Involvement of employees in the management process. Overview of best practices for engaging staff in the process of continuous improvement

Staff involvementand teamwork

A powerful means of improving quality is the involvement of employees in the processes of ensuring product quality and its improvement. Work on the involvement of employees should be carried out by middle and lower managers (managers), because they are constantly in contact with the performers, they see how people work and how people relate to work. These managers must constantly demonstrate their willingness to support the initiative of workers to improve quality.

Management should encourage the creation of informal groups or teams of workers to address quality and performance issues. Working in a team allows you to solve problems more efficiently and quickly.

A striking example of the involvement of workers in quality improvement are the "Quality Circles" at Japanese enterprises. Participation in Quality Circles has become a mass phenomenon in Japan. Unfortunately, “Quality Circles” did not take root in Russian enterprises. One of the reasons is the attitude towards the proposals of the management of Russian enterprises.

If a manager wants his subordinates to become "thinking workers" striving for continuous improvement of working methods, he must be attentive and sensitive, must assist workers in solving problems to improve work and implement their proposals.

The main objects when submitting proposals can be:

Improvements in own work;

Saving energy, materials and other resources;

Improvement of working conditions;

Improvement of equipment and processes;

Improvement of tools and fixtures;

Improving work in the office;

Improving the quality of products;

Ideas for creating new types of products;

Service and building relationships with customers, etc.

Bulk submission of proposals can bring tangible economic benefits. For example, in 1983, Canon employees submitted 390,000 proposals that had an effect of $84 million, while the cost of implementing these proposals amounted to $1.08 million, i.e. the costs paid off 77 times.

The correct use of the proposal system allows you to use the intellectual abilities of all employees of the enterprise to improve work and get a significant effect as a result of the mass participation of employees in submitting proposals aimed at improving their work and product quality.

The organization of the proposal system goes through three stages:

First: management should help employees submit proposals (even the simplest ones) to improve both their work and the work of the unit and the enterprise as a whole. This will get people thinking about how they are doing their job and how it can be improved, as well as instill a taste for submitting proposals. It is very important not to discourage the desire to submit proposals. Employees should feel the constant support of management and their interest in receiving their proposals.

Second, management should focus on employee training. They need to expand their horizons, as well as teach them to find and analyze problems in their environment. Then the proposals will be more interesting, high-quality and weighty.

Third: only after training and ensuring the interest of employees, management can raise the question of the economic effect of the proposals, i.e. not just submit proposals, but evaluate their economic effect during development.

Implementation of the proposal system will take from 5 to 10 years, i.е. this is a very long process, which is associated with the restructuring of a person's attitude to work.


The quality of work and products depends on the level of qualification of the personnel, therefore, the management of the enterprise must constantly take care of improving the qualifications of the personnel.

This is especially true for personnel responsible for product design, as It is at the stage of product design that its quality is laid. Personnel must be competent in fulfilling the design requirements and must be skilled in the use of appropriate tools and methods.

Examples of methods that can be applied in the enterprise :

    automated (using computer tools) design (CAD);

    manufacturing design (manufacturing technology) (DFM) / assembly design (assembly technology) (DFA);

    design of experiments (DOE);

    computer-aided (computer assisted) development (and pre-production) (CAE);

    analysis of the nature and consequences of potential failures in design and manufacture (DFMEA/PFMEA, etc.);

    finite element analysis (FEA);

    determination of geometric dimensions and tolerances (GD&T);

    quality function deployment (QFD);

    technical reliability plans;

    modeling technique;

    volumetric modeling;

    functional cost analysis (VE).

The enterprise must select the means and methods it needs and identify them, i.e. officially implement, making them mandatory for use in the relevant units.

Obviously, the application modern means and methods may require the organization of training or retraining of personnel. Therefore, the enterprise should develop and maintain documented procedures for determining training needs and for training all personnel involved in activities that affect product quality. At the same time, special attention should be paid to meeting the requirements of consumers.

This applies to all employees whose work has an impact on quality at all levels of the organization and in all departments.

Audit experience shows that the most significant risk of loss of competence occurs during times of rapid organizational change, such as:

      acquisition, merger, formation of joint ventures;

      development of new technology;

      the introduction of a new or significant change to a product, process or equipment;

      rapid growth or decline in production.

