Money is their value in our life. The value of modern money in people's lives

Often you can hear from others: money is not in the first place, and indeed, money is evil and happiness is not in it. What is the role of money in human life? Is financial success so important? Many people live their whole lives being content with what they have, not striving for any financial heights.

Yes, money itself is not that important. The opportunities that they give us are of much greater value. And the most important opportunity is FREEDOM.

But what kind of freedom does money give?

The first and most obvious is financial freedom... Having enough money, you can afford to do what you love. To work not because I have to do it for the sake of survival, but because you love the job and enjoy it. When a person ceases to be a slave to a salary, this gives much more opportunities - you can afford to take more risks, set yourself really serious and ambitious goals, live in abundance, and realize yourself.

This way of life brings other joys, you become a happier and more contented person. Only by being in harmony with what you are doing, you can achieve real happiness in life.

The second is freedom in time that comes after achieving financial freedom. “Time for business, hour for fun” - this is the role of not free people. And not at all because they don't work, no. They just enjoy their work, it becomes a hobby for them, bringing both pleasure and money.

Freedom of time means that you can always allow yourself to rest, disconnected from current affairs for any amount of time. Your income continues to grow and work for you, no matter where, how or what you do. Free man free to choose your life and work schedule.

The third thing that can be achieved by gaining financial freedom and freedom of time is freedom of relationship... With enough time and money, we can enjoy socializing with family, friends and people close to us. These days, few people can afford to devote most of their lives to their family - the need to run and earn money is too strong.

For most people, the opportunity to make relationships with loved ones and friends truly complete, tender, meaningful and rich is closed. But all this is available to a free person.

The same goes for spiritual freedom- having enough time and money, we can afford to fully engage in our own spiritual development. To understand yourself, in the world, in issues that concern us. Spiritual development is an important component of any modern and successful person... Without it, it is impossible to achieve harmony, joy and happiness in life.

And, of course, do not forget about physical freedom... Truly - in a healthy body, a healthy mind. It is still desirable to have enough time to play sports. Many very interesting and exciting activities require monetary investments... This applies to quality food, medical services, the need to take care of yourself and other essential attributes of a healthy life - almost all of this takes time and money.

Here are the top reasons to value financial freedom.

So ask yourself again: "Is the role of money in a person's life extremely important?"

I am sure that now there is only one answer to this question - YES!


Bezuglova Kristina Dmitrievna

3rd course student, Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, SSAU, RF, Stavropol

Agarkova Lyubov Vasilievna

scientific director, Dr. econ. Sci., Professor, SSAU, RF, Stavropol

The topic of money is always relevant in all sectors of the modern economy, since every day we are all faced with money. For many people, money is the main value measure and is a universal equivalent, money can be exchanged for any product, work, service, or intangible benefit, it is used as an intermediary that makes the process of market exchange more convenient and accessible. Consider the situation in the agro-industry. Today, one can observe an increase in prices for gas, oil and other energy resources, and this is precisely what is a considerable support for the Russian, still raw material economy. At present, agricultural imports are about - 25 billion dollars, and exports today - 5 billion. These values ​​have a negative impact on the market of agricultural producers. Similar structures are also influenced by such indicators as the general increase in prices in the market and the rise in the cost of energy resources. Therefore, it should be noted that money in such a case can make it possible to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of the economic mechanism, and also money can act as a link connecting agricultural producers with other market participants.

In the banking sector, a completely new role is played by the transformation of savings into investments. And the development of credit relations helps to save time and labor for the subject of economic relations, as well as increase the availability of financial services for the population.

Money today can serve a variety of payment relationships, which include labor. This function, in the main, ensured the wide development of the credit system. Money in the world market can provide the movement of capital between countries. Money can serve the sale and production of social capital through the system cash flows between spheres of economy, industries and regions of the country. These flows are organized by the state, business entities and, in part, by individuals, while the turnover of the value of the social product begins and ends with the owner of the capital.

In modern market conditions, the efficiency of using a currency depends largely on the stability of its monetary unit, that is, on the constancy of the exchange rate and the presence of a tendency to increase it.

The role of money in the modern innovative world, or "technotronic civilization", can be compared to the genetic code in the field of life. But if the genetic code is the creation of nature, then money is a human creation, this is one of the main manifestations of his genius.

