Domestic weapons and military equipment. Domestic weapons and military equipment Rosoboronexport extracts foreign currency

New concept

From 21 to 23 January, the 4th International Aviation Exhibition was held in Bahrain, which was attended by 139 companies from 35 countries, including Russia. The Bahrain Air Show, despite its youth, is among the top ten such events in terms of representativeness.

And it all started in 2010 (the salon is held every two years) with a very modest exposition, which was presented by more than three dozen companies from 15 countries. In this connection, the wits claimed that the king of Bahrain became bored, and he decided to admire the beautiful airplanes. However, even then it was clear that the Bahrain Salon would become a prominent phenomenon in the aviation business in the foreseeable future. If only because specialists from the world-famous British aerospace exhibition in Farnborough were involved in the creation of the concept and organizational activities for the promotion of the salon.

The Bahrain Air Show has a significant novelty. It does not have pavilions traditional for this type of event, where the general public gets acquainted with the latest achievements of aircraft manufacturers. At the disposal of the general public finished products- airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft located at the airfield. As well as performances of aerobatic teams from different countries peace. This salon is a business-to-business (B2B) model. That is, maximum opportunities are provided for business contacts between aircraft manufacturers and companies that purchase their products and services (air carriers and military structures). "Firmachi" are located in 40 chalets, where they receive delegations of equipment buyers and conduct negotiations.

The air show was held at the Sakhir airbase in close proximity to the F1 auto racing track. It was opened personally by the King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa. The event was attended by 33 military organizations from 19 countries and 59 civilian organizations from 24 countries. 108 aircraft were presented.

During the three days of the salon's work, deals were concluded for a total amount exceeding 9 billion dollars. Of course, this is only a preliminary result. In the future, after a more detailed acquaintance with the equipment, the terms of its delivery and service, after the approval of transactions at the highest corporate level, new contracts will follow.

First of all, helicopters

Russia was represented in Bahrain by the companies of Sukhoi and Ilyushin, as well as the United Helicopter Corporation and Rosoboronexport. The interest of customers from the Air Force of a number of countries in Russian aircraft was naturally fueled by the successful operations of our aviation in Syria. Well, the king of Bahrain made an excellent advertisement for helicopters, saying that they “surprised” him. That was immediately reflected in a number of foreign media, including even one Ukrainian information portal.

Helicopter builders exhibited their latest multipurpose helicopters - Ka-32A11BC, Mi-171A2, Ka-226T and Ansat.

Ka-226T of the company "Kamov" (Photo: Marina Lystseva / TASS)

Ka-32A11BC is a modification of the Ka-32 helicopter intended for export. The abbreviation BC means that it was certified in Canada (British Columbia). Subsequently, certification has spread to Europe, Australia, Brazil, China, South Korea and Japan. Now the Kamov apparatus must also infiltrate the Middle East. It is planned to expand the production of this machine by opening an assembly plant in China.

The Ka-32A11BC is a medium helicopter with Kamov's signature coaxial propeller system. Capable of transporting cargo compartment 3700 kg, on an external sling - 5000 kg. It has a range of 800 km, service ceiling - 5000 m, maximum speed - 260 km/h. Compared to other modifications, the Ka-32 has an increased resource.

Ka-226T is a light helicopter capable of carrying 6 passengers over a distance of 600 km. It is equally operated both on civilian lines and as part of the Air Force. It has a huge export potential. At the end of last year, India signed a contract to purchase 200 of these vehicles for its armed forces. The order can be increased up to 400 helicopters.

Developed by the Kazan Helicopter Plant, Ansat is also a light machine. It is also operated by both civilian and military. The cabin can accommodate up to 9 passengers or one and a half tons of cargo. There is a modification with increased comfort, which involves the transportation of VIPs.

The greatest interest in Bahrain was caused by the Mi-171A2 OKB Mil. This is a completely new machine, the testing of which began in 2014. It is a continuation and deep modernization of the famous family of Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopters. It has improved flight performance and operational characteristics. It differs from the "eight" in increased carrying capacity, reinforced fuselage and beam. The Mi-171A2 has a more advanced tail rotor. All avionics are modern, the latest generation. Due to the use of more powerful engines, it is able to fly in any weather, including with a strong side wind. At the same time, the cost of operating this machine is reduced compared to previous modifications.