A typical process used in industry to demonstrate competency is skill matrices.

They often show several increasing levels of competence.

For example:

Level one - "incompetent";

Level two - "capable of doing work under supervision";

Level three - "can complete the task";

Level four is "capable of teaching others" or "capable of leadership."

During the audit, for example, it should be verified that the personnel of the departments for internal audits qualified and prepared.

Staff training directly at work

An important point in quality assurance is the training of personnel on the job for any new or changed work that affects product quality, including contract workers or agency staff.

Often, due to production needs, workers are moved from one workplace to another, while the foreman or foreman very superficially introduces the employee to the new job and, moreover, never checks how he has learned new duties. It is known that the appearance of new employees always negatively affects the quality of products during the time of their adaptation to a new job.

At the same time, personnel whose work may affect quality must be informed of the consequences for the consumer in case of non-compliance with quality requirements.

“Customer Consequences” includes employee awareness of the impact of nonconformities resulting from their work on both internal and external customers and end users.

In general, it is advisable to tell employees how the quality of their work can affect the finished product: its function, reliability, durability, safety, etc. The fact is that the worker often does not know at all what role the part he makes plays in the finished product.

Motivation of employees and delegation of authority to them

In terms of quality assurance, employees should have powers assigned to them, such as:

The right not to accept parts (work) with deviations for further processing;

The right to stop the conveyor in case of quality problems;

The right to submit proposals for improving the quality or work performed;

The right to put a personal brand, etc.

Authority must be formally assigned to employees and management must encourage employees to exercise this authority.

In addition, the enterprise should develop a procedure for motivating employees to achieve quality goals, to implement continuous improvements and create conditions for promoting innovation. The procedure should include the promotion of quality and technical awareness throughout the organization, at all levels.

Types of motivation:

Intrinsic motivation (self-motivation)- self-produced factors that cause people to behave in a certain way or move in a certain direction. These factors include accountability (feeling that work is important and exercising control over own resources), freedom to act, horizons to use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and creative work, opportunities for advancement. Only about 20% of employees have this type of motivation, this includes: scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers, highly skilled workers. These are people who love their work, see in it the meaning of their life, and not just a means to earn money. They are ready to work well even when they are not paid. Unfortunately, in Russia there are fewer and fewer such people.

External motivation- what is done to people or for people in order to create incentives for them to work well. This includes incentives such as:

Wage increase;

Award or praise;

Career advancement;

Professional development at the expense of the enterprise;

Participation in seminars and conferences.

A specific type of "motivation" are punishments, such as:

Disciplinary measures (remarks, reprimands, etc.);

Removal of an award;

Payroll deductions;


External motivation at the enterprise should be clearly thought out: who, for what, how and when is encouraged or punished. The system of motivation must be coordinated with the trade union.

External motivation for quality should be not only material, but also moral: the following types of it should be provided: gratitude in the order, Certificate of Honor, portrait on the honor roll, etc.

It should be noted that penalties should only be applied to employees who deliberately and repeatedly commit violations. As a rule, punishments (“repressive management”) do not lead to improvements in work, moreover, workers begin to hide their mistakes, which negatively affects the results of work and product quality.

When discrepancies appear or quality declines, it is necessary to look for the cause, not the culprit. This is due to the fact that the causes of inconsistencies and quality-related problems lie in the system of work that has developed in the enterprise. It is known that from 85% to 98% of discrepancies arise due to the fault of the system, and not the employee.

“When failures occur, there is no point in blaming or firing people. Blame the internal system. We must treat all production failures as its changes or signals for the collapse of the system, but not as the mistakes of workers, ”said E. Deming.

About 80% of all employees (this includes people who have self-motivation) adequately respond to external motivation: if the conditions of motivation are understood by them and are observed by management, they strive to improve their work and the quality of their work begins to improve, thereby increasing the quality of the finished product.

A good means of improving the quality of work, the activity of employees and one of the types of motivation is the organization of various types of competition, such as:

The best in the profession;

The best innovator (inventor);

The best young worker (specialist);

The best site, etc.

It should not be forgotten that it is not enough just to develop a system of motivation, it must be backed up with resources, i.e. the budget of the enterprise should provide funds for organizing competitions, for introducing improvements, for working with a “personal” brand, for training and participation of employees in seminars, etc., as well as for incentives: bonuses, payments for improvements, prizes for winning in competition, for salary increases, etc. These funds are more than paid off by improving the quality of products and increasing labor productivity.

