooling in them. In this way, the required temperature of the water in the refrigeration supply system is maintained to cover the high cooling demand.
The heated refrigerant of the "XM cooling tower-condenser" circuit is used for the second heating of the supply air in the central heating plant and 4-pipe fan coil units.

Mode 5
During the period of low loads and problems with electricity, it is possible to provide certain rooms of the complex with coolant only from cold accumulators.
Data center precision air conditioners are provided with cooled coolant from cooling towers with a temperature of at least 180 C.

Mode 6
During transitional periods at an outdoor temperature of +50 C, a separate group of chillers XM 8 9 switches to the mode of obtaining hot water with a temperature of 50400 C. Hot water is used for heating and hot water systems. At the same time, cold water is sent to cool data centers, server rooms and ice accumulators, maintaining a lower temperature in them.
Refrigerators XM 1-2 provides the currently required cold load.
A separate subsystem operates around the clock and year-round for consumers where such a regime is necessary (data processing center (DPC), server rooms, dispatching rooms, security posts, premises of transformer substations).
To cool the condensers of refrigerating machines, hybrid cooling towers model VXI-360-2 manufactured by BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COMPANY (or equivalents), six cooling towers (one standby) with a total capacity of 22158 kW were used. Cooling towers are located on the roof of the building with an atrium at el. +33.600. The operation of the water recycling plants is fully automated and controlled by a common control room.

Automation of general ventilation

Central air conditioning systems are provided to prepare the air for the premises.
The automation and dispatching system provides for the operation of ventilation units in winter and summer modes, as well as during the transition period. The transition to summer / winter / transitional mode is carried out at the command of the dispatcher.

Regardless of the operating mode, the supply ventilation units provide the following functions:
- control and maintenance of the temperature of the air supplied to the serviced premises;
- control of differential pressure on filters;
- control of differential pressure on the fan;
- control of heating and cooling valves (valve position is controlled by a feedback signal);
- monitoring and control of fan motors and circulation pumps (for the fan motor, operation is monitored by the differential pressure switch and the state of thermal protection);
- position control and air damper control.

- blocking the operation of ventilation units in case of an accident;
- signaling about accidents;
- scheduled work.

For exhaust ventilation units, it is provided:
- exhaust air temperature control;
- control of differential pressure on the filter;
- control and management of the engine START/STOP of the fan (control is carried out by the pressure drop switch on the fan);
- air damper position control;
- scheduled work.

For all ventilation systems, it is planned to switch off in case of fire in this fire compartment upon a signal from the fire alarm station.
The temperature curve of the air handling units must be synchronized with the temperature in the serviced premises, obtained through the room control system, in order to optimize energy consumption.
Management, automation, blocking, monitoring and signaling of the operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are provided for in the scope of existing normative documents and technological task.
Control of ventilation systems local, remote and automatic.

Blocking provides:
- activation of the exhaust fan when the corresponding supply fan is switched on;
- opening and closing of outside air dampers when the fans are turned on and off;
- inclusion of the reserve equipment at shutdown of the main;
- automatic shutdown of ventilation systems and closing of fire-retarding dampers interlocked with automatic fire alarms in the event of a fire and activation of smoke ventilation systems.

Electric fire dampers have automatic, remote and manual control.

Local control systems provide:
- temperature and pressure control of the heat carrier and coolant in the rooms of ventilation units at the heat exchanger units;
- control of supply air temperature in ventilation chambers;
- control of pressure and air pressure difference at supply units with filters.

Remote control systems with data output to the control room provide:
- supply air temperature control;
- control of temperature and humidity of supply air for central air conditioning systems;
- temperature control of the heat and coolant of heating and cooling systems;
- control of the dew point or the possibility of condensation on the glass facade of the buffer zones;
- control of finding equipment (fans, pumps, thermal curtains, valves) in working order, including the degree of opening of valves;
- the alarm system about an emergency stop of the equipment.