Rosoboronexport extracts foreign currency

The Sukhoi Design Bureau presented in Bahrain its superjet SSJ100, a short-haul passenger aircraft carrying 100 passengers and having a range, depending on the modification, from 3,000 km to 4,500 km. This is not a novelty, the aircraft has been in operation for the fifth year. During this time, the number of operators has exceeded a dozen. Bahrain ordered 5 Sukhoi liners. An even larger order last year was made by the Irish airline SityJet - 21 aircraft. As a representative of the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft company stated at the show, production capacities are loaded for three years in advance. This year, 31 aircraft will be delivered to customers.

The main "product" of the Ilyushin Design Bureau is the Il-96MD transport aircraft, which is equally effectively operated in both military and civil aviation.

Well, and, finally, the most important currency earner is Rosoboronexport. Unfortunately, the Russian Knights aerobatic team on the Su-27P and Su-27UB multipurpose highly maneuverable fighters did not make it to the cabin. This happened due to the fact that Iran was late with permission to fly military vehicles over its territory.

The delegation of Rosoboronexport spent all three days holding talks with representatives of the armed forces of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, which are interested in purchasing Russian aircraft, helicopters and aviation weapons.

The negotiating partners showed great interest in the 4++ generation Su-35 and MiG-29M/M2 fighters, the Yak-130 combat training aircraft, the Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft, attack helicopters Ka-52 and Mi-28NE, transport-combat helicopter Mi-35M.

“Rosoboronexport’s portfolio of orders for aviation equipment exceeds $22 billion,” said the head of the delegation. Head of the Department for the Export of Special Property and Services of the Air Force Sergey Kornev. — Interest from foreign customers is growing, including in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. This is related to the output international market new models, as well as with the high effectiveness of the use of modern Russian military aircraft, including its ability to deliver pinpoint strikes against ground targets. Demand is strengthened by an excellent ratio of efficiency to cost, as well as Russia's reputation as a reliable and responsible partner in military-technical cooperation.”

No contracts have been announced. They should appear in the foreseeable future.

The launch model of the domestic Mi-171 helicopter is a modification of the eighth series, which was put into service in 2009. The aircraft has several modifications, it is considered a multifunctional device capable of performing not only combat missions, but also functioning as a rescue or passenger ship. Consider the features of this modification, as well as its characteristics.

Planning and creation

The Mi-171 helicopter is produced by an aviation plant located in Ulan-Ude. The modification was released on the basis of a universal model under the index 17. The aircraft has modern performance characteristics in its class, as well as increased autonomy and safety.

The designers took into account not only modern trends in aviation construction, but also took all the best from previous developments. This solution made it possible to obtain an optimized technical terms machine with electronic filling and excellent ergonomic properties. The close cooperation between engineers and equipment operators, as well as the introduction of electronic and digital components, made it possible to fully implement the idea.


The Mi-171 is a helicopter designed on the basis of the Mi-17 and Mi-8 lines. At the same time, the car received many additions. The carrier platform has undergone significant modernization. The device was supplemented by an X-shaped tail rotor, as well as a stabilizing system from skew. An additional advantage is the introduction of modern composite materials.

Structural plan improvements have had a positive impact on operational parameters. Increased controllability and traction power of the propeller. The flight range of the new model has increased to 800 kilometers in offline mode. For comparison: the previous basic version could cover only 650 km without additional support.

Technical plan parameters

The Mi-171 belongs to the medium-class rotorcraft. It is designed for multi-purpose use, combines practicality, good ergonomics and functionality. Below are the main specifications this helicopter:

  • The maximum curb weight is 13 tons.
  • Weight with load on an external sling - 13.5 tons.
  • The capacity of the cargo compartment is 4 tons.
  • Suspension load capacity - 5 tons.
  • Salon length - 6.3 meters.
  • The cabin width is 2340 millimeters.
  • Machine height - 1800 mm.
  • The useful volume of the cabin is 23 cubic meters.
  • Passenger capacity - up to 26 people.
  • Crew - 1-3 pilots.
  • The range of climatic conditions by temperature is from -50 to +50 °С.
  • Cruising speed - 230 kilometers per hour.
  • Flight margin - 650-800 kilometers in autonomous mode.

In addition, the aviation equipment of the Mi-171 helicopter includes a twin engine of the GTD TVZ-117 (VK-2500) type, which has a capacity of about 2,000 horsepower. At the same time, the working ceiling of the apparatus in height is 5 kilometers.

More about the power unit

The engine of the modification under consideration is a gas turbine engine belonging to the VK-2500 PS series. The power plant is equipped with an electronic unit for adjusting the current parameters. The launch of the Mi-171 unit at an altitude of up to 6 kilometers is guaranteed by a special Safir APU system. The take-off potential of an improved version of the aircraft is 2,400 horsepower, and speed performance can reach a maximum of 280 kilometers per hour.