Without existence Money people would still be at the stage of primitiveness. Also, modern society literally in a matter of time passes to the lowest degrees of degradation, as soon as money is abolished in it.

Among the main functions of money in society, we will single out the following: first, money can regulate production; secondly, money is a regulator of consumption; third, money as a measure of a person's social utility; fourthly, money as a stimulator of scientific and technological progress; fifthly, the ecological function of money. The main types of modern money: banknotes, electronic money, checks, credit cards.

At different times, people's attitude to money has changed and this is confirmed by the data of a sociological survey for 2012. Thanks to this study, it is possible to trace how the role of money in the life of Russians has changed in comparison with the Soviet period and what money is for a modern person. (fig. 1).

Figure 1. Sociological data

After analyzing the data, we can conclude that everyone continuously strives for a higher-paying position, even if it causes additional stress and may make them less happy. While in the Soviet period, the main measures of happiness for people were spiritual values. The survey participants took tests during which they had to choose either a high salary or a comfortable lifestyle, which is usually with the concept of happiness. In the course of the study, it turned out that modern people value more money than their own peace. This data can also be associated with the fact that at present for many it is money that is a "pass" to the world of comfort and pleasure. The amount of money today is a measure of success.

Today, in a market economy, many services, goods, natural resources and the ability of people to work acquire a monetary form. A completely different role of money, in contrast to money of simple commodity production, is to transform it into money capital, or self-increasing value. Today, as before, money plays a certain role in society, but it differs from the role of money in past periods.

Figure 2. The role of money in modern society

Money is a social form of wealth. According to Engels, "it is only through money that the wealth of an individual is realized as social wealth."

The development of monetary relations contributed to the development of banking, trade, and also stimulated businessmen and entrepreneurs to expand the sphere of production of goods, increase the range of goods and services that circulate on the market. To date, the Central Bank of Russia has registered more than 2,144 credit institutions, including the overwhelming majority - banks account for about 2,000, and the rest are non-bank credit institutions.

Thus, at present, money plays an important role, this can be traced by analyzing the functions of money. Today, it is worth paying attention to money, primarily as money capital and an instrument for regulating the economy, due to the fact that it is through the development of credit relations that a great complication of not only the structure, but also the essence of money, as well as an increase in functional characteristics, complication quality characteristics. Money is a special indicator of the state of the country's economy as a whole, for this reason it is especially important for the state to develop an effective monetary policy.


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Belonged to the group of goods called services. However, in practice, goods are most often referred to as goods-items that can be stored, stored, packaged, mixed, etc.

The movement, the movement of goods from one owner to another, or, as they say in economics, the circulation of goods, is unthinkable without observing the principle of equivalence (equality) of their value. Its implementation is done with help.

The economic role of money

In a market economy, the price of a product is based on its value with a possible deviation. The price of a product is influenced by the ratio of supply and demand, as well as competition, which makes it possible to reduce the price of the product. The pricing mechanism is aimed at increasing, reducing the level of costs. The money supply is equivalent to the nominal GNP, or, in a simplified form, the sum of the prices of goods, if we do not take into account the redistribution processes and the repeated counting of material costs, which in general view consistent with the quantitative theory of money. The use of money allows you to take measures to link and achieve a balance of cash income and expenses. The role of public authorities is great in this, which can contribute to the expansion of production of certain industries and goods by financing capital investments for these purposes, providing tax incentives.

3. Financial assets demand- these are real estate transactions (GKO, OFZ), foreign exchange, deposits in banks, bank certificates, company shares. To buy them requires money of "high efficiency", ie. cash or cash in the reserve of the Bank of Russia.

4. Interest rates on financial assets... The modern one establishes an inverse relationship between the demand for money and the growth of asset interest rates. In Russian conditions, this dependence is still weak because of the absorbing effect of other factors. The high level of interest rates on financial assets maintains a high demand conjuncture for them, reduces the demand for cash and for. But at the time of the stock market crisis, financial assets are dumped, and a rush demand for cash rubles and foreign currency arises.

5. Velocity of money circulation... The higher the velocity of money circulation, the less, other things being equal, the demand for money.

6. A set of currency factors... In our conditions, the demand for dollars exceeds the demand for rubles, which makes the task of stimulating demand for rubles urgent, so that the national monetary unit is the main reference point in the activities of market entities. Money is used to assess the profitability of export and import operations, in terms of monetary settlements for these operations. Money is used when making settlements on credit and non-commodity transactions, when compiling the country's trade balance as a result of comparing the volume of exports and imports for a certain period, when summing up the results in the form of an active or passive trade balance.

