The problem of humanization of labor was a priority for. Control work humanization of labor

The dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor developed a system organizational measures, which included the timing of labor operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential wage system meant that the hard-working worker was additionally rewarded, and the idler could not receive unearned money. Taylor himself wrote: "Each must learn to give up his individual methods of work, adapt them to a number of innovative forms, and become accustomed to accept and carry out directives regarding all small and large methods of work, which were previously left to his personal discretion."

Humanization of working conditions means the creation of such an environment at the workplace, when equipment, technology, objects of labor, the environment are maximally adapted to a person in the labor process, i.e. elements of "risk" are excluded.

V modern conditions The ILO has widely launched a movement for the humanization of working conditions.

Since the problem of humanization of working conditions is multidimensional, it is necessary to consider it as a functional subsystem in the socio-technical system of labor organization.

The issue of humanization of working conditions during the transition to the market is quite difficult, but the market must put everything in its place.

First, the price must change sharply work force. Work performed in unfavorable working conditions should be valued significantly higher than work performed in normal working conditions. Since this is economically unprofitable for labor collectives and business executives, and above all for property owners, they will look for real ways to radically improve working conditions by refusing to purchase and use labor-intensive equipment and technology.

Secondly, people will change their attitude to their health, i.e. will not agree to work in conditions that pose a danger to their health and life. Instead of thinking about getting a raise for work in the form of compensation for unfavorable working conditions, workers will strive to improve their skills and apply their physical and creative abilities to more interesting and better paid jobs. Opportunities to fill jobs with adverse working conditions will be limited.

Without a solution to the problem of a radical improvement in working conditions, such industries simply will not be able to function.

Thirdly, it is necessary to form new system management of working conditions, adequate to market relations, including a mechanism for enhanced legal and economic regulation of all subjects of the social and labor sphere.

Fourth, at enterprises (in organizations) based on various organizational and legal forms of ownership, a system should be created to stimulate the improvement of working conditions:

Set the value of the insurance rate in dependence on the level of security of the enterprise;

Establish a system of fines for violating occupational safety and health, the amount of which should not be tied to the minimum wages, but to the national average wage; the amount of the fine must correspond to the economic damage to the state, which is defined as the loss of income from the employee's labor activity; the loss of state income is calculated as a shortfall from the main taxes;

To exempt from taxation funds allocated for measures to improve labor protection;

Increase payments to employers for the consequences of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Samoylyuk Tamara Andreevna, Senior Lecturer, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Russia

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2. Shaburova A.V. Formation of a mechanism for the reproduction of the labor potential of workers in the context of activation innovation activities. Modern technologies, system analysis, modeling // Irkutsk State University ways of communication. Special issue. – 2008.
3. Mamytov E.G. Social and labor relations in market conditions. – M.: MAKS Press, 2008.
4. Solomadina T.O., Solomadin V.G. Management of personnel motivation (in tables, diagrams, tests, cases). - M .: Personnel management, 2005.
5. Gutnov R.R. The modern concept of human resource management. – M.: Sotsium, 2007.
6. Travin V.V., Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. Human Resource Management: Module 4: Training and Practical Guide. – M.: Delo, 2009.

Humanization of labor:

1) It is the concept of management improvement labor activity, suggesting a more complete use of the productive reserves of the labor force, especially intellectual and moral and psychological.

There are four main principles of GT:
- the principle of safety - an individual in the workplace should feel the absence of a threat to his health, income level, job security in the future, etc.;
- the principle of justice - the share of each, expressed in income, should correspond to the share of his contribution to achieving the goals of the company (organization). To do this, it is necessary: ​​that the higher administration does not assign itself too high salaries, that there is an effective system of employee participation in income and payment is made not for the work performed, but for qualification level employee;
- the principle of personality development - work should be organized in such a way that unique personal qualities each employee;
- the principle of democracy - the abolition of a rigid hierarchy in the construction of the administrative apparatus, the self-government of autonomous groups, the election of leadership, the collective democratic solution of such issues as the distribution of profits, investment policy;

2) a set of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to change working conditions and the working environment, the content of labor, forms and methods of management in order to achieve optimal compliance between a person and work. inalienable integral part G.t. are measures to enrich the content of labor (see Enrichment of work). G.t. (along with and together with the democratization of management) is recognized by the world community, in particular the ILO, as the leading trend in the development of the sphere of social and labor relations.