It should be noted that almost 20% of employees are a kind of ballast at the enterprise: they are not interested in the results of their work, they do not strive for professional growth, and salary does not play a special role for them either. As a rule, these are poorly educated unskilled workers with "bad" habits. Step them up life position very difficult, although possible. This becomes especially relevant when there is a labor shortage in the region (city).

For sustainable motivation, a combination of various types of rewards for people for positive results or processes of their activity is of great importance. In management, at least 8 methods of remuneration are used:

1. MONEY. The stimulating role of money is especially effective when companies reward their employees based on work performance and achievement of specific results, and not on the time spent at the workplace.

G. Ford gave money a dominant role in stimulating. He significantly increased the minimum wages to $5 a day, reducing the working day from 10 to 8 hours. His innovations in stimulation were met with great enthusiasm and had, in addition to the material, a great psychological effect. In 1914, this daily wage was twice the standard. Few people realized that Ford did not offer such wages out of great generosity. He did not care at all about the standard of living of the workers. Mr. Ford never concealed the real reason for introducing a $5 daily wage to workers: he wanted the size of his workers' wages to allow them to eventually buy the cars they produced themselves. Isn't it a dream of any worker to buy his own car?

2. APPROVAL. Approval is an even more powerful form of reward than money, which, of course, will always mean a lot. Almost all people respond positively if they feel valued and respected. According to Mary Kay Ash, owner of the successful Mary Kay Cosmetics, there are only two things people want more than sex and money: approval and praise. It is enough to approve good behavior, and it will soon be repeated.

There are following rules for managers:

1. praise immediately;

2. praise the person's work;

3. say that you are satisfied and that you are pleased that the employee did this;

4. after that, you should not stand over the soul of the worker, therefore, having completed your mission, leave.

3. ACTION. Employees who purchase shares and become co-owners behave like owners. But in order to use this method of remuneration, the enterprise must use group management decision-making instead of authoritarian one and produce a competitive product. G. Ford also used this method. In his enterprises, the workers were shareholders. Michigan State University research has shown that using this reward method can increase a firm's revenue by 1.5 times. Unfortunately, in Russian reality there is a miserable parody of this system due to the failure to fulfill the above conditions.

4. REWARDING FREE TIME will help keep employees from forming the habit of wasting time and will allow them to spend more time on themselves and their families if they complete work ahead of schedule. This method is suitable for people with a free schedule. Otherwise, management will be tempted to increase the volume of work.

5. MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND SHOWING OF INTEREST IN THE EMPLOYEE. The method of remuneration is most significant for effective professional employees. For them, intrinsic rewards carry a lot of weight. This approach requires managers to have good informal contact with their subordinates, as well as knowledge of what excites and interests them.

6. PROMOTION ON THE SERVICE LADDER AND PERSONAL GROWTH. This method of reward requires serious financial costs top management, but it is he who currently allows such companies as "IBM", "Digital equipment corp.", "General Motors" to maintain a leading position in the US market. Moving up gives power, not just material goods. People love her even more than money.

7. PROVISION OF INDEPENDENCE AND FAVORITE JOB. This method is especially good when employees aspire to become professionals, but feel the pressure of control over themselves or feel that they would do other work much more professionally, with more dedication and better results. Here, the manager's art lies in the ability to identify such an employee, which can be difficult to accept his actions as another control event. Very often, such people could work effectively without supervision from above, but lack of some courage does not allow them to turn to management about this.

8.PRIZES. This method of remuneration depends on the imagination of the manager, and is most effective when the prize is presented in the presence of the company's employees.

At present, in Russia, the basis of motivation, without a doubt, is the level of wages and the satisfaction of social needs. Nevertheless, even in the current conditions, one should not forget about higher levels of motivation - about open and public recognition of the achievements of specific employees, about providing opportunities for their self-expression. Depending on the contingent of employees, the so-called participatory method of management, which consists in attracting employees to actively participate in the management of the enterprise, can be used as motivation in one form or another.

An important feature of work on the motivation of personnel at enterprises is the need for close interaction with trade unions and the legal service.