Among the design features of the multi-purpose domestic helicopter Mi-171, the scheme of which is given below, one can note an improved carrier platform and an updated transmission. As a result, the device has become more reliable and practical.

In addition, the machine has become easier to maintain and operate. A significant role in this aspect was played by the installation of the flight and navigation complex, which improved the comfort and avionics of the helicopter. An additional benefit is the reduction in the cost of the flight based on the investment spent per hour. It is also worth noting the increase in cabin comfort and the improvement of the parameters of the technical plan.

Mi-171: manual for technical operation

The aircraft of this class is designed to perform a variety of tasks. The helicopter can be used at high air temperatures, as well as in high mountainous terrain. In addition, the updated rotary-wing unit can be operated in almost any meteorological situation.

Stable navigation in conjunction with the latest electronic equipment allows you to fly not only over land, but also over the water surface. Excellent visibility is ensured by panoramic cab windows and a good location additional equipment. The machine can be controlled by one or a pair of pilots, the control unit of which is combined.


Below are the models of the Mi-171 helicopter.

  1. 8-AMTSh - military vehicle. The device is designed to transport a landing force in the amount of 16 people. In addition, the vehicle can carry up to 12 wounded soldiers on stretchers, as well as 2-3 medical personnel. The carrying capacity of the device is 4000 kg in the cargo compartment and the same - on the external sling. Main purpose: search, military, rescue operations and fire fighting.
  2. Mi-8 AMTSh-V is a model designed for military transport operation, has an improved auxiliary installation and updated avionics.
  3. 8 AMTSh-VA. This modification is focused on work in the regions of the Far North and other areas with a harsh climate.
  4. Mi-171A1. This instance is an upgraded version of the 8AMT series. It has a fuel system without a supply tank, as well as the presence of fire-resistant steel hoods and special double-chamber boosters with increased fire protection.
  5. Variation 171 A2 has a more modern power unit, better performance characteristics, reduced maintenance costs, greater flight range without refueling.


The Mi-171 apparatus in question, the books on the arrangement of which are filled with comprehensive information about technical data, has been tested in special flight laboratories for a long time. Some samples are released in the standard version. Other models received new main and additional propeller blades, as well as other elements.

The plans of the designers include several projects that are aimed at application in the transport, military, search, medical and passenger sectors. Taking into account the features of the developed machines, they receive the appropriate equipment. The main base will most likely remain the same. The main emphasis will be placed on optional equipment and expansion of equipment, taking into account the purpose of a particular model.

The possibilities of the updated modification make it possible to expand the industries of its use not only in industrial terms, but also as a business model. The parameters and characteristics of the rotary-wing aircraft make it possible to transport oil products to remote regions. The plant in Ulan-Ude practices not only deliveries to the domestic market, but also considers the prospects for the development of export-import relations with the CIS countries and foreign countries.

As for the accidents with this helicopter, they took place. Among the most resonant events, the following cases are noted:

  1. December 19, 2009 - an accident near Vorkuta. The ship made an emergency landing in the tundra. The airship belonged to the aviation company Gazpromavia. There were 25 people on board, including crew members. One passenger subsequently died from injuries incompatible with life, the other was seriously injured.
  2. Shortly thereafter, the Mi-171 helicopter of the Azerbaijani military forces fell into the sea near the city of Baku. Three crew members were killed.
  3. In July 2014, there was a disaster in Vietnam (Hanoi). There were 21 paratroopers on board. The accident killed 16 people.
  4. In the Chinese province of Sichuan, five people were injured after the accident of the Mi-171 helicopter, which crashed on July 22, 2014.
  5. Near the Belgrade airport (Serbia), an aircraft of the brand in question crashed, which transported a sick child. Also on board were paramedics and crew members. Presumably, bad weather conditions became the cause of the disaster. It happened in March 2015.
  6. On October 19, 2016, another accident occurred. A military helicopter MI-171, whose design is quite reliable, but imperfect, crashed in the Fergana region. Nine people were killed (crew members and paratroopers). The accident occurred due to adverse weather conditions.

In conclusion

Aviation equipment Mi-171 has good performance. There are many modifications of helicopters that are designed for operation in different areas activities. The design of the machines is constantly being improved and supplemented, which allows us to hope for even greater safety during flights and the active use of the device in all regions of the country and neighboring countries.