Goals of G.t.:

1. adaptation of working conditions for a person

2. adaptation of a person to working conditions

G.t. directions:

Humanization of labor processes - humanization of technologies deserves special attention as a link between the employee and material elements labor process- objects and means of labor. At the same time, the technology is focused on ensuring human satisfaction with the content and methods of work, the equipment used, the possibility of developing professional and qualification potential and ensuring labor safety and eliminating the negative impact of technology and equipment used on environment. Increasing ergonomics and removing a person from the zone of influence of various adverse factors by automating production.

Improvement of the environment (industrial) environment, tk. we are talking about ensuring a microecology of labor that is favorable for humans, which is formed under the influence of technological factors, as well as the general standing of the surrounding atmosphere. The influence of microecology is difficult, the state of the human body is characterized by social and hygienic factors, for the assessment of which the criteria of their harmfulness are used, indicators of maximum permissible concentrations and levels are applied.

Aestheticization external design places of work, because this creates a favorable atmosphere and preserves the health of workers, the influence of aesthetic factors in the aggregate will be determined by the criterion of comfortable working conditions, the method of express analysis and peer review the state of working conditions using experimental data and recommendations.

Motivation for self-protection of labor, formation of an interested attitude among employees to the work performed, improvement of conditions and labor protection in the workplace. The socio-psychological factors used for these purposes consist in the implementation of organizational and educational measures to instill in employees the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure safety and labor protection, prevent accidents in the performance of their functions and work on the basis of strengthening self-discipline and raising the level of general culture labor.

95. Social planning, types and main elements. Principles and methods for developing an organization's strategic plan

Social planning is a form of regulation of social processes in society related to the life of the population. The main task of social planning is to optimize the processes of economic and social development, improving socio-economic efficiency.

The object of social planning is social relations at all levels, including social differentiation, social structure; the quality and standard of living of the population, including the level of real incomes in general and in social groups; quality and level of consumption; availability of housing, its comfort; provision of the population with the most important types of goods and services; development of education, healthcare, culture; determination of the volume of these services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, etc.

An example is the five-year development plan for France, the five-year development plan for Japan, which are essentially general concept socio-economic development of the country.

Social planning has a multilevel character: national, regional, enterprise (firm) level.

Social planning focused on technical process solutions social problems. The basis of this model, which is based on program development, is a rational, carefully planned and controlled process of change, designed to provide services to members of a society or a certain territorial body.

Since planning is both a science and an activity, the method must be understood not only as a way of carrying out, but also as a way of developing programs or tasks.

General planning methods are characterized by the objective laws of the development of society based on possible ways achieving goals, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms are embodied.

For a long time, the leading method of planning was balance, which arose as a way to provide links between the needs of society and its capabilities with limited resources. Currently, methods related to the existence of market relations are coming to the fore, when it is especially important to see the social consequences of decisions made, to be able to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformations, providing them with favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative activity.

The scientific nature of social planning largely depends on the use normative method . Its requirements serve as the basis for the compilation of indicators of social development in various levels social organization society. It is the standards that make it possible to carry out calculations and substantiate the reality of planned targets, to determine guidelines for the development of many social processes.

Analytical method combines analysis and generalization. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the course of planning social progress is divided into its component parts and on this basis the directions for the implementation of the planned program are determined.

Everything greater value acquires option method, the essence of which is to determine several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information.

Complex method is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors: material, financial and labor resources, performers, deadlines. Its application presupposes compliance with the following requirements: determination of the pace and proportions of the development of the social process, its statistical and dynamic model, and the development of the main indicators of the plan.

Increasingly used in social planning problem-target method, which is usually associated with the solution of key urgent tasks of social development, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

received wide recognition social experiment, during which the mechanism of action of objective laws and the features of their manifestation on the basis of one or more social institutions are specified. The conclusions obtained help to correct the course of development of the planned process, to check in practice the predicted provisions and conclusions.

An important place in social planning is occupied by economic and mathematical methods. Such a name in known form conditionally. In fact, we are talking about quantitative analysis using the planning methods already listed above. Mathematical methods do not cancel social analysis, but rely on it and, in turn, influence its further improvement.

Currently, quantitative analysis relies on methods such as linear programming, modeling, multivariate analysis, game theory etc. But all these formal-logical quantitative procedures play the role of a specific tool necessary for solving various problems.

Social planning has its own objects and subjects.

The subject of social design are different carriers management activities- both individuals and organizations, labor collectives, social institutions etc., which set as their goal an organized, purposeful transformation of social reality. A necessary feature of the design subject is his social activity, direct participation in the design process.