7. Needs beyond the current financial turnover, Is the demand for the money needed for expanded reproduction. The size of the real money demand is determined by the resource provision of the subjects. The structure of the money supply in Russia does not take into account the shares of commercial banks and joint stock companies, government debt obligations. The policy of state debt obligations is subordinated to the tasks of financing the budget deficit and does not touch upon the problems of restructuring the economy, the flow of capital from the financial sector to the real sector of the economy.

8. Demand for money depends on application of modern financial and banking technologies, the clarity of the work of the entire system of payment and settlement turnover. The demand for money decreases after the introduction of an electronic method of transferring securities from one owner to another.

9. The demand for money depends on the intensity of the processes of saving money on the accounts of legal entities and individuals... The growth of savings expands the possibilities of using money in, since the growth of money is ensured by the fact that part of the previously issued money is in the bank circulation. Given this property of money, many economists believe that the most important factor the formation of the demand for money is the demand for real money balances, since the purchasing power of money is important for people, and not their nominal value. Taking into account the value of real cash balances, the effectiveness of the price factor remains. If we consider the promotion of economic growth and welfare as the main task, then the creation of incentives for the population's savings and their transfer to savings should help expand the boundaries for the growth of the money supply, financial support for expanded reproduction.

Thus, the demand for money is the demand for money necessary for commodity circulation, foreign economic transactions for the implementation of financial transactions for the purchase of government securities. The dynamics of the physical volume of production, as well as prices, has a decisive influence on the demand for money. The basic basis of the demand for money is the monetary balances on the accounts of market entities and the propensity of entities to save, trust in the national currency and in the credit policy of central banks. The versatile use of money and its influence on the development of the country is largely based on the fact that the products are produced by market entities not for their own needs, but for other consumers to whom it is sold for money. The manufactured products take the form of goods, and commodity-money relations are formed between the participants in the production and sale of goods.

Features of the manifestation of the role of money in different models of the economy

The role of money in various models of the economy is as follows:

  • influence of money on improvement economic activity;
  • strengthening the interest of subjects of economic relations in the development of production with the help of prices and cost reduction;
  • dependence of cash expenses on income;
  • control over prices, volume and quality of goods and services.

When existed until recently in Russia command economy the role of money was limited. Money was assigned an auxiliary role as an instrument of accounting and control on the part of the management bodies of the economy. The volume and range of products produced were established by higher-level organizations for each enterprise in the form of plans in kind and in value terms. At the same time, the cost indicators of the planned volume and range of products had a subordinate value and were calculated on the basis of natural indicators based on the prices set by the central authorities.

The manufactured products were distributed among consumers. When selling products, money and monetary settlements were assigned a subordinate role. With this model of the economy, the role of money decreases, which is associated with the use of stable prices. Prices remained unchanged with different ratios of supply and demand and continued to apply when there was a shortage of goods and their rationed distribution. In such conditions, suppressed inflation arose, accompanied by a decrease in the role of money, since the availability of money from the buyer was not so important for the purchase of goods, as the ability to receive it in accordance with the established norms is important.

However, the use of money makes it possible to determine the total amount of costs. Comparison of the planned and actual level of the cost price made it possible to estimate deviations of the actual level from the planned one and to apply measures to normalize it. The use of money made it possible to evaluate the fulfillment of the plan in terms of the total volume of production and to develop measures to improve its fulfillment. However, despite the fact that the use of money increases the possibilities of accounting and control, this does not allow money to be assigned an independent significance in the economy.

V market economy the role of money is increasing significantly. This is due to the fact that the conditions of economic activity are changing, changing to tools and, there are new conditions for managing the processes of production and sales of products. In a market economy, commodity producers acquire independence in establishing the volume and range of products produced and sold. At the same time, the role of money is increasing, with their help an assessment of effective demand is given, taking into account which the volume and range of products are formed. Consideration is given to the considerations of the profitability of activities, which take into account the level of prices for manufactured products and the level of costs.

The increasing role of money occurs in retail, in which the distribution according to norms, coupons has been canceled, and money plays a decisive role in determining the possibility of purchasing goods. The regulation of the economy by the state is carried out not by administrative, but by market methods.

