Institute of the Far East wounds official. Center for Strategic Issues of Northeast Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Legal status: federal state state-financed organization science
Year of creation: 1966

Milestones of development

The Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES RAS) is the leading research institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the study of fundamental problems and experience in the development of the economy, history, international relations, philosophy and culture of China, Japan, Korea, international political problems and experience of economic integration of the countries of East Asia, Vietnam and ASEAN.
During its existence, the IFES RAS has become one of the largest scientific centers for the comprehensive study of the problems of Northeast Asia, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, Russia's relations with the countries of this region, as well as ASEAN, a complex of problems related to the activities of the SCO, RIC and BRICS.
The Institute of the Far East is the heir to more than two hundred years of the best traditions of Russian Oriental studies and, in particular, Sinology, which originated in the 19th-20th centuries by outstanding scientists, members of the Academy of Sciences N.I. Bichurin, V.P. Vasiliev, V.M. Alekseev, N.I. Konrad, M.I. Sladkovsky, N.T. Fedorenko and others. The priority areas of his research activities are: scientific support of the program of relations between our country and the Far Eastern neighbors, problems of development and security of Northeast and Central Asia, the study of history, modern life, social economic development, experience in different areas life in China, Japan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Viet Nam.


the Russian Academy of Sciences


supreme body- Academic Council
Deputies for scientific work :
, Doctor of Historical Sciences
, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Portyakov Vladimir Yakovlevich, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Deputy General Affairs: Zhukov Vladimir Stepanovich
Deputy for Social and Economic Affairs: Vysokovsky Igor Alekseevich
Scientific Secretary: Kozlov Anatoly Alekseevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Staff size:

2 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 30 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 60 candidates of sciences, as well as 33 researchers without a degree.

Main areas of research and project activities:

1. The emergence of a polycentric world and the East Asian dimension of Russia's national security. Russia and the Asia-Pacific in the XXI century.
2. Processes of economic integration in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region and ways to optimize the inclusion of Russia and its eastern regions in this process.
3. Complex analysis and forecast
4. Reforming Russia and China in the world processes of globalization and regionalization in the 21st century. The potential for their development.
5. The role of Russia, China and India in ensuring strategic stability in Central Asia. Problems of development of the SCO, RIC and BRICS.
6. The historical experience of the development of Russia's relations with China, Japan and the Korean states.
7. Dialogue of Civilizations in East Asia.

Institute structure:

Within the framework of the Institute there are 10 research divisions, 4 auxiliary departments, a council of young scientists, as well as 3 branches. On the basis of the IFES, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of a comprehensive study of modern China and the International Scientific Council on the problems of peace, security and development of East Asia operate.

Research information base:

The collections of the Sinological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences include 300,000 items in Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, Uighur, and other Eastern and Western languages.
Database - materials prepared by the Institute's staff, translations and abstracts, statistical data, materials on Chinese law, personalities, etc.
The accumulation of information and analytical materials is carried out on such topics as the economy of China and other Asian countries, the foreign policy of the PRC, Russian-Chinese relations, the problems of international relations in the Asia-Pacific region, the political history and political system of the PRC, the spiritual culture of the East Asian region, problems and prospects growth economic potential China, the role and place of China in the world economy.
Since November 1997, the accumulation of information coming from the Xinhua agency in Chinese, English and Russian has been carried out (only for internal use by the employees of the Institute). On average, 15-16 megabytes or 10-12 thousand information files are received monthly. Materials received as a result of a search conducted by the Center's staff in the ITAR-TASS database are systematized by date of receipt and by subject.
Since 1993, the Center has created an array of bibliographic descriptions containing annotated descriptions of monographs published at the IFES RAS, articles, abstracts and translations made by the staff, new book receipts in the reference and bibliographic office of the Institute in Russian, English and Chinese. The system allows you to automate the process of accounting, storage and systematization of a large amount of bibliographic information and provides a prompt search for the necessary materials according to specified criteria.
Since 1997, information has been accumulated on the basis of a monthly systematic catalog of annotated publications of Russian periodicals (about 15 titles) on political and economic issues of the development of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
Research and educational contacts: IFES RAS maintains bilateral and multilateral scientific relations in the all-Russian and international level— with more than 20 research centers and universities in Asia, America, Australia and Europe.
In 1995, the Institute was awarded the Niigata Prize "For a great contribution to the development of mutual understanding and cooperation in the Sea of ​​Japan basin", and a special grant from the Korea Foundation was allocated for the development of Korean studies at the IFES RAS. IFES RAS is a collective member of the European Association of Sinologists (EAK), Russian Society friendship with China, Center contemporary research Japan, which unites all Japanese studies centers in Russia, the Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.
Employees of the Institute participate in the work of a number of international scientific organizations, including such as: European Association of Chinese Studies, European Association of Japanese Studies, International Confucian Association, International Association for Asian Studies, International Association of Korean Studies, International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, International Association for Comparative Pedagogy, International Association of Chinese Philosophy, etc.
On the basis of the Institute and other Sinology research centers, the Association of Sinologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences was created, which currently unites the majority of Russian scientists studying China in its ranks. The Association conducts a great promotional and methodological work.