Central control systems provide priority heat and cold supply of central air conditioners and individual circuits with a higher security factor in case of emergency situations associated with the failure of a part of the equipment (for example, refrigeration machines, pumps) or a shortage of power associated with exceeding the actual temperature and other outside air parameters above the calculated ones under adverse weather conditions.

The automation and dispatching system implements optimizing algorithms for controlling the air-thermal regime depending on the load mode (day-night), winter-summer to select the necessary and optimal fan operation modes, their performance, the "co-current" or "recirculation" mode, the choice of priority in providing temperature, humidity or mobility of indoor air, etc. These tasks can be implemented in the presence of additional software, taking into account the specified technological temperature and humidity conditions.

Operation of systems in winter.
The supply air temperature is maintained in winter by means of water heaters, according to the temperature sensor in the duct. Supply air temperature maintenance accuracy at the sensor installation site: ±1°С
Protection of water heaters from freezing:
The function of protecting the air heater from freezing is performed by two sensors: an air protection thermostat installed in front of the air heater, which operates at a temperature below +5 ° C, and a thermostat installed in the return pipeline, which operates at a coolant temperature below + 30 ° С.

The frost threat signal is generated only when both thermostats are activated, according to which:
- the supply fan is switched off;
- the valve for supplying the coolant to the heater opens completely;
- the external damper is completely closed;
- the signal "General accident" is issued.

During the warm period of the year (outside air temperature above +7°C), the start of the system does not depend on the return water temperature.
Relative humidity is maintained in winter by means of honeycomb-type humidifiers. The system operation algorithm is as follows. Before starting the system, the heater of the first heating is warmed up. Then the fan is started and the air damper is opened. Outside air is heated in the first heating heater to a certain set temperature. Maintaining this set temperature is carried out using a control valve on the return heat carrier pipeline in the heater piping according to the water temperature in the irrigation chamber pan (wet bulb temperature). To eliminate excessive humidity, at the first start-up of the supply unit, the coolant of the first heating is slightly cooled by reducing the amount of coolant. Then, after a time delay, at the command of the temperature sensor installed in the irrigation chamber tray, the irrigation system pump is switched on several times for a short time. After the dew point temperature is reached, the pump turns on for permanent job. The number of starts and pauses is determined at the commissioning stage.
Relative humidity is regulated by changing the amount of water supplied to the sprinkler nozzles using a control valve along the jumper between the supply and return pipes of the irrigation chamber pump.
In the premises of the medical center, steam humidifiers are used to humidify the air. The algorithm of work is the following. Before starting the system, the heater of the first heating is warmed up. Then the fan is started and the air damper is opened. Outside air is heated in the first heating heater to a certain set temperature. This set temperature is maintained by means of a control valve on the return heat carrier pipeline in the heater piping according to the air temperature in the channel behind the heater. Since cold air in winter has a low moisture content, after heating in the heater, the air is humidified using a steam humidifier. Maintaining a constant temperature and moisture saturation of the steam is carried out by the built-in automation of the steam humidifier. Relative humidity is controlled by changing the intensity of steam supply according to the temperature sensor signal installed in the air duct after the supply fan. The humidity sensor controls the value of the relative humidity of the air and, if necessary, the dispatcher adjusts the operation of the steam humidifier using the controller.
The temperature value after the first heating heater is determined by calculation at the stage of working documentation. Given value should be slightly lower than the temperature of the air supplied to the room.

Operation of systems during the summer.
Maintaining the required supply air temperature in units with central cooling in the summer is carried out by means of electric heaters. The electric heater is controlled by a triac temperature controller according to the supply air temperature sensor installed in the duct and the temperature sensor after the air cooler. Supply air temperature maintenance accuracy at the sensor installation site: ±1°С