Nothing in the world causes such fierce disputes between people as the meaning of money in the world. Some argue that this is the most important thing in the world, since only money gives us a pass to the world of great opportunities and the realization of the most. Others, on the contrary, blame money for all failures and argue that it is the greatest evil on earth. What is the essence and function of money in reality? Today we will try to move away from superficial and emotional views on this issue and analyze it from an unbiased point of view.

Money is the most important financial instrument through which all economic activity in the world, ranging from ordinary human trafficking, and ending with the conclusion of government contracts between countries. It is important to realize that money is a certain measure of the value of certain goods and services, as a result of which we are able to actually assess the value of certain things in the world. Despite the fact that back in the 70s of the twentieth century, the pegging of the American dollar to gold (gold and foreign exchange parity) was canceled, today, in fact, gold plays a rather significant role in the stability of the global financial system. As a result, the essence and functions of money play a decisive role in the system of state economic development.

The main body that controls the number of banknotes in the country is the Central Bank, which, if necessary, can withdraw part of the funds from circulation, as well as issue (issue) additional banknotes. In general, the Central Bank is engaged in the regulation of monetary circulation in accordance with certain at a particular point in time.

And their functions determine the following tasks:

  1. Provide the opportunity to carry out a large selection of goods and services for various transactions
  2. As a result, it is possible to assess not only the purchasing power, but also the comparison of goods with each other
  3. Eliminates the disadvantages of barter, which greatly facilitates the purchase of those goods that are needed.

It is noteworthy that the essence and functions of money can not always be compared directly with banknotes, which are well known to each of us. In some emergency situations, as well as under martial law, the function of money can be performed by coupons that the state issues for essential goods (water, sugar, bread, matches, salt, and so on). Thus, we see that the function of money can perform, in general, any things, if they are endowed with a certain measure of value. With the help of coupons, the state can reduce the risk of speculative transactions and reduce the segment of the shadow economy in the context of an unstable economic situation in the country.

It is important to remember that money alone is worth very little, since it is solely the measure that fills it with value in relation to other currencies. In addition, all credit and financial are rigidly interconnected, as a result of which the essence and functions of money can be performed and securities... Possessing a certain significance, securities can act as financial instrument when committing major trade deals or a merger of several companies. Shares and bonds of companies are the standard of its capital, by which a given company is valued on the market, and since pricing occurs constantly, the value of shares can either rise or fall.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the essence, functions and represent such a voluminous sphere of economic doctrine that it is simply impossible to fully describe all its elements within the framework of the article. Here we talked about the basics of the monetary system, knowing which everyone will be able to better navigate the complex flow of economic information.

Otchenashenko A.V. one

1 GBPOU VO "Borisoglebsk Technical School of Industrial and Information Technologies"

Gorbacheva N.V. one

1 GBPOU VO "Borisoglebsk Technical School of Industrial and Information Technologies"

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Money is a strange thing. The beauty of them is that they can be the greatest source of joy. And the disastrous thing about money is that it can be the greatest source of longing. "- John Kenneth Galbraith

(American economist).

The topic of money is always relevant in all sectors of the modern economy, since every day we are all faced with money. Money for many people is the main value measure and is a universal equivalent, money can be exchanged for any product, work, service, or intangible goods, it is used as an intermediary that makes the process of market exchange more convenient and accessible.

Now the common man in the street understands money as a certain amount of paper, endowed with individual characteristics. But three hundred years ago, everything was not so - people did not know what paper money was, they were of no value to them, and gold and silver were valuable.

Money is important. And we know that. But at the same time, we all have a different attitude towards them. Someone is ready for anything for the sake of money, while for someone money is far from the first place in life. And at the same time, such people do not live in poverty. Why is that?

Everyone perceives the presence or lack of money differently, but their unexpected loss or appearance can hit a person's psyche hard. Some even develop certain forms of money distress, gambling or even stealing. At the same time, money cannot be ignored, since in the modern world it is an indispensable tool for those who strive to make a career and achieve success, and live comfortably. In addition, money helps in self-realization and self-expression, but the productivity of this process depends on the person himself.

V modern conditions money is an integral part of the economic life of an enterprise. Cash is the only type of working capital with absolute liquidity. All transactions related to delivery material values and the provision of services, culminate in cash settlements. The latter can take both cash and non-cash forms. For the state, it is very important to accelerate both cash and non-cash turnover of funds, as this helps to curb inflation and streamline payments.