Any business owner is interested in the maximum return of the forces and knowledge of hired personnel. To improve the efficiency of use labor resources companies have different methods and policies for managing employees. Lately The theory of employee engagement is gaining popularity. Its essence lies in the maximum focus on creating the overall result of each of the employees of the company.

The essence of the concept of staff involvement

Human resource management systems are constantly being improved. If earlier separate indicators of job satisfaction, loyalty to the employer were used, developed various methods motivational stimulation of an employee, then a complex method of personnel involvement in work is currently used to achieve the final result.

Employee engagement is the degree of personal interest of each employee in achieving the company's goals. Such an employee management policy is aimed at creating the necessary motivation system for each employee to more fully devote their strengths and knowledge to the benefit of the company. This, in turn, is manifested in an increase in the productivity of both a separate staff unit or division, and the enterprise as a whole.

Ideally, the involvement indicators of an ordinary employee should be equal to the interest in the end result of the business owner. However, in practice, such performance is incredibly difficult to achieve and it all depends on the size of the company.

In small startups, where each employee is also a business creator, the level of involvement is almost close to ideal, in large ones, for a long time existing organizations, with a huge staff, it is difficult to achieve high engagement rates.

Studies conducted in Western countries show that the higher the employee engagement rate, the more effective the development of the company and its financial result.

The optimal indicator of staff involvement is considered to be in the range of 60-90 points.

The lower it is, the less interested employees are. If the score does not even reach 30 points, then such a company has serious problems with its staff.

Most Engaged Employee:

  • actively participates in the activities of the company;
  • effectively uses work time without distraction to other unrelated official duties Affairs;
  • does not need constant monitoring and planning by direct management;
  • is able to independently expand its functionality without additional stimulation.

In addition, increasing employee engagement reduces staff turnover, increases employee productivity, and helps create internal reserves for “cultivating” leaders at different levels. At the same time, labor costs in organizations using this method of managing hired personnel are not higher than average values ​​for similar market segments.

The difference between the policy of engagement and other theories of personnel management

IN different time various methods of increasing the return on hired personnel were popular. This:

  • job satisfaction;
  • loyalty to the employer;
  • creation of motivation systems based on the principle of "carrot and stick".

Satisfaction with the current place of work for each employee can be expressed in different ways. Basically, this is the level of payment and work functionality. However, this approach does not work in the long run. As soon as a competing company offers such an employee a higher salary or interests him in a similar but more promising project, he will immediately change the employer.

The disadvantage of the theory of loyalty is the coercion of staff, the imposition of a sense of duty on employees to the company. The employee actually performs his duties, because he has to do it. There is no personal interest in the final, global result.

Employee motivation systems, of course, play an important role in employee efficiency. However, there is no feedback from the employee to the employer. In fact, motivation comes down to the creation by the management of the company of conditions, as a rule, of a material nature, in which the employee conscientiously fulfills his official duties and shows the previously planned result in order to receive an additional reward. Such an employee does not care what happens in the team as a whole, he is not interested in expanding his functionality.

The methodology of personnel involvement uses the tools of other theories of personnel management that have shown their effectiveness, in addition, it creates feedback from employee to manager.

It also encourages employee initiative. He can offer various tools to improve not only his own efficiency, but also the company as a whole. After all, a narrow-profile specialist sees better than any leader what exactly is missing to improve performance in his direction.

In addition, the stimulation of involvement creates the necessary atmosphere in the team, allows you to manage your working time as efficiently as possible, and develops the initiative of employees.

Ultimately, employee engagement can be described as the highest level of employee motivation.

Methods for assessing staff involvement

Evaluation of personnel involvement is subjective. It is based on the method of questioning employees. Depending on the size of the staff, organizations are considering the possibility of conducting a continuous or selective survey of employees. In a sample survey, it is necessary to observe the representativeness of the sample.

If opportunities allow personnel service, then the sample should be at least half of the employees and include categories of workers of different age and work experience.

Questions should be designed in such a way as to reveal the involvement of employees in three areas:

  • achievement of the overall result of the company;
  • work process;
  • increasing personal effectiveness.

Then each of the directions is assigned a coefficient of influence on total score involvement. The results of the assessment of participation in the achievement of common goals have the greatest weight. Depending on the direction of the business, the coefficient of influence on the overall engagement rate can reach 50%. The least influence is exerted by the personal effectiveness and development of the employee. No more than 20% of weight can be allocated to this indicator.