Protection of electric heaters from overheating:
The electric heater is protected from overheating by built-in thermostats. The first thermostat is set to 55°C and has an automatic return to the normal position when the heating elements cool down to a safe temperature. When this thermostat is triggered, the electric heater is immediately switched off, the lamp “heater overheating” lights up on the control panel, the fans continue to work. The second thermostat is set to approximately 120°C and has a manual reset. When the thermostat contacts are opened, the power supply from the electric heater is immediately removed, and after the delay determined by the time relay setting, the entire installation stops. To return to the normal state after the malfunction that caused the overheating has been eliminated, it is necessary to press the button on the thermostat housing. To reduce the risk of overheating of the electric heater, it must not be turned on until the supply fan is switched on. When the unit is turned off while the electric heater is on, the thermostat may trip due to a sharp decrease in heat removal from the heating elements that have not yet cooled down. To eliminate this phenomenon, when the unit is turned off, it is turned off immediately, and the fans - after the time determined by the setting of the time relay.
Exceptions: fire alarm, supply fan failure.
Relative humidity is maintained in summer in central cooling units by means of air coolers. Three parameters are monitored at once: the temperature of the air behind the surface air cooler, the temperature of the coolant supplied to the air cooler, and the temperature difference between the cold water temperature and the air temperature. The cold water temperature is considered as the base temperature. Further, the air with a steady moisture content is heated to the desired temperature and humidity parameters in the second heating heater.
In the case of using honeycomb-type humidifiers, the temperature of the air supplied to the supply duct, the temperature difference between the air temperature and the temperature of the water supplied to the nozzles are controlled. An air temperature sensor installed in the supply duct after the fan generates a control signal to the valve installed in the jumper between the supply and return pipes of the irrigation chamber pump, changing the amount of sprayed water. The temperature difference between the temperature of the water supplied to the nozzles and the temperature of the supply air is maintained by mixing heated water with cooled water. Temperature sensors are placed on the water supply pipeline to the nozzles and on the air duct behind the supply fan.
The design solutions used imply constant joint work of both air handling units and local closers (fan coil units), i.e. ventilation machines are constantly running.
The performance of local closers is adjusted using control panels installed in the premises by changing the coolant flow through the heat exchangers (fan coils and cold beams), as well as changing the air flow through the heat exchangers (fan coils only).

Start-up of supply ventilation systems using surface air coolers, fan coil units, etc. in the summer with operating refrigeration systems, without violating the maintenance of the specified temperature and humidity parameters.
Heat exchangers are used in design solutions in refrigeration systems. From the evaporator of the refrigeration machine, the cooled primary coolant is supplied to the heat exchanger, where it cools the secondary coolant supplied to the consumer. Before switching on new systems, in addition to the already operating ones, a command is given to the control valves at the refrigeration consumers of the newly switched on systems for a complete passage of the coolant into the refrigeration consumers, within ~ 10 minutes. With an increase in the cooling capacity, the temperature of the secondary coolant will quickly rise to the command to start the chiller without disrupting the operation of already operating systems and will provide the systems (operating and preparing for operation) with the necessary amount of cold. After an appropriate time delay, new systems are put into operation. New systems must start while the chiller is still running, so that it does not turn off prematurely, without providing all the systems with the right amount of cold.

Information about the specific throughput of control valves.
Control valves must meet the following conditions:
The specific capacity of a real factory control valve (KVS) should not exceed the calculated value (KVScalc) by more than 10%;
The control valve must open at least 50% when the calculated value of the coolant is missed;
The pressure loss in the control valve must be greater than or equal to half the pressure loss in the control section located.
If it is not possible to find a real factory control valve, it is necessary to use two smaller DN control valves connected in parallel and working in series.
The final calculation will be made at the stage of working documentation.