The object of social design systems are called systems, processes of organizing social ties, interactions included in project activities, exposed to the influence of design subjects and serving as the basis for this impact. These can be objects of a very different nature: a person, various elements and subsystems of the social structure of society, various social relations.

For the first time general principles planning formulated by A. Fayol. As the main requirements for the development of an enterprise action program or plans, he formulated five principles:

The principle of the need for planning means the widespread and mandatory use of plans in the performance of any type of labor activity. This principle is especially important in conditions of free market relations, since its observance corresponds to modern economic requirements. rational use limited resources in all enterprises;

The principle of unity of plans provides for the development of a general or consolidated plan for the socio-economic development of an enterprise, that is, all sections of the annual plan must be closely linked into a single comprehensive plan. The unity of plans implies a commonality of economic goals and the interaction of various departments of the enterprise at the horizontal and vertical levels of planning and management;

The principle of continuity of plans lies in the fact that at each enterprise the processes of planning, organizing and managing production, as well as labor activity, are interconnected and must be carried out constantly and without stopping;

The principle of flexibility of plans is closely related to the continuity of planning and implies the possibility of adjusting established indicators and coordinating planning and economic activity enterprises;

The principle of accuracy of plans is determined by many factors, both external and internal. But under conditions market economy the accuracy of the plans is difficult to maintain. Therefore, every plan is drawn up with such accuracy that the enterprise itself wishes to achieve, taking into account its financial condition, market position and other factors.

V contemporary practice planning, in addition to the considered classical principles, general economic principles are widely known.

1. The principle of complexity. At each enterprise, the results of the economic activities of various departments largely depend on the level of development of technology, technology, organization of production, use of labor resources, labor motivation, profitability and other factors. All of them form an integral complex system of planned indicators, so that any quantitative or qualitative change in at least one of them leads, as a rule, to corresponding changes in many others. economic indicators. Therefore, it is necessary that the adopted planned and management decisions were complex, accounting for changes both in individual objects and in the final results of the entire enterprise.

2. The principle of efficiency requires the development of such an option for the production of goods and services, which, given the existing restrictions on the resources used, provides the greatest economic effect. It is known that any effect ultimately consists in saving various resources for the production of a unit of output. The first indicator of the planned effect may be the excess of results over costs.

3. The principle of optimality implies the need for choice the best option at all stages of planning from several possible alternatives.

4. The principle of proportionality, i.e. balanced accounting of resources and capabilities of the enterprise.

5. The principle of scientificity, i.e. taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology.

6. The principle of detail, i.e. depth of planning.

7. The principle of simplicity and clarity, i.e. compliance with the level of understanding of developers and users of the plan.

96. Social plan and its structure. Social passport of the enterprise.

1. Planning for improving the social structure of the production team. The content of this section is developed in close conjunction with the plan for labor and personnel, as well as with the plan for technical development and organization of labor. Particular attention is paid to changes in the number and structure of employees due to mechanization and informatics production processes, improving the organization of production and labor. The share of unskilled labor in the total volume is taken into account. labor costs, reduction in the number of employees employed in work with harmful conditions labor. Improvement of the social and qualification sphere of the production team is revealed as numerous indicators characterizing the number and social composition of employees, the level of education and qualifications.

2. Planning for improving working conditions and labor protection, improving the health of workers. The choice of a priority direction and the sequence of measures to improve conditions and labor protection, improve the health of workers depends on the specifics of production. For the analysis and development of the plan, general, technical, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological indicators, as well as indicators of labor safety conditions and the prevention of accidents and possible occupational diseases.

3. Planning for improving the living and social and cultural conditions of workers and their families.

4. Planning educational work in the team and increasing the labor and social activity of workers. The development of this section of the social development plan should be aimed at ensuring the close unity of all types of educational work (ideological and political, labor, economic, moral, legal, aesthetic, physical education) in order to achieve an increase in the social activity of workers, improve social relations in the work team. Planning of educational work should be carried out in stages:

Analysis of her condition

Identification of trends and problems of its development

Determination of ways (forms, methods) for the implementation of educational work

The social development plan is the main means of managing social processes in the enterprise. The possibilities of meeting the needs of the collective in social benefits are determined by the final results of the work of the enterprise, the self-supporting income of the collective. Therefore, the development of a social development plan is the business of the whole team.