The survey is carried out in two ways. The first involves questions to which the interviewed employee gives unequivocal answers "yes" or "no". In the second case, the employee is asked to rate each group of questions on a scale of several gradations, for example, from "don't know", "not interested" to "fully informed" or "actively involved".

In the first case, the correct answer is estimated as 1 point, the wrong one - 0 points. In the second method, each of the answers is assigned a certain number of points, depending on the interest of the respondent. 0 points means complete indifference to the evaluation criteria, the highest interest is evaluated in maximum amount points, depending on the variability of the proposed answers.

In addition, surveys can be anonymized or personalized. That is, employees can answer questions anonymously or under their names.

Each of these survey methods has its own advantages, depending on the purpose of the diagnosis.

The impersonal method will more objectively show the involvement indicator for the whole organization. To assess each individual employee, a personalized questionnaire is more suitable.

The results of the assessment of staff involvement

Such employee surveys should be conducted on a regular basis. In addition to identifying problems, they will show the effectiveness of the efforts made to increase employee engagement. The current practice shows the need for at least an annual survey of employees.

After receiving an overall assessment of involvement, each of the areas is analyzed separately. With a low level of this indicator, one of the components of engagement may have a high level.

For example, employees can be completely satisfied with the organization of the work process and interaction between structural units that perform similar tasks. However, they may have low interest in the final result due to insufficient awareness of the impact on its achievement.

Or employees like that their ideas help in the development of the company as a whole, they see feedback, but there are no opportunities for personal development and professional development.

When analyzing each individual indicator and the totality of responses to it, the HR department can develop activities that will have the greatest effect in increasing staff involvement.

When developing measures to increase the interest of employees, it is necessary to act in two directions - the involvement of the management team of the company and ordinary employees.

Employee Engagement Activities

The involvement of hired personnel in achieving global results must be constantly maintained at an acceptable level. It is impossible to achieve a high value in one of the areas of involvement and in the next period to refuse to carry out activities that affect this indicator. This will immediately lead to negative consequences and it will be very difficult to correct the situation.

Interest in the final result must be constantly nurtured, work with it must be systemic, not periodic.

First of all, it is necessary to interest the middle and lower management in increasing the involvement of personnel. Leaders should show their interest in the overall result by their example.

If the head of the department is indifferent to the achievement of the global efficiency of the company, then his subordinates will not be interested in taking part in the overall result.

The leader must show subordinates a personal example of interest.

To do this, various seminars, meetings, meetings of leading personnel are held, where the most effective leaders share their experience in motivating staff.

It is also necessary to hold meetings at least once a month at regular intervals. structural divisions so that there is feedback between subordinates and management.

An important fact is that in every team there are informal leaders whose opinion or view of working moments are decisive for the behavior of most employees.

Companies will be very lucky if the functions of the informal leader are performed by the head of the unit. And he correctly motivates and interests his subordinates in the final result of the work.

After all, in case of disinterest of an employee whose behavior other members of the team are guided by, holding events to involve employees will have practically no effect.

The second direction in which it is necessary to move in the development of an involvement system are measures aimed at increasing the interest of ordinary employees.

Measures to increase employee engagement

In addition to the standard tools for motivating employees, there are several important aspects that increase employee engagement.

An important fact is the long-term routine execution of the same functional duties reduces the interest of any employee.

The methodology of personnel involvement shows its effectiveness over other theories of personnel management. On the one hand, it increases the interest of each employee in the final result, on the other hand, it increases labor productivity. An engaged employee fully uses the working time for its intended purpose, does not need additional supervision from the management, and its efficiency is many times better than that of an uninvolved one.

Personnel involvement is the desire of employees to bring the company as much benefit as possible and do everything possible to achieve their goals, performing actions that go beyond their direct duties.

Employee engagement is directly related to business success and customer satisfaction. Employee engagement is driven by interest in achieving goals, not fear of fines and dismissal.

The essence of staff motivation

Staff motivation is an internal motivation of employees to work effectively, as well as to be interested in the results of their work. Her proper organization helps improve efficiency and productivity. It is the main direction of the HR policy of any company.