The Russian Helicopters Holding (part of the Rostec State Corporation) and the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) have handed over the operational and technical documentation for the Mi-171A2 helicopter to the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).
Based on the application received, the Brazilian aviation authorities will have to decide on the certification of the helicopter in the local market.
“Brazil is our long-term partner and one of the key countries in South America for the promotion of Russian helicopter products. Mi-171A1 helicopters have been successfully operated in the country for more than 10 years, and I am sure that the new helicopter will soon also have the opportunity to earn a positive reputation. Now the Brazilian certification body is processing the received documentation for the Mi-171A2. Taking into account the experience of certification of Mi-171A1 helicopters, I think that this issue will be resolved in a short time,” said Andrey Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding.
“Given the high demand in Brazil for multi-purpose medium-class helicopters, we are introducing a new machine to the local market - modern, roomy and reliable. The Mi-171A2 helicopter provides a high flight range, which is important for a country where machines are actively operated in hard-to-reach areas. At the same time, within the framework of an international partnership, we intend to develop an after-sales service that guarantees the maximum operating life and is necessary condition flight safety,” said Anatoly Serdyukov, Director of the Rostec Aviation Cluster.
In 2005, the Mi-171A1 helicopter, optimized for the requirements of European commercial operators and FAR-29 aviation regulations, received the approval of the Type Certificate in ANAC. Particular attention during its development was paid to security issues. In the same year, the first Mi-171A1 helicopter was delivered to Brazil.
In 2010, the Mi-171A1 helicopter, presented by Atlas Taxi Aereo operator, won the tender of the Brazilian state oil and gas company Petrobras for the right to perform aerial work in the Amazon River basin due to the combination of positive characteristics and price / quality ratio.
Commissioned by a Brazilian company for new helicopter Mi-171A1 was the first to install the T-HUMS system ( onboard system control and diagnostics). It provides automatic monitoring of a wide range of nodes in real time, significantly increasing flight safety. The use of the T-HUMS system also provides for the possibility of switching to maintenance“by state”, and not according to the regulations, which can significantly reduce financial expenses operating company and increase the efficiency of the helicopter business.
The Mi-171A1 helicopters used by Atlas Taxi Aereo in difficult natural conditions to support Petrobras' drilling operations in the Brazilian rainforests have shown their worth. For a year of intensive operation, one helicopter, for example, flew more than 1,000 hours (on average 120 hours per month), moving about 600 tons of cargo, mainly drilling equipment on an external sling.
On the basis of this helicopter, the Mi-171A2 helicopter was developed - the result of a deep modernization of the Mi-8/17 family of helicopters. More than 80 changes have been made to the design of the Mi-171A2. The helicopter is equipped with VK-2500PS-03 engines (civilian version of the engines installed on Mi-28 combat helicopters) with a digital control system. One of the most important differences between the Mi-171A2 and the Mi-8/17 family of helicopters is the new carrier system. The helicopter has a more efficient X-shaped tail rotor and a new main rotor with all-composite blades with an improved aerodynamic layout. In August 2017, the helicopter received a category “A” type certificate from the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation, which provides for the implementation of the most stringent flight safety requirements for civil helicopters.
JSC "Ulan-Ude aircraft factory" - one of manufacturing enterprises holding "Helicopters of Russia". The modern production and technological potential of the plant makes it possible to quickly organize the production of new types of aircraft, to combine the creation of prototypes with the serial production of equipment. Over 75 years of existence, the plant has built more than 8,000 aircraft. Today the plant specializes in the production of Mi-8AMT (Mi-171E), Mi-171 and Mi-8AMTSh (Mi-171Sh) helicopters.
Russian helicopters


Russian Helicopters Holding predicts a large demand for helicopters in the world - in the next 5-10 years, demand will increase by 20%, reports on March 16. In Brazil, sales will increase by 37%.
The company begins certification of the Mi-171A2 multipurpose transport helicopter in Brazil. Since 2000, Russia has sold 16 different types of helicopters to Brazil.
“Brazil is our longtime partner and one of largest countries South America. Mi-171A1 helicopters have been successfully operating in the country for more than 10 years, and I am sure that the new helicopter will also be positively received,” adds Andrey Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding.
The previous version of the Mi-171A1 was created in 2005, optimized for the requirements of mainly European consumers, received the Brazilian FAR-29 certificate. In the same year, the first helicopter was delivered to Brazil.
The Mi-171A2 version received more than 80 changes compared to the A1, it is equipped with VK-2500PS-03 engines with a digital control system (civilian version of the engine installed on the Mi-28 combat helicopter). Production is carried out at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (part of the Russian Helicopters holding). For more than 75 years of work, more than 8,000 aircraft and helicopters have been built at the plant. Today the plant specializes in the production of Mi-8AMT (Mi-171E), Mi-171 and Mi-8AMTSh (Mi-171Sh) helicopters.
Military parity