Center for Korean Studies (CKS)

1. Study contemporary problems the Korean Peninsula and Russia's relations with the DPRK and the Republic of Korea.
2. Providing operational analytical information and recommendations on Korean topics for federal and regional authorities state power and management.
Supervisor: , candidate of political sciences
Asmolov Konstantin Valeryanovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Kim Yong Un, PhD in Philosophy
Samsonova (Pak) Victoria Georgievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Suslina Svetlana Serafimovna, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Center for Political Research and Forecasts

Main activities and ongoing projects:
1. Chinese emigration in Russia and in the world.
2. National policy, problems of population and demographic policy in the PRC.
3. Political history and historiography of modern China.
4. Ideological processes in the PRC, the Communist Party in the political system of the PRC. Domestic political factors in the formation of China's foreign policy.
5. Historical and political aspects of the development of the institution of "multi-party cooperation and political consultations".
6. Political system, law and state building in the PRC during the reform period.
7. Comparative study of the political systems of the mainland of the PRC, the "Republic of China" on the territory of Taiwan Province, the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao.
8. The problem of the unification of China and the problems of modern Taiwan.
9. Comparative study of political transformations in the PRC and in the Russian Federation.
10. Socio-cultural transformation of modernizing civilizations (Russia and China).
Supervisor: Vinogradov Andrey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Political Sciences
Artemyeva Oksana Sergeevna, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences
, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Researcher
, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Lazareva Tatyana Vasilievna, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Stepanova Galina Alekseevna, researcher

Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russian-Chinese Relations

Supervisor: , Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Main activities:
1. Comprehensive study and preparation of predictive studies related to the traditionally priority scientific direction of the IFES — the history and state of the art Russian-Chinese relations.
2. Modern Russian-Chinese relations and the role of the "Chinese factor" in the revival of Russia.
3. General issues of economic interaction between Russia and China.
4. Regional and cross-border cooperation in the system of relations between Russia and China.
5. Relations between the USSR and the PRC (1949-1991): modern assessments and lessons of history.
6. Soviet Russia in China (1917-1949).
7. The history of Russian-Chinese relations in the XVII - early XX centuries.
8. Potential and prospects of Russian-Indian-Chinese cooperation (RIC format).
9. Foreign policy of the People's Republic of China and modern foreign policy concepts of China.
10. China in world politics and economics.
Agapova Natalya Alexandrovna, junior researcher
Alexandrova Maria Viktorovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Vinogradov Andrey Olegovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
, doctor of historical sciences, professor
Ipatova Aida Semyonovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Kulchitskaya Irina Borisovna, senior translator-consultant
Mirovitskaya Raisa Anatolyevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Safronova Elena Ilyinichna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Tikhvinsky Sergey Leonidovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Udaltsova Yulia Borisovna, employee
Uyanaev Sergey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Sharko Sergey Vladimirovich, candidate of political sciences