Having considered the relevance of the topic, it is possible to formulate the purpose and objectives of the work.

The purpose of the research work: to identify the role and significance of money in our life. In accordance with the set goal, I have defined the tasks of the work:

1. consider the nature and origin of money;

2. describe the functions and types of money;

3. determine the importance of money in the modern world;

4. Conduct a survey and identify the value of money in the life of city residents.

It takes a lot of motivation to make a lot of money. But it is important to develop the right attitude to money, and not be dependent on its amount. Wealth goes to someone who knows how to handle money, skillfully prioritizes, is able to manage cash flows and control costs.

Main part

1.1. The essence and origin of money

For many thousands of years after their appearance, people lived without money. They did not need money in those days when nothing was on sale. They took everything they needed from nature. In a primitive society, while people lived in a tribe, clan, community, property and food in the family were common, although everyone had personal belongings. Everyone did what they could. That which gave labor was used by all on equal terms. The property was shared. People unconsciously used the advantages that life and society gave them. They began to exchange the products of their labor and trade in very ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered that the exchange between tribes took place as far back as the Stone Age. Many tribes, which were at a very low level of development, exchanged with neighbors in the following way: products intended for exchange were brought to an agreed place. There they were laid out and left. In the absence of sellers, neighboring tribes came, with whom it was agreed, left their goods and took those left for them. Gradually, during the exchange, a commodity is revealed that becomes the equivalent of the value of all other commodities, that is, all commodities that were traded in a given area could be equated to a certain amount of this commodity. This is how the first money appeared.

In the economic literature, money is defined as a special commodity spontaneously separated from the commodity world, which serves as a universal equivalent and represents the "crystallization of exchange value."

Money is what is accepted as payment for goods, services and debts. Money is a medium of exchange; people accept money in exchange for goods and services they provide in the expectation that they can then exchange money for the goods and services they want to purchase. Without such a medium of exchange, people must turn to barter — the direct exchange of goods and services for other goods and services — a highly ineffective medium of exchange.

More or less generally accepted equivalents of money appeared in 2-3 thousand years BC. For nomads, livestock played the role of money, for farmers - valuable plant crops, for hunters - animal skins. On the territory of modern Germany in the first millennium BC. cattle were in use. V Ancient Rus paid with the skins of squirrels and martens. In Mexico, sugar and cocoa beans were used, in Peru and Bolivia - pepper, in Mongolia - tea. The most famous currency of antiquity was the cowrie shell; they were found not only at the place of catch - in India, Africa, but even in Scythian and Slavic settlements. Cowrie shells were used as money in countries with high ancient civilizations such as China, Japan and India. Many underdeveloped tribes have shells - money is carried in a bundle and in case of danger they are buried in the ground as treasures. In Melanesia, the so-called "pig money" is known. This strange money comes in the form of bundles of shells, glass beads, dog teeth, and even pork tails. The purpose of this money is rather curious: they buy pigs with them and pay them the ransom for the bride. Bundles of pig money sometimes reach truly incredible size for money - up to 12 meters.

Money is known in the form of marble rings in the New Hebrides or in the form of ceremonial stone axes in New Guinea. In ancient China, bronze spatula-hoes, bronze bells, knives or pieces of a semi-precious stone of jade served as money, on the island of Borneo there was agate money. Pearl money existed in India.

What did not serve a person as money! The range of such things is truly great: from cow skulls on the island of Borneo to bars of salt in Africa, from metal spears in the Congo to human skulls in the Solomon Islands. For example, in the 15th century in Iceland they paid as follows: for a horseshoe - 1 dried fish; for a pair of women's shoes - 3 fish; for a keg of wine - 100 fish; for a keg of butter - 120 fish.

As social wealth increases, the role of the universal equivalent is assigned to precious metals (silver, gold), which, due to their rarity, high value with a small volume, homogeneity, divisibility and other useful qualities, they were, one might say, doomed to play the role of monetary material for a long period of human history. To prevent counterfeiting money, mixing cheap ones with precious metals, government began to stigmatize metal money. This mark meant that the ingot contained metal of a certain quality.