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1 Information about the project "Development of a set of on-board equipment for the Mi-171A2 helicopter" IFR, day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions with the provision of aerial work (air reconnaissance, cargo transportation, search and rescue operations, etc.); - a qualitatively new level of solving problems of helicopter navigation by the crew; - deep autonomous built-in control of helicopter avionics. At the Scientific and Technical Conference of JSC Russian Helicopters, the depth of unification of the KBO-17 and KBO-226 complexes was noted at 83% and the technical solutions used in the development of these OBEs were approved. These technical solutions have also been approved by industry institutes (GosNIIAN, GosNIIGA) and certification procedures are being carried out by the AR IAC. The composition of KBO-17 includes the main complex-forming systems developed and manufactured by OAO UKBP: integrated electronic indication and signaling system KSEIS-V1; general helicopter equipment control system SUOVO-V1; information complex of altitude and speed parameters of IK VSP-171; integrated system of backup devices ISRP-5. The complex includes products of domestic manufacturers: the PKV-171A helicopter flight system and the navigation computer PVN-1-03 manufactured by OJSC KBPA; radio altimeter A (OAO UPKB Detal); weather radar contour-10m ("Kontur-NIIRS"); round-the-clock surveillance system KOS-17 (OKTB Omega); a complex of communication facilities KSS-17 (LLC NPPP "Prima"); flight recorder MBR-GA-01 (JSC 1

2 "Device"); early ground proximity warning system SRPBZ, differential data receiver equipment, aircraft transponder SO-2010 (CJSC VNIIRA-Navigator). Foreign-made systems are also integrated into KBO-17: LCR-100 (Nortrop grumman) heading vertical; automatic radio compass NAV-4000 and radio range finder DME-4000 (Rokwell Collins); map generator RN-7 (Litef) 2

3 Mi-171A2 cockpit model with equipment of the KBO-17 complex at the HeliRussia exhibition

4 1. Weight and power Main technical characteristics of the KBO-17 airborne equipment complex of the Mi-171A2 helicopter Parameter KBO-17 (basic configuration) KBO-17-1 (full configuration) Weight, not more than, kg 247.42 376.12 Power consumed on-board equipment complex KBO-17 (with heating), W 2490.0 (5190.0) 3548.7 (6323.7) , not more Main systems ±0.5 (in horizontal flight) ±1.0 (during maneuvering) Backup instrument ±(from 1 to 4) (in horizontal flight) ±8.0 (during maneuvering) Gyromagnetic heading (GMK) ), º ±1.0 (in horizontal flight) ±3.0 (in horizontal flight) ±2.0 (during maneuvering) ±6.0 (during maneuvering) Gyro-semi-compass heading, º/hour ±5 (avoidance) - True heading, º ±2 - Heading angle of the radio station (KUR), º ±3 - VOR beacon azimuth, º ±0.2 - Barometric altitude, m from 4 to 7 ±(5±0.001H abs) Indicated speed, km/ h 3 to 8 3.5 to 10 Vertical speed axis (Vy), m/s from 0.3 + 0.01Vy from 0.3 to 0.8 Outside air temperature, ºС ±1 ±1 4

5 Longitudinal, transverse and vertical components of the airspeed, km/h ±5 - Geometrical height, m ​​±0.45 or ±0.02N current - 3. Errors in stabilization of flight parameters by the autopilot: Parameter Roll and pitch angles, º ±1.0 Heading (track angle), º ±1.5 Barometric altitude, m ±10 (at Hbar 500 m) ±20 (at Hbar>500 m) Indicated speed, km/h ±10 Vertical speed (Vy), m/s ± 10 Stabilization error (at the level of 2σ), no more than 4. Error in determining the current coordinates of the helicopter position: Position determination mode Satellite navigation (SNS) when using a combined GLONASS / GPS receiver Dead reckoning in the mode of complex information processing in the absence of data from RTS and SNS ( “forecast” mode) Inertial-satellite mode Heading-aerometric dead reckoning Error in determining coordinates (with a probability of 0.95), no more than 100 m during the first 15 minutes at the level of accuracy of the last correction, after 15 minutes 5 km per flight hour 100 m 6% of passed pu tee in calm conditions 5