China Economic and Social Research Center (CESIC)

Supervisor: , doctor of economic sciences, professor
Main activities:
1. Reform economic system The PRC, which has entered the next stage of its development, is characterized by a new type of industrialization with low resource costs, the introduction of new and high technologies into production, the formation of a national innovation system, the growing influence of the knowledge economy and globalization on socio-economic processes.
2. Forecasting the prospects for the development of the Chinese economy, including up to 2050
3. Modern forms and methods of the investment process, the development of foreign entrepreneurship in the financial sector, the features of foreign portfolio investment, as well as the strategy of China's investment expansion abroad, China's foreign investment related to the extraction and processing of raw materials, opening access for Chinese capital to new markets and acquisition of advanced technologies.
4. Features of the demographic situation, measures to social protection population and ensuring socio-political stability in the country, the consequences of reforming the Chinese economy in terms of social position peasants and urban population, urbanization, development of individual and private entrepreneurship.
5. The development of economic thought in China, the evolution of the theoretical ideas of Chinese economists on property issues, the relationship between the plan and the market, the features of the study and assimilation of foreign economic concepts in China, the theoretical innovations of Chinese economists.
6. Development research Agriculture, socio-economic processes taking place in the Chinese countryside, their role in the overall economic and social development country.
7. Problems of foreign economic cooperation and integration processes on the borders of the PRC.
, candidate of economic sciences
Boni Lyudmila Dmitrievna, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Borokh Olga Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Vakhrushin Ivan Vladimirovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Veselovskaya Elena Sergeevna, senior laboratory assistant-researcher
Volkova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Dzhalchinova Ekaterina Konstantinovna, senior laboratory researcher
Zhiguleva Valentina Viktorovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Kamennov Pavel Borisovich, candidate of political sciences
Karlusov Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich, Doctor of Economics
Karpova Natalya Dmitrievna, senior laboratory assistant-researcher
Koledenkova Natalya Nikitichna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Kranina Elena Ilyinichna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Muromtseva Zoya Andreevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Novoselova Lyubov Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics
Petukhov Igor Arkadyevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Pivovarova Eleonora Petrovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Savinsky Sergey Petrovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Sazonov Sergey Leonidovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Salitsky Alexander Igorevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Terentyeva Tatyana Grigorievna, researcher
Fortygina Ekaterina Andreevna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences
Chuvankova Valentina Vasilievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Center for Strategic Issues of Northeast Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Main activities:
1. Analysis of the geopolitical situation in Northeast and Central Asia, as well as a probabilistic assessment of the prospects for its development.
2. The geopolitical significance of Northeast and Central Asia in ensuring Russia's national interests in these areas.
3. The influence of external factors on the processes of formation and development of the SCO, the prospects for the development of relations between the SCO and neighboring states, the development of Russian-Chinese relations within the framework of the SCO.
4. Problems of globalization in Northeast and Central Asia.
5. Military-political situation in Northeast and Central Asia and possible prospects for its development.
6. Structures of collective security in Northeast and Central Asia and opportunities for cooperation between the SCO and Russia.
7. Foreign policy of the People's Republic of China and modern foreign policy concepts of China;
8. China's policy in Northeast and Central Asia.
9. China's relationship with the world's leading centers of power (USA, Russia, EU, Japan, Korea, India).
10. Defense policy of China, Japan and Korea.
11. Hotbeds of tension in Eastern Eurasia.
12. Problems of terrorism, separatism and extremism in Eastern Eurasia, assessment of the possibilities of countering them.
13. Cooperation of the SCO states in the political, economic, military and humanitarian fields.
14. Development of confidence-building measures and cooperation with the states of Northeast and Central Asia.
15. Maritime policy of Russia in the Pacific direction.
16. Legal aspects problems of maritime use in the Asia-Pacific region.
Supervisor: , doctor of historical sciences, professor
Agafonov Gennady Danilovich, Senior Researcher
Berger Yakov Mikhailovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences
, candidate of technical sciences, doctor of military sciences, professor
Vasiliev Leonid Evgenievich, Senior Researcher
Davydov Andrey Sergeevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Klimenko Anatoly Filippovich, candidate of military sciences
Kondrashova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Doctor of Economics
Matveev Vladimir Alexandrovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Morozov Yury Vasilyevich, candidate of military sciences
Semin Anatoly Vasilievich, candidate of political sciences
Serebryakova (Zaderey) Natalya Valerievna