Regulation of room temperature in office premises by means of cooling panels.
Temperature control in office premises is carried out by changing the flow rate of water supplied to the heat exchangers of the panels in response to a signal from the zone thermostat in the room. This method is the main means of controlling room temperature, because. practically does not affect the ventilation of the space and air dehumidification.
Because the temperature in the room is maintained within ±1°C, and the temperature of the cooling water entering the heat exchangers of the panels is higher than the calculated dew point temperature, there is no possibility of condensation on the surface of the cooling panels. However, in some cases, there may be periods when the moisture content in the room deviates from the calculated value or increases due to air infiltration or other processes. In this case, to prevent condensation, a zone control method is used with on/off control, triggered by a signal from a humidity sensor installed at the point where the panel group is connected to the cooling water supply pipe. When moisture begins to condense on the surface of the chilled water supply piping near the temperature control zone valve, the cooling water supply will be interrupted and will not be restored until the moisture has evaporated. The air conditioning of the space during this time will be provided by the flow of fresh air entering through the panels until the restored humidity regime allows the cooling water supply to be resumed.
The control scheme for cooling panels is similar to that for fan coil units. The exception is the absence of a fan and the presence of a dew sensor, on the signal of which the coolant supply is turned off.

Parking CO control

The project provides for the installation of a parking lot gas control system based on Seitron equipment (or equivalent).
The system is set to two signal levels "Threshold 1" and "Threshold 2" and is designed for continuous automatic monitoring of the content of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air of the parking area, as well as for supplying an external control signal in the event of an emergency (gas concentration corresponding to the level " Threshold 2"). In addition to everything, the gas control system can be used to control such parameters as: fire protection, unauthorized access to service premises etc. This requires the use of special sensors.
Due to its modular design, the system allows you to create configurations with a different number of sensors, both for monitoring gas content and for monitoring other parameters.
The Seitron gas control system has a certificate of conformity, a certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments and a permit from Rostekhnadzor for use in Russia.

Principle of operation
The central processor monitors the level of gas contamination for each of the channels. The operator panel display shows gas content data for each channel. You can view the status of each channel, as well as diagnose modules.
When the concentration of the first threshold is exceeded on any of the channels, a relay is activated and a signal is generated to turn on the supply and exhaust fans if they are on routine maintenance or in the off state. When the concentration of the second threshold is exceeded, the second relay is activated, an alarm message is generated, which is transmitted to the local control panel, and a signal is transmitted to turn on the emergency siren. The siren is turned off by pressing a button. Pressing again will reset the alarm.
When the gas concentration drops below the threshold value, the system returns to its original position.
Both signals are transmitted to the general dispatching system.

Power supply dispatching

The project provides for the removal and transmission to the control room of the status signals of the circuit breakers at the inputs of all power panels, the signal about the operation of the ATS, the state of the circuit breakers of the lighting panels.

Sewer automation

Sewerage automation and dispatching provides for the formation of signals to start sewer pumps and the transmission of signals to local control points (LCPs):
- emergency condition of grease traps;
- signals “Flooding of drainage pits”;
- generalized signal "Accident" (malfunction of pumps).

Water supply automation

Automation of water supply provides for the formation of signals for the launch of pumping stations and the transmission of signals to the control room:
- status of pumping stations (work/off);
- current value of cold water pressure;
- generalized signal "Accident" (malfunction of the pumping unit).
The project provides for technical water metering and data transmission to the control room.

Organization of interaction between the AMCS and the fire alarm system

The ACS system interacts with the fire alarm system in automatic mode according to pre-programmed algorithms. Algorithms are developed for each fire compartment, zone or building as a whole. If necessary, the dispatcher can carry out remote control from the workstation.
The ACS system interacts with the fire alarm system at several control levels at once, but does not duplicate it.
The ACS system receives the signal "Fire"
- to the ventilation control boards for the correct processing of this event and the correct restart of the systems after false alarms of the fire alarm system
- on floor control panels for air overpressure valves, smoke exhaust valves and fire dampers
The BACS system can receive signals about the state of the fire alarm system for the correct display of the operating mode of the smoke exhaust / air overpressure system through the exchange of information between the BACS and fire alarm servers using OPC DA 2.0 or OPC UA technology.

Organization of commercial energy metering stations

Commercial accounting of all types of energy is developed and agreed with energy supply organizations on a separate project at the stage of working documentation. It is possible to install technical energy metering units for individual consumers of the facility, which will be leased: a hotel, a medical center, concert hall, restaurant, shopping areas, etc. The list of premises and installation sites of technical metering units are determined at the stage of working documentation. The technical possibility of installing and transferring data to a single dispatching system is provided.