6 5. Main functions performed: solving problems of navigation support for helicopter flight: solving problems of helicopter piloting with automatic, automated and director methods of helicopter flight control according to a given flight plan, along routes equipped and not equipped with radio technical means, as well as off-piste; providing accurate and inaccurate landing approaches to airfields equipped with radio landing systems, LKKS or non-equipped airfields; control and indication of the parameters and modes of operation of the power plant, general helicopter equipment, the formation and issuance of mnemonic, text, sound and speech signal information to the helicopter crew; generating and displaying to the helicopter crew: - flight and navigation information; - information about the flight plan and the status of the flight mission; - information about meteorological situation; - video information from a round-the-clock surveillance system; - cartographic and aeronautical information, - information about the potential threat of collision with the surface; - information about the position of the external suspension cable; - information about obstacles (power lines, masts, isolated trees, etc.). formation and registration of an array of flight information; automated and manual adjustment of radio navigation and landing systems and radio communication equipment; comprehensive provision of internal and external radio communications for the helicopter crew; creation of an optimal lighting and ergonomic cabin climate; 6

7 ensuring interaction with ATM services. Information on the work performed on the Mi-171A2 on-board equipment complex in 2012 In 2012, the Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau OJSC, within the framework of the project to create the Mi-171A2 helicopter on-board equipment complex (KBO-17 complex), carried out the following work: 1. Completed development of design documentation for the following complex-forming components of OBE: complex electronic indication and signaling system KSEIS-V1-1; general helicopter equipment control system SUOVO-V1-1; integrated complex of altitude and speed parameters IKVSP-171; integrated system of backup devices ISRP-5; control panels for general helicopter equipment PUOVO-171; alarm and notification display system STAUS-2-1; in-cabin lighting system SVKO Prototypes of blocks of systems KSEIS-V1-1, SUOVO-V1-1, IKVSP-171, ISRP-5, PUOVO-171, STAUS-2-1, SVKO-6-1 were manufactured, preliminary tests were carried out. 3. Completed the development and approval of wiring diagrams, protocols information exchange complex systems. 4. Completed the development and coordination of programs for the functioning of the systems KSEIS-V1-1, SUOVO-V1-1, ISRP-5, STAUS with JSC "MVZ"

8 5. The first versions of the software for the KSEIS-V1-1, SUOVO-V1-1, ISRP-5 systems have been developed. Software development processes are carried out in accordance with the requirements of KT-178V. 6. Testing of the functioning of the software systems on autonomous system stands and testing of the interaction of systems on an integrated stand at JSC UKBP was carried out. 7. On a complex stand with real on-board equipment, such OBE functions were tested as: formation and display of flight and navigation information; formation and display of information on the state of the power plant and general helicopter equipment; distribution and control of power supply switching onboard consumers, control of helicopter units, formation and display of meteorological information. 8. Three samples of the KBO-17 complex were made for the Mi-171A2 OP-1 helicopters (delivered to OAO Moscow Helicopter Plant im.l.mile), OP-2 and the complex stand of OAO UKBP. 9. Currently, ground testing of the complex is being carried out on board the Mi-171A2 OP-1 helicopter and testing of secondary functions of the OBE is being carried out at the complex stand at OAO UKBP. eight

9 Information about the project "Tu-204SM airborne equipment complex with a crew of two" crew members up to two people; the weight of onboard equipment was reduced from 164.4 kg to 40.5 kg; the volume of onboard equipment decreased from 53 K to 14.5 K (block size according to GOST); reduced power consumption from 2100 W to 406 W; increased reliability of on-board equipment computing facilities from 5000 hours to hours; the average labor intensity of maintenance has decreased by 3 times; the average recovery time of on-board equipment decreased by 3 times; reduced maintenance costs by reducing the range of spare parts and accessories by 2 times; the cost of certification of software of scalable functions was reduced by 3 times. 2) Improving flight safety indicators by automating the procedures for monitoring and managing general aircraft equipment, as well as by optimizing the information and control field of the cockpit. 3) Reducing the time of pre-flight preparation, through the use of advanced maintenance technologies using the on-board maintenance system. The Tu-204SM aircraft on-board equipment complex developed by JSC UKBP corresponds in terms of its technical and economic indicators to modern and promising foreign analogues and world standards, in 9

10 part of ensuring flight safety, equipment cost, operating cost and ensures the competitiveness of the Tu-204SM aircraft in world markets. Composition of the onboard equipment complex: - onboard reference information system BSSI-204; - onboard maintenance system BSTO-204; - control system for general aircraft equipment SUOSO-204; - system for converting analog and discrete signals SPADI-204; - air data measurement system SIVD; - complex electronic indication system KSEIS-204; - integrated system of backup devices ISRP-4; - the upper control panel of the runway pilot. 10