China Policy Research Center (CPRC)

Main activities:
1. Political history and historiography of China in modern times. 20th century - the beginning of the XXI century.
2. The political system and law of the PRC, the Communist Party in the political system of the PRC.
3. Ideological processes in the PRC.
4. Historical and political aspects of the development of the institution of "multi-party cooperation and political consultations".
5. State building in China during the period of reforms.
6. Comparative study of the political systems of the PRC (mainland), "Chinese
Republic" in the province of Taiwan, special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao.
7. Comparative study of political transformations in the PRC and in the Russian Federation.
8. Environmental policy in China.
9. National policy in China.
10. Problems of population and demographic policy in China.
11. Socio-cultural transformation of modernizing civilizations (Russia and China).
12. The problem of the unification of China and the problems of modern Taiwan.
13. Chinese emigration in Russia and in the world.
14. Domestic political factors in the formation of China's foreign policy.
Artemyeva Oksana Sergeevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Junior Researcher
Bazhenova Elena Stepanovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Biryulin Evgeny Vasilyevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Borodich Vladimir Fedorovich, candidate of legal sciences
Verchenko Alla Leonidovna, Senior Researcher
, doctor of political sciences
Gerasimova Tatyana Grigorievna, Senior Researcher
Gudoshnikov Leonid Moiseevich, Doctor of Law
Lazareva Tatyana Vasilievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Makarov Andrey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Law, Professor
Maksimov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Mamaeva Natalya Leonidovna, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Sukhomlinov Vitaly Anatolievich, Researcher
Troshchinsky Pavel Vladimirovich, candidate of legal sciences

Center for the Study of Recent Chinese History (CYNIC)

Main activities:
1. Research on the recent history of China, including the study of political culture, traditional culture (Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, Taoism, Buddhism).
2. Formation of a well-founded source study base on the topics under study, which makes it possible to evaluate and reassess historical facts, taking into account new materials and documents published abroad, especially in the PRC and on about. Taiwan.
Supervisor: , Doctor of Historical Sciences
Aleksanyan Armen Gurgenovich, candidate of philosophical sciences
Gorbunova Svetlana Alekseevna, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Kartunova Anastasia Ivanovna, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Korotkov Evgeniy Anatolyevich, senior laboratory assistant-researcher
Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Semyonovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Mayorov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Melnikova Nina Ivanovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Perelomov Leonard Sergeevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Sotnikova Irina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Staroverova Elena Konstantinovna, senior laboratory assistant-researcher
Stezhenskaya Lidia Vladimirovna, junior researcher
Chirkov Kirill Alexandrovich, junior researcher

Center for the Comparative Study of Civilizations of East Asia

Supervisor: Anatoly Lukyanov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Abramenko Vladimir Petrovich, candidate of technical sciences
Blazhkina Anastasia Yurievna, junior researcher
Borevskaya Nina Efimovna, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Vinogrodskaya Veronika Bronislavovna, candidate of philological sciences
Zavyalova Olga Isaakovna, Doctor of Philology
Kvartalova Natalia Leonidovna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Korobova Anastasia Nikolaevna, Senior Researcher
Krushinsky Andrey Andreevich, Doctor of Philosophy
, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Milyanyuk Andrey Olegovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Sorokin Vladislav Fedorovich, candidate of philological sciences
Sukhadolskaya Lyudmila Leonidovna, Senior Researcher
Toroptsev Sergey Arkadyevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Shilov Alexander Petrovich, Senior Researcher
Shulunova Evgenia Konstantinovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Center for Japanese Studies