It is very important to identify staff motivators and use incentive methods that do not greatly burden the company's budget, but bring the greatest result.

Problems of staff motivation

When motivating employees, various kinds of problems can arise:

  1. Legal issues. Employees are not protected from totalitarian influence on their psyche. In some situations, in order to achieve the goals of the firm, employers abuse their managerial rights. The personality of the employee takes damage from this.
  2. Economic problems. These include the dissatisfaction of employees with their salary.
  3. Socio-psychological problems.
  4. managerial problems.
  5. Problems of the moral order.

Staff motivation factors

There are several factors that motivate employees, which can be divided into two groups:

  1. Internal factors:
  • Curiosity;
  • Personal growth;
  • Self-affirmation;
  • Dreams, ideas;
  • Need for communication.
  1. External factors:
  • Moving up the career ladder;
  • Money;
  • Status;
  • Confession;
  • home aesthetics.

Abanova Anna Vladimirovna

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Economics, Professor Shubenkova Evgenia Valerievna

In connection with the advent of information and crowdsourcing technologies, a high efficiency of people’s work began to be observed, but the burnout effect at work also appeared: all work processes take place several times faster, as a result of which the involvement of employees decreases. Today, employers want to see employees not only satisfied with their work, but also involved in it, so that they perceive the success of the company as their own. In this regard, employers are becoming more and more creative in creating working conditions for their subordinates in order to increase their involvement in labor process. After all, as you know, the relationship between motivation, involvement, productivity and profit is directly proportional, that is, the stronger the motivation, the higher the involvement, the productivity of the company, and therefore the greater the profit.

Creating a close-knit team that knows its business and works for its own benefit and the benefit of the company, to achieve its goals is a continuous process. And even if an excellent team has been assembled and all working conditions have been created, there comes a time when employees simply lose interest in their duties, and in the worst case, leave the company. How to increase the interest of employees in your professional activity? What methods contribute to the creation of a healthy atmosphere in the team?

Now, in order for the employee to be truly involved in the labor process, the employer will have to turn on his imagination and look for non-material arguments. What matters is that intrinsic motivation develops if external environment enables a person to satisfy his basic needs such as autonomy, competence and relationships.

Employee engagement is influenced by several factors, one of them is independent of the employer. According to media data, the increase in involvement is associated with a fall in GDP and an increase in unemployment. There is such a pattern that during a crisis people try to maintain their workplace and demonstrate their involvement and interest. Among the factors that directly depend on the conditions provided by the company represented by the employer are:

  • career opportunities;
  • emphasizing the value of employees;
  • organizational processes;
  • recognition of contributions to work
  • employer reputation

In 2013, according to the results of a study by the consulting company Axes Management, together with Aon Hewitt "Best Employers", employees recognized an important factor"recognition of merits of contribution to work", in 2014 this factor was replaced by "employer reputation" . This is explained by the fact that everyone, without exception, and especially young people, want to get into companies that are leaders in their industry, which is associated with a constant increase in the requirements for employees in the labor market. That is, young specialists who have gained work experience from a well-known employer are becoming more and more in demand. But still, people want not only to proudly name their place of work, but also to participate in socially significant projects. In 2015, the same study found that employee engagement factors were trust in management, performance culture, employer brand, sustainable development, strategy consistency. As for the factors working to reduce engagement, they include:

  • poor reputation of the company in the market;
  • inconsistency of the external image of the company with the internal one;
  • lack of pride in the company;
  • uncertainty about the success of the company in the future;
  • weak incentive system.

Many employers fail to properly maintain the enthusiasm of their employees and this leads to a drop in interest in the work process. The highest engagement rate (75%) is observed at the very beginning. But usually after three months, employees become frustrated, and the engagement curve goes down, and the fall is 15%. This situation can only be explained by the fact that the image of the employer does not meet the expectations of the employee. Then, after three years, the employee loses up to 19% of enthusiasm, and he is ready for dismissal and search new work. Moreover, it turns out that in most companies, employees are doomed to repeat this process every three years.

Neglecting to develop a strong motivation system and the inability to interest employees in their work leads to the loss of a large number of benefits for the employer himself, namely:

  • Engaged employees work harder and better;
  • put forward new ideas for the development of the company;
  • attract customers and increase their loyalty to the company;
  • employers themselves save on recruitment (there is no staff turnover);
  • open vacancies are closed by their employees;
  • in the absence of suitable candidates within the company, the number of applications from outside for a position in this company is large, since everyone wants to cooperate with successful employers.