11 Information and control field of the Tu-204SM cockpit with a crew of 2 pilots 11

12 Main functions performed: - solving problems of navigation support for aircraft flight; - solving problems of aircraft piloting with automatic, automated and director methods of aircraft flight control according to a given flight plan; - control and indication of the parameters and modes of operation of the power plant, general aircraft equipment, the formation and issuance of mnemonic, text, sound and speech signal information to the aircraft crew; - formation and display to the aircraft crew: a) flight and navigation information; b) information about the flight plan and the status of the flight mission; c) information about the meteorological situation; d) video information from a round-the-clock surveillance system; e) cartographic and aeronautical information; e) information on potential ground impact hazards; - formation and registration of an array of flight information; - automated and manual settings of radio navigation and landing systems and radio communication equipment; - comprehensive provision of internal and external radio communications for the aircraft crew; 12

13 - creating an optimal lighting and ergonomic cabin climate. Information on the work performed on the avionics of the Tu-204SM aircraft In 2012, OJSC "Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau" within the framework of the project to create the avionics of the Tu-204SM aircraft carried out the following work: indication and signaling KSEIS-204E; - on-board reference information system BSSI-204; - control system for general aircraft equipment SUOSO-204; - onboard maintenance system BSTO-204; - system for converting analog and discrete signals SPADI-204; - air data measurement system SIVD; - integrated system of backup devices ISRP-4; - PNO, RTO, OSO control panels and upper pilot console (31 in total); - light signal boards and interior lighting fixtures. 2. Prototypes of blocks of systems KSEIS-204E, BSSI-204, SUOSO-204, BSTO-204, SPADI-204, SIVD, ISRP-4 were made. thirteen

14 3. The development and coordination of connection schemes, protocols for information interaction of avionics systems has been completed. 4. The development and coordination with JSC Tupolev of the programs for the functioning of the systems KSEIS-204E, BSSI-204, SUOSO-204, BSTO-204, SPADI-204, SIVD, ISRP The software for the systems KSEIS-204E, BSSI-204, SUOSO -204, BSTO-204, SPADI-204, SIVD, ISRP-4. Software development processes are carried out in accordance with the requirements of KT-178V. 6. Testing of the functioning of the software systems on autonomous system stands and testing of the interaction of systems on the integrated stand of OAO UKBP was carried out. 7. On a complex stand with real on-board equipment, such avionics functions were tested as: - formation and display of flight and navigation information; - formation and display of information on the state of the power plant and general aircraft equipment; - distribution and control of on-board consumer power supply switching; - control of aircraft units; - formation and display of meteorological information. 8. Interdepartmental and qualification tests of the KSEIS-204E, BSSI-204, SUOSO-204, BSTO-204, SPADI-204, SIVD, ISRP-4 systems were carried out. 14

PURPOSE AND MAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR THE Mi-171A2 HELICOPTER PURPOSE The Mi-171A2 transport category helicopter is intended for use in civil aviation and State structures v various options

Annex 3 LIST OF USED ABBREVIATIONS RTS SNS SU and OVO TKMV NBD PPM LZP KAU SPU TsSO RPPU OSH radio engineering systems satellite navigation system power point and general helicopter equipment

PROPERTY NOTICE (RIGHT HOLDER) All rights (including ownership and exclusive right) to these materials, including text, graphics, tables, whether or not incorporated herein.

PURPOSE AND COMPOSITION OF IKVSP PSV PURPOSE: Information complex altitude and speed parameters IKVSP-PSV is designed to provide the crew and onboard automated systems helicopter information

8.23.1. CONTROL SYSTEM FOR COMMON AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT SUOSO-148 1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION The control system for general aircraft equipment SUOSO-148 (SUOSO) is used on the aircraft to integrate functions

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“With the advent of European helicopters, disaster medicine in the region has reached a qualitatively new level.

Two AS350 B3e (H125) light helicopters manufactured by Airbus Helicopters are used to perform air ambulance work in Primorsky Krai. These cars were purchased by the regional administration in 2015 as part of the state program "Development of the transport complex of Primorsky Krai for 2013–2020."

Needless to say: would the inhabitants of Primorsky Krai "disappear" without H125?

In the meantime, India is buying 200 coaxial Ka-226s from us, which have won international competitions from the same H125s.

Kamovites in the 90s. there was also a more modern project with one engine: coaxial Ka-115, but safer than H125, cheaper, more perfect and more spacious, where a doctor and a nurse could be accommodated instead of one escort, i.e. brigade.