The development of a social development plan provides for:

analysis of the socio-economic situation at the enterprise;

Determination of the priority of the solution of social

preparation of assignments for the development of activities; designing the creation of appropriate social and cultural facilities;

· discussion of the draft social development plan;

selection of necessary financial resources for implementation.

Social processes at the enterprise must be managed, these goals are served by social planning or planning of the social development of labor collectives. Planning or planning for the social development of labor collectives.

In parallel with the plan for the social development of the team, many enterprises are developing the so-called social passports of the enterprise. This experience is expedient to use at the present time. The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise team, its functions, working conditions, provision of workers with housing, children's preschool institutions, departments of social infrastructure at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and other issues. Data from the social passport is used in the development of a social development plan. In addition to social development plans, specialized social programs Planning for the social development of labor collectives ensures growth social efficiency, which along with economic efficiency, is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.

The structure of the social passport

Section 1. social structure team

1.1 Changes in the socio-demographic composition of workers

1. Total number of employees, total

2. Number of employees by age groups

3. Number of key personnel, total

4. Number of support staff

1.2. Qualification and professional structure

1. Number, total including those with experience

2. General coefficient of qualification

1.3. Raise vocational education:

1. Total number of operating employees, total. Including those with incomplete secondary education, with vocational primary and secondary vocational education.

1.4. Training and advanced training of personnel. Movement and staff turnover.

Section 2. Working conditions and cultural and living conditions

2.1. The state of working conditions of workers

2.2. Sanitary facilities

2.3. public catering and household services

3.1. Compensation and bonuses for employees

3.2. Loss of working time caused by violation of discipline and public order.

Section 4. The state of social infrastructure facilities.

4.1.1. Provision of employees from other regions with departmental and rental housing

4.1.2. Satisfaction of the organization with the demand of workers for housing

4.2. Medical and health institutions

4.3. Cultural and educational institutions

4.4. Development physical education and sports.

With the development of industrial production, a person was freed from many physical efforts in the performance of labor operations. However, if the craftsman created a finished thing that was the embodiment of his personal skill, as if representing his personal qualities, the industrial worker, along with the means of labor, is considered only as a factor of production. This violates the harmony of labor with the basic biological and psychological features inherent in the development of human life. Those. in the process of industrial development, man has become an appendage of the machine - there has been a transformation of man into a "production factor". This result of industrial production is called dehumanization of labor.

The most complete dehumanization of labor manifested itself in its organization according to the system of the American engineer F. W. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, including the timing of labor operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential wage system meant that the hard-working worker was additionally rewarded, and the idler could not receive unearned money.

The Taylor system was characterized by the exclusion of workers from the preparation and control of the labor process; determination from above of the working rhythm, norms and breaks; the exclusion of workers from creative roles and the restriction of their activities to performance. Taylor himself wrote: "... The development of a scientific organization of labor involves the development of numerous rules, laws and formulas that will replace the personal judgment of the individual worker ..." each individual worker receives, in most cases, detailed written instructions regulating in every detail the lesson he must perform, as well as the means to be used on his part in work. new forms and become accustomed to accepting and carrying out directives concerning all the small and large methods of work that were previously left to his personal discretion. Taylor F.W. Scientific organization labor // Scientific organization of labor and management / Ed. A.N. Shcherbanya. - M.: Enlightenment, 1965. - S.217.

Although the Taylor system provided a significant increase in labor productivity and contained many rational solutions corresponding to the level of material production at the beginning of the 20th century, however, a problem emerged: how much is it possible to humanize human labor in these technical and social conditions?

This type of labor process makes its participants feel that they are dominated by machines as individuals, which denies their individuality. They have apathy, a negative attitude towards work as something forced, performed only out of necessity.

Of great importance are working conditions. They include the degree of danger or safety of the object and means of labor, their impact on health, mood and human performance. The following groups are distinguished elements of working conditions:

1. Sanitary and hygienic elements (light, noise, vibration, ultrasound, various radiations, etc.).

2. Psychophysiological elements (physical load, neuropsychic stress, monotony of work, working posture, etc.).

3. Socio-psychological elements (the psychological climate of the labor process, some of its social characteristics).

4. Aesthetic elements (artistic and design qualities of the workplace, architectural and artistic qualities of the interior, etc.). Encyclopedic Sociological Dictionary / Under the general. ed. ak. RAS G. V. Osipova. - M.: Nauka, 1998. - P. 843.