Supervisor: , Doctor of Historical Sciences
Grinyuk Vladimir Alexandrovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Denisov Yury Dmitrievich, candidate of technical sciences
Dmitrievskaya Natalya Pavlovna, researcher
Zheleznyak Oksana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Kazakov Oleg Igorevich, researcher
Kalmychek Pavel Aleksandrovich, researcher
Kuzminkov Viktor Vyacheslavovich, Senior Researcher
Litvinova Maria Eduardovna, senior laboratory assistant-researcher
, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Senina Daria Nikolaevna, researcher
Tebin Nikolai Petrovich, Senior Researcher
Tsvetova Irina Alekseevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Shlyndov Alexander Vasilyevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies

Main activities:
1. Comprehensive analysis and forecasting of the political and socio-economic development of modern Vietnam.
2. The study of the new and recent history of Vietnam.
3. Traditional Vietnam as part of the ancient " Chinese world". Influence of civilizational traditions on the modern policy of Vietnam.
4. Strategic partnership between Russia and Vietnam. The potential of Russian-Vietnamese cooperation. Archives, documents, forecasts.
5. Historical experience in the development of relations between the USSR, Russia and Vietnam.
6. Modern Relations Vietnam with China, the USA, the European Union, Japan, other world powers and political and economic centers.
7. The main directions of development and formation of ASEAN as one of the largest regional political and economic organizations.
8. State and prospects of relations between Russia and ASEAN. Russia's interests in Southeast Asia. security problems in the region.
9. Processes of regional integration in Southeast Asia. Ways to optimize the inclusion of Russia, especially its eastern regions, in these processes.
10. Participation of ASEAN in solving global and regional problems in the Asia-Pacific region and East Asia. Ways of interaction between Russia and ASEAN in this area.
11. Intercivilizational dialogue in Southeast Asia and Russia's participation in it.
Supervisor: , Candidate of Historical Sciences
Voronin Anatoly Sergeevich, Senior Researcher
Lokshin Grigory Mikhailovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Mazyrin Vladimir Moiseevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Department of scientific publications

The origins of which were scientists such as Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin, Vasily Pavlovich Vasiliev, Vasily Mikhailovich Alekseev, Nikolai Iosifovich Konrad.

The Institute of the Far East was established on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in September 1966. Over the past 30 years, the IFES RAS has become one of the largest scientific centers for the comprehensive study of the problems of China, Japan, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and Russia's relations with the countries of this region.



The Institute has 8 research centers:

  • Center for Economic Integration in East Asia
  • Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russian-Chinese Relations (Centre Russia-China)
  • Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russia's Interaction with the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (Russia-APR Center)
  • Centre modern history and Chinese policy
  • Center for the Comparative Study of Civilizations of East Asia
  • Japan Studies Center
  • Center for Korean Studies
  • Center for Scientific Information and Documentation.

Information base

Researchers at the IFES make fruitful use of the collections of the Sinological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is located in the building of the Institute and currently has more than 300,000 items in Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, Uighur, and other Eastern and Western languages. The Fund of the Sinological Library is one of the largest specialized collections scientific literature and documents on China (social sciences) in the world, with the exception of China and Japan, and the largest in Russia.

IFES receives operational information from the ITAR-TASS and Xinhua agencies. The Institute constantly replenishes the Electronic Data Bank on China and other Asia-Pacific countries.

International connections

IFES maintains bilateral and multilateral scientific relations at the all-Russian and international level - with more than 20 research centers and universities in Asia, America, Australia and Europe. The exchange of information and scientific training of employees, the coordination of research projects is carried out on the basis of agreements on scientific cooperation. IFES takes part in numerous Russian and international scientific conferences and symposia on the problems of China, the Far East, the Asia-Pacific region.

Performance evaluation

Every year the Institute receives dozens of positive reviews for its fundamental research and practical developments from various public, academic organizations, legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

The high appraisal of the work of the Institute of the Far East is also evidenced by the award to the Institute in 1995 of the Niigata Prize "For the great contribution to the development of mutual understanding and cooperation in the Sea of ​​Japan Basin", the allocation of a special grant by the Korea Foundation for the development of Korean studies.