It is now believed to be established that the oldest coins appeared in the state of Lydia (Western Turkey) around 650 BC. They were small bean-shaped pieces of metal made from an electron (a natural alloy of gold and silver found in the river deposits of Lydia), on one side of which was depicted the lion's emblem of King Gyges, and on the other there were marks certifying the weight and purity of the metal. From there, the innovation quickly spread to the West, to the Greek city-states, and to the East, to Persia.

On the territory of Russia, the minting of coins, silver and gold, dates back to the time of Prince Vladimir the First ( Kievan Rus, late 10th - early 11th centuries). In “Russkaya Pravda” metal money continued to be called “kuns”, but silver “hryvnias” were already appearing. In the XII - XV centuries. the princes tried to mint their own "specific" coins. In the Moscow principality, the initiative of minting silver coins belonged to Dmitry Donskoy (XIV century), who began to melt Tatar silver “money” into Russian “hryvnias”. Ivan III (late 15th century) established that the right to minting coins should belong only to the “senior” of the princes, the holder of the Moscow throne. Under Ivan the Terrible, the first ordering of the Russian monetary system took place. At the beginning of the 17th century, a single monetary unit, a kopeck, was established in Russia (a horseman with a spear was depicted on the coin), weighing 0.68 grams of silver. In addition, the ruble, poltina, hryvnia, and altyn were introduced into the counting system, although the minting of the silver ruble became the rule only under Peter I. Gold money - "chervontsy" appeared in Russia since 1718.

The invention of paper money is credited to ancient Chinese merchants. The first attempt to introduce them into circulation was made during the reign of Emperor Udi (140-87 BC), after constant military campaigns against Mongol nomads devastated the imperial treasury. The private minting of coins so reduced the quality of metallic money that there were sharp fluctuations in their nominal value. Udi demanded that most of the minted households issue Treasury notes, each worth 400,000 copper coins. The tickets were made from the skin of a white deer - an extremely rare animal - and were shaped like a square with a special pattern. However, this unusual experiment in monetary regulation was doomed to failure due to the extremely limited number of white deer. The Chinese returned to the idea of ​​paper money again around the beginning of the 9th century.

In Europe, the appearance of paper money is usually associated with the experience of France in 1716-1720. John Law's bank issue of paper money ended in failure. In Russia, the issue of paper money - banknotes first began in 1769. under Catherine II.

Based on the above, we can conclude that money was allocated from the world of goods as a result of a long historical process of the development of society.

The essence of money is that it is specific marketable condition, with the natural form of which the social function of the universal equivalent grows together.

The essence of money is manifested in the unity of three properties:

    universal direct exchange;

    crystallization of exchange value;

    materialization of universal working time.

Consequently, money arising from the resolution of the contradictions of goods (use value and value) is not a technical means of circulation, but reflects deep social relations.

1.2. Forms and types of money

Throughout history, money has been accepted different shape... At a certain stage of development, metals were most widely used as a universal equivalent. At first it was iron, which was replaced by copper, silver, gold. The latter became the most widespread - mainly because it was not oxidized and was equally highly valued all over the world.

Commodity money. With the formation of large states from precious metals began to mint coins that became widespread. Bars and coins of silver and gold were commodity money.

Bank money... Over time, money changed and took on new forms, as people looked for more perfect objects that would serve as a medium of exchange, a store of value and an indicator of prices. In the modern market economy, the so-called substitutes for money have become widespread - commercial securities intended for making payments and various property transactions. Checks, bills, mortgages, pledge certificates stored in banks and others financial institutions deposits, payment and credit plastic bank cards it is usually called bank or credit money.

Electronic money... Today, most of the money consists of electronic records in banking computers - checking accounts, payment and credit card accounts. Electronic money means transferring money from an account, calculating interest and other operations by transmitting electronic signals without the participation of paper media. Many economists predict the imminent disappearance of paper money and the final transition to electronic money.

Currency... Currency is represented by banknotes in the form of coins, paper money, and also in the form of records on accounts. Distinguish between the national currency - the monetary unit of a certain country, and the international collective currency. The latter is an international regional currency and legal tender. Thus, the countries of the European Union have been using the international collective currency - the euro since January 1, 1999 - for non-cash payments, and since 2002 - in the form of banknotes and coins. Currencies are divided into freely convertible, partially convertible and non-convertible (closed). Freely convertible currency is freely and unlimitedly exchanged for other foreign currencies. Partially convertible currency is the currency of countries in which restrictions are adopted for certain currency holders and for certain types of exchange operations. Closed currency is a currency that functions within one country and is not exchanged for currencies of other countries. Reserve currency is the currency of countries - leading participants in world trade, which is used in international settlements. Central banks accumulate this currency in the form of reserve funds for international settlements and payments on loans.