Integration with SMIS
The CAMS system provides for the possibility of transmitting data (messages) to the SMIS in the amount corresponding to the task of the SMIS. Messages are transmitted to the object's SMIS integration server from the CAMS server using "dry" contacts. The list of messages transmitted by the CAMS server to the SMIS is determined at the detailed design stage.
The workplace of the SMIS engineer is located in the engineering center.

System Power

The provision of power supply to technical facilities must comply with the 1st special category in accordance with the "Electrical Installation Rules" (uninterrupted power supply).

Environment protection

The installed equipment does not emit harmful substances into the environment during operation. No special environmental protection measures are required.
All components of the system have the necessary certificates. All equipment complies with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. After installation work is completed, all production waste is disposed of in the prescribed manner.

Occupational health and safety

Construction and installation work on the installation of cables, installation of equipment must be carried out in compliance with safety measures, labor protection and fire safety.
All equipment and materials used for this technical solution have the necessary safety certificates.
Before installation work, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the safety of construction and further operation.
Installation work must be carried out by a specialized organization at construction readiness, in strict accordance with the current rules and regulations for installation, testing and commissioning.
Start installation and adjustment work after the implementation of safety measures in accordance with the “Safety Rules for Installation and Commissioning”, SNiP 3.05.06-85 “Electrical Devices” and the act of incoming inspection.
When working with power tools, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of GOST 12.2.013-87.
The installed equipment does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, does not have sources of significant levels of noise, vibration and any other harmful factors.

The creation of dispatching systems is one of the key activities of NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY.

The dispatching system is a complex of software and hardware tools that allows remote control of the engineering systems of one or more objects.

An automated dispatch control system (ASCS) is necessary to control engineering equipment that is geographically dispersed, as well as located in hard-to-reach places. As a rule, dispatching is included in the management system of multifunctional facilities with complex engineering infrastructure, such as office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, as well as industrial complexes and other industrial enterprises.

The following subsystems can be included in the dispatching system:

  • power supply, gas supply;
  • heat and water supply, accounting of energy resources;
  • security and fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems;
  • Ventilation and air conditioning;
  • video surveillance, access control and management;
  • lift facilities and others.

The essence of the design of dispatching systems is to solve the problem of visualizing information about the functioning of engineering systems and providing the operator with the ability to directly control the equipment from the control room. Data on the state of engineering equipment is received from local automation controllers and transmitted to the server. The processed technological data with the necessary analytical information is sent to the dispatching server and displayed on the computer screens at the operators' workplaces in a clear dynamic graphical form.

Advantages of the monitoring system of engineering systems of structures

The data received and processed by the dispatching system is formed into messages different kind, which are archived to durable storage. Based on this information, available at any time, reports are generated.

The dispatching system provides key advantages in facility management:

  • constant centralized control of engineering systems;
  • rapid response in emergency situations;
  • reducing the influence of the human factor;
  • optimization of document flow, reporting systems.

NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY implements dispatching projects of varying degrees of complexity.

Along with conventional systems, the company offers dispatch systems with 3D visualization based on the new generation solution GENESIS64. This is a qualitatively new level of dispatcher monitoring capabilities, which allows the operator to see a realistic image of the object with all the parameters associated with specific nodes. The dispatcher can interactively change the detail of rendered objects by removing elements of buildings, installations and viewing them from the inside. Three-dimensional visualization will allow virtual navigation through the depicted objects, offers animation and dynamics tools volumetric images and other advantages of 3D technologies.

Another pride of the company's employees is the ability to design and implement large-scale geographically distributed dispatching systems that provide not only data collection from remote objects, but also distributed computing, multi-level archiving and redundancy.

Do you need to create a dispatching system at your enterprise? Contact NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY specialists for a consultation.