But for a liberal government official, a helicopter with a tail rotor is a balm for the soul! Probably for his drift: with the propellers running, the tail rotor is very dangerous on the ground; in case of failure in the air, with rare exceptions, a disaster; takes away part of the engine power to the detriment of the payload; and for the solidity of the fuselage, a heavy tail boom with gearboxes is attached to it. A coaxial helicopter also has a tail boom, but in comparison with the tail boom of the classical scheme, it is “fluff”. While a coaxial helicopter easily flies tail-first at any speed, the Mi-8 Kalashnikov is not allowed to fly backwards even when maneuvering before landing:

"The cause of the accident was the aircraft getting into the "vortex ring" mode when performing a helicopter landing without using influence" air cushion"The crew did not attempt to exit this mode by the method specified in the AFM (flight operation manual) of the Mi-8T helicopter," the IAC said in a statement.

According to the IAC, this happened because the crew made a mistake, the helicopter flew "tail first" at a speed of up to 40 kilometers per hour. There is no such maneuver in the helicopter operation manual ”(The IAC Commission completed the investigation of the aviation ... "Airport").

Now let's compare the performance characteristics of the Mi-8 MTV and Ka-32 with the same TV3-117 engines

The small number of passengers in the Ka-32 is due to its low fuselage volume. The fact is that this helicopter is a modification of the Ka-27, built in Soviet times especially for the Navy. But the Kamovites based on the Ka-32 since 2001. there is a Ka-32-10 project with a fuselage volume commensurate with the Mi-8, but the main gearbox and rotors- serial ones from Ka-32, so at the output it is supposed to be no more expensive and even cheaper than today's Mi-8, which, in my opinion, does not suit "effective" managers, because you can't cut a lot of dough from a Kamov helicopter, and, presumably, because of this, its implementation was "FROZEN". And in general: it is impermissible for Russian engineers to launch a helicopter in a series better than the WESTERN one! Therefore, instead of the Ka-32-10AG project, Russian Helicopters launched the Mi-171A2 series with the same VK-2500 engines, but which also loses in all respects: in terms of safety, in terms of carrying capacity; in terms of speed characteristics, the Ka-32-10AG will not yield to the Mi-38, but on an external sling it will lift a ton more, which indicates a large power-to-weight ratio of the Ka-32-10AG. But the Mi-171A2 is being prepared for Arctic flights:

“July 18th. As part of a recently announced project to develop an offshore version of the Mi-171A2 helicopter, the machine will be adapted to work in the Arctic, Russian Helicopters told ATO Show Observer. This will be required due to the fact that the machine is planned to be used, including on the Arctic shelf.

The holding hopes that the experience of developing "Arctic" helicopters will make it possible to relatively quickly bring the offshore version of the Mi-171A2 to the market. The machine is being developed in the interests of fuel and energy companies.”

Of course, a coaxial helicopter would be much more economically beneficial for the State, when the basic Ka-32 has long been tested in the real conditions of the Arctic, than to “fence the garden” with the Mi-171A2:

“In the Arctic, an experimental unloading of a supply vessel on an unequipped shore was carried out by a Ka-32 helicopter. Experienced polar explorer Gero participated in this experiment. Soviet Union Mark Ivanovich Shevelev.

Mark Shevelev recalls:

“It was necessary to supply the polar station on Medvezhiy Island with everything necessary for a long winter. Usually such an operation in the Arctic takes a long time. There are no berths, snow, wind, on a pontoon you can’t always go to the very shore. In a word, people drag loads in icy water, and even special suits do not save here. It is especially difficult to manually drag fuel containers. But everything must be moved as far as possible from the sea, beyond the line of maximum tide. And so, despite the fog, with the help of a Ka-32 helicopter, we completed the unloading of the Sasha Borodulin ship in just a day and a half.

The helicopter picked up a container with a load of five tons from the deck and carried it to the island to the very house of the meteorological station.

Why was it previously impossible to invite a rotorcraft to riggers and loaders? The fact is that in polar conditions only the Ka-32 can be reliably used to work from ships. The helicopter successfully passed comprehensive tests. Sailors, scientists, pilots appreciated its enormous capabilities.

Valentin Andreev, commander of the civil aviation helicopter division, says:

“The Ka-32 even surprised us, who flew helicopters of various designs. This compact stout has excellent engines. He has on board an excellent flight and navigation system and a computer, with which you can fly in automatic mode over the ocean both during the day and during the polar night without a drive station and controllers. Electronic equipment always keeps the right course.

This car is a godsend for the Arctic. Ka-32 helicopters as part of the Arctic caravans will bring serious savings to the national economy ”(Festival on Bear Island. The right course. World records of Ka-32.).

Vitaly Belyaev