In order for the involvement of personnel to increase, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, which include 5 components:

  • inspiring leadership;
  • developed corporate culture;
  • focus on talent development;
  • responsibility;
  • strong HR policy (motivation system).

I would like to say a few words about motivation, since a motivated employee in a modern competitive economy is a clear advantage. Moreover, intrinsic motivation is most important in the case of complex, non-monotonous activities, while extrinsic motivation is necessary in simple activities. Any, even the most simple work it will be more effective if a person sees in it, in addition to a source of income and benefits, a way of self-realization. Such an employee is not only more satisfied with his work, but is also ready to invest additional efforts.

As noted above, employers are looking for ever newer and more sophisticated ways to involve staff in the labor process. Here are some examples from the experience of companies operating in Russia. Employees of "Takeda Russia" consider "recognition of merit and contribution to work" and "career opportunities" within the company to be the most significant factor that can increase their motivation and involvement in work. When the company's staff engagement declined, management began to invest heavily in the training and development of employees at all levels. In order to identify and develop the potential of each employee individually, the company has created an internal business college and a marketing and sales academy. The company also adheres to the principle of growing leaders within the company. The company's management believes that the growth of satisfaction with career and professional growth opportunities increases after staff retraining. Among the reasons why Takeda employees work in this company, they most often cite brand awareness, stability, the company's team and culture, and the possibility of development. Corporate culture built on the principles of trust, openness and mutual assistance. Employees feel that they work in a small company, where each person can influence the course of events.

The management of most Russian companies believes that the collection of rationalization proposals from employees increases the involvement of personnel. MTS has achieved the best financial and managerial success in generating staff ideas and increasing the capitalization of its business by developing the "Idea Factory" project. The concept is as follows: each employee can offer his own idea, which is then reviewed and analyzed by experts who evaluate the prospects and economic effect of the implementation of this idea. To encourage authors best ideas MTS uses material and non-material incentives. The material is expressed in the payment of a premium, the amount of which depends on the expected economic effect of the proposed idea. Non-material encouragement consists in the recognition of an employee in a team. The most important thing in non-material encouragement is career advancement. 80% of management vacancies were filled by internal candidates. During the existence of the Idea Factory, 12,000 ideas were proposed, 900 of them were implemented and brought the company $ 37 million.

Danone pays special attention to the development of a motivational remuneration policy, finding a balance between rewarding employees for individual and team achievements. The company has a well-thought-out compensation system, which is based on a unified job classification (grading). The company is one of the pioneers in implementing the flexible Benefit a la carte benefits system. The essence of the program is that employees have the opportunity to form their own social package. That is, a certain amount of money is allocated for each employee, and he himself decides how to spend it. The social package may include:

  • computer office equipment;
  • visiting fitness centers;
  • car insurance;
  • railway and air tickets (to the place of rest);
  • spending weekends in a holiday home;
  • sports activities for children

To date, the social package is one of the most effective ways motivation of employees, but unlike material motivation, it has certain limitations, if a subscription to a fitness center as an incentive can be used only for its intended purpose, then its monetary equivalent can be used at will.

In general, we can say that in Russia there are two patterns: the weak development of personnel management systems and the inability of employees to work for a long time with one employer. Also in Russian companies there are few leaders who are able to lead people, demonstrating commitment to a common cause. While employees need novelty and new experiences, and if they fail to achieve this, they easily leave the place of work. Also, subordinates develop the habit of following orders, as a result they find themselves in a comfort zone, that is, they do not think and do not make decisions. That is, in the event of termination of orders, work in many companies will stop and stop.

Different companies use their methods to involve staff. The choice of one or another method depends on the type of activity of the company, the scale of production, as well as the capabilities of the company. There is no universal way, since any team is divided into people with a predominance of either material or non-material motivation. Therefore, employers should pay special attention to ensuring that the motivation system combines both material and non-material components.