Potentially dangerous are factors:

Physical, such as noise, vibration, temperature increase or decrease, ionizing and other radiation;

Chemical - gases, vapors, aerosols;

Biological, it can be viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Particularly harmful, extreme working conditions (for example, coal mining in mines) are dangerous with the possibility of major accidents, serious injuries, serious occupational diseases, and even death.

The humanization of labor means the process of « humanization"- i.e. improvement of working conditions, improvement of its culture, creation of conditions for the creative self-realization of the employee. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions dangerous to human health, operations associated with great effort, monotonous work, are shifted to robotics in modern enterprises. Modern technological processes assume the maximum intellectualization of labor, its organization in such a way that a person is not reduced to a simple performer of individual operations. In other words, we are talking about changing the content of labor, which present stage scientific and technological progress can become more diverse, more creative.

Of particular importance is work culture. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e., the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, it is the culture of relationships between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work collective. Thirdly, the comprehension by the participants of labor activity of the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it.

Thus, humanization depends on the objectivity of labor in the process of labor activity, working conditions and attitudes towards a person.

Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person. It is here that a person's abilities are revealed and improved, it is in this area that he can assert himself as a person. The process of humanization of labor expands these possibilities. Bogolyubov, L.N. Social science: / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, A.T. Kinkulkin and others; - M.: Education, 2008. - S. 190-191.

Professiographic research and preparation of a professiogram are necessary stages of all research and applied work in labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics, etc.

Cases of studying labor in order to humanize it.

The humanization of labor is, first of all, the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another aspect of working life to a person, which involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers. The main directions of the humanization of labor are: improving the socio-economic content of labor by enriching it, eliminating monotony and lack of content, combining disparate elements of work into work that is more in line with the requirements of a highly developed personality, aestheticization of the place of work; ensuring the safety and reliability of production processes, eliminating their negative impact on the environment.

Labor is such an expedient human activity for the production of material and spiritual goods, necessary to meet the needs of both an individual and society as a whole. Any work involves a conscious setting of a goal that determines the subsequent nature of human actions. Labor is the main source of wealth (another source is nature), the main sphere of human life. Labor is the most important natural condition of human life, a means of its existence and, at the same time, a means of development of the person himself. Thanks to labor, a person stood out from the animal world, in labor his abilities and vitality are revealed, skills, knowledge and experience are acquired. Therefore, a healthy body needs a normal workload.

Thus, it is these two inextricably linked concepts that give a person the opportunity not only to work, but to work in better conditions with all security measures and soundproofing, which will naturally lead to an increase in labor productivity.

As manufacturing systems become more automated and complex, the potential for human error increases. At the same time, in most cases, the actions of workers turn out to be wrong not because of low qualifications (although there are many problems here), but because of the discrepancy between the design features of equipment and human capabilities. The problem can be eliminated or mitigated if, when creating and operating technical systems The human factor is correctly and fully taken into account. The result is efficient and reliable human-machine interaction.

Today, labor safety is structurally “embedded” in technology and equipment. Any, the most reliable technological system also requires a “highly reliable” worker who is able to take quick and right decisions. This, in turn, causes new requirements for the professional selection of workers, their training and constant maintenance of high professional qualities personnel.

The humanization of labor is the provision of normal, worthy man living conditions - healthy working and living conditions, favorable labor microecology, new rational diets and a longer rest period, a radical improvement in medical, transport and other types of services.

The concept of improving the management of labor activity, which implies a more complete use of the productive reserves of the labor force, especially intellectual and moral and psychological. There are four main principles of labor humanization:

the principle of safety - an individual in the workplace should feel the absence of a threat to his health, income level, job security in the future, etc.

the principle of justice - the share of each, expressed in income, should correspond to the share of his contribution to the achievement of the goals of the company (organization). For this it is necessary: ​​that the higher administration does not assign itself too high salaries, that there is an effective system of employee participation in income and payment is made not for the work performed, but for the qualification level of the employee;

the principle of a developed personality - work should be organized in such a way that the unique personal qualities of each employee receive the most complete development;

the principle of democracy - the abolition of a rigid hierarchy in the construction of the administrative apparatus, the self-government of autonomous groups, the election of leadership, the collective democratic solution of such issues as the distribution of profits, investment policy.

2) A complex of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to change working conditions and the working environment, the content of labor, forms and methods of management in order to achieve optimal compliance between a person and work.

An integral part of the humanization of labor are measures to enrich the content of labor.

The humanization of labor (along with and together with the democratization of management) is recognized by the world community, in particular the ILO, as the leading trend in the development of the sphere of social and labor relations.

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