The basis of the monetary system of the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble. Samples of coins and banknotes of the Russian Federation are presented in Appendix 1.

As part of its issuance activities, the Bank of Russia issues commemorative coins made of precious and base metals and investment coins made of precious metals into circulation, which are distributed both domestically and abroad. The Bank of Russia has been engaged in this activity since its foundation - since 1992.

The central place in the issues of the Bank of Russia in recent years is occupied by coins of the historical and sports series, such long-term programs as "Outstanding Personalities of Russia", "Architectural Monuments of Russia", "Russia in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage", "The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", "Red Book", "Let's Save Our World", "Lunar Calendar" and others.

Samples of commemorative and investment coins of the Bank of Russia are presented in Appendix 2.

Cash flow is the most important component of the model of the circulation of resources, goods, services and money, in which all economic entities of the economic system (households, firms, the state) take part. The movement of the flow of money associated with the performance of their functions is money circulation. Monetary circulation is carried out in cash and non-cash form. The cash form of monetary circulation is the movement of cash (banknotes and coins). Non-cash form of monetary circulation - cashless payments carried out by bank transfer of money from accounts, the use of letters of credit, checks, credit cards, etc. These two forms of money correspond to two forms of payment. Cash settlements are made "from hand to hand" without the participation of banks. Bank settlements are carried out by transferring money from account to account or using electronic money... There is no blind wall between cash and non-cash money and settlements. Banks carry out transactions with cash, for example, when accepting funds to a bank or withdrawing cash from an account, as well as when exchanging cash. Cardholders can easily convert non-cash money into cash using an ATM, an automatic cash register that dispenses cash and provides information and services to customers.

1.3. Basic functions of money

The essence of money as an economic category is manifested in their functions, which express internal framework, money content. Money performs the following five functions: a measure of value, a medium of circulation, a means of accumulation and savings, a means of payment, and world money.

Money as a measure of value.

This function of money is also called "measuring instrument" or "unit of account". Money acts as a counting unit by which the value of all goods is measured and measured. Money performs this function using the price scale - the monetary unit of the national currency used to measure and compare the value of goods and services. The fulfillment of the function of a measure of value by money consists in evaluating the value of goods by setting prices. The price is formed on the market, and when the supply and demand for goods are equal, it depends on the value of the goods and the value of money.

Money as a medium of exchange and circulation.

When money is used as a means of paying for goods and services, we say that it is used as a medium of exchange. Thus, the medium of circulation is money used to buy goods and services, as well as to pay debts. This function uses cash banknotes.

Acting as an intermediary in the exchange, money serves as the basis for organizing the cash flow involved in the circulation of resources, goods, services

Money as a means of accumulation and savings.

A store of value is an asset held after the sale of goods and services and providing purchasing power in the future. The composition of money savings includes balances of cash held by individual citizens, as well as balances in accounts.

People can store their wealth in jewelry, artwork, houses, stocks and bonds, and in many other forms. Individuals also accumulate gold in the form of bars, coins, ornaments (gold tezavratsiya), buying it on the market in exchange for their national currency. However, money is more suitable for this function, since it has inherent liquidity.

Cash deposited in some types of bank accounts does not generate any income for the owner. However, in modern economic systems money can be kept in accounts that generate such income.

Money as a means of payment.

Performing a payment function, money serves various market transactions (sale and purchase of goods and services, registration of property transactions - collateral, rent, hiring, loans, credit, etc.), payment of taxes, payment of salaries and pensions. If the purchase and sale do not coincide in time and space, the products can be sold on credit, their payment is deferred, i.e. on credit. In this case, the cost of goods and services temporarily remains with the seller in the form of a debt obligation of the buyer until the debtor pays a certain amount of money.

World money.

The function of world money is manifested in the relationship between countries or between legal and individuals located in various countries. World money functions as a universal means of payment, a universal means of purchase and a universal materialization of social wealth.