List of used literature:

  • 1. Asaliev A.M. Manifestation of the effect of decoupling in the development of territorial systems of nature management (on the example of the Krasnodar Territory) / A.M. Asaliev, M.V. Tereshina // Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions. 2013. No. 12. pp. 63-73.
  • 2 Poltarykhin A.L. Border agro-industrial region: prerequisites and prospects for economic integration / A.L. Poltarykhin, I.N. Sycheva, P.V. Mikhailushkin, E.S. Permyakova. Barnaul, 2013.
  • 3. Shubenkova E. Modern programs for recognizing the merits of personnel in providing High Quality/ E. Shubenkova // Personnel management. 2004. No. 4.
  • 4. Shubenkova E.V. Organization and regulation of labor. Tutorial for university students educational institutions students in the specialty 080104 "Labor Economics" and other economic specialties / E.V. Shubenkova, V.B. Bychin, S.V. Malinin. Moscow, 2009. Ser. Series. Higher education
  • 5. (Business success depends on employee motivation (HSE study))
  • 6. (Official site of the Russian consulting company AXES Management)
  • 7. (On the involvement of personnel in the business of the employer Elena Semyanistaya)
  • 8.
  • 9. (Personnel engagement. How to get an employee to treat the organization's goals as their own. Yurov K.Yu.)
  • 10. (Official website of Takeda Russia)
  • 11. (MTS official website)
  • 12. (Official website of Danone Russia)

Increasing profits and productivity are the main reasons for increasing work engagement

Personally, I hear this almost every time I deal with someone's business. Moreover, if I were given a dollar every time I hear this phrase from the directors, then I would already be thinking about quitting my main job.

But the truth is, if you look at how leaders actually manage and interact with their “value” employees, it will seem quite the opposite.

Of course, many companies pay attention to the involvement of employees in the work process only in words. When leaders try to motivate their employees verbally, this, of course, gives some momentary effect, but in practice everything is completely different, because for many companies profit comes first, and therefore customers, but not employees.

Don't believe me? Then explain why, according to studies, in the United States, the involvement in the work process for many years is about 30 percent?

There is no doubt that companies think in the short term. Here are seven reasons to focus on your employees and their engagement, which will help you increase profits and increase customer loyalty:

Better staff turnover

According to a study by the Hay Group, the most engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave your company than those who are disconnected from the team and the work process. Layoffs not only have a devastating effect on your business and services, but also require additional costs for recruiting, onboarding and training new employees. In general, all these difficulties can cost your company from 16 to 213 percent of the salary, depending on the position of the employee.

Enhanced performance

Happy people are productive people, and highly engaged people also fall into this category. When employees are engaged, they feel connected to the company. They believe that the work they do is very important and that is what helps them to perform even better. According to Gallup, those who are engaged outnumber those who are not actively involved by 21 percent. In my experience, this figure is a little underestimated, but 21% is a significant difference in performance nonetheless.

Increased profit

Companies with engaged employees also generate much higher profits: a study from Towers Perrin in 2008 showed that organizations with engaged employees achieved a 19 percent increase in operating profit over the year, while companies with disengaged employees, on the contrary, experienced 33 percent decline.

As a result, the difference in profitability between these companies was 51%. Then consider yourself.

Positive impact on the reputation of the company

Your employees are permanent representatives of your company and what they say about you or the organization has a direct impact on your reputation. Happy employees will never say bad things about you, they will always improve your image and attractiveness to both potential employees and potential customers.

Increased customer satisfaction

Richard Branson once said, “Customers don't come first; Employees always come first. Take care of your employees and they will in turn do the same for your customers.” A 2016 Temkin study found that employees with excellent customer service are 1.5 times more engaged than those with terrible customer service.

If you want more engaged and happier customers, you need a more satisfied and engaged team.

Less sick days

Engaging employees in work entails fewer sick days per person per year - about 4 days less than those who are out of work. Sick days seriously interfere with the full-fledged work of your company and force you to take on extra work on other employees.

In 2015, sick days cost all US companies $230 million, so the more engaged your employees, the more less money you lose.

Less stress

There is a direct link between well-being and stress relief. Happy and cohesive teams are not only more productive and efficient, but also less stressed and less stressful for other employees. This is exactly the scenario by which a healthy working atmosphere is created.

Taking care of employees and ensuring their involvement in the work process should not be empty words for companies and their directors. This should be an active part of your strategy, as studies show there are several powerful factors that affect the growth of the company, its profits and customer satisfaction - the main goals of any business.