IFES is a collective member of the European Association of Sinologists (EAK), the Russian Society for Friendship with China, the Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies, which unites all Japanese centers in Russia, and the Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.

In 1984, on the basis of the IFES and other Sinology research centers, the Russian Association of Sinologists was created, which now unites the majority of Russian Sinologists in its ranks. The Association conducts a great promotional and methodological work.

On the basis of the Institute, the Scientific Council on the Problems of Modern China and the International Scientific Council on the Problems of Peace, Security and Development in East Asia work, which hold annual international conferences on the topic: "China, Chinese civilization and the world: history, modernity and prospects." 18 scientific conferences were held.


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See what the "Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences" is in other dictionaries:

    IFES RAS (Krasikova street, 27). Established in 1966. The research of the Institute is devoted to topical issues of the economy, domestic and foreign policy, ideology and culture of the countries of the Far East… Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (Krasikova street, 27). Established in 1966. The research of the Institute is devoted to topical issues of the economy, domestic and foreign policy, ideology and culture of the countries of the Far East… Moscow (encyclopedia)

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    Institute of Geography. V.B. Sochavy SB RAS (IG SB RAS) Founded in 1957 Location Irkutsk Website Institute of Geography. In ... Wikipedia

    INSTITUTE OF THE FAR EAST (IFES) RAS was founded in 1966 in Moscow. Deals with topical issues of the Far East… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (IDV) RAS, established in 1966 in Moscow. Deals with topical problems of the countries of the Far East. * * * FAR EAST INSTITUTE OF THE FAR EAST INSTITUTE (IFES) RAS, established in 1966 in Moscow. Deals with topical issues of the Far East… encyclopedic Dictionary

    Problems of the Far East (magazine)- Problems of the Far East ... Wikipedia


  • China in World Politics, . For the first time, an international team of authors from Russia, China and the United States comprehensively considers geopolitical and geo-economic issues related to the promotion of China to the rank of states of the `first…

The Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in September 1966. Its main task was a comprehensive study of the problems of China, Japan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the relations of the Soviet Union / Russia with these states, the experience of the socio-economic development of these countries, their history and culture, and the promotion of inter-civilizational dialogue with the countries of Northeast Asia.

At present, the main activities of the Institute are:

  1. The Formation of a Polycentric World and the East Asian Dimension of Russia's National Security. Russia and the Asia-Pacific in the XXI century.
  2. The processes of economic integration in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region and ways to optimize the inclusion of Russia and its eastern regions in this process.
  3. Comprehensive analysis and forecast of socio-political and economic development of East Asian countries.
  4. Reforming Russia and China in the world processes of globalization and regionalization in the 21st century. The potential for their development.
  5. The role of Russia, China and India in ensuring strategic stability in Central Asia. Problems of development of the SCO.
  6. The historical experience of the development of Russia's relations with China, Japan and the Korean states. Documents and forecasts.
  7. Intercivilizational Dialogue in East Asia.

Over the past years, the Institute has become the leading research institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the largest scientific centers for the comprehensive study of the problems of China, Japan, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and Russia's relations with the countries of this region. The Institute is studying such international organizations and dialogue structures such as APEC, SCO, RIC, BRICS, ASEAN.

In the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the IFES RAS is part of the Department of Global Issues and International Relations.

Management and staff

Since July 2016, the director of the IFES RAS is Doctor of History, prof. S.G. Luzyanin.

Deputy Directors for Science - Doctor of Economics A.V. Ostrovsky and Ph.D. S.V. Uyanaev; scientific secretary of the Institute - Ph.D. A.V. Afonasiev, Secretary for Media Relations - Ph.D. A.S. Isaev; Deputy Directors for General Affairs - V.A. Khomyakov, on socio-economic issues - Ph.D. I.A. Vysokovsky.