1.4. The value of money in the modern world

Money is an integral part of modern life. We encounter them in all areas of life on a daily basis. And for many people, money can be one of the basic values ​​of life. Money plays different roles in the economy and social life. Figure 1 (see Appendix 3) shows the role of money in the modern world.

Money today can serve a variety of payment relationships, which include labor. On the world market, they can ensure the movement of capital between countries, serve the sale and production of social capital through a system of cash flows between spheres of the economy, industries and regions of the country. These flows are organized by the state, business entities and, in part, by individuals, while the turnover of the value of the social product begins and ends with the owner of the capital.

Without the existence of money, people would still be at the stage of primitiveness.

Money allows people to enter into social bonds by bringing them together. The need for money can force a person to resort to certain social connections and actions. Although the need for money as such does not exist. The "need for money" can be understood as the needs that can be satisfied with the help of money. Moreover, money is an indicator of a person's success. People with a lot of money tend to behave very differently than people in the middle or lower class. In the modern world, money is the very indicator that determines belonging to one or another social class... Money is the main indicator today social stratification... It was said above that money has the ability to bring people together, to encourage them to enter into social ties. But this phenomenon also has a downside. Money can also alienate people from each other. The presence of money or lack of it gives rise to such feelings in people as envy, pride, hatred, and so on. In modern society, greed is an important component of social life. It is greed that prompts people to do not the most pleasant work, to enter into marriages of convenience, to sacrifice personal preferences for profit.

Thus, money plays a very important role in the modern world. Without them, society could not develop and function. Undoubtedly, money permeates all spheres of society.

1.5. Practical part

Having studied the topic of money in sufficient detail and having analyzed the essence and functions of money, I wanted to know what role money plays in my city. For this, I conducted a survey on the streets of Borisoglebsk (Voronezh region). The survey involved 100 people without age limit, which made it possible to see the most complete and general picture. All respondents were asked to answer the following questions:

1) "Is money ... in life?"

2) "The measure of happiness is ..."

The results of the survey are presented in Figure 1, 2

In the course of the study, it turned out that modern people value more money than their own peace. After analyzing the data, we can conclude that everyone strives for a higher-paying position, even if it causes additional stress and may make them less happy. This data can also be associated with the fact that at present for many it is money that is a "pass" to the world of comfort and pleasure. The amount of money today is a measure of success.


In the modern world, there is no greater power than money. Money unleashes wars and ensures the well-being of entire countries and regions. The overwhelming majority of crimes are committed because of money or with the use of money. And at the same time, thanks to money, people create the greatest inventions, perform feats, discover new lands and conquer new worlds.

Money is organized by modern society and the state. The life of modern people, states and the entire world community is subordinated to money.

Money is an outstanding achievement of humanity. They created modern civilization.

The advent of money contributed to a significant facilitation and acceleration of exchange operations. The development of monetary relations contributed to the development of trade, banking, stock exchange. Stimulated entrepreneurs to develop the production of goods, expand the range of goods and services circulating on the market.

Money plays an important role, including in determining social status person. They affect the formation of the personality, the person's lifestyle, relationships. However, do not get hung up on money and think about it constantly, because it is just a tool that expands our capabilities.

In this money game, there will always be winners and losers, whatever one may say. But this is not important, what matters is exactly who you will be. And you will be who you make yourself. Make yourself the owner of money, with the help of proper self-development, which implies that you study important things for life, such as managing people, managing money, and other resources - your life will be wonderful. And if you make yourself a slave to money, who is ready to do any job, just to acquire money, all your life you will carry out other people's orders and feel need. Well, usually. So money in a person's life is what he himself makes it.

List of sources and literature used

1. Ageeva N.A. Money, credit, banks: Textbook / N.A. Ageeva. - M.: ITs RIOR: NITs INFRA-M, 2014 .-- 155 p.

2. Galanov V.A. Finance, money circulation and credit: Textbook / V.A. Galanov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Forum: SIC INFRA - M, 2014 .-- 416 p.

3. Slepov V.A. Finance: Textbook / V.A. Slepov, A.F. Arslanov, V.K. Burlachkov et al., 4th ed., Revised. and add. - M .: Master, SIC INFRA - M, 2015 .-- 336 p.

Annex 1

Samples of coins and banknotes of the Russian Federation

Appendix 2

Samples of commemorative and investment coins of the Bank of Russia

Appendix 3

The role of money in modern society