About 200 orientalists – economists, historians, philosophers, political scientists, linguists, ecologists, culturologists, ethnologists – work at the IFES RAS. The chief researchers of the Institute are prominent scientists, leaders scientific schools in the study of history, economics, international relations, philosophy, culture of East Asian countries, primarily China (including Taiwan), Japan, Korea, Vietnam and ASEAN. Among them is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. butchers, Academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Doctor of History L.S. fractures and d.e.s. E.P. Pivovarova, full member of the Academy of Military Sciences and the International Academy of Informatization A.V. Bolyatko. The staff of the Institute includes 32 professors and doctors and 90 candidates of sciences.

Research centers

The Institute has the following research centers:

  1. Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russian-Chinese Relations(Head: Ph.D. S.V. Uyanaev)
  2. China Socio-Economic Research Center(supervisor: d.e.s. A.V. Ostrovsky)
  3. Center for the Study of Strategic Problems of NEA and SCO(head: d.h.s. S.G. Luzyanin)
  4. Center for Political Research and Forecasts(supervisor: d.p.n. A.V. Vinogradov)
  5. Center for China's Recent History and Relations with Russia(head: d.h.s. N.L. Mamaeva)
  6. Center for the Study of Chinese Culture(supervisor: d.fs.n. A.E. Lukyanov)
  7. Center for Japanese Studies(head: d.h.s. IN. Kistanov)
  8. Center for Korean Studies(supervisor: Ph.D. A.Z. Zhebin)
  9. Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies(supervisor: d.e.s. V.M. Mazyrin)
  10. Center for Scientific Information and Documentation(supervisor: Ph.D. THOSE. Gorchakova )

Conferences and publications

The Institute hosts the Scientific Council on the Problems of Modern China, as well as the International Scientific Council on Peace, Security and Development in East Asia, which hold international conferences on the topic "China, Chinese civilization and the world: history, modernity and prospects."

The Institute hosts annual scientific conferences of the branch of the International Association for the Study of Chinese Philosophy and all-Russian conferences of Korean studies, organized by the respective centers. The RAS IFES Centers also hold annual thematic scientific conferences. As a result of the conferences, collections of reports are published.

The Institute publishes the following ongoing and periodicals on a regular basis:

  1. People's Republic of China. Politics, economics, culture
  2. China in world and regional politics. History and modernity(ISSN 2618-6888)
  3. China, Chinese civilization and the world. Abstracts and reports of the conference
  4. Vietnam Studies(ISSN 2618-9453)
  5. Japanese Studies (ISSN 2500-2872)

On the basis of the Institute, the editorial office of the scientific and socio-political journal " Problems of the Far East”, co-founded by the IFES RAS.

Libraries, databases and expositions

Researchers of the IFES RAS fruitfully use the collections of the Sinological Library. It is located in the building of the Institute and currently has more than 300 thousand items in Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, Uighur, and other Eastern and Western languages. The collection of the Sinological Library is one of the largest specialized collections of scientific literature and documents on China (social sciences) in the world, with the exception of China and Japan, and the largest in Russia.

The IFES RAS has a Cultural Information Center with an exposition on the culture and history of China.

The Institute receives up-to-date information from the ITAR-TASS and Xinhua agencies, constantly replenishes the Electronic Data Bank on China and other Asia-Pacific countries.

Organizations and connections

IFES RAS maintains bilateral and multilateral scientific ties at the all-Russian and international level - with more than 30 research centers and universities in Asia, America, Australia and Europe. In China, the Institute has practical cooperation relationships with almost 60 scientific centers, universities and research organizations. The exchange of information and scientific training of employees, the coordination of research projects is carried out on the basis of agreements on scientific cooperation. IFES RAS takes part in numerous Russian and international scientific conferences and symposiums on the problems of China, the Far East, and the Asia-Pacific region. (PRC, Chengdu) created a joint group for the comparative study of the civilizations of Russia and China.

IFES RAS is a collective member of the European Association of Sinology, Russian societies of friendship with China, Japan, two Koreas, Vietnam.

In 1984, on the basis of the IFES RAS and other Sinology research centers, the Russian Association of Sinologists was established, uniting the majority of Russian Sinologists in its ranks.


The high appraisal of the work of the Institute of the Far East is evidenced by the awarding to the Institute in 1995 of the Niigata Prize “For a great contribution to the development of mutual understanding and cooperation in the Sea of ​​Japan basin”. In 2010 for the preparation and publication of the six-volume encyclopedia "Spiritual Culture of China" the staff of the Institute Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.L. Titarenko, PhD A.E. Lukyanov and Ph.D. A.I. Kobzev were awarded State Prize Russian Federation, and the first volume of the encyclopedia in 2006 was awarded the highest award of the XIII Beijing International Book Fair.

Every year the Institute receives dozens of positive reviews for its fundamental research and practical developments from various public, academic organizations, legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

International political problems and the process of economic integration of the Asia-Pacific region. The Institute is the heir and continuer of more than two hundred years of democratic traditions of Russian sinology and oriental studies, which were founded by such outstanding scientists as Bichurin N.I. , Vasiliev V.P. , Alekseev V.M. , Konrad N.I..

The Institute of the Far East was established on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in September of the year. Over the past 30 years, the IFES RAS has become one of the largest scientific centers for the comprehensive study of the problems of China, Japan, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and Russia's relations with the countries of this region.


Scientific staff

About 200 orientalists - economists, historians, philosophers, political scientists, linguists, ecologists, culturologists, ethnologists - work at the IFES RAS. The chief researchers of the Institute are prominent scientists, leaders of scientific schools in the study of history, economics, international relations, philosophy, culture of the countries of East Asia, primarily China, Japan, and Korea. Among them - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.L. Tikhvinsky, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Titarenko M.L., full members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences B.T. Kulik, A.A. Moskalev, L.S. Perelomov, E.P. member of the Academy of Military Sciences and the International Academy of Informatization A.V. Sore. The staff of the Institute includes 32 professors and doctors, and 90 candidates of sciences.


The Institute has 8 research centers:

  • Center for Economic Integration in East Asia
  • Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russian-Chinese Relations (Centre Russia-China)
  • Center for the Study and Forecasting of Russia's Interaction with the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (Russia-APR Center)
  • Center for Contemporary History and Politics of China
  • Center for the Comparative Study of Civilizations of East Asia
  • Japan Studies Center
  • Center for Korean Studies
  • Center for Scientific Information and Documentation.

Information base

Researchers at the IFES make fruitful use of the collections of the Sinological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is located in the building of the Institute and currently has more than 300,000 items in Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, Uighur, and other Eastern and Western languages. The collection of the Sinological Library is one of the largest specialized collections of scientific literature and documents on China (social sciences) in the world, with the exception of China and Japan, and the largest in Russia.

IFES receives operational information from the ITAR-TASS and Xinhua agencies. The Institute constantly replenishes the Electronic Data Bank on China and other Asia-Pacific countries.

International connections

IFES maintains bilateral and multilateral scientific relations at the all-Russian and international level - with more than 20 research centers and universities in Asia, America, Australia and Europe. The exchange of information and scientific training of employees, the coordination of research projects is carried out on the basis of agreements on scientific cooperation. IFES takes part in numerous Russian and international scientific conferences and symposiums on the problems of China, the Far East, and the Asia-Pacific region.

Performance evaluation

Every year the Institute receives dozens of positive reviews for its fundamental research and practical developments from various public, academic organizations, legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

The high appraisal of the work of the Institute of the Far East is also evidenced by the award to the Institute in 1995 of the Niigata Prize "For the great contribution to the development of mutual understanding and cooperation in the Sea of ​​Japan Basin", the allocation by the Korea Foundation of a special grant for the development of Korean studies.

IFES is a collective member of the European Association of Sinologists (EAK), the Russian Society for Friendship with China, the Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies, which unites all Japanese centers in Russia, and the Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.

In 1999, on the basis of the IFES and other Sinology research centers, the Russian Association of Sinologists was created, which now unites the majority of Russian Sinologists in its ranks. The Association conducts a great promotional and methodological work.

On the basis of the Institute, the Scientific Council on the Problems of Modern China and the International Scientific Council on the Problems of Peace, Security and Development in East Asia work, which hold annual international conferences